HomeMy WebLinkAboutCIP ResumesCIVILIAN INVESTIGATIVE PANEL CiP MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION 970 S, W, 1St Street; Suite 30S Mi3ml, Florida 33130 305-960-4956 CIyl14ai' inyestlgativepanel 1 LAST NAME FIRST NAME -jam, ❑Q8 M I F ZjA CONTACT CELL ONE, DAY; , NIGHT; --NUMBERS E-MAIL ADDRESS; 0o eV J'o 0 M &U�7, j�. �-t HOME AD • RESS; ITY; ti- STATE, TIP -CODE DISTRICT: f WORK ADDRESS: CITY, STATE; ZIP -CODE DIST ICT* REASSTATE PROPERTY ADDRE5S;CITY; STATE ZIP -CGDE DISTRICT; 1, Are you, your spouse or any Immediate family member (children, parents or siblings) currently empioyed by the City of Kami? Yes No 2, Have you, your spouse, or any Immediate farm#y member, eve been a sworn employee of the City of Miami Police Department? Yes � No 3, Are you c(jrrertly a arty or a party's legal representative in any litigation against the City of Miami? Yes No 4 Do you have a record of a felony conviction? Yes No S. Why do you wlsh to serve or) the CIP? r 6. What aspect of your Ifrfe and/or worse experience has prepared you for membership on the CIP? 7, List a fzations with which held 1 CJ ` —- 8, Please attach your resume with s application CERTIFICATE OF APPLICATION PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE SIGNING I hereby certify that al; the statements made In this application are true and correct. By signing this application, I authorize verificatlon of my background record soleiy for use by the CIP Nomi-wing Committee to cwt reviews and provide final recommendations to the Clty of Miami Commission Baard, SIGNA DATE; 0 U g ay 2130 NW 13'Ih Seree't; Miami, Florida 33125 �-ion€g,t.ayes@stonesoupcleveln�rrerit,riei 3I�5-7f�-�U3Q ("1/12 Stone Soup Development; .WRrri, Florida President Stare Scup Develop2exRt was farmed as foz--pro2t compEmy whose pri-melly missieb is developing naw adordable ulusir.gr but we also have fetailCtor-;iiercial development experience. SSD has the I .'.angial 5treP.g&. and ,experience to carry -a p'rq,-'PQt from c9lideption to corapledon, incl -.ding: pr edevelopL_ertt, proj ;ct dffsign, applyng fQr goverrl-nertl and bank frnanc rxg, permuting, co=a--;-xcemert of construction U-1ro ugn ; eceirt of Certificate cf flccupa�.ey, and fir -ally quality property management. 111,04 - 02110 Carrfous Supportive Housing, Miami, Florida Viae President, Housing Development Responsible fa: irnplerzendng varied housing developments from conception through occupancy, Reported to the Pt esTdent J"GEG and supervised a COP-struc.t~an Manager, Development Asyistant and three support st�dff IdentTled. and selected potent?a11 pro ect sites and coordinated due dl igence For acquis doa of new properties. Analyze prc�,ects and farrnulate project so x nes and uses, S-truc used fina=Lng for con.stuction and opera 5ng pro formas using .spLeadsheot sL-'twa:e, Oversaw the prepa-ration of grant and l3an aPP itaticrxs including Low Income Housing Tax credits, SAIL, HOME, Surtax, AHF, 'Fay Exempt Hoz,ds, -etc. Coordinated pro ect u..i ersvritirg and =in€crfgivg dosings, Supervise outsid;, consultants and contractors, including appraisers., at-LOIt!eys, aICry1��Gt5, engineers and general contractors, lq£anaged tho construction process, inralt.,dLng mairata;ni g con5truction dies and records; processing draws and reimbursements, and f .-o-Watiag fira_rcial progress reports for fo,.-:ding sources and Garrfeur ma..ia9--merit and 8oard ow Directors. Projects develc ped for Carrfoijr: k Villa Aurc!ra - a 29 Million --a new raiKed-use mixed -Income development .funded prirnanly by Tay, credits, The project . 1 :!vides a pi�.bIic .library, 76runfits of aff rdablp housing (39 supportive units tbr the hornyless acid 31 low-income units), and 10,050 square; fort of pffi.oe space. * Royalton. -- Hia'toriq reh,abilitatio.-i of a 1923 hotel k;Ito.100 sirigle-room occupancy apartments Tar -the horlacless and 10"W -income renters. Thi& $17.7 =-Uan, project utas funded %"h both H,iatoric. and Low -Income Hawing Tax Cred? a d'ong tvi`h City of vS a_*n: HOME and County Sufi ft2-,ds. * Harding Village - Rp IabiRtahgrz of a M0 nxotel sato 92 singto-room occi;parcy apartments fak th-- homeless and 1ou,-income ,rer-toss. - ''Ws, $12 sxd lion_ project was f mdea with lour -income hcus ng credits' alor'g rich'Vet6ians Ad-!nin.istre4Qn Gra,*zt and Per Diem, Cit-; ofiarrni Reach H0.11L and County Surtax funds. Verde Ga: detas -- a rulxed-use 145 trait developmezit for Miami --Daae County Hcmele�s TrasL on land it owns is-: Homestead, This $18 r,-_illio:i prejyct yras funded with County General Obligation B;,nds and County H01VME dollars. Additanaliy &.e project has an agricultural companent, and a 5,000 square foot fresh rood market. * Dr, Barbara Carey --Shuler Manor -- a $28 rr llion mixed - income development funded prima Uy by Low -Income HousEng'Tat Credits - the project o{ IGO t7n Cs (50 supportve utlits for the homeless and 50 low incor -me Units), * Pant -dew Gardens - a $.10 ,=-i ion 'Tax Credit L ded affordable krouair_ cievelorment an City of -&I.' ovc'aed land. 'fie projeci Js 60 units aZ, searing fam hes w:ho ,ge a4 or below 60% of Area -Media..n Incorze, * Nc1ghboraood Stabs izatlon prooram II - $16.8 million of N9? 11 grant funds from ; Hti3, with the expec4adon of another $20 million of tax exempt bonds ix 4°la tax credits, for the acauisidon and ce=hAb`litadon of 240 --units of existing apartn:er+ts, keeping thein affordable for fa-milzes who are at or below 50-'/r, of Area U'ediazi Income 2 11/04 Jubilee Community Development Corp: Miami., F.'onda Vice President and Director of Development: Responsibic for davelaptber_t c, F all rea.1 estate projects for ffiis xionprofit housing development corporation,. The duties inciudN .the overall developrrr,ent of bousi�ng projects for low- income pa-ope - ingluding Iar-d acqu sitzan, assetn-blic--g finamc,+1,g, hiring the dev€lopMent twi=n jascWtects, gem:ral contractors, attoneys, accountants, etc,), and grain vrritmg, Liaison -_d with the Cite and -Co�.0 - Commissioners as well as With thb housing and .comma-inity dev4opment staff fo: the Cit of Aiia.P i and the Co- ntV. Projects developed for Jubilee: * Fetal rummer of units developed 440. * Notal funds raised for projects $45,25 inillion. * GO" fsid, 'Villas a 194-utit, $16 =11ibrr tai;: exerapt boriel and tax Credit .f.un,ded apartrnemt gomplex in Norr_ West tiSiardi, worked directly with JubLlep,'s joint venture partner The Related Gre-L:p .of Flm4da.. Drafted successful Mia-m,i- Dadc Coilnty application for $600,000 of HOME fus-zding for Lhis 1.roject, " Carrie P. Meek Manor a $6,5 rr'llion, 71 -unit elderly housing development it Dvertown, f coded under ITUD's Secton 202 program, Drafted aaccassful Count, and City of Miami appLcatlons wl-dch provided ar, a.dditiena ,$500,000 of ftnding. * Jubulee Villas - a $3,5 mi"il ori, 30-uni t condom-inium homeownership development, in. Lust Little Havana. Shepherd Projeat - 6 -unit formerly ! oznW.ess development in Homestead, responsible for wrWng grants t:at raised $250,000 of matching fu-ndffi& for $600,000 project. * Ju ::lee Plaza - a 24,2.26 square foot ratail/co:nmtirc',q -shopping center in Homestead, Florida 6/96 - 10/96 Fund Development Consultant; Miami, Flor da Carr ~nuni y Habilitation Center Consuitant on planning the capital campaign, 1.()/'95 - 5]96 Nuseum of Contemporary Aeric: MFar," Florida Director of Development Responsible for all' rued raising ac-Uviue,s for the -mus; arr. Directed the Board in identif'1*.g, involvir{g ane eniiaEng `ht linarrqW1 si�gPort of65nors, anclud ng; privatc individuals, porpor-adot,.s and foundations, * Pla,-.nO -and executed the inaugural Gala and offier special ew ant'ft d raisC rs, Developed an endou-*nent plan using naming opportunitiee In the new f4cil<ty to ,eoogn za major contributors. Staffed the Board's Develvpmen.t CornmAttee. Supervised the efforts of a, grant writer. a 4/90 - 10/550 Nero World School. of the Arts: Miami) Floneda ne Ovc5ral: resp aiMbiLty for ali fund rais'_r-g initiatives for this perfo ming arts school. Annual goal of $500,000 reguiarly met and endoy�-ment iacreascd froze less than. $1 million to over $4 iniLdon during my tenure. S,ccured the donation of a building revc door to the Schaal owned,by Bell Soith aid valaed at $1.8 million: Identified, cul!ivated and recruited- supportive pa�rcn.s. lala,zr ec and exec meted Gil special e.yen't fund rai:8,-.rs, including annexal "Rising Stars" show, " Provided staff support to the ExecudvC Board, Foundation Board and Special Events Cot -n ntitee. Managed go^er=en+al grant w-; ting efarts from =den:tf.oatlon, to applications and reporting. Served as liaison to the UniversiLY of Florida's Found'a`icn, and &-,e Al ami -Dade Commwzityy Collage Fmmdaucn . * Represented the school at. social and comrnutii y actio Iles, e"i,Zi aticing its Lmage B_rd c❑rporate finding potential. * Secured the d❑nato_-1 of builrin across the street from the schQol yawed at $ ,8 -- Bion which was ;meed by Beli South, 3189 � 4/90 Florida Grand Opera; Miami, Florida Associate Director of Development Responsible, for -management and direction of all corporate and fot;ncatior. fund raising cazrpaign s, as ��es� aw all government grants, rhos totaled $2 rnillion an-nually. * Uirepted rosea -.-ah on pate :twat sources of co"aarate, a fotl, idation. and go ire nment s'apport, Cowdtr_ated the,Wtivides or tie Board's Corporate. Development. Committee, x Sxipervi.sed developm.pont staff., 1/84-2/89 Je=wish Family Service of Gfeater Miami: Miatni, Florida Program Director Seni+�r C me Watci and Victims Assistance Program Provided home imnr0VemeW8 to gg0fied tow-Lncom'e elderly horneoRx;ers and .renters — inctuding energy; e� lcic: cy rv�atrs. Tacka Very*small project :%pith an enr_ ial budget of only $22,000 and built a 8igP.illca-It program of Housing services "Ifth a $250,000 annual budget and staff af 18 employe, s, Conceived, developed, 8—qd nadsed f ods to successfU2- 3, implement pro ra_m goals. * Maintained repofti lg systems for p;cjeet's fscaj, perei, program and palmic relations etatus. Hired, trained and s=apezvised a stag of 18 employees, 101$1 - 1?/tv University of Maryland Survey Research, Center, 0o'1;egP Park, Maryland Project Director Responsible for survev research projects including! -grant 'writing, survey design, pre --testing, data collection, Coding, asaalysxs, repofti fg and presentation, Hired, trained and supervised staff of interviewers B_nd coders or, a C?r'oject by pra„ect basis, Wokked closcly MVP. Oent--r D#reootor in evaluation and interpretatiazi o! data; * Wrote grants for iizndirg of sperm is pro%ects, EDUCATION B -S, - University of Arizona . 1975 T-ucson, Arizona MAjor - Public Adrr..inistration Gt-aduated. with High Distinctior. Deans Llst, Beta Gamma Sigma & Phi Kaava. P1j M,,$, - Arizona State University . 1978 i e,rnpQ, Ari?oria Y, ajor - CnnninoxU aiid Crimi:iai i ustice * .SSD on Ph.D. - University of Delaware Nv;vark, Dela x are Major l- Sociology of Law Cour sd whirl; coknpletiec ,. comprehensive exa-r=,hati�i:is passed, * All. But Dissertation rema.�. Publkhad author on criniiraa jus�ae, c-ugs and youth, for several prof-ssiabal. jouma s. PROFESSIONAL NcighbarWorks Training institute - Ad -%r :ced Leaderships for Orgarkizati,vnal Trans#ormation PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS Cersfzcadar .ffrom The Enterprise Foundatio ; for one-week .owse on Mtroductien to Nonp:cfit Haus ing'Developrnef,t Certification from Develcpment Tx sir_ing Insritu:4 or four -v; eek course o -i =-nprehena. Y c housing de elopment Completed one-week coarse of trair_i_+ig on cm omit development by The Na -dor -al Development Council Cer-bficatior. from Faari.e lYlae for Dnkl top Ronne Counsclor training Ceru.zed land Raising Exccuti e by tl^�e National Society of Fund Raising kmai: ti'sr es Certszcate a: Completion of Exsel 20010 Level 3 New Horizons Computer l earning Centers Soars tMember of the South Flonda Com=u.nity Deve?opmen Coal tion, 2008 to pre -sent, Board Yem.ber of R&T.C.H. (Family Enrichment through VOLUNTEER El XTEFJ EITCES Com- unity and Hope) 2009 to present. P or.mr Board Me;-4bez` o Mian: Chapter of Association df ll'u dra?s'_zlg Profess[onals, 1990 - 1996, South Flodda Can, raunity� Development Coali Tori Jni"ed Way 6f Dade Co,-mty Area: AgFncy on Aging O eater.M ami Cbarnber of Com=erca Dow ato,t-rx Mlaxni Partnership Mcntal Health Association c z hlz Frti Fellpwship House of Miami Christian Community Services RD- PIRENCES Dr. Richard BassL Preside 4t- & CEO Richard Bassi:i M.D. LLC 300 Bouin. Pointe Drive 0 11-0 1 MiarAi ,beach, F1. 3313 305-321-1226 cell t1 c}.1..L,. C • 'Harriseop, Jr. Presider -t 8CEO Harrisarl COTISt-�WdOn C'ampany 529 Minorca Avcnue Corm Gables, FL 3334 a05-216-39.19 cell `:.'army Haywood -Moore Vice President JPNlargan Chase Cor=,-uiity Development Bar..king 10420 Highland Mano:- Drive; Building 2, Sth Flcor IYWL5TOP FL3-2519 Tampa,, Fl. 336103-9128 P .], : 813-432-4902 Cell, 813-470-0660 Tammy. Haylgcs:-Mcor c Chase.corn George Mensah Director - City of Miami Derartment of commur�ty Development 444 SW 2,md-A venue, 2zd Floor li it FL 33130 305--416-1765 407-687-6454 cell z�nsah_7 _iamiguv,c z, Tony Thx,5 tg, AccTaisxz r)rj Managor National Equity 714-1d} Ir1c,., 501 Sever*h Aven4e, 7t-� Floor New York, N-' IGQ18 212-455-9346 347-489-9581 Cell CCflesir: �"L�1Sc�'le�,� E- CIVILIAN INVESTIGATIVE: PANEL CIP MEMBERSHIP APPLICAT[or� 970 SW i" Street; 5a1te 305 Miarnl, Florida 3313o 365-9.60-4956 c1 llian_invesfleativepal sI MAST NAME FIRST NAME 008 M F Motley Russell 119188 X CONTACT CELL PHONE: DAY: NIGHT: NUMBERS 305.494-4669 306-494-4669 305.494-4669 E-MAIL ADDRESS: romntlay[c�gmailcorp i HOME ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP -CODE DISTRICT; I T.45195 WORK DDRESS! CITY: STATE: ZIP -CORE � DISTRICT: 16800 NW 42rad Ave. iMlami Gardem. FL 33054 NIA. REALSTATE PROPERTY ADDRESS. � Cn, STATE ZIP -CODE DISTRICT: 1740 NW North River Dr. #128 Miaml FL. 33125 1 1, Are you, your spouse or any In mediate family member (chf ldren, parents or slblings) currently employed by the City of M19rn17 _Yes X No 2, Have you, your spouse, or any Immediate fimily member even been a sworn employee of the City of Miami Police Department? Yes x No 3, Are you currently a party or a party's legal representative In any Iltlgation against the Cfty of Miaml? Yes X No 4. Do you have a record of a felony conviction? Yes X No s, Why do you wish to serve on the CIP? As a taxpayer and a concerned citizen, I believe it is my civic auty to serve my olr,y, particularly when It comes to assuring the safety of all f01aml residents, It's irnpartant that the CIP Is diverse. As an A!rican American ma;., I wan offer a unive perspective that wtil help insure that the panel's recommendations are fair and. unblased. I want to serve as a voice for the voiceless in may community. I would accept this appointment with honor and resoonalbilif . 6. What aspect of your ilfe and/or work experience ha3 prepared you For membership on the CIP? As a former broadcast journalist, I have witnessed all aldea of police aaVvJty--boith pcsRiva aril criminal, f am capable of analyzing altuatlons as Information Is presented As a current university professor, I take pride Ir, putting my orltical thfnking skills to work. Ir appoln ted to the CIP, I would closely follow Instructions, as directed to the paaei, whl[e offering a parspect`ye ori the panel that they may be underrepresented. 7. List any orgsnizatIons with which you are afflilated and ROSIVOr)(5)/office(s) held, n o r South. Forlda Bieck Jn: rnallAts Association Board Member Alpha PH Alpha.rmternity, In,-. (local chapter Chairman of Big Brother/Big Sister Committee Serenity on the River Condo HOA Board Dlractor 8, Please attach your resurne with this application. I hereby certify that all the statements rade in this application are true and correct, By signing thfs appfleatl on, I author!ze verification of my background record sole!y for use by the Cl P Nominabq Committee to conduct reviews and provide final recommendations to the City of miaml, CoTmisslon Board, -j-A S I G N ATU RE: )Lj m 0 MW DATE: 10/ 5 / -) 1 0 Russell Motley roma ticy@grn ai l , coin 305.494-4669 )C' dtication Florida A&M University Tallahassee, FL Mastor of Science in .iourral:smlMass communication a'Yiay 2010 Thesis: "The 40 -year E'voludon of Super Bowl Commercials, 19692009; A Content Analysls Examining Depictions ofAfrioan-Americans in Ama.ica's Most Rcaviiy Watcbed TV ,Ads" Uni'versiity, of Miami Coral Gables, FL Bachelor of Science in Broadoast 7ournalism/English P>r`ofessi0I1al Experience )VILA Media Group Editor-ln-Chief May 1989 Nfiomi� IFL May 2017 -- Present Manages rho editorial content fors LI magazine, an entertaltiment pz:blieatior: and Legacy, magazine, a professional and business-related publication, Florida Memorial University Dfoadcast prof'esso;, Miami Gardens, FL, Aug, 2011 -- Pres;ra Dovelops and manages the broadcast journalism program Instructs undergraduate courses lncludiag Newspaper Writing, TV News Reporting, Writing for Eloctronio Media, TV Production, TV Practicum and Public Spewing. WTXL-TV Primary hews Anchor Tallahassee, FIS Dec, 20 t 0 —Aug, 2011 Co-anchored the weekday evening newscasts at 5, 5;30, 6 and I I p.m, at the ABC afft? ate station, WTE'V-TV AnohorfReporter Jacksonville, PL rune 1996 — Aug, 2007 Co-anohored weekday 5,30 p,m, nawVscest and covered gen3ral assignmeat stories at the CPRS affiliate. stat.lo7, KTUL-TV Reporter Tulsa, 011 may 1993 -lime 199E Covered education, general assignments and breakiagnews stories, including the Oklahoma City bombing WMV-TV Hadisotr, VVI Repotter Nov. 1991 -- May 1993 Covered general assi�rrncut stories for the 14B affiliate statlo j. The Mianxi Herald Fort Lauderdale, FL, Business Repottor May 1989 —Nov.. 1991 Investigated consumer -related stories for the Broward editlon of the Herald's Business Monday section The Miami Herald Miami, Copy Editor Aug. 1988 -- May 1989 Edited stories on tho nationat news desk at the herald's downtown Miami headquafters, Awards )w lor:da IKamorlal Un versity ,5GA's Professor of the Year, 2015-2016 Florida Memorial University Vacuity Service of Year Award, 2015-2016 Legacy Magazirke Educator of the Year;., 2015 Professional Affiliations & Volunteer Services Director, Seemity on the River Horneowner's Association, Miami Member, National Association of Black Jar:rtraists I4Imbee, Board of Directors, South Fimida Black Jouenallsta Association Member, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc, Volunteer, Big Btothers/8ig Sisters CIVILIAN INVESTIGATIVE PANEL Cir WMBERSHIP APPLICATION 9145 Lei I" Streat; Suite 305 Miami, Florida 33.130 305-960-4956 dviliar Invest Igo tivepaflel LAST N'A �� �., F R ��1�; B� �I CONTACT I CELL PHONE:_ DAY' NICHT: ``- NUMBERS �lll ' 1 {� .1 � ]t] -4l £- IL ADDRESS: C --3M A I L -- NOME RDDRi:55; _ ITY: STATE, ZiP-CODE DISTRICT; +�rH'ORK ADDRES5; _ CITY; y STATE; Zli}-CODE 30(e DISTRICT: REAL STATE PROPERTY ADDRESS; CITY. STATE ,ZIP -CODE DISTRICT: i I I. Are you, your spouse or any immediate am' member (children, parents or slbIl rgs) currently employed by the City of Miami? Yes No 2, Have you, your spouse, or any immediatef iember { en a sworn employee of the City of Miami Poflce Department? Yes Na •� 3. Are you cu rre ntlZ ap arty or a party's legal representative in any Iltigation against the City of Miami? Yes _No 4° Do you have a record of a felony convictlon? Yes - No 5. Why do you wish to serve on the CIP? 6. What aspect of your I:fe and/or work experience has prepared you for membership on the CTP? —7t ��.+1� f .� 1 �• J i �.. F i"� �lll ' 1 {� .1 � ]t] -4l ���� � �+I �9 7. List any organizations with which you are afffliated and position(s)/office(s) held S. Please attach your resume with thisapplication. CERTIi ICATE OF A.RPL I6ATI0 W PLEA$(: EAD OrA F4TU. BEF.OAE 51 11N I hereby certify that all the statements made In this appilcatlon are true and correct, By signing this application, i authorize verification of my background record solely for use by the C1 Norn1nating Committee to conduct reviews and provide final recommendations to the City of Miami Commisslon Board. SIGNATUR JQ,' Courtney Omega courtneyomega@grnad ,com (305) 993-8570 PROFfLE: Executive level program and education specialist with a vast background of working in professional and diverse settings. Teaching, assisting and creating are specifics shills that are constantly, being utilized to challenge and advance professional relationships and prioritize social or Community Initiatives, Job Hlsfory SLNIM RY, • More than a decade of working with community organizations including cultural arts, academic. and fifth based youth groups • 5 ymrs- of tietworking and client recruitment experience as a publicist in the entertainment industrv. • Majored in Journalism at Florida A&M University, • Curriculum writer and facilitator for Golden and Golden Crates Foundation Familiarity with the staples of weight lass and shape maintenance for P' IJ , Serve as nutritional guide and physical fitness enthusiast, o Certification specialist for City Hall Philadelphia (NDEC) Enjoys instructing and teaching dance, drama and social studies with gtoups of all ages EDUCATION. Florida A&M University 1996-2000 Florida State 1997-1499 wiajor: Journalism Minor, Theater/ Theatrical Dance Editor of Student Magazine Journey 1999 EXPERIENCE! Courses taken included: Professional, Political Writing Elements of Magazine Editing Photography PlaywritirYg and Direcring Media Ethics News Writing and Reporting Commurdeations Law Graphic Design and Development Magazine Production Public Relations Methods Miami Onini Community Redevelopment Agency, Coordinated Community Assessment Surrey Organize Social Media Awareness Hui.t Community Connection database Created Monthly Newsletter -Duni CRA Connection Program Manager for Purple Shirts Neighborhood Enhancement Team City of Nfiand Executive Aide to Cornmissioner Kers Russell Created the Front Desk Bible=Guide to Customer Service Managed schedule of events, daily meetings Represented D2 Office at Community Meetings Drafted briefing notes and organized for easy follow along Helped set budgets for community events Collaborative Development Corporation May 2014- October 2414 Assisted Director with Public Re]ations Duties Assistc�-d Program Director with Promotional Event Materials for KRONIA Provided Curriculum and isrstruction for Summer Kulture, Program, KRONVA Community Playhouse 2012 May —October 2013 Atlanta, Georgia r Assistant Director • Handled New cheat recruitment • Coordinated fundraising • Assisted director with care and prep materials of raeility • implemented curriculum ror arts as well as academic studies Fitness Consultant, LA Fitness Sunset Plaza Miami, FL 2010 - 2412 • Customer service) • Guest Relations • Personal Fitness and Gym Membership sale • Organized Member Appreciation Events YMCA, Fit Family Program Coordinator Philadelphia, PA 2003-2005 • Created classes centered around family fitness • Organized performance events and functions Created community support drives s'oveUst, Publish America Nu a ml, FL 21007 — Current • Be Mighoul You, 2009, The Next Dear, 200 ' DONORS: GIRLS INC ATLANTA, Smart Award Nominee, 20 12 Featured Speaker, DayronaAuthors' BookFa r, 2009, Published author Cuuest Lehrer, 'Virginia Tacb, Johnson C, Smith University, Miami -Dads College, Broward Colloge, and Lriversity of Miami (2007 -- 2010), Guast of Honor, Keynote Speaker for Woman2Woman Book Club Black History Month CIVILIAN INVESTIGATIVE PANEL, ' �r :'��4 � ��l!•' c CIP MEMBERSHIP APPEICATIdN �y (�r all IJYi If 1fll FAQ, ►.-M •'370 d,.yYyy���� a. ll 5 treet; 5ui to 3)5, ,- - ivllia i�nvestl a#lve aa��e! Miami, Florida 33134 305-964-4956 LAST NAME FIRST NAME DOB CONTACTLL PHONEr: DAY: NI H! NUMBERS 2r-6 E-MAIL ADDRESS: _ c- t51. Crorv� DOME ADDRES : CITY: ' STATE: ZIP•CODE DISTRICT, , WORK ADDR�] CITY: ,STATE: ZIP -CODE DISTRICT: REAL STATE PROPERTY ADDRESS: CITY: STATE IIP -CODE E DISTRICT: f 1, Are you, your spouse or 4 r immediate family r (children, parents gr siblings)'Currently employed by the City of Miami? yes No 2, Have you, your spouse, or any Immediate family er eve been a sworn :employee of the City of Miami Police Department? Yes 3. Are you currently a pa a party's legal representative In any IItigatlon against the City of M!ami7 Yes No 4, Do you have a record of a felony conviction? Yes No S. Why do you wish to serve on the CIP? Cfk�tA _ m>JM` X- ix— t 4ma (Y)avvy� . 6. What aspect of your life and/or work experience has prepared you for membership on the CIP? 47 1 tet anti n Pon Y-41-7 -at in n c ijoltk wk I run t i ora i ff 11 i;4tpri and no-q1tinnis Unf f I ce isl h e Ed. ORGA Nf7ATON,") POSITION: A.A►Lftxd6 8, Pjea5eattdchyour resw(no�'ith.th,is'application. CERTIFICATE OF A17P4lqATj.bN 'PLEASE REAP &IW NJ UP q I hereby certify that all the statme nts made JriPth Isappi ic4ari'are trug'#hd,i oirre-ct; - By slgnlrg this applicatlon, I authorize verlfic-ation of my background record solely for use b9'the CIP Nominating Committee to, conduct revleW-s and provide f a'Irecornmen04tkw5 to the City vf.IWla'mKomrnfssiori gad, SIGNATL)i'E.'. 1:2 DATE: I {� Alvaro M. Puente ?LS -469.1111 ' tr m^ Ln 16 NE' -3rd Avenue Miami Florida 33131 -.---._..._...-_ Profile Has knoMeex e and t,R ing of police proce.IWires arid der artme-tal Orders as w as st3t8,''6era1 'aIvs.4ctve In structural management 1mple—a tat'0n.Ab;ii&Y tG is' wti-tasx a; -,d remain lr3partial,'errfarms errernely weft under pressure.Provldes a pcsltive balance betwee* pro,ess1O;'a,, arld fa-rlly I!Te• S'uperl]r orge-iza+icna, skllls,Greatly reaspacted as a 5r C4e=5` I iriercnar?t,! Iighl�l eth,*cal,Ab!c tz vor r.u7-1cat a In several languages. Experience FR8510s=NT,DQWNT0WN COFFEE 0A%INC. MIAMI,FLORIOA 2900-FP,ESENT Owner and operator of a very successV oltdccr itafian aMc.grigirrl CII-jreer cf a h: -' and c.dss eatery m. diGwritown Mian.-:,Respsrrs!ble for all day to c3y aperations,lndrading but not 'im ted to rna'ntakiing elevated stanc!jrdS TOr kit bloc and front operations.,Vlentu 6esfgn,food and supply purchas;ng. and bu�,geting,E:-rplcy'ee t, ir.g;suparvisicr and cartif'cation, Public (alakns and income c'^era lnq events. PC UCETRAINEE,10MCER, CITY OF MiAA!) FIOLICE DEFAa";TWEN7MIAMI,FLOt310A 2008.2448 le�for.rnecf the di, - :,es rec;W-ed and seer-Ifted a8 per Depa—;rent-2 iy ---'c -3, Passed the 5chcof of.rusfcG 8a iC Law E".' rcer ent manda,ed cou'ses ar d S e55fU ly cb!,alre,d syre Fr -LE State cffic.ar certif catior.Passed city of %,, amj sronscred and mandated Dlrl trarr -g. PRE5IC8NT01 COMPANIE5,INC. CORAL GABLES 1990-19499 0dersaw the ape, rions of a global "O-rpany that spedalfred Ir. kr:porting adrd exp:rVrrg aritomoblies and motorcycles. GENERAL S4LE5 MANGER—THE PORSCHE CG! LECTIQN,CORAL SA'3LES,FLORIDA 1384-1990 Rasponslb°e for tape safes oporat: n of a Porsd-e Cars of Porth America franchisa.Dut;es included the ordering and full scealficatfon os a:l raw vehicie inverrto�y, New and used ca- depa^mens saies;a rra!safs and desl ,Employee training and h1ring- EDUCATION -Warn.i Dade College,-.r4rnino; ogy and Accele~aced N.,rsiag M;dm- Dade Schocl of JJSt; ce, Bas c Law Erforceme-it American High Schoc;,El Salvador CIVILIAN INVESTIGATNE PANEL CIP MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION 970 S.W. 11 1 Street; Suite 305 Miami, Florlda 33130 345-960-4956 civilian i fives t igativepanel LAST NAI -1E FIRST NAME DOB M F Naysrrste Stephen 09103/1971 K CONTACT CELL PHONE; PAY; NIGHT; NUMBERS 305-607-6590 305-285-4321 None. E-MAIL ADDRESS; sieve a[,3miamlpspri,corr I HOME ADDRESS; CITY; STATE: ZIP -CODE DISTRICT; 1325 SW 18 Street Miami FL 33145 � WORK ADDRESS: CITY; STATE: ZIP -CORE DISTRICT: Same as above, f REAL STATE PROPERTY ADDRESS: CITY: STATE ZIP -CODE DISTRICT: Same as above. 1.. Are you, your spouse or any immediate family member (children, parents or siblings) currently employed by the City of.Mlami? Yes X No 2, Have you, your spaase, or any immediate family member even been a sworn employee of the City of Miami Police Department? Yes X No 3, Are you currently a party or a party's legal representative In any litigation against the City of Miami? Yes X No 4. Do you have a record of a felony conviction? Yes X No 5. Why do you wish to serve on the CIP? I care about the Ci!y of Miami Including its citizens and police department I would be honored to participate In a Arocess that makes our city better and safer for a!i, 6. 'What aspect of your life and/or work experience has prepared you For membership can the CIP7 V,,v education, wort experience and life experience rave prepared me to be an asset member on the CIP. I have an A.A. degree fn law an A.S, degree in paralegal studies. and a bachelor's degree In liberal studles focusing or, psychology. I have worked as a paralegal, private investigator and process server for prominent law firms in Miami Including the Clty Attorney's Office for the past bventywffve years. Finally. I was born and raised in Miami, I live and work In Miami. I am rasing my family In M[am I, and I am Intl rnately fan111lar with this city that I love. 7, List any organizations with which you are affiliated and pos'tion(s)/office(s) held, ORGANIZATION: - POSMON: Miami 103PI, LLC President; private irvesVgatar, carfled process server. 8. Please attach your resume with this application, CERTIFICATE OF APPLICATION PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE SIGNING I hereby certify that all the statements made in this application are true and correct, By signing; this application, I authorize verification of my background record solely for use by the CIP Nominating, Committee to conduct reviews and provide final recornmendatlons to the City of Miami Commission Board, SIGNATURE: DATE; 08/2512017 Stephen A. Navaffete 305.607-5590 * 1325 SW IS Streat. Miami, FT-. 33145* steveCrriarnipspi,com EXTEMENCE President of Miami PSPI, LLC, a Process Service & Private Investigations Office Miami PSPI, LLC, Agency Alu m ber,426003 99; September 2006 to present, I irivestigate claitrs, analyze casts, idectify pert;nent issues in a case, gather and collect pertinent data and information from various entities and databases to, uncover facts about legal, financial, and or ,personal matters, and I report all findings to clients. I oversee all agency accounts, I serve process, coordinate service of process and I locate people and assets, I perform background checks and asset Checks, skip traces. and I also perform surveillances and stakeouts, Paralegal; .4kerman, LLP; February 2002 to September 2005, I assisted shareholders in all areas of civil Udgatlon pertaining to insurance defense, corporate, law. and general litigation and trial support. I collected, compiled, ovaluated, and maintained records from federal, local, and state goverurnent agencies including federal and state courts, medical providers, employers, and insurance companies, I prepared discovery requests, respoises, motions, and notices of hearing.. I investigated litigant claims, located witnesses, obtained statements, and presented oral and w,:-itten reports to my attorneys and clients. Paralegal; Gaebe, Alullen, I ntonell% el aL; August 2000 to February 2002. t assisted Mark Antonelli and other senior partners in all areas of civil litigation pertaining to insurance defense, corporate law, and general litigation, I secured, orgaaized, and summarized medical records, employment regards, deposition transcripts, and records from federal, local, and state government I analyzed cases: ascertained pertinent issues, obtained and analyzed data, researched related legal issues, and prepared wriaten memorandums of law. I contacted witnesses, obtained statements, and prepared oral and written reporis of my findings to my attorneys and clients. I prepared standard pleadings including but not timited to discovery requests, discovery responses, gezneral motions, and notices of hearings, Paralegal; Law Office of Max Goldfarb; May 1997 to August 2000, I assisted Nim A. Goldfarb in all stages of litigation. I located defendants and coordinated service of pros-ew throughout the world. I investigated Defendant's assets for the purpose of satisfying judgments via levies and'or by garnishing accounts. I performed field work consisting of locating assets and maintaining constant vigilance until they were seized. I negotiated price and purchased judgments from Plaintiffs. I met with potential clients to obtain information about their case and l pr -,pared and provided oral and written summaries of facts to detcrn;ine liability to Mr. Goldfarb, I replarly provided clients with oral and ,ATitten status of their cases. EDUCATION QUALIFICATIONS ANhami Dade College Associate in Science - Paralegal Studies; 1997. Associate in Arts - Law; 2001. Florida International University Bachelor of Arts - L berat Studies; 2004, Bilingual: English and Spanish, Licensed Private Investigator in goad standing since 1004, License Numbers: ■ C24003600 G1603718 • A2600399 Miatril-Dade County Certified Process Server n good standing since 1999, ■ CPS 41185 Notary Public • FYI 38969 CIVILIAN INVESTIGATIVE PANEL CIP MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION 970 S.W. 1' Street; Suite 305 Miami, Florida 33130 305-960-4956 c d anInvestigativepar'0I LAST NAME Cabrera FIRST NAME Rafael DOB 03/24/ 984k F CONTACT CELL PHONE: 305-546-7354 NUMBERS E-MAIL ADDRESS; rafaelcabrerajr@grnail.com DAY: NIGHT: HOME ADDRESS: 115 sw 42 Ave #248 CITY: Miami TATE: FL ZIP -CODE 33134 DISTRICT: WORK ADDRESS: See Above CITY. STATE: ZIP -CODE DISTRICT: I REAL STATE PROPERTY ADDRESS: See Abo e CITY: STATE ZIP -CODE DISTRICT: 1, Are you, your spouse or any immediate family member (children, parents or siblings) currently employed by the City of Miami? Yes _X No 2, Have you, your spouse, or any immediate family member eve been a sworn employee of the City of Miami Police Department? Yes _X No 3. Are you currently a party or a party's legal representative in any litigation against the City of Miami? Yes X No 4, Do you have a record of a felony conviction? Yes _x No 5, Why do you wish to serve on the CIP? M.y purpose for seeking a position an the Civilian Investigative Panel is to ensure that we maintain nothing but the utmost professionalism From the employees of the great City of Mlaml! I understand that the police department has to provide a tough work product The service the men and woman of Site Miami Police department provide Is both risky and dangerous, I commend every last one of those brave individuals for confronting those dangerous situatlons head on I am also well aware of the unfortunate behaviors and mishaps the department has deaft with both in recent years and In Its past history, I believe She C.I.P. Is an Important component in ensuring that the members of Miami Police Department follow their Departmental Guidelines and continue to provide not only exceilani law enforcement service, but great customer service as well. As a member of the civilian Investlgative Panel I will approach each case with a fair and bla; view before stating my opinlon or Judgment. 6, What aspect of your life and/or work experience has prepared you for membership on the CIP? I have a finance Degree from Florida Internatlonal University. I manage several5mooNe Iting franchises in the Mlam+ Area and I am Involved with several business ventures throughout the City of Mlarrl, My business ventures, as well as, my volunteer work within the CJty of Mlaml have geared me to Tear* the many facets of this great city As a buslness owner, I know the importance of providing great customer service, i try to instill this philosophy in my employees on a dairy basis, At times, when an employee Is not receptive to the culture I gain to achieve. I have to take a fair and impartial approach to the discipline I will possibly recommend or enforce. Disciplinary sltuations have led :rte to understand and obtain a vast Knowledge In Employee labor Laws and the experiences of how to dlpfomaticalty handle situations as they are presented tome. 7. List any organizations with which you are affiliated and position(s)/oti•ice(s) head. ORGANIZATION: POSITION: Furnished upon request 8. Please attach your resume with this application. CERTIFICATE OF APPLICATION PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE SIGMNG I hereby certify that all the statements made in this application are true and correct. By signing this application, I authorize verification of my background record solely for use by the CIP Nominating Committee to conduct reviews and provide final recommendations to the City of Miami Commission Board, SIGNATURE: DATE: 7/27/17 RAFAEL CABRERA Phone. (395) 91E-1629 + Fax. (305) 222•1I45 • Email: ra eliat�reraIr mall,ra?n Innovator known for a crusted ability to envisior. and create aUccessfil results In complex situations; w•l:h a p: oven abi:ity to swiftly amlyze key business drivers and dezetop strategies to grove tl a bottom-line, tlrex ❑fExcederrze include; * Dcve:oping New Business • Raising Capita; Negotiations and Closings • Forming Strategic AL11ances 0 Leading & Dcvdaping Teazs Marke:ia,g Campaigns Y Customer Engagement a Board Collaboration. CARVER HISTORY TlICIMT NIL NIG ; Miami, FL Co-Fo u nderlVireeto r of Ruslness unci Governinenr Reladofts 2006 - Pzeseat Ticket Hungry provides passionate fans the ultimate live event experience. Through persoraa'ize Customer -service, cLients can buy tickets for any sporting, concert or theater event nationwide. Cultivate business and drive all aspects of the companies' growth by acquiring sports, music, and business partnerships. Spearhead naN-v-mar.�-et growth by identifying optimal investments with demographic anaiyMis that are aligned with comm unity profiles. lnvc lead in the South Florida community as a oorpo-ate sponsor of Multipl- local cha;izies, universities and sport-io events such as Amigo For Kids, Florida lAterr-ational University, Sony Open Tennis and The Miami Heat. NNEXT LEVEL CO SLZTLNG; Mlani , FL President 2405 - Present Independent consulting for small and large tier companies specializing in shoat and long-term Lsvest?nents and developLng operatiana[ efinieacles by building organiza'dou.al structures, from ta? grass -root level to the Board and Senior Executives. • Sharp fnanc4al planning, forecasting, con, ol?ershlp, strategy and business araiy°tics For various clients and companies, SAT MIM IM G; Miami, FL General Manager 2005 - Present Directly rasponsib'e for overall sales, performance and service for multiple franchise locations oversee and control a.l daily operations, policy imp'ementation, advertising.' ptornotior, and strategic director. a Set and administer budgets; monitor quality control to ensure pmfitability and sustairnabU.y, = Recruit, hire, and r:rotivate staff and implement proactive =L -ring management. ■ Maintain as approachable, community fr'end.y :mage, promotieg brand message th:oLgh spcal mg engagements, charitable activiti;s and relations with rcedia sources TAMPA YANKEES; Tampa, FL Mlnoriiy} Dpvner 20 i2- Present Y Class A Advznced. Affiliate of tt:e New'York Yankees Major Lease Baseball team, l lorida International C nitiersity- College a�+Barsi�tess.�rltndr�istradt�n, Miami, Florida Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major in Finance J,a tin Builders Association Junior Director City Year Miami Finance Committee Florida Interaatioaat Alumni ,Lifetime Afember Alumna Rig Bro her, Big Sister of Greater Miami !Hispanic Advisory Council -j�fji O%kr D-� Ellsen Do mosc 305-3�3-273 2332 S ) W I S frel L e I -3433-27411 335-.8586 627 1.67k.771—:1 �4% 0 M C FL f 33! 45 14F 2332 VI Totaphonp %'m6w305 343- _2731 Ats y(yi4r yeulr vpa�i$Q q b Q�y w fiava:rvvyow br -�ity tr�t. .bd.gf� OT NO Aio you t rm. 5 pg-� o r f s je�6.q� P�.S� Ll Df k-Campi Yes. PIO YPU haVI914 recor� Of R t"Ory Ov6r 6, V►rlter 4$Pcc; of your Ike and!pr wniIIi expari�nes' has prepared You fhr met t e h.11 rr ` i1 7 (YN m4.y.OP. )to a onersspDmq) I hac 91.". 6 1 d wlfnesse.. h xideS c%thy cojrt a-141 660' 1 bQ unbipsQd In dee"s10 ns, -' wa's I,' -',h 1 a f 6f Std."' to d cornn�lisloner when C,!P was created a - +g 1 vrderstond the s Ir!t under why if Was c`ealed, "here are`cWoys tfoec sldes too story arra some ever, say three, i, Why do you W,3h td serve cl th-a 0i ? (You may at<eoh up to z Onr' -gaga resFpRse,1 - a� 'kA ho�.�v shotlons row and F,e truth k hard to seek, Whether ?` Is a al?ce olchce, or a ci�rLtar) tnaf is In the rithf, I wont to seek be sure t;hct its Ur and °r ht. 8. LFs; ary erg?nlZadGnS wlt'h WhCh YO L a -y eMlated and positio,n(s',�OFtice;5) h$Id: You may attach a sep�rste sheat or resume, If n omary.y C)R(UANJ ATION: - - - POSITION; CERTIFICATE OP APP LICATION (PLEASE R AD C4L�" Ur -FARE SM1NE3 I hoe -ahy cor-WIy tha - aii tha state made in this applic*:lan are bus arzd carred Ey slgnIq Ibis alprIlcatl0n, 1 authortxe var#flcstlQn a� my baokc round record scle{y for use by the GIP INS tziaVnQ Cohn, teea to conJDot,rrvia 7a an -d prov'sde flnaf recornmendal,tcns to the C of tejamf Cti,,nrnlssion, SdgnstU s` Gats. APM 17, 2014 Eileen Damaso 2332 S.W. 19th Street • Miami, Florida 33145 • (305) 343-2731 • eileen@damaso.us SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS. • More than fifteen years of professional experience in government and legislative management, lobbying and public relations. • Proven abilities to achieve and exceed goals and objectives to meet operational deadlines. • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills having dealt with a diversity of constituents, elected officials, private industry and municipal departments. • Bilingual: English and Spanish EXPERIENCE: EDA CONSULTING President Miami, Florida.......................................................................April 2011 Present • Manage legislative issues for clients and maintaining an awareness of how legislation impacts projects; • Provide objective advice, expertise and specialist skills with the aim of creating value, maximizing growth through government contracts and proposals; • Perform research, data collection, and assist in preparing business proposals and presentations for governmental bids and request for proposals; • Provide input into, and assisting with the production of a wide range of documents satisfying the requirements of both new business sales and the support of existing customers; WASTE MANAGEMENT INC OF FLORIDA Government Affairs Director Miami, Florida............................................................October 2009 — March 2011 • Coordinates and performs tasks designed to initiate and secure contract renewals and price increases with current customers. • Researches and develops new business opportunities within the marketplace. • Maintains and enhances customer satisfaction through relationship building, • Analyzes and prepares the following: bids, process specifications, and test and progress reports. • Acts as a liaison between the Company and community and/or client. • Answers escalated and/or complex questions and resolves complaints of customers. • Develop strategies to add value to the company through government relations and public affairs at the state and local government level. WORLD WASTE SERVICES, INC Vice President Municipal Marketing and Government Affairs Miami, Florida ....August 2002 — October 2003......... June 2004 — October 2009 • Develop strategies to add value to the company through government relations and public affairs at the state and local government level; • Administer all the government permits and licenses; • Monitor, analyze and influence legislation and administrative actions; • Maintain relations with public officials; • Manage public relations initiatives and represent the Company in all media inquiries; • Target and secure major waste and recycling accounts throughout the state of Florida; • Responsible for tracking, bidding and securing commercial, government and municipal waste contracts. Eileen Darnaso Res.�ma Maga 2 FLORIDA SENATE Legtdlative Assistant Tallahassee and Miami Beach, Florida ..,,,,........,,.,.,.,.,November 2003 -June 2004 • Assist niernber of the Florida Senate with a vartaty of administrative and public reiatlons matters by interpreting poilcies, procedures and opeza:incg practices of the Floras Legislature; • Advise senator or Issues and projects that require Involvement in order to patter serve the district; • Update Senator cin research gathered tiecessary for drafting bills and amendmen',s, and analyzes lagistative proposals; • Pis rform ba: kgFound research oh a bill and working It through the committee process, CITY OF MIAMI COMMISSION Chief of Staff Miami, Florida..............................................................,..rune fi998 July 2t}92 • Manage and coordinate al; Clty functions for City Commissloier In addition to broads --ring oomrriunity access to munlclpal services; • Responsible for operatlons and Logistics of Commissioner's office to Include but not limped to overseeing the ofce and preparing and executing the office budget; • Manage public- r❑latlons for Commiss'cner, which lnc'ude but are not li.-11ed to preparing and dtstrlbuting press re;eases and design1ng and composing district newsletter and setting up media opportunit'es; Facilitate public appearances and foster relationship with media; • Perform research and response to public inq'jlrles aa -h reletas to Poll Isscaes; • Consult Commissioner on any controversial issue in front of the commisslon and gather Information and backup data: Represent Commiss'oner in Intergovernmental Inquiries regarding community Issues; • Lobby the Florlda State Legislature on behalf of the City; • Ir.l'iate strategic goa's, empowering associates and tracking multiple complex pro;eots. FLORIDA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Legislative Assistant Tallahassee and Miami, Florida ................................November 1995 -June 1998 Assist member In carrying out bavkground resaaroh to gather and asssmble information as necessary for drafting bills and amendments; and analyzing legislative proposals; • Advise member on lssuas and projects to better serve district; • Responsible fordlstrict off oe along With supe^vISIng district staff; Attend meetings and conferences or behalf of rnembar° • Handle public relations affairs along with preparing and distributiig press releases, newsletters and other public information data; EDUCATION: • MASTER OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION University of M!ami, Coral Gables, Florida — May 1990 • BACHELOR OF ARTS IN POLITICS AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS University or Miami, Cora! Gables, Florida — August 1937 CITY OF PAIAMI CIVILIAN INVESTIGATIVE PANEL ,CIPj APPLICATIaN 70S, W. lot Street, 306, m!sml, filarida 33j2U 30$ 960.4956 �, � CBi113E �iy3ils; CONTACT [JAY, NUv1l ERS. (78Ej 267.7825 H�3t15 f�.7�'?>;55: iGd19 NVt �4a�'a MAILING- AD0RE58 ;;f d'ffererf;: E•hIAM 1583 X EA','1a; 53!13 i FAX i I CIiYI 8TA7r; ZI?: I 1 Do yoU reside, own real property, work, or rnalntafn a ousiness in the City of €V'€am€ r ' ENT, — No. If yes, Address:746 NW 540 St Teiepnone Number: (766) 759-8717 2, Are yc: , your spouse or any immedla;e far,Illy membe; (children, par6nts, slUngs) currently employed by the City of T'e'ar -!?Yes' 3. 4, nave yon,. yciljr' spouse, or any Irr mad a`a farniiy r amber ever been a s�S!crn employee of the C',ty of Miami Pcfice Department? Are you currently a party or a party's lege; ropresentative Irk any 1ftlgatibn aga�r�st the City of Miami? Yes -11 !� 5. Do you have a record of a felony convVicn? Yes Over f t;, V11nat aspect cf your i;fe a,ndior work experience 1 as prepared yo.1 to mern.bers'r,ip oh the CI'P? (Yo u may attach ?gyp to a One,pare response.; I was Aced In Uberty City lay be`,ng raised here I know t -e comm:;nity Ve_'ry well, Bot; Its Problems and everything It has to offer, My LXperlence ,ere In Libeq City InciAss the MCD4119 riots ar,d 44he impact that t ,a poliro have on the community, 7. Why do you vilsh to s6I-ve un the GIP? may attach up to 3 orae -cage responsa,) Becausa I have a core` MItmerlt to +mpra%°s the relationship bef�veeq the co-nrnO:'ty acrd the poll --a also I want to Wng ray operleices of tirrWng up In Llbgrt~y City to the CIP. i 8. Listany crgarta:'ans with Wh-20;" you area +filated and poslw`or,(s)!orilce(s) Feld. (You may attach a separate sheet or resume, if necessary.) ORGANIZATION: POSITION: Mlarrri Dade Cculty Schools Foo J1 Servloe Past preslder't of 2015 Assocla;ioms -- I Slsternood of SLUry?vor Mer -,der New For'da Majority I -imber Florida Irnrnlgrant Caalitlo,r I'Aambar 1 hereby certify that all the statemart,s trade in this application are true and cor"ect, By signing this application, i authorize verlfk; atlon of my background record solely for use by the Cil' Nornlnat?ng Co;rrmlttee to conduct revtows and proAde flral recommertidations to the City of Miami corrmisslor:. Signature; i renlse 6�yant ate: 4/5/2016 Trerisa Bryant 16919 NW 14th Avenue Miami Gardens, Florida 33169 Phone: 786-267-7629 trenise aotheworkercenter.or Objective; s o obtain a position that v.,ould allow me to ut',ize my skills as a office manager and a corn munity organizer. 06/2006 until present@ The Miami Workers Center 7245 NW 54t,� Street Mia, E1 *Maintaining the buildinc *Answer phones *Payroll Pian community meetings with members * Maintain a positive work environment 08/2001 until present @ Dade County schools Board *Maintain production records on Priority *Planning and supervising the production of food *Maintaining good customer service skil,s *Supervise and direct department employees in the daily job task *Food ordering and Portion Planning 'Maintain a good positive work environment *Cashier "Cooks & Bakers Education; 01/201.3- Present Miami Dade Community College *Hospitality & Business Management `Safe Serve Certified 10/2011 until 05/2+011, Manger Intern Class Interest; Parent Teacher Association Fssac Corn>rnittee, Track Club Boaster Parent, POWER U Booster Parent, Riga; To The City member, Grassroot Global Justice Alliance, Past President of the School Nutrition Association CIVILIAN INVESTIGATIVE PANE. CIP MFMBFRSHiP APPLICATION 970 S.W. 1' Street: Suite 305 Miami, Flor;da 33130 305-960-49S6 civilian I nve St Igetivepalne LAST NAME FIRST NAME DOB M F SPANTLEY IMINCA 5/211979 X CONTACT CELL PHONE: QAY: NIGHT: NUMBERS 954-445-924 305-237-1876 E-MAIL ADDRESS: MINCA1 @MAC.CQM HOME ADDRESS: CITY, STATE: ZIP -CODE DISTRICT: 11 Island Ave #1008 Mlami Beach j P'L 33139 N/A WORK ADDRESS: CITY; - STATE: ZIP -CODE DISTRICT: 11384 NW 27th Ave #2256 Miami FL 33167 N/A REAL STATE PROPERTY ADDRESS: CITY: STATE ZIP -CODE DISTRICT: 1202 NW 61 st Street Miami FL 33142 5 1, Are you, your spouse or any immediate family member (children, parents or siblings) currently employed by the City of Miami? Yes x No 2. Have you, your spouse, or any immediate family member even been a sworn employee of the City of Mianll Police Department? Yes X No 3. Are you currently a party or a party's legal representative in any litigation against the City of Miami? Yes x No 4. Do you have a record of a felony conviction? Yes x No S. Why do you wish to serve on the CIP? } am a NJ. lam 1-hAm, Grclosalnnal we* a -d lrathar Lha! grew �p during the oocalre Ieitr'aS ori & the 198C's. Warm was U;an pL_NUzed as ons of :he .ros` da7garo w cl"eo in the Wold, 3" he ;or" $w0low C a Ffs Irid LaMMir. NV" Aw Wft-mM "- Aft!MV n410aYdl*1 Y.r 7Ms U.dr. P.V. 1! 2�xb ora svra.a.• Wraord.—. &mWrye ardw./fq.. n Ma5ria: 4rdo hww nadr s EftiaM'­P ".'w x' d:i.._kill—fr. Y*i M W -P -_A4 no 1a— 7w 141—rd x:'a -WW 4.1 xatlG". w rr 1 +rylsl to serve the city that gave me life through servi:mig as a ded`.cated, err.pathlc, and cr`ttca ly''Wniting member cf Itis clvlNai Iu9s:'gative Pa-iat. 6, What aspect of your life and/or work experience has prepared you for membership on the CIP? Aa a lt7®nsed ChIcal Psyrk+olog s', I ".Yea wayi studted 4t.r.ar Dar aft arc maintal praoesads, rdy awdarrx Dura: tts wwe rel slip y :o appease my c�silty, qyt nsieac ,•a 9r4 jo:, k»'w to "•erp -✓ o. -s hs Ihdr iwi MA. t artf a wEsnW aN".rasdard-ar are xomi 'ad ng 1c ways !& ;lahidua.'s w lye iedtr, hcwayer, 11910 1 �" jrj6rejt@d!1 aasiaing r N no'Ove ner; Iou axrdtr arid IN ayshMa &AE * aa.^raa dad. N a 1aM 653 �dlap �r9f4ayf dwrppa . �'W+e W wh! 9nY lalA bYsl.d Ye[+pFm'.a ht P,.de� afir. hry Mantiaf aubw ttal."L'MI'. I Sid+k1 Prr�re akia.lm� ixw }� a iec'A =bHa � wC sea{ orn5' Pte`+ ■. �N14� y 1[MAai+ L�Wf. I kava oarrrmkhod to tnls mission or a profesalona,-evel and have a groat deal of'skir In tha ganar to r olp Improve aur cornr-.L^Ity ar:d 're criminal 'Utice syatsm, 7. list any organizations with which you are affiliated and positiDn ORGANIZATION: Miami Dade College I American Psychological Association I Miami Dade Reentry Task Force 8. Please attach your resume with this application, /office(s) held. POSITION: Professor Member Committee Member CERTIFICATE OF APPLICATION PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE SIGNING I hereby certify that ail the statements made in this application are true and correct, By signing this application, I authorize verlf}cation of my background record solely for use by the W Nominating Committee to conduct reviews and provide final recommendations to the City of Miami Commission Board, SIGNATURE: Nlinca Brantle.Y.Ga �'201Y0 012m0�b�'.K DATE: 81201201 7 02;� SUBMIT CURRICULUM VITAE MINCA DAVIS BRANTLEY 954.445.9244 doctorm Inca @gmail,co m EDUCATION Minta Brantley 2001 B.S., Psychology, University of Florida 2003 M.S., Clin'cal Psychology, Nova Southeastern University 2000 Psy D,, Clinical Psychology, Nora Southeastern University PROFESSIONAL WORT( EXPERIENCE 2005 -present Professor, Miami Dade College Miami, Florida * Professor of psychology In the Department of Social Sciences. * Teach a variety of Psychology courses including Introduction to Psychology, Human Growth and Development, Personal Effectiveness, the Individual and Society, Abnormal Psychology and Human Sexuality, • Co -Director of ESUSA Program – Abuse Program conducted in the prison to teach Inmates returning to the Miami Dade community anger management, critical thinking, and life skills training • Co -Founder and Co-D1rector of the Institute for Educational Empowerment —program to bring academic college courses to Miami Dade Correctional Institutions • Guess lecturer for the Department of Criminal Justice for courses. Participate as an active contributor and leader of a variety of college programs, community activities, and lead several campus committees, 2406—present Licensed Clinical Psychologlst, Florida Internationai University Office of Employee Assistance, Miami Florida Minca Brantley 2 Provlded psychotherapy to the University faculty and staff, 0eveIoped Irr-- services and conducted training programs on a variety of topics including Stress Management, Effective Communication, Diversity, Generations In the Workplace, and Anxiety Management, Taught graduate level psychology course: The Dynamics of Group Psychotherapy Created World of Wellness online curriculum with 8 courses on psychological wellness for faculty and staff, 2410 ---present Educational Program Coordinator and Consultant, Consulted, developed, and implemented employee professional development curriculum for various community businesses and local government organizations, 2004...2046 Program Coordinator, Guided Self--ChangeCllnic, Nova Southeastern University Psychological Services Center, Fort Lauderdale, Florida Coordinated and managed the Guided SO -=•Change Clinic, Coordinate services provided by student therapists at community mental health center. Screened and scheduled ciients, Provlded administrative supervision of student therapists, Assisted Program Director In administrative training of practicum students. Supervised Program Managers in daily functloning of the clinic, Solicited advertising and marketed clinic services to community, Acted as a liaison between administration and student therapists both within mental health center and outside agencies. 2444 Teaching Assistant, Nova Southeastern University, Fart Lauderdale, Florlda Facilitated lab groups, weekly grading, clinical evaluation of third year dental students enrolled in the Behavioral Medicine course. Underthe supervisor Ana Fins, Ph,D, 2003 Workshop Lecturer, Community Partnership of Children's Services Council of Broward, Plantation, Florida Assisted in trainIng varicus corn munity mental health care providers in Motivational Interviewing techniques Workshop. Conducted small group sessions during the 4 month training series and taught workshop N lnca Brantley participants how to use Motivational Interviewing techniques with their clients. 2002-2003 ResearchThera plst, Project Choices, Fort Lauderdale, Florida Provided psychological assessment and protocol treatment for ongoing research study to promote awareness among women at risk for having children with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Study conducted by Drs. Mari{ and Linda SobelI through Center of Disease Control and Prevention, Program Manager, Guided Self ---Change Clinic, Nova Southeastern University Community Mental Health Center, Fort Lauderdale, Florida Assisted In managing daily functioning of the Guided Self—Change Clinic. Screened and scheduled potential clients. Reviewed clinician charts, Provided supervision of students. Solicited advertising for the Program. Entered client demographic data, assessment of treatment and alcohoVdrug data into research database, Ordered and prepared Program supplies, 2003 psychoeducational Lecturer, Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, Florida Conducted discussion and presented relevant substance use and abuse related materlals for undergraduate students Nova Southeastern University Housing Program, 2003 Coordinator, National Alcohol Screening Day, Guided Self—Change Program, Fort Lauderdale, Florlda Performed screenings and provided relevant information for local participation in this national project, Data collected was submitted to the National Mental Illness Screening Project In partnership with the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, 2002 Psychoeducational lecture, Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, Florida Lectured and presented relevant substance use and abuse related materials for undergraduate students Nova Southeastern University Housing Program. Mnca Brantley CLINICAL TRAINING EXPERIENCE 2005--2005 Psychology Intern, Broward General Medical Center Ft, Lauderdale, Florida Served as an intern on the following units; Trauma, Pediatrics, Intensive Cardiac Care, Pediatric Intensive Care, Inpatient Psychiatry, (?neology, Maternity, Internal Medicine, and Intensive Care, Conducted Behavioral Medicine training for P and 4th year medical students, Supervised 2''� and Pyear psychology trainees. Completed over 150 consults and initial psychological evaluations, Provided psychotherapeutic Interventions including but not limited to individual psychotherapy, group therapy, psychoeducation, behavioral paln management, and supportive psychotherapy, 2003---2045 Psychology Extern, University of Mlami/.Jackson Memorial Center Orthopaedic Hand Team, Miami, Fforida Worked as a member of an interdisciplinary team with the Orthopaedic Hand Team and Burns Team. Completed consults and initial psychological evaluations for patients, provided Indiv)dual treatment, psychoeducation and behavioral pain management interventions for patients with traumatic hand injuries and traumatic burn injuries. Also conducted several stress management and relaxation inservices for hospital staff. 2402---2003 Psychology Trainee, Guided Self Change Cllnic, Nova Southeastern University Community Mental Health Center, Fort Lauderdale, Florida Provided assessment and treatment for clients with alcohol, tobacco, gambling and/or illicit drug problems, Provided individual and group treatment under a motivational cog nitive---behavloraI treatment modaIIty. Supervisor Linda C. Sob ell, Ph.D., A.8,P,P. 2uC2---2003 Psychology Trainee, Guided Self Change Program, Nova Southeastern University Community Men taf Health Center, Fort Lauderdale, Florida Co ---facilitated support and focus group based on Motivational Interviewing and Cognitive Behavioral Model forthe treatment of homeless individuals with alcohol, tobacco and/or illicit drug problems. Mlnca Brantley Group discussion and Focus addressed refusal skills, development of action plans and options, informed decision ---making skills, relapse prevention, and effective coping strategies. Completed under the supervision of Linda C. Sobell, Ph.D., A.B,P,P, 2002 Psychology Trainee, University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Hospital psychiatrists Participated in consultation/liaison medical rounds. Observed assessing and treating patients. Supervisor; Dr, German Molina RESEARCH EXPERIENCE 2003---20+04 Dissertatlon, Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, Florida Directed Study: Collaboration with other students in the devetopment of professional training CD---ROVINdeo illustrating the fundamental components of group psychotherapy. Addltional materials included in the CD ---RCM are a critical review of the literature, powerpoint presentation, group therapy quiz, suggested readings, Handout, "Statements and Guidelines Used in Groups", group questionnaire, and references. Under the supervision of Dr, Linda Sobell, Ph.D., A-B,P.P 20012 Research Assistant, Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, Florida Duties Include coding and gathering research information to investigate smoking cessation and the decision to terminate smoking behaviors. Under the supervision of Mark B. Sobell, Ph, D,, A.B,P.P, 2001 Research Assistant, Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, Florida Duties included coding and collecting data for research project investlgating the appropriate use of Time Line Follow Back (TLFB) calendar in past research when assessing participant's history of substance use, Supervision conducted by Mark B. Sobell, Ph.D., A B. P, P, 2000 Research Assistant, Shands Hospital at University of Florida, Children's Mental Health Unit, Gainesville, FL Mirka Rrantiey Duties included collecting, analyzing, and managing data In investigating various behavioral treatment Interventions and treatment outcomes related to Self--drJurious behavior, supervision conducted by Brian iwata, Ph. D,. 1999 Research Assistant, University of Florida, Association for Retarded Citizens, Gainesville, FL Duties inchided coding and collecting data for Investigation of various behavioral interventions with Individuals with cognitive impairment, Under the supervision of Brian Iwata, Ph.D. PROFESSIONAL CONTRIBUTIONS United States Attorney's Office, Miami -Dade Task Force for Reentry Committee Mernber AWARDS 2014 Hank Mayer Endowed Teaching Chair, Miami Dade Foundation LICENSURE/ CERTIFICATION Licensed Clinical Psychologist —FLORIDA PY7844 PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS American Psychological Association, member Florida Psychological Association, member REFERENCES Available Upon Request LAST NAME Davis CONTACT NUMBERS CIVILIAN INVESTIGATIVE PANEL CIP MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION 970 S.W. I' Street,' Suite 305 Miamf, Florida 331.30 305-964.495E CELL PHONE: 788-218-9873 E-MAIL ADDRESS: deidriad avisg aol, com FIRST NAME Deidria DAY; DOB I M 1 ✓" 11/22153 i x NIGHT. anytime before 9:00 pm MUNIr AUL)ht-1)z)1, CITY: STATE: ZIP -CODE DISTRiCT�� 1950 NW 3rd Ave l Miaml FL 33136 5 WORK ADDRESS: L�M : STATE: ZIP -CODE DISTRICT: 1603 NW 7th Ave iamiFL 33136 5 i REAL STATE PROPERTY ADDRESS- CITY, � STATE ZIP -CODE DISTRICT: - 1950 NW 3rd Ave Miami ! FL 33138 5 1.. Are you, your spouse or any immediate family member (children, parents or siblings) currently employed by the City of Miami? Yes X No 2. Have you, your spouse, or any immediate family member eve been a sworn employee of the City of Miami Pollce Department? Yes X No 3, Are you currently a party or a party's legal representative in any litigation against the City of Miami? Yes X No 4. Do you have a record of a felony conviction? Yes X No 5 Why do you wish to serve on the CIP? To serve mv cornmuri and continue to make Miami a safe Iace where eo le of all race, creed, rell sous beliefs can five together on one accord, working towards a common goal. 6. What aspect of your life and/or work experience has prepared you for membership on the CIP? Member of the CiRB for two terms. Member of Overtown Community Ovesight Board (OCOB) for two terms President of the Association where I reside. Work for Camillus House - full time, serving the comma 7. List any organizations with which ORGANIZATION: are affiliated and position office(s) held, 8, Please attach your resume with this application, POSITION: CERTIFICATE OF APPLICATION PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE SIGNING I hereby certify that all the statements made in this application are true and correct, By signing this application, l authorize verification of my background record solely for use by the CIP Nominating Committee to conduct reviews and provide final recommendations to the City of Miami Commission Board, SIGNATURE; P&A�4'7. DATE; August 8, 2017 DEIDRIA DAVIS 1950 NW YJ Ave, Mierni, Flonda 33136 (736) 218-9873, mobile SUNINIARY OF Q>IrAL ICATIONS; OBJECTIVES: Over 230 years of experience working within the Marketing, Customer Service/Cruise Industry, Highly energetic, Self -motivated, self-starter meeting projected goals. I am skilled in oral and written communication. f am also proficient in the interpretation of statutes, regulations, policy guidance, analytical and problem solving abilities, Possess the ability to apply different techniques to accomplish multiple assignments, Objectives consist of working in the area of management, marketing, security, marine operations, customer service, or investigations. SearQhing For career opportunities within these: specialized Melds where I can apply my skills and education to help the organization grow and meet its purposes and goals daily-, EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: 07122/2016 to PRESENT CAMILLUS HOUSE —PROEY13i PROGR42M Ni AND, FLORIDA 33136 Accountable for accurate and timely handling of all aspects of client supertiision during the week and over the weekend. Toadies in this program have been victims of human trafficking and must be considered and handled with care under strict conflderltiality guidelines, • Planning, soliciting in-kind services, attending, and documenting act!vitie:s for clients • Taking clients on store nuts and DCAF visits -with children, • Clearly communicating status or incidents to the supervisors as they occur • Working with clients to resolve their issues through group discussions and house meetings • Recommending appropriate solutions while providing client services • Dispense medications on the weekend and providing headcount to security at the end on each shift, • Urinalysis; random and on intake • Advanced clerical and other duties as required, including ordering supplies and maintenance, 1010512015 to 4711112016 ALORICA CALL CENTER 1FILMN11 UkKES, FLf>`RIDA 33016 Accountable for accurat-a and timely handling of all aspects of customer account maintenance and transactiDm • Retrieving payw.ent history from the systern aad clearly cornmuuioa;ing status to the customer • Analyzing account characteristics and working witk customers to resolve their issues, persuade them to bring their account current, andror recommending appropriate sotutions while providing "best in class" customer service • Reviewing customerhis:cry and, where appropriate and based an established policies and procedures, waives late oharg% and grants extensions • G'kilizing all collection tools available to maintain delingttencies and losses at or below Customer Service Center objectives • Documenti-19 all activities In a clear Lod concise manner utilizing the appropriate systems and in accordance with established procedures DEIDRIA DAMS 1950 AlW 31-4 Ave, Ml awi, Florida 33135 (786) 21g-9$73, mobile 11145/13 to 1014512g15 RESORTS WORLD SLNIVq Salary; S121hotir NUA.MI, FLOR1lDA 33132 18 hours/week GUESTPORTSEi?PTCESICUSTO_ 1i♦RSERvICE UppLESEyTt?-1VEpl • Respcoad to cerresl+ondeme through e, tails, in relation to either cowp!iments or complaints • Determine whether guest will receive compensation, apology cr acknowle:dgemert • Process incoming sales calls regarding Genting Luxury Hates and Casino ship bookLngs • Check-in process at fort o lhliam! for guests, technicians and employees sailiog out from Part on the Bimini SuperFam ship, Travel document verifrcatlon • De -bark consists of processing passengers after return from Bimini • Process payments during check-in and other duties as .rewired • 'Notarize travel doca as needed. Advanced clerical, TWIG clearance, Port of 1141atni Identification, and Port Everglades Identification.. 01104 to 89113/13 CBLFBRITY CRISES! ROYAL CARIBBE_'>- LtiT1ERNATIO:"YA-L/ Salary: S17/hour MIAMI, FLORIDA 33132 40+ hoursrweek T&4i�QVG COCRDI, ATOX LDAP YASSISTA TI GLWST AELA TIO :MS R EPRESE,NT.4Ti t E • Scheduling and tracking of all 3 Star Officers and above training, MarLne Safety B: EnviroamenW Protectioa and Security Managers on a regular basis, Responsible for updating the week])' attendance report for all the managers, Inform all accessary departments of the travel schedule for the Nfanagers in his,ber area, • Prepares the re3ervations and travel arrangements for the lhfatnagers S&F, Security that need to go onboard the ship for inspections or projects. Moreover, coordinates with the vessels, the agents, the vendors and the other departments the details of transportation and has responsibilities for all the necessary arrangements to be dons ahead of time including "to whom it may concern" letters, i,e. 110meland Seeurif} and Customs Agents, • Prepares the boarding Lists for AINT Sampling teams to board vessel for the purpose of conducting mandatory and unannouaced regulatory Sampling,, is accordance with governmental authorities, regarding the Advanced Waste Water Treatment Sy-iterns onboard and SQM • Prepares and submits expense reports for the Managers of group, • Coordination of cabin requests for vendors, contractors and crew, + Must be able to maintain strict con5dentiality and d;saretioti in dealing with issues of a business or personal nature, in addition, be able to make independent decision's, + :Must be able to effectively work under pressure and simultaneowly manage multiple tasks and deadlines, paying close attention to detxii, • Assist in the preparation, of the Environutental and Security Officer rotation and monitoring the disposition plan in coordination with the EIR Department and the company's Iliring Partner, and conx.unicate updated information to the Masters of the vessels on a regular basis, • Prepare and arrange Masters, Staff Captains, Vnvironmental Officer, Engineers, SWLriW_ Officers, and other higher management shipboard officers training arrangetnents as required. Submitted SeaForms for payment as WC114 • Assist with other Marine projects, as required from the department Marag, r.,, as well as serving as back-up to the Sr. VP when his Executive Assistant is unavailable. DEIDRIA DAVIS 19So N -W 3'd Ave, Miami, Florida 33136 (786) 218-9873, mobile 0003 to 01104 CARRIE 1WEK FOUNDATION }Xl�zt)n, FLORIDA 33133 Salary: $91hour For Congresswoman Carrie P. Afeek {Ret,} 36+ hours/"eek ■ Organized personal calendar of al; events • Coordinated meetings, luncheons, speaking engagements Received visitors at events, from fellDw congress member., to non-profit donors e Managed day- to day office operations s Advanced clerical, other duties as required EDUCATION: CRIINiL1 AL JUSTICE BACJS ARTA — AA CRTMI THAI. JUSTICE - LTNIVERSI'TY OF PIIOEN. IX, ARIZONA 0612010 — I U2014 BACHUCIR DEGREE - ORGANrIZATION SECURITY M.A,N AGMNIEW CMMAL JUSTICE MIAMI DADE CON 4 UNITY COLLEGE- — MIAMI, FLORIDA 9/02 —04/03 COalr1PUT"ER SKILL& o Adobe: Acrobat, Illustrator * Avstar, media ratings software * 'likrosoft 2010: Office Suite o Public Tv Online o Latus n Dtes, email application a Windows Vista - Windows 7 * Fleet Visitor Request o Fldello - Seawsre ADDITIONAL A.S.II3,S, Degree Experience in a customer servtcelcall center environment Excellent verbal communication and interpersonal skills Good written communication skills Self-starter and independent Team oriented and results driven Strong organizational shills and attention to details Attendance and punctuality are essential ACTIVITIE& AS400 Colonial, reservations system JD Edwards, E1 databmw PBS Express, r_iedia statistics database Sfebei, correspondence database AMOS r avigate Portal FenpleSoft - Employee Cabin Rzquests ACHIEVELMEINTS. "OL TST.4.VXN'G 3fOTffER SOF TUE YEAR 2401" !&Lk&9-DADS COUNTY FLORIDA, BOARD Of COL. V"TY COV4lt1SS10, RS, DOREiiN ➢, R01,LF, MAYOR ALEX FENELAS CITY Of bfL4W - C0,19fUVIT P RELATIO V BOARD VEWER SIN CE 2011 0VERTOWN 0 VERSIGHT CO.VMITTEE BOARD .ifE31BBR 2010-2012 C1V11,1AV LYVBS'TIGAT.IYE PAVEL (Clic) 8OARD MEMBER WA APPOINT_MB,VT " JVLY 2014-aYGOINC WLLAS OF ST AGUES COrV'D0 ASSOCIAr1O:V VICE PASSM.f .VT SLVCE 2009 rV0W ,PRESIDE.+VT 2014-U ITIL