HomeMy WebLinkAboutBid ResponseFLORIDA. ENGINEERING AND DEVEL0PME\,-T,C0RR INVITATION TO BID NO. ("ITB"): 17-18.022 OFFICE OF CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT,, Advertisement Date: April 25, 2018 Bid Due Date: May 28, 2018 Biel Due Time: 2:40 P.M. I. (Local Time) Mayor Francis Suarez Commissioner Witredo "Willy" Gort, District 1 Commissioner keen Fussell, District 2 Commissioner Joe Carollo, District 3 Commissioner Manolo Reyes, District 4 Commissioner Keon Hardemon, District 5 City Manager Emilio T. Conz6lez, Ph.D. Issued By: Anthony nolle City of Miami Department of Procurement 444 SW 2nd Avenue, 6th Floor Miami, FL 33130 BIE) FORM (Page 1 of 9) SECTION 4 BID FORM Submitted: 'J 118 Date City of Miami, Florida Office of the City Clerk City Hall, 15t Floor 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133-5504 The undersigned, as Bidder, hereby declares that the only persons interested in this Bid as principal are named herein and that no person ether than herein mentioned has any interest in this bid or in the Contract to be entered into; that this Bid is made without connection with any other person, firm, or parties making a Bid; and that it is, in all respects, made fairly and in good faith without collusion or fraud. The Bidder further declares that it has examined the Site of the Work and informed itself fully of all conditions pertaining to the place where the Work is to be done; that it has examined the Contract Documents and all addenda thereto furnished before the opening of the Bids, as acknowledged below; and that it has satisfied itself about the Work to be performed; and that it has submitted the required Bid Guaranty; and all other required information with the Bid; and that this Bid is submitted voluntarily and willingly. The Bidder agrees, if this Bid is accepted, to contract with the City, a municipal corporation of the State of Florida, pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents and to furnish all necessary materials, equipment, machinery, tools, apparatus, means of transportation, and all labor necessary to construct and complete within the time limits specified the Work covered by the Contract Documents for the Project(s) entitled: ITS No: 17-18-022 Title, Downtown Miami Signage and Wayfiinding System The Bidder also agrees to furnish the required Performance Bond and Payment Bond or alternative form of security, if permitted by the City, each for not less than the total Bid price plus alternates, if any, and to furnish the required Certificate(s) of Insurance. The undersigned further agrees that the Bid Guaranty accompanying the Bid shall be forfeited if Bidder fails to execute said Contract, or fails to furnish the required Performance Bond and Payment Bond or fails to furnish the required Certificate(s) of Insurance within fifteen (15) calendar days after being notified of the award of the Contract. In the event of arithmetical errors, the Bidder agrees that these errors are errors which may be corrected by the City. Bidder agrees that any unit price listed in the Bid is to be multiplied by the stated quantity requirements in order to arrive at the total. 83 Downtown Miami Signage and Wayfinding ITS No.: 17-18-022 System - Project No.: B-30941 SID FORM (Page Z of 9) Form SU must be submitted with Bidder's bid. The SU Form can be found posted on the webpage with the bid documents. The Bidder's Total Bid Construction Cost includes the total cost for the Work specified in this solicitation, consisting of furnishing all materials, labor, equipment, supervision, mobilization, overhead & profit required in accordance with the bid specifications. Bidder's Bid Amount Includes the total cost for the Work specified in this solicitation, consisting of furnishing all materials, labor, equipment, permits, supervision, mobilization, overhead & profit required in accordance with the Bid Specifications. Scope of Work: The Work consists of furnishing all materials, labor, and equipment necessary for installation of new vehicular, pedestrian and parking wayfinding signage, and improvements to the public right-of-way, such as the removal of repetitive and aging signs, and the installation of district gateway and destination signs. TOTAL BID CONSTRUCTION COST. $ /1 � �J /9 t l� 1 /) -�E Written Total Bid Construction Cost �,� 84 r4, Downtown Miami Signage and Wayfinding ITB No.: 17-18-022 System - Project No.: B-30941 009U0CREVIS ..D 813 FORM (;Of I-001X)W NTMVN MIAMI SIGNAGE ANL] WAYFINDING SYSTEM PROJEC f NO.: 9 30041 00090061812018 1,1001" 1NFGRMAT011 COMPANY FLORIDA ENCPNEEUING AND DEVELOPMENT,CORP. CONTACT J¢Ea vega AOORE95: 12076 NW 48 AVENUE, HIALEAH GARIIENS,F L.,3301 B PHONE: EMAIL: _._.. 17-18-022 BASE QIP Adwntown Mimi ipnige-and-'U4aytirid mg System Project _ ... .;.... i ......_ ...,. ..... ,..... I .. ..... '-7.. _.,.. ..__ _. . y ,u.au s 1 S 14 I ti Wtl Vl iy _.... _.. ............... ....... ._ ,.. ,.._.:... ,..._..... _ ..... _.- ..._....... s! 5y, I: :01Q ...... ___—___._. ..............�_.,___........_.__..._._,.....__,.__._.�_..__._........ .___..�.�_..._. _.. 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S _. hw74 VUi I 4� O p l ArIvP7 DESI % TOTAL BASE 6113 $ 1,574,44450 0000001 00000EVISEQ 810 FORM 0W000FJ0WNTGWN MlAK SIGNAGE AND WAYFINCINC SYS! FMP(tOJF..C'T NO.: 3-30941 0000MW2018 IDPDiCATEDALLCWANGE 5•t HUFenils&Fi�os BIDDLR'S A1ITHORLUD REPRESEN,TA 51 ._•-_�--� I'AA ME::Oee Vng1 T ITL2,'. Pies4enl j 11,500 LS 1 .. 11 SOV.DO YOYF.:. ®tiSE 6101 + DEDICATED ALLOWANCE 1.54 9a0; D DM00O2 BID FORM (Page 3 of 9) The spreadsheet with unit Prices_ is required to be submitted within the Bid Submittal Forms. Bidders must download the version of IVIS Excel Bid Form that is available for download at: http://vvww,miamiqov.com/MianiiCapitallNewBidsandProposals.htmi Bidder's Failure to submit the spreadsheet with Unit Prices may result in the Bid being deemed non-responsive. Bidder's spreadsheet shall round all Bid prices to the second decimal. ITB 17-18-022 - Downtown Miami Signage and Wa findin System — FDOT LAP Prnject Line No. Pay Item No. Pay Item Description Unit Quantity Unit Cost Cost 2 2 33 11__._....1.._____. _. 4 4 5 5 8 8 9 9 10 10 85 Downtown Miami Signage and Wayfinding ITB No.: 17-18-022 System - Project No.: B-30941 BID FORM (Page 4 of 9) DIRECTIONS: COMPLETE PART I OR PART It, AS APPLICABLE, AS WELL AS PARTS III AND IV Part L Listed below are the dates of issue for eac Addendum received in connection with this bid: Addendum No. t, Dated Addendum No. 2, Dated f�a Addendum No. 3, bated Addendum No. 4, Dated Part If: No addenda was received in connection with this bid. Part III Certifications The Bidder, by virtue of signing the Bid Form, affirms that the Bidder is aware of the following, and shall comply with all the stated requirements. t. Non -Collusion The undersigned Bidder certifies that the only persons interested in this bid are named herein; that no other person has any interest in this bid or in the Contract to which this bid pertains; that this bid is made without connection or arrangement with any other person, Bidder certifies that the selected independent third -party verifier will verify and certify compliance data and reports honestly and accurately. 2. Druq Free_Workplace The undersigned Bidder hereby certifies that it will provide a drug-free workplace program by: (1) Publishing a statement notifying its employees that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the Bidder's workplace, and specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violations of such prohibition. (2) Establishing a continuing drug-free awareness program to inform its employees about: (i) The dangers of drug abuse in the workplace; (ii) The Bidder's policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace,- (iii) orkplace;(iii) Any available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance programs; and, (iv) The penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations occurring in the workplace. (3) Giving all employees engaged in performance of the Contract a copy of the statement required by subparagraph (1). sr Downtown Miami Signage and Wayfinding ITB No.: 17-18-022 System - Project No.: B-30941 AHtztmt FT 6- 0 - RAl r *. May 10, 2018 INVITATION TO BID NO. 17-18-022 1211 0 ;k -t' MIAM9 A !,, '_ I: Atflll yAYFINDING SYSTEM TO: ALL PROSPECTIVE PROPOSERS: The following changes, additions, clarifications, and/or deletions amend the above -captioned Invitation to Bid, and shall become an integral part of the Bids submitted, and the Contract to be executed for [downtown Miami Signage and Wayfinding System —Invitation To Bid ("ITB") No.: 17-18-022 (the "Project"). Please note the contents herein, and affix same to the documents you have on hand, All attachments (if any) are available on the Office of Capital Improvements' ("OCI") website, and are part of this Addendum. A. The deadline for receipt cif Bids for this Project has been changed to Tuesday, Allay 29, 2013 by 3:00 P (vocal time). B. Reguests for information received and the corresponding responses: Q1. We have the Specialty Electrical Contractor's license for Floride which is required for the signage work. Just wanted to confirm that this License is what's required in order to bid on this project. Al. Please refer to the Notice To Contractors which specifies the licenses required to bid on this Project. THIS ADDENDUM IS AN ESSENTIAL PORTION OF THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT AND SHALL BE MADE A PART THEREOF. 1 Annie Perez; CPPD, Director City of Miami Departrn6nt of Procurement Downtown Miami Signage and Wayfinding System - Project No.: B-30941 ITS No.. 17-18-022 of 1; O t May 24, 2018 INVITATION TO BID NO. 17-18-022 i W*1 1N i i t TO: ALL PROSPECTIVE PROPOSERS: The following changes, additions, clarifications, andtor deletions amend the above -captioned Invitation to Bid, and shall become an integral part of the Bids submitted, and the Contract to be executed for Downtown Miami Signage and Wayfinding System -- Invitation To Bid ("ITB") No.: 17-18-022 (the "Project"), Please note the contents herein, and affix same to the documents you have on hand. All attachments (if any) are available on the Office of Capital Improvements' ("OCI") website, and are part of this Addendum. A. The deadline for receipt of Bids for this Project has been changed to Wednesdav, uune 8,. 2018 by 1.04 Pel (local tirne). B. Requests for information received and the corresponding responses: Q1. The time allow to complete the above is not attainable. There must be a time allowed to secure & fabricate the signs, Al. After a responsive and responsible contractor is selected, the City will discuss the potential impact to the project timeline because of the fabrication of the signs. The original 120 -calendar day timellne for substantial completion may be extended, as applicable. Q2. There is no time allowed for potential conflicts with Utilities. A2. After a responsive and responsible contractor is selected, the City will discuss the potential impact to the project timeline because of conflicts with Utilities. The original 120 -calendar day timeline for substantial completion may be extended, as applicable. Q3. The requirement that the Prime must be a State General Contractor , When they are not Generally involved in this type of work , But a firm like ours that is Pre -Qualified with the FDOT for this type of specific work and is Bonded would not be able to submit a bid. A3. Unfortunately, this requirement cannot be changed. The City's public Works Department has advised that the required permits must be pulled by a General Downtown Miarni Signage and VVayfinding ITO No 17-18-022 Systern - Project No.: B-30941 Contractor, regardless of what their share of the actual work really is. In addition, FDOT has determined that a General Contractor license is required in addition to the FDOT pre -qualification. Therefore, sign manufacturers who are pre -qualified by FDOT must either have a State of Florida General Contractor license, or team up as a sub -contractor with a Prime Contractor licensed as a General Contractor in the State of Florida. THIS ADDENDUM IS AN ESSENTIAL PORTION OF THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT AND SHALL BE MADE A PART THEREOF. Annie Perez, CPPD, Director City of Miami Department. of Procurement (downtown Miami Signage and Wayfindin9 ITS No.: 17-18-022 System • Project No . B-30941 BID FORM (Page 5 of 9) (4) Giving all employees engaged in performance of the Contract a copy of the statement required by subparagraph (1); (5) Notifying all employees, in writing, of the statement required by subparagraph (1), that as a condition of employment on a covered Contract, the employee shall,- (i) hall: (i) Abide by the terms of the statement; and, (ii) Notify the employer in writing of the employee's conviction under a criminal drug statute for a violation occurring in the workplace no later than five (5) calendar days after such conviction; (6) Notifying the City in writing within ten (10) calendar days after receiving notice under subdivision (4) (ii) above, from an employee or otherwise receiving actual notice of such conviction. The notice shall include the position title of the employee; (7) Within thirty (30) calendar days after receiving notice under subparagraph (4) of a conviction, taking one of the following actions with respect to an employee who is convicted of a drug abuse violation occurring in the workplace: (i) Taking appropriate personnel action against such employee, up to and including termination; or (ii) Requiring such employee to participate satisfactorily in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program approved for such purposes by a federal, state, or local health, law enforcement, or other appropriate agency; and, (8) Making a good faith effort to maintain a drug-free workplace program through implementation of subparagraphs(1) through (7). 5. Lobbying The undersigned Bidder certifies to the best of their knowledge and belief, that (1) No f=ederal appropriated funds have been paid, or will be paid, by or on behalf of the undersigned, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an off cer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any Federal contract, the making of any Federal grant, the making of any Federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement. (2) If any funds other than Federal appropriated funds have been paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with this Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement, the undersigned shall complete and submit Standard Form 375-030-34, "Disclosure of Lobbying Activities," in accordance with its instructions. (3) This undersigned shall require that the language of this certification be included in the award documents for "All" sub -awards at all tiers (including subcontracts, sub -grants, and contracts under grants, loans, and cooperative agreements) and that all sub -recipients shall certify and disclose accordingly. 87 Downtown Miami Signage and Wayfinding ITB No,; 17-18-422 System - Project No.: B-34941 BID FORM (Page 6 of 9) This certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was made or entered into. Submission of this certification is a pre -requisite for making or entering into this transaction imposed by Section 1352, Title 31, U.S. Code. Any person who fails to file the required certification shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10,000 and not more than $100,000 for each such failure; and Note: In these instances, "All" in the Final Rule is expected to be clarified to show that it applies to covered contractigrant transactions over $100,000 (per QMB). 6. Debarment, Suspension and Other Responsibility Matters The undersigned Bidder certifies to the best of its knowledge and belief, that it and its principals: (a) Are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, and declared ineligible or voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by any Federal department or agency. (b) Have not, within a three-year period preceding this Bid, been convicted of, or had a civil judgment rendered against them for commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (Federal, State, or local) transaction or contract under a public transaction; violation of Federal or State antitrust statutes or falsification or destruction of records, making false statements, or receiving stolen property; (c) Are not presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a government entity (Federal, State, or local) with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in paragraph 6.b of this certification; and, (d) Have not, within a three-year period preceding this Bid, had one or more public transactions (Federal, State, or local) terminated for cause or default. Where the Bidder is unable to certify to any of the statements in this certification, such Bidder shall submit a written explanation to the City of Miami, Part IV; Certification —Trench Safety Act The undersigned Bidder, by virtue of signing the Bid Form, affirms that the Bidder is aware of the Trench Safety Act, and will comply with all applicable trench safety standards. Such assurance shall be legally binding on all persons employed by the Bidder and subcontractors. The Bidder is aiso obligated to identify the anticipated method and cost of compliance with the applicable trench safety standards. Bidder acknowledges that included in the various items of the Bid and in the total Bid price are costs for complying with the Florida Trench Safety Act. These items are a breakout of the respective items involving trenching and will not be paid separately. They are not to be confused with Bid items in the schedule of prices, nor be considered additional Work. 88 Downtown Miami Signage and Wayfinding ITB No.: 17-18-022 System - Project No.: B-30941 BID FORM (Page 7 of 9) The Bidder further identifies the costs and methods summarized below: Quantity Unit Description Unit Price Price Extended Method Total $ Attached is a Bid Bond [0], Cash [ ], Money Order [ ], Unconditional/Irrevocable Letter of Credit [ ], Treasurer's Check [ ], Bank Dfaft [ ], Cashier's Alrio eck [ ], Bid Bond Voucher [ ] or Certified Check [ ] No. Bank of ' V V for the sum of Dollars ($ The Bidder acknowledges this Bid and certifies to the above stated in Part III and IV, by signing and completing the spaces provided below. Firm's Name: Signature: 16 60eI4- Printed Name it#i�f e"t re 4- 1 �+ City/State/Zip:, $ Telephone No.: f � • 4 � Facsimile No.: �� E -Mail Address: jet 0 k4f Social Security No. or Federal, Dun and I.D.No.Bradstreet No.: - (if applicable) If a partnership, names and addresses of partners: 89 Downtown Miami Signage and Wayfinding ITB No.: 17-18-422 System - Project No.: B-30941 BID FORM (Page S of 9) CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY (IF CORPORATION) HEREBY 4E�tTIFY I that t a meeting of the Board of Directors of r. Ftp .1 , a corDoration organized and existing under the laws of the State of heldn-Ihe a of -VA _�; a r olution was uiy passed and adopted'authorizing (Name)S_ as (Title} ' YCi of the corporation to execute bids on beha ofithe corporation and providing that his/her execution thereof, attested by the secretary of the corporation,zhall be the official act and deed of the corporation. I further certify that said resolution remains in full force rfd effect. IN WITNES�W EOF, I have hereunto set my hand this day of 20_ff. Secretary: Print- CERTIFICATE rint CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY (IF PARTNERSHIP) I HEREBY CERTIFY that at a meeting of the Board of Directors of , a partnership organized and existing under the laws of the State of held on the _day of a resolution was duly passed and adopted authorizing (Name) as (Title) to execute Bids on behalf of the partnership and provides that his/her execution thereof, attested by a partner, shall be the official act and deed of the partnership. I further certify that said partnership agreement remains in ful) force and effect. Partner: Print: IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this day of , 20 CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY (IF JOINT VENTURE) ,Joint ventures must submit a joint venture agreement indicating that the person signing this Bid is authorized to sign Bid documents on behalf of the joint venture. If there is no joint venture agreement each member of the joint venture must sign the Bid and submit the appropriate Certificate of Authority (corporate, partnership, or individual). CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY (IF INDIVIDUAL) I HEREBY CERTIFY that, I (Name) individually and doing business as (d/b/a) (as applicable) have executed and am bound by the terms of the Bid to which this attestation is attached. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set ray hand this , day of 20 Signed: Print: Downtown Miami Signage and Wayfinding ITR No.: 17-18-022 System - Project No.: B-30941 BID FORM (Page 9 of 9) NOTARIZATION STATE OFA t ,� SS: COUNTYOFt\1,�,sAr_ tM ) A The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 2-� day of VJ 20 , by ' r who is personally known to me or who has produced as identification and who (did 1 did not) take an oath. SIGNATU , OF NOTARY PUBLIC STATE Of NIDA{�Y.;�c� �LYiiAIE►dA,�l Gamnassian # GG 165526 i Expke5 March 10, 2422 PRINTED, STAMPED OR TYPED NAME OF NOTARY PUBLIC 91 Downtown Miami Signage and Wayfinding ITIS No.: 17-18-022 System - Project No.: 3-30941 Section 5 - Attachments BID BOND FORM (Page 1 of 3) State of Fiorlda Ccunty of Mi'arri-Dade City of Miami Florida Engineering and Development Corp. KNOWN ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS, that as Principal, _ _._.___ B__erkley_Insyrance company __ as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Miami, in the penal sum of 5% of Amount aid Five Percent of Amount Bid Dollars ($ ) lawful money of the United States, for the payment of which Burn wett and truly to be made, we bind ourselves our heirs, executors, acirrinistrators and successors, jointly and severally, firm`.'y by these presents. THE. CONDI T IUM OF THIS OBLIGATION 1S SUCH, taut whereas the Pr,ncipal has subrnitted the accompanying Biel, date ._._..____ May 29ih , ?0 18 ,for: Dfl W1112inVi n Miami cgr nga -,)n t"aYfindinE, :Ystem — U -3094d NOV%' THEREFORE: (a) If the Principal shall not withdraw said Bid within cne hundred twelily (180) days after date of opening the same, and shall wi0i.in ten (1g) days after the prescribed forms are presented tc; him fo,- signature, enter into a written cclitract with the City, in accordance with the Bid as accepted, and give bond with good and sUfficiEmt Surety or SUreties, as may° be required. for the faitnfui performance and prop-urfulfillment of such contract; or, (b) In the event if the withdrawal of said Birt wit iii the period specified, cr the failure to enter into such contraLl and give such bond v,iti',in the tune specified. if the principal shall pay the City the difference b lween thr ,amount specified in sand Bid and the an1ount for w:)ich the City may Procure the fags€iced ''Work, and supplies, if the latter no nt e in excess of the fora er, then the above obligation shall be void and of no effeci, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. Q Downtown Miami Signage and Wayf'nding I-FI3 No.: 17-18-022 System - Project No.: B-30941 BID B0ND FORM (Page 2 o` 3) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the abeve bound parties have executed this irstru ;gent under their severel seals, this 01h..aY Of MaX— 20 18 the name and corporate sea! of each party being herein affixes} a, -id these presents ijuly signed by its undersigned representative, pursuant to authcriN, of its g.;verning body, WITNESS. (If Sole Ownarship, PE ;NGIPAL! Par4,nPrsh,p, or Joint Venture. two (2) Witnesses a;'e required If Corporation Secretary Cnly wil att -r a iix P Florida Engineering and Devefopment Corp. (Name'0 fir) �� _. �"S .✓ Affix - --.� ��.. � Seal ide of f, �i° .ariziact Q'iieer) (Title) As Per Attached Power of Attorney_ Surety Secretary ni _ __-- 'E2076 N W. 98th Avenue (,isiness Address) Hialeah Gardens, FL 33018 (" ity State Zip Suret'}/. Brkiey insurance Company_— (Corporate Sure`y) Affix J Seal (Signa,ure otAutharized Officer) Warren 11- Alter Attorne,L-In-I`act _ (Title) 475 Steamboat Road (BUsiness Address; Greenwich, CT 06830 City State Zip Downtown Miami Signage and Wayfinding ITB No.: 17.13-022 System - Project No.: B-30941 BID BOND FORM (Page 3 of 3) CERT{FICA TO COR;;.;ORATE PRINCIPAL :- t .c'Icertify i �efj at1 the Secrr?tanr of he Corpora'ion named- as I rincipai in tha withsn gond- that corpdjration, ' at i k 1o',v their signature, and the signature hereto is genuine; and !hat said bond w:,is d ned, scaled and attested: for and in behalf of said corporation by authority of its gove-r. dy. M, STATE OF FLORIDA, ) CC'UNTY OF MIAMI -DADS ) SS City OF ivllPNIJ ) (Corporate Sea!) Before me, a Notary Public duly commissioned, and qualified. personally appeared Warren M. Alter _ to lite well known., who being by me first duly sworn t-lpon oath, say/ that he:she is the attd? ney-ir)-fact,for the Berkley Insurance Company..__ and that he/she has been authorized by Them _ to execute the foregoing, bond or: behalf of the Contra,tor nar red therein in favor o; the City of Miami. Florida. Subscribed and sworn to before rre this 29th clay Of May __2018 . INSTRUCTIONS- Bid Bends Karol Kell must be. awcompanied by Ito =1orida at Large a Power of Attorney, in ARO , Notary Public stetoof PTarida compliance with K Karol Kelly IriStrUCtl©i1S ic3 Bidders ^� My Commission FF 164604 r 40. Expires 09130!2018 `-'Cmrr'iSSIC}n I=X :ireS' ptemb 0th 2018 l4 Downtown Miami Signage and Wayfinding ITB No.: 17-18-022 System - Project No-, B-30941 No. BX -7959a POWER OF ATTORNRY BERKLEY INSURANCE COMPANY WILMINGTON, DELAWARE NOTICE: The warning found elsewhere in this Power of Attorney affects the validity thereof Please review carefully. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that BERKLEY INSURANCE COMPANY (tire "Company"), a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of Delaware, having its principal office in Greenwich, CT, has made, constituted and appointed, and does by these presents make, constitute and appoint: Warren M. Alter; David T. Sadne, Dawn Auspitz,' or Jonathan Bursevich of infer Surety Group, .Inc. of Miami Lakes, FL its true and lawful Attorney -iii -Fact, to sign its name as surety only as delineated below and to execute, seal, acknowledge and deliver any and all bonds and undertakings, with the exception of Financial Guaranty Insurance, providing that no single obligation shall exceed Fifty Million and 001100 U.S. Dollars ([1.S.S50,000,000XI)), to the same extent as if such bonds had been duly executed and acknowledged by the regularly elected officers of the Company at its principal office in their own proper persons. This Power of Attorney shall be construed and enforced in accordance with, and governed by, the laws of the State of Delaware, without giving effect to the principles of conflicts of laws thereof. This Power of Attorney is granted pursuant to the following resolutions which were duly and validly adopted at a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company held on January 25, 2010: RESOLVED, that, with respect to the Surety business written. by Berkley Surety, the Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, President or any Vice President of the Company, in conjunction with the Secretary or any Assistant Secretary are hereby authorized to execute powers of attorney authorizing and rtualifyi.ug the attorney-in-fact reamed therein to execute bonds, undertakings, recognizances, or other suretyship obligations on behalf of the Company, and to affix the corporate seal of the Company to powers of attorney executed pursuant hereto; and said officers may remove any such attorney-in-fact and revoke any power of attorney previously granted; and further RESOLVED, that such power of attorney limits the acts of those named therein to the bonds, undertakings, recognizances, or other suretyship obligations specifically named therein, and they have no authority to bind the Company except in the Manner and to the extent therein stated; and further RESOLVER, that such power of attorney revokes all previous powers issued on behalf of the attorney-in-fact named; and further RESOLVED, that the signature of any authorized officer and the seal of the Company may be affixed by facsimile to any power of attorney or certification thereof authorizing the execution and delivery of any bond, undertaking, recognizance, or other suretyship obligation of the Company; and such signature and seal when so used shall have the same force and effect as though manually affixed. The Company may continue to use for the purposes herein stated the facsimile, signature of any person or persons who shall have been such officer or officers of the Company, notwithstanding the fact that they may have ceased to be such at the tinge when such instruments shall be issued. IN WITNESS WREREOF, the Coni fly has catrs d tl#ese preset#fs to. be signed and aticsted by its appropriate officers and its corperwe sv«l hereunto affixed this,-__ day of ,?��Oi/�----, A€`test; €3erkle Insurance Compari 1 'Seal' 13y f By Ira . Ledc . an Jef •e fter Executive Vice President & Secretary en o is essdent WARNING: THIS POWER INVALID IF NOTPRINTED ON BLUE "BERKLEY" SECURITY PAPER. STATE OF CONNECTICUT ) ss: COUNTY OF FAIRI+IELD ) Sworn [o before Arte, a Notary Public in the Siete (if Connecticut, #lrisr'7 day of NL164 zC172- ,.by ira S. Ixdennan i.` and Jerfrey M. I-lafter who are sworn to me to be the ExcCutive Vice Pre '.dei t and `secretary, n the Set�tar' Vice president, respectively, of Berkley Insurance CompagASIA C. RUNDBAI(EN 1 rs NOTARY PU13LIC i ,� MY COMMISSION EXPIRESotary Pubiic, State cif Connecticut APRIL 34, 2019 . CERTI ICATF n I, the undersigned, Assistant Secretary of BERKLEY INSURANCE COMPANY, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true, correct ,,and complete copy of the original Power of Attorney; that said Power of Attorney has not been revoked or rescinded and that the authority of the Attorney -in -Fact set north therein, who executed the bond or undertaking to which this Power of Attorney is attached, is in full force and effect as of this dzta. -liven under my hard and seal of the Company, this 29thday of _ May, 2018 (Seal) Vincent . Forte SUPPLEMENT TO BID FORM: QUESTIONNAIRE This Completed Form Most Be Submitted With The Bid. The City May, At Its Sole Discretion, Require That The Bidder Submit Additional Information Not Included In The Submitted Farm, Such Information Must Be Submitted Within Seven (7) Calendar Days Of The City's Request. Failure To Submit The Form Or Additional Information Upon Request By The City Shall Result In The Rejection Of The Bid As Non -Responsive. Additional Pages May Be Used Following The Same Fermat And Numbering, By submitting its Bid, the Bidder certifies the truth and accuracy of all information contained herein. A. Business Information 1. How many years has Bidder been in business under its current name and ownership? 1 a. Professional Licenses/Certifications (include name and number)* Issuance Date TJ OT ("include active certifications of small or disadvantage business & name or certifyng entity) b. Date Bidder was licensed by State of Florida, Dept, Of Professional Regulation: c. Qualified Business License: P/Yesi] No If Yes, Date Issued: t d. Identify Bidder's primary business? , d i1��m V,� , "." {This answer should be specific. For example; pavin ,drainage, schools, interior renovations, etc.} e. Name of Bidder's Qualifier, license number,and relationship to company, �'"�� � _ _JUi /� ( o i/5 51 o f. Names of previous Bidder Qualifiers during the past five (5) years including, license numbers, relationship to Bidder and years serving as qualifier. Name and Licenses of any prior Bidder companies. Name of Company License No, Issuance Date 3. Type of ompany: arporation ❑"S" Corporation ElLLC )Sole ProprietorshipE]Other: (Corporations will be required to provide a copy of their corporate resolution prior to executing a contract) 95 Downtown Miami Signage and Wayfinding ITB No,: 17-18-022 System - Project No.: B-30941 KICK !z;C;U 1 1, (3UV--IXNUK �110ENSE:►+�ili�B�R KEN LAi/+l`SON, SECRETARY STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY LICENSING BOARD I Me UENLHAL UUN I HAU [ UR Named below IS CERTIFIED Under the provisions of Chapter 4B9 FS Expiration date: AUG 31, 2018 VEGA, JOSE ANTONIO FLORIDA ENGINEERfNG AND DEVELOPMENT CORP 7950 SW 78TH ST MIAMI FL 33143 ISSUED: 08/11/20'6 DISPLAY AS REQUIRED BYLAW MW 5EQ # 1.16[)8110002644 S T IATE OF LORMA DE.PARTPj1 �' i OF BUSINESS Ail -,!D PROFESSIONAL IREGUL.A T 1O CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY LICENSING BOARD 2601 BLAIR STONE ROAD TALLAHASSEE FL 32399-0783 VEGA, JOSE ANTONIO FLORIDA ENGIN EERINGAND DEVELOPMENT CORP 1207E NW 98TH AVENUE HIALEAH GARDENS FL 33018 Congratulations! With this license you become one of the nearly one million Floridians licensed by the Department of Business and Professional Regulation. Our professionals and businesses range from architects to yacht brokers, from boxers to barbeque restaurants, and they keep Florida's economy strong. Every day we work to improve the way we do business in order to serve you better. For information about our services, please log onto www.myfloridalicerse.com. There you can find more information about our divisions and the regulations that impact you, subscribe to department newsletters and learn more about the Department's initiatives. Our mission at the Department is: License Efficiently, Regulate Fairly We constantly strive to serve you better so that you can serve your customers. Thank you for doing business in Florida, and congratulations on your new license! (850) 487--1395 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION CGC045310 ISSUED: 08/11/2016 CERTIFIED GENERALCONTRAGTOR VEGA, JOSE ANTONIO FLORIDA ENGINEERING AND DEVELOPMEN IS CERTIFIED under the provisions of Cts -483 F5. Expiration dale - AUG 31, 2018 r160ca" =21544 FDOT Florida Department of Transportation RICK SCOTT 605 Suwannee Street GOVERNOR Tallahassee, FL 32399-0450 April 26, 2018 FLORIDA ENGINEERING i DEVELOPM%MT CORP 12076 NO 98TH AVE HIALEAH GARDENS, 1 ORIDA 33GIO RE: CERTIFICATE OF QUALIFICATION Dear sir/Madam; NUKE DENV SECRETARY The Department of transportation has qualified your cojiroany for the ;7pe of work indicated relow. Unless your company is notified ctherw�se, this certificate of Qualification will expire 6/30/2019. however., the new appiicatio:: is doe 4/30/2019. in accordance with 5,337,14 (I) F.S. your next application must be filed within (4) months of the ending date of the applicant's audited annual financial statements. If your company's maximum capacity has been revised, you can access it by logging into the Contractor Pxequalification Application System via the following link; wp dot. HTTPS : %/fdot 1 . do. „ _ ,,,......,_ Once logged in, select ''View'' for the most recently approved application, and then click the "Manage" and "Application Summary" tabs. FDOT APPROVED WORK CLASSES: DRAINAGE, FENCING, GRADING, SIJASSING, SEEDING AND SQDDIWG, ROADWAY SIGNTNG, SIDEWALK, Water Main You may apply f017 a Revised Certif_ca_e of Qualification at any time prior to the expiration date of this certificate according to Section 14-22.041(3), Florida Administrative Code (F•A•C.), by accessing your most recently approved appiicat=on as shown alio7e and choosing "Update" instead of "View," If certification in acdi.tional classes of work is desired, documentation is needed to show that your company has done such work with your otrn .forces and equipment or that experience was gained with: another contract," and that you have the necessary equipment for each adcitionaL class of work regi.ested. All pregaalifiea contractors are required by Se.ctign. 14-22.006(3), F.A.C., to certify their_work Underway monthly in order to adjust maximun, bidding capacity to avai-fable bidding capacity. Yo;; can find the .link to this report at the website shown above. AA:ci Sincereiy, Alan Autry, 14 :ager Contracts A� :: inistratio n Office w Vv0dot.gov QUALIFYiNGTRADRm +e GENERA ENGINEERING 4, Company Ownership a. Identify all owners of the company Name Title % of ownership ASG� d�C=b7r i� t b. Is any owner identified above an owner of another company? ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, identify the name of the owner, other company names, and % ownership for each A c. Identify all individuals authorized to sign for the Bidder's company, indicating the level of their authority ( check applicable boxes and for other provide specific levels of authority) Name Title Signatory Authority All Cost No -Cost Other ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ff ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Explaination for Other: p f (Note: "All" refers to any type of d cument including but not limited to contracts, amendment, change proposal requests (CPR), change orders (CO), notices, claims, disputes, etc. "Cost' refers to CPRs, COs. No -cost refers to RFIs, Notices, and other similar documents). 5. Employee Information Total No. of Employees: )20 Number of Managerial/Admin. Employees: Number of Trades Personnel and total number per classification: (Apprentices must be lis)el separately for each classification) 5 How many employees are working under H213 visas? _A1 96 Downtown Miami Signage and Wayfinding ITB No.: 17-18-022 System - Project No.: B-30341 6. Has any Owner or employee of the Bidder ever been convicted of a federal offense or moral turpitude? If yes, please explain: 7. Insurance & Bond Information # / a. Insurance Carrier name and address f1 `1� i l t° if 01 r b. Insurance Contact Name, telephone; and e-mail.: ,�-.x"03 -�,I V- �VA; {� �> .t'(5� - c. Insurance Experience Modification Rating (EMR): (€f no EMR rating please explain why) d. Number of insurance claims paid out by Bidder in Past 5 years and value of each.- c. ach:e. Bond Carrier name and address: f sioet6 C f. Bond Carrier Contact Name, telephone, and/e-mail: GE-�i? g. Number of Bond Claims paid out by Bidder in Past 5 years and value.- 8. alue: 8. Have any claims lawsuits been file against Bidder in the past 5 years? If yes, identify all where Bidder has either settled or an adverse judgment has been issued against Bidder. Identify the year basis for the claim or judgment and settlement unless the value of the settlement is covered by a written confidentiality agreement. wall 9. To the best of Bidder's knowledge, is Bidder or any officers of Bidder currently under investigation by any law enforcement agency or public entity? If yes, provide details.- 10. etails: 16. Has Bidder been assessed liquidated damages or defaulted on a project in the past five (5) years? ❑ Yes M-N_o-(If yes, provide an attachment that provides an explanation of the project and an explanation). 11. Has Bidder been cited for any OSHA violations in the past five (5) years? If yes, please provide an attachment including all details on each citation. A 97 Downtown Miami Signage and Wayfinding ITB No.: 17-18-022 System - Project No.: B-30941 12. Provide an attachment listin E of the equipment, with a value of $5,000 or greater, owned by the Bidder, u A��`G a B. Project Management and Subcontract Details Project Manager for this Project: a. Name: Wi4� O*JsJik b. Years with Company 0 Licenses/Certifications: d. Last 3 projects with the company.i 2. Subcontractors: Name .eal IA";)f uding ole ,cope of work, and value of project: _cL NU J, Trade % of Werk License No n 4 6)V, P U Certification* (`active certifications of small or disadvantage business and name of certifying entity) Haw many Subcontractor employees are working under H2B visas? ,,/6-' Scope of physical construction labor to be seff-performed by Bidder and the corresponding percentage of the Work: (This does not include such items as insurance bonds, du npsters, trailers, and other similar non -construction work items] I /toy- -�4 , , C. Current and Prior Experience: Detail current experience, including Projects currently under construction, recently awarded, or pending award. Provide an attachment to this Questionnaire that lists all such Projects, including the owner's name, title and value of project, scope of work, projected or actual start date, projected c mple�o daatt , a number of company trades personnel assigned to the Project). /,� Prior Projects of a similar size, scope. Provide an attachment to this Questionnaire that includes completed Projects the Bidder considers of a similar, size, scope and complexity that the City should consider in determining the Bidder's responsiveness and responsibility. (This attachment must include the Project that meets the minimum number 98 Downtown Miami Signage and Wayfinding ITB No.: 17-18-022 System - Project No.: B-30941 Florida Engineering & Development corp. 12076 NW 98th Ave. Hialeah Gardens Fl. 33018 Equipment List Responsible: Christy Date: 10/18/2017 CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT ITEM Pur.Date Memo EXCAVATOR Make - Model Year Hours Serial Number Equipt. No, CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT 6/15/201.3 Excavator John Deere 20OD-LC 2011 1FF200DXJBD513517 E15 9/26/2013 Excavator Case CX210// Warranty 2011 1900 NBSAH3662 E17 2/20/2014 Excavator John Deere 120 2006 2685 FF120CX035898 E18 5/9/2014 Excavator John Deere 350 2008 6085 FF350DX806296 E19 8/1/2014 Excavator Hitachi 350 2008 1105 FFOOASP920211 F21 8/20/2014 Excavator John Deere 350 2012 2167 1FF350GXTCE808707 E22 10/23/2014 Excavator John Deere 120 2007 4692 FF120CX036483 E23 12/10/2014 Excavator John Deere 350G -LC 2012 2375 1FF350GXJCE808713 E25 12/31/2014 Excavator Case CX 225 2007 4985 DAC251361 E26 8/16/2016 Excavator John Deere 200D LC 2011 3876 1FF200DXTBD512783 E30 MINI EXCAVATOR 8/29/2013 Mini Excavator Case CX25 2006 DFE0001379 E16 5/15/2014 Mini Excavator Komatsu PC 50 MR -2 2004 3587 K5148 E20 10/28/2014 Mini Excavator John Deere 85D 2011 2419 1FF085DXJA0016339 E24 5/21/2015 Mini Excavator Bobcat E-50 2010 2207 AG3N11107 E27 8/13/2015 Mini Excavator Bobcat F-35 2013 1105 A93K16972 E28 10/22/2015 Mini Excavator Bobcat325G 2011 481 AAC513507 E29 8/1.6/201.7 Compact Excavator E35 25 HP ZTS Bobcat Compact 2017. 0 B3Y211169 E31 BACKHOE 12/11/2007 Backhoe John Deere 31OG 2004 310GX931245 812 2/18/2013 Backhoe JD 41OG 4x4 Quick Cpl Forks 2004 2987 T0410GX92XXXX B14 8/15/2013 Backhoe JD 310g 4X4 Extended Hoe 2004 T0310GX939368 B15 2/14/2014 Backhoe JD 3101 4x4 Backhoe 2010 1159 1T0310JXLA0190668 B16 5/15/2014 Backhoe John Deere41OG 4x4 2006 3409 T0410GX955883 B17 DOZER 12/11/2007 Dozer John Deere 650H 2002 907495 D12 2/21/2014 Dozer John Deere 450H 2010 4526 1T0450JXAA0184392 D13 8/16/2016 Dozer John Deere 650J LGB 2011 3865 1TO650JXCBD203295 D14 2/27/2017 Dozer John Deere 6501 XLT Crawler Tr, 2011 2810 1TO650JXAA0192.467 D15 LOADER 6/22/1999 Wheel Loader John Deere 544G 1994 544E SN 546647 L11 10/9/2007 Wheel Loader John Deere 544H 1999 544H SN 571195 L12 8/7/2008 Wheel Loader John Deere 544J 2005 544j 2.599483 L13 10/24/2013 Wheel Loader John Deere 544H 2003 DW541HX589008 L14 5/15/2014 Wheel Loader John Deere 544H 2001 9711 DWS54HX578856 L15 10/31/2014 Whee{Loader Case 621E 2012 1165 NBF211402 L16 2/16/2015 Wheel Loader John Deere 544 2012 1DWS44KZCBD641628 L17 5/31/0016 Wheel Loader John Deere 644K 2010 5255 DW644KZ627162 L18 1/27/2017 Wheel Loader John Deere 624K 2015 IDW624KZPFF668268 L19 ROLLER 10/9/2007 Roller Bomag BW 124 2000 109A21902212 R602 12/10/2009 Asphalt Roller Dynapac 2004 60212837 R603 10/20/2014 Roller Bomag BW 211D-50 2014 901583531.157 R604 8/13/2013 Roller Bornag BW135AD 2005 101650121671 R605 10/27/2015 Roller Ingersoll-Rand DD29 Tandem Rc 2007 469 194360 R606 2127/2017 Roller Bomag BH213DH-40 2011 1653 901582561140 8607 Grader 8/7/2008 Grader Chanpion 710A 1996 2847 X025759 G701 10/4/2005 Grader Champion C50A 2000 200900 G702 SKID STEER 2/18/2013 Skid Steer Bobcat T300 High Flow MT 2007 2088 53201xxxx SS803 8/15/2013 Skid Steer Bobcat T250 Mufti Terrain 2006 531811529 SS804 2/15/2016 Skid Steer Bobcat 5175 2010 A31_535925 55806 Skid Steer Bobcat T550 Compact Track Loa 2017 ALJG22615 SS807 Forklift Trencher 12/10/2009 Forklift 3/11/2011 Trencher Clark GPX711-0029-9330 FL11 PICKUP TRUCKS Dump Truck T/ax Peterbilt 1994 1XPFD69X3RN364566 DT102 9/22/2009 10/14/20.14 Pick Up F-150 1x4 2014 DT101 1FTFW1ET2EFB44008 PU11 12/10/2008 Pick up Ford F-150 2005 2/18/2013 1FTRF12XXXX55828 PU13 12/10/2008 Pick up Ford F-150 2004 Dump TruckT/ax lftrf12w04nc46312 PU14 2/19/2005 Pick Up Ford F-150 2005 Peterbilt IFTRX12W55FA66557 PU15 8/16/2011 Pick Up Chevy Silverado 2007 1GCEC19X57Z102502 PU16 7/2/2007 Pick Up NISSAN TITAN 2006 1NGBA07A7GN535372 PU18 10/24/2013 Pick Up Ford F-150 XL 2008 1FTPF12V58KC51785 PU19 10/24/2013 Pick Up Ford F-150 XL Extended Cab 2007 1FTPX12517KD36828 PU20 5/15/2014 Pick Up Ford F-150 XLExt Cab 44 2008 108740 IFTRF14V28KE55823 PU21 11/7/2014 Pick Up FORD F-150 2014 1FTEW1CM2EFB94673 PU22 4/2/2015 Pick Up Ford F-150 2006 1FTRF12216NA01843 PU23 5/21/2015 Pick Up Ford F-250 XL Crew Cab 2008 54883 1FTSW21528EA08175 PU24 5/21/2015 Pick Up Ford F-150 XL Extended Cab 2007 69193 1FTRF12WX7NA47871 PU25 2/16/2016 Pick Up Ford F250 XL Extended Cap 2008 130669 IFTNX20598EA16754 PU27 2/15/2016 Pick Up Ford Ranger Extended Cab 2010 98499 IFTKRlEDIAPA45151 PU29 Pick Up Ford F150 2016 IFTEXICSXGFA20210 PU29 5/31/2016 Pick Up GMC - Sierra 1500 2016 1GTRlLEHXGZ208428 PU30 7/26/2017 Pick Up Chevrolet Silverado 1500 2017 1GCNCNEHlHZ233949 PU31 7/26/2017 Pick Up Chevrolet Silverado 1501 2017 IGCNCNEH4HZ234030 PU32 DUMP TRUCKS 1.2/10/2009 Dump Truck T/ax Peterbilt 1994 1XPFD69X3RN364566 DT102 9/22/2009 Dump Truck T/ax Inernational 1994 2HSFLAHN2RC088439 DT101 9/21/2012 Dump Truck T/ax Ford L9000 1995 .273261 IFDYU90TXSVA71987 DT103 2/18/2013 Dump Truck T/ax Sterling A9500 1999 453705 2FZXKPYBXXAB©3082 DT104 8/29/2013 Dump TruckT/ax Mack RD690S 1999 IM2P264C6XM027315 DT105 6/2/2014 Dump TruckT/ax Peterbilt 1998 484918 1NPAXAOXOWN470665 DT106 FUEL TRUCK 9/30/2015 International Truck 4400 2009 IHTMKAAN99HO49193 FT22 TRAILERS -LOWBOY 4/20/2005 Tag Along Trailer Interstate 1998 1JK0DTI8XWA000104 TL11 2/21./2006 Lowboy Roger 1987 1RBH46309HAS20621 TI 9/21/2012 Fiat Bed Trailer Hiboy 44 x 96 T/A 2003 1UYF524583AO77401 -12 TI 5/16/2013 Lowboy FontaineTB50NGB 1996 4LF4S4838T2504760 -13 TI 6/5/2015 Trailer Utility Trailer 2015 4YMUL1012FG028998 -14 TI -15 FLAT BED TRUCKS 5/16/2013 Flat Bed M6500 Sterling 2002 2FZAAHAL22A168743 FB21 12/23/2010 International Truck 4700 2001 1HTSCAANXlHZ86414 -T2-1FB22 5/25/2016 Flat Bed Truck Peterbilt 2004 455626 2npnhd7x44m817952 FB23 SERVICE TRUCKS 12/13/2006 5ervice Truck Ford F-550 (Out of Service) V94786 MT11 5/27/2008 Service Pick up Ford F-450 2002 1FDXF47F02ED40331 MT12 8/15/2013 Service Truck F-550 XL 2007 1FDAF56P17EB26347 MT13 8/14/2014 Ser Ford F550 XL Crew Cab Mechan 2004 IFDAW56P54EC571269 MT14 5/25/2016 Service Truck F450XL 2005 196004 IFDX46P35EB48688 MT15 Water Truck 5/27/2008 Water Truck International 1992 IHSHEA7N5NH426892 WT11 10/22/2015 Water Truck International - 4200 2006 37754 1HTMPAFP96H344575 WT12 Sweeper 12/10/2009 Sweeper Attachment Bobcat 8/15/2013 Case DX45 4x4 Broorr Case Trucks -Tactor 2004 10/27/2010 2001 Freight Liner Trt Low Boy Truck 2001 12/23/2004 International Truck Tractor 1990 Mack Truck Tractor 2000 Vac Truck 12/6/2016 Vac Truck International 2554 T/A Hydro Vt 1998 SP11 HBA01.8128 SP12 1FUJAHCG71PF97449 TT11 2HSFEG2RSLC031324 TT12 TT13 1HTGCAAT4WH503516 VT11 OMAR A. MEDINA 4138 SAPPHIRETERRACE Weston FL 33332. Home (954) 3840577 Cell (954) 297 1148 Email omarm26@hotmail.com EDUCATION Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering-- Universidad de la Salle Colombia, 1996 Seminar for updates in sewage system design- Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, 1996 FDOT Course Maintenance of Traffic - Miramar Florida, 2003 Primavera Expedition - Schedule - Miami Florida, 2006 General Engineering License Active. SUMMARY Mr. Medina has over 22 years experience in the fields of Engineering and Project /Construction Management. His career has been focused in the construction sector and municipal design. His background includes Construction Management, inspections, design and construction of pipelines, drainage, pump stations and highways. He has excellent organizational and works well with others. Mr. Medina's project experience and technical expertise includesthe following: EXPERIENCE Florida Engineering and Development Corp. March 2008 to Present Vice President managed the following Projects: Aviation Project City of Opalocka Include: Drainage System, Water Systems, Sewer System, Force Main System, FPL Ducts, AT&T Ducts, Signalization System, concrete sidewalks, Asphalts Roadways, Work inspected by FDQT, DADE County, WASD, DERM. • Building Expansion 3505 Warehouse at city of Doral the work include: Building pad, water main, sewer main, Drainage System, Asphalts, concretes, etc. South Side Elementary site contractors the work include: mass excavation for underground parking lot, Well Drainage, Drainage collection system, ejector pump, water system, sewer system, asphalts, concretes, etc. AM Engineering_ Contractors January 2007 to Match 2008 Vice President managed the following projects: Ferguson High School, Site contractors the work include: Demolition, Building Pad, water system, sewer system, Drainage system, special sidewalks for schools, etc Leewood Elementary School, Site contractors the work include: Demolition, Building Pad, water system, sewer system, Drainage system, special sidewalks for schools, etc. • Mary Brickell Village Project Include five (5) Lift stations, drainage systems, sewer systems, concretes and asphalt restoration. Petro Hydro Inc„ Miami, FL Ma„y„1999 to Sentember2007 Project Manager responsible for profitably .managing all administrative and field construction activities include preparing procedures and/or job progress reports monitoring job cost & work status, preparing projects safety, maintaining a working relationship with publics works, owners, architects, vendors, subcontractors, creating project schedules and change orders management. He exercises considerable independent judgment in the application of the principles and practices of planning, design, construction and administration of a variety of construction projects. As Project Manager, Mr. Medina has been responsible for managing and requisitioning over $800,000 monthly. He has been instrumental with negotiating subcontractor contracts and maintaining relationships with city, county and governmental officials. His responsibilities include the mentoring of several site project engineers and managing several construction crews with a minimum production of $500,000 monthly. He is responsible for scheduling projects from their inception to final close out. Managing work orders and staying on track with schedules and budgets as well as conduct on-site client and team meetings. Mr, Medina's project technical expertise includes the following: • lardack Construction, Shakiil Investment Center Drainage, Paving, and Water system. • City of Fort Lauderdale, Progresso Project, Sanitary sewer, water mains, drainage syste m. • Broward County, Broward Gardens, Sanitary Sewer, Lift Station. Improvements, • Town of Medley. Roadway Restorations, Drainage, Sidewalks. • FOOT Push Bottoms. Asphalt, Milling, Drainage, Sidewalks. • FOOT NE 5 AVE. Drainage System and Asphalt Roadway over 1.5 miles, • FOOT AJA. Asphalt. Roadway over 2.0 miles, special sidewalks and stamp crosswalk city of Miami Beach. • City of Palmetto Bay, Drainage Improvements. • City of Coral Springs. Water mains improvement. • City of South Miami. • Miami Dade County, PTP People Transportation Plan. • City of Miami Road Rehabilitation Project. FEMMA SW 147 Ave and 88 Street. • City of Lauderhill Culvert Replacement Project, DERM Storm water improvement Project. Project Estimator responsible for completing estimated for construction projects including quantity of materials, pricing, budgeting, value analysis, prepare square foot estimates, detail conceptual estimated, working drawing estimates, proposal/bid or GPM estimates, systems comparisons, historical cost reports, and value engineering alternatives. Dade County, Palm beach County, FOOT projects, Broward County, City of Miami, City of Lauderhill, City of Miami Beach, City of South Miami, City of West Palm Beach, Omar Medina (Various) - Colombia. May 1997--- February 1999 Construction Management and Resident Engineer responsible for coordination of the design consultant and construction contractor, administration of change orders, claims, clarifications, inspections, pay request, general documentation and shop drawings review. Construction projects include force main, raw water transmissions mains, pavement and sidewalk restoration. Expansion of the Water Treatment Plant including flocculation/sedimentation basins, deep bed anthracite filters, clear -well tank, water intake and pump station rehabilitation. Projects also include the construction of a Tourist Pier located at the town of Puerto las Guamos, Responsible for civil/mechanical design, construction drawings using CAD, cost estimate analysis and summary of bill of materials. Projects include force main design, drainage design, water and wastewater facilities for the city of Riohacha - Colombia, pump station design for the City of Valledupar - Colombia, Master Plan design for the City of El Banco Magdalena - Colombia. Computer Aided Design (CAD): Microstation } Autocad Corel Draw Presentation Graphics) Other Computer Software Used. Used: Primavera Contractor Primavera Expedition Outlook. Microsoft Project (Scheduling) Primavera Contractor (Scheduling) Microsoft Excel (Spreadsheet) Microsoft Word (Word Processing) Microsoft PowerPoint (Presentation) Windows INT (Operating System @ Administrator level) -o oFYwGTRADE(S em! GENERAL ENGiNEERING m d J � RE m©mr®� . , . .,,. .. .a.. . . , � Florida Engineering & Development Corp, 12076 NW 98th Ave. HialeahGardens fl, 33016 Schedule of Projects in Progress TDTAIL $ 7,617,608.42 Contract Percentage Work on Completion Job Name Amount com Leta Nand Date Name and Address of Owner Name and Address of En (neer NW 44th Street Bicycle Lane 5 2,750,453.00 90% 275,045.30 3(912018 City of Sunr€se / Me hon Kaufald / 954 8886070 Jose h Roles & Ass: Josep Roles /954 582 i945 Roadway Imp. At NE 16 Ave, from NE 123 St, to 135 St. $ 4,221,348.00 40% 21532,808,60 3130/ZO16 Kam?. Dade County / NOMA ApaRmenYs Site Development $ 1,300,000,00 70% 330,000,00 12/30/2018 Cw,54 Construction/ban Rodri uez/30555949009gtek Alvarez Engineers Inc., Ena Hernandez /305 640 1345 Tower 10 & Parking Garage 3 Site Ceveiopment $ 845,000.00 30% 591,500.00 10130/2018 Gomez Construction / Eduardo Gomez / 305 662 7660 Thurlow Engineering/9545680688 NE 14th Avenue Roadway & Streetscape Imp. $ 1,267,823.00. 80% 257,564.60 10131120]8 City of Hallandale Reach / / Ludoyicci & Crange,Andrew Adams/305 448 1600 NW 64th Avenue Complete 5 1,672,653.60 2%1 1,639,396.72 12/26/2018 Ck of Sunrise / Me han Kaufold / 954 888 6070 Craven -Thompson Ass. Matthew Cigale /954739 6409 South Motors Infinity $ 216,OW.00 20% 172,800.00 x St€les Construction / Robert Dowd /805 450 1217 Kimley- Horn, Stefano E. Viola /9545355116 NelgfabprhppC Read Program District 1, Year 1 $ 901,000.00 SI)%I 450,500,00 1 5131/201 91 Clty of Lake Worth / Gary Gruber 1561 722 9185 Camera &. Ass., Jorg9 Camera 1305 665 7602 Downtown Water Main Replacement $ 1,367,993.00 0% 3,367,993.00 x Tory of Lake Worrh Mock-Ross,Dennls Thomas 1561 683 3113 Craven -Thompson Ass.,Marthe.w Clgale /954 739 6409 TDTAIL $ 7,617,608.42 of projects identified by the Bid solicitation. Information provided must include the owner's name, address and contact person, including telephone and e-mail, title of Project, location of Project, scope, initial value and final cost of the project, projected and final timeframes for completion in calendar days, and the number of company trades personnel, by classification, that were assigned to the Project. The delivery method, including, but not limited to; design -build, CM at Risk, Design -Bid -Build, etc., is to be identified for each Project. If there is a difference between the initial and final cast or initial and actual timeframe provide details on why the differences exist, A form reference fetter for each reference project (found on the following page), is to be comp) ted by the owner of the Project and submitted as part of the Bid submission. D. Bidder's References lu- h VP_6vul Bidders are to include a minimum of the three (3) references from completed Projects listed in C.2 above. The attached form reference letter on page 100 must be used and is to be included with the Bid submission. The City, at its sole discretion may allow the Bidder to submit the references after the specified date for 13,io submission, 1 99 Downtown Miami Signage and Wayfinding ITB No,, 17-18-022 System - Project No.: B-30941 Florida Engineering & Cleaelopment Corp. 12075 NW 98th Ave. Hialeah Gardens f1. 33018 Schedule of Major Projects Completed Contract Percentage Completion ------- Job Name SW 40kh Avenue From SW 41st St. To SA 824 $ Amount 1,SOC,000.DO Complete 10056 Date Name and Address of Owner 2/23/201B City of WestPark, Gregg Perry /786 2513291... Name and Address of Engineer Off lease Only -North Lauderdale $ 4,700,000mOD 1.00% 10/31,/2017 HF Consulting Group / Al Hernandez / 30S 796 3669 Engineering, Jose Otero /305 670 23.50 Solltaar Brickell $ 1,7?0,389.00 1.00% ._.... 10/30/2017 Balfour Beatty/Nick Kreup / 954 5135 4324--_.,...,_�. VHS, Jaime lvua /407 982 44%8 Prive Island at Aventura $ 2.450,000.00 1.00% 13/15/2017 Suffolk Construction/Jorge Orobitg /78s 804 4416 Kimley - Harn,.lutio Collier / 954 535 5118 Thomas Checca, PE /954 344_66_60. NW 66th Street Roadway Construe ion $ 1,183,000.00 100% 6/30/2017 City of Dora:./Carlos Arroyo/305 593 6740 Ext. 6009 Kimley-lforn Cuba$ /954 581 194S NW .174th Street Roadway Reconstruction $ 3,800,000.00 10016 2/30/2017 City cfSunr-y Isles Beach/Elks Linton/ 305 79'2. 1939 ,Luis Graig-9mlth•Orlendo Rubin /56133.4 4445 Biscayne Beach $ 2,238,349.00 100% 2/30/2017 Plane CansiructFDn/Rubin lanes178fi 8664578 I ANGAN/ 786 264 7200 NW 541h Street 16" DIP Force Main $ 775,601.04 IOD% 11/30/2016 City of Dora':/ Ccdhna Partners/Gus Mingue'z/305 302 1898 1 udovicci & Orange/Andrew Adams/305 448 1.600 Fendi Chateau $ 2,943,713.00 l0O% 1.1/1S/2016 Coastal Construrlion/Luis Hidalgo/305 397 8408 V5N Engineers, Rudy Vargas/ 305 5516267 Porsche Tower $ 1,000,000.00 100% 11./20/2016 Coastal Construction/Ken Andersen/ Fortin, Leavy, Skiles, Inc. Engineers/ 305 653 4493 15 W Star island $ 420,000.00 1 .1.00% 10/30/2016 Coastal Construction, Blake Murphy 1954 658.4271 CES Engineers, Richard BDchnovich/ 305 378 5555_ Downtown Doral - Infrastructure Phase 11 $ 3 ,540,000.00 .3D0'/ 7/30/7616 City of Doral/ Codlna Partners/Gus Minguez/305 569 2222 Ludovicd & Orange/Andrew Adams/305448 1600 The Bond $ 1,203,058 DO 1D0% 6/30/2616 RileaGroup, 'Toney Hey/ 3057752685 VSN Fngineers,RudyVargas/3055516267 Underground Utilities = 14th & 10th Street/MB $ 1,90Q,0o6.60 209% 3/30/7016 Bergeron Land Deveiopment/Brian Laodis / 954 6206160 Greenman-Pedersen,Phillip Newsome / 3.52 368 5OG3 West Lakes A Drainage Basin Im ro. Phase II $ 686,658,00 100% 12/2D/2015 Town of Miami Lakes Kimley- Horn, Gary Ratey / 954 535 5100 SkyRise - Utilities Relocation $ 1,500,000.00 100% 12/1/2015 Coastal Construction/Jeremy Bedor/305 5594900 5chewebke-5hiskin & Ass, /305 652 7010 Downtown Doral - BuOdings & Retails $ 1,050,004.00 100% 12/1/2015 City of Doral/ Codina Partners/Gus Mingaaez/305 569 2.222. ludovicci & Orange/Andrew Adams/305 448 16DO AVE Bulding " J " $ 1,640,000.00 100% 8115/2015 AVE, Ablation and Commerce Center/ Al Hernandez 3D5 796 3669 v5N Engineers, Rudy Vargas/ 305 5516267 AVE. Bulding " EF " $ 1,S80,DU0.00 100% 11/15/20.15 AVE, Aviation and Commerce Center/ AI Hernandez 30S 796 3669 VSN Engineers,. Rudy Vargas/ 305 5516267 Aqualina Tower $ 1,400,000,00 100% 8/30/2015 Coastal Construction/Sal Reale/561630 3770 Thomas Checca, PE / 954 344 6664 Chateau Condominum S 950,000.00 100% 8/30/2015 Coastal Construction/Luis Hidalgo/305 5594900 VSN Engineers, Rudy Vargas/ 305 551 6267 NW lath Street Health District $ 1,085,852.00 100% 12/30/2014 City of Miami, David Adato / 305 416 1B90 TY Lin, Jose Nessl 786 2582.951 Oceana- Key Biscayne $ 4,200,D00.00 .100% 8/1/2014 Coastal Construction, John Mills / 954 732 6658 VSN Engineers, Rudy Var as/ 305 5516257 Oasis on the Bay $ 1,200,000.OD IOU% 12/19/2014 Coastal Constructipn, Tim Sterling/30S S59 4900 Cohen, Freedman, E:ncirose & Ass. /305 826 3999 SW 56th Avenue 5treetscape $ 1,839,004.00 1004E 8/15/2014 City of West Park, Gre Perry /786 2519291 Palm Engineering Group, Inc. Gregg Perry/ 786 2519291 Alley Improvements Project $ 21.8,OD0.00 100% 6115/101.3 C!ty of North Miami Beach, Jose Casio / 305 948 7980 ( 7995 I Chen & Associates, Michael Buick / 785 497 1500 Road work - Milan der Center $ 250,000.00 100% 3/15/2013 City of Hialeah, Vicente Rodriguez / 305 687 2620 Aylward Engineering,/ 954 424 5852 Contract on Roadway Paving & Drainage $ 4DO,DOO.00 100% 2/15/2013 Town of Southwest Ranches 1 Willie Nabon /954 343 7444 City Engineer/ Willie Nabong /954 343 7444 Utilities Improvement -Rai Harbour $ 260,000.00 100% 612012013 Consultatio Related, Gabriela Toledo / 3D5 36S 0653 VSN Engineers, Rudy Vargas/.305 .551 6267 NW 1st Ave.& NW 14th St. Roadway Imp. $ 576,ODO.DO 100% 1.1/30/2.01,2 City of Florida City, Pedro Gonzalez / 305 598 0197 Raljet Enviromertal, Pedro Gonzalez / 305 598 0199 The Palace at Coral Gables $ 1,100,004,00 100% 6/1/201.?.. Coastal Construction, Luis Hidalgo /3135 559 4500 5chwebke-5hiskin &Ass., Luis Leon/ 30:652 7010 tiviable Neighborhood Emp. -Vista Verde $ 638,000.00 100Yc 6/112012 City of 1 anti Gardens, fvlarlana Pitiriciu / 305 622 8000/3120 Craven- Mumpson & Ass,, D. Cartwright / 954739 6400 Camillus HDUSe Site_Developement $ SDO,O00.00 100% c 9/30/2011 Coastal Construction, Paul Bessell / 305 324 3701 Wolfberg Alvarez, Jorge Maldonado/ 305 666 5474 LeewoodEtementarySchool $ 1,4OO,DOD.00 1001/ 7/30/2011 Pirtle -Construction, Rudy Gonzalez/3055937456 Wolfberg Alvarez, JoigeMaldonado/ 3056665474 Biscayne Trail Segment 3 $ 365,OOD,00 100% 6/30/2011 llvliami Dade Parks & Recreation, Dan Crawford / 305 596 4460. Ext. 239 URS Corporation, David Saler 1 561 994 6500 Sunkist Grove Road Improvements $ 423,000.011 100% 4/30/2011 City of North Miami, Gerardo Hernandez / 305 542 .5500 URS Corporation, Davld Soler / 561994 6500 Basin 35 Drainage lmpr overnerts $ 365,000.00 100% 9/11/2611 City of Miami Springs, Robert Williams / 305 805 5170 PBS & J, Victor Herrera / 305 514 3451 AVE Infrastructure Phase 2 — $ 2,500,000.00 100% 5/25/2010 Aviation & Commerce Center/Miami Dade County, Af Hernandez/ 305 796 3669 VSN Engineers, Rudy Vargas/ 305 5516267 Action House Building $ 2,568,000.00 100% 4/30/2010 Aviation & Commerce Center/Miami Dade County/ Al Hernandez 1 305 796 3669 RLC Architects, Carlo Mendoza/ 561 393 6555 x 22 MICC 3.900 $ 11095,000.00 100% .1130/2010 Terracon Group, Mike Gomez / 3U5418 9291 VSN Engineers, Rudy Vargas/ 305 5516257 AVE Infrastructure Phase IR S 2,600,000.00 1049 10/8/2009 AVE, Aviation and Commerce Center, Al Hernandez / 305 796 3669 V5N Engineers, Rutty Vargas/ 305 5516267 AVE Infrastructure Phase 3.A S 3,900,000.00 1603 5/15/2009 AVE, Aviation and Commerce Center, Al Hernandez 1 305 796 3669 VSN Engineers, Rudy Vargas/ 305 5516267 Ferguson Sr. Nigh Schook South Side Elementary School $- 95()_000.00 - 1003 8/1/2009 Pirtle Construction, Rudy Gonzalez/ 345 593 7456 Wohberg Alvarez, Jorge Maldonado/ 305 666 5474 $ 650,000.00 no%l 7/3012009 Coastal Construction, Lazaro Villar /954 445 7212 Wolfberg Alvarez, Jorge Maldanarlo/ 305 656 5474 Mary Brickell Village Pump Stations $ 21919.01000 OD 100% 6/5/2.009 Adsum Group, Mario Pons / 305 S7'7 9949 Wolfberg Alvarez, Jorge Maldonado/ 305 666 5474 3505 Building Expansion $ 510,000.00 100% 5/9/2009 Terracon Group, Mike Gomez / 30.5 418 9291 VSN Engineers, Rudy Vargas/ 305 151 6267 Y = Daniel J: A fonso Cit? Manager To Whom It May Concern Subject: Reference tetter Name of Bidder. FLORIDA ENGINEERING AND DEVELOPMENT,CORP. The above referenced Bidder is responding to a bid that has been issued by the City of Miami. The City requires that the Bidder provide written references with their bid submission. By providing you with this document, the Bidder is requesting that you provide the following reference information_ The City would appreciate you providing the information requested below, as well as any other information you feel is pertinent: Name of Referenced Project: NW 66th STREET ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS Scope of Referenced Work: Earthwork, drainage, concrete, lighting, landscape and madway construction,. Did the Scope involve the milling, resurfacing or reworking a road, or the constructions, installation, repair, andlor replacement of drainage system pipes? [N Yes ❑ No Value of Project: $ 1,183,000.00 Date Completed: 6/17 Percentage of physical construction Work self -performed by Bidder: 70 % Was Project completed on time and within budget: N Yes ❑ No If no, was the Bidder at fault or contribute to the delay(s) or increased cost? ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, please provide details: Comments: Marne of Project Owner: City of Doral Date: 6/4/17 Signature of Project Owner's Representative: i Title: Assistant Public Works Director j Chief of Construction Telephone: 345.593-6740 Sincerely, Annie Perez, CPPO, Director Department of Procurement E-mail: carlas.Arroyo@cityofdoral.cnm 96 Entrada Neighborhood Drainage ITS No.: 16-17-033 improvements, D2 - B-30836 DAMEL J. ALFONSO, City Manager To Whom It May Concern Subject: Reference Letter Name of Bidder: FLORIDA ENGINEERING AND DEVELOPEMENT, CORP. The above referenced Bidder is responding to a Bid that has been issued by the City of Miami. The City requires that the Bidder provide written references with their Bid submission, By providing you with this document, the Bidder is requesting that you provide the following reference information. The City would appreciate you providing the information requested below, as well as any other information you feel is pertinent: lame of Reference Project: NW 145 th STREET ROADWAY CONSTRUCTION Scope of work: Earthwork Drainage Concrete Electrical Landscape anti Roadwa . Did the Scope involve the construction, installation, repair and/or replacement of a storrnwater pump station? ❑ Yes [N No Value of project: $ 3,647,000.00 nate Completed: . Percentage of physical construction work self -performed by Bidder Was project completed on time & within budget: En Yes 9/15 : 60 % ❑ No If no, was the Bidder at fault or contribute to the delay(s) or increased cost? ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, please provide details: Comments. Contractor has perfarrned very well despite multiple owner directed changes and changes in sequence. I highly recommend there for your project. Name of individual completing this form: Alvis Hernandez Date: 10/24/16 h Signature:G,e: £"4t ` Titte: Commercial Projects Director n'J3QS-685-5595: # ahernandez@cpfinv,com Telephone: � .,. E-mail Sincerely, Annie Perez, CPPD Director Procurement Department Bird Avenue Roadway Improvements ITE No.: 15-16-029 96 ftv of Mamt, DANIEL J, ALFONSO, City Manager To Whom It May Concern Subject: Reference Letter Name of Bidder: FLORIDA. ENGINEERING & DEVELOPvIENT CORP. The above referenced contractor is.submitting on a bid solicitation that has been issued by the City of Miami. We require that the Bidder provide written references with their Bid submission and by providing you with this document the Contractor is requesting that you provide the following reference information. We would appreciate you providing the information requested below as well as any other information your feel is pertinent: Name of Project* SW 56 Ave Streetscape Improvements. City of West Park Scope of work: Drainage Concrete Electrical Landscaping ing and Read va Irn roveme,nis. Value of project: $ 1,839,000.00 Gate Completed: 8115/14 Percentage of physical construction work self -performed by Contractor: 65 Was project completed on time & within budget: rw Yes © No If no, was the contractor at fault or contribute to the delay(s) or increased cost? ❑ Yes [I No NIA If yes, please provide details: Comments: Fully equipped and skilled contractor. Highly recommended. Thank you for your assistance in helping us in evaluating our bid solicitation. Name of individual completing this form: Gyre Ferry, PE Date: 11/5/14 Signature: Title: City Engineer (Wes ,park) Telephone: 786-251-9291 Sincerely, Mark Spanioli, P.E., Director Capital Improvements and Transportation Program E-mail: gperEyoperrinfl.com 99 NE 2nd Avenue Roadway Improvements, Segment B3 ITB No.: 1415-002 B-78508 t4 obi CJAMEL J. 'ALFONS0, City Manager To Whom It May Concern Subject: Reference Letter Name of Bidder FLORIDA ENGINEERING AND DEVELOPMENT,CORP. The above referenced Bidder is responding to a Bid that has been issued by the City of Miami. The City requires that the Bidder provide written references with their Bid submission. By providing you with this document, the Bidder is requesting that you provide the following reference information. The City would appreciate you providing the information requested below, as well as any ether information you feet is pertinent: Name of Reference Project, DOWNTOWN DORAL - PHASE 2 Scope of work: Earthwork, Drainage, Water, Sewer, Concrete,Electrical, Landscape and Roadwa , Did the Scope involve the construction, installation, repair and/or replacement of a stormwater pump station? ❑ Yes E} No Value of project: $ 3,500,000.00 Date Completed: 7/30/16 Percentage of physical construction work self -performed by Bidder: 60 % Was project completed on time & within budget: N Yes ❑ No If no, was the Bidder at fault or contribute to the delay(s) or increased cost? ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, please provide details: Comments:, r Name of indlvidu pain his form. Gus Minguez / Codina Partners pate: 10125/16 Signature: Title: DIRECTOR OF CONSTRUCTION Telephone: t�5 1 Sincerely, Annie Perez, CPPO Director Procurement Department E-mail: GMinguez@codina.com Bird Avenue Roadway Improvements ITB No.. 95-16-0129 . 96 To Whom It May Concern Subject., The<FoalawingaSectiortitt�b� �ampl�ied by t€�e=Bidder; �... Name of Bidder: FLORIDA ENGINEERING AND DEVELOPMENT,CORP. Daniel S. Alfonso City Manager The above referenced Bidder is responding to a bid that has been issued by the City of Miami. The City requires that the Bidder provide written references with their bid submission. By providing you with this document, the Bidder is requesting that you provide tate following reference information. The City would appreciate you providing the information requested beiow, as well as any other information you feel is pertinent: . Name of Referenced Project: NW 174th STREET ROADWAY RECONSTRUCTION Scope Of Referenced Work' Earthwork, Drainage, Concrete, Lighting, Landscape, Irrigation and Roadway Reconstruction. Did the Scope involve the milling, resurfacing or reworking a road, or the construction, installation, repair, and/or replacement of drainage system pipes? ® Yes ❑ No Value of Project: $ 3,3°o,°oa°� Date Completed: 2/27 Percentage of physical construction Work self -performed by Bidder: 60 % Was Project completed on time and within budget. [xj Yes ❑ No If no, was the Bidder at fault or contribute to the delay(s) or increased cost? ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, please provide details: Comments'. Name of Project Owner: City of Sunny Isles Beach Signature of Project Owner's Representative: _ Title: Elka Linton / Capital Projects Manager Telephone. 3025-792-1939 Sincerely, Annie Perez, CPPD, Director Department of Procurement Date: 8/4/17 E-mail: elinLong 3ibft.net 96 Entrada Neighborhood Drainage 1T6 No.: 16-17-039 improvements, D2 - B-30836 IVIE-0 of Aliami i ,'. Emilio T. Gonzalez, Ph.D, City Manager To Whom It May Concern Subject: Reference Letter Name of Bidder: The above refer The City requires that the Bidder provide written references with their Bid submission, By providing you with this document, the Bidder is requesting that you provide the following reference information. The City would appreciate you providing the information requested below, as well as any other information you feel is pertinent: , Name of Referenced Project: �p Y �+ oC . ., f�7 f G��r'`, � j(� Scope of Referenced Work: Did the Scope involve �th.,e' Irl pedestrian signage? ) Value of Project: $ %U p c�?- 10, 0& Date Completed. .. 2Id Percentage of physical construction labor self -performed by Bidder: (_ % Was project completed on time and within budget: Lid' Yes ❑ No If no, was the Bidder at fault or contribute to the delay(s) or increased cost?�x�eso No If yes, please provide details: Comments: Name of Project Owner: Signaturexj -of ,,7 „Project Owner's Representative: Title:C16- `J Telephone: i Tu - �_ E-mail:�,� Sincerely, JJ Annie Perez, CPPO, Director Department of Procurement 100 Downtown Miami Signage and Wayfinding !TB No.: 17-18-022 System • Project No.: B-30941 �syi�s itV ofm' To Whom It May Concern Subject: Reference Letter Emilio T. Gonzalez, Ph.D. City Manager Name of Bidder: The above refer The City requires that the Bidder provide written references with their Bid submission. By providing you with this document, the Bidder is requesting that you provide the following reference information. The City would appreciate you providing the information requested below, as well as any other information you feell ,pertinent; Name of Referenced Prcject:i`{ 424 0 Scope of Referenced Work: Did the Scope involve th construction, installation, repair and/or replacement of roa way or pedestrian signage? Yes ❑ No Value of Project: $ 30t 5?0- aU pate Completed: tri Percentage of physical construction labor self -performed Bidder: % Was project completed on time and within budget: Yes ❑ No If no, was the Bidder at fault or contribute to the delay(s) or increased cost? M Yes ZNo If yes, please provide details: Comments: wor r OL --a C) _ 4 �i/� V I i � � Q ,' T V --el Narne of Project Owner, � � ,� � � pate: Signa / 1_9� F'rnject Owner's Representative: Title: ba, Tefephorie: t 1 o 43%?5 - 70 Sincerely, Annie Perez, CPPD, Director Department of Procurement 100 E-mail: c, Downtown Miami Signage and Wayfinding ITB No.: 17-18-022 System - Project No.: B-30941 �h S ftp of Ahami To Whore It May Concern Subject: Reference Letter Emilio T. Gonzalez, Ph.D, City Manager Name of bidder: The above referenced Bidder is responding to a`"Bid that has been issued by the City of Miami. The City requires that the Bidder provide written references with their Bid submission. By providing you with this document, the Bidder is requesting that you provide the following reference information. The City would appreciate you providing the information requested below, as well as any other information you feel is pertinent: Name of Referenced Project; 6 ! 1 ! k&( (1 a,1 a rbd 1' e5d e S/r},) Scope of Referenced Work' f 9WICarp I* - o a,� e Did the Scopic involve the`c©nstruction, installation, repair and/or replacement of roadway or pedestrian signage? Yes ❑ No Value of Project: $ r � Elate Completed: . (��� ]'� ��' , U7 Percentage of physical construction labor self -performed y Bidder: .� Was project completed on time and within budget: Yes ❑ No If no, was the Bidder at fault or contribute to the delay(s) or increased cost? ❑ Yes If yes, please provide details: Comments: .14 Mc -77/ ,1 ljo�rName of Project Owner:i Date: Signature > Project Owner's Representative.- Title: epresentative:TitleG Unilmer„ Telephone: E-mail: �P. !V)dheGjC.Q1l1rt/IG(r Sincerely, C. Annie Perez, CPPO, Director Department of Procurement too Downtown Miami Signage and Wayfinding ITS No,: 17-18-022 System - Project No.: B-30941 June 18, 2010 Re: Letter of Rec orr,mendatiori To Whom. it May Concern - Ni e whole-heartedly recommend Allied Environmental Signage for any project, large or small.. In the winter/spring of 2010, Nve had the pleasure of working with Allied on a $112I1 way finiding project for the City of Hackensack, in partnt:rship with toe Hackensack University Medical Center, County of Bergen and 1=airle:igh Dickenson University. From bid.. through puneblist, Allied was timely in all phases of contract execution and responsive to all questions from my office and our design tmi. Fabrication and construction is high duality, with an attention to detail. Allied also ~vent "above and beyond" in helping us with our way finding unveiling ceremony and for assisting us with other tasks outside their scope of work. In short, Allied and its courteous professional staf 7made this project run very smoothly - We are very happy with, the end result and could not have hoped for a better signage contractor. Feel free to call me with any questions.: Albert Dib Execu ivc Director Upper Main Alliance 23$ MAIN STdtM, SUITE ]041 201 498 1696 ICFOCUPP€RMMWORG HACKEH5ACK, N3 4,601 FAX 241 498 1666 1 is "-Uppi I4MAkoRG Northern Burlington County Regional School District 'l60 Mansfield Road East Columbus, New Jersey 08022-9742 Telephone. 609-298-3900 Fax: 669-298-3154 Dr. ,lames Sarruda Superintendent of Schools Mr, Richard Kai Business AdministratodBoard Secretary (609) 298-3900 x 2006 (609) 298-3000 x 20$11 Mr. Donald Czehut 1 District Web Pago Director of f=acilities mvw,nburiingtonxorn ' 1609? 258-3900 x 2042 Decernber1l, 2012 Mr. Robert Genz, Project Manager/Sales Representative Ms. Natalie Tureaud, Project Manager/Sales Representative .. Allied Environmental Signage 556 industrial Way West Eatontown, Pit 07724 Re: High School Pree-Standing LEC} 5lgn Dear Mr. Genz and Ms. Tureaud: To date we are averagin;g.rnore than one. compliment per day since the installation of the new sign, Thank you for your support and coordination during the planning and construction process. We do appreciate all of the attention that you showed by arranging the ort -line tutorial — well in advance of installation tech help with the computer 1r terface components that would be necessary, and design assistance for review, permits and construction. We were pleasantly surprised: the installation went quickly and was trouble-free. This is particularly notable since Allied also provided and pullers over 500 ft of fiber optic cable along With the physical Installation, 21.1 within one day. Again, thanks for your help and support for a project viell done. Sincerel Donald Czehut Director of Facilities cc; Dr. J. Sarruda Dr. K. McCormick Richard Kaz, Jr. Steve Lee Proudly -serving the communities of Chesterfield Township Mansfield Township North Hanover Township Springfield Township of NSrY OP NEWARK Cory A. Booker ��ng tie Mayor Jack M. Nara Acting Manager Diviswn of Traffic & Signais Department of Engineering May 21, 2010 To Whorn .It May Concern: The City of Newark, Department of Engineering between 2008 and 2010 contracted with Allied Environmental Signage to fabricate and install Way finding Signs. Allied was timely in all phases of contract execution, and responsive to all questions and contract requests from my office. Fabrication and construction was of high quality, with attention to detail. In short, Allied and its courteous professional staff made this project nm very smoothly. We are very happy with the end result and could not have hoped for a better signage contractor. If you have any questions concerning the above., please contaet. wry office: at (973) 733- 3985. J k M.'Nata A ing Manager 255 Central Avenue ^ Newark o New Jersey 07103 • Telaphone 973-733-3969 ^ Fax 973-733-6880 * nataj@cj.newark.nj.us COMMUNITY REDEVUOPMENT AGENCY CITY 4F ?SII=W SMYRNA BEACH 210 SAMS AVENUE NEW SMYRNA BEACH, FLQR 6A 3.2168 [december 27, 2012 RE. AElled Environmental 'Signage, New Smyrna Beach Wayfinding Sign System Professional Reference To Whom It May Concern: Allied Environmental signage (AES) recently ;completed fabricating and installing the new wayfinding signs for the N5.S Wayfinding Sign System Project for the' City of New Smyrna Beach which was designed for the purpose of effdentiy and safely guiding motorists and pedestrians �o key public facili ies including civic, visitor-, afid tecreational dent natlons, etc., Within the City. Even while AEE was dealing with an overwhelming hardship due to the damage to their homes .and. facility caused by Hurricane Sandy, they still traveled to New Smyrna Beach, FL, from their homeport. In Eatontown. NJ, and completed the project on titne and under budget. The means .and methodaldgy AES used to fabricate and Install the Wayfinding sighs were guided by experienced personnel. Their. proficiency can be. attributed to the leadership provided by Natalie Tureaud, Kevin` White, and -euro Fesapane, and is exemplified throughout their organization. The City of New Smyrna Beach will certainly entertain utilizing ;thei.r :services for future projects:, tf I can be of further assistance, please contact me at your earliest convenience at mmartin@dtyofnsb.c m- or (386) 424-2135. Sincerely, Michelle Martin. CRA Project Manager Mayor Robert E, McLeod Council Members Joseph E. Sheridan, President Evelyn Ambrose Christian Bolte Warren Chamberlain Susie Sefcik Clementine Toglia V1 arch 7, 20311 Tire Peart af'the Iiaysf3areP<Y, � P, I ! C NEW JERSEY - To Whom It May Concern: Lorene K, Wright, RMC Borough Administrator Valerie T. Heilweil, RMC Borough Clerk Thomas P. Fallon, CPA, RPZA Chief Financial Officer Please be advised that Allied Environmental Sign Company provided the Borough of Keyport with the design, implementation, and installation of a very successful way finding signage program. The prograrn has served as a major visual improvement throughout the Borough, The signage has improved the traffic flow from visitors to our community, Which has proved beneficial to our local commercial establishments. Ms_ Natalie Tureaud, and her colleagues at Allied performed in an utmost professional manner_ They worked diligently to satisfy all of the Borough's requirements and completed all timelines prompt€y. Overall, the project was completed prior to our deadline and all work was conducted without any disturbances to our local residents or establishments. I would highly recommend Allied to your community. if you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact me in the Borough's Office of Community Development at 732-739-5138. Sincerely, Carla Cefalo Borough, of Keyport Office of Community Development STATE OF R.ORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 275-1,30-11 DBE BID PACKAGE INFORMATION EQUAL aPi oRTUNITY orFfC[ 10,17 Page' o`2 DBE Utilization The Department began its DBE race neutral program January 1, 2000. Contract specific goats are not placed on Federal/State contracts; however, the Department has an overall 10.65% DBE goal it must achieve- In order to assist contractors in determining their DBE commitment level, the Department has reviewed the estimates for this letting. As you prepare your bid, please monitor potential or anticipated DBE utilization for contracts- When the low bidder executes the contract with the Department, information will be requested of the contractor's DBE participation for the project. While the utilization is not mandatory in order to be awarded the project, continuing utilization of DBE firms on contracts supports the success of Florida's DBE Program, and supports contractors' Equal Employment Opportunity and DBE Affirmative Action Programs. Any project listed as 0% DBE availability does not mean that a DBE may not be used on that project. A 0% DBE availability may have been established due to any of the following reasons: limited identified subcontracting opportunities: minimal contract days, and/or small contract dollar amount. Contractors are encouraged to identify any opportunities to subcontract to DBE's. Please contact the Equal Opportunity Office at (850) 4144747 if you have any questions regarding this information. Forms maybe downloaded at: www.dot.state.fl.usli2roceduraidocumentsl, DBE Reporting If you are the prime contractor on a project, enter your DBE participation in the Equal Opportunity Compliance system prior to the pre -construction or pre -work conference for all federal and state funded projects_ This will not become a mandatory part of the contract. It will assist the Department in tracking and reporting planned or estimated DEE utilization. Durinq the contract, the prime contractor is required to report actual payments to DBE and MBE subcontractors through the web -based Equal Opportunity Compliance (EOC) system. All DBE payments must be reported whether or not you initially planned to utilize the company. In order for our race neutral DBE Program to be successful, your cooperation is imperative. If you have any questions, please contact EOOHelp@dot.state.fl.us. Bic! Opportunity List The Federal DBE Program requires States to maintain a database of all firms that are participating or attempting to participate on FDOT-assisted contracts. The list must include all firms that bid on prime contracts or bid or quote subcontracts on FDOT-assisted projects, including both DBE's and non -DBEs. Please complete the Bidders Opportunity List through the Equal Opportunity Compliance system within 3 business days of submission of the bid or proposal for ALL subcontractors or sub -consultants who quoted to you for specific project for this letting. The web address to the Equal Opportunity Compliance system is: htlos:Uwww3.dol.state, fl, usl aualOpgorto�Com p liance/Account.as x!Lo In? Return Url:::%2f1 i ial0poor tunityCompl=ance%2f . Downtown Miami Bicycle and Pedestrian Mobility Improvements - Project No. 13-300417 101 ITB No.: 17-18-022 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMEI,47 OF TRANSPORTATION 275-030.1- DBE BID PACKAGE INFORMATION EQUAL ©PP°RTuN'TY OFFICE 10.17 Pege 2 of 2 DBE/AA Plans Contractors bidding on FDOT contracts are to have an approved DBE Affirmative Action flan (FDOT Form 275-030-11B) on fife with the FDOT Equal Opportunity Office before execution of a contract- DBE/AA Plans must be received with the contractors bid or received by the Equal Opportunity Office rior to the award of the contract. Plans are approved by the Equal Opportunity Office in accordance with Ch. 14-78, Florida Administrative Code Plans that do not meet these mandatory requirements may not be approved. Approvals are for a (3) three year period and should be updated at anytime there is a change in the company's DBE Liaison Officer and/or President. Contractors may evidence adoption of the DBE/AA Poky and Plan and/or a change in the designated DBE Liaison officer as follows: Print the first page of the document on company stationery ("letterhead") that indicates the company's name, mailing address, phone number, etc. Print the company's name in the "_ " space: next to "Date" print the month/dayyear the policy is being signed; record the signature of the company's Chief Executive Officer, President or Chairperson in the space next to "by" and print the full first and last name and position title of the official signing the policy. Print the DBE Liaison's full name, email address, business mailing address and phone number the bottom of email. E-mail the completed and signed DBE AA Plan to: eeoformsCaAot.state.fl,us. The Department will review the policy, update department records and issue a notification of approval or disapproval; a copy of the submitted plan wil! not be returned to the contractor. Downtown Miarni Bicycle and Pedestrian Mobility Improvements - Project No. B-30940 102 ITB No.: 17-18-022 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 375-340-62 BID OPPORTUNITY LIST FOR PROFESSIONAL CONSULTANT PRO UREMENT 0a;C7 SERVICES, AND COMMODITIES & CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Prime Contractor/ Prime Consultant: Address/Phone Number: jZC'76 JIV etI He. Procurement Number/Advertisement Number: /`�— Z wt i �(f- SA) -Y 49 CFR Part 26.11 The list is intended to be a listing of all firms that are participating, or attempting to participate, on DOT -assisted contracts. The list must include all firms that bid on prime contracts, or bid or quote subcontracts and supplies materials on DCCT -assisted projects, including both DBEs and non -DBEs. For consulting companies this list roust include ail subconsultants contacting you and expressing an interest in teaming with you on a specific DOT -assisted project. Prime contractors and consultants must provide information for Numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4, and should provide any information they have available on Numbers 5, 6, 7, and 8 for themselves, and their subcontractors and subconsultants. 1. Federal Tax 1D Number: -63116 al Ay 2. Firm Name: s(yls- tMAj 3. Phone: ;36.C- JA) - 4, Address: Z:a 76 IJ PJ Id OTC - 6 *-A� 6 t 5. Year Firm Established: 1. Federal Tax IDN 2. Firm Name: 3. Phone: z 4. Adder: O tt ! J 6 7 a2 5. Year Firm Established: Federal Tax ID Number: Firm Name: Phone: Address: 5. Year Firm Established: 1. Federal Tax ID Number: 2. Firm Name: 3. Phone: 4. Address: 5- Year Firm Established: 6. ❑ DBE 8. Annual Cross Receipts 0.,Ntrn DBE ❑ Less than $1 million ❑ Between $1 - $5 million ❑ Between $5 - $10 million 7. ❑ Subcontractor ❑ Between $10 - $15 million ❑ SubconsultantTore than $15 million 6. ❑ DBE 8. Annual Gross Receipts ❑ Non -DBE ❑ Less than $1 million 9-9 tween $1 - $5 million ❑ Between $5 - $10 million 7. Subcontractor ❑ Between $10 - $15 million ❑ Subconsultant ❑ More than $15 million 6. ❑ DBE ❑ Non -DBE 7. ❑ Subcontractor ❑ Subconsultant 8. Annual Gross Receipts ❑ Less than $1 miflion ❑ Between $1 - $5 million ❑ Between $5 - $10 million ❑ Between $10 - $15 million ❑ More than .$15 million 6. ❑ DBE 8. Annual Gross Receipts ❑ Non -DBE ❑ Less than $1 million ❑ Between $1 - $5 million ❑ Between $5 - $10 million 7. ❑ Subcontractor ❑ Between $10 - $15 million ❑ Subconsultant ❑ More than $15 million AS APPLICABLE, PLEASE SUBMIT THIS FORM WITH YOUR: BID SHEET (invitation to Bid —ITB) LETTERS OF RESPONSE (LOR) PRICE PROPOSAL (Request for Proposal — RFA) REPLY (Invitation to Negotiate -- ITN) Downtown Miami Bicycle and Pedestrian Mobility Improvements - Project No. B-30940 103 ITB No : 17-18-022 6-12.2 Source of Supply - Steel For Federal -aid Contracts, only use steel and iron produced in the United States, in accordance with the Buy America provisions of 23 CFR 635.410, as amended. Ensure that all manufacturing processes for this material occur in the United States. As used in this specification, a manufacturing process is any process that modifies the chemical content, physical shape or size, or final finish of a product, beginning with the initial melding and mixing and continuing through the bending and coating stages. A manufactured steel or iron product is complete only when all grinding, drilling, welding, finishing and coating have been completed_ if a domestic product is taken outside the United States for any process, it becomes foreign source material_ When using steel and iron as a component of any manufactured product incorporated into the project (e.g., concrete pipe, pre -stressed beams; corrugated steel pipe, etc.), these same provisions apply, except that the manufacturer may use minimal quantities of foreign steel and iron when the cost of such foreign materials does not exceed 0.1 % of the total Contract amount or $2,500, whichever is greater. These requirements are applicable to all steel and iron materials incorporated into the finished work, but are not applicable to steel and iron items that the Contractor uses but does not incorporate into the finished work. Provide a certification from the producer of steel or iron, or any product containing steel or iron as a component, stating that all steel or iron furnished or incorporated into the furnished product was manufactured in the United States in accordance with the requirements of this specification and the Buy America provisions of 23 CFR 635,410, as amended. Such certification shall also include (1) a statement that the product was produced entirely within the United States, or (2) a statement that the product was produced within the United States except for minimal quantities of foreign steel and iron valued at $ (actual value). Furnish each such certification to the Engineer prior to incorporating the material into the project. When FHWA allows the use of foreign steel on a project, furnish invoices to document the cost of such material, and obtain the Engineer's written approval prior to incorporating the material into the project. 04 Downtown Miami Signage and Wayfinding ITB No.: 17-18-022 System - Project No.: B-30941 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPART..SEVT OF TRAN$PO4 T ATtON LAP CERTIFICATION OF CURRENT CAPACITY CONFIDENTIAL 525-GIO�46 PROGRAM MANAGEMENT 12f09 Nage t 312 Fill in your FDOT Vendor number For bids to be received on C+� (Letting Date) VF t� Gi t v. (Only appficaNe to FDOT pre -qualified contractors) CERTIFICATE I hereby certify that the amount of any proposal submitted by this bidder for the above letting does not exceed the amount of the Firm's CURRENT CAPACITY (maximum capacity rating less total uncompleted work) - The total uncompleted work as shown on the "Status of Contracts on Hand" report (page 2) $ . I further certify that the "Status of Contracis on Hand" report (page 2) was prepared as follows: 1. If the letting is before the 25`' day of the month, the certificate and report reflect the uncompleted work as of the 1511' day of the month, last preceding the month of the letting. 2. If the letting is after the 25'" day of the month, the certificate and report reflects the uncompleted work in progress as of the 151" day of the month of the letting. 3. All new contracts (and subcontracts) awarded earlier than five days before the letting date are included in the report and charged against our total rating. I certify that the information above is correct. Swqrg, to and subscribed this day of 20 a Downtown Miami Bicycle and Pedestrian Mobility Improvements - Project No. B-30940 NAME OF FI By: /t 1 Title 105 ITB No 1 17-18-022 STATUS OF CONTRACTS ON HAND (Furnish complete information about all your contracts, whether prime or subcontracts: whether in progress or awarded, but not yet begun, and regardless of whom contracted with.) 525.016-46 PROGRAM MANAGEMENT 12199 Page 2 o12 } 2 3 4 5 6 PROJECTS CONTRACT (OFA AMOUNT BALANCE OF UNCOMPLETED AMOUNT TO BE DONE BY YOU OWNER, LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION SUBCONTRACT) SUBLET CONTRACT AMOUNT I TO OTHERS AMOUNT AS PRIME AS CONTRACTOR SUBCONTRACTOR _._................._.......-.... ---------- _ NOTE: Columns 2 and 3 to show total contract (or subcontract) amounts. Column 4 to be difference between columns 2 and 3. Amount in columns 5 or 6 to be uncompleted portion of amount in column 4. All amounts to be shown to nearest $100. The Contractor may consolidate and list as a single item all contracts which, individually, do not exceed 3% of total, and which, in the aggregate, amount to less than 20% of the Total. _____ --(TOTAL TOTALS —� -- �� —--- TOTAL UNCOMPLETED WORK ON HAND TO BE DONE BY YOU COLUMNS 6 AND 6) $0.00 Downtown Miami Bicycle and Pedestrian Mobility Improvements - Project No. B-30940 106 ITE3 No.: 17-18-022 Fiortda Engineering & Devetapment Carp. 12076 NW 98th Ave, Hialeah Gardens FL, 33018 Srhn.r,.i-. f m-1— Projects in Progress Type of Worse FDOT Projects and Location of Work you are performing Contract Amount Amount Sublet to Balance of contract Uncompleted Amount to bedone by applicant others Amount As Prime Contractor As Subcomraetor Type of Work Other (Non-FDOT) projects. Owner and Location of work Contract Amount Amount sublet to Gaiance of contract AVE Phase 3 tnfrastructurt. f 145th 5t. others Amount As Prime Contractor As Subcontractor Drainage Owner AVE, LLC; Location Miami Cade County Florida $ 4,338,270.D0 $ 219,877.00 5 4,;58,393.00 $ 390,Oi70.00 $ - 210,000.00 Uectrical Work Construct NW 1451h Street from NW 57th Ave. to NW Aviation Drive Flexible Paving Includes Clear and Grub, Subbase, Limerock Base and Asphaktic Grading Concrete, Drainage System, Froce Main, Water Main, Electrical Lighting Sodding, Landscaping Landscape and Irrigation. Worklydudes complete decelaratlon lane Pavement Markings and connection to existing utilities at NW 57th Ave. FDOT ins ector Is Sidewalk, Guardrail Inspector Andre Pierretel No. 305 640 7170 Drainage, Grading Park Square $ 4,672,104.00 $ 4901000.01 $ 4,182,104.00 $ 160,300.00 $ 90,000.00 Owner Flexible PavPng, Markings Site Work Includes excavation, Dralange, Water, Sewer, tirnerock base, Sidewalk, Roadway Signs concrete curb and sidewalk, Asphaltic Concrete Si ns, Strip Ing,. OffSlte Underground Utilities at 207th Street including water, sewer, Limerock base, Asphalt, Sidewalk, Curb, Stripping and Markings, and 30th Ave Under round Uti€Ities at 207th Street Inc€uding water, sewer, Limerork base, Aspha{t, Sidewalk, Curb, Strlpptng and Markings. FDOT inspector Drainage, Grading AVE Site I Parking Lot $ 436,528.00 $ 150,000,00$ 286,52$.00 $ 22,0170.00 $ 719,000.00 Owner: AVE LLC, Location Miami Dade County FI. Flexible Paving, Markings Site Work Includes excavation, Draian e, Limerock base, Sidewalk, Roadway Signs Concrete Curb and sidewalk, Asphaltic: Concrete Signs, Strtpin Electrical Lighting, Landscape and Irrigation City Of Sunrise NW 44th Street Blikeway Construction FOOT ((AP $ 2,780,689.00 $ 760,000.00 $ 2,020,689.00 $ 290,000.00 $ 360,000.00 Drainage, Grading Owner: City of Sunrise Location. Sunrise FI. Flexib9e Paving, Markings Roadwaywldenln& scope involves drainage, subbase, Ilmerock base Sldawalk, Roadway Signs mllltn , asphalt paving, concrete sidewalk and curbs, uardrall and fence Landscaping and irrigation FDOT !nspector Is Leah Dupont 954 777 4130 Drainage, Grading CZty of Doral NW 66th Street Roadway Im rv, $ 2,227,018.00 § S5G,OOp.00 $ 677,018.00 $ 38,4D2.00 $ Owner; City Of Dura( Wcatlan: Doral Ff. Flexibte Paving, Markings Construct NW 66th Street from 97th Ave, to 102 Ave, - Sidewalk, Roadway Signs ncfudes Clear and Grub, Subbase, Limerock base and Asphaltic Concrete, Drainage System, Electrical Lighting Landscape and Irrigation. Off -Lease Only, inc. Broward $ 4,616,175,00 Drainage, Gradmg Owner: Off Lease On Location: North Lauderdale FL $ 705,000.00 $ 3,9I1,17S.p0 $ 25,000 00 S Flexible Paving, Markings Slte Work Includes Excavation, Drainage, Water, Sewer, Limerock base, Sidewalk, Roadway Signs Concrete Curb and sidewalk, Asphaltic Concrete Signs, Stripping,. Offsite Sodding, Landscaping City of West Park SW 40th Avenue Streetscape improvement Drainage, Grading Owner: City of West Park location: West Park FL j 1,794,503.24 S 629,000.00 $ 3,170,501.24 $ 171,000.00 $ 329,000.00 Flexible Paving, Markings Roadway widening, scope Involves drainage,, subbase, Limerock base SYdewalk, Knadway Signs Sodding, landscaping milling, Landscaping asphalt paving,concrete sidewalk and curbs, uardrail and fence and Irrigation, Street Lighting - NOMASite Development Drainage, Grading Owner: 1,589,583.0+0 300,000.00 $ 1,289,583.00 $ 220000.00 S Ffexlbfe paving, Markings Site Work includes Excavation, Drainage, 1$0,0000.00 Water, Sewer, Limerock base, —v.— —.-V Sodding, landscaping 'Loncrece ZUrS) andsldewalk, Asphaltic Concrete SsSns, Strlpping,.Offsite includes Sewer System, Water Main Extension, New Subbase, LR Base, Asphalt, Stripping 'and Signage Drainage, Grading Flexibte Paving, Markings Sidewalk, Roadway Signs Guardrail Drainage, Grading Flexible Paving, Markings Sidewalk, Roadway Signs MDC NE 16th Ave, Roadway Improvements 4,221,348.00 $ 1,2t37,823.pp 1,950,000.00 $ 657,000.00 Owner: CR of Sunny Isles Location: Sunny Isles FE. $ 2,271,348.00 $ 1,200,C)DO,OO $ 1,600,000.00 Construct NW 174th Street from Collins Ave. to Includes Clear and Grub, SLbbase, Llmerock Base and Asphaltic Concrete, Drainage System, Electrical Lighting Landscape and Irrigation. Work #ncludes connection to Collins Ave. FDOT Inspector Inkey L. Aromas hodu 305 640 7173 City of Hallandale StreetscapeImprovement Owner: City of Hallandale, Srowartf County., Fl. Roadway widening, scope involves, subbase, Iimerock base milling, asphalt pav)n concrete sidewalk and curbs, $ 530,823.00 130,000. $ 00 S 570,000.00 Sodding, Landscaping Water, Gr ading Water Services Drainagee, Gr Flexible Paving, Markings Sidewalk, Roadway Signs Water Main, Water Services Drainage, Grading Flexible Paving, Markings Sidewalk, Roadway Signs L,andscaptngand Irrigation, Downtown Water Main Improvements 1,357,993.00 901,753.00 402,850.00 200,000.00, $ 955,243.00 $. 703,753.00 Owner. City of takeworth Vilest Palm Reach Fl. S 500,000.90 $ 470,000.00 $ 400, 7rJ0.p0 New Water Main, clear and Grub, Subbase, Limerock Base Asphalt, Std in Si na e, Concrete Sldewalk, Drainage System, Neighborhood Improvements, New Water System Owner: City of takeworth West Palm Beach Fl. $ 180,OOC.CO New Water Main, Clear and Grub, Subbase, Umerock Base Rsphalt, Stripping Signage, Concrete Sidewalk, Drainage System, Drainage, Grading Flexible Paving, Markings Sidewalk, Roadway Signs iodding, Landscap{ng City of Sunrise 44th Street Improvement and Streetscape Improvement 1,672,859.00 7,200,000.00 $ 472,653 A0 $ 350,000.00 $ ],100,COO.pO Owner; Cit of Sunrise, Broward County, FL Roadway WdenIng, scope involves, subbase, timeroek base milling, asphalt Paving,ccncreta vdewaik and curbs, Landscaping and Irrigation, TOTALS. $ 30,901,638.24 $ 8,213,727.00 $ 16,366,406.24 $ 41065,402.00 f $ S,U97,00D.00 $ 9,183,402.90 STATE OF F€_OROA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPaOR-AT0N CERTIFICATION FOR DISCLOSURE OF LOBBYING ACTIVITIES ON FEDERAL -AID CONTRACTS (Compliance with 49CFR, Section 20.100 (b)) 375-030-33 PROCUREMENT 10{01 The prospective participant certifies, by signing this certification, that to the best of his or her knowledge and belief: 1. No federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, by or on behalf of the undersigned, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any federal agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any federal contract, the making of any federal grant, the making of any federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment; or modification of any federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement. 2. If any funds other than federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any federal agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with this federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement, the undersigned shall complete and submit Standard Form -LLL, "Disclosure of Lobbying Activities", in accordance with its instructions. (Standard Form -LLL can be obtained from the Florida Department of Transportation's Professional Services Administrator or Procurement Office.) This certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was made or entered into. Submission of this certification is a prerequisite for making or entering into this transaction imposed by Section 1.352, Title 3i, U.S. Code. Any person who fails to file the required certification shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10,.000 and not more than 8100,000 for each such failure. The prospective participant also agrees by submitting his or her proposal that he or she shall require that the language of this certification be included in all lower tier subcontracts, which exceed $100,000 and that all such subrecipients shall certify and disclose accordingly. 1 Name of attant­� ,47tkh PA k ey- By: 'I Dates " $ l F Authorized Signature: Title,�"'� 217 Downtown Miami Signage and Wayfinding ITB No.: 17-18-022 System - Project No.: B-30941 STATE OF FLORICK RE?ARTMEN7 OF 7Ri,CJS?Or{7ATIOtJ 375-03434 DISCLOSURE OF LOBBYING ACTIVITIES PROCUREMENT 021.6 Is this form applicable to your firm? YES ❑ NO C,'' If no, then please complete section below for 'Prime" 1. Type of Federal Action: a. contract b, grant c. cooperative agreement d, loan e. loan guarantee f. loan insurance 2. Status of Federal Action; a. bidloffer/application b. initial award c. post -award 3. Report Type: a, initial filing b. material change For Material Change Only: Year: Quarter: Date of last report: (mmiddlyyyy) 4. Nam"nd Address of Reporting Entity: Prime ❑ Subawardee Tier if known: t / xJ .)tWq_WWeZ 5. If Reporting Entity in No. 4 is a Subawardee, Enter Marne and Address of Prime: Congressional District, if known: Congressional District, if known: 4c 6. Federal Department/Agency: 7. Federal Program NarnelDeseription: CFDA Number, if applicable.- pplicable:8. 8.Federal Action Number, if known: 9. Award Amount, if known: 10. a. Name and Address of Lobbying Registrant (if individual, last name, first name, MI): b. Individuals Performing Services (includin0 address if different from No. IOa' (last name, first name, MI): 11. Information requested through this form is authorized by tine 31� U.S.C. section 1352. This disclosure of lobbying activities is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed by the tier above when this transaction was made or entered into. This dtsclasure is required pursuant to 31 U,S.C. 1352. This information w1l be available for public inspection. Any person who fails to rite the required disclosure shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $ 10.000 and not more than $100,000 for each such failure. w Signature:' ' Print Name: Title: Telephone No.:*R014N3 Date (mm/ddlyyyy): Federal Use Only: Authorized for Local Reproduction Standard Form LLL (Rev. 7-97) Downtown Miami Bicycle and Pedestrian 71$ Mobility Improvements - Project No.: B-30940 ITB 17-18-022 375-030-34 PROGL FMENT 04114 Page 2&2 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETION OF SF -LLL, DISCLOSURE OF LOBBYING ACTIVITIES This disclosure form shall be completed by the reporting entity, whether subawardee or prime Federal recipient, at the initiation or receipt of a covered Federal action, or a material change to a previous filing, pursuant to title 31 U.S.G. section 1352. The filing of a form is required for each payment or agreement to make payment to any lobbying entity for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with a covered Federal action. Complete all items that apply for both the initial filing and material change report. Refer to the implementing guidance published by the Office of Management and Budget for additional information. 1, Identify the type of covered Federal action for which lobbying activity is and/or has been secured to influence the outcome of a covered Federal action - 2. Identify the status of the covered Federal action. 3. Identify the appropriate classification of this report. if this is a followup report caused by a material change to the information previously reported, enter the year and quarter in which the change occurred. Enter the date of the last previously submitted report by this reporting entity for this covered Federal action. 4. Enter the fuilname, address, city, State and zip code of the reporting entity. Include Congressional District, if known. Check the appropriate classification of the reporting entity that designates if it is, or expects to be, a prime or subaward recipient. Identify the tier of the subawardee, e.g., the first subawardee of the prime is the 1st tier. Subawards include but are not limited to subcontracts, subgrants and contract awards under grants. 5. If the organization filing the report in item 4 checks "subawardee," then enter the full name, address, city, State and zip code of the prime Federal recipient; Include Congressional District, if known. 6. Enter the name of the Federal agency making the award or loan commitment, Include at least one organizational level below agency name, if known. For example, Department of Transportation, United States Coast Guard, 7. Enter the Federal program name or description for the covered Federal action (item 1). If known, enter the full Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number for grants, cooperative agreements, loans, and loan commitments. 8. Enter the most appropriate Federal identifying number available for the Federal action identified in item 1 (e.g., Request for Proposal (RFP) number; Invitation for Bid (IFB) number; grant announcement number; the contract, grant, or loan award number; the application/proposal control number assigned by the Federal agency). Include prefixes, e.g-, "RFP -DE -90-001." 9. For a covered Federal action where there has been an award or loan commitment by the Federal agency, enter the Federal amount of the award/loan commitment for the prime entity identified in item 4 or 5. 10. (a) Enter the full name, address, city, State and zip code of the lobbying registrant under the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 engaged by the reporting entity identified in item 4 to influence the covered Federal action. (b) Enter the full names of the individual(s) performing services, and include full address if different from 10 (a). Enter Last Dame, First Name, and Middle Initial (MI). 11. The certifying official shall sign and date the form, print his/her name, title, and telephone number. According to the Paperwork Reduction Act, as amended, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB Control Number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is OMB No. 0348-0046. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is est€mated to average 10 minutes per response, including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (0348.0045), Washington, i]C 20503. Downtown Miami Bicycle and Pedestrian Mobility Improvements - Project No.: B-30940 218-1 ITB No.: 17-18-022 CERTIFICATION REGARDING DEBARMENT, SUSPENSION, INELIGIBILITY AND VOLUNTARY EXCLUSION -LOWER TIER COVERED TRANSACTIONS FOR FEDERAL AID CONTRACTS (Compliance with 2 CFR Parts 180 and 1200) 375-030-32 PROCUREMENT 11115 It is certified that neither the below identified firm nor its principals are presently suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction by any federal department or agency. Name of Consultant/Contractor: -tt� W 1 AlL e -A, U )XZ$ P &Qllu l gy ++ Date: .1�1 Title: 6tFp Instructions for Certification Instructions for Certification - Lower Tier Participants: (Applicable to all subcontracts, purchase orders and other lower tier transactions requiring prior FHWA approval or estimated to cost $25,000 or more - 2 CFR Parts 180 and 1200) a. By signing and submitting this proposal, the prospective lower tier is providing the certification set out below. b. The certification in this clause is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was entered into. if it is later determined that the prospective lower tier participant knowingly rendered an erroneous certification, in addition to other remedies available to the Federal Government, the department, or agency with which this transaction originated may pursue available remedies, including suspension and/or debarment. c. The prospective lower tier participant shall provide immediate written notice to the person to which this proposal is submitted if at any time the prospective lower tier participant learns that its certification was erroneous by reason of changed circumstances. d. The terms "covered transaction," "debarred," "suspended," "ineligible," "participant," "person," "principal," and "voluntarily excluded," as used in this clause, are defined in 2 CFR Parts 180 and 1200. You may contact the person to which this proposal is submitted for assistance in obtaining a copy of those regulations. "First Tier Covered Transactions" refers to any covered transaction between a grantee or subgrantee of Federal funds and a participant (such as the prime or general contract). "Lower Tier Covered Transactions" refers to any covered transaction under a First Tier Covered Transaction (such as subcontracts). "First Tier Participant" refers to the participant who has entered into a covered transaction with a grantee or subgrantee of Federal funds (such as the prime or general contractor). "Lower Tier Participant" refers any participant who has entered into a covered transaction with a First Tier Participant or other Lower Tier Participants (such as subcontractors and suppliers). e. The prospective lower tier paiticipant agrees by submitting this proposal that, should the proposed covered transaction be entered into, it shall not knowingly enter into any lower tier covered transaction with a person who is debarred, suspended, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this covered transaction, unless authorized by the department or agency with which this transaction originated. f. The prospective lower tier participant further agrees by submitting this proposal that it will include this clause titled "Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion -Lower Tier Covered Transaction," without modification, in all lower tier covered transactions and in all solicitations for lower tier covered transactions exceeding the $25,000 threshold. g. A participant in a covered transaction may rely upon a certification of a prospective participant in a lower tier covered transaction that is not debarred, suspended, ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from the covered transaction, unless it knows that the certification is erroneous. A participant is responsible for ensuring that its principals are not suspended, debarred, or otherwise ineligible to participate in covered transactions. To verify the eligibility of its principals, as well as the eligibility of any lower tier prospective participants, each participant may, but is not required to: check the Excluded Parties List System website (https:liwww.epis.gov/), which is compiled by the General Services Administration. h. Nothing contained in the foregoing shall be construed to require establishment of a system of records in order to render in good faith the certification required by this clause. The knowledge and information, of participant is not required to exceed that which is normally possessed by a prudent person in the ordinary course of business dealings. 219 Downtown Miami Signage and Wayfinding ITB No,: 17-18-022 System - Project No.: B-30941 i. Except for transactions authorized under paragraph e of these instructions, if a participant in a covered transaction knowingly enters into a lower tier covered transaction with a person who is suspended, debarred, ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction, in addition to other remedies available to the Federal Government, the department or agency with which this transaction originated may pursue available remedies, including suspension and/or debarment 220 Downtown Miami Signage and Wayfinding lira No.: 17-18-022 System - Project No.: B-30941 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT Or TRANSPORTATION 575 -CBC -73 NON -COLLUSION DECLARATION AND RIGHTOFWAY OW1 COMPLIANCE WITH 49 CFR § 29 Page' 2 ITEM/SEGMENT NO.: F.A.F. NO,: MANAGING DISTRICT: PARCEL NO.: COUNTY OF: RX4! &I BID LETTING OF: Tci I,,hereby dec€are'.....- -- that I am (NAME) xi of f ulit~'i�(1 (TITLE) (FIRM) of (7 6o) ek f , qt, 3%18 (CITY AND STATE) and that I am the person responsible within my firm for the final decision as to the price(s) and amount of this Bid on this State Project. I further declare that: 1. The prices(s) and amount of this bid have been arrived at independently, without consultation, communication or agreement, for the purpose of restricting competition with any other contractor, bidder or potential bidder. 2. Neither the price(s) nor the amount of this bid have been disclosed to any other firm or person who is a bidder or potential bidder on this project, and will not be so disclosed prior to the bid opening. 3. No attempt has been made or will be made to solicit, cause or induce any other firm or person to refrain from bidding on this project, or to submit a bid higher than the bid of this firm, or any intentionally high or non-competitive bid or other form of complementary bid. 4. The bid of my firm is made in good faith and not pursuant to any agreement or discussion with, or inducement from, any firm or person to submit a complementary bid. 5. My firm has not offered or entered into a subcontract or agreement regarding the purchase of materials or services from any firm or person, or offered, promised or paid cash or anything of value to any firm or person, whether in connection with this or any other project, in consideration for an agreement or promise by any firm or person to refrain from bidding or to submit a complementary bid on this project. 6. My firm has not accepted or been promised any subcontract or agreement regarding the sale of materials or services to any firm or person, and has not been promised or paid cash or anything of value by any firm or person, whether in connection with this or any other project, in consideration for my firm's submitting a complementary bid; or agreeing to do so, on this project. 7. 1 have made a diligent inquiry of all members, officers, employees, and agents of my firm with responsibilities relating to the preparation, approval or submission of my firm's bid on this project and have been advised by each of them that he or she has not participated in any communication, consultation, discussion, agreement, collusion, act or other conduct inconsistent with any of the statements and representations made in this Declaration. 8. As required by Section 337,165, Florida Statutes, the firm has fully informed the Department of Transportation in writing of all convictions of the firm, its affiliates (as defined in Section 337.165(I)(a), Florida Statutes), and all directors, officers, and employees of the firm and its affiliates for violation of state or federal antitrust laws with respect to a public contract or for violation of any state or federal law involving fraud, bribery, collusion, conspiracy or material misrepresentation with respect to a public contract. This includes disclosure of the names of current employees of the firm or affiliates who were convicted of contract crimes while in the employ of another company. Downtown Miami Signage and Wayfinding 2 2 System - Project ND.: B -3C941 ITF3 No. 17-18-062 575-0Sq•i 3 RIGHT 3F WAY 05161 Pege 2 of 3 9. l certify that, except as noted below, neither my firm nor any person associated therewith in the capacity of owner, partner, director. officer, principal, investigator, project director, manager, auditor, and/or position involving the administration of Federal funds: (a) is presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from covered transactions, as defined in 49 CFR §29.110(a), by any Federal department or agency; (b) has within a three-year period preceding this certification been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against him or her for: commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a Federal, State or local government transaction or public contract; violation of Federal or State antitrust statutes; or commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false statements or receiving stolen property; (c) is presently indicted for or otherwise criminalfy or civilly charged by a Federal, State or local governmental entity with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in paragraph 9(b) of this certification; and (d) has within a three-year period preceding this certification had one or more Federal, State or local government public transactions terminated for cause or default. 10. I(We), certify that !(We), shall not knowingly enter into any transaction with any subcontractor, material supplier, or vendor who is debarred, suspended, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this contract by any Federal Agency unless authorized by the Department. Where I am unable to declare or certify as to any of the statements contained in the above stated paragraphs numbered (1) through (10), 1 have provided an explanation in the "Exceptions" portion below or by attached separate sheet. EXCEPTIONS: (Any exception listed above will not necessarily result in denial of award, but will be considered in determining bidder responsibility. For any exception noted, indicate to whom it applies, initiating agency and dates of agency action. Providing false information may result in criminal prosecution and/or administrative sanctions.) I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. CONTRACTOR: (Seal) By.. LW IPN��J WITNESS: NA���� BY- r - WITNESS: SIGNATURE Executed on this �� day of t t �- FAILURE TO FULL Y COMPLETE A NO EXECUTE THIS DOCUMENT MAY RESULT IN THE BID BEING DECLARED NONRESPONSIVE Downtown Miami Signage and Wayfnding System - Project No.: B-30941 222 ITB No.: 17-18-062 575-38473 RIGHT OF WAY 35MM Page 3 of 3 REQUIRED CONTRACT PROVISIONS This certification applies to subcontractors, material suppliers, vendors and other lower tier participants - Appendix R of 49 CFR Part 29 -- Appendix B—Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion—Lower Tier Covered Transactions Instructions for Certification 1. By signing and submitting this proposal, the prospective lower tier participant is providing the certification set out below. 2. The certification in this clause is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was entered. If it is later determined that the prospective lower tier participant knowingly rendered an erroneous certification, in addition to other remedies available to the Federa# Government, the department or agency with which this transaction originated may pursue available remedies, including suspension and/or debarment. 3. The prospective lower tier participant shall provide immediate written notice to the person to which this proposal is submitted if at any time the prospective lower tier participant learns that its certification was erroneous when submitted or has become erroneous by reason of changed circumstances. 4. The terms "covered transaction," "debarred," "suspended," "ineligible," "lower tier covered transaction," "participant," "person," "primary covered transaction," "principal," "proposal," and "voluntarily excluded," as used in this clause, have the meanings set out in the Definitions and Coverage sections of rules implementing Executive Order 12549 You may contact the person to whom this proposal is submitted for assistance in obtaining a copy of those regulations. 5. The prospective lower tier participant agrees by submitting this proposal that it shall not knowingly enter into any lower tier covered transaction with a person who is debarred, suspended, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this covered transaction, unless authorized by the department or agency with which this transaction originated. 6. The prospective lower tier participant further agrees by submitting this proposal that it will include this clause titled "Certification Regarding Debarment; Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion --Lower Tier Covered Transaction," without modification, in all lower tier covered transactions and in all solicitations for lower tier covered transactions. 7 A participant in a covered transaction may rely upon a certification of a'prospective participant in a lower tier covered transaction that it is not debarred, suspended, ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from the covered transaction, unless it knows that the certification is erroneous. A participant may decide the method and frequency by which it determines the eligibility of its principals Each participant may, but is not required to, check the Nonprocurement List, 8. Nothing contained in the foregoing shall be construed to require establishment of a system of records in order to render in good faith the certification required by this clause. The knowledge and information of a participant is not required to exceed that which is normally possessed by a prudent person in the ordinary course of business dealings. 9. Except for transactions authorized under paragraph 5 of these instructions, if a participant in a covered transaction knowingly enters into a lower tier covered transaction with a person who is suspended, debarred, ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction, in addition to other remedies available to the Federal Government, the department or agency with which this transaction originated may pursue available remedies, including suspension and/or debarment. Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion—Lower Tier Covered Transactions (1) The prospective lower tier participant certifies, by submission of this proposal, that neither it nor its principals is presently debarred, suspended: proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntary excluded from participation in this transaction by any Federal department or agency. (2) Where the prospective lower tier participant is unable to certify to any of the statements in this certification, such prospective participant shall attach an explanation to this proposal. Downtown Miami Signage and Wayfinding ITB No , 17 1$-02 System - Project No.: B-30941 223 CITY OF MIAMI CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM SUBCONTRACTOR UTILIZATION FORM Project No. B- 30941 ProjectTitle- (7om��town t.�.i�ms Signage & �,+V�a��;indino Sysk�rn Sheet No. of This Form should be submitted with a bidder's bid form submittal. Failure to submit this Form with the bid may result in the bid being rejected as non-responsive, The City in its reasonable discretion may allow, in the interest of the competition, the Bidder to submit the Form after bids are due (as supplemental information). Provide the following information for each subcontractor regardless of tier.* Attach additional sheets if necessary. Name of Business Portion of Dollar Work Amount Percent Add ress/City/StatefZip License Information** Miami-DadeCertification* --Type Number CBE CSBE NIA Aiken Sirmage Signage $ 1,124,290 62..5^.0 69 klegill Road, Farmingaale NJ: r SOT 264 113034061 [J C] 077'27 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Q ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ * Must be certified by Miami -Dade County. All tiers must be shown, including multiple sub -tiers, if permitted by the Contract Documents. **List only those relevant to this Project. ***Check NIA if the listed SU does not have a CBEICSBE certification (e.g., independent third party verifier) Form SU State of Florida Department -4 of State I certify from the records of this office that ALLIED ENVIRONMENTAL SIGNAGE LLC is a New Jersey limited liability company authorized to transact business in the State of Florida, qualified on May 25, 2012. The document number of this limited liability company is M12000003001. I further certify that said limited liability company has paid all fees due this office through. December 31, 2018, that its most recent annual report was filed on February 1, 2018, and that its status is active. I further certify that said limited liability company has not filed a Certificate of Withdrawal. Given under zity hand and the Great Seal of the State of Florida at Tallahassee, the Capital, this the First Clay ofFebrriary, 2018 Tracking Number., CC4871425406 VjK s r 1J A I° of State To authenticate this certificate,vish the following site,enter this number, and thea follow the instructions displayed. https,//services.sunbiz.oralFilingsfCertificateOfStatus/CertificateAuthentication FLORENG-03 CBART, DAT€ (MM,`DDIYYYYI CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY' INSUFL4NCE 1212012017 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW, THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER($), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. €€ FUM I AN 1: It ttte certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL ENSURED, the policy(les) must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. lr SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer ricthts to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER -.. Collinsworth, Alter, Fowler S French, LLC 8000 Governors Square Blvd Suite 301 Miami Lakes, FL 33016 INSURED Florida Engineering & Development Corp. 12075 NW 98th Avenue Hialeah Gardens, FL 33018 r'r1VFRAr_FC r 1=IwrJCtf`A T= All 1AAO=n. PHONE (AIC, Na Eat) _._ _ - -__._„ .-.,. -._. 1,AX Nola -(305). 558-4294 E WAIL - — - _. ... .. ,�Iz�ss. vP�umie�(a caff!(c cnm INSURERS RFFORkING COVERAGE .INSURERA: Ib�t' jt Mutual Tie ..Insurance Compdi:1y i INSURER e INSURER C__ ,INSURER D;_-_1_-__-_.._-.-__ ; INSURER E : _ - - - 911...Y iJIVit IY IFfYtq�ti; THIS 15 TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION POLICY PERIOD OF ANY CONTRACTOR OTHER DOCUMENT VVITH RESPECT TO WHICH TH#S CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TOALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES- LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS . ....._.___- -- IT15R`A[1RL'.SUSR`�.._. �.—.�....v..�......._.._....._.._ TYPE Of INSURANCE ` - POLICY NUMBER . POLICY EFF DOL€CY EXP TR . _ N O i MMlO❑ L. w6p&M LIMITS ' COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITYI ; I ! - EACH OCCURRENCE � $ I - CLAIMS -MADE; OCCUR._ j ; r.DAMIAGETORENTED.�" ._.,_,..._...-....,,,._.-,... ... f-,— `---"` `J ! I f �TBIML5Fa EA occurrence:—,_S.—,..,............ __.. MED.EXP LnLneperson� _._ GEtd L AGGREGATE LIMIT A PLIES PER. 3 I I GENERAL AGG — POLICY — JtaO A— LOC ' PRODUCTS - COMPIOP AGG S OTHER: AUTOM004LE LIABILITY 1 COMMNED SINGLE LIM€T ANY AUTO , - ' - -- - - ; Eloq Y A, 11RY (PerpersonjOWNED AUTOS ONLY i I B071LY f NJURY Per acc�dani) $ — _ AUTO i N N YC LD ;I ... P AUTOS ONLY AUTOS CNLY PROPERTY DAMAGE ,. -- --- - ' UMBRELLA LtAS OCCUR EACH OCCURRENCE :. EXCESS LIAR ,F �, CLAIMS -MACE; ' :AGGREGATE DED RE..TENTION$ A WORKERS COMPENSATION X 'PER AND EMPLOYERS' LIA131UTY YIN VYC2ZS1291947047 .._ - - ' 12131/2017 " 12131/2018 MANY PROPRiETCRfPARTN£RIEXECUTIVE OFF C€R/MEMBER EXCLUDED? N I N f A I _ 1 000,000 E.L- EAC W ACCtnENT (Mandatory in NH) E-_L..DISEASE EA EMPLOYEEI 1,000,000 Urs describe under. =D SCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below I - E.i DISEASE -POLICY LIIJIIT = $ I I I € r i i DESCRIPT€ON OF OPERATIONS 1 LOCATIONS! VEHICLES (ACORD tUt, Additional Remarks Schedule. maybe attached if more space Is required). Wa€ver of Subrogation is Automatic when required by written Contract C! SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE: EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE 4c4t; ake r+vvrau r.:a tcv i.—I v iWHS-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. r CERTIFICATE OF LiA13I1 ITV Itic pA { DATE iMSVDOryYYyI THIS CERTIFICATE IS 'SS U' AS. A MATTER OF INFORMATION ON Y AND CONFERS tiO FtlGII7 ~�'— 04/03/2017 CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND 4R ALTER THE C UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER, REPRES THIS CERTIFICATE E INND TH#CE DOES NOF CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT t3€FWf=ER1 OVERAGE AFFORDED 8Y THE POLICES REPfiESEtdTATIVE DR PRODUCER, AND THE C£#iTIFICkTE HOLG3ER. YFSE ISSUING fNSURER(S), AUTHORIZED IMPORTANT: If the CrartifiCate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the POUCY(ies) must have ADDITif3 If SU8ROGATIOsN IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy.Certain Policies ma NAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s), Y require are endorsement. A statement on PRODUCER Collinsworth, Alter, Fouler 6 French, LLC 9000 Governors Square Blvd Suite 301 Miami Lakes: FL 33016 INSURED _..----- - ---._ Florida Engineering & Development Corp. 12076 NW 98th Avenue Hialeah Gardens, FL 33018 822-7800— affilc.e _n. t tarc�Nal:(3ii5} 362-24.43 .. — - AIC ig COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: THIS 1S TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSU QED A ION ME,dMBER: 1NOICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACTOR OTHER NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRI R DOCUMENT WITH EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES LIMITS SHObVR,I MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCE[? BY PAID GLAll41$ ED HERE€N IS RESPECT i D WHICH THIS -- —_-_- _ SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, TR • TYPE OF INS:fRANCEi INSO' WVUPOL€CY NUMSiER - i POLICY EFF T POLICY EXF A X ; COMMERCIALGENERALLiA61LITY ' MPftOOfYYYYIM' YYY --"-- ---° I MD,LIMITS CLAIMS-�AOE .'. X : OCCUR l € 'TB7Z5129' 947027 I EACH OCCURR€NCE 1 I E 1,fi(�t) (}( 04!01 I I 04i0112€?17 12018 OAMAOF ToIZFNrEd—' ----_— —�_..�_ PREMISt$1Fa acc_ ne�e._re.sro-cn_oY�-- S PER: 00,00 AGGREGATE MIT APPLI- � � POLICY E : Y - LOC I ! ! GENERAi. AGGREGATE 2,000,00. R - IPROC� OTHER; - I CTS�C MPIOP AGG 5 2,66-6— + AUTOMOSILE LIABILITY W-ALfo `—yit A$2253141347017 LIaM ? Q OWNED $ODIeLY'NDdi1SR31YtG 04io1/2018 € �--- A070S ONLY AllTGS � ' ( -. PLEer S HIRED AUTOS ON.Y A3NLY N'7N{7'NNED ! _. UTL'S Ci _ 66Dn Y €NJURY LIP,!,LIP,!,acudeng - E i PROPERTY _ sc.+dent._- A X UMBRELLA LIAR X OCCUR EXCESS LIAO € - CLAISAS-MACE ;TH7ZS1291947037 ! f EACH OCCURRENCE � g 04101/2017 04!0112048 -- 5,€IQO,I700 -- _. _ - D_D RETENTIONS 10,000: _ i _ _ � AGGRln GAT: .... .—_- -_.. WORKERS COMPENSA T;ON? ! AND i ,aggregate E� 73,000,000 EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY YIN ! I PER OTn- AM1'Y PROPRIETOi?1PARTt4ER/EXE"CUi?V - - I �.NIAI 6;"✓"ICERmnErv:REREXGLVLiE07 ----,- S rATJ7 M1 . -.= R • • (Mandafory in NH) ! I , E.L EACH ACCIDE�'T if yes describe under € °Ji:SCRtP*ION OF 4PERA7€0NS lae!awDISEASE.�EA _ - ENP OYES, OESCRYPTION OF OPERATIONS i LOCATIONS i VERICLES aACORO Ial. Additiorial Remarks Schedule, may be altached it more splice * regcired Florida Engineering k Development Car TMESHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE'ESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLEt) BEFORE 12076 NW 98th Avenue P ACCORAANCE TW TH THE POLICTHEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED Iy Hialeah Gardens, FL 33018 Y PROV151OPlS, AUTHORIZED REPpFSENTATIVE ACCRD 25 (201&103) c 19 -2015 CA CA _ The ACORD name and foga are registered marks of ACORE) R11 CORPORATION. All rights reserved. wcca� i Luca[ Business Tax Receint Miami.—Dade County, State of Florida - T HIS IS NOT A 61LL— DO NOT PAY 3 5891131 i BUSINESS NAME/L6CAf1O1Y RECEIPT' No. FLORIDA ENGINEERING AND DEVELOPMENT CORPReENEWAL 12076 NW 96 AVE 6144968 i HIALEAH GARDENS FL 33018 BT J EXPIRES SEPTEMIBER 30, 2018 Must be displayed at place Of business Pursuant to County Code Chapter BA -Art. 9 & 10 OWNER SEC. TYPE OF BUSINESS FLORIDA ENGINEERINC AND 196 GENERAL BUILDING CONTRACTOR PAYMENT RECEIVED CGCfl4531t}. BY TAX COLLECTOR Workers) 12 $51 ZO.-08/29/20.17 FPPU02"17=021745 This Local Business Tax Receipt On€y Confirms payment Of the Local Business Tax, The Receipt is not a license, Permit, Ora Certification of the Wiler"s qualifications, to do business. Hotder must Comply with any govam enla, or nongovernmental regulatory laws and requirements which appry to the business. The RECEIPT NO, above must be displayed on all commercial vehicles - Miami -Dade Coda Sec 80-276. Por more information, visit' xcolfecser Or FD0 rT_ Florida Department of Transportation RIcK SCOTT 605 Suwannee Street (;()%,j,RN-0R Tallahassee, FL 32399-0450 4 CORP tyir P a -,- "! t0 X L b C� - . pe of wJr k' acpl , cat S 0:,:e 4/30/2019. Lh- ire your next application must be filed within (4) In accordance with S.337.14 (1) F.S. audited annVal-TTn-ancial statements. months of the ending date Of the applicant's If your company's maximum capacity has been revised, you can access it by logging into la.fication Application System Via the following link: the Contractor Precluatate.fl.uis/ContractorpreQualificaticn / ract r the most recently approved application, and then once logged in, select "View" fo click the ,14anage" and "Application Summary" tabs. FDOT APPROVED WORK CLASSES: S G DID Water Q - t nv --qle R C. -. Cl. ; 3a7i jt)P. V fcr. 'n n'cst rei.e rtl) T- o;n is need:ed to 45 h e r; e C req, qu e d t .3 n 4 2 21 Ts ar cl,� i-� C I A.- M�.;X;jmum Q 11k ordt?.! 'j., k w.D \V\VV,Jdot.P-ov I. 6/21/2618 Licensing Portal - License Search 7:58:04 AM 6/211208 Data Contained In Search Results Is Current As Of 06/71/2018 07:57 ANI. Search Results Please see our glossary of terns. for an explanation of the license status shown in hese search results. For additional information, including any complaints or discipline, click on the name. Main Address*: 12076 NW 98TH AVENUE HIALEAH GARDENS, FL 33018 Certified General FLORID EN a EERING AND CGC1511029 Null and Void, Contractor DEVELOPMENT CORP BBA Cert General 09/14/2012 Main Address*: 12076 NW 98TH AVENUE HIALEAH GARDENS, FL 33018 Construction FLORIDA ENGINEERING AND Business DEVELOPMENT CORP Primary Business Current Information Info Main Address*: 12075 NYJ 98TH AVENUE HIALEAH GARDENS, FL 33018 * denotes Main Address - This address is the Primary Address an file. Mailing Address - This is the address where the ma`I associated with a particular license will be sent (if different from the Main or License Location addresses). License Location Address - This is rhe address where the place of 'o€isiness is physically located. 2601 Blair Stone Road, Tallahassee FL 32399 : ; F..mail- Customer Contact Center :: Customer Contact Center: 8500.87.1395 The Stare i3 lcr,rla is an AA/EEU en'Floyer. Copyright 2007-2010 State of Florida. Privacy Statement Uiidrr Flcrid.: tae,, email addresses are publicrecords— Ir you da not want, your emal,j ad; ress reel rind in rasportse to a rlaubl c,r<_cords requeat, do not send ele-:;nnir_ €nail to this e --: ;. 1r,,:te ,-_ixq[act the ofrice by phone or by tr-id€;€rnai rr,ail. J1 Tru hv:'e anj tine.=.:ions, plea se ran aE,. 80,4 ,7,13,95. 'Pur'suas,r tr, 455.271111 ; €Norida ztamtes, effect::"T a`t, tbe- 1, 2012, I,ce€€sees i€ red under- Chapter 455, Es. must prravidc ^e 11e€^a-.r:znrk wikh rr: rn-a i addte-s 1f .< r have one. The ,:mall: provided may be used fo= official c,.1 -r m:r iicatinr! wit th,e kensee. Hera+rnv:-€ ani ' a: dries -2s a puL'Ir . OcC�rd- If r.su CIO not 001sn to supply a personal ar t)rrs>a, clLase prvric{e the Departmort with an email ar'rirass v;hici,: can 3e rnade avollable to Lite pua)Jir.. https://w�v-iv.mynoridalicense.com/wl11.asp?mode=2&search=Nama&SID=&brd=&typ= 191 Name License License Type Name Number/ Status/Expires Type Rank Certified General FLORIDA ENGINEERING ANIS CGC045310 Current, Active Contractor DEVELOPMENT CORP BBA Cert General 08/31/2018 License Location Address*. 7950 SW 78TH ST MIAMI, FI -.33143 Main Address*: 12076 N1JJ 48TH AVENUE HIALEAH GARDENS, FL 33013 Certified Underground Utility and FLORIDA ENGINEERING AND BBA CUC1224714 Current, Active Excavation DEVELOPMENT CORP Cert Under 08/31/2018 Contractor Main Address*: 12076 NW 98TH AVENUE HIALEAH GARDENS, FL 33018 Certified General FLORID EN a EERING AND CGC1511029 Null and Void, Contractor DEVELOPMENT CORP BBA Cert General 09/14/2012 Main Address*: 12076 NW 98TH AVENUE HIALEAH GARDENS, FL 33018 Construction FLORIDA ENGINEERING AND Business DEVELOPMENT CORP Primary Business Current Information Info Main Address*: 12075 NYJ 98TH AVENUE HIALEAH GARDENS, FL 33018 * denotes Main Address - This address is the Primary Address an file. Mailing Address - This is the address where the ma`I associated with a particular license will be sent (if different from the Main or License Location addresses). License Location Address - This is rhe address where the place of 'o€isiness is physically located. 2601 Blair Stone Road, Tallahassee FL 32399 : ; F..mail- Customer Contact Center :: Customer Contact Center: 8500.87.1395 The Stare i3 lcr,rla is an AA/EEU en'Floyer. Copyright 2007-2010 State of Florida. Privacy Statement Uiidrr Flcrid.: tae,, email addresses are publicrecords— Ir you da not want, your emal,j ad; ress reel rind in rasportse to a rlaubl c,r<_cords requeat, do not send ele-:;nnir_ €nail to this e --: ;. 1r,,:te ,-_ixq[act the ofrice by phone or by tr-id€;€rnai rr,ail. J1 Tru hv:'e anj tine.=.:ions, plea se ran aE,. 80,4 ,7,13,95. 'Pur'suas,r tr, 455.271111 ; €Norida ztamtes, effect::"T a`t, tbe- 1, 2012, I,ce€€sees i€ red under- Chapter 455, Es. must prravidc ^e 11e€^a-.r:znrk wikh rr: rn-a i addte-s 1f .< r have one. The ,:mall: provided may be used fo= official c,.1 -r m:r iicatinr! wit th,e kensee. Hera+rnv:-€ ani ' a: dries -2s a puL'Ir . OcC�rd- If r.su CIO not 001sn to supply a personal ar t)rrs>a, clLase prvric{e the Departmort with an email ar'rirass v;hici,: can 3e rnade avollable to Lite pua)Jir.. https://w�v-iv.mynoridalicense.com/wl11.asp?mode=2&search=Nama&SID=&brd=&typ= 191 6/2112018 Dt3PR - VEGA, JOSE ANTONIO; Doing Business As: FLORIDA ENGiNEFRING AND DEVELOPMENT CORP, Certified General Contra... 7 58:48 AAA 6%29/201$ Licensee Details Licensee Information Name: VEGA, JOSE ANTONIO (Primary Name) FLORIDA ENGINEERING AND DEVELOPMENT CORP (E)EIA Name) Main Address: 12()76 NW SETH AVENUE HIALEAH GARDENS Florida 33018 County: DADE License Mailing: LicenseLocation: 7950 SW 78TH ST MIAMI FL 33143 County: DADE License Information License Type. Certified General Contractor Rank: Cert General License Number: CGC045310 Status: Current,Active Licensure Date: 11/19/1988 Expires: 08/31/2018 Special Qualifications Qualification Effective Construction Business 12/02/2008 Alternate Names View Related License Information Vie,ow License Complaint 20(31 Blair Stone Rozsd, Tallahassee FL 32399 Email!: C€astomur Contact Center :: ++:u>CGfn4r Cort €^_t Ce=^=,`r: t3 0.417.'_ 345 T t:: St:.al-:• o FIS?ri:]_s an AA;' E,) , rr:pl y.r. Cupyright 2007.•; 010 State of Elnrida, Eiivacy Statement J1A61, _(� 11� !, .ail ud rti�_r..: 3:. �:�..lir. €.[ ,r�!:, F ,r, �c€ c. .a=y[:u. ..s;i a..dr:,.,� ii _amu rCsper:,_ t,�, a civ r=nk sed =I- err,ir. r -1 3f; ;c ti a c ., i€ r, „nCa -_ i_ .:t" Lr :€„di. ^d ai :nail. If you t -F -re 1F-rear.y n sc<.1 alr a _ cun_ar_r Fs ua,t t"J S1_ctio;€ 4 7 f °I,rda St-3t:Utes, errataCrt tw l, 21.12, llrcr-s Iit._nSad a n C._. CraG r..: 4ss .S..:cst rroei le e :=r, n r ri a _ EI a :: y !:.3 t� ,:e. 'i !- p€ Ad'i 'n : u�.g-d -er O i 1p., r. t,i n s:iIn the1€r_a sa H' :•:r" Z _[::311 jdr:_,,.: __ a p Li b6c rd. ,r ;wu :I r i `: I':; 'ki"0rr u 7r_ --u€ia a4d c- s, JAasc n r1r.N1 r..n email https://www.rnyfloridaficense.coiniLicenseDet@il.asp?SID=&id=9DE771 E1 F4B3CDBCBGCD1F4513C6200A 111 6;21;2018 DBPR - LEGA, JOSE ANTONIO; Doing BusinessAs: FLORIDA ENGINEERING AND DEVELOPMENT CORP, Certified Underground Ut.. 7:59:26 AAJ 61211!'016 Licensee Retails Licensee Information Name: VEGA, JOSE ANTONIO (Primary Name) FLORIDA ENGINEERING AND DEVELOPMENT CORP (DBA Name) Main Address: 12475 NW 98TH AVENUE HIALEAH GARDENS Florida 33018 County: DADE License Mailing: LicenseLocation: License Information License Type: Certified Underground Utility and Excavation Contractor Rank: Cert Under License Number: CUC1224714 status: Current,Active Licensure Bate: 04/21/2009 Expires. 08/31/2018 Special Qualifications Qualification Effective Construction Business 04/21/2009 Alternate Nantes View . -Related Belated License Information View License >Eompjaint 2601 Mair stoke Road,_ Tallahassee FL 32399 :: Email: Cerstnmer Contact Center Cwstc:mer Contact Ci_r? er: B50,487.1395 The State of Florida is an :;A; EE0 employer. Copyright 2007-2010 State of Florida. Privacy Statement Under Florida iaw, err':aH ad•3resEes are P11b is record,. tf yru do not want y: ur email add, zss released in resucm�e to a p>ublic-records :our est, do nc" sena r-:eZ mod to this entity. 1r.51Gar, contact the Trice by phone or by traditional maid. If you have any questions, please coIr;tact 850.487.1395. 'Filursuart to Section 455.275( `;, Florida Stat€ tes, eff�ct.4ve October 1, 1,012i l€cemsces licensed uneer Chapter 455, F.S. must Provide the rj -partmeat with an er-nail address if they ff:rve ane, _N'le en,ails prc ided may I;e used ror official cornrnunication inch the licenisee. Ho°.va.ve=' efnail adcs�ss='s ars a0bIk reo-rd. If yc1 de at .�lsh to sup€DIY a pr.r%odicil e <dres_. Please p,ovfde the Department -with ar. erre.1 addr::ss whi"h tan be mace available tG tI^e „ruMC. hftps:/fwww.mytloridalicense.com/Licensel)etail.asp?SID=&id=DEFFBE18115500FDOD6CC403E681 EOE8 ill 6/2112018 DSPR - FLORIDA ENGINEERING AND DEVELOPMENT CORP, Construction Business Information 7:59:50 AM 6121120 18 This is a business tracking record only. Licensee Details Click here for information on ho36t to verify that this business is-pLQpgLly-jjcensed. Licensee Information Name: FLORIDA ENGINEERING AND DEVELOPMENT CORP (Primary Name) Main Address: 12076 NW 93TH AVENUE HIALEAH GARDENS Florida 33018 County., DADE License Mailing: Licensel-cication: License Information License Type: Construction Business Information Rank: Business Info License Number: Status: Current Licensure Date: 04/12/2006 Expires: Special Qualifications Qualification Effective License Returned 11/04/2008 Alternate Names View Related License Information View License Corr plaint 2601 Blair Stone Road, Tallahassee FL 32399 :: Email: Customer contact Center :: CusWrney ContacL Center: 850,487.1395 The State of Florida i.9 an AA/EEO ernploy:�F. Lopyl:sght 2007-2010 State of Florida, Privacy Statement Under Florida law, einail addresses are public records. If You do nct want Yaur email adds sz: rElcpsed in rewporjse to a pi.J)k-rcxonJ5Q-" " ucst, d:rot ot send electrmiic mad to this entity. Instead, contact the office by. phone m- y tradifloral mail, L"you h,�ve any quesw r, , pi se d ') " ea con:act 85-3.487,1395. 'Pursuant to Saction 455.275(1ll, Florida Statutes, rfferhvk- Cxfnoer L, ?012, kensues liconsed unck-'rChapte-.455, F.S. must provide kh±= Dop,,rmcnt with email -address if dicy have one. The e. -nails provided may tic., used for official camnunication wiC;= the licen5ee, or -if, email add-es5cs are public record. If you do not rash to supply a personal address, pleaFe provide d,* Department with an en -sail address ^rjljiCh an be made availabfe to tjie public. https://www.myfloridalicense,com/LicenseDetail.aSp7SID=&id=8I891 C2215231 EF7FDB924A47C6BE35E 6/1 1120 1 8 Prequalified Vendor Search FDOTContractor Pre -Qualification (CPQ) T Prequalified Contractors 6/11/2018 1.-05-.50 PM EST Listing Return to Inquiry Mentt Contractor with Name ALLIED ENVIRONMENTAL SIGNAGE 1-1 of 1 contractors Printer Friendly Version VENDOR NAME HOME OFFICE ADDRESS BIDDING OFFICE ADDRESS .. ... ... .. ........... ... . .. ....... ...- .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. ....... .. .. ..... .. ....... ... ....... ... ... .. . ALLIED ENVIRONMENTAL SIGNAGE 69 MEGILL ROAD 69 MEGILL ROAD F264113034001 FARMINGDALE, NJ 07727 FARMINGDALE, NJ 07727 EXPIRES: 6/30/2018 (732)751-1818 18 18 ---------------- - ............ . ................... --------- ------ ­_.- . ...... WORK CLASSES ROADWAY SIGNING ..... .. . .. ........... .......... .. .. .. .. .. __.- ....... .. .. .. .. .. ..... . FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FDP Report Technical Problems to the Service Desk @ 1-866- j 965-4357 or email: Service Desk Send Prequalification Questions or Comments to gontr4L.t:.;; _ 'j Administration Office Internet Privacy Policy, Disclaimers & Credits https.i;'fdotwpl,dot.state.fl.usicontr,iciarprequal:.ficationlpublic.!PrequalifiedVe?idorSe,ircti.aspx ill