HomeMy WebLinkAboutBack-Up DocumentsREGIONAL DOMESTIC LNECURITY `F IS FORCE (SERDSTF) STATE WORKING GROUP EXECUTIVE BOARD E DoMESTIC SECURITY ExEcUTIVF- ADVISORY E30ARD Lfl LL REGION 7 FUNCTIONAL WORKGROUPS (FWG) CHAIRS CO-CHAIRS 7i Bill Amone. FDLE / Gina Beato-Daminguez, MDPI) %emdr.4 I ROSTF Planner in Lid :"0" JUIV—qL C14 0) M m Yerimey Garcia r"m Ygar<jd2 Ltumdpd Com, rA lobe Farman Regional FWG Liah, if John Sauraiko, Miramal PO Manny malcor, MDPv Ray aeahn, MDPO i i Mike Mans, PBSO uliftty Uals(m /special Projemj National Operations Center MAT Coordinator SarT*.aralet.4vill.,,ra;,,,dinibea hfl q 771 4N...... ..... ryi a �j CN Aad realwaid F R, 'r- A R1. "F1W-'R December �3, 2016 January 19, 2017 Southeast Regional Domestic Security rask Farce - Region 7 1030 NW 111 Ave., Miami F1. 33172 Tel. 905.4705500 Pax 305-470.5515 Palm Beach County Sheriff Ric L. Bradshaw, Chair FDLE Special Agent in Charge Troy Walker, Co-chair Dear Members of the Southeast Regional Doalestic Security Task Force (SERDSTF), The event ,At Fort Lauclordale Airport on Friday, January 6. 2017' hit plighted the necessity for a cooperative re4,gional and multi -discipline preparedness, response, and rocoGery. The: SULltheaSt Regional Domestic Task Force functions as a structure for all of our nlenlbers to meet, train, exercise and equip ourselves, Nfost importantly, the system functions as a way to Cross-pollinate ideas and forge personal trust. The cross -discipline response to the vilo attack on the Fort I.atiderdale Airport demonstrated the Contininn, need to work to�wcther, identify gaps in OUr capabilities, and offer our uniCIue capabilities and expertise to a common goal. (:Ie>in- for�-� and the: SERDSTF will continue: to pinpoint best practices and till the gaps that Fere identified durim, the events on January 6th. We will en rage with all oC the disciplines to assure that critically needed missions and roles arc identified and filled in both the initial response to a terrorist attack and the critical stages in the aftermath, We ,A -ill eri,,age with our grant partners of"the State Homeland Security (SHSP) Grant and die Urban Area Security bl.itiative (UASI) to assure we remain a coordinated and successful region. In 2017, the Department of lot-nel,111d SeCUrtty' offel'ed a 11OW opportUtlity lulown as the Grant to Prepare ConimLlnitiCS for Complex Coordinated Terrorist Attacks. The SERDSTF and the; South Florida UASI are submitting a mutual plan that will inclucde partners Front each of the region's disciplines, alone with our airports and seaports, to dwnlonstrate our coordinated erforts. The final plan will be reviewed and endorsed by the Chair and Co -Chair of the SERDSTF. We rQcoonize., appreciate aI1d applaud the efforts of every discipline that responded to the � Fort Lauderdale Airport. Please continue to support the SERDSTF by providing fresh E input anti ideas, o a a Best Regards, U ra CO Sheriff Ric Bradshaw, Chair SAC Troy Walker, Co -Chair Southeast Regional Domestic Security Task Force E e M r, Mission: I Rick Scott 13 l�f To afoled. wcrr s & niprCVe the healll1 +xtmrm of all people in rlcrida through rtegrated alale,County 1.xrnl*um� offorl-,HEALTH Celeste Philip, MID, MPH i Stale Silrgeon Gers'91 vid Se. -,ear; aroward :aunr� Vision; -'o he the Healthiest Staten the Vahan in 0 r`. FW C February 3, 21717 0 0 U U.S. Department of Homeland Security N a� 245 Murray Lane, SW Washington, D.C. 20523-0075 E RE. FY 2010' Program to Prepare Communities for Complex coordinated Terrorist Attacks 0 0 To Whom It May Concern;6. Q 0 This letter is to support the City of Miami's proposal for the FY 20'15 Program to Prepare Communities o for Complex Coordinates! Terrorist Attacks grant application. it is our understanding that the monies, if E awarded, will be utilized by the City of Miami Department of Fire -Rescue in collaboration with regional � partner; to improve the region's ability to prepare for, prevent, and respond to complex terrorist attacks. o L CL The City of Miami is equipped to leas! this South Florida regional effort to better prepare~ South Florida j_ against terrorist attacks. In light of the recent tragedies Florida has experienced in both Orlando and Ft. uI Laud.�rdale, less than a year apart, it is critical that the City of Miami obtain the funding necessary to implement activities on an expansive, multi -jurisdictional scale to increase public safety, ci The Florida Depailmeot of Health in Broward County looks forward to working in close partnership with c the City o. Miami and all other regional partners within this program, This partnership will build on out- urregional regionalcapabilities to prepare for, respond to, and recover from a Complex Coordinated Terrorist Attack. We support a collaborative regional planning, training, and exercise approach which is integrated with all disciplines. U) N LU As leaders in the community, it is our duty to support any and all initiatives that keep our residents and � visitors safe. We con-miend the City of Miami's proactive efforts to make Miami and all jurisdictions � throughout our region better prepared to protect and serve the public interest, N C !v ✓r Sincerely, U Paula Thaql, MD, MPH 0 m Director 0, a> N Florida Department of Health in Broward County 780 SYJ 24"` Street. Fort Lauderda;e. FL 33315-2643 Aocredited Health Depailment PHONE; 554-467.4700 Mtn_!�bro,.uard florirlahP_alln gcv.' Public Health Accreditation Board www.FloridaHealtti.gov RD in rArImm" h L.. BERTHA W. HENRY, County Administrator F' 115 S. Andrews Avenue, Room 409* Fort Lauderr «,e, Florida 33301 d 954-357-7362 FAX 954-357-7360 *' ss c February C, 2017 `o 0 0 U 0 U.S. Department of I lornelancl Security 245 Murray Lane, SW c Washington, D.C. 20528••0075 a E E RE: FY 2016 Program to Prepare Conlrnunitics for Complex Coordinated Terrorist Attacks Q a� To Whom It May C'ocrcel"11: � m This letter is to support the City of ,tiarnj's proposal for the FY 2016 Program to 1''r'eptl.re o Communities for CompleX Coordinated TorrorisC Attacks grant application, It is our understanding that E the ironies, if aix-,vded, witl be utilized by th.e City of Miami Department of Fire-Regeue in E 0)collaboration Mai rogii}ijal P11-triers to improve the mgion`s ability to prepare for, pre 4' lit, and respond to complex terrorist attacks. � The city of Miami is equipped to lead thi,� South Florida regional effort to better prepare Souti, Florida against terrotlst attacics. In. light of the recent tragedies Florida has experienced in Loth Orlando and Ft. Lnudcrdalc, less thin a yea; apart, it is critical that the City of fkt.iami. obtain the funding necessary a` to irrlplement activities on an expansive, tnutti Urkdictional scale to increase public safety. C Brow,a.rd County looks forward to working in close partnership with chi? City of'Miami and all other regionat partners within this progratn. m As 14rrders in Ci11' t 011lr;1U11i1:y, it is our ditty to support an.y anal all i.nitiatit�es that keep our residents and a visitors safe. W,a cat1u11e11d rhe City of Miarlli's Pl-mictive efforts to make Miami and all jtiris(lic.tioas U) throughout our region better prepared to protect and serve the public intorest, w 0 N ict rely', t E IL/K U O a Henry, Comity Adrnin.istrator a a Browvard County, FL ae U m m N �I 3roward County Hoard of County Commissioners c Mara q. [cogen Seam Fir •Steve Geller • Dale V C. Ncnness - Chrp l.alulerca - Mnrr FI. Rich • Tim Ryan •Barbara Sharer •Michael .,dine � www.broward org E ro Sheriff Scott Israel Broward Sheriffs Office Department of Fire Rescue and Emergency Services 2601 West Braward Boulevard Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33312 (954) $31.8200 www.sherlfforg February 6, 2017 U.S. Department of Homeland Security 245 Murray Lane, SW Washington, D.C. 20528-0075 RE: FY 2016 Program to Prepare Communities for Complex Coordinated Terrorist Attacks To Whom It May Concern: This letter is to support the City of Miami's proposal for the FY 2016 Program to Prepare Communities for Complex Coordinated Terrorist Attack4 grant application. It is Our understanding that the monies, if awarded, will be utilized by the City of Miami Department of Fire -Rescue in collaboration with regional partner's to improve the region's ability to prepare for, prevent, and respond to complex terrorist attacks, The City of Nliami is equipped to lead this South Florida regional effort to better prepare South Florida against terrorist attacks. In light of the recent tragedies Florida has experienced in both Orlando and Ft. Lauderdale, less than a year apart, it is critical that the City of Miami obtain the funding necessary to implement activities on an expansive, multi jurisdictional scale to increase public safety. Broward Sheriff Fire Rescue & Emergency Services looks forward to working in close partnership with the City of Miami and all other regional partners within this program. This partnership will put us in contentions for receiving part of the grant for rescue task force training and civilian bleeding control For the injured (8 -CON) that will be held at Port Everglades/Fort Lauderdale International Airport and will include Our other regional partners. As leaders In the community, it is our duty to support any and all initiatives that keep our residents and visitors safe. We commend the City of Miami's proactive efforts to make Miami and all jurisdictions throughout our region better prepared to protect and serve the public interest. Sincerely, Joseph R. Fernandez, Fire Chief Broward Sheriff Fire Rescue & Emergency Response Leslie cecieno, cirants . Harris Henbest; Division Chief, Port Everglades 1350 DLE W "CHC 11rowsorto Golkitity Coafffl"" Februory 1. 2017 U,S. Depariment of Homeland Security 245 Murray Lane, SW Washington, D,C, 20528-0075 RE: FY 2016 Program to Prepare Communities for Complex Coordinated Terrorist Attacks To Whom It May Concern, This letter is to support the City of Miami's proposal for the FY 2016 Program to Prepare Communities for Complex Coordinated Terrorist Attacks grant application. It is our understanding that the monies, if awarded, will be utilized by the City of Miami Department of Fire -Rescue in collaboration with regional partners to improve the region's ability to prepare for, prevent, and respond to complex terrorist attacks, The City of Miami is equipped to lead this South Florida regional effort to better prepare South Florldo against terrorist attacks. In light of the recent tragedies Florida has experienced in both Orlando and Ft, Lauderdale, less than a year apart, it is critical that the City of Miami obtain the funding necessary to implement activities on an expansive, multi -jurisdictional scale to increase public safety. The Broward County Healthcare Coalition looks forward to working in close partnership with the City of Miami and all other regional padners within this program. This partnership will further our collaboration and preparedness for future, tragedies. As leaders in the community, it is our duty to support any and all initiatives that keep our residents and visitors safe. We commend the City of Miami's proactive efforts to make Miami and all jurisdictions throughout our region better prepared to protect and serve the public interest. E 0 in CL Sincerely, C 010'a Jaime S. Caldwell Broword County Healthcare Coalition Ir NM 2 2 W February 9, 2017 6. a� Office of the IVlayor m 3500 Pan American Drive c Miami, Florida 33133 a 0 v To whom it may concern: c W.. Let it be know that The Blue Line. Angels is honored to be asked to be part of the FEMA "Program to as Prepare Communities for complex Coordinated Terrorist Attacks", E E We, The Blue Line Angels, look forward to contributing in any way possible for the event that will take U place in early 2018. We will begin preparations of volunteers now to insure a successful contribution to the program, C a The Blue Line Angels further understands this is a help in recruiting volunteers only and accepts no 0 responsibility or liability in this process or event. Additional help would require additional request and E consideration. o h0 1.6. Please direct all request or information to Carla Ginebra de Garcia, President of The Blue Line Angels at r' 305-281-0760 or email to thebluelineangelsCtgmail,com U. Once again, thank you for the opportunity to be involved in such a much needed event, ° CL Blessings, 4� } Officer Carla Ginebra De Garcia m Founder/ President "The Blue Line Angels" Phone: 305-281-0760 Email: thebluelineangels@gmall.com v w Q) U "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God." {Mathew 5:9 ESV} a CL a �e m ' N 2 BR. 6..NARD 4 co' 0 AVIATION DEPARTMENT - Fort La tide rda le -Ho Ilywood International Airport 12 M 1- _200 SW45"Street, SwIe 101 -Daiiia Beach r!orida 33312,954-359-6100 Februarl 6, 2017 0 U Harris Flenbest I - .0- Broward Sheriff Fire Rescue & Emergency Services Department Port Everglades 1901 Eller Drive Suite 101 E Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316 0 U RE; Applicatory support for the Fivml Year 20,16 Program to Prapare Communities -for Complex 2 Coordinated Terrorist Attache (OCTA Program) n.0 Dear Chief Henbest, +1 E Please accept this letter as a symbolism of Foi"L Lauderdale -Hollywood Irtarnational Airport's full support E with regards to the OCTA Program and its application process. Throughout our natfcn's history, and now with more recent events transpiring here at the airport, I fully agree that more prevention and mitigation efforts can be takan (i.e. tra;nir g. planning, resources, etc.) to Letter serve our community of travelers and r stakeholders and do hersby acknowledge through use of the federal grant, these measures are more >_ feasible and affordable. In addition, pleasa note that my staff and I are here to work with you to ensure a more streamlined process and SUCCMNI 00come, I fuilther commend you for taking the lead on this and pulling the other outlined agencies together for the application, Bleeding Control (B -Con) Kits as, well as Train -the -Trainer oppoilunities would exist at our location by use of the grant funding that is provided, It is the airport's intent to have these B -Con kits in place at every AED U location found at the ail,port. Additionally, training would be provided by officially cerlified/licensed Em,r and 0) 0. nurses through our local fire partners, Broward Sheriff's Office Fire Station #10, to LU I cordially request that updates on the application, process, and results be transmitted regularly to ensure the most up--to-date information as possible. I look forward to assisting you in any means applicable, Please 0 CN feel free to reach out to me or my Airport Emergency Manager, Jason Alvero, should you have any M questions or reqtlilr'e furth9 support. Sincer E r Pemach is0 Mich I emach Acting Assistant Dirac or of Aviation Operations, Maintenance, Security to MN/me N 8roward County Board of County Commissioners Mark 0 Bogen - Bearn Fu(r - Steve Geller, Dole V C. Heiness - Chip LaMarcs - Nan H. Rich - Tim kpin , Sarbore $hanef - Michael Udine www.braward.orgiwww,01.net �ac� *(tet j . s'O.I. i rrusr �` E•tLurm yvsm;Ai January 24, 2017 U.S. Department of Homeland Security 245 Murray Lane. SW INVashington, D,C, 20523-0075 1611 ni 4V 12th Avenue , Miami, FL 33136 wrow JacksonWea - RE: 1,0 icy Proareun to Prepare the C:"ounty fpr Complex; Coordinated Terrorist Attatcks To W'lloan It N Hy Concern: 305-586-1111 On b.;hAf of The Public Health I'riist dba Jackson Health Systr'm (JI IS), I am pleased to express; our support and commitnwnt as a ConarnLill ity lair -titer for the City of N[jami Fire I I.,ICIG's application tea the Department of Honioland, &wurity, Federal Daergeac:y Management Agciwy, If ilwarded, the grant will improve the agility or the City and it.a regional partners try prepare for, prevent, and respond to complex coordinated terrorist attacks, The City of'Nl'ant: is equipped to lead this South Florida rogiortal effoil to baler pr,wpare our euln�:r;.ihiG cc}nunutairicY for o t1.1.1-orist amwk, In light of rhe rccont. tragedian, iin F•IctridGa at the Oriando ni iliclub and the Fort Lauderdale. airport. it is criti4nl that the regional partnership undor the (uadd:r5hi:la atthe City of -Miartri obtaun funding; to train nacinhcr, of the community and itTnplementa variety L)Cexorcises on a multi jurisdictional scale to increiisQ public safety, JHS pled: S to ptrticipai,, las a Cotnnaunity pit -Ener in id endfying Saps. ptantnin , tra.inint and participating ill exercises iia Support rat the above ob?jecti�es. The propoxd project will serge to enhanew out calaalaility to carry -cut our mi sicrn as the safety -net hospital in the eNeirt ora terrorist attach, JHS is an academic health system with a Public healthcare lanission and partners with the: University ofNliinai :Miller School oCMi t.licine to provide care to rncuay oftine ?.Gc1 million residents tluaughoutthe nt!,rly 2.000 square ini le county. mianni-Dade County's Man.taetyrent flan has dasigna(ed JHS a.s at Critical [it fra tructure and, First R, spotldai% JHS is prepared to sews; thi injured and takes an all-hazar6 approach in its training and preparation sea the emcrgency preparedness response team, are able to handle clic-mic:al, radiological, biological, nu lcar, or e plosNe attacks, in addition to Maya casualty event,, natural disasters, and pandemic iI1feCi.i.0us diseases. Ryder Trauma Center at Jackson Memorial Hospital (•Ii` 11) is the only I..evcl I tr•aLlma Facility in the County .incl served -4.179 adult arnd pediatric. patients (F Y 1 J-15). In A,l ay 2010, Jackson South Community Hospital open.4d a C.,cr,el II trauma. coater to cover injured residents in south Ntian7.i-fade. T'he Burn Center is one ot`the leading burn trearinent facilities in the nation. it is the oniv one in South Florida with a reported 4,540 inpatient visits and 4,817 outpatiCIIL visit,. The Poison Control Centel' is only one or three in the stator, is open 241-7,16i, and handled .50,150 calls in F'Y" 15- 16. As part of its emphasis on serving the: injured manic a mass casualty incident involving any chemical or radiological contamination, RIS has decontamination units at its three main facilities: Jackson Memorial Hospital, Jackson North Medical Center and Jackson South. Community Hospital, 0 M w �s 0 0 (J L 40- E °E E 0 v L ra. 0 4" E ct* L a CL 'o L a m m �r ur ut N 0) N C 0 0 0 Q ra 0 m 2: 4 Page 2 of 2 As healthcare Icidos:s in the comm tin ity, it is Our fluty' asci Our privilege to Support any and initiatives that keep our resiclents an(l. visitors sarc . 4i e commend the City Or -Miami's proactive efforts to make SOLIth Florida and the.jurisdiction5 «idlin the region butter prepared to protect and serve the public Itlterest. Should YOU llw/e an, questions, pleas: don't hesitate to contact me at 305-383-675,1 Or )Manuel Fraga, Director of Grant Operations at 305-5115-7546. Your consideration of this application From the City or Miami is greatly apprec�dted. Slrtccrely, ;, r Carlos A. Migoya President and Chief EXCCL16VL 01-TIIcer January i 1; 2017 HEALTH" U.S. DcpartrricatoEHomeland Security 245 ;L[ucray Lane, SW Washington, D.C. 20528••0075 aroward ie.rll •Veckil ccow IS r owal d 'lerh iixlordti aravrartl F+eal(h ;mperaf P•3iol ,31owardNc.dlt C::ralSprings Chr-s Ever, Oddren's 4usptal gmwarl -teallh Westcn 13iawar-<eaW, ,emir urdy "+caith SClvieaS HE.atlti "4hyvCia,) rrot.p Brlwalu wean- F,I,r'dalxr RE, Fri' 20116 Pro�urarn to Prepare Corn.munities for Complex Coordinated Terrorist Attacks To Whorn V. May Cercern: This lctti�r is to support the City of Miami's proposal for the FY 2016 Pr•ogrann to Prepare Comlmuni ties for Complex Coordinated Terrorist Attacks grant application, It is our utxJotst<.mding that the rnonies, I.C;:rwarded, will be ttt:lired by tI,,e City of ii`[iarni Department of Fire-escuc in collaboration ;vith regional partners to improve the region's ability' !'�to prepare for, prever.t, and r;.spond to wrrrplex terrorist attacks. The City of Mia;ni is ecjuipl,cd to lead this South Norida rcglonal effort to better l)reptN SOLtth Florida a,tainst terrorist attacks, In light of the recent tragedies Florida has experienced in both Orlando and .Fo.rt. LaLrderdall4. less than a year apart, it is critical that the City of &liami obtain the fllndln nt:cessa.ry to 1nlplement activities on a an etil)i11151Ci, multi -jurisdictional scale to increase public safetr, , The North Br Ywar:l Hospital Distdct, d.b'a Broward Health bole, forward to working in, close partnership 46'rth ilk; Crtv of Mii- mi and all other regional partners within this progx"'yarn. Brow'ard l•• oalth has the: only traLrrmi center.) in they northern two-thirds of Broward Cotu.ty; and runs the closest Level I Traurza. Canter to bath the For Lauderdale Intelnational Airport and Port Everglades; located less than a mile fiorn both ports. 'Phis partnership will identify and address current nt ,ops %within the con~Irtlu.nity and hospital systern in responding to a coordinated terrorist attack., As leader's in tyre conrlaaunity, it is Our duty to support any and all initiatives that keep our residents and visitors sale, � e commend the City of tMhuni"s proactive efforts to make Miami and all jurisdictions throughout Our region Better prepared to protect and serve the public: interest, Sincerely, r Kevin Fusco 363 SE 't 7th 31reet. roil tduderdale• FL 33316 1 954.759 7400 .t Browardttealth.org b L- 0. C N v CL V) W N N N c m E U 0 A a� U M CO 0 N CD N January 31, 20,17 Honorable W. Craig Fugate, Administrator Federal Emergency Management Agency — FEMA United States Department of Homeland Security 500 C Street S.W. Washington, D.C. 20472 Office Of the Mayor I 11 NW 1st Strulet * Suite 2910 Miami, Florida 33128-1930 T305-3755;31 1 RE, FEMA "Program to Prepare Communities for Complex Coordinated Terrorist Attacks" Dear Administrator FLIC1,1te: mminiamiclade.gov As Deputy Mayor of Miami -Dade County, I am excited to express my support for, and commitment to join the City of Miami in their collaborative project to 'Prepare Communities for Complex Coordinated Terrorist Attacks," If awarded, grant funds received from the United States Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency — FEMA, will ii-nprove South Florida's ability to prepare for, prevent, and respond to complex, coordinated terrorist attacks in collaboration with the whole community. The City of Miarn! is equipped to lead this Regional effort to better prepare South Florida against terrorist attacks. In light of the recent tragedies experienced in both Orlando and Foil Lauderdale, Florida less than a year apart, k it is critical that the City of Miami obtain the funding necessary to implement activities on an expansive, multi -jurisdictional scale to increase public safety. Miami -Dade County looks forward to working with the City of Miami and all other regional partners. The partnership will enable staff at the County's two major Poets (Miami International Airport and PortMiarni (Seaport)) to continue to identify capacity gaps, update plans, train personnel, and conduct exercises to validate capabilities and identify opportunities for additional corrective action, As Deputy Mayor. I believe this project will strengthen the region's capacity for building and sustaining capabilities to address complex, coordinated terrorist attacks. We commend the City of Miarni's, proactive efforts to position South Florida and all jurisdictions throughout Our region to better protect and serve the public's interest. I highly recommend that you award grant funding for this important initiative, Should you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me at (305) 375-1451, Your consideration is greatly appreciated. VII RLI$A611`13erIf6i Deputy Mayor 114f, January 27, 2017 01?11114�1_,R Miami -Dade Police "k Department Director's Office An h1teowfionafly Accrothled Police Set Vice U.S. Department of Homeland Security 245 Murray Lane, SW Washington, D,C. 20528-0075 RE: FY 2016 Program to Prepare Communities for Complex Coordinated Terrorist Attacks To whom It May Concern: This letter is to support the City of Miami's proposal for the FY 2016 Program to Prepare Communities for Complex Coordinated Terrorist Attacks grant application, it is our understanding that the monies, if awarded, will be utilized by the City of Miami Department of Fire -Rescue in collaboration with regional partners to improve the region's ability to prepare for, prevent, and respond to complex terrorist attacks. i, The City of Miami is equipped to lead this South Florida regional effort to better prepare 0 South Florida against terrorist attacks. In light of the recent tragedies Florida has experienced in both Orlando and Ft. Lauderdale, less than a year apart, it is critical that the City of Miami obtain the funding necessary to Implement activities on an expansive, multi -jurisdictional scale to increase public safety. Miami -Dade Police Department looks forward to working In close partnership with the City of Miami and all other regional partners within this program. This partnership will enhance the safety of our communities and increase our ability to identify and stop a coordinated terrorist attack. As leaders in the community, it is our duty to support any and all initiatives that keep our residents and visitors safe. We commend the City of Miami's proactive efforts to make Miami and all jurisdictions throughout our region better prepared to protect and serve the public interest, Sincerely, Joan J. Perez Director 9105 NW 25 Street - Miami, Florida - 33172.1500 Telephone (305) 471-2100 - Fax (305) 471.2,163 - Website http://www,mdpd.com 0 S U Uj 4 r_ 0 0 a E X: U aw January 31, 2017 U.S. Department of Homeland Security 2,15 Murray Lane, SW Washington, D.C, 20528-0075 Board o(Cammlsdonan Blem I cildin lean I.. Enright Pta,iton IN NkAf(hur Wayne ,M. Richards Katherine M. Waldron Executive Director Nlonkv?l Ahnirt), PPM' RE: FY 2016 Program to Prepare Communities for Complex Coordinated Terrorist Attacks To Whom It May Concern', This letter- is to support the City of Miami's proposal for the FY 2016 Program to Prepare Communities for Complex Coordlnoted Terrorist Attacks grant application, It is our understanding that the monies, if ayvurded, will be utilized by the City of Miarni Departn-)enl of Fire -Rescue in collaboration with regional partners to improve the region's ability to prepare for, prevent, and respond to complex terrorist attacks. The City Of hliallli 15 eClUipped to lead this South Florida regional effort to better prepare South Florw-da against terrorist atfacks. In light of the recent tragedies Florida has experienced in both Orlando and Ff, Lauderdale, less than a year apart, it is critical that the City of Miami obtain the funding necessary to Implement activities on an expansive, multi-jurisdicfloncil scale to increase public safety. , The Port of PoIrn Bench District looks forward to working in close partnership with the City of Miami and all other regional partners within this program, This partnership seeks to continue an investment strizil-agy to implement objectives addressing a series of post 9/11 laws, strategies documents, plans, Executive Orders (EOs) and Homeland Security Presidential DirefJivos (HSPDs), with C1 fOCL)l on National Preparedness Guidelines and its associated work products, Including the National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP), This effort will ensure coordination with programs on current regional collaborative efforts, As leaders in the community, it is our duty to support any and all Initiatives that keep our residents and visitors safe. We commend the City of Miami's proactive efforts to make Miami and all jurisdictions throughout our region better prepared to protect and serve the public interest, inc rely, n ,2 anuel Am-l"r-0 kecuflve Port Director 4� U) 0 0 0 U E ro a. 0 40 E 6. fL W 0' a. as ua rn C14 E 0 1.._{}{?is.illcr iilll �(1!" �"ill�'tii<I,il"t:i (,00kii' g OLii. I'01' tlb il' °�ati�ilc, N PB MS 0 'n• Nnu4 (,. uir. \a'u .IIsi.. rrf February 1, 2017 L M Executive Committee Shawn Baca, Fair? + President U.S. Department of Homeland Security c Brandon Luskin, iota 24.5 Murray Lane, SW President•Elect Marc Hirsh, MD Washington, D.C. 20528 0075 C U First Vfce-Presfdent q Larry Bush, MPJ RE: FY 2016 Program to Prepare Communities for Complex Coordinated Secretary Terrorist Attacks Robert Tome, MD E Treasurer Z Jaynes Goldenberg, MO To Whom it May Concern: E Immediate Past President 0 U Tenna wilesm chief Executive Officer ibis letter is to support the City of Miami's proposal for the FY 2016 Program � to Prepare Communities For Complex Coordinated Terrorist Attacks grant � t'afn, lit.'ach i;'malix applicat•ioil, It is our understanding that the monies, if awarded, will be 1l ,lo�::rl 5l:ci�n 4c;tiic . utilized by the City of Miami Department of Fire -Rescue in collaboration with ° Executive Conkmittee regional pa•,tners to improve the region's ability to prepare for, prevent, and 2 Nlichae: Devnis, lNiL) respond to co:rnplex terrorist attacks, President hry PaskrA, MD This City of Miami is equipped to lead this SoLlth Florida regional effort to Vice President better prepare South Florida against terrorist attacks. In light of the recent Mau Gracey Secretary trabpdies Florida has experienced in both Orlando and Ft. Lauderdale, less , Don Chester than a yea, apart, it is critical that the City of Miami obtain the funding iL Treasurer necessary to implement activities on an expansive, multi -jurisdictional scale Douglas Deco, Mo to increase public safety, Immediate Past president The Healthcare Emergency Response Coalition, a program of the Palm Beach � ull•4 f+1tl.6.l`.r County Medical Society Services, looks forward to working in close 2 ,'' I� edicine partnership with the City of Miami and all other regional partners within this rn program, As NEMC continues to integrate with other partners, it promotes i „ preparedness through standardized practices and fosters better .,.. ` ,,,N,, , V COMMunieation on community/regional-wide emergency planning, response ;:•.,.,, and recovery. As leaders in the community, it is our duty to support any and all initiatives N that keep our residents and visitors safe, We commend the City of Miami's proactive efforts to make Miami and all jurisdictions throughout our region ° f better prepared to protect and .serve the public Interest. iric+filr:C7i r" rase .c Jahn E lames Jr, U Dir, of Public Health & Disaster Services o Palm Beach County Medical Society N 6 - WAY Palm gexhIthtau�ryy Sincerely, UrI1N of iw 3540 Forest Hill Olvd,, Ste.101, West Palm Seac , FL 33406 ^ Phone 561433-3940 " Fax 561.433.2385 " www.pbcros•org `� ,$A,N. cNY p I "JI'll IN Ru 110111 V% I-JIGIADI'S OF 'I hire' K% evat! v. Port 011,1-0111"I III Heo 04.1. IVN-; W-1 ii 0 ,1a111lilrL 30 2 1 0 U W'il:, 11 it I "toll, D C. 0 U RF F Y 201Prj)-V-Q U01111111.11litie�; 1`01- 011lplc\ Atracki 2 m 0. (D l'o Whorn It Ma N Collecul: 1,11ii ii tO MITOrt thti Citt ofAliaoll'i pruposaProu l tier tile I -Y 2016 raill to p ", C l -t -par. (Ill'unin Itics tilt4� 1 -E (•oordifill,"d F,~rrlr; it Mtat;ks "I'llril. 1111) 1 Ic"I t. bli. If is our than the llloljl4's, It M Mi,lllli off� Fire-RQ,Clle ill cl,Wilhoraiion \% ilh reiuviollal tos. ;ilyrro,, . the 0'.) J!.) I I I P, to p rulAtIrk" fo I., I) I, ant I res tit I d (o Coll I I? Ic.\ to rrorist a I I I a. to 'il.\ ol, �halllj i", Qq(1Ij1pvd to ft:aio thi,i -South Florida IV,";011dl 011111 10 belt�f' J)f',JAVC SIM[l) FIOI-Ida ILL Ill li.'h! ilithe rxon( Florida Ws in hoth Orlando mid Ft, l.iI(ld,:I-djk:, Ic."i hall i1parl, it i:i Critical that Ille Ciiii, ot, Mi'lmi obt,m) [lie rundill!" Ute 'Ili L111J.- I pu It) iwillement juri:,diaimial icille b I ic sa !'e o'. CL BrIm-lard cou.1r. 'i 11''r 1-1 DepLil-towlit look's for"Val."I to wAill!" i!1 clow partlit."I'ship 1011 the C'lt\ of.M."um and all ollm. 1%:u1i)II1.0 partner, mrfiln ibis program. 'nii partnerihip 101 betiol'it Port duc to tilt., ol�-rfll improvement ill multkigrenc\ pvQparQdnc.ss For rcipon-,e to terroriz,11 attacks and ocl%,r .;ill) Hill- ITSPOIlik" I. A , IhQ "vorld's third eruiw ship port with o,,,vf' 50.000 pusoll.gon pa.s.sillil I through tjl� port oll ll cb% , O(A' 111(01`11' IS tO Ll -.,Q it 1)0?'tioll of'lht grant Funding It) tool:; oil HIQCLfill-0 (D C,olltrol Ior tile ill jured traifilit" and UquipmClit Col. 111jil-Nictical Ikm U) por;oIllicil. and cl\ ili'm Qlllplot:Q.s nl�port I.Hel'i Wsim?, it Irilin-lbw-vidur rornill. I his V) uj traillill" t� ill IIISO f)C Wilde J\,'.1ililbIQ to O(hQV scapOlIn '111d airntlrts it) the l'ut-11011. 0 N ki lt:adcrs if) III,, it i,i Our (ho to millpol-i iiw, and all inkimii,,.-i that keep our rc-;idcnI-, alid visitori We commend tho lrl• M2 Nliullli'i prwwti\v OIT'Orts to male'Naini and oll jurisdivtiows throuOlout otil, nasion [Mler prepilrcd to, protect and )ervC tile public inter-Ol. (D E S incereN. 0 Q G lell (I 1A. W i I tsh irc u to N Biowar;l County Board d Cotinly Col-nmissl(yipts ivIrliq U dcqor, !idol- ^,u -31eyl �k!Jet - rNilp VC, Hulress - Milo LaMarta , SO;, H Rch - I'mJR/all 31"JuCt 40,110 WNW b, owa(d Ofg I TORF �1;40 rz�', January 31, 2017 U.S. Department of Homeland Security 245 Murray Lane, SW Washington, D,C, 20528-0075 Doard of Commissioners Blair I Oldn JOr](1 I , F.11rJ9111 Peyton IN. ,A -At' hwr Wayne 'm' Richards Xad)4?1'111e 1 1. Waldron Executive Director Manuel Almiri, PPM RE: FY 2016 Prograrn to Prepare Cornrnuni ties for Complex Coordinated Terrorist Attacks 'to Whom It May Concern: This letter is to, support the City of Miami's proposal for the FY 2016 Program to Prepare COMMUnifles for Complex Coordinated Terrorist Attacks grant application. If is our understanding that the moniei, it awarde;.d, will be utillized by the City of Miami Deporfi-nent of Fire -Rescue in collaboration with regioral partners to improve the region's ability to prepare for, prevent, and respond to complex terrorist attacks. The City of Miami is equipped to lead this South Florida regional effort to better prepare South Florida agofnsl terrorist attacks, In light of the recent trageoles Florida has experienced in both Orlando (And Ft. Lauderdale, less than a year apart, it is critical that the City of Miami obtain the funding necessary to implement activities on an expansive, multi -jurisdictional scale to increase public safety. The Port of Palm Beach District looks forward to working in close partnership with the City of Miami and all other regional partners within this prograrn, This partnership seeks to continue an investment strategy to implement objectives addressing a series of post 9/11 laws, Strategies documents, plans, Executive Orders (EQs) and Homeland Security Presidential Directives (FISPDs), with a focus on National Preparedness Guidelines and its associated work products, including the National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP), This effort will ensure coordination with programs on current regional collaborative efforts, As leaders in the community, it is our duty to support any and all initiatives that keep our residents and visitors scife.. We commend the City of Miami's proactive effort's to make Miarni and all jurisdictions throughout our region better prepared to protect and serve the public Interest. inqXrely, anuel Mm'lra Executive Port Director 4., 0 0 0 U E E 0 U ro CL L' L. (L 0 41 E ro0 ra (0 U, nr ar ro LU 1a N rnE 0 0 CL U lC V �q f American Red Cross Broward County Chapter January 30, 2017 600 NB 3 Avenue Fork Lauderdale, FL 33304 US. Department of Homeland Security 245 lvturray Lane, SW Florida's Coast Washington, D,C. 2052,5-0075 to Heartland Chapter 2606 1714 Avenue RE: kelt" 2016 Progr~<7an, to Prepare Communides for Complex Coordinated Terrorist Vero Beach, FL 32960 Attacks 2963 W Midway Poad I o Whom It lvlay Concern: Fort Pierce, FL 34981 323 N. Parrott Avenue This letter is to support the Cita/ of kliami's proposal for the T `r' 2016 Program to Prepare Okeechobee, FL 34972 Communities for Complex Coordinated Terrorist Attacks grant application. It is Our understanding that the monies, if awarded, will be utilized by the City of Nflatni 106 Medical Department of Fire -Rescue in collaboration with regional partners to improve the region's Sebring, FLL 333870870 ability to prepare for, prevent, aid respond to complex terrorist attacks. Florida's Southern Gulf Chapter 7051 Cypress Terrace. #I 10 Fart Myore, FL 33907 2610 Northbrooke Plaza Drive Naples, FL 34119 Greater Miami & The Kays Chapter 335 SW 27th Avenue Miami, FL 33136 6450 McDonald Avenue, #i 1 Key West, FL 33040 Groater Palm Beach & Martin County Chapter 1250 Northpoint Parkway West Palm Beach, Fl. 33407 149 $E Avenue D Belle Glade, FL 33430 5820 North Federal Highway Boca Raton, FL 33487 2750 South Kanner Highway Stuart, FL 34994 The City oP1WJimni is equippwd to lead this South Florida regional effort to better prepare South Florida against terrorist attacks, In light of the recent tragedies Ftotxda has experienced in both Orlando and Ft. Lauderdale, less than a year apart, it is critical that the City of i4liarni obtain the funding necessary to inaplernent activities on an expansive, multi -jurisdictional scale to increase public safety. The American Red Cross South Florida Region looks forward to working in close partnership with the City of IvEami and all other regional partners within this program, This partnership will strengthen and enhance our ability to support our partners in preparing for and responding to complex coordinated terrorist attacks in South Florida. As leaders in the community, it is our duty to support any and all. initiatives that keep our residents and visitors safe. We commend the City of Nflarni's proactive efforts to make Nfiami and till jurisdictiovs throughout our region better prepared to protect and serve the public interest, Sincerely; fir' Carlos J, Castillo, Regional Disaster Officer American. Ked Cross, South Florida Region 4- �4 0 L d ro E ro 0 0 U 4- E 0 U L ro a. L 0 E a tr., t� , rn a� C a m 'u e CL U) ur w 0 M c4V, c E U 0 ct 0. U M rA ro d CHRIST FELLOWSHIP February 8,2 0 17 Office of the Mayor 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 To whom it may concern, Let it be known that Christ Fellowship Is honored to be asked to be part of the FEMA "Program to Prepare Communities for Complex Coordinated Terrorist Attacks", We at Christ Fellowship Church look forward to contributing In any way possible for the event that will take place in early 2018. We will begin preparations of volunteers now to insure a successful contribution to the program, Christ Fellowslilp Church further understands this is a help in recruiting volunteers only and accepts no responsibility or liability in this process or event, Additional help Would require additional request and consideration, Please direct all request or information to Roger Hammer, Director of Security and Public Safety at 305.343-3945 or email to EqgS, _rhatjj,LTIJijh1iigmi.q gL _ --�g Once again, th an Ic you for the opportunity to be involved in such a much needed event, Sirl.cerely, Roger Hammer, CSC, CPP Director of Security and Public Safety Christ Fellowship Church Off: 305-238-1818 cell: 305-343.3945 ia rn i,.o,- CONNECTING PFOPI,F TO ADMINISTRATIVE 8900 SW 168TH STREET CPMIAMI.ORG ot.,O, OFFIct PALMETTO UAY. F. 33157 (305) 238.181