HomeMy WebLinkAboutComposite Exhibit A SUBTHIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION. THE ORIGINAL CAN BE FOUND AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. COMPOSITE EXHIBIT A 1. OMNI CRA Budget for Fiscal Year 2019-2020, and 2. Budget Template for OMNI CRA for Fiscal Year 2019-2020 FILE NO. 6329 COMPOSITE EXHIBIT A SUB 81612019 po yu $e The Agency's obllgation with respect to Museum Park under the Global Interlocal Agreement are the subject of ongoing discussion between the City and the Agency, The Interlocal Agreement obligations Include the amounts payable in accordance with the original terms of the Global interlocal Agreement and/or such other amount as shall be determined by the resolution of such ongoing discussions (but In no eventshall exceed the amounts payable under the original terms of the Global Interlocal Agreement with respect to Museum Park.) 2020 TIF Revenue $28,300,014 2020TIF Rev for Affordable Housing $2,830,001 % 2020 Budget for Affordable Housing 10% 2020 TIF Revenue $28,300,014 2020 Administrative Expenditures $1,662,157 % Administrative Exp / 2020 TIF Revenue 6% Budget Reserve (2019 and 2020) $1,215,173 Total 2020 Budget $54,045,391 % 2020 Budget Reserve /Total 2020 Budget 2% FY2020 FY 2019 BUDGET: �7MNI TAX INGREMENT;FUND BUDGET PROPOSED °:P.ROPO5ED . VARIANCE ,. _ . - UfJ;�ET : BUDGET .: REVENUES CITY OF MIAMI -TAX INCREMENT $16,975,009 $11,525,122 $5,449,887 MIAMIDADECOUNTY-TAXINCREMENT(ORIGINALBOUNDARIES) $10,465,562 $7,092,694 $3,372,868 CITY OF MIAMI -TAX INCREMENT (2009 ADDITION EXPANDED BOUNDARIES) $531,687 $386,218 $145,469 MIAMI DADE COUNTY - TAX INCREMENT (2009 ADDITION EXPANDED BOUNDARIES) $327,756 $237,877 $89,879 Total TIF Revenues $28,900,014 2020 FUND BALANCE LOAN SERIES 2018 A and 2018 B (Funds held by Bank United) $11,755,752 $11,659,393 $96,359 TRANSFER FROM MIDTOWN CRA (Administration) $88,837 $64,282 $24,555 RENT INCOME -MEC . $0 $100,000 -$100,000 OTHER INCOME - MEC (REIMBOIISEMENT FOR 2019. PROP.ERTY.TAXES) $0 $178,177 -$178,177 RENT INCOME- 1401 LLC $101,481 $101,481 $0 2020 CHILDREN TRUST CONTRIBUTION $1,132,001 $769,676 $362,325 2020 ESTIMA'T'ED FUND BALANCE (It Includes the $4,552,500 - Reimbursement from Loan $12,667,306 $11,793,068 $874,237 Series 2018A dTl1h RFVE 11' 64"ORS 391 ?� 10,137,402 REpE-V LU1?MfENT EXR : U;ITQAH ACCOUNTING AND AUDIT $15,000 $0 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES -OTHER $603,384 7,s, $145,584 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $638,692 $176,032_INTERFUNDTRANSFER(DebtService) $7,046,026 $ -$1,812 INTERFUND TRANSFER (Grant) $2,501,723 $1,726,104 $775,619 OTHER CURRENT CHARGE $9,905,005 $6,734,669 $3,170,336 OTHER GRANTS AND AIDS $28,633,639 $24 004 312 $4,629,327 , AUMINISTRgTIVEEXPE`N ITURES,. _. REGULAR SALARIES $842,540 $607,540 $235,000 FICA TAXES $64,454 $46,477 $17,977 LIFE AND I-JEALTH INSURANCE $90,000 $48,000 $42,000 RETIREMENT CONTRIBUTION $50,000 $26,200 $23,800 FRINGE BENEFITS $54,500 $54,500 $0 OTHER CONTRACTUAL. SERVICE $90,000 $20,000 $70,000 TRAVEL AND PER DIEM $30,000 $30,000 $0 UTILITY SERVICE $20,300 $20,300 $0 INSURANCE $104,166 $104,166 $0 OTHER CURRENT CHARGE $199,596 $185,177 $14,419 SUPPLIES $10,000 $5,000 $5,000 OPERATING SUPPLIES $10,000 $5,000 $5,000 SUBSCRIPTION MEMBERSHIP $17,000 $17,000 $0 MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT $24,000 $24,000 $0 ADVERTISING $30,000 $30,000 $0 RENTAL AND LEASES $3,600 $3,600 $0 POSTAGE $2.,000 $2,000 $0 REPAIR/MAINTENANCE - OUTSIDE $2,000 $2,000 $0 INTERFUND TRANSFER $18,0001 $18,000 $0 TOW AdminWIAM- UP-.dItUms $1,002,167 $88,837 $64,282 $2.4,555 RESERVE FOR MIDTOWN ADM EXPENDITURES RESERVE FORSE-CURITYDEPOSIT - MEC $125,000 $125,000 $0 RESERVE FOR SECURITY DEPOSIT -1401 GROUP LLC $40,000 $40,000 $0 RESERVE FOR CAPITAL EXPENDITURES $1,280,659 $1,089,165 $191,494 RESERVE FOR PAYMENT OF PROPERTY TAXES - MEC $192,596 $177',257 $15,339 RESERVE FOR LOAN PROCEEDS SERIES 2019 A & B $47,500 $47,500 $0 RESERVE FOR UNSOLICITATED PROPOSALS $50,000 $50,000 $0 2019 BUDGET RESERVE (Budget Surplus) $95,702 $617,442 -$521,740 2020 BUDGET RESERVE $1,119 471 0 $1,119,471 TOTrAL RUNiS(NR(L'ANCG " : 54 045391 L$43,907,986 - 10 ti37402 po yu $e The Agency's obllgation with respect to Museum Park under the Global Interlocal Agreement are the subject of ongoing discussion between the City and the Agency, The Interlocal Agreement obligations Include the amounts payable in accordance with the original terms of the Global interlocal Agreement and/or such other amount as shall be determined by the resolution of such ongoing discussions (but In no eventshall exceed the amounts payable under the original terms of the Global Interlocal Agreement with respect to Museum Park.) 2020 TIF Revenue $28,300,014 2020TIF Rev for Affordable Housing $2,830,001 % 2020 Budget for Affordable Housing 10% 2020 TIF Revenue $28,300,014 2020 Administrative Expenditures $1,662,157 % Administrative Exp / 2020 TIF Revenue 6% Budget Reserve (2019 and 2020) $1,215,173 Total 2020 Budget $54,045,391 % 2020 Budget Reserve /Total 2020 Budget 2% FundlngSource -cariryover Feria Balance : FY2020 '� TiF $o $15,000 K`6 $10,680 $o $250,000 $o $47,704 $o $10,146 $284,854 $10,660 $o $50,000 $o $328,032. $o $o $250'000 'J Total Budgdt Amount (Professional Services - Legal, Accounting and Audit, Professional Services - Other and Other Contractual $1,257,076 NR - No CRA Resolution/Assigned Funds $1,170,736 R - CRA Resolutlori Passed / Assigned Funds $86,340 $15,000 $603,384 $638,692 Description`. Category Approval Date - . Reso 0 Amount _Amount Remaining - $O' $4,231,000 .' $0 Budgeted Expended. 0alance:,:,. Interfund Transfer Debt Service $0 $9,905,005 $0 .: 4. .,•: 1 2020 Transfer Out to the City Debt Service Dec -07 2007 Global $4,231,000 $0 $4,231,000 $0 of Miami for the payment of $1,132,001 $o Agreement $19,a96'i$J1' $Q the Port of Mlaml Tunnel 57 222 ' 19 395 S _$0 Series 2012 2 2020 Loan Payment Bank Debt Service Debt Service $2,815,026 $0 $2,815,026 United - Principal Amount $25M Cull ar C rr.'ent Charges and Obll atloes _ 3 2020 Estimated Payment Infrastructure Dec -07 2007 Global $9,905,005 $0 $9,905,005 (Global Agreement) - Agreement Performing Art Center a(pefdrlrrnsfeYrtl<YatLfl-..:-. .1:. ,,... :,'. 4 2015-2016 Policing Services - Quallty of Life 10/22/2015 15-0043 $710,000 $652,778 $57,222 Clty of Miami 5 2020 Available Funds for a Quallty of Life NR $500,000 $0 $500,000 grant to the City of Miami Police Department for the Expanded Police Program 6 2020 TIF Payment to MAX Quality of Life $812,500 $0 $812,500 Miami LLC, 7 2020 Children Trust Quality of Life Dec -07 $1,132,001 $0 $1,132,001 Contribution ZAgroement . SOUtotp/' .$20,105,531 $052;778 $19,/t5rL,%59 Total Budget Amount (Interfund Transfer (Debt Service), Debt Service, Purchase of Land and Interfund Transfer (Grant) NR - No CRA Resolution/Asslgned Funds $0 R - CRA Resolution Passed $19,452,759 $19,452,753 Fundln Source _ 'Carryover Fund Balance ... FY 202b TIF -( Revenue Reimburgement from,LeanSe'ries 201gA= r $4,552;500-. $O' $4,231,000 $0 $0 $2,815,026 $p $0 $9,905,005 $0 .: 4. .,•: $57,222 $0 $o $0 $500,000 $0 $o $812,500 $0 $0 $1,132,001 $o $57�222 $19,a96'i$J1' $Q 57 222 ' 19 395 S _$0 $19,452,753 $7,046,026 $9,905,005 $2,501,723 Fundic Source Description Category . Approval Date Reso It Amount Amount :. Remaining :.I Carryover PX 2020 Loan Series Roimbur@e"ment - ..,.. . Budgeted ,. Expended . .Balance '. FunU.Balance TIP 2018 - -itemLoan-. -. Revenue -_A.&�B Serieg�z01.8A- $4'1552;500 -. Other Grants and Aids 1 1401 Rest LLC -.Lessor's Job Creation 6/13/2013 13.0036 $60,000 $0 $60,000 $60,000 $0 $0 $o Contribution to leasehold Improvements - Grease Trap and Hood System 2 Dorsey Library - Project Infrastructure CIP $850,000 $743,214 $106,786 $106,786 $0 $0 $0 Cost -CIP Project -Funds Approved derived from sale of land- Project. 14th St DEV LLC - R-17-0418 $1,253,649-CRA-R-15- 0021 3 Grant to Rebuilding Affordable 12/14/2016 16.0061 $700,000 $551,281 $148,719 $148,719 $0 $0 $0 Together Mlaml-Dade Inc, Housing to provide partial funding for a home Improvement fagade and quality life program. 4 2018 Grant to Rebuilding Affordable 1/17/2018 10.0028 $600,000 $0 $600,000 $600,000 $0 $0 $p Together Mlaml-Dade Inc. Housing to provide partial funding for a home Improvement fagade and quality life program. 5 2017 Miami Downtown Quality of Life 12/14/2016 16.0057 $50,000 $27,855 $22,145 $22,145 $0 $0 $p Development Authority to expand the Downtown Enhancement Team (Purple Shirts) 6 2018 Miami DowntownQuality of Life 1/17/2018 18-0007 $100,000 $38,587 $61,413 $61,413 $0 $0 $p Development Authority to expand the Downtown Enhancement Team (Purple Shirts) 7 2019 Miami Downtown Quality of Life NR $100,000 $28,376 $71,624 $71,624 $0 $0 $0 Development Authority to expand the Downtown Enhancement Team (Purple Shirts) 2018 Available for Business Job Creation / 8 18-0023 $500,000 $200,000 $300,000 $300,000 $0 $0 $0 Improvements and Quality of Life Assistance Grant Program $200,000 $300,000 $300,000 9 2018 Business Job Creation / 18.0037 $500,000 $0 $0 $0 Improvement and Quality ofLife Assistance Grant Program 10 Museum Park Remediation Infrastructure 4/19/2017 17-0022 $175,000 $150,343 $24,657 $24,657 $0 $p $p Project 630538, CIP Project funded with OMNI TIP Funds. 11 Execute Lease Agreement Job Creation / 6/21/2017 17-0033 $150,000 $76,453 $73,547 $73,547 $0 $tl $p with a Five (5) year InIttal Quality of Life term with two (2) one (1) year options to renew between the CRA and Revran S Lincoln at 175 NW 14th St. Base amount $2,850 per month with a three (3 %) percent annual 12 Contribution to the City of Infrastructure6/25/2015 15.0022 $3,750,000 $3,549,420 $200,580 $200,580 $0 $0 $D Mlaml -TRI Rall Project 5/26/2016 IT Open Space Initiative QualltyofLife NR $500,000 $0 $500,000 $500,000 $0 $0 $0 14 130 NW 14th Street Rehab Qua lltyof Life 1/17/2018 18.0027 $400,000 $0 $400,000 $400,000 $0 $0 $p & Activation (Morgan's) Deferred Item 15 Grant to the City of Miami Infrastructure 2/19/2019 no action $50,000 $D $90,000 $50,000 $0 $0 $p for cost associated with the taken design of operational assessment of the 33 acres 16 Chapman Grant lilstorlc NR $200,000 $0 $200,000 $200,000 $0 $D $p Preservation Total Budget Amount Other Grants and Aids NR - No CRA Resolution/Assigned Funds $9,103,021 R - CRA Resolution Passed $19,530,619 28 633 639 $28,633630 Funding Source _Description Category Approval Date Reso 8 Amount Amount . Remaining Carryover FY 2020 Loan Series Relm64rseraont ' ... Budgeted Expended Balance Fund Balance TIF - 2018 from Loan Revenue A&8 Series 2018A- ... .. - ,. ........ .. -- :: $4,552;500. Dt er Grants and Aids. 17 Miami Homes for All Grant Affordable NR $300,000 $o $300,000 $0 $300,000 $0 _ • $o Housing 18 Carryover of unused funds Affordable 16.0040 $503,744 $0 $503,744 $503,744 $0 $0 $0 for Affordable Housing Housing Projects Rehabllitatlon, (10% of TIF Revenue) 19 2019 Reserve for Affordable Affordable 16.0040 $1,924,191 $0 $1,924,191 $1,924,191 $0 $0 $0 Workforce Housing (10% of Housing 2019 Total TIF $19,241,911) 20 2020 Reserve for Affordable Affordable 16.0040 $2,830,001 $0 $7.,830,001 $0 $2,830,001 $0 $0 Workforce Housing (10% of Housing 2020 Total TIF $28,300,014) 21 Housing Acquisition and Affordable NR $2,200,000 $0 $2,200,000 $2,200,000 $0 $0 $0 Development Housing 22 Homeownership Programs Affordable NR $1,000,000 $0 $1,000,000 $0 $1,000,000 $0 $0 Housing 23 Reserve for Renovation of Infrastructure 17-0020 $4,394,001 $0 $4,394,001 $0 $0 $4,394,001 $o Bank Building (Loan Series 2018 A) 24 Reserve for Affordable Affordable NR $7,361,752 $0 $7,361,752 $0 $0 $7,361,752 $0 Housing Projects (Loan Housing - Series 2018 B) 25 Purple Shirts . Quality of Llfe 9/12/2018 180036 $100,000 $0 $100,000 $100,000 $0 $0 $0 26 2020 Purple Shirts Quality of Life NR $375,000 $0 $375,000 $0 $375,000 $0 $0 27 Streetscape and Quality of Life NR $400,000 $43,063 $356,937 $356,937 $0 $0 $0 Infrastructure Projects Affordable 28 2020 Residential Rehab NR $1,200,000 $0 $1,200,000 $0 $1,200,000 $0 $o Grant Program Houslhg Quality of Life 29 2020 Camillus House Miami NR $175,000 $0 $175,000 $175,000 $0 $0 $o Shelter Program 30 Acquisition of property Affordable 2/19/2019 19.0001 $450,000 $397,726 $52,274 $52,274 $0 $0 $0 located at 1428 NW 1st Housing Avenue (7680 sf) 31 Capital Improvements Job Creation/ NR $1,000,000 $0 $1,000,000 $0 $1,000,000 $0 $0 Projects Quality of Life 32 16 Corner LLC Affordable Affordable 1/17/2018 18-0008 $3,800,000 $2,811,231 $988,769 $0 $0 $0 $988,769 Housing Projects Housing 33 2020 Business Job Creation / NR $752,500 $0 $752,500 $0 $0 $0 $752,500 Improvement and Quality of Life Assistance Grant Program 3u pt 1'$31,45.1,10$817,349,,.:28' 93 839' 8,491,61T, 70 `001 11 '755 752 b1,TA1>2S9 $014811617i8.05001 1759 a2 i$1;741,2r0 Total Budget Amount Other Grants and Aids NR - No CRA Resolution/Assigned Funds $9,103,021 R - CRA Resolution Passed $19,530,619 28 633 639 $28,633630 Available funds for other Contractual Services 90,000 Other Contractual Services $90,0001 To Include cost for travel out of the city for conferences and travel allowances, I30 000 Travel and Per Dlem 30 000 FPL - Fire House OMNI .- 1poslildn $3,500 Executive Positions $467,740 Non Executive Positions $229,800 Contingency $65,000 Compensated Absences 80 000 Regular Salaries 842 540 Flea taxes S64 454 6q 45q Health/DentaVl/lslon Insurance Available funds for Health/ Dental/ Vision/ Life Insurance S90 000 Life and Health Insurance 90000 Available funds for Retirement Contribution Retirement Contribution 50 000 Carklowance Executive Director - OMNI $3,600 Executive Director- Midtown (Reimbursed by Midtown CRA) $6,000 Chief Legal Officer $2,400 Cell Phone Allowance Executive Director - OMNI $1,200 Executive Director - Midtown (Reimbursed by Midtown CRA) $2,400 Assistant Executive Director $1,500 Chief Legal Officer $1,200 Director of Polley and Planning $1,200 Employer provided educational assistance 35,000 Fringe Benefits 54 500 Available funds for other Contractual Services 90,000 Other Contractual Services $90,0001 To Include cost for travel out of the city for conferences and travel allowances, I30 000 Travel and Per Dlem 30 000 FPL - Fire House $10,800 Miami Water and Sewer $3,500 Contingency 6,000 Utility Service 20 300 Property Insurance/General/Liability Insurance (MGC) $71,166 Property Insurance/General/Liability Insurance (Fire Station No 2) $28,000 Workers Compensation (CRA Staff) 5 000 Insurance $104,1661 To Include the cost of food associated to CRA Meetings/Ribbon Cutting $5,000 fo Include the cost of miscellaneous supplies. $2,000 2019 MEC Property Taxes (Estimated) $192,596 Other Current Charges $199M6 To Include supplies necessary for use In the operation of an office, such as copy 10 000 Supplies 10 000 To Include other supplies not office related, Ex. Misc, Project Construction and 10,000 Operating Supplies 1. $10,0001 To Include the cost of memberships to organization, Microsoft license, and 17,000 Subscription Membership $17,0001 Purchase of Vehicle $18,000 To Include the cost of new computers 6,000 Machinery and Equipment $24,0001 To Include the expenses of placing advertisements In the newspapers or other 30,000 Advertising $3Q,000 Konica Minolta Copier 3 600 Rental and Leases 3 600 To Include the cost of stamps or other related Item. Distribution of newsletter $2,000 In the CRA area. Ex. Melling services and FedEx. Postage 2 000 To Include the cost associated to any office/truck repair, 2 000 Repair/ Maintenance • outside $2,000 To Include transfer of funds to the City of Miami Office of the City Clerk for $18,000 services to be rendered as Clerk of the Board. Interfund Transfer 18 000 Total FY 2020 Administrative Budget $1,662,1 77 SUBSTITUTED. COMPOSITE EXHIBIT A 1. OMNI CRA Board of Commissioners Resolution No. CRA -R- ,2019, 2. OMNI CRA Budget for Fiscal Year 2019-2020, and 3. Budget Template for OMNI CRA for Fiscal Year 2019-2019 SUBSTITUTED. /Purchase of Vehicle $18,000 To Include the cost of new computers §'000 Machinery and Equipment E I 2i,LORO I To Include tire expenses of placing advertlskunent5 In the newspapers or nthor 30'000 Advertising 30000 Konica Minolta Copier 3600 Rental and Louses E33 6=00 0 OMNI . Position Executive Positions $467,740 Nap Executive Positions $229,800 Contingency $65,000 Compensated Absences Salaries Stio 000 E MUM - Regular Picks taxes 64 A54 B4 454 NeefflilDrintollillslon Insurance Available funds for Health/ Centel/ Vision/ Life Insurance 90000 Life and Health Insurance E=90000 Av*ibla funds for Rotlrernent Contribution Retirement contribution CarAllowance Executive Director - UMNI Executive Director - Midtown )Reimbursed by Midtown CRA) A '000 Chief Legal Officer 2,400 Cell Phone Allowance Executive Director - 0MrQ $11200 Executive Director - Midtown (Reimbursed by Midtown CRA) $2,400 Assistant Executive Director $1,500 Chief Legal Officer $1'200 Dirtetor of Policy and Planning $1,200 Employer provided educational assistance $35,000 Fringe Benefits 54 500 AvOlable funds for OtherGnntrsctuai5ervkas 901000 Other contractual Services LA0 �O00 To Include cost for travel out of the city for conferences and travel alio ances. Travel and Per [))am 130 coo 1:9090 FIRL, Fire House WIN) Miami Water and Sewer $3,500 Contingency Utility --�6 ODO Service Properly Insurance (M,) $71,166 oStation No2) $28,000 W(alnes Compensation (CRA Staff) 5 wo Insurance 10A t5fi To Include the cost of food associated o CRA Meetings./Ribbon Cutting $5,000 To Include the cost of iniscellaneou , uppffes, $2,000 2019 MEC Property'rage% (EstIm ed) t191596 Other Current Charges 1 4199,5961 Yolndudesupplies rurcq wary for Use In file operation of an office, such as Copy 010000 10 000 Supplies To indWe othq supplies not office related, Ex. Mho, Project Construction and Operating skip as dM101 A10100 To Ind a the cost of memb6rships to orgonliation, Microsoft license, and Substt tion Membership 517 000 EMIR /Purchase of Vehicle $18,000 To Include the cost of new computers §'000 Machinery and Equipment E I 2i,LORO I To Include tire expenses of placing advertlskunent5 In the newspapers or nthor 30'000 Advertising 30000 Konica Minolta Copier 3600 Rental and Louses E33 6=00 0 SUBSTITUTED. SUBSTITUTED. Services n Olhorafti] Other Contracteal Z=jf, C57 0=7. $1,170,756 LB6 �840� 1,1257076 $15,000 $603,384 $638,692 Source Category Approwl Date Reso # Amount rAmount Remaining ----Fufidlj carryover , FY 2020 04dgetod Expanded Rokloce Fund Balance TIF 1 2019 External Auditing Services Administration 16,0038 W1000 $0 $15,000 $0$15, 0 to the OMNI CRA -Sanson, Wine, Jacominojandoc & Garnarns, LLP /—$"o = 'T ,717, ";Mf 2= 2 Financial Support Comultont Jul Administration 12/14/2016 16,0064 $47,800 $37,120 $10,680 $10,660 2017-1U12018 $ 20180nml Redevelopment Plan $o Redevelopment Ng $2,50,000 $0 $250,000 $250 st FON PlennivIi 4 Administration NR $70,000 -$-2212-96 ---- �-47,704 Branding, websRe, Pfl -747,704 5 allable funds far other other NR $295,000 $q ry W $295,000 professfanalSetvicas Professlomil services At ar.Gonirattual 6 Meltable for t;andscrping Service qualityoftift percity's $25,000 $14,340/$ $10,660 $0 Procurement Code Affordable 2119 —,—(w T56 76 —� �660 00 s50,000 $o 7 Temporary Relocation AsMstanca Plan to rc5lduntv that are HowIng displaced, Funds derived from 2019 btidget reserve NR "i 97,961 $928,092 $F2jG3?,' $0 8 AvoRable for Other Conoactual Services IR 11,alsernboelle Bank Budding) To be reimbursed from. United BopkAccourn) 9 Available funds for Other other other NR $25 $250,000 so $250,000 Contractual Services 11krofesslone 7t, W �39 8541 Services n Olhorafti] Other Contracteal Z=jf, C57 0=7. $1,170,756 LB6 �840� 1,1257076 $15,000 $603,384 $638,692 SUBSTITUTED. Fut dlnK Source Dem1piien Category Approval Date Resp 8.._.. Amount Amount Ramainins Carryover FY 2020 Loan Series rsemant Budgeted bi anded . Balance Fund Balance TIF' 2018 �Relmh m than A&D des248A: ..........__._....._. ..__... ....-.._._ _ ... __. _ 45525D6 t}therGra tsa dAidx a ".:..$0 1 1401 Rest LLC -Lessor's lob Creation. 6/13/2018 13.0036 $60,000 $q $601000 $001000 $0 $0 Contribution to loasehold. Improvements • Grease Trap and Flood System _ 2 ixsrsaytlbrary•Project infrastructure WEMMW CIP SB50,000 $743,214 $105,706 ,1106,786 $0 Cost • CIP Project -Funds Approved *rived from sale of land - Project, 14th St DRV LLC - Riviomi 4.17.0418 $1,253,049 -CRA•R -15• 0021 _ _ '3 Grant to Reboilding. Affordabia. 16.0061 w $700,000 �$5,51,281 $148,719 $148,719 _$0_,_$0 $o Together MfambiTade Inc, WlousU7g to provide partial funding for a home Improvement fa5ade and quality life program, 4 2018 Grant to Rebuilding Affordable 1/17/2018 28:0026 $00,000 So T$600,000 $660,000 $0 $0 Together M aml-Dade Inc, Housing 3o provide partial funding for ahome Improvement fagade and quality Ilia program. ^5 2617MlamlDowntown Quaiityoftlfa 12/14/2D16 13,D057 $50,000 $27,855 22,145 $22,145 56 $0 $0 Development Authority to wpand the Downtown Enhancement Team (Purple, Shirts) 6 2018 MiamiDenvntown Quality of We 1/17/2019 180007 $10D,000 $-.,567 $61,418 $61,413 �$0 $0 »�.. $0. Development Authority to expand the Downtown EnhancementTeam (Purple Shirts) 7 '2019 Miami Downtown Quality. of Ufo ' Nk $100 00 $28,376 $7t„624 $71624 � � � � $0 $0 $0 Development Authority to expand the Downtown Enhancement Team -(Purple Shhts) 2018 Available far Business Jab Creation / $aDU;600 B 18 0023 $2g0,00U $300,Wq $3UG;DgO $U $U r $G improvements and Quality of Life Assistance Grant Prosram 9 7.018 Business � Job Creation I 8.0037 $5o0,OBD $200,00 ! $300,000 $300,000 $q $0 Improvement and Quality of€ife Assistance Grant Program -. 10� ,Museum park Romedlation Infrastructure 4(k9/26 ! 17-0022 $1,73,700 $150,843 � $24,657 $24,657 � $0 Project 8-905x8, CIP Project funded with OMNI Ttr _.. E110s,.. .....__ 11 Exacuto Lease Agreement lob Creation I /?.1/7017 17.0033 $150,000 $7&,453 $23,547 $73,547 $0 $q ............... $G with a Five (5)year initial Qualityof ttfe term with two (2)one (1') year options to renew between the CRA and Ravran5 Lincoln at 175 NW 14th St, Base amount $2,850 per m000li With a three (8 %) percent annual 12 Contributlomta the Cit of y$3,750,600 Infrastructure 6/25/2,015 15.0022 r $8,54,x,420 $2g0,5Bq $2W,5B0 $0 $0 $0 Miami -TRI Rall project 5/26/2016 1B Qpen Spoco init#attve Quality of Fifa NO, $s00,000 $0 $500,000 $500,000 $0 $0' $0 14 136 NW 14th 3tr ek Rehab Quatitygf Llfa 1/'17/2018 18-6027 : $AOO,OCO $0 $40D,607 $4D6,tYCIU $0 _ $d F+ActivOonj organ's) Deferred Hem 1S Grant tat .City of Miami for cost dsociated with the ' Infrastructure 2/19/2.019 no action taken $50,000 $0 $50,660» $50,0(}0 $0 $0 $0 opsrationsl of tile 33 acres X,hap..nZr.M;"---so 18 $200,060 $6 $o Preservation SUBSTITUTED. Description it Grants and Aids Category Approval Date Bess 0 Amount Budgeted Amount 6peaded Remaining Balance 17 Miami €lomesforAllGraat Affordable NA � $300,000 $0 $300,00, }lousing Aogsrisftfon an ( Housing Affordable 16.0040 $603,744 Development Housing Affordable _ NR 18 Carty0ver of unused funds $0 $503,74 for Affordable Housing Housing 23 iesarV _ r..Re:n.o..v__onoInfrastructure, 17-020 Fru}acts Rehabliftedom Bank Building (Loon series $0 $0 2018 A) (10% of T}6 Revenue) 24 Reserve for Affordable Affordable NR $0 d3 2019 Reserve for Affordable �Affardablo IB -008B $i,92A,191 $D $1,924,19. Workrssrco Mousing (10% of 12019ToWTIF Housing 18.0036 fR aliKypfffe NR 26 2T $19,241,911) CtueStyof tffo NR $6' infrastructure Projects Affordable NR 20 2020 Reserve for Affordable Affordable 16.0040 Workforce Housing (10% of ilnusing LoanSe(to 20215 `rota) °fl;" $28,300,014) Fund Balance 21 }lousing Aogsrisftfon an ( Affordable NR Development Housing Affordable _ NR 22 Mameownarship Programs Housing 23 iesarV _ r..Re:n.o..v__onoInfrastructure, 17-020 $0 Bank Building (Loon series $0 $0 2018 A) 24 Reserve for Affordable Affordable NR $0 Iloosing Projects (town Mousing $0 Sarkis 2018 B) $0 25 Purpfe 2020purpfeSltlrls .w� 18.0036 fR aliKypfffe NR 26 2T Sereetsaape.and CtueStyof tffo NR $6' infrastructure Projects Affordable NR 2B 2070 RasfdeniiaP Rehab $7,361,752 Grant Program HoualRB _ ,.,, .R �........ CivaiitYoftifo p �. m_..... 29 2626CarnflittaHouse tJfarni shelter Program $375,000 36 Acquisitionafpraperky Affordable 2(19J2019 19.0001 $6 fncated at 1418 NW 1st Hensing Avenue (7680 sf) 83 S 75,60 1oSxCreat(art/ Nit $0 Projects Quell tyofLife 32 16CornerLLCAffordabie Affordable (17/2018 10.0008 $0 ldctusinB projects Housing 33 2070 Busifan&s Joh CroattoAl ( NR $0 lroprovement and QualityofU ..,.._.. $6 Assfatence Grant Program .... $752,5pp "total Budget Amount Other Grant and Aids hlR- too CT A Resolution askgned Funds $11(3,021 R. 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