HomeMy WebLinkAboutBack-Up DocumentsCITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Emilio T. Gonz6lez, Ph.D. City Manager DATE: August 12, 2019 FILE: SUBJECT: Recommendation of Award for Citywide Storm Water Pump Station Repair and Maintenance Services FROM: Annie Perez, CPPD, Director jREFERENCES: Request for Proposals Department of Procurement 0' ("RFP") No. 1062381 ENCLOSURES: Price Sheet, Survey RECOMMENDATION: Based on the findings below, the Department of Procurement ("Procurement") hereby recommends award of RFP 1062381 to Condo Electric Motor Repair Corp. ("Condo Electric"), the sole responsive and responsible Proposer, to provide citywide storm water pump station repair and maintenance services for the Department of Public Works. The awarded vendor, contract terms, and amount are shown below. RFP No./Title: RFP 1062381, Citywide Storm Water Pump Station Repair and Maintenance Services Contract Amount: Approximately $1,040,779.00 annually (aggregate of $5,203,895.00 for five (5) years), subject to availability of funds for succeeding fiscal years Contract Term: Initial term for a period of three (3) years, with the option to renew for two (2) additional one (1) year periods Recommended Vendor: Condo Electric Motor Repair Corp., 3615 East 10th Court, Hialeah, FL 33013 BACKGROUND: On May 3, 2019, Procurement issued RFP No. 1062381, under full and open competition to obtain the services of an experienced and qualified proposer for the provision of storm water pump station repair and maintenance services. On May 30, 2019, one (1) proposal was received. An Evaluation Committee completed the review and evaluation of the sole responsive proposal and determined that Condo Electric was a qualified, responsive, and responsible proposer. Consequently, approval of this recommendation to award is requested. Your signature below will indicate approval of thi recommendatio . Approved: Date: Em' io T. Gonzalez, Ph.D., City Manager c: Nzeribe Ihekwaba, Ph.D., P.E., Assistant City Manager, Chief of Operations Sandra Bridgeman, CPA, Assistant City Manager, Chief Financial Officer Alan M. Dodd, P. E., Director, Public Works Yadissa Calderon, CPPB, Assistant Director PR19226 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Emilio T. Gonzalez, Ph.D. City Manager FROM: Annie Perez, CPPO C : n Procurement Director`- RECOMMENDATION: DATE: July 1, 2019 FILE: SUBJECT: Recommendation to Negotiate a Contract for Storm Pump Station Repair and Maintenance Services REFERENCES: RFP No. 1062381 ENCLOSURES: Bid Security List Committee Score Sheets Based on the finding below, the Department of Procurement ("Procurement") hereby requests approval to negotiate with the highest ranked, sole responsive and responsible Proposer, Condo Electric Motor Repair, Corp. ("Condo Electric"), to provide storm pump station repair and maintenance services ("Services") for the Department of Resilience and Public Works ("Public Works"). BACKGROUND: On May 3, 2019, Procurement issued Request for Proposals ("RFP") No. 1062381, under full and open competition, on behalf of Public Works, to obtain proposals from experienced, qualified firms to provide the Services. Proposers were required to meet all of the minimum qualification requirements established in the RFP, in order to be deemed qualified to provide the Services. One (1) proposal was received in response to the RFP. Condo Electric were deemed responsive and responsible. A survey was completed to determine why no other proposals were received. One prospective proposer was not in favor of the solicitation terms and decided not to propose. The Evaluation Committee ("Committee") met on June 26, 2019, and has completed the review and evaluation of the proposal, following the guidelines published in the RFP. The final score is as follows: Proposer 1 1 Condo Electric Motor Repair, Corp. The Committee decided not to hold oral presentations. Due diligence was conducted to determine responsibility. compliance issues and no adverse findings related to Condo negotiations, Procurement will further review the proposal Proposer. The following individuals will participate in the negotiations: PR19197 Score (max. 500) 442 There were no performance or Electric's responsibility. Prior to submitted by the recommended Tahlia Gray, Procurement Analyst, Procurement Juvenal Santana, Deputy Director, Public Works Christopher Bennett, Assistant Director, Public Works Elyrosa Estevez, Professional Engineer III, Public Works CONSENSUS STATEMENT: The Committee recommends Condo Electric for the following primary reasons: (1) their storm pump experience is exceptional; (2) they have a solid operating history working with a number of municipalities in the South Florida area; (3) they have a maintenance facility where they own their equipment and can manufacture parts onsite; and (4) being a local supplier, their responsiveness is always timely. Copies of the score sheets for each Committee member are attached, as well as a composite score sheet. Approved: Date: 7/,r// f`M .Gonzalez, Ph.D., City Manager c: Joseph F. Napoli, Deputy City Manger Nzeribe Ihekwaba, Ph.D., P.E., Assistant City Manager, Chief of Infrastructure Sandra Bridgeman, CPA, Assistant City Manager, Chief Financial Officer Alan E. Dodd, P.E., Director, Public Works Juvenal Santana, P.E., CFM, Deputy Director, Public Works Christopher Bennett, Assistant Director, Public Works Yadissa Calderon, CPPB, Assistant Director, Procurement PR19197 CITY OF MIAMI OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK BID SECURITY LIST BID ITEM: Storm Pump Maintenance and Repair Services BID NUMBER: RFP 1062381 DATE BID OPENED: May 30, 2019 TIME: 2:00 p.m. BIDDER Condo Electric Motor Repair BID TOTAL AMOUNT See attached BID BOND (ER) CASHIER'S CHECK, _ See attached r PersoTReceiving B.id(s) , Today's Date ` Received (1) bid(s) on behalf: Procurement` 't y Depa menu PREPARED BY:,. U� k._�1 Deputy City Clerk RFP 919382 was re -solicited as RFP 1062381. No terms were changed. From: Howard Mills To: Gray. Tahlia Cc: Georoe Guillen; Juan Hernandez; Janine Calleia Subject: RFP 919382 Storm Sewer Pump Station Repair and Maintenance Services Date: Friday, March 1, 2019 3:32:52 PM Attachments: 1mage002.rng imaae003.Dna imaoe004.Dno CAUTION: This is an email from an external source. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Good afternoon Ms. Gray, In response to your request to determine the barriers to Contractor participation with the above referenced RFP TAW offers the following comment: TAW Miami Service Center, Inc. as well as Tampa Armature Works, Inc. corporate believe that the current RFP requirements set forth by the City of Miami for Storm Sewer Pump Station Repair and Maintenance, as well as subsequent listed contract conditions are inconsistent with what TAW Miami Service Center, Inc. believes to be the industry practice for work of this nature. As a result, TAW Miami Service Center, Inc. decided not to submit a bid in response to this RFP. In addition, due to a company -wide computer issue, we were unable to respond to the RFP on 02/27/2019. However, as always, we appreciate the City of Miami and its work with TAW Miami Service Center, Inc. over the last eight years. Regards, "��'� Howard Mills I Corporate Contract Manager Tampa Armature Works, Inc. rAW 6312 78th Street I Riverview, FL 33578 Tel: 813-621-5661 x1246 I Fax: 813-425-0933 /��� ��• Howard. Mills(a)tawinc.com I www.tawinc.com Excellence in creating innovative solutions for the supply, control and use of energy Shop Our E-commerce Site shon.tawinc.com Confidentiality Notice: This e-mail transmission and any documents, files or previous e-mail messages attached to it may contain confidential information that is legally privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, or a person responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of any of the information contained in or attached to this transmission is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. If you have received this transmission in error, please immediately notify us by reply e-mail, or by telephone at the direct dial number above and destroy the original transmission and its attachments without reading or saving in any manner. Thank you. TAWO is a registered trademark of Tampa Armature Works, Inc. and Subsidiaries. Gray, Tahlia From: Gray, Tahlia Sent: Monday, August 12, 2019 4:39 PM To: Howard Mills Cc: George Guillen; Juan Hernandez; Janine Calleja Subject: RE: RFP 919382 Storm Sewer Pump Station Repair and Maintenance Services Good afternoon, We issued RFP 1062381 for the subject services, I wanted to be sure that TAW's reason for not responding is still as it was provided for RFP 919382. Please advise. Thank you! Best regards, Tahlia R Gray, MBA Procurement Analyst City of Miami Procurement Department 444 SW 2 Ave, 6th FL Miami, FL 33130 W: 305 416-1912 A: 305 400-5019 ®: tgrav@miamigov.com Website: http://www.miamigov.com/procurement/ ":SerNing, Enhancing, and Transtoriiiiilg our Conlmunit " CONFIDENTIAL COMMUNICATION The information contained in this transmission may contain privileged and confidential information. It is intended only for the use of the person(s) named above. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination, distribution, or duplication of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please immediately contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message. Thank you. *Please Note: Due to Florida's very broad public records law, most written communications to or from City of Miami employees regarding City business are public records, available to the public and media upon request. Therefore, this e-mail communication may be subject to public disclosure. From: Howard Mills[mailto:Howard.Mills@tawinc.com] Sent: Friday, March 1, 2019 3:33 PM To: Gray, Tahlia <tgray@miamigov.com> Cc: George Guillen <George.Guillen@tawinc.com>; Juan Hernandez <Juan.Hernandez@tawinc.com>; Janine Calleja <Janine.Calleja@tawinc.com> Subject: RFP 919382 Storm Sewer Pump Station Repair and Maintenance Services CAUTION: This is an email from an external source. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Good afternoon Ms. Gray, In response to your request to determine the barriers to Contractor participation with the above referenced RFP TAW offers the following comment: TAW Miami Service Center, Inc. as well as Tampa Armature Works, Inc. corporate believe that the current RFP requirements set forth by the City of Miami for Storm Sewer Pump Station Repair and Maintenance, as well as subsequent listed contract conditions are inconsistent with what TAW Miami Service Center, Inc. believes to be the industry practice for work of this nature. As a result, TAW Miami Service Center, Inc. decided not to submit a bid in response to this RFP. In addition, due to a company -wide computer issue, we were unable to respond to the RFP on 02/27/2019. However, as always, we appreciate the City of Miami and its work with TAW Miami Service Center, Inc. over the last eight years. Regards, Howard Mills I Corporate Contract Manager TA 1 Tampa Armature Works, Inc. 6312 78th Street I Riverview, FL 33578 / Tel: 813-621-5661 x1246 I Fax: 813-425-0933 Howard.Mills(@tawinc.com I www.tawinc.com / • Excellence in creating innovative solutions for the supply, control and use of energy LA EM A Shop Our E-commerce Site shmtawinc.com Confidentiality Notice: This e-mail transmission and any documents, files or previous e-mail messages attached to it may contain confidential information that is legally privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, or a person responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of any of the information contained in or attached to this transmission is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. If you have received this transmission in error, please immediately notify us by reply e-mail, or by telephone at the direct dial number above and destroy the original transmission and its attachments without reading or saving in any manner. Thank you. TAW r® is a registered trademark of Tampa Armature Works, Inc. and Subsidiaries. RFP NO. 1062381 STORMWATER PUMP STATION MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR EVALUATION OF PROPOSALS COMPOSITE CONDO ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIR, CORP. EVALUATION PROPOSERS CRITERIA Maximum Maximum Elyrosa Carlos Carlos Hermes Total Points Points C Lee Wilkins Total Points Per Member Estevez Castro Garcia Diaz (5 members) (5 members) Proposer's relevant experience, qualifications, and past performance Relevant experience and qualifications of key personnel, including key personnel of subcontractors, that will be assigned to this Contract, and experience and qualifications of subcontractors Proposer's approach to providing the Services requested in this solicitation Proposer's Proposed Price �ZOTAL POINTS CHAIRPER bNSIG / U CHAIR RSON PINT NAME: REVIEWED BY SIGNATURE: REVIEWED BY PRINT NAME: P�'PS A Sc3�V 7/9/2019 30 28 29 27 20 20 15 16 30 29 29 20 18 20 100 95 93 27 27 150 138 M-] 25 27 16 18 84 I 90 DATE: DATE: 9 18 100 87 21 150 131 14 100 86 80 500 442 RFP NO. 1062381 STORMWATER PUMP STATION MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR EVALUATION OF PROPOSALS Hermes Diaz, Director, City of Coral Gables EVALUATION \ PROPOSERS CRITERIA Condo Electric Maximum Motor Repair, Points Corp. Proposer's relevant experience, qualifications, and 30 Z-7 past performance Relevant experience and qualifications of key personnel, including key personnel of subcontractors, that will be assigned to this Contract, and experience and qualifications of subcontractors Proposer's approach to providing the Services requested in this solicitation Proposer's Proposed Price 20 30 20� TOTAL POINTS 100c' i SIGNA , RE: PRINT ME: VIA 6/6/2019 DATE: ,�(76/l<� RFP NO. 1062381 STORMWATER PUMP STATION MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR EVALUATION OF PROPOSALS Carlos Garcia, Superintendent, Public Works, City of North Miami EVALUATIONPROPOSERS CRITERIA Condo Electric Maximum Motor Repair, Points Corp. Proposer's relevant experience, qualifications, and 30� past performance Relevant experience and qualifications of key personnel, including key personnel of 20 l <f subcontractors, that will be assigned to this Contract, ! �} and experience and qualifications of subcontractors Proposer's approach to providing the Services 30 requested in this solicitation Proposer's Proposed Price 20 TOTAL POINTS 100 -' 01 SIGNATOR DATE: PRINT NAME: 6/6/2019 RFP NO. 1062381 STORMWATER PUMP STATION MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR EVALUATION OF PROPOSALS Carlos Castro, W&S Operations Manager, Miami Dade County EVALUATION \ PROPOSERS CRITERIA Proposer's relevant experience, qualifications, and past performance Relevant experience and qualifications of key personnel, including key personnel of subcontractors, that will be assigned to this Contract, and experience and qualifications of subcontractors Proposer's approach to providing the Services requested in this solicitation Proposer's Proposed Price TOTAL POINTS SIGNATURE: PRINTNAME: 6/6/2019 Condo Electric Maximum Motor Repair, Points Corp. 30 �- 20 1 (� ) 30 20 100�- DATE: RFP NO. 1062381 STORMWATER PUMP STATION MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR EVALUATION OF PROPOSALS Lee Wilkins, Superintendent, City of Miami EVALUATION PROPOSERS CRITERIA Condo Electric Maximum Motor Repair, Points Corp. Proposer's relevant experience, qualifications, and 30 01 past performance Relevant experience and qualifications of key personnel, including key personnel of 1� 20 subcontractors, that will be assigned to this Contract, and experience and qualifications of subcontractors Proposer's approach to providing the Services in this 30 requested solicitation Proposer's Proposed Price 20 TOTAL POINTS 100 SIGNATURE: PRINT NAME: ie°e �-U /k/;IA 6/6/2019 DATE: RFP NO. 1062381 STORMWATER PUMP STATION MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR EVALUATION OF PROPOSALS Elyrosa Estevez, Engineer, City of Miami EVALUATION \ PROPOSERS CRITERIA Condo Electric Maximum Motor Repair, Points Corp. Proposer's relevant experience, qualifications, and 30� past performance Relevant experience and qualifications of key personnel, including key personnel of 20 subcontractors, that will be assigned to this Contract, and experience and qualifications of subcontractors Proposer's approach to providing the Services 30 2(3 requested in this solicitation Proposer's Proposed Price 20 116 TOTAL POINTS 100 95 SIGNATURE: VJ r)y1��� PRINT /NAME: 1 6/6/2019 DATE: /.z6 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Emilio T. Gonzalez, Ph. D City Manager FROM: Annie Perez, CPPD, Director( ��j Procurement Department DATE: June 7, 2019 SUBJECT: Appointment of Evaluation Committee for RFP No. 1062381 — Stormwater Pump Station Maintenance and Repair Services REFERENCES: RFP No. 1062381 The Procurement Department ("Procurement") on behalf of the Department of Resilience and Public Works ("Public Works"), issued Request for Proposals ("RFP") No. 1062381 on May 3, 2019, for Stormwater Pump Station Maintenance and Repair Services. It is respectfully requested that you approve the appointment of the following individuals to serve as members of the Evaluation Committee ("Committee") to evaluate and score the proposals. Each of the members of the Committee has the requisite knowledge and experience to evaluate the proposals pursuant to the RFP. Chairperson (non-votinq) Tahlia Gray, Procurement Analyst, Procurement, City of Miami ("COM") Citv of Miami Committee Members (voting) 1. Lee Wilkins, Superintendent, Public Works, COM 2. Elyrosa Estevez, PE, Supervisor, Public Works, COM External Committee Members (voting! Carlos Garcia, Stormwater Coordinator, City of North Miami Public Works Department Carlos Castro, Water and Sewer Operations Manager, Miami Dade County Water and Sewer Department Hermes Diaz, PE, Interim Director and City Engineer, City of Coral Cables Alternate Committee Members 1. Carlos Pau, Superintendent — Heavy Fleet, General Services Administration Department ("GSA"), COM APPROVED: 6/D / Emilio T. Gonzalez, PhD, City Manager Date AP:tg c: Nzeribe Ihekwaba, Ph.D., P.E., Assistant City Manager, Chief of Operations Sandra Bridgeman, CPA, Assistant City Manager, Chief Financial Officer Rafael Suarez -Rivas, Esq., Senior Assistant City Attorney, City Attorney's Office Alan M. Dodd, P.E., Director, Public Works Juvenal Santana, P.E., C.F.M., Deputy Director, Public Works Yadissa Calderon, CPPB, Assistant Director, Procurement PR19157 9/6/2019 Detail by Entity Name DIVISION OF CORPORATIONS tI J!'ll�Irjti Jl ON Dl CJI-- rI- I f Deoartment of State / Division of Corporations / Search Records / Detail By Document Number / Detail by Entity Name Florida Profit Corporation CONDO ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIR CORP. Filina Information Document Number H49843 FEI/EIN Number 59-2500665 Date Filed 04/01/1985 State FL Status ACTIVE Principal Address 3615 E 10TH CT HIALEAH, FL 33013 Changed: 01/30/1998 Mailina Address P 0 BOX 3340 HIALEAH, FL 33013 Changed: 06/22/2009 Registered Aaent Name & Address GOMEZ, HECTOR 3615 E. 10TH COURT HIALEAH, FL 33013 Officer/Director Detail Name & Address Title PD GOMEZ, HECTOR 4775 COLLINS AVENUE #1408 MIAMI BEACH, FL 33140 Title VSD GOMEZ, HECTOR J. 11131 NW 60TH CT HIALEAH, FL 33012 Title VD search.sunbiz.org/Inquiry/CorporationSearch/SearchResultDetaiI?inquirytype=EntityName&directionType=Initial&searchNameOrder=CONDOELECTR... 1/2 9/6/2019 ESPINOLA, JOSE G 5085 STILLWATER TERRACE COOPER CITY, FL 33330 Annual Reports Report Year Filed Date 2017 01/09/2017 2018 01/08/2018 2019 01/09/2019 Document Imaaes 01/0912019 — ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 01108/2018 -- ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 01/09/2017 —ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 01/2212016 —ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 01/13/2015 —ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 01108/2014 —ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 01/1612013 —ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 01,'0412012 -- ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 02116/2011 —ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 01/12/2010 -- ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 06/2212009 -- ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 03/17!2008 —ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 03126/2007_- ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 03/31,'2006 —ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 04.'26/2005 -- ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 04/07/2004 -- ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 03/31/2003 —ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 03/31/2002 —ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 02/19/2001 —ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format i 03/02/2000 — ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 03/31/1999 —ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 01130/1998 —ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 05/02/1997 — ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 05109/1996 —ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 04/11/1995 -- ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format Detail by Entity Name search.su nbiz.org/Inquiry/Corpo ration Search/Search ResultDetai I?i nq ui rytype=E ntityN ame&directionType=l n iti al&searchN ameOrder=CONDOE LECTR... 2/2 TABLE OF CONTENT #1 AN ESA- ,Y hCF ASSOC\ CONDO ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIR 3615 E. 10th Court / Hialeah, Florida 33013 Tel(305)691-5400 / Fax (305) 691-6564 CONDO ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIR, CORP. Hector A. Gomez 3615 East 10th Court Hialeah, FL 33013 (305) 691-5400 (305) 691-6564 — Fax condoel@condoelectric.com COVER PAGE City of Miami Title: Request for Proposals for Storm Pump Station Repair and Maintenance Services RFP# 1062381 FEIN: 592500665 DUE: MAY 30, 2019 MAY 23, 2019 SALES & REPAIRS INDUSTRIAL& MARINE MOTORS - GENERATORS • ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT • MARINE ELECTRICIANS PAGE 1 TABLE OF CONTENT # 2 c".L App W Edi A CO-WDO EL ECTP,1C OTO . REPAI -h ° 3515 E. 10th Court / Hialeah, Florida 33013 Tel (305) 691-5400 / Fax (305) 691-6564 Table of Contents: 1. COVER PAGE 2. TABLE OF CONTENT MAY 23, 2019 3. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY -CERTIFICATION STATEMENT 4. MINIMUM QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS RESUMES - CONTRACTORS LICENSE - BUSINESS TAX - EQUIPMENT LIST - SAMPLE PROJECTS - SUB CONTRACTORS 5. PROPOSER'S RELEVANT EXPERIENCE - QUALIFICATIONS - PAST PERFORMANCE - REFERENCE SUBMITTAL - ATTACHMENT A 6. KEY PERSONNEL PERFORMING SERVICES 7. PROPOSED APPROACH TO PROVIDING SERVICES 8. ATTACHMENT C 9. BID BOND ATTACHED 10. ADDITIONAL CERTIFICATIONS FOR REFERENCE SALES & REPAIRS INDUSTRIAL & MARINE MOTORS - GENERATORS • ELECTRICAL EQUIRVENT •MARINE ELECTRICIANS PAGE 2 TABLE OF CONTENT # 3-1 GA01CA—L6PPDSA EA a CONDO ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIR 2 Assoc"3615 E. 10th Court / Hialeah, Florida 33013 Tel (305) 691-5400 / Fax (305) 691-6564 City of Miami Request for Proposal RFP Number 1062381 Request for Proposals for Storm Pump Station Repair and Maintenance Services Experience, Qualifications and Past Performance. Condo Electric has been operating in Dade County since 1952. We have been providing Motor and pump repair, and maintenance services to the City of Miami, Dade County, Miami -Dade Water & Sewer, City of Miami Beach, City of Sunrise, City of Homestead, From Key West to Martin County, too numerous to mention. We are very familiar With the City of Miami Stormwater Pump Station Maintenance and Repair as we had The contract for this service for approximately 10 years. We are authorized Distributors and Warranty Repair Station for most major motor, pump, MAY 23, 2019 And generator manufactures. We have attached a copy of the original Manufactor's correspondence Authorizing Condo Electric to serve as a warranty & repair station for their products. We have experienced, well qualified technicians in our shop that have worked for Condo Electric for many years demonstrating superior craftsmanship and quality of work. We have attached a resume of employees with their qualifications and level of technical expertise. We own, all of the latest Diagnostic Equipment, Load Bank, Banker Instruments, to just name a few, SALES & REPAIRS INDUSTRIAL & MARINE MOTORS - GENERATORS • ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT - MARINE ELECTRICIANS PAGE 3 TABLE OF CONTENT # 3-2 EA SA z PhCF ASSOG�P�O CONDO ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIR 3615 E. 10th Court/ Hialeah, Florida 33013 Tel (305) 691-5400 / Fax (305) 691-6564 MAY 23, 2019 That facilitate accuracy and speed in the repair and maintenance of your equipment. We have also Submitted our equipment list for your review. We are an Easa Certified Shop, OSHA Compliant, UL Certified, Quality Control Program, Minority Owned, Living Wage Compliant, Drug Free, Safety Program and Licensed Winding Shop. We are also a Certified Dade County Small Business Enterprise, as well as a Certified Dade County Disadvantage Business Enterprise. We are a Licensed General Contractor with all of our Occupational Licenses up to date. We are a Locally Owned Business as well as a Locally Headquarter Business. We have worked vigorously, for many years, to establish a reputation well deserved, of Fair prices and superior service. We look forward to serving the City of Miami, once again, on this Storm, Pump Station Repair and Maintenance Services. Sincerely, Hector A. Gomez President Condo Electric Motor Repair, Corp. SALES & REPAIRS INDUSTRIAL & MARINE MOTORS - GENERATORS - ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT - MARINE ELECTRICIANS PAGE 4 TABLE OF CONTENT #3-3 MAY 23,2019 Certification Statement Please quote on this form, if applicable, net prices for the items) listed. Return signed or and retain a copy for your files. Prices should include all costs, including transportation to destination. The City reserves the right to accept or reject all or any part of this submission. Prices should be firm for a minimum of 180 days following the time set for closing of the submissions. In the event of errors in extension of totals, the unit prices shall govern in determining the quoted prices. We (I) certify that we have read your solicitation, completed the necessary documents, and propose to furnish and deliver, F.O.B. DESTINATION, the items or services specified herein. The undersigned hereby certifies that neither the contractual party nor any of its principal owners or personnel have been convicted of any of the violations, or debarred or suspended as set in section 18-107 or Ordinance No. 12271. All exceptions to this submission have been documented in the section below (refer to paragraph and section). EXCEPTIONS: NONE We (I) certify that any and all information contained in this submission is true; and we (I) further certify that this submission is made without prior understanding, agreement, or connection with any corporation, firm, or person submitting a submission for the same materials, supplies, equipment, or service, and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. We (I) agree to abide by all terms and conditions of this solicitation and certify that I am authorized to sign this submission for the submitter. Please print the following and sign your name: PROPOSER NAME: HECTOR A. GOMEZ CONDO ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIR,CORP. ADDRESS- 3615 EAST 10TH COURT HIALEAH, FLORIDA 33013 PHONE: 305 691-5400 ENIAILCONDOEL(a�CONDOELECTRIC.COM SIGNED BY: TITLE: PRESIDENT FAX: 305 691-6564 CELL(Optional): DATE: 5/23/2019 FAILURE TO COMPLETE, SIGN, AND RETURN THIS FORM SHALL DISOUALIFY THIS RESPONSE, Page 2 of 59 PAGE 5 TABLE OF CONTENT 9 34 Certifications Legal Name of Firm: CONDO ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIR, CORP Entity Type: Partnership, Sole Proprietorship, Corporation, etc. CORPORATION Year Established: ESTABLISHED 1952 INCORPORATED APRIL 1, 1985 Office Location: City of Miami, Miami -Dade County, or Other MIAMI-DADE COUNTY Business Tax Receipt/Occupational License Number: LIC. NO. 3361722 RECEIPT NO. 41160 Business Tax Receipt/Occupational License Issuing Agency: MIAMI-DADE COUNTY/STATE OF FLORIDA Business Tax Receipt/Occupational License Expiration Date: SEPT. 30, 2019 Will Subcontractor(s) be used? (Yes or No) YES Please list and acknowledge all addendum/addenda received. List the addendum/addenda number and date of receipt (i.e. Addendum No. 1, 7/1/18). If no addendum/addenda was/were issued, please insert N/A. N/A Proposer has reviewed the attached Sample Professional Services Agreement ("Agreement"). Does Proposer acknowledge that the attached Agreement is an example of the standard Agreement used in conjunction with the provisions of these services, and Proposer will be required to execute an Agreement in substantially the attached form. In addition, Proposer shall acknowledge that certain clauses are non-negotiable. Yes/No YES Page 3 of 59 MAY 23, 2019 PAGE 6 TABLE OF CONTENT #3-5 MAY 23, 2019 Line: 1 Description: PROPOSERS SHALL NOT ENTER A UNIT PRICE ON THIS LINE. PROPOSERS SHALL SUBMIT THEIR PRICES UTLIZING ATTACHMENT C - PRICE PROPOSAL, LOCATED UNDER THE HEADER AND ATTACHMENTS SECTION OF THIS SOLICITATION IN THE iSUPPLIER SOURCING SYSTEM. Category: 91381-58 Unit of Measure: Dollar Unit Price: $ Number of Units: I Total: $ Page 4 of 59 PAGE TABLE OF CONTENT # 4-1 �A-S�2 mPhC6 ASSOC-1 ,CONDO ELECT PJC MOTOR REPAIR 3615 E. 10th Court/ Hialeah, Florida 33013 Tel (305) 691-5400 / Fax (305) 691-6564 City of Miami Request for Proposal RFP Number 1062381 Request for Proposals for Storm Pump Station Repair and Maintenance Services Names Titles Hector A. Gomez Shop Director Jose G.Espinola Mohamed Halaj Hector Gomez Jr Sergio Tarafa Director of Supply Vice President Service Manager MAY 23, 2019 Resumes of Employees and Level of Repair Shop Expertise President Mr. Gomez has over40 years of exp. Directing Operations at Condo Electric. Mr. Espinola has 34 years as director of Condo Supply. Mr. Halaj has over 30 years of exp. In service Management. 21 with Condo Electric. Purchasing Director Parts Mr. Gomez has has over 21 years of Experience in motor and pump division of Purchasing. Shop Foreman Mr. Tarafa is one of our shop foreman with Over 27 years of exp. In motor repair and Maintenance. Dayan Carballea Asst. Shop Manager Mr. Carballea has over 14 years experience with Condo Electric, SALES R REPAIRS INDUSTRIAL & MARINE MOTORS • GENERATORS • ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT • MARINE ELECTRICIANS PAGE 8 TABLE OF CONTENT # 4-2 EA SA G z �PhCF ASSoG r Jorge A. Suarez Luis Diaz Orlando Gomez Oscar Diaz Jr Reinaldo M. Mederos Andres Oliveiro Pedro Ponce Fernando Quiros Jesus Perez MAY 23, 2019 ,CONDO ELECTRIC iii®TDR REPAIR 3615 E. 10th Court / Hialeah, Florida 33013 Tel (305) 691-5400 / Fax (305) 691-6564 Account Representative Mr. Suarez has over 30 years of exp. As service SALES & REPAIRS INDUSTRIAL& MARINE MOTORS • GENERATORS • ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT - MARINE ELECTRICIANS PAGE Coordinator with Condo Electric. Inside Sales/New Equipment Mr. Diaz has over 25 years of experience with With Condo Electric Industrial Supply. Mechanical & Electrical Mr. Gomez has over 20 years of exp. in the Supervisor area of Mechanical and Electrical Supervision. Field Serviceman Mr. Diaz has more than 17 years of exp. In the Area of motor, pump repair and maintenance. Field Serviceman Mr. Mederos has more than 22 years of exp. with Condo Electric in thr area of motor, pump repair And maintenance. Field Serviceman Mr. Oliveiro has over 15 years of exp. in the area Of motor and pump repair and maintenance Field Serviceman Mr. Ponce has 15 years of exp. in motor & pump Repair & Maintenance with Condo Electric. Field Serviceman Mr. Quiros has been a serviceman for Condo Electric since 1988. Field Serviceman Mr. Perez has more than 10 years exp. in the Area of motor & pump repair & maintenance With Condo Electric. SALES & REPAIRS INDUSTRIAL& MARINE MOTORS • GENERATORS • ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT - MARINE ELECTRICIANS PAGE TABLE OF CONTENT # 4-3 L AN N EA SA'- ,CONDO ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIR 9hCF ASSOGSP�O 3615 E. 10th Court / Hialeah, Florida 33013 Tel (305) 691-5400 / Fax (305) 691-6564 Conrado Madrazo Alvarez Mechanic Mr. Alvarez has more than 10 years exp. in motor repair. Daniel Mena Contreras Mechanic MAY 23, 2019 Jose Galan Mechanic Gabriel Castillo Mechanic Cristobal Labrada Mechanic Ricardo Sosa Mechanic Aurelio Suarez Mechanic Rudy Hernandez Transporter Adam Espinola New Equipment Specialist Mark Rivera inside sales/new equipment Denise Carballea Inside sales/new equipment Mary Bialeck Inside sales/new equipment Mr. Contreras has more than 15 years exp.in pump repair. Mr. Galan has more than 10 years exp. in the Area of motor & pump repair & maintenance Mr. Castillo has more than 10 years exp. in the Of motor repair & maintenance. Mr. Labrada has more than 10 years exp. in Of motor repair & maintenance Mr. Sosa has more than 10 years exp. in Area of motor & pump repair & maintenance. Mr. Suarez has more than 10 years exp, In the area of motor & pump repair. Mr. Hernandez has over 5 years exp. driving heavy equipment. Mr. Espinola has over 10 years of exp. With Condo Electric. Mr. Rivera has over 10 years of exp. With Condo Electric Industrial Supply. Ms. Carballea has over 10 years exp. With Condo Electric Ms. Bialeck Has over 15 years exp.with With Condo Electric. SALES & REPAIRS INDUSTRIAL & MARINE MOTORS • GENERATORS • ELEC17R1CAL EQUIPMENT • MARINE ELECTRICIANS PAGE 10 TABLE OF CONTENT # 4-4 EA SA z 9hC6 ASSOG\PCO Mirta Amador Hector Garcia Sincerely, Hector A. Gomez ,CONDO ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIR 3615 E. 10th Court / Hialeah, Florida 33013 Tel (305) 691-5400 / Fax (305) 691-6564 Administration accounts Payable/receivable Administrative accounts Payable/receivable President Condo Electric Motor Repair, Corp. Ms. Amador has over 20 years exp. with with Condo Electric, Mr. Garcia has over 12 years exp. MAY 23, 2019 SALES & REPAIRS INDUSTRIAL& MARINE MOTORS • GENERATORS • ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT • MARINE ELEC'T'RICIANS PAGE 11 W rn C7 C) OILQ IL N ' Ron DeSantis, Governor Halsey Beshears, Secretary _ ,. _ " „ Florida - �. pr STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINE§A Dz R�OFESSIONAL REGULATION CONSTRUCTIOI I ��'1 R: r1.GE 'S.I.NG BOARD THEGENERAL CO,TRA--1'EI�IS1��iF�1.E • ;UNDER THE - ' -A R -1 -DA >�• PROVISI: OFX, H - >ER 4896 �L�I2ID '' T l"UTES W :N_ A LiCETVS111IVIBER:=�-+�;C�.�529�fi'�6 EXPI RATfdt4QATE W; ', ST 31, 2020 Always verify licenses online at MyFloriidaLicense.com Do not alter this document in any form. This is your license. It is unlawful for anyone other than the licensee to use this document. TABLE OF CONTENT # 4-6 C:i[y ol'I (ialeah City (it' 2018-19 HqA LEAu Business Tax Receipt Mayor Carlos licrimoder Nu 335312-3 (OLD -7694-3) r\nutuit. $ 130.00 the peram. rim or cngi hated bcre ha; paid the business lac rvgnircd to eneaec in or operate the hnsincz speeilied subject to the reaulations and resirictimn urdtc Cit) ur I lialcnh. Flnrida 0%%ner 7gn•u/7Lainetrs [dator and Generator Manufacturing CONDO ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIR H P.O. 60X 3340 u;iness l.ncttiun: HIALEAI, FL 33013 3615 E 10 CT Validating No : 0000 ExpiresSeplcmbcr30, 2019 THU IS NOTA BILL Cily of Hialeah �Q C�ly�I' 2®18-19 9-1 I\LEAS Business fax Iecelpt mayor Carlos Hernandez vu 423210E13 (OLD -5999-652) Amount $ 280.00 rhe person. firm or enrp listed hen: 11x5 pail the businc%s tae rquired to en_age ill or uperme the business specilml subject to the reaulntion, and resirictium ramie Cit} ol'I Italc:dt. Florida Ouner lt)5C•.G ESPIN0I:\(P(;LSIDIiY[1 r,,.k- ul rush,e,r Furniture blarchant Wholesalers CONDO ELCTRIC INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY P. O. BOX 3340 [4isincolucaUan HIALEA4, FL 33013 3746E 10 CT 4'alidaun \u 0000 ExpiresScphvmbcr30, 2019 THIS IS NOT ; 1811. L MAY 23, 2019 PAGE 13 TABLE OF CONTENT # 4-7 MAY 23, 2019 Ciy of Hialeah WA-' �2018-19 LE Business Tax Receipt Mayor Carlos Hernandez No: 335312-3 (OLD -7694-3) Amount: $ 130.00 The person, firm or corp. listed here has paid the business lax required to engage in or operate the business specified subject to the regulations and restrictions of the City of Hialeah, Florida Owner: Type ofBusiness:Motor and Generator Manufacturing CONDO ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIR Business Location: P.O. BOX 3340 HIALEAH, FL 33013 3615 E 10 CT Validating No.: 0000 Expires September 30, 2019 THIS IS NOT A BILL PAGE 14 TABLE OF CONTENT # 4-8 aI]aaq pi Busin '§s ` 6.)(R6 -.011 Mani! :00.@ Ctiunty4 Stale of PIddda ' .THIS ISNI)rAgjIL-OONQTPXY . • �•. - �,rt` 3361722 OUSINES6 NANIE/LOCATION iiECElf'T'NO. ';;� �•'+�'.XP4�CS,•....,.. ... ' COPIDO EL•ECta CW1WT60 REPAIR qE( PWAL SEP7`E11/18E 30;{P019 ' s? 8 f 5 E IbTH CT 41160 • Irlosl 56 dlsPlayas! 0 ottius-iirgss •HIALEAH F.L 33013 -place PuriUam idPattnfY Cade •' _ ChaptarBA;y(ri:0&IO OWNER SEC. TYPE OF BUSINESS CON iDMECTRIC MOTOR REPAIR ORP U SEFWICE BUSINgSS PAYMENT•BEcely€P' BX TAH COI.LECT011 Employees) 10 $45.00 07/06/2010 ' CHECK2I-1I8-056710 Th le Lneni Orminae Tni pacelpt ani? oantlrms Pnymanl al 1110 LDOnl Gmhlass Tax. The BaadpI Is nal a Ilam;n. pannly ds o eMine domal dm Iidldor'c gGaunaanNrs, to da hwlno6r, Ilaldar mmt aamplC �71ih oml pavmnnjanlal or nanpauarnmmnai rapulBID ry laeI3 and Nqulromdnls Which apply la Iha lilminass. Titd OECEIPTNll. hGavO muss ho disPlnyod on all connporcinl vshiclas 4inm1-64do Coda 94A illi, Far mora hdarmadan,rlill ytyw.minmlJ,ule.novAnzoDBsntnE MAY 23, 2019 PAGE 15 rn 0 N M N } Q 1� It z w z 0 0 LL 0 w J 00 Q F- yy',.; f.,�jt 4iw,',,;rV i. .•t.� 1'.''•' b -t �. {' ,�,ic. .. .�?!'•'T'Y'_; `ri .n.•'Y� Y fj ��'.. Y, l..YI �i: `•if i Pypy lL��p* �µ` Y 1 s Condo Electric Motor Repair, Inc.' "Hialeah, FL is a7a�tctive �lc�n6crof t�c�.ssociatiort a1td, as suck; his c�ztitCcd to aCCtTe rigFts andpoiCgespertaimir.©•tFer�eto far`tfic:current mcm6crslip year, '01, 2019 2 A This Certificate Expires March 31, 2020 Presidgnt �C 0, The Eloclro.Mocbantcol AulhaRy r'��•vy,, w>�, _ -e�,k. x.1t {•e`�r � s f Y. "..• w+l. � vyi+,� �f tj;i�t��:✓� •�,i�-� _ . � ~h xt.-�. .«* ...�M�::Jm.a.,:.KwF";Rzaa+F:.1LYwt.c.�7,w.,,e TABLE OF CONTENT # 4-10 ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION This is to certify that CONDO ELECTRIC 3615 E. 10 Ct. Hialeah, FL 33013 USA has successfully been assessed and found to conform with the ISO 9001:2015 quality management system standard. The scope of this registration includes: Repair of electric motors, pumps, and other related equipment d Date of Registration, August 29, 2018 wl" Date of Expiration: August 28, 2021 A c c R E n 1 T E C Date issued/revised : Au ust 24 2018 MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS g CERTIFICATION 800Y (Registered Since: August 29, 2012) certificate No. A-733 � StevA� e Barfoot, President Advantage Intematlonal Registrar, Inc. 1320 Woodmanor Drive, Raleigh, North Carolina 27614 USA (Forth Na Al 097 ISO 9601/76, wmv.edvenlave ealstrar cam. Tele: (919) 846.6864) 9*10 "{7�pN 1111 N���t• MAY 23, 2019 PAGE 17 rn C) N M N 15 r r d' F— Z W F-� Z O U U_ O W J m Q F - PTKQ.E351119 - MOTORS AND GENERATORS, REBUILT FOR USE IN HAZARDOUS LOCATIONS Motors and Generators, Rebuilt for Use in Hazardous Locations See General Information for Motors and Generators, Rebuilt for Use in Hazardous Locations CONDO ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIR 3615 E 10TH Cf HIALEAH, FL 33013 USA E351119 Last Updated on 2012-03-02 The appearance of a company's name or product In this database does not In Itself assure that products so identified have been manufactured under UL's Follow -Up Service. Only those products bearing the UL Mark should be considered to be Certified and covered under UL's Follow -Up Service. Always look for the Mark on the product. UL permits the reproduction of the material contained in the Online Certincation Directory subject to the following conditions: 1. The Guide Information, Assemblies, Constructions, Designs, Systems, and/or Certifications (Files) must be presented in their entirety and in a non -misleading manner, without any manipulation of the data (or drawings). 2- The statement 'Reprinted from the Online Certifications Directory with permission from UL' must appear adjacent to the extracted material. In addition, the reprinted material must include a copyright notice in the following format: "p 2019 UL LLC" r W a IL TABLE OF CONTENT # 4-12 MAY 23, 2019 0 - — ,I///1�� -41=7111110 1=1 G�+7NdA�Vil[ {VELOINGhVSPEC7rONSPlCLIUSr - _ Edward Endquez 786-302-3547 1 addle@nwisllc.com 15680 SW 12 Terrace, Nliami, FL 33194 �r �1+2em. �'r-std Weider Name I Luis E. Almeida I Weldor 10 17569 I Lab Flo.1 NWIS-03 I Test Data 112/02/2018 1 Client Pio. I LA12.18N Welding Code JAWS D1.6-07 Thickness 1,276"° 1 Plato[:] Pipe © TuboEl Process I GTAW I Posilion 16G 145'1 Up 1 Plate Range Qualified 1116' to Unlimited I Greeve/F01e1 Pipe l02.32 Base Material 1316/316 1 Pipe Range 11' to Unlimited I Procedure I AWS Fig 4.27 Specification Flo. 1 AWS A5.9 1 Classification I ER -316L 1 Trade Name 1 ProStar Backing Na,No Shlelding Gas 1 ArCO2 I Flux N/A Diameter 13/32°1118° I AWS "F" Fie. Weld Appearance I Good 1 Undercut 1 None 1 Piping Porosity 1 None Test Results 12 coupons were bent sideways per AWS 4.10.1,1 and accepted per 4.10,2.3 Test Results 12 coupons were bent sideways per AWS 4,10.1,1 and accepted per 4,10,2.3 1 mom Our representative was present to witness the above welder qualify on the test stated above and attest that lielshe is able to produce quality welds that are acceptable to the AWS welding code standard requirements. The welder is therefore certified to perform fillet welds in the 1 F/G, 2FIG, 3F/G & 4F/G position on pipe or plate and in the range that was tested on. IThis certi9cation will remain in good standing for 6 months or max one (1) year, with proof of continued work performance from qualified personnel. The welder identified above i Is Qualified I to perform welds to the shop/field as per specified code, Respectfully Submitted; National Welding Inspection Specialists, LLC, (NWIS) Vii -gin iE n n nrigiiez, CR7 _ I �J t•� flit � 1 Ny C'tt OCtp?I?G� �) 12102/2019 �d signaturo C41yr.A, 10063 Exp. Date IIs , I.I.C. M dgfua re, PAGE 19 TABLE OF CONTENT # 4-13 MAY 23, 2019 6615 S.W. 41"Street Nlianii FL. 33155 (IG STICK Date Tested: _08_/1 1/2017 Lab Number: ATI -VII -2017 WELDER QUALIFICATION TEST REPORT Client: Condo Electric Motor Reonir Com Welder Name: Alain Meiias Welder: X Address: 3615 East 1011i Court Hialeah, FL. 33140 Weider ID: 64_24 Operator: _ TESTIYG VARIABLES Eye Correction: N/A Process: SNIAW Manual: X Automatic: _ Position: t6U0 Progression: UPHILL Passes: Single_ Test Base Metal Spec: G' SCH 40 PIPE Spec: ASTM A53 Mat'l No: MM=1 Filler Metal Spec: AWS A5.1 Classification: E6010 8;7018 F No,:3 &4 Current: AC: DCX (Reverse) Shielding Gas: N/A Flow Rate: N/A TEST RESULTS Visual Test Results: Pass: X Fail: _ Guided Bond Test Results: Pass: X Fail: — Radiographic Test Results: Pass: _ Fail: _ Test witness By: EdsarJ. Alfonso CWI # 09080191 Radiographers: NIA OUALIFICATION VARIABLES Machine: Multiple: X Mat'lThick:0 280" Size: 118" Backing: None Process Qualified For: SMAW Thickness Qualified For. Un to 0.560" PIPE DIA: 2.875" to UNI.TD. Position Qualified For: Groove Fillet C_IP PJP Plate: ALL ALL Plate: ALL Pipe: ALL ALL Pipes: ALL CERTIFICATION STATEMENT We eertiF that the statements in this record are correct and that the test welds were prepared welded and tested in Accordance with the requirements oFClause 4 oFAWS D1.1 NI (2010) Structural Welding Code -Steel. I AttAtJnOM please he aware.thit 30.daet past the expiration -date Tou,w01 not. he able to renew this yultrrcahoe. Aecertlaation tee w10 be revulr:d; C�� (!� G�GrG1sIt RespeetfullySubmitted; ylDFI.tfiart)113 American Testing & Inspcctions A �_ Edgar J. Alfonso, CWI Expiration Date: 08/11/2018 305-219.1805 V PAGE 20 TABLE OF CONTENT # 4-14 MAY 23, 2019 A eritcan �stfng r ���eeti®n 6615 S.W. 41 s1 Street Nliami FL. 33155 60 STICK Date Tested: 08/1 1/3017 Lab Number: ATI -VII -2017 WELDER OUALIFICATION TEST REPORT Client: Condo Electric Motor Reoair Corp, Address: 3615 East 10" Court Hialeah, FL. 33140 Welder Name: Rene Monteic Welder ID: 8075 Welder- X Operator: _ Eye Correction, N/A TESTING VARIABLES Process: SHAW Manual: X Automatic: Machine: I'ositiatr GAB 1`rugress�ion: IJt 111LL Passes: �uigle_ Multiple: X Test Base Metal Spec: 6" SCH 40 PIPE Spec: ASTM A53 14Int'l No: M_I I4Iat'1Thick:0.280" Filler Metal Spec: AWS A5,1 Classification: E6010 &7018 F No, -,3 R4 Size; 1/8" Current: AC: DCX (Reverse) Shielding Gas: /A Flow Rate: NIA Backing: None TEST RESULTS Visual Test Results: Pass: X Fail: _ Guided Bend Test Results: Pass: X Fail: _ Radiographic Test Results: Pass: _ Fail: _ Test witness By: Ed Par J. Alfonso CWI 909080191 Radiogra pliers. N/A OUALIFICATION VARIABLES Process Qualifiied For: SNIAW Thickness Qualified For: Up to 0.560" PEPE DLA: 2.875" to UNLTD, Position Qualified For: Groove Fillet CJP PJP Plate: ALL ALL Plate: ALL Pipe: ALL ALL Pipes: ALL CERTIFICATION STATEMENT We certify that the statements in this record are correct and that the test welds were prepared welded and tested in Accordance with the requirements of Clause 4 of AWS D 1.1 M (2010) Structural Welding Code -Steel. 1 ,� ^_��1r�t}iflA1tJ L_ArWONLI[eawheawareahat M dq%past ft oorlttaadateyou WMrot-7 CA MIAMI_h'ahl�torenewthltquallAattanAoeertlficatiaTMleew111hercqulred �-' I! C:: i f✓�E�, ti1112�Iid � _.,_ Respectfttlly Submitted; American Testing & Inspections Edgar 1. Alfonso, CWI Expiration Date: 08/11/2018 305.219-1805 PAGE 21 TABLE OF CONTENT # 4-14 MAY 23, 2019 'gmerkan Ming .rlz gctioyy 6615 S.W. 4111 Street Miami FL. 3315-5 6G STICK Date Tested: 08/1112017 Lab Number: ATI -VII -2017 WELDER OUALIFICATION TEST REPORT Client: Condo Electric Motor Reoair Corp Welder Name: Alfredo Amestov Welder: X Address: 3615 East 101li Court Hialeah, FL. 33140 Welder ID: 6896 Operator• _ TESTING VARIABLES Eye Correction: NIA Process: SMAW Manual: X Automatic: _ Position, (68 Progression: UPHILL Passes: Single_ Test Base Itiletal Spec: 6" SCH 40 PIPE Spec: ASTM A53 dlat'l No: M_I Filler Nletal Spec:WA S A5, I Classification: E6010 &7018 F No.:3 Fc4 Current: AC: DCX (Reverse) Shielding Gas: N/A Flow Rate: N/A TEST RESULTS Visual Test Results: Pass: X Fail: _ Guided Bend Test Results: Pass: X Fail: r Radiographic Test Results. Pass: _ Fail. _ Test witness By: EdvarJ. AlFonsoCWI 909080191 Radiographers: OUALIFICATION VARIABLES Machine, _ Multiple: X Nlat'1TIdck:0.280" Size: 1/8" Baeldng: one Process Qualified For: SMAW Thickness Qualified For: Uo to 0,560" PIPE DIA: 2.875" to U LTD. Position Qualified For: Groove Fillet UP PJP Plate: ALL ALL Plate: ALL Pipe: ALL ALL Pipes: ALL CERTIFICATION STATEN ENT We certify that the statements in this record are correct and that the test welds were prepared welded and tested in Accordance with the requirements of Clause 4 oFAWS D1.1 NI (20 10) Structural Welding Code -Steel. 3P.i NfiY+�I 41 rENn0WPlease be aware-that30 daytpatt-Ue expiration date you YAR not- 4 he able to ronew this quallacatlon. Refer kaft req win be requited. t RespecthillySubmitted; ;i "�13'di1M11it1 American Testing & Inspections EdgnrJ. Alfonso, CWI I Expiration Date: 08/11/2018 305.219-1805 1 PAGE 22 TABLE OF CONTENT # 4-15 EA SA N 2 9hCe ASS OG�r�O CONDO ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIR 3615 E. 10th Court / Hialeah, Florida 33013 Tel (305) 691-5400 / Fax (305) 691-6564 Condo Electric Equipment List Overhead Bridge, 1 to 5 Tons Floor Crane Horizontal/Vertical Presses, 5 to 120 Tons Latches, 24 to 72 Inches Swing Dynamic Balance Machines 0 to 12,000 Pounds Metalizing Equipment Bearing Heaters Bearings Pullers, hydraulic Portable Balancers Vibration Testers Laser Aligners Sandblasting Cabinets Form Wound Coil Production Facility Air Conditioned Isolated Area For Rewinding Isolated Area For Cleaning Parts Machine Work Area Baking Oven For Staters Dipping Tank For Vanish Insulating VPI Facility Power Supply AC For Testing Motors 2400 To 4160 Volts, 2000HP MAY 23, 2019 SALES & REPAIRS INDUSTRIAL& MARINE iNIOTORS • GENERATORS • ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT - MARINE ELECTRICIANS PAGE 23 TABLE OF CONTENT # 4-16 MAY 23, 2019 ��� �ALSS � CONDO ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIR �PhCf AssO��P�\O 3615 E. 10th Court / Hialeah, Florida 33013 Tel (305) 691-5400 / Fax (305) 691-6564 Power Supply AC For Testing Motors 460 Volts, 300HP Power Supply AC For Testing Motors 125HP Power Supply For Dc Motors And Current Brakes 100HP Data Base For Tracking Repairs For 5 Years And More Motor Circuit Evaluation System For Motors AC, DC PDMA, NCE Or Equal Quality Control Program Tracking Of Work Returned For Warranty Hi Pot Testing AC and DC Up To 10,000 Volts Vibrating Analyzer IRO 2000 Or Equal Isolated Area, Storeroom For Replacement Parts Facility For Balancing Rotors Over 36" In Diameter Load Bank For Generator Testing 1250 Horsepower Test Equipment For Solid State Rectifiers And Rotating Exciters Company Safety Program Vaughens Price & Productivity Guide For Electric Motor Work Scope And Repair Pricing Sincerely, Hector A. Gomez President Condo Electric Motor Repair, Corp. SALES & RIERMRS INDUSTRIAL & MARINE iNIOTORS • GENERATORS • ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT • MARINE ELECTRICIANS PAGE 24 TABLE OF CONTENT # 4-17 CONDO ELECTRIC METAL DIV. EQUIPMENTS 1. BIRMINGHAM LATHE NSL 19X60 2. SUMMIT LATHE 28X160 3. SUMMIT LATHE 51X240 4. HEM, INC SAW MACHINE H105A-4 S. CINCINNATI 101 SHEAR 6. SUMMIT 10' PRESBRAKE 7. JET MILLING MACHINE #1 8. BRIDGEPORT MILLING MACHINE SERIES 1 9. GROB VERTICAL AW MACHINE 10. JET VERTICAL SAW MACHINE 11. DO ALL SAW MACHINE 12. GE RICHARDS AND COLO VERTICAL LATHE 13. KWIK-WAY BORING BARS AND STANDS MACHINE 14. KNEE #4 MILLING MACHINE 15. IKEDA RADIAL DRILL 16. CINCINNATI SHAPER 24" 17. ABELL-HOWE PILLAR JIB CRANE (2 CRANES) 18. ERCOLINA PIPE BENDER 19. ELGA 12' HYDRAULIC SHEAR 20. CHICAGO ELECTRIC SPOT WELDER 21, MILLER HELIARC 22. SPOOLMATIC 15A AND 30A MILLER WELDING MACHINE 23. MILLER PLASMA MACHINE 24. SPECTRUM 2050 55 AMP MILLER WELDING MACHINE 25. (2 MACHINES) MILLERMATIC 252 WELDING MACHINES 26. MILLERMATIC 251 AND M-25 GUN WELDING MACHINE 27, MAXSTAR 1505, STL,AND STH WELDING MACHINE 28, SHOPMATE 300/300 DX MILLER WELDING MACHINE METAL DIVISION, ENRIQUE GIL, 05-09-2019 MAY 23, 2019 PAGE 25 ���' � '3 1%�L1L 'Ii4! C•f •'. r fr• .�L •4 f— TABLE OF CONTENT # 4-19 "A MAY 23, 2019, sm PAGE 27 M p D Title: CONDO ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIR,CORP. RFP No.: 1062381 -+ D n List of Subcontractors M Comr)letion of Form i This form is initially to be completed and submitted with the IFB, listing all Subcontractors to be used under this Contract. This form is to be updated after award of the Contract as additional Subcontractors are added or changed. Submit additional pages as neceassary. Name of Firm Address CHAMPION CONTROLS 811 N.W. 57 PLACE FT LAUD 33309 Scope of Work SCADA,PLC,RTU, HMI,VFD,UL Licenses ELECTRICAL UL, VFD MASTER Value of % of Work Work 3.33% UNITED FIRE PROTECTION 10260 N.W. 47 ST SUNRISE FL 33351 VESDA-EARLY WAR FIRE 3.33% SMOKE & FIRE SYS CO2, TESTING MONITORING INSPECTIONS Note: 1. The work performed by Subcontractor(s) listed cannot equal more than fiftenn percent (15%) of the total work for the Contract. 2. The foregoing list of Subcontractors may not be amended after award of the Contract without the prior written approval of the City's Project Manager identified in the Solicitation, whose approval will not be unreasonabley withheld. Name of Proposer: CONDO ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIR, CORP. Date: 5/23/2019 Name of Individual Completing Form: HECTOR A. GOMEZ Signature: Ir-4A— D 03 r m 0 T C) 0 z --I M z N O D TABLE OF CONTENT # 4-21 EA SA N 2 mPhCF Assog' City of Miami Request for Proposal RFP Number 1062381 CONDO ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIR 3615 E. 10th Court / Hialeah, Florida 33013 Tel (305) 691-5400 / Fax (305) 691-6564 Request for Proposals for Storm Pump Station Repair and Maintenance Services List of Sub Contractors. Condo Electric will be performing the majority of the work required, but, in the Control Portion of the Scope, if need be we will be utilizing: Champion Controls, Inc. They are a well established business that specializes in SCADA, PLC, RTU, and HMI. They are UL Certified, and have several VFD Master Certified Commisioners. Champion Controls, Inc. 811 N. W. 57th Place Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33309 Phone: 954 318-3090 MAY 23, 2019 SALES & REPAIRS INDUSTRIAL& MARINE MOTORS - GENERATORS - ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT - MARINE ELECTRICIANS PAGE 29 TABLE OF CONTENT # 4-22 BID ATTACHMENT D-3 EA SA;' CONDO ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIR v PNCE ASSOLSPAO 3615 E. 10th Court/ Hialeah, Florida 33013 Tel (305) 691-5400 / Fax (305) 691-6564 In the CO2 Portion of the Scope, if need be utilizing: United Fire Protection Specializing in Vesda-Early Warning Smoke and Fire Alarm Systems, Testing, Monitoring and Inspections. United Fire Protection 10260 N. W. 47`h Street Sunrise, Florida 33351 Phone: 954 572-0119 Sincerely, Hector A. Gomez President Condo Electric Motor Repair, Corp. SALES & REPAIRS INDUSTRIAL &- MARINE MOTORS - GENERATORS - ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT - MARINE ELECTRICIANS MAY 23, 2019 PAGE 30 TABLE OF CONTENT # 5-1 MAY 23, 2019 BID ATTACHMENT A RFP NO.: 1062381 Reference Submittal Form FIRM NAME: CONDO ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIR,CORP Reference Summarized Requirements: Refer to the details in Section 2 Special Conditions, (Paragraph Section 2.7 2.7 References) to verify that the information provided will suffice as proof of meeting the requirements of this solicitation. Past Performance Reference Check #1 Company/Organization Name: CITY OF MIAMI i Address: 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE MIAMI, FL 33133 Contact Person: ELYROSA ESTAVEZ Contact Phone Number and Email: 305 416-1295 EESTEVEZ@MIAMIGOV.COM Date of Contract or Sale: 15 YEAR CONTRACT Prime or Subcontractor: PRIME I Other (Description of Service, Total dollar value of Contract, etc.): STORM WATER PUMP MAINTENANE AND REPAIR APPROX. $600,000.00 Past Performance Reference Check #2 Company/Organization Name: _CITY OFMIAMI-BEACH Address: 451 DADE BLVD MIAMI BEACH, FL 3.3139 Contact Person: ALFREDO PEREZ JR. Contact Phone Number and -Email: 305 673-7625 ALFREDOPEREZJR@M IAM IBEACH FL.GO'l Contact E-mail (if applicable): ALFREDOPEREZJR@M]AM IBEACH FL.GOV Date of Contract or Sale: 5 YEAR CONTRACT CURRENTLY ONGOING Prime or Subcontractor: PRIME Other (Description of Service, Total dollar value of Contract, etc.): STORM WATER PUMP STATION MAINTENANCE & REPAIR APPROX. $800,000.00 Past Performance Reference Check #3 Company/Organization Name: CITY OF HOMESTEAD Address: 505 N W 9TH STREET HOMESTEAD FL 33030 Contact Person: DENNIS MAYTAN Contact Phone Number and Email: 305 247-1801 DMAYTAN@CITYOFHOMESTEAD.COM Contact E-mail (if applicable): DMAYTAN@CITYOFHOMESTEAD.COM Date of Contract or Sale: 5 YEAR CONTRACT CURRENTLY ONGOING Prime or Subcontractor: PR1MF Other (Description of Service, Total dollar value of Contract, etc.): PUMP STATION MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR APPROX. $600,000.00 1. PAGE 31 TABLE OF CONTENT #5-2 BID ATTACHMENT A-1 EA SA z ,CONDO ELECTPJ Oi'OR REPAIR m7CF ASS0L�P�\O 3615 E. 10th Court / Hialeah, Florida 33013 Tel (305) 691-5400 / Fax (305) 691-6564 City of Miami Request for Proposal RFP Number 1062381 Request for Proposals for Storm Pump Station Repair and Maintenance Services List of References 1)CITY OF MIAMI STORMWATER PUMP STATION MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR ANNUAL VALUE OF THE CONTRACT $600,000.00 APROX CONTRACT DURATION 15 YEARS DATES CLIENT CONTACT PERSON ELYROSA ESTEVEZ TITLE CITY ENGINEER E-MAIL EESTEVEZ@MIAMIGOV.COM PHONE NUMBER 305-416-1295 PRIME CONTRACTOR TOTAL RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACT IN ITS ENTIRETY THE CONTRACT WAS SUCESSFULLY COMPLETED SALES & REPAIRS INDUSTRIAL &C ,MARINE wIOTORs - GENLRATORS - ELEUMICAL EQUIPMENT • MARINE ELECTRICIANS MAY 23, 2019 PAGE 32 TABLE OF CONTENT # 5-3 BID ATTACHMENT A-2 CAL q JA�AA' EA SA N �PhCF ASSO�P�O ,CONDO ELECTRIC MOTOR. REPAIR 3615 E. 10th Court / Hialeah, Florida 33013 Tel (305) 691-5400 / Fax (305) 691-6564 2) CITY OF MIAMI BEACH STORMNIATER PUMP STATION MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR ANNUAL VALUE OF THE CONTRACT $800.000.00 APROX CONTRACT DURATION 5 YEARS DATES CLIENT CONTACT PERSON ALFREDO PEREZ JR. TITLE CITY ENGINEER E-MAIL ALFREDOPEREZJR@M[AM IBEACHFL.GOV PHONE NUMBER 305 673-7625 PRIME CONTRACTOR COMPLETE RESPOSIBILITY FOR THE CONTRACT IN IT ENTIRETY CONTRACT IS ACTIVE AND ONGOING MAY 23, 2019 SALES & REPAIRS INDUSTRIAL & ,NLkR1NE MOTORS - G NERATORS - ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT • MARINE ELECTRICIANS PAGE 33 TABLE OF CONTENT # 5-4 ATTACHMENT -A-3 �.4 � A� � EA SA CONDO ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIR ?hCF ASSOG3615 E. 10th Court / Hialeah, Florida 33013 Tel (305) 691-5400 / Fax (305) 691-6564 3) CITY OF HOMESTEAD STORMWATER PUMP STATION MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR ANNUAL VALUE OF THE CONTRACT $ 600,000.00 CONTRACT DURATION 5 YEARS DATES CLIENT CONTACT PERSON DENNIS MAYTAN TITLE CITY ENGINEER E-MAIL DMAYTAN@CITYOFHOMESTEAD.COM PHONE NUMBER 305 247-1801 PRIME CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONTRACT IN ITS ENTIRETY CONTRACT IS ACTIVE AND ONGOING SALES R REPAIRS INDUSTRIAL& MARINE MOTORS - GENERAFORS • ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT - ,MARINE ELECTRICIANS MAY 23, 2019 PAGE 34 TABLE OF CONTENT # 6-1 AAp 41 EA SA z ,CONDO ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIR 0 9hCE ASSOC,", 3615 E. 10th Court / Hialeah, Florida 33013 Tel (305) 691-5400 / Fax (305) 691.6564 City of Miami Request for Proposal RFP Number 1062381 Request for Proposals for Storm Pump Station Repair and Maintenance Services. Assigned Personnel 1. Project Contract Management Mohamed Hallaj Office Ph: 305 691=5400 Cell Ph: 786 229-9869 moh@condoelectricmotor.com 2. Administrative Accounts Payable/Receivable Hector Garcia Office: 305 691-5400 hg@condoelectricmotor.com 3. Engineering Technical Support Tony Terafa Office: 305 691-5400 4. Service Cordinator Jorge Suarez Office: 305 691-5400 Cell: 786 586-6149 jas@condoelectric.com 5. Electrical & Mechanical Supervisor Orlando Gomez Office: 305-691-5400 MAY 23, 2019 SALES & REPAIRS INDUSTRIAL & MARINE MOTORS • GENERATORS • ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT • N'IARINE ELECTRICIANS PAGE 35 TABLE OF CONTENT # 6-2 EA SA'- �C01WD0 B LEC E RIC MOTOR REPAIR PyCF ASSO'-% 3615 E. 10th Court/ Hialeah, Florida 33013 Tel (305) 691-5400 / Fax (305) 691-6564 6. Field Serviceman Conrado Madrazo Alvarez Office: 305 691-5400 Daniel Mena Contreras Office: 305 691-5400 Sincerely, Hector A. Gomez President Condo Electric Motor Repair, Corp. MAY 23, 2019 SALES & REPAIRS INDUSTRIAL & 49AR1NE MOTORS - GENERATORS • ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT • MARINE ELECTRICIANS PAGE 36 TABLE OF CONTENT # 7 W �0> 6PIN v EA SA N 2 m9hCF ASSOG�P�o City of Miami Request for Proposal RFP Number 1062381 ,CONDO ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIR 3615 E. 10th Court / Hialeah, Florida 33013 Tel (305) 691-5400 / Fax (305) 691-6564 Request for Proposals for Storm Pump Station Repair and Maintenance Services Approach to Provide Service Condo Electric will comply with all of the Specifications and Scope of Services specified In the SPECIFICATION Portion of the RFP. We will meet all requirements listed in section 3.1 thru 4.0 providing the required personnel, Following the frequency of schedule, Record Keeping and Reporting, Preventative Routine Maintenance Program, Repair Schedule, and the Parts— Pass Through Cost Requirements. Our assigned personnel will be monitored closely to assure complete compliance of the above. Sincerely, AZI� --- Hector A. Gomez President Condo Electric Motor Repair, Corp. SALES & REPAIRS INDUSTRIAL & MARINE MOTORS ° GENERATORS ° ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT ° MARINE ELECTRICIANS MAY 23, 2019 PAGE 37 Attachment C - Price Proposal RFP No, 919382 me- a1 -' r u -•1"%''"'.'I. Id Pl 5ubmers14 Stations A E F G N 1 1 K L M REP 30623815tormwater Pump Station Maintenance and Repair S M�PnloMme r.Wen[ndPme awallext'"e /Weer Fntl Pump wra [ntl Mmp umkxdl ta. sen Mxrn,nx,a Is. t [ leWIyv ITEM Scheduled Maintenance Items (includes a regular maintenance crew per Section 3.1 of the frequency ''n'^^'•� -a t� I ersw •) :.. ae+a. e.ws Mmp suem sown uos •upn ne :. esu u.um xe [. aso yawn xe. a, naso to a.l. mr.u• nwnue nmmd avmp surwn Pump sr•ae way stmpo ,�. p,ig SoIltlGdon) aWM W 4w sq usxwMf 1Tls ss xw 111,11,..1 n..n r.mum c.swapea pemum o.ml nPee nxsxe sm 4..nu. asuman sn..t ..... . Perform an Inspection of all electrical transformers, safely switches, soh starters and pump magnellc starters Including contactors, delays and relays at each station. Provide a Witten monthly report and recommendations to City using'Routine Maintenance Task List for PumpSbulons Farm' for results per pump station with each monthly Invoice. 11 Perform an Inspection of Interior and exterior illumination Including the replacement of light Monthly $920.00 $920.00 $920.00 $345.00 $345.00 $345.00 $345.00 $345.00 $345.00 5345.00 $345.00 $345.00 - $70,380,00 bulbs, light Oxlures and light switches as needed. Inspect alarm systems, sensors. mechanical and electrical equipment controls. Provide a written monthly report and recommendations to City using "Routine Maintenance Task List for PumpStallons Form" for results per pump station with each monthly Invoke. . Maintain each fuel tank In accordance with any and all permits Issued by the Miami -Dad. County Department of Environmental Resources Management Including the removal of 12 accumulated water or dlesel from fuel port sumps. Perform a visual Inspection of all Monthly $402.00 $402.00 $402.00 $230.00 $230.00 $230.00 $230.00 $230.00 5230.00 $230.00 $230.00 S36,552.00 slorage diesel fuel lank system components. including but not ranited to tanks. piping, monitoring wells, interstitial monitoring devices, and fuel port sumps using "DERM Ahoveground Storage Tank Monthly Visual Inspection Log". Perform a visual Inspection or fences, fence gates, and the overall building for structural Integrity and appearance of the building per station Including the removal of graffiti on all 13 walls, panels, sidewalks, surrounding building, and pump station signs at any station within Monthly $155.00 $155.00 5155.00 $155.00 57,440.00 three (3) bUSalrlee5 days of notice. Provide a written monthly report and recommendations to City using "Routine Maintenance Task List for PumpStalions Form for results per pump station with each monthly invoice. Perform a general housekeeping at each station such as removal and disposal of 14 garbage. debris, and other waste materials. Inspect trash containers Including their Weekly $517.00 $517.00 $517.00 $115.00 $115.00 $115.00 $115.00 $115.00 $115.00 5115.00 5115.00 5115.00 $134,472.00 corresponding lids, framing and wheals, and replace or repair, if necessary. Perform grass and shrubs culling, tree trimming, tree culling and general landscaping 15 inside station property and Swale area including permits, h needed, to maintain a safe and Monthly $287.00 $287.00 $287.00 $287.00 $115.00 $115.00 $115.00 $115.00 5115.00 $115.00 5115.00 $115.00 5135.00 526,196.00 clean environment at all pump stations at all times. 16 Sweeping and washing pump station Doors as needed including pressure cleaning of the Monthly $402.00 $402.00 $402.00 $402.00 $19,296.00 trash containers area to provide a safe and healthy working environment. 17 Pressure cleaning of oullall concrete spillway at Bette Meade Pump Station. BI -annually $402.00 5804.00 Perform an inspection or wall and roof hatches, louvers, ladders, catwalks, metal walkable gratings al Riverview, Lawrence. Orange Bowl and Overtovm pump stations (including 18 grating serivicing Riverview Pump Station located at ouKall structure a1 NW 13 AvenueMonthly $345.00 $345.00 $345.00 $345.00 516,560.00 and Miami River) and perform minor repairs as needed. Provide a written monthly report and recommendations to City using "Routine Maintenance Task List for PumpStalions Form for results per pump station with each monthly invoice. 19 Drain water from the check valves structure at Brickell Avenue and San Marco Pump BI-weakly 5172.00 $172.00 58.944.00 SIMI- 20 Add BTI briquets by Summit or approved equal for mosquito control at Overtown pump Monthly $172.00 $2,064.00 station. 21 Perform cleaning of the Ecovautl servicing the Orange Bowl Pump Station including but Quarterly $172.00 $688.00 not limiled to all labor and materials necessary to perform the task. 22 Perform replacement of batteries for'eAr signs, control panel components, and fire Annually $201.00 $201.00 $402.00 suprassion systems at Lawrence and Orange Bowl Pump Stations. 23 Monthly, submit an electrical and mechanical Inventory status of approved repairs of the Monthly 5115.00 5115.00 $115.00 $115.00 $115.00 $115.00 $115.00 $115.00 $11500 $115.00 5115.00 S115.00 $115.00 517,940.00 equipment with each monthly Invoice. 24 SPECIAL PROVISIONS $300,000.00 Total Sum of Column Q $737,335.00 PROPOSAL TOTAL: Sum of Items 24+(Total Sum x 3 Contract Years) $3,112,005.00 Notes: 1. The above proposed price ere the maximum -not -to -exceed price for each line Item. 2. The maximum -not -to -exceed price Includes all out of pocket expenses, including materials, and miscellaneous costs and fees, as they will not be reimbursed separately by the City. me- a1 �, Attachment C - Price Proposal "EP "°.'19'82 ca The Proposer shall submit Its price for performing ALL services listed herein, at each of the locations identified above. Proposer must pay attention to the "Frequency" when proposing its price for each Item listed. There is no exception allowed to this requirement. Proposer is requested to fill In the applicable blanks on this form and make no other marks. �ou11JIax.I,F Submersible Smtlons E F G N 1 1 N L Ni AFP 10623815tormwater Pump Station Maintenance and Repair f,w.r„-"' '. _ )w,n Lm wnro awfrr Lna nrrrw ITEM Scheduled Maintenance Items lincludes a regular maintenance crew per Section 3.1 of the Frequency anis 1NVNnx u.np ~1,Ne1 f a un xe ab)w M . lu„i ul Srn�rn 1. crania Saibn xs ): Nll Nefen Ne l'brfe 14. era, MrMr Il. ark1r11 AvxrNr If. Ln Mfrra lJaM rry N,rlrN I,p,"M.ly,n Solicitation) Ie1xW bN Nnri I,- lN.f."rvr wrr WSIN !)n xW Mlxwf. fit fw )b Vrrr rr„vr,x Lrn4 eaN sW )1rr NL nn a.mur hmN fleban hme Nwbn oro xmnn �y iIfINW MSerri b am Nn Nnr1 rrnrWxlr,4l Ned Perform a complete Inspection of water and petroleum product piping and filings, control panel systems, float switch systems. transducers systems, bubbler systems, pumps. Writings. stators. rotors, pears. motors, motor components• and appurtenances. Inspect oil condition and levels on pumps and motors. and add or replace oil as needed. Provide 1 a mitten monthly report and recommendations to City using 'Routine Mnintenance Task Monthly $402.00 $402.00 $402.00 $287.00 $287.00 5287.00 $287.00 $287.00 $402.00 $287.00 5402.00 $44,784.00 List for PumpSlagons Form' for results per pump station with each monthly invoice. Perform a complete inspection of all pale slruchnes, to include slide gales, sluice gales, and rod screw devices and appunenancos. Provide a written monthly report and recommendations to City using "Routine Maintenance Task List for PumpStallons Form' for results per pump station Win each monthly invoice. 2 Clean bar orale screens. Wcekly $253.00 $253.00 $253.00 5172.00 $172.00 $172.00 $172.00 $172.00 5172.00 $172.00 $172.00 5372.00 5114,464 on Clean and lubricate all gate structures to include sluice gates, slide gales, rod screw 3 devices, bar sccrees climbers, railings of sluice gales, slide gales and bar screen O -Wrly 5241.00 $241.00 $241.00 $109.00 $109.00 $109,00 $109.00 $109.00 $109.00 $109.00 $109.00 $109.00 $6.816.00 climbers. 4 Clean and lubricate conveyor system and associated components at Lawrence pump Quarterly N/A $287.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $1,148.00 station Perform a complete Inspection of roll -up doors. angle drives• bar screen systems, and associated components including The replacement of rubber wipers for the bar screen 5 climbers as needed at Lawrence. Riverview and Orange Bowl pump stations, and provide Monthly 5287,00 $287.00 5297.00 $10,332.00 vaitlen monthly report and recommendations to City using -Routine Maintenance Task List for PumpStations Form' for results par pump station with each monthly invoice. Pedorm a Cnmolel9 inspxtion of conveyor system and associaled components al 6 Lame pump station. Provide a written monthly report and recommendations to Cil Monthly $115.00 51,380.00 using 'Routine Maintenance Task List for PumpStallons Form' for results per pump station with each monthly invoice. 7 Pedorm a lest of all backflow prevenlers and submit annual certification to the Munni. Annually $920.00 $920.00 $920.00 $920.00 $920.00 $920.00 $920Ao $920.00 $920.00 $920.00 $920.00 $10,120.00 Dade Water and Sewer Department by a certified plumber Perform an inspection of the CO2 fire retardant system and its appurtenances In the 8 pretense of a City representative and Fire Recue at Lawrence and Orange Bowl pump Annually $2,070.00 $2,070.00 $2,070.00 $6,210.00 stations. Provide written report to the City for testing results per pump station by qualified contractor. Complete cleaning of pump slalkm mel wells of all accumulated garbage and debris. responsible to provide afl labor, all materials Including but not limited to 9 Contable Annually $10,925.00 $10,925.00 510,925A0 $10,925.00 52,875.00 52,875.00 52,875.00 52.875 On $2,87500 $2.87500 $2.875.00 52,875.00 $2,875.00 $69,575.00 inflatable pipe plugs, air compressors. air hoses. air circulators. collection of debris, etc. to p p eso complete this task at each pump slabon. Perform a visual Inspection of loose wring, grounding, ground wires, safety switches• alarms, conner.lions in the electrical panel board, instrumentation, governor controls. circuit breakers and fuses. Thlt Inspection includes the opening of panels and visually Inspecting for signs of overheated, cleaning the Interior of the panel with a vacumm 30 cleanarasneedxrl, retightening the control wiring connections, retightening power wiring Weekly 5287.00 $287.00 5287.00 $172.00 $172.00 $172.00 $172.00 5172.00 $172.00 $272.00 $172.00 $172.00 $125.2" OC using a torque "Inch. opening of the magnetic contactors and retightening If needed, and cleaning with scotch-brile if needed. Provide a millen monthly report and racommendations to City using "Routine Maintenance Task List for PumpSlations Form' for results per pump station win each monthly invoice Maintain record of hours of opertation for each pump at all slallons. �19_ 3'3 Attachment C - Price Proposal RFP No. 919392 au�IJln Sl,liun5 - 4. The City reserves the right to negotiate the rates for renewal and/or extension periods, and for any additional work assigned. 5. Maintain a log of all activities performed at each station Including a sign In and sign out sheet at each station. Display prominently the following documents: FDEP Storage Tank Registration Placard, Current Certification of Financial Responsibility (CFR), and the current laceI government permit (Miaml-Dado County DERM). The user department Is responsible for checking stations dally. Submersible Stations A Is C D E F G N 1 1 g L M RFP 1061383 Stormwater Pump Station Maintenance and Repair sa.,w.n ---�s� sv..n un r„mr a. w n5 tna rvmr tw.IdR..e ITEM p Scheduled Maintenance Items Includes re ler maintenance crew Section 3.1 of the Fra an 1 gu per qu ty IR,n b.5r IwrWSen ul ,rI.RgR1� ! �.%Ir coarse ,a,ry, a.w m sullen a wen [na tomo snl en Hei sl.a,n no. 5, Hr aeasa nen tar al2*."".., as 10 ar eMaene tt er aYJ.nnua li SSn Msza-ntl u mery ean.l h 1 , wNY F� :regular S011aitatlun) atl;RW Wl SIS !. trM1HwMSV.K SSSIUHW )rR llrnl fiJL SlV alh alnat lw sna lV.n um,ml WJRoaO trmnml Canal ReW rtap N[aM Rwnur r umP sial en Pump stolen Vll,ae Pump Slptlrn 3. Nothwithstanding the rates above, compensation shall be based on the actual work assigned. 4. The City reserves the right to negotiate the rates for renewal and/or extension periods, and for any additional work assigned. 5. Maintain a log of all activities performed at each station Including a sign In and sign out sheet at each station. Display prominently the following documents: FDEP Storage Tank Registration Placard, Current Certification of Financial Responsibility (CFR), and the current laceI government permit (Miaml-Dado County DERM). The user department Is responsible for checking stations dally. Stormwater Pump Station Maintenance Contract Unscheduled Service and Repair Additive Items At the option of the City, the following items are to be used only if necessary to maintain a complete working pump station. Cost is to be included as part of a work order issued by the City for the complete repair, partial repair or replacement of an existing part or the installation of a new part or equipment. 25 IThe steam cleaning and sandblasting of one (1) pump and parts 26 IThe steam cleaning and sandblasting of one (1) motor and parts 27 IThe Winding double -dips and bakes of one (1) motor 28 I The rewinding of one (1) stator and rotor 29 The replacement of bearings and seals for one (1) pump at any pump station. 30 The "on-site" performance of one (1) surge comparison tests 31 I Dynamic balancing of one (1) rotor to be performed "on-site" 32 IChecking the mechanical tolerances "on-site" of one (1) pump and one (1) motor. 33 I Electrical and/or mechanical disconnection and connection of one (1) motor, including motor installation, reconnection, laser alignment, and on-site balancing. 34 IThe electrical disconnection and reconnection of one (1) transformer 35 IThe rewinding one (1) transformer 36 IThe replacement of one (1) pump magnetic starters (contactors) to include all associated operations. 37 The replacement of one (1) soft starter to include all associated operations at any station 38 The complete repair, installation, and/or replacement of one (1) chain link gate at any pump station 39 The repair of alarm systems and sensors at one station. Note: the Contractor may subcontract this work out upon the written approval of the City Engineer The complete repair, installation, and/or replacement of one (1) pump station metal 40 walkable grating including grating servicing Riverview Pump Station located at outfall structure at NW 13 Avenue and Miami River 41 IThe repair of one (1) wall and/or one (1) roof hatch at any pump station 42 The repair of one (1) built-in ladder at any pump station 43 The repair of one (1) catwalk at any station including labor, materials and building permits to perform the task. 44 The repair of one (1) roof leak. The complete painting of the exterior and interior of one (1) pump station building 45 including but not limited to fuel, water and electrical conducts/fittings/pipings, floors, and re -painting of "no trespassing" signs. 46 IThe replacement of one (1) fuse at any pump station 47 The replacement of one (1) three-phase monitor at any pump station. 48 The setting and adjustment of one (1) float switch system at any station. 49 IThe replacement of one (1) float switch at any pump station. 50 IThe complete replacement of one (1) float switch system at any station. 51 The complete replacement of one (1) hurricane proof double entrance door including building permits at any pump station 52 The complete replacement of one (1) hurricane proof entrance single door including building permits at any pump station 53 The complete replacement of one (1) hurricane proof roll -up door including building permits at any pump station 54 IThe replacement of one (1) circuit breaker at any pump station 55 IThe replacement of one (1) alternator at any pump station 56 IThe The replacement of one (1) 120V/240V transformer at any pump station 57 replacement of one (1) 480V/240V transformer at any pump station 58 IThe complete replacement of one (1) automatic bubbler control system at any pump station 59 IThe replacement of a gasket for one (1) pump at any pump station $1,495.00 $1,495.00 $1,380.00 $6,670.00 $4,485.00 $437.00 $908.00 $2,185.00 $2,070.00 $1,610.00 $25,875.00 $1,955.00 $1,725.00 $1,138.00 $ 2,300.00 $8,510.00 $2,760.00 $4,485.00 $20,585.00 $3,450.00 $6,900.00 $287.00 $1,035.00 $0.00 $805.00 $805.00 $7,475.00 $5,175.00 $9,085.00 $9,085.00 $4,025.00 $15,985.00 $15,985.00 $4,025.00 $1,380.00 Pyl 68 Stormwater Pump Station Maintenance Contract $1,610.00 69 Unscheduled Service and RepairAdditiveItems $805.00 70 At the option of the City, the following items are to be used only if necessary to >=xceed Cost maintain a complete working pump station. Cost is to be included as part of a of tte Lt 71 work order issued by the City for the complete repair, partial repair or $3,450.00 replacement of an existing part or the installation of a new part or equipment. 60 The complete replacement of one (1) Electrical Transformer (30-1,500 kVA) and Phase $63,250.00 72 Contactor at any pump station $690.00 The complete replacement of one (1) CO2 Fire protection system including but not 61 limited to instrumentation, mechanical and electrical components, control panels, $40,250.00 73 batteries, and carbon dioxide cylinders $851.00 62 IThe replacement of one (1) UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) for control panel at any I $13,800.00 pump station 63 The replacement of one (1) Surge Protective Device (SPD) at any pump station I $13,800.00 64 I The complete installation and/or replacement of one (1) crane winch at any pump station I $3,450.00 65 I The complete replacement of one (1) transducer at any pump station I $2,875.00 66 I The complete replacement of one (1) discharge manifold at any pump station $3,450.00 67 IThe replacement of one (1) relay at any pump station. $1,610.00 68 IThe replacement of one (1) delay at any pump station. I $1,610.00 69 IThe replacement of weatherstrip seals for one (1) control panel at any pump station. I $805.00 70 I Perform sanding and painting with epoxy paint to one (1) slide or sluice gate system I $3,450.00 including frames and rails at any pump station. 71 Perform sanding and painting with epoxy paint to one (1) bar screen climber system $3,450.00 including frames, climber, rails, rakes, handrails and base frames at any pump station. Perform an insulation test to one (1) motor on-site in the presence of a City of Miami 72 representative and the submission of a written report on the results of each test to the $690.00 City Engineer at any pump station. Perform a vibration test to one (1) pump, one (1) motor, and one (1) angle drive (if 73 applicable) on-site in the presence of a City of Miami representative and submit a written $851.00 report on the results of each test to the City Engineer at any pump station. Perform preventive maintanenace to one (1) FLYGT pump and motor as per manufacture's recomendations including but not limited to tightening screw joints to 74 correct torque, changing oil in the oil housing, sand blasting, replacement of O -rings, $13,800.00 bearings and seals, cleaning and painting the interior and exterior at any submersible pump station. 75 Furnish five (5) master keys and sixty-seven (67) pad locks to fit all gates and electricalI $2,311.00 control panels at all stations. Additive Items Unscheduled Repairs Activity Unit Cost 76 77 Emergency Crew (hourly rate per crew to operate/troubleshoot): For furnishing all labor, equipment, and materials necessary to provide a full crew to operate and provide twenty-four (24) hour access to all pump stations during Citv of Miami emergencies, including but not limited to, hurricanes or other severe storms (prior to, during, or the immediate aftermath), as determined by City Administrators, Emergency Manager, City $632.00 Officials, or the ENGINEER until the emergency situation has ceased. This includes working after hours (after 6:00 p.m. and before 7:00 a.m.), Saturdays, Sundays or Holidays. This is not related to the regular full crew which shall consist of one "on -duty" Supervisor for all pump stations and a minimum of three (3) skillled laborers for all pump stations. Temporary generator connect/disconnect at any station $1,725.00 78 50 ton Crane service for including flatbed truck at any pump station $1,725.00 Disassemble one motor in shop, inspect all parts, steam, and sandblast 79 parts, steam clean winding and bake dry, double dip & bake winding, $4,025.00 perform surge comparison test, dynamically balance rotor, check all mechanical tolerances, assemble paint & run test. Field personnel to remove one Pump & Gear from any station, bring to 80 shop, disassemble, inspect, and provide complete work -scope of repair $4,025.00 (includes personnel, crane, & flatbed truck) Disassemble one (1) centrifugal or propeller submersible pump in shop, 81 inspect all parts, check mechanical tolerances, provide written report, work- $4,025.00 scope & price quote 82 Chain Link Fence repair at any pump station including mobilization/and $4,485.00 permit cost 83 Field service personnel to remove one clutch, bring to shop, inspect all $1,380.00 parts, provide complete report and price quote for repair 84 The complete repair of one (1) hose bib assembly at any pump station $1,690.00 85 The complete repair of one (1) hurricane proof double entrance door $4,025.00 including building permits at any pump station 86 The complete repair of one (1) hurricane proof entrance single door $3,680.00 including building permits at any pump station 87 The complete repair of one (1) hurricane proof roll -up door including $7,820.00 building permits at any pump station 88 The replacement of one (1) cathodic protection system (Zinc anodes) per $2,070.00 pump at any station 89 The complete repair, installation, and/or replacement of one (1) access floor $3,220.00 hatch door at any pump station 90 The complete repair, installation, and/or replacement of one (1) roof $2,875.00 exhaust fan at any pump station V**dL y3 Additive Items Unscheduled Repairs Activity Unit Cost 91 IThe complete repair, installation, and/or replacement of one (1) wall $4,025.00 101 exhaust fan at any pump station ($1,150.00 92 The complete repair, installation, and/or replacement of one (1) pump guide $2,300.00 railing system at any submersible pump station 93 The complete repair, installation, and/or replacement of one (1) 6" camlock $690.00 107 emergency pumpout at any submersible pump station $46,000.00 94 The replacement of one (1) Flygt pump monitoring and status control Isystem $43,700.00 108 at any submersible pump station $46,000.00 95 The complete repair of one (1) control panel including all instrumentation, $21,850.00 Orange Bowl Pump Station at 1775 NW 7th Street mechanical and electrical components at any pump station 96 The complete repair, installation, and/or replacement of one (1) main switch lat ($43,700.00 Phase Electric Motor including labor, materials, crane, flatbed, permits, any pump station 97 The complete repair of one (1) automatic bubbler control system at any 1pump ($32,200.00 The refurnishment of one (1) new vertical 100hp, 700 rpm, 480v, 3 Phase station 110 98 IThe complete repair of one (1) Electrical Transformer (30-1,500 kVA) and ($55,200.00 equipment. Phase Contactor at any pump station 111 IThe complete replacement of one (1) vertical 50hp, 800 rpm, 480v, 3 Phase The complete repair of one (1) CO2 Fire protection system including but not 99 limited to instrumentation, mechanical and electrical components, control $28,750.00 The refurnishment of one (1) vertical 50hp, 800 rpm, 480v, 3 Phase Electric IMotor panels and carbon dioxide cylinders 100 IThe complete repair of one (1) discharge manifold at any pump station $3,450.00 101 IThe complete repair of one (1) crane winch at any pump station ($1,150.00 102 Miscellaneous repairs not included in this list of items and at the discression $1,150.00 of the City Engineer. The complete replacement of an existing ATS includeing labor, material and 107 programming per load requirements per specification and manufacturer $46,000.00 recommendations. 108 The complete replacement of one (1) control panel including all $46,000.00 instrumentation, mechanical and electrical components at any pump station Orange Bowl Pump Station at 1775 NW 7th Street _ The complete replacement of one (1) new vertical 100hp, 700 rpm, 480v, 3 109 Phase Electric Motor including labor, materials, crane, flatbed, permits, $39,215.00 delivery and disposal of old equipment. The refurnishment of one (1) new vertical 100hp, 700 rpm, 480v, 3 Phase 110 Electric Motor including labor, material, permits, delivery and disposal of old $18,975.00 equipment. 111 IThe complete replacement of one (1) vertical 50hp, 800 rpm, 480v, 3 Phase ($10,005.00 Electric Motor 112 The refurnishment of one (1) vertical 50hp, 800 rpm, 480v, 3 Phase Electric IMotor ($6,785.00 Voir "14 Additive Items Unscheduled Repairs Activity Unit Cost 113 lPhase The complete replacement of one (1) vertical 100hp, 580 rpm, 480v, 3 Electric Motor 114 IThe refurnishment of one (1) vertical 100hp, 580 rpm, 480v, 3 Phase Electric Motor 115 The complete replacement of one (1) 30"-20,000-gpm FAIRBANKS - MORSE Pump $41,285.00 $11,270.00 $40,710.00 116 The refurnishment of one (1) 30"-20,000-gpm FAIRBANKS -MORSE Pump 1$28,520.00 117 The complete replacement of one (1) 24"-10,000-gpm FAIRBANKS- ($15,750.00 MORSE Pump 118 IThe refurnishment of one (1) 24"-10,000-gpm FAIRBANKS -MORSE Pump 1$28,520.00 119 The complete replacement of one (1) 30"-19,300-gpm FAIRBANKS- $51,750.00 MORSE Pump 120 The refurnishment of one (1) 30"-19,300-gpm FAIRBANKS -MORSE Pump $28,250.00 129 1One (1) Aluminum Drainage Flap Gate for outfall located at Lawrence Canal 1$16,100.00 130 Repair or replacement of one (1) Cellunetics Telemetry System $23,000.00 Overtown Pump Station at 1515 NW 5t' Avenue 131 I The complete replacement of one (1) vertical 100hp, 700 rpm, 480v, 3 $37,720.00 Phase Electric Motor The complete replacement of one (1) INFILCO Automatic Bar Screen 121 Climber and associated components including but not limited to control $57,800.00 systems and motor drives The complete repair of one (1) INFILCO Automatic Bar Screen Climber and 122 associated components including but not limited to control systems and $34,500.00 motor drives 123 IThe complete replacement of one (1) Aluminum bar grate screen at any $32,200.00 pump station. 124 The complete repair of one (1) Aluminum bar grate screen at any pump $19,435.00 station. The complete replacement of one (1) slide or sluice gate including but not 125 limited to frame, railing system, thread rod jack screw device, and plates at $80,500.00 any pump station The complete repair of one (1) slide or sluice gate including but not limited 126 to frame, railing system, thread rod jack screw device, and plates at any $34,500.00 pump station 127 The complete installation and/or replacement of one (1) LIMITORQUE $34,500.00 Control System at any pump station 128 The complete repair of one (1) LIMITORQUE Control System at any pump Istation ($10,695.00 129 1One (1) Aluminum Drainage Flap Gate for outfall located at Lawrence Canal 1$16,100.00 130 Repair or replacement of one (1) Cellunetics Telemetry System $23,000.00 Overtown Pump Station at 1515 NW 5t' Avenue 131 I The complete replacement of one (1) vertical 100hp, 700 rpm, 480v, 3 $37,720.00 Phase Electric Motor Additive Items Unscheduled Repairs Activity Unit Cost 132 The refurnishment of one (1) vertical 100hp, 700 rpm, 480v, 3 Phase $18,400.00 Electric Motor 133 The complete replacement of one (1) vertical 50hp, 800 rpm, 480v, 3 Phase $19,550.00 141 Electric Motor $34,385.00 134 The refurnishment of one (1) vertical 50hp, 800 rpm, 480v, 3 Phase Electric ($10,235.00 143 Motor $32,200.00 135 IThe complete replacement of one (1) vertical 30hp, 1175rpm, 480v, 3 $17,250.00 144 Phase Electric Motor ($19,435.00 136 IThe refurnishment of one (1) vertical 30hp, 1175rpm, 480v, 3 Phase Electric $8,625.00 Motor 137 IThe complete replacement of one (1) 30"-20,000-gpm FAIRBANKS- ($39,560.00 MORSE Pump 138 IThe refurnishment of one (1) 30"-20,000-gpm FAIRBANKS -MORSE Pump 1$28,520.00 139 IThe complete replacement of one (1) 24"-15,000-gpm FAIRBANKS- ($39,560.00 MORSE Pump 140 IThe refurnishment of one (1) 24"-15,000-gpm FAIRBANKS -MORSE Pump ($28,520.00 141 IThe complete replacement of one (1) 16"-5,000-gpm CASCADE Pump $34,385.00 142 IThe refurnishment of one (1) 16"-5,000-gpm CASCADE Pump $22,310.00 143 The complete replacement of one (1) Aluminum bar grate screen at any I $32,200.00 pump station. 144 The complete repair of one (1) Aluminum bar grate screen at any pump ($19,435.00 station. The complete replacement of one (1) slide/sluice gate including but not 145 limited to frame, railing system, thread rod jack screw device, and plates at $80,500.00 any pump station The complete repair of one (1) slide/sluice gate including but not limited to 146 frame, railing system, thread rod jack screw device, and plates at any pump $34,500.00 station 147 The complete installation and/or replacement of one (1) LIMITORQUE $34,500.00 Control System at any pump station 148 IThe complete repair of one (1) LIMITORQUE Control System at any pump $10,695.00 station Riverview Pump Station at 1301 NW 6th Street 149 IThe complete replacement of one (1) horizontal US ELECTRIC MOTOR, $4,600.00 480v, 400hp, 580 rpm, 3 Phase Electric Motor 150 IThe refurnishment of one (1) horizontal US ELECTRIC MOTOR, 480v, $18,400.00 400hp, 580 rpm, 3 Phase Electric Motor 151 1480v, The complete replacement of one (1) vertical US ELECTRIC MOTOR, $56,350.00 500hp, 588 rpm, 3 Phase Electric Motor 152 1588 The refurnishment of one (1) vertical US ELECTRIC MOTOR, 480v, 500hp, ($21,850.00 rpm, 3 Phase Electric Motor 153 The complete replacement of one (1) vertical 60hp, 1170rpm, 404TP, 480v, ($12,075.00 3 Phase Electric Motor 154 The refurnishment of one (1) vertical 60hp, 1170rpm, 404TP, 480v, 3 Phase $7,935.00 Electric Motor Additive Items Unscheduled Repairs Activity Unit Cost 155 The complete replacement of one (1) 36% 35,000-gpm FAIRBANKS - MORSE, 2 Stage Pump 156 The refurnishment of one (1) 36"- 35,000-gpm FAIRBANKS -MORSE, 2 Stage Pump 157 The complete replacement of one (1) 36% 35,000-gpm FAIRBANKS- NIJHUIS, 2 Stage Pump 158 The refurnishment of one (1) 36% 35,000-gpm FAIRBANKS-NIJHUIS, 2 Stage Pump 159 The complete replacement of one (1) 16"-5,000-gpm CENTURY model "S" (Sump Pump 160 IThe refurnishment of one (1) 16"-5,000-gpm CENTURY model "S" Sump Pump 161 IThe complete replacement of one (1) AMARILLO Right Angle Gear Drive $79,350.00 $33,350.00 $40,825.00 $28,520.00 $33,350.00 $1,840.00 $69,000.00 162 IThe refurnishment of one (1) AMARILLO Right Angle Gear Drive 1$36,800.00 163 IThe complete replacement of one (1) FAIRBANKS -MORSE Gear Reducer 1$69,000.00 164 IThe refurnishment of one (1) FAIRBANKS -MORSE Gear Reducer The complete replacement of one (1) INFILCO Automatic Bar Screen 165 Climber and associated components including but not limited to control systems and motor drives The complete repair of one (1) INFILCO Automatic Bar Screen Climber and 166 associated components including but not limited to control systems and motor drives 167 The complete replacement of one (1) Aluminum bar grate screen at any pump station. 168 The complete repair of one (1) Aluminum bar grate screen at any pump station. The complete replacement of one (1) slide/sluice gate including but not 169 limited to frame, railing system, thread rod jack screw device, and plates at any pump station The complete repair of one (1) slide/sluice gate including but not limited to 170 frame, railing system, thread rod jack screw device, and plates at any pump station 171 The complete replacement of one (1) LIMITORQUE Control System at any pump station $369,150.00 $57,800.00 $34,500.00 $32,200.00 $19,435.00 $80,500.00 $34,500.00 $34,500.00 172 IThe complete repair of one (1) LIMITORQUE Control System at any pump $10,695.00 station 173 ( Repair or replacement of one (1) Cellunetics Telemetry System 1$23,000.00 Lawrence Pump Station at 342 SW 7th Avenue 174 The complete replacement of one (1) vertical US ELECTRIC MOTOR, 1480v, $41,400.00 200hp, 590 rpm, 3 Phase Electric Motor 175 The refurnishment of one (1) vertical US ELECTRIC MOTOR, 480v, 200hp, 1590 ($18,975.00 rpm, 3 Phase Electric Motor complete replacement of one (1) vertical 100hp, 880rpm, 480v, 3 176 IThe Phase Electric Motor ($39,215.00 177 IThe refurnishment of one (1) vertical 100hp, 880rpm, 480v, 3 Phase Electric $18,975.00 Motor complete replacement of one (1) vertical 40hp, 1170rpm, 480v, 3 178 IThe Phase Electric Motor ($10,235.00 Additive Items Unscheduled Repairs Activity Unit Cost 179 IThe refurnishment of one (1) vertical 40hp, 1170rpm, 480v, 3 Phase Electric $58,650.00 Motor 180 The complete replacement of one (1) 30"- 20,000-gpm FAIRBANKS- INIJHUIS, $40,710.00 580 rpm, 2 Stage Pump 181 The refurnishment of one (1) 30% 20,000-gpm FAIRBANKS-NIJHUIS, 580 $11,270.00 rpm, 2 Stage Pump 182 The complete replacement of one (1) 24" 15,000-gpm CASCADE pump 1$33,465.00 183 The refurnishment of one (1) 24" 15,000-gpm CASCADE pump 1$18,745.00 184 complete replacement of one (1) 16"-5,000-gpm ALLIS CHAMBER ($33,350.00 pThe 185 The refurnishment of one (1) 16"-5,000-gpm ALLIS CHAMBER pump 1$18,745.00 The complete replacement of one (1) INFILCO Automatic Bar Screen 186 Climber and associated components including but not limited to control $57,800.00 systems and motor drives The complete repair of one (1) INFILCO Automatic Bar Screen Climber and 187 associated components including but not limited to control systems and $34,500.00 motor drives 188 The complete replacement of one (1) Aluminum bar grate screen at any ($32,200.00 pump station. 189 The complete repair of one (1) Aluminum bar grate screen at any pump ($19,435.00 station. The complete replacement of one (1) 40 -inch width slide/sluice gate 190 including but not limited to frame, railing system, thread rod jack screw $80,500.00 device, and plates at any pump station The complete repair of one (1) 40 -inch width slide/sluice gate including but 191 not limited to frame, railing system, thread rod jack screw device, and plates $34,500.00 at any pump station The complete replacement of one (1) 100 -inch width slide/sluice gate 192 including but not limited to frame, railing system, thread rod jack screw $103,500.00 device, and plates at any pump station The complete repair of one (1) 100 -inch width slide/sluice gate including but 193 not limited to frame, railing system, thread rod jack screw device, and plates $46,000.00 at any pump station 194 IThe complete replacement of one (1) LIMITORQUE Control System at any $8,050.00 pump station 195 IThe complete repair of one (1) LIMITORQUE Control System at any pump ($6,785.00 station 196 IThe complete replacement of one (1) Conveyor with Control System 1$80,500.00 197 IThe complete repair of one (1) Conveyor with Control System 1$80,500.00 Repair or replacement of one (1) Cellunetics Telemetry System West End Pump Station No. 1 at 6311 SW 6th Street West End Pump Station No. 2 at 6321 SW 2"d Street West End Pump Station No. 3 at 6450 Tamiami Canal Road West End Pump Station No. 4 at 6250 Tamiami Canal Road 199 The replacement of one (1) FLYGT, 6732 gpm, 85 hp Submersible Pump and Motor 200 The refurnishment of one (1) FLYGT, 6732 gpm, 85 hp Submersible Pump and Motor 201 The replacement of one (1) FLYGT, 8976 gpm, 98 90 hp Submersible Pump and Motor $19,412.00 $41,400.00 1 ty-s D'\' Additive Items Unscheduled Repairs Activity Unit Cost 202 The refurnishment of one (1) FLYGT, 8976 gpm, 98 90 hp Submersible Pump and Motor 203 The replacement of one (1) FLYGT, 5984 gpm, 34 hp Submersible Pump land Motor 204 The refurnishment of one (1) FLYGT, 5984 gpm, 34 hp Submersible Pump land Motor 205 The replacement of one (1) FLYGT, 8078 gpm, 60 hp Submersible Pump land Motor 206 The refurnishment of one (1) FLYGT, 8078 gpm, 60 hp Submersible Pump land Motor 207 IThe complete replacement of one (1) Aluminum bar grate screen at any p�ump station. 208 The complete repair of one (1) Aluminum bar grate screen at any pump station. Antonio Maceo Pump Station at 5151 NW 7th Street 209 210 211 214 215 The replacement of one (1) FLYGT, 3366 gpm, 25 hp Submersible Pump and Motor The refurnishment of one (1) FLYGT, 3366 gpm, 25 hp Submersible Pump and Motor The complete replacement of one (1) Aluminum bar grate screen at any pump station. The complete repair of one (1) Aluminum bar grate screen at any pump station. Belle Meade Pump Station at 7747 NE 8th Avenue The replacement of one (1) EBARA 145 hp submersible propeller pump and motor The refurnishment of one (1) EBARA 145 hp submersible propeller pump and motor The replacement of one (1) EBARA 40 hp submersible propeller pump and motor 216 The refurnishment of one (1) EBARA 40 hp submersible propeller pump and motor 217 The complete replacement of one (1) Aluminum bar grate screen at any pump station. 218 IThe complete repair of one (1) Aluminum bar grate screen at any pump station. Brickell Avenue Pump Station 219 The replacement of one (1) FLYGT, 9119 gpm, 90 hp Submersible Pump land motor 220 The refurnishment of one (1) FLYGT, 9119 gpm, 90 hp Submersible Pump land motor 221 The complete replacement of one (1) Aluminum bar grate screen at any pump station. 222 IThe complete repair of one (1) Aluminum bar grate screen at any pump station. San Marco Island Pump Station 223 The replacement of one (1) FLYGT, 6835 gpm, 44 hp submersible propeller pump and motor 224 The refurnishment of one (1) FLYGT, 6835 gpm, 44 hp submersible propeller pump and motor $19,412.00 $32,890.00 $14,260.00 $37,835.00 $14,260.00 $32,200.00 $19,435.00 $31,970.00 $14,260.00 $32,200.00 $19,435.00 $44,735.00 $12,880.00 $32,200.00 $12,880.00 $32,200.00 $19,435.00 $44,735.00 $12,880.00 $32,200.00 $19,435.00 $36,800.00 $12,880.00 � ot�I Additive Items Unscheduled Repairs Activity Unit Cost 225 The complete replacement of one (1) Aluminum bar grate screen at any pump station. 226 The complete repair of one (1) Aluminum bar grate screen at any pump station. Mary Brickell Village Pump Station 227 land The replacement of one (1) FLYGT, 14362 gpm, 130 hp Submersible Pump motor 228 I The refurnishment of one one (1) FLYGT, 14362 gpm, 130 hp Submersible Pump and motor 229 1pump The complete replacement of one (1) Aluminum bar grate screen at any station. 230 Istation. The complete repair of one (1) Aluminum bar grate screen at any pump $32,200.00 $19,435.00 $66,700.00 $25,185.00 $32,200.00 $19,435.00 BID BOND Bond No: n/a CONTRACTOR: SURETY: Hartford Fire Insurance Company (Name, legal status and address) (Name, legal status and principal place of business) CONDO ELECTRIC INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY, INC. One Hartford Plaza 3746 EAST 10 CT Hartford, CT 06155 HIALEAH, FL 33013 OWNER: (Name, legal status and address) City of Miami 444 SW 2nd Ave Ste 64 Miami, FL 33130 BOND AMOUNT: PROJECT: Request for proposals for Stormwater pump Station Repair and Maintenance Services, RFQ919382 (Name, location or address, and Project number, ffany) The Contractor and Surety are bound to the Owner in the amount set forth above, for the payment of which the Contractor and Surety bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, as provided herein. The conditions of this Bond are such that if the Owner accepts the bid of the Contractor within the time specified in the bid documents, or within such time period as may be agreed to by the Owner and Contractor, and the Contractor either (1) enters into a contract with the Owner in accordance with the terms of such bid, and gives such bond or bonds as may be specified in the bidding or Contract Documents, with a surety admitted in the jurisdiction of the Project and otherwise acceptable to the Owner, for the faithful performance of such Contract and for the prompt payment of labor and material furnished in the prosecution thereof; or (2) pays to the Owner the difference, not to exceed the amount of this Bond, between the amount specified in said bid and such larger amount for which the Owner may in good faith contract with another party to perform the work covered by said bid, then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. The Surety hereby waives any notice of an agreement between the Owner and Contractor to extend the time in which the Owner may accept the bid. Waiver of notice by the Surety shall not apply to any extension exceeding sixty (60) days in the aggregate beyond the time for acceptance of bids specified in the bid documents, and the Owner and Contractor shall obtain the Surety's consent for an extension beyond sixty (60) days. If this Bond is issued in connection with a subcontractor's bid to a Contractor, the term Contractor in this Bond shall be deemed to be Subcontractor and the term Owner shall be deemed to be Contractor. When this Bond has been furnished to comply with a statutory or other legal requirement in the location of the Project, any provision in this Bond conflicting with said statutory or legal requirement shall be deemed deleted herefrom and provisions conforming to such statutory or other legal requirement shall be deemed incorporated herein. When so furnished, the intent is that this Bond shall be construed as a statutory bond and not as a common law bond. The Company executing this bond vouches that this document conforms to the American Institute of Architects Document A310, 2010 edition 1 Signed and sealed this 25th (Witness) c rU (Witness) day of February 0 2019 CONDO ELECTRIC INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY, INC. (Principal) (Seal) (Title) Hartford Fire Insurance Company (Surety) (Seal) (Title) RAiTMON A RODRIGUEZ, ATTY-N-FACT & FL RES AGENT The Company executing this bond vouches that this document conforms to the American Institute of Architects Document A310, 2010 edition 2 Hartford Fire Insurance Company, a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Connecticut X� Hartford Casualty Insurance Company, a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Indiana 0 Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company, a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Connecticut Hartford Underwriters Insurance Company, a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Connecticut Twin City Fire Insurance Company, a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Indiana Hartford Insurance Company of Illinois, a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Illinois Hartford Insurance Company of the Midwest, a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Indiana Hartford Insurance Company of the Southeast, a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Florida having their home office in Hartford, Connecticut, (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Companies") do hereby make, constitute and appoint, up to the amount of unlimited : Fausto Alvarez, Ramon A. Rodriguez, David Aaron French, Mayra Rodriguez of MIAMI LAKES, Florida their true and lawful Attorney(s)-in-Fact, each in their separate capacity if more than one is named above, to sign its name as surety(ies) only as delineated above by ®, and to execute, seal and acknowledge any and all bonds, undertakings, contracts and other written instruments in the nature thereof, on behalf of the Companies in their business of guaranteeing the fidelity of persons, guaranteeing the performance of contracts and executing or guaranteeing bonds and undertakings required or permitted in any actions or proceedings allowed by law. In Witness Whereof, and as authorized by a Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Companies on May 6, 2015 the Companies have caused these presents to be signed by its Senior Vice President and its corporate seals to be hereto affixed, duly attested by its Assistant Secretary. Further, pursuant to Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Companies, the Companies hereby unambiguously affirm that they are and will be bound by any mechanically applied signatures applied to this Power of Attorney. i'��,cn�.rl.rrs f � ti 4�_.:-� `�'a.+�+� �l��-�tort J •'•}'b,•'ruro,t rr' \;,�i�d' ?i - John Gray, Assistant Secretary STATE OF CONNECTICUT ss. Hartford COUNTY OF HARTFORD M. Ross Fisher, Senior Vice President On this 11th day of January, 2016, before me personally came M. Ross Fisher, to me known, who being by me duly sworn, did depose and say: that he resides in the County of Hartford, State of Connecticut; that he is the Senior Vice President of the Companies, the corporations described in and which executed the above instrument; that he knows the seals of the said corporations; that the seals affixed to the said instrument are such corporate seals; that they were so affixed by authority of the Boards of Directors of said corporations and that he signed his name thereto by like authority. ` Nora M. Stranko Notary Public CERTIFICATE My Commission Expires March 31, 2018 I, the undersigned, Assistant Vice President of the Companies, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Power of Attorney executed by said Companies, which is still in full force effective as of February 25 , 2019 Signed and sealed at the City of Hartford. �►1'Tr rtlr/ 1� i (0, ,.. Kevin Heckman, Assistant Vice President POA 2016 Direct Inquiries/Claims to: THE HARTFORD BONnectic POWER OF ATTORNEY One Hartford Plaza Hartford, Connecticut 06155 Bond.Clai ms(athehartford.com call: 888-266-3488 or fax: 860-757-5835 Agency Name: BROWN & BROWN OF FLORIDA INC KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS THAT: Agency Code: 21-221533 Hartford Fire Insurance Company, a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Connecticut X� Hartford Casualty Insurance Company, a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Indiana 0 Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company, a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Connecticut Hartford Underwriters Insurance Company, a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Connecticut Twin City Fire Insurance Company, a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Indiana Hartford Insurance Company of Illinois, a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Illinois Hartford Insurance Company of the Midwest, a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Indiana Hartford Insurance Company of the Southeast, a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Florida having their home office in Hartford, Connecticut, (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Companies") do hereby make, constitute and appoint, up to the amount of unlimited : Fausto Alvarez, Ramon A. Rodriguez, David Aaron French, Mayra Rodriguez of MIAMI LAKES, Florida their true and lawful Attorney(s)-in-Fact, each in their separate capacity if more than one is named above, to sign its name as surety(ies) only as delineated above by ®, and to execute, seal and acknowledge any and all bonds, undertakings, contracts and other written instruments in the nature thereof, on behalf of the Companies in their business of guaranteeing the fidelity of persons, guaranteeing the performance of contracts and executing or guaranteeing bonds and undertakings required or permitted in any actions or proceedings allowed by law. In Witness Whereof, and as authorized by a Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Companies on May 6, 2015 the Companies have caused these presents to be signed by its Senior Vice President and its corporate seals to be hereto affixed, duly attested by its Assistant Secretary. Further, pursuant to Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Companies, the Companies hereby unambiguously affirm that they are and will be bound by any mechanically applied signatures applied to this Power of Attorney. i'��,cn�.rl.rrs f � ti 4�_.:-� `�'a.+�+� �l��-�tort J •'•}'b,•'ruro,t rr' \;,�i�d' ?i - John Gray, Assistant Secretary STATE OF CONNECTICUT ss. Hartford COUNTY OF HARTFORD M. Ross Fisher, Senior Vice President On this 11th day of January, 2016, before me personally came M. Ross Fisher, to me known, who being by me duly sworn, did depose and say: that he resides in the County of Hartford, State of Connecticut; that he is the Senior Vice President of the Companies, the corporations described in and which executed the above instrument; that he knows the seals of the said corporations; that the seals affixed to the said instrument are such corporate seals; that they were so affixed by authority of the Boards of Directors of said corporations and that he signed his name thereto by like authority. ` Nora M. Stranko Notary Public CERTIFICATE My Commission Expires March 31, 2018 I, the undersigned, Assistant Vice President of the Companies, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Power of Attorney executed by said Companies, which is still in full force effective as of February 25 , 2019 Signed and sealed at the City of Hartford. �►1'Tr rtlr/ 1� i (0, ,.. Kevin Heckman, Assistant Vice President POA 2016 TABLE OF CONTENT # 10-1 BID ATTACHMENT B INSURANCE ADDENDUM INSURANCE DEFINITIONS, REQUIREMENTS AND CONDITIONS MAY 23, 2019 The VENDOR/CONTRACTOR agrees to provide and maintain throughout the life of this contract and at Vendor/Contractor's expense insurance coverage outlined herewith as applicable insuring all operations related to the contract and any extensions thereof. Workers Compensation and Employers Liability Statutory and subject to the Laws of the State of Florida. This coverage protects against lawsuits stemming from workplace accidents. It provides for medical care to injured employees, along with compensation for lost income. Commercial General Liability It protects against accidents and injuries that occur on company property or the property of a customer. It compensates an injured person or owner of property for injuries and property damages, and the cost of defending lawsuits, including legal settlements or investigations. This policy also covers claims resulting from products exposures, libel, slander, copyright infringement and other personal and advertisement injuries. Commercial Automobile Liability It protects against liability, no fault, medical payments, uninsured and underinsured motorists claims, collision and other than collision physical damage. In addition, this policy affords coverage on autos that are hired or borrowed or non -owned for use in the business. The non -owned can be autos owned by employees or members of their households. Non Owned Auto exposures can be endorsed or added under the Commercial General Liability Policy. PAGE gy TABLE OF CONTENT # 10-2 MAY 23, 2019 BID ATTACHMENT B-1 Professional/Errors and Omissions Liability Used by many professionals such as engineers, lawyers, accountants, stock brokers, financial advisers, insurance agents, court reports, dentists, nurses and teachers. It protects against the financial effects of liability lawsuits filed by clients. It basically protects professionals who cause harm to a client due to incompetence, errors or negligence. Umbrella Liability It protects against liability and losses after primary insurance benefits have been exhausted. This supplemental coverage kicks in only after the underlined liability policies have paid their maximum benefits. Environmental Liability It protects against the financial costs of claims of injury or damage due to pollution, and other costs of cleaning up pollutants. These policies are designed to cover both property and liability risks. Directors and Officers Liability This coverage protects against claims from stockholders, employees and clients that are also aimed individually at directors and officers. These claims typically stem from errors in judgement, breaches of duty and wrongful acts in connection with company business. Cyber Liability It protects against costs of the theft, destruction or unauthorized use of electronic data through computer viruses or network intrusions. It also adds protection to a business against such costs if a business fails to safeguard another party's electronic data. Companies sharing data outside their internal network benefit from this coverage PAGE 5 S TABLE OF CONTENT # 10-3 MAY 23, 2019 BID ATTACHMENT B-2 Commercial Property It protects against claims or damages to the insured's buildings, business personal property and personal property of others. It can also provide for loss of business income coverage or extra expenses incurred because of physical loss by a covered peril to the insured's property. Commercial Crime It protects against loss of money, securities and other property because of a variety of criminal acts such as employee theft or embezzlement, burglary, robbery, forgery, computer fraud, kidnapping and extortion. Crime insurance also covers money and securities against damage or destruction by almost any cause of loss, not just crime. Builders Risk It protects against damage to or destruction of buildings or other structures during their construction. Any party with a financial interest in a construction, remodeling, or repair project benefits from this coverage. Surety Bonds Surety bonds are three party contracts. The principal, the party that undertakes the obligation, pays for the issuance of a bond by a surety company. The bond provides capital to guarantee the obligation will be performed. The obligee is the party that receives the benefit of the bond If the obligation is improperly performed. Valuable Papers It pays forth e cost to reconstruct damaged or destroyed valuable papers and records. Typically is defined to include almost all forms of printed documents or records with the exception of money or securities, and data and media which is usually excluded. Additional Requirements The Vendor/Contractor must furnish the City of Miami, Department of Procurement, and Risk Management located at 444 S.W. 2"d Avenue Miami, Florida 33130, original Certificates of insurance to be in force on the date of this Contract, and Renewal Certificates of insurance thereafter. All policies indicated on the certificate must be in compliance with all Contract requirements. The failure of the City PAGE 55 TABLE OF CONTENT # 10-4 BID ATTACHMENT B-3 MAY 23, 2019 to obtain the applicable or corresponding certificates from Contractor is not a waiver by the City of any requirements for the Vendor/Contractor. The Vendor/Contractor must furnish Certificates insurance listing the City of Miami as an additional insured. All insurance certificates must be signed, dated and reference the City contract number. The insurance must provide for sixty (30) days prior written notice to be given to the City in the event coverage is substantially changed, canceled, or non -renewed. Any deductibles or self-insured retentions on referenced insurance coverages must be borne by Vendor/Contractor. The Vendor/Contractor further agrees to have insurers waive their rights of subrogation against the City of Miami, its employees, elected officials, agents, or representatives. The coverages and limits furnished by Vendor/Contractor in no way limit the Vendor/Contractor's liabilities and responsibilities specified within the Contract or law. Any insurance or self-insurance programs maintained by the City of Miami shall not contribute with insurance provided by the Vendor/Contractor under the Contract. The required insurance to be carried is not limited by any limitations expressed in the indemnification language in this Contract or any limitation placed on the indemnity in this Contract given as a matter of law. If the Vendor/Contractor is a joint venture or limited liability company, the insurance policies must name the joint venture or Limited Liability Company and each of its separate constituent entities as named insureds. The Vendor/Contractor must require all subcontractors to provide the insurance required herein. All subcontractors are subject to the same insurance requirements of the Vendor/Contractor unless otherwise specified in this Contract. If the Vendor/Contractor or subcontractor desire additional coverages, the party desiring the additional coverages is responsible for the acquisition and cost. Notwithstanding any provision in the Contract to the contrary, the City of Miami Risk Management Department maintains and reserves the right to modify, delete, alter or change these requirements. PAGE5y TABLE OF CONTENT # 10-5 BID ATTACHMENT E CERTIFICATION REGARDING LOBBYING The undersigned certifies, to the best of his/her knowledge, that: MAY 23, 2019 1. No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, by or on behalf of the undersigned, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of an agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any Federal contract, the making of any Federal grant, the making of any Federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement. 2. If any funds other than Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officers or employee of Congress, or an employee or a Member of Congress in connection with this Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement, the undersigned shall complete and submit Standard Form, LLL, "Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying," in accordance with its instructions. 3. The undersigned shall require that the language of this certification be included in the award documents for all subawards at all tiers (including subcontracts, subgrants, and contracts under grants, loans, and cooperative agreements) and that II subrecipients shall certify and disclose accordingly. This certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was made or entered into. Submission of this certification is a prerequisite for making or entering into this transaction imposed by 31, U.S.C. § 1352 (as amended by the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995). Any person who fails to file the required certification shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10,000 and not more than $100,000 for each such failure. The Contractor,CONDO ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIR certifies or affirms the truthfulness and accuracy of each statement of its certification and disclosure, if any. In addition, the Contractor understands and agrees that the provisions of 31, U.S.C. § 3801 et seq., apply to this certification and disclosure, if any. Signature of Contractor/Contractor's Authorized Official Name and Title of Contractor/Contractor's Authorized Official HECTOR A. GOMEZ PRESIDENT Date: 5/23/2019 PAGE 56 Pump Station Maintenance and Repair Frequency Schedule Station Address Riverview Pump Station 1301 NW 6th Ave Overtown Pump Station 1515 NW 5 AVE Lawrence Pump Station 342 SW 7th Ave Orange Bowl Pump Station 1775 NW 7th St IWest End Pump Station No. 1 Intersection of SW 63rd Ct (on NE corner) & SW 6th St West End Pump Station No. 2 Intersection of SW 63rd Ct (on NE corner) & SW 2nd St (West End Pump Station No. 3 Intersection of NW 64th Ct between NW 3rd St & Tamiami Canal RD West End Pump Station No. 4 Intersection of NW 62nd Ct between NW 5th St & Tamiami Canal RD Antonio Maceo Pump Station 5151 NW 7th St (Mary Brickell Village Pump Station Mary Brickell Village - 700 SW 1 Place ISan Marco Island Pump Station in front of 1384 Venetian Way it Brickell Avenue Pump Station Median at Brickell Ave & SE 12 ST Belle Meade Pump Station Intersection of NE 8th Ave (dead end) & NE 77th Terr '[7 D G) rn !n ZZ D N W N 0 D 0 W D r Scheduled T me to Inspect the Station —i --1 D m p Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday = m x x x ;F n p x x xm z x x x m X X X � X I x I o X rn X X x X X X ZZ D N W N 0 TABLE OF CONTENT # 10-7 MAY 23, 2019 CONDO -4 OP ID: M5 D YY)CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE I 1011212018 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in Ileu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER IIII NAMEACT Patricia FS Mendoza BROWN & BROWN OF FLORIDA INC (AIX. 305-714-4401 14900 NW 79th Court Suite#200 i EIe- P:n.305-364-7800 No): Miami Lakes, FL 330165869 ADDRESS: Patricia FS Mendoza I PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGG 15 INSURERISI AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC a INSURER A: Hartford Fire Ins. Co. 19682 INSURED Condo Electric Motor Repair ! INSURERB:Hartford Fire Ins. Co. 19682 Corporation I INSURERC:Twin City Fire Ins. Company 29459 Condo Electric & Industrial COMBINED''WULL UMI I S (Ea acddenD Supply, Inc. I INSURERD: P.O. Box 3340 I INSURER E: Hialeah, FL 33013.0340 I INSURER F : I COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POUCY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR 'AIJiIL sUtlf+ LTR I TYPE OF INSURANCE INSR WVD POLICYNUMBER PCfUL�V EFF POLICY t1(P (MMIODNYYY) (MM/DD/YYYY) LIMITS I A I X I COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE S 1,000,001 PROPERTY DAMAGE S CLAIMS -MADE X❑ OCCUR X 210ESOF5987 I EMI ETORENTtU 10/22/2018 10/22/2019 DR PREMISES (Ea occunencel S 300,00 FPMED EXP (Any one person) S 10, 000 I I PERSONAL& ADV INJURY S 1,000,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS /VEHICLES (ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, maybe attached If more space Is required) City of Miami is additional insured with regards to General Liability and Auto Liability coveraae on a primary & noncontributory basis when required by written contract. no. 1062381 Excess/Umbrella follows form. CERTIFICATE HOLDER City Of Miami 444 SW 2nd Ave, 6th Floor Miami, FL 33130 ACORD 25 (2014/01) CANCELLATION CITYMID 2,00,:"l 2,000,00 1,000,00C 2,000,00q 2,000,0001 I I I 150,00 150,00 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS, AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Brown and Brown of Flodda. Inc. ©1988-2014 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD PAGE 6a GENI AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: I GENERAL AGGREGATE IS POLICY O JRE T LOC I PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGG 15 OTHER. – .J - I S AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED''WULL UMI I S (Ea acddenD B X ANY AUTO X 21UUNLH6921 10/2212018 1012212019 BODILY INJURY (Per person) S ALLOWNEDSCHEDULED I BODILY INJURY (Per accident) S AUTOS AUTOS NON -OWNED X PROPERTY DAMAGE S HIRED AUTOS AUTOS (Per accident) —_ X S UMBRELLA LIAR I X I OCCUR EACH OCCURRENCE S C X EXCESSLIAB I�--{I CLAIMS -MADE 21XSON0583 10/22/2018 10/2212019 I AGGREGATE $ I DED I I RETENTION S 0 I S WORKERS COMPENSATION I I PER ER I I OTH I AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY Y I N ANY PROPRIETORIPARTNER/EXECU71-❑NIA I EL EACH ACCIDENT S OFFICERIMEMBER EXCLUDED? I (Mandatory In NH) E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEd S If yes, describe under I DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E.L DISEASE- POLICY LIMIT S B Garage Keepers 21UUNLH6921 10/22/2018 10/22/2019 Collision Legal Liability Comprehen DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS /VEHICLES (ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, maybe attached If more space Is required) City of Miami is additional insured with regards to General Liability and Auto Liability coveraae on a primary & noncontributory basis when required by written contract. no. 1062381 Excess/Umbrella follows form. CERTIFICATE HOLDER City Of Miami 444 SW 2nd Ave, 6th Floor Miami, FL 33130 ACORD 25 (2014/01) CANCELLATION CITYMID 2,00,:"l 2,000,00 1,000,00C 2,000,00q 2,000,0001 I I I 150,00 150,00 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS, AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Brown and Brown of Flodda. Inc. ©1988-2014 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD PAGE 6a TABLE OF CONTENT # 10-8 MAY 23, 2019 CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE I "706h1/D0r1YVY) 06/08/18 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder Is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER (CONTACT Aon Risk Services, Inc at Florida NAME: Aon Risk Services, Inc of Florida 1001 Brickell Bay Drive, Suite 91100 PHONE FAX Miaml. FL 33131-4937jA/C` No, Exit: 800-743-8130 I INC, No): 800-522-7514 EMAIL ADDRESS: ADP. COI.Center(a,)Aon.com ( INSURER(S) AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC 9 INSURER A: Illinois National Insurance Ca 23817 INSURED I INSURER B ADP TotalSource FL XI. Inc - - 10200 Sunsel Drive I INSURER C Miami, FL 33173 ALTERNATE EMPLOYER I INSURER D: Condo Electric Motor Repair, Corp. 3746 E 10th Cl, INSURER E Hialeah, FL 33013 I INSURER F: COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: 1919265 REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. LIMITS SHOWN ARE AS REQUESTED. ,ILTRI NSR TYPE OFINSURANCE ADOL I NSR SWVDI POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFF POIJCYEXP LIMITS (MMIDOPrM) (MMIDDrTY1'Y) COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITYI I EACO�blj ERFNG,E s CLAIMS -MADE OCCUR PREMISES (Ea occurrencel S MED EXP (Any one person) S I (PERSONAL&ADV INJURY 5 GEML AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER. POLICY ❑ PROJECT ❑ LOC OTHER AUTOMOBILE UABILITY _ ANY AUTO OWNED SCHEDULED _ AUTOS ONLY AUTOS HIRED NON -OWNED AUTOS ONLY AUTOS ONLY HUMBRELLA UAB � OCCUR EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS -MADE DEC I I RETENTION S I WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY YIN ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE OFMCER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? N / A (Mandatory In NH) It yes, easooa uoaer DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below WC 047014231 FL 711/2016 7/1/2019 GENERAL AGGREGATE I $ PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGO S S COMHINtU SINGL.t LIMIT (Ea accident) I S BODILY INJURY (Per person) i s I BODILY INJURY (Per accident ( s PROPERTY DAMAGE (Peraccident S S EACH OCCURRENCE I s (AGGREGATEPER S I X I STATUTE I I ER E.L. EACH ACCIDENT I $ 2,000,000 EL DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE S 2.000,000 E.L. DISEASE - POLICY LIMBI $ 2,000,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS 1 LOCATIONS I VEHICLES (ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, may be attached If mora space Is required) All wohsite employees working for CONDO ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIR. CORP., paid under ADP TOTALSOURCE. INC.'s payroll, are covered under the above stated policy. CONDO ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIR, CORP. is an altemale employer under this policy CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION CITY OF MIAMI SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE DEPARTMENT OF PURCHASING THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, N0110E WILL BE DELIVERED IN 444 S.W. 2ND AVENUE ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. MIAMI, FL 33130 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE (7gon r)W dd1CVices, 2nc o f L-floltrda ©1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25 (2016/03) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD PAGE 61 TABLE OF CONTENT # 10-9 State of Florida Department of Statt', I certify from the records of this office that CONDO ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIR CORP. is a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Florida, filed on April 1, 1985. The document number of this corporation is H49843. I ftu-they certify that said corporation has paid all fees due this once through December 31, 2019, that its most recent annual reportluniform business report was filed on January 9, 2019, and that its status is active. I ftirther certify that said corporation has not filed Articles of Dissolution. Givers under my hand and the Great Seal of the State of Florida at Tallahassee, the Capital, this the Ninth day ofJanitary, 2019 Tracking Number: 4030930752CC If. 4or Sectreany of State MAY 23, 2019 To nuthentleate this certificate,visit the following site,enter tills number, and then follow the Instructions displayed. h ttps:#services.sunbiz.org/rllings/Cei-tiricateOfStotus/CertlriciteAu thenticadon PAGE 69, TABLE OF CONTENT # 10-10 MAY 23, 2019 Farm u{I Request for Taxpayer Give foml to rile (net.,artuuy2roT, ster. Do not Identification Number and Certification b\p,ui.nd a., I—y send to Ute IRS. I 11.118 w.. Smica FlatY CONDO ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIR, CORP. o•I BuC41105 name, It dnerad rtom aW.e 0 3 y o Urdl-Jowl/ 1p1 I Crrcx q:Fropl9le t''X: ❑ Sola prcFilelw COrp:raUcn ❑ Pannastnp ❑elle'' ................ E7atr�t item ba:lup ❑ {Umlal0ilt3 a 36119"i ANt`1�dr,V 1 l I U0 U RT rY�uo tars coin and a�J ass �Fuonsq �= City, slate, aid 21P code N HIALEAH, FLORIDA 33013 m I Usl accotrd mmte{s) Iran (opnemq to rb:liill 1 Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) Cuter your nN In ilia appropriate box For Individuals, this Is your social security number (SSFI). Social sectrtly nrmbir However, for a resident arierL sole proprietor, or disregarded entity, see the part I instructions on ( I i• I I. I I I page 3. For other rntit ies, It Is your employer irb=rdTication number (EIFD. If you do not have a number, sae Hwv to gel a TIN an page 3, or Nola:lfthv accow is m more than one name. see the dor, on pa; J forgr,fderines on vAose member to er'er, EmptrOyerryUenoncallonrrmber 51 9t7.151010101615 LUW Certification Under penalties or perjury. I certify that: 1. n)-. numhr shorn on this farm Is my correct taxpayer Identification number (a I am wading tot a number to be Isar+ -d to me), and 2. I am rut subJect to backup wlthholduy because: (a) I am exempt from backup w1liholding, or (b) I have not teen neared by the Internal Revalue IRS) IRS) that I am subject ro backup Wthholdmg as a result or a rahne to report all interest or dividend{ or (c) the IRS has notdied me that I am no longer suNect to backup xtlhholdin3, and 3. 1 am a U.S. person (Uxludirg a U.S. resident anon)Certificatlon instructions. You must cross out kern 2 abavo R you have been notified by the IRS that you are arrenI4 subject to backup withholding because you have ralod to mpet all Interest and elk-tionds an your tax return For real estate transactions, Rem 2 does not apply. For mortgage Interest paint, acquisition or abandonment or secured p-operty, cancellation of debt. contributions to an Ind'k�idual rgrtemenl arrangement lllb�l, and generally, payments other than interest and div Bends, you are not required to sign the Cerldication, but you must provide your correct not. (See at In 10 on page d.) Ne9 signature or ro I U.S. person Ii. Me t• 511012019 Purpose of Form A person oho Is required to file an Information return vdlh Did IRS, artist obtain your correct taxpayer identification ntlrnber (TIN) to report. for example, Income paid to you, real estate transactions, mortgage Interest you paid. ac lisiUon or abandonment of secured p eity. cancellationodebt. or conuibutions you made to an IRA U,S. person. Use Form only if you are a U.S. person (Including a resident alien), to provide your correct TIN to Ute person regtteslhng It (tho requester) and, when applicable, to: 1. Certify, that Die TIN you am giving is correct (or you are walling for a tnanber to be Issued), 2. Certify Dial you are not stib)ecl to backup withholding. 3. Cfalm exemption (tam backup WIllholding ITyou are a U.S. exempt payee. Note: ff a requester ors you a Corm ether than Form W-0 to request })rear 71At you must use the requester's form F is Nibstanda'ly slmlar to this Form W -A Foreign person. If )fou are a foreign person. Usti the appropriate Form K-8 (see Pub. 51S, Wthlioldingof Tax on Nonresident Aliens and Foreign Entitles). Nonresident alien who becomes a resident alien. Getieraily, only a nonresident alien Individual may use the terms of a tax treaty to reduce or eklriloate U.S. tax an certain types of huotne. liaoeaer, most tax treaties contain a pr vlslott kth-A-,n as a "saving clause." Exceptions specified In lite saving cfausa may permt an exemption from lax to contirnt2 for certain types of Income even after the recipient has otitenvise become a U.S. resident a4en ror tax purposes. I you are a U:S, resident ellen Wio Is rNyi ng on art exception contained lin Die saving clause of a lax Imaty to claim an exemption (torn U.S. tax at certain types of haeme, you d must attach a statement that spades Bre follvaing Five items: 1. The treaty country. Generally. this must be the sane treaty under which you claimed exemption from tax as a nonresident ellen. 2. The treaty article addressing Die Income. 3. The article number (or location) in the tax treaty that contains the saving clause and ils excepllons C The typo and amount a Income that quallDes for the exemption From tax 5, Sufficient facts to lustily Die exeinption from tax under the terms of Die treaty nrticia, Cal. Ib. IC231 x Form W-9 tit, t-zccat PAGE 63 TABLE OF CONTENT # 10-11 MAY 23, 2019 CITY OF WEST' PALM BEACH UEPAFI IMErIT OI: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES W E S 1 0A I M B F A0 1 Allachad Is your 20f0.2019 Business Rocalpl evidencing payment of fees for your Local Business Tax: CQrdflCate of Use (If applleahle); Sidewalk Cald Parmll (If applicable); and/or Extended Hours Alcohol Permit (if applicable), Business Tax Recelpl: This documallt, based on lila bUGIneSS category codes listed below, Is your Business Tax Receipt. THIS BUSINESS TAX RECEIPT MUST BE DISPLAYED ON THE PREMISES IN A PLACE WHERE IT MAY BE SEEN AT ALL TIMES (Sec. 02.160 City Code). Certificate of Use: A cerlificula of use may be suspended nr revoked In accordance with Sec. 22-30 of ilia City Code Sidewalk Cafd Permit: 'A sldewalh cafd permil requires compllance rdlh the conditions In Secs. 78-345 and 70-047 of the City Code. A sidewalk cafd permit may be suspended or revolted pursuant to Sec. 70-340 of Ilia City Code. Extended Hours Alcohol Permit: An extended hours alcohol permit requires compliance with the conditions In Sec. 6.0 of the City Code and may be suspended or revoked as provided In said section. FOR INFORMATION CALL (361) 005-6700 OR FAX (561) 005.66761 HOURS 8:00 ANI •5:00 Phl — MONDAY - FRIDAY INSTRUCTIOPIS: PLEASE POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE AT YOUR PLACE OF BUSINESS, - 0DID CITY OF WEST PALM BEACH PJOTTRAPISFERABLE NIJ MiN O: .n [I OF rra9t tai Ar 3ry 11 - — - 2010 to 2019 BUSINESS RECEIPT 000002855 REGISTRATION CONDO ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIR CORP MOTORIGENERATOR REWIND 9615 EAST 10TH CT & REPAIR fills nix m CATEOUnr ocsC01MON rEE S4335 088808 REGISTRATION OFANY BUSINESS 09.46 THIS DOCUMENTNOT VALIO I UNTIL FUNDS ARE COLLECTED EXPIRES SEPTEMBER 30, 2019 N TAL. 6916 "PAID 69.46 " GAL PAGE 6"-r 0 N M 10, i ation, � 1 A A /tea h _ .: s ss er CONDO, ELECTRIC Is 'certified' under ltie'provisions. of 287 and 295:187, Florida Staiutas, for a period from: 11/13/2017 to 11113/2019. .. t � e' ,s rr^,'�,n i1,S .}• �;'�'1r"` ��� sHy ar¢ y,.Nr � .. 04 (��,� -. ., Q+y7"' •t a+ 1 w M � - F1onC:. D.,partcnunt a(►:.a�.ay�emant Surma+cea� ��: �a��}.,���"+�1.�r�� r .' ,r- J .-F rZ;. �,it^'•. i.. tzi�1•. Ly{e 7^t'tG- ;?tft n °"O'- FUl t y• L Ut: IV LL %tt)cit w wppuer Diiers;t, • tU:J '.•a/ Suite 3:,U • iaUa%aswe, FL 113v'i� �G50 cL7 �J'}4" vl.�nCctrns.t 1 tC.j co�tl{tf i ..�Y..-..mow. �•. , .� _ V) W r, a TABLE OF CONTENT # 10-13 ;�"! _Q'P; * ucttr ttl,ttt � V RFPNumber: Title: Issue Date/Time: RFPClosing Date/Time: Pre-Bid/Pre-Proposal Conference: Pre-Bid/Pre-Proposal Date/Time: Pre-Bid/Pre-Proposal Location: City of Miami Request for Proposals (RFP) Deadline for Request for Clarification: Contracting Officer: Hard Copy Submittal Location: Contracting Officer E -Mail Address: Contracting Officer Facsimile: MAY 23, 2019 Procurement Department Miami Riverside Center 444 SW 2,d Avenue, 61^ Floor Miami, Florida 33130 Web Site Address: www-mianiioov.com/procurement 1062381 Request for Proposals for Storm Pump Station Repair and Maintenance Services 03 -MAY -2019 30 -MAY -2019 @ 14:00:00 Voluntary May 9, 2019 at 11:00 AM MRC, 444 SW 2nd Ave, 6th Floor South Conference Room, Miami, FL 33130 May 15, 2019 at 2:00 PM Gray, Tahlia City of Miami - City Clerk 3500 Pan American Drive Miami FL 33133 US tgray@miamigov.com 305-400-5019 Page] of 59 PAGE 65 6/6/2019 Licensee Name: Rank: Primary Status: Related License Information CONDO ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIR CORP. Construction Business Information Current Related License Information License Number: License Expiration Date: Original License Date: ;n•�;P,riilt�'' t'f 03/18/2019 License Relationship Relation Expiration Number Status Related Party Type Effective Rank Date Date 1527516 Current, DIAZ, AURELIO GUSTAVO Primary Qualifying 03/18/2019 Certified 08/31/2020 Active Agent for Business General Contractor 9675 Current ESPINOLA, JOSE G Financial Officer - 03/18/2019 Financial Business Responsible Officer https://www.myforidalicense.com/relationList.asp?record_cnt=2&Licld=7291225&Lname=&datefrom=&LicNum=&dateto=&Fname=&Category= 111 6/6/2019 Licensee Name: Rank: Primary Status: Secondary Status: Related License Information DIAZf AURELIO GUSTAVO License Number: 1527516 Certified General Contractor License Expiration Date: 08/31/2020 Current Original License Date: 03/18/2019 Active Related License Information Relation License Status Related Party Relationship Effective Rank Expiration Number Type Date Date Current CONDO ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIR CORP. Primary 03/18/2019 Construction Qualifying Business Agent for Information Business https://www.myfloridalicense.com/relationList.asp?record_cnt=1&Licld=7134493&Lname=&datefrom=&LicNum=&dateto=&Fname=&Category= 1/1 2019 Details - Business Tax Account CONDO ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIR - TaxSys - ... Page I of 2 CY1iamdade o c,ov Pursuant to amendments made to Florida Statute 119.071, effective July 1, 2019, confidential accounts are not viewable or payable online. 2019 1 st Quarter Tax Bills are payable on June 1st, 2019. If paying delinquent real estate taxes (2018 and prior) by mail, acceptable forms of payment are: Cashier's Check, Certified Funds or Money Order. If paying delinquent real estate taxes (2018 and prior) in person, acceptable forms of payment are: Cashier's Check, Certified Funds, Money Order, or Cash. The information contained herein does not constitute a title search or property ownership. Amount due May be subject to change without notice. For instructions on obtaining Payoff/Release of Lis Pendens on Property Appraiser's Office Ad Valorem Tax Litigation Cases, please "Click Here" If you have a deed certified on your account, click the following link for sale information httios:/Imiamidade.realtdm.com/public/cases/list 2019 Details — Business Tax Account CONDO ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIR�m,•M�a Business Tax Account #3361722 , ' Account details r Account history 2019 l 1 2018 I 2017 i 2016 2010 Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Account number: 3361722 Mailing address: CONDO ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIR CORP _.-- _---_..--.. ...... _ _._...._ - 3615 E 10 CT Business start date: 03/29/1995 HIALEAH, FL 33013 Physical business location: HIALEAH Owner(s) CONDO ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIR CORP 3615 E 10 CT Business address: CONDO ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIR HIALEAH, FL 33013 3615 E 10TH CT HIALEAH, FL 33013 Receipts And Occupations Receipt41160 Service business/multiple service business or Passenger transportation services SERVICE BUSINESS MACHINE SHOP TO INCLUDE MECHANICAL. ELECTRICAL, & EQUIP TESTIN SVCS Retum to Search 10/01/2018 NAICS code: —09/30/2019 332710 G Units: 10 I 13 Print this � hill � https://miamidade.couiity-taxes.COM/public/bLIsiness_tax/accounts/3361722 06/06/2019 2019 Details - Business Tax Account CONDO ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIR - TaxSys - ... Page 2 of 2 © 1997-2019. Grant Street Group. All rights reserved. Help - Contact us - Terms of service - Tax Collector home Powered by nGRANT5rREETGROUP Sotmare That Works k https:Hmiamidade.county-taxes.com/public/business tax/accounts/3361722 06/06/2019