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March 20 2018 EXHIBIT "All
ATTN. Kevin Neal
888 E. Las Olas Boulevard, Suite 601
Ft.;Lauderdale, FL 33301
AML1 Development Compaliy
888 E. Las Olas Boulevard, Suite 601
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33,301
Ladies and Gentlemen:
The City of Miami Plat and .Street Committee, at its meeting of March 1., 2018, APPROVED the above
tentative plat subject to the following revisions being trade to the tentative. plat, additional information being
provided. and/or variances being granted. Please be advised that the :processing of your tentative plat cannot
proceed until these conditions and/or comments have been satisfied.:
Public Works:
1. On the application,:
a. Correct the street boundaries of'the, proposed plat:
b. Provide chain of owners on notary and signature as shown on Opinion of Title,
c. Use the current form for application.
2. Provide all folia oumbet°s and corresponding addresses., inca npl"etc.
3. Shove the moin."nent line information (bearing and distance) at the southeast corner of the tentative
plat south ofNE29 Street.
4. Slow present width of existingright of way.
5.. Add City Commission Resolution number and dale for the street closure.
6. Change "Proposed Information" to "Proposed Development Information" and specify that a "Unity of
Title or Declaration of Covenant in lieu Unity of Title will be recorded to develop the property as a
single site in order to comply with Miami 21 Coning Ordinance.
9. Provide a; tree table listing alt trees with common and. botanical naives, height, diameter,and spread
prepared by a Certified Arborist.
8. Correct zoning designation on the application.,
Standard Comments:
9. A letter from Comcast is required to determine if any adjustments to their facilities or easements are
re+ uired.
10. All encroachments across tract lines and the right of way dedication area. must be removed prior to
the final plat.
I L Tentative. plat application must be made with Miami -Dade County after receiving approval from the
City of Miami Plat and Street Committee.
444 SW 2nd Avenue, .8'h Floor I M:iatni, FL 33130 / (305) 415-12001 ]Fax: (305) 415-1278
Mailing Address: Box 330708 Miami, FL. 33233-0708
March 20; 201-8
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12. Backup documentation will be required for all who execute the finalplat. A resolution for authority
to execute document and a Certificate of Good Statiding from tine Secretary of State is required, if
applicable. Provide original resolutions
13. An. Opinion of Title, in the City ofMiami Opinion of Title forret, must be provided at the tune offural
plat submittal.
14. Be advised that an incomplete final plat package will not be accepted by the City of Miami: It is the
owner's; responsibility to work with his Isurveyor and Iris attar ey to assure that everything -is in order
before submitting the finalplat package.
I5. Be advised That if all regrRireinents for scheduling the final plat for City Commission action are not
tri order;'the, final plat wall trot be scheduled for a City Corrii5issiori a�eetirig,
Standard Comrnerrts. for street and/or Easernpnt Vacation;
16. A letter -from Miami -Dade Water and Sewer Department is required to determine if any adjustments
to their facilities or easements are r�egrired.
17. E)iisting utilities :ill the stroots;to "be closed and vacated rmst be relocated" or esasemdnts."' vided.
18. Provide an Opinion offitle as to the reversionary rights for the right-ofwayto be closed and. vacated..
The opinion of `Title roust also address whether or not there are individuals, in addition to the abutting
property yawners, having an interest in the rights-of-way to be closed and vacated. A copy of the
Opinion of Title must be,provided to the P.pblic Works Department.
19. The Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board will require it skotclr and legal description with a square;
footage, on an 8 Ira. x 1.1" paper, for the ,proposed closure. Contact the Office "of the Hearing Boards;
at 305-.41:6-2030. Provide a copy to the Public Works Department:.
20. The Plat and Street Committee has reviewed the tentative plat of BUENA VISTA VENTURE and
determined that all technical requirements contained in the Miami City Code Subdivision Regulations
.have been met and has °approved the tentative plat. The members of the Plat,and Street`Caznmttee
leave Rather considered the request for vacation and closure of the streets with respect to Miami City
Cc de Requireinents and have voted 5(.five) in;favor and 0 sero in denial of this vacation and closure
'2l. Subdivider requesting to vacate and close.a rights)^of-way shall obtain a confirmation letter
from the both the City's Office of Capital Improvements and the City's Finance Department
regardingwhether the City used any restricted funds (bonds fuinds,-grant funds, or otherwise)
"for improvements on the rights)7of--way proposed to ire vacated. If the City used any
restricted funds on the right(s)-of-way proposed to be vacated those furnds shall be repaid to.
the City before the closure request is set before the Planning, Zoning and .Appeals _Board.
In addition to the above requiretrients, you should be, aware Of the following.:.
L State and local laws require0c installation of various physical improvements in the public.riglrts-of.
way tivlren property is platted, These subdivision inprovetnents include paving, drainage;
landscaping, sidewalks, ete. in some cases This could represent.a substantial investment on your part:.
REQUIRED: The submission of an electronic coley of the tentative plat, in an AutoCAD version; to
the City of Miami Public Warks Department, /roadway .Plans Section "will. EX.PED1TE the
preparation and enhance the ACCURACY of the subdivision improvement letter required for the
final plat :approval:
2. The alteration, relocation of installation of utilities such as storm and, sanitary sewers, electric,
telephone, water, etc., caused by this plat will be at the property owner's expense. Also, utility
easements may be required on the property being platted._
3. A builditig permit will not, be issued on the prpperty being platted until the final pkat is recorded or as
authorized by the City of Miami Code Section 55-10(i). (i). Also, the Certificate of Occupancy for any
building construction will be issued .only after all the rewired subdivision -improvements hays been
.March 20: 2018
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4. Approval for fire flow requirements must be obtained from the Fire -Rescue Department prior to the
issuance of a building permit.
5. In order to mitigate problems associated with access ;and construction :activities throughout the
neighborhood, the contractor /developer is eneour4ged to notify the affected neighborhood residents,
in writing, of the project starting and completion dates at the time of issuance of permits. The
contractor/developer niay coordinate the notification of residents with the local City of Miami NET
Service Center,
6, Additional items must be provided to the City of MiamiDepartment ofPublk' Works before the final
plat is submitted to the City Commission for approval,. You will be notified in writing as to wbat
hese iter rs are after the amount of the .bond has been determined for the nee
ess"ary sizbdivis oil
7. Tentative: plat approval is only valid for cine (1) year and six(tij rxionths from the at of the Plat: i d,
Street COInnlittee meeting at which time it was approved.
.If you have any.guesorsconcei7ring these eguireialerts, please iefs�rto the attached sheet For the appropriate
person to .contact:
Juen 1 Santana, P.E., CFM.
Su sor ofPlats -:Plat and Street Cornrnittee
Director - Department of Public Works
x5/aBlab L fly t.
Enclosurel: Contact Sheet
C Marr S, Johnson, P.S.M..
Schwebke-Shiskin & Associates, Inc.
3140 Corporate 'day
Miramar, FL 33:025
Plat and $treot.Committee Members
Nzeribe Ilrekwaba, Ph..D,, P,E., Assistant City Manager/Chief of Operations
Development and Roadway Pians