HomeMy WebLinkAboutBack-Up DocumentsU.S. Delmrtment orJustice Joint Law Enrorcemetlt Operations T2Sk li ome United Stales Marslmis Service Obligation Document INSTRUMIONS: Ste last i ge for iltiailed SEC:I*lG,ti 1: OBLIGATION DOCUMEN;TCON'TROL : JI.EO-0-0103 SE010N 2t.12AIC11CIPATING AGENCIES_-- Notir,callon to slaw, and h+cal ngtrtcies or funding providcd in support or]oint Law t:nrom:111ent Operations• purivam to 111c Nlcmtorandum orUnderstanding 1NIOUJ betkweu: 4lianti.Irl. Police Depu•tnteut and FI.RI-AT All other Icnns and conditions ord1c NIOU remain tht sante. SECTION 3- PERIOD OF 111i11FORMAKV October 1.2018 to Stptetnkm 30.2019 SECI'lO-N 4: APPROPRIA'T'ION DATA FISCALYEAR I ORGAN17,%TION FI 1'R0L'('{ tio(11 Pt ltt'(tSF. DOLLARANIUt Xr 2019 1 - A3401 I AFF -11-71' I AX-OTFS3 1135;02•'i•F00%enime { SIGO.000.00 Total Ohtiagaliun Amount: 5100.000.110 SECTION S: Dk.SCRIP'1'IO\ 01, OBLIGATION SECTION G: CONTACT INFORMATION IRS-l'RI-C-01ECE CON-TACI•: S:CATF(L OACAIJCONNAJCC: NAME: DANIEL BENSON Nalttr; PHONE: 202-607-1540 111101m. E-MAIL: DANIEL. BENSON@USDOJ.GOV USNiS Represemalive - Certification of Signalurt: 7: AUT110IL1%ATION Nlichael Ilaipel]ChierFinancial N'ianager Date: � L� ChlefDeputyurII TFCmnmantlrr-nhii;latirntApproval: Signature: _ Dale: fi p.3 2,::! J., 'nector Rehithtuse•uhul tit urerthm, n'ork tlrullln a u+z.i rru a ith lLr l:ru 1 uh,,r lAuuLu,lr.trr aruurall on•rlun; lir ear/r.,luh• fir h id hAr e•rtli,rrr,r,•ut n�crr h rupµcl til tln• egttirrtleut rl!? i",, uj a (iti-! 111J.. thy, i. r j the• �rruvrtll.n• ttutr lhr 11;,• It t :�. I<c1,+tGurxvnrnt,jar rrlr nl.rs ui yrruhJied rrlxtasrs siurl!!n culuiugrtu ulx,u uruilahrlitr v1 bouts u+ulllu sulauiz inrr r f u Itruprr rryueal !ur n i+ahlrrsrua'nr which ?hull ha aaia,.titlrtl uuutrltJa rip rlwrturh•nu u.11srul ywir lrtuis. erml u'hicli liroretles the ltrnm•a efrhe fure•stigalurc who iuc rrrpa'el overthne 1nr 11w 744 Furre durutg the gtutrte•r; llra.+ uunrher t,lnrrrlinrc hours iurarnr!. tlrr luurrls•rrladru• uuel ure•rftute• torts ht ejhvr•Ji+r tach hat+stlgatiur Departmental Rept•esentalive - Acknutrledgement: Stitle'tlum Date: [Type Nattic alta •ritiel Fonn USM -807 Ilugc 1 ort Rev. Carlo �cnr o U.S. Department of Justice United States Marshals Service Investigative Operations Division Washinglon, DC 20530-0001 November 20, 2018 MEMORANDUM TO: United States Marshals Chief Deputy United States Marshals District Task Force Commanders and Warrant Supervisors Regional Fugitive Task Force Commanders District Administrative Officers FROM: Jeffrey R. Tyler / /?7 Assistant Director rZ Tim Virtue Assistant Directo I LLL Asset Forfeiture Division It Holley O'Brien Chief Financial Officer Financial Services Division SUBJECT: Fiscal Year 2019 Joint Law Enforcement Operations Allocation and Program Guidance The Joint Law Enforcement Operations (JLEO) Program is a vital United States Marshals Service (USMS) program supported by the Department of Justice (DOJ) and funded through revenues deposited into the Assets Forfeiture Fund (AFF). Funding for the JLEO Program is discretionary. Our funding levels are based on the DOJ allocation process and projected revenue in the AFF. Since 2013, the Investigative Operations Division (IOD) has utilized an allocation methodology based on crime statistics and open warrants, which has resulted in a more equitable distribution of JLEO funding. During the fiscal year (FY) 2019 AFF budget request process, IOD was successful in increasing the total amount of funding available, For FY 2019, IOD has approved the allocation of funds to district task forces based on their full allocation in FY 2017 plus aperformance-based addition relative to the amount of violent state and local workload accomplished in FY 2018. Memorandum from Assistant Director Jeffrey R. Tyler Page 2 Subject: Fiscal Year 2019 Joint Law Enforcement Operations Allocation and Program Guidance IOD will continue to maintain a reserve of JLEO funding to be allocated to district task forces on a case-by-case basis for special operations, as well as otlier Agency priorities: Reserve allocation decisions are based on a variety of factors such as request justification, dashboard metrics, historical performance, good stewardship of past funding, and compliance with accounting procedures. IOD will continue to conduct monthly reviews of JLEO funding and will work with district and Regional Fugitive Task Forces (RFTF) to identify excess or unused funds that can be added to the reserve and remain available for Agency JLEO priorities. In past FYs, this approach allowed the USMS to maximize the overall JLEO funding while remaining able to meet new JLEO requirements. As the FY 2019 JLEO funding is allocated, all recipients must be clear on proper accounting procedures. To assist with this, a Step-bv-Step: JLEO Processing Procedures guide has been added to the Financial Services Division's "How To's" Intranet nage, under the "Unique Marshals Business Processes" section. These procedures must be followed by all task forces receiving JLEO funding. This year, to ensure preparedness for future external audits, IOD will be conducting periodic assessments of the JLEO accounting procedures in select districts and RFTFs. These assessments will be conducted to ensure standardization in the accounting process and to resolve any deficiencies that are determined to be present. As first communicated in 2014, all state and local agencies receiving JLEO funding are required to be registered in the System for Award Management. This requirement is critical to the accurate and timely payment of JLEO vendor requests for reimbursement. All task forces are -required to maintain records of the hourly overtime rates, overtime hours worked each month, and amounts paid for each of their Task Force Officers (TFO). This information will meet DOJ requirements for documentation required to support AFF payments, and will assist in ensuring that TFOs are not paid more than the annual DOJ -mandated maximum overtime payment of $18,343.75, which is 25 percent of a GS -12, Step 1 ($73,375) pay level. This maximum includes all federal overtime sources (not just JLEO or other DOJ funding). A standard TFO timesheet has been developed and is posted on the IOD JLEO intranet page. As a reminder, the following are limitations and/or conditions placed on the use of JLEO funding: a The amount of JLEO funding obligated in the Unified Financial Management System (UFMS) for a state or local agency must match the amount listed on Form USM -607, Joint Law Enforcement Operations Task Force Obligation Document, or Form USM -607A, Joint Law Enforcement Operations Task Force Modification Document. An agency cannot be reimbursed for any amounts in excess of what is authorized on Form USM -607 or Form USM -607A, and obligated in UFMS. o As a reminder, effective October 1, 2017, Form USM -607B, Joint Law Enforcement Operations Statement, must be used by all state and local agencies who participate in the JLEO Program. Each state and local agency is responsible for initiating and completing Form USM -607B, and districts and RFTFs are required to retain timesheets as supporting documentation. Memorandum from Assistant Director Jeffrey R. Tyler Page 3 Subject: Fiscal Year 2019 Joint Law Enforcement Operations Allocation and Program Guidance a On October 1, 2018, Form USM-7TF, Task Force Officer Time Record, timesheet was implemented to track the number ofTFO hours worked. This new timesheet replaced Form USIM-7. Form USM-7TF must be uploaded into UFMS as supporting documentation to the invoice (Form USM -607B). o JLEO funds are made available for state and local officer overtime salary expenses and shall not include any costs for benefits, such as retirement, Federal Insurance Contributions Act taxes, and other expenses. ® Districts and RFTFs cannot use JLEO funds for a purpose other than that for which the funds were allocated. ® JLEO funds cannot be used for the purchase or reimbursement of prepaid fuel cards. ® JLEO funds cannot be used to pay for vehicle insurance, registration, or state inspections. ® JLEO funds cannot be used for fuel or minor routine maintenance on vehicles provided to state and local agencies under the JLEO Program. e JLEO funds cannot be used to pay for cellular telephones or other wireless devices, or the service for these devices. ® The USMS is prohibited from making third party payments to state and local agency vendors. JLEO funding can only be used to reimburse state and local agencies for approved expenses the agencies have already incurred and paid. ® Reimbursements under the JLEO Program cannot be made via government purchase card. Purchase orders may not be issued to state and local agencies to extend JLEO funds beyond the end of the FY in which they are issued. If you have any questions regarding JLEO allocations or accounting procedures, please contact Chief Michael Halper, Resource Management Branch, at Michael.Halper(a.usdolgov or 703-740-0433. Attachment U. S. Marshals Service Joint Law Enforcement Operations Task Force — Obligation Document CITY OF MIAMI, a Florida Municipal Corporation LE Date: Emilio T. Gonzalez, City Manager Attest: ME Date: Todd B. Hannon, City Clerk Approved as to Form and Correctness: in Date: Victoria Mendez, City Attorney Approved as to Insurance Requirements: Date: Ann -Marie Sharpe, Director of Risk Management