HomeMy WebLinkAboutInterlocal Agreement5"dy Revised. March 18, 9,000 THIS iNTERLDC1AL AGREEMEMI (" A g reemenf) h made as of the 111t day of [arch, 2000, among the City ofMiami. (the "C:ity".), a municipal oo potation organima under the lags. of then State of norida, having of oes at 444 S.W 2nd Avenue, l ami, Floxidu. 38123, the Southeast Ovoa towsalPark West Community 'Redevo%pment A.pn (the "SE.Cii W CM), a ' publio Wy .corporate and politic of the State of Florida, and .than Community Redevelopment Agency of the .omni Area (the ` M4 CRS), a public body empora,te and po do of. the state of morida, having offices at $0 Biscqwke Boulevard Ways Suite 480, lWa* llnxida NMI. WHERH. A it is the purpose axad the hitent of this Agroement and the parties bersto said comiateat with the Mo rlda lnterDocal Coopearati©n Aot of 1069, as av axnded (the Tooperatidn Act") W poxm t the City and the Miami CRA, as hereinafter deed., to make the most efficient use of tbeir respective pow -ars, rewurces omd capabiukes. by exxabling them, to oobparate on tho Maas -of mutual advantage and. thoreby, to prcn ,de tine aarika6 and achieve that xoeulta provided for herei:; end WMWA, the SEOPW CRA and. the Omni. CEA were created parsu ant to the Adoption of Ordina.aee Nos. 1677-82 and 11249-96, respectively, and WREREAS, the City approved and adopted the Southeast C)vertou nfflark "Fest C'onmunity Redevelopment Plan, piaxsuaxyt to,R-osoiutiou Nog. 82.-765 and 6-1247, and the Ox iii Area lr'edevelopmeat Tian., ptusuant to the Resolution N%a. 86.86$ and 87.604; and -WHHRUS, pursuant. W Secdon 163,410, Norida Statutes, Kawi Made County'has delegated comm unify redevelopment powers to. the CJity, and WUHREA, , the Omni, Cly. and the q,PW ORA a,re responsible.fo;r carrying out comma aity .ro4yeiopment activitiea anal. 'projects iia the Omni Redevelopment Area and the 'Southeast Overtoww?ark Wast Redevelopment Area., rospeet sl� osta-Wished purgimza.t to the Redevelopment Flue, as hereinafter deed; =d VVMREA , the boundaries faar the Redevelopment Areas, aa hereinafter de ed are mvided for in Exhibit A, attached and iaoo porated heroin, as way be amended fsoan f4me to time: and BRE"; it is consistent with the purposQ of the Coap�ra on, Aot to provi& a means by which. tha Citi* and the I Miami CRA -Alay jointly exeraim the powers, � w .. 4 pn�.e s and au,thariti.sa thEkt they aha,re in eom.Man and that each ra�xght a Ord$ separately, but wWch pursuant to this. Agroement and. the Cvppera*a Act Choy may exexcise collootivoly; including bait not limited to the wanner of providiAg Ananoird. as$j$tancc and resources needed to womplish the planting, dssip, dovelapwerxt and implementation necessary- for the andgrtaking Anrl carrying out. of the community radavelop pent projocta it tho Mdovelopmout .Areas as provided herein and in the Redevelopment Plans; and WHRRHA , the &ity and Uiwni ORA desire herein to provide Bor their rautual and respeeti.va und8xatanftgs, agrBewents, rights, duties and obligations part4ining to the planning, desigA dwelopmout and implenmentatloaa of the P rojoets (as hereinafter deed) and the neoeasm ataff', consultants sad anther service providers relatod thereto} -and ERW, the My and awi.. CRA desho to fhegkate the financing of the :Projects for the omTent h oal. Year and :fox future yoars, pursuant to the terms of t Agroement.and relatod a.gre, rrweaxts as provi4ed herein; and. WENV.AS, the Cooperatian Act aAd the Dloxida, CozmuniW Redevelopment Act of 1969 permit batevgovernmental coordination between the City and l ami O for„ (� certain services rolating to financial. support; (fi) the use of cortda City employeae9 and (xii) other aes otanne related to the PrAtoota and fhture projects, and WHERW, tho fina.ndiag o� the Pxodects and providing ng of exop}loyeaa to carry out services asawiated with the Proj.etts. wiU farther governmontal purpoass and ho of substantial honefit to tho City and tho.hfianii CRA, and WMRMS, the l ianai CRA' pr9vlslan of program ma gement, teeW%a a.ss staanw, planning, coordination, develapment and other mexr ees noeasoW for the Projects wig f nifty the intaresta of tho lams CPA and, tho City and obvll servD a public phase by, vL=4 other tkap, aiding in the elfmitation Df alums and blighted uveas and a.d:vawhc g the pubho health nd general who and vdII restAt in the. worftation, develop ,eat, implerra entatiara and complotion cif the Prpjee: s in the Rade•c *prem Aurae, and: WMRW, it is necessary and appropriate fox .ths parties to provide for i-atergovermental cooperation and to cooperate and jointly proceed as p=iod- NOW, THNIREFORP,. in cansideration of, the promises and -the rautual covonants .and ougationa.herein contained and e0jed to the terwis and conditions barea.fter statod, the Nty and the Miami ORA agree as ,Ulows., ., 2 " ARTICLE f " AUTHORITY I � ' v This Agreement is exxtered i ato pu;rsixant to and under the muthority of the p grovisiona of Chmpter 183, Florida "Statutes and the Ordiaa;nces and Resolutions rated t above. ARTICLE II DEPIIITIONS Daftnition,s The teras defined in this Section 11 shill have the NIOWing Meat g- 5- fOr pumoses of this Ageenm.ct when in dauy capi(afized herei . "Act"means Part I arid Pert M, Chapter 163, Florida statutes. fib) "Ageemovt" meana thin lnterloml. Cooperation Agmemaant, olud in.g a oxhibits hereto; as the same may be hereaftst amended from time to .0 "B ftao Year"' means the Fiseal Yoar U99. 01) '"Cid,"' means the Qty d Miami, tMorid.a., a., m aIaW rox7omdon o rganimd undor the laws of the State of Morida, and any sweesmora thereto or assigns thereof. (e) "ORA Bumd" means the Board of Victors of'the Miami CRA. 0 "N ative Date" inerans. the date ae detorrnined by .Sexton 12.5-. hereof'on w'hyoh this Agoement becoxxxe% O crane. ( "Expiration Date" means the date on which this Ageem.ont terninates by its ovin t9=0 a.s.providea in section 10,1 hereof. IN "+" al ear" meanj the fiscal, years of the City and Mimi i ORA oommeu g do October .1 of ea& year and ending on the n6xt sueceeding September 0).. "Five Year Pro ga,m Flan.," meas the fire (.5) year program, plan tox tho execaticn of prc eatp as set �h �. Article V,fxl"... _ ., "HM l+'e uds" mean grants of am,6eys the fifty. receives from time , to time from the "united States Npa.rtment of Homing and `t1`rban De'velopmeat, including but at meted to commaunity .dovelopment. b1cwk. grant fiords eWBO k 1 w dy d ilii T 4 „N' b"rxneio ")HGM I� Investment Partnership funds (F?H0M,D 'Funas"q,' and othax aimflar w. ' • (k). "Miami ORA" means e0ecf iv* the Soutljmst Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency and the- Omni ,Area DDmmunfty . Rodevelopxr ont Agoney of the City of Marai, them snoceosors or aasi�w. (1). "Park Bond Fwads mean vats of rxraneya tho -City recelvea ftm time to Uxw m Waml lade County Safe. Nai;ghbuxhood Park Bonde issued far oapitd improvemeAts for. wd ing paike in the City, ( "Projects" mean the onmmuaity redevelopment; pMY and related kedvities as deed in the Acct w4hin the Redevelopment Areas and approved by the 04, ( "Redovelopment Areas" mean the t wni ORA Radovolopmant Aroa and the Soaffioast OveitowrVParhk meet CRA N evkelopment Area as provided within the Redevelopramit Plaits as hoxoiu doffed, as Otho s=o shay be -here -ox° a.snendod om time to time as desparibed on WhAb: t A, (0) "Redavolopment Plftns" raean the. Southeast. Overt+awmPa k Fest .goa Community Rodoveloppment" Plan approved by. the !pity iu NedlutioA Nos, 82-785 omd 85.1.247, and the Omi-A Area Redevelopment Plan approved. by the City in Rasaution Nos. 86-863 and 87.604, -as the same. may be boa^eafter amianaed from time to time. ' ' AWIC E SII . P POSS; MMfiN• , INTENT 11. Purpose The Miami CPA and the iait'y aaJ owladgo and a xee that the purpose Pr this ,A cement is to set foxth the aavpera.tivo relationship between the City and the muzi ORA, the xeopecti've dunce ana obligations thereof and the prooeduxes to be followed bythe parties hereto. in or rex to undert e and carry out -the fi=aiag &t the program managoment, teohWcal a0irstanco, phuWag, 000r"diat46, dovelopment and other for -the Projeata and the services of staff, canoultants Kftd athero tooessary .fir the Projects. _.._...., .......�. a.2 Fins The City and aaxri CRA heroby ascertain, determine, .clue and 5nd that; {a,} Proleots that'frxarther the leg•,ialativa fndin.gs 'of the Act and the rolataa goals, pxrrposes, and objectives of the &ddevtelopmmat Plans. shall make a, 4 1 k i ai gnif.caxrnt oontri-bution .to the redevelopment`,af the Redevelopmono Areas and shall nerve public purpose- by aging in, the elimination and prevention of alums and hllghted areas., and provi;cding affordabler housing, and therefor advancing t�a pubho r ' health and genaval we Kam of the Radevelopme.nt Areas. (b). The Na;mi G&Va undertaking of the program zanagemeatt tochniml assistance, project administration, plamii~ng, coord natiod, devdopment and paroviedon of other serices related to the Projects shall tether the interests of the City and the Miami CRA,, and wM- result i.n better coordinatioa, efficient management and timely iw- piamwitaticn of the doveiopmenr of the Projects, (e) It is nooe,ssary ani. appropriate for the City s,nd: the M=i CRA to eoDparate- and proceod as providod hareix. _ lx nt, C pexa.tion; 'R+ xerci.se of Rowom. Tbo parties horeto agrae to cooper4ta and assist each other in. acHaving the, I pose set fail; in this Article. Each of the parties hereto does hereby grant ta the i other,parctiea hereto and dries aeknewledge that the other pard6s inay; in fuJrtharanm of the purpose of this Agreement, exeraise.any anal all powers leggy available W that party, which but ;for this .Agreement, the other. parties may not be able to exercise and which by vhtue of this Agreement may be shared with the other panties and be exaMsed separately and col octively, subject to tha. limitations of Chapt .163 .of the j .lurRa Statutes, 9A Designation Tho City hereby designates HOW CRA. Rs the exolusive paty respwasihle for the planning, devoiopment, .prow= management, tachafoal assistance, cop0 laroject administration, monitoring and other services reg,uirod for the mxrrpletiiva of the Projects witty.. the Southeast Cvortown/Park West Redevelopment Ar6a. The GE+OPW CORA hereby agross to carry out its duties and functiaas as such depigna,tedi exelusive party in aocordanca with. the terms of Wa .Agreoment, The City hereby desfg nates Cm.rui, CRA a.e 'the exclusiv o party reaper ible- for .the planning, development, program management, technioal: aseistaAce, coordination, pvojeot admirdstrstion, =onitoring: arx4 other aorvxces required for the comp'le'tion of tho Rrojeots with. the Omni.Radovelbpment Area,. The- Omni. CRS, hereby o�rxy out its duties and ; codons, m such designated exclusive party in amordmea with the terrds of this Agreement. The City farther deelares the Miami Cly. to he a kbrecipient of the City ani. agorded the same rights and privileges of'ar other atrbmcipient receiving Funds, The l ami CRA shall oo piy�with all applicable federal, stateand local la.vrs 6 a !Y: r d x g�alatir�n xelatin to I'll, FuAda asidlor any other funds roceir od by it 1rom. , a City. Fir such. �ruxpo e, floe provisions -of OUB C.3imular A-102 CtOraftta and d� t► erativ81 Agreemeaate i i h Mate and Local ereruuaenta a -a amended Aupst 9, .1. 07) as hereafter amended, are attached and. incorporated hereto as Exhibit C. ARTICLE. IV - FINANCLAL 8980 CHS TO BE PROVIDED 33Y THE CITT 4.1 City's comm.itmoAt to ;Ldin, 4� The City boreby agreos to provide ftnancia:l aupport to the Miami CRA, for the pjarinhig, development, program management, tadhaical assistance, word tion, r. monitorbg and other a"oes needed for the lProjoots =daxtakDa pursuant to this Agreement. The City and Xami CRA. heroby ,agrea that: (A) ff lel .'the City and Miami CRA shy% by sotavate rgsolation:, agree to a f va yeai funding plan ("the 'dive Year Funding NMI) for the Mimi CR; relative to this .Agreement. Duch f=&g shall bo subject to the annual appropriation, allocation and approval of the Citi Cammiaaion and. subject to the City's recsipt of'any ftmda act originat .g, with the City, and. the X" Year Funding l: -Ilan abAll be oc derated. with the Five Year Program Flan to ba establiahed in accorclance with A ticla V111 d this Aarooment. The .fans shall be held -and admiustarad as provided in Sootion 4A of this Agreement, Each year the Eve. You. t Funding Plau shall be .amended to reflect, the source$ any amount of ftding to Provided by the City to the Erni. -ORA, and tho Projects to be qndiaitaken by the Wwii CIA as reflected; hi-t;be F"fv< Year ;grogram l bux, as sama may be a=ended. 1�b) Administrativo,flxoansea. The. Miami CRA shah not use =y comaamnity developmaht No& grant ids dieroafterroikTsa to as'CDBG F�md ) raoeived ftom the City for .adminkra.tave expensos (aa do mod iu, 24"CYR fat 570), ,. without fbe prior writion approval of the, City Manager. The, Ifiami CRA zhall usa ` da received from other sour-ces for any necesaaay admirdstxative expenses, 4.2 ase ear F ndin oa The -City and man CRA agree that the. baso .year Jbr the laurpeses of w1milacting the Cityla ,angping commitment to. fimd ictivities ref the. Nam.i. CRA purst a t to this Agreement shag. be Fiscal Year 1999 (the "Base Year). For Fiscal Year N99, the pity hereby agroas to the fDliowWg, aR subjoa to the availability of such fuuda: Tor the Base "Yoar; the. Wam,i C1A, ..sl recoive IM Fundy far thnae FkDjacte agreed to by the City. General Fund Sunpnr , For tiro Basra earl the amount of; $279,488 slam be provided by tho City to the Miami ORA fbr other uacaasary exppensoa ,as. agreed tD by the City, Pursuant to a budget submitted to the City bry tho Wami. D9 and avpxoved by the City. 'Sudh b,aidget; shall be propare4 by the Miami Cly in dance with the City's annual bt.Yd:get, grooms, Surh fan&" shag be orcpandea ae ded beroin., unleaa- the Miami CRA'has gxst-Ucured the writtan.permission of tha costs inc edin; Section 4,2 (c) of the A;gr6amnt is amended to read as follow, atilt Qb bit �7 Fin„ am pest o s Exmnseg or Gonoral Fund SV =, For the& not Base Year and eaah Fscal Year thereafter through ,September 30, .2002, for oporating costs including the salafts and b nef is cif the City omployeea designated on Exhibit B heroto, and for ether staff p.easonnol oontraotpd for 4irectly by the Miami C9A, -not exc, a Jng a.Raaa Year am unt of 079,900, unless agroed to by the City, the paid by the Mit. iiffootive 0=bcr 1, 2002. for Fiscal 11'ear 2002-2003 and for each rt4nt that, axt tth, Fi&-,W Year thereaher, $379,900 shall be provided by the City to the ity to. p n ��'yy��yyyy��� Miami CRA from tha City's Utmral Fund, paythe , Ga4 lJ1Y� I/aa\ew.aa IwWKYAaaW ww+ ww .wVw y— .A _ ' �) The debt service obligationo assoaiaW with.tho Section 108 loam inthe amount �af $6,100,000 �approvgd, in 1990 and drawn in 19D4) shan 'be paid by the Miami QRA. To the extent that, in the City, kle i-adgment, the Ma.mi OSA does not have the finan(dal abffity to per'' the same, the City shaFi fund such debt 'cake oblintloua friru its avaizabie allocation of Section 108 Binds. (e)m ��.. • �„ci�pp�x�. The City mw ��so provide to the Miami ' �ithex ana7 ,....,• .. CORA financial support .other thorn the financial xasomees ana support speeifioally idexx:eed heroin, 4z Reallocation and. Rollover of Uwxpendad Winds Any =o ended moneys, inulud ng.mmies Niue ands payable oto the Wa Com:, not abiigated or en.c=bered by the: Mami Cly, derived from the ac=es of funds as provided in this A.xticle and u)aexpended at the end of aiV fiscal -year, shah bo roallocated and oardod over into the. next Miami. Cly Racal yeas• subject to HUD and tither ;l” coding souroa re"ations and, requirbmion,t o, the requirements of any. xela. d ' agreemouts or bond covenants and the City's prior approval. 4,4 Dis'bursem .t of 1%n6ingto.FidwjAry of Miami CRA 4� The City's Ammnce Departmont shall be the fiduoin7 for the SEOPW CSA and the Omni. Cly. if requested in sexwe,ins,euch fiduciax r by the SSOPW CRA and/or tho Omni Com., xespeotively, The .City's Finance Departmmit, ahaU conduct ,of its activities in this rogaxd in peordance with gener4ly acaeptea accor ting principles. 7 I t and avpxoved by the City. 'Sudh b,aidget; shall be propare4 by the Miami Cly in dance with the City's annual bt.Yd:get, grooms, Surh fan&" shag be orcpandea ae ded beroin., unleaa- the Miami CRA'has gxst-Ucured the writtan.permission of tha costs inc edin; Section 4,2 (c) of the A;gr6amnt is amended to read as follow, atilt Qb bit �7 Fin„ am pest o s Exmnseg or Gonoral Fund SV =, For the& not Base Year and eaah Fscal Year thereafter through ,September 30, .2002, for oporating costs including the salafts and b nef is cif the City omployeea designated on Exhibit B heroto, and for ether staff p.easonnol oontraotpd for 4irectly by the Miami C9A, -not exc, a Jng a.Raaa Year am unt of 079,900, unless agroed to by the City, the paid by the Mit. iiffootive 0=bcr 1, 2002. for Fiscal 11'ear 2002-2003 and for each rt4nt that, axt tth, Fi&-,W Year thereaher, $379,900 shall be provided by the City to the ity to. p n ��'yy��yyyy��� Miami CRA from tha City's Utmral Fund, paythe , Ga4 lJ1Y� I/aa\ew.aa IwWKYAaaW ww+ ww .wVw y— .A _ ' �) The debt service obligationo assoaiaW with.tho Section 108 loam inthe amount �af $6,100,000 �approvgd, in 1990 and drawn in 19D4) shan 'be paid by the Miami QRA. To the extent that, in the City, kle i-adgment, the Ma.mi OSA does not have the finan(dal abffity to per'' the same, the City shaFi fund such debt 'cake oblintloua friru its avaizabie allocation of Section 108 Binds. (e)m ��.. • �„ci�pp�x�. The City mw ��so provide to the Miami ' �ithex ana7 ,....,• .. CORA financial support .other thorn the financial xasomees ana support speeifioally idexx:eed heroin, 4z Reallocation and. Rollover of Uwxpendad Winds Any =o ended moneys, inulud ng.mmies Niue ands payable oto the Wa Com:, not abiigated or en.c=bered by the: Mami Cly, derived from the ac=es of funds as provided in this A.xticle and u)aexpended at the end of aiV fiscal -year, shah bo roallocated and oardod over into the. next Miami. Cly Racal yeas• subject to HUD and tither ;l” coding souroa re"ations and, requirbmion,t o, the requirements of any. xela. d ' agreemouts or bond covenants and the City's prior approval. 4,4 Dis'bursem .t of 1%n6ingto.FidwjAry of Miami CRA 4� The City's Ammnce Departmont shall be the fiduoin7 for the SEOPW CSA and the Omni. Cly. if requested in sexwe,ins,euch fiduciax r by the SSOPW CRA and/or tho Omni Com., xespeotively, The .City's Finance Departmmit, ahaU conduct ,of its activities in this rogaxd in peordance with gener4ly acaeptea accor ting principles. 7 I `l~`he,SIDCPW CRA and the Omni Com. may sash .designate a different fidticlary by appropriwW. rescslution. ARTICL9 V-119RSONNELAND OTHBR RESOURCES TO BE PROVIDED By CITY &I Use of City Personnel, (4) The City hereby agmas to provide and desig to tho Cit, employees listad on ,Uiibit B to serve as W -tiaras staff to the Naini CRA for the pro mo. mannga rent, plan .g, coordinatloa, tachnical assistance and atho r services neoded by the. Zami Cly." The City Manager is hereby author sd to provide, ou the roquest of the Misr. CRA, for the ahnual detoBng .to the ;rami CRA of Ul tie a>ad part timu City employoos f6u the various dopartments of the City providing wryiees to the lei CRA, For the Baas Year as prided in ArtiW -of this Agreement, t City a zees that the emplayees dosip&W in Rxbibit: B ,xhall provide M tuna sei%iao to the lid CRA. Any employees hired by the l am. ORA after the Wootho Date of this Ag^areemont, shall not be. City GMPjcryess, Uujaft othor ise a."reed to by tho Cx Manager. Any deta ng of City employees to the Mimni CRA shat be consistent with the QW0 polky re ardi.ng Phe det " 'ng of persoxlei. W The City amployees designated, t;o cerva as M time std to, the ta=i ORA shah. oontinue to reeeive aU the bejae&s. provWd, to other City employese xelated to their employment with the. City, exoept that the day-to-day dugs iin4 supervision of tho oxaployees Amll lie detex ed and, provided by the l ater Cly u�al.ess otherwise dedded by tho ,City ManapyA . Suoh employesa shall. adhava to all City rules and regOatio s rsgardiug smploymoaxt�. (e) The City Attornby sh4 carve as cousol to the, Miami ORA, a pwral tou ispl, pxQvidferl that nothimg herein ahs prohibit the Netmi Cly. iso a a it i cr, ael, J�__ (d) The City Clerk shall carve as the o inial. oustodiau, of records and doeumeats for the meetings off'the Miami OR&, The City Clark, or his or her designee, ahall Deep the miwtea of the pwoeediugs of the"Maxi'CRA. ma .taiga a jgwnal of ail rasoludons, pttbliah notice of meed.gs as xeciuirad .by law, and perform 4 other siraflax functions an bobalf of the Magi OU (e) The City shW also pvmide the Uami Cly.. wath the assiatanq� of such agar City-exmployeea as mq' bo roquested lay the Uami Cllr., ttpoa tixe approval of the City Maua.ger" 1'n i'uxtherante of this provision, the City Manager acrd. Miami CRA shalt agtoo, in w4thig, on the general stops sarvkeg to be Vrovide d. by suoh City ernpl,oyeos; howwar, the final approval of any iudh services shall be within the City, l ax�agax's er�le discro ion, • A i 81 16 �f) Tn. fu#hexance of the intent of this Soction 5.1, the Miami C 's of My peraonn6l shell be rietaileil in a separate agreement as may bo xoqu rW by 01ty Manapr between. the City, and the Miami ORA which agreament shaIl vide for roimbursoitsat by tho Miami ORA dor tho use of Civy amployeos. Suah eemo,nt shall comply W" all applicable provisions of Soon I U,24 of the Florida, too, 6.2 Selection of Cart� Strom of ORA Tho Mami ORA. -is hereby authorized & oxnpioy or contract with sub persona and cons-oftants that tt deems ,appropriate, and to determine thoir qualWaadons, dutios awl compenaation. ,A.RTIOLM VI * RA9PO SItILITIES OF THE WAMI Calms 6,1 Rosponsibilities'of'Waml ORA (a) The Nami ORA shall be responsibla for „the pla e%e cin sx�lant, pro ma mann ment, technical asoiatance,.=rffination and ether ser ea uacessary-for the oomplet on of the Projacts. For the a,n.cmj ref xjecta in po °s as p of the Qw�" annual budget pr6+ a the T i Gly B all prepare and soia to ado fix` ' " si eel b' d at wr 6 �,d, gt i projects an act' t Ss. to e p anne —gym , !J;; Yopo�; mea amend canned out y t>he i � ria= t a ap aropt as -6n ' ro+ aTiiu d appov o ` er 7rY-E ciWis F.-TSbur-iet pivaesa ofthe �t i vi el�alJ be ux �cocr"�a�ic� ^nth the City's eu�xuoii tau t p�ceas. :: � 5�l (o) Any amendmeht®, modifications or alterations of tho Prc oas shaH require the CiWs prior- approvd. �a Reports to the City. T�a Wamf CRA Thal pravid.e to the City status retorts rogarding the Projeots. Such report® OhZ be provided to thG City et' -buch tirao or times as the City .may , require. Any reports required pursuaht to any Projeat mei agreement AO be provadod in. accordance with isuch agraemdnt. ARTICLM Vli - OdPYRATIOMON Ct"?1lSITYNI YREDEVtLOPN NT TIITTATI"S 7.1 mutual Cooperation Between the Parties, N 0 To further enhance the- c4mrx unity redevelopment activities in, tlro Cit', the City and Nam! CRA hereby agroo to:. (a) Work together for the incorporatiaax and support of the legi&tiva pr°inri les. and Wtiatives of the Miami CRA into the City's I-egiglativa priorities and in�itiatzvssw (b) ' orkzoopezafivety upon theappraM d any legislative inifiativs of the l am -1 CRA, (c) Coordinate the. dolivery of municipal ser&os associated with any Miami CR. cajeet�s) with the sahodnling a,otivities of the Project(a). The City Manager, or bis designee, and the Mimitt ORA Dinetor of Operations aaad Adm stration, or his den'Pee, shall be rapansible for such coord ta.tion. 8.1 .Establishrxa:ed of nve Year Program Ploz.. (,a) The Oity and Miami CRA shall prrepani a. fvo (5) year plan for projects and aetivitiaa to be undertaken by the Ma'wi CRA p'w:suant to this Agreomeiit (tho "Ave Year Program flan"). (b) The Mo=. ' GRA hereby agroes to be responsible for the preparation of the Vivo Year Programs. Man. Such plan shag be preaented fur rev6w and accoptanue by the City Commiaaion, after approval by the Boards .of Dirsetors of both. the UOPW CRA. and the Cmxu OR& The Mve Yaar Program Plan Shan be upila.ted smuaW by the Njami Com, and be presented for .review and mcnept� ce by the City Commission after approval by the ,Boards of Dixectors of birth the SEOPW ORA aad the Omm' CRA. (a) Subject to the availabiRty d &nits and appropriation by tho deity Commission, the Qt7 shall fund the overall. elements of the d'iv'e Year Program Plan approved by the City Commission, TI'CLFA IX w EXHCTHION Gtr` ULATED ,AGUEMEN'S D,:1. Execution of'Ax Ra4idxod AgxwMo4ts , 'If the Ad= OrUse of the I= I r a, Paxk Barad Vu ads or any other source of fmdIng provided by the City to to Alia mi CRA. purauant to this Agreement requ&,es the City and Marmi CRA to enter into an..agretwent relating -to a Project(s), such agreement shall be in accoidannco with .all applicable rulas anal rowWations of the flariding souroa, - to. r �I i Y t 5a ti A° I I 1. agrerament:o Beall be exaeuted by the Executive Diroctc?r on behalf of giaml CRA and the Laity Manapr on behalf of the City, upon tl- approval of the City Commission. 9. Execution of Related A gmements ARTIOLE X » THRMNA,TIO IQII Termination This Agreement shett. torzinate upon the &ssoWtioa of the Maw CRA or by resolution of the City C��aVyramisse'ioyn.� y yry� y� (y/q yy� jjj � �pyryy { y y� }}�� ARWAS AMS A Wy�.Y l/.w .f]AdY.6LY.41Wi. $, Yi M..RRWT ES, tiY6THXANrS ILL Representations and Wutamfes.aud. Covonants of the City Tho•i-y repremants, 'Wmants and, covenants to tho Miami ORA that eaeh of the Wmjkf.stktarnents is pressnt�r trio and, aecurate, The Oity is a v dly e4stinn dpai corporation orguind under the laws of the State of MoAda, has all requisite .corporate power and ftathorlty , .carte -on its bus one as now conducted and to porrb= its oblZ tiowrs under W eementr aid each doc=ont corte�platod hereunder to w oh it -is .or wU be a paw. The Miami -CR&'ob" rdtcte all corrmuDity redavolDpluent aotivitios in the l devel�rpmentbaa .' (a) The City Shau wnt uue aotivltiee tl u�hout the City, emoopt as pxuvicbd in this Agreemwat, (cl) This Agreement; has been d* anthovized by all rtooesaary aa&d oA the part of, -anal baja been, or will be, duly o i§cutred and. W.vara& by the City, and neither the exemtion and del ivory hereof, uor compliance with the toms omd prvvisknB hare'of, (i) requires the approval and eonvant of any other part'', except such as have been 4* obtai ed or es are s ee&ally- mated hernia, (ii) contravotes w._ existing law, Judgment, goyer=entg regulation or order applicable -to or bing on any indenture, mortgage,deed of trust, b=k Ioan or oredit a eomott,. apphaaWe ow es, iesolutions or, on: the date of the eemontr any other agreement or iustrument to wh eh the City is a ,party, or (Q. eontravenas or results in nny bromh of, or default unam aray other agreement to which the City im a party, air Ats in the aeation of any lleA -ox encumbrance upon M pxoperty of the City, i G; 4• Y4• (e� This Agreoment, when entered., conetitutes. a legal, valid, and binding obligatian of the City, enforceable agWrst tho City in acwtdance with the terms hereog except as such enibrceohffity. may be Iimit6d 'by public pohey or applicable betnkmptoy, insolvency or -similar -laws from timo to Ue in efrect which meet craditard rights generally and atabject to usual equitable pringiPlo-S in tho evelat that eq%*Lble remedies are iuvolved. 0 Thore are no -penffi n.g or, to the lmewledge of the City, throatoned actions or procoodings before any court or ad=, inistrative. agonoy of tho City, or agOzat any offirer of tho Cfty, which queatlon the Vandi.ty of this ..A:greeme t or any docament couteraplated hereunder, av which axe I&eiy in . ease, or i the aggrogate,, to i.ateriaBy adversely sect the censummatioa d the transaction. contemplated hereunder of tho financial v`ndidoa of the MY. .(g) The City sha)l confiiaus to fuM its obligations W deliver odd provide municipal Sorvaoes in the Redevalopmaiat Axaas, Upon tho ocu=Onee of a � coonfHat botween the Nam. CSA, and the Oity relative to the provision and.. dela-Very of aerviceo with the Iledevelopment .Areas, the dooWloa of the pity Attorney, shall Control. (h) The Oity encourages the Ntiaml ORA and agroos to assist the Ahami CRA, to the extont detcarar rood by the City Ma.n.agor, to .apply' fox d eee Mato, federal and aorvwxate ants and support. M To the extent permitted by law aad to the extent tber same shall not; violate ozy rule or regulation of any applicabla fading sauta�, the Mawi Cl ehall he able to seek funding from other-resouuroes .othor th.aa the #pity -tD suppoxt the Redevelopment planer I l,S Reprosentatious. orad Warranties and Covenants of the ORA The Mami M represmta .and warrants to the My that each of tho idHowing statonments is presa :tly true and avow te. (a) The Mazai CRA is a body corporate and pontic under tha laws of the State of Moxida, separate and distinct from tho Vity, has all requisite corporate payor and ftutlaority to oarry on it buug nerss as now oonduated and to porform its obligations ruder tufa ,Agreamont and, each doet=ant contemplated bare=dar to which it is or wM be'a pity, P This Aveetmont has been duly authori Ad by all na asari action on the ,part of, and has been, or will be, duly executod and delivered by the Miami GRA, and neither the execution and delivery hereof, nor compZisa00 with; the .terizo 12 and provi�dons hereof,(i) reclux a the approval antl von,soint of any +other. ply, except r , such as have bee4 duly obtained or as are opera' tally notsd howin, (i7 conti ravexioa any existing law, Judgmont, governmental .rule, rogdation .or order applicable to or binning on any ladenture, mortgage, deed of truat, bank loan or credit agreemoat, applicable or&naaces,..reaalutions or, on tho date -of this Agreement, y gather agreement or instrument to wWoh tha l ami ORA is a Part),w ar (M) contravenes or results in. my breach of, of default: under any other a,greement,to which tho Miami CRA is aper, at results in the cr'eafiDn of any lion or anm braace upon any p Pa'rt7 of tho ffiami CRA, (c) This Agreement, when entered:, eonstitutea a legal, valid tmd big. obligation of the MWM ORA, onforaeahle against the Mimi ORA in acwrdanoo with tha teas hereof, excopt as suchadorceabibity may be Hniftod by public pal r or applicable bankruptoy, ini'olvonoy ar aiwUar laws ftm t o to tuna in oft which n eat creditors' xight generally and subjort to usual agvitable :principles . the event that equitable remedies aro involved. (d) The Maxis, CSA slrall timely fu= or. cause to be fwd, ah of its 61ie�.'tx Ua heraun&x' (e) Uuxitig the 'term of this Agmement, the liar CRA shall .ruse to peoixr and to continuo to be in erect those agroomen.:ts, iustraente, and documents ' which. safe its reopon.$ibiliV n ader this .Agreement, (i? The Warm ORA ah,a4 provide ' to tho L"iv a, oopy of any applications wads•to obtain grants o£'moneys ;from rosourcea or entities, other than, the City, in lud ig the -Federal ver ent. (g) The Miami ORA, agrees to apply for state, -federal andr cp*orato grants .and. saxpport. XII - MISCELLANEOUS III Meeting Notices to City Men4ger, The Mar ai CRA sholxprovide the City Manager with notices. of an of Its .rf�grx ft. ' and. special board ameet% . l ', .... Entire A,gxea.rnon't This .Agreement, .its, sttaolmenta and a.ray . rblated agreements entered as provided herein Canstitate the entire a'gxeemsat-ofthe parties hareto. ; 12.3 Modification or (mdxoent This AgTeemerat may be -amended in writing by the =tuaf agreemant of the partioa, Xf any obligation of a parLy to Ws Agreement is ibund to be invalid, or if any one. or, more of the eavanants, a.greemertts or provisionz of this Ajraament should be held contrary to any express provision of law, or agaiust pubho pohey, or 44, for any reason whatsoeyer, be held' inv'aHd, then snch covenants, agreements ax provwio as- shaU be nuU axed void aid sh&Wbe deemed separate flaw the rem�g covenants, a eamants or provisions of thia Agra@mant, wMeh ahaaU remain in ial force and elect. 1215 Effective Bate This Agreement shaH .become 0eetive en the date on whi tW Agreement U @ exam&d, by the City read Hami Com, (fi) a,pproved,by tha Emovgeney Riumici d. Overg ght Board. appointed by the State of Florida, nand N) filed With the Clerk of the Circuit Ca t of -lean dada County, Moriaa, whichever is later;. and shall OiWira upon, te it atioie as provided iso Article 10 herec This Agxeemont shell dot be assigned by th.o Miami CRA, in whole -or in para, without tho prim' wriitton consent of the City, wb.ioh mW be withhold or conditioned, . the City's ° Bole &m*tion. ' 12.7 N6 bomber Llab%ty. No covonaut, stip tion, ,obligation or a,g�aemont eontaiwd herein &ham be deemed to be s covonant, stipulation, ebizption or ft&Teemeat of aljy present, or futta:re member of the gDveruing bony or g out -or mployoe ofthe City or the MiamiORA its, his/har or their individual capac ty, and neither the_ naerabors 'of 'the goveming body of the City or the Mami CRA, uor any official executing this Adz ement ail be liable personal or sham be auWbot to .any accotanbility for reason: of the oxecutioA by the City or the Nami GRA of this AgreemeAt or any act portairAng thereto. 122.E Notioes G It i�- Uuderetood and. a ;eed. between. the patios that waitten-notiag add sed to the Citi` Mannar or to the Executive director cf the Miami CR. and mafled, 14 4 I Cerdfiedirot n rewlpt, or hand &Hven•ed .to the address appaadug can page pane,(1) of i this AgrBeraent shall constitute sufRdtnt notice to ezthex paw, .9 Ooatrollhig Lave This Agreement sUU bs governed ''by ths. laws pf the $tate of Mork& Proper venue ibr 4ny pxoaeec� n s yertWWAg to this Agoament shd. be W �&,mi Dade IN WITNESS VVHHREDF, the partzss harew have enLgred into th%s interlocal Cooperation Agement.as of tho day and ye at first above.wrtten. MY OF 4 , FLORIDA By., : on;Ad WRhaw,. City Manapr " ti v P001nau, BY, Walton Fitiomma, City Cxsxk .dVH0VF4D AS TO YORM A, i In i t } LEGALur,FICIENcly Holland Wight LLP, Counsel hca EOPW CRA. F OMNI AM COMMMTY i R(,D)r 'OPM�� AGENCY , I ch a . y x0c 've r AV A W Wedtor Fwmiux, Oity Clark APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUNPICIENCY i aIn R, Bim isto 0mv 'CHA I I I al I 1 F 16 , I I I I h Legal Description. For C BIM + anunuWty RedBvialopmext Area Exhibit A Al that p rtio n W* the following listed record ,plat# ly ug with: a. the area bounded by FlorWaq Coast figh/y�/yt-of way on the theNortherly @rHut44 �yRailroad yt�h�rye �pTp'i��est�,, y hlyyghtyJc�f- yyp '!� a Une V0. 1-895 i. n �+he o7.I. h, thy! T1 bsta ��y shore o �.I.1ac yna Bay on INV Hast WL! -'d w 'the aautbar y right-of-way -of N.B. 20 Street an the Werth; P.19t: BID The Causeway FM 120 .FItstAdditiori to SeraAa Park 80 3 Hasubdivisnan of Pershing Court and-Valden Court 4 149 erana Park. 76 89 Pershing C uA. 4 141 Walden Comt 4 148 Walden Court met Ad&ffoa 6 23 Riclmers Addztioa Amended 4 149 ' Wlmbar Park Third Axnen6d 4 145 ' Win -door Park Second Amended 4 123 The Vim# La Pl, sauce A, 114 Boulev nd rflraot • . IDG 66. U'elehcr Oil Oc pany P-Toperty 34 29 The Gardon of Eden 4 1 Nalscn Villa ked Garden of Eden Restabdivigion, 9 174' 'a1aen Valla and Garden -of 9detl Agar traded 30 .20 eoded Map, oINelson MatSu division 4. 8.1 B%ecame lark Addition. Amended 4. 2 Rice and Sulvan Subdivision 4 64 "ended Plat- of Miramar Plaza 33 19 Mixamar Timed Amended 4 131ocayrne 1'a ik Addition 24, eplat of a Portion c£ Nelson'Villa Amended. 513 09 ,ASO Tract 21 Margaret face Pari ([Trl��a�tted� Coral Park 2 6 subdlviiiouoT Coral Park 4" 106 Gran& U)aion Repla.t 76 , 73 ` Mary' Bri6kell Subdivision , 3 D Windsor Park ' I I 3 147 A.I a m t awe xhi blt A ,C4ickmars ,A,ddition. A.me dad CJ' Alia Baldwin Addition r 1.19 Moe Baldwin -Jenny lid, & Oharlea P, Oxar 4diviasou.Amexxdod 8 87 Ward &'avlingla subdi'VWan' 4 1.851 Charles & O ar Voak 24 Amandod 3 1D1 Oharles E. Omar Mack 15 'Correoted 3 58 Alice 11a.ldwha Block I Corrected 8 49- Undasy Hopkina. Education Canter 84 .48 Heyn Prop.. Inc. lsubdivisl F 93 North Wiwi A 49 Y Lindsey 1'iopldnl; Educational Center North, Far inn Let 98 90 T.W. Palmers Reauhdivision 4 60 i -.T, Roplington Subdivision .'$ 97 0 ty of Miami Cemetery 2 16, San Jose 8 158 Wales Court .RuubciMsion. 32 80 Firs Station ,Site 1.372 98 42 eittaT Addition Amended 2 80 -Style Aowssorloa Subdivisiou 62 8 R,epUt ofiaot 2, Noz1h Miami i 67 69 Omni Tnternatioaal 102 a Plaza Venetia 107 91 Rox ld Fark 121 4 Bay Serena 7 " 185 Reolat of Johngen and Waddell 50 15 .Johnsoa and waddell. 8 U0 Jeff'orson Addition 108 .56 B o F" dera1 Plaza. First Addition 116 7 Amaended plat of Los Viohns 199 16 BlsWne Foderal Plaza Atondea 119 '77 Replat Biscayne Fedoral Plaza 103 60 And all that portion of any u1'S i4bdivrdod Janda lying wSection 86, Towilshi •'6c8 .South, Rango 41 Bast and. Section 31, `township 68 South, Rmige 42 East, lYiag within the area dafted. alcove, .wad all that) portion, of any streets avezuo, WVACO, gray, ay, drive, court, �laee, boulevard or alley lying within the area de ad above and any other subdivisiona, not hated, above, ly#ug within . + the .above 'defined. axea. S AM2 1 fthibit A Legal Description f Somtheast Overtown/Park West Community Radevolopment Area Area bounded geraera* by')Uwayne Boulevard on the East, 1,96 on the Wost, 1-395 on the North, and NDrth 51 Street an the South A -3- I i I tixhlbit TO OMB Circular A-10 C'Grants and. Cooperative A-greamouts, '4 ith State and Local Govetnments, as amended ed Auvst 0,1997) , I k i I r I i I r w I i I ' I • I I I r i i f i r I I I I � X41 �6�oe� vY i y , II F I ' S G6NTRACT 'REVIEW AND ANALYSIS FORM .r rrAr,H.StfPPCaR'iINGDOCUME,?+17 i)ATr: march 22, 29D.0 >F£PAW.'A01?NTMMSTGNI, CaWtr Un4y DewelapM=V, CONTACT PZV,90N/CONTACT NuMBZR' CONTRACTING ENTITY; ��t�l �rg� .� ��re�o�� �:�c� �es� �tr��tyx l�edewelrs�zxtexlt A�o�Gi�s• R.Eso-I.T. TION NUMBER(S), t1b/PR:0J='I` NUMBER,t �IrApp ioablej BUDGETARY INNFORM&TIDN: Ara, unds budgeted? MYES (ONO Ifyes, SaT RCE CIt FUNDS; Geneval Fltndy Commuaity Developrx "t A[;COt1NT con'Ecs) Tf gm, t futuded, is there %City rauc r requlr ent? []YES ENO AMOUNT: Are raittiabltrb ilunds Sud,geted? :0 YES 2 Nei Acogaitt code(s)t NJA TERMS OF CONTRACT., Elft t tiv � : Upon Drertsight Boartd approval Esoti.iating Mcruse,, if Any; N/A tCantrart'Petiod (q). October 1, 1999 , peAxalefas� (if any), for termination; Payment term : N/A Irg,tnm funded, list x srtxictiozxa:jrequirarnertre, if appiip-Wor '.�..,.,«..,.-�����.-r=rr<�me�na�.��r��swwex���,:���^�:A,:tsrs�•�rw.�t�::�.;,,'sa=.;a,am�r.:_��t,�'r:,r�,�.�,..�.:�•. 8i1M1 RV,,jD. SG•R1VTX0 OP CONTRACT OR AiGREEMENT 114thIS an eXtt�tasiortP [j YES 0 Iqo " IFYES, Mutual expenditures in previoutg.>eoRtrgot'k'eax; Summary%13t:seriptioa ofCniateaezAgrtcrmam; PMASE6H1ry. A.'�`i"ACHED JUSTIVIC&.TION•POkCONTRACT ORAGREEN NT (lnalade why it is widtd, co5+sa,iuoners if txr,t xuthocis Ld IC oppmved and 4 mt wrigtmintt, if oq.) 'Interldrud 00op{ ration agreerneylt 'betwee -Cho City oES+VllAmil and Comwari ty kedeve optarent Age.neies for dewelopmtenI41otiwfty w...."".. i1:^. �C�C�C PrK• n�,:n� � :: �M�7"1 L'.'r'��Y-. G5 `rJC WJd^. C Gt!°.C=�C:f+!-•'G"C.'1-�." CCG r. G GGb CG®CCC,CCGGG�."..'GGG��GCw'�.=L'= Talephvnc gv'otct, n single ill tGi,R�d 1WYitwo quoTu short'.torm Gomrw •Nagatittttsd llurdham Ts!km at Conttatt sold Swat (IIA61dG dadumeuts&n) Lwha clwor. 1 Bid WwVDr'(iai.'hde dme3MVwL60n) i;ormal 11id/propinsuf (include hulasian/p nrosul iiagkingj GSCYM�cr Cf x-�sa SRS #L^'v^ CCCe,M.^...W va,^ lW C R—e' 8>9 C'.�..� PiA'�'=%�1w"kaG'Pr.L'[E.^.' �'.e•.."»Ga c3'J' L"E'i"�f' {'25"'7.::G3"'«�...'Pn. PREVIOUS; AWARDS OF From most? ergot! Noce a.Fdr�;C'i 41f� nr 1�k;3t�Ft�'ll;t�t , City Mt rA.L: Z~ikSantini Qvsr'si�ht CITY OF MIAMI CITY ATTORNEY'S OrTWE SE MEMORANDUM TOx Ptisoitls. A, Thoinpon city clerk FROM Tlene'rmohin, Assistant CityA.tto-'�y DATE. Tim* 9, 2003 RE: Amen dmont No,1 to hilzrlocfll Cooperation Agrooment . CRA. Reco�r�4� R�tont�on Attached is the originally executod AmondrAeat No, 1 to the IntorlooW Coopmdon .Agroornent bd wow tho City of Mami, the Southonst Ovano lP ark --wast Cotmianxty Radevelopm mt A•gonoy and the Commudty Redevalopmwt Agnucy of the OPHA Area, dated, Miry. 13, 2003. &'ndly retain this Agr => t with then other originally exopted docummrs that you maintain for tine CRA. Pl a e cell tee. it yuan have any questi is z`epvrlizag tho attached. I'hankyou, { Attachmpam H c: Wriaik K. Roll"ars, Eur utivo Director, Conwkunity Reti"Ovolopmunt Agenoy ,T,am5a Villacorta, :A.ssi3tani City Attorney F CU. A] Lilt 10 ue�ntint;2•Thnntp�t�n�U�•ii9�03 z p UR�yr�.i� �I (y'p qy� � �■V+�� yy��Myy�� •��y ��r�g,Yl.�,� eY+.' � �µu,• �� yy@�1Y ild'C�'FiJ _l.fG0III0- XATI0 A�A��}.^�..1:lJlLA,[J.d:ll Y This A=,ndment is entered into this A day of _PA"j � , 2003 by and'botwoen tho City p�Nattii� s n`mttrlicipal corpor'tatitrn-of the State, -of Fjodda (the "City"), having offieos at 444 S.W. 2nd Avetxrao, Mami., Plorida 33130, the Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Rodevolopment A.ge oy (tire "SEOP MA_") and the Comaianity Redevel'apraont Agat cy of the 0mai Area (tho "Oinal CRA"), each a public body corporates grid polific.of the State - of I forlda, both raving oftes s at 30D Ujscayne Boulevard Way, Suite 430, NCarrrf, Ficsrida, 35,L91, The 0IVM CRA and the SEOPW CRA M ,jointly ttferred to as tho "WaW CRA", Vi'HERRAS, the City and the Miftmi CR.A, -elftrod into that certain .Irnterlooa.l ouperation Agreement, dated as of March 1, 2000 (the. "Agreemant"); and '4F EEREAS, put 4ant io Sa(;tion 4.2 df the Agreement, the City agreed to • provida ocaabn fffiancial support to the Hmml CPA', and 'WHEREAS, the City and the Miarrri CRA desire and agree to amond Th -o -Agreement to Clarify the provisions of"Soction 42 of the Agrooment as ho inafter prnvidod. NOW, 'I'.IMR11 0 , in con,sitleratf atr of the mutual coverranta h6reinai6 set ;forth and ix) cotisfdoratloii.df outer valuable consideration., the parties covenant and agree as follows,, 111 S-eo ioo 4.2 (o) of th s A reement is a.mendad to read as foliews: (c)apr. In -_ata.tn B7c: ergs s or eegwdl Pund $Up2or . Etre Base 'dear e d aach Visoal Year thoveafter through Scptetnr er 30, 2002, for operating posts Includhig the stdades mid benefits of; the. City employocs designutod on Fxhibit B hereto, and for rather staff pormonnd �orrtraotod fbr diroatly by the Miami C A not ex.cooding a Base Yoar ameunt of $3'70,900, ,unless agreed to by the City. E`Pfootive October 1, 20.02 for Piacrrll. Year 2002-20M and for each 11soal Year thereafter, $379.,900 slrali be providad by the City. to the Miami CRA from tbo City's General Fund. IN WITNESS WHEREOTF; the partles hereto have =Nutod this AmendalOM tri Che A,gros ent nn the, day 011d You Ara above written. AMST;�„ City oC atrai, a) ' eipal corpora' n of the 8t ' 0s Flo 'd�, P1486llla A, •'T'hoxr p J a iJrrl014 Cityclurk city Manager Approw" F and l jancleo vilare110 �ity'Attp���y e tSelV Comrraunity Rodevelrrp meat AMney j Priwilla A. Thain 'on City CkA Approved as to Form and Ca�-eotnesa: William R. Blum Special col)naol CRA.[n10Y100M ASI Amxtd1-42wl2-fl.I Frank'K, Rollasoo, Executive Director ' ComtY milty l: oduveiop ment Agency of the Omni Arca Etank lir Rollaswi, Executive Director i r