HomeMy WebLinkAboutExhibit ACity of Miami Anti -Poverty Initiative Program Funding Request Form CONTACT INFORMATION: Contact Person: Olden Reese Title: President Phone number: 786-357-0600 Email Address: srpastorreese@gmail.com Name of Person completing this form: Olden Reese Legal Name of Organization: Men Of Impact Development Center, Inc. Address (Street, City, State, Zip Code): 17610 NW 41stAvenue, Miami Gardens, FL 33055 Executive Director of Organization: Olden Reese Executive Director email: srpastorreese@gmeil.com Executive Director Contact Phone Number: 786-357-0600 The organization is a registered and active State of Florida Corporation (select one): ❑ For-profit organization Not -for profit organization {501(3)(c)) ❑ Local governmental unit ❑ State governmental unit ❑ Educational and academic institution ❑ City of Miami department, agency and board Page 1 of 5 Return this form to: mtrevino@miamigov.com Last revised June 6, 2019 City of Miami Anti -Poverty Initiative Program Funding Request Form ORGANIZA T10Af AND PRi7GRA.M/PMECT NPf ORMAT101Y Organization History and I&ackgr ound Information: This is a re-eroy mrugrarn enm wit larger oiiern5 who nave seen swwa d m pilon and are arneraiy m prohaGun wnh rtve hepes ur the prwrar'n srapplrx} a�fiJitrral mimes andlnr �rie¢erser hom these iMividrare The program alA mek to- eliminate the risk of these eihxens being rearrested, hemming drug abusers ar spmsat ahumis wdm r bem g psi' m mrz pttalis char wevid rerreve m&r cnee age n rem seeierg. IS yourprogr^am/project providing direct servkesto residents of the City of7Yes +ON00 (lumber at residents your entity will serve: 30 frequency of Service: up to 3llmes+'A�o AgeGraupServed: Men 18 & up Is your programfproject impxting one of Miami's disadvantaged commu nities3 Yes i✓INoF—] Geographic Area Served [specific to this projectJprogramf District Served (t, 2, 3,. d, 5, Citywide) Neighhorhood/Community being served: 01ert0n' berty Cry Program/Project priority area (Select one): 0 Educational Programs tar children, youth and adults Crime Prevention Elderly meals, transportation, recreational and health/wellness related activities At -risk youth or youth summer job programs Transportation services and programs F] Job development, retention and training programs L1 Nameless Services Improving housing opportunities and complete minor housing repairs and ADA upgrades for low income elderly and veterans Return this form to, mtrevina@d rniamigay.com Last reveled June B, 21119 City of Miami Ant[ -Poverty Initiative Program Funding Request Form Program)Project Title: Men of ln,tpact Developrnen Centel Proje€tfProgram Description: This rehatHimato n program *hula be tpving crtmene who have reCerdly been placed on protmism an opporhrvty oa close hie reydvm doors of itrprislanment and s7opq;gl repealed CYT.— die b Ret inabiry In and eft*h nlnl Md s 6" . Tr+a4' win aim gain s�.iluhl. esmdiMN mid W gue.ner In-pparl. Leer uarsa7on ane el�gmiw bm*M W- rrr' Iie3 xnc nrgi'sun =rWds. Program Start Date: September 2019 Program End Bate: Tga Please describe how this prngram1projeLt and hu>,dirxg will alleviate poverty within the City of Miami? Pi A ­.:1'e ye -1 WL- kart 1'.xrm nulnnraf 1. r erila. r u:nJ 11w _rr.crt:r_ri -! fulura �rierrx: w: irrx Reduce recidivism ty Increasing or Improving economic acli 4 wnn WstsiAabae employment and contribution to state taxing system. Assist with "nsportaWn to and from work. 11APACFA1YD AER€ORA"Aiff, Describe overall expected outcomes and performance measures for this prpjer*rWram:. Ptie .. P and sell xutto<iencY tfr aNiit, lm runner .. ...a Tt- d be mrramied quareelfirey 01a1e Vthemrmsel—, Pruhar�. uH"kerx ernpmyraxa'a Kraxrs. Pl%. r rdl he wGrvvaeE trs aee salt kn 1.0 araoe or W [ewe d deEe _ a ale P-7— ba.T a pcesoe rrru[[ - axr -N menu Pfeese attach raddet onlef pejzer ro fhe hawk a] dus paeAW, efthe spare ulnen n net saffiviemL Rerum tfus form to' entmAr oLbO m iam Ignv.com. Last revised Jv.ne B, 21119 City of Miami Anti -Poverty Initiative Program - Funding Request Form FUNDING REQUEST INFORMATIDN: Amount Requested: $10,000 Explain how the City of Miami Anti -Poverty funding will be utilized: As each of the citizens are court appointed to the program, F.L.E. will be the headquarters for the counseling, mentoring, training/job preparation Gasses, church services, bible study, etc. Counselors and clergy will mentor individually and in small intimate private groups. Itemize API funding related to expenditures below: Personnel Salaries & Wages: $1 ,000 Personnel Benefits $ Space: $1.000 Utilities (Electricity, Phone, Internet): $ Supplies: $1,400 Marketing: $ Transportation (Participants): $ Meals (Participants): $600 Professional Services (List each): Other (please describe): $6,000 Other (please describe): Gass materials. counseling Other (please describe): Page 4 of 5 Return this form to: mtrevino@miamigov.com Last revised June 6, 2019 City of Miami Anti -Poverty Initiative Program Funding Request Form To be completed by the Entity/Recipient By signing below you agree to the guidelines and stipulate that the information provided on this form is accurate and complete. Completed by (Print & Sign): C e Date: �=%�/ ZI :2 L) / V Additional Comments: To be completed by District Commissioner/Mayor's Office Recommended for funding: Yes❑ No❑ Funding Recommendation: Commission Meeting Date: Additional Comments: Completed by (Print & Sign): Date: To be completed by the Department Received by (Print & Sign): Date: Additional Comments: Page 5 of 5 Return this form to: mtrevino@miamigov.com Last revised lune 6, 2019