HomeMy WebLinkAboutO-13863City of Miami City Hall Legislation 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 www.miamigov.com Ordinance: 13863 File Number: 6011 Final Action Date: 10/10/2019 AN ORDINANCE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION RENAMING THE "MAYOR'S INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL" TO THE "MAYOR'S COUNCIL ON GLOBAL COMPETITIVENESS" BY AMENDING CHAPTER 2/ARTICLE XI/DIVISION 2 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED ("CITY CODE"), TITLED "ADMINISTRATION/BOARDS, COMMITTEES, COMMISSIONS/STANDARDS FOR CREATION AND REVIEW OF BOARDS GENERALLY," MORE PARTICULARLY BY AMENDING SECTIONS 2-887(B) AND 2-892(4)(A)(1) TO CHANGE REFERENCES TO THE "MAYOR'S INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL" TO THE "MAYOR'S COUNCIL ON GLOBAL COMPETITIVENESS"; AMENDING CHAPTER 2/ARTICLE XI/DIVISION 3 OF THE CITY CODE, TITLED "ADMINISTRATION/BOARDS, COMMITTEES, COMMISSIONS/MAYOR'S INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL," TO CHANGE THE NAME OF THE "MAYOR'S INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL" TO THE "MAYOR'S COUNCIL ON GLOBAL COMPETITIVENESS"; CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN IMMEDIATE EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Mayor's International Council ("Council") implements and advises the Mayor and the City Commission in the areas of international trade, sister cities, and protocol; and WHEREAS, the City of Miami recognizes its role as an international city and desires to make itself more competitive on a global scale, through the promotion of trade and local investment in accordance with international best practices; and WHEREAS, the City Commission finds that the change of the Council's name to the Mayor's Council on Global Competitiveness will better reflect the goals and mission of the Council; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Ordinance are adopted by reference and incorporated as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. Chapter 2/Article XI/Division 3 of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended, is amended in the following particulars:' "CHAPTER 2 ' Words/and or figures stricken through shall be deleted. Underscored words and/or figures shall be added. The remaining provisions are now in effect and remain unchanged. Asterisks indicate omitted and unchanged material. City of Miami Page 1 of 5 File ID: 6011 (Revision:) Printed On: 10/23/2019 File ID: 6011 ADMINISTRATION ARTICLE XI. BOARDS, COMMITTEES, COMMISSIONS Enactment Number: 13863 DIVISION 2. STANDARDS FOR CREATION AND REVIEW OF BOARDS GENERALLY Sec. 2-887. Quorum requirements; exceptions. (a) Except for those boards listed in subsection (b) hereinbelow, a quorum for all boards' meetings, shall consist of fifty percent (50%) plus one of the board's total membership. The decision of a majority of the board members present and voting at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the decision of the board. (b) The following boards are subject to quorum requirements as provided for elsewhere in this Code. Audit Advisory Committee Bayfront Park Management Trust Downtown Development Authority Equal Opportunity Advisory Board Mayer's GAA in`+i1 Mavor's Council on Global Competitiveness Miami Commission on the Status of Women Miami Forever Bond Program Citizens' Oversight Board Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Street Codesignation Review Committee Urban Development Review Board Sec. 2-892. - "Sunset" review of boards. Commencing with the year 1995, each city board shall be reviewed in the following manner: (1) By February 15 of the year in which a board is to be reviewed, the city manager shall deliver to the city commission the report submitted by the chairperson of each board pursuant to section 2-890 hereinabove, together with any recommendation or comments the city manager desires to submit. (2) During the month of March of each year in which a board is to be reviewed, the chairperson shall make an oral presentation to the city commission. Said presentation shall be based on the report set forth in section 2-890 above. At the conclusion of the oral presentation by the board's chairperson, any individual commissioner may request the formation of a special purpose board, (hereinafter referred to as the "SPB"), consisting of five members appointed by the city commission. The SPB shall evaluate the chairperson's report, the city manager's recommendations and any other information it deems relevant to determine whether the board City of Miami Page 2 of 5 File ID: 6011 (Revision:) Printed on: 10/23/2019 File ID: 6011 Enactment Number: 13863 being reviewed shall continue in its present form. The SPB shall make a report to the full commission within 90 days. (3) At the conclusion of this review process, the city commission shall determine whether to abolish, continue, consolidate or modify the board for the ensuing four years thereafter. Nothing contained herein shall be construed to authorize the abolition, consolidation or modification of any multijurisdictional board. (4) The following boards shall initially be reviewed in the following years and shall be reviewed every four years thereafter: a. 1995: 1. Bayfront Park management trust. 2. Citywide community development advisory board. 3. Civil service board. 4. Code enforcement boards. 5. Equal opportunity advisory board. b. 1996: 1. Committee on ecology and beautification. c. 1997: 1. Reserved. 2. Audit advisory committee. 3. Urban development review board. 4. Nuisance abatement board. d. 1998: 1. Historical and environmental preservation board. 2. Waterfront advisory board. 3. Community relations board. e. 1999: 1. Little Havana Special Events District. 2. Commercial solid waste management advisory committee. f. 2000: 1. Commission on the status of women. 2. Virginia Key Beach Park trust. g. 2002: 1. Reserved. 2. City of Miami arts and entertainment council. h. Reserved. i. 2003: 1 nnayei Ir+oFFIati Ral GOURG;I Mavor's Council on Global Competitiveness. j. Reserved. k. Reserved. I. 2010: 1. Overtown Advisory Board/Overtown Community Oversight Board. 2. Liberty City Community Revitalization Trust. 3. Education advisory board. 4. Planning, zoning, and appeals board. m. 2011: 1. Parks and recreation advisory board. n. Reserved. o. 2013: 1. Housing and commercial loan committee. p. 2016: 1. Stars of Calle Ocho Walk of Fame celebrity and community recognition advisory committee. City of Miami Page 3 of 5 File ID: 6011 (Revision:) Printed on: 10/23/2019 File ID: 6011 q. 2019: 1. Senior citizens' advisory board. (5) All boards created after the effective date of appropriate area under subsection (4) hereinabove, therewith. Enactment Number: 13863 this division shall be placed in the and shall be reviewed in accordance DIVISION 3. \R'S INTERM Tlnn rnl Inirll MAYOR'S COUNCIL ON GLOBAL COMPETITIVENESS Sec. 2-921. - Ma yer's IRteFAA_4inn;1 ` A_1 lRGi1 Manor's Council on Global Competitiveness created. shall: Sec. 2-922. - Purpose; powers and duties. (a) Purpose. The council shall: (1) Plan and implement the city's national and international trade promotion policies for the purposes of stimulating commercial and residential development and, oromotinq economic competitiveness and development on a global scale, and expanding the city's tax base through the promotion of trade and local investment in accordance with the bylaws adopted by the council; (2) Plan, implement, and coordinate the city sister cities program, execute all sister city agreements for the same, and oversee the city's national and international, professional, and technical educational and cultural exchanges, promotion and policies to create and stimulate friendly and meaningful relationships; and (3) Coordinate protocol requirements for national and international events and dignitaries pursuant to the standard and practices adopted by the council. (b) Powers and duties. Subject to reasonable notice to the city commission, the council (1) Encourage the fullest and most active participation and cooperation of private enterprise by actively soliciting contributions and financial support from private business interests and any other governmental authorities for national and international trade promotion and business development; (2) Establish independent city line items in the budget for deposit of revenues generated by the council and for disbursement of council expenses; (3) Purchase and sell services for national and international trade promotion and business development and the ability to create council -sponsored conferences, trade shows and trade missions on behalf of the city; (4) Maintain a separate, non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation for the purpose of seeking funding from outside sources if it so chooses; City of Miami Page 4 of 5 File ID: 6011 (Revision:) Printed on: 10/23/2019 File ID: 6011 Enactment Number: 13863 (5) Approve designation of national or international cities and geographic locations as sister cities to the city; (6) Form a committee for each sister city that will have a president with significant cultural and business ties to the sister city, said president to be appointed by the council; a. The sister cities committee president shall recruit members from the community at -large with membership criteria emphasizing significant cultural and business ties to the sister cities having a sister city relationship with the city. b. Local consul general of the country of individual foreign sister cities will be afforded the opportunity to appoint an individual to the sister cities committee; thereby, assigning an ex officio member from the consul general's staff to be a liaison between the consulate and the committee. (7) Maintain an affiliation policy and direction of sister city committees established for each sister city of the city; and (8) Create, coordinate and manage policies and procedures for events related to the council's purpose and dignitaries visiting the city. (c) Notwithstanding any provisions to the contrary, the council shall exercise only such powers as are granted pursuant to this article. The City Commission or the naa.,eF'S in+orn;;+iAARl e01 Manor's Council on Global Competitiveness upon reasonable notice to the City Commission may rescind any sister city relationship. (d) All sister city relationships existing prior to the effective date of this amendment, and which are consistent with the provisions herein, regardless of the manner in which said sister city relationship was created, shall continue to be deemed a sister city of the City pursuant to this section. *„ Section 3. If any section, part of a section, paragraph, clause, phrase, or word of this Ordinance is declared invalid, the remaining provisions of this Ordinance shall not be affected. Section 4. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its adoption and signature of the Mayor.2 APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: rr---- 1 i ria i ndty Attor t ey _ 7/1/2019 2 If the Mayor does not sign this Ordinance, it shall become effective at the end of ten calendar days from the date it was passed and adopted. If the Mayor vetoes this Ordinance, it shall become effective immediately upon override of the veto by the City Commission. City of Miami Page 5 of 5 File ID: 6011 (Revision:) Printed on: 10/23/2019