HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication and Supporting DocsNOTICE REPUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT BUREAU P081/9=2298 OS/26/19 1 0 0 N E 1 S t A V E N U E M I A M I F 3 3 3 ( 19 EXCEPTION APPLICATION if _ PROJECT DATA CODES: • FLORIDA BUILDING CODE 6th EDITION (2017) • FLORIDA BUILDING CODE Sth EDITION (2017), EXISTING • FLORIDA FIRE PREVENTION CODE 6th EDITION (2017) • MIAMI 21 ZONING ORDINANCE CONSTRUCTION TYPE: H -A (SPRINKLERED) CURRENT TENANT OCCUPANCY: CLASS B - BUSINESS PROPOSED TENANT OCCUPANCY: CLASS A2 - ASSEMBLY SCOPE OF WORK: EXTERIOR WORK SHALL CONSIST OF: • RECONFIGURATION OF ADA ACCESSIBLE RAMP ON SOUTH FACADE TO INCLUDE SAFETY WALL, GUARDRAIL AND HANDRAIL. • EXTENSION OF EAST FACADE GRAND STAIR PLAZA TO INCLUDE NEW GUARDRAIL SYSTEM • RESTORATION OF EXISTING EXTERIOR DOORS & WINDOWS TYPE OF WORK: ALTERATION LEVEL BUILDING STORY INFORMATION: 4 -STORY -BASEMENT BUILDING (5 STORIES TOTAL) YEAR BUILT: 1917 ZONING DISTRICT CODE: T6-80 O PROPERTY DISTRICT LOCATION: WITHIN FLAGLER SPECIAL DISTRICT. LOT SIZE: 9,330 SF. ADJUSTED AREA: 35,455 SF. BASEMENT SQUARE FOOTAGE: 7,136 SF. FIRST LEVEL SQUARE FOOTAGE: 8,103 SF. SECOND LEVEL SQUARE FOOTAGE: 6,980 SF. THIRD LEVEL SQUARE FOOTAGE: 6,270 SF. J FOURTH LEVEL SQUARE FOOTAGE: 6,966 SF. VENUES SQUARE FOOTAGE: CABRON: BASEMENT & IST LEVEL 7,497 SF. FRUTONOMY: 1ST LEVEL 927.5 IF LOBBY BAR: IIT LEVEL 996 SF. \ NOMADA. IND LEVEL 5,604 IF. / BISCAYNE BAY BREWERY: 3RD LEVEL 1,987 IF. \\\. LA REAL: 4TH LEVEL 3,138 SV OWNER: POST OFFICE DEVELOPMENT, L.L.0 3634 N.W. Ind AVENUE MIAMI. FL 33127 ARCHITECT: TAI ARCHITECTURE, INC. 278 NW 37th STREET MIAMI, FL 33127 T: (305)57&7557 g DRAWING INDEX FIRE RESISTANCE RATING REQUIREMENTS g rw �> r_r Imnxxum) l•+T m,l_ T-1.1 BUILDING & PROJECT INFORMATION m T-12 T-1.3 SITE PLAN E%ISTING FACADE PHOTOS s ➢ A-1.0 EXISTING BASEMENT FLOOR LEVEL x,0� A-1.1 E%ISTING 1st LEVEL FLOOR PLAN ° A-1.2 E%ISTING 2nd LEVEL FLOOR PLAN A-1.3 E%ISTING 3rd LEVEL FLOOR PLAN-ixnaiox msx 11xu1 FlNuv vnxumI n -x suwc A-1.4 A-7.5 E%ISTING 40, LEVEL FLOOR PLAN EXISTING ROOF PLAN A-2.1 EXISTING PAST ELEVATION PLAN A-2.2 EXISTING SOUTH ELEVATION PLAN mvmn nam mex. A-3.0 PROPOSED TENANT INFORMATION PER LEVEL wrtwus svw w r ww x �ewewws V ^ I- ° A-3 I A-3.2 PROPOSED BASEMENT FLOOR PLAN PROPOSED 1 st LEVEL FLOOR PLAN CAJ pILARGEO TERRACE SOUTH ELEVATION PLAN'DEE"T`A-IILLS .3 ,u y, nm swi e[ rar r[s Mw cu..s a ix PROPOSED 2nd L R P J 0 � x A-3 4 PROPOSED 3rd LEVEL FLOOR PLAN A-3.5 PROPOSED 4M LEVEL FLOOR PLAN A-3.6 PROPOSED ROOF PLAN A-3.7 PROPOSED LIFE SAFETY -OCCUPANCY PLAN BASEMENT LEVEL CABRON A-3.8 PROPOSED LIFE SAFETY -OCCUPANCY PLAN FIRST LEVEL LOBBY BAR>5; A-3.8.1 PROPOSED LIFE SAFETY -OCCUPANCY PLAN IST LEVEL FRUTONOMY-CABRON A-3B PROPOSED LIFE SAFETY -OCCUPANCY PLAN SECOND LEVEL NOMADA A-3.10 PROPOSED LIFE SAFETY -OCCUPANCY PLAN FOURTH LEVEL LA REAL cuss v o.0 wrrs rcx wuxn w ox u+uxx. AAA PROPOSED EAST ELEVATION PLAN / Z A-4.2 PROPOSED SOUTH ELEVATION PLAN w A-5.1 LOW WALL AT PROPOSED RAMP MATERIAL PHOTOS AND DETAILS Z Z� A-5.2 ADA HANDRAILS AT RAMPS, MATERIAL PHOTOS AND DETAILS $ Q A-5.3 A-5.4 GLASS GUARDRAIL, MATERIAL PHOTOS AND DETAILS PLANTER AT TERRACE, MATERIAL PHOTOS AND DETAILS W m Z¢_w wmw� V U Z m g � w 0 OF FLO LOCATION MAP O Q �� ,...........R� 't : ' ✓p o 07:���H2z� o¢ �1 t• AR93030 • V o = a V FRED o� SHEET COPYRIGHT®2019 NOTICE o wmwu PZ -19-2298 •� / 08/26/19 / (5UR� Planning Department 444 SW 2"d Avenue, 3rd Floor, Miami FL- 33130 Special Permits Checklist Special Appearance If you are submitting a request for this application type, the below documents and/or plans are required to be submitted to meet the Planning Department's minimum requirements. Special Appearance Application This section is intentionally left blank Required (Signed by Owner or Owner Representative Signed Letter of Intent (Describe This section is intentionally left blank Required Nature of Application) Survey with BBL established by PW Should applicant not have BBL designated this Required (Signed and Sealed within one year should not be a reason for rejection rather the of application date) Zoning Department should refer to the PW -BBL discipline in ProjectDox. Signed and Sealed Site Plans This section is intentionally left blank Required Signed and Sealed Elevation Plans This section is intentionally left blank Required Recorded Deed (legal description This section is intentionally left blank Required must match survey) Legal Description Title in Packet: This section is intentionally left blank Required Exhibit "A" Min of two photos (within 6 Months) PDF or JPEG format only Required Voluntary Covenant (Word) This section is intentionally left blank Required Complete list of all folio number(s) PDF Document (Note: If all folios and property Optional and property address(es) addresses have not been submitted online, please provide supplemental documentation detailing all additional folios and property addresses OP \ JY r '1 1 TIM __ r �.----__fid ■ F17 C r . #, ■ N.E. 1St AVENUE �y JEgFiy�q.�Js �yiT NOS,a� O� 4 NOTICE rc PZ- 19-229iLl 8 08/26/19 F 00 NOT SCALE DRAWING ARCHITECT T. " n TAA ARCHITECTURE, INC. I �� U1\ I� DRAWING TITLE PROJECT NAME /ADDRESS 7 GENERAL NOTES, REPUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT SITE PLAN BUREAU m L ,.. go�f,?�n�Ian��� jp pa y7p n� iai n EXCEr ON14,1LrIY60LhQlluONJtl > 100MIAMI 1st AVENUE MIAMI, FL 33132 � ,� EXISTING SOUTH SIDE FACADE r EXISTING EAST SIDE FACADE EXISTING SOUTH SIDE FACADE �� sc.�s NTs r ^ AR93030 : U EXISTING EAST SIDE FACADE .m..a�... cros nxnanmeM1rff.. CAP�VRH®19 SHE Op t� CityofMmmi Planning Department & Once of Zoning 1j9n /vww.n*miwvcorrp + n c o l y 1,41[i ► lrinl/www.niar imv.a tri7nT V — ..ty1W. Frrral: CnlaIII7ziDniarTibov.e(ml R Phn nig: (305) 416-1400 Zoning (305) 416-1495 Special Appearance Application Fist Name: Carly Last Name: Grinn Email: cgi rrr@bil;&Lcom PRIMARY .. k k LICANT INFORMATION Fust Name: Last Name: Corporation: Post Once Dcvebprmrt LLC .Address: 3634 NW 2nd Avenue City: Miami State: Fbrida Zip: 33127 Email: cgimn(dbiiicom Pbonc: (305) 350-2352 First Name: Corporation: Post Once Devebpment LLC Address: 3634 NW 2nd Avenie City: Miam Email: cgnmta)bilzirn corn Last Name: State: Fbrida zip: 33127 Pion: (305)350-2352 Project Name: Old U.S. Post Office Project Address: 100 NE 1 AV City: Miami State: Master Folio Number. 0101100501140 Unit Number. Fbrida Tip: NOTICE Thls submiFtal needs b In scheduled for a pobk nearing zc<ondn with timelines- forth in the City of mi CW, Th, appk.c decision --making bWywill renew Ne information at the pOk hearing to render a n,endadnn or a final decison. PZ -19-2298 08/26/19 33132 That under the penaky of petfiry, I declare that al the inbr ation contained it this perm appiration is arcuate to the best of�n7iy•That NO work or irntalation will corrience prior to the issuance of a bolding pemit and that aD work wil be performeregulating construction and mnfft in this jurisdiction• lwill, in an respects, perform work in accordance worth the scope of the perp* the City of Miarri's codes and an other app ordinances. • That aD ®fornntion given wi'D be accurate and that an work w M be done in compliance with all applicable laws regulatarg construction abe • That separate penrits rmy be required unless specilicaDy covered with the su brng of dus application • That there may be additional pennits required from other ertl es. • Fees sbal be paid prior to the review and issuance of the pen* as necessary. • Pernit }des are non-refindable APPLICANT First Las t Name:C� 1 Name: J Date: I ci c1 QV-, \o,A\a�t, C. -P D (o fol.Q-'✓1 +- LLL NOTICE This submitlal needs b tr scheduled for a pobk nearing cord—n with timelines- forth in the City of Miami CWe. The applieade decision-rnaking bWy will renew Ne information at the public hearing to render a re�omn,enaadon or a final eeu9on. PZ -19-2298 A, 08/26/19 Furst Last Name: �� r! Signature: �if {✓ ` Date: IG r ' 1070 NOTICE w000m�n PZ-1 9-2298 08/26/19 Ciyofmani Pbmig Depar7mot & Office ofZorig Special Appearance Rem Ntsrba Appicatioa PZ,19-2298 • nnv uuu ► a O PknnkV (305) 4164400 Zaoig (305) 416-1495 FLst Name: Carly Last Name: Crim FAnd: cg rn(YAnuan INFORMATIONPRIMARY APPLICANT Fist Name: Last Name: Corpossfinc Post Offce Dncbpfwt UC Address: 3634 NW tad Avenue City: lGmi State: Fbrida 2Vc 33127 Fnnit: egmv@bi&— Place: (305) 350.2352 First Name: List Nam: CoMoratlow Post Office DeydWn at LLC Address: 3634 NW god Averse Cky: haorni State: Florida ZIp: 33127 Fmsi: c;rirwn Viacom Plane: (305) 350-2352 Pmject Name: Old U.S. Post Office Plnject Address: 100 NE l AV Uak Nimober. City: Mem State: Florida AF 33132 Master Folio Number. 0101100501140 1070 NOTICE w000m�n PZ-1 9-2298 08/26/19 Ttet under the Fmltyofpajury, I declare that al de r&mmionwmur :d intis pant appleation s acasate to the beat ofnrylmuwkdgr. • Pat NO work or isWatnn wi conuence prior to the ssuance ofa hAdirg penrnt and d>e[ al wok wlbe pafamed to meet the swndards ofal iasis rep*iugcomMxwn and mnkg atlis jrtadiction • I wi, nalnerpeds, paformwork in accordance wth the scope ofthe permit, to Cty ofN§Kr s codes and al otber appicable laws, regal Ams, standard and ordnanoes. • That al kformubn gives wil be acuate and tlst al work wit be done itcortpfsnce wth alappfi ale laws m:VA3ft comtmctnnand mrig • Test separate pemils rmybe required udess spec� covered wish the submittal oft s; appication • Tlet there trey be addbmW pmTras regrind fromodrer entw. • Fees shalbe paid pwrID the review and ssmoce ofthe pemnit, as necemary. • Pemit @m are mo-relmdable Fist Last First Last Nasse: Name: Name: Name: Date: Date: r.- " NOTICE Thin ..b."dneeds . b...h.d.iad for. public hearing in ...1d.noe wid, b—Linea ad i.fth In the City of Miami Code. The ipplia be decision-making body YA1 reWew be. Information at the public hearing to nered., . mommendN on or a fine decW on. PZ -19-2298 08/26/19 Francisco Garcia, Director Planning Department 444 SW 2nd Avenue Miami, FL 33131 Re: Amended and Supplemental Letter of Intent: Application for Exception for Alcohol Service Establishments for Property Located at 100 NE 1st Avenue. Miami, Florida Dear Mr. Garcia: This firm represents Post Office Development LLC ("Applicant'), the owner of the Old U Post Office and Courthouse building ("Post office") located at 100 NE 1 st Avenue,Miami, Florid, Please accept this correspondence as the letter of intent for the attached application requesti approval of an Exception for multiple Alcohol Service Establishments greater than 5,000 squa I feet to be located inside the Post Office (the "Projecta historically designated building in t heart of downtown Miami. I This Exception application comes before the City Commission as a Special Appearance "S W2,W# 2 QA -A *WtA 104,*� r#V2! f rif r, r+c a ir�o,­Wwi rt-t-trae-n1ca), ?1ras&rva6tra-8, # arr* ('H E?F Board"). On December 4, 2018, the HEP Board granted a Special Certificate of Appropriateness pursuant to Section 23-61 of the City of Miami Code of Ordinances ("City Code") approving a Waiver to allow multiple Alcohol Service Establishments within the individually designated Post Office building, The HEP Board added a condition to the Waiver that it be reviewed and approved by the City Commission. Completed between 1912 and 1914, the Post Office was the first major federal building to be constructed in Miami. The building was known as the most modern federal facility south of Washington D.C. and was home to the post office, courts, and other federal agencies until its purchase in 1937 by First Federal Savings and Loan Association (later AmeriFirst Federal). First Federal was the first federal savings and loan association in the country to receive a charter from the U.S. Government. The Post Office housed First Federal's headquarters and subsequently served as a branch office of the association. Throughout its life, the structure has been home to a variety of tenants including the Miami Center for Architecture and Design. In 1989, the Post Office was listed in the National Register of Historic Places. On January 16, 2001, the City of Miami Historic and Environmental Preservation Board ("HEP Board") designated the Post Office as an individual historic resource. The neighborhood surrounding the Post Office has seen incredible change since the building's construction, with an even more rapid evolution of the downtown Miami area over the past decade. Residential and office towers have created an increasingly dense and populated downtown, driving demand for walkable streets dotted with restaurants, bars, and similar opportunities for socializing and community gathering. As now envisioned by the Applicant, the historic Post Office will be reimagined as home to a microbrewery, lounges, bars, and restaurants -�-mj,cfl Vciow, 2 August 15, 2019 Page 2 —r-spo"Up -01:1,01" 1 M.N.] NOTICE Thi. ..b."d need. . be ..h.d.1ad for . p.bUc hearing in ..order. with b—Linne ad i.fth In the City of Miami Code. The ipplia be decision-making body YA1 r,N­ the Information at the pa blic hearing to render. mommendN on or a fine decW on. PZ -19-2298 08/26/19 The Post Office is located within the Flagler Specialty District. In order to promote an active downtown and new business investment in the area, Alcohol Service Establishments are permitted by right in this Specialty District and distance separation requirements between these uses do not apply per Section 4-5 of the City Code. However, Article 6 of Miami 21 requires that all Alcohol Service Establishments greater than 5,000 square feet be permitted by Exception with City Commission approval. While the HEP Board may waive certain requirements of the City Code through Section 23-6.1, the Board required the Applicant to appear before the City Commission for review of the proposed project. The criteria by which such a request is to be evaluated pursuant to Section 4-7(c) of the City Code and the Applicant's responses to each are attached as Exhibit "B". The Project consists of three separate tenants within the Post Office building. The first tenant is comprised of three different outlets that will occupy the basement and the first and second floors of the building. These outlets include 1) Cabron, serving high-end Mexican cuisine, 2) Frutonomy, a juice bar, and 3) Nomada, a deli market and spirited bar. A lobby bar on the first floor will serve as a welcome area and lobby for all three outlets, These venues and the lobby bar consist of approximately 22,219 square feet in total on three floors and will share a single liquor license, as further detailed in Exhibit "B". The individual square footages of each separate outlet are detailed in the attached plan set. The third floor will be occupied by the second tenant, a taproom and brewery known as Biscayne Bay Brewing, consisting of approximately 6,270 square feet. The uppermost floor will house the third and final tenant, La Real, which will serve high-end cocktails and food within approximately 6,966 square feet. As detailed in Exhibit "B", these tenants will obtain separate liquor licenses. Additional details regarding hours of operation for each venue, licensing, circulation, and other operational information is contained in Exhibit "B". Final occupancy and life safety information will be determined in cooperation with City of Miami staff and submitted prior to final Certificate of Occupancy. Any special events will be properly permitted through the City of Miami pursuant to City Code requirements. Based on the foregoing, the Applicant respectfully requests approval of an Exception, following a Special Appearance before the City Commission, for the proposed Alcohol Service Establishments within the historic Post Office building. Please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned should you have any questions or need additional information. sincerely, vier F. Avih6 VACANT PU,�. lr/F`<A. .VT' SPACE ROO y k V � VACANTSPACL ____ 010) ' VACANTSPACE REST J ROOM #2 PIR k UP r r U S" ry r Aq�_ -- yA�AN� SPACEtX' i \ EXISTING BASEMENT LEVEL FLOOR PLAN 1 SCALE: 3/16"=1'-0" e - qEP R ELECTRICAL E ROOM GENERAL NOTES: • ANY FUTURE USES FOR SPACES SHALL BE UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT. • NO PERIMETER WORK TO BE DONE day � W o AR93030 :c IBASEMENT SQUARE FOOTAGE: 7,136 SF. j Q COPYRIGHT©2019 .�.,�.....a�. I b® NOTICE PZ -19.2298m/ 08/26/19 PROPOSED FLOOR PLAN BASEMENT SCALE: mv.iw e- IL GENERALNOTES'. • DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE NOMINAL ACTUAL DIMENSIONS MAY VARY. AR93030 BASEMENT SQUARE FOOTAGE: 7.136 SF. DI SO VENUE SQUARE FOOTAGE: C AB 0 __S. ABRON: BASEMENT LLEVEL4_-aSSF. NOTICE PZ -19-2298 I 08t26/19 p r pHim HUM ffi zi 6 co CL C3 A z 34 SHEET C77 Z�l EXISTING GROUND LEVEL FLOOR PLAN (D, SCALE: 3116--1'-6" COPYRIGHT®201P NOTICE PZ -1 9-2298 08/26/19 Jim HO3 nn ,m SHEET PROPOSED GROUND FLOOR PLAN (Dm GENERAL NOTES: • DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE NOMINAL ACTUAL DIMENSIONS MAY VARY. • INSPECT EXTERIOR DOORS AND WINDOWS FOR REPAIRS IF NEEDED TO MATCH EXISTING ........... \1`EJIAN NOTICE PZ -1 9-2298 1, 08/26/19 z2 z5 a FIRST LEVEL SQUARE FOOTAGE: 8,103 ST. 0 VENUES SQUARE FOOTAGE CABRON: IST LEVEL 3,162 SF. FRUONO Y: IST LEVEL 927.5 SF. LOBBY BAR: IST LEVEL 996 SF. 1,01111.1-T.I019 SHEET !r9pr" 10 EXISTING SECOND LEVEL FLOOR PLAN SCALE: WlW="-.-' GENERAL NOTES: ANY FUTURE USES FOR SPACES SHALL BE UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT. PLAN NOTES, INSPECT EXTERIOR DOORS AND BALCONIES FOR REPAIRS IF NEEDED TO MATCH EXISTING I SECOND LEVEL U VEL SOUARE FOOTAGE: 0 COPYRIGHT© 2019 NOTICE PZ -1 9-2298 �Ll 08/26/19 �1 PROPOSED FLOOR PLAN SECOND FLOORN SCALE: 3716"=1'-0" NOTICE \rcPZ-19�2298tlm/ 08/26/19 GENERAL NOTES: n. DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE NOMINAL ACTUAL DIMENSIONS MAY VARY. 95€ g m m 6 • INSPECT EXTERIOR DOORS AND WINDOWS FOR est <,Qffo3'x REPAIRS IF NEEDED TO MATCH EXISTING 3 �s$ OF FZO Z Y 9 ®I z w � w z zm z w�Tu p w g U U Z _4 a m o � r a W CL a ( SECOND LEVEL SQUARE FOOTAGE: 6,9805F. 0 VENUE SQUARE FOOTAGE: azl O W r (NOMADA: 2ND LEVEL 6,i O \ ) Z�l a c e� < 1 f F C COP RIGHT02019 SHEET ,EXsT� mro3vLRoRRA 10ynz ,v" \�y 2 NOTICE PZ -19-2298 \ e, 4 GPdt, DUDMORK \\\ �- WAITER . MECHANIOAL � �J Y SiA 10Y * K RWM t< f EVAL � I � ' yy � � h -------- - -- --- --------------- ti oav ooaus � DiCAT R i I 9aDA - LEVEL I I - - - i_. _- ___ _ TEN scu E� MEacH BISCAYNE BAY, BREWERY - -- eoz atn £'°^^g . . HNT Lf J" -`0�'i ria ill we --- --- - --i '= -.. eaT naL c II I, G_. C CD I I -• `' ( ( • I SliUEFLF. ABLF � J � � 4r I I� � � � - J STAGE cut P t it GENERALNOTES: ANY FUTURE USES FOR SPACES SHALL BE UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT. INSPECT EXTERIOR DOORS AND WINDOWS FOR REPAIRS IF NEEDED TO MATCH EXISTING PROPOSED FLOOR PLAN THIRD FLOOR N SCALE: 3/16"=i'-0" t ITHIRO LEVEL SQUARE FOOTAGE.. 6,2705F._ _ 'VENUE SQUARE FOOTAGE: 1 IBISCAYNE BAY BREWERY 3RD LEVEL: 5,987 BE. ( (� ��HrEHAPJ () o •: �h AR93030 ; {� GOPYI GHT©2019 NOTICE —7-1 727Z'- 08/26/19 w � w � Z Q0. � w�yJ � Z�rLL z wmw� w U Z'1 a � .- a � J I W F T z ��G55j�(( J)jJJ�/J �lJo`tt SHEET W, MACN' R�IM ------------ -- - - - - - - - - - - - ------ -VACANT SPACE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - EXISTING FOURTH LEVEL FLOOR PLAN �__,).CALESIIF"- S' (J%- NOTICE PZ -19-2298 08/26/19 #2 - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --------------- oto- SEPARATE PERMIT. • INSPECT EXTERIOR DOORS AND WINDOWS FOR REPAIRS IF NEEDED TO MATCH EXISTING 7 - - - - - - - NS RE C" RE <-,kk IV ELEVA76R AR93030 LoB G� M zx— I I II I II II it it ii ----- ------ -------------- --------- PENS -------------iR ------ C, VACANT SPACE KK ---------- ------- I ------------- ------ -------- --------------- ------------- -------- SHEET I ------- EXISTING FOURTH LEVEL FLOOR PLAN �__,).CALESIIF"- S' (J%- NOTICE PZ -19-2298 08/26/19 �,j ig WE, GENERAL NOTES: • ANY FUTURE USES FOR SPACES SHALL BE UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT. • INSPECT EXTERIOR DOORS AND WINDOWS FOR REPAIRS IF NEEDED TO MATCH EXISTING <-,kk IV AR93030 M zx— < C, KK FOURTH LEVEL SQUARE FOOTAGE: 6,966 SF. SHEET GENERAL NOTES: • ANY FUTURE USES FOR SPACES SHALL BE UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT. • INSPECT EXTERIOR DOORS AND WINDOWS FOR REPAIRS IF NEEDED TO MATCH EXISTING ('jlGUFTl LEVEL SQUARE FOOTAGE -6,966 SF. VENUE SQUARE FOOTAGE PROPOSED FLOOR PLAN FOURTH FLOOR IN LA REAL: 4TH LEVEL 3,138 SF. A -k ffi "I AR93030 :c E D .r,.•: NOTICE PZ -1 9-2298 08/26/19 Ail i "ERE r I EL€VA, R W,c�IN€ RODH roF unrcu MECHANIGA. ROOF ti9Ky 6HPE I I I I 1 \, EXISTING ROOF PLAN ` / SCALE. 3/16'=V-0" eN GENERAL NOTES • ANY FUTURE USES FOR SPACES SHALL BE UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT • INSPECT EXTERIOR DOORS AND WINDOWS FOR REPAIRS IF NEEDED TO MATCH EXISTING Pro ;r 3. AR93030 . 1 sit COPYRIGHT© 2019 NOTICE 1, 08/26/19 / 08/26/19 6i w w � w g Z z�2 w UmZq � r W D: n AL pr 9 f / a 1 W c m rs �l W � � �1 C1 � Q �m SHEET PROPOSED ROOF PLAN MECHANICAL ROOF --- — — — — — -- --- — — — — — — — — — — — — — - — — — GENERALNOTES: ANY FUTURE USES FOR SPACES SHALL BE UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT. • INSPECT EXTERIOR DOORS AND WINDOWS FOR REPAIRS IF NEEDED TO MATCH EXISTING Lv 93030 1 cl o 0 N OT I C E PZ -19-2298 08/26/19 gq c2 wmwg o COPYRiGHTC12019 SHEET FIRE PROTECTION NOTES xUcfPaE MMs EMERGENCY PIN GENERAL NOTES i'.N=1 11 IV I I t N I i 11 1 PROPOSED LIFE SAFETY -OCCUPANCY PLAN SCALE: 3116"=I�0' I T ------ ---- -------- 77', no .11NEER'll-NOTIP3. LIFE SAFETY LEGEND Z_ A COMMON PATH OFTRAVELCOMFtLANCE OpmIrrimsk, .xuo,.0.MWONv4 nOL1FnNt )5h 'OK EXIT DOOR DISTANCE COMPLIANCE TRAVEL DISTANCES NOTICE LPZ -19-2298 08/26/19 I SEATN 3 CAPACITY FRUITONOMY-CABRON IST LEVEL EHA C) In < OCCUPANCY CALCULATIONS SEATN 3 CAPACITY FRUITONOMY-CABRON IST LEVEL In < OCCUPANCY CALCULATIONS Zl\ nn TOTAL PROPOSED CCCUPANCY in�� co, ca Im Q) Q ca 22 CL osla<io'dMauvCuN 1.::1 CL C3 40 V I.- 9 -'A (TOTA_'lRl;.EED OCCUPANCY 1st LEV—ELT PANNBMOP{OBBY BDA '.V_ ­ N TOTAL L SHEET iqILT®2019 FIRE PROTECTION NOTES EMERGENCY PLAN GENERALNOTES. F m� q _ I �-� �I! IGIII511 — i i�� EXii� E%I tl5 I PROPOSED LIFE SAFETY -OCC U0ANCY L Y AR PLAAN J SCALE: J110"=i'-0" I I I I -�r- --r- sami COPRIpWI II GENERAL NOTES I H LIFE SAFETY LEGEND I I WE— nvmu wxxlwauxa su,:wxm m o-rt.[ExrwxerieuTxwisim ME IWn-�.c[v,r,trrtusmca..�mv� �_ nnc, ax�sTmmx,cevi oas ecusa..lw.: COMMON PATH OF TRAVEL COMPLIANCE � AS PFRFBG,OIS.Z., an W t -N I ,]51 rox EXIT DOOR DISTANCE COMPUANCE ASFEP GBG lU,62t� goro-rt� wa mssusm=a . rs} ix TRAVEL DISTANCES uarv+maummx. n�cou'MnrA�or �aeruxa�rsncrmues 3o ux�earo:u.; SEATING CAPACITY L02BY BAR A J3030 OCCUPANCY CALCULATIONS uNn.GMa ;2W 5. S.F.rFCN. I.Tw156tf' L mwaf�ms�/v.Curf.n t �� I BACK,l TAIR - GENERAL NOTES I H LIFE SAFETY LEGEND I I WE— nvmu wxxlwauxa su,:wxm m o-rt.[ExrwxerieuTxwisim ME IWn-�.c[v,r,trrtusmca..�mv� �_ nnc, ax�sTmmx,cevi oas ecusa..lw.: COMMON PATH OF TRAVEL COMPLIANCE � AS PFRFBG,OIS.Z., an W t -N I ,]51 rox EXIT DOOR DISTANCE COMPUANCE ASFEP GBG lU,62t� goro-rt� wa mssusm=a . rs} ix TRAVEL DISTANCES uarv+maummx. n�cou'MnrA�or �aeruxa�rsncrmues 3o ux�earo:u.; SEATING CAPACITY L02BY BAR A J3030 OCCUPANCY CALCULATIONS uNn.GMa ;2W 5. S.F.rFCN. I.Tw156tf' I TOTALPROPOSEOOCCUPANCY mwaf�ms�/v.Curf.n t ZT; RX smog e5GP6u+is NOTICE e192298/ 08/26/19 w � W O2O ^L W Q ¢ J z W m W < U U Z Q O m — 2 W W � l 1 � ` a s o2Cm y -c �Q) 0 CIL F T 2 4 w® COPYRIGHT©2p19 SHEET 10 PROPOSED LIFE SAFETY -OCCUPANCY 2ND LEVEL PLAN SCALE: 3/16"=1'-0" FIRE PROTECTION NOTES EMERGENGYPI-ANGEN01A.140TES, GENERAL NOTES I -Am LIFE SAFETY LEGEND ( . ......... ... ISEATING CAPACITY NOMADA2ND LEVEL OCCUPANCY CALCULA TONS xi EXITCAPACITY STAIRS CALCULATED CAPACITY T=aaa ll I otu TOTAL PROPOSED OCCUPANCY COMMON PATH OF TRAVEL COMPLIANCE I61 tON1=23' EXIT DOOR DISTANCE COMPLIANCE TRAV LIDIITANCES 10 AR93030 (i ED m COPYRiGHT02019 NOTICE PZ_l 9-2298 08/26/19 �4 �2 z Z T C2 m 0 ;, W .1 3 .m GO W Ilk Go CD we C? F- Aag�SHEET j \ PROPOSED EAST ELEVATION USCALE:3ti6"=1'-0° GENERAL NOTES. • DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE NOMINAL ACTUAL DIMENSIONS MAY VARY. ANY CUTTING OF EXISTING DEMISING PARTITIONS SHALL BE PATCHED AND REPAIR IN ORDER TO MATCH EXISTING. • NEW LOW WALLS FINISH TO MATCH EXISTING. • INSPECT EXTERIOR DOORS AND WINDOWS FOR REPAIRS IF NEEDED TO MATCH EXISTING FINISH. • INSPECT AND REPAIR IF NEEDED EXISTING LOW WALL AND HANDRAILS. PLAN NOTES: NEW LOW WALLS TO MATCH EXISTING FINISH INDIANA LIMESTONE. SEE SHEET A-5.1 NEW BRONZE ADA HANDRAILS AT RAMP TO MATCH EXISTING SHAPE AND FINISHES. SEE SHEET A-5.2 PROPOSED GALVANIZED METAL PLANTER CHARCOAL FINISH. SEE SHEET A-5.6 4�. PROPOSED CLEAR TEMPLATE LAMINATE GLASS GUARDRAIL WITH SILVER METALLIC BRUSHED FINISH SEE SHEET A-5.4 NEW RAMP, FLOOR SURFACE GRIS SARDO GRANITE OR SIMILAR TO MATCH EXISTING FINISH. OEXISTING TO REMAIN. 7 PROPOSED OUTDOOR BANNER WITH LIGHT Y F/ S Y � AR93030 ; VVLRED COPYRIGHT© 2019 P I �i- Hai oasffia�aP �h ae I wZ. w z_ mu < U U Z 4 d � 0 A\ O o p- co � W G a Ah o gm� SHEET NOTICE eny m� �PZ -19.2298 08/26/19 COPYRIGHT© 2019 P I �i- Hai oasffia�aP �h ae I wZ. w z_ mu < U U Z 4 d � 0 A\ O o p- co � W G a Ah o gm� SHEET ffm P:?,P �)��D EAST ELEVATION m GENERALNOTES. DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE NOMINAL ACTUAL DIMENSIONS DNS MAY VARY • INSPECT EXTERIOR DOORS, WINDOWS AND BALCONIES FOR REPAIRS IF NEEDED TO MATCH PLAN NOTES: ,l) EXISTING LOW WALL TO BE REMOVED (k) EXISTING GUARDRAIL TO BE REMOVED. (�) EXISTING HANDRAILS TO BE REMOVED. Q < Oa AR93030 -'(j AED COPYRIGHT©2019 NOTICE LPZ -19-2298 08/26/19 I'd N ffm P:?,P �)��D EAST ELEVATION m GENERALNOTES. DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE NOMINAL ACTUAL DIMENSIONS DNS MAY VARY • INSPECT EXTERIOR DOORS, WINDOWS AND BALCONIES FOR REPAIRS IF NEEDED TO MATCH PLAN NOTES: ,l) EXISTING LOW WALL TO BE REMOVED (k) EXISTING GUARDRAIL TO BE REMOVED. (�) EXISTING HANDRAILS TO BE REMOVED. Q < Oa AR93030 -'(j AED COPYRIGHT©2019 NOTICE LPZ -19-2298 08/26/19 EXISTING SOUTH ELEVATION GENERAL NOTES: • DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE NOMINAL ACTUAL DIMENSIONS MAY VARY. INSPECT EXTERIOR DOORS AND WINDOWS FOR REPAIRS IF NEEDED TO MATCH EXISTING F( - 4r 2 AR93030 ass A� 61' PLAN NOTES' EXISTING STEPS AND HANDRAILS BEHIND WALLS TO BE REMOVED. EXISTING OPENING TO BE FILLED UP TO MATCH EXISTING. SEE 1 AND 21A -3.2b EXISTING RAMP To BE REMOVED AND HANDRAILS TO BE REPLACED. SEE 2 AND 3/A -3.2b EXISTING LOW WALL TO BE REMOVED. ✓ COPYRIGHT02019 NOTICE 1=12"-T.1.1;1=111,111.4V Im, =nl=Nlzy= PZ -19-2298 1, 08/26/19 I - L--; N, I Iw c2 z A2 TQ) q--5 7, Ng -0 SHEET }5QUT-8 1L 2" �FRiF .. �T',-IIRD LE'vEL a SsCOND LEVEL $FIRST LEVEL PROPOSED SOUTH ELEVATION L/ SCALE: 3/16"=i'-0" Q1, GENERAL NOTES: DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE NOMINAL ACTUAL DIMENSIONS MAY VARY ANY CUTTING OF EXISTING DEMISING PARTITIONS SHALL BE PATCHED AND REPAIR IN ORDER TO MATCH EXISTING. NEW LOW WALLS FINISH TO MATCH EXISTING. INSPECT EXTERIOR DOORS AND WINDOWS FOR REPAIRS IF NEEDED TO MATCH EXISTING FINISH. INSPECT AND REPAIR IF NEEDED EXISTING LOW WALL AND HANDRAILS PLAN NOTES: ,1. NEW LOW WALLS TO MATCH EXISTING FINISH INDIANA LIMESTONE. SEE SHEET A-5.1 NEW BRONZE ADA HANDRAILS AT RAMP TO MATCH EXISTING SHAPE AND FINISHES SEE SHEETA-5.2 CPROPOSED GALVANIZED METAL PLANTER CHARCOAL FINISH. SEE SHEET A-5.6 \�J PROPOSED CLEAR TEMPLATE LAMINATE GLASS GUARDRAIL WITH SILVER METALLIC BRUSHED FINISH SEE SHEET A-5.4 NEW RAMP, FLOOR SURFACE GRIS SARDO GRANITE OR SIMILAR TO MATCH EXISTING FINISH oEXISTING TO REMAIN. C� PROPOSED OUTDOOR BANNER WITH LIGHT Stu p � . �b sfj•. AR93y0300ry N` NOTICE \�ePZ-19-2295 08/26/19 COPYRIGHT®2019 w w z w z � z c> m u. zg 4 Wo m o� d a i O � 6 z OR ® W { m d �{ o n� SHEET NOTICE LPZ_19-2298a�/ 08/26/19 CAB�R'LO�JIWI�L, ROOM " /BAR' II �FycaCl�`�- LI(JO o®�o ° S�o q N ELECT.bAN OM DA LOUNGE oogn� o ^ d n 30 - BBffi FRUTQgJOMI^�q } I I t I I R# R A CPROPOSED BASEMENT LEVEL PLAN _N L PROPOSED 1ST LEVEL PLAN W~ PROPOSED 2ND LEVEL PLAN (DN SCALE: 3/32"=1'-0' 1 2 / SCALE: 3132"=1'-0° W u SCALE: 3132"=1'-0" m ® AUI - 0 0 1 0 ^ L i OO �I STORAGE BISCAYNE BAY BREWING LEVATOR 9 r -a--' +}- LOBBY 3 ��� c� i i5 dFc 0 PF�QPOSED 3RD LEVEL PLAN �1 0SCALEE. 3/32"=1'-0" W LEVEL OUTLET NAME ELEVATO MAIN SECOND I Bf3EMENT C-ONLOUNCE WA . TER- FOR BASEMENT, GROUND &2ND LEJ9. QLCRBYNAR ■ TENWFORTHIRDLEVEL F GROUND FRUTOTWMV NIA CPBRON DINING ■ TENANTFOR<THLEY �J SECOND NOMNIA WA ❑ DEDICATED ELEVATOR FOR 2 BASEMENT,GROUNO &2NDLEEL ZW THIRD BVSCNNERAY OE OICATEDFI.EVATOR FOfi F BREWERY �TALL{IEEi$$HIM��jj18A6gT[H�LEpVOEQ FOURTH LAREAL NIA LRWCJPBK \IfTt/((LL 17ilEVEL),49]SF. EL FRUTONOMY: lST IEVEL 92] F SF. LOBBYB..' -LEVELS%Sf. • LR]WRLICENSESAGGUIREDRYEACHTENANT .CMA.A:2NO LEVEL S,6045F. BISCAYNE BAY BREWERY: 3flD IEVEL 5,%] SF UREAL: 4TN IEVEL S'.. SF. CPROPOSED 4TH LEVEL PLAN K SCALE: 3/32"-1'-0" \ CSCHEMATIC CROSS SECTION SCALE: 3/32'=1'-0" ��:•SNEEHAN ������ r�V : His'•. CO: < Oy p .F � ARg3030,i �� 'FREDP�G 0 COWRIISW C 2019 6 / I t 2 18'-5" EXI511NG f0 RENaIN 1 4 1 10 ✓J'J/ 5 �: III IITI-IIIITT 4 I _ ���r'//�� PROPOSED SOUTH SIDE RAMP PLAN VIEW %SCALE 3/8"=1'-0" / N r� r 13-I A" PROPOSED KNEE WALL AREA 1 GLONGITUDINAL SECTION ELEVATION SCALE: 318"=1'-0" GENERAL NOTES: DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE NOMINAL ACTUAL DIMENSIONS MAY VARY. ANY CUTTING OF EXISTING DEMISING PARTITIONS SHALL 8E PATCHED AND REPAIR IN ORDER TO 6-Z74-! MATCH EXISTING NEW LOW WALLS FINISH TO MATCH EXISTING. I rT INSPECT EXTERIOR DOORS AND WINDOWS FOR REPAIRS IF NEEDED TO MATCH EXISTING FINISH. I I I I ! INSPECT AND REPAIR IF NEEDED EXISTING LOW WALL AND HANDRAILS. y PLAN NOTES: NEW LOW WALLS TO MATCH EXISTING FINISH INDIANA LIMESTONE. SEE SHEET A-5.1 ��2. NEW BRONZE ADA HANDRAILS AT RAMP TO MATCH EXISTING SHAPE AND FINISHES. SEE SHEET A-5.2 PROPOSED GALVANIZED METAL PLANTER NOTICE PZ -19-22911 08/26/19 CHARCOAL FINISH. SEE SHEETA-5.6 g s PROPOSED CLEAR TEMPLATE LAMINATE GLASS GUARDRAIL WITH SILVER METALLIC BRUSHED a FINISH SEE SHEET A-5.4 ..\ \'.J NEW RAMP, FLOOR SURFACE GRIS SARDO ('Sk{eEHAty ✓� GRANITE OR SIMILAR TO MATCH EXISTIN y� �9: r EXISTING TO REMAIN. NEW TERRACE FLOOR SURFACE GRIS Db 1� GRANITE TILE OR SIMILARTO MATCH If•. AR9q3030 '(tl FLOOR FINISH. (�` ,�:n3�� , . `-✓, PERIMETERNEW TERRACE GR S SARDO GRANIITE OR SIMILARTO MATO tj t ° • �R D 'N EXISTING FINISH. SEE SHEET A-5 3 4TCH LEGEND: z Q j^ 6 � q M 6" CONCRETE BLOCK W/ V THICK INDIANA LIMESTONE AT ALL SIDES m w g TO MATCH EXISTING z 3 / NEW 1:12 SLOPE RAMP, GRANITE FINISH TO MATCH EXISTING 0 y, INDIANA LIMESTONE FINISH AT ALL o CL 1 _ T i SIDES OF NEW LOW WALL TO MATCH �1 Q ,l EXISTING aC tos ` C W � � ' 3 s a o F � F � O 5 z r COPYRIGHT©2019 SHEET O ��1 O 0 LONGITUDINAL SECTION ELEVATION SCALE: 3/8"=1'-0" r r r �-^^'.+►SII ""'�� - ,...._., �-..—�.+•�r PROPOSED LOW WALL -INDIANA LIMESTONE TO MATCH EXISTING LOCATION: SOUTH ELEVATION AINDIANA LIMESTONE IMAGE 30 LOCATION: SOUTH ELEVATION RAMP 1: PROPOSED LOW WALL AT RAMP -PROFILE TO MATCH EXISTING l L / LOCATION: SbUTH ELEVATION r- ..--� I NOTICE \�OPZe19-2298 �� 08/26/19 zm U c Z S a a r ?.I0 4 4-11, 64 8 ,-21�" L doo `3; �a VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AT JOB SITE PRIOR COMMENCING a L� ANY FABRICATION S J CONTRACTOR TO REPAIR EXISTING DAMAGED LOW WALL CONTRACTOR TO PRESSURE CLEAN EXISTING H c a LOW WALL w ,Tv ALL LEVELS OF LOW WALL SHOULD MATCH EXISTING u CLOW WALL FRONT VIEW LOCATION: EAST ELEVATION RAMP ��j� LOW WALL PROFILE LOCATION: EAST ELEVATION RAMP I J u m.o...... ....®,....A. ....�M. ... ...a..a.as..�o�....o+..... ... ...,��.w\.. /,........a R. ... O..O.wP. G.G omis SHEET . 32'-0" oW EQ. EQ. u 4 o. L'—D'L I 1y,• 1)12"1y.• ,�. 1y,. 32'-0" . CADA HAND RAIL AT RAMP -BRONZE FINISH PROPOSED ADA RAMP RAIL AT RAMP -BRONZE FINISH TO MATCH EXISTING LOCATION: SOUTH ELEVATION DTV: 1 HANDRAIL 2 LOCATION: SOUTH ELEVATION OTY: 1 HANDRAIL E0. L EQ. _ ADA HAND RAIL AT RAMP -BRONZE FINISH / LOCATION: SOUTH ELEVATION OTY: 1 HANDRAIL CEXISTING HANDRAILS BY STAIRS LOCATION: SOUTH ELEVATION RAMP HANDRAIL 30'-1 1'_0" 4'-10'. __LE� EQLEQ ]4��,Q;••P,r St1EEHAN ✓0, A 9303 -T �.__ ��`'•. � � 1019 TFRED PRG EQ. f , Eo L EQ 1 1� ly2" 1 2" ly2" 1y„ 0" CADA HAND RAIL -BRONZE FINISH TO MATCH EXISTING LOCATION: SOUTH ELEVATION OTY:1 HANDRAIL 1y„ 1y. 1�' 1 1 1y 1y., 31'-0" LOCATION: SOUTH ELEVATION RAMP HANDRAIL 1'_0" 4'-10'. __LE� EQLEQ ]4��,Q;••P,r St1EEHAN ✓0, A 9303 -T �.__ ��`'•. � � 1019 TFRED PRG EQ. f , Eo L EQ 1 1� ly2" 1 2" ly2" 1y„ 0" CADA HAND RAIL -BRONZE FINISH TO MATCH EXISTING LOCATION: SOUTH ELEVATION OTY:1 HANDRAIL NOTICE �ePZ-19-2295^ 08/26/19 v Ism 1y„ 1y. 1�' NEW STEP HAND RAILING BRONZE FINISH % C LOCATION: SOUTH ELEVATION RAMP HANDRAIL LOCATION: SOUTH ELEVATION RAMP HANDRAIL COPYRIGHT 02019 NOTICE �ePZ-19-2295^ 08/26/19 v Ism IJ GLASS GUARDRAILS AT EAST TERRACE �j LOCATION: SOUTH ELEVATION / \ SHOE BASE SILVER METALLIC BRUSHED FINISH LOCATION: SOUTH ELEVATION 6'— 4" CLEAR TEMPERED Qo LAMINATED GLASS ��SILVER METALLIC BRUSHED FINISH BASE RAIL 3 SOUTH SIDE ELEVATION GLASS GUARDRAIL LOCATION: SOUTH ELEVATION `(�P� C, SNEEHAN ��y?�Q� Zi �3 AR93030 'V mac' AA 1 1 �5k, 4!11 P�G� COPYRIGHT02019 NOTICE PZ -19-2298 m 08/26/19 10 CHARCOAL GALVANIZED METAL PLANTER LOCATION: EAST ELEVATION TERRACE OTY: 3 PLANTERS Z�l CALV. CHARCOAL METAL PLANTER 2'-8" CALV. CHARCOAL METAL PLANTER TOP VIEW SIDE VIEW 0 2 PLANTER TOP VIEW AND SIDE ELEVATIONS LOCATION: EAST ELEVATION TERACE CITY: 3 PLANTERS :11 oz pR93030 C , ,�Xe ............ GALV. CHARCOAL NOTICE �PZ- 19-2298 Ll 08/26/19 /��' / Z W / / / / /��� // j�, m Z z 2'-8" SIDE VIEW 29 za SHEET Trip Generation & Traffic Circulation Study Republic Entertainment Bureau 100 NE 1St Avenue Miami, Florida April 5th, 2019 Richard Garcia & Associates, Inc. / NOTICE This submittal neetls b be sch.&o d br a pabkc hearing Inaaortlana wkh tlmellnes set forth in the City M Miami CWtl .The appll®Lie beciWon-making btly will raWewthe inlormatlon at the pabkc hearing t. n:ntler e me dtl ., ora final d-ivon. rer PZ -19-2298 �\ 08/26/19 Republic Entertainment Bureau Trip Generation & Traffic Circu 4`"l a"` Engineer's Certification NOTICE This submittals d,b be sch.&o fibra pubk hearing In aaortlana wkh tlmellnee set forth in the City M Mlaml Cetle. The appll®de beciWon-making btly Wil reWewthe inbrmatlon at the pubkc hearing t. n:ntler e recomme d.., or a fina l tlecivon. I, Richard Garcia, P.E. # 54886, certify that I currently hold an activ PZ -19-2298 , .k' 08/26/19 Engineers License in the State of Florida and am competent through educ experience to provide engineering services in the civil and traffic engineering disciplines contained in this report. In addition, the firm Richard Garcia & Associates, Inc. holds a Certificate of Authorization # 9592 in the State of Florida. I further certify that this report was prepared by me or under my responsible charge as defined in Chapter 61G15-18.001 F.A.C. and that all statements, conclusions and recommendations made herein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and ability. Project Description: Republic Entertainment Bureau -Trip Generation & Traffic Circulation Study Project Location: 100 NE 1st Avenue Miami, Florida 88 # __ V U i Florida Registration No.� + 40a le K&ZL RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES INC. Page i Republic Entertainment Bureau TABLE OF CONTENTS Trip Generation & Traffic Circ r , "Ll ", 'I NOTICE Thissobn m needs b b—heduled br a public hea,ing In aaortlanre wkh tlmellnee set forth In the City M Mlarnl Cmde.Th, appl-h, decision-making bWywill reWewihein a- at the pubkc hearing t.—dn ,e re .—,datlon or a final d-ivon. PZ - 1 9 19-2298 Engineer's Certification ........................................................................ 08/26/ Introduction.................................................................................................. Project Location / Description......................................................................................... 1 ProjectTraffic........................................................................................................... 3 TripGeneration................................................................................................................... 3 TrafficCirculation....................................................................................................5 NearbyParking Garages.................................................................................................. 5 TripDistribution.................................................................................................................... 6 TripAssignment................................................................................................................... 7 TrafficCirculation............................................................................................................... 8 Conclusion.............................................................................................................. 9 K&/L RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES INC. Page ii Republic Entertainment Bureau LIST OF FIGURES Trip Generation & Traffic Circ Figure1: Location Map .......................................................................... Figure2: Site Plan .................................................................................... Figure 3: Nearby Parking Garages ....................................................... Figure 4: Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ) Map ............................................ Figure 5: Traffic Circulation - AM Peak Hour of the Generator ........ Figure 6: Traffic Circulation - PM Peak Hour of the Generator......... LIST OF TABLES r�- ,"Ll ", 'I NOTICE This submittal -d, b be d b, a public h..,I,g In namt—with timelines s& forth In the City & PZ -19-2298 .......... 08/26/19. .......... ........................... ........................... 8 ........................... 9 Table 1: Trip Generation - AM Peak Hour of the Generator ............................................ 3 Table 2: Trip Generation - PM Peak Hour of the Generator ............................................ 4 Table 3: Trip Distribution Percentages ................................................................................. 7 Table 4: Directional Trip Assignment ................................................................................... 7 APPENDICES Appendix 1: Trip Generation Appendix 2: Trip Distribution Appendix 3: Traffic Circulation K&/L RICHARD GARctA & AsSOCtATES, INC. Page iii .ticz nr , \1 Republic Entertainment Bureau Trip Generation &Traffic Circu Introduction NOTICE The purpose of this study is to evaluate the trip generation associ ""'°bm"t""ee°s b°e,eW°&tlbra"°b°`ty& In aa°rtlanre with tlmellnes set forth in the City M Mlaml Cctle. The appli®Lie decision-making b°tly will reWewiheinlormatlon at the p°bkc hearing t°r do le proposed development and to demonstrate the traffic circulation. rea°mmendatlpn°re�nzIdecid PZ -19-2298 documented herewith evaluates the proposed future condition with 08/26/19 traffic during the site's AM and PM peak hour of the generator. That is, wh will generate the highest traffic volume. Project Location / Description The subject site is located northwest corner of NE 1St Street and NE 1 It Avenue in the City of Miami, Florida. This site was previously an office building but was considered vacant for the purposes herein. The proposed use is for Quality Restaurant and Drinking Place (Lounge) on various levels (Basement -Second Floor). Figure 1 depicts the site's location map while Figure 2 is the site plan provided for illustrative purposes only. It is important to note that this site does not have any driveways or parking spaces/garage. Figure 1: Location Map K&ZL RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES INC. Page 1 Republic Entertainment Bureau Trip Generation & Traffic Circu 4`"l "` Figure 2: Site Plan NOTICE This submittal needs b be sch.&W d br s pubkc hewing In srea-- wkh timelines set forth h the City M Miami Code. The appu. Lie tlecis- making body will reWewihe nformaUon at the pubkc hearng to render mendTd., or a final d-donON . PZ -19-2298 AREA OUT OF $COPE �jF W✓)RK - 08/26/19 GENERAL to S: 6 ANY FUTURE E FOR SPACEG SHALL 9E ,XR mwrtsswE srdt£ swr -- QEOARAi IERQ . PLM NOTES �� EXOTINGLO To m 6EMOLi8VE0 Q EKr nrvG knnrr rwo,Inr hNnr:s TOOF RlMOVEU. SK12 f rvG Sf En bWt REM 'U R- - AREA OUT OF SCOPE OF WORK L. �� � I I I t�4TLEVEL WU/AE %90T�iGE &1W 5F. I I I I I I EXI3T11A(i DUN. LEVEL FLOOR PLAN K&/L RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES INC. Page 2 Republic Entertainment Bureau Project Traffic Trip Generation & Traffic Circ This section of the report describes the analysis for estimating the trafJ with the subject project. The trip generation analysis summarize( performed consistent with the methodology described in the Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Handbook, 3rd Edition. Trip Generation r�_ , "Ll ", 'I NOTICE This submittal needs b be scheduled br a pubic hewing In accordanm wM1h timelines set forth in the City M MiamiCMtl The applic d. tlsi,b making body will reWew the Inbnnation at the pubdc hearing to render e recommendation or a final decivon. PZ -19-2298 08/26/19 The trip generation characteristics for the subject project was obtained from ITE's Trip Generation Manual, lot" Edition. ITE's Land Use 931 (Quality Restaurant), as identified by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), was used as well as ITE's Land Use 925 (Drinking Place). These two uses most closely resemble the proposed project's development. The trip generation analysis was performed for a typical weekday's AM and PM peak hour for the generator. This represent the highest traffic associated with this development. Additionally, no transit, pedestrian or Person -Trip reduction was utilized as a conservative approach. As a result, the trip generation calculations yielded 74 gross vehicle trips (57 trips -in & 17 trips -out) during the AM peak hour of the generator. Likewise, 248 gross vehicle trips (160 trips -in & 88 trips -out) were found for the PM peak hour of the generator. Note, the actual resulting trips are likely to be significantly reduced based on the rate and extent of transit, pedestrian/bicycle and /or Person -Trip since none of these trip adjustments were utilized in the analysis. Tables 1 and 2 summarize the trip generation results for the generator's AM and PM peak hour, respectively. Lastly, you will note the trips were calculated for both the Average Rate and the Fitted Curve Equation as available by ITE, with the greatest trips being reported herewith. Table 1: Trip Generation - AM Peak Hour of the Generator R&/L RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES INC. Page 3 ITE LU TRIP GENERATION AM PEAK HOUR OF GENERATOR TRIPS (WEEKDAY) LAND USE (LU) Floor UNITS CODE RATE / EQUATION % IN / OUT TOTAL Proposed Quality Restaurant Basement 7.136 Th.SF. 931 4.47 80% 26 20% 6 32 Not Given - - - - - Quality Restaurant First 6.180 Th.SF. 931 4.47 80% 22 20% 6 28 Not Given - - - - - Drinking Place' First 1.923 Th.SF. 925 1.55 68% 2 32% 1 3 First Fl Total 8.103 Th.SF. Not Given - - - - - Drinking Place' Second 6.980 Th.SF. 925 1.55 68% 7 32% 4 11 Not Given - - - - - External Trips (pp posed GrossTrps) 77% 57 23% 17 74 Notes: Trip Generation methodology conforms wth the ITE Trip Generator, 10th Edition & ITE Trip Generation Handbook, 3rd Edition Th SF = Thousand Square Feet ` No trip generation data exists for a Drinking Place, therefore 10% of the PM was used as a nominal rate This should account for employees, deliveries, etc R&/L RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES INC. Page 3 Republic Entertainment Bureau Trip Generation &Traffic Circu Table 2: Trip Generation - PM Peak Hour of the Generator NOTICE ITE LU TRIP GENERATION miaebmmsl d—be s�he&e dmra pbk hearing ina�r°�nm wim eme°"�:e<t°nh i"the city& LAND USE (LU) Floor UNITS CODE RATE EQUATION IN Miemi e°tle.rne®PPu�ae tleei:w,n-&awing b°tly,Wu "'ewtne inlormatlon at the Pu bwc he.,t° rentler e rtx°mmentlatlon or a final tlecivon. PZ -19-2298 Quality Restaurant Basement 7.136 Th.SF. 931 8.28 61% 36 39% 08/26/1 9 Not Given - - _ Quality Restaurant First 6.180 Th.SF. 931 8.28 61-%/. 31 39% 20 • Not Given - - - - Drinking Place First 1.923 Th.SF. 925 15.53 68% 20 32% 10 30 First Fl Total 8.103 Th.SF. Not Given - -. - - - Drinking Place Second 6.980 Th.SF. 925 15.53 68% 73 32% 35 108 Not Given - - - - - External Trips (pp"p"sed Gross Tr ps) 65% 160 35% 88 248 Notes: Top Genembon methodology conforms with the ITE Trip Generation, 10th Edition & ITE Trip Generation Handbook, 3rd Edition Th SF = Thousand Square Feet K&/L RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES INC. Page 4 Republic Entertainment Bureau Traffic Circulation Trip Generation & Traffic Circ This section of the report describes the analysis for estimating the tra associated with the subject project. As previously mentioned, this prof have any driveways or on-site parking. Therefore, all project traffic was use the nearby parking garages. r�_ , "Ll ", 'I NOTICE This submittal needs b be scheduled br a public hes,ing In accordance.M1 timelines set forth in the City& Mlaml Code The gpl.d. decision-m,,"body will r tv theInfognetlon at the pubdc hearing t. rend rec meners ded., or a final decidon. PZ -19-2298 08/26/19 Nearby Parking Garages The subject project was evaluated for traffic circulation by identifying the nearby parking garages. It was assumed that all parking garages within 2 -blocks would be potentially viable parking locations for this site. As a result, we have identified 15 parking garages within a 2 -block radius. An additional, 16th parking garage was also identified as it was only 3 -blocks away @ 153 NE 2nd Avenue. Figure 3: Nearby Parking Garages R&/L RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES INC. Page 5 vvalrson -Jurai n'0" Campus [] s- HIM 3rd 31 t NE 3rdsf r Nf 'r•.I S: JetPort Park &Ride CLOWD PARKING LOT MDC Courthou Hor1heast1stCenter - Miami e _ venue Parkinq!f� Wlege Station Garage L1 Center 9 Heal Parking 97 -Eleven J Q Cenler 9Prirking Gerag® 29 NW est St Parking SP+Parking p :talion ti� z m7 Alfred I Dupont Balldinq SunTrust ArmeK ry x Marshalls Rayf stniyMiami Museum Alfred Dupont Building Q S is buuks YJalgneens T E'. PrjbliC TPM 7 FlP.ven yR LJ22 [ Flagler St ny E Flag Ier St 1� T r Miami Parking 7 1'S Mia riff Parking Luts - Yue l g rleens 9 n PVrt Of Miami Parking The Mlami remer for -y Mlairi Avenue Room Escape Miami A-chitecture & Design t ica > Mehuinuver Stalion by Fox in A Bore m M St Fi!za Hut 4p 19 U ter ., - lo SE 1 st 9153 NE 2nd Ave Parking Ross Dress fur Lt 0Biscayrie 8d-. CJ Avi Ca' Rrnral (a-lF Flt gist Si '` x T Y SE 2nd St Miaarri I ower 5E 2nd SL Gt�pir Ham ;NhoW Foods AAarket r R&/L RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES INC. Page 5 Republic Entertainment Bureau Trip Generation & Traffic Circu(�I-b�t.[—d, w`", Trip Distribution NOTICE The subject project was found to be located within the Traffic Analysis mb<"he°e�erorapab°`m"'"° setforihintheTh, appU-Lie beciWon-making bWywill at the pabkc hearing t. n:nberommenda assigned by the Metropolitan Planning Organization's (MPO) on thePZ-19-2298 ., or a final d-ivonas 08/26/19 Transportation Plan (to the Year 2040) Directional Tnps DlstrlbU,Ion Repo 2014. As such, a trip distribution was performed consistent with the trip distri percentages of TAZ 550 by interpolating between the 2010 and 2040 TAZ data for the design year of 2020. Figure 4 depicts the TAZ map while the directional trip distribution percentages are outlined in Table 3. Appendix 2 contains the supporting documentation. Figure 4: Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ) Map 537 633 f ., 537' r • 4a ssi sau e39 � 548 5R9 557 `5513 f 5547 SSW ?01 551 554 561 560 559 !.S } 587 568 `�6A , 589 IV r 585 I _ 670 sTi �5r } 574 �ti 573 575 _ t � aa7 1 } 1 K&ZL RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES INC. Page 6 Republic Entertainment Bureau Trip Generation & Traffic Circ Table 3: Trip Distribution Percentages DISTRIBUTION PERCENTAGES (%) DIRECTION NIIANII-DADE LRTP MODEL YEAR DESIGN 2010 1 2040 2020 NNE ENE ESE SSE SSW WSW NNW TOTAL 12.90 17.90 14.57 4.00 3.20 3.73 2.00 2.90 2.30 1.00 6.20 2.73 11.10 7.90 10.03 28.20 19.90 25.43 16.10 21.30 17.83 24.70 20.70 23.37 100.00 100.00 100.00 r , "Ll ", 'I NOTICE Th1. submittals d,b be Ih.&o d br a pubk hearing Inaaortlana whh tlmellnes set forth in the City M Mi"I CWtl .The appll®Lie beciWon-rna Xing btly will raWew theinbrm - at the public hearing t.—dn 'e recomme dtl ,, ora final d-im,, PZ -19-2298 �\ 08/26/19 Trip Assignment The gross peak hour trips generated by the subject project have been distributed into the four quadrants: North, South, East and West. Table 4 includes the trip distribution percentages and the corresponding trip assignments for the AM and PM peak hour of the generator. Table 4: Directional Trip Assignment AM PEAK HOUR OR TRIPS PM PEAK HOUR GENERATOR TRIPS DIRECTION DISTRIBUTION IN OUT TOTAL IN OUT TOTAL NORTH 37.93% 21 6 27 60 34 94 EAST 6.03% 4 1 5 10 5 15 SOUTH 12.77% 8 3 11 20 11 31 WEST 43.27% 24 7 31 70 38 108 100.00% 57 17 74 160 88 248 K&/L RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES INC. Page 7 .ticz nr , \1 Republic Entertainment Bureau Trip Generation &Traffic Circu \ Traffic Circulation NOTICE Although the subject project does not have any on-site parking, it was hlvsubm alnea°`�bes`aa°okdbr 'nthb`',& In accortlancewMtimelines setforth in the Cl M Mi amiCWe.TheappU-Uebsi,i makingbWywill all the traffic would use the nearby parking garages. It is important to wewmeo manor"aiihepabkehea,n9ioende,a datiorafina ldeciv t PZ�;_22198 all the trips included in this circulation analysis will likely materialize located in downtown Miami which has high pedestrian activity and ext transit services (Metrorail, Metromover, Metrobus). Furthermore, certain trip. TNC (Transportation Network Companies) that provide "Ride Sharing" (i.e. Ubber, Lyft, etc.) will generally drop-off and pick-up along the curbside. Based on the number of various potential parking locations identified within close proximity (i.e. 2-3 blocks) of this project, the following Traffic Circulation has been prepared. Again, this traffic circulation is based on the AM and PM peak hour of the generator. It is generally known that Quality Restaurants and Drinking Places do not have their peak traffic coinciding with the peak traffic or the roadway. Therefore, the following traffic circulation will not have a significant impact on traffic. Figure 5 provides the traffic circulation for the AM peak hour of the generator, while Figure 6 provides the PM peak hour of the generation. Figure 5: Traffic Circulation - AM Peak Hour of the Generator . Wnitson 4.2 Campus t7 A— Nw,3,d St JetPom Park Z Ride A CLOSED PARKING r, CUUnhnu Northeast 1 sl j Canner - Miami Y LOT MBC Avenue Parking College SlationGarage V I Ce„r� a Heat Parking �/�1 - `'r' ' i_Ir. vr�r� E3 f,Mi )nd tir . � � L � T 29 NW tat St Parking � 8P' Parking � � Parking Wage f m venier nation •tib Z � i.l Y Alfred I Dupant Buildings SunTry�, 5.9 n + m Marshalis storyMiami Museum Al€red Dupont Building I Starbucks Alfred Walgteens Baytrc e Public.K tem U 7 -Eleven e 226 Flrgier Sl # i +6 E Ftagler St T li lcmi ParklRg a MirN Parking Luta - W6greeR6 7 Pon Of Miami Parking The Miami Grater for Miami Avenue Room ESCape Mianit O Metromover Station by Fox in A Box Architecture & Design, i a tS C� t::�; r i,ll ier 7 SE 1 st St r «I r! 0 9153 NE 2nd Ave Padding Ross press for Biscayne lid El Rvis Car Rie�yn}t1al Less I3 06.r:Flagler St ^ TT � � I 42 CheGm Plaxo SE 2nd St Miami 1 ower SE 2nd S7 i a ctia ra. rsd V 500 alj"boie Foods Marker R&/L RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES INC. Page 8 Republic Entertainment Bureau Trip Generation & Traffic Circ Figure 6: Traffic Circulation - PM Peak Hour of the Generator ,.r• . .,.r rrv.. Wolfson nnlarnl utrwrll or i� Campust 9 t �d NW i��l.. 'NE 3rd Sr �^1& NE ;lid St Vl� `I' �! 1EI ,telftrt py* g Ride 19 CLOSED PARKING i. [lurrh 222 Northeast l st Center - Miami LOT MDC Atfmue Parking College Station Gmage I Center 1=-I �Hcat Parking �]-Eie s RYr ind . HE 2rrd tir >ner 29 NW1EtSEPWItMr��$P+Pwkln Y L3 �ParknxgGarage itatlOn N{i 9 Q y4 S� ["%S,wTrustAnnBK Alfred I Dupont Bulidlag � Fa l � Marshall storyMtaml Museum lip Fh poril Bioddlin ,drburks lel s e Public Wal9rrerla tem El 10 7-Fleven 22 E FlagIer St Q �i i -i E Hagler St Miami Parking Miami ii Miami Parking Lots - Walgr[�ns rn ,� 9 fart Of Miami Parking The 'M[ami Center (or Miami Avenue Room Esca Mian A h' 8 L7e NOTICE This su bmittsl -d— be. scheduled br a public hewing aordanm wibi timelines set forth in the City M Miami Code. The appU. Cie id.mon-making body will reMew the Infonnagon at the public hearing to n dere ndation or a final decivon. e me PZ -19-2298 08/26/19 s pe re Lecture Sign t ica Metromover Station by Fox m A Ro k S er u' 4 i`J _'%.sE 1st s6 I1iraa I iJIQ {7 T It, 0 Avis Car Rental 4153 NE 2nd Ave Parking Ross dress for Less Biscayne ®d .. (ME FlaglerSl'' $�itlti i ChWle plmt, 1171, SE 2nd 5t Mipami lower corF cf i ra .oe Tyr► hole I-aods Market Conclusion In conclusion, the proposed development does not have on-site parking and therefore the majority of the trips are assumed to use the various (greater than 15) parking garages. As a result, the link trips were found to be minimally "De minimus" and no further traffic analysis is hereby recommended. R&/L RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES INC. Page 9 Republic Entertainment Bureau Trip Generation & Traffic Circ Appendix 1: Trip Generation r , "Ll ", 'I NOTICE This submittal neetls b be sch.&o d br a pabkc hearing Inaaortlana wkh tlmellnes set forth in the City M Mi"I CWtl .The appli®Lie beciWon-making btly will raWewihe inlormatlon at the pabkc hearing t. n:ntler e rec.—,datlon or a final d-ivon. PZ -19-2298 �\ 08/26/19 RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. Appendix -I - TABLE: Al TRIP GENERATION ANALYSIS AM PEAK HOUR OF GENERATOR (WEEKDAY) Project Name: Replublic Entertainment Bureau LAND USE (LU) Floor UNITS ITE LU TRIP GENERATION CODE RATE/EQUATION % IN % OUT TOTAL Proposed C9 Q0 Quality Restaurant Basement 7.136 Th.SF. 931 4.47 80% 26 20% 6 32 Not Given - - - - - Quality Restaurant First 6.180 Th.SF. 931 4.47 80% 22 20% 6 28 Not Given - - - - - Drinking Place" First 1.923 Th.SF. 925 1.55 68% 2 32% 1 3 First FI Total 8.103 Th.SF. Not Given - - - - - Drinking Place' Second 6.980 Th.SF. 925 1.55 68% 7 32% 4 11 Not Given - - - - - External Trips (Proposed Gross Trips) 77% 57 23% 17 74 Notes: Trip Generation methodology conforms with the ITE Trip Generation, 10th Edition & ITE Trip Generation Handbook, 3rd Edition. Th.SF.= Thousand Square Feet No trip generation data exists for a Drinking Place, therefore 10% of the PM was used as a nominal rate. This should account for employees, deliveries, etc. / 3a�s3 C9 Q0 TABLE: Al TRIP GENERATION ANALYSIS PM PEAK HOUR OF GENERATOR (WEEKDAY) Project Name: Replublic Entertainment Bureau ITE LU TRIP GENERATION PM PEAK HOUR OF GENERATOR TRIPS (WEEKDAY) LAND USE (LU) Floor UNITS CODE RATE /EQUATION %IN /o o OUT TOTAL Proposed Quality Restaurant Basement 7.136 Th.SF. 931 8.28 61% 20 51 20 32% Not Given - Quality Restaurant First 6.180 Th.SF. 931 8.28 61% 88 248 Not Given - Drinking Place First 1.923 Th.SF. 925 15.53 68% First FI Total 8.103 Th.SF. Not Given - Drinking Place Second 6.980 Th.SF. 925 15.53 68% Not Given - External Trips (Proposed Gross Trips) 65% Notes: Trip Generation methodology conforms with the ITE Trip Generation, 10th Edition & ITE Trip Generation Handbook, 3rd Edition. Th.SF.= Thousand Square Feet 36 39% 23 59 31 39% 20 51 20 32% 10 30 73 32% 35 108 160 35% 88 248 7 O 00 N ;ash o O �3`R 00 ^ L Drinking Place (925) Vehicle Trip Ends vs: 1000 Sq. Ft. GFA On a: Weekday, PM Peak Hour of Generator Setting/Location: General Urban/Suburban Number of Studies: 8 1000 Sq. Ft. GFA: 3 Directional Distribution: 68% entering, 32% exiting Vehicle Trip Generation per 1000 Sq. Ft. GFA (4lY flp fL NOTICE This submittals &mi s,M&leb for pubc hearing in cnreanrs wt, d -I nas set forth In the City & Miam�Cobe. The applicable bc�isien-making b.Y will renew Neinbnnatien at the pubc hearing t.re d_ recommendation or a final de d.n PZ -19-2298 08/26/19 Average Rate Range of Rates Standard Deviation - 15.53 3.74-30.09 8.42 Data Plot and Equation 200 150 V) C: w n 50 01 X ' X - _> � X X X 00 1 X Study Site Fitted Curve Equation: Not Given 2 3 X = 1000 Sq. Ft. GFA - - 4 - _-5-- -- 6 6 - - - - Average Rate Rz= — 66 Trip Generation Manual 10th Edition • Volume 2: Data • Services (Land Uses 900-999) K� Quality Restaurant (931) Vehicle Trip Ends vs: 1000 Sq. Ft. GFA On a: Weekday, AM Peak Hour of Generator Setting/Location: General Urban/Suburban Number of Studies: 12 1000 Sq. Ft. GFA: 8 Directional Distribution: 80% entering, 20% exiting Vehicle Trip Generation per 1000 Sq. Ft. GFA 17 1 w t NOTICE This mbmktcnal needstoh scheaweeforapublichearing in rdante wide dmeune, ser f,nh in th, cry of hliamcC�e. The applicable bctiisien-making belly mll renew Neinbnn — atthe pubic hearingle—d— recommend—n or a final decidon PZ -19-2298 7\\ 08/26/19 Average Rate Range of Rates Standard Deviation 4.47 0.87-10.38 3.26 Data Plot and Equation 200 150 N C W a F- 1 H 100 0 X X 50 ' X X X X X XX 00 5 10 15 X = 1000 Sq. Ft. GFA X Study Site Fitted Curve Equation: Not Given 72 Trip Generation Manual 10th Edition • Volume 2: Data • Services (Land Uses 900-999) - - - - Average Rate Rz= — 20 t • PP ' (4lY rlp fL NOTICE This su bmiftalned be,M&u d fora pubic hearing Miam�cnrtl anrs wkh timelines set forth In the City of Cotle. The applicable d --,making bcdy will renew Ne inbnnation at the pubic hearing t. —d" me mentlation ora fine l tleci5on Quality Restaurant �PZ-19-2298 (9 1) 08/26/19 ,� Vehicle Trip Ends vs: 1000 Sq. Ft. GFA On a: Weekday, PM Peak Hour of Generator Setting/Location: General Urban/Suburban Number of Studies: 15 1000 Sq. Ft. GFA: 9 Directional Distribution: 61% entering, 39% exiting Vehicle Trip Generation per 1000 Sq. Ft. GFA Average Rate Range of Rates Standard Deviation 8.28 2.66-15-90 3.89 Data Plot and Equation 200 0 150 X c W Q F� II H 100 X X X X 50 X X X, X X X Pi 00 5 10 15 20 X = 1000 Sq. Ft. GFA X Study Site - - - - Average Rate Fitted Curve Equation: Not Given R2= Trip Generation Manual 10th Edition • Volume 2: Data • Services (Land Uses 900-999) 73 Republic Entertainment Bureau Trip Generation & Traffic Circ NOTICE mi, mbmlhal nee ds re he:rhedwed f— p,bbz hearing Niamcznrdanre wim dmehne, ser mnh in me cry of C�, The applicable d—ien-making belly mll renew Neinbnn — atthe pubic hearingre —d— reco—d—ora final de[idon PZ -19-2298 7\\ 08/26/19 Appendix 2: Trip Distribution RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. Appendix - 2 - Project TAZ: 550 583 532 533 ! 537 r- 42 42 541 540 539 • • • 548 549 552 553 547 550 )1 551 554 1,555 561 560 559 558 567 `68 557 556 564 569 565 570 57 571 574 �--�� 573 575 585 584 586 l i 5. 9803 Z 0 N'¢ TAZ # 550 DIR % NNE 14.57% ENE 3.73% ESE 2.30% SSE 2.73% SSW 10.03% WSW 25.43% WNW 17.83% NNW 23.37% Cardinal Distribution Exhibit - TAZ 550 Project Name: Replublic Entertainment Bureau 3d Z n N �gYaa N 95u -n O CO 'w 3 i 00 R , A\ u 3 TAZ Interpolation TAZ Input Cardinal NNE ENE ESE SSE SSW 550 Direction Model Year 2010 12.90 4.00 2.00 1.00 11.10 Model Year 2040 17.90 3.20 2.90 6.20 7.90 Design Year 2020 14.57 3.73 2.30 2.73 10.03 WSW I WNW I NNW 28.20 16.10 24.70 19.90 21.30 20.70 25.43 17.83 23.37 O NCU ggc3� CO 00 aso= M (4lY flp fL NOTICE This submittal —& m be s,M&leb fora pubic hearing Miam�cnreanrs with tlmellnes sH forth In the City of C., The applicable bc�isien-making Ly will renew Ne inbnnation at the pubc hearing to —d" recommendation or a final beds., PZ -19-2298 08/26/19 TABLE: A2 Cardinal Distribution AM Peak Hour of Generator (Weekday) Traffic Analysis Zone JAZ) 550 Project Name: Replublic Entertainment Bureau DIRECTION DISTRIBUTION (%) DIRECTION DISTRIBUTION AM PEAK HOUR GENERATOR TRIPS DESIGN YEAR IN OUT TOTAL NNE 14.57 NORTH 37.93% 21 6 27 ENE 3.73 ESE 2.30 EAST 6.03% 4 1 5 SSE 2.73 SSW 10.03 SOUTH 12.77% 8 3 11 WSW 25.43 WNW 17'83 WEST 43.27% 24 7 31 NNW 23.37 TOTAL 100.00 100.00% 57 17 74 27 21 6 9 NET TRIPS - 7 <�=AM PEAK HOUR OF C 1431 W GENERATOR E5a6% 24 > (WEEKDAY) ;., 1 3 8 11 Note: ° Directional percentages circled 13% are rounded. 0 (4lY flp fL NOTICE This submittal neatlsA be schetluletl fora pubic hearing Miam�cordanrs wkh timelines set forth In the City of Cotle. The applicable tic�icion-making bcdy will renew Neinbnnation at the pubic hearing to rentlera recommentlafion or a final tlecison PZ -19-2298 08/26/19 TOTAL 100.00 100.00 100.00 57 17 74 Note. Based on Miami -Dade Transportation Plan (to the Year 2040) Directional Trip Distribution Report, October 2014. Since the current data is only available for the model years 2010 and 2040, the eight (8) cardinal directions were interpolated to the design year of 2020. TABLE: A2-2 PM PEAK HOUR GENERATOR IN TABLE: A2-1 TOTAL Cardinal Distribution 57 17 74 AM Peak Hour of Generator (Weekday) PERCENT: 77.03% 22.97% Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ) 550 DIRECTION DISTRIBUTION % Project Name: Park Hotel EGPESS DISTRIBUTION PERCENTAGES (%) AM PEAK HOUR OF GENERATOR TRIPS DIRECTION MIAMI-DADE LR -P MODEL YEAR CALCULATED USED 2010 21100 r r IN OUT TOTAL NNE 12.90 17.90 14.57 8 2 10 ENE 4.00 3.20 3.73 2 1 3 ESE 2.00 2.90 2.30 2 0 2 SSE 1.00 6.20 2.73 2 1 3 SSW 11.10 7.90 10.03 6 2 8 WSW 28.20 19.90 25.43 14 4 18 WNW 16.10 21.30 17.83 10 3 13 NNW 24.70 20.70 23.37 13 4 17 TOTAL 100.00 100.00 100.00 57 17 74 Note. Based on Miami -Dade Transportation Plan (to the Year 2040) Directional Trip Distribution Report, October 2014. Since the current data is only available for the model years 2010 and 2040, the eight (8) cardinal directions were interpolated to the design year of 2020. TABLE: A2-2 PM PEAK HOUR GENERATOR IN OUT TOTAL TRIPS: 57 17 74 PERCENT: 77.03% 22.97% (Calculated) DIRECTION DISTRIBUTION % INGRESS EGPESS TOTAL CALCULATED USED CALCULATED USED NNE 14.57 8.303 8 2.476 2 10 ENE 3.73 2.128 2 0.635 1 3 ESE 2.30 1.311 2 0.391 0 2 SSE 2.73 1.558 2 0.465 1 3 SSW 10.03 5.719 6 1.706 2 8 WSW 25.43 14.497 14 4.324 4 18 WNW 17.83 10.165 10 3.032 3 13 NNW 23.37 13.319 13 3.972 4 17 TOTAL 100.00 57.000 57 17.000 17 74 (4lY flp fL NOTICE This submittal —& m be s,M&leb fora pubic hearing Miam�cnreanrs with tlmellnes sH forth In the City of C., The applicable bc�isien-making Ly will renew Ne inbnnation at the pubc hearing t. —d" recommendation or a final becidon PZ -19-2298 08/26/19 TABLE: A2 Cardinal Distribution PM Peak Hour of Generator (Weekday) Traffic Analysis Zone JAZ) 550 Project Name: Replublic Entertainment Bureau DIRECTION DISTRIBUTION (%) DIRECTION DISTRIBUTION PM PEAK HOUR GENERATOR TRIPS DESIGN YEAR IN OUT TOTAL NNE 14.57 NORTH 37.93% 60 34 94 ENE 3.73 ESE 2.30 EAST 6.03% 10 5 15 SSE 2.73 SSW 10.03 SOUTH 12.77% 20 11 31 WSW 25.43 WNW 17'83 WEST 43.27% 70 38 108 NNW 23.37 TOTAL 100.00 100.00% 160 88 248 1 38%) 94 60 34 NET TRIPS - 38 �PM PEAK HOUR OF C ► 10 43% 108 W GENERATOR E 15 6% 70 (WEEKDAY) 5 11 20 31 Note: 13% Directional percentages circled are rounded. (4lY flp fL NOTICE This submittal neatlsA be schetluletl fora pubic hearing Miam�cordanrs wkh timelines set forth In the City of Cotle. The applicable tic�icion-making bcdy will renew Neinbnnation at the pubic hearing to rentlera recommentlafion or a final tlecison PZ -19-2298 08/26/19 TOTAL 100.00 100.00 100.00 160 88 248 Note: Based on Miami -Dade Transportation Plan (to the Year 2040) Directional Trip Distribution Report, October 2014. Since the current data is only available for the model years 2010 and 2040, the eight (8) cardinal directions were interpolated to the design year of 2020. TABLE: A2-2 PM PEAK HOUR GENERATOR IN TABLE: A2-1 TOTAL Cardinal Distribution 160 88 248 PM Peak Hour of Generator (Weekday) PERCENT: 64.52% 35.48% Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ) 550 DIRECTION DISTRIBUTION % Project Name: Park Hotel EGRESS DISTRIBUTION.- AGES (%) PM PEAK HOUR OF GENERATOR TRIPS DIRECTION MIAMI-DADE LR`P MODEL YEAR USED CALCULATED USED 2010 2040 r r IN OUT TOTAL NNE 12.90 17.90 14.57 23 13 36 ENE 4.00 3.20 3.73 6 3 9 ESE 2.00 2.90 2.30 4 2 6 SSE 1.00 6.20 2.73 4 2 6 SSW 11.10 7.90 10.03 16 9 25 WSW 28.20 19.90 25.43 41 22 63 WNW 16.10 21.30 17.83 29 16 45 NNW 24.70 20.70 23.37 37 21 58 TOTAL 100.00 100.00 100.00 160 88 248 Note: Based on Miami -Dade Transportation Plan (to the Year 2040) Directional Trip Distribution Report, October 2014. Since the current data is only available for the model years 2010 and 2040, the eight (8) cardinal directions were interpolated to the design year of 2020. TABLE: A2-2 PM PEAK HOUR GENERATOR IN OUT TOTAL TRIPS: 160 88 248 PERCENT: 64.52% 35.48% (Calculated) DIRECTION DISTRIBUTION % ING 2ESS EGRESS TOTAL CALCULATED USED CALCULATED USED NNE 14.57 23.307 23 12.819 13 36 ENE 3.73 5.973 6 3.285 3 9 ESE 2.30 3.680 4 2.024 2 6 SSE 2.73 4.373 4 2.405 2 6 SSW 10.03 16.053 16 8.829 9 25 WSW 25.43 40.693 41 22.381 22 63 WNW 17.83 28.533 29 15.693 16 45 NNW 23.37 37.387 37 20.563 21 58 I TOTAL 100.00 160.000 160 88.000 88 248 Republic Entertainment Bureau Trip Generation & Traffic C NOTICE T i,submlhal nee ds Ie he:rhedwed fnra p,bb hearing znrdanre wim J-1— ser mnh in me cry of hliamcC�, The applicable bctiisien-making belly mll renew Neinbnn — atthe pubic hearingle —d— reco—d—ora final de[idon PZ -19-2298 7\\ 08/26/19 Appendix 3: Traffic Circulation RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. Appendix - 3 - PARKING GARAGES near Republic Entertainment Bureau (100 NE 1St Avenue Miami, FL) ..." " Wolfson miamt-uowntown Campus v NW 3rd S1 NE 3rd St NE 3rd St JetPort Park & Ride /" O O CLOSED PARKING LOT MDC Courthou Center - Miami 222 Northeast 1st oi� ' • - Avenue Parking College Station Garage U t Center a U Q Heat Parking 7-Eleven NW 2nd St ?nd`>> Q 29 NW 1st St Parking SP+ Parking U Q Parking Garage ; tp. d Center >tation ti;i z 0 3 U� Alfred I Dupont Building 4 � Q (� SunTrust Annex `1' n © Marshalls storyMiami Museum Starbucks Q Alfred Dupont Building Q Walgreens 4 " Bayf c e Public ;tem fJ 7-Fleven 22 E Flagler St E Flagler St Q U Miami Parking QMiami Parking Lots - Walgreens Port Of Miami Parking The Miami Center for y Miami Avenue Room Escape Miami Architecture & Design ica Metromover Station by Fox in A Box 1 St Pizza Hut U ter SE St Q W v Q 153 NE 2nd Avis Car Rental Ave Parking Ross Dress for Less U Biscayne Bd @E Flagler St 4 SE 2nd St Miami Tower SE 2nd St Cha n ForlFv Chin r'antar Go alt?Nhole Foods Market3 �aor co rn PARKING GARAGES near Republic Entertainment Bureau (100 NE 1 st Avenue Miami, FL) Traffic Circulation (AM Peak Hour: 57 trips in, 17 trips out) Wolfson miami uowntown Campus �� rd NW 31d St NE 3rd St Nt JetPort Park & Ride /" O CLOSED PARKING Courthou. 222 Northeast 1 st � Center -Miami LOT MDC ' Avenue Parking College Station Garage t Center a � u 0 O Heat Parking 7 -Eleven z NW 2nd St 2nd S1-*+ Center 29 NW 1st St Parklnq Q SP+ Parking U Q Parking Garage t , _ >tation ti Z 0 Alfred I Dupont Building O SunTrVAr Z \. eb t2t + Marshalls W storyMiami Museum Alfred Dupont Building' � Bayf Q , ? public � Starbucks Q Walgreens Q 7 -Eleven _— 22 E Flagler St 0 01 4_6 E Flagler St Q 0 Miami Parking Miami Parking Lots - Walgreens Port Of Miami Parking The Miami Center for Miami Avenue Room Escape Mia Architecture Architecture & Design' i D Metromover Station by Fox in A Box Qj •C tca er M U Q SE 1st St Pizza I iut Q ter �G Q IJ LR v 153 NE 2nd Ave Parking Ross Dress for Less Biscayne U Avis Car Rental @E FI �2 Yt 4 ~ Q SE 2nd St�sa SE 2nd St Miami Tower GorlFv Chin f ontnr Go c]IeNhole Foods Market • -5tI� a=Oe /�ti rlp PARKING GARAGES near Republic Entertainment Bureau (100 NE 1St Avenue Miami, FL) Traffic Circulation (PM Peak Hour: 160 trips in, 88 trips out) ..... Wolfson WO �► �i Campus 1 _� ,U 1 ZZ. NW 3rd St iii Nt aid St �Y �ve JetPort Park & Ride /"' O CLOSED PARKING Courth 222 Northeast 1 st Center - Miami Q LOT MDC Avenue Parking College Station Garage � � I C Center O Heat Parkin�'� 7 Eleven Id NW 7nd NF ?nd St 7 O SP+Parkin U O Parking Garage n �. Center 29 NW 1 st St Parking oma' station - +'(P Z U `f` 3. © Alfred I Dupont Building QS Annex a Y Q° 240 Marshalls (� storyMiami Museum Starbucks Alfred Dupont Building 3 D I Bayfrc © Walgreens Q � ;te10 m ® 7-Fleven IQ<—Io 22 E Flagler Stv E Flagler St Miami Parking } Miami Parking Lots - Walgreens Z Q Port Of Miami Parking The Miami Center for Miami Avenue Room Escape Miami Architecture & Design n Metromover Station by Fox in A Box 0; (� tca er � SE 1st St A _ Pizza Hut @ T U terms, �� © -�. 19153 NE 2nd Ave Parking Ross Dress for Less U Biscayne (� Avis Car Rental @E F 42. SE 2nd St �svc • . 10, SE 2nd St Miami Tower n j 3 "• ♦ FadFv Quin r antar G; w hole Foods Market 22 N oa go 67 N sQ�_ . 0oaa� ��o -'Marr mg, 1— F«pea rue Property Md.... 54 NE gird Street ark 100 NE 1st Avenue, Miami, Florida 33132 Legal Describb— Parcel A (Perking Lot) Lots 3 and 4, Block 105N, CITY OF MIAMI, according W the Plat thereof , nded In Plat Book B, Page 41, of Me Public Records of MIamFDade Co,*, Ronnie Parcel B (Building) The South 112 feet of Lot 20 antl the South 112 feet of the East 33.30 feet of Lot 19, Block 105N, CITY OF MIAMI, according to the platlhereM recortled in Plat Book B, Pepe 41, of the Public Rec , of Miami -Dade CWMy. Parcel C. Nonexctuall easement for Ingress and agrees for the benefit of Parcels A and B e ibed above created b and more ar iculad described in 0e s sc p Y . Vumenl recorded In Oficial ReAgr a Book eAbool Page 1985, modified and ,of the by the AgreemfM recoMed in ...ty,l Records Book 11698, Page 224, of the Public Recortls of Mlami-0atle County, Florida, Parcel D: Nonexclusive easement for utility line. for the barbell of Parcels A antl B delohbed above, created by and more particularly de.cnbad in the In—nnal recortl.In Offl0lal Records Book 11394, Page I.S. es modified and comectatl by the Agreement Mobal tl in Official R. Ms Book 11896, Page 224, of the Public Record, of Miami -Dade County, Ron - Title Commitment by First American Title Insurance Company; File No.: 2140-2547302; Commitnent Date: May 25, 2018 at: 8:00 AM Flood Zone InformaDon: Flootl Zona X Per 1,16:120600314L, eBeM ve November 11 2W9, Community Name/ No. Cty of Mid -112W50 Reference Bench Marks' County BM No Menni ReaN Elev=8.04 A 8 PN03, Elev=1148 R NCVD 1928 1111- 111 D1111,1 eFN n ucF- M• a;,•D auwme aucNL"'-uuW„� ei. �g a" orMa.' d.D lpp aPo,ax a u•o '"c�Po-Oxv.m°nt�.mniIN wnwl Po1amO0; erre°- ; eeq,nM d; sac _ a°M�rn c•mn.n«m.° - ••• ®e�: a = aegat.na t"r Mm a-" seamp.e Pts s_osei envie. m - p,xm.urw i"-°aa,nlne aiam<Inn. - Nin•].., - a••• •.-.- - waw sen«, pn BOUNDARY SURVEY GRAPHIC SCALE Tile Commllment Schedule B -Becton II' 1. Detach, Merl. anwmbrenoae, a--'blm ar oMar matlen, if any, meand, fire] eppeanng In the publk..M.., attaching aubaequent to the E&cave Dad, but pd. W Me date MB prepoaed Ireuretl aqulres for value of re'oM Me a.Me qr iMereat., mortgage thereon covered by thio Cpmmnman[. Nota survey., a plblbble metier 2.A ydg,a inhreab, ar claims of peNea In Wsseeaion oTthe,antl nM shown by Me WDlic records NMaaurveyora P, -"mater AAnyancroacbmeM, enwmbrance.vlolatbn,va .dore--robtenw ne-,ith Tlde Mat , to be diadpaedbyanaccurateandcompbd,bMsurveyMMe IoM t Mere k any. n is shown an Me surrey A,tylen foraervioae labor or mamriels in conredion wlM lm pr renovatlone repalm pravketl bemre, on, or stir nate of Policy, not shown by the PIP'. ..M. NM a aurvey., a plotaWe matter 5. Any distad, es W the bm-riea caused by ac ha a in Melobation of any wakr body within or adla'ent b the lend pro, M Date of Polity, antl any adveiae I—W all or pad of the and that ie, at Data of Policy, or was prev-1h, under water. 6 Tlleblingoebil el n.M.not (Policy. n as liens in the public de— w In the reraM. of the local Not. I _ay ar a plotable manor Ndnle or rrinale m ahead, granted grad or retained Mw dent or pear I— oowners 0 Tmae and sa.a.sm.nta forme year tote and —q —t years, which are not tat due ant pyabb, Not a surrey ora pbtlabb old., it.. dedicaaon., tundeom, tato oda, eesementa eM other mad.m In. on Me plat of CITtdb Y OF MIAMI,as,grantedin Plat Book B,Pe9e(s)41,b stinganymrenent,—kronor Man— )rebating a prainanre, limitation wdiacnmineton besetl on rata, color, reliplon, sex. hanece 2,familial58 uSaMM or nntbnal ttipin totba exd,M autl, covenenN, contl'eona or reatriNona c 34(') t Mere b any, fto ah.d on the survey 10. Tela, —ants, condition. eM ea.emente contained In the Building Agreement...MM in Book 11844, Pale 17M, M medeed In Book 21)00], Page 1618. The lease atachad as Exhlbt C M to Agreement wag terminad in Book 18308, Page 2595 (ae to Parbal B) Not a aurvey w a ploaeble meter 11. Terme mvenanb, wroldon., Ibeme antl easement right wrtamM in PaMn9 LM Agreement remMad in Book 11844, Pale 1767 (aa to Parcel A) Not a surrey or a plowable malar 12. Terms antl provisions of EesenreM for In9reae antl Elreae reroMad In Book 11394, Page 1065, es modiflad In Book 11898, Page 224 oM W Parch A, Ba—) Ib affect. they Myin a blanket way, it a not pbt.be mTardentl Prwi.lon. of Ea.ama a for Witty Jr.. M..WW In Book 11384 Pae. 1558 ae mod b d Book 11696. Paget (as k Parrele A, B antl D). Ib arcem the ProPeM m a blanket way, d e not plotaba 14. T.— and Pondd.ne M unraob— Lease to American Car Perks, Inc., be di.cbead by SMordmntbna M Atonadent Agreement recorded In Book 24122, Faga 3095. Not a survey w. plotaEb mater 15. Tanis end condeone of un --d Lease to Rose brv..anenb LLC, as disclq.M by S-Minaeon, NonDeWmanc ant Attomment Agreement recorded m Book 27461, Pe9e 4031. Not a aurvey ora patebb matter 18 Tame.ntl wndtrom curtained in lease to Maml CeMerrorArehtecNre 8 DealBn.Inc., a Mand., dpm of wMoh a recoread In Book atonal P- 1315 Not.—, or a pbtabie meter t] Tema and bond] ons of any akar rg unrecorded belle(.) and .11 nghb, or 6.see(a) ant any P.M. claiming thmueb me easee(s)uno,, Me ease(.). Not a eubrey or a pilonable mane, 18. Any map or eegram now or previously pwd a for reference antl imm—tonel ,roasre only The Company ant it, agen4 exp—d,, dl.Ca m any I'ab Ilty foreIaWd loss, damage which may —a hon relhnce upm such mepp) or d'regraron) The Mra0dn9 d— not "Mit any oxp—. eregaa onoWdatl by the terms and prov lions Many one In.urenoe Poly for metera whkb might be ..M by a aurvey prepared and .Mfiad'n aca7M— Ford, ShMa Sacaon 472 02] Nat a survey o, a p otable mater Th E On 2112 4AR 14 H'. " 39 DEPT. OF , ­. I r _NE 2nd _Street _ T(50' rata, a/w) of 1 ante ✓/ 8 o � IPL G a a curb Pc a P• I I aa.kt; l --------- 71 u I = ata I o, I. no I I I I II I I 1 II I I c,ry c.nt.r c•ne•mml•m I I (M•Itral• F•li•x •nd I I Nw ml. ow en) I I I I I I I e•,al a I al«k ,05N I II I 1 I 18, 11 I 11- el«k toSN II IS _ n I_ = I Oz eon II IF I€ I I I 9ro«,ry�FX iA m-Otto-so-1LLC "L Owner L r 15r Ltt I II c/9 rww p Psmesm0au °un m e 5 [ecmnrent ne x, alnml OPe• e r o ny borniw. «nor 1 M tnt 3. al«k ,o5x '•,,,., Inxm I ��auuto I mm!I NBS°58'45"E 100.00' raedeonSrl�,4k,w --- �� -a 1 --y-so ao moll bP 11 r/ I I e°ex t os N 0vlm 9 ekcx ,osN sora a DAN' o _ _ _ oat r.i 1.•t le ani«x IN 11 Y e °I I c•,nm. Buie a "4588°5 45"W 83.30' I «nr'aPpmi.`°""b Parcel4 59WW I M°.N et ]- g wqqqpmmm.max.eln �oaa, wnIne�ay a6. , 1M.98w� Fo �, 14 1{0 I Cq L 3p o'�Ii-wt tin. Par el l Vicinity Map Nm m abal. NE 2nd Street -T__T___1___ T__7__ __T 7-71 I I I I I I I 1 10 i 9 II 8 17 i 8 i 5 4 ', 3 2 11 1 1 j1 E T __7_ FI I I I I I I I I f IW I I I I I I E«.mkm it I I I I I I I I F Z 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 L 1rS NE 1st Street - - a'aar'wd pe�rolxe ���r1lm laza (xuvo ]afar) lam B.wto a on wane a ta.d. and mapper / VAIEENTINA ROJAS B. I Project evelop—MI: Manager 3786.5333975 Aveaid, 5.644] a sigrt .I 3634 NW 2nd e Mlaml FL 3312 .itseal sed surveyor _ I , _ _, . ass gni".az°«z0 semo"ae Isee'sa'Oo el "5''811 Comr2hercial w s�1 ;wBuilding al€ ala toSN co m` l°I iosfm[ rwi. - s' .ye4i",Zo tosN o a ell'1, 1 112 FE-514 1t id-"nt.r 1. sz Property KgAieaOvnH Bb k I sr' ouwmin®olwq 1 I 9 ?I • 5N B fnrm.w Parcel 3r"' Y I I F / tz.2e' zs'—I ob Buielae wail dhc Ram z S88°58'45"W 83.30' c•« sw•i c oma' oma 1 is* Street r Post Office Development LLC, It Florida limped [,ability Company, The Heid work was —Plated on (date). Data 05-23-2018(signad) (seal) Registration Nc 5105 �TNOTICE ��aawra Ciy of Mani V�t� Op"/ ry Phoning Depaivwri &Office of Zonang bftoJ/www.nxmmv.cotWnhmmg * iNCIIF kinti • httnJ/www.nmrimv.con%nrm� E-mail: enhnnxihriaanioov.com R O Phrsug (305) 416-1400 Zonate (305) 416-1495 Special Appearance Application Fust Name: Carly Last Name: Grim Email: cgrinr@bMncom PRIMARY .. rkLICANT INFORMATION Fust Name: Last Name: Corporation: Post Office Dcvebpment LLC Address: 3634 NW 2nd Avenue City: Miami State: Fbrida Tp: 33127 Email: cgmn(abiiio:om Pbone: (305) 350-2352 Fust Name: Corporation: Post Office Devebpnrnt LLC Address: 3634 NW 2nd Avenue City: Miam Email: cgmmnf_dbilzirt corn Last Naar: State: Fbrida zip: 33127 Plwne: (305)350-2352 Project Name: Old U.S. Post Office Pmject Address: 100 NE 1 AV City: Miami State: Master Folio Number. 0101100501140 Unit Number. Florida Tip: 33132 f 1lY ..... Y1L oc NOTICE rets s�nminat neeas m � snnea�lee mr a p�buc nearing ' mreance wAhtimellnessM forth in the Ciry of Miami Ccde. The applieade tlecision-making batly will renew Ne infomnation at the pub4c hearing to render a ren m.�naaenn ar afinal Benison. PZ -19-2298 08/26/19 That under the penaky of petfiry, I declare that al the i oration contained it this perm appiration is arcuate to the best of�n7iy•That NO work or irntalation will corrience prior to the ssuancc of a building pemit and that aD work wil be performeregulating construction and mnfft in this ju nsdiction. • lwill, in an respects, perfiirm work in accordance worth the scope ofthe perp* the City of Miarri's codes and an other app ordinances. • That aD ®fornntion given wi'D be accurate and that an work w M be done in compliance with all applicable laws regulatarg construction abe • That separate pernits rmy be required unless specilicaDy covered with the su brng of dus application • That there may be additional pennits required from other ertl es. • Fees sbal be paid prior to the review and issuance of the pen* as necessary. • Pernrt fees are non-refiudable APPLICANT First Las t Name:C� 1 Name: Date: I C, c� QV-, \o,A\ tx� t, o -P D (o fol.Q-'✓1 +- LLL NOTICE This submittal needs b be scheduled for a pobLc nearing mrdance wA timelines- forth in the City of Miami CW, The applica d, decision-making bWy will renew Ne information at the public hearing to render a recommendation er a final decison. PZ -19-2298 08/26/19 Furst Last Name: �� r! Signature: �if {✓ ` / V Date: IG r ' ACKNOWLEDGEMENT BY APPLICANT 1. The Department of Resilience and Public Works, Transportation, Coordinated Review Committee and other City and County agencies review zoning public hearing requests and provide input, which may affect the scheduling and outcome of my hearing. These reviews may require additional hearings before other City and County boards, which may result in the modification of plans, studies and/or the proffering of agreements to be recorded. The submission and acceptance of a request for public hearing means that the application is ready to be scheduled for public hearing. I am also aware that I must comply promptly with any City or County conditions and notify the Hearing Boards (Hearing Boards) in writing if my public hearing application will be withdrawn. 2. Filing fees may not be the total cost of a hearing. Some requests require notices to be mailed to property owners up to a mile from the subject property and I am responsible for paying the additional radius mailing costs. In addition to mailing costs, I am responsible for additional fees related to application changes, plan revisions, deferrals, re -advertising, etc, that may be incurred. I understand that fees must be paid promptly. The only fees that will be refunded after the submission and acceptance of an application for public hearing has occurred will be the surcharge fees related to appeals, as expressly listed in Chapter 62 of the City Code (Code). 3. Requests for public hearing will be scheduled by the Hearing Boards in accordance with the scheduling timeline set forth in the Code and the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami (Miami 21), as applicable. I must submit any requests to reschedule, continue or defer my hearing date to the attention of the decision-making body for its consideration and vote at the public hearing on which my application is scheduled to be heard. I understand that any requests by the applicant to reschedule, continue or defer the hearing date that are granted shall incur a $1,000.00 fee, per instance, as per the Code. 4. Applicable Florida Building Code requirements, or other applicable requirements, may affect my ability to obtain a building permit even if my zoning application is approved; and a building permit will probably be required. I am responsible for obtaining any required permits and inspections for all structures and additions proposed, or built, without permits. In addition, a Certificate of Use (C.U.) must be obtained for the use of the property after it has been approved at a zoning public hearing. Failure to obtain the required permits and/or C.U., Certificates of Completion (C.C.), or Certificate of Occupancy (C.O.) will result in an enforcement action against any occupant and owner. Submittal of the zoning public hearing request may not forestall enforcement action against the property. 5. If my request is denied, deferred, or otherwise not approved, I understand that I will not be reimbursed for any fees paid. 6. Any requests by the applicant to reschedule, continue or defer the hearing date that are granted shall incur a $1,000.00 fee, per instance, as per the Code. 7. Any covenant to be voluntarily proffered must be submitted in word format to the Planning Department and to the Office of the City Attorney through ePlan for review and comments from the Planning Department, Office of the City Attorney, and any other City departments as deemed necessary. The covenant will be reviewed in ePlan and the applicant will be notified of any necessary changes, corrections or comments through ePlan. Once the covenant receives a recommendation of approval from the Planning department and as to legal form, Hearing Boards staff will extract the approved covenant directly from ePlan to include as part of the agenda. The applicant is responsible to submit to the Hearing Boards the signed covenant with a current Opinion of Title no later than two (2) weeks prior to the initial public hearing. I understand that any requests by the applicant to reschedule, continue or defer the hearing date that are granted shall incur a $1,000.00 fee, per instance, as per the Code. 8. Any and all documents submitted must be accompanied by a cover letter indicating the subject matter, application number and hearing date. Applicant(s) Name Printed AApl a t(s Signatur and Date STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE The fregoing was acknowledged before me this - day of 20 V) , by ?'A&, tE t who is a(n) individuallpartner/agenticorpo ration oqf a(n) individual/partnership/corporation. He/She is;yplersonally known to me or ❑ who has produced as identification and who ❑ did ❑did not take an oath. :o�ogv Pne��o OEYSI J, SMCHEZ / Commission # GG 312835 "�ature (Stamp) N Explses July t2,2023 �A�Sign 511, F�BondedThNv1104014"rysmos Rev. 04- t 6-2019 Note: Annual Registration Fee Effective Through 12/31/2018 ''. For Office Check# �ii I�t I s 2918 SEP 2 I , ., „ , _ Use Only: Receipt# li. GiM'i 'ITY it MIAMI CITY OF MIAMI LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM (1) Lobbyist Name: Avino, Javier F. (Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial) Business Phone: 305-350-7202 Business Address: 1450 Brickell Avenue, Suite 2300, Miami, FL Zip 33131 Email Address: JAvino@bilzin.com (2) Principal Represented: Post Office Development, LLC Business Address: 3634 NW 2nd Avenue, Miami, FL Zir, 33127 (3) Specific issue lobbyist has been retained to lobby (if representing a corporation, partnership or trust, give business address of chief officer, partner, or beneficiary of same, and the names and addresses of all persons holding, directly or indirectly, at least five percent (5%) ownership interest in said corporation, partnership or trust). Planning and zoning approvals, including appearances before the Historic and Environmental Preservation Board (4) Lobbyists shall state the extent of any business association, partnership, or financial relationship with the Mayor, any member of the City Commission, any member of a City board, the City Manager or a member of the City staff before whom he or she lobbies, or intends to lobby. None Lobbyists shall pay all registration fees ($525.00 annually, plus $105.00 for each principal represented and for each issue a lobbyist has been retained to lobby on behalf of any one principal), and specifically define the issue for which they are employed. The Clerk shall reject any statement which does not detail the issue for which the lobbyist has been employed. Fjch lobbyist shall, %eithin sivtN (00) da%s after registering as sr lohimist, submit to the CitN Clerk's Office a cerirticate of completion of an ethics course offered by the Nliami-Dndc CountN Commission on Ethics & Public I rust (-'Ethics ( onrntission"). Lobbyists %% Ito have complete(l the initial ethics course mandated by the preceding ,rnteurr and have continuouslk re-kiered as a lobbN ist thereafter shall be required to complete a refresher ethics rour,.c oficred h, the Ethics Cortimission e�crN ttyu (2) scars. Each lobhyist NN ho has completed a refresher ethics course shall sut,mit a certificate of completion within sixty (60) (la%s after re,_-isterin" as a lobbyist. I do solemnly swear that all of the foregoing facts are true and contained in Sections 2-651 through 2-658 of the Miami City ( 110=161n24. State of Florida, County of Miami-DAF;ff�o 6wW7ftk1"dNw Sworn to and subscribed before me this C) J_ day of September 12018 and I have read or am familiar with the provisions as amenaea. Lobbyist Signature r "-Notary or Deputy Clerk •� $� Office of the City Clerk, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, FL 33133 / Phone: (305) 250-5361 / Email: clerks@miamigov.com Note: Annual Registration Fee Effective Through 12/31/2018 %s For Office Check# SEP 2 Use Only: Receipt# CITY OF MIAMI LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM (1) Lobbyist Name: Grimm, Carly (Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial) Business Phone: 305-350-2352 Business Address: 1450 Brickell Avenue, Suite 2300, Miami, FL Zip 33131 Email Address: CGrimm@bilzin.com (2) Principal Represented: Post Office Development, LLC Business Address: 3634 NW 2nd Avenue, Miami, FL Zip 33127 (3) Specific issue lobbyist has been retained to lobby (if representing a corporation, partnership or trust, give business address of chief officer, partner, or beneficiary of same, and the names and addresses of all persons holding, directly or indirectly, at least five percent (5%) ownership interest in said corporation, partnership or trust). Planning and zoning approvals, including appearances before the Historic and Environmental Preservation Board (4) Lobbyists shall state the extent of any business association, partnership, or financial relationship with the Mayor, anv member of the City Commission, any member of a City board, the City Manager or a member of the City staff before whom he or she lobbies, or intends to lobby. None Lobbyists shall pay all registration fees ($525.00 annually, plus $105.00 for each principal represented and for each issue a lobbyist has been retained to lobby on behalf of any one principal), and specifically define the issue for which they are employed. The Clerk shall reject any statement which does not detail the issue for which the lobbyist has been employed. E:rclt lul'rhyist >hal1, »ithiu si.xts (60) dais after registcring as :r hrbimist, 'submit to the City Clerk's Office a certilicatc of completion of an ethics course offered by the _Miami -Dade ( onnty Commission on Ethics & Public Trost ("I,'thics Commission"). I obhyists N, ho have completed the initial ethics course mandated h the preceding sentence and hay(- continuously re-istered as a lobbyist thereafter shall be required to complete a refresher ethics course offered b (hc I.1hics Conuni,sioa cyery two (') Nears. I'.ach bibs ist who has completed a refresher ethics cuur•ec shall submit a certificate of completion within siyty (60) (I:,ys after- re-istering as a lobhxist. I do solemnly swear that all of the foregoing facts are true and correct, and I have read or am familiar with the provisions contained in Sections 2-651 through 2-658 of the Miami City Code, as amended. IBM CoraarlsaimIGG208272 %4Loyist Signature E)kae li* 24. I tt State of Florida, County of Miami -Da �` �� nhdT k*d $wdM 4—( n to and subscribed before me this day of September %2018 ryy or Deputy Cte Office of the City Clerk, 3500 Pan American Drive. Miami, FL 33133 / Phone: (305) 250-5361 / Email: clerksamiamigov.com AFFIDAVIT OF AUTHORITY TO ACT Before me this day, the undersigned personally appeared who being by me first deposes and says: 1. That he/she is the owner or the legal representative of the owner, submitting the public hearing application as required by the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, affecting the real property located in the City of Miami, as listed on the foregoing pages. 2. That all owners who he/she represents, if any, have given his/her full and complete permission for him/her to act in his/her behalf for the change or modification of a classification or regulation of zoning as set out in the foregoing petition, ❑ including or ❑ not including responses to day-to-day City staff inquires. 3. That the foregoing and following pages are part of this affidavit and contain the current names, mailing addresses, telephone numbers and legal descriptions of the real property of which he/she is the owner or legal representative. 4. That the facts, as represented in the application and documents submitted in conjunction with this affidavit, are true and correct. 5. That a refund, if any, by the City is to be issued to the following person at the address indicated; 0,A- C+(A& Vel )PMC-i)t L� (l 3w IBJ vPIA Further Affiant sayeth not. ?,_uh)1{ice Applicant(s) Name Printed Applicant Ignature STATE OF FLORIDA -- COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE The foregoin was acknowle ed -before me this 3 j day of ` v 2019-, by Am t (e� V -rel N who is a(n) individual1partnerlagenticorporation f a(n) individual/partnership/corporation. He/She is 1K personally known to me or ❑ who has produced as identification and who Q did ❑ did not take an oath. (Stamp) Rev. 10-18 1Fsirvua CEYSIJ.SANcHEz * „ Commisslon # GG 312834 Expires July 12, 2023 ?igature FOFFGaa 80ndedThu®udg@INOt ry$ CITY OFMIAMI DISCLOSURE OF CONSIDERATION PROVIDED OR COMMITTED FOR AGREEMENT TO SUPPORT OR WITHHOLD OBJECTION The City of Miami requires any person or entity requesting approval relief or other action from the City Commission or any of its boards, authorities, agencies, councils or committees, to disclose at the commencement (or continuance) of the hearing(s) on the issue, any consideration provided or committed, directly or on its behalf, to any entity or person for an agreement to support or withhold objection to the requested approval, relief or action. "Consideration" includes any gift, payment, contribution, donation, fee, commission, promise or grant of any money, property, service, credit or financial assistance of any kind or value, whether direct or implied, or any promise or agreement to provide any of the foregoing in the future. Individuals retained or employed by a principal as a lobbyist as defined in Sec. 2- 653, and appearing before the City Commission or any of its boards, authorities, agencies, councils or committees solely in the capacity of a lobbyist and not as the applicant, or owners" legal representative are not required to fill out this form. Name: First Name: Middle Name: Last Name: Home Address: Home Address Line 1: Home Address Line 2: City: State: Florida Zip: Contact Information: Home Phone Number: Cell Phone Number: Fax Number: Email: BOSSINESS or APPLICANT or ENTITY NAME Address Line 1: Address Line 2: Doc. No.:86543 Page 1 of 3 CITY OFMIAMI DISCLOSURE OF CONSIDERATION PROVIDED OR COMMITTED FOR AGREEMENT TO SUPPORT OR WITHHOLD OBJECTION Please describe the issue for which you are seeking approval, relief or other action from the City Commission, board, authority, agency, council, or committee. U,k&rO 1C sur , (b,( AACOtdl c ,enc `s�c���i Vlrh ►n� Has any consideration been provided or committed, directly or on your behalf, to any entity or person for aq agreement to support or withhold objection to the requested approval, relief or action? NO If your answer to Question 2 is No, do not answer questions 3, 4 & 5 proceed to read and execute the Acknowledgment. If your answer to Question 2 is Yes, please answer questions 3, 4 & 5 and read and execute the Acknowledgement. 1. Please provide the name, address and phone number of the person(s) or entities to whom consideration has been provided or committed. • Name of Person/Entity: Phone Number of Person/Entity: • Address of Person/Entity: 2. Please describe the nature of the consideration 3. Describe what is being requested in exchange for the consideration. Doc. No.: 86543 Page 2 of 3 CITY OFMIAMI DISCLOSURE OF CONSIDERATION PROVIDED OR COMMITTED FOR AGREEMENT TO SUPPORT OR WITHHOLD OBJECTION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF COMPLIANCE I hereby acknowledge that it is unlawful to employ any device, scheme or artifice to circumvent the disclosure requirements of Ordinance 12918 and such circumvention shall be deemed a violation of the Ordinance; and that in addition to the criminal or civil penalties that may be imposed under the City Code, upon determination by the City Commission that the foregoing disclosure requirement was not fully and timely satisfied the following may occur: the application or order, as applicable, shall be deemed void without further force or effect; and no application from any person or entity for the same issue shall be reviewed or considered by the applicable board(s) until expiration of a period of one year after the nullification of the application or order. PERSON SUBMITTING DISCLOSURE: Print Name J_1)Y)IeA PNG� Signa ur Sworn to and subscribed before me this l day of 'T'j (! 200 t C1 , The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by 1n1 l�►1 who has produced as identification and/or is personaliv known to me and who did/did not take an oath. STATE OF FLORIDA CITY OF MIAMIMY COMMISSION EXPIRES: oifgY vus�rc DEYSI J. SANCHEZ ommisslon # GG 312634 tyres July 12, 2023 �?rEOF f1.0 do Thfu Buda bt Nau7 $6*#8 Doc. No.:86543 Page 3 of DISCLOSURE OF OWNERSHIP List the owner(s) of the subject property and percentage of ownership. Note: The Miami City Code requires all parties making any presentation, formal request or petition to the City Commission or any City board with respect to any real property to make full disclosure, in writing, of all parties having a financial interest, either direct or indirect, in the subject matter of said presentation, formal request or petition. Such disclosure shall include, but not be limited to, disclosure of all natural persons having an ownership interest, direct or indirect, in the subject real property. Accordingly, disclosure of shareholders of corporations, beneficiaries of trusts, and/or any other interested parties, together with their address(es) and proportionate interest are required. Please supply additional lists, if necessary. Owner's Name(s) -�&�- Au, 002v loo-me'V& uuc Percentage of Ownership _ Ro 0/r' Subject Property Address(es) FL _--zi3l 2 - List all street address(es) and legal description(s) of any property located within 500 feet of the subject property owned by any and all parties listed in question #1 above. Please supply additional lists, if necessary. Street Address(es): Legal Description(s): ti Owner(s) or Attorney Name Owner.(s \or AttorIny S gnature STATE OF FLORIDA -- COUNTYf OF MIAMI-DADE t \/ The foreaoina was acknowledaed before me this h day of 20 j by -()G\IJ 1 7G rJ A who is a(n) individual/partner/agent/corporation of a(n) individual/partnership/corporation. He/She is ❑ personally known to me or ❑ who has produced as identification and who ❑ did ❑ did not take an oath. V Signature Rev. 10-18 ?',.4,10 DEYSI J. SANCHEZ . r , Commission tt GG 312634 Expires July 12, 2023 (S#amp)-F-nOd Thru Budget Notary Sontes - State of Florida Department of State I certify from the records of this office that POST OFFICE DEVELOPMENT LLC is a limited liability company organized under the laws of the State of Florida, filed on May 23, 2014. The document number of this limited liability company is L14000083791. I further certify that said limited liability company has paid all fees due this office through December 31, 2019, that its most recent annual report was filed on February 11, 2019, and that its status is active. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State of Florida at Tallahassee, the Capital, this the Second day of August, 2019 Tracking Number: 9323074320CU *UWV-Y4--- Secremy of 'tame To authenticate this certificate,visit the following site,enter this number, and then follow the instructions displayed. https://services.sunbiz.org/Filings/CertificateOfStatus/CertificateAuthentication WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE BOARD OF MANAGERS OF POST OFFICE DEVELOPMENT LLC. The undersigned, being all of the members of the Board of Managers of POST OFFICE DEVELOPMENT LLC, a Florida limited liability company (the "Companv"), do hereby waive any and all requirements for notice of the time, place and purpose of a meeting of the Board of Managers of the Company (the "Board"), and do hereby consent to the adoption of, and hereby do adopt, the following recitals, resolutions and the actions specified therein: WHEREAS, the Company is involved in the submitting of several applications to the City of Miami for historic preservation and planning/zoning approvals for the adaptive reuse of the Old U.S. Post Office and Courthouse located at 100 NE P Avenue (the "Applications"); and WHEREAS, the Board, on behalf of the Company, has determined that it is advisable and in the best interest of the Company to have the Applications prepared and submitted; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the preparing and submitting of the Applications be, and hereby is, approved, authorized, adopted, and ratified in all respects; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that Daniel Pena, in his capacity as an individual, is fully authorized to execute and deliver on behalf of the Company any document pertaining to the Applications as an authorized signatory; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Written Consent may be signed in multiple counterparts or in counterpart signature pages, and the signature pages of the various counterparts may be transmitted by facsimile or electronic mail in portable document format ("PDF") and may be combined together in one document, notwithstanding that all of the undersigned are not signatories to the original or the same counterpart or counterpart signature page. A facsimile or electronic copy in PDF format of a signature to this Written Consent shall be deemed and treated for all purposes of execution to be as valid as an original signature thereto. [Signatures on following page.] IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have executed this Written Consent in order to give their consent thereto effective as of the i day of%Yt,)IV20l 9. BO RQ OF MANAGERS: C Signature tt Print Name Signature kt(ll S C5 Print Name MIAMI 6480312.1 83767/86757 (Signature page to lVrillen Consent of Post Office Developnielil LLC.J - rdr miami I public hearing notification services certified lists of property owners within a specific radius + radius maps + mailing labels + mailouts + notice of public hearing site posting rcirmiami.com I diana@rdrmiami.com 1 305.498.1614 August 2, 2019 CITY OF MIAMI HEARING BOARDS P O BOX 330708 MIAMI, FL 33233-0708 Re: List of property owners within 500 feet of: 100 NE 1 Avenue, Miami, FL 33132 Total number of labels: 79 I certify that the attached ownership list and map are a complete and accurate representation of the real estate property and property owners within a 500 -foot radius of the subject property listed above. This information reflects the most current records on file in the Miami -Dade County Tax Assessor's Office. I also understand that a new list will be requested by the City of Miami Hearing Boards if it is determined the property owner information list initially submitted is older than six (6) months. Sincerely, Signature Diana B. Rio I RDR Miami I Rio Development Resources Name or Company Name 305.498.1614 Telephone diana(a)rdrmiami.com E-mail - rdr miami I public hearing notification services certified lists of property owners within a specific radius + radius maps + mailing labels + mailouts + notice of public hearing site posting rdrmiami.com I diana@rdrmiami.com 1 305.498.1614 ST ST I r r 500' RADIUS MAP '.�E 380' 7 I i 100 NE 1 Avenue, Miami, FL 33132 110 EAST FLASHER REALTY LLC C/O M MANAGEMENT INC 215 COLES ST JERSEY CITY NJ 07310• USA 0 10 112 01 011 0 0 E10112-1— MIAMI NORTH PB B41 LOT 9 BLK 121 LOT SIZE 50000% 120 OR 17582-0241039701 129 EAST FLAGLER REALTY LLC C/OM MANAGEMENT 215 COLES ST JERSEY CITY NJ 07310 USA 0 10 111 0 7 010 9 0' 0 10 111 0 7 010 9 0 MIAMI NORTH PB B41 LOT 14 BLK 117 LOT SIZE 50000%140 133139 EAST FLAG LER REALTY LLC C/O FRAN MULNICK PARKER ESO BBBNEWARKAVE JERSEY CITY NJ OJ301 USA o1o111m111oo'0101110)01100 MIAMINORTHPBB-01 LOT15BHK11JHOTSIZE So 000X140 OR 9390 1588 141 EASTFIAGLERLLCC/OMMANAGEMENTINC 215 CO1E55T JERSEY CITY Nl 07311 USA o1O11100102o 01o1110J0102o MIAMI NORTH PBB-01LOTS5-6&W15FTOFHOT54&1J&Eo.04FT OF LOT 6 BLK 117 LOT SIZE IRREGULAR OR 18401-348 7 1298 1 145NORTH EAST FIRST SF REALTY C/O MANAGEMENT INC LLC 215 COLES ST JERSEY CITY NJ 07310 USA 01o11ooao11lo01o11ooao11lo MIAMI NORTH PBB-0lEl/20FLOT 16 BLK 104 LOT SIZE 25 OEO%1500R1J148-443503961 151NE 1STREETREALTYLIQ OM MANAGEMENTINC 215 COLES STREET JERSEYCITY NJ EJ310 USA 0101100401120 '01011o14o112o MIAMI NORTH PBB-01 LOTSIJ&16BHN104HOTSIZE MOEO%150 30EAST FIAGLERREALTY LLC C/O FRAN PARKER 666 NORTH AVE JERSEY CITY NJ 07306 USA 0101120201Efi1 0101120201060 MIAMINORTHPBB-01 LOT7BLK122LOTSIZE500o0%120 44 EAST LA STREET REALTY LLC C/O M MANAGEMENT INC 215 COLES ST JERSEY CITY NJ W310 USA 0 10 112 0 2 010 5 0' 0 10 112 0 2 01151 MIAMINORTHPBB-01LOT6BLN122LOTSIZ£50.000%1200R17590-251304976 48J6EASTFLAGLERREALTYLLCC/OMANAMIAMI MANAGEMENT 318NW 2357 MIAMI FL 33127 USA 01111112 010 3 0'0 10 112 0 2 010 3 0 MIAMINORTHPBB-01 LOTS 14-17-161 PSFT OF LOT 11 BLK 122 LOT SIZE 24611 SOFT OR 12311-221111154 4876 EAST FLAGLER REALTY LLC C/O MANA MIAMI MANAGEMENT 316NW 23 SE MIAMI FL 33127 USA 0 10 112 0 2 010 10'0 10 112 0 2 010 10 MI AMI NORTH PBB-01 LOT51&2&19&2E BLK 122 LOT SIZE IRREGULAR COC 25066-04090920064 AARON REALTY CORP011ATION 33 NE 1ST MIAMI FL 33132-2401 USA 011111o7E1o4o 0101110701040 MIAMI NORTH PBB41N75FTOF LOTS&101LK 117 LOTSIZE 7100Sq FT AARON REALTY GROUP 33 NE 1ST M10 MIAMI FL 33132-2401 USA 0101100501100 010110051110o MIAMI NORTH PBB-01W1/20F LOT 15 BLK 105 LESS SSFT LOT SIZE 25000%1450R 18661-3127 0799 AARON REALTYIILLC 33 NE15T MIAMI FL 33132 USA 0 10 11015 0111E0 10 110 0 5 01111 MIAMI NORTH PBB-01E25FTOF W25 JFTOFLOT I6 BLK lOSLOTSIZE 25000%150 COC2fi4J6-0256-4259 o7/20066�2) AARON REALTY II LLC 33 NE 1ST MIAMI FL 33132 USA 01o11oO5o1130 0101100501130 MIAMI NORTH PB B41 E24.3FT OF LOT I6& LOT 17 BLK 105 LOT SIZE 74300%150 COC 25478-4256-0259 W/2oo66(2) AETNAREALTYG ROUPLLC 451 SEVENTH AVE 45 FLOOR NEW YORK NY 10123 USA olo11zozolo71 0101120201071 MIAMI NORTH PBB41LOT11TO15INCILK 122LOTS 1-2-22TO 24INl ILK123 LOTSIZf IRREGULAROR22398-1684/22398-168805044COC26083-0913ll2oo7 ALFRED I DUPONT BLDG PARTNER LLP 1fi9 E FLAG ER ST STE PH MIAMI FL 33131-1211 USA 0101110701010 01o111o7o1010 MIAMI NORTH PB B41 LOTS 12 3181920&E35FT OF LOTS 4& 17 LESS LOFT OFF E SIDE OF HOTSI& 20 BLN 117 LOT SIZE IRREG ULAR OR 15476-110704921 BARBARA MAROON BASILATRS BARBARA MAP ONBASILAREVOCTR 293o SOUTH MIAMI AVE MIAMI FL 33129 USA 0 10 111 0 6110 5 0 ' 0 10 111 0 6 010 5 0 MIAMINORTHPBB-01525FTOFLOTl ILK111LOTSIZ£25000%5o OR 19791-2250/225407014(2) BARBARAMAROONBASILATRS BARBARA MAROON BASILA REVOCTRJOHN F BASILA TRS 29305 MIAMIAVE MIAMI FL 33129 USA O10111OZollZ0 olo111o60104o MIAMI NORTH PB B-01 N25FT OF S50FT OF LOT I BLK 116 LOT SIZE 25.110 X 50 COC 24668-37610720015 BISHOPEDWARD A MCCARTHY DIOCESE OF MIAMI 90ol BISCAYNE BLVD MIAMI FL 33136 USA olollo0401040 0101100401040 MIAMINORTHPBB-01 W10FTOFLOT6&LOTSJTHRU10LE55545FTOFLOT58 THRU 10 EXCEPT E4 SET OF S45FT OF LOT 8& LESS N585FT OF 550 35F OF W1756FT OF LOT to BLK 104 BROKS CENTER LTD 46EFLAGLER ST PH M105 MIAMI FL 33131-1012 USA 0101110711o30 olo111oJolo3o MIAMI NORTH PBB-01 LOT6lE55 E0.o4FT&LOTS J-B-13&SSE FT LOTS 9-lo&E25FT OF LOT 12 BLK 117 LOT SIZE IRREGULAR OR 11056-15103812 CITY CENTER CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC 140 NE1AVE MIAMI FL 33132 USA 014137£561101 11413705601£1 CITY CENTER CONDO MIAMI NORTH PB B-01 N11EFT OF LOTSI&2BLK lO5A5 DESC IN DECL OR 25444-1314 LOT SIZE 10011 Sq FT M/L FAU of 01100501020 CITY CENTER C0 DOMINIUMASSOCIATION, INC C/O MARGRET WANG, PEES 440 NE 73RD STREET MIAMI FL 33138 USA 01413705fi0001 01413705fi0001 CI TY CENTER CONDO MIAMI NORTH PB B-01 N10OFT OF LOTS 2 BLK 105 A5 DESC IN DECL OR 25444-1314 LOT SIZE 10000 SQFT M/L FAV0101100501020 DEMERIS INC 1200 BRI CKAVE M1471 MIAMI FL 33131 USA 0101090601040'0 10 10 9 0 8 010 41 MIAMI NORTH PBB-01LOT4BLK 96 LOT SIZE 50000 X 151 OR 17435-3668119:2 COC 2462:-3959 01 2006 6 DEMERIS INC DEMERIS PARKING 2LLO 1200 BRICKELL AVE 41470 MIAMI FL 33131 USA 010109 08 010 30'010109 06 010 30 MIAMI NORTH PBB-01LOT3 BLK 96 Lo SIZE 50.000%150OR17435-386811962COC24629-39590620066 DESA PARTNERS LP EAST FLAGLER LLC 15T ON IST GROUP LLC (FEE) 550 MAMARONECK AVE STE 404 HARRISON NY 10528 USA 01011106111900 10 111 1101090 MIAMINORTHPBB-01 LOT 6_5 DOWNTOWN NS LLC 40 NE l AVE MIAMI FL 33132 USA 01o1110601o20 0101110601o20 MIAMI NORTH PB B-01 S37 SET OF N62 SET OF LOT I BLK 116 LOT SIZE 37500%50 OR 19632-035204012(2) DOWNTOWN NS LLC 4E NE l AVE MIAMI FL 33132 USA 0101110611010'0 10 111 0 6 010 10 MIAMINORTHPBB-01 N25FTOFLOTIBLK116LOTSIZE25000%50OR19632-035204012(2) DREAM DOWNTOWN MIAMI LLC 18 851 29 AVE loon MIAMI FL 33160 USA 0 11110 0 4 011 0 0'0 10 110 0 4 1E0 MI AMI NORTH ED 41OF LOT 15&W1/2 OF LOT 16 BLK 104 LOT SIZE 5o E00% 150 OR 21131-369103031 DWTN 34 LLC( FEE) JOHN HOMER MERCER JR'LSEE) 4B W FLAGLER 5T PH los MIAMI FL 33131 USA 0 10 11116 010 6 0 E1O1110RElESo MIAMI NORTH PB B41 I12.5FT OF NIEEFT OF LOT I BLK 116 LOT SIZE 12500% 50 PROBATE FILE M B3-3734 EAST FLASHER REALTY LLC C/O FRAN MULNICK PARKER E54 45o WEST 155T 4606 NEWYORK NY 10011 USA E1011201-131 ' 01011201o1E80 MIAMI NORTH PBB41W1/2OF HOT7BLK121 HOTSIZE250E0%120QE16664-029616991 FEDERAL CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC C/O ROK SERGIO, PEES MARTHA MERCER HATTESEN'LSEE) 4B EAST FLAGLER ST PH 105 MIAMI FL 33131 USA 110111o7201E1 0101100720001 FEDERAL CONDO MAP OF MIAMI ANA NORTH CITY OF MIAMI PB B41 THE S100FT OF LOTS 11&12 BLK 104 F/A/U I1-011E-140-1OJE FLAG 41LLC 4B E FLAG LERST4315 MIAMI FL 33131 USA 0 10 11116 010 7 0' 0 10 111 0 6 01171 MIAMI NORTH PB B41 LOTS 2& 3 BLK 116 LOT SIZE 100 E10%150 OR 10475-1550 0779 2 FLAG 41 LLC 46 E FLAG HERSTM385 MIAMI FL 33131 USA 01111106E116E 0 10 111 0 6 011 6 0 MIAMINORTHPBB-01LOT16&E5FTOFLOT5LOT 17&Q-813LK116HOTSIZEIRREGULAE OR -75-155o D7792 FLAG LER CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC C/OM0I5HEMANA,PRES 318 NW 231 MIAMI FL 33127 USA 01413)04200£1 1141371420001 FLAGLER CONDO MIAMI NORTH PB B41 LOT 12&W25FT OF LOT I3&S50FT OF LOT 9&N25FT OF 550FT OF LOT 10 BLK 116 F/A/UO1-0111-060-1130 & 115o FLAG LER FIRST CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. C/O GABRIEL HERNANDEZ, PRES 111 E FLAGLER ST SUITE 904 MIAMI FL 33131 USA o14137E57Eo01 E14137E57oEE1 FLAGLER FI RST CONDO MIAMI NORTH PB B41 LOT 11&W112 LOT 12 BLK 117 AS DESC IN DECL OR 25653-0280 LOT SIZE 1151E SQ I FAU o1-1111-OJO-1— FLAGLERSTREETPROPERTIESLLCC/O M MANAGEMENT INC 215 COLESST JERSEY CITY NJ 0;310 USA 0101120101070' 0 10 112 0111171 MIAMI NORTH PBB-01El/20FLOTJ BLK121LOTSIZE25000%12o0R2o389-096105025 FLASHER STREET PROPERTIES LLC C/O MANAGEMENT INC 215 COLES ST IERSEY CITY Nl OJ310 USA 01011211010fi0 1111121111061 MIAMI NORTH PB B-01 HOT: BHN 121 LOT SIZE 51.000%120 PROB 69-SJl-CP-020816669-E41309994(J) FHE%INI INV INC 219NMIAMIAVf MIAMI FL 33128 USA OlO11EE601130 010110060113E MIAMI NORTH PB B-01111IFT OF LOTS 23& 24 BLK 106 LOT SIZE 100.000% 10075R-146110 GM PROPERTY CORP 26 NE 1ST MIAMI FL 33132- USA olo111o6E11o0 0101110611100 MIAMI NORTH PPB E25FT OF LOT I3& LOT 14 BLK 116 LOT SIZE 11250 SQ FT 13R2E1213 OR 2E4oB-367605026 GI NA BUILDING CORP 46 E FLAG ER ST PH los MIAMI FL 33131-1012 USA o1O11116E1160 01011106o1EBo MIAMINORTHPBB-01 LOT4BLK116LOTSIZE51000%150 0R17923-363712975 G LORAL MIAMI ACQUISITION COMP LLC 36 NE 2 ST SUITE 1Bo MIAMI FL 33132-2113 usa '0101100501040'1111111111141 MIAMI NORTH PBB-01 LOT55&6LOT7&E40FTOFLOTBBLK105LOTSIZE190000%15008 21135-0145 0102 6 IE DELANDHOHDINGSHHC 244 NE l AVE MIAMI FL 33132-2102 USA '0 1110 9 0 6 010 10'110 10 9 0 6 010 10 MIAMI NORTHPBB-01NIEOFTOF LOTS 1&2 BLK98LOTSIZE l0E011% 10DOR96791769COC22777-3331&33331020041 JO RDASHINVESTMENT&REALTYINC 705 ARVIDAPKWY CORAL GABLES FL 33156-2324 Usa 01o11ooaoloso olo11ooao1osl MIAMINORTHPBB-01545FTOFLOTSBTHRU11&N585FTOFS5185FTOFW1756FTOFLOT11&LESSE45FTOF545FTOFLOTBBLK104LOTSIZf IRREGULAR KIBOU LLC 228 NE l AVE MIAMI FL 33132 USA 0 10 10 9 0 811E20 olEl.EBo1o20 MIA MI NORTH PB B4 550FT OF LOTS I& 2 BLK 98 LOT SIZE 50 DOE %loo OR 17476-2174 1296 1 M 0 M REALTY CORP PO BOX 511111 MIAMI FL 33256 USA 0101120111E9E 0 10 112 01 010 9 0 MIAMI NORTH PBB-01 LOT BLK 121 LOT SIZE 50 EM %120 MIAMIDADE COLLEGE 310 NE 2AVE MIAMI FL 33132 USA 0 10 10 9 0 6111 2 0'0 10 10 916 011 2 0 MIAMINORTHPBB-01 LOTS5THRU6&LOTS15&16&N25FTOFLOT513&14BLK96LOTSIZE475005O FT OR 14271-121010693 MIAMI DADE COMMUNITY COLLEGE 30B NE 2AVE MIAMI FL 33132 USA 0101090901100 '110 10 9 0 9 011 01 MI AMI NORTH PBB4151/20FHCTE&N25FTOFW1j2OFHCT9&W 225FTOF55OFTOFNJ5FTOFLOT9&ALLLOT510-11-12&Wl/2OFLOT13BLK99-NLOTSIZE31JJ55QFT MIAMI GARAGE NUMBER THREE CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. C/O THOMAS JELKE, PRES 310E BRICKELL AVE MIAMI FL 33129 USA 014137E5000E1 E1413 7 0 5111 MIAM ISARAGE NUMBERTHREf CONDO MIAMI NORTH PBB-41 LOTS I THRU 6& LOTS 15 THRU 20 BLK 99 AS DESC IN DEC OR 23976-2767 LOT SIZE 78567 SO FT FAV Ol-0109-090-1110 MIAMI JEWELRY E%CHANG E CORP J OHN F BASILA TRS 26 NE1ST MIAMI FL 33132 USA 0111111611120'1111111111121 MIAMINORTHPBI3-01 LOT:& W10FT OF LOT 7 BLK 116 LOTSIZE 9000 SQFT OR 19614-0174-01762(2) MIAMI-DADE COMMUNITY COLLEGE llEll SW114 ST MIAMI FL 33176 USA 0101090901071'01ol..E1E71 MI AMI NORTH PBB-01 LOTS 7-8--14& PORT OF LOT 9 DESC BE NE CORLOT 9 TH W25FT S251 W2 SET S51FT 12751 N75FT TO POB& E12 OF LOT 13 BLK 99 LOT SIZE 26125 SOMI MI GAL REALTY LLC 33 NE 1ST MIAMI FL 33132 USA 1111111111131 '0 10 111 0 6 01131 MIAMINORTHPBB-01525FTOFN675FTOFLOTIBLK116LOTSIZE25.000%50 MILTON A BLUMBfRG&W CARIE WTR 16223N43 ST PHOENIX AZ 65032 USA 0 10 110 0 5 010 6 0'0 10 110 0 5 010 6 0 MI AMI NORTH PBB41525FT 3IN OF 51/2 OF LOT lO ALSO THE N6IN M/L OF LOT 11&525FT 1,25IN OF W3IN M/L OF LOT 9 BLK 115 LOT SIZE 25751%50 NATAN ROBE RTO ROK C/O WALGREEN TAX DEBT PO BOX 1159 DEERFIELD IL 60015 USA 0 10 11116 0114 0 O101110fio1140 MIAMINIRTHP1141125FT OF LOT lo& LOT 11 BLK 116 LOT SIZE 50 000% 165 OR 13316 3505 0687 4 NORTH EAST IST STREET REALTY LLC C/O FRAN M PARKER 666 NEW ARN AVE JERSEY CITY NJ 0)306 USA 01011ooso1151 o1E11ooso1151 MIAMI NORTH PBB41LOTS16&19LESSE32.3FTOFS112FTOF LOT I9&LOT 20 LESS S112FT BLK los-N LOT SIZE 13171 SOFT OR 13139-237119115 NORTH MIAMI AVENUE REALTY LLC 215 COLES ST 4499 JERSEY CITY NJ EJ31E USA olE11E060112E O1I1100fi01120 MIAMINORTHPBB-01N51FTOFLOTS23&24BLK116LOTSIZE5000OX10ECOC25581-08030420076 OLD FEDERAL BUILDING PARTNERSHIP 48 E FLAGLER ST 4PH-105 MIAMI FL 33131-1012 USA '0 10 110 0 4 010 9 0'0 10 110 0 4 010 91 MIAMI NORTH PBB41S100FTOF LOT13&ALLHOTI4&Wl/2HOT15BHK 114 LOT SIZE IRREGULAR OR 15173-343010926 ONE FLAGLER CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. C/O UC CIO ZECCHINI, PRES 14NE1STAVE SUITE307 MIAMI FL 33132 USA Q141371741111 E1413707400E1 ONE FLAGLER CONDO MIAMI NORTH PB B41 LOTS 19&20 LEIS ElEFT OF LOT 20 FOR ST BLK 116 AS DESC IN DE CL OR 29770-0303 LOT SIZE 12600 SOFT M/L ONE HUNDRED FORTY HOLDINGS LLC C/O FRAN MULNICK PARKER 888 NEWARK AVE JE ESPY CITY NJ 07310 USA 0101100601010 01011oo6E1111 MIAMINORTHPBB-01 LOT51&2BHK1E6HOTSIZE 150 000%loo OR 11686-998 0183 4 COC 26E15-2953 12 2006 5 P OMINC 94£1 BISCAYNE BLVD MIAMI SHORES FL 33136 USA 0101101401131O1E1110401031 MIAMI NORTH PBV -01 LOT52THEU5&E40Fi0F HOTfiBLK lE4 LOTSIZE 36100SOFT 0R1990J-0662£6014 ROLMARREALTY INC HE 46EFLAGLERST MPH101 MIAMI FL 33131 USA olollo0501090 01011005o1o90 MIAMINIRTHPBB-0lEl/20FLOT15BLK105LESSS5FTLOTSIZE250E0%145 POLMAR REALTY INC HE 46EFLAGLERST MPH 111 MIAMI FL 33131 USA 0101100501120' 111110 0 5 011 21 MI AMI NORTH PB B41WE.IT OF LOT 11 BLK 115 LESS SIFT LOT SIZE .700%145 POPULAR CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC C/O JAIME NASAJON, PRES 215E 1 AVE 4TH FLR MIAMI FL 33131 USA 1141371211101 0141370211001 POPULAR CONDO MIAMI NORTH PB B41 LOT 10&NIFT OF LOT 11& N2 FT OF WIFE OF LOT 12 BLK 121 POST OFFICE DEVEHOPMENTHHCC/O DANIELPENAGIRALDI 3634 NW2AVE MIAMI FL 3312) USA 1111111511141 ' 1111111511141 MIAMI NORTH PBB41E33.3FT OF 1112FT OF LOT I9& S1121 OF LOT 20 BLK los-N LOT SIZE 93305QFTOR 19309-263409004 POSTOFFICE DEVE LOPMENTLLC C/O DANIEL PENA GIRALDI 36M NW 2AVE MIAMI FL 33127 USA OlO11E15E1131 OlEllE05ElE3E MIAMI NORTH PBB-01LOTS3&4BLN 105 LOT SIZE 100 EEo%150 OR 19 309-26 98 09oo6 ROSAINVESTMENTSLLC 580 NW 119 AVE MIAMI FL 33162-1334 USA '0101100501010'0101100501010 MIAMI NORTH PB B415SIT OF LOTS 1& 2 BILK 105 LOT SIZE 5E 000%loo OR 20907-159312021 55&SING 219NMIAMI AVE MIAMI FL 33126-1622 USA 01111E0401130 E1011004E113D MIAMI NORTH PB B41 LOT519&20 BLK 104 LOT SIZE l00% 150 OR 9987-7810378-1 SG&SING 219 N MIAMI A MIAMI FL 33126-1622 USA olo10908o1EBo 0101090601o8o MIAMI NORTH PBB41 LOT11 LESS WIFE FORR/W BLK 96 LOT SIZE 45.000%150 OR 108 54-17 9 oB8o6 'APOQZNIK& GORFINKEL PARTNERSHIP 21INM'AMI AVE MIAMI FL 33128-1822 USA 01011o0511EJ0 ololloD50107D MIAMI NORTH PBB41 N51FT OF S1/2 IF LOT IE BLK lE5 LOT SIZE 50.000%5o OR 15350-210312914 ICANDAPROPERTY—C 7926 EAST DR 4116 NORTH BAYVILLAG E FL 33141 USA 010110-1050 ololloElo1jl o MIAMI NORTH PB B41 N1/20FHC S9&10BLK105LOTSIZE101010%75OR12611-131212854COC26015-2952122oo65 5CANDA PROPERTY 3 LLC 7926 EAST DR loft NORTHBAYVIILAGE FL 33141 USA 0101110611110' 01011106o1110 MIAMI NORTH PH B41 N25FT OF S75FT OF LOT 9& to LESS WIFE OF LOT 10 BLK 116 LOT SIZE 25 000%95 5ECURITY BUILDING AR OWNER LLC 3050AVENTURA BLVD IL MIAMI FL 33161 USA 0 11110 0 4 010 6 0'0 10 110 0 4 010 6 0 MIAMI NORTH PB B-01 N51FT OF LOTS 1112&13 BLK 104 LOT SIZE 51 000% 150 OR 18814-235511991 FAU .14134 o55 00 01 5OSFAM LLC DEMERIS PARKING I LLC 1365E 1AVE MIAMI FL 33131 USA 0101191HO114o 1101O9OBEl14E MIAMI NORTH PB B-01 LOTS 17THRU 20 BLK 96 LOT SIZE 30645 SOFT OR 12841-316203861 SOH ENTERPRISESINC 120 N MIAMI AVE MIAMI FL 33128 USA 010111os111zo 010111oso1Ezo MIAMI NORTH PBB41 LOT I LESS N51FT& LOT 2 LESS N 511 OF MIT THEREOF BLK 115 LOT SIZE IRREGULAR OR 18447-343801992(2) MIT SOENTERPRISESINC 12E N MIAMI AVE MIAMI FL 33128 USA o1E1111s11E10 o1o111os11E10 MIAMI NORTH PBB41N51FTOF LOTSI&2LESSWBFTOFN50FTOF TC METRO MALL INV HHCHFEE&LEASE SH METRO MALL LHC (FEE&LEASE 261 WEST 35 ST STE 201 NEW YORK NY l000l USA OlEllE1SOLE 0 10 110 0 5 01161 MIAMI NORTH PB B41 S1/2 LOT 9 LESS 525FT 1 25I OF W3IN M/L & LOTS 11&12 HE IS N61 M/L OF LOT 11&ALL LOTS I3& 14 BLK 105 OR 17069-065211954 TEGE5.INC ET AL % WEISHAMPEL PO BOX 1665 MILWAUKEE WI 53201 USA 1111121211141 '0 10 112 0 2 010 4 0 MIAMINORTHPBB-01 LOT5BHK122HOTSIZE50Eoo%120 THEDISTBOARD OFTRS OF MIAMI-DADE COMMUNITY COLLEGE 401 NE SECOND AVE MIAMI FL 33132-1904 USA 0lolo9Eeolo90811190 MIAMI NORTH PBB-01LOT512-13&14LESSN25FTOF LOT513&14BLK 91LOT111E IRREGULAROR15J06-034611925 THIRTY FIVE NORTH MIAMI LLC 2NE1ST MIAMI FL 33132-2402 USA o1O111EXE112S ElE1110601125 MIAMI NORTH PB B41 N75FT OF LOTS 9& 10 BLK 116 LOT SIZE 7500 SQ FT FAU ol-0111-060-1120 OR 19604-292204£15 ZOILA VASERSTEIN TRS 2625 PINETREE DR MIAMI BEACH FL 3314E USA o1E111O7E1E6E—11107E1E60 MIAMI NORTH PB B41 N25FT 0F S75FT OF LOT 9& to AKA 525FT OF N10OFT BLK 117 LOT SIZE 25 Eoo%100 -ft4" 1TV QF V _'41 f�1 N * i+err uatiiio 5 Dear Constituent: Welcome to the City of Miami! This package is intended to provide you with all open Code Enforcement violations and liens attached to the subject property, or properties, as of the current date and time the followina reaort was created. Closed violations and future violations are not included. A violation may become a lien when the property owner does not timely remedy the violation. This report may include two types of liens: Certified liens and non -certified liens. Certified liens have a set amount to be paid. Conversely, most non -certified liens continue to accrue interest or a per diem fine; therefore, those liens must be satisfied with the City as quickly as possible. All outstanding violations and liens must be satisfactorily resolved before the City can issue a Certificate of Use (CU); however, the City inspects all properties prior to the issuance of a CU and those inspections may yield additional items, which must be addressed by the owner at the property prior to issuance of a CU. This search does not include encumbrances, other liens, restrictions or the like, recorded in the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. Please contact Miami -Dade County for the aforementioned items. Code Violation/Lien Inquiry Letter Page 1 of 5 Carly Grimm FL City of Miami ma, FCO., F1�4 Property Search Notice 08/01/2019 Per your request (copy attached), the undersigned has searched the records of the Director of Finance in and for the City of Miami, Florida, for any liens and other fees outstanding against the following described property as of: 08/01/2019. The result is valid up to 30 days from the processing date. In addition, due to daily penalty and interest calculations, the amount shown is subject to change as reflected below. Folio Number: 01-0110-050-1140 Property Address: 100 NE 1 AV Legal Description: MIAMI NORTH PB B-41 E33.317T OF S 112FT OF LOT 19 & S 112FT OF LOT 20 BLK 105-N LOT SIZE 9330 SQ FT OR 19309-2634 0900 4 Amount Payable On: 07/31/2019 to 08/31/2019 0.00 This notice does not include liens imposed by federal, state, county or City agencies or boards or any other liens recorded in the public records of Miami -Dade County. Erica T. Paschal Finance Director To ensure proper credit of your payment, include a copy of all pages of the property search findings along with your payment and mail to: City of Miami, Treasury Management/Payment Processing, 444 SW 2nd Avenue, 6th Floor, Room 636-1, Miami, FL 33130. If you have any questions, please call (305) 416-1570. Please retain this page for your records. Page 2 of 5 City of Miami Carly Grimm FL 08/01/2019 Folio Number: 01-0110-050-1140 Property Address: 100 NE 1 AV Legal Description: MIAMI NORTH PB B-41 E33.317T OF S112FT OF LOT 19 & S112FT OF LOT 20 BLK 105-N LOT SIZE 9330 SQ FT OR 19309-2634 0900 4 Property Search Findings - Pending Liens Lien No. (Case Number) Description If you have any questions, please call (305) 416-1570. Please retain this page for your records. Address Page 3 of 5 City of Miami OF 21I FCO.. F1�4 Carly Grimm FL 08/01/2019 Folio Number: 01-0110-050-1140 Property Address: 100 NE 1 AV Legal Description: MIAMI NORTH PB B-41 E33.3FT OF S112FT OF LOT 19 & S112FT OF LOT 20 BLK 105-N LOT SIZE 9330 SQ FT OR 19309-2634 0900 4 Property Search Findings - Open Invoices Invoice Customer No. Lien No. Description Sub -Total If you have any questions, please call (305) 416-1570. Please retain this page for your records. Amount Due 0.00 Page 4 of 5 Folio Number: Violations Detail Report 01-0110-050-1140 NO OPEN VIOLATIONS FOUND. Page 5 of 5 ARF1 NOTICE �1...b."dn..d.. ..�h.d.Wd for. p.bU. In ... Ing in ...Id.n. id, b—Linee ad i.fth In the City of Exhibit "B" Miami Code. The applia be dwision -making body wil U,. forma.. at the pe Ina hearing to rand., . mommendad on or a InaL decid on. 08/26/1 Pursuant to Section 4-7(c) of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Miami % in determining the appropriateness of a request for an Alcohol Service Estab ishm following criteria shall be evaluated: 1. An operational/business plan that addresses hours of operation, number of emplovees, menu items, business cioals, and other operational characteristics pertinent to the application. TENANT #11: CABRON. FRUTONOMY, NOMADA. AND LOBBY BAR (Basement, Ist Floor, and 2nd Floor) Hours of Operation: Monday to Sunday, lam to Sam Number of Emolovees: Approximately sixty (60) employees Menu Items: Proposed menu items are attached. Business Goals and Operational characteristics: This concept is divided into three different outlets. Each outlet has a specific d6cor and ambiance as follows: Occupancv/Special Events: Final occupancy and life safety information will be determined in cooperation with City of Miami staff and submitted prior to final CO. Any special events will be properly permitted through the City of Miami pursuant to City Code requirements. CABRON The basement and a portion of the 1 st floor will house the main restaurant and lounge of the building, known as Cabron. This venue will serve high-end Mexican cuisine, offering lunch and dinner service from 12pm to 3am, Monday to Sunday. FRUTONOMY: This juice bar venue will be located on the 1 st floor and is open from 7am to 11 pm, Monday to Sunday. It provides an original, elegant, and fun alternative to the traditional juice bar experience. Customers can enjoy a fun and healthy indoor lounge. NOMADA: Nomada will be located on the 2nd floor and will consist of a deli market and spirited drinkery. Customers can choose their own delicatessen options in a comfortable and well- designed space. Nomada will be open from 7am to 5am, Monday to Sunday. X01 .. --A 700.1": The lobby bar on the first floor will serve as a welcome and lobby area for all three outlets above and will operate during the hours any of the three outlets are open. MIAMI 6248143.2 83767/86757 ARF1 NOTICE �1...bnrl dn..d..b..�h.d.Wdfo,p.bU.h ... Ing TENANT #2: BISCAYNE BAY BREWING in ...' 2n. b—Linee ad forth. In the City of Miami Code. The applia be dwision -making body wil (3 RDU,. forma.. at the o.bli. hearing to rand.,. Floor) mommendad on ora InaL decid on. PZ-19-2298 08/26/19 Hours of Operation: Monday to Sunday, 11:30am to 1:00am. Alcohol stery available during all operating hours. Number of Emolovees: Approximately sixteen (16) employees Menu Items: See the proposed menu items attached. Business Goals and Operation Characteristics: This will be the first of its kind taproom in Downtown Miami, located inside the historic Old Post Office building. The location will honor the rich history of the City while allowing customers to enjoy delicious local craft beers and bites. The atmosphere will be relaxing and allow patrons to enjoy a traditional taproom experience where they can explore a variety of craft beer paired with complementary food offerings. This taproom will serve as a catalyst for activity in the heart of Downtown and will also provide space for local organizations to host events such as meetings, lectures, exhibits, and charity fundraising. The space will be used to promote important causes and the rich history of the Miami community. Occui3ancv/Special Events: Final occupancy and life safety information will be determined in cooperation with City of Miami staff and submitted prior to final CO. Any special events will be properly permitted through the City of Miami pursuant to City Code requirements. TENANT #3: LA REAL (4th Floor/Attic) Number of Emolovees: Approximately eighteen (18) employees Menu Items: Proposed menu items are attached. Operational characteristics: This venue will walk the thin line between the extravagant and the elegant, offering sophisticated high-end cocktails with exquisite blends and exotic liquors. La Real is a place where the eccentrics will find their natural habitat. Occupancv/Special Events: Final occupancy and life safety information will be determined in cooperation with City of Miami staff and submitted prior to final CO. Any special events will be properly permitted through the City of Miami pursuant to City Code requirements. MIAMI 6248143.2 83767/86757 2) Biscayne Bay Brewing will obtain a CMB license for beer manufacturing and a 2C license for beer/wine consumption and sealed bottle sales. 3) La Real will obtain a 4COP Quota license. 2. A parkinq plan which fully describes where and how the parking is to be provided and utilized, e.q., valet, self -park, shared parking, after -hour metered spaces, and the manner in which the parkinq is to be managed. The Citv Commission or the PZAB, as applicable, may grant approval for one hundred percent (100%) of the required parkinq to be located offsite within a distance of six hundred feet (6001 from the subiect Alcohol Service Establishment if the proposed parkinq is to be "self -park" and a distance of one thousand feet (10001 from the subiect Alcohol Service Establishment if the proposed parkinq is to be by "valet". The establishment will utilize valet parking. The valet parking company has two lots available for service, located at 45 NW 1St Street (main lot) and 19 SE 21d St (Overflow lot). Also, the building is surrounded by public street parking. There are serval surface lots within one block of the Property, as well as the Miami Parking Authority's college station garage with over 400 spaces located at 190 NE 3rd street, less than two blocks away. The building is less than a mile away from the Brightline and Metrorail Government Center stations, as well as the metro -mover station at Miami Dade College. We also anticipate a number of patrons to arrive via rise share applications such as Lyft and Uber. 3. For Alcohol Service Establishments proposing capacities over three hundred (300) persons, an indoor/outdoor crowd control plan that addresses how large groups of people waiting to gain entry into the Alcohol Service Establishment and alreadv on the premises will be controlled. A number of the individual venues described above will not have a capacity of over 300 people. However, for purposes of clarity, internal circulation and crowd control within the building will operate as follows: Main Lobbv: A hostess/information desk will be located at the main entrance on the ground floor to direct the flow of guests to different venues within the building. Cabron and Frutonomv (Basement and 1 st Floor): These venues will have direct street access, with guests able to use one of the main doors along the fagade for entry and exit. These venues are also accessible from within the main lobby. The portion of Cabron located in the basement will have both stair and elevator access MIAMI 6248143.2 83767/86757 w� Zi NOTICE d.. Thli submktalneetlst tluletlfore phe City aring d,Wdr r,phe Operational/Liquor Licenses wid, tib.,,h ¢ol br diread Cltyof Miami Code. The applica be tlxision-making body wbl reWewtheinfonnatian at the pubechearingtonmd e mentlatl on or a iina I tlecl9 on. Each of the three venues above will obtain separate operational/liquor licen P08/26/1 08/26/19 1) Cabron/Frutonomy/Nomada will obtain a 4COP Quota license. • 2) Biscayne Bay Brewing will obtain a CMB license for beer manufacturing and a 2C license for beer/wine consumption and sealed bottle sales. 3) La Real will obtain a 4COP Quota license. 2. A parkinq plan which fully describes where and how the parking is to be provided and utilized, e.q., valet, self -park, shared parking, after -hour metered spaces, and the manner in which the parkinq is to be managed. The Citv Commission or the PZAB, as applicable, may grant approval for one hundred percent (100%) of the required parkinq to be located offsite within a distance of six hundred feet (6001 from the subiect Alcohol Service Establishment if the proposed parkinq is to be "self -park" and a distance of one thousand feet (10001 from the subiect Alcohol Service Establishment if the proposed parkinq is to be by "valet". The establishment will utilize valet parking. The valet parking company has two lots available for service, located at 45 NW 1St Street (main lot) and 19 SE 21d St (Overflow lot). Also, the building is surrounded by public street parking. There are serval surface lots within one block of the Property, as well as the Miami Parking Authority's college station garage with over 400 spaces located at 190 NE 3rd street, less than two blocks away. The building is less than a mile away from the Brightline and Metrorail Government Center stations, as well as the metro -mover station at Miami Dade College. We also anticipate a number of patrons to arrive via rise share applications such as Lyft and Uber. 3. For Alcohol Service Establishments proposing capacities over three hundred (300) persons, an indoor/outdoor crowd control plan that addresses how large groups of people waiting to gain entry into the Alcohol Service Establishment and alreadv on the premises will be controlled. A number of the individual venues described above will not have a capacity of over 300 people. However, for purposes of clarity, internal circulation and crowd control within the building will operate as follows: Main Lobbv: A hostess/information desk will be located at the main entrance on the ground floor to direct the flow of guests to different venues within the building. Cabron and Frutonomv (Basement and 1 st Floor): These venues will have direct street access, with guests able to use one of the main doors along the fagade for entry and exit. These venues are also accessible from within the main lobby. The portion of Cabron located in the basement will have both stair and elevator access MIAMI 6248143.2 83767/86757 • Biscavne Bav Brewinq (3rd Floor): Guests can access the third floor venue using the main elevator. Guests will be able to enter the building using one of the main entrance doors located at the southeast corner of the building. There is also a stairwell that provides access to the third floor. • La Real (4th Floor/Attic): Guests can access the fourth floor venue from the main elevator, entering through the main entrance doors at the southeast corner of the property. There is also a stairwell that provides access to the fourth floor. • Overflow/wait: There is plentiful space within the main lobby of the building for guests waiting to be seated at a venue. A foyer/elevator landing area is located on both the third and fourth floors, providing additional space for guests. In the case of special events on the property where larger crowds are anticipated, the Applicant will coordinate with the City and police as required. 4. A security plan for the Alcohol Service Establishment and anv parking facility. Tenants will provide and monitor security cameras that will cover the entire venue. During peak hours, security personnel will check identification at the front door. Additionally, the Applicant's staff will check identification to enforce patron age restrictions and maintain overall control. 5. For Alcohol Service Establishments proposinq capacities over three hundred (300) persons, a traffic studv and traffic circulation analysis and plan that details the impact of proiected traffic on the immediate neighborhood and how this impact is to be mitigated. The required traffic study and circulation analysis for the proposed project is attached. 6. A sanitation plan which addresses on-site facilities as well as off -premises issues resulting from the operation of the Alcohol Service Establishment. Tenants will contract with a vendor for trash removal and recycling services. There will be one (1) large enclosed dumpster behind the building that will be picked up a minimum of two (2) times per week, with the option to have daily trash pick-up as operational demand dictates. 7. Proximitv of the proposed Alcohol Service Establishment to Districts — TesideTtial. MIAMI 6248143.2 83767/86757 NOTICE OT'C E to th from within the main lobby. The available stairwell is exclusive '.. _r - P. b". hearing �I. b.M.L need. to e .�h.d.iad ore p. bli. hearing Ing m.r m_ i ­,d,noe Xh timelines d i.fth In the City of connecting only the basement and first floor. Miami Code. The Iia be deeision -making lk�ody %di a 1 Opp `PP imforma.. at the o. bli. hearing to rand., . r . mommendadd on or a HnaLdison. de • Nomada (2nd Floor): Guests can access the second floor using a PZ -19-2298 stairs. The available stairwell is exclusive to these two floors, connects 08/26/19 first and second floor. Guests can circulate freely from the venues on the • to the second floor. • Biscavne Bav Brewinq (3rd Floor): Guests can access the third floor venue using the main elevator. Guests will be able to enter the building using one of the main entrance doors located at the southeast corner of the building. There is also a stairwell that provides access to the third floor. • La Real (4th Floor/Attic): Guests can access the fourth floor venue from the main elevator, entering through the main entrance doors at the southeast corner of the property. There is also a stairwell that provides access to the fourth floor. • Overflow/wait: There is plentiful space within the main lobby of the building for guests waiting to be seated at a venue. A foyer/elevator landing area is located on both the third and fourth floors, providing additional space for guests. In the case of special events on the property where larger crowds are anticipated, the Applicant will coordinate with the City and police as required. 4. A security plan for the Alcohol Service Establishment and anv parking facility. Tenants will provide and monitor security cameras that will cover the entire venue. During peak hours, security personnel will check identification at the front door. Additionally, the Applicant's staff will check identification to enforce patron age restrictions and maintain overall control. 5. For Alcohol Service Establishments proposinq capacities over three hundred (300) persons, a traffic studv and traffic circulation analysis and plan that details the impact of proiected traffic on the immediate neighborhood and how this impact is to be mitigated. The required traffic study and circulation analysis for the proposed project is attached. 6. A sanitation plan which addresses on-site facilities as well as off -premises issues resulting from the operation of the Alcohol Service Establishment. Tenants will contract with a vendor for trash removal and recycling services. There will be one (1) large enclosed dumpster behind the building that will be picked up a minimum of two (2) times per week, with the option to have daily trash pick-up as operational demand dictates. 7. Proximitv of the proposed Alcohol Service Establishment to Districts — TesideTtial. MIAMI 6248143.2 83767/86757 NOTICE Unim �1....b.fttd­d.. .d.iad for. p.bU. h ... Ing b - N M -L ' ' 0 need TICE h d d _r - P. M. hearing �h - . a - - i . , The Property is located in the Central Business District of Downtown ... I-... ­,d,noe id, b—Linee d i,fth In the City of 1 _ Miami Code. The applia be deeision -making lk�ody wil imforma.. at the o.bli. h ... Ing to W. to or near residential districts or uses. mommendad on or a HnaL dison. - de PZ -19-2298 8. If the proposed Alcohol Service Establishment is within two hu 08/26/19 (200') of anv residential use, a noise attenuation plan that addres • noise will be controlled shall be reauired, especially in the case o indoor/outdoor uses. The proposed Alcohol Service Establishment is not within 200 feet of any residential use. It is located in the heart of downtown Miami in an area in need of activation and pedestrian -oriented commercial activity. MIAMI 6248143.2 83767/86757 Antojitos Shashimi style tacos***(l per order) Gmaca|ate(seasama|)* -AhiTuna-RedSnapper-LobsterNegetahan'Hamachi'Ruckshrimp Avocado, cilantro, lime, red onion, roasted corn, quesofresco Ceviches* Gueoammm|etrad\dama8* A8uachUedeCarnanmm(6ina|oastyle aKuachi|erojo)�* Creamy avocado, cilantro, lime, red onions Chile tepin,sangritaand cucumber QmesmFundTdo* Atun*** Melted Chihuahua cheese served with choice of Sesame seeds, cucumber, avocado, ginger, cilantro, lime and ginger Rajas, chorizuorseasonal mushrooms ChicharrmndeQuasm Hammachi*** Crispy nnmnche0ocheese served vvithour house guacamole Avocado tommti||o s�rrano |im�mndd|antro ' ' ' Emsa|adaMayarni Red Smapper(Esti|oMazat|on) Ouinoa,roasted tomatoes, avocado, smoked cucumber, honey Habanero, lime, cilantro, red onions, avocado and seasonal apples chipodedressing and grilled chicken \Jmd*e ala Vida* 0autasdeT|mga Poached rock shrimp, cilantro, tomatoes, red onions, avocado Avocado cream and shredded lettuce cream with cutija Bas|tade E|ote Salsas: Extras: Roasted corn with creamy lime aio|i,cntija and chile piquin 'Verdecruda -Chicharron Tostadasde Carni%as 'Tatemuda -Side of Guacamole Chiles envina0re,frijoles pintos, picode8oUo ' Morita -Chihuahua TostaclasdeLangosta 'Habanero Roasted tomatoes, cucumber, poached lobster cilantro and Chipot|e aio|i �� Y NR CP *comes with warm corn chips "comes with cilantro, lime and onions CO � » -- �� ~~~Cnnsumin���orunde,conkedm*��s'pou|t�'seafnod'sh*|Kish'eK�so,unpasteu,izedmi|kmayincmaseynu,/isknffnndbomei||n*ss. �KQ� U ---- ~ '~~~~ Tacos (3 per order) MaVarni** Roasted pork enadoboand pineapple EVGmepo** Pork confit and salsa verde cruda EUtaco del h0ariachi** Braised lamb shank and 8ua)i||oodobo EUWaikiki *** Grilled ahituna, sesame seeds, ginger, lime and avocado 0isteccon queso Sliced churasco,manohegocheese and sliced green onions Las AguUas Crispy chicken, tomato, onions, chipnt|eand avocado EVGnbermecler Crispy rock shrimp, salsa degobernadoraand quesochichuahua EVHuerfanu** Brisket confit and salsa verdecruda EUNuchimamgo Red snapper ala taUo,cucumber and pickled red onions LaGrimgaVegetariana Seasonal mushrooms, roasted sweet corn, cotijaand chihuahua cheese *comes with warm corn chips "comes with cilantro, lime and onions Costra8v ToStadas (1 per order) Choice of: '[hunosco-Pastor -Rock Shrimp '[huhzo 'Cannkas-Rajas -Brisket -Seasonal mushrooms 'Nnpa|es Platos Grandes Alarnbre Chicken or Skirt, rajas, caramelized onions, chihuahuacheese, sliced avocados Huachimangpala taUa Snapper fillet, guajiUoanchomarinate, white rice Chilaquiles Totopos, salsa vercleormja,mtija,cream, cilantro, seasonal radishes, fried egg Piermacle pm|Ua Chicken thighs, tingm relish, white rice, KAayarn/rice bowl White rice, chihuahuacheese ,guacamole, roosted --���/ 5H Z Y cruda,sour cream, choice ofSkirt, chicken orshrimp ���' e NUK��� *** Consuming raw or undercooked meats, poultry, seafood, shellfish, eggs or unpasteurized milk may increase your risk of foodborne illness. CO a2 Er- M Postres Bunuelos With cajeta or clulce cle leche Empanadas cle arroz con leche Churros With cajeta or Chocolate *comes with warm corn chips "comes with cilantro, lime and onions *** Consuming raw or undercooked meats, poultry, seafood, shellfish, eggs or unpasteurized milk may increase your risk of foodborne illness. !*FRI R Z O N CO0 N '0 aFRWa CO OD mamma M LI:10101II[•].i9.14.1=1.� EL • MARGARITA ON ICE: SAUZA BLUE AGAVE, BLANCO TEQUILA OR BANHEZ MEZCAL, GIFFARDS CURACAO LIME AND ORANGE MARGARITA CON FRUTA PASSION FRUIT OF BLOOD ORANGE, EL JIMADOR REPOSADO TEQUILA ' • LIME PEPINO DIABLO BARRIOTENTEO BLANCO JALAPENO TEQUILA CUCUMBER AND LIME. FUEGO VERDE, AND GRAPEFRUIT 114AITE IhARGARITA CASA NOBLE BLANCO TEQUILA, RED GRAPES, ST GERMAIN, l l ALOE, AND CAVA ORGANICO CASA DRAGONES BLANCO TEQUILA, LIME, HONEY AND LAVAN D E R SMOKEDOAKED SMOKED -IME AND AMIGOBLACK MERCADO DEL JALAPENO MEZCAL, LEJAY CASSIS,i TERESA 96 RUM, LIME, GINGER , BITTERS. THE SPIRIT OF CINNAMON, i Sodas (Coke, Diet Coke, Sprite, Ginger Ale) Fresh Lemonade Coconut Lemonade Saratoga Still & Sparkling Water Red Bull (Tropical, regular & Sugar free) ♦.<o"R syr NOTICE This sub."" needs to be soheCuletl for a public hearing in ¢ortlan. wtlh timelines ad forth In the City of Miami Code. The appkrab be dwision -making body wbl reWew the information at the pu bec hearing to rand., e m mendad on ora InaI tiecl9 on. PZ -19-2298 08/26/19 F51MIT22-CF4011-:1 NOTICE This ..b."dneeds . ..oh.d.Wd for. public hearing in ...Id.nce with timelines ad i.fth In the City of Miami Code. The applia be dwision -making body wil reWew the information at the o.bli. hearing to rand., . mommendad on ora InaL decid on. PZ -19-2298 Wynwood Brewery rotating: La Rubia & Wynwood IPA08/26/19 L Funky Buddha Floridian Samuel Adams Boston Lager Samuel Adams Seasonal Concrete Beach Brewery Stiltsville Angry Orchard Hard Cider New Castle Brown Ale Heineken WINE LIST BUBBLES Blanc de Blancs Spark (Italy) Chandon Brut (France) Moet & Chandon Brut (France) Moet Ice (France) Veuve Clicquot (France) Veuve Clicquot Rose (France) G Dom Perignon (France) Chardonnay, Terrazas, Altos del Plata (Argentina) Sauvignon Blanc, Cono Sur "ORGANIC" (Chile) Pinot Grigio, Icastelli (Italia) RED Cabernet, Cono Sur "ORGANIC" (Chile) Merlot, Cono Sur "ORGANIC" (Chile) Malbec, Terrazas, Altos del Plata (Argentina) Pinot Noir, Cono Sur "ORGANIC" (Chile) jsolut Vodka Russian Standard 50 Blue RUM Flor de Cana 7Years Flor de Cana 18Years Brugal Anejo Brugal 1888 Zacapa 23 Years Zacapa XO Santa Teresa Anejo TEQUILA Don Julio Blanco D#)k Juli,# Rept-sq4ti Don Julio Anejo Don Julio 1942 M,qestro Do*el El Jimador Patron Silver 1=1 Tr Bombay Dry Tanqueray Hendrick's SCOTCH[WHISKEY Buchanan's 12Years Buchanan's Master Buchanan's 18Years Johnnie Walker Black Johnnie Walker Gold Johnnie Walker Blue Gold Haig Club Old Parr 12Years; Dewars 12Years Monkey Shoulder Chivas Regal 12Years Chivas Regal 18Years Jameson Jack Daniels NOTICE ThIssub."" need. to be .o!,.d.Wd for . public hearing in ­rd,noe wM timelines ad i,fth In the City of Miami Code. The applia be dwision -making body wil reWew the informa .. at the ou logc hearing to render . mommendad on ora Inal, decid on. ,kPZ -19-2298 �, 08/26/19 Makers Mark Woodford Balvenie 12yr Double Wood Glenfiddich 12yr Glenfiddich 15yr Glenlivet 12Years ♦.<o"R syr NOTICE Thls sobmktrt need. to be soheCul d for a pabgo hearing in ¢ortlanoe wM timellnm ad forth In the City of Miami Code. The applira kle dwision -making body wbl feNew the information at the pa bec hearing to render a m mendad on ora InaI tiecl9 on. PZ -19-2298 08/26/19 Make your own taco Choose your tortilla: Flour, White Corn, Purple Corn orwhole wheat Choose your own protein: -Chorizo -Carne Asada (churrasco) -Rock shrimp 'Carnitas -Pastor 'Ahituna -ChickenTinga -Vegetarian (seasonal Veg) Ingredient list: -Cotija cheese -Roasted Corn -Pickled]a|apenos -Roasted Onions -Pico deGallo -Pickled red onions -Garlic Rice -[hipo1|eaiu|i -Chicharron -Sour Cream Extra -Guacamole -Melted Chihuahua cheese -Extra protein -Crispy[hicharnon NOTICE L�I­b.-d n..d. to I. .�h.d.Wd for . publi. h—Ing 08/26/19 Signature Tacos: s|Gua»o -"WAR" Pork confit and salsa verclrcmdo u/steccon quem Sliced chvmsco,mancheOocheese and sliced green onions Kxayami~* Roasted pork enad"bnand pineapple LasAeui|as Crispy chicken, tomato, onions, chip"t|eand avocado -Cilantro -Diced pineapple -Seasonal Mushrooms 'Rajas -Queso Fresco mmpan*das dea,mzcon |eche Cnurnos caj,taordu|cede|eche -Cucumber 'Cuinoa ~*~ Consuming raw o,undercooked meats, poultry, seafood, shellfish, eggs o,unpasteurized milk may increase your risk of foodborne illness. • Lechon Grilled Cheese • Margharite Flat Bread • BBQ Chicken Flat Bread • Tuna Poke Bowl • Smoked Fish Dip • Hummus Platter • Sausage Platter • Bavarian Pretzel • Guacamole and Chips • Cheese Platter • Charcuterie Board • Miami Pale Ale • Siren's Sarson • Bayfront Amber • La Colada Coffee Porter • Kapitan's KoIsch • Lite -Haus Pilsner • Double Nine Double IPA • The "Duke" Brown Ale (benefiting the Duke Johnson Foundation) • El Roble — Barrel Aged Scotch Ale • Buenas Noches — Barrel Aged Imperial Stout • Variety of Mixed Fermentation Limited Release Beers NOTICE ThI. ..b."d need. to be .o!,.d.Wd for . p.bUo hearing in ­rd,noe wM timelines ad i,fth In the City of Miami Code. The applia be dwision -making body wil reWew the informa .. at the oa logc hearing to render . mommendad on ora Inal, decid on. ,kPZ -19-2298 �, 08/26/19 11AM 47A142 MMEM Sodas $2.75 (Coke, Diet Coke, Sprite, Ginger Ale) Fresh Lemonade $3.50 Coconut Lemonade $3.95 Saratoga Still & Sparkling Water $5.00 Red Bull $6.00 (Tropical, regular & Sugar free) Wynwood Brewery rotating: La Rubia & Wynwood IPA Funky Buddha Floridian Samuel Adams Boston Lager Samuel Adams Seasonal Concrete Beach Brewery Stiltsville Angry Orchard Hard Cider New Castle Brown Ale Heineken MULE New Amsterdam Vodka, Ginger Syrup Lime Luice, Angostura, Fiver Tree Ginger Beer 11• -_ 1, Mentro.19 Muddler jalapeho & lemon GENTLEMAN'S OLD FASHIONED House Whiskey, Brown Sugar, Angostura Orange Bitters, Soda Water LUNA LLENA MOJITO House Rum, Fresh Mint, Lime Coconut Pure, Pineapple Juice & Soda Water STRONGBOW SPRITZER Aperol, Strongbow Cider Beer NOTICE ThI­brno`dneeds . ..oh.d.Wd fora public hearing in ­rd,noe wM timelines ad i,fth In the City of Miami Code. The applia be dwision -making body wil r,N­ theinforma.. at the ou log. hearing to render. mommendad on ora Inal, decid on. PZ -19-2298 08/26/19 Grand Marnier, Cono Sur Suavignon Blanc 4W-AlWA01:i-Al►i Jose Cuervo Cinge, Triple Sec, Campari & Lime Juice Blanc de Blancs Spark (Italy) G $9/13T $46 Chandon Brut (France) Split $20 Moet & Chandon Brut (France) BT $150 Moet Ice (France) BT $350 Veuve Clicquot (France) BT $180 Veuve Clicquot Rose (France) G $20/13T $220 Dom Perignon (France) BT $400 WHITE Chardonnay, Terrazas, Altos del Plata (Argentina) G $9/ BT $37 Sauvignon Blanc, Cono Sur "ORGANIC" (Chile) G $9/ BT $37 Pinot Grigio, Icastelli (Italia) G $9/ BT $37 RED Cabernet, Cono Sur "ORGANIC" (Chile) G $9/ BT $37 Merlot, Cono Sur "ORGANIC" (Chile) G $9/ BT $37 Malbec, Terrazas, Altos del Plata (Argentina) G $9/ BT $37 Pinot Noir, Cono Sur "ORGANIC" (Chile) G $9/ BT $37 f Grey Goose Vodka $260/13ottle $12/Glass Stoli $200/13ottle $12/Glass Ketel One Vodka $220/13ottle $11/Glass ♦.<o"R syr NOTICE Thls submktal needs to be sch.d.Wd for a pebec hearing ¢ord,nm,M timelines set forth In the Cityof Miami Code. The appliratle dwision-making body wbl reWewtheinfonnatian at the pebkhearingtond e mendadonoraflnaltletl9on. PZ -19-2298 08/26/19 Belvedere Vodka $250/Bottle $12/Glass Ciroc Vodka $290/Bottle $12/Glass Absolut Vodka$200/Bottle $10.00/Glass Russian Standard $180/Bottle $9.00 Glass 50 Blue $170/Bottle $10.00 Glass RUM Bacardi Superior Blanco $180/Bottle $9/Glass Flor de Cana 4Years $170/Bottle $9/Glass Flor de Cana 7Years $180/Bottle $10/Glass Flor de Cana 18Years $220/Bottle $12/Glass Brugal Anejo $180/Bottle $9/Glass Brugal 1888 $250/Bottle $13/Glass Zacapa 23 Years $240/Bottle $12/Glass Zacapa XO $400/Bottle $45/Glass Santa Teresa Anejo $170/Bottle $11/Glass Don Julio Blanco $220/Bottle $11/Glass Don Julio Reposado $240/Bottle $12/Glass Don Julio Anejo $260/Bottle $12/Glass Don Julio 1942 $450/Bottle $40/Glass Maestro Dobe) $220/Bottle $11/Glass EI Jimador $180/Bottle $10/Glass Patron Silver $220/Bottle $11/Glass GIN Bombay Saphire $200/Bottle $11/Glass Bombay Dry $180/Bottle 750ml $10/Glass Tanqueray $200/Bottle 750ml $12/Glass Hendrick's $240/Bottle $13/Glass SCOTCH/WHISKEY Buchanan's 12Years $240/Bottle $11/Glass Buchanan's Master $250/Bottle 750ml $13/Glass Buchanan's 18Years $250/Bottle 750ml $14/Glass ♦.<o"R syr NOTICE Thla sobmktrt need. to be ac!,.d. d for a public hearing in ¢ortlanoe wM timelines ad forth In the City of Miami Code. The applira kle dwision -making body wbl reWew the forma.. at the pa logic hearing to render a m mendad on ora InaI decl9 on. PZ -19-2298 08/26/19 AJ Johnnie Walker Black $220/Bottle $10/Glass Johnnie Walker Gold $300/Bottle $15/Glass Johnnie Walker Blue $450/Bottle $40/Glass Gold Haig Club $280/Bottle $13/Glass Old Parr 12Years $200/Bottle $11/Glass Dewars 12Years $220/Bottle $10/Glass Monkey Shoulder $200/Bottle $11/Glass Chivas Regal 12Years $240/Bottle $12/Glass Chivas Regal 18Years $280/Bottle $14/Glass Jameson $180/Bottle $9/Glass Jack Daniels $180/Bottle $10/Glass Makers Mark $180/Bottle $11/Glass Woodford $200/Bottle $12/Glass Balvenie 12yr Double Wood $280/Bottle $14/Glass Glenfiddich 12yr $280/Bottle $14/Glass Glenfiddich 15yr $290/Bottle $15/Glass Glenlivet 12Years $280/Bottle $14/Glass ♦.<o"R syr NOTICE ThIs sobrn td needs to be schetlol d fora pabec hearing in ¢ortlanm with timelines ad forth In the City of Miami Code. The applira kle dwision -making body wbl reWew the information at the public hearing to r:ntler e m mendad on ora InaI tiecl9 on. PZ -19-2298 08/26/19 AJ