HomeMy WebLinkAboutExhibit ACITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA
TO: Francisco J. Garcia DATE: 8/26/2019
Planning Director
FILE: 5899
SUBJECT: Expedited State Review for text
amendment to the interpretation
of the 2020 FLUM
FROM: Sue Trone, AICP ENCLOSURES: Correspondence from reviewing
Chief, Comprehensive Planning agencies
Pursuant to Sec. 163.3184(3), the proposed text amendment to the interpretation of the
Future Land Use Map for the Major Institutional, Public Facilities, Transportation and
Utilities future land use designation has undergone initial review through the Expedited
State Review process. The City received correspondence from six out of the seven
agencies to which it had to transmit the proposed ordinance. No agencies provided any
comments subject to the purview of their respective jurisdictions. Below is a summary of
the information pertaining to the proposal review.
I remain available to assist if there are further questions regarding this item.
Department of Economic Opportunity
23 -Jul -19
22 -Aug -19
16 -Aug -19
'We have no comment on the proposed amendment "
"Based on our review of the submitted amendment package, the Department has
Department of Environmental
found no provision that, if adopted, would result in adverse impacts to important
23 -Jul -19
22 -Aug -19
22 -Aug -19
state resources subject to the Department's jurisdiction."
Department of State
23 -Jul -19
22 -Aug -19
No correspondence
"The District reviewed the amendment package per Chapter 163 Florida Statutes
and found the proposed amendment would not adversely impact transportation
Florida Department of Transportation
23 -Jul -19
22 -Aug -19
25 -Jul -19
resources and facilities of state importance."
There were concerns over the PZAB vote in opposition to the item; however, after
discussing the PZAB hearing by phone with Planning Staff, the RPC ultimately
South Florida Regional Planning Council
23 -Jul -19
22 -Aug -19
22 -Aug -19
provided no comment on the text amendment.
South Florida Water Management
22 -Jul -19
21 -Aug -19
21 -Aug -19
"There appear to be no regionally significant water resource issues.. .'
Department of Regulatory and
Economic Resources Planning Division,
Metropolitan Planning Section, Miami-
"Based on the information provided and the County CDMP's goals, objectives and
Dade County
20 -Jul -19
19 -Aug -19
21 -Aug -19
policies, the proposed amendment is consistent with the CDMP."
I remain available to assist if there are further questions regarding this item.
Ron DeSantis
The Honorable Francis Suarez
Mayor, City ofMiami
3SUOPan American Drive
Miami, Florida 3]13]
Dear Mayor Suarez:
August 16,J019
Ken Lawson
The Department of Economic Opportunity ("Department") has reviewed the proposed
comprehensive plan amendment for the City of Miami (Amendment No. 19-03ESR) received on July 23,
2019. The review was completed under the expedited state review process. VVehave nocomment on
the proposed amendment.
The City should act by choosing to adopt, adopt with changes, ornot adopt the proposed
amendment. For your assistance, we have enclosed the procedures for adoption and transmittal of the
comprehensive plan amendment. |naddition, the City isreminded that:
Section 163.3184(3)(b), F.S., authorizes other reviewing agencies to provide comments directly
tothe City. |fthe City receives reviewing agency comments and they are not resolved, these
comments could form the basis for a challenge to the amendment after adoption.
� The second public hearing, which shall be a hearing on whether to adopt one or more
comprehensive plan amendments, must be held within 180 days ofyour receipt ofagency
comments or the amendment shall be deemed withdrawn unless extended by agreement with
notice to the Department and any affected party that provided comment on the amendment
pursuant to Section 163.3184(3)(c)l., F.S.
� The adopted amendment must berendered to the Department. Under Section
163.31g4(3)/c\2.and 4,FS.,the amendment effective date is31days after the Department
notifies the City that the amendment package is complete or, if challenged, until it is found to be
in compliance by the Department or the Administration Commission.
Florida Department ofEconomic Opportunity I Caldwell Building 11U7E. Madison Street I Tallahassee, FL32399
An equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and service are available upon request to individuals with
disabilities. All voice telephone numbers on this document may be reached by persons using TTY/TTD equipment via
The Honorable Mayor Suarez
August 16, 2019
Page 2 of 2
Kyou have any questions concerning this review, please contact EdZeno, Planning Analyst, by
J es D. Stansb yy, *Chlief
Endosun(s):Procedures for Adoption
cc: Francisco 1Garcia, Director, Planning Department, City nfMiami
Monday, August 26, 2019 9:14 AM
SubieL, Miami 19-3ESR Proposed
From Plan Review
To Trone, Sue; DCPexternalagencycomments@deo.myflorida.com
Cc Plan Review
Sent Thursday, August 22, 2019 3:46 PM
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recognize the sender and know the content is safe.
To: Sue Trone, Chief of Comprehensive Planning
Re: Miami 19-3ESR — Expedited State Review of Proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment
The Office of Intergovernmental Programs of the Florida Department of Environmental
Protection (Department) has reviewed the above -referenced amendment package under the
provisions of Chapter 163, Florida Statutes. The Department conducted a detailed review that
focused on potential adverse impacts to important state resources and facilities, specifically: air
and water pollution; wetlands and other surface waters of the state; federal and state-owned lands
and interest in lands, including state parks, greenways and trails, conservation easements; solid
waste; and water and wastewater treatment.
Based on our review of the submitted amendment package, the Department has found no
provision that, if adopted, would result in adverse impacts to important state resources subject to
the Department's jurisdiction.
Please submit all future amendments by email to P1an.ReviewafloridaDEP.�4ov. If your
submittal is too large to send via email or if you need other assistance, contact Lindsay Weaver
at (850) 717-9037.
;� �.,( , 41
Florida Department of Transportation
1000 NW 111th Avenue KEVIN J. THIBAULT, P.E.
Miami, FL, 33172-580(1 SECRETARY
July 25, 2019
Francisco Garcia
Planning Director, Department of Planning and Zoning
City of Miami
444 SW 2nd Avenue, 3rd Floor
Miami, FL 33130
Subject: Comments for the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan (MCNP)
Proposed Amendment for Major Institutional, Public Facilities,
Transportation, and Utilities Future Land Use designation
Dear Mr. Garcia:
The Florida Department of Transportation, District Six, completed a review of the
amendment to the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan (MCNP) concerning the
he interpretation of the Major Institutional, Public Facilities, Transportation, and
Utilities Future Land Use designation, within the Future Land Use Element. The
proposal would amend the text of the Major Institutional, Public Facilities,
Transportation, and Utilities Future Land Use designation to explicitly allow
commercial and office uses. Such uses were already permitted under this
designation, and the proposed text change will not materially affect development
The District reviewed the amendment package per Chapter 163 Florida Statutes
and found the proposed amendment would not adversely impact transportation
resources and facilities of state importance. Please contact me at 305-470-5393 if
you have any questions concerning our comments.
Shereen Yee Fo g
Transportation Planner
Mr. Francisco Garcia
July 25, 2019
Page 2
Cc: Harold Desdunes, P.E., Florida Department of Transportation, District 6
Dat Huynh, P.E., Florida Department of Transportation, District 6
Kenneth Jeffries, Florida Department of Transportation, District 6
Ray Eubanks, Department of Economic Opportunity
Isabel Cosio Carballo, South Florida Regional Planning Council
Isabel Moreno, South Florida Regional Planning Council
i'� '
Mr. Francisco Garcia, Director
Planning Department
City of Miami
444 SW 2 Avenue, 3rd Floor
Miami, Florida 33130
Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources
Planning Division, Metropolitan Planning Section
111 NW 1 Street • Suite 1250
Miami, Florida 33128-1902
305-375-2835 Fax: 305-375-2560
August 21, 2019
Re: City of Miami's proposed amendment to the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan (MCNP)
amending the interpretation of the Major Institutional, Public Facilities, Transportation, and Utilities
Future Land Use designatlon; DEO No. 19-3ESR
Dear Mr. Garcia:
The Miami -Dade County Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources (Department) has reviewed
the proposed amendment to the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan. Our review is conducted to
identify points of consistency or inconsistency with the goals, objectives, policies and relevant provisions
of the Miami -Dade County Comprehensive Development Master Plan (CDMP), and whether the
proposed amendments impact County public facilities and services.
The amendment proposes to amend the "Major Institutional, Public Facilities, Transportation and Utilities"
Future Land Use Map designation to allow general commercial and office uses intended to serve the
public. As stated in the amendment proposal, commercial and office uses have long been permitted
within this land use category and the proposed amendment would make explicit such uses.
Based on the information provided and the County CDMP's goals, objectives and policies, the proposed
amendment is consistent with the CDMP. If you or any member of your staff have any questions, please
contact me or Garett Rowe, Chief, Metropolitan Planning Section, at 305-375-2835.
1�Y�"' 1ry Bell, AICP
Assistant Director for Planning
Ray Eubanks, Florida DEO
Monday, August 26, 2019 9:18 AM
Subject City of Miami Proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment #19-3ESR
From Manning. Terese
To Garcia, Francisco
Cc Ray Eubanks (DCPexternalagencycomments@deo.myflorida.com); 'kelly.corvin@deo.myflorida.com'; Isabel Cosio
Carballo (isabelc@sfrpc.com); Isabel Moreno (imoreno@sfrpc.com); Jerry Bell (Jerry.Bell@miamidade.gov); Trone,
Sent Wednesday, August 21, 2019 11:00 AM
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recognize the sender and know the content is safe.
Dear Mr. Garcia:
The South Florida Water Management District (District) has completed its review of the proposed
amendment package submitted by the City of Miami (Miami). The amendment package includes one
Future Land Use Text Amendment. There appear to be no regionally significant water resource issues;
however, the District offers the following technical guidance regarding Regional Water Supply Planning:
The City is required to revise its Water Supply Facilities Work Plan (Work Plan) within 18 months after
approval of the Lower East Coast (LEC) Water Supply Plan Update by the District's Governing Board. The
District's Governing Board approved the LEC Water Supply Plan Update on November 8, 2018.
Therefore, the City's Work Plan needs to be updated and adopted by May 2020. The Work Plan must
cover at least a 10 -year planning period, include updated water demand projections, identify alternative
and traditional water supply projects, and describe conservation and reuse activities needed to meet the
projected future demands. Planning tools are available on the District's website for your use and District
Staff are available to provide technical assistance to update the Work Plan, including reviewing draft
Work Plans prior to formal plan amendment submittal. The planning tools are located at this link:
The District offers its technical assistance to the City and the Department of Economic Opportunity in
developing sound, sustainable solutions to meet the City's future water supply needs and to protect the
region's water resources. Please forward a copy of the adopted amendments to the District. Please
contact me if you need assistance or additional information.
Ms. Terry Manning, Policy and Planning Analyst
South Florida Water Management District
Water Supply Implementation Unit
3301 Gun Club Road
West Palm Beach, FL 33406
Phone: 561-682-6779
Fax: 561-681-6264
E -Mail: tmanninR@sfwmd.Rov