HomeMy WebLinkAboutExhbit - Memo Mid-Yr Budget Amendment SUBTHIS ITEWlGASUBSTITUTION. ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN ATTHE END {lFTHIS DOCUMENT. ' CITY DFMIAMI, FLORIDA INTER-0FgCE MEMORANDUM TO: Daniel J.Alfonso DATE: April 28.2O10 SUBJECT: Information for the F FY2O13-18�W|d-Ye$r , iA � � Each year as the City provides needed services, It becomes prudent to make adjustments to the City's operating and capital budgets, These adjustments ero'rmcommondadfor uvariety ofreasons. Unforeseen changes In revenue and nrexpense assumptions, changes /n law, and difficulties Implementing mandated changes are but a few examples of the myriad of items that Can change, creating e need to recommend changes to the City's operational and capital budgets. Given that hIsthe City Commission that has the final authority /napproving said proposed changes, the accompanying proposed Budget Resolution isbrought tothe Commission for consideration. Should these proposed amendments bamade, the City Is projected toremain |ncompliance with the requirements se* forth In the Financial Integrity Ordinance regarding fund balances -in both ry 2014-15 �nd FY 2015-16, This memonmndu0 describes the operational budget uhun8ao that are needed for FY 2015-16, The proposed net changes for the General Fund amount to $2.48 mU||un or 0,38 percent of the Adopted General Fund Budget ($643,27 million). The recon1nnnnded changes tothe budget include an additional $1 mINion transferto capltal for each elected official ($6 million total), other transfers to capital, allocation tothe Transportation Reamrvm allocations for rollover funds purouonttothe. Financial |ntwghtyPrinciples (for Elected officials' |nfnnmndpn Technology, and Parks), $800,000 in oddOjonw| funding for social services and other changes or corrections to various departments -as noted be|ow. Additionally, this amendment appropriates funding per roao|Ut|nn R'15'0475 fbr the coot of the collective bargaining agreement between the City ofMiami and the M1a,n/ Association of Mnuf|8hters/ |APF Lou$| 587 in the amount of$7.54million from 'thebudgetcd Public Safety Reserve )Uthe Non'Departmant@|AocouUto. � Recommended Adjustments to the (general Fund Revenue Line Items (figures detailed in Attachment A) Tra nsfe rs4n The FY 2015-16 Adopted Budget is $4.19 million, It Is recommended that the budget be increased by $300,000 due to reimbursement of costs associated with six Police Officers and other related operating expend itures from the Southeast cOvertown Park West Community Redevelopment Authority (CRA), other Revenues The FY 2015-16 Adopted Budget is $83.55 million, It Is recommended that the budget be increased by $2,24 million to allocate $2,18 million the prior year unspent funds in the departments (Mayor, Commission, Information Technology, and Parks. and Recreation) as required by the Financial Integrity ordinance. Adjustments to UDenditures and or Staffing (figures detailed in Attachment A) Corn missioners The FY 2015-16 Adopted Budget is $2.66 million. It is recommended that one full-time Special Aide (Elected Official) position be added as part of the District 2's staff. No additional funds are required since the position would be funded with the current Commissioner's Office budget. Agenda Coordination The PY2015-1.6 Adopted Budget is $341,800. It is recommended that the budget be increased by $20,000 to coverthe cost of higherthan budgeted salaries. Capital Improvements and Transportation Program The FY 201.5-16 .Adopted Budget is $5.33 million, It is recommended that the budget be increased by $1:25,000 to cover the cost of full .time employees in lieu .of utilizing consultants, (There is a cost to the GP (30%), but an overall savings to the projects). Additionally, a Planner I is being transferred from Parks to CITP. The cost for five months of the Planner I position l.s $40,000, Civi I Service Boa rd The FY 2015-16 Adopted Budget is $485;000, It Is recommended that the budget be Increased by $8,000 to cover the cast of a Subject Matter Speclalist,. part-time. �Ighborhqod.._Fnhancement Team (NET The FY2015-16 Adopted Budget is $4,88 million. It is recommended that a Service Center Representative position be added to staff the Information desk at the Miami Riverside Center (MRC) with no change to the budget. The costs of the position will be absorbed In the he currentyear due to salary savings, Planning& Zoning The FY 2015-16 Adopted Budget Is $6,8 million. It is recommended that the budget be increased by $28,500 for the transfer of one Parks Planner for five months from Parks to Planning and Zoning. General Service Administration (GSA. The FY 2015-16 Adopted Budget is.$23,13 million.. It is recommended that the budget be decreased to reallocate $755,900 from the Line Item Rental and Leases to Debt Service to cover for the payment of the vehicle lease program. Additionally, one full-time Welder position and one Information Clerk are being added to the table of organization due to increasing demands, The cost of the aforementioned positions will be offset by attrition savings for FY 2016, Also, the contract for restroom cleaning at City Hall on commission days ($1,800) and contractual Increases ($12,700) will be offset by motor fuel savings. Public Works The FY 2015-16 Adopted Budget is $20,69 million, It is recommended that the budget be increased by $117,200 to cover seven full-time positions to, add additional resources In the area of Milling, resurfacing, and drainage contract supervision and maintenance inspection as follows: Professional Engineer 1 ($22,800) Engineer 1 ($19,700) (2) Engineering Tech 111 ($34,000) • ('2) Engineering Tech 11 ($28,000) Engineering Tech [($12,700) Fire- Rescue The FY 2015-16 Adopted Budget Is $111.88 million. It Is recommended that the budget be Increased by $7,65 million for the increase In cost of the collective bargaining agreement between the city of Miami and the Miami Association of Firefighters, IAFF Local 587 ($7.54 million) and an additional four Battalion Captain positions ($7,0S,000). Police The FY 2015-16 Adopted Budget is $208.84 million, it is recommended that the budget be decreased by $294, 000 to accommodate the following increases and decreases: 40 Reallocate $1.61 million from Rentals and Leases to Debt Service for the payment of the lease Dep-grtment of Real Estate and Asset Mana ement The FY 2015-16 Adopted Budget Is $8.53 million. It is recommended that the budget be increased by $264,500 to coverthe following Items! o Additional overtime for events ($12,000) 0 Additional security patrol for Dinner Key Marina ($57,500) and Marine Stadium Marina ($135,0.00) Additional appraisals for Asset Management $60,000 Transfer the Little Haiti Cultural Center and Caribbean Marketplace ($310,400 partial year and one position) Parks and Recreation The FY2015-2016 Adopted Budget for Parks. and Recreation Is $35.61 million, It Is recommended that the budget be Increased by $871,900 to accommodate the following increases and decreases: s Operating costs and supplies ($46,900), One Recreation Specialist ($20,900), and four part-time Recreation Aides and supplies ($27,500.) for the 12th Avenue Park * One Recreation Specialist for safety at the Grapeland Water Park ($22,500) One Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist ($1,3,800) and two full-time temporary Disability Program Assistants ($17,200) for Sandra DeLucca Development Center • Spoil Islands weekly cleanup and trash removal ($50,000) Funding for Junior Tennis Program In nine parks ($16,500) • Security Guard services for Domino Park ($39,800), Douglas Park ($90,900), and Pallot Park ($66,900) /purchase of vehicles, * Vldeographer/Editor position transferred from Parks to Police ($32,900 five month cost) 6 Video Retrieval Specialist ($27,000) s Cost of moving the Internal Affairs Sectlon to a new building that includes office furniture ($12,400), filing system .($ 23,300), and office rental ($92,900) 0 Equipment Repairs - CCTV equipment repairs ($24,900), Professional Services - contracted positions ($50,000) Storage system at the Gun Range ($25,000) Security Guard Costs during repairs in the Parking Garage ($55,200) County Court Standby Program contractua I increase after budget preparation ($9,600) Rental - Chiller $101,500 and A/C repairs ($58,800) Equipment purchases of 1,48 Rifles ($94,800), 700 Active Shooter Ballistic kits ($301,000), 20 Ballistic Shields ($103,000), Pistols ($32,800), and Tasers ($68,500) * Consulting services in the Communications Unit ($5,000) 0 Overtime for homeless abatement ($200,000) Dep-grtment of Real Estate and Asset Mana ement The FY 2015-16 Adopted Budget Is $8.53 million. It is recommended that the budget be increased by $264,500 to coverthe following Items! o Additional overtime for events ($12,000) 0 Additional security patrol for Dinner Key Marina ($57,500) and Marine Stadium Marina ($135,0.00) Additional appraisals for Asset Management $60,000 Transfer the Little Haiti Cultural Center and Caribbean Marketplace ($310,400 partial year and one position) Parks and Recreation The FY2015-2016 Adopted Budget for Parks. and Recreation Is $35.61 million, It Is recommended that the budget be Increased by $871,900 to accommodate the following increases and decreases: s Operating costs and supplies ($46,900), One Recreation Specialist ($20,900), and four part-time Recreation Aides and supplies ($27,500.) for the 12th Avenue Park * One Recreation Specialist for safety at the Grapeland Water Park ($22,500) One Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist ($1,3,800) and two full-time temporary Disability Program Assistants ($17,200) for Sandra DeLucca Development Center • Spoil Islands weekly cleanup and trash removal ($50,000) Funding for Junior Tennis Program In nine parks ($16,500) • Security Guard services for Domino Park ($39,800), Douglas Park ($90,900), and Pallot Park ($66,900) • City-wide playground repairs k$2S80OO\ w Parks Planner transferred from Parks to Planning and Zoning /$28,500\ for five months and o Planner / transferred from Parks toC|TP/$40,O00\for five months * Partial year cost of transferring one Videographer/Editorto Police ($32,900) for five months * Add|Uonml cost. associated with the. transfer of the Little Haiti Cultural Complex and C8db6aao Marketplace ($310,400) � ! It Isalso recommended that the City entry pool fees annual revenue of$11,0OO bewaived for | chi'ldren tinder the age of J.8. This recommendation does not Include waiving fees atthe Grapeland Water � Pork. The FY 2015-16 Adopted Budget for NDA expenses and reserves excluding Tranofers,Outb$50,45million, | w Allocate $5UO,000tuthe Transportation Remorve. � | An Increase of $650\000 to allocate additional funding for the Pn)f$an|onw| Services ^-Legal line ! � Item for the ongoing Securities and Exchange Commission litigation. � , w Hon||poatw $7.54 nU|Uon from the Public Safety Reserve line item to the R,o Department for the i ! Increase |ncost ufthacollective bargaining 8grgeDAo0tbetween the City ofM|am[and the Miami i � Association of Firefighters, IAFF Local 587 as already mentioned in Fire Department section above. � + Allocate $801000 to GeneralGmoloyeem,and Sanitation Employees Pension Trust to cover cost. � associated with arecent personnel Information red flag event, * A decrease of $4.0,000 previously allocated to MiMo Business improvement Distrl� o Allocate $7S,000to Little Havana Business Improvement District ! ° A decrease of $15,64 mUUonfrunn Budget Nasa'vmi|ne Item to offset the Increased costs In other | sections pfthe budget axnoted above. The FY 2015-16 Adopted Budget WA6-8.36 mU|lon. It 'is recommended 'that the budget be increased by $1G.27million asnoted ]nAttachment 8,The main componmntsnf-the Transfers out include 1ransfersto capital, recognition of rollover funds according to Financial Integrity Principles, and $Q03,OO8ofadditional funding for social services. Anumber nfSpecial Revenue funds require changes tocomply with the Financial Integrity Ordinance. Due to the #v(t that the City ended FY �015'16 with u budget surplus, the unspent allocations of the S|oGod Officials, Parks and Recreation, and Information Technology budgets needed to be transferred to special Revenue tnhoused bythe aforementioned organizations |nthe current year. Additionally, Special Revenue Funds need to be amended to appropriate the sum 'totalmfgrantsacoontud by the Commission that were not. captured In the Adopted Budget an of October 2015. These. grants Include actual cash awards aowell $yreimbursement grants for various Special Revenue 'funds such anFire Rescue Services and Parks and Recreation Services, Other changes to Special Revenue funds are needed to allocate the remaining prior year available fund balance based upon the reconciliation of the year end revenues and expenditures. The Special Revenue Fund Budget was approved by -the City Commission NSeptember of 2015 and totaled $156.57 n8U|on. This BUd#utAmoUdment if approved, adds $15,39 million fora revised total Special Revenue yUOd'8udgetof$171.$Gmillion. Attachment CIncludes alisting ofthe various Special Revenue funds and the amounts hywhich they changed mo m result ofthe activity described above and detailed as Cl,ty Clerk Services The FYZ015-16Adopted Budget b$G64,9OO. |t|orecommended that the budget berevised to$927,30O to include higher than anticipated prior year fund balance /$261400. Additionally, the amount of $33,300 will be transferred out to Capital Improvement projects for the new legislative information system. Community Developmen The rY2015-1GAdopted Budget is $59.45 million. It 'is mcornmendedthat 'the budget- be revlsedto $68.2Smillion tnInclude otransfer from General Fund /$8OUOOO toprovide additional funding for public service activities. The FY2O15'1GAdopted Budget Is. $8.12million. |tbrecommended that the budget barevised to$11/0 � million to 'include the rollover ($2,18 m.1111on) of prior year surplus in selected departments as required by � the Financial Integrity Ordinance, the reallocation uY$gO/0UOgranted bv adopted budget resolution K`1S- ' 0416fbrthe Camillus House WYnt PruQnam that was erroneously allocated to the Homeless Program, w prior year fund balance carryover ($565,000), a higher than anticipated grant from South Florida Workforce Investment Board accepted pursuant to City resolution R,15'0308 (�264,�UCA/ m n�vY�ynn�o � `- ' i accepted pursuant to City resolution R~15'0491 ($141,000) for the Uva Healthy Little Havana Initiative,! and a salary adjustment for Work Force Program /A40,000). Additionally, one full time Grant Funded i Project Manager position Is added to the Mayor's Office for the tir es of Service Grant.Economic Development and Planning Service � � The FY201S~18Adopted Budget Io$1%.39million. It Is recommended that the budget be ,eobmd to $13.Q8million tuInclude higher thmnant|elpetadprior year fund balance carryover (41.6mVOun). | Fire Rescue Services The FY2015-1GAdopted Budget Is $2.04 million, Itbrecommended that the budget horevised tn$538 million to Include higher than anticipated prior year fund balance carryover /$1.8 N|D|no> and $1.54 million In budget adjustments of.gnmDtfundw accepted pursuant to City resolution R'15'0343 ($10I000) for the 2014 State Homeland Seuvrhx Grant Program, R-15'0498 ($1.24 mi||[nD) for the FEMAJUSAR FY2:015grant, and R-15-O514($1.94,VOO) for the Residential Mitigation Program grant, General Snecl I Revenue The FY 2015-16 Adopted Budget Is $944,0¢$. It Is recommended that the budget he nvV|med to $1.45 million to Include new program revenues a budget adjustment of a donation per section 18-115 of the City Code (Acceptance of Donation) for annual community events ($13,000), and an adjustment for lower than ant|n/pated prior year fund balance carryover ($33Q,O00) and o contribution from the General Fund to cover the cost of STS passengers who are Ineligible for Transportation funding related to On -Demand Transportation Services ($1S6,UOO). Homeless Program, The FY 2015-16 Adopted Budget is $2.97 million. it is recommended that the budget be revised to $2,86 million ioInclude lower than anticipated prior year fund balance carryover ($16,000)and reallocate t$the Departmental Improvement Initiative Fund $90,000 for the CltywIde Camillus House MATS Program. Law Enforcement Trust Fund (LETF) The FY2O15-16Adopted Budget |o $2,23 million., \tiarecommended that the budget barevised to$%.1G million to include lowerthan anticipated prioryear fund balance carryover($65,900). Parks a n -d Recreation Services The FY2OIS-16Adopted Budget ia$1.57million, |tiorecommended that the budget borevised to$2.38 million toInclude budget adjustments nf $5/OQOfor Baseball Tomorrow grant and $1f\30Ofor Amedgrnup Toen Uskatball Program, both accepted by the City Manager plus a contribution from the General Fund of $22,200 provide sufficient funding for Out of School Snack Time Program grant. The budget,amendment also Includes higherthan anticipated prioryearfund balance carryover ($76a,200), Police Service| The FY%O15~16Adopted Budget is $14.12 million, It is recommended that the budget be revised to $14.32million toinclude budget adjustments primarily ufgrants accepted pursuant toCity resolution #R" 15-0440 ($32,500)for the FY 2015 Victims of Crime Act Grant (VOCA) and 11-15~0310#172,000) for the Egli Wireless allocation, Public Works Services The FY 2015.16 Adopted Budget is $7.12 Million. It is recommended that the budget be revised to $8.37 million to include higher than anticipated prior year fund balance carryover ($1.25 million). Solid Waste Recycling Educational Trust Fund The FY 2015-16 Adopted Budget is $1.19 million. itis recommended that the budget he revised to $1.17 million to include lower than anticipated prior year fund balance carryover (-$18,900). i j Y s arta lonandTrans� The FY 2.015-16 Adopted Budget is $21.58 million, It is recommended that the budget be revised to $24.81 million to include, an additional $2.0 million of fund balance to be allocated to the Citywide Trolley Program to cover the cost of 10 new trolleys and $1.18 million to cover the cast of three route expansions (Coconut Grove, Little Havana, and Wynwood) approved by resolutions R -15-021b,1145-0211, R-15-0212. Additionally, two temporary positions were approved to assist the transportation personnel in providing customer service and monitoring the City's transit routes services ($53,000). UASI Fire Rescue The FY 2015-16 Adopted Budget is $4.19 million. It is recommended that the budget be revised to $4,74 million to Include higher than anticipated prior year fund balance carryover ($555,000). petit Service Fund Amendment The FY 2015-16 Adopted Budget is $62.27 million. It is recommended that the budget be revised to $64.62 million to include an additional appropriation of $235 million for the payment of the lease/purchase of vehicles that was previously budgeted in the Police Department ($1.61 million) and the General Service Administration Department (GSA) ($785,900). Revised Position Counts by Department (figures detailed in Attachment D) The changes noted above caused the position counts 'in various departments to change. Attachment D shows the changes in position count for all Departments, Attachments: general Fund Expenditures•by Department rY 2015-16 Adopted Budget Attachment A General Fund Revenues Citywide FY 2015-16 Amendment Adopted Budget Value FY 2015.16 Amended Budget Pro ertyTaxes $ 268,768;800 268,768,800 Franchise Foes and Other Taxes .104403,200 104,403,200 Interest2126,800 _ 2,126,300 Transfers -In 4,181,100 300,000 4,481.,100 rtnes and Forfeitures 11,577.,900 W 11,572,900 Intergovernmental Revenues 68,742,800. _ 69,742,800 Licenses and Pcrmlts 58;502,300 58,602,300 Othor Revenues 53,5451600 2,175,300 35,720,900 Charges for Services 96,428 900 96,425;900 Total Revenum 643,268,900 $ 2,475,300 $ 645;744,200 general Fund Expenditures•by Department rY 2015-16 Adopted Budget Amendment Value FY 201,5-16 Amended Budget MayUr m e $ 1,078,000 $ _...-. — 1,075,000 Commissioners 2;658,440 2,658,400 City Manager 8,264;600 3,264,600 ofrice of Agenda Coordinatlan 341,800 20,000 361,800 Auditor raaneral 1,200,900 T 1,200,900 Capital Improvements and Transportatlon Program 5,330,200 125,000 $,455,200 City Attorney 7,615,160 7,615,100 City Clerk 8,624,700 1,624,700 Civil Service 435,000 8,000 443,000 Code Compliance 5,584,500 5,584,500 Office of Communications and Protoo[ 1,079,400 1,079,400 Equal Opportunity and Diversity Prarams 369,900 369,9,00 Office of Film and Entertainment 981,100 881,100 Finance 8,506,800 8,506,800 Grants Administration mmm� 1265,500 1,265,500 Human Resources 4,114,000 4,114,000 Information Technology 8,821.,700 8 8;1,700 Management & Budget 2,135,400 2,11 135,400 Neighborhood Enhancement Team (NET) 4,818,400 4,878,400 Procurement 2,162,200 2,162,200 BuildingDepartment _ _ 10361,800 10,361,800 Planning & Zoning 6,800,600 28 500 6,829,100 General Services Administration 23,181,800 (735,900) 22,B95,700 Public Warks Depaftrnent 20,685,800 117,200 20,809,000 Solid Waste 80,598,900 - 8U,S98,900 Fire-ttescue 111,880,700 7,649,400 1,19,530,100 Police 208,836;700 (294,000) 208 54.2 700 Dept. of Rea] Estate and Asset Management 8?15 ,100 (45,900) 8,479,200 Parks & Recreation 35,613,400 871,900 36,485,.800 Risk Management 2,924,900 2,924,900 Community and Rconornic l)eveio m..p ,ent _ _ 2,252,700_ 2,252.,700 Non-Departrnental Accounts (.NDA) 50,450,300 22.1,540,800) 28,909,500 (Transfers -out) 68,361,800 16,271,900 94,633,700 Total Expenditures $ 648,268,900 $ 2,476,300 $ 645,1.44,200 Transfers -Out Attachment B 1of1 Attachment B Transfers - Out FY 2015-16 Adopted Budget Amendment Value Floor Amendment FY 2015-16 Amended Budget Interfund Transfers 68,361,800 District 1 FY15 fund balance rolled over 236,100 236,100 District 2 FY15 fund balance rolled over 1,400 1,400 District 3 FY15 fund balance rolled over 273,500 273,500 District 4 FY15 fund balance rolled over 120,700 120,700 District 5 FY15fund balance rolled over 42,700 42,700 District 2 Discretionary Account 100,000 100,000 District 5 Discretionary Account 100,000 100,000 Mayor's Office FY15 fund balance rolled over 25,000 25,000 Mayor's Project Down Town Development FY15 fund balance rolled over 500,000 500,000 Parks and Recreation FY14 fund balance rolled over 701,900 701,900 Information Technology FY14 fund balance rolled over 274,000 274,000 To debt -Police 11612,500 1,612,500 TO DEBT GSA 735,900 735,900 To General Special Revenue Fund to cover for STS Certified Passengers receiving On -Demand Trans ortatior 156,000 156,000 Salary Audit of position in the amount of $40,000 for the last six months of the year to Special Revenue Workforce Grant. 40,000 40,000 Grant -Funded contract increased (Out of School Time Snack Program) 22,200 22,200 To Capital Project for D1 Parks, Streets and Lighting improvements 1,000,000 1 1,000,000 To Capital Project for D2 Parks, Streets and Lighting improvements 1,000,000 (100,000)1 900,000 To Capital Project for D3 Parks, Streets and Lighting Improvements 1,000,000 1,000,000 To Capital Project for D4 Parks, Streets and Lighting improvements 1,000,000 1,000,000 To Capital Project for D5 Parks, Streets and Lighting improvements 1,000,000 (100,000) 900,000 To Capital Project for the Mayor 1,000,000 1,000,000 Match for COPS 2015 that was not approved (440,500) (440,500) Additional funding for social services 800,000 800,000 FTO Software Solution 30,000 30,000 Containers (Property - Evidence Management) 65,700 65,700 AC Unit (FOD -North District Substation) - 55,100 55,100 Trane Screw Chiller Compressor 376,000 376,000 Condensation Study (Police College) 27,000 27,000 City Hall Commission Chambers Audio Visual Upgrade 74,000 74,000 Communications Wireless Microphone System 18,000 18,000 Communication Specialized Server and Shared Storage System 21,500 21,500 Little Haiti Indoor Dance Floor, Theatre Equipment/Lights 52,500 52,500 Building Department Electronic Plans Review 200,000 200,000 Building Department Remodeling 250,000 250,000 Citywide Parks Capital Fencing Repair and Installation 50,000 50,000 Ichimura Japanese Gardens 200,000 200,000 20th Street Facility Shortfall (CW) 500,000 500,000 Marine Stadium Restoration 1,000,000 1,000,000 Morningside Park Floating Dock 25,000 25,000 Emergency Repairs at Jose Marti Park 200,000 200,000 MOU with FDOT Streetcar (Transit) (CW) 417,000 417,000 City Hall Roof 372,000 372,000 CITP Contract Compliance Software $30,000 30,000 CITP Contract Compliance - Professional Services $50,000 50,000 Fire Computer -Aided Dispatch (CAD) Expansion 87,000 87,000 Fire Apparatus Replacement 834,000 834,000 CITP Business Process optimization Study $72,200 72,200 Manatee Bend Park Shoreline Improvement $63,500 63,500 Police Department Property Unit Outdoor Storage Project $100,000 100,000 Total Transfers -out 68,361,800 16,271,900 84,633,700 1of1 ATT A€'ll4M FNT r SPECIAL € EVENUE 'FUNDS FY 2013-16 Adapted Budget Adjustment Budget Adjustment load FY 2445-16 Amended Budget City Clerk Services $ 6 i491?0 262,400_00 $ 927,300 C-ommunity Development 59,453,200 800,000 5 601253,200 Department of Rea] Estate and Asset Management 7,753,000 S 7,753,000 Departmental Improvement Initiative 8,124;300 3,134,400 141,000 $ 11,399,700 Economic Development (SR) 176,000 24,300 $ 195,300 Emergency Funds 100,000 $ 100,OOG Fire fescue Services 2,1336,000 1,807,200 1,538,100 $ 5,3811300 General Special Revenue 944,000 508,000 $ 1,452,Ofi0 [Home[ass Program, 2,966,400 (106,000) $ 2,850,400 Lair Enforcement Trust Fund 2,229,500 {65,900} $ 2,163,600 Miami Ballpark Parking Facilities 5=598;4130 S 6,598,400 Parks &Recreation Services 1,571,100 785,400 24,500 $ 2,381,1)00 Planning Services 92,20a-000 1,575,10[1 $ 13,783,100 Police Services 14,117,504 204,500 $ 14,322,000 Public Works Services 7,120,700 1,245,200 $ 8,365,900 Solid Waste Recycling Educational Trust Fuad 1,194,800 (1,8,900) Is 1,175,900 Transportation and Transit 21,576,�?00 3,236,00 $ 24€ 812,400 Tree Trust Fund 3,545,900 $ 3,545,900 UASI-Fre Rescue 4,187,600 555,000 $ 4,742,600 TOTAL SPECIAL I EVENUE FUNDS $ 1563567,700 $ 13.,738,200 $ 1,908,100 $ 172,214,000 Department Preliminary Budget PY2016.16 15TE'S Change Memo Floor Amendment 0924,2015 Amended Preliminary Budget FY 201516 Midyear Amendment Total 'Ire Rescue 838 838 4. - 842 Police 11859 61 1 1,710 2 1,712. General Services Administration 185 135 2 187 Public Works 109. 109 7 116 Solid Waste 228 228 226 Office of A endo Coordination 3 - 3 3 AWItor General 9 9 0 CITP 45 45 8 53 Cit Attorney 9 1 60. 60 City Clerk 12 122 12 CKY Manager 22 _ 22 22 Civil $orvice 8 3 3. Code Compliance 52 52 62 Commissioners 91 2 33 1 34 Office of Comimunlcatlonsand Protocol 11 11 11 Equal OpportmIty and Dlversity Programs 8 3 3 Office of Film and entertainment 4 4 4 Finance 72 77 72 Grants Aciminlstration 38 2 40 1 41 Human Resources 89 39 39 Informatlon Technology 76 76 76 Management and Budget 18 18 18 Mayor 12 12 1 13 Neighborhood Enhancement Teams (NFr) 07 _ 4 101 - 1 102 Prpcurement 20 20 20 Community and 6conamic Development 35 _ gg 86 Parks and Recreation 279279' 1 230 Building 80.... 80 - 80 Planning and Zoning 59 1 $3 1 69 Risk Management 20 20 20 Department of Real Estate and Asset Management 54 54 A 63 Total Full -Time Positions 4,1 U 69 -1. 4,131. 28 4209 r SUBSTITUTION. CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER-OrrICE MEMORANDUM 7' TO: Daniel J. Alfonso DATE-: /April 8, 2016 City M ager T. I SUBJECT. I ormation for the E Y 2015-16 Mid -Year FIR D rectorJ, Management and Budget Budget,Amendment Each year as the City provides needed services, it beco, s prudent to make adjustments to the City's operating and capital budgets, These adjustments are'r ornmended for a variety of reasons. Unforeseen 's a rr changes In revenue and or expense assumptions, services, in law, and difficulties Implementing mandated changes are but a few examples of the myriad of 1 ms that can change, creating a need to recommend changes to the City's operational and capital bud ts.. Given that It Is the City Commission that has he final authority In approving said proposed changes, the , . accompanying proposed Budget Resolutio I b rougl-A to the Commission for consideration. Should these proposed amendments be made, the is projected to remain in compliance with the requirements set forth in the Financial Inteyfty Orcllnane regarding fund balances in both FY 2014-15 and FY 2015-16. This memorandum describes the operational budget changes that are needed for FY 2015-16, The proposed net changes for the e leral Fund amount to $2.48 million or 0,38 percent of the Adopted General Fund Budget ($643,2 million). The recommended changes to, the budget include an additional $1 million transfer to-capit for each elected official ($6 million total), other transfers to capital, allocation 'to the Transportation Re erve, allocations for rollover funds pursuant to the Financial Integrity Principles (far Elected Officials, nformation Technology, and Parks), $800,000 in additional funding for social services and other, anges or corrections. to various departments as noted below, Additionally, this amendment appr priatos funding per resolution R-15-0475 for the cost of the collective bargaining agreement bet een the City of Miami and the Miami Association of Firefighters, IAPF Local 587 In the amount of $7 4 million from the budgeted Public Safety Reserve in the Non -Departmental Accounts, SUBSTITUTION. a5ornmem Tra nsfe rs4nn. The FY 2015-16 Adopted Budget is $4.10 million. It is recommended that thebudg be Increased by $300,000 due 'to reimbursement of costs associated with six Police officers and of er related operating expenditures from the Southeast overtown Park West Community Redevelopmen Authority (ORA), Other Revenues The FY 2015-1.6 Adopted Budget is $33.55 million, It Is recommended t at the budget be increased by $2,24 million to allocate $2.18 million the prior year unspent fu ds In the departments (Mayor, Commission, Information Technology, and Parks. and Recreation) a required by the Financial Integrity ordinance, Com missioriers The FY 2015=16 Adopted Budget is $2,66 million. t is recommended that .one full-time Special Aide (Elected Official) position be added as part of the istrict 2's staff. No additional funds are required since the position would be funded with the current mmissloner's Office budget. Agenda Coordination The FY2015-1.5 Adopted Budget Is $yeted ,800. It is recommended that the budget be increased by $20,000 to coverthe cost of higher than bud salaries. The FY 2015-1.6 Adopted udget is $5.33 million. It, is recommended that the budget be increased by $1:25,000 to cover the st of 7 full .time employees In lieu of utilizing consultants. (There Is a cost to the GP (80M), but an over II savings to the projects). Additionally, a Planner I Is being transferred from Parks to CITP. The cost for five months of the Planner I position 19 $40,000. The FY 20 -1.6 Adopted Budget is $435;000. It Is recommended that the budget be Increased by $8,000 to cover he cost of a Subject Matter Spociolist, parttime. SUBSTITUTION. Neighborhood nriancementTeam (NET} The FY2015-16 Adopted Budget is. $4,88 million. it is recommended that a Service Center Re esentative position be added to staff the Information desk at the Miami Riverside Center (MRC) With o change to the budget, The costs of the position will be absorbed in the currentyear due to salary sav gs. i PlannIng, & Zoning The FY 201516 .Adopted Budget is $6,8 million, it is recommended that the udget be increased by $2.8,500 for the transfer of one Parks Planner for five months from Parks to Plan Ing and Zoning, General Service Administration (GSA}. The FY 2015-16 Adopted Budget is $28,13 million.. It is recommende hat the budget be decreased to reallocate $735,900 from the Lina Item Rental and Leases to debt Se ice to cover for the payment of the vehicle lease. program. Additionally, one full-time Welder pasltio and one Information Clerk are being added to the table of organization due to increasing demands, e cost of the aforementioned positions will be offset by attrition savings for FY 2016, Also, the co Tact for restroom cleaning at City Hall on Commission days ($1.,800) and contractual increases ($12,7 ) will be offset by motor fuel savings, Public Works The FY 2015-16 Adopted Budget is $20.69 million. t is recommended that the budget be increased by $117,200 to cover seven full-time positions to ad additional resources in the area of Milling, resurfacing, and drainage contract supervision and mainten ce inspection �s follows; o Professional Engineer 1 ($22,800) Engineer 1 ($19,700) 0 (2) Engineering Tech 111 ($ A (2) Engineering Tech II ($9-4,002 Engineering Tech 1($12,7 Fire- rescue The FY 2015-16 Adopte udget Is $1.11.88 million. It is recornmended that the budget be Increased by $7,65 million for the I crease in cost of the collective bargaining agreement between the City of Miami and the Miami Asso ration of Firefighters, IAFF Local 587 ($7.54 million) and an additional four Battalion Captain positions 1.08,000), Poiice J The FY 25-16 Adopted Budget is $208.84 million. It is recommended that the budget be decreased by $29 1.,0 to accommodate the following increases and decreases: i i i conk * Reallocate $1.61 million from Rentals and Leases to Debt Service for the payment of th ease /purchase of vehicles, * Vldeographer/Editor position transferred from Parks to Police ($32,900 five month cos a Video Retrieval Specialist ($27,000) o Cost of moving the Internal Affairs Section to a new building that includes ffice furniture ($12,400), filing system ($23,300), and office rental ($92,800) # Equipment Repairs - CCTV equipment repalra ($24,900) * Professional Services - contracted positions ($50,000) * Storage system at the Gun Range ($25,000) * Security Guard costs during repairs in the Parking Garage ($55,200) # County Court Standby Program contractual Increase after budget pr partition ($9,600) * Rental - Chiller $101,500 and A/C repairs ($58,800) 0 Equipment purchases of 1.48 Rifles ($94,800), 700 Active hooter Ballistic Kits ($301,000), 20 BalllsticShlelds ($103,000), Pistols ($32,800), and Triers ( 8,500) * Consulting servicesinthe Communications Unit ($5,000) * Overtime for homeless abatement ($200,000) Deoartment of Real Estate and Asset IVIgnag1m.ent The FY.2015-16 Adopted Budget is $8.53 million. It' is recommended that the budget be increased by $264,500 to cover the following items: Additional overtime for events ($12,00 .) Additional security patrol for /Dinner ey Marina ($57,500) and Marine Stadium Marina ($135,000) Additional appraisals for Asset M agement $60,000 .e Transfer the Little Haiti Cultu-ra enter and Caribbean Marketplace ($310,400 partial year and one position) Parks and Recreation The FY2015-2016 Adopted;dg.et for Parks and Recreation Is $35.61 million. It is recommended that the budget be Increased by Z' 900 to accommodate the following increases and decreases: * Operating co 's and supplies ($46,900), One Recreation Specialist ($20,900), and four part-time Recreation ides and supplies ($27,500) for the 12th Avenue Park * One Recr ation Specialist for safety at the Grapeland Water Park ($22,500) p Cine e Recreation e r e r e a t 0 rn 'o ides I 0 n e- yCe Ified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist ($1.3,800) and two full-time temporary Disability r Prog m Assistants ($17,200) for Sandra De Lucca Development Center •Sp Islands weekly cleanup and trash removal ($50,000) •F riding for Junior Tennis Program in nine parks ($16,500) (3 c eCUrity ward services for Domino Park ($39,800), Douglas Park ($90,900), and Pallot Park ($66,900) SUBSTITUTION. 0 Citywide playground repairs ($250,000) * Parks Planner transferred from Parks to Planning and Zoning ($28,500) for five mo S and a m Planner I transferred from Parks to CITP ($40,000) for five months 0 Partial year cost of transferring one Videographer/Editor to Police ($32,900) for five onths five d Caribbean * Additional cost. associated with the transfer of the Little Haiti Cultural Cowl /and Caribbean P Marketplace ($310,400) It Is also recommended that the City entry pool fees (estimated annual revenue o'011,000) be waived for chl'Idren tinder the age of 3.8. This recommendation does not Include waiving,at -the Grapeland Water Park. 1�� ,Nan -Departmental Accounts (NDA) The FY 201.5-16 Adopted Budget for NDA expenses and reserves ; ex ding Transfers -Out Is $50,45 million, It is recommended that the budget be decreased by $21.32 millio as noted below: allsl o Allocate $500,000 to the Transportation Reserve. u ng for the Professional Services — Legal line s An increase of $650,000 to allocate additional item for the ongoing Securities and Exchange mission litigation, 0 Reallocate $7.54 million from the Public Safe Reserve line item to the Fire Department for the Increase In cost of the collective. ba�galnin greernent between the City of Miami and the Miami Association of Firefighters, IAFl` Local 58 as already, mentioned in Fire Department section above. * Allocate $80,000 to General' Employ s and Sanitation Employees Pension Trust to cover cost, Securities from IAFF 1 m e I iv r t r and collective. Local Employ L g I Y Exchange Public c h II n 87 a I s c n S a n a 5 a e Safe CoC g Irr Reserve r n d 0 a nd Sanitation associated with a recent personnel I f rmation red flag event. 0 • A decrease of $40,000 previously Ilocated to MlMo Business improvement District • Allocate $75,000 to Little Hava a /Business Improvement District • A decrease of $15,64 millio rory) Budget Reser*ve line item to offset the Increased costs In other sections of the budget as oted above, Transfers -Out The FY 2015-16 Adopted udget is $68,36 million, It is recommended that the budget be Increased by $16,27 million as /note in Attachment S. The main components of the Transfers out include -transfers to tjo r Ic), capital, recognition rollover funds according to Financial Integrity Principles, and $800,000 of additional o funding for social rvices. A, numb r of Special Revenue funds require changes to comply with the Financial Integrity Ordinance. Due fa to th fact t4ot the City ended FY 201.5-16 with a budget surplus, the unspent allocations of the Elected etf 'vials, Parks and Recreation, and Information Technology buOgets needed to be transferred to Special enue to be used by the aforementioned organizations in the current year. SUBSTITUTION. .�i.� ppro� — Zsch grants bytUe Cn | kt0u not ptured hnth Adopted BUdQet ofO�obe 3U '~ Special dtuo|�uetatho nema�/nQpr�ryaaraYa|�WefWm1 balance bauodupontho,ecund|end revenues and expenditures. 'The Special Revenue Fund Budget was approved by the City Commission in Soptemb yf of 2015 and totaled $156.57 Million. This Budget Amendment, If approved, acids $15.39 million fo a revIsed total Special Revenue rund'Budget of $171.96 million. Attachment C Includes a listing of t various Special Roven Lie of t -funds and the amounts by which they changed as a result of the actlivity de r�lbed above and detailed as City Clark Services The FYZ015-16Adopted Budget b$ to include higher than anticipated pdorV.eor fund balanceAddMdoUoU\\ the amount of $33300 will be transferred out to Capital )nnpnovemanacts for the new legislative Informationmynzom. // Community Developmen The rY2O15-1GAdopted Budget b$59 ���mb�����d� $68.2SmUUontolnchdeo�mn�erfromG [FuVd($8DU000)topruv|deoddhJonolyun�nOforpub||o service activities. / ,pepartmentzil Improvement Initiatives The FY 2015-16 Adopted Budget Is, .12 million, it is recommended that the budget be revised to $11,40 million to Include the rollover ($ 18 mIllion) of prior year surplus In selected departments as required by the Financial Integrity Ordinan e, the rea[locatibn of, $90,000 granted by adopted budget resolution R-15- 0416 for the Camillus Hous Mat Program that was erroneously allocated to 'the Homeless Program, a jAd e /dd e c p u e 'et IS" prior year fund balance carryover ($565,000), a higher than anticipated grant from South Florida Workforce Investment oard accepted pursuant to City resolution R-15-0368 ($264,000), a new grants accepted pursuant t City reso.luti-on R-15-0491 ($141,000) for the Live Healthy Little Havana 1nitiative, and a salary adju ment for Work Force Program ($40,000), Additionally, one full time Grant Funded ro$ It 10 n is ad cled to Proja( r sition Is added to the Mayor's Office for the Cities of Service Grant. The PYXOIS-16 Adopted Budget Is $12.38 million. It N recommended that the budget be revised to i SUBSTITUTION. 3 Fire Rescue Services The FY 2015-16 Adopted Budget Is $2,04 million. It is recommended that the budget be r wised tor $5.38 million to include higher than anticipated prior year fund balance carryover ($1,8 Ilion) and million In budget adjustments of grant funds accepted pursuant to City resolution 5-0343 ($100,000) for the 2014 State Homeland Security Grant Program., R-15-0498 ($1;24 millio for the FEMA/USA. R FY2015 grant, and R-15-0514 ($7.94,000) for the Residential Mitigation Program ant. i General Special Revenue i k The FY 2015-16 Adopted Budget is $944,000. It is recommended tha the budget be revised to $L45 million to include new program revenues a budget adjustment of a do tion per section 18-115 of the City Code (Acceptance of isonation) for annual community events ($13, 0), and an adjustment for lower than i anticipated prior year fund balance carryover ($339,000) and a rontrlbu.tion from the General Fund to cover the cost of STSpassengers who are ineligible for Tro portation funding related to On -Demand Transportation Services ($156.,000). Homeless Programs The FY 2015-16 Adopted Budget is $2.97 million. It 's recommended that the budget be revised to $2.86 million to include.lowerthan anticipated priorXor und balance carryover ($16;000) and reallocate to the Departmental Improvement: Initiative Fund $90 the Citywide Camillus House MATS Program. Law Enforcement Trust Fund (i.ETF) The FY 2015-16 Adopted Budget is $/ed million., It is recommended that the budget be revised to $2.16 million to include lower than anticipprioryear fund balance carryover ($65,900). Parks and Recreation Services The FY 2015-16 Adopted Bu et is $1.57 million. It is recommended that the budget be revised to $2.38 million to Include budget justments of $5,000 for Baseball Tomorrow grant and $19,500 for Amerigroup Teen Basketball Progra , bo•th accepted by the City Manager plus a contribution from the General Fund of $22,200 provide suffi ent funding for Out of School Snack Time Grogram grant. The budget -amendment also includes highe •han anticipated prior year fund balance carryover ($763,200), The FY 20 -16 Adopted Budget is $7.4.12 million, it is recommended that the budget be revised to $14.32 Tfton to include budget adjustments primarily of grants accepted pursuant to City resolution #R- 7.5-04 ($32,500) for the FY 2015 Victims of Crime Act Grant (VOLA) and R-15.0310($172,000) for the E91' Wireless allocation, 0 SUBSTITUTION. Public Works Services The FY 2015-16 Adapted Budget is $7.12 million. It is recommended that the /he to $8.87 million to include higher than anticipated prior year fund balance carryover {$1 Solid Waste Recyclin duca0lonal Trust Fund The FY 2015-16 Adopted Budget Is $1.13 million, It is recommended that the to $1.17 million to include lower than anticipated prioryear fund balance carryover( -$1 Transoartatyon and Trar�sl The FY 2.015-16 Adopted Budget is $21.58 million, It is recommend d that the budget be revised to $24.81 million to include. an additional $2,0 million of fund balance t' be allocated to the Citywide .Trolley Program to cover the cost of 10 new trolleys and $1.18 million to c ver the cost of three route expansions (Coconut Grove, Little Havana, and Wynwood) approved by res utvlc R 15-0210,11-15-02.11, R-15-021LAdditionally, two temporary positions were approved to assn the transportation personnel in providing customer service and monitoring the City's transit routes se ices {$58,000). UASI Fire Rescue The FY 20:15.16 Adopted Budget is $4,19 million. million to include higher than anticipated prior ye 1�e t Service Fund Amendment 4s recommended that the budget be revised to $4,74 fund balance carryover ($555,000), The FY 2015-16 Adopted Budget i/,In million. It is recommended that the budget be revised to $64.62 million to include an additional alon of $2,35 million for the payment of the lease/purchase of vehicles that was previously budhe police Department ($1.,61 million) and the General Service Administration Department'(GSA)0). The changes noted abo e caused the position counts in various departments to change, Attachment 0 shows th changes in position count for all Departments, Attachments: 0 i SUBSTITUTION. 6enoml Fund expenditures by Department FY 2015.16 Adopted Budget Attachment A General Fund Revenues Citywide FY 2015.16 Adopted Budget Amendment FY 2015-16 Value Amended Budge Property Tares $ 268,768,800 268,768,800 Franchise Fees and dtherTaxes 104 403,200 104,403,200 Interest 2126,800 2,126,300 TransforN In 4,181,100 300,000 4,481,100 Fines and Forfeltures 1.1,572,900 11,572,900 IntergovernmentalRevenues 98,742,800. _ 53,742,$00 Licensor and Permits 5$;502,800 58,502,300. Other Revenues 53,545;600 21175,300 35,720,900 Charges for Services €96,425;900 96,425;900 Total Revenues 643,268,900 $ 2,475,300 645,744,200 6enoml Fund expenditures by Department FY 2015.16 Adopted Budget Amendment Value FY 20— -SG Amended Budget Mayer 1075,000 _L_ 1,075,000 Commissloners 2;6$$,400 2,658,400 City Manager 8,264,600 3,264,600 Office of Agenda Coordination 941,800 20,000 361,800 Auditor General 1,200,.900 Z1,zU0,900 Capital Improvements and Transportation program 5,230,200 125,000 $,455,200 City Attorney 7,618,100 7,615,100 City Clerk 1,624,700 1,924,700 Civil Service 435,000 8,000 443,000 Code Compliance 5,584,500LL 5,584,500 Offlceofcommunications and Proto of 1,079,400 1,079,400 Cqual Opportunity and Olversity Pro rims 369,90 369;900 Office of Film and Fntertalnment 981,: 0. 981,100 Finance 8,500"800 8,506,800' Grants Administration � 1 •fi5,500 1265,500 Human Resources 114,000 4,114,000 Information Technology 8,821,700 8,821,700 Management & Budget 2,185,400 2,135,400 Nei hborhood Enhancement Team (NCTj 4,878,400 4,878,400 Procurement 2,162,200 2162 200 Building Department 10,561,800 10,361,600 Planning & Zoning 6,800,600 28_�50Q 6,829,100 General Services Administration 23,131,(>00 (735,900) 22,995,700 Public Works Department 20,685,800 117,200 20 808,000 .Solid Waste 80,598,900 - 30,598,€900 Flre-Rescue 111,880,700 IT 7,640;400 1,19,530,7,00 Police 7.08,836;700 {294,00(?) 208,50.2,700 Dept, Of Real 3state and Asset Man omen( 8,525,100 (45,900) 8,479,200 Parka & Recreation 35,613,400 871,900 36,485,300 Risk Management 2,924,900 2,924,900 Community and Fconomlc De elo vnent 2,252,700 ---- 2,252,700 Non-Departrnenfal Accoun (N)A} 50,450 800 (21,540,8001 28,909,500 {TYansfers-OUt) 68,361,800 16,271,900 84,633,700 TotalBxpondlCuros $ 643,268,900 $ 2;475,300 d48,'I44,20U SUBSTITUTION. Transfers4ut Attachment 1 of 1 Attachm t6 Transfers - Out ____ FY 2015.16 Adopted Budget Amendment Value FY 20 -16 Amen ed Budget Interfund Transfers 6II 861,800 Distrlot 1 FY15 fund balance rolled over 286,100 District 2_FY15 fund balance rolled over 14p District 3 FY15 fund balance rolled over 273 00 District 4 FY:L5 fund balance rolled over Q6,700 District 5 FY15fund balance rolled over 42,700 Mayor's Office FY15 fund balance rolled over25 000 Mayor's Project Down Town Development PY15 fund balance rolled over 500,000 Parks and Recreation FY14 fund balance rolled over 701,900 Information Technology PY14 fund balance rolled over _ _ _ _ _ 274 000 To debt •Pollee 1.1612,500 TO DEBT GSA 795,900 To General S ectal Rover) Lie Fund to cover for STS Cert}fled Passengers recalling On -Demand Trans or fol 156,000 Salery Audit of position In the amount of $40,000 for the last slx months of the year to S eels( Revenue Workforce Clrant, 40,000 Grant -Funded contract increased ((Jut of School Time Shack Program) M 22,204 To Ca ltal Pro actfor Di Parks Streets and LI htin Im revemertts 1.1000,000 To Capital Project for D2 Parks, 5tmets-and LI htingimprovements 1,000,000, To Capital Protect for 03 Parks, Streets and Llghtlng Improvements z l 000,040 To Capital Prolact for D4 Parksr Streets and Lighting Improvements z11000,000 To Capitol Project for D5 Parks, Streets and Lighting iniprovemonts 1000,000 To Ca ltal Prpj'ectforthe Mayor y,UUU,DDU Match for COPS 2015 that was nota roved 440,500) Additlonsl fundingforsoclal serv)ces 800,000 FTO Software Solution 30,000 Containers (Proaart • i vldanee Management 65,700 AC Unit W00 -North District Substation - 55,9100 Trane Screw Chiller Compressor 376,000 Condensation $lady Police College) _ .. _ 27,000 CitY I -fall Commission Chambers Audto Visual Upgrade 74,000 Communications Wireless Mlcro hone $ stem z 18,600 Communication S acialized Servor and Shared Storage Sys m 211500 Little Haiti Indoor Dance floor, Theatre EquIpment/LIghtd 52,500 Building De artmem Cleetronlc Plans Review. 200,000 Bulldin pe artrnt 01Ramodolln 250,000 Citywide Parks Capital Fencing Re air and Install on 50,0010 IchimuraJa aneseGardens 2001000 20th 5trao�t Faclli Shortfall CW _ _ 500,000 MarineStodlum Restoration 1000000. Morningside Park Floating pock z 25,000 gmergency Re airs at Joss Marti Parl 200,000 MOUwIthFDOTStreetcar Transit CW 41/000 City Hall Roof z 972,000 CITPcontract ComPilance Software $301G00 _r CITP Contrnct_Compliance - Prof e tonal Services $50 ,000 Fire computer-Alded 01spOch Ala) Expansion 874000 Fire Apparstus-Replacemer 834,000, CITP business Process Up4mlvitlon Study $72,200 Menataa Bend Pork so raline! Improvement $68,500 Pollca Department ropertyUnit OutdoorStoroge Project $100,001) Total Transfe -out 68,96 t,800 76,271,500-1 84,633,700_ 1 of 1 -SUBSTITUTION. - - - - ATFAf]4M zr SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS FY 2015-16 Adopted Budges Adjustment Budget Adjustment toad FY 2 11 -16 sled Budget City Clerk Services $ 664,9030 252,400.00 $ 927,300 Community Development 59,4: 3,200 800,000 60,253,200 Department of Real Estate and Asset Management 7,753,000 $ 7,753,000 Departmental Improvement initiative 8,124MO 3,134,400 141,000 $ 11,399,700 Economic Development (SR) 176,0300 24,300 $ 196,300 Emergency Funds 100,00I03 $ 100,0[1(1 Fire Rescue Services 2,0336 ,0010 1,807,200 1„538,100 $ 5,381,300 General Special revenue 944,03010 QB; 0 $ 1452,0€ 0 Homeless Program 2,966 4001fi,fl00) $ 2,8613,400 Law Enforcement Trust Fund 2,229,5010 {55,90[1] $ 2,153,500 Miami Ballpark Parking Facilities 6=598,40301 $ 61598,400 Parks & Recreatiorl Services 1,571,1030 785,400 24,500 $ 2,381,000 Planning SEFvir---s 12,208;.0 00 1,575,100 $ 13,783,100 Police Services 14,117,50 204,500 $ 14,322,000 Public Works Services 7,92 , 010 1,245,200 $ 8,365,900 Solid if aete Recycling Educadonai Trust Fund 1,Ab4,800 (1,8,300] $ 1,175,900 Transportation and Transit A1,576,400 3,236,000 $ 24 812,400 Tree Trust Fuad 3,545,9003 $ 3,545,900 UASI-Fire Rescue 4,187,600 555 000 $ 4,742,6130 TOTAL SPEGLALL REVENUE FUNDS $ 156,567,700 $ 13,738,200 $ 1,908,100 $ 172,214,0 00 SUBSTITUTION. Department Preliminary Budget FY2016,116 PTE'S Change Memo Floor Amended Preliminary Amendment Budget 00.24.2016 PY 2015.16 Mldyear Amendment 7 Total Fire Rescue 838 838 4 842 Pollce 1165.061 1 7,710 —2-7'— 1,712 Opneral Services Administratlon 7.35 135 137 Publlo Works 109 109 7 116 solid Waste 228 228 228 Office of A endo Coordinatlon 3 g 3 Auditor General 9g - -_ 0 CITP 45 _ . 45 4 8 63 City Attorney 9 1 60/60 City Clerk 12 12 City Manager 22 22 22 Clvil Servlce a 3 3 Code Compliance 92 52 62 Commissloners 31 2 93 1 34 Office of Communlcatlons and Protocol it 11, 91 Equal Opportunity and Diversity Programs 3 3 3 Office of Fllm and Entertainment 4 Y 4 4 Finance 72 72 72 GrantsAdministratlon 38 2 40 1 41 Human RespUrces 99 39 39 Information Technology 7676 76 Management and Budget 18 _ 18 0 Mayor 12 12 1 13 Nelghborhood Enhancement Teams (NETI. W 4 101 1 102 Procurement 20 20 20 Community and Economic Development 85 35 35 Parks and Recreatlon 279 279 1 280 Building _ 80 80 — �80 Planning and Zoning 59 1 58 1 60 Risk Management 20 20 20 Department of Real Estate and Asset Management 4 54 �1 63 Total Pull Time Positions 119 69 -1 4,181 28 4209