HomeMy WebLinkAboutComposite Exhibit A-SUBTHIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION. THE ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THE DOCUMENT. COMPOSITE EXHIBIT A 1. Board of Directors of the Downtown Development Authority of the City of Miami ("Miami DDA") Resolution No. 016/2019, adopted July 19,2019, and 2. Miami DDA Budget Information for Fiscal Year 2019-2020, and 3. Budget Template for the Miami DDA for Fiscal Year 2019-2020 FILE NO. 6313 COMPOSITE EXHIBIT A RENQj,U_TLON _T10-01 6/2019 WHERVAS, Section 200.065(2Xa)l, Florida Statutes (2017) �'Ststuw'), roquiro each taxiug authoelty to emAblish a pmpo�ed thMap mte-, and WHEREAS, the Statute Wpulates that the pmpos6d millage rate be submitted to tho Miami -Dade County Propedy Appraisa and the Tax Collector, and V k k 7M 71-4 a Ed StWou 4. This Rosoluffen RWI b000me emotive immadiaboly upon its adoptim LTA The Downtown Development Authority of the City of Miaml, Florida FlscaI Year 019-2020 Carryover Funds from Prior Years F I = Baum Total Revenues and Balances 12,698,087 �4 General Expanses 3,577,152 Leadership, Advocacy and Operations 1,020,200 Urbanism 4,835,250 Enterprise 1,920,750 Total Operating Expenditures 11, 01,352 Fund Balances/Reserves 1,298,735 Total Uses 12,698,087 bov mown Development Authority of the City of Miami Budget Template FX 2019-20 Proposed Budget FY 2015-iS Achsal fY 2QiS-17 kctual FY 2017-iS Actual FY 2018-19 Eudget fY 2QI&14 Projeceion FY 2014-26 RraRosed l}itierence Nares 41 Vacant Position -Business Development Senior Manager ues ..z ..- ` „ „< 4? � 214,558 . .. $2,344,016„ ..8 :. $2,372,280 ; � • l 90 . 02,528.402 - Ad Valorem Taxes $& 612>7S7 $7,274,524 $8,223,153 $9,12£%040 $9,120,000 $9,920,000 +5800,640 Based on approved miltage Grant monies $156;400 $75,600 $58,398 $100,000 $100,000 $365,000 +$265,044 LRA -Extra team members (from 6 (+1 supervisor) to 1S t$8,466 tlirecily corresponds to salaries "`.." RetirementCaMrrbutions $125,588 $139,547. $347,727 $162,081 $154,0+317 (+2 supervisors) plus part time changed to full time, +$8,204l3frectlycorresponds tosala(ms life and Health insurance $294,174 - - $274;650 $345;875 $503,261 $503,261 vehicle, equipment, etc) Other $74,287 $176,980 $59,643 $6 $0 $Q $0 RevenaeGrandTotal $6,843,454 $7,526,504 $8,381,194 $9,220,QOo $9,220,Oc0 $10,285,000 $1,065,006 carryover Funds from Prior Years $4 $0 $4 $Q $o$2 413.087 Total Revenues and Balances $6,843,454 $7,525,504 $8 381,144 59 224,000 $9,220,OQfr $12,648,087 �ra�#itmrds:_.: ,. .., Regular Betsey and (,+loges $1,895,235 .$1, 2 682,34n „< 4? � 214,558 . .. $2,344,016„ ..8 :. $2,372,280 ; � • l 90 . 02,528.402 - +$284,886 Cost o#living increase Fringe Benefits $2,060 52,006 $2,006. $2,60+3. $2,000` $2,000 $6 ....- _..._...._........__._..-....-.w..... FICATaxes $137.795 $152,213. $161,675 $1"79,317 $179,3171 $183,283 t$8,466 tlirecily corresponds to salaries "`.." RetirementCaMrrbutions $125,588 $139,547. $347,727 $162,081 $154,0+317 $172,285 +$8,204l3frectlycorresponds tosala(ms life and Health insurance $294,174 - - $274;650 $345;875 $503,261 $503,261 $543,632 +$457,421 Estimated increase on insurance cost FY1920 Workers'Compensabon $10,315 $9,677 $13,007 $18,0001 $11,989 $18,000 so Profes5ionalServices -Legal $347,796 $3ffWO $32,5036 $30,000. 530.006 $30,000 $0 Professional Services $140,667 $150,161 $148,403 $170,0001 $120,004. $126,006 -$50,060 1 Inter -Governmental Advocacy Contract Accounting and Auditing $22,000 $22,000 $16,000 $25,500 $221640 525,5170 - $0 Other Contractuai Services $107,310 $75,106 $75,272 .$132,000 $149,742..... $145,000 +SJ3,fl40AacfassofITConsultant Contract Travel and Per (Siem $29,495 $5:,500 $56.267 $55,906 $55,600 $55,04x0 $0 Communications and Related services $277,2SS $152,941 $212,484 $197,200 $216,006 $228,006 4$30,8001 Increase contract rate and costs Postage $2,513 $4,176 $2,773 $3,040 $3,000 $3,000 $0( utility $o $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $01 Rentals and leases $232,055 $2318,674 $262.,441 $293,600 $293,600 $300,500 $6,900, Lease mn-wal Repair and Maintenance Services $3,675 $5,944 $2,178 $5,000 $5,000 Printing and Binding $17,378 $15,835. $12,667 $20,000 $ZO,000 $20,000 $o Advertising and Related Costs $154,093 $143,43,* $2I4,172 $177000 $iB7,206. $302,600 t$I25,000 I-395 Construction and SuperBova Marketing Campaign. Office Supplies $11,7041 $13,425 $x51163 $12,600 $12,97fi $15,060 +$3,000 Increase of casts Operating Supplier $o 6 $o SO so $Q Motor fuel $0 $4 $Q $0 $o $0 $0 Public Safety Supplies $61 $0 $01 $of $4 $0 $0 Subscriptions, Memberships, and Licenses $15,693 $23.931 $17:953€ $15,000 $15,000 $$25,060 +$10,040 New ER/Accounting/Procurement System lnterfund Transfer $Q $0 $4 $0 $6 $6 $4 Capital Projects and Purchases $2,341,406 $568,251 $873,485 $1,770,000 $1,444,202 $1,485,wo _ $285,000 Signage/Wayfi..- +h'aYliad;ng Expense paid All Oilier Expenditures $2,381,021 $2,659.068 $2,712,535 $3,453,600 $3,537,565 $5,189,200 -SI,235,536 Superbowl, Tech Initiatives, Corporate Business Recruitment, Ambassadors Program, DET Program, NEAT Team, Dog Park, Resiitencv Projects, DET Truck, Trafft Mitigation Plan, etc Budget Reserve $0 $0 Sol $6 $0 $0 $0 ExpendltureGrand Total $7,235,893 $6,918,8881 $7,543,237 $10,069,575 $9,344,320 $11,401,352 $1,331,777 Funds Balances%Reserves$0 $oj - $0 S0 $0 $1,296,735 Total Lyses $Q $0 $Q $la $fl $22,fi48,Q87 $Q Printed: 9/1212019 3;52 POI Page 1 of 2 Downtown Development Authat ity of the City of Miami � �7% Budget Tetnpiate FY 2019-20 Proposed Budget iY i415 2b tsecuaiY 2p16 -i7 Acceuual 241-iff i3ctuai fYZ41&19 BucigeC SY 2418-19 Projection i'420i9-24 Proposed Difference Notes +1 Vacant Position- Business Development Senior Manager Revenues Minus Expenditures 1 -$393,439 E 5> is $Sz7,957 -W%575 $J2a,3Z4 Sffi-$266,7771 1 Printed: 9/1212019 3:52 Pint page 2 of 2 SUBSTITUTED. AMQll—UllO�NNQ---O—1 mi -019 I'llwAllillm"22 AMM Rig' Vffl,ERMS, Section 200.065(2Xa)l, Florida Statviw (2017) ClStstuW% roquirw © taxiQ- authority to esUblish A pmpo�ed faillage rat«; and SUBSTITUTED. Revenue Sources Ad Valorem Tax levy 0.4681 Millage per $1000 , 0,000 Other Revenue 365,000 Tdtai So cesL-12Carryover Funds from Prier Years ,413,087 Total Revenue and Balances2,6 8,087 Operating Expenditures General Expenses Leadership, Advocacy and Urbanism Enterprise + t� 3,577,152 aper ions 2,020,200 4,883,750 1,920,750 Total Operating Expenditures i .1,352 1,296,735 Total Uses 12,698,087 SUBSTITUTED. Downtown Dev=elopment Authority of the City of Miami Budget Ternpiate FY 2018.20 proposed Budget Fy2015.26ArxualFY'201s-17Act3� Fy2017.2$ d i EY11]5 iiiii7t Fizois-13proIacft Pt mg-2cimposhd �ifferennce Rohs '� y ?Si., t.♦ - .,,X 1"'•.:.:R SS-�a ,$7.274,524 :�Z... F _ ..• ..0^-,� s"'�. �`:,• .:.. •i. ..''�:...a'..�.:.�.;:'�.;`=t',.•a'•".�•,,','`»`'. AdVakwemTaxes $8522,767 $2,214ASS 0 $8.233,153 $9�52Q000. $ 12SD,U00 $9,920.00 00,(100 8Basedon• ravedmNla e Grantmonies $155,400 575.000. 558,398 $'1[x,1,000 $500000 $3%5000 +5266400 CRA -Extra team members (from 6 (+2 supamborj to !a 50 Prafesslanal Sexvices - tegall 534.,796 536066 $32.500 $301000 $30.004 j r2 supervisors} )bus part time dranged to full Ome, Other S7 - 7 5376,980 99 643 $24 Sfi $0 Lie, a ul men etc.# So .� R"anuet+randTotal $6,853,/!`+4 $7526,5041 $8.. 194 $9101000 $9,220,600 SA6.285.000 :2.065,040 i y ?Si., t.♦ - .,,X 1"'•.:.:R SS-�a - ♦"^,tiv. .,L._� 4 „t, +�. ,` :�Z... F 4.1 - x$252$.902 -..�- �.. Regular5alary_and Wm6+=s Fringe $enefft _ SR S 82,006 $2,002,356 $2,000 $2,214ASS 0 SZ.344,4016 $2.000 $2,372,1 p06 $2,000 +$184.886 CarstoriHinglnctease 50 fiiATaracs Regrementtonbtutlals €3feand Reaidrinsurance ta+oriters°Compensation $537,795 $125,58$ $294,174 $W11 $151.222 $339,547 $274.650 $9.677 $163,675 $347,72? $305.875 $13AN $379.317 $165,081 $503262 f179,327 $1fi6081 5503261 SIL989 $388.283 $172,x85 5653,6$z 51s,ow ' +$8966 DirectlyconaondstosaUdes +$8,244 Directlyco ndstosataries +$36421 Estimated Increase an lr4urance cmt PY1920 50 Prafesslanal Sexvices - tegall 534.,796 536066 $32.500 $301000 $30.004 $30,000 80 praftsion2l3erAces _ $140,8,7 $8131.158 $148,403 $1 - $320,006. $320,000 _ $50.Ow inter-GavemmentalAdvop Contract AcamrAing and $22000 522,006 $1,,000 ,500 $25,500 84 Other1C6ntract=lSen3cac Tavel and Per Diem $307310 $28,493 $75,U% $54,500 $75,272 556 $137,004349,792 $$SAB6 S55 000 5345,000 $5_5,13 1$73,006Redassofl7CansuitarrtContract 50 Communications and Related Sarvkes $277,286 $152,968 $2°32,480 $131,2110 $216,IX70 $22$ 600 +$30ACOlIncrram cOntratt rate and costs postage $2,513 $4,276 $2,777 53,400 53,600 $31000 50 Utility $0 $6 $0 $so � Rentals and Leases - .;232,066 $238,674 $ A41 $293,600 5293.600 S300,50D +$6,400 Lease renewal R strand Maintenance.. Sendces $3.615. $SM $2.178 $Slow - $5,006so Printlagand 51ndi $37,378 ,515..839 $`12,56 06 820,000 5MAW $0 Advertising and Related Costs 8154,053 $143,434 5219,272 $177,000 $187,206 $302,060 +$17.8,000 1-395 Construction and SuperBowl Marketing Campaign. Oiiicasupplies $11,705 $13, $15,168 $1ZOW 812 s7s $15.000 +$300 Increase of Oasis 5 les 0 0 VkbW Vet - $o So $6 $ Public5dP Su Ne;56 5ubscrip9ons,Nlemberships andtieanses $35,693 $0 $13,931 Sia $17,950 _ 50 $1S,OD0 $0 $25,000 $6 $2540 $0 +$10,000 New ERJAmaurrtingipmarrementSystem Interhmd Transfer $ti _ $0 _6 $0 Caplull pm ectz and purdiases Ali $134 6 $668,261 1 $673.485 $ 770,000 53 464,262 $3,4$5.000 -$ Ls§ co Weno e!w ndl3 EgMe paid OtherEvanditores 1622 82s59t�8 » - SL°?53.$35 «.�..•. 53953,606 $$3,537,666 55034,200 +$$2,680,600 Superbowl, Tech initiatives, corporatefissiness Recruitment, Ambauadors Program, OFT Frogram, NEATTealn, Dog Park, ResillencyProjecM DSTTruo3 Tragic Mit on plan 8u Resenrr $0 $0 $0 $4 50 $0 -k xndttureGrandTafat $%236893 $6,916888 878183 3? $1010M,575 $3,346520 S21,246,352 81,176,72# SLasrenueswas Expenetures - -USO 4 Swt�s16 $877957 3849575 3124 - 89fi._,. - s.3Sz1 $33.3.:"37 _..� -----� Printed: 7f30%26296:48 Pam Page 1 of 1