HomeMy WebLinkAboutLegislation-SUBTHIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. ON of Miami . _ . Legislation Ordinance: File Number: 4722 City Han 3500 Part Americans Drive Miami, FL 33133 www-miamigov.com Final Action Date: AN ORDINANCE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 13114, THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED ("MIAMI 21 CODE"), BY AMENDING ARTICLE 1, SECTION 1.1., TITLED "DEFINITIONS OF BUILDING FUNCTION: USES" AND BY AMENDING ARTICLE 6, SECTION 6,1, TABLE 13, TITLED "SUPPLEMENTAL REGULATIONS", TO PROVIDE FOR A DEFINITION OF GAMBLING FACILITIES AND TO REQUIRE THAT GAMBLING USES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO PARI-MUTUEL GAMBLING, CARD ROOMS, AND SLOT MACHINE USES, BE APPROVED PURSUANT TO AN EXCEPTION WITH CITY COMMISSION APPROVAL BY A FOUR-FIFTHS (415THS) AFFIRMATIVE VOTE; PROVIDING FOR ZONING IN PROGRESS; CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN IMMEDIATE EFFECTIVE DATE. SPONSORS): Vice Chair Ken Russell, Commissioner Wifredo Gort WHEREAS, over the past decade, the State of Florida ("State") has liberalized regulation of gambling in Florida; and WHEREAS, as recently as the last legislative session, multiple additional reforms were considered that would further liberalize the regulation of gambling in the State; and WHEREAS, Section 849.(}86(16), Florida Statutes, requires local government approval by a majority vote prior to licensure by the State of any cardroom; and WHEREAS, the City of Miami ("City") finds that gambling uses, without reasonable regulations, have the potential to generate adverse impacts on the surrounding community; and WHEREAS, the City, in promoting the health, safety, and welfare of the residents of the City, finds that the City Commission has a compelling interest in protecting its residents from such adverse impacts; and WHEREAS, the City wishes to ensure that gambling uses properly comply with the letter and spirit of the City's Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan ("MCNP") and Ordinance No. 13114, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended ("Miami 21 Code"); and WHEREAS, the City's Zoning Department has issued zoning verification letters gambling uses may be considered "Entertainment Establishments" for Miami 21 Code's form based purposes and the City Commission wishes to enact land development regulations to clarify such uses: and WHEREAS, given the significant potential for adverse impacts presented by gambling that uses, the City Commission wishes to hereby put the public on notice that the rules regulating Entertainment Establishments are under review, subject to change, and that no rights to gambling uses within 'Entertainment Establishments will be vested during the review and enactment of this Ordinance; and City of Miami Page 1 of 5File ID: 4722 (Revision: 8) Printed On: 91IW2018 4722 Legislation -SUB THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. File ID: 4722 Enactment Number: WHEREAS, the planning, Zoning and Appeals Board ("PZAB") at its meeting on September 5, 2018, following an advertised public hearing, adopted Resolution No. PZAB-R-18- 044 by a vote of five to two (5 - 2), Item No. PZAB. 7, recommending denial of this ordinance; and WHEREAS, the City Commission has conducted a public hearing on the proposed ordinance; and WHEREAS, the City Commission has considered whether the proposed amendment will further the goals, objectives, and policies of the MCNP, the Miami 21 Code, and other City regulations; and WHEREAS, the City Commission has considered the need and justification for the proposed change, including changed or changing conditions that make the passage of the proposed ordinance; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Ordinance are adapted and incorporated as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. The Miami 21 Code is further amended by amending Article 1, Section 1.1 in the following particulars:' "ARTICLE 1. DEFINITIONS 1.1 DEFINITIONS OF BUILDING FUNCTION: USES (Article 4, Table 3) 74K*1*1AVkVAIzIIx;1* "T Entertainment Establishment: A place of business serving the amusement and recreational needs of the community. Such facilities may include, but are not limited to: cinemas, billiard parlors, teen clubs, dance halls, of video arcades_ Uses specifically not included: Entertainment Establishment, aAdult and Gambling Facilities or other_ facilities re ufated by Chapters 550 and 551 and Section 849.086, Florida Statutes. as each may be amended from time to time Gambling Facilities: Any facility that offers gambling including but not limited to facilities regulated by Chapters 550 and 551 and Section 849.086 Florida Statutes as each ma be amended from time to time." ' Words and/or figures stricken through shall be deleted. Underscored words and/or figures shall be added. The retraining provisions are now in effect and remain unchanged. Asterisks indicate omitted and unchanged material. City of Miami Page 2 of 5 File 1D: 4722 (Revision: B) Printed on., 911912018 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. File ID: 4722 Enartmant NumhPr- Section 3. The Miami 21 Code is further amended by amending Article 6, Section 6.1, Table 13 in the following particulars:' "ARTICLE 6. SUPPLEMENTAL REGULATIONS TABLE 13 ARTICLE 6. TABLE 13 SUPPLEMENTAL REGULATIONS CONTINUED T6 - URBAN CORE ZONE • DENSITY arnb(ing facilities are allowed b {UPA) 150 UNITS PER ACRE 150 UNITS PER ACRE' 150 —1,000 UNITS PER ACRE' GAMBLING FACILITIES arnb(ing facilities are allowed b Exce tion with Cit Commission roval by 415ths vote. The 415ths ate re ufred by this section maV not ,reduced or waived by S eciaf "ea Plan. x ARTICLE 6. TABLE 13 SUPPLEMENTAL REGULATIONS CONTINUED D - DISTRICT !1 — WORK PLACE A2 - INDUSTRIALWATERFRONT INDUSTRIAL DENSITY (UPA) 36 UNITES PER ACRE NIA NIA AMBLING ACILITIES City of Miami aawwe mmissi Page 3 of 5 File ID: 4722 fRevision: 8) Printed an: 911912018 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. File IQ: 4T22 Enactment HcrmnvF- ri M Section 4. Notwithstanding the above, pari-mutuel facilities existing as of June 23, 1981 shall be considered legal nonconforming uses and legal nonconforming structures. In accordance with Section 550.155(2), Florida Statutes, such pari-mutuel facilities shall also be exempt from the requirement of obtaining an Exception with City Commission approval when seeking City approval for any capital improvements to the existing pari-mutuel facility unless the City is able to show that the proposed improvement presents a justifiable and immediate hazard to the health and safety of the City's residents. Section 5. From and after September 13, 2018, through the effective date of the Ordinance and any prior versions thereof, has and will serve as notice to all persons that the laws regulating the approval and operation of Entertainment Establishments, including specifically gambling uses, may be amended, revised, or terminated. Notice is also given that all persons proceed at their own risk and no vested rights of any type shall attach to any development approvals or development permits sought or obtained during the entirety of the adoption process. Section 6. if any section, part of a section, paragraph, clause, phrase, or word of this Ordinance is declared invalid, the remaining provisions of this Ordinance shall not be affected. Section 7. It is the intention of the City Commission that the provisions of this Ordinance shall become and be made a part of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida, which provisions may be renumbered or relettered and that the word "ordinance" may be changed to "section", "article", or other appropriate word to accomplish such intention. Section 8. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its adoption.' 2 This Ordinance shall became effective as specified herein uniess vetoed by the Mayor within ten (10) days from the date it was passed and adopted. If the Mayor vetoes this Ordinance, it shall become effective immediately upon override of the veto by the City Commission or upon the effective date stated herein, whichever is later. City of Miami Page 4 of 5 File ID., 4722 (Revision: 8) Primed can: 9/19/2018 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT END OF THIS DOCUMENT. File ID; 4722 Enactment Number• APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: 21 r rl, dez, ity tt4r ey 911912018 City of Miami Page 5 of 5 File fD: 4722 (Revision: B) Printed on: 911912018 SUBSTITUTED yAS'. �TY Ofi �`P 1�> City of Miami Legislation %iF R`9r Ordinance Enactment Number File Number: 4722 City Hall 3500 Pan Ameican C Miami, FL 33133 www.miamigov.co Final ActioA Date: AN ORDINANCE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AMENDING ORDINAN NO. 13114, THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS MENDED ("MIAMI 21 CODE"), BY AMENDING ARTICLE 1, SECTION 1.1., TITLED " EFINITIONS OF BUILDING FUNCTION: USES" AND BY AMENDING ARTICLE 6, S TION 6.1, TABLE 13, TITLED "SUPPLEMENTAL REGULATIONS", TO PROVID OR A DEFINITION OF GAMBLING FACILITIES AND TO REQUIRE THAT AMBLING USES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO PARI-MUTUEL GAMBLING, RD ROOMS, AND SLOT MACHINE USES, BE APPROVED PURSUANT TO AN EPTION WITH CITY COMMISSION APPROVAL BY A FOUR-FIFTHS (4/5THS/AFMATIVE VOTE; PROVIDING FOR ZONING IN PROGRESS; CONTAININGERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN IMMEDIATE EFFECTIVE DAT WHEREAS, over the past decade, the State ofFI ida ("State") has liberalized regulation of gambling in Florida; and WHEREAS, as recently as the last legislatiy46 session, multiple additional reforms were considered that would further liberalize the regulg6on of gambling in the State; and WHEREAS, Section 849.086(16), Flo da Statutes, requires local government approval by a majority vote prior to licensure by the ate of any cardroom; and WHEREAS, the City of Miam/ratet dv")findsthat gambling uses, without reasonable regulations, have the potential to geaerse impacts on the surrounding community; and WHEREAS, the City, in pp6moting the health, safety, and welfare of the residents of the City, finds that the City Co mr, ion has a compelling interest in protecting its residents from such adverse impacts; and WHEREAS, t/hey wishes to ensure that future gambling uses do not impair the ongoing process and lective efforts of many sectors of our community to revitalize the City's neighborhoods and i prove the quality of life in our community; and WHERE , the City wishes to ensure that future gambling uses properly comply with the letter and irit of the City's Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan ("MCNP") and Ordinance No. 13114, t Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended ("Miami 21 Code"); and HEREAS, the City's Zoning Administrator has liberally opined that gambling uses are con ' ered "Entertainment Establishments" for the Miami 21 Code's purposes and the City C mission now wishes to clarify that interpretation of the Miami 21 Code; and I. WHEREAS, given the significant potential for adverse impacts presented by gambling uses, the City Commission wishes to hereby put the public on notice that the rules regulating Entertainment Establishments are under review, subject to change, and that no rights to City of Miami File ID: 4722 (Revision: A) Printed On: 9/18/2018 SUBSTITUTED gambling uses within Entertainment Establishments will be vested during the review and enactment of this Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the -Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board ("PZAB") at its meeting on September 5, 2018, following an advertised public hearing, adopted Resolution No. PZAE 044 by a vote of five to two (5 - 2), Item No. PZAB. 7, recommending denial of the Zoning Change as stated herein; and A WHEREAS, the City Commission has conducted a public hearing on the pr ed Zoning Text Change as stated herein; and � WHEREAS, the City Commission has considered whether the propose mend ment will further the goals, objectives, and policies of the MCNP, the Miami 21 Code, d other City regulations; and WHEREAS, the City Commission has considered the need and ' stification for the proposed change, including changed or changing conditions that ma the passage of the proposed Zoning Text Change necessary; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COM SSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in a Preamble to this Ordinance are adopted and incorporated as if fully set forth in this Sec n. Section 2. The Miami 21 Code is/FUNCTION: nded by amending Article'1, Section 1.1 in the following particulars:' "ARTICLEIONS 1.1 DEFINITIONS OF BUILDI USES (Article 4, Table 3) d. COMMERCIAL Entertainment Establish nt: A place of business serving the amusement rand recreational needs of tX community. Such facilities may include, but are not limited to: cinemas, billiard part s, teen clubs, dance halls, GF video arcades. Uses specifically not included: Entertainyfient Establishment, aAdult and Gambling Facilities or other facilities Facilities: Anv facility that offers aamblina includina. but not lim Words and/or figures stricken through shall be deleted: Underscored words and/or figures shall be added. The remaining provisions are now in effect and remain unchanged. Asterisks indicate omitted and unchanged material. City of Miami File ID: 4722 (Revision: A) Printed On: 9/18/2018 SUBSTITUTED Section 3. The Miami 21 Code is further amended by amending Article 6, Section 6.1, Table 13 in the following particulars:' "ARTICLE 6. SUPPLEMENTAL REGULATIONS * * * * TABLE 13 * * * * DENSITY ambling facilities are allowed b (UPA) 150 UNITS PER ACRE 150 UNITS PECRE* 150 —1,000 UNITS PER ACRE* FA GAMBLING FACILITIES ambling facilities are allowed b ce tion with Cit Commission roval b 4/5ths vote. The 4/5ths te re uired b this section ma not reduced or waived b S ecial Plan. 6. TABLE 13 SUPPLEMENT ULAT D - DISTRICT DENSITY (UPA) 6 UNITES PER ACRE N/A /A FIA amblina facilities are allowed b xce tion with City Commission roval by 4/5ths vote. The 4/5ths ote required bv this section may GAMBLING of be reduced or waived by Special FACILITIES rea Plan. City of Miami File ID: 4722. (Revision: A) Printed On: 9/18/2018 SUBSTITUTED Section 4. Notwithstanding the above, pari-mutuel facilities existing as of Jun 3, 1981 shall be considered legal nonconforming uses and legal nonconforming structures. accordance with Section 550.155(2), Florida Statutes, such pari-mutuel facilities all also be exempt from the requirement of obtaining an Exception with City Commission a roval when seeking City approval for any capital improvements to the existing pari-mutue acility unless the City is able to show that the proposed improvement presents a justifiable a immediate hazard to the health and safety of the City's residents. Section 5. From and after July 26, 2018, through the effective ate of the Ordinance and any prior versions thereof, has and will serve as notice to all person that the laws regulating the approval and operation of Entertainment Establishments, includin specifically gambling uses, may be amended, revised, or terminated. Notice is also given t t all persons proceed at their own risk and no vested rights of any type shall attach to any velopment approvals or development permits sought or obtained during the entirety the adoption process. Section 6. If any section, part of a section, para aph, clause, phrase, or word of this Ordinance is declared invalid, the remaining provisio of this Ordinance shall not be affected. Section 7. It is the intention of the City Co mission that the provisions of this Ordinance shall become and be made a part of a Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida, which provisions may be renumbere part/ relettered and that the word "ordinance" may be changed to "section", "article", or of r appropriate word to accomplish such intention. Section 8. This Ordinance shjM(f become effective immediately upon its adoption.z APPROVED AS TO FORM ANWCORRECTNESS: OfThis Ordinance shall become effective as specified herein unless vetoed by the Mayor within ten (10) days from the date it was passed and adopted. If the Mayor vetoes this Ordinance, it shall become effective immediately upon override of the veto by the City Commission or upon the effective date stated herein, whichever is later. City of Miami File ID: 4722 (Revision: A) Printed On: 9/18/2018