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Submittal-John Nordt-Business Plan for Coconut Grove Playhouse
Submitted into the public record for item(s)AIV.1 on 05/23/2019 City Clerk Business Plan C000ndt Grove Playhouse Property 3500 Main Righway, Coconut Grove, FL 33133 �d�'-S�t4��- J�.�,Not�� - �a„ne55Q\un�oc Ceconv�- Grave ��oy�na�e I .Gonbntg(3roVaApyhtwse 8uairless plan l"Ve 2 gf 9F .IntrbduotlarrOd Uortleot In ttft�t9�m GbVi�,rnsr'16e.�n�' Or�afu�ti�rl�l,�U`r�Gtuife capital flan. OPeratlbMal FdY069st; AYrapOly N19debament•snd Devbloprhattt Atfaahmbnta Submitted into the public record for item(s) MV.1 on 05/23/2019 City Clerk Pagoa 3 -A Pagas '6-7 Doges �-i b pages 11 -to Aw Motlda + rhe.Arts (OAMA) —won and 1►�laslari I�'P �utl�lrl�. �ro.tr, nor �A�:a�bprQfisaalona.�t >�es�x a G - Geb(�$iagn° ISa4k�rpt�rrd: Mf�ixriadon o D— OQtronuf Gvyi; PW06 Usti Oue�ffoua-and Anowera• E— MliwiiWaae-County Oparofto Agrmmsnts w1(h Non-PmfltOulturaI Orgdnl"zatlans ® — 00aanut GMV,9 Playhouse ProPotty Loogfon Map and Infrarmstldn 11i Submitted into the public record for item(s) MV.1 on 05/23/2019 City Clerk C6= 1;t�rove Plghougb.BusP 004 PI& F►aga 3,•of -l8 •; A Thla',�uslnese..Plan.ls art ggtl1r* of the proposed use of the• Cd onMt'ereVt.Pl6yhbusa praperty fr) Ntlbmjx Fiorlda by Plorfda,•frttarnatlenal Unlyomity (FIG): -and Mlam)-Matte- Oburily for otiurJationel, suitllral -and purposes, l Aa drayslopod and ggptpved by tha b¢ardo bf'PIV. ond'MJami b4ds Qpullty In ciose Gonsuitgtloh.0abi faor -one- ofVlor)da'a most 4g4MPIJOfi6d riotfar;proflt'thaabr hotrlponfes, Td:proposed PartnWHtp jaraong'Flu,-M1aml• OdtIe OouAV. and -QgbleSti .setYbiva a Obntral:promise forihe BAIn6ss-pim. K'ey &WOO to Nye, tlr OMIty It is Import4g t6 "OhOUP tbk;ke# bartsfits W oquloitlon of the CaaOnut.0wPlayhma proparty end' thlo •Oua1nq#. plart ptpvk e• to the $*te:of Mrids, FJP 1SoudY i**Onio, and tha general l5uOIJO of 8buth-PIprt that FlU gngages 0 stdva npa ltg educailonal rotselop, A F1U will` have q partnr3r lt1 WItK WmJ-> ire Ocuti ' a'tfd' sbie .' e, �h6 . f the reglon`S .PM OrrlvbnW1OrwPp* th�owt grnpipnlad and, the deslgnotod operafor Oft reglohat'theater facility, arid. odtt sst'aJ llah pim ros- to enhance, the wprk of Flu* �V.I106o of Arphltioture The Arts JWTA) end spebftalty, Its Theater Lope tt ent, lbr- tonohlnp •ehd l6arntttig, researoh, nod performance abtlVltlee (a,ly„ student. hrteroeh>ps; workshops. with- practldlrag 1bbq r prO Jonelttl perfdroangas; ,ppp9ttttfyt469 for theAr2nd a►ls, iottlty'to deyelop-pmfesslomJ oredObtfole VQygh bcttpg, dlrooUng, aet^end Obtrtuma design, produotlon encttechnloa) aspWa afllghting and;sound, eto,), See AtiechM9nf.A-' Vfn}can and Mte�lnr}. - 4 FRJ will Have ft :abltlly to cad the Mealer and aricillaty spates V, advancQ Its eetabOahad oorrifthity engaggrdant goals In a cehtrsl, prbminBnt Gatorlut gave fot 000 and. furthdr' efevefe the prdflla and r'eputstior of the unlveralty (e,e„ leatures by FlU faumify and vlafting soholars;, presentations by 1~IU'a• Collgaa, Centera, and Ihstttufos, tha SIU• Of loa of Engagement; eta), • FIU's aff111aflon with s major regional theater -company will aoarue to the unfversity'4 statue a¢ an Important canter for cr$ativlty and Innovatlon, similar to the banefitp onjoyed by athor unfvorsiH®s afftflated with regional theater oompanlos suoh as•'Yals UnWrMy through the 'ale Repertory Theater and Brown University and the Trinity Repertgry Company, . ® Work on the •ambitlaus capital and operatlonel txomponants of the Buslness Plan will be accomplished with D2 cost to F IV or the Stale of Florida. + I+IU will serve es -the estalyst for a major, hlatorM cultural slta to the heO t of one of Miami's oldeet nelpliborhoods to ba reaeUvoted for educational aril cultural purgoao. 0 Submitted into the public record for item(s)m�.1 on 05123/2019 City Clerk Qbdanut G'rpvs-0IAyhRusQ Susinesa•Plan Pao 4 of 1.0 KOY Sepd)lta -to•MlemAV&d# 000ty The key gerrefit& of thb proposed•.parthamhlp between FJU and M,IprnkDad%.00WJ)ty.lh81 help_ advento prWaty goal& of:Mha County't oulturol developmeht of -,ow 4dmMunlbi-v> drerftatnoro oppottonittes for Allore tndiude; The �'ottnfy *0 l*IGhfng a motor region(l "aWfbr.�m(h Plodda, .a Joy •tN"ing• elagWt th •60 Wlturh( iNe and. -an. 6w0r Mlal pert of the: �w�rrlyyvb Qll�n td establtph Warnl-00de b Wnty-ao rune of the wood's newegt-anO nmit vlbrarnl eArel'cdntera,. This bquhV\Nfll Utljize Die Q Mtllldn of �pltel •Panda elre y rP rova�'1 r the bo+ar�i:of' Gounty •i'OMM1941bherr, for the ceAthl plan to redevelop the :Co®dnut Grova Pl*pvas elts td aowmplljh' art dutatapffing.theater complex and odeg6te parking 1:6,9+04,WB AUdlgmoes, The GoWy will hale' ib(6e a prp&mmlrip•p& tnt3rahip between F7,14,00 00704tagor the deal p d •oporalar 4 r fo>2+al �Ytaf r taollity, tp areato oufaWndl bduoa 1onol• Ord, oulturdl oppbrtunitfes, a 'rho �npnly will fmplementifa wjrk plop davoloped tn-aWlaboriatlonwit (Aaftwogg, a.4on- prpilt oreantzatlon, to JSuhd• M . • dty ¢f this outetandft thogwr bpmI54 'Y, (Ws�atf•an¢ lls vdluntear board. dr.rllMa't (a) W'WAOT 114 Cleaf,pob§rMh7 to:W 06 of the*We ladd(rig rpglonaf th*ter ompahldo ■ The •cdunty w1JYwork wJttf Coodnuk Gnova• stokeWldsrtr, with- the IrtolIM10h ref 064-privote Padnerah(g$, t® help aiohte-ye ; ddlttis► 1 able dtNes for,Wd prdjert tnoWdlno but.ndVlJMttsd-.to- heipirwq W raylta+lize a n legCati �ael:of his neignborhood,,serutnA d's.a tisldiy tfor OWAOmly raddvetoprnent, pumuing ihd'poterttta[of additional, compedbie dWe14pM0f1tgn•te prbperjp to -support thefsbr pperatlons, and onsuring chat W4 hlatorib•prdparty 4s lr#e%8 with rospect ,and.semItivily to tirs*vlll000l ambiance of C000nvt Grove. This aualness Platt Is developed to provide the State -of 1710)1da w)th the Wnfidenoe and assurance that F1U, Mfarrtl-made Clounty and 4abl$8tap have sml7d bualnaaa plans, adsgOate resouroee and the requisIte expertise to acoompReh the Ubak that arty set-fnrtll and to achlav& the important public pt,irpm6s summeftod 00vo forthe State, l'IU and MlaM WROO Courtly, ContaoMa; Kenneth A. 494811, Ph.D. Sonfor Moe President end Chef rinnnolat Officer l:lor)da rhtemabonal Univarslty 11200 SW OPI St, f 6.623, Miami, FL 33199 Phone; U6.34W.101 F$x: 305.34&•3670 email: kennP1h.le®aail(fYEgA du Lisa M, Martinez Senior Advisor, Office of the Mayor Mlamt.Dade County 111 NW 1"t 8t 29" Floor, Miami, FL 33128 Phono: 305w376-2a19 Pax: 306476•20N 15-mafl:11malm erold G'rl 0 Coconut Orwe Mayhouee-Sualness Plan 'Page 5 of 16 ®, Submitted into the public record for item(s) MV.1 on 05/23/2019 City Clerk In order to aaoorripllsh the 9e819 d[ this Bue)neas• Plan, the- following flrgprlilxgflonak and :govsrftftce sfruotufe will be 011zed; ® The .C000nut GrQva Playhouse rrbperty will be tionveyed ftafn tfio ENte aV Florlt#a-tp Fl,U- and Mleml-nldOLOPUjity thPo Uh o Ibng-W" Idado, PIU and Mlantlli3ada County. wilt darvd ad cosleQsees. A aepOtO a9leftoot l*tWev PIU and the• County will d®linegte the r ponalb ltles and rigflt$ 0 e9011. at the p01K. ' a 41arRI-Dada GQUhty will negotlefs•ang 6soute•an'operatlrtg-agreement* wlth.,6 10 tage, a nob-protlt I1164tar oornpany, id apa*o, prggram .and fxlelrlWr tht3'theater (a®e INeldwfdr key bits(hest polnts). Mlaml-Dade County and FIV will deterrhlne the best approach to manage the remalhdar of the Ae.(parwng, groundglteeping, eta,). Mlbh11-b8de Goutity and FlU may pursue the pa(Ontial of:addltfonel, compatible development on the property with the ob)ective of generating addlllonal ravenuee prinolpally dedlemlad to ensure the vlablitty and sUoOvA of GableStage's and FlU's cultural and eduoatlonai programming at the Playhouse. FlU and QableStage will eaUVIsh programming partnerthllq dlrectfy between them. * Mlaml-lade Counly has a numbsr Rf operaNne agreements with non-proltt cultural wgnnlxatlons that maned®, program sod help mafntaln aullural faolhtles on ita behalf (o.g„ HfstoryMlarrnl, Performing Ads) confer Trust, Miami galente Museum, Mlorr Art Museum). These pridnorahips add the• expertlae arld andvate the fundralsing capeWltive of the Private sector to enharzoa the eduaattorial end cultural opportunitles oftisred1b the pubUr,, See Adsohment P, #0 Submitted into the public record for item(s) MV.1 on 05/23/2019 , City Clerk -Qo40nupG*0 Play�busa Ruallresa, Plan �age•B.of 16 ,Ds�roiop er a4rtd.JVlatla:�9�►ioM Rpr4mont boiwbon No and Mia 1pf-P4pt® rbantp - FCay �u�lnsss Po7r,t!a+ , Mlomltlwo curtly Is l pnt 1ptb car hrridJns and Irnplemotttln , a •c�slN .Pr6)ert to,ptov(de a thtraatar; fr'a4 and,k al*,;f-house stoport.44dod end bart0b, lnotuding N.t gtit arblted to the Aiffip�tlft $14b6oh -0t 6lrefl1*61101, enpiriOWIho ON risul n -gins, and the oomp6011yo Itblopll* aif o vvftIP9 0r tp .�utid iho prblent, MU ah� ' lVl i6N'ltir copjj,. IN, d¢Ma(taudrr w+tth 00104.ta0d, .wl)I agree Upolt a .R aa* pIMt fir I4.48t 04 is buldivo. it pro�rem•p�linba3tig'a� t�9�iet`�paCes-�ra+�•slx�e; (wJiatt'tlL:l dai Opunty M& rt"otle�:apateytasop(o tart oparohngaagrahme,t•wlth t�bgl ge �o`r Pmorami►ine And M9001914 the lbedW epd W$ dQtertnL o the tsars# appm> cth:#b m ti�lg) g �$ roat-.tit''tlta sltb, �a�s),e�t�o.F1't!!'idUrrbnab. p•Mta�rrt7acth �asu�aty- WHI utI1P� rtyvetiuee .gehpraatsd �y bc�ivFtieo •'tin. �ot�mttt<..�raVa; l {r3yhousb proparty; btlzer traatr #hoso preaentM by- lYhbI6$t00 jj O 4nv�i.' hi a�rpenaU pf pbrWhe Ahd Aa rntinwroont. Any refnuov temolnirrg..after In;W poj srss.vhl 13a Eased W WOMR tdd county .selel, to 11010 .04polt the n"M* theater b*lt(ss• pra$en#bct I�T tli$ pu uaa• beh6fft by •vgpldSA&.. A!i-MdlVoAdl.MUi+a•¢ev9lapattb'nt of IN 11b MI U•strbre0t ltr�ge r 4teVv hd tra�utra At#bf the -elate, vNU! r✓ti M a uaw of ghy %a4jtl'ot�l tMMIga �i�#ihety:ragu)t froin ,.soap. dbkopment Woold bo c{adlaeftad ptlnol aiP to ihe. •vlebllty and ,quo oos 4 r abl l p atidi sut��at to to ��Yr of �10 Mnto, MU and• MIpt41,0460 0P.0ty M4 f ire rtppf�i��l att#he•�tt. PItv•w.I(l 'h*4 p@rtairt• 04Mt sjMW with 4a*Vop . tbot take. Ih0 •eacbtip00 $Sie16 at'th.0 �klt>:tne8$ fan for t"IM.$tudenfs,.Nqulty and •(he oonirhunity, These banshi On to�#rgreed ukoit the Wq lnq betwon FIfl and 0MIa6fte, botbro the goprtty'b mddtron 0.gn dper hl; agreembrit W1th 00*6tag9, whiph agreement 80$I1 reffrono.0, arWof IncprPvreie ,the bbnetite, While dot eiihausilve 1n sogpe, ttrtt fpated' ku�ppt?t mdy lntilttrla Jalt+4 raitarliellrt�,. signpae .and pr9motlon; GAbloStsgd ond. *Fjq faoulty and ef�ft ffifitliatior #.' wbrkgttapa .and miter Class's; Use of tha f460Ittes and o'thpf ban0li nedessft tv ativarta0 M, Mloinl D.edo Cophtyr,. bird the dovo ul Oro" MAyhouso. a Mleffii-'ado County is reap0h6l101e far ilia dparatloflal and.rbatrttetionoe oosts.ol<tha site, r MlalnWdde 10I. ty �hd .RU will agree upon a prabese. iot' 40riltiitlnI0ptiori ragarginb progress altd as,61 ies that may Inoludo regular meetings and Mporte shamd With deslgna(ed .repreaontat[Ves, I �1 Submitted into the public record for item(s) My.1 on _ 05/23/2019 City Clerk 1�peonut Grove Plaghdu09 f3ttslnass pion Page 7 of•10 Operaybig Aprooment• be#weorr AffpmliPedo County arrd OublaiSfapo ,- Kby OusJri too rnts a DableStage wilt bO- reapbttslble- fOr bpomffng, proprarrirdingl end.. ma1ritalh1.Q- •ttip• tbb9tar faclljty. , r T�6, Importance .of a leaev term Qt:,60 .yearo, W11h twp mriewoble : y r teft ,. Ia thAt tlta vofuptteer board, QJ 4jeeutors; of provide Vwlt prPent,and futuY�Arrpm witft o �tm. asurance tJto•11110 OoritriW10ng for �!Vgrgma• are �i 1pjb� 'ta' esiaE;lfah �1'rt3dt c�irig trgdiftng on a• AIW that* g90411d for the. Mkt 9A0 Years. Thla Ise a$r btlab tdr-tt�e 1T14re�se� fuadreJaing -that le O"Onflal to opemto and pro$mrrr the theaM. ® Fundlrig from Mlaml-Dade County t+d Gab"fago Will be rivallebie through; the •6duhtft dOMP6tIf1vq grents. pftMms.• idurrantly, Oublettage rhaelves Qognty grdnta'thrdugh tla ,I]epartment of Cultural A IM), WaibC bade. Nunty hoe provldad. �gnill.darit grttAt 6 d(nq supportto 6ahlggkaOe l>�as Its(ngr<yatfoq, aaypera age4 Y fsalitfng rev%uea and'other Moorne thdMay Mult from compatfbla dmmlopment an.%hk Alta; wiiJ be dedicated admplbtely to Qab)eStaga-ta ensure the: vlabillty and RkMiO A Qf th® YWh- prrogi thoWerbperatidnirr 'OableS sand III W agree upon• Gertalwdb tt5 etno'bonefib .that StGo wi#i.'t .reit'renc �r#d/phltt�bPpdraE�dlntb•-tne gp'�rdtingf.�resnient.bel�+sari•die-�c�trrfyar�ti'Ga�l�'ta�e. Gab►eot4p .wlll pa 1pata•'fn aria, t, MV10o, lhpy#-for •tho Gounty`a-Olaptlon of cwPj%jpoj#pt•. aat)sultahfs.ant! vdnkra1Pb1VOnd ail t}iO Tsa�tltlttg'wdtk is d lv a tte'rrrastaP.pCar nd'�n' the th 6 teri:deslgn •and oon ct#�h, 0abtat3tago•W11 Work,vultiti the'Uaunty'o4A mdnasement planio holp bulld hs 60ntzailbnat. clapnolty tb- Owure, waoe6a In bp6rattng.Ohd programmlag (he Theater (ag,, ftandr'atslrnp, WAN devefopmeTit, op®rating'bud90for$Puts,•et4 ; Wmml�Oade County and 4ata1'00913 A develop and agree upon terms to ehaura adequato and affordable parWrg on the GD6mVt• Gr+oya PI4yhovve site. for 4able$tao pargonrier-and for audlenees attending eaUvlllas pr"antW by Gab)e$tage, *In F"Y201' 20U, MiaMl-Dade County FJTOOB ed more than $280,000 In grant support ror GableStago`s operatlons and pivgramming, m Submitted into the public record for item(s) MV.1 on 05/23/2019 City Clerk •Cocanut dvovo P? eyhomeO Oualnelrs-plen Pope 0"6118 TWOOMMatt••tor tt'te tha 'aPplapgcanu�t.t;Tpye �laylaatiae properly � slst� r�� os ells lr tFt b9 • f �iate OIzo aird aapiadty 10 .b4 opexated bj MRWOVA06 -and. parfting 0• serve. the lhdater arid, -to ftie 4epm6 poulble; auttau olno adwatltaridl and bate ndw kf"'Ig - P wlthln the sstdbllshed '0001W budgat, A,IfoOvd bf t►te ONPROl_ P1411: ( post hall +moot Oe9/on4l 7jte#tst And Fibvtdi Ito j e /orlq! TRedttf� 60pott hithm kr JC/U 8fttdorrts One AVaU,14; t The 08MMI :PMTOee 61� 1510,-Mlarnf-bede..t ex'Ertby :arid,. t3abla . rage• fn nppdrd t8. tho 'b000nvt Orpva,, Playhouse, propgfti 1i -ID, r"Oebljoti gt It tonal.;thoatgr ott t}r •af ®• "at. ►aa tha hub for Ahd comitluhIlys m#r 'tMf3OMO) aitllr 19y - r Moto, trMh +! 6.0 ygatt6 ProlwiOnPO libel th t tlbtibute a nrlrirbor•of'ebsetldet aptlyltlaa r a aorxirinurtltyts4041 Oqi k fihey prar3er�ttite hlghnst qudllfi�+ theat9rprQdpctloab, r'atl�lri�'tFo[ri �du� tr1•ao�ita�'Spbtai� work, They seNp as ah Ina4botbC for nova th."Oleal worlra.moot. pi"drnlalr� pleyalrtghts fa•devely� gri�pretrilere..�he{r':yvbrf� r► 7hb� tbfge partnerphlp® wltf� 4{IalYr`altla$ 3v s1��+akrp the next ;pstero4o'n of Ehr3»�g profeselanold,. ofi�rlrrg tdvsncsd. traf(6" at iha.hl�fi r#t:1d E t u�atlt'�ana eq�lly ggtqipr. l�eslg0ere (tt�hting; stun and ctt�tutne); #echritpIarr , eti►nJnlil�ir tilts �n,d •dlregtop� yI Odo$oh, they pr691d unlvarelty WVIi with opgartunitlos 10'r thmlrowh, pit;(OssfOhdl ,�oYdlapman� thr'oughlnvclvern�iit,wl(tl ihealarprodwotl'�ris, 7hay are a NO fo $rrrploym nt 1n the tb ier oommunity; pfovidi�tho, vdkt l Mss 0Job 6pportrinitlosI6 IWO falantbV Iha*r ppbsoanalz and gradupting I:Itt34ter atudente fh-Mlsrrll Ond td biter lrilitsYii"O fti efudohtok Th* era the latgost,proMertif16W trip and lti^ 0061 OoftintanO6s% Ititiodualno etudOnts to the *Ortolra arid yt+ Mer df 11VO.thoat0r. Thby help to oultivate dnd. $uppott the w6tk i6f altrer MO. their Whpanldh, OvMng tmdhntgal asstsldnas, ato.B$ marketing eyppor•t and IolRt pr apramming pppvr�uriltlas. They. hale gofino a ofty 0 % mafor oultuml darner, iri the same wsiys that a raglonol Mallet e mpeny, a tlaothlp art museum, Arid a 2111 century solanae center do, 7'h6 Building Pira&M faro Redlohaf 7haster Fecllfzy Regional 'lheator oQmpanle's xmqulre very .speclflo kinds :pf faatlftlos whr4h fO oEuct lhdae aelmiles. In MOO, the bnnrd Of dirootora'of Ilho Coagout prove playhopse In! colleborallop with the Mlaml�Dade County Department of Oullumel ,Ahlm .anmrdssloned one of the nation's Submitted into the public record for item(s) MV.1 on 05/23/2019 City Clerk I tOrhoDt. tit Ater ronsullrnd (11ths, Flsher Do'Qha•Asgoolotao (F, DA), to do •a preliminary bulldln$ program (oar 9 regional theab§r. Th% theater, progreM Is t' , to tha Rpslnels plan, #06(hg (hr-fhe Np(tal .Plan M19MlA'Dade W approved'120 miltion thot to dadibated so®olflbslly far* the. cophl expense'* for $he �®®on,ut prdv® glayhause pt`ajecl, �lnaludirig "soft costaMand ccnatruoilan rxpsnaer3; A pmllmirtaiY -larder of magnitude" cost estltnale WON- done by F6A.that-dpPt► hotrated,1hat the building. program could be docomplished within'the'"Clafftn bf.QeOVrgO e1no ayallable•T oQrlty tur►ding. This r•- Wlstlan was based on the sguars aagg' oo*thod in 1ho building prograrh' �hd art�stlroatsd cngt.oF�460/a.f, fbr cnrtatruotlan; WArrif"OWID-CaurIly will confim thll� oapttaf tlt.estgnaRs 'st the nutsat of'th6 oldster 12lbrL- ahti der;&'•watk ror iha prujent -sod- U3 Wrnrnitted to having -a pmfeshl{9 $1' boat bi tl nating flrfn As pfirt of the ultant togrn'thaf is 8011006A to dastgn this prGlpct. Coat "timstes vAll he mqutted' at -Roy 13eraahmorl%In fheprOJOW19 daVelbpm6nnt 10 eti$tfre-fttlhd �ro bt tarr. *dpaompllshod wiihin tho-eatahlWWd oup1tal budgst. T(metable for the Capitol PFan Mlam!-Dada County and FIU are cotnmlttsd to wor9cttlg quickly and responsibly to acaompllell1bg the oppital pion. The praltrhlnary tlmateble for this wo* is oontir&f tin v Viableo ranglttp from the dme Necessary for the variety of necessary governmental approvals (rapgino from C®unly contracts. for arr.111tecteral and WhOtruotlon eervlow to rnunidlpal reviews' for historiu preservation, permitting and inspections) to unforeseen sx)sttpg site candlddna and weather feotora. Typloally, capital pri Jvuts aonatst of the foQowing phases (with broadly'approxlmate ti► p periods For each phase). i L b Compatjive solicitation for and approval of srchitectural. and engineering earvlcea (a- to 12� { ] tl planning and Me& phase (18 to 24 rnonths); CompetlOve bidding for construction (6 to 12 months); and parmItt(ttg, construction and Gommisslorift -- this depends orr the What the design phase generates far the pro)act and the response from the ae)ected ocntraator far how lorW QDjq M Submitted into the public record for item(s) MV.1 on 05/23/2019 City Clerk g000nvt Grove Ploynnpso Byslness,17lor3 Peed %title .)Pomwotlar *10 •todw...for -example; ,Wo* Wtt! On leiribdng drObtaM fen the site, dour•. GanatMOAOn• And .thO IftloOratlon of thmo •dlsmpn$ -all On hpoet-tho danstM- Mon Almallhe: • P6'bo 66 rid, 4 tra), Thb MjAMI Odo ObOV •P8Psrtmdnt .of CWt" O Affalr§ will MOMW tb - •QqP#Al protdo - pgMpOIltivsly.AOlOdtlnq -Ond pon`ifd0tl'ng far sarviaa igT d l�rt and ojlslrutltloh. 'l'he:Dmpaitm� t l Av $ti il�l� track �r , rd: irir.' thanggCrto $0 ttf01 #h$st r :d' phdrf'+d $4r b n i�lq prQ�e r Thsra;m: A •nurilbbr of e**0 . .. �quGrad s kftuwa t i, ,60 bouhi y use -ro.t mahoDiho colohl scats 'lo muaressftal' gompleNn. Tho •touqty ( gwit+eu nail iiptlib' %h I.. ,have b, peiformenaa,bohd erid prbvbldna fgr.de Oe dwa M4-sl; ty errs coi WWmr#! QDbdltfons► gatvtrrg a$ Oih it gerZNvelparis(ty'for �oanhotom tb in§iWn kia •Qvristrtipllim Wiedl lld. li- 1600 Ate ths�to AqO aWOolilio mechanOms to Nglp fit opw �thQ carnoetli* rind llMMfieas b>+ J+ lsrfiP)"Or COLM.ty dOn110y000n projects. In 0014dAl MNM11-Dkde •Owtq la bammiftod' to "Irg 61p�*ly vA6 FIU. wfrJr#lohlt , gtaXb�old*% and Wlih GOW3.4pe kd -ensure OAp$ble bf erxibessfuilly ebWfnmudg(ft QJl of l e''f>anoiibrr or re�lon�1'thoa?fit �Cnp, arly s>yd t4 66404 a PJUI Submitted into the public record for item(s) MV.1 on 05/23/2019 City Clerk cQconut Groveftyhouse busine®s Plan Fags 1,1 oil" le VA Y F7U, MfQtni-bodo 6PvnJv end' GabIW'%t9 i are CoMmllted to a wound .EW sustalnabie plan tar- devOloRlbg grid oparMtlng,.the CoDon .-Grove playhouU41to that. does•norosuso any addlltonpl burden to We topaybrs-of Florida. As such, the stopdrsst oriteriort far the t?p r�tfori�I' re s (fi that .the•Codonzit Q*,b'P1ayl1'oub6 VMPOY Oh, bs mah qed, prdgrantmed and mdldksined Mthowt0ditlonal t tlnea.to.the ftte, FlU and M irl-Dadb County. Key NoIr►Aos- of Support the OperatJood/ Forurast %*SWe will be. raaponsible ror all of iho w9fs. 61' (hh op#ratlons, progr�=Alnj OV maint�rtgnce or thQ lhest�r. •0ablOW0 to a dAndaliy SM00801ul and sthblA nok*Poi&prvM-oigahlft10 aAd Ilk board or ;Iltactors Is dully coMmitted Im m®mt Its tundrelsing resporrglbllitles for ,thelf• activities inAha. tadtiirl Mliqmf=pads goiinkv 'hps allocated funding in hire,.a management comdttaht to .work wi0i aati tw l606vglop fia orgoozationai c4paoltygnd Omngth. Q4W6 tst#' currently reoelvea Qaunfty rundifig auppoit 'tfi uo •MfAMI-bride Cdunl . `trfm Q&pa oht of bultural Affklral OrnpQtfelve granto, prdgr$ttts and it Is tkptidi tsd, $at MW aupp6tt ilplfl continue', aubjeot to, annual bvdgeti�-adupled'by Mierhl-Updo cdu- piy. NtierTll► dada '66Unty hes provided significant grant reandirnb support to oablesiagb alrfm9 its lnoepdon, tlftcen years sal'." Parking revonues and dther lhoam4 that may result ttom oompallbla development on the ske Will be dodtoated ramplotety to Qableftge to en-su a the Ablilly and sucoeas •Qf the non- pra tthoaW,r bperations. a Mlarrill de County has aommltted operational subsidies to Its other oonaprQfit cultural partners to.ensura thofr success in operating Bird programming county facilities. Although tl�p bounty oangot afford to allocate tax funds to apother partner, these earned Mvenuaa, to tfre extbrrt that they stre maximized, oen help Dableftgp aohleve the mutually desired goals of financial vlabllltyr,•programming exceflenoo, eduoa4onal partnerships and pulAlc ®erolce, "In FY2012.2013, Harr11-Okide County allocated more than $2 ,000 in grant support IT Qablaftge's opera tons and pragramfning. M Submitted into the public record for item(s) MV.1 on 05/23/2019 City Clerk boo wyt Oroua playho[tsa•13tlslnP6a Pian peg* 1�. qF 4'6 OU prO.UMMs �t 00 coovnut Grove ployiiopse A. ntirt #r f�?'�du t► net,. WtUto abd aginrnunity qtopMma that, will ben-em MU WID lad pr6 Mt0d by-th# unlVprdity at tne•Opndttttt Qmve Playhoti %. gU►•JhMugi3 l '•>�ai ►ip Wltlx t ab.leStagei +b+lll mi:441)o prqr�t118 3s + rdtpti a Work of FIQ4,P611eae of Aftibikature I, The 91'1a aria •spe►aifIwV, to lbooler 06padrftit :Tbego prg6fig `h1pigd& *tWarit It4brn:in02. w0ty'smot with pYi o}iofrEt� tholatAr prtfsslonaiq, 0d. opp6nurilges to fhrappfi. ttWnq, dEm6fti.. bte. -in .elaidlt)bn, '010 WWI. We the Abllty to V001 the '1hfm. W abd•dnalgery spgges -to di anaQ •Ils gtldatl0n) l mia�tan and eata�llsfiad oammyn►y'l��nn®itgoai8 1. vea nentrab OrbmMnt-t obonotDrdvp kioatloh and futher-elevatolw. proil)p.•and rtsoubddn,-6ftha unlvotso (9,g,.y, hgatrroat. and Muoloal p9r%rMaDoos, lgotwtos by Fl '$ablty .4w Wlaitfi sghal band pvtfontaGdntp by 111018 bolteges, Ranters ..snd .1n$tlktit0$, ate:), Thrd}tg$ •flies cp%bo'lyt pbrtnemhlp mth •Mranift0*W county and C blotw 'sm the rsac#vat)pt af' the ptayhv ee+ 0xIxtQ*[ aca0mla sod tefo#Mro oppodualtlea wkll be Ai ellabla t.6 FfU studont& and f0dulty that wiPVId.bgfDthis '� be pbvstble. To the oxtar*,gioRasett!, F'fu, Mrani,bOs Coprrty. and 00194tegp Am commlilad to ftrktpg wpottler p,:he oridequo any et041119not AlnJlrq .ram e4 ft$rn grants end . U•tA an tthe C n41t 1YbYe kitybnusc . •rfia off4egjtnsl TbsifW And M14 hoblr9ai'model M1aml•09,dp County has a number -of operaEitig agtgethofiW- with non-profit- arts groups fa trianitge p PQrty fir #ha Odynly; ttmo relatlonAhips have` had a trdck taeottl of'aVocass for datmdea (abo AttdgtimWA). the tNnty requires theme •ndn-plrofit.orpmlzatlons-to go through an. onnual.Wdpl.tevlew procoss (t¢ariloal to the prQoess.thut s oc!unty.daparbponi 1s subject toy and to ,t rrllt annul re(which ittoludd a lhxnalal audit), ell With tha otij�atr�re of demdnstrotinp that thv ,pu,bilfo Is belnR seryW- ptogrammhUbaliy -ond tint ft non-profit 6rdanizgUo6z are hiolntalrling a satlefactoty daft! of opetadonai and Necoi responsiblllty, bstitet;tage Will be rdgtlirod to adnare io its .earnfA rBVlew and mon1foring reg►mon. TO County's Dep0ment of Cultural Mks #gas the load resppnslbillty tt{l' lhta ovdraig4and the County's Office of the Mayor. aritl OfflCe of Menagerndnt on'd 0udgat are, direofly involv6d as vrali. Mfar6iDade CoWy'ef rWIonahtps W11h these Nnproilt otganizoWn$ 961ar bayortd what the totm -" Monitioe usually me&rte -- ft county is a da fsoto partner and hPips WI(I$- rosofving )Popes In real tlm, As d resylt of ttfese oversight praotloes, MfarnirDads County has a solid l7 Submitted into the public record for item(s) MV.1 on 05/23/2019 City Clerk G�aat�utGrpve'Ple'ybcu� t3us[rieS�•i�lan Page 19If $a tm*., ruocrd iorfig oal, oppratlonal and. pmgrsmmmatia 60o"s With the non-prflt atgenbUons. tW.j4ra -M' Pn0Vlnq' propelrtles ot1 fi#s b>$Ft�lf It fe [ffipprWhi,tb,empbM1za, that thls 13volnass Plon repraserfts a very dlftWt oper tIngmoddl f)brh the 0*10ua .Pla�houko gpproadh where tho- nonfpr'#Iit tporated as an fodopendent ontlly,,, f3ebIbSt4op wlllf m1ahage tha theater under -An oper'atlnq.i�greemen[ with 'Mlirnl.Da4® Coursly and vi 130oh, will b6come•part of the ahecics.and balsrt e® already' have Wabilshod by Mlah%pale bpOnty 'to enure •reiopohsihle Managemorrt In Addf[W, -Olt) will establish. 6duoepnol lend prVommatlo paftnerahtps with GAlot qe thgt will further siength'an this theattr company, MU has a dlsHn94tlahad tlMory of collaborating wift aommohlty non-proot orpet il4tfoli6 'end uoing its ssc ortlse 'In buslnesa manapimentr m6rkegng, o mmunity. engagement, loatlerohip training and rosearmh to help NO the t)rrtancrsl .and'-opkatlonal cr3pOIty of its Patt m, Orrellrrilnar'y r'ol- meqlonlqj Thaafer ,As hotoO In tho seHOA above, Mlalnl-bade County hoe .allncsfed-funding to h1ra a managerndM �;arteillfAnl.'t$ Wpli� ith' 3sble is#je.tp dovelop fig argaril atlnnaicapaolty and stm4h, In the Iritargst dt'd0 onstroUng the finagolal feagtblllty of.,041eftgelli rhanagem6nt V the theatel• cpmpi n@l it, a •preiimiciory opoMOortbl forooael for a• rvio l thestor h94 been included In tide MuSI -Plop, .►: :: a •. � • ;, et3 ®a u)t`� lYltnpnk AM� . lnts$r 7 p 0 `rnrafer a v)t t " b & 76q 00A,bt1 1{C1n h ka va lxaaftea 9 .MN rravel.M�ll a ffi 29,00M A� � Dae 8 fi00.00 ems! ee�F 1 ffi 0Do.0o Office EQUIPMOnI— PUM40-s ffi 29 000. d s Prn ram SUOPIleg ObaAO ftant R l gene ae! 8 Opik,iDO Process arel �sd®la maatlRruiimgnf ffi 10 000.00 Pin rn n it U%fs DQp.00 P Ps' n el 7Bb ttOp. D ggy.lsily tn(AR 1ef 20,000.00 e el a Melniena ea 3 00v.00 Pia try es 1 QQ D. 0 M Submitted into the public record for item(s) MV.1 on 05/23/2019 . City Clerk .�®c�i�r�[t�ix►v� >'la�eheu��:®ualne�s.pfJan gage 14 of 10. . all 1 nI 15'0 00 its rem 0 shoo Oat Ciff $0 00Q 0 . RI IN.bY emn "SUP a>y Ioket prrrttvra, P , edt•U rds 3 6 Ir�tt oe I•Mark®Ein y 0&�a.. t3rdah Pu Jlob o e Weba3ie 0 0 !} vef#i 7'0 0 O,i1i1' rahblo t � ana !h e ' fit) 0 P Jio to ail C ' 0 Q t1d es rises � Ob . d e�B UilII1I®s • �. �� ritaa 00 1 t nano aQaurlt st d to Jn 00• ,64"16. o.s 1 v®hug ate F Yi&'Aftunt �avnt�'a:�t@d.�arvtee� x�a,ob9.00 ' C op6�18 5 pprC 9 150 b0.DU foundatran support $ an,tiao,an hdMdi4al art priNZ13 7U 000.OU GOUnt Went � &a,4tl0,QD pt"gr Oovep' Ment GrWs Op 0 A.p0 sPealei events $ �50rOd0•�D oth t �venua tw.ba rota lteve e $ UVAUU.00 It should b6 dated that this preFllminary budget reties an a corwerVAtive estlmAta of revenue that would be gonarstsO by panting on the site. Whloh Is InQluded in ithe "Other Revenve" Una item, The amount bF revenwo from patking, and other •inoomd that may result rram oompat[We development an the alto will affect the extent ot'progroMming that GableStagd wlfl be able to present. It Is Important to emphasize that this is a preliminary "drdex of, magnitude' ealmate for the opera tlg budget for the regional theater. A fulf operating pro forma wtli be daveldped by w Submitted into the public record for item(s) MV.1 on 05/23/2019 , City Clerk Coconut Dave p(py�ousa 00lne$s Plan Pggq 1B of 10 -QMJW4 ge with Oe wolo snce of-g managomont oonaulang•An gnd irr ooepdratlori wlth the t IOM14)ada., bepattMant .of Cultural Ai#taire. *3 prp., fortha-wiff .tontlnua -to �$ tfiy�aked tht'oughqut !)t� �fan�hlr% , deslon and, Wnstructlon pf-the tor, IIMAUliy aO A.4-YbAr opapatiog fdracap6 qntt subs qu�ntly. as.s detalied operaUq.hvdgbt t6t the ftt year of bpetaiiohs gf'tha rh�iar, • , operotfon df?#t*lhg, stio Malntbnanc* and aorrrpoble vavp1qM#ht AAarp1.6gA Uotitytyl anO FIU through tha 40mlppment mgreemwt, would dbtetmlris thn bast approach to•manage,ihe part lno; 00bro M&Wofta. df the fifth and pursuo ppttans fop adifttlonal, wmoflblo Oyelaprnent ot1 tlte,:prp a y,,, iho optlorts farpatklh bpet�Wrra and site main#r nanoa.irtdlutYa;. Qpdrpttng, tfte • ArR1h9 acid natforoyIng the maln'lonantaa Milim(-Dada Pottnly ourrontlY op4m(ba %dumber of parking albs end ttratnwnk flaunty pxdpertyy,, a lrid��(dlirg lit� t7jte�aH r�s` tttf 'aa rrtalttterlsn 16. (to opeOng. pQrsoment as a easponi0lity o t�bfe:�tage; • ,90ntr0ting .411 31540MI POWM9 jWhadty glVgn the)pex0orlo6oi tivlth tits site anO thalr other. 00b4nut Cfave parking uppraixatrs; of a 0ormpeiittvejy sdlab(Ir� a �irfcing eparator gncjor g MIla(angriga proyid4r, This. docial+an WoQ10 depand Qn 'tile oppinooh the(i g6ndratsa tha rl%xt royenue btA. h 'for the upkeep of the site (MV., landscaping and groundakeeping, fertoe 1,opalrs, llgh0no, eto:) .and for speyational and programmfng.fundfnq eupport• for !3abflaftge, ,sV0jgDW6 M, flabllfty of.perking and other income that may resctft 1tom oompatlblo develbpirrelit on•the4lto ravonue% It is known that pxlor td 2006,'tha,Mleml Offstr®el Parldng Attthofily manl�gadthe elte's parking. and was ebte:tb pay *the Oboonut CroVe Noyhouoe $18j000 per month agar expenobs. When the site master plan W curnpleted and the amount of pbrkllig % datormined; an updated foreaast of parkirig expensas and rovpnues will b0 calaull3ted. This will fake Wo wount the 'need to ensure adequate and 0bidable purkino on tho Cacunui.Grove Playhouse -site j'br crablestage personnsl-and for audlences•attending aativltles presented by NableStagd. MlarnkDocl e County and FlU may pursue the potanl:Wof addlitonal, pompatible development on the progetty wlih the objective of generating additlonni revenues pdnolpafly dedicated to ensure, the Viability and sucoms of 0ableStage's and FIU's cultural and educattanal programs. Thlo development may oddness the ileed for addilipnal parking and complementary aite arneniftea (e.g,, retail, restaurants, eta.). The following process would ba ueed to.erlsare aoAaansus aitd requislts approvals regarding the scope and character of these, elements: 5u Submitted into the public record for item(s) My.l on _ 05/23/2019 City Clerk :00-wout.Crdve t7t�}�hduso u®mess pl n pegs 10 of I a o A ma$t'erplan far' fhva Pfeyhouse ,properly waLUd be•devdlapId flint sddP6 ed' bgth• the- ihaat�r arld.sui o �rlting �e wall se. the potenflsl pfAttwm 4Omp6tiM1q-devel6pmPht; o ?� p�iblia prodos Would•bei)pprllb aeser a bommunity nabs &qrd b6na*. w Pcoroted VeYoloprrlpnt % avbjocl t6 repulrbd glunfalpal fayiatwv, IndlGzling. the City d'f Mardi Mistbrlo Arid F-WI pnmebtal Preovatlon -iowd, to 'emurs lbttt tie %ai lury _and' offiWanhp aM 4eri*C6?'Vft the NWre al -We sliaand hs1ghh6rftOod;` ■ ne•btolhep& rApdOl•jjasaCta#pd with epgaglAo-suCh be. d*dn tly the used "to gene to hufltlderii•revbrtue hooesaary tar t)to viahlp� �trt���U�4st3 oE't3able$lag�'o Od PI.U's otlit ml end, QdugUaltiai programs and sulflgINA IQ cover any all4wrdiateo. okpenaea tot Whl01 MCatAi Dade Gounty, FJU altdlbr aabletta6e met b'e ripr3ttaalble; and k In the a that .there 'may ba revenue. In &xden c lh�t�'n`et6%aAf� tu•eawthpukh •the dea►$fQpmeni'.and eddr••$s�thsss•pubilc.purpbses,'th� Ante yvbuld•rdlvi��� e�uitabla shy of the MllaWa, Prbaeida, It 10mpartent•thfi 91a4)ee6 WINs:afttimal, cnrnpaflblo.deda)gpfitantb vpdO w'.I �e st6p� O t ed Obpve yrOA 4prve• as the ptoaeee •for pursuing this OPOOM:All PNdi y thb 15tai®, F)U- arid MJAml!Peda °800ty' - vvduid ethy In oWe ecurhuhldolon'fw irdlpa 1ho.'eWl0110n of i1M► gpa6flo prb}pot„'6.oddltlon, key ab*ahClders, Ihduding ®obiedtagd- Prd the ; tty' ormatnl, Yuould be Inte&* Inwlved. It la understood'tlist 1ha rnQra OWA90d that may. :In davoloped thro6gh•lh1#.prwaeS wokild be, oubjdat to the revlow•Ahs �ppwvaL by the ftis ptrrauanl-to the terrbe pf tho lease, 91 Submitted into the public record for item(s) MV.1 on 05/23/2019 City Clerk Attadfimonf A Finride )ritarnaftial University College. of Aroh1tepW6 -I- The. Arta (tiA rA) ;- 'YWld6 and Mlasloh Florlda tttternatinnal•Urifvorslty eollago-of Arohr(*itl k!6,* Thb Arl*.•t�AJITA) Vlelan'ond MlaeJon �'i�farr T'6 lnsplro grgct% onQrgy, by engai)Irrg tho s,9111h' Fl t���•�A muiifty.ih•1hd r esa of gtef�#Ing, pr6dvol% preslaiit ODI prodnallM�,••nppl'oulgtilig, Anal exploring. the vise?al and rfarmfng arr Mla�lrsn• ppb]���naaa� hnt, Meatinge, adn'far�naes{-JQntcrres,-arLd �;yrnpasta J Ratbrmgaoe g Pldys; �mrrads, imo operas by'}�IU undardraduato and gradubtbl iall:ldott ds WOU de ylaltityg aftista 'in 'the*or -tnUsls;, find-04nft, Pptantfel emphdsia •ori 6111dr4j;% .Jftdh, Aakes*m,. 5pah18h lnr94age1h0atre,'dit0le (AMM1190 theatre, new playvr+rl6hW; at¢, •M114 ftni Arf lblt da Vfsti�at�(r{'e lylf lllans lay �lU:undargr�q�ete end.gradiKta shidil is Vf4,U42A.d chl1Jltignr b7:CQ0001: QrbVe AN Festival graduate Vlsng(ftat dheab Deal an a d m FIV aPaddete 0tstu0f!nt9' $nd-FJV graduate fliaetm dealgn• students' work.lg iud PasOraduot@ Theatre Coning l! .{snot Orodua[e atvdants from v4und world will form.arifsts•in-realdonas theatre•oompany Rft-Ql UFite Deno Co pane Post-firaduate Slttdettlb from around world Oil form artists-in-realdenae dance company Master 01aeaoa Master olassea by visiting fittest ertlsls provide educational outreenh to-FIU &tudenta, Miami' bade .Couhty iaOO School students, students at private instttutlons, And ft •6oLith Florltla Community S.rvlca Courssag Non�cri�dit•couraey in theatre appreol4tion, history of film, actipg,•playwriting, painting, drawlnph photography, Jowelry, digltcl art, vocal pa formanoe, muslofessono, muslo apprectallon, etc-„ 5� Submitted into the public record for item(s) MV.1 on 05/23/2019 . City Clerk Aaahmont A', 1prlda t�►tern�ttar}a't Uii(.var tty ��Il��e3 o�Ai �thlk byre Thy Art$ ( Aft�'Aj MODh WnO Minton € C1��fre�.T��dJot$•�,1on . wauso naledg(atr .i Iat VIM 441e 041(o h'bOWN PdMIM0, lei#'t1r�i'�r �tt(�r�t�� Ri1d'�flhd1A1�{ `_s taw-1 Submitted into the public record for item(s) W: on 05/23/2019 City Clerk AtmNnerd a- 64an ?ftr teriar=Ojeat_p►q a^bwgW theater L ML -Fohertm�k�ow�rs a� Comma Gi6Nm Pliyhouse - 308-s& tprofess l! V*afre RL Svcsan�yuiAietsquatie.FooSai�elilEocaF�aFfs " Wmim a Ta�mr .,;W nt* UAWC gift -VM"a s Ay c15att' 9kaatmj.;j Submitted into the public record for item(s) MVA on 05/23/2019 City Clerk Af�cl�Y B - eU�durrg Pi�Scyarji�-3I�GSeatpFofessionai r DJ=JIlti1 E`isisrS �Js�ss Assa"..iRti't�4re Piaprvng 8 Destgn 00=1A GrOere Pizylhouse - 30G-seat PMTO-491©n;;�f thaw MWrr,r, FL vr,o $iai� Psngam tiirmzooa In me Halt St9vraax;+cP7.teti�se Fooi�ge�C.13a^.a8ocss wry '�rR�a1lS�sf 9g0'PGffasmanoeS�aC2s 7.05� 5d°d, 10 Badcs§,ae and &-A?DDrt §;iM s d�35 3896 D2UB&d Space Us-' OvedmWArM .$.%V -jd iMue Lffi .35W id 245 Bar 105 Trap ffC= Xw Tbrf ',gyp B�Ins 4;a ya c�be$r A-ld ,IO[-1 1 Submitted into the public record for item(s) MV-1 on 05/23/2019 City Clerk -M-W A#M46ent,A'-a4ftP - -.'M �Qf6r' - . ". Omd-sbrwwlids; coconut 6TO4� Play-h4trsa - 3wOyOng qwav-e- Mbng,fL- :Off 2bqr- :raw Ivd 4a= 11*- 2* Csr A7 W-oc,-- JW- 261. 3w 202 gem 'P-O A,-;LaFEr-H4-Z Submitted into the public record for item(s) _V•1 _ _._._.. on 05/23/2019 , City Clerk �GflR�gt �=B�I�n�t'ra�ratu-�ir�SeeLproiss�iat Rt�t' ' fisher Dacha s� E� 7as jrai - Coconut Grove PEay°bauss -ssat pmfassional thaa BtOk5n3 Pgvgc�a +dtl¢2�3 f?aczFvlrxa � SloraG'e 220 SMg6 Mat Lobby — IBR sdsa Ctr a2t � arFaer ftaftr D TaisiwatsquaaaFaeiage A- Lame Ha¢-3 i Submitted into the public record for items) MV.1 on 05/23/2019 City Clerk $= $lll�rgPCegiagtlfor30p�eat�t flieatzr Ci t�'l�l �rsl�er�+c�A�saelat�s74�.Pfazx�g& v�tt# Gra3r�.Pt�yiie�xs��30��s_��i��ia�nati� MhA FL .R u' emg FragrM Public Spaces SaaemaYof 11T�6q cease Fa6ta� AR a a5oiss i 7J-6�zisgmy '" me +aft B"ryA*ArT9AIfz 47nd 011 Submitted into the public record for item(s) MV.1 _. •� on 05 23 2019 City Clerk i..f LJErt.l. Fzherpxc*,s 7t aka FWOng & Desb1i GooamA Grove Rleyhbuse-3DGse;9tpralesslc nOtli�lre s-Ibrias "��t �- 8�-tdPn3 ��'t mr34oiseattun�sin�al u fy.h -4q-d i t t RabVirr. ouccge tier Rooms saQ - � sa ,w,w LO&PVC44" r°° 7se�ar�Frcmenrrar�+�1x�r ansi' „crass rzs, aftv T m�w apex a cap asisf-M*DMV(rF s�aa�_ar3�iy .-rrssm� o-r� o�s•�..sa�rrv�rusvr �jO tow 7-M Sat &T.al p 9mags & AMP Rm j iY? a faa�;vc ca r�C D - Phis $etas-Z Submitted into the public record for item(s) MV.1 on 05/23/2019 City Clerk BLhTi}$i}t Utftra PlDQ;3if1 f. r$QQ a 23ii�Y3$� i d :r�s3�Er II2cis A�osr�es Th®has �oniv� �Lles�gn Coccinut Grove P[ayhv:�e - 30?-sea prafsss��a><- aUe ice, n BtOdEng 61trsm aW NeRSt&:sre Fofll�Q- 4 8 4aC�G D-FkWOs*Pa=.S WILO 4Tamm I :.J '=1"..- - n._r �iG S.`.arr.:r�i?a$";�.�y,a s•�.s-iKl=�: �x JEz 3.: s v� �•'��=t �r��� t'���: t=��?� ��=is^�G,�� �•�g��f?wiC33 �r'Lr�x3`'e .�le-�ir PL • l :.� Aikn;r;isYramfian c BrAding Semites - sZtetsrc+xr�¢�Sgt�'+e Fcc¢z�t,T]ac�ti�rs 1 5fUff07)kPD -o ne PtM.-Armr i Ishii Sltb70�+1 W6 •VA' a1�i NalSquxre Fudtaga _ �.G";5r 'F� • E- Pj*zan S 8vm-4 Submitted into the public record for item(s) MV.1 on 05 2019 City Clerk s Submitted into the public _ record for item(s) MV.1 on 05/23/2019 City Clerk �� j P,t�aohm�zt8.- ��ti{dStfglj�I•o9rdns faysa�sea� ptl3ie�an�E$aE_-ier �.! i.:1L-t3 Fir Qachs Ax�oEiaY�s Fire PE�mtin9 �k Cow nut Grova € layf IoLEsa-=.ave•at prcfessiptialtheaft Mlai , FL ri n EQS►dDig ar�yrarn rormoe Produati:on suppad BetaVed Spwa Lid ?ID5 oyeuricp log Ov2eft0e7QtaUsI, SYAP7y, *3f¢I.SpP`d��OC� 2*Owtfia 1� tiff £xato ROM O�sTde nd�t paw ee7e++PJuli . xe2C share d}ea�r si-M Spray Booth POW&sY�ratat�p � r w�t�,rfra�E �spr�y'ba�r F_Prvdtdb1zsU Mt-i Submitted into the public record for items) W- ._ on OS 23 20� City Clerk �1l citttserit$-S�1If rig program twater �LILl11F'iS3�ecQacasA4esiljsatF�P[a�-�gBD Coconut Crave Playhouse - 3W-st!dt pratessiRn-4*heWr,- Mimi, f=l. BnF�rcg Program Tc}sI M $gftm Foolase 416W 4 F: - Pmftd a NTod-$ l oi I Submitted into the public record for item(s) My.1 'on. 05/23/2019 City Clerk Af chfient G--0 1s.Stagd; bagkQmnd Infbrmatlon gJamsLerArit, �7ur tnlssiart 1s to pt'gt�td+� Sa�th i�orlda w#th Classltla}, bbnt�ptlit3ty, pttd Q�9glnsl thebtr'toai protiuotions of •attlstlo pxot411enta. W-6fullk embmoa slip oltal%bgas ofworWq.itrtlfls tngW gtttikal bomuitwity,ilmd .0611111lgAtly seek4o tmbtato W30Vdtivo prodttotlo)iq that erilRttiin a�Wg11 as Kgke, poi' �l�bep sea5�li5r, C1u)itpSt�s;hss bro11 srthe ot►ttltlg sdgd ofthastCa!`u t4out� l�l4r)da, strlving to prvavnl the mat worldwide, in addlttatt to burtnwn�slrgp preduotlbne,•we p;�ent a robust serirxafWuPntlobal Programs to thtwsAnds of Miauri-Dodo County Pt+blf4SoJioola ovary yearr vsitb botSt Vr. slow mount 4overO $ea.prpdudtiona at blTLslts'Vpnum Otxyyw co pM000• thoWe to untlo► owed oanmunitiea throughout Mittel�-Dade County. lrotntdod in 1070 adVlMaa Sheko;pooro Theatfc, 06169trfpe brloWly par"ed fho glays of Sh kt speate to mpartwy, taing.tho�oai or NaInq Derdgna-atillzoaya. Franc t911.2 to•1092, A%rttis Sbake4po4ftTlleah,a.*= housed in the Mu6*gVJayhoyse IwOorsl Gables, milt ti wiwJPWoybd,6yHurrittase Atudrow. Batbe,thutrr+ aoilbood to-pradpoo At thi*rousof Ttteatro In Coml fables itz 1993 vv4l $94. In 1999, tbo thegtrb tupygd-to its wgrent tmme, th4swrlo VIhnotpRotal. and bowMe afileSta& OnblAtntoptoYNO topolttulWoo thotuldrees thb oritfoal need"fan artstaag1law Orrioulum.11i the, blassroon , jh-a queulltavo etude►, the college'antraltav szant ltt&tiott 13pat'0 fennel thst ftotn 2001 t4 21105, students Who -we lrivaJVad ao exposed to theatrical onti- rolstfo expegleuea soorsd on avem p oP50%hlgher on the verbal and oaathOM11SW soodom Othe SAT (AAAT13, 2012). Them la a groin need broducatlonal dppartmltlex that-149ter do cavlrrmmettt aonduolve to 1%ming through Me; pprfotWng arts, and OribleStoge works stmieglohily tp InipltMent such proptams, Our s{,eaial malnfing performoes Ott provided fbe t5foharge oxoJuslvely to undorsorvad M1eml Dada County NIJ)He l�ilgh Sobbbl awdonfs, We coordinate with tho M14ml-bade Pounty Publlo Soho* Di> Woe al J:A Skills to arrange student ittettdanoq at these performances. The eppro linate dvmographle tireakdow+l of the studMis we servo Is As fb1lows: 40% Hlspjwfo, 30% Arriom, Ainvioan, 25% White, and 5% As1an/Jndlon100)er. Wd serve ante and fts=Io stvden4 with or wilhout d[sob ililies, between tho ages of 13 And 20, -- Submitted into the public record for item(s) MV.i on 05/23/2019 City Clerk Altachraegl0-- (jabtoStaBe. bapjQround Informatlon '( 010tqge pursua,s 4mu1tl.lunnw.d mrkeft stmtogy, oar4binWg-bJA*o ndv.9M yin.& ruttl;ooYera0-k3 looal mecl'�-�talavi�i�n, In .s�d radio- Vvith n.avall.tlevcltijad and 4ojjM9y.#0wtng uontAotHsi oan4 tngof, iltditsagdv of email and 0ysloal addresses, Wo worq also arttongtke ff*jh4r* In t34uth Florfdato hbgltt to do sooial rnodla. qnd oontjvo to seek tho tftofit TrwQya#lva ways to irltora# w)t1t 4ttt•4�dlenoss, 'NAVY00p60 aforoutlpelY plaQW tv tha,m4nrSouth nldrld$waw&pHPVW' HIRMfAlvli 1 HRAI;D, THE HIM S13h!'I'W9i,, TKE! PALM MACH POST 1L►ul'TM-Mt�ivlrVEW-744M WIkove also jAillzr,d s5M1txe advartla®nigbt01n th&MternatMiliolis bfall oftl Mo+iuHbt3�Att-approVftU tolba soasgnlou611 prgdttatlart, adyestlaomenb bit algid plaaodhi the SVIVOST, Wq.V WGAzTl%CORAL QAOL 38 OA2r�"�T1;;-•and 3E rltrM ran: 1ar-edvm'tlsom0* aro glitl'oo plioad $outft Flarada.hiss zf taa, xut� ss�ARtJUi�A�D►1�1V•and'it�o7AWt9Z-t7Q�JR7�IAL, Wittrro�ard•toiadio anc?.i�rfd�.ialan, diQque[lty ai�.tho •Awerlal proswtfod At i3ali108614 has been saavoessful lb atbabtlti itYe fa gove4ttge leont Meao•Daida'f lavisJoit tied W11,M >E I Tol�vlalon, host rdo�sr 3Y, Wo )1Bvb partiolpar4d bUatvrv1v*A on Channel 33 in Sonl'h plorida an¢ on WT,10,1, anQ of South PJoRda's Most papult r minatorlty N&.UOM, pubHo aettvldo whiophoemads am prsv?dl d by Y00siglons Irtaluding.a Majgr, spot;mor, WLYZ -aad"by tU,;$SjCAJ, SOUTH r,1,0Rl[DA. (3416Stage quNdrabgr r(kalling 4W ka dpaelsteslly incro lag, If* arc ttsddlor email 4nd hard oopy brllJcn)4f1lnl s,'Wo s;nd outdjrnotmaillogg {n 8ouO FtortBa of 17.0 Q.p tdaids and 1,200 InY)INdons pots pwduWou, Atfhv boglumingstonph-sensoe ovep22,0008oaaart broahoraa•arw titled M our loeal,,rogiotkal'ttnd ne:tlonal,gnbaoHbm.-Our tt nsll cgxtael•lk la ovoi' 14,DOO.strvng,•alld vt +t'egylaCly add IsaW onnteotatbtough ourW0811to, whlah also st 'a visitors the opportunity •to Womo Season 040olderss, A�t4Jws n D Arf�y�t 1aiGk OablaStflgeJtas mqugtod n to -our octt'rettt laaatlou in •1999, and Arnslstatri.ly Maived txcellont revldws, $9 well 3S wlnrting the Cgrbortoll Aar4rd 1' r 13esi play and Best'l kvotw coven times, and Bost WSW Curbanoll Avwd Woo. Overall, welAve mcolved IVCm-bonoll nomingdons and won SQ, bur touring produntlans uRclasslo plays hsve•aerved av tl millloq MintuWade County Publlo School students sloes ttur Pnt►nding as Clo�9ds Sbakcslfeare'fLlgatre lit 1.��'9. WWI it,t., a @cc�li Crt;�1:f�6� t�''�?hs�..` �_F,;.�'��";E;��,��`�'�fv'l,`�'4r_,,�d��l��l�f�li� �t,�•�F, �,���7��.. I kA 1.4�r ��: >�' r t � e ;► �E�r��cri�c�ii �cz>��i�t���tc�t�� , 1 M � tl��'t t% OA l r t( 1 1 5 "I sAl r h, l[f; iitfA �s i�1i1 �1 f U tdC 1 Tf���AN - Jj�� N)o►,r� '•i. ti,`�� � rF��1 �i�j.,' Ltr�;hili'ff I!li�l,slli ot. Y �1 f n J 7� tNc �(„11Aii i';,�. , �.�; �' P � ,' �` r � '' ,, {,i' � �r1Y Y�t'11 ft �' • - $� y".1 ��if �'tf 11 �! X� I ���} , t �•,._ ` - r,i�1Y�l���'�Y' _ . flu l:r lllr Hril' 1 NE ISo"i ri,f,.Sliluf,t Submitted into the public record for items) MV.1 _ on 05 23 2019 City Clerk Atipofvw*n-CcabrAGip* P1ghgtmo, 1wstbns,-ONAhax m. pjFJ•L•uatxonut Grove f vlLOttsg dueauing,sitd Ahawarg 'R>r�tl¢sr .l; WpI kfl�pxopnite�] opeiatln��r'el�.gte�tf�F'ivitb Cira'�les�ta�a atiA t.ti�� t�rat��xs f�►tperjdit�, groun�s?'re�pft�,,i+tr„ re�rllt'a dstS+'iro�.!'�I� �Err•pi'�jia�'�}+.`r 13ragy {3trlgptoF' X�� . �r ���ett�'r'ti{�r�jr�it e�ibplitt,tYyb bfddtn$ FiTI{t.[19�11�61ig?di�{1AM]!k8�''6'67�� 'Me Buslrtbga .Pilaff pr(sposVb that (hose. a CB4i+tt?ditta •tA.An the form of operating ggte®menta 164 ttds *Mot Into nobount the. fart_ Wt the partpotg' alra�'c�y''srs' tcJafilffied and that then nelp#onshlpp involve highly*apsaiftO Aineflarw, •MIpniP6gdei OOUnty has lnfornik ue tiW. limy have npgratlit0 agr Atd wiW ,d ••Itelh't Ot of norl propt culturalOrganizatlonktb mtin%6en0 program props:rty'thalthb•t3ts{aajOwnsnt'rtl1;5t'hirer dsveldgect.and that while thaw agteenlente Most �e apprcyecy by gielr County 'Oamt6168100, Lheyd4 not.90 through a competltive prtscea .hfvOtti ttte•apeafaihGrid h atone of~ lire artar+pgrilente.. Nash ltyl wO wg1 ravlaw all tit thla,virytt out rpepba#ly® atmrneys to, bo sttrb ihat vM era following the ccnreatpmeeta andlbe:pursolnd 0OWQbl&*Mptlans. filenssatttlat ttihe Burnt of The Ombiees Plan tbe'E'the rslgdtoileNpa•dooc iood lit tho i�nvarnen� ari�.Arganlxatiohal stt�tQlW'a elan van $eaohjbyed, Qnoaflon2i 2nge.11 reftroseA pR eagalstBd $192JO In'afher t'avafpei pi' iffleb park Inn !fef�r ate' itt�l{�lt;& Ala fedliout 5^!� a;[thc.aYw'it11. z�spenuoY lid�YcVDt'r #b�Q 1PIA>a �llirt�n+e afate9 iKia�theaixtou�gof�arhiuts�o►rr�amfl&13ra'�at•l�e�teu�!`vl�pro' • b�t�gtbat dab AIIAVA-MU W 014 tv.p efitr W. 91 tits ey, eri d�' �op�rdwiiYi�¢ ,'tlA ea'r#'dh p4idtin� peso The g4tanatlorr In the,»us 088 Plan f9pthlb siebement laa7t pag�rlo astdle•thabullet point Thai atateM "Ally perlt(ng r&V6hUef evrl8ablb ef}et the Goudty'a 'alit•Obw and mvered• la ttgmnOod to halplrip support Gobla$tago, M[O)r"a4Q CPotaity flog ooron tted apomtlonal'oubeldled'ta fte•ather no"mUt oulturbl pnrin m tp giloute lhelr stmess In ®pgruting shti ptgtom ming pcunty raatllOw although the County'canhat afford to allooste.lu fonds 10 another partner, tht ae perklno revenues, to the extent that they are Obabble, oars help Gablest oo, sott{eve th& mutually deatW-goats of tlnanelal vlvglllty, propmmltig m61lenoe, aduoaf al paAnemitips end public eerytca TNo. amount of moody would cnnstttute a single, major gouidbutlan to any non-prok attltwal' atgaalxdlion and as euoh help algnfftoenVy w(th mostllso their revenue goals. The County oleo points out that as projected, the amount of them' parking revanues h lower than !twat bf the subsldles'11'provi4as to iA hon;proffl cultural partners; the parking ravenuos aro projected owootva %oly and would help evan morel If the alnoiinl of the actual ravenues Ie yr'estar., Que*9wf3, Ia it capy'drfltc apraemenfnvA Qabloftgo rivalfablo Pop roviovy? Thom I'a no botmot yet. The sgreemimts botween Gebleatege and 1ho County and Flu A be dratted once there Is a reosonable asouranos !fiat the 13voIrwas plan will move ahead and there wig be a building that the county will have OdWastage manage and program. oable0t O has reviewed the draft Bumineas Plant and Is In agrbement with I R1, Submitted into the public record for items)_ Mv.1 on__Q5LZjL2ojq, City Clerk Atta*onl D - roPwMf3W0l6yhkhP Ou(MIMswd Amwerm I fhq-.buMAPvq-0dIMp N(JI-CPAW16 04 that WIWONQ qq *g$AQpIbr Ojwiwbe- "PRIgue &I of thO HOON48- PlaAj, AV W14 (PV0jVqd in tovIOWIMP Ihi a( emetstlaww the 900"W And 90166toO. 14 040r.(() "ro Mid Mow ollsonk .110601h gplltvrahvtm4a Pafqifows bloiqRq FIQ onj pal.4#046 'Nij 4dotimthly 'IhqPrPQraw#q!.P6 not llift*js�j thl, rbnV- Oftn1#616p Ahvil -appmve their ppbrag * hotomvniftl: 0 *404 has% t;'Plqkmh&h Otho r i1pw woo Fit! prdednied OLents'Wil bb'o&- ftidod With ]he s6b for OaMatdoWl-sssOOM It Is hporho tb -paW frat , Pi'mde.w. O'no P*qoh MOW. 4) wN. (w-0'!Mp jqr0ohW - p0t.10nI 0040M aftftn011okk MU A* all OoVjo.19 AN that Q Isj4, give, thddXdj $'-b4n6fH6.,6j thasyhiarby ba4n IqGabloftgs,.ftjo WDI be snore � 111p titer, -90 esn4h' 6. will X?M' &do* othy an U44PAPAItt rok A "my ))M'duc"04 tit. the to pd'OmOndo, dir.W1401 vaWsWan, 4hU4.q, c0IWqg, ilogp MptragomA AltaA r"A font, AnOA� mpixe#4010b t4allp6q, It 1.4 too . w 1.40 &000, fj* 0i CMI 0 (04Y widlor. (rktem 3iYltlt "10 aoe!,turft the oOdelance Of WQrhlng In q Titre gy*ss4 Plw�l exMlily Ompho'skros-Wd mognifiglul Me on ps96 3 -r-VIIJ Will.haVe a p4ttft0*jp. With -MMR)A& Couhty -%46 Gsb]WM�qr, one .61 1ho *regloreq goe.06eff -and w 40110h prpp'i4 to Onhahoo. the work *0 FlUlu College of-MchiltbotUrar + The -Art& (CARTN,end ipadlfid6lry, M The4lar Npnftpnb for 4441ng .004 jooralng, re"orph, -o4d Pod "mdlo (t.g;. MOW Ifilfts-hipw, w0kft V AbOlIlles Ps . ha*- I I I unNiira ly-sponsAd pO M.AwN. oppbrlunittes tor thasier. PDO arw bloLdly to de")PP pro*"?k0i oroobyAolit thitugh ROU60, dlWtlnb, sot mod. bootow Oslo, pit.dwIloh v6d loohAkil sopbate of lighting' and sound, sic,;.. Mg �1 Submitted into the public record for item(s) My.l on 05/23/2019 City Clerk AONON A U d rad=4l Groves Mynovae td1"11001 OnJAMWere on pope a -YFIU wlIP hpve cadECut dolned bene(its Wlih ()able8j4p Mat fake Into ftwunt-the ;goats of IN puotnesa Men fpf 80-$tlydents, faa4lty and.11p community. Thane boneflinmill bo agread upon In writing DoWimn FlU tllrri •a elbl tale a befemthe Inurit�+'8 ex®Gultoh �i Ott aptiratlr>d �graQmani wlf}r tblostl�, which $0r4arnant- shall referatice etrcUat hlapfpdrltte the bebBQt� V ti not �xheuatl+ dn-egnjA+*ntkIpgteil bsrlafits MyInbludd Joint: marit�VW: 'dWltag told . ramt5liprl; Gabtps1a0 and FIU .Faculty gndetaff..aj`ikoons; vrorl(bb6po and master at' the %ollltlos; and othOr•bsnsflt$ napobearry jd edvanto MU, Mfaml-Dade Co>arjty, arld: fhe -Coejotiur 13rove Ijlaylrbueo � . Q1100ae 1, Will, Nro too fuly.- + AVOM r 6*.9nl4litra? f_ IU wIII dOagtdp,w'adlt•.slid n�r�aregft prtrgriams farlite s!!e'focuslrip�vn ihsatr®r tlanoe, milsIdal theatre kind Muold. At trlbnflonsd In ahn 131t#1 a Plan, Ah$re ,aos .models nalloftily that srkCt6s$1dlC link aoumework of irnivero tt . With tl'sd aoilvuled of a profeselow feglonal lhatbr. QUbailbn $,'Nutt-nreditcoarst 4b vloapilml, bijiiw9Irredttavurm pilau be ni1'ef4? a MV M. Oer q--*6 .MNON of.hredlf oeurW irorm hOn-maJor,inirol *tOry pbpmae in 111%�tre dppmclatkat►:*6rh dance, t�lrodtwtldrl to wiling, at. 10 murtawofk WMIn tho u[JoM, dnclttdIm, 00rgreduafa thaafre, Mdetlptadugta end gmduats f�uslo and mdt�lbralasaaO w 11•th�' �1jOl�t6r pro'feadlon®le Was•krng at'�dblsslt�ef,, -Qt OP110h9, ",>r, d-WOrk•8pl 014-VIiNorkeo, but 114.$kbir Brest llealli>!Wlt qq �819'3atthw �7ttgtls Alisneliltya bpilQfpg,prta , '��lf�tohrncntl3 b ttta�#tt9irc�sa-Pls��, p Thi Rlshdt daO fb-Ahs6*tea bulliflng prorgnsrrt Is;o ptslimingry arse done-io ci6tnonshia. the baslo eialnents of a prof4s*al regional thlaMer, Thd eclijal •desldn work •for*Ihe 1pfoj@ot Would'begin anew with a Qrogretr rnlna phpcs 1hot v 000 irlrtlude [he.. nognQ elements for a rglional theater (front-offtuee, audlenrie ember, sfaoe, bWk-oT house) and othat anolilary parnponents sudh.es.ls Ring, etc. It Is antlotpnled that the poeslblgty.of artlstar live -work spec@ -would be explored and Thera have bberi "praliminary voggesdons that sO&cW fvr thlo 1"arlcdon as wg11 ag Fur trfllm and olassnoibm might be redeveloped th the exlstl% Playhouse allucture that fnorlti Cheirleb ignd Main, sheets (thsoa spa®se hart been used for tiles$ purposea In the peat)i Theee dwAgn opportunlifee w9l bb Oxpforad thoroughly anoe an archdeotural tOsm is chow egmpetitivoty and they will be prioritized and measured Hgalhst the avallabl® budget. This is envisioned ars sr oviiabomOve prmaea ampng FfU,. Mforni-Dade Count and G�$Ie$tagfl, QUO800610. While ti,® pla)kantictpnt" many Qedvitlex tti onuld baeur et the i'laykrouse, daftrtite actlVtiles :Lkptagerlt aro the playa by �Abielitx$s and aympoatul�,s, by s ka�nafa speaker fbr the studaM batty, Cent yorr prMle morospebilies rep rtdiAgtedutafiorlai zz Submitted into the public record for items) A on QVZU2019 City Clerk Mauhiml ►}-•0o"nul orave,P1@hdW9 ggq#g" Nnd'AAW.0ta op►o"unitlar plaaned:tot d,>ptaglt'cuss l>e+ rssd 6dAdAtIfvJst1 dyCapFipbri�r of the teo�gsi4 � ':1he AriSWtitA 'ta.ppma a fi:Eh'�. �uepll�gns i�4it+ve phoultl i�tpvld� yot� :Wli� •a �tt;�'•f9�( �� tut hv�v int�lislva :sqd a�lUodtJt#gelly Inkap(f�ikad�tlt�-iaidljVl�� at lhd P.f�Y►b��a y�M4 be, In �(i lfftoh fQ i�iri woo(ob. PO wok lrttomohl*Vd Pthof ye .t ►,TIU eiktjf ejtf , anit t`sayttY •desdhbie [ •fh th ' orlif imwotd, .u{tt bapr�wn-ohl gal• f� �. w-. •[p�� dnde l� 1i pjiiduvo nna n laz �cho'uollpr!. w > nj a�f# r Ogr: Pnd the ' 1Pd' bf' b uY 11 pibsonf Dno. p r%or. -ih :t';hidehf Qltlsaaa snd kjte nshIPA V9jj'be the ;.on ffQ e#uQ4t0jN1, funOtgq Qn ;ihk Pt�Yhdgiq tnpli4. nriO Ih -0t.fvrr4anpes will 06 #ha`hMo Ff^ grpl�t rile tar trio 3pt#611ili Ofl"46# M 1a>hevtfi+:n..)1lt �i, twkkox[0gld[M.a.>uwoogy,vr Wlif -06 PI4116 *hio t o paft 0 #} tb Iq dai Aff -- tia an polte�ec�feclitb,,rlth th�fal�jti#'�ktfr�u�'tlat;bp� d'alrint�#i�;~.ai a sadont�aty sotlt�ty4 it 14. IYPaifarrt. to-shiPhaelzb lhdl a pelt. slonel rehlgrtal IhaPIPr .;pompMny. flts , tMtoplimly titjtizss ih Ater. for :P(04votlrona, rehowoli, A.04llotiel .pradr�rar�ilnh, id*,, -tbombq orwolro, .FILL wgb �inigtai+ e�tgW161W 400.9 ivh*t ibo prtns'reh bett�veerl F1U'kri�Lloaala the j�'It+tttd trap d+rsar(bptiri,tb ga�Ttlhr ai*1�Wer$ wbbr ,�tpd `i a and fa:Ot,(iW pi ;i4i�nla p thou up gppartttiluw "far ipe�ming -ir>Q• omrossick 49cp�r 040 Ihpi AnL 0 two by -�Mlmllnn with a 00low -thoibri- Wtlltp• thetheft eft orditt>� �du�At�ttdl ��habts, tt(o w i'oa1400 t� 14ft1Ie ha Sing.?PpA4 iirtttla� th t�r�'Cnhetert'Yri a4 h proflle pfliglattjntp filf$ Ik�lsar*ildird Etit ,'In4md afAMO, sn•ba of adupolippel J anq�k teaGft sliaddtlta of t<htw* and -mush}, �d�jibpal�sj*�,�dlrtts grayed ���.� M('s p l?aahl f* .do � nod io p a $20 m(tlf�rt �a-ot':Itae-aft p tar tb IltYc� prppahy Ip i� awned by, s=1ta, t �aw h. a. , tatP 10$'t one M no 104 to RV., Ft' Aild .I�p �rtnW; iullam!'bade 0ounty and Gabla�ti��0,Weft-�dooumantoo anst Inng hid#prim in f the oltowlrtd prEW ., F1U has v 009 000"900,10 the artu �thYdUpti'll m*dq to ptoprents. nd thirfugh 4.artIVIVas AoWrflho ai,:thg:)+ro�;i. M Mµsdum,.lile Woghek# Cantor for 14R Performing Arta and at pft�arqppo veritrs�s t11rPu9hout#ite �ouhty, The Qovniy hoe-ixtansPe gxperiance in the•doalpn, oonatrug8an and, managomert,of ta1�A.ocale porforilCn hrtti i&ailltlea and in working with non�profl! arts organFraitorre !a egsure i pta�fdmrhatld and MiPhbfal sod$940,. - GobloQ049 lies a NOW Year hlej* 98,th$ pro8ni#ndht .itteh[er Irk Mt$fni°i7ade 1 County, harf ttbC$ .: if 'rrtq)r►lalrfe rvimj0ji ttlpp w.[It� to0sl:Wboolp end cdloges and akeady pmXidpa bdjjg$j1on@ prrogrgMMlnQ for mRra than ih, 04 06hiis Ai 1git •Ono each year; preset)Is n ptohram of thQ hlgheest quality IliQster pettainattpas r the rommunlly, ' l 7/ Submitted into the public record for item(s) MV.1 on 05/23/2019 City Clerk Awami sw D (jbwU1 arwo WAY"i 000rNaM4MIMtn to } GsblB t ase' tiieaterAusan, Is - ark ingl and ubiclos eolA yea+'. 4Abiefiteg� alrt3edy i4lzes f6csf. students•and pr®fsatflonsJs In ID prodyatjons togaftr with p*wrlphteh dJreotgm land aptpra with ltitemstionW raoopniron. With _the b6POed raWNbnartip, 1~JU, ;Mionimade County grid ftlestega YAl1;wo* tog0hdrto Qroote- lhe.r Wnlum B*wfito Tor ttta tt�lyatslly and fgr the aOpmWly at largo. 6 All threo •partnefe AM 0MV1troad, that tiho freatkl;and p6llabVY4"-peooew WO hOV® etWbsi•kW Upon .ta.subn ,lhat f he, ppportunl{tes ,W eduWtftrrral aatfvftles ,and•,qoWreltbns are Gnlltnitsd. T0:O* extant -that ftr�a.strt elMd apecHlbo -.-not ltrpM6b• is t�s_1 Coni nlbd at#hla. very warty OAga-In. lha rooms .'How4r, f O to AqusUy catrvlttned that* If ddvve(afio MOM d6t1pi(inn, tho MllsbnraltVa OpOlanitfes-will'gMW and lwolve-M number and In. Opth, At Its dole, Ilia Quslttom 114dn ropj*M)Dts 1' r MO than a abmmltment 0 d esrWh putinber of Wudbnt opportgnlfl®s or wrcertaln hyrohr of ddya•of itperticulby fib(!y Rowdy. M, ORWAle$e ,0d tho •t3oWy are eArig a. awUnttrnent to .a 'aollebcraativa. prgmas 0esipned to oreate .000 tUrrttlaa ter•. the 1-11i thadlb; i0sip'and aria peby'iarnt£ lh every Mpeo1. bf the ova and ap�ratiitn cri a >pagnitae>,t tlt�at�r ii ! t$ batPlg onhtsirtlot�d Y�i4h Dauilt�+ funds aliii ppere too by c�abiagts$e�nli•it�cbmmtim�r►i to:me�tlnh operstior�pl'paais, M Submitted into the public record for item(s) MV.1 on 05/23/2019 City Clerk NAbhrrrant is — Mlat rl-nadO MouYtitiy 41jeratina Algreo nants-Wrtti Np>)-PrOk OVIDMI broarihattone, MlamWade,•IMflty No a number of, d0Wa Ap agreaM' with non-profit ail or"buo-to Man* "pfhpbdy-for County; these :rok0onmips have had it -track ward of•auccess for decectes, -The County requfMa thoa llorl!profit orgaril�alldrra4o Do tl h an srlhuial budget .revlaw -rftG eb pdentiaal to ft-PrqM",1110 � OMAr ' dd6per4'nelt-14 •sabjaiaVdy and to. s4bmJt agrlual repntta (which•lnolude a -flntannlal •audit), -all Wth_the *objects of ddmun tlp9 that the •public: is balm serval-prbgrammatWlfy dnd-tlYamhe not-Rro11t•orgon>x.0tmtf brp.►"rlgintaft pg, sdtl'sfaatgry level of dpemtlomeI'and ilbcaf-responsibility. •061$Stt*e wtfl he •t9gWed lb.blhft 16,fha.aalrlo favibw and inwitoft rglmetl, the County'a pepartmerlt OF ciut#Iraf AifefM hie the ieatl reapanei fi(fy+ fur this awmWht n'si•tlre ,GQt nVs•'of;a of The Mayer and Mae of- Monagarae4t srid Budget ota dlrepw Involved too Well, MkhMI1 aada County's r8letlon0hips wlth.tress n0nprUllt:ar4a»ftadbns gtr ,fsr beyond what tho tarlb 'monitor" usually r tisrts - ihf� Oowntp fe .ii do %* partfzel' #�a heaps With rasolvrryg -beues -in reef iime. A a Mau]( of these w0talght ptactlaee, Mfsl'nt-trade ,dontr biO a Voild .trapk record for f)m), opersttonal and proprarnmalia,eua s w1 h. fhg iionprdt. 0*'rgonkstion4 trat are rnetna Ing ,l?rop rNee an trg b4tailf, It ateuld be noted thot.ne* Multdlt & .1zQRL1))0 go under oonstruatfon for the Miami A►t4usecim ondlrt4pV+rtiIOWntMiadis •-Museum Park, Tlie oftaMnsi"reements With elteb--o"Ids 14% ffhy ,year;tarm, with rtwo.renawsble twbritaf flue pdr•peylod$, Below. is s IMst of ogwrpl" df thabb c.�rl rsi Mjaml l�a�o3 ounly.pi rjaraHlp ' 'lt(� fhafaF outtur i 'Ibitftotions, Hietarym)"I l uradda of OperaHngAgrooment fto date); 41' years PY 201�,- i3 Qpersdng Budget. $3,06 mllilon M2012-2013 county Omni suppnrk $9 A6 mililon nasarlptloa -of Non�proflt ftenrxet(an; HJ*Wlantl, fbmnarly Known as the Hlstortoal Assoofstloh of Southern Florida, la the pmrnlar ®uftural Institution corntnMed to gathering, •organlxing, pamerving and celebraft Mloml's history as the unique Crossroads of the AjnPrIQv6, The museum ,accomplishes this through exhlhltlons, city taurs, edwootibrt, rasenroh, -0atfocfons and pubtivettions. HistaryMIami is toonted in the dowatciwn Miami•Gulturat Center and la preparing for a rna)or expanslon Into the adjoining building that formerly housed the Mfaml Art Museum, ZE Submitted into the public record for item(s) My.1 or, 05/23/2019J City Clerk Atfoohmont l~ M Miaml-Dade Ocutity bpat'sft AgroorgwIti# wft}t ?4on-P roflt flllltgml �rgarrlx�tEone Mleml Art museµm Mr'AlNa i4.OpeWn# Agr"Mant ao datgj. �e3 ysors �Y 2-rI2-2010, Oporaft.puilg�f� $�'�.xss xnillltyn FY POIR4Q12 �;purdy �ranf Suppor rl, 'r>7llllon Aaspr ?i9.n of Non,-pnM. Or nixsflpn: The• Wad Art MuO m i$ 4601catad to oolloWng aAU tatlill ong International art 6f the "20th and' 2W aetiturlft xlth a -special em-x►hoob oh art pf'ft -Amodwo, •7hia -museum's tollob n has• grown sidgO ly.shd nqW, eompAtQs More 1 t1%n 1,30D works iadrom a range of M dla, A r3aw' Warx-cQ. &. dcr MeuronPdeilbnod 'butlding for thA museum I , un-fer �aristructlon In downtown tMlanft kfl Ern Park; The P6yez Aft Musoirn =Mlam,'I ,Gp M will opah to the•publla -in Docerribsr,2018, Thd.gaw •pdroz Arr MA8eum•.M1arn( WM SW60 t1'tt>e museum'&'r®le as d,vital•txalUrai and, proWde-gsnerpuo 4pariee td.ahawoase the rnutmum`8-Sriholdhp-and atVactmdretbp otallbhroxhtbittona, 'lwrt�r,�w�ot�n�>g 1Vlucselim bU�ltbri-fir �pexetiSp A�Jnerrte��•(tn: d��)i �••ym�rs PN2012-201S Operlaffng 13490k46:06 m1061r PY MY2:2171p Ownly Groat suppom s i'00 trilli* D1917ripf an of Non-profit The MorM Sofenos Museum lnepfmv people -of $0,-agea and culturth,lo agony solenoe -and technology. inuring the 1e&dsondb, tfkp muaetam has grown Co 4,000 member Nrnilieq, over 25o,900 annual visitors, tine of the largest summereolenoe• carnps� in th®n�+hdn (rgea 9 to �) and cauntfsse. addidanal exhlblke, collavkione and aotivitibe, A skals- of-the- A new Patricia and Phllllp Finai Museum of Satolm 'is now tinder 4wetmotipn 1n downtown Marmf'a Museum Park and scheduled [d open th early 2016, Structured ,around g lustily landscaped IndQar and outdoof "IlAng sate° of terraWal aAd agtititin exhlblt% festud rg onepofa-kind nquarlurn components, •a ,sfat&-of-lhe-ah digital dome, hands-on, exhiblts anti lnleracfive dJVtal toohnoldgy, Mia8cl Q1 offer d'ne of the world's most axofttng museum experlenods, Every mpavbofthe three-story, 2ZO,000-squore"fbot.MiaScl buIldIng4a deelgped to loopim the mind, engage the -senses and Stimulate the ltnaginatlon. It will also be a unique edvoe donal resource for people of all -ages, oulWres, and economic baoic2roun0s. 11 Submitted into the public record for item(s) MV.1 on 05/23/2019 , City Clerk Attachimenj, )~ - If�(bmlwpatte �aur}ty.Q�or�tir� Agreem�rl� With.N��t-�'r�fl�l�t�l�ttral tir��rtla�ltpgs .Perrgrr ilnp Arts (-'antor-Tws;f (AddenhO Arsh#.trentor for 8%P4rl0rming,Arta) PyWo►.ti ptOp0'►6+ ► prnpnt f 'da j: I T y®ar$: pw�go-2bs3 M1111,1 i F-Y20122016 00MV Grant $uppari: $8,80 MOM L7esDla'p�oihaPri�on�proflt dr�r tlnn; E3itu ttc�d attba,ovltutal d►baOr of thVAMWca atid'(ty the heart of ono pf the Wortd'a• 3aatbat-growlreg wrbatt ganteo, ltjo� Acoeme Ar;4ht aeniorly tho P rfbrinirtg Alm of Ml Ml•f14gb 000ritY 14 ene of (hd lorge.8t parl+dritjlrp arW,-c6ht4V In the' nation. Stmteglaally l000tad to downloWn Miami; th6 batAraht,Conftr bomlptp 670,000 gqu�et •fe x)MQ hlstoho Bl¢aeyne Boulevard' kow XE..fl31h aitd 44 Sttola, fhd Arght.qvn(er way �desjghed by worldireneWned -arohlteaf. cow-Po1i6 of.FahlAlarke Pell lgnolrOOM the t,400. OdUlfF BaIMPPerbt Houser, Die 2,2608"t shl 6.-bna JA41es. L..l{ri W Condert Hatt *d.the Cdrnlml SW410 Th'aalar, a fleoM btabk,66R.�pa6oldesl'nad forItp to 300 aea(s, As'-a p6lh� bf Oroatdr Mieent-Dade's divbrso 60timi Conter enlightens, edVoe1oq-a6d �j*W)ne Aud1enoe4 wlth a year-rbvnd sohi". q ofpeftmilrlg 4rte dvercts. 0 'rCJ nl jrrf t y� p r _ l . , e i , L`t{ rFK? J t r ' i �A . t� . 7r - nr it i i t ".11t'.�+y t �� a � � �l+ � 111.E ti; 1� r J Ong��� Mot +j•��'4J ! � l i _, t ttrljlta i t ' t � ^ �' � � �I y+, , ' ` r,�. Sr4; a I ,i r lr ci i j1 !fir 14i:r t�t� `f � � ►�� {t� i.: t isrti 7F�d t y�=i t+ � � t1 1 `l kk, it + �4 i� •�� �i k r � ! , t[•4,w �hl�� ,`� r , c � �ti1��1` ; 1 � Ott Y�.. i - 1� 1 1 t r S J � ' F � fl'�. t 1 }2.1� Submitted into the public record for item(s) MV.1 on 05/23/2019_, City Clerk ii�.Cf,41J-JJ11 ��f RESOLIMON NO.15-03 11 Submitted into the public record for items) M� V.1 on 05/23/2019 City Clerk EXHIBIT B RESOLUrIO NO. A. RESOLUTIQN OF TEM DEPARTMSNT OF OFF- STREET PARKlrN0.130ARD �Q'F 1)WrT01k$ A.ls' AOVWO TM OALB OF THE: OAX AVENUE ,QAM- GE,LOr,ATFD AT 2848 OAS. AVWM, MIM4 COCONUT -GROVE, FLORIDA C"OAK. .AVBMM' CAitAGEE) FOR Tl W FMC9ASR PRIM OF $16,000,00.00;,AND WMA]1QI 0 OTHER PRO'VI$IONS RELAT°I 0 1W ' TO;. VI►HIMA;S, Depaztimeat. of Off.-Stmet Baking d/Wa Nanti ParkWg Authority C`WX7 oww oarrtain real property at 2848 04k Aveme, Miami, Floral% aad WfIEItEAs, it is appropriate fQr the.00mfort, oonvatii�unoey welfare and in the bast WOWof the citizens:add reeideAta of too City of Miami to sell the: above men4oned operty; and WMRLU it is deamed desirable cad In the best interests of fhp Departme>ot cif Off P4rleMg to utilize the proeee s from the sale of the 4fbre4Uw4oAC4 pxopcdy- for pmposee. of parldng ptojwte that will bend. the City -of Muni, epe+clficallyCor-wW Orave.pursumttn dds resolufion. NOWy THii.RF.R IM BE IT RESOLVED by tW D'epar naeht of Off-$t vd Parke Board Qf Directors. as fellows; ate Dh-wtor of MPA is aufhofizyd :to W1 the O.&Avenu c aarap fbr $16,a00,060.00. ne Director of )0A is ivatracted to utilize the no propane f the We of tho Oak Aveiiva t *Rp for p0lidUgg.pcojectg1Within thO City:ofMiami; solelyfor Cacvi Ut GUM 48 follows: I Coconut grove Platybouee *oject; 2, Grovo Bay P.aMitg: Plaza; 3. Co omit drove Hitaitte�s xprove erit Diaitl t ifrestruotur Imprcrvemel ft and 4, ltcgetitn Pat'hII r Visitox Patldng LQ#. ADOFM aiid APPROVED by the Depatta kftt of 066tivot Pdddug Wain :e4.y of rlb✓e-r-rl fir" .2015. j + I +-�AV 11 �, rtlke, ' c"bf Submitted into the public record for item(s) MV.1 on 05/23/2019 . City Clerk 41mclairm C" COCONUT GROVE BID BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING ,if Submitted into the public record for item(s) MV.1 on 05 23 2019 City Clerk EXHIBIT C Coconut Grove DID Board of Directors Meefin Mayfair Notel, Alexander Conference Room Monday, June 22, 2015 9:40 a.m. —10:5b a.m. 3000 Florida Avenue, Coconut Grove, FL 33133 ** Meettna Wruttes ate not vetbath Board Members in Attendance: Commissioner Marc D. Sarnoff, Chairman BID Board Art Nori,ega, Finance Committee Chair Robert Masdeh, Finance Committee Catherine Hernandez, Finance Committee Scott Silver, Capital Committee Chair, ex of#3cio Donna DeMichael, Marketing Committee Sue WComaeli, Capitai Committee Joe Harrison, Operations Committee Chair, ex officio Maria Viera, Coconut Grove BID Manny 'Framer, Marketing Committee H,H. B:redemoier, Marketing Committee Chair Margaret Nee, Marketing Committee Brittany Castro, Marketing Committee Chris Cobb. Capital Committee William Rivas, Finance Committee Members Aha t: Susan Cropley, Marketing Committee Lalo Durazo, Executive Committee Ray Fort, Capital Committee Sylvano Bignon, Coconut Grove, BID Me A. Gonzalez, Fit once Committee Valerie Davis -Bailey, Operations Committee Thomas Langone, Coconut Grove BID Daniel Ratan, Executive Committee Others in Attendance: Manny Gonzalez, Coconut Grove BID Pedro Alberni, Coconut Grove BID Kristine Pedrz, Coconut (3mve 131D Natalia Grozina, Coconut BID Alex Lamprou, City of Miami Police Department Tony Rodriguez, Prestige Realty Properties Ron Nelson, City of Miami District U Zo Submitted into the public record for item(s) MV.1 on 05/23/2019 City Clerk ■ Commissioner Marc D. Sarnoff BID Board Chair called thee meeting to order at 9.40 a.m. UPDATE ON CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF APRIL 30, 2015: Manny Gonzalez provided the BID Board of Director's an update on, the consolidated statmnmA of activities as of April 30, 2015. (Awri134L20XS l�aue� Slnteipaenis ox� Filch OAK AVENUE GARAGE & SID ENCUMBRANCE: 01 As per Manny Gonzalez both. the Executive & Finanoe Committees approved the proposed OakAvenue Garage & BID Encumbrance resolution at their respective meetings on May 25* & June 151'7 2015. ■ Reference resolution. 42 REGATTA PARK: As per Manny Gonzalez both the Executive & Finance Committee approved the Regatta Parkresolutioa prior to presentation at the Board of Director's meeting on June 22, 2015. ■ Reference resolution #3 BOARD OF DIRECTOR'S FY116 ELECTION PROCESS: The Coconut Grow Business Improvement District is scheduled to release a nomination form to property owners vain. the District interested in submitting their name or tenant, for consideration, to join the Coconut Grove BID'a Board of Director's begkwing Ootober 1, 2015 and ending on September 30, 2018. Coconut Grove BID Board members scheduled to have their terms expire on September 301,.2{}15 are as follows: Sylvan Bignon, U.11, Bredemeier, Lalo Durazo, Robert Masrieh and Donna Dmichael. Meeting MQtlon iSawraga: RESOLUTION M: APRIL 22, 2015 BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING N JI UTES: Upon a properly made and seconded motion it was unanimously resolved to approve the April 22, 2015 Coconut C"nove Business Improvement District Hoard of Director meeting minutes. Motion passed unattimousiy 2 3 fA Submitted into the public record for item(s) MV.1 on _05/23/2019 City Clerk A RESOLUTION OF TRR COCONUT GROVI: BUSINBSS Z4PR.OVEMENT DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORaS ("BID") ALLOCATING AND OTB ERWISE ENCUMBMMO SIX MILLION DOLLARS ($6,000,000) FOR PROJECTS OF PARAMOMSIT IMPORTANCE TO THE BID AREA, ..Body WHEREAS, subject to the sale of the Oak Avenue Clarage located at 2848 Oak Avenue, Miami, Florida (the <` arage")► the BID, as successor in interest to the Coconut Grove Business Improvement Committee, will receive its initial two million th1w hundred sixty thousand dollar ($2,360,000.00) contributiomoriginally granted to the Miami Puking Authority (the 'WA!') for the construction of the Garage out of fhe proceeds of the sale; and WHEREAS, in Ught of the additional money to be received by the BID from the MPA, the BID wishes to allocate and encumber certain funds to implement large-scale, ttsnsforimadve projects that will benefit the BID area; WHEREAS, the Bll] wishes to ensure that it has adequate fending to pursue these projects of paramount importance; • �# a�'lr • • ' i M� E • ilia i • • • i � 1 Section 1. The recitals and findings found in the preamble to dais Resolution are adopted by reference and incorporated as ifully set forth in this Section. Section 2. The BoaTd of Direators of the Coconut Grove Business Improvement District hereby allocatea and encumbers six million dollars ($6,000,000) frn the fallowing projects in the following amomts: ■ FAhaneemeat and refurbisbment of the Coconut Grave Playhouse parking: Three million dollars ($3,000,000). ■ Sidewalk, electrical, lighting and path improvements along Main Highway from McFarlane Road to Franklin Ave: One million five hundred thousand dollars (31,500,000). ■ Burial of FPL utility lines along Grand Avenue & Mc)~arIane Road: (One million two hundred thousand dollars ($1,200,000). Coconut Grove TYolley/Circulatoz Improvements: Three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000). Section 3. This Resolution shall become effective immediately, Motion Passed Unanimously Submitted into the public record for item(s) MV.1 on 05/23/2019 City Clerk RES0LUTI0N 03: REGATTA PAitK: A RESOLUTION OF THE COCONUT GROVE BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT.DISTRICT FINANCE COMMIITTEE C BID") INSTRUCT THB EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF TBE ("BID") TO NEGOTIATE TIM TERMS OF AN INTERLOCAL FUNDING PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT WITH THE WAMI PARKNO AUTHORITY { WN) FOR PARKING ENHANCEMENTS OF REGATTA PARK (THE'PAW1 ..Body WHEREAS, the City of Miami ("City") embarked on a large-scale capital project to replace dormant surface parking lots and the defunct, derelict Coconut Grove Expo Center with a world - class waterf nt park; and WIiEREAS, though outside, and immediately abutting the BID's territorial boundaries, the success of the park will benefit the BID's businesses by increasing foot tragic to the BID -area with park visitors spending money in BID -area businesses; and WHEREAS, the potential economic benefits realized by the completion of the perk necessitate it bn deemed a priority project by the BID as its success will realize the BID's mission of stabilizing and improving the BID area; NOW, TAEREFORS, BE IT BE rF RESOLVED BY THE COCONUT GROVE BUSINESS WPROVEI FMNT DISTRICT BOARD OF DULECTORS. Section 1. The recitals and findings found in the preamble to this Resolution are adopted by reference and incorporawd as hilly set forth in this Section. Section 2. The Board of Directors of the Coconut Grove Business Improvement District deem Regatta Park to be apliority project whose success as a world class waterfront park will greatly benefit the merchants, restaurants, and other businesses within the BID area consistent with the BID's mission to stabilize and improve the business distriot. Section 3. This Resolution shall become effective immediately. Notion passed unanimously Meeting adjourned at 10.56 a.=L Submitted into the public record for items) M4.1 on _ 05/23/2019 City Clerk 11-40 ; 1 1.3 �, 101 ,• t _low . - mil'. �-�G.'l l�l';•�1�. ,1.'_`. riMEMORANDUM (Revised) TO: Honorable Chairman Esteban L. Bovo, Jr. and Members, Board of County Commissioners FROM: Please note any items checked. Submitted into the public record for item(s) MV.1 on 05/23/2019 City Clerk DATE: October 2, 2018 SUBJECT: Agenda Item No. 30) (1) "3-Day Rule" for committees applicable if raised 6 weeks required between first reading and public hearing 4 weeks notification to municipal officials required prior to public hearing Decreases revenues or increases expenditures without balancing budget Budget required Statement of fiscal impact required Statement of social equity required Ordinance creating a new board requires detailed County Mayor's report for public hearing No committee review Applicable legislation requires more than a majority vote (i.e., 2/3's , 3/5's unanimous ) to approve Current information regarding funding source, index code and available balance, and available capacity (if debt is contemplated) required RA Approved Mayor Veto Override RESOLUTION NO. R- 9 5 4 -18 Agenda Item No. 3(B) (1) 10-2-1g Submitted into the public record for item(s) MV.1 on 05 23 2019 City Clerk RESOLUTION RATIFYING, PURSUANT TO SECTION 2-9 AND 2-10 OF THE COUNTY CODE, THE COUNTY MAYOR'S OR' COUNTY MAYOR'S DESIGNEE'S EXECUTION OF A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH THE MIAMI PARKING AUTHORITY, AN INSTRUMENTALITY OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF A GARAGE AND RELATED COMPONENTS AT THE SITE OF THE COCONUT GROVE PLAYHOUSE WHEREAS, Sections 2-9 and 2-10 of the Miami -Dade County Code (the "Code's permit the County Mayor's or County Mayor's designee to enter into contracts on behalf of the County with other governmental units for joint performance of a governmental function; and WHEREAS, this Board desires to accomplish the purposes outlined in the accompanying memorandum, a copy of which is incorporated herein by reference, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that this Board ratifies the County Mayor's or County Mayor's designee's actions of executing a Memorandum of Understanding with the Miami Parking Authority, an instrumentality of the City of Miami, in substantially the form attached to the accompanying memorandum and made a part hereof, for the development of a garage and related components at the site of the Coconut Grove Playhouse. The foregoing resolution was offered by Commissioner Audrey M. Edmonson who moved its adoption. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Sally A. Heyman and upon being put to a vote, the vote was as follows: RIN Submitted into the public record for item(s) MV.1 on 05/23/2019 . City Clerk Agenda Item No. 3(B) (1) Page No. 2 Esteban L. Bovo, Jr., Chairman aye Audrey M. Edmonson, Vice Chairwoman aye Daniella Levine Cava aye Jose "Pepe" Diaz aye Sally A. Heyman aye Eileen Higgins aye Barbara J. Jordan aye Joe A. Martinez nay Jean Monestime aye Dennis C. Moss aye Rebeca Sosa aye Sen. Javier D. Souto aye Xavier L. Suarez nay The Chairperson thereupon declared the resolution duly passed and adopted this 2' day of October, 2018. This resolution shall become effective upon the earlier of (1) 10 days after the date of its adoption unless vetoed by the County Mayor, and if vetoed, shall become effective only upon an override by this Board, or (2) approval by the County Mayor of this Resolution and the filing of this approval with the Clerk of the Board. G� M M;8 z o � co�Nn x 0 Approved by County Attorney as to form and legal sufficiency. VVW Monica Rizo Perez MIAMI-DADS COUNTY, FLORIDA BY ITS BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS HARVEY RUVIN, CLERK By: Christopher Agrippa Deputy Clerk bq