HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication & Supporting Docs (Part II)BONDED AGGREGATE "ADDAPAVE" TYPICAL DETAILS BONDED AGGREGATE DETAILS AND SPECS. REV SONS / SUBMI SSI ONS 1555 o, M 3 m CC w— Ox° g�< ami o� Woz � d am� o i�srr m gg_�g a RE VI SONS / SUBMI SSI ONS I- 1555 2 LC w 0' - ami 0 O L-4 SILVA CELL JF5 Design Inc. ni 02 MATERIALS LIST 05 -1wTIVE NAME -ANICA' -E SFECFICATION "DEEPROOT' SILVA CELLS A CELLS.11— CELL ` TO —.E -1. NIF CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE PROVISIONS FOR ALL EXISTING AND PROPOSED UTILITIES, (ABOVEAND BELOW GROUND) AND SHALL BE RESPONSIBLETO PROTEUTHROUGHOUTTHE CONSTRUCTION PROCESS. DEEPROOT SILVA CELLI INTEGI-MITEE WILODMI—ERS—M CONTRACTOR SMALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO PREPARE AND INSTALL ALL COMPONENTS FOR 'DEEPROOT SILVA CELL' PER I—ACTUREIRS STANDARDS WITH INSPECTION AND APPROVAL TO M SECURED BY THE PROJECT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AND THE CITY THROUGHOUT THE PROCESS, TO INCLUDE INSPECTION AND APPROVAL CI PRIOR TO SOIL SACOILLING, AND ALL PHASES AS MEMO NECESSARY BY THE PROJECT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AND THE CITY OF MIAMI MACK CONTRACTOR SMALL CALL THE CITY OF MIAMI FOR A E II!EdAIIIDING ALL LANDSCAPE RELATED ITEM TO INCLUDE SITE PREPARATION, DEEPROOT SILVA CELL INSTALLATION LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION INSTALLATION AND ANY OTHER ITEMS RELATED TO THE LANDSCAPE COMPONENTS. DEEPROOT SILVA CELLS, DETAILS, ETC. SILVACELtS FOR PLAZA APPLICATIONS SILVA CELL SYSTEM COMPONENTS a. DoWADDL RE VI SONS / SUBMI SSI ONS I- 1555 2 LC w 0' - ami 0 O L-4 aHmparn JFS Design Inc. � wmw.11�v®mlmm m �l 2 L P toteTace © 1BF ® re ® 2 BR IDIA PALYB (DBL N RAN ERS f TrLE, EIZETERHINED> COLG¢, g0 �s ygge0 BE DESYtl YPILAL. APPRPiED PALM CIEA ® 9Y m B7 Ell 8 � E� �Q ®MONITIEE � ®®a m ® I �I '77a BMEECUEH PO �J ® �I ® ® pp ® a6 ME A A ADGNLn9 DBL K) INID P RANTERS (jL STYLE. SIZE LOLOR TO BE DETEPo-IRED) APPROVED PALH SPELIES H All ®� ]north SCALE: PLANTLIST A —1 TIM TREE REMOVAL 11 11 IB REQUIRED FRCH THE LITY OF MIAMI PRIOR TO REMOVAl EPEC—ATIDN ANY TREES OR PALMS FROM THIS SITE. SEE RESPECTIVE LANDSCAPE PLANS, SHEETS PALMS lL-3 4 L-4 FOR RANILIST, LANDSCAPE LHRBTnA4 PA- e, DBL, f.11 rtaa DETAILS, NOTES, —IFICATICNS, ETC. TOPSOIL: 6 �y !I� nom• FOR R.w 1 -PER ATLAS PEAT AND 601E FOR RANTER 5- 9th LEVEL LANDSCAPE PLAN RE VI610 N6 / 6UBMI661 ON6 1555 g o, Ln < M 3 m CC w- 0%� g�< ami O O Foz m aPo� a 1q 5 \0 � 0 p w m 0' 26' _ 24 E 45' 145.85' e 41 26 \I _\ 27 ° -------------- - - coy CIE ZI R = 3m 10 Il 4R 16 5T E6 141-215 in P.. l q y N ® ® ® 212' TIE IS- 8 _ _ Im ® II 4 S.W. Ave. e -(Douglas 33 Rd.� _ 3]50 PLATFORM -3]50 S. DIXIE HIGHWAY, MIAM4 FL. 33133 � s ex xworwrt su�xxwwm 35 ° JF�S�Des®g��cnc. www.11�vlPxl.mm Ilm�y�lsle:imm mm — ]north 44 SCALI � A LLRITTEN TREE REMOVAL PEWTIT IS n-IRED FRCM THE CITY OF MIAMI PRIOR TD REMOVAL OF ANY TREES OR PALMS FROM THIS SITE. SEE SHEET TD -2 FOR TREE DISPOSITION NOTES, SPECIFICATIONS, ETC. SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR LANDSCAPE PLANINGS, LANDSCAPE LEGEND, PLANTLIST, SPECIFICATIONS, DETAILS, ETC. TREE DISPOSITION PLAN REV SIO NG / SUBMI SSI ONS 1555 >m m � 3 m M m 0 ' - u_ s g�< ami O� EJ oma a REE9 i0 REMPM PER CITY CFM AMI CODE SEC. Yt-1 TREE PROTECTION. S' RADIW LK L N. 1W eTO ' RAD( SETAS iBGIW(APPR 1 THC. R. S CF EP IWIL FENCING 19 x A') TO M PLACED AROUND ALL EXISTNG TREES DI RADIUD -EN STAKES 11'X9"%E'M-CN E' RD - TO SUPP BRIT RAIL FENCMG. BAIbMER A— KL ExISTIHGETREESFTD1 9 W START 6 THE PR'1.ECT- FENCENTO REMAIN M RACE THF QOUT THE DURATION OF THE _CT. CONTRACTOR SHALL TAKE 91— CAR DURING EARTHKUORKI ElAN�UTIILCITY OFERATIONS 9 DIRCUEE AR rDE BE ICBPCNBIBLE TO ICRACEEANT TREES ALL T DAMAGED DURING CLHBTRDTICN HEPALM PROTECTION DETAIL ` L ERIBN ETOCi EXTEND TO THE EDGE CF THE D MORE uH 0' POSSIBLE. T MCG RDu9 Q SPLIT RAIL -—t1' T �PLµCED AROwD KL ExISTBG TREES j WOODEN 9TPKE9I1• % A" X S' M W CTI 9' CENTENS - TO &RPC RT BRIT RAIL FENCNG. CNTRACTOR TO NSTKL PROTECT- FENCE BARRIER AROUND ALL ExISTINS TPEE9 TO 9MAIN- AT THE BTA FENCE TO. -IN M RCE -OUT THE OURATIW OF THE PROECT. ONTRACTOR SWILL TAKE .x CARD WOKING EA- AND UTILITT OPERATION. OO E OF�TI—CE BE RESPONSIBLE TO RERPROIECT ALL AEEANY TILES ND LL THE TltEE Olt S DAMAGED WRING CONSTRUCTION. TREE PROTECTION DETAIL I A Wf .. 7 REMOVAL PE -11 IB. WIRED FRG'I THE LOCK GOVEp.UBG AGENCY PRIOR TO REMOVAL CF ANY TREES OR PALMS FROYI THE BITE. 1. SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR PROPOSED LANDSCAPE RANTINSS, LANDSCAPE LEGEND. PLANTLIST. BPECRICATIONB. DETAILS. ETC. 9.THE CONTRACDR EHALL REMro E ALL TME. AND HEWER AS RR FLAW Alm AS APPROVED DY THE LOCAL G- ­IES 1THE CITY OF 1 TREE. PALM AND HEWE MA AL HALL INCLUDE A L T .. STUM A- (ROOTS ALL _E33 EERIE _..AL EE IDEM—O FRGf1 THE 911E MID DEf V' SED OF aT AH APPR VED SIT E. KL HOLES AND PICS = BN4L INE BACKFILLED WITH GLEAN APPROVED pACKFILL. +.L=ATIOHS5HOW1 FOR THE E116TING TRESS AHD PALMS ARE APPR xMATE. E.- LOCATIONS ARE TO BE FIELD vERR1ED SY OR AHT OTW IE 9UFCHH WORK -11WWIILSLI WE IMPACTED BY ANY TREES OR PALMS TO REMAIN 9. a EXOTIC VEGETATION AND ANY ANY OTHER RANTS LISTED A9 Of ORT I. ON THE FLORIDA EXOTIC PEST PLANT B LIST OF FLORDA'BMIOST A ABIVE SPECIES &FALL BE REMOVED FROM THE SITE AND MAINTENANCE SHALL GUARANTEE CONTROL a RE-INvaBCN TREE MITIGATION -REPLACEMENT PLANTLIST Bm NA A —.11-10HH REMOVAL OF 609" D.B.H. OF EXISTING TREES MITIGATION REQUIREMENT: 204 TREES @ 12' HT., 2" DBH OR 102 TREES @ 16'W., 4" DBH SEE TREE DISPOSITION PLAN FOR EXISTING TREE INVENTORY AND STATUS PROVIDED MITIGATION: 32 TR EES 12'HT. +IB TREES i6'W. CB 10 W -.'=s', 1'DBH aDAHOOH SLASH PIKE HOLLY FG. RPG Ib' oa, A' Ddf OVC YES 19 LIVE OPK CeNRaI-el' OuwcuF11Vlrglme-'CetIRLRe1' 4'•I- Wp -SH MITIGATION DEFICIT: 136 TREES 12' HT. 2" DBH MITIGATION DEFICIT TO BE IN THE FORM OF PAYMENT TO THE CITY OF MIAMI TREE TRUST FUND. 136 TREES X $1,000 PER TREE _ $136,000 REMOVAL OF 1 EXISTING PALM: MITIGATION REO UIREM ENT 0 2:1 = 2 PALMS PROVIDED MITIGATION: 12 PALMS HE E I—TAIL PALMUS WctlyRlle blfvmte a dl N full w MITIGATION DEFICIT: 0 PALMS A WRITTEN TFEE WMIOVAL PERMIT IS FEOUIFED FROM THE CITY OF MIAMI PRIOR TO REMOVAL OF ANY TREES p PALMS FROM THIS SITE. SEE SHEET TD -I FOR EXISTING TREE LOCATIONS, TnE INVENTORY, STATUS, ETC. SEE LANDSCAPE R_MS FOR LANDSCAPE PLANTINGS, LANDSCAPE LEGEND, PLANTWST, SPECIFICATIONS, DETAILS, ETC. TREE DISPOSITION PLAN REV SIO NG / SUBMI SSI ONS 1555 O N � 3 m M LC w g�< ami O O WD— �8L'F a cz °om °sme,aa, NlmEl,pa BOUNDARY AND TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY III IF II �nwn sm4 "eii EPi�p°gp+ry I 4 •�_ _ ® reg° uM°."7,'on vim al.tpne DAYAVENUE e, ^=pNtAwao^a,T s II I F7 LOCATION MAP (— Te SI-) LEGAL DESCRIPTION SURVEYOR'S NOTES: �d°R wNr edea p, ma— a a a arop°°°mtaanee uy sl am. 21 T N a t 11 nm a cerNret °n of Tllle­UD.Eeaemama or —dw, " - tae a 1NNN Cou a)ow—p a°gatm OVNONOF _ seam b. d.1.1-rawmea lnawmame v e p ex tend mem.,I poM City 1 ) '1 M- 6 PHSN em DayAPenuz Leoeonp son xncmte vu. Inkreadm sWT.,AvenueaM Pererve Avenue NATIONAL FLOOD Das p 6ASRrL000 11=Nor APPucAR Ess LEGEND AND ABBREVIATIONS LR=ucENseD eunveraR uenusuveo (MI IP) -PAT Coo - DLcutATEo casmNcnEtE 6LacRr�c,m auMvnnv A�.Pnat inLr LEinu-ENs eUUoLND .-INI TIR nmtlt Os.p,— ONEING srORVSDItn uan e..n ¢ nme.tp.0 } 11-1 nLOORe[�E UON,tas' 5F ° woP I I gi n3 PepNn Ali li I I t d I dz.tz HE ``C DAYAVENUE e, ^=pNtAwao^a,T s II I F7 LOCATION MAP (— Te SI-) LEGAL DESCRIPTION SURVEYOR'S NOTES: �d°R wNr edea p, ma— a a a arop°°°mtaanee uy sl am. 21 T N a t 11 nm a cerNret °n of Tllle­UD.Eeaemama or —dw, " - tae a 1NNN Cou a)ow—p a°gatm OVNONOF _ seam b. d.1.1-rawmea lnawmame v e p ex tend mem.,I poM City 1 ) '1 M- 6 PHSN em DayAPenuz Leoeonp son xncmte vu. Inkreadm sWT.,AvenueaM Pererve Avenue NATIONAL FLOOD Das p 6ASRrL000 11=Nor APPucAR Ess LEGEND AND ABBREVIATIONS LR=ucENseD eunveraR uenusuveo (MI IP) -PAT Coo - DLcutATEo casmNcnEtE 6LacRr�c,m auMvnnv Do � Ne. R ° inLr LEinu-ENs eUUoLND .-INI O ®= SANIrARV5RwER MA— �c © -WAE EROMR } }�(=FR HYDRANT —11 IN ®-TRAEFIcscNAE Rox — — — — — —UNDER LINE TEPROPERTV LINE . iia � .'•"A - - WP City of Miami Address of property(ies): 3700-3750 S. Dixie Highway Waiver appeal Evverrant appeal 7 Variance COMMENTS: MIAMI 21 CODE -ZONING REFERRAL Attached documents for the following permit application: a ❑ Exception Special Area Plan 7Amendmend to the Code ®Zoning Change Q Other X South portion of 3750 S. Dixie Highway from T4-0 to T5-0 _ I fP Office of Z ing ate State of Florida Department of State I certify from the records of this office that PLATFORM 3750, LLC is a limited liability company organized under the laws of the State of Florida, filed on August 24, 2015. The document number of this limited liability company is L15000144537. I further certify that said limited liability company has paid all fees due this office through December 31, 2016, that its most recent annual report was filed on April 19, 2016, and that its status is active. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State of Florida at Tallahassee, the Capital, this the Eleventh day of July, 2016 JU Secretary of State Tracking Number: CU2219131145 To authenticate this certificate,visit the following site,enter this number, and then follow the instructions displayed. https://services.sunbiz.org/Filings/CertificateOfStatus/CertificateAuthentication Electronic Articles of Organization For Florida Limited Liability Company Article I The name of the Limited Liability Company is: PLATFORM 3750, LLC Article II L15000144537 FILED 8:00 AM August 24, 2015 Sec. Of State cgolden The street address of the principal office of the Limited Liability Company is: 2100 HOLLYWOOD BLVD. HOLLYWOOD, FL. 33020 The mailing address of the Limited Liability Company is: 2100 HOLLYWOOD BLVD. HOLLYWOOD, FL. 33020 Article III The name and Florida street address of the registered agent is: LEON J WOLFE 2100 HOLLYWOOD BLVD. HOLLYWOOD, FL. 33020 Having been named as registered agent and to accept service of process for the above stated limited liability company at the place designated in this certificate, I hereby accept the appointment as registered agent and agree to act in this capacity. I further agree to comply with the provisions of all statutes relating to the proper and complete performance of my duties, and I am familiar with and accept the obligations of my position as registered agent. Registered Agent Signature: LEON J. WOLFE Article IV L15000144537 The name and address of person(s) authorized to manage LLC: FILED 8:00 AM August 24, 2015 Title: MGR Sec. Of State BROOKSTONE PARTNERS, LLC cgolden 160 SOUTH DIXIE HIGHWAY, SUITE 107 HOLLYWOOD, FL. 33020 Signature of member or an authorized representative Electronic Signature: LEON J. WOLFE I am the member or authorized representative submitting these Articles of Organization and affirm that the facts stated herein are true. I am aware that false information submitted in a document to the Department of State constitutes a third degree felony as provided for in s.817.155, F.S. I understand the requirement to file an annual report between January 1 st and May 1 st in the calendar year following formation of the LLC and every year thereafter to maintain "active" status. goW silt i1 CITY OF MIAMI Print Form For Office Check# Use Only: Receipt# Ethics Certificate { Office of the City, Clerk, 3500"Pan American Drive, Miami, FL 33133 Phone: (305) 250-5360 LOBBYIST REGISTRATION (1) Lobbyist Name: Gianeli Mestre Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial Business Phone: (305) 377-6234 Business Address 22000 Biscayne Blvd., Suite 850, Miami, Florida E -Mail Address GMestre@BRzoningLaw. com (2) Principal Represented Platform 3750, LLC Zip 33131 Principal's Business Address 2100 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood, FL Zip 33020 (If different from above) (3) Specific issue lobbyist has been retained to lobby (if representing a corporation, partnership or trust, give business address of chief officer, partner, or beneficiary of same, and the names and addresses of all persons holding, directly or indirectly, at least five percent (5%) ownership interest in said corporation, partnership or trust). Land use plan amendment and rezoning of the property located at 3750 S. Dixie Highway (4) Lobbyists shall state the extent of any business association or financial relationship with any member(s) of the City Commission, any member of City staff before whom he/she lobbies or intends to lobby. (If applicable, please explain) N/A Lobbyists shall pay all registration fees ($525.00 annually, plus $105.00 for each principal represented and for each issue a lobbyist has been retained to lobby on behalf of any one principal), and specifically define the issue for which they are employed. The Clerk shall reject any statement which does not detail the issue for which the lobbyist has been employed. Lobbyist shall also submit a certificate of completion of an ethics course provided by the Miami -Dade County Commission on Ethics & Public 'frust or City of Miami completed no more than one (1) year prior to registering. I do solemnly swear that all of the foregoing facts are true and correct, and I have read or am familiar with the provisions contained in Sections 2-651 through 2-658 of the City of Miami Code, as amended, including "annual registration, withdrawal, reporting requirements, definitions, examinations, penalties for violations and contingency fees." State of Florida, County of Miami -Dade SNy,Rrn to and s bs ibed before this Aday of , .7VV Vi Ul t9i'l-Aa - Lobbyist Signature Notary or Deputy Clerk BETTY LLERENA SE lV�tary;'uhlic Stale o1 Florida Note: Annual Registration Fee: Effective through 12/31/2016 �= My Comm. Expires Mar 5.2018 o; Commission # FF 078662 Sales Ta� $ Received from: Add uty oT miarni OFFICIAL RECEIPT Total $ No.6 3 3 Date: t- ............... — /100 D�llfs For: Irl Z I"--' defer ce This Receipt not VALID unless dated, By. filled in and signed by authorized em- ployee of department or division des- Depart ent: Z ignated hereon and until the City has collected the proceeds of any checks Divislod: tendered as payment herein. I C I FNrrM 40< Rev. 03/03 Distribution: White - Customer Canary - Finance: Pink - Issuing Department vero�+iu�or��rrnxvrxrm Platform 3750 LLC 2.100 Hollywood Blvd Hollywood, F133020 JP Morgan Chase Bank 1 Chase Manhattan Plaza New York, NY 10091 DATE June 27, 2016 Pay:hundred ten dollars and no cents PAY City Of Miami To THE 444 SW 2 Avenue ORDER of Miami, FL 33125 CHECK NO. 20 63-8413 2670 AMOUNT *$210.00 ..... .: �. �-. .. ...-<.,.-..-r:�.iHl3 NYE71'r-C9NTAIN^r -HEAT I EtNlis'.J' � _.. 5:t1Ep. Apk�"Y?�SA E7lYIS$kY17MaHEA%_y_i.... •....�.-.::,:,L.1 _-,.. :.,�wa:'-;�s .. "'00000002011, 1: 26 70ai, L 3 L,:0000a L L La L6 5 Silg 4 �1TY O P { nis "Alto 11 rl�� ,amu �.ti 1�1r�11 F��11 CITY OF MIAMI Print Form For Office Check# Use Only: Receipt# Ethics Certificate Office of the City Clerk, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, FL 33133 Phone: (305) 250-5360 LOBBYIST REGISTRATION (1) Lobbyist Name: Melissa Tapanes Llahues Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial Business Phone: (305) 377-6227 Business Address 200 S. Biscayne Blvd., Suite 85o, Miami, Florida E -Mail Address MTapanes@BRzoningLaw.com (2) Principal Represented platform 3750, LLC Principal's Business Address 2100 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood FL (If different from above) Zip 33131 Zip 33020 (3) Specific issue lobbyist has been retained to lobby (if representing a corporation, partnership or trust, give business address of chief officer, partner, or beneficiary of same, and the names and addresses of all persons holding, directly or indirectly, at least five percent (5%) ownership interest in said corporation, partnership or trust). Land use plan amendment and rezoning of the property located at 3750 S. Dixie Highway (4) Lobbyists shall state the extent of any business association or financial relationship with any member(s) of the City Commission, any member of City staff before whom he/she lobbies or intends to lobby. (If applicable, please explain) N/A Lobbyists shall pay all registration fees ($525.00 annually, plus $105.00 for each principal represented and for each issue a lobbyist has been retained to lobby on behalf of any one principal), and specifically define the issue for which they are employed. The Clerk shall reject any statement which does not detail the issue for which the lobbyist has been employed. Lobbyist shall also submit a certificate of completion of an ethics course provided by the Miami -Dade County Commission on Ethics & Public Trust or City of Miami completed no more than one (1) year prior to registering. I do solemnly swear that all of the foregoing facts are true and correct, and I have read or am familiar with the provisions contained in Sections 2-651 through 2-658 of the City of Miami Code, as amended, including "annual registration, withdrawal, reporting requirements, definitions, examinations, penalties for violations and contingency fees." Lobbyist Signature State of Florida, County of Miami -Dade •, rn to and s hcribed before me this day o -(,Yoaor Deputy Clerk loco, ;M1 O11•pY PUe� ��� BETTY LLERENA Notary Public state of Florida My Comm. Expires Mar 5.201B I,,FaF „a;• Commission # FF 078662 Note: Annual Registration Fee: Effective through 12/31/2016 11111111\ City of Miami OFFICIAL RECEIPT .--� f'/ Received from: For: r l q -jt t' 1 1V1 i Reference }o: ' { This Receipt not VALID unless dated, By filled in and signed by authorized em- ployee ee of department or division des- Depart erlt: gnaated hereon and until the City has �. collected the proceeds of any checks Division: as payment herein. CFN/TM Distribution: White - Customer; Canary - Finance; Rink - Issuing Department I k KPS �1+eddpBpgM6s11FImM n21 fI)A T1BOd Platform 3750 LLC 2100 Hol1}nvood B1vd Hollywood, F133020 JP Morgan Chase Bank 1 Chase Manhattan Plaza New York, NY 10081 DATE CHECK NO. June 27, 2016 20 Pay:* "**`****""`* ***********'*********Two hundred ten dollars and no cents f� PAY City Of Miami } TO THE 444 SW 2 Avenue ORDER OF Miami, FL 33125 1i ty i 1/80000000 201il 1:2E3 708 t. 13 0:00008 1 1 L8 16 S Sill 0 83-8413 2870 AMOUNT *$210.00 w Florida Real EstatDefk J June 6, 2016 Inc. 16375 N.E. 18" Avenue Suite 300 Miami, FT., 33162 (30.5) 757-6884 1500 West Cypress Creek Rd. Suite 409 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309 (954) 761„9003 12230 Forest Hill Blvd. Suite 110 -SS Wellington, FL 33414 City of Miami (561)798-4423 Hearing Boards Division -_ ---P 4 uad r a� ­; Fb —$n_onngiivis on - 444 9 SW 2nd Avenue, 7th Floor Miami, Florida 33130 Re: Property Owners List Within 500 feet of: PERCIVAL REV PB 1-140 LOTS 1 THRU 4 & TRACT A PER SIMBER SUB PB 64-31 A/K/A M BAKER MENTAL HEALTH CTR & 20 54 41 SIMMONS PROPERTY PB 64-27 TRACT A 3700 & 3750 S DIXIE HWY This is to certify that the attached ownership list, map and mailing labels are a complete and accurate representation of the real estate property and property owners within 500 feet of the subject property listed above. This reflects the most current records on file in the Miami -Dade County Tax Assessor's office. Sincerely, i'vla.uau.,,,. F &.,6o� Maureen E. Hudson MEH/ms cc: Gianeli Mestre, Esq. BERCOW RADELL & FERNANDEZ, P.A. 200 S. Biscayne Blvd., Ste 850 Miami, Florida 33131 Number of Labels: 50 CX �f r Y i. 0141170032630 3150 Sw 38TH AVE MIA LLC 3150 38 AVE SW 1114 AVENUE OF THE AMERICAS FL 39 RLTY SEC CORP OF COCO GR PB 2-85 NEW YORK, NY 10036-7702 LOTS 14 & 15 & LOTS 18 & 19 & LOTS 22 & 23 SLK 14 LOT SIZE 20448 SQ FT 0141200000060 EUROPEAN AUTOMOTIVE LLC 3850 DIXIE HWY S 3850 S DIXIE HWY 20 54 41 BEG NE COR OF LOT 6 PB 1 1-40 MIAMI, FL 33133-4300 PERCIVAL PLAT REVD TH W221-01FT TO X S/L DIXIE HWY ST RD #5 NELY 307FT ALG DIXIE HWY ST RD #5 S144.82FT M/L W50FT TO POB & LOTS 6 & 7 LESS S 5FT FOR R/W OF PB 1-140 PERCIVAL PLAT REVD LOT SIZE 29642 SQ FT WEST HOMES LLC 3749 OAK AVE 300 NW 12TH AVE MACFARLANE HOMESTEAD PB 5-81 MIAMI, FL 33128-1019 LOT 5 BLK 4 LOT SIZE 3250 SQ FT M\L 0141200130040 OSWALDO JARAMILLO 3791 DAY AVE 4205 PONCE DE LEON BLVD 20 54 41 PERCIVAL PLAT REVD PB 1-140 CORAL GABLES, FL 33146-1826 LOT 5 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 119 0141200130060 COCONUT GROVE GATEWAY LLC 3841 DAY AVE 3901 GRAND AVE #272 20 54 41 PERCIVAL PLAT REVD PB 1-140 MIAMI, FL 33133 LOT 8 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 119 0141200130070 COCONUT GROVE GATEWAY LLC 3851 DAY AVE 3901 GRAND AVE #272 20 54 41 PERCIVAL PLAT REVD PB 1-140 MIAMI, FL 33133 LOT 9 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 119 0141200130080 COCONUT GROVE GATEWAY LLC 3865 DAY AVE 3901 GRAND AVE #272 20 54 41 PERCIVAL PLAT REVD PB 1-140 MIAMI, FL 33133 LOT 10 LESS S5FT FOR CITY LOT SIZE IRREGULAR 0141200130090 COCONUT GROVE GATEWAY LLC 3875 DAY AVE 3901 GRAND AVE # 272 20 54 41 PERCIVAL PLAT REVD PB 1-140 MIAMI, FL 33133 LOT 11 LESS ST LOT SIZE 60.000 X 88 Florida Real Estate Decisions, Inc. Page 1 of 10 0141200130100 3860 DAY AVE 20 54 41 PERCIVAL PLAT REVD PB 1-140 LOT 12 LESS N5FT FOR ST LOT SIZE 50.000 X 114 0141200130110 3850 DAY AVE 20 54 41 PERCIVAL PLAT REVD PB 1-140 LOT 13 LESS N5FT FOR ST LOT SIZE 50.000 X 114 0141200130120 3840 DAY AVE 20 54 41 PERCIVAL PLAT REVD PB 1-140 LOT 14 - LOTrSIZE 0141200130130 3830 DAY AVE 20 54 41 PERCIVAL PLAT REVD PB 1-140 LOT 15 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 119 0141200130160 3760 DAY AVE 20 54 41 PERCIVAL PLAT REVD PB 1-140 LOT 19 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 119 0141200130310 PERCIVAL PLAT REVD PB S44FT OF LOT 37 LOT SIZE 2200 SOFT COCONUT GROVE GATEWAY LLC 3901 GRAND AVE #272 MIAMI, FL 33133 COCONUT GROVE GATEWAY LLC 3901 GRADED AVE #272 MIAMI, FL 33133 COCONUT GROVE GATEWAY LLC 3901 GRAND AVE #272 MIAMI, FL 33133 COCONUT GROVE GATEWAY LLC 3901 GRAND AVE #272 MIAMI, FL 33133 JIMMIE K ADAMSON EDGAR CORAL 16151 SW 14TH ST PEMBROKE PINES, FL 33027-5118 MIAMI DADE COUNTY 1-140 GSA R/E MANAGEMENT 111 NW IST ST STE 2460 MIAMI, FL 33128-1929 0141200130320 PERCIVAL PLAT REVD PB 1-140 S44FT OF LOT 38 LOT SIZE 2200 SOFT 0141200130340 PERCIVAL PLAT REVD PB 1-140 S44FT OF LOT 41 LOT SIZE 2200 SOFT MIAMI DADE COUNTY GSA R/E MANAGEMENT 111 NW 1ST ST STE 2460 MIAMI, FL 33128-1929 VILLAGE WEST HOMES LLC 300 NW 12TH AVE MIAMI, FL 33128-1019 Florida Real Estate Decisions, Inc. Page 2 of 10 0141200450010 MIAMI DADE COUNTY 3707 PERCIVAL AVE MIAMI DADE HOUSING AGENCY PERCIVAL GARDENS PB 106-3 701 NW 1 CT 16TH FLOOR TRACT A MIAMI, FL 33136 LOT SIZE 127195 S4 FT 0141200490010 HOWARD C FERGUSON &W CLARISE 3287 BROOKER ST 3287 BROOKER ST PERCIVAL GARDENS 1ST ADDN PB 116-16 MIAMI, FL 33133-4869 LOT 1 BLK 1 LOT SIZE 72 X 102.98 0141200490020 3780 PERCIVAL AVE TRUST 3780 PERCIVAL AVE PO BOX 565278 PERCIVAL GARDENS 1ST ADDN PB 116-16 MIAMI, FL 33256-5278 LOT 2 BLK 1 z'.-,TfIZ 9I_- 0141200490030 CHARLENE WILLIAMS 3770 PERCIVAL AVE 3770 PERCIVAL AVE PERCIVAL GARDENS 1ST ADDN PB 116-16 MIAMI, FL 33133-4801 LOT 3 BLK 1 LOT SIZE 75 X 99 0141200490040 ALEXINE DELANCY 3760 PERCIVAL AVE 3760 PERCIVAL AVE PERCIVAL GARDENS 1ST ADDN PB 116-16 MIAMI, FL 33133-4801 LOT 4 BLK 1 LOT SIZE 75 X 99 0141200490050 3755 OAK AVE TRUST 3755 OAK AVE PO BOX 565278 PERCIVAL GARDENS 1ST ADDN PB 116-16 MIAMI, FL 33256-5278 LOT 5 BLK 1 LOT SIZE 75 X 100.66 0141200490060 ANDREA PASCUAL 3751 OAK AVE SEBASTIAN A PASCUAL PERCIVAL GARDENS 1ST ADDN PB 116-16 3751 OAK AVE LOT 6 BLK 1 MIAMI, FL 33133-4806 LOT SIZE 75 X 100.28 0141200490070 MARIO SERVANDO PEREZ RODRIGUEZ 3750 PERCIVAL AVE 3750 PERCIVAL AVE PERCIVAL GARDENS 1ST ADDN PB 116-16 MIAMI, FL 33133-4801 LOT 7 BLK 1 LOT SIZE 75 X 99 Florida Real Estate Decisions, Inc. Page 3 of 10 0141200490080 SHEILA UPSON 3740 PERCIVAL AVE 3740 PERCIVAL AVE PERCIVAL GARDENS IST ADDN PB 116-16 MIAMI, FL 33133-4801 LOT 8 BLK 1 LOT SIZE 75 X 99 0141200490090 LOUISE MELLISON &W RUBY 3730 PERCIVAL AVE CHARLES D JOHNSON PERCIVAL GARDENS 1ST ADDN PB 116-16 3730 PERCIVAL AVE LOT 9 BLK 1 MIAMI, FL 33133-4801 LOT SIZE 70 X 99 0141200490100 SANDRA E MARTIN 3720 PERCIVAL AVE 3720 PERCIVAL AVE PERCIVAL GARDENS 1ST ADDN PB 116-16 MIAMI, FL 33133-4801 LOT 10 BLK 1 0141200490110 INEZ R SAMPLE 3700 PERCIVAL AVE 3700 PERCIVAL AVE PERCIVAL GARDENS IST ADDN PB 116-16 MIAMI, FL 33133-4801 LOT 11 BLK 1 LOT SIZE 90 X 99 0141200490120 SANDRA D WARD 3701 OAK AVE 3701 OAK AVE PERCIVAL GARDENS 1ST ADDN PB 116-16 MIAMI, FL 33133-4806 LOT 12 BLK 1 LOT SIZE 90 X 98.96 0141200490130 EVELYN PROPHET 3715 OAK AVE PATRICIA D PROPHET PERCIVAL GARDENS 1ST ADDN PB 116-16 3715 OAK AVE LOT 13 BLK 1 MIAMI, FL 33133-4806 LOT SIZE 70 X 99.40 0141200490140 CLARICE C COOPER 3735 OAK AVE 3735 OAK AVE PERCIVAL GARDENS IST ADDN PB 116-16 MIAMI, FL 33133-4B06 LOT 14 BLK 1 LOT SIZE 70 X 99.64 0141200580010 MIAMI DADE COUNTY 3071 38 AVE SW WASD DOUGLAS ROAD WASD PLAT PB 158-31 T-20777 PO Box 330316 LOT 1 BLK 1 MIAMI, FL 33233-0316 LOT SIZE 95422 SQ FT M/L Florida Real Estate Decisions, Inc. Page 4 of 10 0141200590010 MIAMI DADE COUNTY 3060 37 CT SW MIAMI DADE TRANSIT DOUGLAS ROAD STATION PB 158-32 T-20776 701 NW 1ST CT STE 1700 LOT 1 BLK I LESS PORT LYING IN PB 169-33 MIAMI, FL 33136-3922 LOT SIZE 16293 SQ FT M/L 0141200590020 DOUGLAS ROAD STATION PB 158-32 T-20776 LOT 2 BLK 1 LESS PORT LYING IN PB 169-33 LOT SIZE 85086 SQ FT M/L 0141200680010 3060 37 CT SW DOUGLAS ROAD STATION VINTAGE PB 169 - 033 T - 23051 TRACT A LOT SIZE 106638 SQ FT M/L 0141200680020 DOUGLAS ROAD STATION VINTAGE PB 169 - 033 T - 23051 TRACT B LOT SIZE 119679 SF ML 0141210000010 3100 37 AVE SW 21 54 41 ALL THAT PT OF W264FT OF SWI/4 OF NW1/4 OF NW1/4 LYG S OF CO RD & N OF STIRRUPS SUB PB 57-65 LESS BEG X SE R/W/L SR 5 & W/L PB 15-29 S99.75FT W.4FT N97.53FT NE3.22FT ALG SR 5 TO POB LOT SIZE 144.470 X 95 0141210000140 21 54 41 2.32 AC 10OFT F E C R/W IN NW1/4 OF NW1/4 MIAMI DADE COUNTY MIAMI DADE TRANSIT 701 NW 1ST CT STE 1700 MIAMI, FL 33136-3922 MIAMI DADE COUNTY MIAMI DADE TRANSIT 701 NW IST CT STE 1700 MIAMI, FL 33136-3922 MIAMI DADE COUNTY MIAMI DADE TRANSIT 701 NW 1sT CT STE 1700 MIAMI, FL 33136-3922 MIAMI DADE COUNTY MIAMI DADE HOUSING AGENCY 701 NW 1 CT 16TH FLOOR MIAMI, FL 33136 MIAMI DADE COUNTY TRANSIT OVERTOWN TRANSIT VILLAGE 701 NW 1ST CT FL 15 MIAMI, FL 33136-3924 0141210050010 MIAMI DADE COUNTY 3127 37 AVE SW MIAMI DADE HOUSING AGENCY E W F STIRRUPS SUB PB 1-12 701 NW 1 CT 16TH FLOOR LOT i LESS ST DEDICATION & LOT 2 LESS ST MIAMI, FL 33136 DEDICATION & LOTS 3 4-5 & 6 & LESS STS LOT SIZE IRREGULAR 0141210050030 MIAMI DADE COUNTY 3181 DOUGLAS RD CED E W F STIRRUPS SUB PB 1-12 701 NW 1ST CT FL 14TH LOTS 8 THRU 11 LESS S10FT OF LOT 11 MIAMI, FL 33136-3924 LOT SIZE 51956 SQ FT Florida Real Estate Decisions, Inc. Page 5 of 10 0141210060040 3633 DAY AVE 21 54 41 MUNDY SUB PB LOTS 3 & 4 LOT SIZE 12840 SQ FT 0141210060050 3173 MUNDY ST MUNDY SUB PB 15-29 LOT 5 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 107 0141210060060 3163 MUNDY ST MUNDY SUB PB 15-29 LOT 6 _X -TOT - KENNETH L HAMILTON JR TRS HAMILTON FAMILY TRUST 15-29 16561 SW 152ND CT MIAMI, FL 33187-1450 0141210060070 3153 MUNDY ST 21 54 41 MUNDY SUB PB 15-29 LOT 7 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 107 0141210060080 3145 MUNDY ST 21 54 41 MUNDY SUB PB 15-29 LOT 8 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 107 0141210060090 3133 MUNDY ST 21 54 41 MUNDY SUB PB 15-29 LOT 9 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 107 0141210060100 3129 MUNDY ST MUNDY SUB PB 15-29 LOT 10 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 107 0141210060110 3125 MUNDY ST 21 54 41 MUNDY SUB PB 15-29 LOT 11 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 107 ANN D ABRAHAM &H ROBERT 3173 MUNDY ST MIAMI, FL 33133-4351 JONATHON N BROOKS &W CHRISTINE C 6255 SW 126 ST MIAMI, FL 33156-5564 CASA VALENTINA INC 2990 SW 35TH AVE MIAMI, FL 33133-3410 CASA VALENTINA INC 2990 SW 35TH AVE # 2 MIAMI, FL 33133-3410 CASA VALENTINA INC 2990 SW 35TH AVE # 2 MIAMI, FL 33133-3410 CASA VALENTINA INC 2990 SW 35TH AVE # 2 MIAMI, FL 33133-3410 MILES C JENNINGS JR 3471 OAK AVE MIAMI, FL 33133-5022 Florida Real Estate Decisions, Inc. Page 6 of 10 0141210060220 3655 DIXIE HWY S 21 54 41 MUNDY SUB PB 15-29 LOTS 26 & 27 & BEG AT PT ON S R/W/L FEC RY 35FTE OF W/L SEC TH MNDR S & SELY ALG E R/W/L DOUG RD APPRX 270.18FT TO X N R/W/L SR #5 TH NE TO X NW/L LOT 27 PB 15-29 TH N152.18FT TO S R/W/L RY TH SWLY294.43FT TO POB LOT SIZE 42267 SQ FT W ICE LTD C/O WALGREENS CORP STORE 03784 PO BOX 1159 DEERFIELD, IL 60015-6002 0141210060330 MIAMI DADE COUNTY 3150 MUNDY ST MIAMI DADE HOUSING AGENCY MUNDY SUB PB 15-29 701 NW 1 CT 16TH FLOOR LOTS 1-2-28 THRU 40 & PT OF SW1/4 OF NW1/4 MIAMI, FL 33136 OF NW1/4 BEG X SE R/W/L SR 5 & W/L PB 15-29 S99.75FT WAFT N97.53FT NE3.22FT SUB PB 1-12 LOT SIZE IRREGULAR 0141210070580 3638 DAY AVE FROW HOMESTEAD PB B-106 LOT 6 BLK 5 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 193 0141210070581 3642 DAY AVE FROW HOMESTEAD PB B-106 LOT 7 BLK 5 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 193 KENNETH L HAMILTON JR TRS 16561 SW 152ND CT MIAMI, FL 33187--1450 KENNETH L HAMILTON JR TRS 16561 SW 152ND CT MIAMI, FL 33187-1450 0141210070610 MIAMI DADE COUNTY 3666 DAY AVE CED FROW HOMESTEAD PB B-106 701 NW IST CT FL 14TH LOTS B THRU 14 & E5FT OF N100FT MIAMI, FL 33136-3924 LOT A BLK 5 ARA PARCELS 12-6 THRU 12-9 & 12-14 & 12-15 0141210070660 3661 PERCIVAL AVE FROW HOMESTEAD PB B-106 LOT 15 BLK 5 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 100 0141210070670 FROW HOMESTEAD PB B-106 LOT 16 BLK 5 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 100 DUDLEY THOMAS 3661 PERCIVAL AVE MIAMI, FL 33133-4909 CONFIDENTIAL Florida Real Estate Decisions, Inc. Page 7 of 10 0141210070680 3651 PERCIVAL AVE PROW HOMESTEAD PB B-106 LOT 17 BLK 5 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 100 0141210070690 3643 PERCIVAL AVE PROW HOMESTEAD PB B-106 LOT 18 BLK 5 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 100 0141210070700 3635 PERCIVAL AVE PROW HOMESTEAD PB B-106 LOT 19 BLK 5 DOT ST221-507 PERCIVAL GROVE LLC 3109 GRAND AVE # 475 MIAMI, FL 33133-5103 RUS£LL C B EWING II 65 PATRICIA DR STRATFORD, CT 06614-1095 RUSELL C B EWING II 65 PATRICIA DR STRATFORD, CT 06614-1095 0141210070740 MIAMI DADE COUNTY 3201 DOUGLAS RD CED PROW HOMESTEAD PB B-106 701 NW IST CT FL 14TH N145FT LOT A LESS E5FT OF N10OFT & LOT B MIAMI, FL 33136-3924 LESS W10FT FOR ST BLK 5 AKA PARC 12-10 LOT SIZE IRREGULAR 0141210070750 MIAMI DADE COUNTY 3229 37 AVE SW CED PROW HOMESTEAD PB B-106 701 NW 1ST CT FL 14TH S48FT OF LOT A & S48FT OF LOT B LESS ST & MIAMI, FL 33136-3924 N12FT LOT C LESS ST AKA PARC 12-11 0141210070760 3231 37 AVE SW FROW HOMESTEAD PB B-106 LOT C LESS N12FT LESS ST BLK 5 LOT SIZE 88.000 X 62 0141210070770 3687 PERCIVAL AVE PROW HOMESTEAD PB B-106 LOT D BLK 5 AKA PARC 12-13 LOT SIZE 50 X 100 0141210070850 PROW HOMESTEAD PB B-106 LOT 8 BLK 6 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 100 JULIO D TADEO 801 BRICKELL KEY BLVD APT 804 MIAMI, FL 33131-3713 MIAMI DADE COUNTY CED 701 NW IST CT FL 14TH MIAMI, FL 33136-3924 GREEN ORRIZONT LLC PO BOX 452836 MIAMI, FL 33245-2836 Florida Real Estate Decisions, Inc. Page 8 of 10 0141210070860 3662 PERCIVAL AVE FROW HOMESTEAD PB B-106 LOTS 9 & 10 BLK 6 AKA PARC 20-8 LOT SIZE IRREGULAR 0141210070870 3672 PERCIVAL AVE FROW HOMESTEAD PB B-106 LOT 11 BLK 6 LOT SIZE 50 X 100 0141210070880 3676 PERCIVAL AVE FROW HOMESTEAD PB B-106 LOT 12 BLK 6 ---__. LOT "STZr-5fl X 100 0141210070890 3685 OAK AVE FROW HOMESTEAD PB B-106 LOT 13 BLK 6 AKA PARC 20-12 & LOT 14 & LOT A & LOTS B & C LESS ST & LOT D BLK 6 LOT SIZE 31500 SQ FT M/L 0141210070910 3655 OAK AVE FROW HOMESTEAD PB B-106 LOT 15 BLK 6 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 100 0141210070920 3653 OAK AVE FROW HOMESTEAD PB B-106 LOT 16 BLK 6 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 100 0341200171340 109 SAN LORENZO AVE CORAL GABLES INDUSTRIAL SEC PB 28-22 LOTS 61 TO 63 INC BLK 5 LOT SIZE 10000 SQUARE FEET 0341200171910 CORAL GABLES INDUSTRIAL SEC PB 28-22 ALL BLK 13 LOT SIZE 15907 SQUARE FEET MIAMI DADE COUNTY CED 701 NW 1ST CT FL 14TH MIAMI, FL 33136-3924 MIAMI DADE COUNTY CED 701 NW IST CT FL 14TH MIAMI, FL 33136-3924 MIAMI DADE COUNTY CED 701 NW 1ST CT FL 14TH MIAMI, FL 33136-3924 MIAMI DADE COUNTY CED 701 NW 1ST CT FL 14TH MIAMI, FL 33136-3924 DAL REHAB INVESTMENTS CORPORATION 3015 SW 27TH TER MIAMI, FL 33133-2916 THOMAS E NISBET GRETA M LEBER 3653 OAK AVE MIAMI, FL 33133-4907 SAN LORENZO INVESTORS LLC 3850 BIRD RD # 8FL MIAMI, FL 33146-1501 HASWELL PROPERTIES LLC 135 SAN LORENZO AVE STE 860 CORAL GABLES, FL 33146-1527 Florida Real Estate Decisions, Inc. Page 9 of 10 0341200280010 HASWELL PROPERTIES LLC COCONUT GRVE WAREHOUSE CEN AMD PL 135 SAN LORENZO AVE STE 860 LOTS 1 TO 7 INC & ST LYG N OF & ADS PB CORAL GABLES, FL 33146-1527 0341200560070 ISABEL ROLLINS 120 GEORGE ALLEN AVE 120 GEORGE ALLEN AVE ASA WASHINGTON SMITH SUB PB 141-61 T-17724 MIAMI, FL 33133-4847 LOT 7 BLK 1 LOT SIZE 5824 SQFT M/L 0341200560130 MARILYN GRAY 121 GEORGE ALLEN AVE 121 GEORGE ALLEN AVE ASA WASHINGTON SMITH SUB PB 141-61 T-17724 MIAMI, FL 33133-4846 LOT 6 BLK 2 LOT SIZE 87.500 X 81 0341200560140 MECOHUE ONE LLC 115 GEORGE ALLEN AVE 10275 COLLINS AVE APT 424 ASA WASHINGTON SMITH SUB PB 141-61 T-17724 MIAMI BEACH, FL 33154-1461 LOT 7 BLK 2 LOT SIZE 6835 SQFT M/L 0341200560160 CITY OF CORAL GABLES 100 DIXIE HWY S 405 BILTMORE WAY ASA WASHINGTON SMITH SUB PB 141-61 T-17724 CORAL GABLES, FL 33134-5717 TR B LOT SIZE .50 AC M/L 0141210072310 3305 HOLDING CO LLC 3305 37 AVE SW 2200 SOUTH DIXIE HWY #701 FROW HOMESTEAD PB B-106 MIAMI, FL 33133 LOT B LESS ST BLK 15 LOT SIZE 100.00 X 55 0141210060120 JACKP CERONE TR & 3121 MUNDY ST JOHN CERONE 21 54 41 770 LEE ST #201 MUNDY SUB PB 15-29 DES PLAINES, IL 60016 LOT 12 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 107 0141210060139 JACKP CERONE MUNDY SUB PB 15-29 JOHN CERONE LOTS 13 & 14 770 LEE ST #201 LOT SIZE 10700 SQ FT DES PLAINES, IL 60016 Florida Real Estate Decisions, Inc. Page 10 of 10 ] a 1 ' 1 1 1, 1 1 I l t I I 1 i �• �• — _-St — — mws _ _ _ _ fix] Duty 1 �f y'. ; Y I j,- III 1 }6sf•tt 1 I Mnam f � pp yy cars am �b A � >mf0 J •wwA ■� •m-.�p _.. � � _a j � ... �Of1aALr _ _ .— — _ — _ �_ , i gp _ � _ r • fi � P� g$ A R R 8� R R[ for � � � � � $ � 8 1� � � �' — _ • n u ——►7aAtirAv6.— — — — — —' — tI F g F M $ P � R $ � R F � � � $ p � ,allp i • • n r r r � � K'� ; 7!" j I 8 E $ �• � I 1 N•41'Ylrr f�1.'.0�`��� -. � r... ... . _ i �AYt,�sr _ .. . a _ � - .. _ � 4 - _ _ _ _ _ "'- _ A� ��.' -__ -. _ [ _ 3150 SW 38TH AVE MIA LLC 3755 OAK AVE TRUST 3780 PERCIVAL AVE TRUST 1114 AVENUE OF THE AMERICAS FL 39 PO BOX 565278 PO BOX 565278 NEW YORK, NY 10036-7702 MIAMI, FL 33256-5278 MIAMI, FL 33256-5278 ALEXINE DELANCY ANDREA PASCUAL ANN D ABRAHAM &H ROBERT 3760 PERCIVAL AVE SEBASTIAN A PASCUAL 3173 MUNDY ST MIAMI, FL 33133.4811 3751 OAK AVE MIAMI, F7 33133.4351 MIAMI, FL 33133-4806 CASA VALENTINA INC CHARLENE WILLIAMS CITY OF CORAL GABLES 2990 SW 357111 AVE # 2 3770 PERCIVAL AVE 405 BH,TMORE WAY MIAMI, FL 33133-3410 MIAMI, FL 331334801 CORAL GABLES, FL 33134-5717 C CCIOPEIt --� -- - - COCONUT GROVE GATEWAY LLC C/O WALGREENS CORP STORE 03784 3735 OAK AVE 3901 GRAND AVE #272 PO BOX 1159 MIAMI, FL 33133.4806 MIAMI, FL 33133 DEERFIELD, IL 600136002 DAL REHAB INVESTMENTS CORPORATION DUDLEY THOMAS 3015 SW 27TH TER 3661 PERCIVAL AVE MIAMI, FL 33133-2916 MIAMI, FL 33133.4909 EVELYN PROPHET PATRICIA D PROPHET'GREEN ORRIZONT LLC 3715 OAK AVE PO BOX 452836 MIAMI, FL 3313348M MIAMI, FL 33245-2836 HASWELL PROPERTIES LLC HOWARD C FERGUSON &W CLARISE 135 SAN LORENZO AVE STE 860 3287 BROOKER ST CORAL GABLES, FL 33146-1527 MIAMI, FL 33133-4869 ISABEL ROLLINS JIMMIE K ADAMSON 120 GEORGE ALLEN AVE EDGAR CORAL MIAMI, FL 33133.4847 16151 SW 14TH ST PEMBROKE PINES, FL 33027-5118 JULIO D TADEO KENNETH L HAMILTON JR TRS 801 BRICKELL KEY BLVD APT SW 16MI SW 152ND CT MIAMI, FL 33131-3713 MIAMI, FL 33187-1450 LOUISE MELLISON &W RUBY MARILYN GRAY CHARLES D JOHNSON 121 GEORGE ALLEN AVE MIA3730 MI. FL 3 13 AVE MIAMI, FL 33133.4846 MIAMI, FL 33133.4801 EUROPEAN AUTOMOTIVE LLC 3850 S DIXIE HWY MIAMI, FL 33133.4300 HASWELL PROPERTIES LLC 135 SAN LORENZO AVE STE 860 CORAL GABLES, FL 33146-1527 INEZ R SAMPLE 3700 PERCIVAL AVE MIAMI, FL 331334801 JONATHON N BROOKS &W CHRISTINE C 6255 SW 126 ST MIAMI, FL 33156-5564 KENNETH L HAMILTON JR TRS HAMILTON FAMILY TRUST 16561 SW 152ND CT MIAMI, FL 33187-1450 MARIO SERVANDO PEREZ RODRIGUEZ 3750 PERCIVAL AVE MIAMI, FL 33133-4801 MF,COHUE ONE LLC MIAMI DADE COUNTY 10275 COLLINS AVE APT 424 CED MIAMI BEACH, FL 33154-1461 701 NW IST CT FL 14TH MIAMI, FL 33136-3924 MIAMI DADE COUNTY MIAMI DADE COUNTY MIAMI DADE HOUSING AGENCY WASD 701 NW 1 CT 16TH FLOOR PO BOX 330316 MIAMI, FL 33136 MIAMI, FL 33233-0316 MIAMI DADE COUNTY TRANSIT OVERTOWN MILES C JENNINGS JR TRANSIT VILLAGE 3471 OAK AVE 701 NW IST CT FL 15 MIAMI, FL 33133-5022 MIAMI, FL 33136-3924 PERCiVAL GROVE LLC Rt1SELL C $ EWING II 3109 GRANA AVE 4 475 65 PATRICIA DR MIAMI, FI.33133-5103 STRATFORD, CI' 06614-1095 SANDRA D WARD SANDRA E MARTIN 3701 OAK AVE 3720 PERCIVAL AVE MIAMI, FL 331334606 MIAMI, FL 331334801 THOMAS E NISBET JACK P CERONE TR & GRETA M LEBER JOHN CERONE 3653 OAK AVE 770 LEE ST #201 MIAMI, FL 33133/907 DES PLAINES, IL 60016 3305 HOLDING CO LLC JACK CERONE 2200 SOUTH DIXIE HWY #701 JOHN CERONE MIAMI, FL 33133 770 LEE ST 201 DES PLAINES IL 60016 MIAMI DADE COUNTY GSA R!E MANAGEMENT 111 NW IST ST STE 2460 MIAMI, FL 33126-1929 MIAMI DADE COUNTY MIAMI DADE TRANSIT 701 NW IST Cr STE 1700 MIAMI, FL 33136-3922 OSWALDO JARAMILLO 4205 PONCE DE LEON BLVD CORAL GABLES, FL 33146.1626 a SAN LORENZO MTM ORS LLC 3650 BIRD RD 0 61' L MIAMI, FL 33146-1501 SHEILA UPSON 3740 PERCIVAL AVE MIAMI, FL 33133-4601 VILLAGE WEST HOMES LLC 300 NW 12TH AVE MIAMI, FL 33128.1019 +. \'" City of Miami Public School Concurrent Application Type Public Hearing Concurrency Management System Entered Requirements Applicant Fields Information Application Type Public Hearing Application Sub -Type Land Use Application Name * Platform 3750 Application Phone * (305) 443-8288 Application Email * lenny.wolfe@cornerstonegrp.com Application Address 3750 South Dixie Highway Contact Fields Information Contact Name * Melissa Tapanes Llahues Contact Phone * (305) 377-6227 Contact Email * MTapanes@BRZoningLaw.com Local Govt. Name City of Miami Local Govt. Phone 305-416-1400 Local Govt. Email rrtirfc:rnanciczfri�miamir�ot.ctsnt, 'elIis(ci miarni goe.Coin Local Govt. App. Number (OFFICIAL USE ONLY) Property Fields Information Master Folio Number * 014120-013-0010 Additional Folio Number Total Acreage * 2.1 Proposed Land Use/Zoning '� T6-12 Single -Family Detached Units * 0 Single -Family Attached Units (Duplex) a 0 Multi -Family Units Total # of Units * 264 Redevelopment Information (MUSPs) - Re -development applications are for those vacant sites for which a ictal government has provided vested rights; or for an already improved property which does not have to be re -platted as deemed by the locai govemmeni. The number of units to be input into the CMS is the net difference between the existing vested number of units and the newly proposed number of units. Example: an existing 20 -unit structure will be torn down for redevelopment. The newly proposed development calfs for 40 total units. Local government shall input 20 units in the CMS (net difference between the 20 units vested less the newly proposed 4 units). Required Fields for Application Melissa Tapanes Llahues, Esq. _ Owner(s)/Attorney/Applicant Name STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE The foregoing was acknowledged before me this _ day of .July 2Q16 by Melissa Tapanes Llahues, Esq, who is a(n) individual1parinerlagent/corporation of a(n) individuslips rtnershipleorporation, He/She is personally known to me or who has produced as identification and who did (did not)—tae ce anoath. R���''� F// ) � Owner(s)1 tt ey/A)plicant groat e (Stam " BETSY LLERENA ° � � Notary Public - State of Florida ._ My Comm. Expires Mar 5, 2018 -. ,?;• Commission # FF 078652 T&12-0 and T5-0 City of Miami Public School Concurrency ?' Concurrency Management System Entered Requirements Applicant Fields Information Application Type Public Hearing Application Sub -Type zoning Application Name * Platform 3750 Application Phone * (305) 443-8288 Application Email * lonny.wolfe@cernerstonegrp.com Application Address * 3750 South Dixie Highway Contact Fields Information Contact Name * Melissa Tapanes Llahues Contact Phone * (305) 377-6227 Contact Email * MTapanes@8RZoningl.11.com Local Govt. Name City of Miami Local Govt. Phone 305-416-1400 Local Govt. Email IDWi rnancfcirii miamiCm,Cn1n; ellis/a 3niami�n�.coen Local Govt. App. Number (OFFICIAL USE ONLY) Property Fields Information Master Folio Number * 01-4120-013-0010 Additional Folio Number Total Acreage * 2.1 Proposed Land Use/Zoning * T6-12 Single -Family Detached Units * 0 Single -Family Attached Units (Duplex) * 0 Multi -Family Units Total # of Units * 264 Redevelopment Information (MUSPs) - Re -development applications are for those vacant sites for which a local government has provided vested rights; or for an already improved properly which does not have to he re -platted as deemed by the local government. The number of units to be input into the CMS is the net difference between the existing vested number of un'ds and the newly proposed number of units. Example: an existing 20 -unit structure will be torn down for redevelopment. The newly proposed development calls for 40 total units. Local government shall input 20 units in the CMS (net difference between the 20 units vested less the newly proposed 4 units), Required Fields for Application Melissa Tapanes Llahues, Esg. Owner(s)/Attorney/Applicant Name STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE //// I d Ow (s) Attorn y/App cant knature The foregoing was acknowledged before me this day of July 2016 by Melissa Tapanes Llahues, Esq. _ who is a(n) individuaVpartner/agent/corporation of a(n) ind'rviduallpartnership/corporation. He/)JX is personally known to me or wh produced —as identification and who did ( id not) take an oat�i,, (Stamp) ,•tirp`'Poo 1,=tTTY LLERENA =ter° ♦ o •'uw:>r -State of Florida xGires Mar 5, 2018 "f P # FF 078662 °F �;o,, 6-12-0 and T5-0 CITY OFMIAMI DISCLOSURE OF CONSIDERATION PROVIDED OR COMMITTED FOR AGREEMENT TO SUPPORT OR WITHHOLD OBJECTION The City of Miami requires any person or entity requesting approval relief or other action from the City Commission or any of its boards, authorities, agencies, councils or committees, to disclose at the commencement (or continuance) of the hearing(s) on the issue, any consideration provided or committed, directly or on its behalf, to any entity or person for an agreement to support or withhold objection to the requested approval, relief or action. "Consideration" includes any gift, payment, contribution, donation, fee, commission, promise or grant of any money, property, service, credit or financial assistance of any kind or value, whether direct or implied, or any promise or agreement to provide any of the foregoing in the future. Individuals retained or employed by a principal as a lobbyist as defined in Sec. 2-653, and appearing before the City Commission or any of its boards, authorities, agencies, councils or committees solely in the capacity of a lobbyist and not as the applicant, or owners' legal representative are not required to fill out this form. NAME: Melissa Tapanes Llahues (First Name) (Middle) (Last Name) IIOMI ADDRESS: 200 South Biscayne Boulevard (Address Line 1) CITY: Miami Suite 850 (Address Line 2) STATE: Florida ZIP: 33131 HOME PHONE: (3 0 5) 377-6227 CELL PHONE: N/A FAX: (3 0 5) 377-6222 EMAIL: MTapanes@BRZoningLaw.com BUSSINESS or APPLICANT or ENTITY NAME Platform 3750, LLC BUSINESS ADDRESS: 2100 Hollywood Boulevard (Address Line 1) Hollywood, FL 33020 (Address Line 2) 1. Please describe the issue for which you are seeking approval, relief or other action from the City Commission, board, authority, agency, council, or committee. Land use amendment and rezoning of the property located at 3750 S. Dixie Highway 2, Has any consideration been provided or committed, directly or on your behalf, to any entity or person for an agreement to support or withhold objection to the requested approval, relief or action? Q YES FX1 NO If your answer to Question 2 is No, do not answer questions 3, 4 & 5 proceed to read and execute the Acknowledgment. If your answer to Question 2 is Yes, please answer questions 3, 4 & 5 and read and execute the Acknowledgement. 3. Please provide the name, address and phone number of the person(s) or entities to whom consideration has been provided or committed. Name a. N/A b. Address Phone# * Additional names can be placed on a separate page attached to this form. 4. Please describe the nature of the consideration. N/A 5. Describe what is being requested in exchange for the consideration. N/A ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF COMPLIANCE I hereby acknowledge that it is unlawful to employ any device, scheme or artifice to circumvent the disclosure requirements of Ordinance 12918 and such circumvention shall be deemed a violation of the Ordinance; and that in addition to the criminal or civil penalties that may be imposed under the City Code, upon determination by the City Commission that the foregoing disclosure requirement was not fully and timely satisfied the following may occur: 1. the application or order, as applicable, shall be deemed void without further force or effect; and 2. no application from any person or entity for the saRie issue shall bpoeviewed or considered by the applicable board(s) until expirati o eriod oif o year after the nullification of the application or order. %` PERSON SUBMITTING DISCLOSURE: Melhssa Tapanes Llahues Print Name Sworn to and subscribed before me this _day of , fO&a -�e foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me bywho has ,produced as identification and/or is yjer„yonally known to me and who did/did not take an oath. STATE OF FLORIDA CITY OF MIAMI MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: (—Vi - L6 Enclosure(s) ; Notary Public . State of Florida My COMM, Expires Mar 5, 2018 Page 2 Dear Constituent: Welcome to the City of Miami! This package is intended to provide you with all open Code Enforcement violations and liens attached to the subject property, or properties, as of the current date and time the following report was created. Closed violations and future violations are not included. A violation may become a lien when the property owner does not timely remedy the violation. This report may include two types of liens: Certified liens and non -certified liens. Certified liens have a set amount to be paid. Conversely, most non -certified liens continue to accrue interest or a per diem fine; therefore, those liens must be satisfied with the City as quickly as possible. All outstanding violations and liens must be satisfactorily resolved before the City can issue a Certificate of Use (CU); however, the City inspects all properties prior to the issuance of a CU and those inspections may yield additional items, which must be addressed by the owner at the property prior to issuance of a CU. This search does not include encumbrances, other liens, restrictions or the like, recorded in the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. Please contact Miami -Dade County for the aforementioned items. Code Violation/Lien Inquiry Letter Page 1 of 5 Leon Wolfe 2100 Hollywood Blvd Hollywood FL 33020 City of Miami Property Search Notice 07/11/2016 Per your request (copy attached), the undersigned has searched the records of the Director of Finance in and for the City of Miami, Florida, for any liens and other fees outstanding against the following described property as of 07/11/2016. The result is valid up to 30 days from the processing date. In addition, due to daily penalty and interest calculations, the amount shown is subject to change as reflected below. Folio Number: 01-4120-013-0010 Property Address: 3750 S DIXIE HWY Legal Description: PERCIVAL REV PB 1-140 LOTS 1 THRU 4 & TR A PER SIMBER SUB PB 64-31 A/K/A M BAKER MENTAL HEALTH CTR LOT SIZE 2.16 AC M/L, Amount Payable On: 07/10/2016 to 08/10/2016 334.50 This notice does not include liens imposed by federal, state, county or City agencies or boards or any other liens recorded in the public records of Miami -Dade County. Jose M. Fernandez Finance Director To ensure proper credit of your payment, include a copy of all pages of the property search findings along with your payment and mail to: City of Miami, Treasury Management/Payment Processing, 444 SW 2nd Avenue, 6th Floor, Room 636-1, Miami, FL 33130. If you have any questions, please call (305) 416-1570. Please retain this page for your records. Page 2 of 5 Leon Wolfe 2100 Hollywood Blvd Hollywood FL 33020 Folio Number: Property Address: Legal Description: Lien No. (Case Number) City of Miami $�4�KV OF' il�Cl i � e��r nree F } L®{F 07/11/2016 01-4120-013-0010 3750 S DIXIE HWY PERCIVAL REV PB 1-140 LOTS 1 THRU 4 & TR A PER SIMBER SUB PB 64-31 A/K/A M BAKER MENTAL HEALTH CTR LOT SIZE 2.16 AC M/L, Property Search Findings - Pending Liens Description If you have any questions, please call (305) 416-1570. Please retain this page for your records. Address Page 3 of 5 City of Miami $�4�KV OF' il�Cl i � e��r nree F } L®{F Leon Wolfe 2100 Hollywood Blvd Hollywood FL 33020 07/11/2016 Folio Number: 01-4120-013-0010 Property Address: 3750 S DIXIE HWY Legal Description: PERCIVAL REV PB 1-140 LOTS 1 THRU 4 & TR A PER SIMBER SUB PB 64-31 A/K/A M BAKER MENTAL HEALTH CTR LOT SIZE 2.16 AC M/L, Property Search Findings - Open Invoices Invoice Reference No. Lien No. Description Amount Due 9128743 922099-85036-0 Certificate of Use 334.50 Sub -Total 334.50 If you have any questions, please call (305) 416-1570. Please retain this page for your records. Page 4 of 5 Folio Number Violations Detail Report 01-4120-013-0010 NO OPEN VIOLATIONS FOUND. Page 5 of 5 .i +? ROV 6 PH 3 44 0« 7990 ►c 408 7-06'R 7969 �I IN Tit ; CIRCUIT COURT OF Tlt? EL:;VtiNTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF FLORIDA IN AND FOR DAD': COUNTI CIVIL ACTION NO. 72-15457 D h', C0111M, a political I U1 U, vision of tho Utata of Florida, 1 1`ot 1t ioner, 1 V ,. CERTIFICAT . OF PAYM1:11T 'r:.. FL.ORIUA N.1TIC11AL BANK & T;1U.iT COIXANY .1T ttIMI, a Unito,1 ,:;tato:r uankinU and t,uLt corporation, of al. _ D•sfondanta. t D. L.EATII I11261N, Clerk of the Circuit Court in anti for Dvia County, Florida DO H - MJLY C'JiTIFY that the amount of $500,:'75.00 a•: ordered in FINAL JUUGin;NT A3 TO PARCKI, NO3. 5-2 AliD 1)-2. filed in the above styled cause November 2nd, 1972 and rrcorded Povonber 3rd, 1972 in Circuit Court Official Record book 7961 on ptq,o 947, han thio date been paid into the Court Ftoriutry Fund by the Board of County Commissioners. WIT11=3 14Y HAND AND OFFICIAL 3%AL this the 16th day of November, A.D. 1972. ;S F. B. L.EATH1 M11 `,'.� •i:i '•�• Clerk Cir^,1it Couurt4� "• ti•. �. . 1, f Order: 16010526 Doc: FLDADE:7990-00408 Page 1 of 6 Created By: Kelly DeValle Printed: 2142016 3:03:39 PM EST iEL IgJO P6 409 ; Fit fie coax I; IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE ELEVENTH rl? NOV z AM iJ: �71UDICIAL CIRCUIT OF FIOR1 CIIINAND FOR It ACTION DADE COUNTY CLE i,K CI` i 1: 72.14457 (Judge George E. Schulc) L.:_L CJ.FL4. BADE COUNTY. a political s ' N subdivision of the State of sv Florida, ' { Petitioner, JJ� FINAL JUDGMENT AS TO (�N, vs. PARCEL NOS. S-2 AND 13-2 CEJ THE FLOREDA NATIONAL HANK k: 1 JJ TRUST COMPANY AT MIAMI, a United Stites banking and trust Corporation, et &,.- Defendants. This cause coming on for trial upon the petition In county eminent domain proceedings and upon the settlement agreements executed by the petitioner and the defendant owners of: [1t Parcel No. S-2 The Florida National Bankmi, a Trust Company, United States banking and trust corporation Parcel No. 13.2 Flagler Federal Savings and Loan Association of Miami and the Court having examined the petition and the said settlement agreements 'and It appearing to the Court from said settlement agreements that the defendant ownat$ of Parcel Nos. S.2 and 13-2 have filed their written waiver of trial by jury and their consent to the immediate entry of a Final Judgment as to their interest in full eosrlpensation for the properties taken, intiludlng attorneys fees, expenses slid costs, if any, it is ORDERED and ADJUDGED thatt 1. Accurate descriptions of the said parcels constitratiag the propertles taken or involved in this Judgment are as follows: M Ckw t4et oerY /rraV seat r/ rM 8.rd 1*a a.1C EA C..sr m& GVtt ave 9� � 711uu.,.E� . --- --•-- - — •— f' Order: 16010526 Doc: FLDADE:7990-00409 4 Page 2 of 6 Created By: Kelly DeValle Printed: 2/42016 3:03:39 PM EST i A i 1 tic 7990 Tc 410 r—, rcl;L NO. 5-t Lots 3S, 36 and 17 of CHARLES M. MUNDY'S SUBDIVISION according to the plat thereof, recorded In Plat Hook IS st page 29, of the Public Records of Dade County. Florida. A 150- 1 ots 33 and 34 of CHARLES M. MUNDY'S SUI-4VISION, 4,enrding to the plat thereof, recorded In Plat Book IS at page 2't, of the Public Rerorda of Dade County. Florida, EXCF:I'T that portion of said Lot 33, described as followst tit -ginning at a point on the East boundary line of said Lat 33 at a elutant a of 3.55 feet South of the Northeast corner of said I qt 13, gaid point being an the South face of a ona-story C. B.S. building; thence run Northerly along the East boundary line of said lot 33 a distance of 3. SS feet to the Northeast corner of said Lot 31; (hence run Westerly along the North boundary tine of said 1 at 33 a tilstance of 107.07 feet to the Northwest corner of said L.at 33, then run Southerly along the West boundary of said I at 33 and along the West face of a one-story C. B.5 - building a distance of 6.62 fest to a point, said point being the Southwest earner of the said ane -story C. B.S. building; thence run Easterly along the South face of the said one-story C. B.S. building a distance of 107. 10 feet to the point of beginning. A USCI. Lots 4, S and 6, LESS the West ZO feet of said lots, of E. W. F. STIRRUI'i 81.11111D1VISION, according to the plat thereof recorded In Plat hook 1 2t page 12 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. ALSO; SO; I..,ts 1. 2 anti 3 of F. W. F. STIRRUP SUBDIVISION, according to thti plat thereof recorded in Plat Book I at page IZ of the Public Records of Dade County. Florida. EXCEPT the portion thareof that ties -Northwesterly of the Southeasterly right-of-way line of State Road No, S an said right-of-way line is shown on the State Road Department Right -of -Way Map. Section 8703 -109 - Road No. S. an recorded in Plat Book ST at page 6S. of the Public Records of Dade County, Y'torlda. Al SO - That part of the NW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 21. Township S4 South. Range 41 Fast. Dade County. Florida, described as follovsr Commence at the Southwest earner of the SW 114 of the NW 1/4 of the NW 114 of Section 21, 'Township S4 South, Range 41 )vast, Dade County, Florida; thence North along the West lino of the NW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of said Section 21 for a distaste of 568.0 fact to a point; thence South 69 degrees. 13 minutes, 45 eeetreds East along the North line (and its prolostsatlon West) of Lot 1 of 91 7961 136E 948 Order: 16010526 Doc: FLDADE:7990-00408 IM! Page 3 of 6 Created By: Kelly DeValle Printed: 2142016 3:03:39 PM EST 7990 411 F.. W, F. STIRRUP SUBDIVISION, according to the plat thereof recorded In Plat Book 1, at Pape I2, of the Public Records of Natio t.ounty. Flortia, fur a 41.Lanr, of 152. 4S feta to a Point on Z Southeasterly riRht-of-way line of State Road No. 5, as shown in Plat Book 57 at pare 6S, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, hich point is the point of beginning of the parcel of land herein described; thence continue South 89 degrees, 13 minutes, 4S seconds. East along the North line of said 1 of I, of Z.W.F. STIRRUP SUBDIVISION, and Its prolongation East, for a distance of 111. SS feet to a point; thence North along a line 264.0 feet Fast of and oarallel with the West line of the NW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of the aforesaid Section 21 for a distance of 102. 24 feet to a point on the Southeasterly rlghl-ot-way line of Stab Road No, S; lhenro South 47 degrees, S4 minutes, 45 seconds we at along the Southeasterly right-of-way line of State Road No. S for a distance of I So. 30 foot to the point of beginning; EXCEPT that portion thereof herelofure conveyed by Rose Marie Llewellyn to William J. Sutton and M. C. Sutton by Special Warranty Deed dated June 25, 1959. PARCEL, NO. 13-2 TRACT "A" of SIMBER SUBDIVISION according to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 64 at Page 31, of the Public Recorda of Dade County, Florida; AND Dots 1 through 4 inclusive of PERC:IVAL PLAT REVISED, according to the plat thereof recorded In Plat Book I at Page 140 of the Public Records of Dade County. Florida; LESS any portions thereof previously conveyed for public purposes. 2, The Compensation, including attorney's fees, expenses and costs. if any, to be made by the petitioner on account of the taking of the fee simple title to the said parcels ksreinabove described, for the public purpose of urban renewal contemplating the clearing and redevelopment of a slum area and designated as Neighborhood Development Program Area 4, Coconut Grove. is as tollowel Parcel No. S-2 shall be paid to The Florida National Bank 4 Trust Company at Miami, a United States banking and trust corporation— .$247,775. 00 Parcel No. 19-2 shall be paid to Flagler Federal Savings and Loan Association of Mtami............................ I ........ :2S2,500.00 3. The petttloner, Dade County, Is properly exerctstng the authority .Iclsg&tgd to it in taking the said properties berelnabove described and within twenty (20) days from the date hereof the petitioner @ball pay .3- 1961 F'K,949 r - Order: 16010626 Doc: FLDADE:7990-00408 Page 4 of 6 Created By: Kelly DeValle Printed: 2/42016 3:03:39 PM EST 11"1990 rc 412 into the Registry of this Court for the use of the defendants, the sum of iSoo.275.00. Upon said payment and upon the recordation of this Judgment and the Certificate of the Clerk of this Court that the compensation provided hereby has been paid Into the Registry of this Court, title to said properties hereinah,.ve described as Parcel Non. S.Z and 13.2 shall be vested in fee simple absolute in the petitioner and the petitioner shall be entitled to possession of the said properties. 4. The Clark of this Court before disbursing any money on as count of said parcels shall deduct from the swards allocated to said pa reels and pay to the Dade County Tax Collector, the following sum* representing 1972 Dade County and City of Miami taxes prorated to the date of the settlement agreements filed hereint 1972 Dade County 1972 City of Miami Parcel No. Prorated Taxes Prorated Taxes 5•Z $I, 796, 51 $1,133.7Z 13.2 $3.830.59 S2,430.89 if the said prorated 1972 Dade County find City of Miami taxes should exceed the taxes actually due, the Clerk or this Court and the Tax Collector of [Jade County are authorized and directed to refund to the said defendant owners, the prorated sums withheld in excess of the actual taxes due. S. After payment of the said sum of $500, 275. 00 Into the Registry, the Clerk of this Court -hall pay those sums sat out in paragraph Z above, leas the sums set out in paragraph 4 above, by delivery of him rheek therefor to the said defendants or their attorney of record. 6. This Court retains jurisdiction to determine the rights of any of said defendants, lessees, mortgagees, Judgment creditors, lienholders i Order: 16010526 Doc: FLDADE:7990-00409 -4- i IlC 79GI w950 Page 5 of 6 Created By: Kelly DeValle Printed: 2/42016 3:03:39 PM EST tic 7990 " 413 ;1 iand other clalmanls in respect to the compensation for the parcels which j are the subject of this Final Judgment. DOLE and ORDERED in chambers at Miami, Dade County, /� �✓OO Florida, this YM -day of Ober, 1972, L—C-1�XIT �JUI)GF- Copies furnished to: Ward, Ward, Straesslsy. Hiss 6 Heath 1240 Alfred 1. du?ont Building Miami, Florida 33131 Marks, Keith, Mack & Lewis III N.E. First Street Miami, Florida 33132 Joseph D. Koniansky, Esquire Assistant County Attorney 1626 Dade County Courthouse Minmi, Florida 33130 R. Harris Turner, Esquire Assistant City Attorney 65 S.W. First Street Miami. Florida 33130 .5. btu 7561 PA>;E951 I rs�r • ewes sort tes . Y w1 i� wa1r� �rM j L a r;iAG1 , Order: 16010526 Doc: FLDADE:7990-00408 Page 6 of 6 Created By: Kelly DeValle Printed: 2/412 01 6 3:03:39 PM EST LIMITED POWER OF ATTORNEY I, LEON WOLFE, as VICE PRESIDENT of PLATFORM 3750, LLC, do by these presents hereby make, constitute and appoint MELISSA TAPANES LLAHUES, ESQ. AND/OR BERCOW RADELL & FERNANDEZ, PLLC, of the County of Miami -Dade and the State of Florida, to represent the interests of PLATFORM 3750, LLC before the City of Miami in connection with the land use plan amendment and rezoning for the property located on/ at 3700 S. Dixie Highway and 3750 S. Dixie Highway, which are identified by Miami -Dade County Tax Folio Nos. 01-4120-033-0010 and 01-4120-013-0010, and legally described as: 3700 S. Dixie Highway (Folio No. 014120-033-0010): SIMMONS PROPERTY PB 64-27 TRACT "A" LOT SIZE 6280 SQ FT 3750 S. Dixie Highway (Folio No. 01-4120-013-0010): Tract A, of SIMBER SUBDIVISION, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 64, Page 31 of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. TOGETHER WITH Lots 1 through 4, inclusive, of PERCIVAL PLAT REVISED, according to the Plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 140, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida; LESS any portions thereof previously conveyed for Public purposes. Granting and giving unto said Attorney -in -Fact, full authority and power to do and perform any and all acts necessary or incident to the performance and execution of the powers herein above expressly granted, with power to do and perform all acts authorized hereby, as fully to all intents and purposes as grantor might or could do if personally present, with full power of substitution. [Execution Page to Follow] Signed, witnessed, executed and acknowledged on this day of i ' 2016. WITNESSES: L- �-� ��, mess Signature Print Name a_ -62 AA. Witness Signature W- -gO LL- 2L rrn Print Name STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE PLATFORM 3750, LLC, a Florida limited li ility ompany �^ By: / " � Name: Title: Address: 2100 Hollywood Blvd. Hollywood, FL 33020 The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by I of PLATFORM 3750, LLC, a Florida limited liability company, who is personaPy known to me or has produced as identification. Witness my signature and official seal thisZ.,_ _ day of 2016, in the County and State aforesaid. My Commission Expires: o"" ELAINE SANTIAGO "'. r ., "two"", "Ry py® Notary Public - State of Florida 4 Commission # FF 204849 =" �_= M Comm. Expires Jun 24, 2019 o� F�••'' Bonded through National Notary Assn. iiuoV I Notary Public State of Florida 9 I'A&t r f_' Print Name