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Application and Supporting Docs
P4, City ofMiami Last Name: Sacks PlanningDepamrent & Office of7_oning Exception F�• ��� tt • /www.nuarTimv.com'ntinnhg Application *l�I,erii liArrr)* h11p'/lwww.rrbnZMW1l+7Aning '{ �' 4 L 9 E tmtl enlarm-niamietrv_ com O RNt Plarmirg (305) 416-1400 Sky Views ofAnerica, LLC Zoning: (305) 416-1495 rr- - (t 1, NOTICE ff rerewintle ,permitappLaean nceh equirenents urWs Mia. 2lft, ft Gty d Miami DptlL�� livspmnRapphcMronvnllreelb Eezd,el�etl kra �# g in accordance wl1M1 6meunes s g b dyl.([ c a Miami Code the applicable tlxison-nralang body will reNew Mepmrvt applicator tt thepub4c heanrgartl rentlereMera mmerda W n or a M1rel Eeosnn \pZ018-513 07/12/19 First Name: David Last Name: Sacks Email: dsacks@pathn=lewis.com PRIMARY INFORMATION First Name: Last Name: Corporation: Sky Views ofAnerica, LLC Address: 9780 East Crary Road City: Scottsdale State: Arizona Tip: 85260 Email: dsacks@padmanlewis.com Phone: (305) 379-2425 First Name: Frio T. Last Nacre: Gorrmlez Corporation: City ofMbni Address: 444 S.W. 2nd Avenue City: Muni State: Florida Tip: 33130 Email: etWnza]ezgrrianigov.com Phone: (305)416-1025 Project Name: Sky Wheel P *ct Address: 401 BISCAYNE BLVD Unit Nrunber. City: Miani State: Florida Tip: Master Folio Nmnber: 0101000000522 33132 That under the penalty ofperjury, I declare that all the mforn-ntion contained in this permit application is accurate to the best ofniy knowledge. I • That NO work or installation wn4 commence prior to the issuance of a building permit and that all work will be performed to meet the s r, regilatigg construction and zoning in this jurisdiction • I will, in all respects, perform work in accordance with the scope of the pemtt, the City of Miami's codes and an other applicable laws, 191 ordinances. • That all iTomiation given will be accurate and that all work will be done in compliance with aQ applicable laws regulating construction and zoning. • That separate pernits rray be regtmed uriless specifically covered with the submittal ofthis application. • That there may be additional permits regrmed from other entities. • Fees shall be paid prior to the review and issuance of the pern-k as necessary. • Permit fees are non-refundable 4 BICE Carp— of—rerewmtlealee permit app—. —n un requires—... Mia. 2l d/or-Gty. Miami atl only lidsperm"ap I—n-reef. EexJ,e—fora 'RWlAn j#jtM accoman. dim cmeunes-..In me City. i �o�. � l � • � +l o • tr First Last Fust Last Name: Name: S�Gks Name: Name: Signa Signature: Date: 1 21 1711 Date: ( r -513 07/12/19 PATHMAN LEWIS, LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW WAYNE M. PATHMAN, P.A. HAROLD L. LEWIS, P.A. DAVID E. SACKS RICHARD N. SCHERMER AARON W. TANDY** PETER L. MELTZER LAURA LEFEBVRE BALARD JULIE DICK NOTICE CarpleAon of zdff reHewintlealez permtlappLaem mre6 un requirenenlzuMn Mam 21antl/orihe C, of Miami cotle, o�ry Pb tura p Mi. Ie In,,.W! n@ tlmelln .gfb dy Me Chyd MiamiUtle TheapplKade tlecman-maMng batlywg rexcsv Nepenrv[appLrahon at MepubLc heanigartl ienMeMaa remmmerdaM1on or a M1rel Eeozon PZ -18-513 ONE BISCAYN R •0"$,9940 2 SOUTH BISCA MIAMI, FLORIDA 331 TELEPHONE (305) 379-2425 FACSIMILE (305) 379-2420 www.pathmanlewis.com June 10, 2019 DAVID E. SACKS a so admitted to practice in New York dsacks@pathmanlewis.com LETTER OF INTENT Via ePlan Electronic Delivery City of Miami 444 S.W. 2nd Avenue Miami, Florida 33130 RE: Exception Permit Application PZ -18-513 & Waiver Request Property: Bayside Marketplace, 401 Biscayne Boulevard, Miami, Florida Applicant: Sky Views of America, LLC Folio Nos. 01-0100-000-0522, 01-0100-000-0520, 01-0100-000-0525 Dear Sir or Madam: Our office represents Sky Views of America, LLC (the "Applicant" or "Sky Views"). This correspondence shall serve as Sky Views letter of intent ("Letter of Intent") for an Exception Permit to permit for an Amusement Ride per Article 4 Table 4, Article 6, Table 13, and Article 7, Section (and per the Design Review Criteria set forth in Article 4, Table 12). This Letter of Intent shall also serve as our request for height Waiver of 57 feet per Article 7, Sections (a)(12) and Article 3, Section 3.5.3 of the Miami 21 City Zoning Code. The Amusement Ride requested is an observation wheel, referred to herein as ("Skywheel). Accordingly, the applicant's requests are to build and install an observation wheel enhancing Bayside Marketplace and the City of Miami for its residents (as further described below). • Guests will enjoy panoramic views of the bay and city views • Gondolas are suited to the preferences of local and international passengers • Skywheel does not obstruct any Downtown view corridors • Skywheel enhances the Downtown Urban Core providing increased value to area retail and restaurant businesses The Property is owned by the City of Miami and leased to Bayside Marketplace, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ("Bayside"), pursuant to a Ground Lease dated October 15, 1985, as amended (the "Ground Lease"). Bayside and the Applicant have Page 2 rr, - - t 1, NOTICE Carp- of— -d- permit apphaean meek aaeun requires -1— Mia. 2—d/or-Gty of Miami , o�ry mz pmn�czpvucabonvnureel m ee:d,mdea roe a fdk teatlng In accordance wlm oneung set foMln Ne Clgd entered into an agreement to bring Skywheel to Bayside, subject to o ga� �u —1W. requested Exception Permit and Waiver. The Property is zoned T6-8-0 and �dp-513 712/19 Miami Commission passed an amendment to the City Code creating an Am Rides Ordinance as a use permissible by an Exception Permit in the T6-8 Transect Skywheel is a 176 -foot slow moving observation wheel featuring forty-two (42) gondolas seating eight (8) passengers each, for a total of 336 passengers. Each gondola is fully enclosed and climate controlled. Skywheel will provide amusement for the general public, including families and seniors serving to compliment the Bayside experience. Operation of the Skywheel includes the sale of tickets at the site of the attraction, on guests' mobile devices and at some automated ticketing kiosks located on the Bayside Marketplace property. Tickets will be scanned by staff at the entrance to the attraction. Guests will be loaded into gondolas (six gondolas at a time) by staff. The Observation Wheel ride will last from 12 – 15 minutes. Guests will be unloaded by staff members and the next guests in line will be loaded in the same manner. The mechanical operation of the Skywheel is controlled by a trained operator that will be in charge of all aspects of Skywheel's operation. Each operator receives comprehensive training during an approximately 120 -hour training program. The training is conducted by a team including manufacturer training supervisors and professionals from the Amusement and Attraction Industry with experience in amusement operations and certifications from organizations such as AIMS and NAARSO (industry safety, training and testing organizations). The Florida Bureau of Fair Rides Inspection division will thoroughly inspect the attraction prior to opening to the public and will periodically inspect the attraction for proper maintenance and operation. The attraction will be operated in compliance with all applicable Florida guidelines and regulations. Further, safety features are built into the design of Skywheel including a back-up generator compliant with the latest ASTM Standards. Skywheel is also compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act ("ADA"). The ticket sales kiosk will sell tickets, snacks, drinks and various sundries. Souvenir photos will be sold at a separate kiosk. The ticket sales kiosk is approximately 200 square feet in size. Souvenir photos will available for purchase at a separate kiosk that is approximately 80 square feet in size. The attraction will normally operate daily from 10 am – 12 midnight during peak periods and will close earlier when pedestrian traffic at Bayside Marketplace does not warrant the operation of the attraction. Skywheel will extend the hours of operation until 1 am on special dates such as New Year's Eve. Skywheel brings to the City of Miami an iconic and first-class amenity to Bayside and the City and is compatible with the surrounding area. Skywheel is the type of use anticipated to serve visitors of Bayside and due to the project's passive nature in a public park is less invasive in comparison with other uses permissible at Bayside. In short, and consistent with the Exception Criteria, the design of the project and safeguards will not have negative impacts to the surrounding community (such as the ambient standards of noise, light, fumes or odors) per the Design Review Criteria of Article 4 Table 12). Further, Skywheel will benefit the City of Miami by creating 70 new jobs, increasing revenue to the City generated by the expected increase in retail sales and corresponding sales tax in Page 3 connection with the subject requests. r�- ot 11 NOTICE CarpleAon of stiff renew mtledes permit apphaean n un reguirenents urWs Miami 21antl/or tM Gty of Miami Cotle, only Rvs pamRapphcdronvsllreel b Eezd,eldetl for a pudk Maung In accoNano= wIM1 4mellnes set foMln Ne Cllyd Miami cotle The app6rade tlxison-malang Eptly will reNew heperrdtappLcatan M thepub4c heanrgartl rentlereMera remmmerdatwn or a M1rel tleosnn PZ -18-513/j With regard to height, practical reasons exist that support the request su 112119 proposed location of the Skywheel (at the extreme eastern portion of Bayside — ne Hard Rock Cafe), and given this location, the requested height is appropriate as a shorter wheel would not be feasible to accommodate the guest count for the Miami market and the City and Bayside would not have the type of iconic attraction for a world class city as such as Miami. Additionally, elected officials, city staff, the Downtown Neighborhood Association and various residential stakeholders have been supportive of the requested height Waiver. For these reasons, we believe our client's applications meet the City's criteria for granting the Exception Permit and Waiver for height. We look forward to your favorable review and approval of the subject applications. Very truly yours, PATHMAN LEWIS, LLP David E. Sacks Encls. -- r J r i Qa' w I N ° a ° s / '-d w w ° y �i- E 7�_-- tl1 a m r r ______ —__ / — fl] �2 " r c � O �Qs � Pr cnscueN, 4.1 e''b ° s ;I HE �1PdAN 10 of SITE PLAN z I' s, „ .. A-100 Scale V — 2010" Scale -7 s \ / CO ' v v v 0100 v �/ // 01 Fill It MMUM mai 0oa LOADING PLATFORM SECTION o4 LOADING PLATFORM EAST ELEVATION 11105 Scale 1/4" = 110" A-105 Scale:1/4" = 140" UL ) LUMUIIVU fLRIfURIYI ELEVMIIUIV Scale:1/4" = 1'-0" os LOADING PLATFORM WEST ELEVATION A-105 Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0" 50-10' 14 -0 9 -IB a4 -o W F 5W a� w Ycc cc W Lu C = LL y�E - maid r, a� h�� r Iv— w �m ORM $SNS s 10 01 SKYWHEEL LOADING PLATFORM PLAN 01. �o0gq 3 — A-105 Scale 1/4" = 1'-0" �3 all {pd9 IRRTII i� 1� "\"A —.11., M., A—A-11- Amo, ..... ... .... ...... ... ...... ..... - - A C JT: A A ED ED m IFF os 14" > n 0 W R BAYSIDE SKY WHEEL T 0A"8CFC' PREPARED FOR RATE — 2D1R PROJECT LOCATION ALBERTO HERRERA HE Kimley*Horn SKY VIE OF AMERICA, WS SHEET--- FL L-11 -- 1111 11BLEILLE11 All A11CTE1E 355 ALHAMBRA CIRCLE, RULE 1100, CARAL CABLEC FL 3313C LLC CITY OF MIAMI FL HIERICI C' --- 5g357 �ATE - - - - 73 ewvw 1IML . .... ... .. ........ ma.'^3&��s 00 1 (171 4m J13J 7m JPP 91 I j/r • O GR0 LEL tam /6471 n O • OaU 'J �C ti��N Jllafldti��O i n m 0 m 7m /2297 m />97 7m /22.97 I s� 9aNN IEI ��, /598% I creaumatl- —/647% F, n. t BAYSIDE MARKETPLACE SKYWHEEL PERMIT SET Miami, Florida 1 (171 4m J13J 7m JPP 91 SIE roNN LML �9m (598% GR0 LEL tam /6471 O Z n 111 F, n. t BAYSIDE MARKETPLACE SKYWHEEL PERMIT SET Miami, Florida 1 (171 4m J13J 7m JPP 91 SIE roNN LML �9m (598% GR0 LEL tam /6471 F, n. t BAYSIDE MARKETPLACE SKYWHEEL PERMIT SET Miami, Florida 171'-2"[5211=... i VIEW FROM OCC SCALE: .0079 ns -s [53511 wlsmml NERAL ELEVATION VIEW FOR CITY PERMIT ONLY T FOR CONSTRUCTION ,�oFOR PUBLI�NEgary c REVIEW Cptt` te'-to••[s75amm[ COPYRIGHT© BUSSINK DESIGN 84` a" fte7nmml �. _ \\\a'�KiNiisFYN�,i a � faRu54MANUFACTURINGaNLY &\SEV1EwUVERVIEW i SS/ONAIE�p\` -in I>✓Ab/lue��Ian. � laws41 171'-2166" of SKYWHEEL WEST ELEVATION A-301 Scale: 3/32" = 1'•0" " SKYWHEEL SOUTH ELEVATION A-301 Scale: 1/16" = 140" W F 5onW aE_ F - cc Yuj cc W a CW Lu LL En maid SECTION C -C Ifi SECTION B -B SECTION A -A E SECTION 0-0 SECTION F F DETAIL E 10 CobnesDeciahst �-1-�aasa,m «,.,.0 �rd� 106-b66'6S6-Ol� ne�si�r uiqo0v ��sn ns,�oeai�ood3�al ^=•I ^'I+^I � �\� - oz� oz� d -d Not �]S CI -Cl Not �]S OZI e, 9—O NOILAS € � O e e e e e e ✓ o J O, I - - I I I I I - I . - I rs I wee., msi , rzw.m I I I vwx nom.. vv,anr .v I vv parpaw+vm.vnu+nanmrxw . II rzAbsn War+xOw..� ee..,�e rz.wrzw yu.w .rv.a..wr wr ..0 9 a OZI V—V NOUIS I f NOIS Pii - 1 `---- --- i i O i I� o— Ir e noir � n �� 0000000�00000000 �� ( ( ( 05 000 ( ( u CST Design and Equipment Ca. �s<awc Dy �t saot7 Skyview Bare Miami FL Foodservice Equipment Ph, cr�LC kg q^ Ns SM1own � y _ :•x`..04u LLLSB^ `fit if I SI'fLU)2 A a... t aevl_. .� O ax w rey�y�gf��u b C b' 311 b1 J d �9�� o y ryN� � — M 0 NJNJ � 'J IJYe rv]LJ.1 01 q M361Hno N13U BSYB x"NO'i9tlnlw tlsf UM seas s29 fP14 / f W tl]vat h2�J AO NOBtl?df113]IIM 1NtlLl W'"'M4� ""' � 'i {WWI KMT :SNOSN3WIa 'T'rnnLi aures m [dr L n •GuzwO £L�rSt-Zd 37110N M3L1)OVS c1e1cJ .B._c ..-........�,. awa �Lrrcmrae---. 30SS:I�NO aooN aroNJN'x'--t �paPUBLIC/a.� c QO • f PZ -1 8-513 07/12/19 y s9 FAFVIEW `U% ---------------------------- ----------------------------------------- ao;,oN� o°�oE BACK VIEW MEi;2O �u aH.io _ Xd01,V1��1A,�( �Pi�.l!I�'VI.41.L0:7 I O O P i a,vsu mn� Q iu 0 •fi NZNLO 3311 `\ ` 0 (JG d,dd AV ffldds U - also mrv� it ail �esP��` ss Ivo p, it iii �itev�i sis mni V �I ion \i9.mvv a s i mn� it suE su, a mv�i m 1 2 1 1 1 L 7 1 8 1- io 11006 11541 n ?!4 m Front ty 820 IT F H Ma*+.,W. Gliy�, P.E. K IN .1 ERE VCE NIS DESIGN —1— DBY —611-1— 'v EKED - GE LY—NIII-PP"OPENTF 'EE—NEE.—SE project: Giant wheel 2.6023.15/ Corr, DOE amEim N640 STATM; Rdg" s.* m4 vem :m m Desigg 8 poce-cabin EUNP., — "I-0, firs i 1 — G[lr'f -:.. Cx� 51 IV 8 R —M ntgg -38(:.t") NFX 1 15 1 V, \� BAYSIDE SKY WHEEL PREPkRED OR S! �y VIEWS__ AMERICA, LLC lJF VA'Al F 22 Kirnhall -.,))Horn TRAFFIC, MARKING AND SIGNAGE PLAN -11 G- IL 33 2 2, , lllm MIAMI DADE COUNTY PROJECT TEAM: OWNERIDEVELOPER: CIVIL ENGINEER: NYVEWSOFAMERKALLC NMLEYHORNAND ASSOCIATES. INC FRD CONTACT.JMRN:GS LORALOABIF.C—ENUTE1— COMACT PIBERTO HfRREM V.E. ARCHITECT SURVEYOR, —COVICNABON—II, SCHwEBKEswsrc N e ASEOCATEE, INC 180 N BISCAYNE BM. MH FLOOR A1SAY CONTACT LHtSB.YEnE CONT CT 1MMix sTEVENJM1sOx 48TH STREET SURE 310 DORPL 833166 CONTACT IEWAROD SUARE2 LIST OF CONTACTS STORMWATER D PT RY AND ECONOMIC REBDBRLEs701 NW �B� MIAM 133136 PLANNING AND ZONING CI E AND 20N NG DEPARTMENT M�swg�,j; AVENUE CONTACT: CAMILOIGNACIO STORMWATER FLOREIA DEPT A ECENTER SD asR33 CONTACT' FRANCISCO Cd RGA DIRECTOR BUILDING DIVISION F MIAMIBUIWNG.EPARTMENT LF EE.F�3°�B WATER AND SEWER ='L`E JEW LAMB AND 6EWER DEPARTMEM ME NEBOAt L3'1' CONTACT. JOSE S. LAMER...IPECTOR TELEPHONE PROVIDER TDISTRIB"NE SW 24TH STREET, 1 S FLOOR MIMI, FL 33165 CONTACT. SERGN3 GARCIA P.E. FIRE PREVENTION AMIDFRARTM 4M SW 2ND STREET ENr of FIRE REscuE MIAMI, FL 33130 301 ELECTRIC PROVIDER Q5 I IAM ONF OLw 3119 306-01X6 CONTACT LT. SETH EDGE ENGINEERING –L' WORKS DEPARTMENT wI, F alio NO 3954925988 CABLE PROVIDER E JUVENOL SANTANAJR. P.E. LFM NATURAL GAS PROVIDE .01 ----DA 1111 � SUIUUOERDAJ E. FL 33368 CONTACT. LEonAR. —.—DCONT1ACT CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS FOR BISCAYNE SKY WHEEL 401 BISCAYNE BOULEVARD MIAMI, FLORIDA 33132 APRIL 2019 SECTION 06, TOWNSHIP 54, RANGE 42 Kimley>>> Horn 356 A&2017 KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC 355 ALHAMBRA CIRCLE. SUITE 1400, MIAMI, FL, 33134 PHONE: 3058733025 WN XIMLEY-HORN.COM CA0D0DO6B6 Sheet List Table Sheet Numberl Sheet Title SUBJECT PROPERTY I -- LU w o c L.L w O U J W U Lu W �r O Q Y ° W U Q O J a � J w�3 C, a W_ U) > _ Q Y m � SHEET NUMBER C-100 GENERAL NOTES SEATING A L CONDUCT BE AND CONSUL) OUTSIDE THE MAIN N FCTRICAL CABINET AND ON-SITE INSTALLED VALUED ON RIDE JrSELI 10 BE SUPPLIED BY CUSIF)ME1. NUMBER OF GONDOLAS .... . . .... ... . . ...... . . .. MAXIMUM NUMBER Or PASSENGER PER -8 _!IOTICE AVERAGE PASSENGER WERGH1 PER GONDOLA ... ,...... .......................17016x= 1360 lb<78 IA 624 LEH 18-513 07/12/19 MAXIMUM TOTAL PAWEEMERwEiGUE. ........... . IRE [26,208 4] MINIMUM. PASSENGER HriGHT.. ..................................... 42 !NCH UNACCOMPANIED BY AN ADULT PLEASE LICURYCHANCE RIDES AEG IF SIZES ARE CEAFNGFO LOADING- ...... ..... . . .... -b GONDOLAS SIMULTANEOUSLY PERFORMANCE CONTACT CHANCE BIDES MFG IF WIRE RUN TO BE GREATER THAN 100' DIRECTION OF TAVEL... . ... ..... ...CLOCKWISL/COUN ITER CLOCKWISE RIDE SPOEO...—.— ... .... . . .... ........ . 15 1prp MAXIMUM RIDE DURATION VARIABLE `''UNLESS 0 NHERWISF NOTED, At I, CONDUCTORS FOR VOLTAGES GREATER THAN 50 VOTES TO BE BLACK AND NUMBERED SEQUENTIALLY MAXIMUM WIND SPEED (OPERATING),.- -45,1BBI [17 F.I/M MAXIMUM WIND SPEED (AEATIQ-.- .................. 115 mph ESIN/D MAXiMUMRTDE WEIGHT {EVI -280,300 lbs [127,142 SRI M07HE BE .... . ... . .... . . . .. ..... ........ .................. TOTAL 200 UP (144 NAR T POWER REQUIREMENTS CUSTOMER SUPPOS) TOTAL — .... . .... ...... ........ . . .... .... . . .... ... ...... ..370 IBM DRIVE ............ ,,.,.,..4@36kWEACEl {Tc TALl44kVvI LIGHTING. ............. ... . .... . .... ... ........... ....... .... . .... .... . ...............130 ME LINE BUSSINK EFICSJGN VOLTAGE...,. . ........ . .... ...... ............... ,.......480 A 3 PHASF BAY. LIGHTING CUSTOMER SUPPLIED (%U COT ING GROUNDING GRID 10 BE CONS] ROUTED PER "NFEA 780 LIGHTNING PRUI SChON CODE", MINIMUM RECYRREMENT. TYPE ..... --- ----..............................................LED U CONTROL ROOM ELECTRICAL HEAT LOAD BOND ALL HOE( T (F HONG GROUND RODS I OCE CHER USING CADWELD OR EQUIVALFN I PROCEDURE. ROOM TO BE MAINTAINED 75°F TO 80'p [24-C 10 2/"G] Markk), 6�ynvl� P�F' WHEELCONTRULA-- ..... ....... ... ... -- ---- ... ...... .... 18,000 BTU fb kW) 'L PROVIDE RACES TO ALLOW BONDING OF GROUND ROE, TORIDE, PROFESSIONAL INSTALLATION SUGGESTED, GENERAL NOTES A L CONDUCT BE AND CONSUL) OUTSIDE THE MAIN N FCTRICAL CABINET AND ON-SITE INSTALLED VALUED ON RIDE JrSELI 10 BE SUPPLIED BY CUSIF)ME1. ALL CONDUCTOR TO BE STRANDED COPPER, RA FED Al'I FACT 75'C CONDUCTOR SIZESCALC' LAT'D AT 100' MAY, RUN PER NEC. LOCAL CODES MAY SUPERSEDE CALCULATED WIRE SIZE. PLEASE LICURYCHANCE RIDES AEG IF SIZES ARE CEAFNGFO CONTACT CHANCE BIDES MFG IF WIRE RUN TO BE GREATER THAN 100' SHIELDED CABLES 1 OR ENCODERS LTJ BE CONI MUCUS RUN FROM MAIN LIGAVOURE TO DEVICE `''UNLESS 0 NHERWISF NOTED, At I, CONDUCTORS FOR VOLTAGES GREATER THAN 50 VOTES TO BE BLACK AND NUMBERED SEQUENTIALLY ALL CONDUCTORS LESS THEN 50 VOLTS TO BE BLUE IN COLOR AND NUMBERED SEQUENTIALLY. ALL 24 VOL CS DC NEUTRAL TO BE IS UEAANI rE IN COLOR, CUSTOMER SUPPOS) >ALL CONDUITS SHOULD BE SIZED To MEET ALL LOCAL BUILDING CODES OR NEC STANDARDS, WHO HEVER IS MORE SETRIENEN F CAMAYRIGHTO BUSSINK EFICSJGN ALL CONOUI IS TO CON TAIN A MINIMUM Of I GROUND CONSIUCAOR SIZED 10 ELECT RICALCODE GREEN OR GREEN YELLOW IN COLOR. CUSTOMER SUPPLIED (%U COT ING GROUNDING GRID 10 BE CONS] ROUTED PER "NFEA 780 LIGHTNING PRUI SChON CODE", MINIMUM RECYRREMENT. U BOND ALL HOE( T (F HONG GROUND RODS I OCE CHER USING CADWELD OR EQUIVALFN I PROCEDURE. ,MIAAA -1, PAA ML A Markk), 6�ynvl� P�F' 'L PROVIDE RACES TO ALLOW BONDING OF GROUND ROE, TORIDE, PROFESSIONAL INSTALLATION SUGGESTED, I A, T- ti C MRRZA�� E F 'E A 1116 11 1-) 1- 1- I —T— . . ....... —Ll ...... . .... . L L A L AND', T.E I I ;IT I l L= Certificate of Compliance with Illumination restrictions contained in Amusement Ride Zoning Text Amendment •''- 4 NOTICE iBSCWA a s -18313 07/'12/'19 gSCWA Ltd The above calculation shows compliance with allowable CLIENT: a3 rk west lhint brightness of 03 foot candles aambient light as measured .mc WA LW as —w" srtreer SItWIEWS OF AMERICA ruFt 1UX WakeakeRee at a distance of 251) fret feam the Use. According to your west yarLefte M r. Robert sons u.ue,d rc ingtlam wit tLx Vrafle6erd 3519 East Kemssn Drive Registered in England: 4376616 provided resolution AMUSEMENT RIDES 4-12.19` table 13, Tb- 0-LIRELAN CORE ZONE — OPEN. united KingAam Phoenix, AZ 95044 iregutered la engune: a3a6616 U. S.A. M irsad Alija Managing ovenar A copy of this Confirmation letter will he sent to the wheel tnLrsad aiJa ..dab. wit. rh www bsCwa_ch manufacturer. Please do not hesitate to contact us for further :Managing ❑weeta, mdae— nh N+akefreld, May 9112019 questions. www.hs Wa.ct CONFIRMATION OFCONFORMFITY Dear Mr. Scos As requested, we, as the supplier of the components, hereby are providing you with the conflrmatian .of conformity for the lighting package an your giant observation wheel type R60 XL. The conflrmatlon is based on the fallowing characteristics listed helow (one side of the wheel)_ Lightinglmaterial LED tape light; RTL -FPC -3528 -40L -51M -240V -W Intensity of Ilghting material 120 Inn / rn (Lumen per meter tape length) Wheel characteristics Radius: 27 m (one decima I roundea spoke length: zit m tea I Lies) Diameter: 169.15M Surrace area: 2,269:1 m'= 24,1639.7 sq - ft -Spoke numtrBr: 21 Lighting components Spokes: 3chann®Is LEDtape light 4 72 m LED Ring beam, 2 chane Is LED tape light 4 3391.2 m LED TOIQI on wheel= Spokss + rl ng beams 71"72 ^ 399.7 4 1,851.2 m LED Intensity of Ilghts on wheel Source strength: 1,851.2 m " 1201mfm = 222,144 Im Intensity f m': 222,144 Inn r 2,289.1 m' = 47.04 IM/M3 ^) 9 Az ft ZM146 __ zxx,laa In[ensELy a[surface cif sphere: 6a 6-25d' 79S. eoa. e a.2B fc Bdsedon spherkaf fight dfstributioe from source in a dfstonee of 230? feet. RSCW a Ltd I -U Genrge.5treet I West vorka Am I WFa 1u wakefeW I LlM�d Ikingdom aagg 112 Kind regards, IiSCtNA Ltd /*7 Mlrsad Alija, Managing Director BSLWA Ltd 133 George Street I Wes[ Torkshlre I WF2 1L7L wakJkId I united Kingdom page 212 Robert Soos SkyViews Miami NEW LEAF ENVIRONMENTAL Via e-mail to: rtsoos@outlook.com RE: Certified Arborist Assessment of Relocated Trees Miami Skywheel at Bayside Marketplace, Miami, Florida NOTICE CarpleAon of zdff reHew ntlealez perm tappLaM1an mre6 un requrenenlz uMn Mam 21antl/oriheC yof Miami Cotle onty mzpamrtappurawnvnureelbbezrl,m-etlrora p Mi. Ie In i,api rax tlmellre ngfb dy Me Chyd MiamiUtle TheapplKade tlecman-maMng batlywg rexcsv Nepemrv[appLrahon at MepubLc heanigartl ienMeMaa mmeMahon or a M1reI Eeozon PZ -18-513 M a _ 0g7J12f19 New Leaf Environmental, LLC (NLE) is providing this report as a record of our assessment of two relocated trees within the above referenced property. The trees were relocated approximately one year prior to the date of this report, and an assessment of the health and viability of the trees at this point is required for release of the bond placed on these trees. This assessment is valid for the time at which it was written, and changing site conditions, proposed development, and changes in tree health may affect the future validity of this assessment. Project Background Tree permit BD17-018589-001-L001 was issued on Jan 30, 2018, which permitted the onsite relocation of two trees, as follows (based on the arborist report prepared at that time): Tree No. 6, gumbo limbo (Bursera simaruba), 18" DBH, good condition Tree No. 16, gumbo limbo, 21" DBH (10", 11"stems), good condition Findings Both trees were observed to be in good condition overall. The trees exhibited healthy, full-size, dark green leaves, growing at a density typical for the species. No signs of leaf chlorosis, leaf necrosis, branch dieback, or stem decay were observed. Both trees appeared to be stable and upright, with bracing in place and in good condition. Both trees showed evidence of canopy reduction cuts. Some of the cuts are not at the site of branch unions. While NLE was not present for the relocation activities, based on reference photographs provided for this review, NLE determined that the canopy reduction cuts were made at the time of the relocation — either in response to damage from Hurricane Irma or to facilitate relocation/transportation through the site. Neither tree displayed evidence of dieback or similar problems resulting from the reduction cuts. Both trees appear to have been planted too deep, with mulch placed several inches thick adjacent to the trunk. Based on the even match of the elevation of the top of the root balls of the trees to the surrounding grade, it would appear that the planting depth likely reflects the original planting depth, and not a change in depth at relocation. Recommendations Based on the findings of this assessment, the trees were successfully relocated and are currently in good condition, with every indication that they will continue to grow and thrive at their current location. Accordingly, the City should be able to release the relocation bond for these trees. In order to improve and optimize health, the mulch and excess soil should be pulled back from the base of the trunk (and adjacent three inches) down to the first order roots, and pull back surrounding soil to create an even 4:1 slope. This will help keep soil and mulch from resting against the trunk and causing rot. 57 Silver Springs Drive Key Largo, FL 33037 (954) 643-0423 mmccoy@newleaf.expert Miami .Skvwheel at Bayside Marketplace Arborist Assessment Sincerely, New Leaf Environmental, LLC Michael Mcoy ISA Certified Arborist MA 4243A, TRAQ Qualified LIAF Certified Landscape Inspector Attachments: photo log 8, 20 o loe 'ge TICE CarpleAon of zdff reexwintlealez permitappLaew mre6 un requirenenlz uMn Mam 21antl/orihe CRy of Miami p. -ngl— rtapWrawnvnureelbbeztlin-alyra puCuc IeaAng InacwNan@vAN tlmellnesset foMln Me Chyd MiamiUtle TheapplKade tlecman-maMng batlywg rexcsv Nepenrv[appLrahon at MepubLc heanigartl ienMeMaa eMahonoraM1relEeozon 8-513 07112119 07/12/19 -ITWIV X71WE, � JI f e �pR pUBLICN Al BVI EW CO Miami Skywheel at Bayside Marketplace Arborist Assessmen! Relocated Tree No. 16, gumbo limbo, 10", 11" DBH stems. Tree is in overall good condition 8, 10 o loe 'ge4NbTICE CarpleAon of zdff reexwintlealez permitappLaem mre6 un requirenenlz uMn Mam 21antl/orihe CRy of Miami p. -ngl— rtapWrawnvnureelbbeztlin-alyra pMi Ie ITh cap rax vANtlmellre ..foal. Me - MiamiUtle TheapplKade tlecman-maMng batlywg rex�sv \ pemrv[appLrahon at MepubLc heanigartl ienMeMaa remmmeMahon or a M1rel Eeozon -- "Z-513 12/19 Miami Skywheel at Bayside Marketplace Arborist Assessment Example view of soil and mulch piled against to trunk which should be pulled back 8, 20 o loe 'ge TICE CarpleAon of zdff reexwintlealez permitappLaem mre6 un requirenenlz uMn Mam 21antl/orihe CRy of Miami cotle, o�ry m.pamrtappu�w�w,uremmM1e:d,m�etl tura puCuc IeaAng InacwNan@vAN tlmellnesset foMln Me Chyd MiamiUtle TheapplKade tlecman-maMng batlywg rexcsv Nepenrv[appLrahon at MepubLc heanigartl ienMeMaa \eMahonoraM1relEeozon PZ -18-513 07/12/19 n r�'�FREVIEW Cp��y��R i _ 14 Y t1�j-" -� a' q ' AL 11 ' �`f '- _ - -..-- ` ���....-+i ...��.w.•�e.s - � - � T1s\,,+1�tvq\ Lam.-� ^ '. + n , o - .. R - e � x•..: r »34+r- .A' . ,! ! •J��s• • . � �ti.s� ,.. S ec�4y '1 _ ^� ° c y Q IN I r I I I JA ------ AV Q Property Search Application - Miami -Dade County https://www.miamidade.gov {Fl s OFFICE OF THE PROPERTY APPRA Summary Report Property Information Folio: Property Address: Owner Mailing Address PA Primary Zone Primary Land Use Beds / Baths / Half Floors Living Units Actual Area Living Area Adjusted Area Lot Size Year Built 01-0100-000-0525 401 BISCAYNE BLVD Miami, FL 33132-0000 CITY OF MIAMI-BAYSIDE GENERAL GROWTH PROPERTIES PO BOX 617905 CHICAGO, IL 60661-7905 6100 COMMERCIAL - NEIGHBORHOOD 1111 STORE: RETAIL OUTLET 0/0/0 2 0 Sq.Ft Sq.Ft 40,930 Sq. Ft 488,824 Sq. Ft Cg a — s 1 rell- - Taxable Value Information 1969 County Exemption Value Assessment Information Year 2018 Land Value $73,323,600 Building Value $8,676,400 XF Value $0 Market Value $82,000,000 Assessed Value $61,869,010 Benefits Information Exemption Value Benefit Type 2018 2017 2016 Taxable Value Non - Assessment 20181 20171 2016 $0 $0 $0 $61,869,010 $56,244,555 $51,131,414 $0 $0 $0 $82,000,000 $73,423,600 $73,423,600 $0 $0 $0 $61,869,010 $56,244,555 $51,131,414 $0 $0 $0 $61,869,010 $56,244,555 $51,131,414 Homestead $20,130,990 $17,179,045 $22,292,186 Sales Information Cap Reduction Previous Sale Price OR Book -Page Qualification Description Note: Not all benefits are applicable to all Taxable Values (i.e. County, School Board, City, Regional) Short Legal Description The Office of the Property Appraiser is continually editing and updating the tax roll. This website may not reflect the most current information on record. The Property Appraiser and Miami -Dade County assumes no liability, see full disclaimer and User Agreement at http://www.miamidade.gov/info/disclaimer.asp Version: Taxable Value 2017 2016 School Board $73,323,600 $73,323,600 Exemption Value $100,000 $100,000 Taxable Value $0 $o City $73,423,600 $73,423,600 Exemption Value $56,244,555 $51,131,414 Taxable Value Regional Benefits Information Exemption Value Benefit Type 2018 2017 2016 Taxable Value Non - Assessment 20181 20171 2016 $0 $0 $0 $61,869,010 $56,244,555 $51,131,414 $0 $0 $0 $82,000,000 $73,423,600 $73,423,600 $0 $0 $0 $61,869,010 $56,244,555 $51,131,414 $0 $0 $0 $61,869,010 $56,244,555 $51,131,414 Homestead $20,130,990 $17,179,045 $22,292,186 Sales Information Cap Reduction Previous Sale Price OR Book -Page Qualification Description Note: Not all benefits are applicable to all Taxable Values (i.e. County, School Board, City, Regional) Short Legal Description The Office of the Property Appraiser is continually editing and updating the tax roll. This website may not reflect the most current information on record. The Property Appraiser and Miami -Dade County assumes no liability, see full disclaimer and User Agreement at http://www.miamidade.gov/info/disclaimer.asp Version: 1 2 I TREE DISPOSITION PLAN Scale: 1"=10'-0" 1 13 9 3 4 5 I I I / /---------' / ------ NOTICE SEE WE�- 13 19 1 nX.m 1 me �dcg,+� elX llnl XeleM1tlq�Ee 11tl "n 1 c"neie"n p�moKu"n I I�n Vaoe I o vv v v v �� r� permaweparw JK; E CALCULATIONS MITIGA!CONTRIBUTION 2p` Z-� TREES12,14=56"DBHOF HARDWOOD Y�'gz `---_ MITIGAAMOUNT =$20,000 �=�jwaRp / PALMS2,3,4,5,15,17,18,19 T I tc"m MITIGAAMOUNT = $9,000 Si ,,I +1I S7 1/ = 6 ;ase e....,✓ > TOTAL TO TREE TRUST FUND $29,000 W - / UW Z \� ^.a / 5 rn 5 a, / F � Q / Y Lu O 5 / ¢ (L r 2 Jv O o s W a W W y N 1 nX.m 1 me �dcg,+� elX llnl XeleM1tlq�Ee 11tl "n 1 c"neie"n p�moKu"n I I�n Vaoe I permaweparw s N 11 Fkq ------ 11., ,AI1 pl 1 40 , I p- Z. ) ml I tc"m Si ,,I +1I „ea 6 ;ase O S O F t `UV—€ /W I€ O~!! r U=a VI U 14 s<.�. B ©r A e � o u e r - I 2017 Andrew M. a9e.In"9ae. /'Trees Damaged By Hurricane Irma Are No Longer on Site and Are Included in Witkin / Mitigation Calculation LA0000889 / =s'Ia ..-.� 9 XErr /l o SYMBOL LEGEND � Tree to Remain --e i 1)m 7,'i wIN— perH.- %/ Tree Removed By Hurricane Irma NORTH Tree to Remove "CIU* 175 BMTI.01 106/09/2017 G� Tree to Relocate Q a TD -1 4 5 6 3 4 ' z I 10 ----- D 5 3 D o W z / 7163 � /l r' Fes` f�r 2� — N Q • / / // iF 7 W W LL d E s m Yi f C x. c.�� o. w.M roews unu wma�w �n.� / (G / , �\ 6 1 91 Gcoa U I / - ..... 1 ..... g— / 8 _..➢ a , aw...�..... 0-- 121 i A i d ws a r i 25 -------- 27 vw� .. z9' ' i � R� • /// / / 11 , ...., spa �// ;� f o �` �..�: ...' 7 /V B Q 13 _ i/ F w . � 1i / *' r �� o� ons�o B 7g 14 t Tree Assessment Conducted by Certified Arborist Michael McCoy Dated May 26, 2017 *Relocated tree and palm locations shown on TD -2 N ALl • / / / a 19 v _ '� ,16� 18 / C 17 KEY—N SYMBOL LEGEND 23 �2 / Tree to Relocate A •. 20�/ / (� Tree to Remain `** 22 / r� \� Tree t0 Remove NORTH �� • * r/� �,�. 1 H TREE DISPOSITION PLAN a TD -1 Scale: 1 "=10'-0" Z 3 a s s D —EXISTING �� / \ \ \ • j TREE, TYP 10 9 7 / \ • •" PARKING GARAGE / • CONTRACTORTO PLACE TREES 96 AND / \ 6 #16 WHERE FEASIBLE TREE PROTECTION BARRjIER \ • 16 11 / Scale. V'40'4' ¢33 SF 25 / / \ , 27 28 3 00 y>8p -� •� / M,o • //// TREE PROTECTION BARRIER/ /J 23 24 20,_ Ce \ / ,r, NORTH _ TREE RELOCATION PLAN 4 Scale: V=10' -O" 1 2 3 as pm H•.N mfa .a ml la F (" a.. ��� I �c�maom cad � , I 34i y (yl 3lcaoe ow cocoa Mrc S5 Sfio T iaam� m� a as R a IS - 11.1 I �i Prw..aceaa<a�anaa< � i �Iva I -'IT—T�Z��o..a er xon,w , - a P I � din, 2NP;m_ 1 7 1 1: am 2 eo umm a.naaa aimaama 6NI zi veep s I e61 wire P m Ppcchneperma aNm.+a �I 1� zzs r.i; 11 r�e�nsBin }( Tree Assessment Conducted by Certified Arborist Michael McCoy Dated May 26, 2017 KEY MAP Dale: IA.l.a. Nate. Prote�Grves�all be placated and sated, bee, cluster of trees, or the edge of TREE RELOCATKIN NOTES: k the preservation area no less Man len (10) lent (in mans) ham the trunk of any that"' tl ALL TREES PROPOSED TO BE RELOCATED tree o aster or preservation area un em a In.—dieMnce ie epecNed by the DePa t WILL BE A ONE TIME MOVE THEIR LOCATION C Protective bemiels shall W a minimum offour (4) feet above ground level and shell be AS SHOWN ON THE RELOCATION PLAN IS THE constructed of woad, plastic or metal, and shall remain in place until deVebpment "FINAL LOCATION FOR EACH TREE ..p 1. and Iha Datemme. has aulh—le! thah removal P— 1- Lamers shall ba In ALL TREES PROPOSED TO BE RELOCATED place prior M the start of any nansthasum • ARE TO BE ROOT PRUNED A MINIMUM OF 90-120 DAVE PRIOR TO RELOCATION DEPENDING ON THE TREE SPECIES AND SIZE • TRANSPLANTED TREES SHOULD BE WATERED r EVERY DAV FOR THE FIRST MONTH THEN 2 TO n • 3DAYSAWEEKAND GRADUALLY REDUCED levo UP TO ONE YEAR. WATER SHOULD BE APPLIED AT A RATE OF 3 GAL, PER INCH OF TRUNK PER WATERING. °Bent' �I pp p • RELOCATION ACTIVITYWLLBEIN ACCORDANCEWITHANSI A300SIANDARDS Elevation now 9w. Plan Detail Tree Protection Barrier Detail NTS. 4 5 6 m Z / op .off ;a T T e T �C)h ° CONCRETEJAW a� 1 KEY PLAN Scale NTS Ik - I , } / -_ snuc TaEE Tvv �T f I � I I I T 11 f I 1 A \ I 1 g f S \ \ t - 1�1 ¢sa9p 615 For I NORTH \ E 4 5 \ ,AES TVP 0 TREE RELOCATION PLAN Scale: V=20' -O" 1 KEY PLAN Scale NTS 6 �4 NOTIC ►Z 18313 _ 07/12/19 `- e wF Uw z N Q a~ a w� z Y� O �2aa O G=LL in 3 E o men 2gg VSE 0 _ 11 U. c �e N<;a W 1756BKITI 01I 16'-11 d TD -2 6 - I , } 19�1�1 1 -_ "--I 21 f I 1 A u g f S l f [S - 1�1 ¢sa9p 615 For 1 1 NORTH 3 4 5 6 �4 NOTIC ►Z 18313 _ 07/12/19 `- e wF Uw z N Q a~ a w� z Y� O �2aa O G=LL in 3 E o men 2gg VSE 0 _ 11 U. c �e N<;a W 1756BKITI 01I 16'-11 d TD -2 6 e/T5/2018 2:58 PM\R:\1J0/5.01 — Biecoyns 81gwFeel\Ape\1J0e5.01_SXEEf_P—IpOO.dwg\Julkn A Xemantlezm 6/ C- gyp} e BAYSIDE MARKETPLACE D _ m NOTE:ALL WHEEL RELATED ITEMS TO BE PERMITTED UNDER A SEPARATE SHOP DRAWING SUBMITTAL BY SPECIALTY ENGINEER N1. O ;�.v j3 Florida &3931•-I•' =1 i t '... [[ 6!` �� •� i $ ooh r M e77 e W z w a Dm � gyp} e BAYSIDE MARKETPLACE D _ '+°'�•••CJo9 v 3� SKYWHEEL PERMIT SET Miami, N1. O ;�.v j3 Florida &3931•-I•' =1 i t '... [[ 6!` �� •� i �FFk •>F ••pN' rn �L45e8�m 5I8�39 C1=A Amin 3S i 0104 _ - -■ v, 1 � • .or.®, �r ra Allow fill `,`�Qilvw �! � MENNEN& K aw+wPeerc wnry �w� vw�+��ea, wnw..w a�dde Pw+ad sa�eaPw mava Nws �o uopgdwo� 33IlON .r- �9I vow �.- T H LU z Lul! U—:a Z T H LU z low �r . , ',► ` �.�" ,..yam ' tL ti� °tea r CLIENT: SKYVIEWS OF AMERICA Mr. Robert Soos 3519 East Keresan Drive Phoenix, AZ 85044 U.S.A. Wakefield, May 9" 2019 CONFIRMATION OF CONFORMITY Dear Mr. Soos BSCWA Ltd 33 George Street West Yorkshire WF1 1LX Wakefield United Kingdom C � NOTICE ��P�aonm=�R,Mew�Para�=am�haP��hPPmee� �Pr�P.x�aaPP��x�Mua�,P,�a��,maRam� ��4 Dory mzPamRaPPfwhonwRnrobe��eE lyra Pubhchmef. ric-n McCiryof MlaP CPOe TheappkaYAe@cl9an-magnp baGy Nll mint/ pam ppfrewnxanpueitfieanrg ana reneerennva \eMaWnwaRreltl®mn PZ -18-513 07/12/19 Registered in England: 4376416 Mirsad Alija Managing Director md(cbbscwa.ch www. bscwa. ch As requested, we, as the supplier of the components, hereby are providing you with the confirmation of conformity for the lighting package on your giant observation wheel type R60 XL. The confirmation is based on the following characteristics listed below (one side of the wheel). Lighting material LED tape light; RTL -FPC -3528 -40L -51M -240V -W Intensity of lighting material 120 Im / m (Lumen per meter tape length) Wheel characteristics Radius: 27 m (one decimal rounded Spoke length: 24 m values) Diameter: 169.6 m Surface area: 2,289.1 mZ = 24,639.7 sq.ft. Spoke number: 21 Lighting components Spokes: 3 channels LED tape light 472mLED Ring beam: 2 chanels LED tape light 4 339.2 m LED Total on wheel: Spokes + ring beam: 21*72 " 339.2 4 1,851.2 m LED Intensity of lights on wheel Source strength: 1,851.2 m * 120 Im/m = 222,144 Im Intensity / mZ: 222,144 Im / 2,289.1 mZ = 97.04 Im/m2 4 9.02 fc Intensity at surface s222,144 _ 222,144 _ of sphere. 41cr2 41c*2502 785,000 = 0.28 fc Based on spherical light distribution from source in a distance of 250 feet. BSCWA Ltd 133 George Street I West Yorkshire I WF1 1LX Wakefield I United Kingdom Page 112 The above calculation shows compliance with allowable brightness of 0.3 foot candles above ambient light as measured at a distance of 250 feet from the Use. According to your provided resolution 'AMUSEMENT RIDES 4-12-19' table 13, T6 - O -URBAN CORE ZONE — OPEN. BSCWA Ltd 33 George Street West Yorkshire WF1 1LX Wakefield United Kingdom C � NOTICE ��P�aonm=�R,Mew�Para�=am�haP��hPPmee� �Pr�P.x�aaPP��x�Mua�,P,�a��,maRam� �e oPty m:PamrtaPgwhoPwnPaaa meamm�ea rare Pubhcfmnn9 inacw�Earre vnNhmefric�el -y McCiryof Mlanl CPOe TheappkaYAe@cl9an-magnp baGy Nll mint/ pam ppfrewnxanpueitfieanrg ana reneerennva \eMaWnwaRreltl®mn PZ -18-513 07/12/19 Registered in England: 4376416 A copy of this confirmation letter will be sent to the wheel Mirsad Alija Managing Director manufacturer. Please do not hesitate to contact us for further md(&bscwa.ch questions. www.bscwa.ch Kind regards, BSCWA Ltd / *- Mirsad Alija, Managing Director BSCWA Ltd 133 George Street I West Yorkshire I WF1 1LX Wakefield I United Kingdom Page 212 CLIENT: SKYVIEWS OF AMERICA Mr. Robert Soos 3519 East Keresan Drive Phoenix, AZ 85044 U.S.A. Wakefield, May 9" 2019 CONFIRMATION OF CONFORMITY Dear Mr. Soos BSCWA Ltd 33 George Street West Yorkshire WF1 1LX Wakefield United Kingdom C � NOTICE ��P�aonm=�R,Mew�Para�=am�haP��hPPmee� �Pr�P.x�aaPP��x�Mua�,P,�a��,maRam� ��4 Dory mzPamRaPPfwhonwRnrobe��eE lyra Pubhchmef. ric-n McCiryof MlaP CPOe TheappkaYAe@cl9an-magnp baGy Nll mint/ pam ppfrewnxanpueitfieanrg ana reneerennva \eMaWnwaRreltl®mn PZ -18-513 07/12/19 Registered in England: 4376416 Mirsad Alija Managing Director md(cbbscwa.ch www. bscwa. ch As requested, we, as the supplier of the components, hereby are providing you with the confirmation of conformity for the lighting package on your giant observation wheel type R60 XL. The confirmation is based on the following characteristics listed below (one side of the wheel). Lighting material LED tape light; RTL -FPC -3528 -40L -51M -240V -W Intensity of lighting material 120 Im / m (Lumen per meter tape length) Wheel characteristics Radius: 27 m (one decimal rounded Spoke length: 24 m values) Diameter: 169.6 m Surface area: 2,289.1 mZ = 24,639.7 sq.ft. Spoke number: 21 Lighting components Spokes: 3 channels LED tape light 472mLED Ring beam: 2 chanels LED tape light 4 339.2 m LED Total on wheel: Spokes + ring beam: 21*72 " 339.2 4 1,851.2 m LED Intensity of lights on wheel Source strength: 1,851.2 m * 120 Im/m = 222,144 Im Intensity / mZ: 222,144 Im / 2,289.1 mZ = 97.04 Im/m2 4 9.02 fc Intensity at surface s222,144 _ 222,144 _ of sphere. 41cr2 41c*2502 785,000 = 0.28 fc Based on spherical light distribution from source in a distance of 250 feet. BSCWA Ltd 133 George Street I West Yorkshire I WF1 1LX Wakefield I United Kingdom Page 112 The above calculation shows compliance with allowable brightness of 0.3 foot candles above ambient light as measured at a distance of 250 feet from the Use. According to your provided resolution 'AMUSEMENT RIDES 4-12-19' table 13, T6 - O -URBAN CORE ZONE — OPEN. BSCWA Ltd 33 George Street West Yorkshire WF1 1LX Wakefield United Kingdom C � NOTICE ��P�aonm=�R,Mew�Para�=am�haP��hPPmee� �Pr�P.x�aaPP��x�Mua�,P,�a��,maRam� �e oPty m:PamrtaPgwhoPwnPaaa meamm�ea rare Pubhcfmnn9 inacw�Earre vnNhmefric�el -y McCiryof Mlanl CPOe TheappkaYAe@cl9an-magnp baGy Nll mint/ pam ppfrewnxanpueitfieanrg ana reneerennva \eMaWnwaRreltl®mn PZ -18-513 07/12/19 Registered in England: 4376416 A copy of this confirmation letter will be sent to the wheel Mirsad Alija Managing Director manufacturer. Please do not hesitate to contact us for further md(&bscwa.ch questions. www.bscwa.ch Kind regards, BSCWA Ltd / *- Mirsad Alija, Managing Director BSCWA Ltd 133 George Street I West Yorkshire I WF1 1LX Wakefield I United Kingdom Page 212 ' e �3e e 1v1e 96 a Iv15 T rE T I � � RETANNG WALT / •/ D /�\ � `POLYORAN FL I� D PLATE,Z e' CONC STAB 51 wl v4 BARS • 2A' O.C. EACH WAY mHS,_.•_ .ATE III �°ATAAWSGB I/I RETAINN6 WALL � •.� I I �' . II :o o. µ 177 r----------------------- .. L---------------------'/ PILLPIG ENCH SEE RS E DYNAMOS AG S,M7 B 51-EET ND. ] At 10 WHEEL FCL -TION o, TYP OF 2 SEE(" `.ON EX6TNG CCACRETE (EI • IOO.OD TC) F------- --- ---------------�1I T � o —-------------------- r J � IXRLNE of WHEEL FTIN6E- I. MEE�NIt -MICS AGEHIIXtAWNGS FLOOR / FOUNDATION PLAN I �D TC - T TC TCP OF CCACRETE 5C/ LE- 1/8 INCH - ONE FOOT SHEET NOTES. CONCRETE. 3000 PS 5000 PSI for Pd, Cap ,d 5500 BPSQ for iPil,, r slabs aid curbs wails (15 x t mo.imu slogbsd) nal be . snows or as directe by Eng,ner REINFORCINGTEE SL. S,TH o b9 medre P.oge9 ped at the —1 b AN NOR BOLTS. See m... fact—r's drawings 7DDD A r How. rd Pareell St—t—I Engineering, Inc. Ia nacroa IPao—, —1 o N ED W LL Q ._ U _o c) o 6 3 z r slsw„u� �fCSstoM g`90 PD P,agSr. O� 9 UCS PP �(Y CAlfic�'P FOUNDATION PLAN Dore. 05,12/2017 Iaao.ecr ro 3000 S1 ENTRANCE ROOF FOOTNG P OF BEE RB E DTNAMCB AG ORAwnG3 SHEET ND 6 M 10 FLOOR / FOUNDATION PLAN I �D TC - T TC TCP OF CCACRETE 5C/ LE- 1/8 INCH - ONE FOOT SHEET NOTES. CONCRETE. 3000 PS 5000 PSI for Pd, Cap ,d 5500 BPSQ for iPil,, r slabs aid curbs wails (15 x t mo.imu slogbsd) nal be . snows or as directe by Eng,ner REINFORCINGTEE SL. S,TH o b9 medre P.oge9 ped at the —1 b AN NOR BOLTS. See m... fact—r's drawings 7DDD A r How. rd Pareell St—t—I Engineering, Inc. Ia nacroa IPao—, —1 o N ED W LL Q ._ U _o c) o 6 3 z r slsw„u� �fCSstoM g`90 PD P,agSr. O� 9 UCS PP �(Y CAlfic�'P FOUNDATION PLAN Dore. 05,12/2017 Iaao.ecr ro 3000 S1 SEE CNN.CE DRAWNGSS IIA-ffL SLGVRT LEGS FCR PDICVOR Bq.T 6-tr 0 2®'-1D 15116Q ° / I2' -II I/Y ° � a 22'-1D Q5116 Q SECTION C 6'-tr 22'-101511W 12'-11 1/2' CDL. Bv.SE -EDP 1DP6' TTP CF 9 ENLARGED PLAN 1 SCALE1/4 INCkJ - ONE FOOT 22'-10 15116' $CALEl 1/4 INCH - ONE FOOT SECTION A SCALE' 1/2 INCH - ONE FOOT —AL FENCE S C EAR B' CONCRETE WALL 0 \y Cd.PACTED v5 BAR$ AT 12' O C. v FLL � ,•�I v� BARS AT I$' O.C. $DEWALK v5 DOWELS T IY .0 pN• 8X36' \ 4 v4 BARS 3'-V M. AT IY O C. SECTION B SCALE 1/2 INCH - ONE FOOT �••� oµPusucti c aev% COM Pwo.ccT Nu J in ZLL * U o F O 6 1 3 � � z ZL P�nL � s oeeoccsslc,�/ cp0 PnFJ` �No 1I2T �� E.p 6/19 s /RSC IVR /�Cf WLI�e ENLARGED PLANS/ DETAILS Poo Tei 0611212017 PI—T No 3000 S2 b as ° � 4 a a a � a o ° lb v8 BARS AT 2' O C. TOPNq BOTTOM 12 " ° X15500 PSIl v6 BARS FLLL LENGTH 3 TES AT 6' O.C. EST—TED TG ELEV• -60 FEET SECTION A SCALE' 1/2 INCH - ONE FOOT —AL FENCE S C EAR B' CONCRETE WALL 0 \y Cd.PACTED v5 BAR$ AT 12' O C. v FLL � ,•�I v� BARS AT I$' O.C. $DEWALK v5 DOWELS T IY .0 pN• 8X36' \ 4 v4 BARS 3'-V M. AT IY O C. SECTION B SCALE 1/2 INCH - ONE FOOT �••� oµPusucti c aev% COM Pwo.ccT Nu J in ZLL * U o F O 6 1 3 � � z ZL P�nL � s oeeoccsslc,�/ cp0 PnFJ` �No 1I2T �� E.p 6/19 s /RSC IVR /�Cf WLI�e ENLARGED PLANS/ DETAILS Poo Tei 0611212017 PI—T No 3000 S2 ti r � , m� `� O^ � a A r N i a �r i i 0 m { ` J { �::.� ♦ �, ....: r a JF GD TI Y NOTE: ALL ITEMS TO BE PERMITTED UNDER A SEPARATE SHOP DRAWING SUBMITTAL BY SPECIALTY ENGINEER _ a,oiaar Ie {S GO GO ooh BAYSIDE MARKETPLACE g� a - m SKYWHEEL PERMIT SET CD m Miami, Florida Z r cwt► �' Y O 3g PZ -18313/ 07/12/19 W. w /m cc w m w 'o s / / c �o / a � za / o 00 co CONCRETE PLATFORM PLAN / m CONCRET PLAN 0 w < nssaMT o1 oan s/wn A-182 Scale: l/s" — w� A-102 1=1 �m M mmmmmmmmm 03 NEW SOUTH RAMP SECTION A-103 Scale: 1/4"=1'-0" 02 NEW SOUTH STAIR/RAMP ELEVATION A\ 103 / Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0" —NT CON A ' �------------ --- ______ MAN G ER " " " " ' 'ELECTRICAL CABIN A I a f I I Ih- -- --- L ° L— — --- — — i 21 21 NEW RAMP -o ° 01 NEW SOUTH STAIR/RAMP PLAN ° A- 003 Scale: 1/4"=1'-0" °apU66i, c ��9�FRFVIEW Co��y��4, w QW N Q � a w aatia° zQ �w a a SOUTH RAMP & STAIR PLAN wz Q 1756BMTD1 oans/wn 0o A-103 CUSTOM EXTRUSION -,ALUMINUM TUBE 6 X 2 X 116 >r PL 2,12 X 114 X 57 314"SCH 40 ALUM PIPE f' �• 3116" OIA S S CABLE � TUBE 2X 2%114 13 3" DRILL & POR ROK Q" MINIMUN EDGE OF CONCRETE oa RAILING SECTION TYPICAL A-104 Scale: NTS REACTS ow BALL (rnry (^-) J YI 02 RAILING ELEVATION TYPICAL A-104 Scale: NTS FLOOR WF QW A ,� 03 PLATFORM RAILINGS PLAN A-104 Scale: 1/8" = 1'-0" Q � zQ �w as PLATFORM m RAILINGS i 1756BMTI o1 � W Mwn wo A-104 o� crecuNc Lcu<� zsm (sos7 SUPP CONN LLVfL 24m /]]5% 1 23m /]42% JJJ���111JJJi -� 0 Q _ $ \ I� _ a 'T' ------------ ----------------------------- PA ------ ------PAMDRAMIC VIEW SIDE 01 CANOPY ROOF PLAN A-201 Scale: 1/8" = 14 - RCP �$ Of 02 RCP A-201 Scale: 1/8" = 1-0" caouNc Lcvci zsm (sa 17 SUPP CONN —4 24m /])57 23m /]A2% II PAMDRAMIC VIEW 5/DE °µPuaucq c �FRFVIEW CO w F Q W N a� w cc `1 w w cc 0. w `o W W y } E 2 mN� a a� e a�=ad zQ �w as CANOPY ROOF PLAN m AND RCP g � J Q 1756BMTI D1 I DBi11-7 wo A-201 o� J UL \ LUHUIIYLI rLHIrUI1IYI CLCVHI IUIY A\ 105 / Scale: 1/4" = T -P' 56 �A 24-0 e-�B rz4-o �v ss �a 01 SKYWHEEL LOADING PLATFORM PLAN A-105 Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0" PZ- 8-513 — 07/12/19 W, QW � N a� 04 LOADING PLATFORM EAST ELEVATION Y cc W A-105 Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0" Q O. -q0 W O W W ly n � os LOADING PLATFORM WEST ELEVATION A-105 Scale: 1/4" = V-0" Q �nn a� E Y a atiad zQ �w aQ LOADING PLATFORM m ELEVATIONS w� Q 1756BMT Dl � Dan1-7 wo A-105 o� eco cB D w/, OND ��CRcrER TO Ru,N) M (�vR oUTNEHsj NSP ROP. WALLS rLAB ON GRADE (RT OTHERS) / (REFER i0 PLANS) / /. T.O.S 4 w/ toONO p GT&B ArvDGMWI8 8 .p-4' vert E DEN 71-7 16 .8 FLOOD VENT a AT ON T �% ✓ ELAUNTIL /BILtB'w�°tea EDR .4 DA`s / G "'TN' I +i'—o TV, RESERETER TRaN � `yi`yi`�`/ >y \\\\\\\\\ FMAPooP ,Hs) 0SECTION THRU NEW AND PROP. WALL SCALE. 3/4"-1'-U" )REFER TO 11N)- 11'-D" r v 1 SHEET PILE DETAIL SCALE N.T.S ER PR (BY OL7HERSJ NEP To °P (BYNOTxE 8 LL pso oo urv) ry Y (ON ��RON IIANE E ER To PUN) V , MIN a0 uR E P NN er zaO^ Pox �(HEEEH TD RADE LAN) WALL e'®REINS. Wips = C08” D G VERs & HORIZ NC DOWEL INTO EHISTING d XPILL a CD RTE W°% HI LTI HY 200 w EPDXY AOR E°DIVL c WALL IILiiIi .IE N' P" EXIST FOUNDATION F s I SECTIONAT NEW CONC. SLAB SCALE 3/4" -I' -I:" PETER TO ELEVATION IAnErea TAIRS TO Rat) D FILL Yom` �E.IST. GGNc. STAIRS 0 SECTION AT STAIRS SCALE3/4"=1'-0" `WIRE 1111 14. ui j Q u U "I 1 1= 2 W a o LL D EDGE) DNG IEIFER L) O J TO N) 3.0 �71 —2t6 of SKYWHEEL WEST ELEVATION A\ 301 / Scale: 3/37' = V-0" oz SKYWHEEL SOUTH ELEVATION A -3o1 Scale: 1/16" = T -P' °µPuaucq c �FRFVIEW Co w QW N a a � aNsaa zQ a¢ SKYWHEEL m ELEVATIONS g � i 1756BMTI o1 � DM s/wn wo A-301 o� NO T 0 P 0 G R A P H I C IS U R V E Y L- - - 2 STOXI C., ii i NO o/. :cess Ren sow N= OT -1 - I.BE 15. 1111 1AIIIAL NO' N- T :OM TI B` BT,O ROOFED EN1111- NNI IA W M MANHOLE E STORM P Xll.lATlXN A . 21 OLi'O I Je.- I I I I , I Nn -- -- --- - ------------------- j OENI- �,Q) ElreuuvwS STORM MANHOLE 0-0 LEJ BE MOBTN - -MI V (BETIENT), js OO x � � � C �u� 7� '° 7AR^ ' � �• i�xu srz0 ZA IMP IN. 10 R. -H IT DUE 1NV�; 0-- (NPW�� 0 _Al wwn xor ti 'fqr \ mur. Awa ,h,� t .-NINEE) B. I.NI NEE) (IARNIK OOILD NOT BE DETERN I .-B M.I we aKBaro mm . ........ SNOB F�% Ow - CONCRDp N. vcvxc. FAVEM =I_- =6 rAVENI,N, y it m 'IT I'll RO,,,a yo �-b IN, I -Al - - - - - - - - - - O -L -R -Al ())STORM MANHOLE BISCAYNE5� 47BNAL NOT 11 1-1-0) BAY 4""- T. GRAPHIC S- IN FEET BE-- LONGITU SURVEYOR PZ48-5113 4- 117112/19 7715 NW 46th STREET SUM 310 DORAL, FLORIDA 33166 PH: (305) 463-0912 FAX: (305) 513-5680 FLORIDA CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION LB 7335 3ECTI N-TOWNSHI-SOUTH-RANIGE I EAST LYING AND BEING IN CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA - - - - - - - - N L 0 LOCATION MAP LINXTOFTHEEBUWEY N. - ON Am Ir0'p0ppnnc r0 Iola30- '01 1'1-.-V�l ao LU Lu PERTINENT INFORMATION USED [N THE PREPARATION OF THEW OF SURVEY n =) ch E 0- AE- -M.A.WIHEWf LU ci '0 cl) 0 0. 7 0 On, U .-OO-n-a-, BE By xr T , R: NI— RE A E - J - TR, AI) -1-17 35.0.00 1 Sheet 1 of 1 rm srREEi I1Furn�gIN�II ,TI IIII�_I�-\\\y PORI BWAiM4PD kE SN SlRFF! ❑ PARCEL R� '/"(� SURVEY Win. 4 ❑ AREA w RETAN NE JM ¢� PARCR' NE 2M LOCA77ON ANP A PORIPoN 1 Sm- Jl TONBSHM 51 -.. RANGE 41 EAST WMO-D,Df crnmrr noRmA Nor ro scNE SURWMR5 NOTES. LOW DESCRIPRON I) IWS SK£)CH REPR£SEVIS A EaINGWY SOftEY' CLWW`IYCE THE NCRRIEAS! 1 Lam" 61 NGRM 1 RB' A.L b1AA MAP 1 WAW, :/- / 2) IEO91 ➢mCRIPipN SIROWN NERE0.N 5 B45£D ON IN£ORAl1)]0.N PNOyroE➢ BY CUEM JI UNLESS ORKRX0.ff NOTED. MAS FIRM HAS W)r AiIEWIE➢ ro LOGTE FOWMGS AM10/OR hiMAMNiNAVS. I ' Ar P RECOPOED M PIAT mLYf 9' AI PAGE 41. 1 ]N£ PLTMIC RfC1051 WAW-DA1 CaMIIY, TIRUN NOUN B93B7d FAST ALLWG THE E0.5RM.Y PRIXpIGAJttM' [Y RIE nCFNA,' l 4) IH5 SUPYEY WAS PRfPARm EOR ]]K IXa.15M USE OF THE ENR11E5 NIM£0 IkREDI4. ]HE ATIAGNED CERIIEKAThG4 OOfS M1GT EXl£NO TO ANY UWWIIm PARRES 1- NOFRNRLY LPW 1 N0^J: 61 NORM 15910 Al KNONiW MAP 1WAW, F1 A aSIANC£ 1 AOS1J RET ro A PCYNI.' RIENCE RUN SaIM MG8'ir' MES! FGP A, 1 ICGW REI ro 5) ME PRIERIY SHORN H£R£ON FADS RDEPoll RO00 ILWO ZOAE K• (EL 11J. ANO Yf' (EL ASIS - S IS A PANT 1 MIERSECAT NM RK SWM [AVE 1 PORIWWEYARD AS RECORDED W OR ___ P£F RWD INSU INCE R41E MRP N0. 11086WJI4L /NO P£R nWO MSUW/CE RA!£ WW fAJ iNIB6WIHC I 8L A, RECO'ro5 BOYf 6911 AT PAC£ 240. CY RK P CI AOE CO'MIY, fCCFIOA, WM MAPS aA]m SEPTEMBER Ii 1009, M(KK WW Garro SFi'lEM&R II 1009. 6) WSIBLE M0.'fA1OR5 1 UMRIE$ ARE SHOWN HEREON, HOME4FR. IAi ATIEVPI HA$ EE£N WWf TO IDGIE -1A A -111 IEH)lCf RUN SWM WA911• NSI F<M A aSIANC£ 118A IT. ro A PONT SWM 8931'49' EAST FG4 A a5IAN1125BJ RFI ro A Pa4i.' RRNCE RUN SWM OOA9'N° IMOERGRWNO R£MIS J ME 0/STANCES SHOWN ALONG R2 BWNOWY OF THE SUBllCT PROMRIY ARE RECORD ANO UGSLWEO RES! FGP A A5JANLf 141.50 RET ro A PONT, MFNLE RUN NORM 893119" MESI FAP A a5lANCE 11183 Imt fi A-1 RNA'S RUN SWM WV8'11" NST fCR A A5TANCE 1 i U4ILSS OMEFWSE STAIm. 114.50 fFE-A-1. THEME MM SWM 893119' EAST FOR A a5TAN112SBJ REr ro B) MI5 SURIhY 5 SUBECT ID El6E1AEi/i5 AYD RICINS-OF-W9Y RNT A -I Bf REFIECJEO ON A SEARCH OF A PONT, I-RWY SMIN -71' HEST f0R A dSIANCE CY 4150 REI r0 A MMA'T III - 9) 1 ME LAKCT UNAi 9J EiEItITION$ WHEN SNOXN HEREOµ RE1£R ro NI]IONM. GEODEITC KRA:9L INN 1 rsZ9 (NC y0. ). RLN NWM H931'A9' NEST IW A aTTAM'f 1119.58 RE! TD A -1 RI£NCf RUN SWM OORN11' WSr TOR A aStA 115.W REr M A Pa NT' HENCE RIM NLRM 893119' NST / 10) PUBNC BENCMNRKS' oI NAN£. CITY 1 MMW BM FOP A 0.5`AM£ 115221 REI TO A PCMT 1 pIIER.FCTKN NM A LMCTIO f££` EASTERLY 1 AND PARKLR NM, AS ME - AT RIGHT ANafS 14 - -NGVIIMENI LNE 1 �@S PK MWN£R M TA' -GARNER M?ERSECiNM NE 1 5)TtEE/ k BISGMIE BWIXLVAPO ELEYA]#M=10142, -112A @SC.IYNE BO'IXEyARD (_).RkNCE RUN -.1631'19' IST, AIbVG A L PA.- NIH, AS MFASI D AT WTIT A,M W aR MCNUM£NT LME OP A DISTANCE 151.18 RFT ro ftEUA1bN=9.98 (MG.V.O. 1919) 6) NAVE F-239 A I -T, MfIK£ GOYRNUE ALCWC A 1-110 RET GSIEREY OF ANO PABALIR NM, AS MEASI-I AT RKNT AI -IM RW aIYWMUWNr LMf SWM 09:1.1'11• EAST FC1P A DISTANCE EIEYAIlON=9.90 (WG.V.0. 29) [OC9)roN 1: N.E. 6 S71- --- N.W. LAPN£ I 1 MRRSECRON 1139.11 REI TO A -1,,, RkTGE RUN SWM 8931'49' G51 FAP A aSrANCE 114096 REI M A PLYNi, IP- RUN SWM -ZkJ' EAST FLN A aSIANCE 160449 fFEI ro A PGNP, LO A9 1: U.S. MKNWAY 11 (B5GYNE 60ULEVA40J --- 11.5• NESJ Si, MFSI CURB OESLNIPROIF U5. C B G &PASS 0.50 SF! YERRGN£Y M NORIN FACE AND NLW NE CORNER 1 INE RKA'iY RUN SWM 6530'46'G51 FGR A pSlAME 1410.51 R£1- CW LESS TO A PLMI1 1 MIERWC- NM RIC -T- WIYWAINARG Al- WARRANTY •LM4W NEWS' BWmMG 1/) M1G ATIENPT NAS BEEN MNE ro LOG42 NKL OR f£NCf FCG1£/f0(INMTpNi 11) a au^AWE BWrW,vc -cK LMEs ARFCTMG >Nf sve 1 SRf ARE NOT sExww xEREax. vARMNcm DfEO IIEO .4YY i4 196; AND fNEp .IMY JT 1985 LNDf.P OfNtT FB£ N0. HSR-' FAST,, O� RIE PUBrAC R£IXWOS 1WAW-RAD£ CGMlY, rzneloA: IH£M^E RLN NWM 111JY1' GSI, ACWc na �ES1 L.re 1 sAro BA -AREA, F1 A -A-16111-1 ro A Pax` FROM CUPREM ZONRA: CODES WY EX5! el5m ON LIE PGN APRMYKS WTAWm DLMM1'G PERW/RAG PRWESSES. 1J) `WS FlRM GOES NOT CERTIFY iHF FA1EM M NNGI M£ SUN£CI LIE CGMHAFS NM APPIMAB!£ ZOVMC RE -TATS R£GUUIbNS AND RESM2)KM5 ANY ZCMING MFOF.WIION REOWR£0 TO HE S40N1 ON Mf MENCF RIM NGPM 6246'46 -1, Ar -1 A-11 Z W LAS! - GWR.$ Tar A ASTANCF 111.11 RFT ro TIE Pari 1 eEavWnG 1 ME FafoxAG 1s11azo vARrm 1 LAND' RHML RUN H1H 653B'W' MES! F1 A 0.5TANCE 1 M.6B RFI TO A PCbVT,' I- � �. FACE 1 MAS SORRY SI61LL BE &SED 0.V MF0.PWIliON PR0110E0 BY GY.KNT. RG99 N1M 14W34' EAST FCR A aSTANCF 1111.05 R£! iD A -T.- HENCE 44W SWM - 6538'01" EAST FOR A gSlAH111268 FEE! ro A PGNi, MENC£ RLN SWM 14 W 34' NST 14) THE BEARMGS SHOMN HEREON REIATE TO AN ASSUMED BEMYNG (NB9'S8'18'1) KONG RIE EASTERLY PRWOMAMM 1 ]IK NORMERLY LNK 1 BLOCK 61 NORM, AL KNOWLIDN AMP 1 NWW.' PUBLA: £AP A A5TAN1111I.A5 RET PoTME 1 BEaAAY1, RECORDS OF WAW -WOE COUMY, no,Proa IB) PARCn 1 L4k9 -.-I BOl) SWARF R£i. WME CYt fESS 1, 0185 A(AES M1E C1P CEMRC47/0N• HS IS TO CER1Y TO RIf I2eEiN NANm FlRM(S) AND/OR PERSAv(S) MAr RE "BOUNDARY SURKY 1 ME EIFREW DESCRIBED PRI 1 AS IRI A' ANO COF 1 TO 11# WS t 1 NY KNONEDGE AND BRIEF AS -a' SUPffYE➢ AND DFAMN UNDER NY SUPERNLON ANO aRECRaI al DECEMBER 28 2018 111I5 SURW:Y COWMN.S NM ME STANDARD F1 PRACTICE REWAKMENTS AS SET F0.PM M RULES 5FI-I AND SJ -IT- AS -D BY W Il"A BOARD SF PRIESLWK SURVEYORS ANO MAPPERS PURSUANT TD CHAPTER 412021. FLOIWDA Stidbl4CBI2C' Skin & T4ddac •YP.C. I MEC. W9FN SrEHN ✓OHNSaM PRMaPAL PROFFSSpM' L UNO SLWKT0.P No.4115 srATE 1 nGWG PORr aoDDev� CnHfl mrr. � z � � .12113 A/M .mss ww�y$q zx �a 6f -�im�r v� a•1r � 91 i g,�r.a�M mH:H15ArWr.I 4zg LEGAL DESCRIP71ON COURSE k DISTANCE SG I£. 1'=150' 20" 0 r0' ON EE) I INCH = 10 FEE! U v O_ b` AJ -5666 Skywhee/ Parcel Legal Description: SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY LEGAL DESCRIPTION SKYWHEEL PARCEL Commence at the Northeast corner of Block 61 North of the A.L. KNOWLT OF M/AM t "Ook age 41, of the Public Records of Miami—Dade County, Florida, thence run Nort '1Bo Past, ff .e hdi at spermit/ toa o�oeq°ti e Northerly line of Block 61 North of said A.L. KNOWLTON MAP OF MIAMI, fo OW -en g u a#an�ls�dP va kv�r ?fie outh 0008'11 " West for o distance of 100.00 feet to a point of intersection wit nT is�ecp aona% (ficial Records Book 6811 at Page 240, of the Public Records of Miami—Dade Cou rrgrla�oaY rt geal�yjlMar� PaTnlrpy'�IlPfe�S r' a i io a �SG�t arir�'g aan�`render either a distance of 181.09 feet to a point; thence run South 8951'49" East for o of 23.8 oati�ormfi t)on.thence th 0008'11'" West for a distance of 41.50 feet to a point; thence run North 89 estpzo.. d 83 fe point; thence run South 0008'11" West for a distance of 174.50 feet to a point; the u 8 for of 23.83 feet to a point, thence run South 0008'11" West for a distance of 41.50 feet to 1 oF_ est for a distance of 179.58 feet to a point; thence run South 0008'11' West for a distance run North 895149" West for a distance of 157.27 feet to a point of intersection with a line 210 a alleI with, as measured at right angles to, the City Monument line of Biscayne Boulevard (North); thence run Sou 165129" East, along a line parallel with, as measured at right angles to, the City Monument line for a distance of 57.78 feet to a point, • thence continue along a line 210 feet Easterly of and parallel with, as measured at right angles to, the City Monument line South 0933'21" East for a distance of 139.74 feet to a point, thence run South 895149" East for a distance of 140.96 feet to a point, thence run South 5658103" East for a distance of 604.49 feet to a point; thence run South 6550'46" East for a distance of 470.52 feet more or less to a point of intersection with the West line of the Baywolk Area as described in the Warranty Deed dated July 14, 1985, and filed July 31, 1985, under Clerks File No. 85R-231126, of the Public Records of Miami—Dade County, Florida; thence run North 27"13'14" East, along the West line of said Boywolk Area, for o distance of 40.48 feet to a point; thence run North 624646" West, at right angles to the last described course, for a distance of 11.05 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of the following described parcel of land.- thence run North 652051" West for a distance of 74.47 feet to a point; thence run North 243909" East for a distance of 170.25 feet to a point, thence run South 652051" East for a distance of 74.47 feet to a point; thence run South 243909" West for a distance of 170.25 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said parcel of land containing 12,679 square feet, more or less or, 0.291 acres, more or less. NOTE - 1. Bearings shown hereon relate to on assumed bearing (N8958'18'E) along Easterly prolongation of the Northerly line of Block 61 North, A.L. Knowlton Mop of Miami, Plat Book B at Page 41, of the Public Records of Miami—Dade County, Florida. 2. The legal description shown hereon was based on information provided by client. J. This sketch has been prepared for the exclusive use of the entity or entities named hereon only. The certification herein does not extend to any unnamed parties. 4. See Sheet 1 of 2 for Sketch To Accompany Legal Description. Prepared For. Sky View Miami z Ile. LAND SURVEYORS ENGINEERS LAND P-LANNERS` •.�'y' 3240 CORPORATE WAY, MIRA4fAR, FLORIDA 33025 DADE.•(305) 652-7010 BROWARD:(954) 435-70(0~"FA `�3�§� 652; 6tt" - ORDER NO. • 209637 P ARED UNDE)�T A?i '-SP RWSIOW THIS IS NOT A 'LAND SURVEY." �. DATE: FEB. 08, 2019 SHEET ? OF ? SHEET(S) F B.. N -A. MARK STEVEN JOHNSON, PRINCIPAL FLORIDA PROF. LAND SURVEYOR NO. 4775 SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY LEGAL DESCRIPTION SKYWHEEL PARCEL PORT BOULEVARD (O.R.B. 6811, PC. 240) SOUTH LINE, 70343_ — o = PORT BOULEVARD N89'58'18'E —R/W _ o o R.B. 6811, PG. 240 • P.O.C. -- -- fi �- _ • NORTHEAST CORNER GARAGE PARCEL 23.83' SOF BLOCK 61, (O.R.B. 12690, PG. o F%�S89-51'49 E A.L. KNOWLTON 159) / MAP OF M/AMl' 23.83' (P. B. B, PG. 41) R N89 5149tiV�, 12 a; 210-0 23.83' ^ S89'51'49"E �n NO Olwf t- v o tel. 1 51� v � 157.27' d — 179.58 tl o 57.78"-�-- N89 51 '49 W N89'5149 W voi S16751291E 1 *, "RETAIL PARCEL" b w A (O.R.B. 12684, PG. I N k 140.96' 157) 1 m 589751'49 E` j \ s 1 sss R9• LEGEND: BAYFRONT PARK F \ \ RETAIL PARCEL" \ (O.R.B. 12684, PG. - Monument Line 157) lL' — Property Line 'f R/W — Right—of—Way P.B. — Plat Book ssSO'6F Pg. — Page P.O.B. — Point of Beginning P.O.C. — Point of Commencement O.R.B. — Official Records Book NOTE SC L�R�O `NOTICE Completion of staff review indicatespetmit application meets minimum requirements under Miami 21andlorlhe City of Miami Code, only. This permit application will need to be sche tiled for a public hearing in accordance with timelines set forth in the Eif� Miami Code. The applicable decision-making body will review the permit application at the public hearing and re er either a recommendation or a final decision ; A ROS; - 11.05'— N62'46'46 W PZ -18-51 6 07/12/1 'b � V Aj• F y16S/ i J / NORTH LINE OF BAYWALK AREA" CLERK'S F/LEJ 170.25' 85R-231126 S24'39'09w 40.48' N27'13'14 E WEST LINE OF 'BA YWALK AREA" CLERK'S FILET/ 85R-231126 1. Bearings shown hereon relate to on assumed bearing (N8958'18'E) along Easterly prolongation of the Northerly line of Block 61 North, 'A.L. Knowlton Mop of Miami, Plot Book B at Page 41, of the Public Records of Miami—Dade County, Florida. 2. The legal description shown hereon was based on information provided by client. J. This sketch has been prepared for the exclusive use of the entity or entities named hereon only. The certification herein does not extend to any unnamed parties. 4. See Sheet 2 of 2 for Legal Description. Prepared For.- Sky Vews — Miomi, LLC. LAND SURVEYORS ENGINEERS LAND .PLANNERS 3240 CORPORATE WAY, MIRAMAR, FLORIDA 33025 D4DE.•(305) 652-7010 BROWARD. (954) 4,35 =7010.4 ` FAA�iO0 652 9 48 Y ORDER NO.: 209637 PREPAREu_, UNDEIJIVISIQAhr THIS IS NOT A "LAND SURVEY." DATE: FEB. 08, 2019 SHEET 1 OF 2 SHEET(S) F. B.: N.A. MARK STEVEN JOHNSON, PRINCIPAL FLORIDA PROF. LAND SURVEYOR NO. 4775 U 0 'b � V Aj• F y16S/ i J / NORTH LINE OF BAYWALK AREA" CLERK'S F/LEJ 170.25' 85R-231126 S24'39'09w 40.48' N27'13'14 E WEST LINE OF 'BA YWALK AREA" CLERK'S FILET/ 85R-231126 1. Bearings shown hereon relate to on assumed bearing (N8958'18'E) along Easterly prolongation of the Northerly line of Block 61 North, 'A.L. Knowlton Mop of Miami, Plot Book B at Page 41, of the Public Records of Miami—Dade County, Florida. 2. The legal description shown hereon was based on information provided by client. J. This sketch has been prepared for the exclusive use of the entity or entities named hereon only. The certification herein does not extend to any unnamed parties. 4. See Sheet 2 of 2 for Legal Description. Prepared For.- Sky Vews — Miomi, LLC. LAND SURVEYORS ENGINEERS LAND .PLANNERS 3240 CORPORATE WAY, MIRAMAR, FLORIDA 33025 D4DE.•(305) 652-7010 BROWARD. (954) 4,35 =7010.4 ` FAA�iO0 652 9 48 Y ORDER NO.: 209637 PREPAREu_, UNDEIJIVISIQAhr THIS IS NOT A "LAND SURVEY." DATE: FEB. 08, 2019 SHEET 1 OF 2 SHEET(S) F. B.: N.A. MARK STEVEN JOHNSON, PRINCIPAL FLORIDA PROF. LAND SURVEYOR NO. 4775 U $KETW TO ACICIOMPANY LEOL DESCRIPTION SKYWHEEL PARCEL Skywheel Parcel Legal Description: Commence at the Northeast corner of Block 61 North of the A.L. KNOWLTON MAP OF MiAMI, as recorded in Plat Book "B" at Page 41, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida; thence run North 8958'18" East, along the Easterly prolongation of the Northerly line of Block 61 North of said A.L. KNOR TON MAP OF MIAMI, for a distance of 703.43 feet to a point; thence run South 0008'11" West for a distance of 100.00 feet to a point of intersection with the South line of Port Boulevard, as recorded in Official Records Book 6811 at Page 240, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florido, thence run South 00001 " West for a distance of 181.09 feet to a point,- thence run South 895149" East for a distance of 23.83 feet to a point; thence run South 0008'11" West for a distance of 41,50 feet to a point; thence run North 895149" West for a distance of 23.83 feet to a point; thence run South 0008'11" West for a distance of 174.50 feet to a point; thence run South 8951'49" East for a distance of 23.83 feet to a point; thence run South 000871" West for a distance of 41.50 feet to a point; thence run North 8951'49" West for a distance of 179.58 feet to a point; thence run South 0008'11 " West for a distance of 25.00 feet to a point; thence run North 895149" West for a distance of 157.27 feet to a point of intersection with a line 210 feet Easterly of and parallel with, as measured of right angles to, the City Monument line of Biscayne Boulevard (North); thence run South 165129" East, along a line parallel with, as measured at right angles to, the C;1y Monument line for a distance of 57.78 feet to a point; thence continue along a line 210 feet Easterly of and parallel with, as measured at right angles to, the City Monument line South 09;33'21" East for a distance of 139.74 feet to a point; thence run South 8951'49" East for a distance of 140.96 feet to a point; thence run South 565803" East for a distance of 604.49 feet to a point; thence run South 6550'46" East for a distance of 470.52 feet more or less to a point of intersection with the West line of the Boywolk Area as described in the Warranty Deed dated July 14, 1985, and Red July 31, 1985, under Clerk's File No. 85R-231126, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida; thence run North 2773'14" East, along the West line of said Baywalk Area, for a distance of 65.17 feet to o point; thence run North 6246,46" West, at right angles to the last described course, for a distance of 11.17 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of the following described parcel of land.- thence run North 6.558'01" West for a distance of 72.68 feet to a point; thence run North 24104'54" East for a distance of 111.05 feet to a point; thence run South 6558101" East for o distance of 72.68 feet to a point; thence run South 24'04'54" West for a distance of 111.05 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said parcel of land containing 8,071 square feet, more or less or, 0.185 acres, more or less. NOTE: 1. Bearings shown hereon relate to on assumed bearing (N8956'18"E) along Easterly prolongation of the Northerly line North, A.L. Knowlton Map of Miami, Plat Book B at Page 41, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Floridc 2. The legal description shown hereon was based on information provided by client, 3 This sketch has been prepared for the exclusive use of the entity or entities named hereon only. The certification extend to any unnamed parties. 4. See Sheet 1 of 2 for Sketch To Accompany Legal Description, Prepared For. Sky View Miami C4W ed& - S . & V4 , 41 "c. LAND SURVEYORS ENGINEERS - LAND PLANNERS 3240 CORPORATE WAY, MIRAMAR, FLORIDA 33025 DADE.•(305) 652-7010 THIS IS NOT A "LAND SURVEY." SHEET z OF ? SHEET(S) ORDER NO.: 20963'7 DA TE: JAN. 3, 2019 F, B.: N.A. of Block 61 herein does not (LB -87) BROWARD:(954) 435-7010 FAX.(305) 652-6284 P PARED UNDER MY SUPERVISION, MARK STEVEN JOHNSON, PRINCIPAL FLORIDA PROF LAND SURVEYOR NO 4775 N v � K \375442\BAYSIDE MARKET PLACE DESIGN SURVEY 3-10-2015\SKETCH LEGAL \dwg\BAYSIDE MARKETPLACE - SKETCH LEGAL - SKYWHEEL 20190102.dwg, 1/3/2019 5:14:32 P SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY LEGAL DESCRIPTION SKYWHEEL PARCEL PORT BOULEVARD (O.R.B. 6811, PG. 240) SOUTH LINE, i scale: 1 "=300, sf — — 703.43 _g ~ PORT BOULEVARD N89'S8 181 Rf W I $ g R.B. 6811, PG. 740 1 ----- P.Q.C. _— m �---- NORTHEAST CORNER"GARAGE PARCEL' $' I 23.83' OF BLOCK 61, (O.R.B. 12690, PG: �C 589"51'49"E A,L. KNOWLTON 159) MAP OF MIAM!" 23.83' (P.B. B. PG. 41) R N89.51 '49 W�� f R 1 210.0 x r"'$ 23.83' 7 o in b ry $ w/I � � vy � MARINA 15727" �--F�— — j R 1N89'51 '49 lY N8179.58- 9 WV g `` ,�0 ss 57.78'—�� 516'51291 g 4, �o RETAIL PARCEL » Fp Q1v g• °� / � a (O.R.8. 12684, PG, y _ :-140.96- 157) 589'51'491~ f S6yp9 LEGEND: 4 BAYFRONT PARK RfTAlL PARCEL" - Monument Line .R•B. 157 84, PG. ,Ah s44 o' �/ss/r I o o e¢p• , - Property Line ) �ry��� _j I NORTH LINE OF P,.8. - Plot Book %yQy s,6Sp? `s �/ k » CLERKS FILBA YKALK RE/» Pg. - Poge Ash f 111,05' 85R-231126 P. 0, B. -Point of Beginning P.p.$. �24'a454W P. 0. C. - Point of Commencement 11,17' 65.17' 0. R. B. - Officiol Records Book N6246 46 W N2713'14"E WEST LINE OF BAYWALK AREA CLERKS FILET' 85R-231126 NOTE.' 1. Bearings shown hereon relate to an assumed bearing (N895878'E) along Easterly prolongotion of the Northerly line of Block 61 North, A.L. Knowlton Mop of Miami, Plot Book B at Page 41, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. 2. The legal description shown hereon was based on information provided by client. 3. This sketch has been prepared for the exclusive use of the entity or entities named hereon only, The certification herein does not extend to any unnamed parties. 4 See Sheet 2 of 2 for Legal Description. Prepared For: Sky Views - Miami, LLC t t (LB -87) LAND SURVEYORS ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS 3240 CORPORATE WAY, MIRAMAR FLORIDA 3.1025 DADE'(305) 652-7010 BROW.ARL':(954) 4,15-7010 FAX(30,5) 552-6284 ORDER NO.: 209537 71DEUNDER MY SUPERVISION: THIS IS NOTA 'LAND SURVEY." DATE: JAN. 3, 2019 r MARK STEVEN JOHNSON, PRINCIPAL SHEETOF SHEET(S) F.B.: N.A. FLORIDA PROF. LAND SURVEYOR NO. 4775 JF K:\375442\13AYSIDE MARKETPLACE DESIGN SURVEY 3-10-2015\ SKETCH LEGAL\dcvg\BAYSIDE MARKETPLACE -SKETCH LEGAL- SKYWHEEL 20190102.dwg, 1/3/2019 6:15:39 P ACKNOWLEDGEMENT BY APPLICANT 1. The Department of Resilience and Public Works, Transportation, Coordinated Review Committee and other City and County agencies review zoning public hearing requests and provide input, which may affect the scheduling and outcome of my hearing. These reviews may require additional hearings before other City and County boards, which may result in the modification of plans, studies and/or the proffering of agreements to be recorded. The submission and acceptance of a request for public hearing means that the application is ready to be scheduled for public hearing. I am also aware that I must comply promptly with any City or County conditions and notify the Hearing Boards (Hearing Boards) in writing if my public hearing application will be withdrawn. 2. Filing fees may not be the total cost of a hearing. Some requests require notices to be mailed to property owners up to a mile from the subject property and I am responsible for paying the additional radius mailing costs. In addition to mailing costs, I am responsible for additional fees related to application changes, plan revisions, deferrals, re -advertising, etc. that may be incurred. I understand that fees must be paid promptly. The only fees that will be refunded after the submission and acceptance of an application for public hearing has occurred will be the surcharge fees related to appeals, as expressly listed in Chapter 62 of the City Code (Code). 3. Requests for public hearing will be scheduled by the Hearing Boards in accordance with the scheduling timeline set forth in the Code and the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami (Miami 21), as applicable. 1 must submit any requests to reschedule, continue or defer my hearing date to the attention of the decision-making body for its consideration and vote at the public hearing on which my application is scheduled to be heard. I understand that any requests by the applicant to reschedule, continue or defer the hearing date that are granted shall incur a $1,000.00 fee, per instance, as per the Code. 4. Applicable Florida Building Code requirements, or other applicable requirements, may affect my ability to obtain a building permit even if my zoning application is approved; and a building permit will probably be required. I am responsible for obtaining any required permits and inspections for all structures and additions proposed, or built, without permits. In addition, a Certificate of Use (C.U.) must be obtained for the use of the property after it has been approved at a zoning public hearing. Failure to obtain the required permits and/or C.U., Certificates of Completion (C.C.), or Certificate of Occupancy (C.O.) will result in an enforcement action against any occupant and owner. Submittal of the zoning public hearing request may not forestall enforcement action against the property. 6. If my request is denied, deferred, or otherwise not approved, I understand that I will not be reimbursed for any fees paid. 6. Any requests by the applicant to reschedule, continue or defer the hearing date that are granted shall incur a $1,000.00 fee, per instance, as per the Code. 7. Any covenant to be voluntarily proffered must be submitted in word format to the Planning Department and to the Office of the City Attorney through ePlan for review and comments from the Planning Department, Office of the City Attorney, and any other City departments as deemed necessary. The covenant will be reviewed in ePlan and the applicant will be notified of any necessary changes, corrections or comments through ePlan. Once the covenant receives a recommendation of approval from the Planning department and as to legal form, Hearing Boards staff will extract the approved covenant directly from ePlan to include as part of the agenda. The applicant is responsible to submit to the Hearing Boards the signed covenant with a current Opinion of Title no later than two (2) weeks prior to the initial public hearing. I understand that any requests by the applicant to reschedule, continue or defer the hearing date that are granted shall incur a $1,000.00 fee, per instance, as per the Code. 8. Any and all documents submitted must be accompanied by a cover letter indicating the subject matter, application number and hearing date. Applicant(s) Name Printed Applicant(s) Signature and Date STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE The for9going was ac nowledged before me this �t day of ' 20 1 c'! by SO 0S who is a(n) individual/partner/agent/corporation o,y;5 .�frr� C a(n) Li- individual/partnership/corporation. He/She is C� erso by known Mme or ❑ who has prod ced as identification and who ❑ did E'ldid .not take an oath. ':�*•';, DAVID SACKS MY COMMISSIDN 8 GG 235616 (Stamp) ;J �+ EXPIRES. September 26,2022 Signature ^ 8WW ihu Nfty Pubic Wde+tMNers waft Rev. 04-16-2019 Note: Annual Registration Expires on 12/31/2419 CITY OF MIAMI LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM Instructions: Please complete all sections of this form and submit the completed form, with the applicable fee(s), to the Office of the City Clerk. If you need more space to complete a section, use a separate sheet(s) of paper. If you have nothing to report in a particular section, you must type or print "None" or "NIA" in that section. IF ANY SECTION IS LEFT BLANK, THE FORM WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Important: It is the responsibility of the lobbyist to ensure that ALL active lobbyist registration forms, including active lobbyist registration forms submitted in previous years, remain up-to-date. (1) Lobbyist Name: Sacks, David E. (Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial) Are you a Principal of the corporation, partnership, trust, etc.? YES NO® (vou must check YES or NO) Business Phone: 305-379-2425 Email: dsacks@pathmanlewis.com Business Address (include Zip Code): 2 South Biscayne Blvd., Suite 2400, Miami, Florida 33131 (2) Principal Represented: Sky Views - Miami {Name of corporation, partnership, trust, etc., you are representing) Business Address (include Zip Code): 401 Biscayne Blvd., Suite S-127, Miami, Florida 33132 (3) IF YOU PROVIDED INFORMATION IN SECTION 2 ABOVE, PLEASE REVIEW THIS SECTION CAREFULLY. If a lobbyist represents a corporation, partnership or trust, the lobbyist must disclose the name and business address of the chief officer, partner or beneficiary of the corporation, partnership or trust, and the names and addresses of all persons holding, directly or indirectly, at least five percent (5%) ownership interest in said corporation, partnership or trust. Attach separate sheet if needed. If this section is not applicable vou must tvve or print "None" or "N/A". Jim Riggs - 7120 E. Kierland Blvd, #807, Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Charlene & Guy Leavitt - 2519 E. Keresan Blvd., Phoenix, AZ 85244 (4) Specific issue associated with lobbying. Describe with as much detail as is practical. Attach a separate sheet if needed. If you are using this form for your Annual Registration, please write "Annual Registration" and the year that you are registering for (ex: Annual Registration 2019). Zoning approval for Sky Views - Miami 176' Observation Wheel at Bayside Marketplace Page 1 of 2 Office of the City Clerk, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, FL 33133 / Phone: (305) 250-5361 / Email: eterks@miamigov.com CM -LRF (Rev. 06/19) (5) Lobbyists shall be required to state the existence of any direct or indirect business association, partnership, or financial relationship with the Mayor, any member of the City Commission, any member of a City board, the City Manager or a member of the City staff before whom he/she lobbies or intends to lobby. Attach separate sheet if needed. If this section is not applicable you must tvpe or print "None" or "N/A". Lobbyists, as defined in City Code Section 2-653, shall pay an annual registration fee of $525.00, plus $105.00 for each principal represented for each issue lobbied on behalf of any one principal. Each issue associated with lobbying shall be described with as much detail as is practical. The City Clerk, or the City Clerk's designee, shall reject any registration statement that does not provide a clear description of the specific issue on which such lobbyist has been retained to lobby or if any section of this form is left blank. Regardless of the date of the annual registration, all lobbyists' annual registrations shall expire December 31 of each calendar year and shall be renewed on a calendar year basis. Each lobbyist shall, within sixty (60) days after registering as a lobbyist, submit to the Office of the City Clerk a certificate of completion of an ethics course offered by the Miami -Dade County Commission on Ethics & Public Trust ("Ethics Commission"). Lobbyists who have completed the initial ethics course mandated by the preceding sentence and have continuously registered as a lobbyist thereafter shall be required to complete a refresher ethics course offered by the Ethics Commission every two (2) years. Each lobbyist who has completed a refresher ethics course shall submit a certificate of completion within sixty (60) days after registering as a lobbyist. I do solemnly swear that all of the foregoing facts are true and correct, and I have read or am familiar with the provisions contained in Chapter 2, Article VI, Sections 2-651 through 2-658 of the Miami City Code, as amended. E STATE OF FLORIDA ( Signature of Lobbyist COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE Sworn to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me this 10 day of JU1Y Davi . Sacks (Name of person making statement) �7 ignature of Notary Publi Personally Known: I Y I OR Produced Identification: Type of Identification Produced: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: Check # CM -LRF (Rev. 06/19) Page 2 of 2 2019 by g Public state a FWft Tandy Name of (NOTARY SEAL) Receipt # Note: Annual Registration Fee Effective Through 12/31/2019 CITY OF MIAMI For Office Check# Use Only: LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM (1) Lobbyist Name: Soos, Robert (Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial) Business Phone: 909-717-1305 Business Address: 401 Biscayne Blvd., Suite S-127, Miami, FL Email Address: rtsoos@outlook.com (2) Principal Represented: Sky Views - Miami Business Address: 401 Biscayne Blvd., Suite S-127, Miami, FL Receipt# ©Check box if Principal Zip 33132 Zip 33132 (3) Specific issue associated with lobbying (if representing a corporation, partnership or trust, give business address of chief officer, partner, or beneficiary of same, and the names and addresses of all persons holding, directly or indirectly, at least five percent (5%) ownership interest in said corporation, partnership or trust). Zoning approval for Sky Views - Miami 175' Observation Wheel at Bayside Marketplace Jim Riggs - 7120 E. Kierland Blvd., #807, Scottsdale, AZ 85254/Chariene & Guy Leavitt - 2519 E. Keresan Blvd., Phoenix, AZ 85244 (4) Lobbyists shall state the extent of any business association, partnership, or financial relationship with the Mayor, any member of the City Commission, any member of a City board, the City Manager or a member of the City staff before whom he or she lobbies, or intends to lobby. No such relationships Lobbyists shall pay all registration fees ($525.00 annually, plus $105.00 for each principal represented and for each issue a lobbyist has been retained to lobby on behalf of any one principal), and specifically define the issue for which they are employed. The Clerk shall reject any statement which does not detail the issue for which the lobbyist has been employed. Each lobbyist shall, within sixty (60) days after registering as a lobbyist, submit to the City Clerk's Office a certificate of completion of an ethics course offered by the Miami -Dade County Commission on Ethics & Public Trust ("Ethics Commission"). Lobbyists who have completed the initial ethics course mandated by the preceding sentence and have continuously registered as a lobbyist thereafter shall be required to complete a refresher ethics course offered by the Ethics Commission every two (2) years. Each lobbyist who has completed a refresher ethics course shall submit a certificate of completion within sixty (60) days after registering as a lobbyist. I do solemnly swear that all of the foregoing facts are true and correct, and I have read or am familiar with the provisions contained in Sections 2-651 through 2-658 of the Miami City Code, as amended. L S Alexander Friedman Lobbyist Signature NOTARY PUBLIC State of Florida, County of Miami -Dade o o STATE OF FLORIDA Sworn to and subscribed before me this ? Comm# GG 182408 day of QLd 1 Expires 2/8/2022 N�32 or Deputy Clerk Office of the City Clerk, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, FL 33133 / Pho-5361 / Email: clerks@miamigov.com Note: Annual Registration Expires on 12/31/2019 CITY OF MIAMI LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM Instructions: Please complete all sections of this form and submit the completed form, with the applicable fee(s), to the Office of the City Clerk. If you need more space to complete a section, use a separate sheet(s) of paper. If you have nothing to report in a particular section, you must type or print "None" or "N/A" in that section. IF ANY SECTION IS LEFT BLANK, THE FORM WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Important: It is the responsibility of the lobbyist to ensure that ALL active lobbyist registration forms, including active lobbyist registration forms submitted in previous years, remain up-to-date. (1) Lobbyist Name: Pathman, Wayne M. (Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial) Are you a Principal of the corporation, partnership, trust, etc.? YES F� NO ® (vou must check YES or NO) Business Phone: 305-379-2425 Email: wpathman@pathmanlewis.com Business Address (include Zip Code): 2 South Biscayne Blvd., Suite 2400, Miami, Florida 33131 (2) Principal Represented: Sky Views - Miami (Name of corporation, partnership, trust, etc., you are representing) Business Address (include Zip Code): 401 Biscayne Blvd., Suite S-127, Miami, Florida 33132 (3) IF YOU PROVIDED INFORMATION IN SECTION 2 ABOVE, PLEASE REVIEW THIS SECTION CAREFULLY. If a lobbyist represents a corporation, partnership or trust, the lobbyist must disclose the name and business address of the chief officer, partner or beneficiary of the corporation, partnership or trust, and the names and addresses of all persons holding, directly or indirectly, at least five percent (5%) ownership interest in said corporation, partnership or trust. Attach separate sheet if needed. If this section is not apulicable vou must tvve or print "None" or "N/A". Jim Riggs - 7120 E. Kierland Blvd, #807, Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Charlene & Guy Leavitt - 2519 E. Keresan Blvd., Phoenix, AZ 85244 (4) Specific issue associated with lobbying. Describe with as much detail as is Dractical. Attach a separate sheet if needed. If you are using this form for your Annual Registration, please write "Annual Registration" and the year that you are registering for (ex: Annual Registration 2019). Zoning approval for Sky Views - Miami 176' Observation Wheel at Bayside Marketplace Page 1 of 2 Office of the City Clerk, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, FL 33133 / Phone: (305) 250-5361 I Email clerks@miamigov.com CM -LRF (Rev. 06/19) (5) Lobbyists shall be required to state the existence of any direct or indirect business association, partnership, or financial relationship with the Mayor, any member of the City Commission, any member of a City board, the City Manager or a member of the City staff before whom he/she lobbies or intends to lobby. Attach separate sheet if needed. If this section is not auulicable you must tvpe or print "None" or "N/A". Lobbyists, as defined in City Code Section 2-653, shall pay an annual registration fee of $525.00, plus $105.00 for each principal represented for each issue lobbied on behalf of any one principal. Each issue associated with lobbying shall be described with as much detail as is practical. The City Clerk, or the City Clerk's designee, shall reject any registration statement that does not provide a clear description of the specific issue on which such lobbyist has been retained to lobby or if any section of this form is left blank. Regardless of the date of the annual registration, all lobbyists' annual registrations shall expire December 31 of each calendar year and shall be renewed on a calendar year basis. Each lobbyist shall, within sixty (60) days after registering as a lobbyist, submit to the Office of the City Clerk a certificate of completion of an ethics course offered by the Miami -Dade County Commission on Ethics & Public Trust ("Ethics Commission"). Lobbyists who have completed the initial ethics course mandated by the preceding sentence and have continuously registered as a lobbyist thereafter shall be required to complete a refresher ethics course offered by the Ethics Commission every two (2) years. Each lobbyist who has completed a refresher ethics course shall submit a certificate of completion within sixty (60) days after registering as a lobbyist. I do solemnly swear that all of the foregoing facts are true and correct, and I have read or am familiar with the provisions contained in Chapter 2, Article VI, Sections 2-651 through 2-65�he Miami City Cy amended. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTYOF MIAMI-DADE Sworn to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me this 10 day of July WaynA M. Pathman Namp of person making statement) Signature of Notary Pu Personally Known: I Y I OR Produced Identification: Type of Identification Produced: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: Check # CM -LRF (Rev. 06/19) Page 2 of 2 _ �_ Signature �i�&bbyist 2019 by v�n�w dxEi MAO JE) uoissiumo� �VySL£a 4uel uojey y, 9P!0Id io 84e4S o!Iqnd AMON Name of Notary Typed, Printed or Stamped Receipt # (NOTARY SEAL) AFFIDAVIT OF AUTHORITY TO ACT Before me this day, the undersigned personally appeared 9 4"':Z4 - e- —, , —. e' - who being by me first deposes and says: 1. That he/she is the owner or the legal representative of the owner, submitting the public hearing application as required by the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, affecting the real property located in the City of Miami, as listed on the foregoing pages. 2. That all owners who he/she represents, if any, have given his/her full and complete permission for him/her to act in his/her behalf for the change or modification of a classification or regulation of zoning as set out in the foregoing petition, ❑ including or ❑ not including responses to day-to-day City staff inquires. 3. That the foregoing and following pages are part of this affidavit and contain the current names, mailing addresses, telephone numbers and legal descriptions of the real property of which he/she is the owner or legal representative. 4. That the facts, as represented in the application and documents submitted in conjunction with this affidavit, are true and correct. 5. That a refund, if any, by the City is to be issued to the following person at the address indicated: 0_/x,7 �Q.../1r1Qll v1Q.e.11 S Z S6tiA .. A,'crauatist A�tJal I ScA,4e_ 24 oo M; 't-t-� . P -c— 3 a, I�. I Further Affiant sayeth not. n __5z�6s Applicant(s) Name Printed Applicant(s) Signature STATE OF FLORIDA -- COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE The foregoing was acknowledged before me this 20 day of c lu�,e_ 20 (C) , by LQ ot-,er t Soon: who is a(n) individual/partner/agent/corporation of ik Ve,�c M ►w r,ra LLC a(n) individual/partnership/corporation. He/She is I�rsllly known f6 me or ❑ who has produced _ as identification and who ❑ did ❑ di no take an oath. (Stamp) L Signature DAVID SACKS AN- ?+'�} MYCOMISSSM6GG235616 EXPIRES:: Seepwiemba 26, 2022 1���OP`R�_'fl� '' BDIMnd fru ....w, Piblic i1n0e�wiNnri Rev. 10-18 CITY OFMIAMI DISCLOSURE OF CONSIDERATION PROVIDED OR COMMITTED FOR AGREEMENT TO SUPPORT OR WITHHOLD OBJECTION The City of Miami requires any person or entity requesting approval relief or other action from the City Commission or any of its boards, authorities, agencies, councils or committees, to disclose at the commencement (or continuance) of the hearing(s) on the issue, any consideration provided or committed, directly or on its behalf, to any entity or person for an agreement to support or withhold objection to the requested approval, relief or action. "Consideration" includes any gift, payment, contribution, donation, fee, commission, promise or grant of any money, property, service, credit or financial assistance of any kind or value, whether direct or implied, or any promise or agreement to provide any of the foregoing in the future. Individuals retained or employed by a principal as a lobbyist as defined in Sec. 2- 653, and appearing before the City Commission or any of its boards, authorities, agencies, councils or committees solely in the capacity of a lobbyist and not as the applicant, or owners' legal representative are not required to fill out this form. Name: First Name: Middle Name: �'C, 'LiC Last Name: Qex-&c Home Address: Home Address Line 1: OM 5W Home Address Line 2: City: Q l Ul el' Ire5 �- j c State: Florida Zip: P ( � Il 132"05*ee� Contact Information: r_ Home Phone Number: q0-5/ q (0 7f / '-7 Cell Phone Number: •o S 76 7fo 7 Fax Num er: �; 5 2 -Y? -0 Email: (h A 6' 40 f emy , e o tm BUSSINESS or APPLICANT or ENTITY NAME Address Line 1: `�S I q r-, _ Ixere-vA rti� Address Line 2: P G.apn ; x A -2- gSo is y Doc. No.:86543 Page 1 of 3 CITY OFMIAMI DISCLOSURE OF CONSIDERATION PROVIDED OR COMMITTED FOR AGREEMENT TO SUPPORT OR WITHHOLD OBJECTION Please describe the issue for which you are seeking approval, relief or other action from the City Cojn missiggn, board, authority, agen , cou il, or com ittee. J,evMa w e / U5eh � ri idle Has any consideration been provided or committed, directly or on your behalf, to any entity or person far agreement to support or withhold objection to the requested approval, relief or action? D If your answer to Question 2 is No, do not answer questions 3, 4 & 5 proceed to read and execute the Acknowledgment. If your answer to Question 2 is Yes, please answer questions 3, 4 & 5 and read and execute the Acknowledgement. 1. Please provide the name, address and phone number of the person(s) or entities to whom consideration has been provided or committed. • Name of Person/Entity: • Phone Number of Person/Entity: Address of Person/Entity: 2. Please describe the nature of the consideration 3. Describe what is being requested in exchange for the consideration. Doc. No.:86543 Page 2 of 3 CITY OFMIAMI DISCLOSURE OF CONSIDERATION PROVIDED OR COMMITTED FOR AGREEMENT TO SUPPORT OR WITHHOLD OBJECTION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF COMPLIANCE 1 hereby acknowledge that it is unlawful to employ any device, scheme or artifice to circumvent the disclosure requirements of Ordinance 12918 and such circumvention shall be deemed a violation of the Ordinance; and that in addition to the criminal or civil penalties that may be imposed under the City Code, upon determination by the City Commission that the foregoing disclosure requirement was not fully and timely satisfied the following may occur: the application or order, as applicable, shall be deemed void without further force or effect; and 2. no application from any person or entity for the same issue shall be reviewed or considered by the applicable board(s) until expiration of a period of one year after the nullification of the application or order. PERSON SUBMITTING DISCLOSURE: Print Name ( -!� K52 I 2Sign ture Sworn to and subscribed before me this ) o``" day of, j C�,� 200. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by^�Q Ls.. who has produced as identification and/or is personally known to me and who did/did not take an oath. ------ STATE OF FLORIDA { k— CITY OF MIAMIMY COMMISSION EXPIRES: Y.... '*N, .. � LAURA LEFEBVR72021 *: SIN COMMISSION # GG EXPIRES. NOMAW 6Boned Thfu Notwry Pu* Un Doc. No.: 86543 Page 3 of 3 CITY OFMIAMI DISCLOSURE OF CONSIDERATION PROVIDED OR COMMITTED FOR AGREEMENT TO SUPPORT OR WITHHOLD OBJECTION The City of Miami requires any person or entity requesting approval relief or other action from the City Commission or any of its boards, authorities, agencies, councils or committees, to disclose at the commencement (or continuance) of the hearings) on the issue, any consideration provided or committed, directly or on its behalf, to any entity or person for an agreement to support or withhold objection to the requested approval, relief or action. "Consideration" includes any gift, payment, contribution, donation, fee, commission, promise or grant of any money, property, service, credit or financial assistance of any kind or value, whether direct or implied, or any promise or agreement to provide any of the foregoing in the future. Individuals retained or employed by a principal as a lobbyist as defined in Sec. 2- 653, and appearing before the City Commission or any of its boards, authorities, agencies, councils or committees solely in the capacity of a lobbyist and not as the applicant, or owners' legal representative are not required to fill out this form. Name: First Name: Middle Name Last Name: �{n n Pa �„Vnan Home Address: Home Address Line 1: `5 I + VV , 2,7 f'� 'S Home Address Line 2: �nSet' �,514A4 T-�L� City: (�{ (fv1 l Dead State: Florida Zip: 4-1 Contact Information: Home Phone Number:Ao5) 335 - ao55' Cell Phone Number 2 5,3(5?ss Fax Number: c7S _2A20 Email: LAI I& Vh Ito �OAVW4 l es*(3 - 1-00-1 BUSSINESS or APPLICANT or ENTITY NAME Address Line 1: Address Line 2: lir-`YAC A-rJ `rl2.iV � A'-?� ?5-0gly Doc. No.:86543 Page 1 of 3 CITY OFMIAMI DISCLOSURE OF CONSIDERATION PROVIDED OR COMMITTED FOR AGREEMENT TO SUPPORT OR WITHHOLD OBJECTION Please describe the issue for which you are seeking approval, relief or other action from the City Cgqm-mission, o rd, authority, a ency, cc�oouncil, r com,mr�ittee. �)C(e iltovl cft -U)PA tl�r0 r�-%4C S �1�2 SJ<y"W-( �M,)SP vweoi ktee Has any consideration been provided or committed, directly or on your behalf, to any entity or person for ag agreement to support or withhold objection to the requested approval, relief or action? If your answer to Question 2 is No, do not answer questions 3, 4 & 5 proceed to read and execute the Acknowledgment. If your answer to Question 2 is Yes, please answer questions 3, 4 & 5 and read and execute the Acknowledgement. 1. Please provide the name, address and phone number of the person(s) or entities to whom consideration has been provided or committed. • Name of Person/Entity: • Phone Number of Person/Entity: • Address of Person/Entity: 2. Please describe the nature of the consideration 3. Describe what is being requested in exchange for the consideration. Doc. No.:86543 Page 2 of 3 CITY OFMIAMI DISCLOSURE OF CONSIDERATION PROVIDED OR COMMITTED FOR AGREEMENT TO SUPPORT OR WITHHOLD OBJECTION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF COMPLIANCE I hereby acknowledge that it is unlawful to employ any device, scheme or artifice to circumvent the disclosure requirements of Ordinance 12918 and such circumvention shall be deemed a violation of the Ordinance; and that in addition to the criminal or civil penalties that may be imposed under the City Code, upon determination by the City Commission that the foregoing disclosure requirement was not fully and timely satisfied the following may occur: the application or order, as applicable, shall be deemed void without further force or effect; and 2. no application from any person or entity for the same issue shall be reviewed or considered by the applicable board(s) until expiration of a period of one year after the nullification of the application or order. PERSON SUBMITTING DISCLOSURE: Print Name �! v & oe PcAwo Sworn to and subscribed before me this—ZI-5 day of-��4 20je The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by_)2W(4ajkv�r," who has produced as identification and/or is personally known to me and who didl4! d C7 Pan nafh. STATE OF FLORIDA CITY OF MIAMIMY COMMISSION EXPIRES:+;*.'•! DAVID SACKS My COQ! SSION # GG 2356% o';71 EXPIRES. SePWW 26, 2022 '.•.R!; " 1094 m801U Notwy Pubfic 1J11dg11Arkm Doc. No.:86543 Page 3 of 3 DISCLOSURE OF OWNERSHIP List the owner(s) of the subject property and percentage of ownership. Note: The Miami City Code requires all parties making any presentation, formal request or petition to the City Commission or any City board with respect to any real property to make full disclosure, in writing, of all parties having a financial interest, either direct or indirect, in the subject matter of said presentation, formal request or petition. Such disclosure shall include, but not be limited to, disclosure of all natural persons having an ownership interest, direct or indirect, in the subject real property. Accordingly, disclosure of shareholders of corporations, beneficiaries of trusts, and/or any other interested parties, together with their address(es) and proportionate interest are req uired. Please supplyadditional lists, if necessary. Owner's Name(s) N Y i � O -C 4 ' I t (k Percentage of Ownership InOV. x� Subject Property Address(Rocavoe- 14 r) I O List all street address(es) and legal description(s) of any property located within 500 feet of the subject property owned by any and all parties listed in question #1 above. Please supply additional lists, if necessary. Street Address(es): — �y Legal Description(s): A V I.p 54ck .5* _. QWRer{s) or Attorney Name Uv, Jj OVV, iu, is r Attorney Signature STATE OF FLORIDA -- COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE The foregoing was acknowled ed before me this a9,0kA' day of 20 1 (/1 by in C fes, c. who is a(n) individual/partner/agent/corporation of rrti,, :ntn o�ku .'t Lt +a a(n) individual/partnership/corporation. He/She is � personally known to me or ❑ who has produced as identification and who ❑ did ❑ did not take an oath. MY COMM; S:C)td VA, 15E i 3S TIRES: tit vember 6.2021 Signature ;,aF.�� $ } il�ii:.Ik- 04MB y EXHIBIT "A" — Ownership of SKYVIEWS OF AMERICA, LLC SKYVIEWS OF AMERICA, LLC, an Arizona limited liability company GC LEAVITT HOLDINGS, L.L.C., an Arizona limited liability company Sole Member: 100% Guy West Leavitt and Charlene Kay Leavitt, Trustees of the Leavitt Family Trust dated November 3, 1994 Member: 50% Mitchell H. Kaliff, Trustee of the Guy and Charlene Leavitt Dynasty Trust dated April 8, 2015 Member: 50% State of Florida Department of State I certify from the records of this office that SKYVIEWS OF AMERICA, LLC is an Arizona limited liability company authorized to transact business in the State of Florida, qualified on June 9, 2017. The document number of this limited liability company is M17000004957. I further certify that said limited liability company has paid all fees due this office through December 31, 2018, that its most recent annual report was filed on November 26, 2018, and that its status is active. I further certify that said limited liability company has not filed a Certificate of Withdrawal. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State of Florida at Tallahassee, the Capital, this the Eleventh day of July, 2019 Tracking Number: 7499239349CU AW�V)W� Secretary of Share To authenticate this certificate,visit the following site,enter this number, and then follow the instructions displayed. https://services.sunbiz.org/Filings/CertificateOfStatus/CertificateAuthentication CORPORATE RESOtFrIONS SKYVIEWS OF AIMERICA, LLC An Arizona limited liability company SIS I*, Lr, ro s OF AM; ERICA, LLC, an Arizona limited liability company (the "Company-). by and through the i..i. ; .i _- . written consent of its managers, hereby consents to, approves and adopts the following resolutions by this instrument in lieu of holding: a meeting: BE IT RESOLVED that the Company has filed various permits with the City of Miami in connection with the SkvWhccl project in Bayside, Miami. Florida; BE IT r tu,t x r1Elt RESOLVED that the Robert Soos, as Authoriy d R,, &. ,,,iative of the Company has the authority and is hereby authorized to execute; any documents and attend on behalf ol" the: Company any public hearings in connection with all matters related to permitting including, but not limited to ,... �r4:, n and waiver permits: BE IT 'FURTHER RESOLVED that all .prior actions taken by Robert Soos. as Authorized Representative of the Company, in connection v"ith the matters which are the subject of these resolutions are hereby approved and ratified. 7 WITNESS WHEREOF, the: undersigned have executed this Agreement on this day of Z .2019. MANAGERS: r buy Lewitt, Manager Charlene I-eavitt. Manager J7j C Jim s, 'Manager - rdr miami I public hearing notification services certified lists of property owners within a specific radius + radius maps + mailing labels + mailouts + notice of public hearing site posting rcirmiami.com I diana@rdrmiami.com 1 305.498.1614 June 29, 2019 CITY OF MIAMI HEARING BOARDS P O BOX 330708 MIAMI, FL 33233-0708 Re: List of property owners within 500 feet of: Folio: 01-0100-000-0525 Total number of labels: 25 I certify that the attached ownership list, map and mailing labels are a complete and accurate representation of the real estate property and property owners within a 500 -foot radius of the subject property listed above. This information reflects the most current records on file in the Miami -Dade County Tax Assessor's Office. I also understand that a new list will be requested by the City of Miami Hearing Boards if it is determined the property owner information list initially submitted is older than six (6) months. Sincerely, Signature Diana B. Rio I RDR Miami I Rio Development Resources Name or Company Name 305.498.1614 Telephone dianaa -rdrmiami.com E-mail - rdr miami I public hearing notification services certified lists of property owners within a specific radius + radius maps + mailing labels + mailoufs + notice of public hearing site posting rdrmiami.com I diana@rdrmiami.com 1 305.498.1614 A 500' RADIUS MAP N Folio: 01-0100-000-0525 aH1aoN lwelw ooNoo lwblwx e4I4o e4v4o Ho—v 1%3 ss319 M/tl a0i f101 i0 a003N NI3Nfn0 i0b3aV 1%3 ss3l5Z naHl64 s1019GnaH14s101 i0Ela0d VElIE Ed3H1tlON IWVIW OON00 H1nOs1Ab83H1 NO s39V19a3h3 VM/i OON00 H1nOs 3NAbOZIh V3aV 1%3 ss319 MM a0i E 101 i0 HOD 3N — VM/i GO—ON 3NAVGZI� aOi EL ss319 MM a0i fa101 iO tlODa3 N1NI3/W �i0 GV.14(3s"ED"El s1019G n—V s10l VIE fa—ON M. E1610 A— 13 G6 IEZN 13Z5IIM li669Il OM A1MN la9V GEN li Il OlM 136598N 1a 0LM Hl 44'05 Ea V—d—InO iO O al i0 HOD 3N 93E l IE Ea H1a0N IWVIW OBNIe 649 sl s1011044491iO4N ss3l bnaHl4s101 lIE ed H1a0N IWVIW fs Nle OZ 101 lIE ed H1aoN IWVIW BNlE Gl101 lIE ed H'No N IWVIW Nle 11 ill EEa H1aoN Iwblw d H1aoN IWVIW 04040 OVA—V Alas 1364 IEIA1Hs—Z-N 13I45IEM DEG 54 N1izGGe4 M DEO 9G N H1 N4sNle Llol io NOD EN io sldee sLz Dae eve sa HlaoN lwblw 0.vsn z54oz 1Gevs4 eabN3mrHwwaaw Va1Z940Z'i GE'I94 ed VN3ad3WI11ifdW 4E4ee ms4 li WVIW li 3lll� lflfE li IWVIW a001i tl Iwblw ts�ss id Iwblw hoz ez4eeIJ V eZ4EE li IWVIW H1lns 3nb 11.>.Noae 4II4 sZ3N f5Z 301ii01N3W39dNdW 3DIii01N3W39dNdW 0454_11. HE e Od 5fbl 513hV 1l3NDIaE 5fbl i 5l3hV ll3NDlae 5fbl His WMVOIN— N 9464 :"IZ31s. 4MN 4441111 09 l9 VMN 444 ooNoo lwblwx s3ad'NOIatlVD SOlaVO NVnfDO/00NIANOI1b100ssd WnINIWOaN00 H1nOs 3NAbOZIh dO OO—n01GZA 361ii01N3W30VNVN 6NINO-DODWEE ENAVOEA Vsn 1 na1GN aNAVDEIBOOIsa1011331sntl13NAVD8I8OOINOOHGA3a9OWd O 9Wd 09Wd olls 011n3O NM01NMOG 9Wa /eao 9NIlNnOi—,i=o SAlNn.1 Ewa-IwVIw OW 3/a b59A1Nn003OdO'IWVIM' 00 3040 VIW i0 nal i0 OE 101a1sIO 39311 E8 Nle E 101 4IE ed H1a0N IWVIW 0 010 11b960a O11a6Z-ES 13OZ69N —E—NO— HOD 3s AOM1i5E99HS—Z41-0i-EV 4 4 10110 444 9 L304Mss3l Ol10181304N ss316ntlH15s101lIE ed Hlao NIWVIW VS ilDE D. IJDD s INN 9I-. eo HO EN io s3ioosv 3�ev eoG sae eve se Hill liwvlw 80 —L DEG 94s 13[Z[SlM 415611556[1M 13054Is 13f5fZ31i05IGis life fZM 13054Is liES EZ31i60454s 1N0049N1E i0 a0D 3N 30 s13004931ifI EOG 93844E ed H1a0N IWVIW 0000 0 -M li5c"511656 I—IGls life D-11054Is-8 DOE -04546 1NOD 49— i0 a033N i0 613004 V H—V EOG 0384 IE Ed H1a0N IAVIA —fL3 aS.s.CLEeL 11IL'el CS011a08olde LZ5011a 8.485 �C_a18E li IJ venINIV III li IWVIW O,'IH, i 3HOa91nNODOD OOzl31s 49905 0 5156 s.'! 5.11E D._.6 3NAV091E 0094E HIS-- ENIVIsl11 oIIIZ 3�V z3N 400 szar tl03a0HEAVe s559Z .:ieCd:ll?5 CL8 La0.1.111 3931100 A'INnl'0'HOVO-IWdIW IOS—sna130Oae08101a1s10 iE.v61 0413_d13NtlVw 3OI Va3N3�91WdIW i0 All0 HSENiN ld3O %V —Ed—%dHsa Oil NAVaiNED �.. 11Ia3CiW5 District 2 The Honorable Ken Russell NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATIONS DOWNTOWN / BRICKELL NET (Downtown NET Office William Plasencia, Administrator (City of Miami,Planning Department Warrant Coodinator Dade Heritage Trust Christine Rupp, Executive Director Brickell Homeowners Association Natalie Brown, Communications Director Downtown Development Authority Alyce Robertson Downtown Miami Partnership Terrell Fritz (Omni-Dowtown CRA Jason Walker, Executive Director The Palace Condominium Deirde Ashe/Property Manager Causeway Neighborhood Jack Hartog , President (Venetian Alliance Brickell Area Association Mercy Perez, Administrative Secretary Miami Entertainment District Assn. Michael Slyder, President/Tiffany Eaton Esq 1500 Brickell James H. Novak, General Manager Thousand Venetian Way Robert Zimmerman, President (One Condominiums, Inc. (305) 446-3350 North Miami Avenue Preservation Christopher Macleod, President Association (305) 579-6675 Fininvest Simon Karam, President The River Front Master Association, Inc. Michael Dubas (Spring Garden Civic Association Ernie Martin Miami River Marine Group Bruce Brown (Miami River Commission Brett Bibeau 3500 Pan American Dr. (305) 250-5333 Miami, FI 33133 1490 NW 3 Ave, Suite 112-B (305) 372-4550 Miami, FL 33136 444 SW 2 Ave 3rd floor (305) 416-1473 Miami, FI 33130 190 SE 12th Terrace Miami, (305) 358-9572 FL 33131 P.O. Box 45-2403 (305) 446-3350 Miami, FI 33145 200 S. Biscayne Blvd. #2929 (305) 579-6675 Miami, FL 33131 (305) 371-2423(fax) 25 SE 2 Ave. Suite# 240 (305) 379-7070 Miami, FI 33131 (305) 379-7222(fax) 1401 N. Miami Avenue Miami, (305) 679-6800 FL 33136 1541 Brickell Ave. Maiami, (305) 858-1151 FI 33129 1505 NE 13th Place Miami, (305) 416-6808 FI 33139 (305) 416-6887(fax) 1395 Brickell AVE Suite #108 (305) 877-8687 Miami, FI 33131 903-0672 225 South 21 AVE Hollywood, FL (954) 921-1121 33020 921-1621 (fax) 55 SE 6th Street, Suite # 1104 (786) 270-2500 Miami, FL 33131 (786) 270-2501 fax 1000 Venetian Way, (305)374-5074 Miami FL 33139 (305)403-4399 fax 1035 N. Miami AVE #401 (305) 970-9797 Miami, FL 33136 6255 SW 133 Street (305) 858-6395 Miami, FL 33156 (305) 858-6394 fax 92 SW 3rd Street # 100 (786) 453-3220 Miami, FL 33130 1000 NW North River Drive (305) 325-8730 #114 Miami, FL 33136 3033 NW North River Drive (305) 637-7977 Miami, FL 33142 1407 NW 7th Street, # 2 (305) 644-0544 Miami, FL 33125 krussell(a)miamieov.com wolasencia(a)miamieov.com Ivicentini(a)miamioov.com chris(@dadeheritaeetrust.ore nbrown(a)brickellhomeowners.com Robertson aa miamidda.com info(a)miamidda.com info(@downtownmiami.net iwaIkerC@miamiRov.com manaoeroalcondo(a)bellsouth.net vcnaaa bellsouth.net (305) baa(c)brickellarea.com (954) the(@covelaw.com manaeer(c) 500brickel Imaster.com victor.matos (a)1000venetian.com info 0northmiamiavenue.org simon(@karamerouD.net manaeer(a) rive rfrontmaster.com ernestmartin2244C@RmaiI.com markbaile0a)miamirivermarineeroup.om miamiriverl(@beIIsouth.net Dear Constituent: Welcome to the City of Miami! This package is intended to provide you with all open Code Enforcement violations and liens attached to the subject property, or properties, as of the current date and time the followina reaort was created. Closed violations and future violations are not included. A violation may become a lien when the property owner does not timely remedy the violation. This report may include two types of liens: Certified liens and non -certified liens. Certified liens have a set amount to be paid. Conversely, most non -certified liens continue to accrue interest or a per diem fine; therefore, those liens must be satisfied with the City as quickly as possible. All outstanding violations and liens must be satisfactorily resolved before the City can issue a Certificate of Use (CU); however, the City inspects all properties prior to the issuance of a CU and those inspections may yield additional items, which must be addressed by the owner at the property prior to issuance of a CU. This search does not include encumbrances, other liens, restrictions or the like, recorded in the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. Please contact Miami -Dade County for the aforementioned items. Code Violation/Lien Inquiry Letter Page 1 of 28 City of Miami ma, FCO..F1�4 David Sacks 2 South Biscayne Boulevard Suite 2400 Miami FL 33131 Property Search Notice 07/10/2019 Per your request (copy attached), the undersigned has searched the records of the Director of Finance in and for the City of Miami, Florida, for any liens and other fees outstanding against the following described property as of: 07/10/2019. The result is valid up to 30 days from the processing date. In addition, due to daily penalty and interest calculations, the amount shown is subject to change as reflected below. Folio Number: 01-0100-000-0522 Property Address: 401 BISCAYNE BLVD Legal Description: MIAMI NORTH PB B-41 BEG 703.43FTE & IOOFTS OF NE COR OF BLK 61 CONT S I81.09FT E23.83FT 541.50FT W23.83FT S I74.50FT E23.83FT 541.50FT W179.58FT S25FT W157.27FT SELY & ELY197.52FT E140.96FT SE604.49FT S 65 DEG E 270.56FT NELY148.28FT E49.24FT NELY714.32FT NW185.IOFT SWLY549FT W58.54FT SW86.76FT SLY & SWLY 107.1OFT W26.87FT N 65 DEG W 61.23FT NELY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 60FT SWLY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 156FT NELY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 60FT SWLY 52.25FT N 65 DEG W 49FT NWLY-NLY 339.60FT E52.25FT N60FT W52.25FT N156FT E52.25FT N60FT W52.25FT N176.38FT W275.42FT TO POB LOT SIZE 569621 SQ FT A/K/A BAYSIDE Amount Payable On: 07/09/2019 to 08/09/2019 232,790.37 This notice does not include liens imposed by federal, state, county or City agencies or boards or any other liens recorded in the public records of Miami -Dade County. Erica T. Paschal Finance Director To ensure proper credit of your payment, include a copy of all pages of the property search findings along with your payment and mail to: City of Miami, Treasury Management/Payment Processing, 444 SW 2nd Avenue, 6th Floor, Room 636-1, Miami, FL 33130. If you have any questions, please call (305) 416-1570. Please retain this page for your records. Page 2 of 28 City of Miami SCO., F1�4 David Sacks 2 South Biscayne Boulevard Suite 2400 Miami FL 33131 07/10/2019 Folio Number: 01-0100-000-0522 Property Address: 401 BISCAYNE BLVD Legal Description: MIAMI NORTH PB B-41 BEG 703.43FTE & IOOFTS OF NE COR OF BLK 61 CONT S I81.09FT E23.83FT 541.50FT W23.83FT S I74.50FT E23.83FT 541.50FT W179.58FT S25FT W157.27FT SELY & ELY197.52FT E140.96FT SE604.49FT S 65 DEG E 270.56FT NELY148.28FT E49.24FT NELY714.32FT NW185.IOFT SWLY549FT W58.54FT SW86.76FT SLY & SWLY 107.1OFT W26.87FT N 65 DEG W 61.23FT NELY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 60FT SWLY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 156FT NELY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 60FT SWLY 52.25FT N 65 DEG W 49FT NWLY-NLY 339.60FT E52.25FT N60FT W52.25FT N156FT E52.25FT N60FT W52.25FT N176.38FT W275.42FT TO POB LOT SIZE 569621 SQ FT A/K/A BAYSIDE Property Search Findings - Pending Liens Lien No. (Case Number) Description Address If you have any questions, please call (305) 416-1570. Please retain this page for your records. Page 3 of 28 City of Miami OF 21I FCO.. F1�4 David Sacks 2 South Biscayne Boulevard Suite 2400 Miami FL 33131 07/10/2019 Folio Number: 01-0100-000-0522 Property Address: 401 BISCAYNE BLVD Legal Description: MIAMI NORTH PB B-41 BEG 703.43FTE & IOOFTS OF NE COR OF BLK 61 CONT S I81.09FT E23.83FT 541.50FT W23.83FT S I74.50FT E23.83FT 541.50FT W179.58FT S25FT W157.27FT SELY & ELY197.52FT E140.96FT SE604.49FT S 65 DEG E 270.56FT NELY148.28FT E49.24FT NELY714.32FT NW185.IOFT SWLY549FT W58.54FT SW86.76FT SLY & SWLY 107.1OFT W26.87FT N 65 DEG W 61.23FT NELY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 60FT SWLY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 156FT NELY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 60FT SWLY 52.25FT N 65 DEG W 49FT NWLY-NLY 339.60FT E52.25FT N60FT W52.25FT N156FT E52.25FT N60FT W52.25FT N176.38FT W275.42FT TO POB LOT SIZE 569621 SQ FT A/K/A BAYSIDE Property Search Findings - Open Invoices Invoice Customer No. Lien No. Description Amount Due 9331738 46434 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 3,816.50 9314052 44564 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 3,468.50 9321921 148618 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 3,252.50 9144790 99217 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 3,145.64 9155703 99217 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 3,145.64 9268720 99217 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 3,145.64 9211643 99217 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 3,145.64 9257770 99217 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 3,145.64 9200358 99217 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 3,145.64 9100639 99217 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 2,995.64 9089713 99217 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 2,995.64 9321303 93514 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 2,808.50 9046677 99217 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 2,516.33 9326317 65032 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 2,403.50 9325683 99217 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 2,396.50 9314749 99217 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 2,396.50 9323194 3350 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 1,788.50 9314298 46589 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 1,350.50 9327911 45576 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 1,183.50 Page 4 of 28 9334185 104627 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 1,110.50 9318781 32769 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 1,110.50 9158422 46585 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 1,020.64 9214427 46585 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 1,020.64 9271440 46585 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 1,020.64 9313600 46480 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 1,008.50 9063086 99217 Certificate of Use 900.64 9086698 99217 Certificate of Use 900.64 9141766 99217 Certificate of Use 900.64 9259977 63179 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 900.64 9202655 63179 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 900.64 If you have any questions, please call (305) 416-1570. Please retain this page for your records. Page 5 of 28 David Sacks 2 South Biscayne Boulevard Suite 2400 Miami FL 33131 07/10/2019 Folio Number: 01-0100-000-0522 Property Address: 401 BISCAYNE BLVD Legal Description: MIAMI NORTH PB B-41 BEG 703.43FTE & 100FTS OF NE COR OF BLK 61 CONT S 181.09FT E23.83FT 541.50FT W23.83FT S 174.50FT E23.83FT 541.50FT W179.58FT S25FT W157.27FT SELY & ELY197.52FT E140.96FT SE604.49FT S 65 DEG E 270.56FT NELY148.28FT E49.24FT NELY714.32FT NW185.1O17T SWLY549FT W58.54FT SW86.76FT SLY & SWLY 107.1OFT W26.87FT N 65 DEG W 61.23FT NELY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 60FT SWLY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 156FT NELY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 60FT SWLY 52.25FT N 65 DEG W 49FT NWLY-NLY 339.60FT E52.25FT N60FT W52.25FT N156FT E52.25FT N60FT W52.25FT N176.38FT W275.42FT TO POB LOT SIZE 569621 SQ FT A/K/A BAYSIDE Invoice Customer No. Lien No. Description Amount Due 9254770 99217 Certificate of Use 900.64 9197205 99217 Certificate of Use 900.64 9103404 46585 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 870.64 9289645 30127 Certificate of Use 816.50 9046678 99217 Certificate of Use 809.03 9315264 46556 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 805.50 517769 45657 Returned Checks 803.08 9275744 127005 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 788.14 9319511 32769 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 756.50 9311745 99217 Certificate of Use 720.50 9292595 45576 Certificate of Use 711.50 9328382 46585 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 696.50 9315404 46588 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 684.50 9307513 65032 Certificate of Use 677.50 9315340 30127 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 670.50 9327239 121274 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 660.50 9330930 159727 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 660.50 9317015 45688 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 636.50 9316434 160885 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 628.50 9312940 56327 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 618.50 9291469 118984 Certificate of Use 606.50 9316970 63179 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 600.50 9305384 46556 Certificate of Use 571.50 9289752 45574 Certificate of Use 544.50 9302981 102160 Certificate of Use 534.50 9148901 48266 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 525.64 9147666 46436 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 525.64 9261900 48266 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 525.64 9260641 46436 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 525.64 9204633 48266 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 525.64 If you have any questions, please call (305) 416-1570. Please retain this page for your records. Page 6 of 28 David Sacks 2 South Biscayne Boulevard Suite 2400 Miami FL 33131 07/10/2019 Folio Number: 01-0100-000-0522 Property Address: 401 BISCAYNE BLVD Legal Description: MIAMI NORTH PB B-41 BEG 703.43FTE & 100FTS OF NE COR OF BLK 61 CONT S 181.09FT E23.83FT 541.50FT W23.83FT S 174.50FT E23.83FT 541.50FT W179.58FT S25FT W157.27FT SELY & ELY197.52FT E140.96FT SE604.49FT S 65 DEG E 270.56FT NELY148.28FT E49.24FT NELY714.32FT NW185.1O17T SWLY549FT W58.54FT SW86.76FT SLY & SWLY 107.1OFT W26.87FT N 65 DEG W 61.23FT NELY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 60FT SWLY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 156FT NELY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 60FT SWLY 52.25FT N 65 DEG W 49FT NWLY-NLY 339.60FT E52.25FT N60FT W52.25FT N156FT E52.25FT N60FT W52.25FT N176.38FT W275.42FT TO POB LOT SIZE 569621 SQ FT A/K/A BAYSIDE Invoice Customer No. Lien No. Description Amount Due 9203357 46436 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 525.64 9332642 127005 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 510.50 417720 82444 Fire False Alarm Fee 503.50 420767 82444 Fire False Alarm Fee 503.50 424200 82444 Fire False Alarm Fee 503.50 417976 82444 Fire False Alarm Fee 503.50 417731 82444 Fire False Alarm Fee 503.50 430735 82444 Fire False Alarm Fee 503.50 419702 82444 Fire False Alarm Fee 503.50 419159 82444 Fire False Alarm Fee 503.50 417986 82444 Fire False Alarm Fee 503.50 420175 82444 Fire False Alarm Fee 503.50 415963 82444 Fire False Alarm Fee 503.50 9320354 118984 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 502.50 9065268 45660 Certificate of Use 474.39 9120068 45660 Certificate of Use 474.39 9280463 157827 Certificate of Use 474.39 9232389 45660 Certificate of Use 474.39 9174655 45660 Certificate of Use 474.39 9324356 102160 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 462.50 9306442 124851 Certificate of Use 460.50 9147086 78160 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 450.64 9260069 78160 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 450.64 9202755 78160 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 450.64 9301143 1175 Certificate of Use 445.50 9299301 69190 Certificate of Use 445.50 9305698 26758 Certificate of Use 445.50 9265833 45082 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 428.14 9208651 45082 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 428.14 9332436 116864 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 420.50 If you have any questions, please call (305) 416-1570. Please retain this page for your records. Page 7 of 28 David Sacks 2 South Biscayne Boulevard Suite 2400 Miami FL 33131 07/10/2019 Folio Number: 01-0100-000-0522 Property Address: 401 BISCAYNE BLVD Legal Description: MIAMI NORTH PB B-41 BEG 703.43FTE & 100FTS OF NE COR OF BLK 61 CONT S 181.09FT E23.83FT 541.50FT W23.83FT S 174.50FT E23.83FT 541.50FT W179.58FT S25FT W157.27FT SELY & ELY197.52FT E140.96FT SE604.49FT S 65 DEG E 270.56FT NELY148.28FT E49.24FT NELY714.32FT NW185.1O17T SWLY549FT W58.54FT SW86.76FT SLY & SWLY 107.1OFT W26.87FT N 65 DEG W 61.23FT NELY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 60FT SWLY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 156FT NELY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 60FT SWLY 52.25FT N 65 DEG W 49FT NWLY-NLY 339.60FT E52.25FT N60FT W52.25FT N156FT E52.25FT N60FT W52.25FT N176.38FT W275.42FT TO POB LOT SIZE 569621 SQ FT A/K/A BAYSIDE Invoice Customer No. Lien No. Description Amount Due 9317335 124851 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 420.50 9313460 45574 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 410.50 9334151 69190 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 410.50 9327049 64968 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 407.50 9153974 110868 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 390.64 9267022 110868 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 390.64 9209866 110868 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 390.64 9185740 63179 Certificate of Use 385.64 9186915 45082 Certificate of Use 385.64 9185538 46585 Certificate of Use 385.64 9141385 78160 Certificate of Use 385.64 9141289 48266 Certificate of Use 385.64 9130531 46585 Certificate of Use 385.64 9086318 78160 Certificate of Use 385.64 9086223 48266 Certificate of Use 385.64 9075600 46585 Certificate of Use 385.64 9254371 78160 Certificate of Use 385.64 9254272 48266 Certificate of Use 385.64 9253804 29413 Certificate of Use 385.64 9244504 45082 Certificate of Use 385.64 9243335 63179 Certificate of Use 385.64 9243155 46585 Certificate of Use 385.64 9234695 127005 Certificate of Use 385.64 9196816 78160 Certificate of Use 385.64 9196717 48266 Certificate of Use 385.64 9289310 45660 Certificate of Use 379.50 9309749 32769 Certificate of Use 379.50 9308657 3350 Certificate of Use 379.50 9092585 46436 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 375.64 9093821 48266 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 375.64 If you have any questions, please call (305) 416-1570. Please retain this page for your records. Page 8 of 28 David Sacks 2 South Biscayne Boulevard Suite 2400 Miami FL 33131 07/10/2019 Folio Number: 01-0100-000-0522 Property Address: 401 BISCAYNE BLVD Legal Description: MIAMI NORTH PB B-41 BEG 703.43FTE & 100FTS OF NE COR OF BLK 61 CONT S 181.09FT E23.83FT 541.50FT W23.83FT S 174.50FT E23.83FT 541.50FT W179.58FT S25FT W157.27FT SELY & ELY197.52FT E140.96FT SE604.49FT S 65 DEG E 270.56FT NELY148.28FT E49.24FT NELY714.32FT NW185.1O17T SWLY549FT W58.54FT SW86.76FT SLY & SWLY 107.1OFT W26.87FT N 65 DEG W 61.23FT NELY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 60FT SWLY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 156FT NELY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 60FT SWLY 52.25FT N 65 DEG W 49FT NWLY-NLY 339.60FT E52.25FT N60FT W52.25FT N156FT E52.25FT N60FT W52.25FT N176.38FT W275.42FT TO POB LOT SIZE 569621 SQ FT A/K/A BAYSIDE Invoice Customer No. Lien No. Description Amount Due 9319942 26758 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 374.50 9331507 64331 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 370.50 9325395 29726 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 360.50 9322266 154409 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 360.50 9317577 45620 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 360.50 9177268 111731 Certificate of Use 358.14 9176976 107377 Certificate of Use 358.14 9128602 31666 Certificate of Use 358.14 9122597 111731 Certificate of Use 358.14 9122320 107377 Certificate of Use 358.14 9234992 111731 Certificate of Use 358.14 9241171 31666 Certificate of Use 358.14 9234694 107377 Certificate of Use 358.14 9183503 31666 Certificate of Use 358.14 9073653 31666 Certificate of Use 358.14 9067741 111731 Certificate of Use 358.14 9067466 107377 Certificate of Use 358.14 9289949 45614 Certificate of Use 354.50 9296314 65276 Certificate of Use 354.50 9250937 105314 Certificate of Use 350.64 9138100 105314 Certificate of Use 350.64 9193372 105314 Certificate of Use 350.64 9297645 154409 Certificate of Use 345.35 1203901 31666 Certificate of Use 344.39 9307958 74330 Certificate of Use 343.50 9311251 121274 Certificate of Use 343.50 9310328 45620 Certificate of Use 343.50 9304895 93514 Certificate of Use 343.50 9297719 163315 Certificate of Use 343.50 9302037 44564 Certificate of Use 343.50 If you have any questions, please call (305) 416-1570. Please retain this page for your records. Page 9 of 28 David Sacks 2 South Biscayne Boulevard Suite 2400 Miami FL 33131 07/10/2019 Folio Number: 01-0100-000-0522 Property Address: 401 BISCAYNE BLVD Legal Description: MIAMI NORTH PB B-41 BEG 703.43FTE & 100FTS OF NE COR OF BLK 61 CONT S 181.09FT E23.83FT 541.50FT W23.83FT S 174.50FT E23.83FT 541.50FT W179.58FT S25FT W157.27FT SELY & ELY197.52FT E140.96FT SE604.49FT S 65 DEG E 270.56FT NELY148.28FT E49.24FT NELY714.32FT NW185.1017T SWLY549FT W58.54FT SW86.76FT SLY & SWLY 107.10FT W26.87FT N 65 DEG W 61.23FT NELY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 60FT SWLY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 156FT NELY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 60FT SWLY 52.25FT N 65 DEG W 49FT NWLY-NLY 339.60FT E52.25FT N60FT W52.25FT N156FT E52.25FT N60FT W52.25FT N176.38FT W275.42FT TO POB LOT SIZE 569621 SQ FT A/K/A BAYSIDE Invoice Customer No. Lien No. Description Amount Due 1107439 78990 Certificate of Use 343.14 1106024 91269 Certificate of Use 343.14 1102232 83289 Certificate of Use 343.14 9154070 83289 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 341.89 9267119 83289 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 341.89 9209964 83289 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 341.89 9190231 125778 Certificate of Use 339.39 9195995 97019 Certificate of Use 339.39 9196971 45690 Certificate of Use 339.39 9197098 88094 Certificate of Use 339.39 9233933 88330 Certificate of Use 339.39 9234246 4164 Certificate of Use 339.39 9234729 91269 Certificate of Use 339.39 9236197 123048 Certificate of Use 339.39 9238072 45659 Certificate of Use 339.39 9241601 78990 Certificate of Use 339.39 9241752 128190 Certificate of Use 339.39 9242360 83289 Certificate of Use 339.39 9243120 99021 Certificate of Use 339.39 9243216 30371 Certificate of Use 339.39 9245877 76051 Certificate of Use 339.39 9247783 125778 Certificate of Use 339.39 9252165 134597 Certificate of Use 339.39 9254521 45690 Certificate of Use 339.39 9254653 88094 Certificate of Use 339.39 9280348 155382 Certificate of Use 339.39 1199219 83289 Certificate of Use 339.39 1216500 78990 Certificate of Use 339.39 1213097 91269 Certificate of Use 339.39 9067496 91269 Certificate of Use 339.39 If you have any questions, please call (305) 416-1570. Please retain this page for your records. Page 10 of 28 David Sacks 2 South Biscayne Boulevard Suite 2400 Miami FL 33131 07/10/2019 Folio Number: 01-0100-000-0522 Property Address: 401 BISCAYNE BLVD Legal Description: MIAMI NORTH PB B-41 BEG 703.43FTE & 100FTS OF NE COR OF BLK 61 CONT S 181.09FT E23.83FT 541.50FT W23.83FT S 174.50FT E23.83FT 541.50FT W179.58FT S25FT W157.27FT SELY & ELY197.52FT E140.96FT SE604.49FT S 65 DEG E 270.56FT NELY148.28FT E49.24FT NELY714.32FT NW185.1O17T SWLY549FT W58.54FT SW86.76FT SLY & SWLY 107.1OFT W26.87FT N 65 DEG W 61.23FT NELY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 60FT SWLY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 156FT NELY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 60FT SWLY 52.25FT N 65 DEG W 49FT NWLY-NLY 339.60FT E52.25FT N60FT W52.25FT N156FT E52.25FT N60FT W52.25FT N176.38FT W275.42FT TO POB LOT SIZE 569621 SQ FT A/K/A BAYSIDE Invoice Customer No. Lien No. Description Amount Due 9068891 123048 Certificate of Use 339.39 9074058 78990 Certificate of Use 339.39 9074786 83289 Certificate of Use 339.39 9085518 97019 Certificate of Use 339.39 9115931 125778 Certificate of Use 339.39 9121580 88330 Certificate of Use 339.39 9121889 4164 Certificate of Use 339.39 9122349 91269 Certificate of Use 339.39 9123791 123048 Certificate of Use 339.39 9128998 78990 Certificate of Use 339.39 9129149 128190 Certificate of Use 339.39 9129739 83289 Certificate of Use 339.39 9133199 76051 Certificate of Use 339.39 9135077 125778 Certificate of Use 339.39 9140606 97019 Certificate of Use 339.39 9141662 88094 Certificate of Use 339.39 9176217 88330 Certificate of Use 339.39 9176537 4164 Certificate of Use 339.39 9177008 91269 Certificate of Use 339.39 9178484 123048 Certificate of Use 339.39 9183943 78990 Certificate of Use 339.39 9184103 128190 Certificate of Use 339.39 9184714 83289 Certificate of Use 339.39 9185604 30371 Certificate of Use 339.39 9188284 76051 Certificate of Use 339.39 9198245 88094 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 338.14 9142747 88094 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 338.14 9255733 88094 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 338.14 9335199 163315 Initial - Business Tax Receipt - 325.64 9027675 78160 Certificate of Use 323.93 If you have any questions, please call (305) 416-1570. Please retain this page for your records. Page 11 of 28 David Sacks 2 South Biscayne Boulevard Suite 2400 Miami FL 33131 07/10/2019 Folio Number: 01-0100-000-0522 Property Address: 401 BISCAYNE BLVD Legal Description: MIAMI NORTH PB B-41 BEG 703.43FTE & 100FTS OF NE COR OF BLK 61 CONT S 181.09FT E23.83FT 541.50FT W23.83FT S 174.50FT E23.83FT 541.50FT W179.58FT S25FT W157.27FT SELY & ELY197.52FT E140.96FT SE604.49FT S 65 DEG E 270.56FT NELY148.28FT E49.24FT NELY714.32FT NW185.1O17T SWLY549FT W58.54FT SW86.76FT SLY & SWLY 107.1OFT W26.87FT N 65 DEG W 61.23FT NELY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 60FT SWLY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 156FT NELY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 60FT SWLY 52.25FT N 65 DEG W 49FT NWLY-NLY 339.60FT E52.25FT N60FT W52.25FT N156FT E52.25FT N60FT W52.25FT N176.38FT W275.42FT TO POB LOT SIZE 569621 SQ FT A/K/A BAYSIDE Invoice Customer No. Lien No. Description Amount Due 9262315 45660 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 318.14 9205059 45660 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 318.14 9152590 76051 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 316.89 9208466 76051 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 316.89 9265649 76051 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 316.89 9144197 58208 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 315.64 9257174 58208 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 315.64 9199746 58208 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 315.64 9029310 46436 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 315.53 9297016 126760 Certificate of Use 313.50 9321062 1175 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 310.50 9310174 3848 Certificate of Use 308.50 9310783 29413 Certificate of Use 308.50 9310916 148618 Certificate of Use 308.50 9311239 48266 Certificate of Use 308.50 9311284 96355 Certificate of Use 308.50 9311321 1167 Certificate of Use 308.50 9311332 78160 Certificate of Use 308.50 9310101 46589 Certificate of Use 308.50 9304152 46480 Certificate of Use 308.50 9306125 85823 Certificate of Use 308.50 9309588 113860 Certificate of Use 308.50 9304590 148162 Certificate of Use 308.50 9305935 159727 Certificate of Use 308.50 9299632 107552 Certificate of Use 308.50 9296512 60108 Certificate of Use 308.50 9295868 45688 Certificate of Use 308.50 9295855 96713 Certificate of Use 308.50 9303433 29726 Certificate of Use 308.50 9335438 167057 Certificate of Use 308.50 If you have any questions, please call (305) 416-1570. Please retain this page for your records. Page 12 of 28 David Sacks 2 South Biscayne Boulevard Suite 2400 Miami FL 33131 07/10/2019 Folio Number: 01-0100-000-0522 Property Address: 401 BISCAYNE BLVD Legal Description: MIAMI NORTH PB B-41 BEG 703.43FTE & 100FTS OF NE COR OF BLK 61 CONT S 181.09FT E23.83FT 541.50FT W23.83FT S 174.50FT E23.83FT 541.50FT W179.58FT S25FT W157.27FT SELY & ELY197.52FT E140.96FT SE604.49FT S 65 DEG E 270.56FT NELY148.28FT E49.24FT NELY714.32FT NW185.1O17T SWLY549FT W58.54FT SW86.76FT SLY & SWLY 107.1OFT W26.87FT N 65 DEG W 61.23FT NELY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 60FT SWLY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 156FT NELY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 60FT SWLY 52.25FT N 65 DEG W 49FT NWLY-NLY 339.60FT E52.25FT N60FT W52.25FT N156FT E52.25FT N60FT W52.25FT N176.38FT W275.42FT TO POB LOT SIZE 569621 SQ FT A/K/A BAYSIDE Invoice Customer No. Lien No. Description Amount Due 9303085 150747 Certificate of Use 308.50 9299555 32769 Certificate of Use 308.50 9303082 150748 Certificate of Use 308.50 9301518 147679 Certificate of Use 308.50 9301508 45082 Certificate of Use 308.50 9298210 114225 Certificate of Use 308.50 9300340 63179 Certificate of Use 308.50 9300146 46585 Certificate of Use 308.50 9289893 66043 Certificate of Use 308.50 9290017 56327 Certificate of Use 308.50 9290072 46588 Certificate of Use 308.50 9290667 104627 Certificate of Use 308.50 9291225 46434 Certificate of Use 308.50 9291607 141549 Certificate of Use 308.50 9291635 127005 Certificate of Use 308.50 9292093 48087 Certificate of Use 308.50 9292435 152563 Certificate of Use 308.50 9294153 148395 Certificate of Use 308.50 9295078 165682 Certificate of Use 308.50 9038022 31666 Certificate of Use 300.83 9019971 107377 Certificate of Use 300.83 9091997 78160 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 300.64 9318112 48087 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 300.50 9317637 46436 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 300.50 9318801 66043 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 300.50 9318890 48266 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 300.50 9315243 58365 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 299.50 9320663 69077 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 299.50 9325891 68710 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 299.50 1155045 31666 Certificate of Use 295.00 If you have any questions, please call (305) 416-1570. Please retain this page for your records. Page 13 of 28 David Sacks 2 South Biscayne Boulevard Suite 2400 Miami FL 33131 07/10/2019 Folio Number: 01-0100-000-0522 Property Address: 401 BISCAYNE BLVD Legal Description: MIAMI NORTH PB B-41 BEG 703.43FTE & 100FTS OF NE COR OF BLK 61 CONT S 181.09FT E23.83FT 541.50FT W23.83FT S 174.50FT E23.83FT 541.50FT W179.58FT S25FT W157.27FT SELY & ELY197.52FT E140.96FT SE604.49FT S 65 DEG E 270.56FT NELY148.28FT E49.24FT NELY714.32FT NW185.1O17T SWLY549FT W58.54FT SW86.76FT SLY & SWLY 107.1OFT W26.87FT N 65 DEG W 61.23FT NELY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 60FT SWLY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 156FT NELY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 60FT SWLY 52.25FT N 65 DEG W 49FT NWLY-NLY 339.60FT E52.25FT N60FT W52.25FT N156FT E52.25FT N60FT W52.25FT N176.38FT W275.42FT TO POB LOT SIZE 569621 SQ FT A/K/A BAYSIDE Invoice Customer No. Lien No. Description Amount Due 742024 117253 Burglar Alarm Non -Permitted Fine 292.50 851732 160623 Burglar Alarm Non -Permitted Fine 292.50 526484 29174 Returned Checks 290.15 9290700 128615 Certificate of Use 286.50 9291634 107377 Certificate of Use 286.50 9291933 111731 Certificate of Use 286.50 9292780 135004 Certificate of Use 286.50 9296057 45121 Certificate of Use 286.50 9298150 31666 Certificate of Use 286.50 9307633 155893 Certificate of Use 286.50 9308999 79008 Certificate of Use 286.50 9310482 45654 Certificate of Use 286.50 9020097 91269 Certificate of Use 285.08 9040702 83289 Certificate of Use 285.08 9038993 78990 Certificate of Use 285.08 9305335 115387 Certificate of Use 282.01 9309471 105316 Certificate of Use 280.50 9311300 117034 Certificate of Use 280.50 9307909 105314 Certificate of Use 280.50 9298597 26306 Certificate of Use 280.50 9307824 99724 Certificate of Use 280.50 9289070 26750 Certificate of Use 280.50 9327447 114225 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 279.50 9280350 155382 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 278.14 9145059 73200 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 278.14 9258028 73200 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 278.14 9200634 73200 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 278.14 9020849 111731 Certificate of Use 277.73 9309156 165454 Certificate of Use 275.50 9292743 131606 Certificate of Use 275.50 If you have any questions, please call (305) 416-1570. Please retain this page for your records. Page 14 of 28 David Sacks 2 South Biscayne Boulevard Suite 2400 Miami FL 33131 07/10/2019 Folio Number: 01-0100-000-0522 Property Address: 401 BISCAYNE BLVD Legal Description: MIAMI NORTH PB B-41 BEG 703.43FTE & 100FTS OF NE COR OF BLK 61 CONT S 181.09FT E23.83FT 541.50FT W23.83FT S 174.50FT E23.83FT 541.50FT W179.58FT S25FT W157.27FT SELY & ELY197.52FT E140.96FT SE604.49FT S 65 DEG E 270.56FT NELY148.28FT E49.24FT NELY714.32FT NW185.1O17T SWLY549FT W58.54FT SW86.76FT SLY & SWLY 107.1OFT W26.87FT N 65 DEG W 61.23FT NELY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 60FT SWLY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 156FT NELY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 60FT SWLY 52.25FT N 65 DEG W 49FT NWLY-NLY 339.60FT E52.25FT N60FT W52.25FT N156FT E52.25FT N60FT W52.25FT N176.38FT W275.42FT TO POB LOT SIZE 569621 SQ FT A/K/A BAYSIDE Invoice Customer No. Lien No. Description Amount Due 1096367 73200 Certificate of Use 273.14 1034316 73200 Certificate of Use 273.14 9309626 71572 Certificate of Use 271.50 9309415 45579 Certificate of Use 271.50 9310526 97019 Certificate of Use 271.50 9310569 124872 Certificate of Use 271.50 9310813 120866 Certificate of Use 271.50 9310890 45037 Certificate of Use 271.50 9311485 45690 Certificate of Use 271.50 9311618 88094 Certificate of Use 271.50 9335503 167117 Certificate of Use 271.50 9290877 88330 Certificate of Use 271.50 9291191 4164 Certificate of Use 271.50 9291664 91269 Certificate of Use 271.50 9292777 115224 Certificate of Use 271.50 9293157 123048 Certificate of Use 271.50 9294260 84656 Certificate of Use 271.50 9294414 45684 Certificate of Use 271.50 9294659 151024 Certificate of Use 271.50 9295037 45659 Certificate of Use 271.50 9295285 142190 Certificate of Use 271.50 9296444 66775 Certificate of Use 271.50 9296984 1166 Certificate of Use 271.50 9297482 26306 Certificate of Use 271.50 9297593 45081 Certificate of Use 271.50 9297606 160825 Certificate of Use 271.50 9298578 78990 Certificate of Use 271.50 9298717 155382 Certificate of Use 271.50 9298730 128190 Certificate of Use 271.50 9299085 1174 Certificate of Use 271.50 If you have any questions, please call (305) 416-1570. Please retain this page for your records. Page 15 of 28 David Sacks 2 South Biscayne Boulevard Suite 2400 Miami FL 33131 07/10/2019 Folio Number: 01-0100-000-0522 Property Address: 401 BISCAYNE BLVD Legal Description: MIAMI NORTH PB B-41 BEG 703.43FTE & 100FTS OF NE COR OF BLK 61 CONT S 181.09FT E23.83FT 541.50FT W23.83FT S 174.50FT E23.83FT 541.50FT W179.58FT S25FT W157.27FT SELY & ELY197.52FT E140.96FT SE604.49FT S 65 DEG E 270.56FT NELY148.28FT E49.24FT NELY714.32FT NW185.1O17T SWLY549FT W58.54FT SW86.76FT SLY & SWLY 107.1OFT W26.87FT N 65 DEG W 61.23FT NELY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 60FT SWLY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 156FT NELY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 60FT SWLY 52.25FT N 65 DEG W 49FT NWLY-NLY 339.60FT E52.25FT N60FT W52.25FT N156FT E52.25FT N60FT W52.25FT N176.38FT W275.42FT TO POB LOT SIZE 569621 SQ FT A/K/A BAYSIDE Invoice Customer No. Lien No. Description Amount Due 9299356 83289 Certificate of Use 271.50 9300109 99021 Certificate of Use 271.50 9300214 30371 Certificate of Use 271.50 9300220 30372 Certificate of Use 271.50 9300385 70674 Certificate of Use 271.50 9301801 97187 Certificate of Use 271.50 9302875 76051 Certificate of Use 271.50 9304770 125778 Certificate of Use 271.50 9305663 86754 Certificate of Use 271.50 9306072 69077 Certificate of Use 271.50 9306663 64331 Certificate of Use 271.50 9306781 30321 Certificate of Use 271.50 9307547 28290 Certificate of Use 271.50 9309154 134597 Certificate of Use 271.50 9310128 26271 Certificate of Use 271.50 9330518 115387 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 270.50 9321279 30321 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 270.50 933459 73200 Certificate of Use 268.75 9180779 73200 Certificate of Use 264.39 9188501 46436 Certificate of Use 264.39 9193294 49980 Certificate of Use 264.39 9236554 45660 Certificate of Use 264.39 9238512 73200 Certificate of Use 264.39 9246084 46436 Certificate of Use 264.39 9250854 49980 Certificate of Use 264.39 1205626 49980 Certificate of Use 264.39 1199859 73200 Certificate of Use 264.39 9071043 73200 Certificate of Use 264.39 9078431 46436 Certificate of Use 264.39 9082989 49980 Certificate of Use 264.39 If you have any questions, please call (305) 416-1570. Please retain this page for your records. Page 16 of 28 David Sacks 2 South Biscayne Boulevard Suite 2400 Miami FL 33131 07/10/2019 Folio Number: 01-0100-000-0522 Property Address: 401 BISCAYNE BLVD Legal Description: MIAMI NORTH PB B-41 BEG 703.43FTE & 100FTS OF NE COR OF BLK 61 CONT S 181.09FT E23.83FT 541.50FT W23.83FT S 174.50FT E23.83FT 541.50FT W179.58FT S25FT W157.27FT SELY & ELY197.52FT E140.96FT SE604.49FT S 65 DEG E 270.56FT NELY148.28FT E49.24FT NELY714.32FT NW185.1O17T SWLY549FT W58.54FT SW86.76FT SLY & SWLY 107.1OFT W26.87FT N 65 DEG W 61.23FT NELY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 60FT SWLY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 156FT NELY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 60FT SWLY 52.25FT N 65 DEG W 49FT NWLY-NLY 339.60FT E52.25FT N60FT W52.25FT N156FT E52.25FT N60FT W52.25FT N176.38FT W275.42FT TO POB LOT SIZE 569621 SQ FT A/K/A BAYSIDE Invoice Customer No. Lien No. Description Amount Due 9125957 73200 Certificate of Use 264.39 9133412 46436 Certificate of Use 264.39 9138019 49980 Certificate of Use 264.39 9178851 45660 Certificate of Use 264.39 9273460 29413 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 263.14 9313685 1167 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 258.50 1158828 83289 Certificate of Use 258.45 1152929 91269 Certificate of Use 258.45 1156705 78990 Certificate of Use 258.45 9143521 88330 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 255.64 9152944 123048 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 255.64 9156278 76492 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 255.64 9269279 76492 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 255.64 9266011 123048 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 255.64 9256490 88330 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 255.64 9212232 76492 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 255.64 9208825 123048 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 255.64 9199040 88330 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 255.64 9027674 78160 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 252.53 9199134 30371 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 248.14 9267302 134597 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 248.14 9256581 30371 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 248.14 9098880 110868 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 240.64 9330413 85823 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 240.50 9315466 147679 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 240.50 9317062 78160 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 240.50 9278029 120866 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 239.39 9149324 45650 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 233.14 9152141 110448 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 233.14 9153058 110643 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 233.14 If you have any questions, please call (305) 416-1570. Please retain this page for your records. Page 17 of 28 David Sacks 2 South Biscayne Boulevard Suite 2400 Miami FL 33131 07/10/2019 Folio Number: 01-0100-000-0522 Property Address: 401 BISCAYNE BLVD Legal Description: MIAMI NORTH PB B-41 BEG 703.43FTE & 100FTS OF NE COR OF BLK 61 CONT S 181.09FT E23.83FT 541.50FT W23.83FT S 174.50FT E23.83FT 541.50FT W179.58FT S25FT W157.27FT SELY & ELY197.52FT E140.96FT SE604.49FT S 65 DEG E 270.56FT NELY148.28FT E49.24FT NELY714.32FT NW185.1O17T SWLY549FT W58.54FT SW86.76FT SLY & SWLY 107.1OFT W26.87FT N 65 DEG W 61.23FT NELY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 60FT SWLY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 156FT NELY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 60FT SWLY 52.25FT N 65 DEG W 49FT NWLY-NLY 339.60FT E52.25FT N60FT W52.25FT N156FT E52.25FT N60FT W52.25FT N176.38FT W275.42FT TO POB LOT SIZE 569621 SQ FT A/K/A BAYSIDE Invoice Customer No. Lien No. Description Amount Due 9154445 110475 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 233.14 9164956 110487 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 233.14 9275882 45690 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 233.14 9277968 110487 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 233.14 9197993 125778 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 233.14 9198738 110561 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 233.14 9200568 113763 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 233.14 9205083 45650 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 233.14 9207223 111014 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 233.14 9208008 110448 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 233.14 9208932 110643 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 233.14 9210337 110475 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 233.14 9219003 45690 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 233.14 9221150 110487 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 233.14 9255485 125778 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 233.14 9256204 110561 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 233.14 9256628 45659 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 233.14 9257972 113763 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 233.14 9259341 45686 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 233.14 9262339 45650 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 233.14 9264423 111014 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 233.14 9265192 110448 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 233.14 9266115 110643 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 233.14 9267469 110475 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 233.14 9142505 125778 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 233.14 9144994 113763 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 233.14 9146537 111731 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 223.14 9259526 111731 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 223.14 9202194 111731 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 223.14 9322801 45082 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 222.50 If you have any questions, please call (305) 416-1570. Please retain this page for your records. Page 18 of 28 David Sacks 2 South Biscayne Boulevard Suite 2400 Miami FL 33131 07/10/2019 Folio Number: 01-0100-000-0522 Property Address: 401 BISCAYNE BLVD Legal Description: MIAMI NORTH PB B-41 BEG 703.43FTE & 100FTS OF NE COR OF BLK 61 CONT S 181.09FT E23.83FT 541.50FT W23.83FT S 174.50FT E23.83FT 541.50FT W179.58FT S25FT W157.27FT SELY & ELY197.52FT E140.96FT SE604.49FT S 65 DEG E 270.56FT NELY148.28FT E49.24FT NELY714.32FT NW185.1O17T SWLY549FT W58.54FT SW86.76FT SLY & SWLY 107.1OFT W26.87FT N 65 DEG W 61.23FT NELY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 60FT SWLY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 156FT NELY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 60FT SWLY 52.25FT N 65 DEG W 49FT NWLY-NLY 339.60FT E52.25FT N60FT W52.25FT N156FT E52.25FT N60FT W52.25FT N176.38FT W275.42FT TO POB LOT SIZE 569621 SQ FT A/K/A BAYSIDE Invoice Customer No. Lien No. Description Amount Due 9029311 46436 Certificate of Use 222.08 9031480 49980 Certificate of Use 222.08 9021690 73200 Certificate of Use 222.08 803304 127162 Burglar Alarm False Alarm Fee 213.50 9217995 31666 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 213.14 9274909 31666 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 213.14 9161923 31666 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 213.14 9303079 46436 Certificate of Use 211.50 9295482 73200 Certificate of Use 211.50 9293530 45660 Certificate of Use 211.50 9310302 3857 Certificate of Use 211.50 9307822 49980 Certificate of Use 211.50 9262132 105314 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 206.89 9149134 105314 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 206.89 9204873 105314 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 206.89 1156520 49980 Certificate of Use 205.95 1163583 73200 Certificate of Use 205.95 9043715 110868 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 202.13 9330818 152563 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 201.50 9329099 126760 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 192.50 9323979 110868 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 192.50 1193223 83289 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 191.89 9098986 83289 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 191.89 9145187 91269 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 191.89 9258340 26265 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 191.89 9200959 26265 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 191.89 9200771 91269 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 191.89 9258152 91269 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 191.89 807765 120835 Burglar Alarm Expired Fine 191.50 9313226 26306 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 188.50 If you have any questions, please call (305) 416-1570. Please retain this page for your records. Page 19 of 28 David Sacks 2 South Biscayne Boulevard Suite 2400 Miami FL 33131 07/10/2019 Folio Number: 01-0100-000-0522 Property Address: 401 BISCAYNE BLVD Legal Description: MIAMI NORTH PB B-41 BEG 703.43FTE & 100FTS OF NE COR OF BLK 61 CONT S 181.09FT E23.83FT 541.50FT W23.83FT S 174.50FT E23.83FT 541.50FT W179.58FT S25FT W157.27FT SELY & ELY197.52FT E140.96FT SE604.49FT S 65 DEG E 270.56FT NELY148.28FT E49.24FT NELY714.32FT NW185.1017T SWLY549FT W58.54FT SW86.76FT SLY & SWLY 107.10FT W26.87FT N 65 DEG W 61.23FT NELY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 60FT SWLY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 156FT NELY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 60FT SWLY 52.25FT N 65 DEG W 49FT NWLY-NLY 339.60FT E52.25FT N60FT W52.25FT N156FT E52.25FT N60FT W52.25FT N176.38FT W275.42FT TO POB LOT SIZE 569621 SQ FT A/K/A BAYSIDE Invoice Customer No. Lien No. Description Amount Due 9267407 107751 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 188.14 9151116 102239 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 188.14 9154373 107751 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 188.14 9159037 4164 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 188.14 9162264 78990 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 188.14 9272029 4164 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 188.14 9275257 78990 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 188.14 9202536 97019 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 188.14 9204223 49980 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 188.14 9206941 102239 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 188.14 9210267 107751 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 188.14 9215038 4164 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 188.14 9218351 78990 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 188.14 9261501 49980 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 188.14 9264156 102239 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 188.14 9265979 99021 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 188.14 9146865 97019 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 188.14 9148484 49980 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 188.14 9207089 30321 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 181.10 9321439 45037 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 180.50 9333236 148395 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 180.50 9330318 141549 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 180.50 9329134 1174 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 180.50 9322229 45614 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 176.50 9289972 3856 Certificate of Use 174.50 9292599 3855 Certificate of Use 174.50 9294332 64968 Certificate of Use 174.50 9305578 68710 Certificate of Use 174.50 9298111 26305 Certificate of Use 174.50 9300774 26308 Certificate of Use 174.50 If you have any questions, please call (305) 416-1570. Please retain this page for your records. Page 20 of 28 David Sacks 2 South Biscayne Boulevard Suite 2400 Miami FL 33131 07/10/2019 Folio Number: 01-0100-000-0522 Property Address: 401 BISCAYNE BLVD Legal Description: MIAMI NORTH PB B-41 BEG 703.43FTE & 100FTS OF NE COR OF BLK 61 CONT S 181.09FT E23.83FT 541.50FT W23.83FT S 174.50FT E23.83FT 541.50FT W179.58FT S25FT W157.27FT SELY & ELY197.52FT E140.96FT SE604.49FT S 65 DEG E 270.56FT NELY148.28FT E49.24FT NELY714.32FT NW185.1O17T SWLY549FT W58.54FT SW86.76FT SLY & SWLY 107.1OFT W26.87FT N 65 DEG W 61.23FT NELY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 60FT SWLY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 156FT NELY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 60FT SWLY 52.25FT N 65 DEG W 49FT NWLY-NLY 339.60FT E52.25FT N60FT W52.25FT N156FT E52.25FT N60FT W52.25FT N176.38FT W275.42FT TO POB LOT SIZE 569621 SQ FT A/K/A BAYSIDE Invoice Customer No. Lien No. Description Amount Due 9304652 50181 Certificate of Use 174.50 9298087 58365 Certificate of Use 174.50 9330055 3857 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 170.50 9210995 118322 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 163.16 9040703 83289 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 161.18 803233 127162 Burglar Alarm False Alarm Fee 161.00 9296754 125280 Certificate of Use 158.50 9324076 83289 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 153.50 9312702 88094 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 150.50 9320940 133747 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 150.50 9321306 74330 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 150.50 9275244 1166 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 150.00 9208793 99021 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 150.00 9218859 127005 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 150.00 4009537 26267 Hydraulic Passenger Elevator 143.50 9326542 65276 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 142.50 9329575 26271 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 138.50 9335146 26308 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 134.50 9319310 45660 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 134.50 9322615 76051 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 133.50 9314140 58208 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 132.50 1064563 73200 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 128.14 9089991 73200 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 128.14 1176864 73200 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 128.14 1122771 73200 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 128.14 974048 73200 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 127.50 880637 73200 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 127.14 9323589 66775 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 123.50 9322433 107552 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 120.50 9335319 163315 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 120.50 If you have any questions, please call (305) 416-1570. Please retain this page for your records. Page 21 of 28 David Sacks 2 South Biscayne Boulevard Suite 2400 Miami FL 33131 07/10/2019 Folio Number: 01-0100-000-0522 Property Address: 401 BISCAYNE BLVD Legal Description: MIAMI NORTH PB B-41 BEG 703.43FTE & 100FTS OF NE COR OF BLK 61 CONT S 181.09FT E23.83FT 541.50FT W23.83FT S 174.50FT E23.83FT 541.50FT W179.58FT S25FT W157.27FT SELY & ELY197.52FT E140.96FT SE604.49FT S 65 DEG E 270.56FT NELY148.28FT E49.24FT NELY714.32FT NW185.1O17T SWLY549FT W58.54FT SW86.76FT SLY & SWLY 107.1OFT W26.87FT N 65 DEG W 61.23FT NELY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 60FT SWLY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 156FT NELY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 60FT SWLY 52.25FT N 65 DEG W 49FT NWLY-NLY 339.60FT E52.25FT N60FT W52.25FT N156FT E52.25FT N60FT W52.25FT N176.38FT W275.42FT TO POB LOT SIZE 569621 SQ FT A/K/A BAYSIDE Invoice Customer No. Lien No. Description Amount Due 9324292 165682 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 120.50 9325050 118322 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 114.50 794872 99217 Burglar Alarm Permit Renewal 109.00 810634 127162 Burglar Alarm Permit Renewal 109.00 810203 120835 Burglar Alarm Permit Renewal 109.00 9332565 3848 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 108.50 9316274 133253 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 108.50 9021689 73200 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 107.63 1184885 76492 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 105.64 9097887 123048 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 105.64 9101212 76492 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 105.64 9326288 155382 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 102.50 9326432 155893 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 102.50 9315003 73200 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 102.50 9334584 45081 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 90.50 9332166 1166 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 90.50 9330371 29413 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 90.50 9047575 76492 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 88.73 9319537 45579 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 84.50 9314942 148162 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 84.50 9326227 76492 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 84.50 9322983 123048 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 84.50 9313471 88330 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 84.50 9097083 110448 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 83.14 9094245 45650 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 83.14 9087444 125778 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 83.14 9099370 110475 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 83.14 9089927 113763 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 83.14 9109931 110487 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 83.14 1186648 45570 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 83.14 If you have any questions, please call (305) 416-1570. Please retain this page for your records. Page 22 of 28 David Sacks 2 South Biscayne Boulevard Suite 2400 Miami FL 33131 07/10/2019 Folio Number: 01-0100-000-0522 Property Address: 401 BISCAYNE BLVD Legal Description: MIAMI NORTH PB B-41 BEG 703.43FTE & 100FTS OF NE COR OF BLK 61 CONT S 181.09FT E23.83FT 541.50FT W23.83FT S 174.50FT E23.83FT 541.50FT W179.58FT S25FT W157.27FT SELY & ELY197.52FT E140.96FT SE604.49FT S 65 DEG E 270.56FT NELY148.28FT E49.24FT NELY714.32FT NW185.1O17T SWLY549FT W58.54FT SW86.76FT SLY & SWLY 107.1OFT W26.87FT N 65 DEG W 61.23FT NELY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 60FT SWLY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 156FT NELY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 60FT SWLY 52.25FT N 65 DEG W 49FT NWLY-NLY 339.60FT E52.25FT N60FT W52.25FT N156FT E52.25FT N60FT W52.25FT N176.38FT W275.42FT TO POB LOT SIZE 569621 SQ FT A/K/A BAYSIDE Invoice Customer No. Lien No. Description Amount Due 1192989 45650 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 83.14 1120164 45650 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 83.14 9151395 111014 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 81.89 9325339 113860 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 81.50 9316875 88329 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 78.50 9324252 134597 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 78.50 9313556 30371 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 78.50 9323140 29643 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 76.15 9326616 96713 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 75.50 9091459 111731 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 73.14 9324012 30372 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 72.50 9315441 45684 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 72.50 9334518 60108 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 71.50 9329203 84656 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 71.50 9327574 86754 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 71.50 9324643 117034 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 71.50 9323438 26305 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 71.50 9320519 105316 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 71.50 9334931 120866 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 71.50 9330849 128615 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 70.50 9317744 131606 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 70.50 9314348 96355 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 70.50 9044561 110475 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 69.83 9040130 110448 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 69.83 9033675 45650 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 69.83 9021502 113763 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 69.83 9054203 45570 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 69.83 9314949 113763 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 66.50 9316325 45686 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 66.50 9319331 45650 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 66.50 If you have any questions, please call (305) 416-1570. Please retain this page for your records. Page 23 of 28 David Sacks 2 South Biscayne Boulevard Suite 2400 Miami FL 33131 07/10/2019 Folio Number: 01-0100-000-0522 Property Address: 401 BISCAYNE BLVD Legal Description: MIAMI NORTH PB B-41 BEG 703.43FTE & 100FTS OF NE COR OF BLK 61 CONT S 181.09FT E23.83FT 541.50FT W23.83FT S 174.50FT E23.83FT 541.50FT W179.58FT S25FT W157.27FT SELY & ELY197.52FT E140.96FT SE604.49FT S 65 DEG E 270.56FT NELY148.28FT E49.24FT NELY714.32FT NW185.1O17T SWLY549FT W58.54FT SW86.76FT SLY & SWLY 107.1OFT W26.87FT N 65 DEG W 61.23FT NELY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 60FT SWLY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 156FT NELY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 60FT SWLY 52.25FT N 65 DEG W 49FT NWLY-NLY 339.60FT E52.25FT N60FT W52.25FT N156FT E52.25FT N60FT W52.25FT N176.38FT W275.42FT TO POB LOT SIZE 569621 SQ FT A/K/A BAYSIDE Invoice Customer No. Lien No. Description Amount Due 9320972 102881 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 66.50 9321404 111014 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 66.50 9322148 110448 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 66.50 9323087 110643 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 66.50 9324425 110475 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 66.50 9329645 45654 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 66.50 9332108 45570 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 66.50 9332776 45690 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 66.50 9334694 113949 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 66.50 9334877 110487 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 66.50 9312449 125778 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 66.50 9312531 45651 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 66.50 9313176 110561 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 66.50 9313595 45659 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 66.50 9313769 160825 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 66.50 9334477 50181 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 63.50 1130684 31666 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 63.14 9106905 31666 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 63.14 1183812 31666 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 63.14 9020850 111731 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 61.43 9316520 111731 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 58.50 833397 55331 Burglar Alarm Permit Renewal 56.50 834222 53613 Burglar Alarm Permit Renewal 56.50 835256 29282 Burglar Alarm Permit Renewal 56.50 840924 46435 Burglar Alarm Permit Renewal 56.50 772441 99217 Burglar Alarm Permit Renewal 56.50 853684 56327 Burglar Alarm False Alarm Fee 56.00 9314445 115224 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 54.30 9038023 31666 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 53.03 795325 127162 Burglar Alarm Permit Renewal 53.00 If you have any questions, please call (305) 416-1570. Please retain this page for your records. Page 24 of 28 David Sacks 2 South Biscayne Boulevard Suite 2400 Miami FL 33131 07/10/2019 Folio Number: 01-0100-000-0522 Property Address: 401 BISCAYNE BLVD Legal Description: MIAMI NORTH PB B-41 BEG 703.43FTE & 100FTS OF NE COR OF BLK 61 CONT S 181.09FT E23.83FT 541.50FT W23.83FT S 174.50FT E23.83FT 541.50FT W179.58FT S25FT W157.27FT SELY & ELY197.52FT E140.96FT SE604.49FT S 65 DEG E 270.56FT NELY148.28FT E49.24FT NELY714.32FT NW185.1O17T SWLY549FT W58.54FT SW86.76FT SLY & SWLY 107.1OFT W26.87FT N 65 DEG W 61.23FT NELY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 60FT SWLY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 156FT NELY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 60FT SWLY 52.25FT N 65 DEG W 49FT NWLY-NLY 339.60FT E52.25FT N60FT W52.25FT N156FT E52.25FT N60FT W52.25FT N176.38FT W275.42FT TO POB LOT SIZE 569621 SQ FT A/K/A BAYSIDE Invoice Customer No. Lien No. Description Amount Due 9331354 165326 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 52.50 9327938 165454 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 50.50 9331837 31666 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 50.50 9334121 87507 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 45.50 9319136 105314 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 45.50 9321380 70674 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 45.50 9253834 120866 Certificate of Use 44.81 1173232 91269 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 41.89 9090115 91269 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 41.89 1123799 91269 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 41.89 1184729 49980 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 38.14 1189620 78990 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 38.14 1130923 49980 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 38.14 9093397 49980 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 38.14 1136744 78990 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 38.14 1058772 78990 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 38.14 9107248 78990 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 38.14 9096051 102239 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 38.14 9104011 4164 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 38.14 9099298 107751 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 38.14 9091786 97019 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 38.14 9020098 91269 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 35.18 9063750 125778 Initial - Business Tax Receipt - 35.00 9334779 97187 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 33.50 9330725 71572 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 33.50 9318475 3855 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 33.50 9315124 91269 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 33.50 9315318 26265 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 33.50 9312810 26750 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 33.50 9031479 49980 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 32.03 If you have any questions, please call (305) 416-1570. Please retain this page for your records. Page 25 of 28 David Sacks 2 South Biscayne Boulevard Suite 2400 Miami FL 33131 07/10/2019 Folio Number: 01-0100-000-0522 Property Address: 401 BISCAYNE BLVD Legal Description: MIAMI NORTH PB B-41 BEG 703.43FTE & 100FTS OF NE COR OF BLK 61 CONT S 181.09FT E23.83FT 541.50FT W23.83FT S 174.50FT E23.83FT 541.50FT W179.58FT S25FT W157.27FT SELY & ELY197.52FT E140.96FT SE604.49FT S 65 DEG E 270.56FT NELY148.28FT E49.24FT NELY714.32FT NW185.1O17T SWLY549FT W58.54FT SW86.76FT SLY & SWLY 107.1OFT W26.87FT N 65 DEG W 61.23FT NELY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 60FT SWLY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 156FT NELY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 60FT SWLY 52.25FT N 65 DEG W 49FT NWLY-NLY 339.60FT E52.25FT N60FT W52.25FT N156FT E52.25FT N60FT W52.25FT N176.38FT W275.42FT TO POB LOT SIZE 569621 SQ FT A/K/A BAYSIDE Invoice Customer No. Lien No. Description Amount Due 9038994 78990 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 32.03 9044445 107751 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 32.03 9192276 30321 Certificate of Use 31.23 9324774 135004 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 30.50 9325846 79008 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 30.50 9328953 4164 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 30.50 9332180 78990 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 30.50 9324362 107751 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 30.50 9315934 3856 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 30.50 9316851 97019 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 30.50 9318489 49980 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 30.50 9322952 99021 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 30.50 9321140 102239 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 30.50 9067040 4164 Certificate of Use 10.54 9088453 88330 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 5.59 420335 82444 Fire False Alarm Fee 3.50 9097989 110643 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 3.33 9318726 55331 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 996.50 9303047 91525 Certificate of Use 511.50 9333356 91525 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 454.50 9082077 118031 Certificate of Use 385.64 9137088 118031 Certificate of Use 385.64 9192307 118031 Certificate of Use 385.64 9249854 118031 Certificate of Use 370.21 1204869 91523 Certificate of Use 339.39 9076858 108453 Certificate of Use 339.39 9083201 91523 Certificate of Use 339.39 9131803 108453 Certificate of Use 339.39 9186852 108453 Certificate of Use 339.39 9193520 91523 Certificate of Use 339.39 If you have any questions, please call (305) 416-1570. Please retain this page for your records. Page 26 of 28 David Sacks 2 South Biscayne Boulevard Suite 2400 Miami FL 33131 07/10/2019 Folio Number: 01-0100-000-0522 Property Address: 401 BISCAYNE BLVD Legal Description: MIAMI NORTH PB B-41 BEG 703.43FTE & 100FTS OF NE COR OF BLK 61 CONT S 181.09FT E23.83FT 541.50FT W23.83FT S 174.50FT E23.83FT 541.50FT W179.58FT S25FT W157.27FT SELY & ELY197.52FT E140.96FT SE604.49FT S 65 DEG E 270.56FT NELY148.28FT E49.24FT NELY714.32FT NW185.1O17T SWLY549FT W58.54FT SW86.76FT SLY & SWLY 107.1OFT W26.87FT N 65 DEG W 61.23FT NELY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 60FT SWLY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 156FT NELY52.25FT N 65 DEG W 60FT SWLY 52.25FT N 65 DEG W 49FT NWLY-NLY 339.60FT E52.25FT N60FT W52.25FT N156FT E52.25FT N60FT W52.25FT N176.38FT W275.42FT TO POB LOT SIZE 569621 SQ FT A/K/A BAYSIDE Invoice Customer No. Lien No. Description Amount Due 9138249 91523 Certificate of Use 339.39 9244437 108453 Certificate of Use 325.81 9251076 91523 Certificate of Use 325.81 9306811 118031 Certificate of Use 308.50 9299970 55331 Certificate of Use 308.50 9053743 91523 Certificate of Use 285.08 9044989 108453 Certificate of Use 285.08 9295367 95447 Certificate of Use 279.50 9308040 91523 Certificate of Use 271.50 9301440 108453 Certificate of Use 271.50 1157484 91523 Certificate of Use 258.45 9150287 118031 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 188.14 9220306 91523 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 188.14 9164158 91523 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 188.14 9206085 118031 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 188.14 9263320 118031 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 186.61 9277161 91523 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 186.61 1091563 91523 Certificate of Use 81.28 9328273 99724 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 45.50 9095221 118031 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 38.14 1185175 91523 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 38.14 1132094 91523 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 38.14 9109131 91523 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 38.14 9053744 91523 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 32.03 9320316 118031 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 30.50 9334053 91523 Business Tax Receipt - Regular 30.50 Sub- Total $ 232,790.37 If you have any questions, please call (305) 416-1570. Please retain this page for your records. Page 27 of 28 Folio Number: Violations Detail Report 01-0100-000-0522 NO OPEN VIOLATIONS FOUND. Page 28 of 28 C�Vl OF �Y « , , ,n r L OK1`9 (fitu of ffliatui BUILDING DEPARTMENT Transaction Statement Financial Transaction ID: 621090 Transaction Date: Jul 15 2019 11:39AM Permit Number: FEE SUMMARY David Sacks FILE ID: 6187 PZ -18-513 Except includes SURCHARGE (305)379-2425 Fee Category Fee Fee Description Code HEARING BOARDS - MS -207 VARIANCE/EXCEPTION - OTHER APPLICATION/APPEAL USES HEARING BOARDS - PUBLIC HEARING MS -228 PUBLIC HEARING - ADVERTISING HEARING BOARDS - PUBLIC HEARING MS -225 PUBLIC HEARING - MEETING MAIL NOTICE - NEIGHBORS HEARING BOARDS - PUBLIC HEARING MS -226 PUBLIC HEARING - LU POLICY 1.5.4 HEARING BOARDS - PUBLIC HEARING MS -241 PUBLIC HEARING - MEETING MAIL NOTICE - APPLICANT/APPEALLANT Quantity Unit Type Amount 2.0000 UNITS $3,000.00 2.0000 UNITS $3,000.00 25.0000 NGH X HRGS $112.50 20.0000 NGH X HRGS $90.00 1.0000 HEARINGS $4.50 Total: $6,207.00 Rev. Jul/02/2012 Generated on Jul/15/2019 11:39 AM KY. up 'SNA, * Imp 114111 { # 1i 11 ►,- O R Department of Finance Online Payments Receipt Your Reference Number, 2019196001-106 07/15/2019 12:03:18 PM Web -user TRANSACTIONS If you have a Transaction ID, please click here 2019196001-106-1 TRANS ID 621090 BUSINESS NAME COM $6,207.00 Fee Payment $3,000. OC FEE NAME VARIANCE/EXCEPTION - OTHER USES Fee Payment $3,000.0( FEE NAME PUBLIC HEARING - ADVERTISING Fee Payment $172.5( FEE NAME PUBLIC HEARING - MEETING MAIL NOTICE - NEIGHBORS Fee Payment $90 -OC - FEE NAME PUBLIC HEARING - LU POLICY 1.5.4 Fee Payment $4.5V FEE NAME PUBLIC HEARING - MEETING MAIL NOTICE - APPLICANT/APPEALLANT T.. -r • r A a iws gar -w. dbA. 0%t%7 Ail'!. 2 Robert Soos From: ipayment@corebt.com <ipayment@corebt.com> Sent: Monday, July 15,2019 12:08:38 PM To: rtsoos@outlook.com Subject: Payment Confirmation: 2019196001-106 0_ Department of Finance Online Payments Receipt Your Reference Number. 2019196001-106 07/15/2019 12:03:18 PM Web user 1 R %*%S 1CT[DNS If you have a Transaction ID, please click here $6,207.00 2019196001-106-1 Trans ID: 621090 Business Name: COM Fee Payment $3,000.00 Fee Name: VARIANCE/EXCEPTION - OTHER USES Fee Payment $3,000.00 Fee Name: PUBLIC HEARING - ADVERTISING Fee Payment $112.50 Fee Name: PUBLIC HEARING - MEETING MAIL NOTICE - NEIGHBORS Fee Payment $90.00 Fee Name: PUBLIC HEARING - LU POLICY l .5.4 Fee Payment $4.50 Fee Name: PUBLIC HEARING - MEETING MAIL NOTICE - APPLICANT/APPEALLANT 3 TOTAL AMourrr$6,207.00 Mastercard Credit Sale Card Number: ************0391 First Name: Robert Last Name: Soos $6,207.00