HomeMy WebLinkAboutBack-Up DocumentsATTACHMENT 3 GRANT WORK PLAN PROJECT TITLE: Miami Biscayne Bay Tidal Waves and Stormwater Improvements PROJECT LOCATION: The Project will be located in the Biscayne Bay area within the City of Miami in Miami -Dade County; Lat/Long (25.7617, -80.1918). See Figure 1 for a list of the proposed tidal valve locations. PROJECT BACKGROUND: The City of Miami (Grantee) encompasses approximately fifty-six (56) square miles, with twenty (20) square miles located within coastal basins and Biscayne Bay. During extreme tidal and storm events, water from Biscayne Bay can flow backward through the outfalls and stormwater drainage systems, resulting in flooding and property damage. There are approximately 350 outfalls within the City of Miami limits that drain into 75 miles of coastlines and 50 miles of rivers and tributaries. The Grantee has prioritized the retrofitting of outfalls for one-way tidal valves on the outfalls to reduce the backflow events. The Project will mitigate tidal and stormwater backflow occurrences. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The Grantee will retrofit approximately thirty (30) outfalls to allow installation of one-way tidal valves that prevent tidal waters from backflowing through existing drainage system outfalls. The retrofits will include refurbishment or installation of new drainage control structures, lining of drainage pipes, new tidal valves on drainage outfalls, and pollution control systems, as appropriate. The Grantee will also perform a pre -design study that will include: 1) site inspections of each outfall location to determine existing conditions, pipe sizes, the severity of repairs needed, and rank locations based on flooding severity; and 2) research studies to (locate, identify, and catalog) the outfalls, review the current level of service for existing stormwater drainage and water quality systems, and to identify areas and facilities (i.e., water, sewer, stormwater, roadways, seawalls/bulkheads, and emergency facilities) at risk for sea -level rise, tidal, and stormwater flooding impacts. The pre -design study will develop a prioritized list of sites and provide justifications for the areas of highest concern, based on cost -benefit analysis and its impact on sea -level rise, resiliency, and water quality; and will prioritize the locations and design criteria, ranging from installation of tidal valves to total replacement of manhole structure with tidal valve installations_ TASKS: All documentation should be submitted electronically unless otherwise indicated. Task 1: Pre -Design Studv Deliverables: The Grantee will perform a pre -design study of outfall site inspections and outfall research studies; and produce a pre -design report that will detail the scope of the problem in the analysis area, outline design options, and identify tasks required to complete resolution of the problem. Documentation: The Grantee will submit the final pre -design report. Performance Standard: The Department's Grant Manager will review the documentation to verify that the deliverables are completed as described above. Upon review and written acceptance by the Department's Grant Manager, the Grantee may proceed with payment request submittal. Payment Request Schedule: The Grantee may submit a payment request for cost reimbursement following the conclusion of the task. DEP Agreement No. LPA0024, Attachment 3, Page 1 of 4 Task 2: Design and Permitting Deliverables: The Grantee will complete the design of the outfall retrofits for one-way tidal valves and obtain all necessary permits for construction of the project. Documentation: The Grantee will submit a signed acceptance of the completed work by the Grantee and a summary of design activities to date, indicating the percentage of design completion of the time period covered in the payment request. For the final documentation, Grantee will also submit a copy of the final design and a list of all required permits identifying issue dates and issuing authorities. Performance Standard: The Department's Grant Manager will review the documentation to verify that the deliverables are completed as described above. Upon review and written acceptance by the Department's Grant Manager, the Grantee may proceed with payment request submittal. Payment Request Schedule: The Grantee may submit a payment request for cost reimbursement no more frequently than monthly. Task 3: Project Management Deliverables: The Grantee will perform project management, including field engineering services, construction observation, site meetings with construction contractor, and design professionals, and overall project coordination and supervision. Documentation: The Grantee will submit interim progress status summaries including summary of inspection(s), meeting minutes and field notes, as applicable. Performance Standard: The Department's Grant Manager will review the documentation to verify that the deliverables are completed as described above. Upon review and written acceptance by the Department's Grant Manager, the Grantee may proceed with payment request submittal. Payment Request Schedule: The Grantee may submit a payment request for cost reimbursement no more frequently than monthly. Task 4: Construction Deliverables: The Grantee will construct the outfall retrofits for one-way tidal valves in accordance with the construction contract documents. Documentation: The Grantee will submit a signed acceptance of the completed work to date by the Grantee and the Engineer's Certification of Payment Request. Performance Standard: The Department's Grant Manager will review the documentation to verify that the deliverables are completed as described above. Upon review and written acceptance by the Department's Grant Manager, the Grantee may proceed with payment request submittal. Payment Request Schedule: The Grantee may submit a payment request for cost reimbursement no more frequently than monthly. DEP Agreement No. LPA0024, Attachment 3, Page 2 of 4 PROJECT TIMELINE & BUDGET pETAH,: The tasks must be completed by, and all documentation received by, the corresponding task end date. Task Budget Budget Task Start Task End No. Task Title Category Amount I Date I Date 1 Pre -Design Study Contractual $100,000 07/01/2019 06/30/2021 Services 2 Design and Permitting Design g Contractual $200,000 07/01/2019 06/30/2021 Services 3 Project Management Contractual $200,000 07/01/2019 06/30/2021 Services 4 Construction Contractual $1,000,000 07/01/2019 06/30/2021 Services Total: $.1,500,000 DEP Agreement No. LPA0024, Attachment 3, Page 3 of 4 Figure 1: Proposed Tidal Valve Locations (PROPOSED TIDAL VALVE LOCATIONS Diameter Length No. (ill) (ft) Location Description 1 8 10 NEI 0 Ct at Davis Canal 2 8 I 50 I SW 1 Place south of Miami River 3 8 I 50 I SW 1 Place south of Miami River 4 I 10 I 75 I Wagner Creek NW 14 Ave east of NW 12 Ave 5 I 12 I 300 I NW 13 St at NW 39 Ave 6 I 12 I 10 I Lawrence West side ;at NW 8 Terr 7 I 12 25 I Lawrence west side south of L canal 8 I 12 50 1400 SE Biscayne Blvd 9 I 12 I 100 I Sabal Palm Road and Gate Lane 10 12 I 100 I Sabal Palm Road and Lake Road 11 15 I 66 I SW 1 Place south of Miami River 12 I 15 I 55 I Win Dixie Wagner Creek north of NW 11 St 13 I 15 I 50 I NE 5 Ave and Little River 14 15 I 20 I NW 31 Ave south of NW 13 St 15 15 I 50 SW South River Drive north of SW 1st Street 16 18 I 30 NW 33 Ct south of NW 14 St 17 18 I 384 I NW 21 Ave north of NW 11 St 18 18 I 100 I NE Bayshore Dr southof NE 85 St 19 21 I 50 1400 SE Biscayne Blvd 20 24 I 300 I NW 20 Ave north of NW 11 St 21 ( 24 I 118 I north of Miami River west of NW 17 Ave 22 Il 24 I 150 Lawrence south of NW N River Dr west of NW 17 Ave 23 I 24 118 NW 13 Ave south Miami River 24 I 24 I 55 NW 30 Ave north of NW 11 St 25 24 80 ( NW 33 Ct north of NW 13 Terr 26 24 130 I SW 2 St at SW 4 Ave - west side of Miami River 27 30 I 298 1251 SW 5 St 28 I 36 I 30 I West Flagler St east of Miami River 29 I 36 24 I Lawrence south of NW S River Drive 30 I 36 I 363 I NW 47 Ave at NW 10 St ote: Locations are proposed and may be subject to change DEP Agreement No. LPA0024, Attachment 3, Page 4 of 4 Please fill in the task table below to provide the requested tasks, budget categories, task/budget category amounts for the nroiect. Add rows if needed. "Only include tasks that will be funded by the Legislative Appropriation (LP) grant funds. Task q Task Name Budget Category Amount Pre -Design Study Contractual Services $50,000 Site Assessments Contractual Services _ $50,000 Design and Permitting Contractual Services $200,000 Project Management Contractual Services $200,000 Construction Contractual Services $1,000,000 Total: $1500,000 Task Start Date Task End Date 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 7/1/2019 6/30/2021 7/1/2019 I 6/30/2021 Number of connections to central sewer --residential & commercial Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable AGREEMENT CONTACT INFORMATION Grantee: (i.e., city of, * county) City of Miami Project Number: LPA0024 Project Title: Miami Biscayne Bay Tidal Waves and Stormwater Improvements Award Amount: $1,500,000 Match Amount (if required): N/A Federal Employer ID Number 59-6000375 1) Authorized Representative (to sign agreement) Name: Emilio T. Gonzalez Phone Number: 305-416-1025 Title: City Manager Fax Number: Employer: City of Miami Mailing Address (P.O. Box): 444 SW 2nd Avenue, 10th FL City: Miami State: Florida Zip: 33130 Street Address for express mail delivery: 444 SW 2"d Avenue, 10th FL City: Miami State: Florida Zip: 33130 E-mail address: ETGonzalez@miamigov.com 2) Grant Manager Name: Luis Perez-Codina Phone Number: 305-416-1282 Title: Program Manager Fax Number: 305-416-2153 Employer: City of Miami — Office of Capital Improvements Mailing Address (P.O. Box): 444 SW 2"d Avenue, 81h FL City: Miami State: Florida Zip: 33130 E-mail address: 1perezcodina-c@miamigov.com 3) Disbursement Contact Person (who will prepare requests) Name: Loretta Jeanty Phone Number: 305-416-1036 Title: Senior Financial Analyst Fax Number: 305-416-1987 Employer: City of Miami — Finance Department Mailing Address (P.O. Box): 444 SW 2"d Avenue, 6th FL City: Miami State: Florida Zip: 33130 E-mail address: LJeanty@miamigov.com 4) Primary Contact (if different from Grant Manager or Disbursement preparer) Name: Steven C. Williamson Phone Number: 305-416-1225 Title: Director Fax Number: 305-416-2153 Employer: City of Miami — Office of Capital Improvements Mailing Address (P.O. Box): 444 SW 2" Avenue, 8th FL City: Miami State: Florida Zip: 33130 E-mail address: SWilliamson@miamigov.com