HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubmittal-Devin Cejas, Zoning Administrator-Increment III Development Order Conditions Exhibit ASubmitted into the public Exhibit A C - record f r ite (s) �n 5 on �'l City Clerk Increment III Development Order Conditions THE CITY OF hIIANII SHALL: PROJECT INFORMATION, PROGRAM AND GENERAL CONDITIONS Require all development pursuant to this Development Order to be in accordance with the City of Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan, applicable land development regulations, ordinances, building codes, and other laws. ?. The deadline for commencing any development under this Increment III shall be three (3) years from the effective date of this Development Order. 3. Total Allowable Development under this Development Order shall be limited to: DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM *An additional 42 slips are vested from DRI review pursuant to DCA BLIVR 1 1003-001. Increment I Increment II Increment III Land Uses Buildout- Buildout- Buildout - Totals i September 28, p September 1, May 28, 2003 ' X019 - i �025 - Office (includes 3,681,590 1,220,000 2,500,000 7,401,890 Government) (gross square feet) Government Office 300,000 I 0 ; Government 300,000 (gross square feet) j Offices are included in General Office Category Retail, Service - 1,453,500 747,774 758,000 (gross square feet) Hotel 4,500 1,605 2,000 8,105 (rooms) Residential 10,550 6,750 18,000 35,300 (dwelling units) Convention 500,000 300,000 0 800,000 (gross square feet) Wholesale1ndustrial 1,050,000 550,000 250,000 1,550,000 (gross square feet) Institutional 200,000 350,000 150,000 700,000 (gross square feet) Attractions, Recreation 30,500 59,000 2,000 91,500 (seats) Marine Facilities 100,000 50 wet slips* 1 0 100.000 *An additional 42 slips are vested from DRI review pursuant to DCA BLIVR 1 1003-001. Submitted into the public (� r Exhibit A record Ir iter (s) on 11 . City Clerk a. Upon the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for any Net New Development as defined in section 14-122 of the City Code, the City shall make appropriate deductions from the amount of Total Allowable Development under this Development Order. No Building Pen -nit shall be issued for Net New Development which would, in the aggregate, exceed the amount of Total Allowable Development under this Development Order. The City may permit simultaneous increases and decreases in the above described land use categories consistent with the Equivalency Matrix attached hereto as Exhibit "A" (Equivalency Matrix), without the need of film,, for an NOPC (Notice of Proposed Change) provided that the reoional impacts of the land uses in Increment III of the Project as approved, as measured by total peak hour vehicle trips are not increased. Nothing herein changes, -rants, or otherwise alters any rid hts, conditions, commitments, obligations or I'mitatirnls upon development projects that commenced within and or which are credited to Increments I and II of the Downtown Development of Reoional Impact. b. On February 17, 2015. the City of Miami Downtown Development Authoritv and Department of Economic Opportunity entered into an Agreement Authorizingr Interim Development for the Downtown Miami Development of Regional Impact Increment III Pursuant to Section 380.032, Florida Statutes ("Agreement"), which authorized commencement of interim development pursuant to this Increment III in advance of issuance of this final Development Order. Such development under Increment III and pursuant to this Development Order has commenced. It is understood that any development that has commenced under this Increment III was required to pay all credits applicable to the development of the Project as if it was to be developed under Increment II of the Downtown Development of Re�(Tional Impact and all applicable ordinances and statutory requirements. Further, said development was obligated and recognizes that Increment III, when authorized as provided by law, may contain different coefficients or other calculation methodology that could cause fees for credits under Increment III to be substantially changed from those of Increment II_ Any development that commenced prior to the adoption of Increment III is also obligated to pay any additional fees applicable to the development of the project pursuant to Increment III within thirty (30) days of the final approval and expiration of all appeal periods for the approval of the Increment III development order and, in all events, prior to the issuance of a certificate of use and, or occupancy for development of any project that does not qualify for Increment II credits. 4. Monitor the capacity of Total Allowable Development by reserving the amount of Development Credits necessary for Net New Development at a time, to be detennined by the City, prior to or coincident with approval of a building permit or other appropriate City approvals. The City shall place reasonable time limits on all building permits to assure that construction progresses within a reasonable period of time after approval to prevent stockpiling of reservations for Development Credits. The time period established by the City shall take into account the size of the proposed Net New Development in relationship to the time necessary to begin construction. 2 Submitted into the public (� Exhibit A record fr it (s) , on_h71A jq City Clerk 5. The buildout date, for authorizinyg development through the issuance of building and other pennits, shall be September 1, 2025. September 1, 2025 is hereby established as the expiration termination date for the development order. Upon the occurrence of the expiration"tennination date, the City of ;Miami Downtown Development of Regional Impact Master and all incremental development orders shall be expired, tenninated and of no further force and effect. The buildout and expiration termination dates may only be modified in accordance with Section 380.06(19), F.S. 6. Establish September 1, 2025 as the date until which the City agrees that the Downtown '.Miami Increment III Development of Regional Impact shall not be subject to dowrnzonin". unit density reduction, or intensity reduction. unless the City can demonstrate that substantial changes in the conditions underlying the approval of the development order have occurred. or that the development order was based on substantially inaccurate information provided by the Applicant, or that the change is clearly essential to the public health, safety or welfare. 7. The Citv Mana�aer, b�- and through his her desi�anees, is hereby designated to monitor compliance %%ith all conditions and the enforcement of this Development Order and shall have the duty and authority to interpret the provisions of this Development Order and to promulgate rulings, regulations, and procedures necessary to implement it, provided the same are not inconsistent with the terns hereof or of F.S. 380.06, or duly promulgated and adopted rules there under. Appeals to decisions of the City Manager may be filed pursuant to procedures set forth in the City of Miami Code and land development regulations, as amended. Any noncompliance shall be subject to the provisions of Condition 8 herein. 8. The City shall not violate any of the conditions of this Development Order or otherwise fail to act substantially in compliance with this Development Order or pen -nit any property owner within the boundaries covered by this Development Order to violate any of the provisions of this Development Order. In the event any entity controlled by the Applicant and or the City or any permittee or landowner of any Parcel of Land violates (hereinafter "violator") the provisions of this Development Order, the City shall stay the effectiveness of this Development Order as to the parcel or tract of land in which the violative activity or conduct has occurred and withhold further pennits, approvals, and services for development in said Parcel of Land upon passare of any appropriate resolution by the City, adopted in accordance with this section, finding that such violation has occurred. The violator will be given written notice by the City that states: 1) the nature of the purported violation, and ?) that unless the violation is cured within thirty (30) days of said notice, the City will hold a public hearing to consider the matter within sixty (60) days of the date of said notice. In the event the violation is not curable in thirty (30) days, the violator's dili�(Tent (=ood faith efforts, as determined by the City, to cure the violation within that period will obviate the need to hold a public hearing and this Development Order will remain in full force and effect unless the violator does not diligently pursue the curative action to completion within a reasonable time, in which event the City will ggive fifteen (15) days' notice to the violator of its intention to stay the effectiveness of this Development Order and withhold further permits, approvals, and services to the Parcel of Land in which the violation has occurred and until the violation is cured. The teens of this paragraph may be modified from time to time by written aolreement by the DDA, the City, and South Florida Submitted into the public record f rte (s) Exhibit A on City Clerk Regional Council ("Council") staff, to enable the City to enforce the terms of this Development Order to the fullest extent, while providing due process to all developers under this Development Order. 9. The City, along with the DDA, shall integrate all original and supplemental ADA information into a Consolidated Application for Development Approval (CADA) and submit va'o copies of the CADA to the Council, one copy to the City Clerk, one copy to the Florida Department of Transportation, and one copy to the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) within thirty (30) days of the effective date of this Development Order. The CADA shall be prepared as follo%vs: a. kk'here new, clarified, or revised infonnation was prepared subsequent to submittal of the ADA but prior to issuance of this Development Order, whether in response to a formal statement of infonnation needed or otherwise, the original pages of the ADA will be replaced with revised pages. b. Revised pages will have a "Page Number (R) - Date" notation, with "Page Number" beim, the number of the original page, "(R)" indicating that the page was revised, and "Date" stating the date of the revision. C. The CADA is incorporated herein by reference and will be relied upon by the parties in discharging their statutory duties under F.S. 380.06 (2016), and local ordinances. Substantial compliance with the factual representations contained in the CADA is a condition for approval unless. for good cause, waived or modified by a(-,reement among, the Council. City, and DDA. their successors, and or assigns. d. All tenors, proposals, suggestions and procedures proposed in the ADA, but not specitically incorporated in this Development Order, shall not be considered a part of the CADA insofar as they may have been deemed to place a requirement on the City of Miami to take any action or abstain from taking any action. The tenors of this Development Order shall control and any requirements to the City are specitically enumerated herein. 10. City of Miami shall prepare an Annual Report and submit copies to the Council, the City Clerk and Florida Department of Economic Opportunity'State Land Planning Agency on or before each anniversary date of this Development Order. The Annual Report for Downtown Miami Increment III must also be incorporated into the Annual Report required in the Downtown :Miami Master Development Order so that a single Annual Report is compiled for the entire Project. The Annual Report shall include, at a minimum: a. A complete response to each question in Exhibit "B" (Form Annual Report Questionnaire). b. Identification and description of any known changes in the plan of development, or in the representations contained in the CADA, or in the phasing for the reporting year and for the next year. 4 Submitted into the public R 5 Exhibit A record fo e (s) 5 on 177 10 City Clerk C. A summary comparison of Total Allowable Development and Net New Development proposed and actually approved during the year, including locations, acreage, square footage, number of units, and other units of land uses included within Total Allowable Development, and the acreage zoned and developed as City parks within the boundaries of the Downtown DRI. d. An assessment of the Applicant's compliance with the conditions of approval contained in this Development Order and the commitments which are contained in the ADA and which have been identified by the City, the Council, or the Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) as being significant. e. Specification of any amended DRI applications for development approval or requests for a substantial deviation detennination that were filed in the reporting year. f. An Indication of chan�,e, if any, in City Jurisdiction for any portion of the development since issuance of this Development Order. A statement that all auencies have been sent copies of the Annual Report in conformance with F.S. 380.0608). h. A copy of any recorded notice of the adoption of this Development Order or any subsequent modification that was recorded by the Applicant pursuant to F.S. X80.06( 15). Any other information reasonably required by State Land Planning Agency and the Council, in accordance with F.S. 380.06. A comparison of the amount of de% elopment approved in each land use category contained in the Development Program and the amount of the Development Program actually developed as of the end of each year. k. A statement that sufficient capacities of public facilities and services are available to serve the remaining development are available or planned and a statement of the condition of archeolo<,,ical resources. Provide Economic DevelopmentJobs information as provided in Condition M. An assessment of the Applicant's and the City's compliance with all conditions contained in the Increment III Development Order. n. Flagrstone Island Gardens. LLC shall be responsible for providing the required Annual Report to City, Council and DEO for the Watson Island Property. ENVIRONMENTAL 11. Assure and require that any fill material utilized within any construction sites within the DDRI Area, whether from onsite excavation activities or from offsite sources, meets the Submitted into the public ` record fol ite (s) S� . `7 Exhibit A on City Clerk clean soils criteria of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) and the Miami Dade Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources (RER) Division of Environmental Resources Management (DERM), as applicable and as may be amended from time to time. 1?. Enforce the requirements of the Miami -Dade County Shoreline Development Review Ordinance No. 85-14 (codified as Article I1I, Chapter 33D of the Miami -Dade County Code) for all qualifying developments within the Shoreline Development boundary. 13. a. Continue its efforts to address the potential impacts of sea level rise upon the Downtown, City of Miami and Miami Dade County, by reasonably addressing the findin-s of the City of Miami Sea Level Rise Committee established pursuant to City Resolution R-15-0072 (adopted on February 26, ?015) and any subsequent sea level rise committees and groups as established from time to time, and throu-h the Implementation of the following and subsequent City of Mlalnl ordinances. Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan objectives and policies, and City resolutions: 1) Ordinance 13550 (dated September 10. 2015) Comprehensive Plan Amendment ?) Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Objective LU -1.8. 3) Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Policy LU- I.S. 1. 4) Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Policy LU -1.8.2. 51 Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Policy LU -1.8.3. 6) Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Policy LU -1.8.4. 7) Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Policy LU -1.8.5. 8) Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Policy CM -1.4?. 9) Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Policy CI -1.2.6. 10) Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Policy IC -1.1.910. 11) City Resolution R-14-0420 (dated October 23. 2014). The tindiny-s of the Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact shall be taken into consideration, as reasonable and appropriate, in future decisions red-arding the design, location, and development of infrastructure and public facilities in the City and to meet or exceed adopted Level of Service (LOS) Standards. b. Cooperate and coordinate efforts with the N/Iiami Dade County Office of Resilience in planning for and addressing, as is reasonable and appropriate, the coordination 6 Submitted into the public Exhibit A recordr iterig (s) _ on f City Clerk of activities contemplated by the Sea Level Rise Task Force as fonned through %Miami -Dade County Resolution R-599-13, adopted on July ?, 2013 as amended by Resolution R-744-13 following Miami Dade County ordinances and resolutions: I ) R-451-14 (dated May 6, 2014). ?) Ordinance No. 14-79 (dated September 3, 2014). 3) R-44-1 S (dated January 21, 2015). 4) R-45-15 (dated January ? 1, 2015). 5) R-46-15 ( dated January ? 1, 2015). 6) R-47-15 (dated January ? 1, 2015). 7) R-48-15 (dated January -21. 2015) (This resolution pertains to Flood Damage Reduction). 8) R-49-1 5 ( dated January ? 1, 201-5). 9) R-903-15 (dated October 6, ?015). 10) R-66-16 (dated January 20, 2016). C. As part of the pending Evaluation and Appraisal of its Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan, the City shall consider establishing an Adaptation Action Area within the boLlndarles of the Downtown DRI and adopting additional policies within the Coastal Nlanagement Element and City Code changes to improve resilience to coastal floodin- resulting, from hi<,h-tide events, stone surae, flash floods, stonmvater runoff, and related impacts of sea -level rise. INFRASTRUCTURE AND SERVICES 14. a. Based upon the transit impacts directly related to and .venerated by the Total Allowable Development for Increment I1I, pay, contract or otherwise commit to and pay or cause the payment of a total of 56,005,829 (2016 dollars) to Miami Dade County, to be expended on some or all of the following transit projects as shown on the Transit Improvement Chart provided as Exhibit "C" ("Transit Commitment"). as follows: 1. Government Center Station Upgrade ?. Historic Overtown Lyric Theatre Station Upgrade 3. Brickell Metrorail Metromover Station Upgrade 7 Exhibit A Submitted into the public (� record f It (s) � on I0Ta`City Clerk -I. Downtown lntenmodal Bus Terminal 5. Bus -Only Lanes in Downtown Miami Alternative projects may be added or substituted to this list, subject to the agreement of the City and Miami Dade County. The City shall collect the Transit Commitment proportionally from development within the DDRI boundaries and pay, contract or othenyise commit or cause to pay to Ivliami Dade County, S1,98 1,923.57 within sixty (60) days from the date of issuance of building, permits that would result in the construction of more than thirty-three (33) percent of the Total Allowable Development, an additional 51,981,923.57 within sixty (60) days from the date of issuance of building, pen -nits that would result in the constriction of more than sixty-six ( 66) percent of the Total Allowable Development, and an additional S-1041,98 1.86 within sixty (60) days from the date of issuance of the building, permits that ii ould result in the construction of more than o n e h u n d re d ( 1 00) percent of the Total Allowable Development. Any payment of fees to the County in satisfaction of this condition shall be reported to the Council Mthin one (1) year of the receipt of such payment by the County. The fore ming Transit Commitment is made in reco,-,nition that a portion of the development pursuant to this Increment III is exempt from the requirement to pay Miami -Dade County Road Impact fees pursuant to section 33E-14.:Miami-Dade County Code. To the extent that a portion of the development authorized Pursuant to Increment III is required to pay Miami -Dade County Road Impact Fees. such development shall not be responsible for the payment of its portion of the Transit Commitment in addition to the pa,7nent of Nliami-Dade County Road Impact Fees, unless Miami -Dade County: 1. provides for a credit or contribution in lieu of impact fee or other similar mechanism in satisfaction of and consistent with section 380.06(16)(a), Florida Statutes: or 2. approves a reduction of the County Road Impact fee affectin-ty development within the boundaries of the Downtown DRI, through a Fee Computation by Independent Study or other mechanism available under the CoL111tV Code, which acknowledges the pedestrian and transit mode splits (total of approximately 290 o) established within the Downtown DRI transportation analysis: or 3. with the written a,Treement of the Citv, enters into an agreement with individual Downtown DRI developers where they independently ndependently enhance the downtown transit, transportation or road infrastructure and be credited for the cost of their improvements against County Road Impact Fees otherwise incurred instead of the Transit Commitment: or Absent such fo reuoinu action by Miami -Dade Countv, as an alternative to 9 Submitted into the public p AExhibit A record f r it S) , 5 on 1 r City Clerk payment of the Transit Commitment after the imposition of the Countv Road Impact Fee, the Citv Planning Department. with the input from the County. play prepare a rllastcr plan of infrastructure enhancements within the Downtown DRI area that w ould provide mad, transit or other capacity improvements benefiting the Do\\ntowll DRI transportation network. that CjUUIify tilt' contribution in lieu credit tOr Count' Road Impact Fees. The Cite shall then establish a trust fund us1112 the Downtown DRI transportation fees collected atter the imposition of County Road Innpact fees. with the undcrstandin(-i that said enhancements COUld he erformed and contributions made to the fund by dev elopers v\ ho w ould then have their contrbutuutls credltcd a�gaulst COL111ty Road Impact Fee assessments. b. Based upon the roadway impacts generated by Total Allowable Development for Increment III, pay or contract to pay S374,206.08 (proportionate share in 2016 dollars), to be expended on transportation improvements, including but not limited to pedestrian and alternative transportation mode improvements within the DDRI study area, and the turn lanes described in condition 14c, below. at the City's discretion. The Applicant shall pay or contract to pay S1_'3,488.01 within sixty ( 60) days from the date of issuance of building pernits that would result in the construction of more than 33 percent of the Total Allowable Development, an additional S123,488.01 within sixty (60) days from the date of issuance of building permits that would result 111 the construction of more than 66 percent of the Total Allowable Development, and an additional S127,230.01 within sixty (60) days from the date of issuance of building permits that would result in the construction of more than 100 percent of the Total Allowable Development. C . Pay. contract or otherwise commit to and pay or cause the payment of a total of SI,180. 030 (2016 dollars) to the South Florida Regional Transportation Authority (SFRTA), to be expended on the Tri -Rail Downtown Miami Link (tile "Tri -Rail Commitment") in accordance with the First Amendment to the Interlocal ALencv Agreement approved Q.n-suant to City of Miami Resolution No. R-16- 021S -16- 0?IS on May. 121 2016. The Cite shall collect the Transit Commitment proportionally from development within the DDRI boundaries and pay, contract or otherwise commit or cause to pay to SFRTA those amounts identified in the First Amendment to the Interlocal Agency Agreement. Any ayment of fees to the SFRTA in satisfaction of this condition shall be reported to the Council within one (1) year of the receipt of such payment by the SFRTA. d. c—. Prior to the issuance of the first certificate of occupancy for the vertical construction within contiguous properties. where feasible, construct or cause the construction of a northbound right -turn at the intersection of NE ? Avenue at NE 15 Street, provided adequate right of way can be made available, and a northbound right -turn at the intersection of NE ? Avenue at N E IS Street, provided adequate right of way can be made available. 15. Implement Transportation Demand Management (TDM) strategies and coordinate with the Miami Dade County Department of Transportation and Public works and other local agencies and authorities such as the Miami Parking Authority, to encourage, explore and 9 Submitted into the public Exhibit A record f r it (s) on City Clerk expand transit and commuter options within the DDRI Boundaries, including trolley and alternative commuter options, including: a. Transit and traffic educational programs obtained from South Florida Commuter Services; b. Preferential parking and treatments for carpool and yanpool participants, C. Provide documentation promoting the spreading, of travel demands for travel off peak periods, such as staggered work hours, flex -time, compressed %work hours, telecommuting; Promote alternative forms of transportation such as car -share and bike -share programs, and d. Other transportation initiatives as agreed upon by the City and DDA 16. Continue to coordinate with the Miami -Dade County Water and Sewer Department (NASD) to upgrade the water and sewer infrastructure within the DDRI Area. 17. Continue to coordinate with the City's Police Department to ensure adequate provision of police services within DDRI Boundaries. 18. Continue to work with the City's Fire Department to ensure the adequate provision of fire, rescue services within DDRI Boundaries. t9. a. The City shall comply with the terns of the Amended and Restated Interlocal Agreement for Public School Facility Planning in Nliami-Dade County. The City shall promote, in collaboration with the School Board, Miami Dade County and developers of projects within the boundaries of the DDRI, as is practical, the following: ( t ) assess existing schools for capacity and curricular expansion and amplification, (�) provide information to developers about possible incorporation of customized, small District -operated educational facilities within their development, or (3 ) explore opportunities for provision of educational facilities, in addition to those which currently exist (as referenced in (1) above), on public land owned by the Citv, Miami -Dade COMM. School District or other public entity with assets in or near the DDRI area. b. The City shall establish, or, with input from the DDA, work to establish, a City of :Miami education task force to evaluate creative educational options and alternatives, to serve Downtown and other City residents and workers. 20. Work with Miami -Dade County Office of Emergency Nlanagement to coordinate emergency evacuation measures from Do%vntown and to ensure adequate shelter capacity for the occupants of planned new residential units within the DDRI. t0 Submitted into the public Exhibit A record f r it �(s) ��, on 1 City Clerk 1. Coordinate with the City Parks Department to identify opportunities to provide additional public part: space within the Downtown. Coordinate with developers of projects within the Downtown for the provision of recreation areas within their developments (private property) that would be open and available to the public. 22. Amend City of Miami Ordinance 12678 (as amended and codified as Article II, Chapter 13 of the City of ;Miami Code of Ordinances) to assess development for its proportionate share of the cost of improvement and 'or services necessary to monitor and or mitigate anv adverse impacts of Increment III. Said amendment shall also have authority to assess development its proportionate share of the costs attributable to preparation of the master plan, the Application for Development Approval, and this Development Order, as well as the future costs of revicNving individual development applications, monitoring compliance with this Development Order, and any other costs reasonably related to the administration and lllZplementation of this Development Order. If necessary, the City shall establish a procedure for rebating an,,, funds collected in excess of those fiends attributable to a particular development and necessary to implement this Development Order or any ordinance or procedure required to monitor and enforce compliance with this Development Order and to mitigate the impacts of Total Alloyyable Development under this Increment III. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ?3. Utilize economic development enhancement resource agencies and programs designed to involve small and minority businesses in the development and expansion of permanent job opportunities ��ithin the project. Examples of such agencies and programs include, but are not limited to, those contained in the Micun D["icic County hitcrnal Sei`vices Dcpurtnient Snuil% Business Dci-elopnicnt List of Cci-ti%iecl Firms ami the South Flor chi Sinall and tilinorrity Business Resource Direc°toi-T. The Applicant will attempt to access the range of job skills available in the region and promote greater labor force enhancement. At a minimum, the Applicant is encouraged to provide potential commercial tenants ,vith information about employment and training agencies that maintain a database of trained skilled workers to consider in meeting the project's employment needs. This information shall be annually updated and submitted as part of the Annual Status Report. I. The City shall establish ordinances, pro�arams or other mechanisms that require that housin<, available for purchase or rental by extremely lOW (up to 3W Area .Median Income or AMI), very -logy (up to 50°0 of AVII), low (up to 80°o of AMI), moderate (up to 1200o of AMI). workforce (up to 140° 0 of A%1I) populations (as such terms are defined in section 420.9071. Florida Statutes; sections 17-131 and 33-193.6 of the :Miami Dade County Code; and section 13-5 of the City of Miami Code of Ordinances) be constructed or caused to be constructed in an amount equal to no less than 2700 dwelling units or fifteen (15) percent of the residential units proposed within the DDRI Increment III within an area of a ten (10) mile or a twenty (20) minute commute shed from and within the boundaries of this DDRI, whichever is less (Exhibit " D", Housing Commute Shed), but in all events, within the jurisdiction of the City of Miami. Provided, however, in order to encourage the development of housing for very -logy., low, moderate, and workforce populations within the boundaries of this DDRI, any units constructed within such boundaries shall be counted Submitted into the public Exhibit A record frit n(s) on l 9 City Clerk at a ratio of 1.>:1. Units constructed in satisfaction of the Southeast Overtovvn Park West Development of Regional Impact affordable housing condition shall not be counted toward satisfying this condition. All housing units for extremely low, eery -low, low, moderate, and workforce populations constructed and conveyed pursuant to this condition shall limit resale to a price in accordance with the affordable or workforce price for a control period of twenty (20) years, or more, by providing an appropriately enforceable assurance that said unit shall not be offered for a price greater than the maximum workforce housing unit sales price as such is established by the Miami Dade County Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources at the time of said sale. If the units are sold during the initial twenty year control period, a new twenty year period for affordable or workforce housing "-ill apply to the new owners. Said bindin<a and enforceable agreement may be, but is not limited to, a Development Agreement, Land Use Restriction Agreement. Declaration of Restrictive Covenants, or, if a Community Land Trust, with a Memorandum of Ground Lease, recorded in the public records of 1NIiami Dade County. All rental housing for extremely low, eery -low, low, moderate, and workforce populations provided in satisfaction of this condition, shall be maintained by the owner as affordable for low, moderate. and or workforce incomes for a period of twenty (20) years. If the units are sold during the initial twenty year period, a new twenty year period will apply. In lieu ofact Lia lly pro vidirig said hoLis Irig units for extremely low. very -lo�v, low, moderate, and workforce populations, in whole or in part, the City may establish an affordable workforce housima trust fund to be used to fund construction of or access to affordable or workforce units and authorize a payment in lieu of actually providing the housing units for very -low, logy, moderate, and workforce populations. The payment in lieu shall be based on a reasonable formula for the purchase construction each unit. The Applicant will work with South Florida Regional Council staff to explore creative affordable workforce housin- solutions (including, micro -units, co -living-, reduced parking requirements, mixed -income housing and "rent to buy" pro -grams, the rehabilitation of existing housin" units) and to ensure a balanced distribution of housin�a, based on income levels. 25. Withhold the issuance of any building permits (including, phase permits) that would not ensure the preservation of historic and archeological resources that have been formally designated as historic by the City of Miami, pursuant to Section 23-4 of the City of Miami Code of Ordinances. Continue to explore the designation of additional qualified sites within the boundaries of the DDRI. MISCELLANEOUS 26. The effective date of this Development Order shall be forty-five (4-5) days from receipt of its transmittal to the Department of Economic Opportunity, South Florida Regional Council, and City, provided, however, that if this Development Order is appealed, the 12 Submitted into the public pp Exhibit A record f r it n(s) �r, rj on �� City Clerk effective date %vill not start until the day after all appeals have been withdrawn or resolved pursuant to F.S. 380.07. 27. Within thirty (30) days of the effective date of this Development Order, a notice of adoption of this development order it shall be recorded with the Clerk, Dade County Circuit Court. pursuant to Section 380.06(15) F.S. The notice shall include a legal description of the property covered by this Development Order (Exhibit "E-) and shall state ,yhich unit of local government adopted the development order, the date of adoption, the date of adoption of any amendments to the development order, the location "-here the adopted order with any amendments may be examined, and that the development order constitutes a land development regulation applicable to the property. The recording of this notice shall not constitute a lien. cloud. or encumbrance on real property, or actual or constructive notice of any such lien, cloud, or encumbrance. -)S. The existence of this Development Order Shall not act to limit or proscribe the rights of any person under Section 380.06 F.S. to file an ADA and obtain an individual development order for property covered by this Development Order, notwithstanding the existence of this Development Order. III the event that Such all II1CIMCILral development order IS approved and becomes effective, the individual development order shall control development of the property covered by the individual development order and the terns and conditions of this Development Order Shall no longer be binding upon the property. Anv such individual development orders shall, by their terns be consistent %%ith the objectives and conditions of this Development Order. ?9. This Development Order shall not repeal, nor amend in any way, any other currently effective development order or building permit within the Subject area previousiy issued by the Cite Commission pursuant to Section 380.06 F.S. This Development Order shall not create nor authorize the creation or imposition of any additional requirements or restrictions. %kith respect to any present or future development under any currently effeetiye Development Order or building permit issued prior hereto. Not%k ithstanding this paragraph. the City shall continue to have whatever authority pursuant to lacy it may now have or may acquire in the future (other than by virtue of this Development Order). 30. This Development Order shall not create nor impose any additional requirements or restrictions upon the City with respect to its powers to enact impact fee or assessment ordinances on development, including Net New Development under this Development Order and future development of the City, as such impact fees or assessments may be authorized by law. 31. In the event that a substantial deviation is determined under the terms of this Development Order or Section 380.06 F.S., the City shall retain its ability to issue building pennits and shall continue to do So unabated. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Development Order. 37. III the event that this Development Order IS Subject to litigation wherein an injunction is Issued Staying the enforcement of this Development Order, the City shall either, under this Development Order or under the powers granted it by state lacy, be permitted to continue 13 Submitted into the public Exhibit A record fo ite (s) SA' rj on 1 City Clerk to issue building pen -nits and Certificates of Occupancy until such time as a final resolution of the litigation occurs, unless the court expressly prohibits such action. 14 Exhibit A Submitted into the public record fof ite (s) S�, 6 on City Clerk Exhibit A EQUIVALENCY MATRIX 15 Submitted into the public record f0f iter (s) Sk on City Clerk DOWNTOWN MIAMI DRI INCREMENT III UPDATE LAND USE. EXCHANGE RATES Notes: tT1 t " Exchange rates are derived by dividing the P.M. external trip rate of the "From" land use by the P.M. external trip rate of the "To" land use. 12�Example: The exchange rate from office to residential is 1,000 square feet (I KSF) of ottice for every 3.5544 residential dwelling Units (DI)). N• Ft a OFFICE RI.,'I'AII. IIOTE1, RESIDENTIAL IN51'1'Cll'I'IONAI. ATTRACTION INDUSTRIAL F- TO: (KSI) (KSF) (ROOM) (Ull (KSF) (S FAT) (KSF) P.M. Peak External PROM: Vehicle Trip Rate 0.6501 1.6492 0.3214 0.1829 1.3541 0.0373 0.0938 OFFICE KSF 0.6501 1.00110 0,3942 2,0227 3.5544 0,4801 17.4290 6.9307 RETAIL KSF 1.6492 2.5368 1.0000 5.1313 9.0169 1.2179 44.2145 17.5821 HOTF.I. ROOM 0.3214 0.4944 0.1949 1.UIlUU 1.7572 0.2374 8.6166 3.4264 RESIDEN'T'IAL DIl 0.1829 0.2813 0.1109 11.5691 1.0000 0.1351 4.9035 1.9499 INSTITUTIONAL KSF 1.3541 2.0829 0.8211 4.2131 7.4035 1.0000 36.3029 14.4360 ATTRACTION SEAT 0.0373 0.0574 0.0226 0.1161 0.2039 0.0275 1.0000 0.3977 INDUSTRIAL. (KSF) 0.0938 0.1443 0.0569 0,2918 0.5128 0.0693 2.5147 1.0000 Notes: tT1 t " Exchange rates are derived by dividing the P.M. external trip rate of the "From" land use by the P.M. external trip rate of the "To" land use. 12�Example: The exchange rate from office to residential is 1,000 square feet (I KSF) of ottice for every 3.5544 residential dwelling Units (DI)). N• Ft a Submitted into the public Exhibit A record for ite�j(s on 1 �1Z b l City Clerk Exhibit B ANNUAL REPORT QUESTIONNAIRE 16 Submitted into the public record fog( ite (s) on City Clerk EXHIBIT B FORM DEO-BCP-BIENNIAL REPORT -1 Rule 73C-40.010, FAC. Effective 6-01-03 (Renumbered 10-01-11) STATE OF FLORIDA DEPART,VIENT OF ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY DIVISION OF COMMUNITY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT The Caldwell Building, MSC 160 107 East Madison Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399 DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL IMPACT ANNUAL REPORT Subsection 380.06(18), Florida Statutes, (F.S.) places the responsibility on the developer of an approved development of regional impact (DRI) for submitting an annual report to the local government, the regional planning agency, the Department of Economic Opportunity, and to all affected permit agencies, on the date specified in the development order. The failure of a developer to submit the report on the date specified in the development order may result in the temporary suspension of the development order by the local government until the biennial report is submitted to the review agencies. This requirement applies to all developments of regional impact which have been approved since August 6, 1980. If you have any questions about this required report, call the DRI Planner at (850) 717-8475 or the South Florida Regional Council at (954) 985-4416. Send the original completed annual report to the designated local government official stated in the development order with one copy to each of the following: 43 a) South Florida Regional Council 3440 Hollywood Boulevard, Suite 140 Hollywood, Florida 33021 (954) 985-4416 b) All affected permitting agencies; C) Division of Community Development Bureau of Comprehensive Planning 107 East Madison Caldwell Building, MSC 160 Tallahassee, Florida 32399 d) District Vi Office of Planning 602 South Miami Avenue Miami, Florida, 33130 44 Submitted into the public record for ite (s) -%.5 on 1� . City Clerk ANNUAL STATUS REPORT Reporting Period: to Development: Location: City Developer Name: Address: Month/Day/Year Month/Day/Year Name of DRI Company Name Street Location City, State, Zip County Submitted into the public record fo ite (s ��, 5 on �� . City Clerk Describe any changes made in the proposed plan of development, phasing, or in the representations contained in the Application for Development Approval since the Development of Regional Impact received approval. Note any actions (substantial deviation determinations) taken by local government to address these changes. 45 Submitted into the public record f iter (s) � 5 on 9 City Clerk Note: If a response is to be more than one sentence, attach as Exhibit A a detailed description of each change and copies of the modified site plan drawings. Exhibit A should also address the following additional items if applicable: a) Describe changes in the plan of development or phasing for the reporting year and for the subsequent years; b) State any known incremental DRI applications for development approval or requests for a substantial deviation determination that were filed in the reporting year and to be filed during the next year; C) Attach a copy of any notice of the adoption of a development order or the subsequent modification of an adopted development order that was recorded by the developer pursuant to Paragraph 380.06(15)(f), F.S. Has there been a change in local government jurisdiction for any portion of the development since the development order was issued? If so, has the annexing local government adopted a new DRI development order for the project? Provide a copy of the order adopted by the annexing local government. Provide copies of any revised mater pians, incremental site plans, etc., not previously submitted. Note: If a response is to be more than one or two sentences, attach as Exhibit B. 4. Provide a summary comparison of development activity proposed and actually conducted for the reporting year as well as a cumulative total of development proposed and actually conducted to date. 46 Submitted into the public record fo itet (s) �. on ���)_ City Clerk Example: Number of dwelling units constructed, site improvements, lots sold, acres mined, gross floor area constructed, barrels of storage capacity completed, permits obtained, etc. Note: If a response is to be more than one sentence, attach as Exhibit C. Have any undeveloped tracts of land in the development (other than individual single- family lots) been sold to a separate entity or developer? If so, identify tract, its size, and the buyer. Provide maps which show the tracts involved. Tract Note: If a response is to be more than one sentence, attach as Exhibit D. Describe any lands purchased or optioned adjacent to the original DRI site subsequent to issuance of the development order. identify such land, its size, and intended use on a site plan and map. Note: If a response is to be more than one sentence, attach as Exhibit E. 47 Submitted into the public record f r it m(s) S ' 5 on I City Clerk 7. List any substantial local, state and federal permits which have been obtained, applied for, or denied during this reporting period. Specify the agency, type of permit, and duty for each. Note: If a response is to be more than one sentence, attach as Exhibit F. 8. Provide a list specifying each development order conditions and each developer commitment as contained in the ADA. State how and when each condition or commitment has been complied with during the annual report reporting period. Note: Attach as Exhibit G. 9. Provide any information that is specifically required by the development order to be included in the annual report. 10. Provide a statement certifying that all persons have sent copies of the biennial report in conformance with Subsections 380.06(15) and (18), F.S. Person completing the questionnaire: Title: Representing: 48 Question 4 Submitted into the public record f r ite(s) %, r5 on rn City Clerk LAND USE TYPE PROPOSED THIS PERIOD t. BUILT THIS PERIOD I MEASURE TOTALPROPOSED TO DATE TOTAL BUILT TO DATE MEASURE i .... _... .. 1 ; i Other development activity conducted i i 49 Exhibit A Submitted into the public record fill' Iter(s) _ 1 j or± Exhibit C City Clerk MIAMI DADE COUNT" TRANSIT IMPROVE %IENT CON/IMITNIENT 17 Submitted into the public ' record for ite (s) on City Clerk EXHIBIT C Downtown Miami - Increment III - Development of Regional Impact T.ar,Sit Mi j, Prr_.�er•f Narnw S:sreti-n Cry rigtinn Cania! Crista 18% Shar9A as i9sfati _h, 07 ! . - project wilalsts if t ogrades to !h9 a IS Irg Ga a rirte t Confer, vtetrorar Stitt;— -n the form 1 t 4NiuSirret 4 . slevato-s, sxeam's. rnw P.desh a oqe --acting ,D adlatent anghtan. Sw, Upgrade10,' imsweerFa:V-n-9ad,?owntownU.- U.- (•:pmnufa Reii), uPgtades ta-:Hst1rS "oonng E,3",d'(3o!ing, fare iDkU-C'n UGdales, Saci,I!N .:Ltiales. new :clang galas and a-1.1ris fc ' — ITn;s prefect conaisr of uCgradea to the sk;sling t,*tcrC C�yartowr/L)'nc -heat,, vto,mraa 3iaiinn Hot., c CyertcwMtyrm ir m n m .^,t new 4 aa 3w s PS sw, atom. :.e^ o .,a est nq'bcnng, 'ccaecuon. 'arc ga:,. 1CO VW R Street ".Mrs a cket verd•rg Macr nes TW) update 3mun y ee tomer updates Th s Project x!I 'a so, ld d !ttl 3aeyw.y Der ear iyartc r T anS! J'lage and ha Station 'o nouda is* . ..o :nncrela.3 eel as a ahafed l..tl :0.Ten.ce x,o ,.10 y hcn 'Al, 51h Sliest r. NW r:,.'k8A Stau.n --33 an n[amoQai S:.tion Ina �Ctl5 Nessa.^ger <t.�ractic^i .0 Er ` Irf,Uldirr :Cdy ]I N/drT ro'teyl, (1,31'iSed rou a se .Ce ;V.olrCbi.$) reglona: hUs sit"Ca i Cus L'1:: !-195 Exp essi as we: 36 NefrorroYar and MetrDrail. T`e ita!'Cn a! m 13 3 M.MDrall iifj dY;Ckje stab I ICC! aN tst Avi!li.a {flegiona. :hrwr Vo,hat spans-orWBen SW 07' Stmet Wd --'W 13th 31reaf T. a pr mar, �"i at `tha � h1afYDllgyaf !L? �ckau tet:on ;mnYrvemanu h to =nharc3 passer -ger pr! ger aCPelnan i 1 ' aCLe95 to !td list St l:casy In. or.—le-on—pladt.!l:alicn ;U.—ri^.:-dee dd.-r.1 ]Ua flgMar...^.raIL'Mettdmdvar !paeaeer pCk-UR'dr^? araea. add:lirJnal er.!l"le i 4Y-uprdfop-oH :11PpL tV prpY�e) na.Y i 3:'U 3:ea- 1 -ride area upgrade o.d.aptu w :., l !:.fns [:.twee,.neigndonng 3.>aldprnanl Illrip!oIto arse ger mr.-n enra wargr weyth rfing, epgradeG'AC A conp tine sidewsiks. e3. sn _,.,.I., -l! nuke .,t; 1. .... ,., t S"4 1 amimt CUr a•als ,i �jnstrs;_ ion of a new dow., wr I— or rnut W Ih dpPr4ai?:Mtly 27 l o.tit4nle! itlM1'1::2 14 :Ha It::Ucillg hU{ npl i!rofed t0PaSSPnStl' W.11ti:g if ?a5 wet aaabrc • !'~•.;; I ,.cWnk:W' Infe!.^: oda verN.T.•g:nallllne5. oc-ist duo di5'vl.y5. i-trou r. ae wA as awt.wy oVwC . 3:l^i k, r� it aU Jir M 4-frtf +rt ai 9a, rdYl U s-PdV aC uus Y pe•y epY brk,(h :! h Ja k ty 5 - tut I} and to-y^le; path •:g3tfn- i s snd Ido ilea, JI NW ata riot Ip u I far, h a a:th U1_ : Exhibit A Submitted into the public record Ir itm(s) _a 1 on_ 9 City Clerk Exhibit D AFFORDABLE,"WORKFORCE HOUSING COMMUTE SHED a �n tAgtxc: Submitted into the public EXHIBIT D record�jor it m(s) on 1 ( City Clerk 0 w Miami Beach NIA"r• LEGEND 4 Musing Siipoiy area 17 C ti Of Miami 9crmdary O'O%iieRadius Exhibit A Submitted into the public record fExhibit E oite (S)lon. -�=6 City Clerk LEGAL DESCRIPTION 19 Submitted into the public 5� record fori IterV(s) - on �b jLt 11-1 . City Clerk EXHIBIT E LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF DOWNTOWN DRI: i DDRI Boun,!arie.s as of Februan 1. 2004 Benin at the lrtcrs ction of the centerline of NAV. Fifth Street and N.W. Third AvL-Mle (east side of N -S Expr--.w-o, 1-05)), thence run -uth,-rk alcng the centerline of NAV. 'I-hird Avenue and the easterlv sidc of N -S to the cL,iteriffle- of L -,r Hagler Street: thence %kt2,sied-, along the centerline of ,aid W --t Flazler srf%.,-t t0l the ot, the Vi,lml meande-Mig somlhcastcrlv alon�-; the \E.Im'I Ri\.r til "A ro -.1 of the a rl_.Iht-of-i1� 1�11C of Nlc-tril R East Coit�, iFFIC) R,t 'i --,,a,! i said ri=,ht-of-,Xxv kne hem- Si) ('LC east -l' ,),F '11-0-1 pa-11121lilt" thy!, of �ajJ Rapid 'Fran..slt right-of-wLry.- rl�ht-or-o p, I:nc Nli-ro Rapid-Frall,it to t! -L I Ae Sthe (,,f I �jh Road , \,k t: R o adhC C L Ith f 1 11 �11 Ith th-i "Outh'--dilhC 1. ofClost.t Bella De ther,,., M j J"'M11-�Uid vvesterk line of C; --a to 1` 131t r :['i'n 1,k it!, tl-., sowhcrl:v lin-, t,t S.F. 1 -.an:: 1,,cnk:c sOUT;1'1ea4!.V",r1.or-th;z-ast--r!v. n,1.,ri'-ierI%., and northlNc:,t--rl', a4mg salLi aOCT`,crj% and ri,Ai-of-ka\ il.rL, of S.E. 1-1t!i Lzric- and S.E. 11"il en -3,:e to the. intz-t-ect;c1n %Orlh the property line of lot h 1 K 2 o' arlenji--d Plat oc pc:m V n •Pjjt [-OC,' at pa;2�- L), �f 'tile plhIiC r1 -,2, -lids of Cou.ntV, Florld-ll th,'n"L the north\kest-,,-N finc- of said lot ',L to the rolflllclt,ttOV side of the �xL.'Lln'-, €--n-foot alle" En Mock 2 of said PoMt VWA; OICIICe IOULheasterlV a!on- the PI)i Cb11m,t'1% side of said t-,n-f(,)ot alley to the intersection lklth tile property line heh�cen lots 4 and 5 (If said MOCk 2 Of R -in, thence northeastcrk, aIor-L, said [Ine of lot,, 4 and 5 and its prolongAtwll tll-4er,iiof to the centrhre of 5.E. 14th Sti-ect, thence southeasterly alon,2 said centerline of S.E. loth Stn:et t,-, i Point 4 inicr%icil'tion with the zxi,tjn„ bulkhead and shoreline of Biscayne Bav-, thence rneatiderinL2 nniiherk along-, the exitino bulkhead and shoreline of Biscw�n,2 BaN to a point of intLi-section with the 52 Submitted into the public record fo Tite (s) on ' City Clerk �outhcr}y houndarL of Clau,-,hron Iaand Brid,--c; thence ea.terly alon_> the :aid somherl% ri,ht-of-vtiay line of Clau ,ton bland Brid«ic to the irit�rsection with the svC.,tzrlL hulkhcad line of Clau�,hton I land. said bulkhead line Nein T part of the Metropolitan Nfian7i-Dads Count% hu}khead line as recorded in plat book .�: pa`,c IS of the pilhlic records: thence southerl%, easterly. norihcrlL and v�csterl,, folloLving :aie, �Xl>Cif ' bulkll,ad ani: its pfolon` at01 thel%'A a OUIld the island t0 the lifter, ctlotl U'Ith the I?lainland t?n the ea t.r}'v shoreline ot I31 tLi%lie Bail Thcnc� u-neandtring in a and Ll;),t:rfL d.`" Tl. t? .Il n' t}7: )hQi'i'It:. t BI ,::.f`.i'.t B:iL ilnlj :?C `1t1i711 iZlbcC Ti? thl (nC,�CS Cilotl Lb'?jh C{'c jai[ riL vI-i��iL llttr _ Bi, lcL- l: _V,—=w Bnd,�- i S L Sect)il. _ %t l';Uej; [l:c,.-. !"-'rth aloe -'7 4lld bl1d to the h€.I,h_"A t)€I the in thy' Nl-.tmi RI,, -r: �a:d bu'khead IIP' a',o b'Lln- t:.� of til, D,Pont Pl:iz a Cen,,-r and . liatlli Cc1711w1- !�?int pfopetv,; t}:''lco )(';.�_ >s al- _- the spout' cLri., hell,-tj.t." �t DClf ono ,t:aza Cer,,:r and Viand Lent -r Joint ji? Li'',.'' the !;iiC o" Cilo �itittCta i.. �liarCl C�i. ;i :er! t:f-' hei i-, 'd, 1.12 ill >hi I':':nc --f Biicx, -c Bab; th-'nc north:rlL ail}r Ilm—, od C -'-Fin .�S�i cl.i_�� and p pr,_}pert% a',)r.'= Bili.' B -t' C.' tPz-- rel— lila' of B, I\, r'..):1: RIA, t::, b€};'Nl:ad l'at. o4 BaYfivint P,trh and the B -t, tret'.t h:.ri �Iiaillariila, th n� I 'l'�rtht'.'.% a!on ' the h :A'c'id Ilnc of Btsca! n; B,i', 10 li ^t)tnt i'` I'?t.f>eljlOn Lith the i:enterli'le N 1E. 1-1- S-._�t eetcl,dcj then ._ v.estcrl,alone th- of N.F. 17111 Sr:" -at and, ir. n thLFA_ ` to a peint o IC`t,.r�e,�tI ii ,k t^e c,i'rl;,'11li1:' t?i N rth Bx, Iior-- DriLe: theme north r Affil n,-rLl ,i,t:ri: Lt o - the i nr ri1f c of �,`I h Bay, la ''2 Dr;'-- 10 <1 pont Ji Itl[t'�CC Cion `,�Itll I rte .Lt n,ion `t th� northerly lot line of lot I ,_•f hlocic 1 o�: Seaport arrcn ded a, r�cordcd in n'.tt book i -'i1 it 9 L.1 t 7c' pl.hii- I-el;ord, or Mial;ll-Dad•.: Count%, Florida, thence no hL�e,�t n-ly aion tiie noiTheri%' lot lin;; of I�.�t I and its z([Ztl,iOn thereof acCt?�� a lJ-!�'i?[-�b'ide i.tlleV Tip the eiC,[ r}L` d\tensl4�❑ of the lot -Mel]"', 1"t line of lot 6 Of block � of NI rartiar AIT?ended a', rL,�ord'1 plat book -� at p,) --- -f of the puhhi: r:cord� a Nliami-Dade Coun(,,, Florida; thence --long, the northerly lot Iine of lot h 'o :i point of ,Lltll ntcr!ine of N.E. 4�ti A- ,:!nu.-. thel ce and rr'rt'.iet'1% aloe'-, 0)e 53 Submitted into the public record fo it (S) —_ 'A. on 1� 11 City Clerk CCI-IttAlioo of N.E. 1 01,1117111 A%enrjo to it., intcriectior with the cemcrlirio of \.E. 19th Street: thence Wt,ter I � a I ong, One cCntz'r I ine of N.E. I 9th SLr;et cc) a point of i me Nection Ai it It �,iut he r I,, eKteri.,,ion of the oasu_,rly lot line of A 4 of block I of Nihmnar amended as recorded K plat book 5 at pago 4 of the public words of Miami -Dade Cokw,,%. Florida. theme northcrl-, alai, the entody Its line of Ica 4 and it., extension thereof to he yxiTcHy lot Re of hK 8 of C!"I Park as reworded in Plat book 2 at page 66 of tad ptihlik: r::ord. of %Jianni-Dade ('adrity. Fbgidu thence -aster[along the �oLitherl,,y lot line Of lot S to to wAwwq comor of wid Ix V: thence nonherly Norig to ewwQ, h -L Lno of lot -,' to the outherly right- , ,,[-�ka� n�_, ot, N.F." 20th� t�orve cwtxV aim; be xv4d, rltwk", He of NIL ThK Saw v, Te vqaNdy rwan4n A to c"wrlj lot Hoe of lot 1 of paid G11-:11 al,)�.g be enn&N kq hre of wn 7 aQ it, expridon tharsof L, th: wnhewt corner ,f lot 7: thence "e,torl, alon., thr PmUnd) Ai h" of A ' L, a part of �wh thz: I I', .,ion of the 4fa�terlA to I h I-�e 4 ky of KA 4 of B"We PIE k m itndej a, warded in Q hook 2 s, rage -40 oft'he jri.hlii: of F t,­,ence wKerh aky to enind, V a Re K lx 7 anj A, enwriwon tyrM, A ;5 f VV- h& 1112', !0 nor henz conor cf Ki 7: Ocrice ampriuki; wnhoQ awe: i, rho right - of -,,A �ol,'N �_ _20th Teruo tO be "KAI V=a of 41 7 Of h!Ock 1 Of a.i`.end_-ul (2-4101. Know northern alorg , ch _, ed<erl,% lot Ike of Ln 7' ta Me nadean c"mor of Ad IA 1 AM= ACW,l a 15 - to t!,,- �_-orror of hit 5 Awk 3 of Bnonno SAO% icon as wcorded in Q book 2 at papa 35 or thr,: p!,�Ni,� or tiljam�i-Da� c Fl,-)i-ida: along the lot 02 K Kc 5. and the nonh&; extemOn of in evorIN hi line thAfA to to wentorlp, or 'IF. 2k,, Stwo: thence ea :tel ahrz to Of N,E. _2 I to a Pam x I mar,ection v� ith the >odtherl.', eunwan of the eaAwd, ki Ve of A 3 of bbxk I of Bnonne S"bdA Qor (2-3,i,: thcr,:c northcrl% along the oa.,c_r1\ lot line and An ewn,iun dwroof, U) the southerly lot lin,: ,,f trait .1 of Car,,�o SLIbdi"Von w wNdod in plat book 79 at page 23 of the public records of NIVarni-Ilde Cotvio, F561, Thence ea wd� aNT2 to ywtlwrlb tract line of tract A to to smahaly extension of he eawrly i1whino?"sy Ike of V.E. Fourth Aent_ie: thence norther!" alon,,� be ex"torl,; line (A N.E. Foui-h A,,cmc and its even,kni thereof to be cenufne of `OE. 24ch Street: cknce along the centerline of I.E. 24th 51 • Submitted into the public record for ite (s) S�, on 10 �) City Clerk Street to the center) nz of \.E. Sel-ond A,, -,nue: thence �ewherlv alone the centerline of N.E. Second Av:rue to the c ,lterfine of N.E. 17th Sheet; thence �ke<erl4 alone the centerline of `.F.. l-th Street areal 17th Street to the ea;terl� ri�_ht-of �a� line of the FF.0 Railroad: [bene: got lierl�: alor;g the easterlti rizht-of-, a, line of the FEC Railroad to the hinited access of 1-395; thence southea;tcrk a:ld eaiterk align � the 1:m1 ,,d of 1-,9,` to tji,- �-�2nterhiie of Bt,ca,e Lai ul,-%ar 1, thcil:e al"1112 tl? v Il:et'litl: of B1 ,:8:iie BJUICkJa-i by the: of N.E. Street, thence is:,� _ ri..,., : of \.E; anti NAV. 5' Str c to tho point of be<lin 1,71,-Y, 55 c Submitted into the PUbliS% f -t 0) z' __Q rq_�? record qr i elp — i n' -n ILLLjl_l_. City Clerk on SAW - LEGAL F ESQRMqVT;PF MAXII PlRCrL Cun-inunn At a point Awyn 10hued by an 5N" diameter iron rod and Cap Stamped F.D.O.T,. :hovn is P.T. Sta. 25+5) On dY "OtTiCia', Map of Location and SurNey of a portion of S-,cti.,)n 5706, designated a, pan of Awe Raid -A- I -A in D-ide County. Florida", prepared by the State Road Department of the State Florida, Said of Florida, a, reeorded in Map Book 54 at Pageo 71 of the Public Rucr&, oU f Dade COnty, S poOt beirig the point of of the Pilghm! centor line of the D,)UglaMacArthur Cau,;eway running Eanadv and South Easterlti fror-i the 'Xe�t-rly' limits C�Ve�t Bridge) nt"WaLoon Mvid as ?own on Shut 3 of 05 State Road Department Right-int-Wav Map, Sf,:tion No. i,X7(;t)- 11 -1) 'S7, 060-2117, ro"i;ed March 25. 1951 aid rinst Northady cur�Q, ha% ing a radiu, of 1432M No and a coural arigle of 62 "AY 1) "SWICIVI 0002 SOUth 59- 51 2(Y' MY departing radiad` Ron Qd wannedim a inimce or 9S736 fact a PrL ,,ta"' BLillkhca'! dhenct 'KnAl 17 1 We,;t alon_- �aidl hu!'khaad line, a di,ttn,:L of iia_ 1:'.c pArn W p5cc of heyinning: chance ? ;r l'. 17 1121 ' Wn wnOmOg akno QJ KNOW W of Ovisc: !:--et 1, the soulhod-, ri&-nt Of tik;a,- Of SUle Pla.td �-I-A FOugla, Ca,:'ena� Annie ahm: saij Synkd) Q4.4 %a, liri,� r,",a &,,d d"i,z-tnces. 551, 1 of WK W: Temx NI:I S6, -1.4 oi) t. a ()1'(-7.()L) f -et to nor-tjygevic auva conary on the I&TAcest " ho -v MY Vine bears 7-Y& 1' 29 It- EaA having a nOw 1 , ' '--( n of 61 SS Neu theme '-'C ,JiG lv-"-" 'T VY 37� oficuc Ax sod Oirv-� 'tr' 'tr� Soah 72 VY 11 Ent wTtirnng anng Oil Sowhcrl� ri;hi o!' va% lin,, , di,,tAii,-,e of 2-()-49 fa;.- to a th," hx,i]-.g a robs 4 SOJ',I) fa,-, ,.,i,.J nc_ a! a Z 11 a,: .iii a;C &O_ h of 4A170 Qec 6) a pCht ,t' SOLW-1 2W 'F.a"'t 'd, rz� th-, ri;ilt otka.; 11!^'e Of S'.ata R;),ld A -1-A, a c;" 19u.5,4 k17' cp1mg Said nght of all line, ;i o" �32.1") 35 51 10" %Q , i dnowe of 132 71 W: therwo Sout 54Q7'_'Z)' A J. taj)ce ,f p Eke porn of hcqvnbg 112 nviOr-ei t_ t: And Kabirerged MV& CMIJi'll u'iFIOMII'Mtwh awi:2, S6 Submitted into the public record fo ite (s) A, on 1 1 , City Clerk LF,G-�L DES(RIPTI()\ OF SLBMERGED PARCEL Com€hence at a point rnarkcd b,% an 5,8.` diameter iron rod ar-d Cap Stamped F.D.(_).T..n as P T. S'a 5+50 on to 15061 Map of Lom6on and Surtiey of a potion of Section SIM. d wnated as pa^ of State Road A -1-A in Dade Courr�, Floridda prepared by the Stat- K'ad Department of the State of Florida, w r2awded in Map Bwk 56, at Pace 71 vt elle Public Recoru-� of Dade Counts, Florida. Said p o&t her€l ' ti:.' print of tan`,!erq of Te originai cera r line of the Xugl 1 tt.l: ArThLi" C 1LI,e% ay Rft n ' Eanady and South Ea<ted, Own the `N eit.'rly hin€ti i L` e,t Bridge i of 'A at 11(1 kland ai �h,),,k n on Sllcct of State Road Dcparnr.cnt Ri Yht-of-Way Map, ScLtwn No, ! S?(;f;-I I i SI)(�.i!-21 I , Morch 25, 1950, aaiu rim,t Nor*hei', cur%'e haYini a radN of 1132k9 feet ana Cerltrtl anTl,� of 622 cit), (IT' t ,en:e S uthi „q' S 1' 2b" "e t de );Irltn,T r,lill i;i.V fl-or`t said ce€lt�,:-Iine, a distance of 9ST36 ket a pr^ica d bh€ livid lin", 17 1 21 %vt UVrg Vild 41:h�:e,ld fine, ao: _3S' 6 ,�Ct to Me pq=.. p0w of 'qtEl , ce SnG`.il 49' 57 V% > d ^;iriR ia'd lit.l �.',:ad l�i'e a d:)t_al�e of 55002 fwat ti' _t plant of imn ...:r.on tit of .ar` -12 b�si. , It;l�_t _. 2yabl.. hed 4 CS. Arwj QTp, :oo.!alat., �,-Ith 5_17,S702 i.a F,t 02N"512 fit x,wd on Nosh lici .l , Ii Datum IwI�?'l 5Avg the &Q, A af',: ,.as,,., NO a t?win e & 42844 fmt to 1 P-. ,. of iLt,',"�Non iLIL'1 the Ea. t €l `f' of �A-x, 1'iie of tale im aioaa tal s< erva): thence N rt (0 2' 54 N nr al r; .sad Fay- rt_l.t of v4a% h7',c a of yN74.43 f:et to a ,t ,`i i.'tersc...,on Vkilh --; rl:+r of ;; at NO 4 Ad D`_L'_a, Nl._lcAit:;..� jai... p`_mL .. inommm Voiri a p, ln€ on a ,:lire'._ w'si.11be S_Li`.E'.'ri' and h awn; a radim V 11716 VIM a r:idid ke 0, va: 1 POW nt i`c;ir; 5.`.7K i.3, . ` 4Ea v: 'Tonc e npi} .. ? ; €_l for 37.4n t, et. al , ?` ,h,- a;'. >ait .Li;'\;, -u-.d ,.1I'wi` x. d S a.�F,- HIM of `.6 -i` hu, t: !t gh j v�€qml :a€'`1�.. o f;2- 04 1_.� to a p`'..,. o tai � cy. Oc d Rich A l' _ Ea . . `fl:!..in; E.:>';:€ 1'• Any t:,., ,ai.l JoCt4d r; 'f „a a dkiwas 431.v- i_.- €nKe t'r 5, to a pt'€i,_ t.. €i]`_r"awn sit an e0f3g, bt':k _.:d We,th nco S'`.,_., 12 7 . ... t -a[,AA 50, tad knc a ".,LWK t`, t)_ 4.'t) ON M the P,Wt Of ,'tJ'W Ths o,l;i`Awd I pt .. -A lilt] Kwok wontw-i Ippl'U\.IT;L...'I; _t aue� 57 44G877359vi