HomeMy WebLinkAboutAnalysis and MapsCity of Miami Planning Department APPLICANT AND OWNER: PROJECT LOCATION: COMMISSION DISTRICT: TRANSECT ZONE: FUTURE LAND USE: ANALYSIS FOR STREET CLOSURE FILE ID# PZ -19.628 -VC Track 23, LLC Bounded on the northside by NW 23rd Street, on the eastside by NW 11th AVenue, on the southside by NW 22nd Street, and on the westside by NW 12th AVenue. District 1 (Wifredo "Willy" Gort) D1, District Zone Work Place Light Industrial NEIGHBORHOOD ENHANCEMENT TEAM (NET) OFFICE: Allapattah PREPARER: A. GENERAL INFORMATION REQUEST Darren Murphy, Planner I Pursuant to Chapters 54 and 55 of the City Code of Ordinances, the Applicant requests the vacation and closure of a portion of NW 22 Terrace from public use. PROPERTY The portion of the segment of NW 22 Terrace (the "Street') to be closed is located between NW 11 Avenue and NW 12 Avenue and runs east to west and abuts a Florida East Coast railroad tracks. The portion of the street to be closed is 30.00 feet in width and 610.43 feet in length, and it is approximately 18,314 square feet or 0.420 acres. The street is located between NW 12 Avenue to the west and NW 11 Avenue on the east, (refer to Map 1 — NW 22 Ter — 30 -foot wide Public street (to be Vacated) on page 2). File ID# PZ -19-628: Vacation and Closure of NW 22 Ter for Tentative Plat — Track 23 Subdivision 1 0-41111 T 1>a N,23RD ST w 4 r -o -�.vo-gem-422422' W NYl, y NO:TER LAND SHOWN (30 -FOOT PUBLIC V rm2-DTER` RIGHT OF WAY(,APPROXIAMATELY 10,314 SQUARE FEET OR C° 0.420 ACRE TO BE VACATED n 0 100 200 400 Feet Q SUBJECT PROPERTY Map 1 — NW 22 Ter — 30 -foot wide Public street (To be Vacated) RIGHT OF WAY — VACATION AND CLOSURE OF A PORTION OF NW 22 TER Pursuant to the City of Miami's Code of Ordinances, Chapter 54, Sec. 54-4, the Applicant is seeking to vacate and close a portion of the right of way for NW 22 to facilitate the construction of a visitor parking lot, which will serve as an ancillary use for the future relocation of the Rubell Museum. FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION'S CONSENT TO VACATION AND CLOSURE OF A PORTION OF NW 22 TER The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) owns the property on the south side of NW 22 Terrace. Pursuant to the terms of Section 177.085, Florida Statutes and the Property Plat, FDOT and the Applicant possess reversionary interests in NW 22 Terrace, up to the centerline of the street abutting their respective parcels. This land contains approximately 9,157 square feet or 0.210 acres. FDOT has indicated that it has no issue with the City's vacation of the street, (see Attachment G, FDOT Consent). FDOT has agreed to transfer all of its underlying interest in the southern portion of NW 22 Terrace to the Applicant. File ID# PZ -19-628: Vacation and Closure of NW 22 Ter for Tentative Plat — Track 23 Subdivision 2 B. BACKGROUND AND PROPOSAL The Applicant owns Lincoln Park Plat Book 6-163 Lots 1 through 15 Block 5 and Lots 1 through 15 Block 2 of Washington Park Plat Book 3-208, less Right of Way. The lot size is approximately 103,411.44 square feet or 2.374 acres, please refer to Figure 1: Location Sketch — 30 feet Right of Way (To be Vacated) as shown below. PUBLIC R/W N.Wi 24th STREP -r -'r' "1 r- - T PLAT NAMES: 3�rr1718�g1101111121131141151 1 1 2 31 P.B. 2. PG. 71: i BLOCK 63 J I I I 1 2 I L K�3 BRADDOCK SUBDIVISION No. 3 4 5 6 O K 4 1, }- ! -i -+ -+- 6 (3.1163 P.B. 6 PG.1142 4I_ , I� - .--I- + ¢ B ' 163 21 1201191181171 16 1i 3D 1291281 P.B. 3, PG. 208: 61 5 I 1291 127126 25 241231221 1 1 I WASHINGTON PARK 1 I�01 I I l 1 1 �y-A- N.W. J s N.W.�th I �L. � I i I'� � J J P.B. 6, PG. 142: 1 N.W. 23rd ST, T, r1-r2-r3"� AMENDEDPLATWESTENDPARK gLOCKIt r �' V-1 'I el 71 l �17 T ? LO K 6 P.B. 16 P�`+. 34 I ( 12 13 t 4 15 1 ISLOCK 51 III1111211311I141 15 p , 6 ©!163 P.B. 6, PG 163: r LO Kt1 LINCOLN PARK , N.W. 23 - P�208 _ I �� 1 I ( 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 3 1 2 11 P. • 3 'j P.B. 16, PG. 34: 115 1a i3 12 11 10 1 9 8 7 6 1208 I I I Lgya113y CORRECTED PLAT OF TRACT t�l 1 i' I I LO K ,2(�3i�% BLOCKS 14 & 28 OF'ANIENDED P.B. as PG. 12 �� r i PLAT OF WESTEND PARK" 1 I 1 4 1 3 1 2 1 1 j 112 1 0 1 10 p S. 44, PG. 12: Sf190�4>D As 1!n WAVH I 12 111 1 t 0 I g 18 17 dK_31 5 I I I I - , W 0�'�8 REPEAT OF PORTIONS OF P944�� I I _Iy4 dLO L -r -I--1 -i" 1 > I BLOCKS 1,2.3,AND 4. U 1 - rt 1 1 (P.B13 f71G. 2020 1 21 1221 23 1 24 13 1 14 1 15 BRADDOCK SUBDIVISION No. 3 BLOCK T- a 1 131 t41 i51 161 17 118 119 1 1 1221 L J -j` p.B. 2 P�., { 1-1- J P.B. 105. PG. 88: _J „L� J �. TAVILLA REALTY ASSOCIATES N.W. 22nd STREET _ Z -T -'1- SUBDIVISION N.W. 22nd ST- 1. - t- T- 7 -7 '' r i'rt 21 11 110 WEST LINE OF 1 I 112 111 110 1 9 1 8 1 7 1 6 1 5 1 4 1 3 1 2 1 1 I ILO IK 5 THE S.E 114 Of 1 I I I I I I L I J 1- !- - i W208 SECTION 26-53.41 ! -L - j_ - I," I P 3 G. 208 1 I I I P.B. 1 I I ;1I1311ai15 TRACT "A" 14115 f'16i17418i1920i21122;23I24i ' 1 105 PG. 13' R ►111 Figure 1: Location Sketch — 30 -foot PUBLIC R/W (Right of Way) - to be Vacated Per Miami 21 Zoning Code, Article 2, Section, in the event of vacation, the boundary shall be construed as remaining in its location, except where ownership of the vacated property is divided other than at the center, in which case the boundary shall be construed as moving with the ownership. The Applicant's proposed request for the vacation and closure of a portion of NW 22 Ter includes the property boundary change, which shall be construed as moving with the ownership of the Applicant. Furthermore, the associated Miami 21 transect designation also goes with that property boundary change, that being from "D2" Industrial District Zone to "DIV Work Place District Zone, please refer to Maps 2 and 3. Therefore, this request is consistent with this requirement. File ID# PZ -19-628: Vacation and Closure of NW 22 Ter for Tentative Plat — Track 23 Subdivision 3 VIII IIiIIIIIJIIII1I -- Mv331n ST T3.O T3.0Ii uwnTrl.: I I nv+uTnsT Ij 4 ADDRE55 1170 JM' 23 5T 0 1%D 250 O Fea SUBJECT PPOPEJ7h' I Map 2 — Miami 21, Existing Zoning - Subject Property and portion of Right of Way (NW 22 TER) is zoned "02" Industrial District Zone I�iIIIIIIIIIII)lIIII nw Wins- i -D -uwu,naT-- I � 3 -Mv>9fp�5T= D1 Per Miami 21 Zoning Code, Article 2, Section the Applicants newly acquired property from FDOT and its respective zoning designation goes from "D2" Industrial District Zone to "D1" Work Place District Zone. ® ADDRESS VIDONW23ST D 125 250 DO Fra I SUBJECT PROPERTY Map 3 — Miami 21, Proposed Zoning - Subject Property and portion of Right of Way (NW 22 TER) is zoned "D1" Work Place District Zone File ID# PZ -19-628: Vacation and Closure of NW 22 Ter for Tentative Plat — Track 23 Subdivision 4 C. ANALYSIS PLAT AND STREET COMMITTEE: At the September 6, 2018 Plat and Street Committee meeting, the Committee approved TRACT 23 (Vacation of Street), please see Attachment 3 — Resilience and Public Works Letter. Plat and Street Committee considerations are with respect to the four items below in making their recommendations to the Planning, Zoning, and Appeals Board (PZAB). Criteria 1: Is it in the public interest, or would the general public benefit from the vacation of the rights of way or easement; per the City of Miami's Code of Ordinances, Sec. 55-15 - Vacation and closure of rights-of-way platted easements and emergency access easements by plat. Plat and Street The museum is being introduced for civic use and public benefit. The Committee Finding 1: property is an existing legal non -conforming structure with no existing parking. Parking spaces will be constructed within the vacated portion of Right of Way area for NW 22 Ter. The development will generate additional tax base to the City. The vacation will also shift the burden of street maintenance to the Property owner. Planning Department It is consistent with Miami 21, Article 4, Table 12 — Design Review Criteria, Analysis 1 "Parking Standards", minimize the impact of automobile parking and driveways on the pedestrian environment and adjacent properties by confining the ancillary parking for the Rubell Museum onsite within the vacated right of way. Planning Department Planning Department concurs with the Plat and Street Committee finding Finding 1: because the vacation and closure of this portion of Right of Way of NW 22 Ter allows for a unified property for future development. Furthermore, it will promote a "walkable" area within a predominantly industrially -designated area. Criteria 2: Is the general public no longer using the rights of way or easement, including public service vehicles such as trash and garbage trucks, police, fire or other emergency vehicles? Plat and Street The vacated street does not connect to the west, only to the east. It has been Committee Finding 2: fenced off for years due to security issues. Public service and emergency vehicles have access from the north side of the property. Planning Department The Planning Department concurs with the Plat and Street Committee's Finding 2: Finding 2. Criteria 3: Would there be no adverse effect on the ability to provide police, fire or emergency services? Plat and Street All services are accessed from the north side of the property. There is no Committee Finding 3: adverse effect on the ability to provide police, fire or emergency services. Planning Department The Planning Department concurs with the Plat and Street Committee's Finding 3: Finding 3. File ID# PZ -19-628: Vacation and Closure of NW 22 Ter for Tentative Plat — Track 23 Subdivision 5 Criteria 4: Would the vacation and closure of the Right of Way or easements have a beneficial effect on pedestrian and vehicular circulation in the area? Plat and Street The parking area is to be constructed within the vacated area, including Committee Finding 4: installations of landscaping. It's an improvement to the area that is currently D. CONCLUSION Per the Applicant's Letter of Intent, the closure and vacation of a portion of NW 22 Terr will allow for the relocation of the Rubell Museum, which will have both direct and indirect benefits by bringing in a cultural and educational asset to a predominately industrial zoned a neighborhood along with potentially bringing in additional business from local, regional, and international visitors. The Planning Department has concluded that the request for a vacation and closure of the portion of NW 22 Terrace satisfies the minimum requirements of Section 55-15 of the City Code. This vacation" and "closure application is consistent with the policies of the Miami 21 Zoning Code. Furthermore, the Applicant's subject property is within the 0.25 -mile radius of the Miami -Dade County's Santa Clara Metrorail Station and is serviced by Miami -Dade County's six (12, 21, 96, 246, 295, and 296) separate Metrobus routes. Therefore, this application is also consistent with the Miami Neighborhood Comprehensive Plan, including Transportation Element, Policy TR -2.6.3: The City will in coordination with Miami -Dade Transit and FDOT develop, prioritize, and implement sidewalk and bicycle infrastructure improvements that are adjacent to transit routes/corridors and transit stations in order to improve connectivity between transit and other non - motorized modes of transportation while promoting the use of alternative travel modes. Pursuant to Chapter 55, Section 55-15, of the City of Miami Code of Ordinances, and the findings, the Planning Department recommends Approval of the vacation and closure of a portion of NW 22 Ter from public use as proposed in the Tentative Plat, subject to the following conditions: 1. The Applicant, owner or their successor shall meet applicable development standards identified in the Miami 21 Code and all applicable local, county, state, and federal regulations. 2. The Applicant shall provide an access plan for review and acceptance by the City's Fire -Rescue, Police, Solid Waste Departments, and the Capital Improvements Program/Office Transportation. File ID# PZ -19-628: Vacation and Closure of NW 22 Ter for Tentative Plat — Track 23 Subdivision 6 not well maintained and not safe for the operation of the museum. Vehicular circulation will improve by the construction of the parking area. The pedestrian will be able to walk through the parking area. Planning Department It is consistent with Miami 21, Article 4, Table 12 — Design Review Criteria, Analysis 4: "Parking Standards": • Minimize the impact of automobile parking and driveways on the pedestrian environment and adjacent properties by confining the ancillary parking for the Rubell onsite within the vacated Right of Way. • Design landscaping or surface parking areas as buffers between dissimilar Uses. The Right of Way will be improved with landscaping by the Applicant as part of the adaptive reuse of the Property Planning Department Based on the findings from both the Plat and Street Committee and Staff's Finding 4: analysis of Miami 21's Design Review Criteria, this street closure application will improve the traffic circulation, minimize the need for off- street parking, and beautify the property through landscaping. Therefore, it is consistent with Criteria 4. D. CONCLUSION Per the Applicant's Letter of Intent, the closure and vacation of a portion of NW 22 Terr will allow for the relocation of the Rubell Museum, which will have both direct and indirect benefits by bringing in a cultural and educational asset to a predominately industrial zoned a neighborhood along with potentially bringing in additional business from local, regional, and international visitors. The Planning Department has concluded that the request for a vacation and closure of the portion of NW 22 Terrace satisfies the minimum requirements of Section 55-15 of the City Code. This vacation" and "closure application is consistent with the policies of the Miami 21 Zoning Code. Furthermore, the Applicant's subject property is within the 0.25 -mile radius of the Miami -Dade County's Santa Clara Metrorail Station and is serviced by Miami -Dade County's six (12, 21, 96, 246, 295, and 296) separate Metrobus routes. Therefore, this application is also consistent with the Miami Neighborhood Comprehensive Plan, including Transportation Element, Policy TR -2.6.3: The City will in coordination with Miami -Dade Transit and FDOT develop, prioritize, and implement sidewalk and bicycle infrastructure improvements that are adjacent to transit routes/corridors and transit stations in order to improve connectivity between transit and other non - motorized modes of transportation while promoting the use of alternative travel modes. Pursuant to Chapter 55, Section 55-15, of the City of Miami Code of Ordinances, and the findings, the Planning Department recommends Approval of the vacation and closure of a portion of NW 22 Ter from public use as proposed in the Tentative Plat, subject to the following conditions: 1. The Applicant, owner or their successor shall meet applicable development standards identified in the Miami 21 Code and all applicable local, county, state, and federal regulations. 2. The Applicant shall provide an access plan for review and acceptance by the City's Fire -Rescue, Police, Solid Waste Departments, and the Capital Improvements Program/Office Transportation. File ID# PZ -19-628: Vacation and Closure of NW 22 Ter for Tentative Plat — Track 23 Subdivision 6 3. A building permit, including phased permits, will not be issued on the property being platted until the final plat is recorded or as authorized by the City of Miami Code Section 55-10(i). 4. A Certificate of Occupancy shall only be issued after all the required subdivision improvements have been completed; 5. The Applicant or their successor shall comply with the conditions of approval stated for the Track 23 Subdivision - Tentative Plat # 1905-D (Fourth Resubmittal), in a letter dated September 8, 2018, from the Department of Resilience and Public Works. Jai Ch Attachments: Attachment 1 - Location Sketch Attachment 2 - Tentative Plat Attachment 3 - Public Works Letter File ID# PZ -19-628: Vacation and Closure of NW 22 Ter for Tentative Plat — Track 23 Subdivision 7 AERIAL ePLAN FILE ID: PZ -18-628 STREET CLOSURE NW122ND•TER� 0 � I N V 125 250 500 Feet I I I I I I I ADDRESS: 1100 NW 23 ST SUBJECT PROPERTY I I T3 -O NW25TH,ST- NW24TKST T6 -8-O NW 23RD ST MIAMI 21 (EXISTING) ePLAN FILE ID: PZ -18-628 STREET CLOSURE NW -25TH -ST c --- I t IW -24TH ST LAND SHOWN (30 -FOOT PUBIC RIGHT OF WAY), APPDXIMATELY 18,314 SQUARE FEET OR 0.420 ACRE TO VACATED NW 21 ST TER N ADDRESS: 1100 NW 23 ST 0 125 250 500 Feet SUBJECT PROPERTY