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Bid Responses
City of Miami A Invitation for Big! (IFB) »`M1 yI Procurement Department Miami' Riverside Center 444 SW 2nd Avenue, gu, Floor Miami, Florida 33130 Web Site Address: -,- , - - _ .. IFB`umber: 781382 Title: Invitation for Bid for City'vide SidewaIk Repair and Replacement Issue Date/Time: 06-,NLIAR-2018 IFBC1osing Date/Time: 27 -MAR -2018 C 14:00:00 Pre-Bid/Pre-ProposaI Conference: Voluntary Pre-Bid/Pre-Proposal Date/Time: March 17, 2018 at 10:00 a.m. Pre-Bid/Pre-Proposal Location: Cita of Miami 11RC 8th Floor North Conference Room, 444 SNN' 2nd Ave, Miami, FL 33130 Deadline for Request for Clarification: Contracting Officer: Hard Copy Submittal Location: Contracting Officer E -:Mail Address: Contracting Officer Facsimile: March 20, 2018 at :00 p.m. Gray, Tablia City of Miami - City Clerk 3500 Pan American Drive Miami FL 33133 US tgrayCmiamigov.com 305-400-5019 Pane I of 61 Certification Statement Please quote on this form. if applicable, net prices for the item(s) listed. Return signed oriyginal and retain a copy for your files. Prices should include all costs, includinz transportation to destination. The Cite reserves Elie right to accept or reject all or any part of this submission. Prices should be firm for a minimum of 180 days follovyinu the time set for clostn,, of the submissions. In the event of errors in extension of totals, the unit prices shall govem in detennining, the quoted prices. 'L'e (I) certify that we have read your solicitation, completed the necessary documents, and propose to furnish and deliVC, F.O.B. DESTINATIO\, the items or services specified herein. The undersigned hereby- certifies that neither the contractual party nor any of its principal owners or personnel have been convicted of any of the violations, or debarred or suspended as set in section IS- 107 or Ordinance No. 12 27 1. All exceptions to this submission have been documented in the section below (refer to paragraph and section). EXCEPTION'S: `t'i'e (I) certify that any and all information contained in this submission is true; and we (I) further certify that this submission is made wiihout prior understanding*, agreement, or connection with any corporation, firm, or person submitting? a submission for the same materials, supplies, equipment, or service, and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. We (I) agree to abide by all terns and conditions of this solicitation and certif-,- that I am authorized to si--n this submission for the submitter. Please print the following and sign your nanie: GPE ENGINEERING & GENERAL CONTRACTOR CORP PROPOSER ti.-1tE: 4730 NW 128TH ST, OPA-LOCKA, FL 33054 ADDRESS: 305-828-5307 305-828-5325 PHONE: FAX: BIDS@GPEENG.COM EMAIL: CELL(-O_p�t-ioonnal): ANTONIO REYES SIGHED BY:t-- PRESIDENT TITLE: `— DATE: 3/27/2018 F.-111,URE TO COMPLETE, SIGN, AND RETURN TRIS FORM Sit 11-1, DISQUMJF1' `C111S RESPONSE. Page 2 of 61 Certifications LeCual Namc of Finn: GPE ENGINEERING & GENERAL CONTRACTOR CORP Entity Type: Partnership, Sole Proprietorship. Corporation, etc. S CORPORATION Year Established: 1979 FEI EFN tio.: 59-1963236 Office Location: City of Miami, Miami -Dade County, or Other 4730 NW 128TH ST, OPA-LOCKA, FL 33054 Occupational ! Business License Number: CUC057061 / CGC061987 / E750 Occupational Business Licen c Issuing .-agency: STATE OF FLORIDA - DEPT OF BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL REGULATION Occupational / Business License Expiration Date: CUC/CGC [AUG 31, 2018] E750 [SEPT 30, 20191 Will Subcontractor(s) be used'? (Yes or No) If yes, provide Subcontractor(s) information on Attachment C - Subcontractors. The work performed by all Subcontractors listed cannot be more than fifteen percent (15",j) of the total work for this contract (a copy of their license(s) must be submitted with your bid response). NO Paue 3 of 61 Title: Citywide Sidewalk Repair & Replacement [FB Nu.: List of Subcontractors 781382 Completion of Form This form is initially to be completed and submitted with the IFB, listing all Subcontractors to be used under this Contract. This form is to be updated after award of the Contract as additional Subcontractors are added or changed. Submit additional pages as neceassary. Name of Firm Address Scope of Work Licenses Value of % ofWork Work Note: 1. The work performed by Subcontractor(s) listed cannot equal more than fiftenn percent (15%) of the total work for the Contract. 2. The foregoing list of Subcontractors may not be amended after award of the Contract without the prior written approval of the City's Project Manager identified in the Solicitation, whose approval will not be unreasonabley withheld_ Name of Proposer: GPE Engineering & General Contractor Corp Date: 3/27/2018 Name of Individual Completing Form: Antonio Reyes Signature: ��'� lFB 781382 Citywide Sidewalk Repair and Replace Attachment B: Reference Submittal Form GPE ENGINEERING & GENERAL CONTRACTOR CORP FIRM NAME: Reference Summarized Requirements: Refer to the details in Section 2 Special Conditions, (Paragraph Section 2.13 2.13 References) to verify that the information provided will suffice as proof of meeting the requirements of this solicitation. Past Performance Reference Check #1 Company/Organization Name: CITY OF HOLLYWOOD Address: 2600 HOLLYWOOD BLVD, HOLLYWOOD FL 33020 Contact Person: CLECE AURELUS Contact Phone Number and Email: 954-921`3930 CAURELUS@HOLLYWOODFL.ORG Date of Contract or Safe: AUG 14, 2013 Prime or Subcontractor: GPE ENGINEERING & GENERAL CONTRACTOR CORP Other (Description of Service, Total dollar value of Contract, etc.): WATERMAIN & ROADWAY J SIDEWALK RECONSTRUCTION. Past Performance Reference Check #2 Com an /Or anization Name: CITY OF CORAL GABLES Address: 405 <MORE WAY, CORAL GABLES FL 33134 Contact Person. NOEL POLO Contact Phone Number and Email: 305-460-5022 NPOLO@CORALGABLES.COM Contact E-mail if applicable): NPOLO@CORALGABLES.COM Date of Contract or Sale: MARCH 9, 2013 Prime or Subcontractor: GPE ENGINEERfNG & GENERAL CONTRACTOR CORP Other (Description of Service, Total dollar value of Contract, etc.): INSTALL FORCEMAIN ALONG WITH ROAD/SOEWALK RESTORATION Past Performance Reference Check #3 Company/Organization Name: CITY OF FLORIDA CITY Address: 404 WEST PALM DRIVE, FLORIDA CITY FL 33034 Contact Person: PEDRO GONZALEZ Contact Phone Number and Email. 305-597-0799 PGONZALEZ@BALJET.CONf Contact E-mail if applicable): PGONZALEZ@BALJET.COM Date of Contract or Sale: SEPT 25, 2015 Prime or Subcontractor: GPE ENGINEERING & GENERAL CONTRACTOR CORP Other (Description of Service, Total dollar value of Contract, etc.): ROADWAY / SIDEWALK RECONSTRUCTION. WATER. SEWER, DRAINAGE INSTALLATIONS 1 -no -s- Towillm 7;rtar: F111:221 ZVI, 2112 FI -2, sucorEvdvi 2-12 : 3 ::. _ _ _ _ _ l h ccunly: in is 1-_.,,v for .-w_-"'.j=._ 1_3_ L___ _ lies in all _z._:____- _: -..is is -` -' - ---_ EDS ---- -- --_ :l::- mus: Lay vaja - _= 10 `•--- will -.-._;:3:_,,.^:� '_L is is -- - `leas- _--._ 7t 1 E. _ ins in ---' _.._--------... __ - ---_iv.. :.. --' --- - -- and w=iznS indor __._ E0 is :. y -i a.,, -c_ ----'-FITM...................... ... .. ..:.<< _.. ---------------------------------------------------------------- a _es _ rinjw ........................5 __._ _..__ . _ _.-_. __ Tzrm iY=_ . . . . S 15.0 V . C'' 7 Z n =..---.. - G_.._ _..._.IY . . . . . . --j . . - -3.4... -- _--51-s- ------. C'__-. Slicer, .. _ , _ _ / v . i _ _ _ 1 • • • • • 1 1 M 0.03 . - Faker, Sh=Ker, Spreajor and -_--_-tutc ......................5 12.31 3.01 -.-.WFER: C:mmo.n or General ...... Z 1 D . F9 O A D -A-----•FLagger .................. 1Z..5333 -=.__---. 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S=2 112 - - - 1- S_ _..-.__a:as __-_ rat;: are =7±y _a__s Based on a ..-_�-s l a:9£ -2- 2a' nu_an_zn Cf rano= are no- majority rakes. indi�,_-,._vs its .,tats of T_ou.,_:..u. 2412 is ye3r of nn which - -toss class='1=a =_.:J onj Z9,'_e3 a_- Ln:c n_mj en-, 4G7 zags •dote ..- -----. - -- ---- _. = ay wag= rats ars no: updatei anJ _-_...- in in Me= until a now survey is Condonoej. -_n Fa__ IJen!:_:_ars -----_. _...d=_ one t' V'S i =..2222_ - indicate ---a- n: E_: f_ 70f -_ = �o _ :...y_- _._.!_n data. UAVS-OH-GJ1•Q -2121.314. -_ _..-.___-=s that th_a--e is a weighted union rate. OH=..-.__a_es the sta7o. The next number, ©010 in o example, is an in7arnal nu:ho- L_-3 in producing the wage -__..._..:___n. Q` CO -:1: ir..._-__=_ nines__n=- _ample*ion date _S_.. year, -- -_ ---_ a -- ' —V 1. Has =..___ been an 1_____al d_�isior_ in the matter? 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CERTIFICATION REGARDING LOBBYING The undersigned certifies, to the best of his,'her knowledge, that: 1. No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, by or on behalf of the undersigned, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of an agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any Federal contract, the making of any Federal grant, the making of any Federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement. 2. If any funds other than Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officers or employee of Congress, or an employee or a Member of Congress in connection with this Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement, the undersigned shall complete and submit Standard Form, LLL, "Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying," in accordance with its instructions. 3. The undersigned shall require that the language of this certification be included in the award documents for all subawards at all tiers (including subcontracts, subgrants, and contracts under grants, loans, and cooperative agreements) and that 11 subrecipients shall certify and disclose accordingly. This certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was made or entered into. Submission of this certification is a prerequisite for making or entering into this transaction imposed by 31, U.S.G. § 1352 (as amended by the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995). Any person who fails to file the required certification shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10,000 and not more than $100,000 for each such failure. GPE ENGINEERING & GENERAL The Contractor, CONTRACTOR CORP , certifies or affirms the truthfulness and accuracy of each statement of its certification and disclosure, if any. In addition, the Contractor understands and agrees that the provisions of 31, U.S.C. § 3801 et seq., apply to this certification and disclosure, if any. Signature of -Contra is riz�� Official Name and Title of Contractor/Contractors Authorized Official ANTONIO REYES - PRESIDENT Date: 03/27/2018 ATTACHMENT E CITY OF MIAMI LIVING WAGE ORDINANCE ARTICLE X. - LIVING WAGE REQUIREMENTS FOR SERVICE CONTRACTS AND CITY EMPLOYEES?' Footnotes: --- (9) --- Sec. 18-556. - Definitions. City means the government of the City of Miami or any authorized agents, any board, agency, commission, department, or other entity thereof, or any successor thereto. Contract means any contract to provide services to the city in which the total value of the contract exceeds $100,000.00 per year. Contractor means any "for profit" individual, business entity, corporation, partnership, limited liability company, joint venture, or similar business entity which meets the following criteria: (1) The contractor is paid in whole or part from one or more of the city's general funds, capital project funds, speciai revenue funds, or any other funds, including, but not limited to, grants, donations, and the like, whether by competitive bid process, requests for proposals, or some other form of competitive solicitation, negotiation, or agreement, or any other decision to enter into a contract; and (2) The contractor is engaged in the business of or part of a contract to provide services for the benefit of the city. This section shall apply to employees of the contractor who spend the majority of their time on covered City of Miami service contracts. If the contract is for both goods and services it shall only apply to the services portion of such contract. This section shall not apply to contracts which are primarily for the sale or leasing of goods. Goods are defined in section 18-73 of the City Code. Covered employee means anyone employed by the city working more than 35 hours per week or any service contractor employee, working full or part-time, with or without benefits, that is invofved in providing services under the service contractor's contract with the city. Covered employer means the city and any and ail service contractors and subcontractors of a service contractor. Living wage means a wage that is as defined in section 18-557 of this Code. The living wage may be adjusted once annually by an amount equivalent to the cost of living adjustment for Miami -Dade County as published by the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. Language so stating will be included in all request for proposals, or other competitive solicitation documents, issued by the city for the procurement of services (unless the living wage provisions are excluded as provided in section 18-557 herein). New service contracts means those having contracts competitively so{icited and awarded on or after January 1, 2017. Page 1 Service contract means a contract to provide services to the city excluding, however, professional services as defined by the "Consultants Competitive Negotiation Act" set forth in F.S. § 287.055, and section 18-87 of the City Code and/or the other exclusions provided by secticn 18-557 of the City Code. (Ord. No. 12787, § 2, 4-6-06; Ord. No. 13648, § 2, 11-17-16) Sec. 18-567. - Living wage. (a) Living wage paid. (1) New service contractors. All new service contracts shall pay to all its employees who provide covered services a living wage of no less than $15.00 per hour without health benefits; or a wage of no fess than $13.19 an hour with health benefits as defined in this section unless otherwise excluded pursuant to this article. (2) Existing service contracts. Service contracts awarded and effective or competitively solicited prior to January 1, 2017, shall not be subject to the payment of the living wage set forth in this section and shall continue to be governed by the terms and conditions of the respective solicitation and resulting contractual documents, when applicable. (3) The living wage provisions shall apply to all contracts covered by this section unless specifically excluded by one or more subsections below a. The living wage provision is disallowed by a federal or state law or regulation, grant requirements, or by a contract the city is accessing by "piggybacking", and which contract does not include a living wage provision; b. Funding sources for the contract disallow the living wage provision or provide contradictory funding requirements, or are contained in a contract awarded or solicited prior to the effective date of January 1, 2017, and which contract includes renewals or extensions; C. Professional service contracts awarded under the "Consultants Competitive Negotiation Act", F.S. § 287.055, for the professional services within the scope of the practice of architecture, professional engineering, landscape architecture, registered surveying, and/or mapping,- d. apping;d. The living wage provision is waived by the city commission by resolution, prior to issuance of the competitive solicitation document, upon written recommendation of the city manager or authorized designee, when the city commission finds it is in the best interest(s) of the city to approve such waiver, in which case the living wage provision shall not apply in the competitive solicitation document; or e. Ail responsible wage construction contracts covered by section 18-120 of this Code. (4) City employees. For covered employees of the city, the city will begin to pay the living wage on a phase- in basis over a nine-year period beginning with the 2006-2007 city budget year to be implemented in the 2014-2015 fiscal year. The city manager, in his sole discretion, without further city commission approval, shall have the option to consider whether it is in the city's best interest to complete the phase-in payment of living wage to city employees on a four-year period. Thereafter, the living wage to be paid by the city shall be subject to negotiations within the collective bargaining structure. (b) Health benefits; eligibility period. For a covered employer to comply with this article by choosing to pay the lower wage scale available when a covered employer also provides a standard health benefit plan, such health benefit plan shall consist of a payment of at least 51.81 per hour toward the provision of health benefits for covered employees and their dependents and shall be approved by the city. If the health benefit plan of the covered employer requires an initial period of employment for a new employee to be eligible for health benefits (the "eligibility period"), a covered employer may qualify to pay the $13.19 per hour wage scale for a term not to exceed the new employee's eligibility period, provided the new empioyee will be paid health benefits upon completion of the eligibility period, which period shall not exceed 90 days. (c) Certification required before payment. Any and all service contracts subject to this article shall be void, and no funds may be released, unless prior to entering any such contract with the city, the service contractor certifies to the city that it will pay each of its covered employees no less than the living wage. A copy of this Page 2 certificate must be made available to the public upon request. The certificate, at a minimum, must include the following: (1) The name, address, and phone number of the employer, a contact person, and the specific project for which the service contract is sought; (2) The amount of the service contract and the city department the contract will serve. (3) A brief description of the project or service provided; (4) A statement of the wage levels for all covered employees; and (5) A commitment to pay all covered employees the living wage. (d) Observation of other laws. Every covered employee shall be paid without subsequent deduction or rebate on any account (except as such payroll deductions as are directed or permitted by law or by a collective bargaining agreement). The service contractor shall pay covered employees wage rates in accordance with federal and all other applicable laws such as overtime and similar wage laws. (e) Posting. A copy of the living wage rate shall be kept posted by the service contractor subject to this article. at the site of the work in a prominent place where it can easily be seen and read by the covered employees and shall be supplied to such employees within a reasonable time after a request to do so. Additionally, service contractors subject to this articie, shall furnish a copy of the requirements of this article to any entity submitting a bid for a subcontract on any service contract subject to this article. Posting requirements will not be required where the service contractor subject to this article, prints the following statements on the front of the covered employee's first paycheck and every six months thereafter. "You are required by the City of Miami Living Wage Ordinance to be paid a living wage. If you do not believe you are being paid at the living wage rate, contact your employer, an attorney, or the City of Miami." All notices will be printed in English, Spanish and Creole. (f) Collective bargaining. Nothing in this article shall be read to require or authorize any service contractor subject to this article, to reduce wages set by a collective bargaining agreement or as required under any prevailing wage law. (Ord. No. 12787, § 2, 4-6-06; Ord, No. 13110, § 2, 10-22-09; Ord. No. 13405, § 2, 9-26-13; Ord. No. 13648, § 2, 11-17-16) Sec. 18-558, - implementation. (a) Maintenance of payroll records. Each service contractor to which living wage requirements apply, as described in this article, shall maintain payroll record for all covered employees and basic records relating thereto and shall preserve them for a period of three years from the date of termination or expiration of the service contract. The records shall contain: (1) The name and address of each covered employee; (2) The job title and classification, (3) The number of hours worked each day; (4) The gross wages earned and deductions made; (5) Annual wages paid; (6) A copy of the social security returns and evidence of payment thereof; (7) A record of fringe benefit payments including contributions to approved plans; and (8) Any other data or information the city shall require from time to time. (b) Reporting payroll. Every six months. the service contractor to which living wage requirements apply, as described in this article, shall file with the city's procurement director a listing of all covered employees together with a certification of compliance with this article. Upon request from the city, the service contractor shall produce for inspection and copying its payroll records for any or all of its covered employees for any Page 3 period covered by the service contract. The city may examine payroll records as needed to ensure compliance. (Ord. No. 12787, § 2, 4-6-06; Ord. No. 13110, § 2, 10-22-09) Sec. 18-559. - Compliance and enforcement. (a) Service contractor to cooperate. The service contractor shalt permit city employees, agents, or representatives to observe work being performed at, in or on the project or matter for which the service contractor has a contract. The city representatives may examine the books and records of the service contractor relating to the employment and payroll of covered employees and may survey covered employees to determine if the service contractor is in compliance with the provisions of this article. (b) Complaint procedures and sanctions. An employee who believes that he/she is a covered employee of a service contractor and that the service contractor is or was not complying with the requirements of this article has a right to file a complaint with the procurement director of the city. Such complaints may be made at any time and shall be investigated within a reasonable period of time by the city. Written and oral statements by any such employee shall be treated as confidential and shall not be disclosed without the written consent of the employee to the extent allowed by the Florida Statutes. (c) Private right of action against service contractor. Any covered employee or former covered employee of a service contractor may, instead of utilizing the city administrative procedure set forth in this article, but not in addition to such procedure, bring an action by filing suit against the service contractor in any court of competent jurisdiction to enforce the provisions of this article and may be awarded back pay, benefits, attorney's fees, and costs. The applicable statute of limitations for such a claim will be two years as provided in F.S. § 95.11(4)(c) as may be amended from time to time for an action for payment of wages. The court may also impose sanctions on the service contractor, including those persons or entities aiding or abetting the service contractor, to include wage restitution to the affected covered employee and damages payable to the covered employee in the sum of up to $500.00 for each week the service contractor is found to have violated this article. (d) Sanctions against service contractors. For violations of this article, the city shall sanction a service contractor by requiring the service contractor to pay wage restitution at its expense for each affected employee. The city may also sanction the service contractor in at least one of the following additional ways: (1) The city may impose damages in the sum of $500.00 for each week for each covered employee found to have not been paid in accordance with this article; (2) The city may suspend or terminate payment under the service contract or terminate the contract with the service contractor; and (3) The city may declare the service contractor ineligible for future service contracts for three years or until all penalties and restitution have been paid in full, whichever is longer. In addition, any employer shall be ineligible for a service contract where principal officers of such employer were principal officers of a service contractor who has been declared ineligible under this article. (4) If the contract has been awarded under the city procurement ordinance, the city may debar or suspend the contractor as provided therein. (e) Public record of sanctions. All such sanctions recommended or imposed shall be a matter of public record. (f) Sanctions for aiding and abetting. The sanctions contained in this article shall also apply to any party or parties aiding and abetting in any violation of this article. (g) Retaliation and discrimination barred. A service contractor shall not discharge, reduce the compensation, or otherwise discriminate against any covered employee for making a complaint to the city, or otherwise asserting his or her rights under this article. participating in any of its proceedings or using any civil remedies to enforce his or her rights under this article. Allegations of retaliation or discrimination, if found true fn a city administrative proceeding or by a court of competent jurisdiction, shall result in an order of restitution and reinstatement of a discharged covered employee with back pay to the date of the violation or such other relief as deemed appropriate. Page 4 (h) Remedies herein non-exclusive. No remedy set forth in this article is intended to be exclusive or a prerequisite for asserting a claim for relief to enforce the rights under this article or in a court of law. This article shall not be construed to limit an employee's right to bring a common law cause of action for wrongful termination. (Ord. No. 12787, § 2, 4-6-06; Ord. No. 13648, § 2, 11-17-16) Sec. 18-560. - Employers receiving direct tax abatement or subsidy, The city reserves the right to impose the living wage requirements of this article on or after January 1, 2017 on any employer as a condition of that employer receiving a direct tax abatement or subsidy from the city. (Ord. No. 13648, § 2, 11-17-16) Secs. 18-561-18-599. - Reserved. Page 5 • `\� . 1/ - ~ X0...7 �� ,• n l,:14 r�rHs �' �\7•.. r CITY OF MIAMI LOCAL OFFICE CERTIFICATION (City Code, Chapter 18, Article III, Section 18-73) Solicitation Type and Number: 7-1 � 3 ---!:P 3 (i.e. IFQ'IFB.RFR FQ RFLINo. I23456) Solicitation Title: 6.1`y w d� 'a" CGS (k (Bidder Proposer) hereby certifies compliance with the Lacal Offrce requirements stated under Chapter I KArticle III, Section 18-73, of the Code of the City of Miami. Florida, as amended. Local office nteans a business within the city which meets all of the following criteria: (1) Has had a staffed and fired office or distribution point, operating within a pernianent structure with a yerihable street address that is located within the corporate limits of the city, for a minimum of twelve ([) months immediately preceding the date bids or proposals were received for the purchase or contract at issue; for put -poses of this section, "staffed" shall mean verifiable, full-time, on-site employment at the local office for a rninimum of forty (40) hours per calendar Nteek, whether as a duly authorized employee, officer, principal or owner of the local business; a post office box shall not be sufficient to constitute a local office within the city; (2) If the business is located in the permanent structure pursuant to a lease, such lease must be in writing, for a term of no less than twelve (12) months, been in effect for no less than the twelve (12) months immediately preceding the date bids or proposals were received, and be available for revic«- and approval by the chief procurement officer or its designee; for recently -executed leases that have been in effect for any period less than the twelve (12) months immediately- preceding the date bids or proposals were received, a prior fully -executed lease within the corporate limits of the city that documents, in ,vriting, continuous business residence within the corporate limits of the city for a term of no less than the twelve (12) months immediately preceding the date bids or proposals were received shall be acceptable to satisfy the requirements of this section, and shall be available for review and appro-,-al by the chief procurement officer or its designee; further requiring that historical, cleared rent checks or other rent payment documentation in writing that documents local office tenancy shall be available for review and approval by the chief procurement officer or its designee; (3) IIas had, for a minimum of twelve (12) months immediately preceding the date bids or proposals were received for the purchase or contract at issue, a current business tax receipt issued by both the city and. Miami - Dade County, if applicable; and (4) Has had, for a minimum of twelve (12) months immediately preceding the date bids or proposals mere received for the purchase or contract at issue, any license or certificate of competency and certificate of use required by either the city or %liami-Dade County that authorizes the performance of said business operations; and (i) Has certified in w iting its compliance with the foregoing at the time of submitting its bid or proposal to be eli,ible for consideration under this section; provided, however, that the burden of proof to provide all supporting documentation in support of this local office certification is borne by the business applicant submitting a bid or proposal. 1 FORfat-City of Miam Local Office Certification 7/22/2013 PLEASE PROVIDE THE FOLLONVE G INFORMATION: Bidder Proposer Local Office address. Dees Bidder'Proposer conduct verifiable, full- time, on-site employment at the local office El YES ❑ NO for a minimum of forty (40) hours per calendar week" If Bidder Proposer's Local Office tenancy is pursuant to a lease, has Bidder Proposer ❑ YES ❑ NO ❑ N/A enclosed a copy of the lease`.' City of Miami: ❑ YES ❑ NO ❑ Exempt Cite Exemption: Has Bidder Proposer enclosed a copy of the Business Tax Receipt (BTR) issued by the City of Miami and Miami -Dade County'. Nliami-Dade County: ❑ YES ❑ NO ❑ Exempt Cite Exemption: Has Bidder,'Proposer enclosed a copy of the license, certificate of competency and certificate of use that authorizes the ❑ YES n l_J NO performance of Bidder-Proposer's business operations? Bidder/Proposer's signature below certifies compliance with the Local requirements stated under Chapter 18/Article III, Section 18-73, of the Code of the Cite of Miami, Florida, as amended.. Print Name (Bidder, Proposer Authorized Representative) Si,,nature FORIbt-City of Miami Local Office Certification 7/22/2013 Date STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF Certified to and subscribed before me this day of 20 , by (NOTARYSEAL) Personally Knoti,,n TyPc of Identification Produced FORM -City of Miami Local Office Certification 7/22/2013 Si-rnature of Notar-v Public -State of Florida (Name of Notary Tvped. Printed. or Stamped) OR Produced Identification 1FB 781382 Citywide Sidewa —R p it and Replace Attachment G - Federally Feuded Projects Price Sheet Line No. Pay Item Description Unit Unit Cost Quantity Total Cost Install standard 4 -inch, 3,000 psi concrete sidewalk, ramp and sidewalk Z landing, including tree root and branch trimming, tree root removal and Square $g 42 200,000 5684,000.00 restoration of the area. Fort Install standard 6 -inch 3,000 psi concrete sidewalk/ driveway, ramp and 2 sidewalk Landing including tree trimming, tree root removal and re SF000te $4.10 100.000 5410,000.00 restoration of the area. Remove and dispose of concrete sidewalk (4" or 6" thick concrete or 3 any thickness of sidewalk or asphalt pavement), more or less, at any Square $0.53 300,000 $159,00000 "ocaticn, Foot Standard or depressed concrete curb (any type), more or less, nrluding removal and disposal of existing curb or curb and gutter, base 4 Linear $19-56 5,000 $97.800.00 raration and including adjacent pavement restoration, if necessary, Foot as per Misc. 35-85-22. Standard concrete curb and gutter (any type), more or less, including emoval and disposal of existing curb or curb and gutter, base 5 Linear $29.42 5,000 3147,100.00 preparation and including adjacent pavement restoration, if necessary, Foot as Der Misc. 35-85-22. Standard concrete valley gutter (any type, any size), more or less, including removal and disposal of existing valley gutter, curb or 6 Linear $24'09 5,000 $120,450.00 concrete gutter, base preparation and including adjacent pavement Foot restoration, if necessary. as per Misc, 35-85-22. 7 Provide and install water meter boxes located in sidewalk to be Each $313.33 50 $15,666.50 repfaced, at any location as approved by City Engineer, Type "S -III" asphaltic concrete surface course including bituminous Square 8 tack coat, as noted in these specifications, as approved by Clty $16'87 5,000 $84,350.00 Engineer. Yard 3- inch thick compacted limerock base with primer oil surface including 9 necessary clearng and grading. as noted in these specifications, as Square $12.74 500 $6,370.00 approved by Citi Engineer. Yard Install St. Augustine Solid Sod in place, if necessary, including planting Square 10 soil, gradirg, leveling of the Swale area and top dressing, as approved $8.29 2.000 $16,580.00 t)y City Engineer- n ineer.Erect( Foot Erect;stake and brace fallen trees/palms, any size, including all 11 appurtenances on an "as needed" basis at locations citywide, close to Each $201.56 50 $10,078.00 the project location. Standard 6 -inch concrete driveway approach, more or less, including removal and disposal of existing concrete/asphalt driveway approach, 12 Square $8.17 1.000 $8.170.00 tree trimming, tree root trimming, tree root removal and restoration of Foot the area at any citpvide location. 13 Provide and install traffic signal pull boxes located in sidewalk to be Each $1,276.50 10 $12,765.00 replaced, if necessa . at any cit lde location. Prepare 6 -inch sub base for locations where there are no existing Square 14 sidewalks, including clearing and grading, new fill material, compaction Foot $0.54 2,000 $1.080.00 and leveling of the area. etc. Remove existing asphalt, concrete or sod at Swale areas, clearing and grading to 6 -inches lower than face of sidewalk/ curb including survey rk for new elevations. Filling the swale area with 6- inches of clean 15 s.;,tabfe material, including but not limit to compaction and leveling Square $1'37 2,000 $2.740.00 around the pruned roots. grade to CONI PW Standards, placement of Foot sod or asphaltic pavement as applicable, and maintenance the valley drainage area in order to properly adjust rain water flow into existing catch basins as per IVlisc. 35-85-27, 16 Install (cast in place) detectable warning pads, per Misc. 35-85-22. Each $268.73 250 $67,182.50 Pemove and reset existing standard brick pavers, including removal of -2xisting bricks. reworking the sand base, adding new sand, etc., Square 1 i :learing and grading, tree trimming, tree root removal, new fill material, $1.93 5.000 $9,650.00 ompaction and leveling of the area, etc. and resetting the existing Foot pricks in same area. at any location citywide. New standard brick pavers installation, including removal of existing broken bricks, reworking the sandy base, adding new sand, etc., Square 13 :tearing and grading, tree trimming, tree root removal, new fill material, $6 97 5,000 $34,850.00 compaction and leveling of the area, utility rim border, etc., and Foot ~sa'firo new brick pavers. at any location citywide. Tipical 4'x4', more or less, 6'x12" concrete pfanter,'header for those ocations where the plan ters,'headers are damaged or non existing and Linear 13 rcated where the brick sidewalk will be installed/ reset including Foot $21.15 1,000 $21,150.00 :learing and grading, tree trimming, tree root removal, new fill material, :ompaction and leveling of the area, etc. at any rotation citywide. 20 Install root guard per PIN Bulletin No. 33. Linear $67.19 500 ; 3 505.00 Foot Remove and dispose of tree stumps, including roots, any size at 21 various locations if necessary, at any location as approved by City Each $335.92 it, $3,359.20 Engineer. Concrete sidewalk grinding to be used only as a temporary measure to Linear 22 fix uneven sidewalk. Contractor must provide its own water for dust $26.00 1,000 $26,000.00 control. Foot 23 ISPECIAL PROVISION = Contingency Allowance 550.000.00 Total Bid $2,021,936.20 lFB 781382 Citywide Sidewalk Repair and Replace Attachment H - Non -Federally Funded Projects Price Sheet Line No. Pay Item Description Unit Unit Cost Quantity Total Cost Install standard 4 -arch, 3.000 psi concrete sidewalk, ramp and sidewa k 1 landing, including tree root and branch trimming, tree root removal and Square 53.44 200,000 5688,000 OO restoration of the area. Foot Install standard 6 -inch 3,000 psi concrete sidewalk/ driveway, ramp and Square 2 sidewalk landing including tree trimming, tree root removal and 54.11 100,000 $411,000.00 restoration of the area. Foot Remove and dispose of concrete sidewalk (4•' or 6" thick concrete or 3 any thickness of sidewalk or asphalt pavement), more or less, at any Square $0.51 300,000 5153,Ofl0.OD location. Foot Standard or depressed concrete curb (any type), more or less, including 4 removal and disposal of existing curb or curb and gutter, base Linear $19.15 5,000 $95,750.00 preparation and including adjacent pavement restoration, if necessary, Foot as per Misc, 35-85-22. Standard concrete curb and gutter (any type), more or less, including 5 removal and disposal of existing curb or curb and gutter, base Linear 5,000 $144,400.00 preparation and including adjacent pavement restoration, if necessary. Foot as per Misc. 35-85-22. Standard concrete valley gutter (any type, any size), more or less, 6 ncluding removal and disposal of existing valley gutter, curb or Linear $23.69 5,000 $118,450.00 concrete gutter, base preparation and including adjacent pavement Foot restoration, if necessary. as per Misc. 35-85-22. 7 Provide and install water meter boxes located in sidewalk to be Each $311.66 50 $15,583.00 replaced, at any location as approved by City Engineer, $ Type "S -III" asphaltic concrete surface course including bituminous tack Square $16.67 5,000 $83,350.00 coat, as noted in these specifications, as approved by City Engineer. Yard 8- inch thick compacted limemck base with primer oil surface including Square 9 necessary clearing and grading, as noted in these specifications, as $12.61 500 $6,305.00 a oroved by Citt Engineer, Yard Install St. Augustine Solid Sod in place, if necessary, including planting 10 soil, grading, leveling of the Swale area and top dressing, as approved Square $8.33 _' : ; : 516,660.00 b Ci Engineer. Fcet Erect/ stake and brace fallen trees palms, any size, including all 11 appurtenances on an "as needed' basis at locations citywide, close to Each $201,29 50 $10,06450 the project location. Standard 6 -inch concrete driveway approach, more or less, including 12 removal and disposal of existing concretelasphalt driveway approach, Square $8.11 1,000 $8,110.00 tree trimming, tree root trimming, tree root removal and restoration of Foot the area at any citywide location, 13 Provide and install traffic signal pull boxes located in sidewalk to be Each $1,274.86 10 $12,748.60 replaced, if necessary, at any citvwlde location. -0 ---ware 6 -inch sub base for locations where there are no existing 1.1 sidewalks, including clearing and grading, new fill material, compaction Square $0.53 2,000 51,060.0 and leve{in of the area. etc. Foot Remove existing asphalt, concrete or sod at swale areas, clearing and ;rading tc 6 -inches lower than face of sidewalk/ curb including survey ,vork for new elevations. Filling the swale area with 6- inches of clean 15 suitable material, including but not limit to compaction and leveling Square S1.34 2,00C $2,680.00 around the pruned roots, grade to COM PW Standards, placement of Foot i3phaitic pavement as applicable, and maintenance the valley rainage area in order to properly adjust rain water flow into existing catch basins as per Misc. 35-85-27. 16 Install (cast in place) detectable warning pads, per Misc. 35-85-22. Each $268.39 250 567,097.50 Remove and reset existing standard brick pavers, including removal of existing bricks, reworking the sand base, adding new sand, etc., 17 clearing and grading, tree trimming, tree root removal, new fill material, Square $1.80 5,000 $9,450.00 compaction and leveling of the area, etc. and resetting the existing Foot bricks in same area. at any location citywide. New standard brick pavers installation, including removal of existing broken bricks, reworking the sandy base, adding new sand, etc., 18 clearing and grading, tree trimming, tree root removal, new fill material, Square $6.92 5,000 $34,600.00 compaction and leveling of the area, utility rim border, etc., and Foot 11 installing new brick pavers. at any location citywide. Typical 4'x4', more or less, 6"x12" concrete plantertheader for those locations where the plantersrheaders are damaged or non existing and 19 located where the brick sidewalk will be installed/ reset including LinearFoot $20.74 1,000 $20,740.00 clearing and grading,. tree trimming, tree root removal, new fill material, compaction and leveling of the area, etc. at any location citywide. 20 Install root guard per PVJ Bulletin No. 33, Linear $67.10 500 $33,550.00 Foot -Remove and dispose of tree stumps, including roots. any size at various 21 Each $335.4? 53.354.90 ocations if necessanr, at any location as approved by City Engineer, Concrete sldew3lk grinding to be used only as a temporary measure to 22 fix uneven sidewalk. Contractor must provide its own water for dust Linear $25.97 1,000 $25,970,00 control. Foot 23 SPECIAL PROVISION = Contingency Allowance $50,000.00 L. Total Bid $2,011,923.50 -v" f STiATE OF FLORIL DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL RcGULATI0�1 CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY LICENSING BOARD 1940 NORTH MONROE STREET TALLAHASSEE FL 32399-0783 REYES ,=.N T CN!0 G P E EIiGNEEFING & GENEF?Al_ CONTRACTOR CCRP 16742 N` V 73 CT VAM1 LAKES FL 3301 Cli';",h ti 's Il_-_ - --'y' u tecome one Cf t�e res,ly .,'I cn"1=ri rims ii_= :f'e Dme_pa,trr.rnt of Eusir,ess ar_. busire3sas fr - -. - r� r:�x�rs to Garuvc,ue 3tr-rg Eve{ -y day lx.y .- . K tU _ :1:G CL15fless in order to se6-Je you l;a,;er. f c:r ill' . _ . :.. _F Sep . - —3Se Icgortowvaw.myfloddaiicens-2.c:-r- T yvu ' i, re irfor:ration at -out our divi_icr' you SL;t.SCfit? t" d_-Par:r;dr. the Department's initiatives Our rriss,an at tFe Deparment is Fa'r'.y We constartly stri• e to s=rve y -u te::ar s. can serve your Customers, Thank you for doing eusire : orda, and congratuiator.s on your new li ;ens=•. RICK SCOTT, GGVERNI R (353) 437-1395 s., STATE OF FLORIDn kr� • DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION CUCC57061 ISSUED- 06/27/2016 CERT UNDERGROUND & EXCAV CNTR REYES ANTONIO G P E EINC-1-iEERING & GENERAL CONTRA 3S CERTI=IED :,:.:s .,'s :,+ C di! FS DE TACH H=RE k ='4 L.a'n,'SON. SECRETARY STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY LICENSING BOARD``• R- - J. CUC057061 The UNDERGROUND UTILITY & EXCAVATION CO Named below IS CERTIFIED Under tl,e provisions o- Cna `ar 489 FS. Expiration date: AUG 31, 7018 r` .g REYES, ANTONIO r �•r'•'�-; I G P E ENGINEERING & GENERAL CONTRACTOR CORP 10742 NW78 CT MIAMI LAKES FL 33016 ��, .4 ISSUED G3,27 2013 DISPLAY AS REQUIRED BY LAW SEQ # i tuGo2%CuOun y `,4._�; 5 STATE OF FLOI?IL DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION = Jf� CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY LICENSING BOARD :.-,,..;. 1940 NORTH MONROE STREET TALLAHASSEE FL 32399-0783 REYES ANTONIO G P E ENGENEERING & GENERAL CONTRACTOR CORP 13742 NAV 78 CT Mle"0,11 LAKES FL 33016 C - : = rearly -ess and -s rarg•s fr_ Ii -, (250) 487-1395 STATE OF FLORIDA �t DrPARTP:1ENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION EJerf ml:i order CGC031987 ISSUED: 06/2712016 to sure you i::::i=orirccr�-a _ _._-_: =... :_ ;n,•_- �as•a log onto wwN,myfloridalicensa.c- m. ::i car j more CERTIFIED GENERAL CONTRACTOR irformatior. atoms _ -. , . tha: •pa:;t REYES, ANTC—+110 yotl. SJbS0, ite td _. - : - _- 'I me about G F E EN,01N Er ING & GENERAL CONTRA the Department's iritiauves. Our mission at t"e Department is: License Eff�Cien ly Regulate Fairly V;e ccrstar tly striae to sere yru b=t*er so that you can serve your customers. Thark y3,-; for doing business in Florda. and congratula"ons on your ne:,r li RICK S_OTT, GOVEP°<'"F IS CERTIFIES 3f Cn 433 Fa' cep+-a;•en 7a,a Ku=�. �: _ L•.: s.:- DETACH HERE KEN LAWSON, SECRETARY STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY LICENS{NG BOARS] �FGCQ6 1 S37 The GENERAL CONTRACTOR. Named below IS CERTIFIED - Under the provis:ors of Chapter 439 'FS- Expiration date' AUG 31. 2013 4.l-M� REYES. ANTONIO Ir L ' G P E EN&NEERING GENERAL CONTRACTOR CORP r i 3 '� NvrJ r 7 8 CT •.�y'r',i` `�, r MIAN-11 LAKES FL 33013 S,5UED. DISPLAY AS REQUIRED BY LA'vV SE:Q 4 LS50e2':0GC5z- iC,4'.#ti'i p�,i �s ..�.t k;tt h � wr r�•��,y�,• , e (,_ �(dt1;�' lCii'1 i5� A f�K'71t�t clqCors;rLctian Trades uajlPprg Board Bl SiNES3 CERTIFICATE "r CC#a"FF`EyC r. E750 G p 3 soNrgAL CnNT4ACTC6i ,OR. B.A.- ANTONIO s ceA:f',ed ::r.d�r !f e cro4:s�rrs .f ,^arEer 1 C cr` .L'iar*-A-uade �rac.�+�{ r ..3 Local Business Tax Receipt Nl:ami-Dade County, State cf Flor'--JaLBT 3.UStNESS NAM1 E/LOCAT:JAN RE'-- HI PT tN O. EXPf R = IE TIAL SEPTEMBER 30, 2018 '3-' %V' j 128 5- RD 5901732 O'x7N=.3 TYPE OT 3 JSPAa-33 _ V °1•_14V' ?=—ES"J=_� C P 3Y TAX GC_L=CTC-i3 7Nil Ir. ar z .�, r[ia ; a,a ha d�r a dual f''carivas, t❑ Jn c.;ur Hrd.f INV CJ W iy •..rh urs go- r..nanal ar nunga•rernrnertaf rs,liulalory latus and requirements'r.hlca ian'v:o the business. The 4,:�c.�T'l�-ah3':e'n.tsr:�c d:st:leyeJ tlt ail a;anarr;.a :ehiafes - lYliar�i-7:it1c.CutL 3::.r, 11-27'i Local PbUISM-19ss Tax Plecelot S"^:W of Flo,-:Idi� —Tr 3i_ ._. �,__ vv'1 7 515059-8 3U3iN_SS NA`dI�;LOCATION RECEIPT NO. Lr P = 3.. Gi_.\_:'.,._ C0514TRACTi OR CC.M-1%jFTJAL ?730 h`4J 1'8 ST R� 590171E 1%,10AII FL 3705,1 EXPIRES SEPTEMBER 30, 2018 O4'3NER SEC. TYPE OF BUSINESS 9'l` I,.X COLL 03 FYrP1i1'C-11'—t0 � v=1 i 7 T't,t La;aI 3us; tas, Tax R.ra:pt only cinfirnts zaym, n of tore LEroa 3a;i79ss Tag. Pie ILcsipr s rrat a license. ;termst, ara aamr i., at. an of the ha:der's qualifications, to Jo It its ii HoIdur mast rDerip.y Nivn any govimimawaI or anngavarnme,ntal regulata: t Laws and requirsmeii which ip.0y to the Susi rs,, The RECEYT tib. 3bov- must he disitiayed 711 all euutuserc,al rah e:cs - ma-li a Coca 39C Far inure information. visit ,•i:gfr{.�ni�lr,f�.#niig 2n_v:taFcoifecrcr Local Business Tax Receipt Miami—I~ 3J,a Courty, State of Florida 370262 BUSINESS N 1kh9E;t.CC:.4ifCN R_CEIPY No- r 3 I 0R CO PRE N'J7l.-1' 47, -10 s, 12 3 5- RJ 370262 41IAM�, FL 33'--5—' EXPiP)ES SEP T E11ABE , 31), 2013 O VI E9 SEC. TYP_ Or 3u31r.=_55 _ ?AI VG VT R=C=; �l E'3 2Y TAY CO'_L__TOR F- L 1, 7 T, -.x A—si,ri only confirms pofmunt of ;ho Lacel 3asli• :.. 3aceitrt s tat 1 icanse. iar'ndl. ar , : : r:cn If td I1CIJer 3 acaii`.ic.rr�±lts.0 Jo bn:i less H r+j ,r ri A .smph�'MR, .tny jav,rn:rt:•,;3i JI :;W, i^Jsl;rSsrr'a.v:Irdr':c,ui:a.r!1i1sNai011ea:I'!y'63iaass•1as. T -mm h2 Ji.pljy>d 1 t atl ::r n _:::r ,ar.c:ns-'finitri-3a is Ca 1: 3: -- For : - Far mare intormac:an. visit -m.wv n%trmla#a in: GPEENGI-02 _ GLADYS �TS IMM�DD�YYYYI CERTIFICATE OF L !ABILITY INSURANCE CA1215/2017 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND. EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER - CONTACT Acrisure, LLC d/b/a InSource PHONE FAX 9500 South Dadeland Boulevard A,c. No. EAU: (305) 670 6111 T (A C. Nol:(305) 670-9693 4th Floor@insource-inc.com Email@insource-inc.com Miami, FL 33156-2867 �- INSURERLSJ AFF©R�ING_CtJwVERAGE NAIC_x _.I _--_ INSURER A,: Continental Insurance Company � 35289 INSURED INSURER 9 : North River Insurance Co _ 21105 i GPE Engineering it. Ganeral Contractor Corp. Ns,pLR ;:Valley Forge Insurance Co.. _ _ 20508 PO Box 4532 ifuSUFl. ER o - - Hialeah, FL 33014 - -- -- `� INSURER ±_ _ INSURER F COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: THIS 15 TO CERTIF'e THAT T-- = LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISS, -E-- ` •.JSJR=D N,=.MED ABOVE FCR THE POLICY FERtOD IN^ICATED. NcOT."IITH"�Tdtii I'+ - _ = E -,%l OR CONDITION OF ANY CONT= -:r. = _ `-AItR DOCUhIENT VATH P,ESPECT TO ' j ICHTHIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUE- - -.-.E INSL PA NCE AFFORDED BY THE PGLICi� HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS EX. LUSIONS AND CONCI i ION,3'- S _'',ZITS SHCWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY INSR ;'._5..�- POLICY EFF POLICY EXP LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE - POLICY NUMBER IMM:DMYYYY) IMPA.D,YYYYI LIMITS A X _-COMMERCIALGENERALLIABILITY --- - ».--�,�- 1,000,0001 X =-- 50951130537 1113012017 11!30!2013 _1- TO -7D 100,000 X , aE5 ;-- .. i City of Miami 444 SW 2 Avenue 8th Floor Miami, FL 33130 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE ACORD 25 (2016103) c 1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACDRD 15,0001 1,000,000 2,000,000 �T, =u_' ...X.. »y - - -_,.._,. 1=__ 2,000,000 A AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY -n,ll- .__ c ... ,-.-- _ ; 1,000,000 X _ X 4334210234 1113012017 1113012018 X X C B X UMBRELLALIAB X _.....- c�r•H r•;;pRc.,_= ; 3,000,00011 j EXCESSLtaa _-. _- X 5811097977 1113012017 11130/2018 ,_ ___ __ 3,000,000 LEC X-- - 10,000 - -- • C WORKERS COMPENSATION... X AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY- 0030210220 11r3012017 1113012013 _. Y:NEL 1,000,000 ,.-,al`.__o=,s-,,_.._- N A . =e.Cc. :,O,_I_E•,' g _ (Mandatory in NH) - --- - 1,000,000 E L Z1S=;.a'E - _ =`+P'' _- w _� - ~,-.-..._- If ras descr�ta order 1,000,000 )�:. J�-J•-A, 2F =a..' l..^I: 's�:'N - L CIS -ASE - DO, 1-.1 j DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONSLOCATIONS; VEHICLES (ACORD 101. Additional Remarks Schedule, may be attached if more space is required) GENERAL CONTRACTOR Holder is listed as additional insured on respects to the General L#ability. Excess Liability and Auto. This insurance is primary and non contributory. Contingent underground and contractual ins included. ITB: 781382 Citywide Sidewalk Repair & Replacement CERTIFICATE BOLDER CANCELLATION City of Miami 444 SW 2 Avenue 8th Floor Miami, FL 33130 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE ACORD 25 (2016103) c 1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACDRD CURRENT CONTRACTS Dati i;: Roud-xa-. Ext::nsion %k'a:;:r i;;l�ru� en:ent O-xncr: City of Hollywood Type of Work: WaterMain Improvements Contract: S1.300,G00.00 P;:rccm C omplCtO: 10011') Sd: uth Lake Tid1e Control 0-xn`r: Citi: of Hollvwood Tvp;- of 1i,'c,rk: New control structure and flap -ate installation Contract: S50o.00O.00 Percent Conlplc c: 100"') F:c11id:l Cit: Rclaclvviv lmprovoments 0,.x ncr: Cit'4 of Florida Cit, T� p.: of %Vcr':c: Roaclwati. WN!, and Draina�.;c Constructik .i Contract: S 1.719.000.00 P::rcent C'umplctL: 100110 ens�tood Bus Facility- O xr,cr: Brow-ird CountN• Mass Transit Typc of Work: Civil site work for entire facility CuIIL1'acL: S 1.I,J0.1(1)8.00 PLI-cctlt Complete: 7500 Youth Co-op Cl arta School Hialeah Cajnpus 0,,vn;�r: Youth Co -Op Ta pe) FWork: Si-.- Work includinedrlinl-e Comma- S695.266.00 BRONNARD COU",TY — 2013 -?1114 Annt:al Contract Cypres Chase Condominium Water Main 0--Nner: Broward Count' -- Water and Wastewat r Sctx-iccs Tvpe t '~i"cork: Furnish and Install 6" NVater Main Contract: S45_526.00 Pcrcem Compfcted -Today: 10 HallanI,.Ie Beach Fire Hydrant O hv iwr: Brei;•ard COUnty — Wat r and Wastewater Seryicos T4 pc t,i`'~'` ork: Funlinh and 1:1st:111 nlultilll,: fire hydrant, and connection; Contract: S99.165.01) —." Project 9220 SM, 34�t' St Sanitary Sewer Mvner: Bruwv aril County — Water and Wastewater Ser" -ices Twp:: of \w: 0k—: Furnish and Install new sraw it_, scww er Contract: S 111.500.00 Project 9208 \ Andrews Ave Utility Relocations 0,xner: Brmvard Count - —Water and Wastewvatcr Service Type of Wor?;: FuMish and Instt?l newt v=r:tw ity sett cr Contract: 537.551.00 Cite of Ft. Lauderdale — 2012-2015 annual Storm Drainage Contract Proj.ct i 1 -_S+ -i -E Hendricks Isla Dr Owwnl'r: Cit} of I=t. Lauderdal` Public Works Department Type ofWork: Drainage Improvements Contract: 5566. ; 03.00 Pei -Celli Coi11111etod Today: 1001, Projcct 117>0-0 SWI3th Screct & SW Sa, Ave Oww ne[': Cit}- of Ft. Lauderdale PL1MiC Works Dcpartrnont T\ -,e of Work- Draina4ae Improvements Cotler: ct: SS4,033.00 Pereell: Completed Todav: too 'row, OF MIA -111 L. -k ES — Doww utown Roadway and Drainage Improvements Please I and II Owner: Towvn of M rani Lak; s Type of Work: Roadwvav and Drainage Inlprovemont Contra' ;t: S1,039,035.00 Cunlpleiun Date: January 1.1, 014 Percent Completed Today: 100" AIDNN*S —36 -Inch Water Main — Mlicro-Tunncl 03w -ner: Miami Dada County Tlpe of Work: Fumi h and install 36 -Inch D1 Water',,lain Micro -Tunnel at NW 170 Street, ��lianli, FL Contract: 53.165.442.53 Completion Date: June 2012 Percent Completed Today: I 000b' MIDWS -- [:parades to Sewage Pump Station No. 0430 Owner: Miaini Dade County Twee rf \'work: Refurbish and. Uparades to Sewage Pump Station 0430 Contract: S43 5.504.00 Cumpleion Date: June 2013 Percent C'ompl :t, -d Tuda,.: I 00"a a 11DNI*S — Up rad , to Sewage Pump Station No. 0140 O-wner: `ham! Dade County Tape o Work: Refurbish and Upgrades to St,{ arc Pump Station 01-40 Contract: S444.866.94 C0111171Cti011 D C. July 2012 Perccrit Completed Today: I t")(r GSA West tot Multi -Use Facility + 271) NW YJ Street Bona% .rture Bled. Miami. FL %Vestcm, FL 0-okk�-11 Miami iami D,adc County A E: PJB As�iC+crates GC: MCM Corp. Typc of Work: Ci,, il •Site Work(€'a,,n1+,. Draina�=e Water and Se%twr) Tel.: 303-_541-6869 Contract: S392.416.00 Completion Date: 12201 l Percent Completed Today: 100110' .11DNN'S — 12 -inch 111 `Pater ,blain at tiE 3`1 .- venLIC, 'Miami FL Owner: Mian -,i Dade County T % p e L)I'Work: Fumi;h and install l? -Inch DI Water Main from \E ?wJ Avenue from ti E 60' Street to 'NE -19��' Street Contr- ct: S 1.149.441.29 CutnPletion Date: April 012 Percent Completed Today: 1001; _11DWS — Upgrades to Sewage Pump Station No. 343 O% ner: Miami Dade County T%-ne cfWork: Refurbish and Upgrades to Sewage Pu p Station 343 in A entura. FL Caner yet: S3 1 33.94 3.00 Co npleti�>ii Date: 'March 3013 Percent Completed Today: I W a Cita of Weston — Bonaticnture Blvd. at Saddle Club Road Roundabout Bona% .rture Bled. at Saddle Club Road Roundabout — Street Improvements %Vestcm, FL O, ncr: Cite of Weston E Calvin Giordano &_ associates T, 1pe sit rk;: Drainage & Roadway Improvements Tel.: 954-931-7781 CeritlaLt. 5396.326.95 Pcrec it Completed Today: l 00 0 Short Water and Sewer Mains Broward C«unt'v. FL Owner; Broward County. Type of Work: Water and SoxerInstallation throu;ai,:out Broward County PurchaSini!,-,ent: RandV Plunkett Tel.: 95-1-357-66_0 Contract: S2.11 55.992.00 Percent Completed Today: 51 Cite of Ft. Lauderdale - 2010-2011 .annual Storm Draina.-e Contract Proj..ct No. 1 11713-1Ziviera Isles Riviera Ides Drive and Solar DrWe O,\ m -r: City of Ft. Lauderdale - Public Work's Dept. Tel.. 9;4-5284;0I Contract: S 131,E i2.93 Completion, Date. ()3.,15 ?()11 ercent Completed Today: IOO°4 Residences at 1'izcaN-a 3535 Hiaxatha Avenue Mian -ii. FL Owner: Residences at Vizcaya LLC A E: Bchar. Font and Partners T}13e OF Wo Civit Work - Pavin�,.. Drainaie. Water and Se'x or Contract: 5369.033.57 CompIction Date: 3 2011 Percent Completed Today: 1000 FlU (MMIC) Lift Station 1 1 i>; SW j 7" Strict :Miami. FL Ov.ntir: Florida Intan-la;ional University A E: C3TS GC: James B. Pirtle Construction Co., Inc. Type lit Work: Lilt Station llllprov"ement and .socia ed Paving. Drainage `eater aInd Seim \ ork Tel.: 954-797-0410 Contract: 5550.366.00 trompl tion Date: 12 2011 Percent Completed Tadao-: IOW Short Water and Sewer Mains Broward C«unt'v. FL Owner; Broward County. Type of Work: Water and SoxerInstallation throu;ai,:out Broward County PurchaSini!,-,ent: RandV Plunkett Tel.: 95-1-357-66_0 Contract: S2.11 55.992.00 Percent Completed Today: 51 Cite of Ft. Lauderdale - 2010-2011 .annual Storm Draina.-e Contract Proj..ct No. 1 11713-1Ziviera Isles Riviera Ides Drive and Solar DrWe O,\ m -r: City of Ft. Lauderdale - Public Work's Dept. Tel.. 9;4-5284;0I Contract: S 131,E i2.93 Completion, Date. ()3.,15 ?()11 ercent Completed Today: IOO°4 Residences at 1'izcaN-a 3535 Hiaxatha Avenue Mian -ii. FL Owner: Residences at Vizcaya LLC A E: Bchar. Font and Partners T}13e OF Wo Civit Work - Pavin�,.. Drainaie. Water and Se'x or Contract: 5369.033.57 CompIction Date: 3 2011 Percent Completed Today: 1000 .F . Casa Majorca 343 Marjorca Avci.ue ,Mianu. FL 0"\ ner: Casa Majorca Dei elopnient Group, LLC A- E: Bollin and Partt Architects, LLC Type of NVOrk: Civil NVork — Pat in_=. Draina4,e, Water and Sewer Contract: 5744,70 x.45 Completion Date: 11'7010 Percent Completed Today: 100", v \.E. 5"' Ave. Drainage Improvements/ Reconstruction Dwncr: City of Oakland Park A E: Craven Thompson and Associatcs. Inc. TLio c}fy'ti'ork: Road',AorI including \Fater, Sewer, Pain{s, Draina«-_ Concrete, Parer,. Striping. & Signage.. Tel.: 954-630-4700 Contract: S 1,806.577,17 Com,pl.:ticn D-te: March 7011 Perc crit Com plctcd Today: 1000., Ci" of Hialeah Pump Stations No. 104 & 109 i'S No, 104 - 610 'A -est 3-31'" Strcui LK, PS No. 109 — 397S West 61" A� e€uc Hialeah. FL O ctt;r: C°itv of Hialeah Water v,- Sewcrs Dept. E: Ilazen and Sa%vyer P. E. Tvpe of Work: Undernrourid Utilities and Site Work Ibr Pump Stations 'N'o.104 z� 109 Upgrades Tel.: 05-556-3400 Contract: S538.731.40 Completion Date: 3'7511 Pero nt Completed Tadao-: 100" Q City of Hialeah Pump Station No. 6 610 East 6': A% enue Hip€leak. FL Owner: City ot'Hialeah Water &- Sewers Dept. A E: Hazen and Sawyer- P. E. Type nt` %Vork: U€ader�'round Utilities and Site Work, for Punip Statiot, No. 6 Upp -ades Tel.: 305-556-3SOO Contrast: 5381,000.00 Complotion Date: 03'31 `71110 Percent Completed Today: 100 o City of Ft. Lauderdale - ,annual Storm Drainage Contract Projcct No. 11479F — SW 01 St. from ?)"`[ Ave. to 4`E' Ave. O'.viwr: City of Ft. Lauderdale — Public. Works Dept. Tel.: 954-828-6SO i Contract: 598,306.69 Completion Date: Misc. Dates—Annual Contract Pereei,t Con pletcd Today: 1001)i, City' of Ft. Lauderdale - annual Storm Drainage Contract Project Nn. 11479L—Bircli Fin�zerStreets O��ner: City of Ft. Lauclerdalo— Public Works Dept. Tel.: 954-828-6801 Contract: 538,871.35 Completion Date: Misc. Dates — Annual Contract Percent Completed Tota,.: I WO City of Ft. Lauderdale - annual Storm Drainage Contract Projcet No. 1147-1 — Car Wash O°;, n;:r: Cite of Ft. Lauderdale — Public Works Dept. Tel.: 954-528-6801 Contract: S7,27 0.01 Con,pl.tiot: D�iite: Mise. Dates —Annual Co[:trart Percent Completed Today: 1000'3' City of Ft. Lauderdale - :annual Storm Drainage Contract Project NL). 11479) — NW 13`x' Ave frons NW V' to NW V' St. O,<<ner: City of Ft. Lauderdale — Public Work's Dept. Tel.: 954-83,5-6801 Contract: 57.796.09 Completion Date: %list. Dates — .annual Contract Percent Completed Today: 100° o Cites of Ft. Lauderdale - :annual Storer Drainane Contract Project No. 11479M NE 3"" Ave. Drainage Owner: City of Ft. Lauderdale — Public Works Dept. Tel.: 9 -1-838-6501 Contract: S 14.139.19 Completion Date: disc. Dates — annual Contract Percent Completed Today: 100" Citi' of Ft. Lauderdale - annual Storm Drainage Cnntract Project No. 1 14791— Lai Olas R SW 1001 Ave- 0-,% mor: ve.D•,%mor: City of Ft. Lauderdal:: — Public Works Dept. Tel.: 954-828-6SOI Contract: S 14,012.27 Completion Date: \fisc. Dat;;s —Annual Contract Percent Completed Today: 100°,o City of Ft. Lauderdale - :annual St©rm Drainage Contract Pr��jcct No11479\ — \ E IS" Ave. O'.z ner: Cit,, of Ft. Lauderdale — Public Works Dept.. Tel.: 954-828-6S01 Contract; S21.622.76 Co:nhl&ion Dat:: Misc. Da es — Annt.al Contract Percent Completed Today: 1000 Pacific Coral Way — Office Building 1?',S Coral Wa:•. 1liami, FL 0%v1-.rr: Pacific; Coral Wawa LLC .a E: Catmero and Associatcs. Inc. Tti 1.4 cif• WC. I-",-: Ci% it Work — Pa', ina. Draina;�,e, Water and Sewer Pipe Ramming '4"' Casing; at night under Co -cal Way 1i.. DIP Connection with Tapping Sleety c and Valves Contrallt: S' ".S.32S.01 Co mp,lotion Date: 6 2n 10 Percent Completed Today: 100 is Pump Station 118 Lift Station and Force ,Main Contract: 5430.{)00.00 1530 LF of 121" Forcesnain 20" 1 13 \Vve Connvc.tion on Red Road ?-0 HP F1vgt Pumps «cti'ell Valve Vault and I ftctrical Pane[ owner: Cite ofHialcah Department ofWatcr &, Sewer - Director: Armando Vidal Engincerin=,: Jos: Rodri-ucz O,,%ncr"s Tel.: ( 305) 556-3500 %rest 41st Street Farce Main Contract: 5556-000.00 1400 LF of 16" Force Mairl 'I20 LF oF12" Force Main l 16" TaP pin- Sleeve and Valva on Red Road 8 Offet and 3 tutu :fir Rcicase Val% Ls State School D — Aventura, Florida Contra; -t: Over 4 Million Cocnpletc Site (Water &- Sc,-, er "300 LF 8- Gm it1 Sc,,ver HP Fivut Pump Station and Force Main 6 Manholes and 17 Laterals GC: Pirtle Cc ristruction Contact: Bill Qakman GC's Tel.: (954) 653-0341 Ciro° of Ft. Lauderdale - Annual Storni Drainage Contract Pr0jcc, No. 1 1479-A — \E 11'' Street Q;vner: City of Ft. Lauderdale — Public Works Dept. Tel.: 954-828-6301 Contract: S211,2-42,76 C ompiction Date.: 09.2009 Pcrec:nt Completed Today: 1W'3 Cite of Ft. Lauderdale - Annual Storm Drainage Contract Prajoct No, 1 1419-0 — N E ,9"' Street 0,,v nyr: Cit`- of FL Lauderdalc — Public Works Dcpt. Tel.: 954-8'S-6;01 cowr:lct: S79. 91.35 cowp.ction Date: 10 2009 Pcrcenr Completed Today: 10011 Cin' of Ft. Lauderdale - :annual Storni Drainage Contract ProjectNo. 11479-B — NW 65`x' Street 0-,vn<cr: Cite of Ft. Lauderdale — Public. Works Dept. Tel.: 954-828-6801 Contract. S 10-1, i 57.89 Completion Date: 12'2009 Percent Completed Today: 1000 o City of Ft. Lauderdale -Annual Storm Drainage Contract Project to. 1 1-1-9-F — s,,, 6TH Street from 2"' Ave. to SW 4"' Ave. 0,v ner: City of Ft. LauderdalL — Public %Vorks Dept. Tel.: 954-828-0501 Contract: S 101,()95.4 Compaction Date: 02 15 10 Percent Completed Today: lW0 IL Hialeah Punip Station No. 052 950 East 71',j .'"1t emte Hialeah, FL 3?OI1) 0"veer: City of Hialeah Water S Sewers Dept. Tel.: 305-556-3500 Contract: 5297.227.00 Completion Data: Au -List 30, 2009 Percent Completed Today: 1000'a Carol City Community Center 3000 N 19 j., S`reet Miami Gardens, FL Owilen City of,%Ilaml Gardens Tel.: 303-662-SOOO Contract: S 1,355,536.00 Completion Date: 13:'20r]9 Percertr Compl-,ted Today: I00'' Cite of Hialeah Pump Station No. 155 West 2611' .Aver Lie and 76'I' Street Hialeah. FL O' acr: Citi.' of Hialeah Water and Se'xcrs Dent. Tel.: 305-556-3SOO Contract: 5214.759.00 Completion Date: 08.20 0'+ Port Terminal D — Parkina Garaue 1400 N. CrUISe Bl\'d. NIiani i. FL Owner: Miami -Dade Sea Port Department Tel.: 305-3474)74 C.ontrac[: S787,400.00 Completion Date: 092009 Percent Completed Today: 10011-`0 Miami Beach Patrol IV' Street Auditorium 1001 Oscar. Drip e Miami Beach, FL Owner: City of \,liami Beach TCL: 305-673-7610 Contract: S201,674.00 Compla:6,m Date: 092009 Pel cent Completed Today: I 001ka Cite of Hialeah Pump Station \o. 125 - ()() \Vest 65"', Street Hialzal3. FL Owner: City of Hialeah'Water and Scxer5 Debt. Tel.: 30-55(x- 3500 Cc}ntra�t: S2 i-1,63?.00 Conviction Date: 02 14 09 South Hialeah Elementary School East ;Y -j Avenue & 6"' Street Hial,:dh, FL City of Hialeah 't1,'a er and Sewers 0,t ncr: Miami-Dadc C01-111ty Public Schools Tel.: 305-593-7456 Contract: 57.5.773.00 Completion Date: OS 2008 Chapel Trail Warchouses Phase II 20951-61 Johnson Strep t Pembroke Pines. FL Owncr: Fundcfa Irm-national, Inc. Tel.: 305-632-5054 contract: 5918.674.00 Comp],tion Date: 09. 007 Weston Citi Hall 17200 Ola Ak aira Road Weston, FL Or-,-ncr: Weston City Hall Tel.: c o N&J ConstrUCti(in 756 -?()5-I IS5 Contract: S685,785.99 Conipletion Date-. 12, 13.'2005 Cita- of Hialeah Pump Station `o. 111 West 41" Szvoct bctwcen 12`t' and 18x' Avenue Hialeah. FL Owner: City of Hialeah 't1,'a er and Sewers Tel.: 303-536-3800 Contract: S440.879.86 Compl2tion Date: 03'2008 State School NN -1 W 75th Place ai.d 1; Oth Street Miami. FL Miami -Dade County Public Schools 7aI.: MCNJ Corp. Paul Bcsstl 305-975-6444 Contract: S 1,89(U56.00 Completion Date: 1 1 ,2007 LIST OF REFERENCES Cesar Castillo, Engineering City of Hialeah Water and Seiner 3700 West 4`h Avenue Hialeah, FL 33012 Tel.305-556-3800 Fax 305-231-1143 Herb Stanley — Project Manager City of Ft. Lauderdale — Public Works Dept, 100 N. Andrews Avenue Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301 Tel. 954-828-6801 Fax 954-828-5074 John Michael Perez City of Oakland Park 5399 North Dixie Highway, Suite 3 Oakland Park, FL 33334 Tel. 954-630-4479 Stephen W. Aubrecht, Broward County NVater & Wastewater Engineering Division 2555 W. Copans Road Pompano Beach, FL 33069 Tel. 954-831-0808 John Perez-Gurri N & J Construction 4999 SW 72nd Avenue, Suite 104 Miami, FL 33155 Tel. 786-268-1285 Fax 786-268-1086 Leo Flores Pirtle Construction Company 5 7/00 Griffin Road, Suite 200 Davie, Florida 33314 Tel: 305-219-4687 Direct Fax 954-343-5225 Carlos A. Martinez Maco Group, LLC 14339 Commerce Way Miami Lakes, FL 33016 Tel. 305-822-8252 Fax 305-822-5251 Jorge Munilla MCM Corporation 6201 SSV 72°d Avenue, 2"' Floor Miami, FL 33143 Tel. 305-541-6869 Fax 305-541-9771 Julio Martinez JCI International 12315 SW 132nd Court Miami, FL 33186 Tel. 305-254-1844 Fax 305-255-3359 Number Year Equipment Name i No. 1 Serial No. 3 1996 Ford Econoline Van 1 FTFE24Y1THB57887 4 1997 Dodge Van 2B7KB31Z1VK594508 5 1997 Ford F250 service Truck 3FTHF25F9VMA55562 7 20041 Ford Sport track 1 FMZU67K34UB76041 9 1971 Mack Water Tank U685ST3037 10 1972 Dorsey Trailer Aluminum 164246 12 1998 1 Mack Tractor Trailer CH613 llM2AA13Y2WVV089306 18 2005 lCaterpillar D5GXL Dozer WGBO1621 19 n/a D na ac CC122 Roller 60115131 20 n/a Dna ac CA2511 Roller 686BO28 22 n/a John Deere 310D Backhoe 786833 24 n/a Terramite USS38 Sweeper 20TS0122 25 n/a Terramite TSS38 Sweeper 181399 26 n/a As halt Machine n/a 27 1994 Ford Dump Truck LTA9000 1 FTYY95U6RVA46346 28 1995 Ford Dump Truck 1 FTYY9588SVA26670 29 2004 Leeboy 6858 Grader 980040 30 n/a Grader I n/a 31 2002 Komatsu PC220 Excavator IA85435 32 1 n/a I IDaewood 220LCIII Excavator 1924 33 2004 IKomatsu WA250-5L Loader A73376 35 n/a Bob Cat 863 51442644 41 2003 Hypac C766C Roller 901C20902479 42 2006 Marathon Trailer Sprayer TPS250T 12M9TPS2T46HlO2222 44 1999 Freightliner - Service Truck I FU 1 FV6HLAAXXHB76567 45 2006 Chevy Aveo KLlTD666678689225 47 1 20001 Ford E250 1FTNE2424YHB86721 48 2000 Ford E250 1 FTNE2421YHB86532 49 2004 lCaterpillar 928G Wheel Loader ICAT0928GCDJO0798 51 n/a Komatsu PC300LC-7L Excavator A86735 53 2007 Ford F-150 1 FTRF12207KC24720 54 n/a Wacker BPU2540A Honda n/a 55 2000 Isuzu NQR 2000 JALE5B148Y7901669 57 2007 1 JChevyAvalanche 13GNEC12067G322297 59 2002 Lee Boy 8500 Asphalt Machine 286OLD 60 2006 Trail King TK70DGHT Low Boy 1TKJ0502X68045682 61 2008 Komatsu PC45MR3 Mini Excavator 5050 62 2005 Chevy C7500 2,000 Gal Water Truck 1 GBL7C1 C85F509037 GPE Engineering & General Contractor ■ Reference Form Solicitation information: PROJECT NO. 731332-CITI"WIDE SIDEWALK REPAIRS & REPi.AM[ENT To whom it may concern. GPE Ent--ineerino* has been invited to bird on the aboN c mentioned project and have been required to submit a reference. We kindly request for this form to be completed in order to meet the qualifications specified: Municipality Company Name: City of Coral Gables Title: Ponce De Leen Force Main - 2013 Scope of xvork: Furnish and Install 6.414 LP of 20in PVC & DIP Force[nain along with pressure fittinus and roadwav'sidexalk restorations. Contract Value: S I ,039.9 7.19 Was -work performed timely: X Yes No Was the work perforned to acceptable quality standards: X Yes No Contact Mana-er Contact Naine: Noel Polo Telephone: 303-460-5022 Email: blpolo c coralgables.cotn Title: Construction Manager GPE Engineering & General Contractor ■ Reference Form Solicitation information: PROJE=CT NO. 7,138-' - CITYWIDE SID DVALK REPAIRS &- RFPLACENIE:rT To -whom it may concern, GPE Enuineerin, has been ins ited to bid on the above mentioned project and have been required to submit a reference. We kindly request for this form to be completed in order to meet the qualifications specified: Municipality Company Name: City of Florida City Title: Road%viv Improvement Phase III - 2015 Scope of N ork: Roadway Improvement of 3 individual streets to include. Nvidening. resurfacing. reconstruction. drainage. water and sewer relocation. improvements and installation. Contract Valu:: S f ,719,992.SS "Vas work performed timely: X Yes No Was the work performed to acceptable quality- standards: X Yes No Contact Mina,er'Contact dame: Pedro Gonzalez Telephone: 305-597-0799 Email: Paonzalezrcrbaljet.com Title: Project Manager -EOR � 1 GPE Engineering & General Contractor ■ Reference Form Solicitation information: PROJECT NO. 75138' - CITYWIDE SIDEWALK REPAIRS & REPLACEMENT To whom it may concern, GPE En-inecring has been invited to bid on the above mentioned project and have been required to submit a reference. We kindly request for this form to be completed in order to rneet the qualifications specified: :Nlunicipality'Con-ipany Name: City of Hollywood Title: South Part: Force :Main Unarades - ?013 Scope of work. Furnidi and Install 3.820 LF of loin P`VC R DIP Forcemain and 2.820 LF of loin PVC WatcrMain along witli pressure fittinus. tapping sleeves and roadyyay'sidewalk restorations. Contract Value: 51,040,824.18 b'r'as work performed timely: X Yes No Was the work perfo rtned to acceptable quality standards: X Yes No Contact Manaaer'Contact Name: Clece Aurelus Telephone: 954-921-3930 Email: Caurelus(abollywoodfl.org Title: Project Engineering, Manager 0 TM Document A31 -2010 Bid Bore CONTRACTOR; SURETY; (Marne, legal status and adch-ess) (Xatne, legal slaters and prfrrcipal place of business) GPE End**ineerin--R General Contractor Corp. 473U N%V 173 Street International Fidelit Insurance Cotnpan} This document has important legal Opa Locks FL 33054 One Newark Center eonsequances. Consultation with OWNER; o�kark. M 0710-11-5207 an attorney is encouraged vAth (Xame, regal status and address) respect to its completion or ntodifcation. Cite of Miami Any singular reference to 3500 Pan American Dri%e. Xfiami. Fl. 33133 Contractor, Surety, Ovineror $OND AMOUNT; J"o oFBid Proposal Submitted other party shall be considered plural where applicable. PROJECT: (Xame, locatfan or address, acrd Project number, if any) 73133_" - Cit.%�ide Sidewalk Repair & Replacements - Multiple Locations The Contractor and Surety are bound to the Owner in the amount set forth above, for the payment of which the Contractor and Surety bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and scycrally, as provided herein. The conditions of this Bond are such that if the Owner accents the bid of the Contractor within the time specie ed in the bid documents, or within such time period as may be agreed to by the owner and Contractor, and the COIltra[:tOt either (1) enters into a contract with the Owner in accordance with the terms of such bid, and gives such bond or bonds as may be specified in the bidding or Contract Documents, with a surety admitted in the jurisdiction of the Project and othenvise acceptable to the Owner, for the faithful performance of such Contract and for the prompt paymcnt of labor and material furnished in the prosecution thereof; or (2) pays to the Owner the difference, not to exceed the amount of this Bond, between the amount specified in said bid and such larger amount for which the Owner rriay in good faith contract with another party to perform the work covered by said bid, then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise to remain in hull force and effect. The Surety hereby waives any notice of an agreement between the Owner and Contractor to extend the time in which the Owner may accept the bid. Waiver of notice by the Surety shall not apply to any extension exceeding sixty (60) days in the aggregate beyond tate time for acceptance of bids specified in the hid documents, and the Owner and Contractor shall obtain the Surety's consent for an extension beyond sixty (60) days, Ii this Bond is issued in connection with a subcontractor`s bid to a Contractor, the terin Contractor in this Bond shall be deemed to be Subcontractor and the term Owner shall be deemed to be Contractor. When this Bond has been furnished to comply with a statutory or other legal requirement in the location of the Project, any provision in this Bond conflicting with said statutory or legal requirement shall be deemed deleted herefrom and provisions conforming to such statutory or other te=al requirement shall be deemed incorporated herein. When so furnished, the intent is that this Bond shall be construed as a statutory bond and not as a common law bond. Signed and sealed this 22nd day of March, 2018 GF'E Enoin�er R—Ci, (Pre 1pal) — (7i'ilrress) � (Title) lute tonal E°idelit ! (Buret}) ()I `fitness 1 __ f (Title) Dri, 1. Irmi .!. Corp. (Seal)' (Seal) in Fact & Fr IF.;ident A cnt In It. AiA Document A310"' -2010. Copyright O 19tH, 1970 and 2010 by Tho Am3r� an Institute of Architects. All rigl is reserved. WARNING: Th Is AIA` Document is protected by U.S. Copyright Law and International Treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this AIA` Cocument, or any poraiun of it, may result In severe civil and crtm:nal penalties, and watt be prosecuted to tho maximum extent possible under the law. t Purchasers are parrritted to reproduce tan (10) copies of this document when cornpleled. To report copyright vro!alions of AEA Contract Documents, a -mail 4 he Arrarican Insti'ute of Architects' legal counsel, copyrinhlpala,org, .sire Tel (973) 624-7200 DWER OF ATTORNEY INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY ALLEGHENY CASUALTY COMPANY ONE NEWARK CENTER, 20TH FLOOR NEWARK, NEW JERSEY 07102-5207 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of New Jersey, and ALLEGHENY CASUALTY COMPANY a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of New Jersey, having their principal office in the City of Newark, New Jersey, do hereby constitute and appoint DAVOR 1. MIMICA, ILEANA M. BAUZA, EDUARDO A. MENENDEZ, WILLIAM F. KLEIS, WILLIAM L, PARKER l Miami, FL. their true and lawful attorneys) -in -fact to execute, seal and deliver for and on its behalf as surety, any and all bonds and undertakings, contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, which are or may be allowed, required or permiffed by law, statute, rule, regulation, contract or otherwise, and the execution of such instruments in pursuance of these presents, shall be as binding upon the said INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY and ALLEGHENY CASUALTY COMPANY, as fully and amply, to all intents and purposes, as if the same had been duly executed and acknowledged by their regularly elected officers at their principal offices. This Power of Attorney is executed, and may be revoked, pursuant to and by authority of the By -Laws of INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY and ALLEGHENY CASUALTY COMPANY and is granted under and by authority of the following resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY at a meeting duly held on the 20th tray of July, 2010 and by the Board of Directors of ALLEGHENY CASUALTY COMPANY at a meeting du;y held on the Toth day o` July, 2015: "RESOLVED, that (1) the Chief Executive Officer, President, Executive Vice President, Vice President or Secretary of the Corporation shall have the power to appoint, and to revo,ike the appointments of, Attorneys -in -Fact or agents with power and authority as defined or limited in their respective powers of attorney, and to execute on behalf of the Corporation and affix the Corporation's seal thereto, bonds, undertakings, recognizances, contracts of indemnity and other written obligations in the nature thereof or related thereto; and (2) any such officers of the Corporation may appoint and revoke the appointments of joint -control custodians, agents for acceptance of process, and Attorneys -in -fact with authority to execute waivers and consents on behalf of the Corporation; and (3) the signature of any such Officer of the Corporation and the Corporation's seal may be affixed by facsimile to any power of attorney or certification given for the execution of any bond, undertaking recognizance, contract of indemnity or other written obligation in the nature thereof or related thereto, such signature and seals when so 4ised whether heretofore or hereafter, being hereby adopted by the Corporation as the original signature of such officer and the original seal of the Corpcm!ion, to be valid and binding upon the Corporation with the same force and effect as though manually affixed." IN WITNESS WHEREOF, INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY and ALLEGHENY CASUALTY COMPANY have each executed and attested these presents on thio 31st day of December, 2018. -i RFs STATE OF NEW JERSEY ,4 CASua{r rip �.d County of EssexSEAL ' 7- 1936 e�1904 � 4 George R. James 4 ��f Ili Executive Vice President (International Fidelity �E1t IERS Insurance Company) and Vice President (Allegheny Casualty Company) On this 31st day of December 20116, before me came the individual who executed the preceding instrument, to me personally known, and, being by me duly sworn, said he is the therein described and authorized officer of INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY and ALLEGHENY CASUALTY COMPANY ; that the seals affixed to said instrument are the Corporate Seals of said Companies; that the said Corporate Seals and his signature were duty affixed by order of the Boards of Directors of said Companies. `,*l``1l„yllllll„„�f IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand affixed my Official Seal, at the City of Newark, New Jersey the day and year first above written. GPr H aCR��''. NOTAHY :r 4w -•-nib lin: y -Ix A NOTARY PUBLIC OF NEW 'ARSE`.' My Commission Expires April 16, 2010 NEIN !l/P!�!1 P Il ll lltl�y� CERTIFICATION 1, the undersigned officer of INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY and ALLEGHENY CASUALTY COMPANY Jo herehy certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of the Power of Attorney and affidavit, and the copy of the Sections of the By -Laws of said Companies as set forth in said Power of Attorney, with the originals on rile in the home office of said companies, and that the same are correct transcripts thereat, and of the whole of the said originals, and that the said Power of Attorney has not been revoked and is now in full force and effect. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 22 day of March, 2018 1(0,14 0, ��/.a4W MARIA BRANCO, Assistant Secretary 0� City of Miami * 111�11r slit[ Invitation for Bid IFB t1 11 it Procurement Department Miami Riverside Center 444 5W 21d Avenue, gm Roor Miami, Florida 33130 Web Site Address; w.u.v rria ^icy^u rcrr. cr c;:r= er; IFB. umber: 781382,1 Title: Invitation for Bid for City-wide Sidewalk Repair and Replacement Issue Date/Time: 16 -LIAR -2018 IFBClosing Date/Time: 27--NIAR-2018 C 14:00:00 Pre-Bid[Pre-Proposal. Conference: Voluntary Pre-Bid/Pre-Proposal Date/Time: March 12, 2018 at 10:00 a.m. Pre-Bid/Pre-Proposal Location: City of Miami `IRC 8th Floor North Conference Room, 444 SNN' 2nd Ave, !Miami, FL 33130 Deadline for Request for Clarification: March 20, 2018 at 5:00 p.m. Contracting Officer-: Gray, Tahlia Hard Copy Submittal Location: City of Miami - City Clerk 3500 Pan American Drive Miami FL 33133 US Contracting Officer E -Mail Address: tgrayCmiamigov.com Contracting Officer Facsimile: 305-400-5019 Pao -e 1 of 61 Certification Statement Please quote on this form, if applicable, net prices for the item(s) listed. Return signed original and retain a copy for your files. Prices should include all costs, including transportation to destination. The City reserves the ri+aht to accept or reject all or any part of this submission. Prices should be firm for a minimum of 180 day's following, the time set for closing of the submissions. In the event of errors in extension of totals, the unit prices shall govern in determining the quoted prices. We (1) certify that we have read your solicitation, completed the necessary documents, and propose to fumish and deliver, F.O.B. DESTINATION, the items or services specified herein. The undersigned hereby certifies that neither the contractual party nor any of its principal owners or personnel have been convicted of any of the violations, or debarred or suspended as set in section 18-107 or Ordinance No. 12271. All exceptions to this submission have been documented in the section below- (refer to paragraph and section). EXCEPTIONS: We (1) certify that any and all information contained in this submission is true, and we (1) further certify that this submission is made without prior understanding, agreement, or connection with any corporation, firm, or person submitting a submission for the same materials„ supplies, equipment, or- service. rservice, and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. We (1) agree to abide by all terms and conditions of this solicitation and certify that I am authorized to sign this submission for the submitter. Please print the following and sign your name: PROPOSER NAME: Metro ExPre ADDRESS: 9-1-I21* W 109th Street Medley, FL 33178 PHONE: 305-88;-1330 FAX: 305-885-1327 E'IMAIL: del Wmetroexpresscorp.com CELL(Optional): SIGHED BY: moi: 1-- L TITLE: President DATE: 03-27-2018 FAtLI'RF TO COM PLETE, SIGN, AND RETURN THIS FORM SHALL DISOI AL1Ft' THIS RFSPONSE, Page 2 of 61 Certifications Legal Name of Finn: Entity Type: Partnership, Sole Proprietorship, Corporation, etc. N Year Established: 49? FEUEIN No.: 6-5-0711071 Office Location: City of i'vIiami, Miami -Dade County, or Othcr Miami -Dade Countv Occupational / Business License Number: No.4373 571 Occupational ' Business License Issuing Agency: Occupational / Business License Expiration Date: 09-30-3018 Will Subcontractor(s) be used`? (Yes or No) If yes, provide Subcontractor(s) information on Attachment C - Subcontractors. The work performed by all Subcontractors listed cannot be more than fifteen percent (15%) of the total work for this contract (a copy of their license(s) must be submitted with your bid response). No. Page 3 of 61 Line: 1 Description: Bidders are not required to enter a unit price on this line. Bidders shall submit their prices on attachments G and/or H - Price Sheet, located in the Header/Attachments Section of this Solicitation in the OracleliSupplier Sourcing System. Category: 91382-00 Unit of Measure: Dollar Unit Price: S see price sheet Number of Units: 1 Total: S PaLye 4 of 6 1 In%itation for Bid (1FB) 781352.1 Table of Contents Termsand Conditions ....................... ....................................................... ............................................ ........... ............ .... .7 1. General Conditions ..................... ".".""........................................ ...................".............."..."..".........."."......".".........7 1.1. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS...........................................................................".................7 2. Special Conditions...................................................................................................................... . ..................27 2.1. General Special Conditions ........... ..................... .................................................. -.,....... ....................... 27 2. La) PURPOSE.................................................................. ....27 2. Lb) DEADLINE FOR RECEIPT OF REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CLARIFICATION...................................................................................................27 2. 1.0 VOLUNTARY PRE-BID CONFERENCE"..................................."...........................................27 2.I .d) TERNI OF CONTRACT.............................""."..."..."......................."."....",...................................27 2.1 "e) ;METHOD OF AWARD ............................. ................... ......... ................... ....................... .......... 7 2.1.f) CONDITIONS FOR RENEWAL.........................."...,..................................................,.............28 2. Lg) NON -APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS ..................".......----•-...............................................,......?8 2. I.h) BIDDERS MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS.............................................................................28 2. IA) INDEMNIFICATION.................................................................................................................28 2.1.j) INSURANCE REQUiREIvIENTS..............................................................................................29 2.1.k) BID BOND.................................................................... .........31 2. 1.1) SUBCONTRACTOR(S)......"........................"...."..........."........".........".......................,.........,......"31 ? Lnt) REFERENCES 32 2, Ln) BACKGROUND CHECKS .................................................."..."..............,.............................."..32 2.l.o) TIE BIDS.................".."..................."......"..................................................."................................32 2. l.p) METHOD OF PAYMENT . ........... ....... ....................................... ............................................... 33 2" Lq) ADDITIONS DELETIONS OF FACILITIES LOCATIONS.ITEAIS PRODUCTS SERVICES ................................................................... ................... I ......... ............ ............. ................................... I ............. I ....... 1. 33 2. I .r) PROJECT MANAGER ...............................................................................................................33 2.I.$) PRIMARY CLIENT (FIRST PRIORITY)"................................................................................33 2.1.t) RESPONSE TIME...."...................."................................."............"........................................"".".33 2. Lu) SUPERVISION......................................................................"..,.........,.....,..........................".....34 2.1.v) USE OF PRENIISES.......................... ........................................................................................ 3-4 2. l.w) DAMAGES TO PUBLIC/PRIVATE PROPERTY..................................................................3-4 22.1.x) PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND SAFETY .. ................................................. ............................ 3-4 2.1.y) SAFETY MEASURES 35 2.I.z) COMPLETED WORK ........................... ........... ......................................................................... 35 2.I.aa) FAILURE TO PERFORNI........................................................................................................35 2. Lab) LIQUIDATED DAMAGES .................................................................................................."."35 2.l.ac) TERMINATION 2. Lad) ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS."............................."........................................36 2.2. GROUP I - FEDERALLY FUNDED PROJECTS................................."."......."............................."....36 '?.a) INTRODUCTION......................................................... ...36 2.2.b) LOCAL PREFERENCE.............................................................................................................36 _?.c) D.AVIS-BACON ACT ....................... ....................... .......... ...,...............................-.. ... 36 _.2.d) COMPLIANCE WITH COPELAND "ANTI-KICKBACK"ACT............................................36 _ '.e) COMPLI:XNCE WITH THE CONTRACT WORK HOURS R SAFETY STANDARDS ACT . 37 Pa,z 5 of 61 37 40 Incitation for Bid (IFB) 78135',1 2.2,f) PARTS AT PASS-THROUGH COST (FOR REPAIRS OUTSIDE THE SCOPE OF WORK) . 2,2,01 NOTIFICATION TO PERFORM WORK .................................................................................38 2.2.h) EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY............................................................................38 2.2.0 CLEAN AIR ACT.......................................................................................................................39 2.2.j) FEDERAL WATER POLLUTION CONTROL ACT................................................................39 2.1k) NO OBLIGATION BY FEDERAL GOVERNMENT..............................................................39 2.2.1) PROGRAM FRAUD AND FALSE OR FRAUDULENT STATEMENTS OR RELATED ACTS........................................................... .39 2.11) BYRD ANTI -LOBBYING AMENDMENT, 3 LU.S.C. § 1352 (AS AMENDED) .................39 _'?,n) PROCUR-EMENT OF RECOVERED NIATERIALS................................................................40 2,2.o) DHS SEAL. LOGO, AND FLAGS ................ .................. .......................................................... 40 2.2.p) CONIPLIANCE WITH FEDERAL LAW, REGULATIONS, AND EXECUTIVE ORDERS . 2.2.q) ACCESS TO RECORDS ................ ......................................................................40 2.2_r) SUSPENSION AND DEBAR4IENT (IN ADDITION TO GENERAL TERM AND CONDITIONS, SECTION 1.25) .............. ....... ............... ......................................................... ............. 41 2.3. GROUP 2 - NON-FEDERAL FUNDED PROJECTS..........................................................................41 2.3.a) INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................41 2.3.b) PERFORMANCE BOND...........................................................................................................41 2.3.c) CITY OF MIANI1 LIVING WAGE ORDINANCE ..................... .... __..... ...... ........................... 42 2.3,d) LOCAL PREFERENCE.............................................................................................................42 Specifications................ ................ ................................................................................................................... 43 3.1. SPECIFICAT10NS,,SCOPE OF WORK 3.2. PLANTING 3.3. SODDENG........................................................................................................ .....38 Pa_e 6 of 61 Invitation for Bid (IFB) 78 1382,1 Terms and Conditions 1. General Conditions I.I. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS Intent: The General Terns and Conditions described herein apply to the acquisition of goods, equipment'services with an estimated aggregate cost of 525,000.00 or more. Definition: A formal solicitation is defined as issuance of an Invitation for Bids, Request for Proposals, Request for Qualifications. or Request for Letters of Interest pursuant to the City of Miami Procurement Code andlor Florida Law. as amended. Formal Solicitation and Solicitation shall be defined in the same manner herein. 1.1. ACCEPTANCE OF GOODS OR EQUIPMENT - Any goods) or equipment delivered under this formal solicitation, if applicable, shall remain the property of the seller until a physical inspection and actual usage of the good is made, and thereafter is accepted as satisfactory to the City. It must comply with the terns herein and be fully in accordance with specifications and of the highest quality. In the event the goods. equipment supplied to the City are found to be defective or does not conform to specifications, the City reserves the H. -hr to cancel the order upon written notice to the Contractor and return the product to the Contractor at the Contractor's expense. 1.2. ACCEPTANCE OF OFFER - The signed or electronic submission of your solicitation response shall be considered an offer on the part oFthe bidder proposzr; such offer shall be deemed accepted upon issuance by the City of a purchase order. 1,3. ACCEPTANCE/REJECTION — The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all responses or parts of after opening closing date and request re -issuance on the goods,'smices described in the formal solicitation. In the event of such rejection, the Director of Purchasing shall notify all affected bidders,'proposers and make available a written explanation for the rejection. The City also reserves the right to reject the response of any bidder'proposer who has previously fai led to properly perform under the terms and conditions of a contract, to deliver on time contracts of a similar nature. and who is not in a position to perform the requirements defined in this formal solicitation. The City further reserves the right to waive any irregularities or minor infornalities or technicalities in any or all responses and may, at its discretion, re -issue this formal solicitation. 1.4. ADDENDA — It is the bidder's/proposer's responsibility to ensure receipt of all Addenda. Addenda are available; at the City's website at: http:?'w-Nkw'.ci.tniami.fl.us/procurement 1.5. ALTERNATE RESPONSESWILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. 1,6. ASSIGNMENT - Contractor agrees not to subcontract, assign, transfer, convey, sublet, or otherwise dispose of the resulting Contract, or any or all of its right, title or interest herein, without City of Miami's prior written consent. 1.7. ATTORNEY'S FEES- In connection with any litigation, mediation and arbitration arising out of this Contract, each party shall bear their own attorne v's fees through and including appellate litigation and any post -judgment proceedings. r I.S. AUDIT RIGHTS AND RECORDS RETENTION - The Successful Bidder Proposer agrees to provide access at all reasonable times to the City, or to any of its duly authorized representatives, to any books, documents, papers, and records of Contractor which are directly pertinent to this formal solicitation, for the purpose of audit, examination. excerpts, and transcriptions. The Successful Bidder "Proposer shall maintain and retain any and all of Page 7 of 61 Invitation for Bid (IFB) 781382.1 the books, documents, papers and records pertinent to the Contract for three (3) years after the City makes final payment and all other pending matters are closed. Contractor's failure to or refusal to comply with this condition shall result in the immediate cancellation of this contract by the City. 1.9. AVAILABILITY OF CONTRACT STATE-NVIDE - Any Governmental, not-for-profit or quasi -governmental entity in the State of Florida, may avail itself of this contract and purchase any and all goods,'senices, specified herein from the successful bidder(s),proposer(s) at the contract price(s) established herein, when permissible by federal, state, and local laws, rules, and regulations. Each Governurtental, not-for-profit or quasi -governmental entity which uses this formal solicitation and resulting bid contract or agreement will establish its own contract 'a, reement, place its own orders, issue its own purchase orders. be invoiced there from and make its own payments, determine shipping terms and issue its own exemption certificates as required by the successful bidder(s),'proposer(s). 1.10, AN ARD OF CONTRACT: A. The Formal Solicitation, Bidder's,Proposer's response, any addenda issued, and the purchase order shall constitute the entire contract, unless modified in accordance with any ensuing contract:'agreement, amendment or addenda. 4 B. The award of contract where there are Tie Bids will be decided by the Director of Purchasing or designee in the instance that Tie Bids can't be determined by applying Florida Statute 237.037, Preference to Businesses with DruTe-Free Workplace Programs. C. The award of this contract may be preconditioned on the subsequent submission of other documents as specified in the Special Conditions or Technical Specifications. Bidder'Proposer shall be in default of its contractual obligation if such documents are not submitted in a timely manner and in the form required by the City. Where Bidder Proposer is in default of these contractual requirements, the City, through action taken by the Purchasing Department, will void its acceptance of the Bidder's Proposer's Response and may accept the Response from the next lowest responsive, responsible Bidder or Proposal most advantageous to the City or re -solicit the City's requirements. The City, at its sole discretion, may seek monetary restitution from Bidder, Proposer and its bid proposal bond or guaranty, if applicable, as a result ofdamages or increased costs sustained as a result of the Bidder's,'Proposer's default. D. The teen of the contract shall be specified in one of three documents which shall be issued to the successful Bidder Proposer. These documents may either be a purchase order, notice of award and'or contract award sheet. E. The City reserves the right to automatically extend this contract for up to one hundred twenty (120) calendar days beyond the stated contract tern in order to provide City departments with continual service and supplies while a new contract is being solicited, evaluated, and or awarded. If the right is exercised, the Citv shall notify the BidderProposer, in wntin�w. of its intent to extend the contract at the same price, terms and conditions for a specific number of days. Additional extensions over the first one hundred twenty (120) day extension may occur, if. the City and the Successful Bidder Proposer are in mutual agreement of such extensions. F. Where the contract involves a single shipment of goods to the City, the contract terns shall conclude upon completion of the expressed or implied warranty periods. G. The City reserves the right to award the contract on a split -order, lump sutra or individual -item basis, or such combination as shall best serve the interests of the City unless otherwise specified. H. A Contract Agreement may be awarded to the Bidder Proposer by the City Commission based upon the minimum qualification requirements reflected herein. As a result of a RFP, RFQ, or RFLI, the City reserves the right to execute or not execute, as applicable. an Agreement with the Proposer, whichever is determined to be in the Page 8 of 61 Invitation for Bid (IFB) 781383,1 City's best interests. Such agreement will be furnished by the City, will contain certain terms as are in the City's best interests, and will be subject to approval as to legal form by the City Attorney, 1.11. BID BOND/ BID SECURITY' - A cashier's or certified check, or a Bid Bond signed by a recognized surety company that is licensed to do business in the State of Florida, payable to the City of Miami. for the amount bid is required from all bidders,'proposers, if so indicated under the Special Conditions. This check or bond guarantees that a bidder proposer will accept the order or contract'agreenment, as bid proposed, if it is awarded to bidder' proposer. Bidder.Proposer shall forfeit bid deposit to the City should City award contract agreement to Bidder: Proposer and Bidder. Proposer fails to accept the award. The City reserves the right to reject any and all surety tendered to the City. Bid deposits are returned to unsuccessful bidders, proposers within ten (10) days after the award and successful bidder's.proposer's acceptance of award. If sixty (60) days have passed after the date of the formal solicitation closing date, and no contract has been awarded, all bid deposits will be returned on demand. 1.12. RESPONSE FORM (HARDCOPY FORMAT) - All forms should be completed, signed and submitted accordingly. 1.11 BID SECURITY FORFEITED LIQUIDATED DAMAGES - Failure to execute an Agreement and or file an acceptable Performance Bond, when required, as provided herein, shall be just cause for the annulment of the award and the forfeiture of the Bid Security to the City, which forfeiture shall be considered, not as a penalty, but in mitigation of damages sustained. Award rav then be made to the next lowest responsive. responsible Bidder or Proposal most advantageous to the City or all responses may be rejected. 1.14. BRAND NAMES - If and wherever in the specifications brand names, makes, models, names of any manufacturers, trade names, or bidder'proposer catalog numbers are specified, it is for the purpose of establishing the type, function, minimum standard of design, efficiency, grade or quality of goods only. When the City does not wish to rule out other competitors' brands or makes. the phrase "OR EQUAL" is added. When bidding proposing an approved equal. Bidders, Proposers will submit, with their response, complete sets of necessary data (factory information sheets, specifications. brochures, etc.) in order for the City to evaluate and determine the equality of the item(s) bid. proposed. The City shall be the sole judge of equality and its decision shall be final. Unless otherwise specified, evidence in the form of samples may be requested if the proposed brand is other than specified by the City. Such samples are to be furnished after formal solicitation opening 'closing only upon request of the City. If samples should be requested. such samples must be received by the City no later than seven (7) calendar days after a formal request is made. 1.15. CANCELLATION - The City reserves the right to cancel all formal solicitations before its openingclosing. In the event of bid proposal cancellation, the Director of Purchasing shall notify all prospective bidders, proposers and make available a written explanation for the cancellation. 1,16. CAPITAL EXPENDITURES - Contractor understands that any capital expenditures that the tirn makes, or prepares to make, in order to deliver perform the goods,'services required by the City, is a business risk which the contractor must assume. The City- will not be obligated to reimburse amortized or unamortized capital expenditures, or to maintain the approved status of any contractor, I1'contractor has been unable to recoup its capital expenditures durin the time it is rendering such goods,'seryices, it shall not have any claim upon the City. 1.17. CITY NOT LIABLE FOR DELAYS - It is further expressly agreed that in no event shall the City be liable for,. or responsible to, the Bidder'Proposer Consultant, any sub -contractor's ub-consultant, or to any other person for, or on account of, any stoppages or delay in the work herein provided for by injunction or other legal or equitable proceedings or on account of any delay for any cause over which the City has no control. 1.18. COLLUSION —Bidder Proposer, by submitting a response, certifies that its response is made without previous understanding, agreement or connection either with any person, firm or corporation submitting a response Page 9 of 61 Invitation for Bid (IFB) 781382,1 for the same items. services or with the City of .kiiatni's Purchasing Department or initiating department_ The Bidder Proposer certifies that its response is fair, w ithout control, collusion. fraud or other illegal action. Bidder Proposer certifies that it is in compliance with the Conflict of Interest and Code of Ethics Laws- The Cita will in,,estillate all potential situations where collusion may have occurred and the City reserves the right to reject any and all bids.'responses where collusion may have occurred, 1.19. COMPLIANCE WITH FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL. LANyS - Contractor understands that contracts between private entities and local governments are subject to certain laws and regulations, including laws pertaining to public records, conflict of interest, records keeping. etc. City and Contractor aygree to comply with and observe all applicable laws, codes and ordinances as that may in any way affect the goods or equipment offered. including but not limited to: A. Executive Order 11246, which prohibits discrimination against any employee, applicant, or client because of race, creed, color, national orivin, sex, or aoe %+ ith regard to, but not limited to, the following*: employment practices, rate of pay or other compensation methods, and training selection. B. Occupational, Safety and Health Act (OSHA), as applicable to this Formal Solicitation. C. The State of Florida Statutes, Section 287.133(3)(A) on Public Entity- Crimes. D. Environment Protection Agency (EPA). as applicable to this Formal Solicitation. E. Uniform Commercial Code (Florida Statutes, Chapter 672). F. Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended. G. national Institute of Occupational Safety Hazards (NIOSH), as applicable to this Formal Solicitation. H. National Forest Products Association (tiFPA), as applicable to this Fon-nal Solicitation. 1, City Procurement Ordinance City Code Section 18, Article 111, J. Conflict of Interest, City Code Section 2-611;61. K. Cone of Silence, City Code Section 18-74. L. The Florida Statutes Sections 218.73 and 218.74 on Prompt Payment. Lack of knowledge by the bidder'proposer will in no way be a cause for relief from responsibility. Ilion -compliance with all local, state, and federal directives, orders. and laws may be considered -rounds for tennination of contract(s). Copies of the City Ordinances may be obtained from the City Clerk's Office. 1.20. CON E OF SILENCE - Pursuant to Section 18-74 of the City of Miarni Code, a "Cone of Silence" is imposed upon each RFP, RFQ, RFLI, or IFB after advertisement and terminates at the time the City Manaiaer issues a written recommendation to the Miami City Commission. The Cone of Silence shall be applicable only to Contracts for the provision of goods and services and public works or improvements for amounts greater than 5200,000. The Cone of Silence prohibits any communication regarding RFPs, RFQs. RFLI or IFBs (bids) between, among others: Potential vendors, service providers, bidders, lobbyists or consultants and the City's professional staff including, but not limited to, the City Manager and the City Manager's staff, the Mayor, City Commissioners, or their respective staffs and any member of the respective selection, evaluation committee. The provision does not apply to, among other communications: Pa, -le 10 of 61 Invitation for Bid (11_13l 78 1382, 1 Oral communications with the City purchasing staff, provided the communication is limited strictly to matters or process or procedure already contained in the formal solicitation document; the provisions of the Cone of Silence do not apply to oral comnuinications at duly noticed site visits "inspections, pre -proposal or pre-bid conferences, oral presentations before selection'evaluation committees, contract ne`otiations during any duly noticed public meeting, or public presentations made to the Miami City Commission daring a duly noticed public meeting; or communications in writing or by email at any time with any City employee, official or member of the City Commission unless specifically prohibited by the applicable RFP, RFQ, RFL1 or IFB (bid) documents (See Section 1.2. of the Special Conditions), or communications in connection with the collection of industry comments or the perfontiance of market research regarding a particular RFP, RFQ, RFLI OR IFB by City Purchasing staff. Proposers or bidders must file a copy of any written communications with the Office of the City Clerk, which shall be made available to any person upon request. The City shall respond in writing and file a copy with the Office of the City Clerk (cterks(amiamigov.com), which shall be made available to any person upon request. Written communications may be in the form of e-mail, with a copy to the Office of the City Clerk. In addition to any other penalties provided by law, violation of the Cone of Silence by any proposer or bidder shall render any award voidable. A violation by a particular Bidder, Proposer, Offeror, Respondent, lobbyist or consultant shall subject same to potential penalties pursuant to the City Code. Any person having personal knowled�=c of a violation of these provisions shall report such violation to the State Attorney and.'or may file a complaint with the Ethics Commission. Proposers or bidders should reference Section 18-74 of the City of Miami Code for further clarification. This language is only a summary of the key provisions of the Cone of Silence. Please review City of Miami Code Section 18-74 for a complete and thorough description of the Cone of Silence. You may contact the City Clerk at 303-250-5360, to obtain a copy ofsante. 1.21. CONFIDENTIALITY- Asa political subdivision, the City of Miami is subject to the Florida Sunshine Act and Public Records Law. If this Con tractAgreement contains a confidentiality provision, it shall have no application when disclosure is required by Florida law- or upon court order. 1.23. CONFLICT OF INTEREST — Bidders,'Proposers, by respondinv_> to this Fonnal Solicitation, certify that to the best of their knowledge or belief, no elected appointed official or employee of the City of Miami is financially interested, directly or indirectly, in the purchase of goods, services specified in this Formal Solicitation. Any such interests on the part of the Bidder.`Proposer or its employees must be disclosed in writing to the City. Further, you must disclose the name of any City employee who owns, directly or indirectly, an interest of five percent (5%) or more of the total assets of capital stock in your fine. A. Bidder'Proposer further agrees not to use or attempt to use any knowledge, property or resource which may be within his.'her'its trust, or perforin his.'her its duties,. to secure a special privilege, benefit, or exemption for himself. herself itself: or others. Bidder Proposer may not disclose or use information not available to members of the general public and gained by reason of his, her'its position, except for infomtation relating exclusively to governmental practices, for his, her -its personal gain or benefit or for the personal gain or benefit of any other person or business entity. B. Bidder'Proposer hereby acknowledges that he.'she. it has not contracted or transacted any business with the City or any person or agency acting for the City, and has not appeared in representation of any third party before any board, commission or agency of the City within the past two years. B i dder.?ro poser further warrants that he'she;'it is not related, specifically the spouse, son, daughter, parent, brother or sister, to: (i) any member of the commission; (ii) the mayor; (iii) any city employee; or (iv) any member of any board or agency of the City. C. A violation of this section may subject the Bidder'Proposer to innmediate termination of any professional services agreement with the City, imposition of the maximum fine and or any penalties allowed by law. Page 11 of 61 Invitation for Bid (IFB) 7813$' l Additionally, violations may be considered by and subject to action by the Miami -Dade County Commission on Ethics. 1.23. COPY RIGFIT OR PATENT BIGHTS — Bidders, Proposers warrant that there has been no violation of copyright or patent rights in manufacturing, producing. or selling the goods shipped or ordered and, or services provided as a result of this formal solicitation, and bidders, proposers agree to hold the City harmless from any and all liability, loss, or expense occasioned by any such violation. 4 1.24. COST INCURRED BY BIDDERIPROPOSER - All expenses involved with the preparation and submission of Responses to the City, or any work performed in connection therewith shall be borne by the B idder(s ); 'Proposer(s ). 1.25. DEBARNIENT AND SUSPENSIONS (Sec 18-107) (a) Authority and requirement to debar and suspend. After reasonable notice to an actual or prospective Contractual Party, and after reasonable opportunity for such party- to be heard. the City 'vlanager, after consultation with the. Chief Procurement Officer and the city- attorney.. shall have the authority to debar a Contractual Party, for the causes listed below, from consideration for avv and of city Contracts. The debarment shall be for a period of not fewer than three years. The City Manager shall also have the authority to suspend a Contractual Party from consideration for award of city Contracts if there is probable cause for debarment, pending the debarment determination. The authority to debar and suspend contractors shall be exercised in accordance with regulations which shall be issued by the Chief Procurement Officer after approval by the City- Manager, the city attorney, and the City Commission. (b) Causes for debarment or suspension. Causes for debarment or suspension include the following: (1) Conviction for commission of a criminal offense incident to obtaining or attempting to obtain a public or private Contract or subcontract, or incident to the performance of such Contract or subcontract. (3) Conviction under state or federal statutes of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, receiving stolen property, or any other offense indicating a lack of business integrity or business honesty, (3) Conviction under state or federal antitrust statutes arising out of the submission of Bids or Proposals. (4) Violation of Contract provisions, which is regarded by the Chief Procurement Officer to be indicative of nonresponsibility. Such violation may include failure without good cause to perform in accordance with the terms and conditions of a Contract or to perform within the time limits provided in a Contract, provided that failure to perform caused by acts beyond the control of a party- shall not be considered a basis for debarment or suspension. (S) Debarment or suspension of the Contractual Party by any federal. state or other governmental entity. (6) False certification pursuant to paragraph (c) below. (7) Found in violation of a zoning ordinance or any other city- ordinance or regulation and for which the violation remains noncompliant. (8) Found in violation of a zoning ordinance or any other city ordinance or regulation and for which a civil penalty or tine is due and owing to the city. (4) Any other causejudged by the City 4lanager to be so serious and compelling as to affect the Page 12 of 61 Invitation for Bid (IF13) 781382,I responsibility of the Contractual Party performing city Contracts (c) Certification. All Contracts for goods and services, sales, and leases by the city shall contain a certification that neither the Contractual Party- nor anti• of its principal owners or personnel have been convicted of any of the violations set forth above or debarred or suspended as set forth in paragraph (b)(5). (d) Debarnient and suspension decisions. Subject to the provisions of paragraph (a), the City Manager shall render a written decision stating the reasons for the debarment or suspension. A copy of the decision shall be provided promptly- to the Contractual Party. aloin ., vv'tth a notice of said party's right to seek judicial relief. 1.26. DEBARREDrSUSPE\DED VENDORS —An entity or affiliate who has been placed on the State of Florida debarred or suspended vendor list may not submit a response on a contract to provide goods or services to a public entity, may not submit a response on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work. may not submit response on leases of real property to a public entity, may not award or perform work as a contractor. supplier, subcontractor, or consultant under contract with any public entity, and may not transact business with any public entity. 1.27. DEFAC-LT/FAILURE TO PERFORM - The City shall be the sale judge of nonperformance, which shall include any failure on the part of the successful Bidder Proposer to accept the award. to furnish required documents. and or to fulfill any portion of this contract within the time stipulated. Upon default by the successful Bidder Proposer to meet any terms of this agreement, the City will notih- the Bidder Proposer of the default and will provide the contractor three (3) days (%veekends and holidays excluded) to remedy the default. Failure on the contractor's part to correct the default within the required three (3) days shall result in the Contract being terminated and upon the City- notifying in writing the contractor of its intentions and the effective date of the termination. The following shall constitute default: A. Failure to perform the work or deliver the goods, services required under the Contract and or within the tithe required or failing to use the subcontractors. entities and personnel as identified and set forth, and to the degree specified in the Contract - B. Failure to begin the work under this Contract within the time specified. C. Failure to perform the work with sufficient workers and equipment or with sufficient materials to ensure timely completion. D. Ke ilecting or refusing to remove materials or perform new work where prior work has been rejected as nonconforming with the terms of the Contract. E. Becomim, insolvent, beim■ declared bankrupt, or committing any act of bankruptcy or insolvency, or making an assi-nment for the benefit of creditors, if the insolvency, bankruptcy, or assignment renders the successful Bidder Proposer incapable of performing the work in accordance with and as required by the Contract. F. Failure to comply with any of the terms of the Contract in any material respect. All costs and charges incurred by the City as a result of a default or a default incurred beyond the time limits stated, together with the cost of completing the work, shall be deducted from any monies due or which may become due on this Contract. 1.28. DETERMINATION OF RES PONS IVE\ESS - Each Response will be reviewed to determine if it is responsive to the submission requirements outlined in the Formal Solicitation. A "responsive' response is one which follows the requirements of the formal solicitation. includes all documentation, is submitted in the format outlined in the formal solicitation. is of timely Submission, and has appropriate signatures as required on each document. Failure Page 13 of 61 Invitation for Bid (IFB) 781382, l to comply with these requirements may deem a Response non-responsive. A. Responsible Bidder shall mean a bidder proposer who has submitted a bid prposal and who has the capability. as determined under the City Procurement Ordinance, in all respects to fully perfoml the contract requirements, and the integrity and reliability of which give reasonable assurance of good faith and performance. 1.29. DISCOUNTS OFFERED DURING TERM OF CONTRACT - Discount Prices offered in the response shall be fixed after the award by the Commission, unless otherwise specified in the Special Terms and Conditions. Price discounts off the orirginal prices quoted in the response will be accepted from successful Bidder(s). Proposer(s) during the term of the contract. Such discounts shall remain in effect for a minimum of 120 days from approval by the City Commission Any discounts offered by a manufacturer to Bidder proposer will be passed on to the City. 1.30. DISCREPANCIES, ERRORS, .AND OMISSIONS - Any discrepancies, errors, or ambiguities in the Formal Solicitation or addenda lifany) should be reported in writing to the City's Purchasing Department. Should it be found necessary, a written addendum will be incorporated in the Formal Solicitation and will become pan of the purchase agreement (contract documents). The City will not be responsible for any oral instructions, clarifications, or other communications. A. Order of Precedence - Any inconsistency in this formal solicitation shalt be resolved by giving precedence to the following documents, the first of such list being the governin, documents. 1) Addenda (as applicable) ?) Specifications 3) Special Conditions 4) General Tenns and Conditions 1.31. EMERGENCY/ DISASTER PERFORMANCE - In the event of a hurricane or other emervency or disaster situation. the successful vendor shall provide the City with the commodities. sen ices defined within the scope of this formal solicitation at the price contained within vendor's response. Further, successful vendor shall deliver perform for the city on a priority basis during such times of emergency. 1.32, ENTIRE SID CONTRACT OR AGREEMENT - The Bid Contract or Agreement consists of this City of Miami Fonnal Solicitation and specifically this General Conditions Section, Contractor's Response and any written agreement entered into by the City of i4liami and Contractor in cases involving RFPs, RFQs, and RFLIs, and represents the entire understanding and agreement between the parties with respect to the Subject matter hereof and supersedes all other negotiations, understanding and representations, if any, made by and between the parties. To the extent that the aoreement conflicts with, modifies, alters or changes any of the tenors and conditions contained in the Fonnal Solicitation and or Response, the Fornial Solicitation and then the Response shall control. This Contract may be modified only by a written agreement signed by the City- of Miami and Contractor. 1.33. ESTIMATED QUANTITIES —Estimated quantities or estimated dollars are provided for your guidance only, No �auarantee is expressed or implied as to quantities that will be purchased during the contract period. The City is not obligated to place an order for any given amount subsequent to the award of this contract. Said estimates may be used by the City for purposes of determinimg the low bidder or most advantaveous proposer meeting specifications. The City resenes the right to acquire additional quantities at the prices bid proposed or at lower prices in this Formal Solicitation. 1.34. EVALUATION OF RESPONSES :A.Rejection of Responses The City may reject a Response for any of the following reasons: Pa«e 14 of 6l Invitation for Bid (IFB) 781382,1 1) Bidder Proposer fails to acknowledge receipt of addenda, 2) Bidder Proposer mistates or conceals any material fact in the Response 3) Response does not conform to the requirements of the Fon-nal Solicitation; 4) Response requires a conditional award that conflicts with the method of award; 5) Response does not include required samples, certificates, licenses as required. and, 6) Response was not executed by the Bidder's. Proposer(s) authorized agent. The foregoing is not an all inclusive list of reasons for which a Response may be rejected. The City may reject and re -advertise for all or any part of the Formal Solicitation whenever it is deemed in the best interest of the City. B. Elimination Front Consideration 1) A contract shall not be awarded to any person or Finn which is in arrears to the City upon any debt or contract, or which is a defaulter as surety or otherwise upon any obligation to the City. Z) A contract may not be awarded to any person or firm which has failed to perform under the terms and conditions of any previous contract with the City or deliver on time contracts of a similar nature. 3) A contract may not be awarded to any person or firm ayhich has been debarred by the City in accordance with the City's Debarment and Suspension Ordinance. C. Determination of Responsibility 1) Responses will only be considered from entities who are regularly enraged in the business of providing the goods equipmentservices required by the Formal Solicitation. Bidder Proposer must be able to demonstrate a satisfactory record of perfonnance and integrity; and, have sufficient financial, material, equipment, facility, personnel resources, and expertise to meet all contractual requirements. The terms "equipment and organization" as used herein shall be construed to mean a fully equipped and %yell established entity in line with the best industry practices in the industry as determined by the City. 2) The City may consider any evidence available regarding the financial, technical and other qualifications and abilities of a Bidder Proposer, including past performance (experience) with the City or any other govermnental entiry in making the award. 3) The City may require the Bidder(s), Proposers) to show proof that they have been designated as an authorized representative of a manufacturer or supplier which is the actual source of supply, if required by the Formal Solicitation. 1.35. EXCEPTIONS TO GENERAL AND/OR SPECIAL CONDITIONS OR SPECIFICATIONS - Exceptions to the specifications shall be listed on the Response and shall reference the section. Any exceptions to the General or Special Conditions shall be cause for the bid (IFB) to be considered non-responsive. It also may be cause for a RFP, RFQ. or RFLI to be considered nun -responsive: and, if exceptions are taken to the terms and conditions of the resulting agreement it may lead to terminating,? negotiations. 1.36. F.O.B. DESTINATION - Unless otherwise specified in the Fon-nal Solicitation, all prices quoted, proposed by the bidder proposer must be F.O.B. DESTIitATION, inside delivery, with all delivery costs and charges included in the bid proposal price, unless otherwise specified in this Formal Solicitation. Failure to do so maybe cause for rejection of bid: proposal. 1.37. FIRM PRICES -The bidder, proposer warrants that prices.. terms, and conditions quoted in its response will be Finn throu2110ut the duration of the contract unless otherwise specified in the Fon-nal Solicitation. Such prices will remain Linn for the period of performance or resulting purchase orders or contracts, which are to be performed Page 15 of 61 Invitation for Bid (IFB) 781382.1 or supplied over a period of time. 1.38. FLORIDA MI\INIUM WAGE - The Constitution of the State of Florida, Article X. Section 34, states that employers shall pay employee wages no less than the minimum wake for all hours worked in Florida. Accordingly. it is the contractor's and its' subcontractor(s) responsibility to understand and comply with this Florida constitutional minimum wage requirement and pay its employees the current established hourly minimum wage rate, which is subject to change or adjusted by rile rate or inflation using the consumer price index for urban wade earners and clerical workers. CPI -\k', or a successor index as calculated by the United States Department of Labor. Each adjusted minitnutn wade rate calculated shall be determined and published by the Agency Workforce Innovation on September 30th of each year and take effect on the following January I st. At the time of responding, it is bidder.proposer and his. her subcontractor(s). if applicable, full responsibility to determine whether any of its employees may be impacted by this Florida Law- at any given point in time during the tern of the contract. Ifimpacted, bidder -proposer must furnish employee name(s). job title(s), job description(s), and current pay rate(s). Failure to submit this information at the time of submitting a response constitute successful bidder's.'proposer's acknowledgement and understanding that the Florida Minimum Wage Law will not impact its prices throughout the term of contract and waiver of any contractual price increase request(s). The City reserves the right to request and successful bidder proposer must provide for any and all information to make a wage and contractual price increase(s) determination. 1.39. GOVER.NItiG LANN' A -ND VENUE - The validity and effect of this Contract shall be governed by the laws of the State of Florida. The parties agree that any action, mediation or arbitration arising out of this Contract shall take place in Miami -Dade County, Florida. In any action or proceeding each party shall bear their own respective attorney's fees. 1.40. HEADINGS A -ND TER -NIS - The headings to the various paragraphs of this Contract have been inserted for convenient reference only and shall not in anv manner be construed as tmadifving, arendin-or affecting in anv wav the expressed ten-rss and provisions hereof, 1.41. HEALTH INSURANCE PORTABILITYAND ACCOUNTABILITY ACT (HIPPA) - Any person or entity that performs or assists the City of Miami with a function or activity involving the use or disclosure of "individually identifiable health information (IIHI) and, or Protected Health Information (PH[) shall comply with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (H1PAA) of 1996 and the City of :4liami Privacy Standards. HIPAA mandates for privacy, security and electronic transfer standards, which include but are not limited to: A. Use of information only for performing services required by the contract or as required by law; B. Use of appropriate safeguards to prevent non-pennitted disclosures; C. Reporting to the City of Miami of any non -permitted use or disclosure; D. Assurances that any agents and subcontractors agree to the same restrictions and conditions that apply to the Bidder Proposer and reasonable assurances that II111. PHI will be held confidential; E. Making Protected Health Infonnation (PHI) available to the customer; F. Making PHI available to the customer for review and amendment; and incorporating any amendments requested by the customer; G. Making PHI available to the City of Miami for an accounting of disclosures; and 11. Makin- internal practices. books and records related to PHI available to the City of Miami for compliance audits. PHI shall maintain its protected status regardless of the form and method of transmission (paper records. and or electronic transfer of data). The Bidder Proposer must give its customers written notice of its privacy information Page 16 of 61 Invitation for Bid (1FB) 7813 82,1 practices including specifically-, a description of the types of uses and disclosures that would be made with protected health information. I.42 INDEMNIFICATION - Contractor shall indemnify, hold save harmless and defend at its own costs and expense the City. its officials, officers, agents, directors, and employees, from liabilities, damages, losses, and costs, including, but not limited to reasonable attorney's fees, to the extent caused by the negligence, recklessness or intentional wron`gfid misconduct of Contractor and persons employed or utilized by Contractor in the pertonnance of this Contract and will indemnify, hold harmless and defend the City, its officials, officers, agents, directors and employees against, any civil actions, statutory or similar claims, injuries or damages arising or resulting from the penmitted work, even if it is alleged that the City, its officials and or employees were negligent. These indemnifications shall survive the tern of this Contract. In the event that any action or proceeding is brought against City by reason of any such claim or demand. Contractor shall, upon written notice from City, resist and defend such action or proceeding by counsel satisfactory to City, The Contractor expressly understands and agzrees that any insurance protection required by this Contract or otherwise provided by Contractor shall in no way limit the responsibility to indemnify, keep and save harmless and defend the City or its officers. employees, agents and instrumentalities as herein provided. The indemnification provided above shall obligate Contractor to defend at its own expense to and through appellate.. supplemental or bankruptcy- proceeding. or to provide for such defense, at City's option. any and all claims of liability and all suits and actions of every name and description which may be brought ag=ainst City whether Performed by Contractor, or persons employed or utilized by Contractor. This indemnity will survi,. e the cancellation or expiration of the Contract. This indemnity will be interpreted tinder the laws of the State of Florida, including without limitation and which conforms to the limitations of §725.06 and or §725.08. Fla. Statues, as amended froth time to time as applicable. Contractor shall require all Sub -Contractor agreements to include a provision that they will indemnify the City. The Contractor agrees and recognizes that the City shall not be held liable or responsible for any claims which may result from any actions or omissions of the Contractor in which the City participated either through review or concurrence of the Contractor's actions, in reviewing. approving or rejecting any submissions by the Contractor or other acts of the Contractor, the City in no way assumes or shares any responsibility or liability of the Contractor or Sub -Contractor, under this Agreement, I.43. FORMATION AND DESCRIPTIVE LITERATURE —Bidders Proposer must furnish all information requested in the spaces provided in the Formal Solicitation. Further. as may be specified elsewhere, each Bidder Proposer must submit for evaluation, cuts, sketches, descriptive literature, technical specifications, and Material Safety Data Sheets (.%ISDS )as required, covering the products offered. Reference to literature submitted with a previous response or on file with the Buyer will not satisfy this provision. 1.44. INSPECTIONS - The Ciry mav, at reasonable tinges during the tern hereof. inspect Contractor's facilities and performs such tests, as the City deems reasonably necessary, to deternine whether the goods and or services required to be provided by the Contractor under this Contract conform to the terms and conditions of the Formal Solicitation. Contractor shall make available to the City all reasonable facilities and assistance to facilitate the performance of tests or inspections by City representatives. All tests and inspections shall be subject to, and made in accordance with, the provisions of the City of Miami Ordinance No. 13271 (Section 18-79), as same may be amended or supplemented from time to time. 1.45. INSPECTION OF RESPONSE - Responses received by the City- pursuant to a Formal Solicitation will not be made available until such time as the City provides notice of decision or intended decision or within 30 days after bid closing, whichever is earlier. Bid Proposal results will be tabulated and may be furnished upon request r is fax or e-mail to the Sr. Procurement Specialist issuing the Solicitation. Tabulations also are available on the Citv's Page 17 of 61 Invitation for Bid (IFB) 781382,1 Web Site following recommendation for award 1.46. INSURANCE - Wirhin ten (10) days after receipt of Notice of Award, the successful Contractor, shall furnish Evidence of Insurance to the Purchasing Department, if applicable. Submitted evidence of coverage shall demonstrate strict compliance to all requirements listed on the Special Conditions entitled "Insurance Requirements". The City shall be listed as an "Additional Insured." Issuance ora Purchase Order is contingent upon the receipt of proper insurance documents. If the insurance certificate is received within the specified time frame but not in the manner prescribed in this Solicitation the Contractor shall be verbally notified of such deficiency and shall have an additional five (5) calendar days to submit a corrected certificate to the City. If the Contractor fails to submit the required insurance: documents in the manner prescribed in this Solicitation within fifteen (15) calendar days after receipt Notice of Award, the contractor shall be in default of the contractual terms and conditions and shall not be awarded the contract. Cinder such circumstances, the Bidder Proposer may be prohibited from submitting future responses to the City. Information regarding any insurance requirements shall be directed to the Risk Administrator, Department of Risk Management, at 444 S`b' 2nd Avenue, 9th Floor, Miami, Florida 33130, 305-416-1604. The Bidder'Proposer shall be responsible for as`stirinn that the insurance certificates required in conjunction with this Section remain in effect for the duration of the contractual period. including any and all option terns that may be uranted to the Bidder Proposer. 1.47. INXO ICES - Invoices shall contain purchase order number and details of goods and or services delivered (Le. quantity, unit price, extended price, etc); and in compliance with Chapter 218 of the Florida Statutes (Prompt Pavment Act), 1.48. LOCAL PREFERENCE A. City Code Section 13-85, states, "when a responsive, responsible non -local bidder submits the lowest bid price, and the bid submitted by one or more responsive, responsible local bidders who maintain a local office, as defined in Section 18-73, is "ithin tureen percent (15" a) of the price submitted by the non -local bidder, then that non -local bidder and each of the aforementioned responsive, responsible local bidders shall have the opportunity to submit a best and final bid equal to or lower than the amount of the low bid previously submitted by the non -local bidder. Contract award shall be made to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder submitting the lowest best and final bid. In the case of a tic in the best and final bid between a local bidder and a non -local bidder, contract award shall be made to the local bidder." B. City Code Section 18-86, states, "the RFP, RFLI or RFQ, as applicable, may, in the exercise of the reasonable professional discretion of the City Manager. director of the using agency, and the Chief Procurement Officer, include a five Wo) percent evaluation criterion in favor of proposers who maintain a local office, as defined in Section 18-73. In such cases, this five (5" v) percent evaluation criterion in favor of proposers who maintain a local office will be specifically defined in the RFP, RFLI or RFQ, as applicable; otherwise=, it will not apply. 1.49. MANUFACTURER'S CERTIFICATION -The City reserves the right to request from bidders. proposers a separate Ntanufacturer's Certification of all statements made in the bid; proposal. Failure to provide such certi fication may result in the rejection of bid, proposal or termination of contract agreement, for which the bidder. proposer must bear full liability. 1.50. MODIFICATIONS OR CHANGES 1N PURCHASE ORDERS AND CONTRACTS - No contract or understanding= to modify this Formal Solicitation and resultant purchase orders or contracts, if applicable, shall be bindinz upon the City unless made in writing by the Director of Purchasing of the City of Miami, Florida throueh the issuance of a channe order, addendum, amendment, or supplement to the contract, purchase order or award sheet Page 18 of 61 Invitation for Bid (IFB) 751382,1 as appropriate. 131. NO PARTNERSHIP OR JOINT VENTURE. - `othine contained in this Contract will be deemed or construed to create a partnership or joint venture between the City of Miami and Contractor. or to create any other similar relationship between the parties. 1.52. NONCONF'OR.NIANCE TO CONTRACT CONDITIONS - Items may be tested for compliance with specifications under the direction of the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services or by other appropriate testing Laboratories as determined by the City. The data derived from any test for compliance with specifications is public record and open to examination thereto in accordance with Chapter 119, Florida Statutes. Items delivered not conforming to specifications may be rejected and returned at Bidder's, Proposer's expense. These non -conforming items not delivered as per delivery date in the response and, or Purchase Order may result in bidder proposer being found in default in which event any and all re -procurement costs may be charged a-ainst the defaulted contractor. Any violation of these stipulations may also result in the supplier's name being removed from the City of 1,tiami's Supplier's list. 1.53. NONDISCRIMINATION —Bidder, Proposer agrees that it shall not discriminate as to race, sex, color, age, religion. national origin, marital status, or disability in connection with its performance under this formal solicitation. Furthermore, Bidder.'Proposer agrees that no otherwise qualified individual shall solely by reason of his, her race, sex, color, age, reli-ion, national origin, marital status or disability be excluded from the participation in, be denied benefits of, or be subjected to, discrimination under any program or activity. In connection with the conduct of its business, including performance of services and employment of personnel, Bidder Proposer shall not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, religion, disability, ave, sex, marital status or national origin. All persons having appropriate qualifications shall be afforded equal opportunity for employment. 1.54. NON-EXCLUSIVE CONTRACT/ PIGGYBACK PROVISION - At such times as may serve its best interest, the City of Miami resenes the right to advertise for, receive, and award additional contracts for these herein goods and, or services, and to make use orother competitively bid (governmental) contracts, agreements, or other similar sources for the purchase of these goods and'or services as may be available. It is hereby a` -reed and understood that this formal solicitation does not constitute the exclusive rights of the success fttl bidder(s), proposer(s) to receive all orders that may be generated by the City in conjunction with this Formal Solicitation. ~ In addition, any and all commodities, equipment, and services required by the City in conjunction with construction projects are solicited tinder a distinctly different solicitation process and shall not be purchased under the tetras, conditions and awards rendered under this solicitation, unless such purchases are determined to be in the best interest of the City. I.55. OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE - Any person, firm. corporation or joint venture, with a business location in the City of Miami and is submitting a Response under this Formal Solicitation shall meet the City's Occupational License Tar requirements in accordance with Chapter 31.1, Article I of the City of Miami Charter. Others with a location outside the City of Miami shall meet their local Occupational License Tax requirements. A copy of the license must be submitted with the response: however, the City may at its sole option and in its best interest allow the Bidder Proposer to supply the license to the City during the evaluation period, but prior to award. 1.56. ONE PROPOSAL - Only one (1) Response from an individual, firm. partnership, corporation or joint venture will be ccnsidered in response to this Formal Solicitation. Page 19 of 61 Invitation for Bid (lFB) 781383,1 I.57. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS - It is understood by and between the parties that any documents, records, files, or anv other matter whatsoever which is �,iven by the City to the successful Bidder Proposer pursuant to this formal solicitation Shall at all times remain the property of the City and shall not be used by the Bidder Proposer for any other purposes whatsoever without the written consent of the City. I.53. PARTIAL INVALIDITY- If any provision of this Contract or the application thereof to any person or circumstance shall to any extent be held invalid, then the remainder of this Contract or the application of such provision to persons or circumstances other than those as to which it is held invalid shall not be affected thereby, and each provision of this Contract shall be valid and enforced to the Rillest extent penritted by law. 1.59. PERFORMANCE/PAI .NIEN r BOND —A Contractor may be required to furnish a Perfomiance Payment Bond as part of the requirements of this Contract, in an amount equal to one hundred percent (100° ,) of the contract price. 1.60. PREPARATION OF RESPONSES (HARDCOPY FORMAT) —Bidders, Proposers are expected to examine the specifications, required delivery, drawings, and all special and general conditions. All bid proposed amounts, if required, shall be either typewritten or entered into the space provided with ink. Failure to do so will be at the Bidder's.Proposer's risk. A. Each Bidder Proposer shall furnish the information required in the Formal. Solicitation. The Bidder Proposer shall si-n the Response and print in ink or type the name of the Bidder'Proposer, address, and telephone number on the face page and cn each continuation sheet thereof on which he she makes an entry, as required. B. If so required, the unit price for each unit offered shall be shown, and such price shall include packaging, handling and shipping, and F.O.B, :Miami delivery inside City premises unless otherwise specified. Bidder Proposer shall include in the response all taxes, insurance. social security, workmen's compensation, and any other benefits nonnally paid by the Bidder Proposer to its employees. If applicable, a unit price shall be entered in the "Unit Price" column for each item. Based upon estimated quantity, an extended price shall be entered in the "Extended Price" column for each item offered. In case of a discrepancy between the unit price and extended price, the unit price will be presumed correct. C. The Bidder'Proposer must state a definite time. if required, in calendar days for delivery of goods and or services. D. The Bidder/Proposer should retain a copy of all response documents for future reference. E. All responses, as described, trust be fully completed and typed or printed in ink and must be signed in ink with the firm's name and by an officer or employee having authority to bind the company or firm by his,her signature. Bids. Proposals havin f_> any erasures or corrections must be initialed in ink by person siv7ninVg the response or the response may be rejected. F. Responses are to retrain valid for at least 130 days. upon award of a contract, the content of the Successful Bidder's, Proposer's response may be included as part of the contract, at the City's discretion. G. The City of Miami's Response Fontes shall be used when Bidder Proposer is submitting its response in hardcopy fonrat. Use of any other forms will result in the rejection of the response. IF SL:B,IITTING HARDCOPY FOR.NIAT, THE ORIGINAL AND THREE (3) COPIES OF THESE SETS OF FORMS. UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED, AND ANY REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS MUST BE RETURNED TO THE CITY OR YOUR RESPONSE MAY BE DEEMED NON-RESPONSIVE. 1,61, PRICE ADJUSTMENTS — Any price decrease effectuated during the contract period either by reason of Page 20 of 61 Invitation for Bid (IFB) 781332,1 market change or on the part of the contractor to other customers shall be passed on to the City of Miami. 1.63. PROl71'CT SUBSTITUTES - In the event a particular awarded and approved manufacturer's product becomes unavailable durins the term of the Contract. the Contractor awarded that item may arrange with the City's authorized representative(s) to supply a substitute product at the awarded price or lower, provided that a sample is approved in advance of delivery and that the new product meets or exceeds all quality requirements. 1.63. CONFLICT OF INTEREST, AND UNETHICAL BUSiNESS PRACTICE PROHIBITION'S - Contractor represents and warrants to the City that it has not employed or retained any person or company employed by the Cit}' to solicit or secure this Contract and that it has not offered to pay, paid, or agreed to pay any person any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee. or gift of any kind contingent upon or in connection with, the a%+ard of this Contract. 1.6.1. PROMPT PAYMENT —Bidders Proposers may offer a cash discount for prompt payment, however, discounts shall not be considered in determining the lowest net cost for response evaluation purposes. Bidders.'Proposers are required to provide their prompt payment terms in the space provided on the Formal Solicitation. If no prompt payment discount is being offered, the Bidder Proposer must enter zero (0) for the percentage discount to indicate no discount. If the BidderProposer fails to enter a percentage, it is understood and agreed that the teens shall be 2"o 20 days, effective after receipt of invoice or final acceptance by the City. whichever is later. When the City is entitled to a cash discount. the period of computation will commence on the date of delivery, or receipt of a correctly completed invoice, whichever is later. If an adjustment in payment is necessary due to damage, the cash discount period shall commence on the date Final approval for payment is authorized. If a discount is part of the contract, but the invoice does not reflect the existence of a cash discount, the City is entitled to a cash discount with the period commencing on the date it is determined by the City- that a cash discount applies. Price discounts off the original prices quoted on the Price Sheet will be accepted from successful bidders. proposers during the term of the contract. 1.65. PROPERTY- Property owned by the City of Miami is the responsibility of the City of :Miami. Such property furnished to a Contractor for repair, modification. study, etc.. shall remain the property of the City of Miami. Damages to such property occurring while in the possession of the Contractor shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. Damages occurring to such property while in route to the City of Miami shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. In the event that such property is destroyed or declared a total loss, the Contractor shall be responsible for replacement value of the property- at the current market value, less depreciation of the property, if any. 1.66. PROVISIONS BINDING - Except as otherwise expressly provided in the resulting Contract, all covenants. conditions and provisions of the resulting Contract shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns. 1.67. PUBLIC ENTITY CRIMES - A person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list fotlowin,; a conviction for a public entity crime may not submit a response on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity, may not submit a response on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building, or public work, may not submit responses on leases of real property to a public entity, may not be awarded or perfonn work as a contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or consultant under a contract with any public entity, and may not transact business with any public entity in excess of the threshold amount provided in Section 237.017, for CATEGORY TWO for a period of 36 months from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list. Page 21 of 61 Invitation for Bid (I FB) 78 1382, 1 1.68. PUBLIC RECORDS - Contractor understands that the public shall have access, at all reasonable times, to all documents and infonnation pertaining to City contracts, subject to the provisions of Chapter 119, Florida Statutes. and City of tliarni Code. Section 18, Article W. and agrees to allow access by the Cit` and the public to all documents subject to disclosure under applicable lawn. Contractor shall additionally comply with the provisions of Section 119.070 1, Florida Statutes, entitled "Contracts; public records". Contractor's failure or refusal to comply with the provision of this section shall result in the immediate cancellation of this Contract by the City. 1.69. QUALITY OF GOODS, MATERIALS, SUPPLIES, PRODUCTS, AND EQUIPMENT - All materials used in the ntanufacturinl= or construction of supplies, materials, or equipment covered by this solicitation shall be new. The items bid proposed must be of the latest make or model, of the best quality, and of the highest grade of workmanship, unless as otherwise specified in this Solicitation. 1.70. QUALITY OF N ORK/SERVICES - The work. services performed must be of the highest quality and wvorkmanship. Materials furnished to complete the service shall be new and of the highest quality except as otherwise specified in this Solicitation. 1.71. REMEDIES PRIOR TO ANNARD (Sec, 18-106) - ff prior to Contract award it is detennined that a formal solicitation or proposed award is in violation of law. then the solicitation or proposed award shall be cancelled by the City Commission, the Cin_- %Ianaser or the Chief Procurement Officer, as may be applicable, or revised to comply with the law. 1,72. RESOLUTION OF CONTRACT DISPUTES (Sec. 18-105) (a) Authority to resolve Contract disputes. The City Manager, after obtaining the approval of the city attorney, shall have the authority to resolve controversies between the Contractual Party and the city which arise under, or by virtue of, a Contract betwween them. provided that. in cases involving an amount greater than $23,000, the City Commission must approvee the City Manigger's decision. Such authority extends, without limitation. to controversies based upon breach of Contract, mistake. misrepresentation or lack of complete performance, and shall be invoked by a Contractual Part' by submission of a protest to the City Manager. (b) Contract dispute decisions_ If a dispute is not resolved by mutual consent, the City Manager shall promptly render a written report stating the reasons for the action taken by the City Commission or the Cit' Manager which shall be final and conclusive A copy of the decision shall be immediately provided to the protesting party, along with a notice of such party's right to seek judicial relief, provided that the protesting party shall not be entitled to such judicial relief without first having followwed the procedure set forth in this section. I.73. RESOLUTION OF PROTESTED SOLICITATION'S AND AWARDS (Sec. 18-104) (a) Right to protest. The following_ procedures shall be used for resolution of protested solicitations and awards except for purchases of goods, supplies, equipment, and services, the estimated cost of which does not exceed S?5,000. Protests thereon shall be governed by the Administrative Policies and Procedures of Purchasing. 1.Protest of Solicitation. i. Any prospective proposer who perceives itself aggrieved in connection with the solicitation of a Contract may protest to the Chief Procurement Officer. A wvritten notice of intent to file a protest shall be tiled with the Chief Procurement Officer within three days after the Request for Proposals, Request for Qualifications or Request for Letters of Interest is published in a newspaper of general circulation. A notice of intent to file a protest is considered tiled when received by the Chief Procurement Officer; or Page 27 of 61 Imitation for Bid (IFB) 781382,1 ii. Any prospective bidder who intends to contest the Solicitation Specifications or a solicitation may protest to the Chief Procurement Officer. A written notice of intent to file a protest steal[ be filed with the Chief Procurement Officer within three days after the solicitation is published in a newspaper of general circulation. A notice of intent to file a protest is considered filed when received by the Chief Procurement Officer. 2. Protest ofMvard. I. A written notice; of intent to file a protest shall be tiled with the Chief Procurement Officer within two days after receipt by the proposer of the notice of the City Manager's recommendation for award of Contract, which will be posted on the City of Nliami Purchasing Department website, in the Supplier Comer, Current Solicitations and Notice of Recommendation of A%%and Section, The notice or the City Manager's recommendation can be found by selectin-,, the details of the solicitation and is listed as Recommendation of Award Posting Date and Recommendation of Award To fields. If -carious- is indicated in the Recommendation of Award To field, the Bidder Proposer must contact the buyer for that solicitation to obtain the suppliers name. It shall be the responsibility of the Bidder Proposer to check this section of the website daily after responses are submitted to receive the notice; or ii. Any actual Responsive and Responsible Bidder whose Bid is lower than that of the recommended bidder may protest to the Chief Procurement Officer_ A written notice of intent to life a protest shall be filed with the Chief Procurement Officer within two days after receipt by the bidder of the notice of the city's determination of non responsiveness or non responsibility. The receipt by bidder of such notice shall be confirmed by the city by facsimile or electronic mail or U.S. mail, return receipt requested. A notice of intent to file a protest is considered filed when received by the Chief Procurement Officer. Hi. A written protest based on any of the fore;;oina must be Submitted to the Chief Procurement Officer within five (d) days after the date the notice ofprotest was tiled, A written protest is considered filed when received by the Chief Procurement Officer. The ..%riaen protest may not challen�ue the relative weight of the evaluation criteria or the formula for assisnin, points in making an award deternmination. The written protest shall state with particularity= the specific facts and law upon which the protest of the solicitation or the award is based, and shall include all pertinent documents and evidence and shall be accompanied by the required Filing Fee as provided in subsection (f). This shall form the basis for review• of the written protest and no facts, grounds, documentation or evidence not contained in the protester's submission to the Chief Procurement Officer at the time o F tiling the protest shall be permitted in the consideration of the written protest, No time will be added to the above limits for service by mail. In computing any period of time prescribed or allowed by this section, the day of the act, event or default from which the designated period of time begins to run shall not be included. The last day of the period so computed shall be included unless it is a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday in which event the period shall run until the end of the next day which is neither a Saturday. Sunday or legal holiday. intermediate Saturdays. Sundays and legal holidays shall be excluded in the computation of the time for filing. (b) Authority to resolve protests. The Chief Procurement Officer shall have the authority, subject to the approval of the City Manager and the city attorney, to settle and resolve any written protest. The Chief Procurement Officer shall obtain the requisite approvals and communicate said decision to the protesting parr- and shall submit said decision to the Citv Commission within 30 days after he, site receives the protest. In cases involving more than S25,000, the decision of the Chief Procurement Officer shall be submitted for approval or disapproval thereof to the City Commission after a favorable recommendation by the city attorney and the City :Manager, c) Compliance with filing requirements. Failure of a party to timely file either the notice of intent to file a protest or Page 23 of 61 Invitation for Bid (IFB) 78 1382,1 the written protest, together with the required Filing Fee as provided in subsection M. with the Chief Procurement Officer within the time provided in subsection (a), abode, shall constitute a forfeiture ofsuch party's right to file a protest pursuant to this section. The protesting party shall not be entitled to seek judicial relief without first ha%ing followed the procedure set forth in this section (d) Stay of Procurements during protests, Upon receipt of a written protest Bled pursuant to the requirements of this section, the city shall not proceed further with the solicitation or with the award of the Contract until the protest is resolved by the Chief Procurement Officer or the City Commission as provided in subsection (b) above, unless the City Mana-er makes a written determination that the solicitation process or the Contract award must be continued without delay in order to avoid an immediate and serious danger to the public health, safety or welfare. (c) Costs. All costs accruing from a protest shall be assumed by the protestor. (f) Filin-Y Fee. The written protest must be accompanied by a filing fce in the form of a money order or cashier's check payable to the city in an amount equal to one percent of the amount of the Bid or proposed Contract, or S5000.00, whichever is less, which filing fee shall guarantee the payment of all costs which may be adjudged against the protestor in any administrative or court proceeding. If a protest is upheld by the Chief Procurement Officer and or the City Commission. as applicable, the filing fee shall be refunded to the protestor less any costs assessed under subsection (e) above. If the protest is denied. the tiling fee shall be forfeited to the city in lieu of payment of costs for the administrative proceedings as prescribed by subsection (e) above. 1.74. SAtiIPLES - Sample; of items. when required, mutt be submittal within the time specified at no expense to the City. If not destroyed by testing. bidder(s) proposer(s) will be notified to remove samples, at their expense, within 30 days after notification. Failure to retnove the samples will result in the samples becoming the property of the CitN, 1.75, SELLING, TRANSFERRING OR ASSIGNING RESPONSIBILITIES - Contractor shall not sell, assign, transfer or subcontract at any time Burin, the term of the Contract, or any part of its operations. or assign any portion of the performance required by this contract, except under and by virtue of written permission granted by the City throw*h the proper officials, which may be withheld or conditioned. in the City -'s sole discretion. 1.76. SERVICE AND WARRANTY -fit hen specified. the bidder proposer shall define all warranty, service and replacements that will be provided. Bidders. Proposer must explain on the: Response to what extent warranty and service facilities are available. A copy of the manufacturer's warranty, if applicable, should be submitted with your response. I.77. SILENCE OF SPECIFICATIONS - The apparent silence of these specifications and any supplemental specification as to any detail or the omission from it of detailed description concerning any point shall be regarded as meaning that only the best commercial practices are to prevail and that only materials of first quality and correct type. size and design are to be used. All workmanship and services is to be first quality. All interpretations of these specifications shall be made upon the basis of this statement. If your firm has a current contract with the State of Florida, Department of General Services, to supply the items on this solicitation, the bidder'proposer shall quote not more than the contract price; failure to comply with this request will result in disqualification of bid. proposal. 1,78. SUBMISSION AND RECEIPT OF RESPONSES - Responses shall be submitted electronically via the Oracle System or responses may be submitted in hardcopy format to the City Clerk, City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami. Florida 33133-550.1, at or before, the specified closing date and time as designated in the IFB. RFP, RFQ, or RFLI. NO EXCEPTIONS. Bidders.'Proposers are welcome to attend the solicitation closing; however, no Pate 24 of 61 Invitation for Bid (IFB) 731382.1 award will be made at that time. A. Hardcopy responses shall be enclosed in a sealed envelope. box package. The face of the envelope, box or package must show the hour and date specified for receipt of responses, the solicitation number and title, and the name and return address of the Bidder Proposer. Hardcopy responses not submitted on the requisite Response Forms may be rejected. Hardcopy responses received at any other location than the specified shall be deemed non-responsive. Directions to City Hall: FROM THE' ORTH: 1-45 SOUTH UNTIL IT TURNS INTO USI. USI SOUTH TO 27TH AVE., TURN LEFT. PROCEED SOUTH TO SO. BAYSHORE DR. (3RD TRAFFIC LIGHT), TURN- LEFT, I BLOCK TURN RIGHT ON PAN AMERICAN DR. CITY HALL IS AT THE END OF PAN AMERICAN DR. PARKING IS ON RIGHT. FROM THE SOUTH: US] 'NORTH TO 27TH AVENUE, TURN RIGHT, PROCEED SOUTH TO SO. BAYSHORE DR. ORD TRAFFIC LIGHT), TURN LEFT, I BLOCK TURN RIGHT Oa PA AMERICAN DR, CITY HALT. IS AT THE END OF PAN AMERICAN DR. PARKENG IS ON RIGHT. B. Facsimile responses will not be considered. C. Failure to follow these procedures is cause for rejection of bid. proposal. D. The responsibility for obtaining and submitting a response on or before the close date is solely and strictly the responsibility of Bidder Proposer. The City of Miami is not responsible for delays caused by the United States mail delivery or caused by any other occurrence, Responses received after the solicitation closing, date and time will be returned unopened, and will not be considered for award. E. Late responses will be rejected. F. All responses ase subject to the conditions specified herein. Those which do not comply with these conditions are subject to rejection. G. %lodi Yication of responses already submitted will be considered only if received at the City before the time and date set for closing of solicitation responses. all modifications must be submitted via the Oracle System or in writing. Once a solicitation closes (closed date and or time expires), the City will not consider any subsequent submission which alters the responses. H. If hardcopy responses are submitted at the same time for different solicitations, each response must be placed in a separate envelope, box, or package and each envelope, box or package must contain the information previously stated in 1.82.A. 1.79. TAXES - The City of Miami is exempt from any taxes imposed by the State and or Federal Government. Exemption certificates will be provided upon request. Not -withstanding, Bidders. Proposers should be aware- of the fact that all materials and supplies which are purchased by the Bidder"Proposer for the completion of the contract is subject to the Florida State Sales Tax in accordance with Section 212.08. Florida Statutes. as amended and all amendments thereto and shall be paid solely by the BidderTropo er. 1.80. TERMINATION —The City Manager on behalf of the City ofMiami reserves the right to terminate this contract by written notice to the contractor effective the date specified in the notice should any of the following apply: A. The contractor is determined by the City to be in breach of any of the terms and conditions of the contract. B. The City has determined that such termination -will be in the best interest of the City to terminate the contract for Page 25 of 61 Invitation for Bid (IFB) 78135'_,1 its own convenience; C. Funds are not available to cover the cost of the goods and. or services. The City's obligation is contingent upon the availability of appropriate funds. I.81. TERAS OF PAYMENT - Payment will be made by the City after the goods and or services awarded to a Bidder Proposer have been received, inspected, and found to comply with award specifications, free of darnage or defect, and properly invoiced. No advance payments of any ]find will be made by the City of Miami. Payment shall be made atter delivery, within 45 days of receipt of an invoice and authorized inspection and acceptance of the goods services and pursuant to Section ? 18.74, Florida Statutes and other applicable law. 1.82. TIMELY DELIVERY- Time will be of the essence for any orders placed as a result of this solicitation. The City reserves the right to cancel such orders. or any part thereof, without obligation, if delivery is not made within the time(s) specified on their Response. Deliveries are to be made during regular City business hours unless otherwise specified in the Special Conditions. 1.83. TITLE - Title to the goods or equipment shall not pass to the City until after the City has accepted the goods., equipment or used the goods, whichever comes first. 1,84.TRADE SECRETS EXECUTION TO PUBLIC RECORDS DISCLOSURE- All Responses submitted to the City are subject to public disclosure pursuant to Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, An exception may be made for .'trade secrets.^ If the Response contains information that constitutes a "trade secret", all material that qualifies for exemption from Chapter 119 must be submitted in a separate envelope, clearly identified as "TI -WE SECRETS EXCEPTION." with your Firtn's name and the Solicitation number and title marked on the outside. Please be aware that the desivsnation of an item as a trade secret by you may be challenged in court by any person. By your designation of material in your Response as a "trade secret' you agree to indemnify and hold harmless the City for any award to a plaintiff for damaues, costs or attorney's fees and for costs and attorney's fees incurred by the City by reason of any legal action challenging your claim. 1.85. UNAUTHORIZED WORK OR DELIVERY OF GOODS- Neither the qualified Bidder(s), Proposer(s) nor any of his,her employees shall perforin any work or deliver any goods unless a change order or purchase order is issued and received by the Contractor. The qualified Bidder(s):"Proposer(s) shall not be paid for any work performed or goods delivered outside the scope of the contract or any work performed by an employee not otherwise previously authorized. 1,86. USE OF NAME - The City is not engaged in research for advertising, sales promotion, or other publicity purposes. No advertising. sales promotion or other publicity materials containing 'snforntation obtained from this Solicitation are to be mentioned, or imply the name of the Cin•, without prior express written permission of the City Manager or the City Commission. 1,87. VARIATION'S OF SPECI FICATION'S - For purposes of solicitation evaluation, bidders,'proposers must indicate any variances from the solicitation specifications and or conditions, no matter how slight. If variations are not stated on their Response, it a ill be assumed that the product fully complies with the City's specifications. Page 26 of 61 Invitation for Bid (1FB) 7813112,1 2. Special Conditions 2.1. General Special Conditions 2.1.a) PURPOSE The purpose of this Solicitation is to establish a contract. for Citywide Emergency Sidewalk Repair and Replacement, as specified herein. from a source(s). fully compliant with the ternis, conditions and stipulations of the solicitation. 2.1.b) DEADLINE FOR RECEIPT OF REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATIOTICLARIFICATION Any questions or clarifications concerning this solicitation shall be submitted by email or facsimile to the Procurement Department, Attn: Dahlia Gray: fax: (305) 400-5019 or email: tgra%' i,miamigov.com, and a copy tiled with the Office of the City Cterk, pursuant to Section 1.20. Cone of Silence. The solicitation title and number shall be referenced on all correspondence. All questions must be received no later than March 20. 2018 at 5:00 p.m.. All responses to questions will be sent to all prospective bidders, proposers in the form of an addendum.. NO QUESTIONS WILL BE RECEIVED VERBALLY OR AFTER SAID DEADLINE. 2.1.c) VOLL"NTARY PRE-BID CONFERENCE A Voluntary pre-bid conference will be held on March 12. 2018 at 10:00 a.m., at City of Mianii .%IRC 8th Floor North Conference Room. 444 SIW 2nd Ave. Miami, FL 3 3130. 2.I.d) TERM OF CONTRACT The Successful Bidder shall commence upon the date of notice of award and shall be effective for five (5) years with the option to renew for three (3) additional two (2) year periods, subject to the availabiliry of Ponds for succeeding: fiscal years. Continuation of the contract beyond the initial period is a City- prerogative: not a right of the Bidder. This prerogative will be exercised only when such continuation is clearly in the best interest of the City. 2.1,e) 1iETHOD OF ANVARD This Solicitation is divided into nvo (2) Groups: Group I - Federally Funded Projects; and Group 2 -tion-Federally Funded Projects. Bidders can bid on one Group or both Groups, using the applicable Price Form(s). ?.ward of this contract will be made to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder(s) bids on all items and whose bid offers the to%vest price when all items are added in the aagrellate. Failure to bid on all items on either price sheet shall deem your bid non-responsive. The City shall select up to three (3) vendor(s) for each Group, with the lowest deemed the "primary vendor"' and the next lowest the "secondary vendor"', and third as the "tertiary vendor" in the order of lowest prices provided to the City. Should the "primary vendor" not be able to provide the item at the time needed. the City has the option to select the next lowest "secondary vendor' to fulfill the order, and so on. Page 27 of 61 Invitation for Bid 0FB) 7813811 Bidders may bid on one or both Groups. Bid price sheets located in the Header Section of this solicitation. 2,1.f) CONDITIONS FOR RENEWAL Each renewal of this contract is subject to the following: ( t ) Continued satisfactory performance compliance with the specifications, terns and conditions established herein. (2) Availability of hinds 2.1.a) NON -APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS In the event no funds or insufficient funds are appropriated and budgeted or are otherwise unavailable in any fiscal period for payments due under this contract. then the City. upon writien notice to the Successful Bidder or his assignee of such occurrence. shall have the unqualified right to tenninate the contract without any penalry or expense to the City. No guarantee, warranty or representation is made that any project(s) will be awarded to any finn(s). 2,1.11) BIDDERS MININIUAI QUALIFICATIONS Bids will be considered only from firms that are regularly engaged in the business of providing Goods and. or services as described in this bid. that have adequate financial support, equipment and personnel to insure that they can satisfactorily provide the goods and or services if awarded a contract under the terns and conditions herein stated. The minimum qualifications for this bid are that the Successful Bidder shall, as of Bid Due Date: (1) Have a record of performing these services for five (5) years. (2) Have a current certified license as a General Contractor from the State of Florida OR .Liiami-Dade County Municipal Occupational License in the trade of Sidewalk and Paving. (3) Not have any member, officer, or stockholder that is in arrears or is in default of any debt or contract involving, the City, is a defaulter surety otherwise, upon any obligation to the City, and or has failed to perform faithfully on any previous contract with the City. (4) Have no record of pending lawsuits or criminal activities, and have never been declared bankrupt within the last three (3) years. The Successful Bidder shall also provide a competent, English speaking Supervisor, who shall be available at the work site at all times (refer to Section 2.22). 2.1,i) INDEMNIFICATION Contractor shall indemnity, hold and save harmless, and defend (at its own cost and expense), the City, its officers. agents, directors, and, or employees, from all liabilities, damages, losses, judgements, and costs, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorney's fees, to the extent caused by the negligence, recklessness, negligent act or omission, or intentional wrongful misconduct of Contractor and persons employed or utilized by Contractor in the performance of this Contract. Contractor shall further, hold the City, its officials and employees, indemnify, save Page 28 of 6l Invitation for Bid (IFB1 78 1352.1 and hold harmless for, and defend (at its own cost), the City its officials and or employees against any civil actions. statutory or similar claims. injuries or damages arising or resulting from the permitted Work, even if it is alleged that the City. its officials, and, or employees were negligent. In the event that any action or proceeding is brought against the City by reason of any such claim or demand, the Contractor shall, upon written notice from the City, resist and defend such action or proceeding by counsel satisfactory to the City. The Contractor expressly understands and agrees that any insurance protection required by this Contract or otherwise prop ided by the Contractor shalt in no way limit the responsibility to indeninify, keep and save harmless and defend the City or its officers, employees, a�,,ents and instrumentalities as herein provided. The indemnification provided above shall obligate the Contractor to defend, at its own expense. to and through trial, administrative, appellate, supplemental or bankruptcy proceeding, or to provide for such defense, at the City's option, any and all claims of liability and all suits and actions of every name and description which may be brought auminst the City, whether perfonned by the Contractor, or persons employed or utilized by Contractor. These duties will survive the cancellation or expiration of the Contract. This Section will he interpreted under the laws of the State of Florida, inclttdin„ without limitation and interpretation, which conforms to the limitations of Sections 725.06 and or 725.03, Florida Statutes, as applicable and as amended. Contractor shal l require all sub -contractor agreements to include a provision that each sub -Contractor will indemnify the City- in substantially the same language as this Section. The Contractor agrees and recognizes that the City shall not be held liable or responsible for any claims which may result from any actions or omissions of the Contractor in which the City participated either throuall review or concurrence of the Contractor's actions. In reviewing, approving or rejecting any submissions by the Contractor or other acts of the Contractor, the City. in no way. assumes or shares any responsibility or liability- of the Contractor or sub -contractor under this Contract. Ten dollars (S 10) of the payments made by the City constitute separate, distinct, and independent consideration for the granting of this Indentnitication, the receipt and sufficiencv of which is voluntarily and knowingly acknowledged by the Contractor. 2.1.j) INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS The Successful Bidder shall furnish to City of Miami, c o Procurement Department, 444 SW 2nd Avenue, 6th Floor, Miami, Florida 33130, Certificate(s) of Insurance which indicate that insurance covera-e has been obtained which meets the requirements as outlined below: 1. Commercial General Liabilitv A. Limits of Liability Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability Each Occurrence: S 1,000,000.00 General Aggregate Limit: 52,000,000.00 Products, Completed Operations: 51,000,000.00 Personal and Advertising Injury: 51,000,000.00 Page 29 of 61 Invitation for Bid IIFB1781382,1 B. Endorsements Required City of.Miami listed as an additional insured Contingent and Contractual Liability Premises and Operations Liability Explosion, Collapse and Under -round Hazard Primary Insurance Clause Endorsement ll. Business Automobile Liability A. Limits of Liability Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability Combined Single Limit Any Auto Including Hired, Borrowed or Non -Owned Autos Any One Accident: 51,000,000.00 B. Endorsements Required Citv of Miami listed as an Additional Insured III. Worker's Compensation Limits of Liability Statutory -State of Florida Waiver of subrogation Employer's Liability A. Limits of Liability S 1,000,000.00 for bodily injury caused by an accident, each accident S 1,000,000.00 for bodily injury caused by disease, each employee 51,000,000.00 for bodily injury caused by disease, policy limit IV. Umbrella PolieN A. Limits of Liability Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability Each Occurrence: 53.000,000.00 Aggregate: 53,000,000.00 City of Miami listed as an additional insured Page 30 of 61 Invitation for Bid (IFB) 781382,1 Excess Follow Form over all applicable liability policies contained herein V. Owners and Contractor's Protective Each Occurrence: S 1.000,000.00 General Aggregate: S 1,000,000.00 City of Miami listed as named insured 11. Pavment and Performance Bond: SFull Value City of Miami listed as an Obligee VII, Installation Floater (if Applicable) Causes of Loss: All Risk of Direct Physical Damage or Loss Valuation: Replacement Cost The alms a policies shall provide the City of Miami Frith written notice of cancellation or material change from the insurer not less than (30) calendar days prior to any such cancellation or material change, or in accordance to policy provisions. Companies authorized to do business in the State of Florida, with the following qualifications, shall issue all insurance policies required above: The Company must be rated no less than "A-" as to management, and no less than "Class V" as to Financial Strength, by the latest edition of Best's Insurance Guide, published by A.M. Best Company, Oldwick, New Jersey, or its equivalent. All policies and for certificates of insurance are subject to review and verification by Risk Management prior to insurance approval. 2.1.k) BID BOND All bids shall be accompanied by an ori-inal Bid Bond in the amount of five percent (5"u) of the total bid submitted. to be in the form of a Cashier's Check or .Honey Order made payable to the City of %f'sami; a bond written by a Surety Company authorized to do business in the State of Florida and shall comply with State Statute 287,0935. The bond from all C:nsuccessful Bidders, if in the form of a Cashier's. Check, will be returned after bid award. 2.1.1) SUBCONTRACTOR(S) As part of its bid, the Successful Bidder is required to identify any and all subcontractors that will be used in the performance orthe proposed contract, as reflected on attachment A - Subcontractors. Successful Bidder shall approximate percentage of work to be performed on this contract for Subcontractor(s), Certification(s), License(s), and the description of the work to be done by the Subcontractor. Failure to identify any and all Subcontractors in the bid shall render the bid non-responsive. Page 31 of 61 Invitation for Bid (IFB) 781382,1 The SSUCceSSftil Bidder shall not. at any time during the tenure of the contract, subcontract any portion or part of the contract to Subcontractor(s) not originally identified in their bid, except under and by virtue of permission granted by the City through the Project Manager. The Successful Bidder shall be fully responsible to the City for the acts and omissions of the Subcontractor and their employees, as for acts and omissions of persons employed by Successful Bidder. The Work performed by all Subcontractors shall be no more than fifteen percent 15%) of the total N% cork for thisthis c�trsctt. 2.I.m) REFERENCES Each bid muet be accompanied by three (3) references for projects completed within the past five (5) years, as reflected on Attachment B - Reference Submittal Form located in the Header'Attributes Section of this Solicitation, which shall include the name of the company, dates of contract, description of goods, services supplied, a contact person and the telephone number. NO BID WILL BE CONSIDERED WITHOUT THESE REFERENCES. 2.1.n) BACKGROUND CHECKS The Successful Bidder shall be required to camply with the background screening specifications as listed in the Jessica Lunsford Act, Florida Statute § 1012-32. The: law requires that before contract personnel are permitted access on grounds when children are present, or if they will ha%e direct contact with children, or have access to or control of school funds. they must have completed Level Two (2) Screening requirements. Prior to commencement of the project, the Successful Bidder shall provide Level Two (2) background screening results for all employees completing work on park grounds. 2.1.0) TIE BIDS Whenever two (2) or more: bids which are equal with respect to price, quality and service are received by the City for the procurement of commodities or contractual services, a bid received from a business that certifies that it has implemented a dru4g-free vkorkplace program shall be given preference in the award process. Established procedures for processing tic bids will be hallowed if none of the tied bidders have a dela-free workplace program. In order to have a dn;a-free workplace program, a business shall: (1) Publish a statement notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use ora controlled substance is prohibited in the workplace and specifying the action that will be taken against employees for violations of such prohibition. v 12) Inform employees about the dangers of drug abuse in the workplace. the business' policy of maintaining a drug-free Aorkplace, any available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance programs, and the penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations. (3) Give each employee engaged in providing the commodities or contractual services that are under bid a copy of the Statement specified in subsection (I ). -f) In the statement specified in subsection ( 1), notify the employees that, as a condition of working on the Page 32 of 61 Imitation For Bid (IFB) 781382,1 commodities or contractual services that are under bid, the employee will abide by the terns of the statement and will notify the employer of any conviction of, or plea of guilty or nolo contendere to, any violation of Chapter 8933 or of any controlled substance law of the United States or any state, for a violation occurring in the workplace no later than five (5) working days alter such conviction. (S) Impose a sanction on, or require the satisfactory participation in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program, if such is available in the employee's community, by any employee who is so convicted. (6) Nlake a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug-free workplace through implementation of this section. 2.1.p) METHOD OF PAYMENT Pavment will be made within forty-five (45) calendar days, in accordance with Florida Statutes Sections 218.73 and 218.7.1• of the Prompt Payment Act for sen ices rendered the previous month, upon submission of properly certified approved invoices. All such information shall be provided to the City Project Manager. The City will pay the contract price minus any liquidated damages and or other damages to the Successful Bidder upon completion and acceptance. Damages caused by the Successful Bidder's employees shall be estimated by the City Project Manager and computed actual costs and repairs shall be deducted from the Successful Bidders total monthly billing. 2.I.q) ADDITIONS/DELETIONS OF FACILITIES/LOCATIO\SIITEIIS/PRODUCTS/SERN"ICES Although this Solicitation identities specific facilities locations,'items.'products to be serL iced, it is hereby aVareed and understood that any facility location itetn.'product sen ice may be added deleted to: from this contract at the option of the City. When an addition to the contract is required, the Successful Bidder(s) under this contract shall be invited to submit price quotes for these new facilities, locations. items, products,'services. If these quotes are comparable with market prices offered for similar facilities locations,?itetns.'products/sen•ices, they shall be added to the contract whichever is in dee best interest of the City and an addendum and a separate purchase order shall be issued by the City. 2.1.r) PROJECT `IANAGER Upon award, Successful Bidder shall report and work directly with Fabiola Dubuisson, or designee, who shall be designated as the Project Nlanager(s) for the City. 2.1.$) PRIMARY CLIENT (FIRST PRIORITY) The Successful Bidder agrees upon award of this contract that the City shall be its primary client and shall be serviced first during a schedule conflict arising between this contract and any other contract Successful Bidder may have with any other cities and, or counties to perform similar sen•ices, as a result of any catastrophic events such as tornadoes, hurricanes, severe stones or any other public emergency impacting various areas during or approximately the same tithe. 2.1.t) RESPONSE TIME Page 33 of 61 Invitation for Bid IIFB) 781382,1 A four hour response time for seri ice calla is required. Failure to respond to a service call within the specified time will result in the Successful Bidder paving; anv and all costs associated with the repairs performed by the Secondary or Tertiary vendors. 2.1.u) SUPERVISION Successful Bidder shall keep on the work site at all times, a competent English speaking Supervisor and any necessary assistants, all satisfactory to the City. The Supervisor shall not be replaced except with the written consent of the City, unless the Supervisor proves to be unsatisfactory to Successful Bidder and ceases to be in its employ. The Supervisor shall represent Successful Bidder and all directions given to the Supervisor shall be binding as if given to Successfui Bidder and will be confirmed in wririno by the City upon the written request of Successful Bidder. The City shall be provided telephone number(s) and email(s) for the Supervisor, where the Supervisor can be contacted durin, regular business hours (Monday - Friday. 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.), as well as after hours for emergencies, 2.1.v) USE OF PREMISES The Successful Bidder shall confine hisrher equipment, apparatus, the storage of materials, and the operation of his.her workmen to the limits indicated by law, ordinances. permits, or direction of the project manager, and shall not unreasonably encumber the premises with his her materials. The Successful Bidder shall take all measures necessary to protect his/her own materials. 2.1.w) DAMAGES TO PUBLIC PRIVATE PROPERTY The Successful Bidder shall carry out the work with such care and methods as not to result in damage to public or private property adjacent to the work. Should any public or private property be damaged or destroyed, the Successful Bidder_ at his her expense, shall repair or make restoration as is practical and acceptable to the City and or owners of destroyed or damaged property promptly within a reasonable length of time (not to exceed one (1) month from date damage was done), 2.1.x) PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND SAFETY The Successful Bidder shall conduct his.lier work so as to interfere as little as possible with private business or public travel. Successful Bidder shall, at his, her own expense, whenever necessary or required, maintain barricades, maintain lights, and take such other precautions as may be necessary to protect life and property, and he: she shall be liable for all damages occasioned in anv way by his., -her actions or neglect or that of his. her agents or employees. The Successful Bidder shall meet the following-, noise abatement performance standards for all construction equipment: Between the hours of 7:00 a -m. and 6:00 p -m. noise ler, els shall not exceed 80 dBA at the nearest residential or commercial property line. Operation of equipment should be avoided between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., but if required, the noise level shall not exceed 65 dBA. Page 34 of 61 invitation for Bid (IFB) 781382,1 2.1.y) SAFETY MEASURES Successful Bidder shall take all necessary precautions for the safety of employees, and shall erect and properly maintain at all times all necessary safeguards for the protection of the employees and the public. Danger signs warning against hazards created by his, her operation and work in progress must be posted. All employees of Successful Bidder shall be expected to wear safety glasses or goggles, appropriate clothing, and hearing protection when and wherever applicable. The Successfttl Bidder shall use only equipment that is fully operational and in safe operating order. Successful Bidder shall be especially careful when servicing property when pedestrians and'or vehicles are in close proximity - work shall cease until it is safe to proceed. 2,1.z) COMPLETED NVORK The Cit}° shall be notified by the Successful Bidder(s) upon completion of work. The City shall inspect and approve completed work before authorizing payment. Work not satisfactorily completed shall be redone by the Successful Bidder(s) at no additional charge to the City. 2.1.aa) FAILURE TO PERFORM Should it not be possible to reach the Successful Bidder or Supervisor and or should remedial action not be taken within forty-eight (48) hours of any failure to perform according to specifications, the City reserves the right to declare Successful Bidder in default of the contract or make appropriate reductions in the contract payment. 2,1.ab) LIQUIDATED DAMAGES Failure to complete the project in accordance with the specifications and to the satisfaction of the City within the time stated, shall result in liquidated da:na es being assessed. The Successful Bidder shall be subject to an assessment of liquidated damages in the amount of one tenth of one percent (0.1°0) of the total amount of the contract value for each and every calendar day the work remains incomplete (a minimum of one hundred dollars (S 100.00) for each and every calendar day the work remains incomplete), as compensation due to the City for loss of use and for additional costs incurred by the City due to such noncompletion of the work. Refer to Section 6-9 of Standard and Specifications for Public Works Projects. The City shall have the right to deduct said liquidated damages from any amount due or that may become due to the Successful Bidder under this agreement or to invoice the Successfttl Bidder for such damages if the costs incurred exceed the amount due to the Successful Bidder. 2.1.ac) TERMINATION A. FOR DEFAULT If Successfuf Bidder defaults in its perfonrtance under this contract and does not cure the default within thirty (30) calendar days after written notice of default, the City Manager may tenninate this contract, in whole or in part, upon written notice without penalty to the City of Miami. In such event the Successful Bidder shall be liable for damages including the excess cost of procuring similar supplies or services; provided that if, (1) it is determined for any reason that the Successful Bidder was not in default or (2) the Successful Bidders failure to perform is without his; her or his. her subcontractor's control, fault or negligence, the termination will be deemed to be a termination for the convenience of the City of .Miami. Page 35 of 61 Invitation for Bid (IFB) 751382,1 B. FOR CONVENIENCE The Citv Manager may terminate this contract_ in whole or in pan, upon thirty (30) calendar days prior written notice when it is in the best interest of the City or Miami. 1f this contract is for supplies, products, equipment, or software, and so terminated for the convenience by the City of Miami, the Successful Bidder will be compensated in accordance with an agreed upon adjustment of cost. To the extent that this contract is for services and so terminated. the City of 4liami shall be liable only for payment in accordance with the payment provisions of the contract for those services rendered prior to termination. 2.1.ad) ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS No additional terms and conditions included as part of your solicitation response shall be evaluated or considered, and any and all such additional terms and conditions shall have no force or effect and are inapplicable to this solicitation. If submitted either purposely, through intent or design, or inadvertently, appearing separately- in transmittal letters, specifications, literature, price lists or warranties. it is understood and agreed that the General Conditions and Special Conditions in this solicitation are the only conditions applicable to this solicitation and that the Bidder's authorized signature affixed to the Bidder's acf:nowled-merit form attests to this. If a Professional Services Agreement (PSA) or other Agreement is provided by the City and is expressly included as part of this solicitation, no additional tenors or conditions which materially or substantially vary, modi fy or alter the tenors or conditions of the PSA or Agreement, in the sole opinion and reasonable discretion of the City will be considered. Any and all such additional terus and conditions shall have no force or effect and are inapplicable to this PSA or Agreement. 2.2. GROUP I - FEDERALLYFUNDED PROJECTS 2.2.a) INTRODUCTION' This section applies to all projects funded v ith federal dollars. Section 2.1 also applies to this Group. Bidders must use the applicable Federal Funded Price Sheet (Attachment G) for this bid when pricing for Group 1. 2.2.b) LOCAL PREFERENCE Local Preference does not apply to responses on the Federally Funded Bid Price Sheet for this IFB. 2.2.c) DAVIS-BACON' ACT Federally assisted construction contracts must adhere to Davis -Bacon Act wages and benefits rate schedules. Each Bidder shall use the Federal Vy'a-es reflected in Wat-e General Decision Dumber - FL 170221 in developing its bid for this project. The selected bidder 'contractor shall be required to provide certified payroll records documenting the work performed on this project. See attachment C - Davis Bacon - General Decision Number for Wage Rates. Wage General Decision Number -FL 170360 11 10 2017 FL721 can be found in the Header'Attachment Section under Attachment A. 2.2.d) COMPLIANCE WITH COPELAND `-ANTI-KICKBACK" ACT Pace 36 of 61 Incitation for Bid (1FB) 78 1382, l 1. The Contractor shall comply with 18 U.S.C. § 874, 40 U.S.C. i 3145, and the requirements of 29 C.F.R. pt. 3 as may be applicable. which are incorporated by reference into this contract. 2. The Contractor or subcontractor shall insert in any subcontracts the clause above and such other clauses as the FENIA may by appropriate instructions require, and also a clause requiring the subcontractors to include these clauses in any lower tier subcontracts. The Contractor shall be responsible for the compliance by any subcontractor or lower tier subcontractor with all of these contract clauses. 3. A breach of the contract clauses abo%e may be grounds for termination of the contact, and for debarment as a Contractor and subcontractor as provided in 29 C.F.R. a 5.12. 2.2.e) COMPLIANCE WITH THE CONTRACT WORK HOURS S SAFETY STANDARDS ACT 1. Overtime Requirements: No Contractor or subcontractor contracting for any part of the contract work which may require or involve the employment of laborers or mechanics shall require or permit any such laborer or mechanic in any workweek in whish he or she is employed on such work to work in excess of forty (40) hours in such workweek unless such laborer or mechanic receives compensation at a rate not less than one and one half times the basic rate of pay for all hours worked in excess of forty (40) hours in such workweek. 2. Violation, liability for unpaid wages; liquidated damages: In the event of any violation of the clause set forth in paragraph (1) of this section, the Contractor and any subcontractor responsible therefore shall be liable for the unpaid wages. In addition, such Contractor and subcontractor shall be liable to the United States (in case of the work done under contract for the District of Columbia or a territory, to such District or to such territory), for liquidated damages. Such liquidated dainages shall be computed with respect to each individual laborer or mechanic, including watchmen and guards, employed in violation of the clause set forth in paragraph (1) of this section, in the sum of 10 for each calendar day on which such individual was required or permitted to work in excess of the standard workweek of forty (40) hours without payment of the overtime wages required by the clause set forth in paragraph ( l) of this section. 3. Withholding for unpaid wages and liquidated damages: The City of Miami shall upon its own action or upon written request o f an authorized representative of the Department of Labor withhold or cause to be withheld, from any moneys payable on account of work performed by the contractor or subcontractor under any such contract or any other Federal contract with the same Successful Bidder, or any other federally -assisted contract subject to the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act, which is held by the Contractor, such sums as may be determined to be necessary to satisfy any liabilities of such contractor or subcontractor for unpaid wages and liquidated damages as provided in the clause set forth in paragraph (2) of this section, 4. The Contractor or subcontractor shall insert in any subcontracts the clauses set forth in paragraph (1) through (4) of this section and also a clause requiring the subcontractors to include these clauses in any lower tier subcontract. The Contractor shall be responsible for compliance by any subcontractor or lower tier subcontractor with the clauses set forth in paragraph (I ) through (a) of this section 2.2.f) PARTS AT PASS-THROUGH COST (FOR REPAIRS OUTSIDE THE SCOPE OF WORK) All cost for parts required for repairjobs and not otherwise included in the scope of work shall be billed at the Successful Bidder's actual cost. and will be passed on to the City without markup or any additional fees. The Successful Bidder shall submit purchase receipt of parts along with labor invoice for payment. The Successful Bidder shall be responsible for sourcing all parts necessary to complete the work requirements of each job specification, Replacement parts furnished must be of the same manufacturer or an equal product. All Page 3 7 of 61 Invitation for Bid (IFB) 781382,1 equipment and materials shall be commercial quality and grade, and be front a regular product line. Prototype, obsolete, and residential quality parade equipment materials shall not be specified or installed in the facilities. 2.2.g) NOTIFICATION TO PERFORM WORK The Successful Bidder shall notify the Project Manager when an employee is on the property and for what purpose. 2.2.h) EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Durin-, the performance of this contract, the Contractor agrees as follows: 1. The Contractor will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race. color. religion. sex, or national origin. The Contractor will take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed. and that employees are treated during employment without regard to their race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Such action shall include, but not be limited to the follow ing: Employment, upgrading, demotion, or transfer; recruitment or recruitment advertisin4a; layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms or compensation; and selection for trainin,, including apprenticeship. The Contractor agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notices to be provided setting forth the provisions of this nondiscrimination clause. 2, The Contractor will, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the Contractor, state that all qualified applicants will receive considerations for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. 3. The Contractor will send to each labor union or representative of workers with which he has a collective bargaining agreement or other contract or understanding. a notice to be provided advising the said labor union or workers' representatives of the Contractor's commitments under this section, and shall post copies of the notice in conspicuous places available to employees and applicants for employment. q. The Contractor will comply with all provisions of Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965, and of the rules, regulations, and relevant orders of the Secretary of Labor. S. The Contractor will tarnish all information and reports required by Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965, and by rules, regulations, and order of the Secretary of Labor, or pursuant thereto, and will permit access to his books, records, and accounts by the administering agency and the Secretary of Labor for purposes of investigation to ascertain compliance with such rules, regulations, and orders. 6. In the event of the Contractor's noncompliance with the nondiscrimination clauses of this contract or with any of the said rules, revulattons, or orders, this contract may be cancelled, terminated, or suspended in whole or in part and the Contractor may be declared ineligible for further Govermnent contracts or federally assisted construction contract in accordance with procedures authorized in Executive Order 112.16 of September 24, 1965, and such other sanctions as may be imposed and remedies invoked as provided in Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965, or by rule, re4ulation, or order fo the Secretary of Labor, or as otherwise provided by law. Page 38 of 61 Invitation for Bid (117B) 781383, I 7. The Contractor will include the portion of the sentence immediately preceding paragraph (1) and the provisions of paragraphs ( I ) through (7) in every subcontract or purchase order unless exempted by rules, regulations, or orders of the Secretary of Labor issued pursuant to section 204 of Executiv e Order 11246 of September 24. 1965,. so that such prow inions will be binding upon each subcontractor or vendor. The Contractor will take such action with respect to any subcontract or purchase order as the administering ayuency may direct as a means of enforcing such provisions, including sanctions for noncompliance; provided, however, that in the event a Contractor becomes involved in, or is threatened with. litigation with a subcontractor or vendor as a result of such direction by the administering agency the Contractor may request the United States to enter into such litigation to protect the interest of the United States. 2.2.i) CLEAN AIR ACT { l) The Contractor agrees to comply with all applicable standards, orders, or regulations issued pursuant to the Clean Air Act, as amended, 43 U.S.C. § 7401 et seq. (2) The Contractor agrees to report each violation to the City of Miami and understands and agrees that the City of %liam1 will, in turn, report each violation as required to assure notification to the Federal Emer_encv Management Agency, and the appropriate Environmental Protection Agency Regional Office. V (3) The Contractor agrees to include these requirements in each subcontract exceeding S 150,000 financed in whole or in part with Federal assistance provided by FEMA. 2.2.j) FEDERAL WATER POLLUTION CONTROL ACT ( l ) The Contractor agrees to comply with ali applicable standards, orders, or recularions issued pursuant to the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended. 33 U.S.C. 1351 et seq. (2) The Contractor agrees to report each violation to the City of Miami and understands and agrees that the City of Miami will, in tum, report each violation as required to assure notification to the Federal Emergency Management Agency. and the appropriate Environmental Protection Agency Regional Office. (3) The Contractor agrees to include these requirements in each subcontract exceeding 5150,000 financed in whole or in part with Federal assistance provided by FEy1A. 2.2.1:) NO OBLIGATION BY FEDERAL GOVERNMENT The Federal Government is not a party to this contract and is not subject to any obligation or liabilities to the non -Federal entity. Contractor, or any other party pertaining to any matter resulting from the contract. 2 2.1) PROGRAM FRAUD AND FALSE OR FRAUDULENT LENT STATEMENTS OR RELATED ACTS The Contractor acknowledges that 31 U.S.C. Chap. 38 (administrative Remedies for False Claims and Statements) applies to the Contractor's actions pertaining to this contract_ 2.2.m) B`t"RD ANTI -LOBBYING AMENDMENT, 31.U.S.C. § 1352 (AS AMENDED) Page 39 of 61 Invitation for Bid (IFB) 731332, l Bidden who bid for an award of S 100,000 or more shall file the required certification. Each tier certifies to the tier above that it will not and has not used Federal appropriated funds to pay any person or organization for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a member of Congress, officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress in connection with obtainim, any Federal contract, grant, or any other award covered by 3I I✓.S.C.§ 1352. Each tier shall also disclose any lobbying with non -Federal funds that take place in connection with obtaining any Federal award. Such disclosures are forwarded from tier to tier up to the recipient. Please refer to the Fleader Attachment Section of this solicitation for Attachment D - Certificate Regarding; Lobbying. It is MANDATORY for the Bidders to return this form signed along_ with their bid. 2.2.n) PROCUREMENT OF RECOVERED MATERIALS ( I ) In the performance of this contract, the Contractor shall make maximum use of products containing recovered materials that are EPA -designated items unless the product cannot be acquired: a) Competitively within a timeframe providing for compliance with the contract performance schedule; b) Meeting contract performance requirements; or c) At a reasonable price. (2) Information about this requirement, along "ith the list of EPA -designate items, is available at EPA's Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines web site, https:.' «4wkw.epa.gow stnm'comprehensive-procurement-gttidel ine-cpg program. 2.2.o) DHS SEAL, LOGO, AND FLAGS The Contractor shall not use the DNS seal(s), logos, crests, or reproductions of flags or likenesses of DFIS agency officials without specific FF%IA pre -approval. 2.2.p) COMPLIANCE WITH FEDERAL LAW, REGULATIONS, AND EXECUTIVE ORDERS This is an acknowledgement that FEMA financial assistance will be used to fund this contract only. The Contractor will comply with all applicable federal law, regulations, executive orders, FEMA policies, procedures, and directives. 2.2.q) ACCESS TO RECORDS (I ) The Contractor agrees to provide the City ofMiami, Jose Gel] (Project _Llanager), the FEMA Administrator, the Comptroller General of the United States, or any of their authorized representatives access to any books, documents. papers, and records of the Contractor which are directly pertinent to this contract for the purposes of making audits, Page 40 of 61 Incitation for Bid (IFB) 781382,1 examinations. excerpts, and transcriptions; (2) The Contractor agrees to pennit any of the foregoin- parties to reproduce by any means whatsoever or to copy excerpts and transcriptions as reasonably needed; and (3) The Contractor agrees to provide the FENIA Administrator or his authorized representative access to construction or other work sites pertaining to the work being completed under the contract. 2,2.r) SUSPENSION AND DEBARMENT (1` ADDITIO.i TO GENERAL TERM AND CONDITIONS, SECTION 1.25) (1) Thi; Contract is a covered transaction for purposes of C.F.R. pt. 180 and 2 C.F.R. pt. 3000. As such the Contractor is required to verify that none of the Contractor. its principals (defined at 2 C.F.R. $ 180.993), or its affiliates (defined in 2 C.F.R. a 180.903) are excluded (defined at 2 C.F.R. a 180.940) or disqualified (defined at 2 C.F.R. 180.930. (2) The Contractor must comply with 2 C.F.R. pt. 1.80, subpart C and 2 C.F.R. pt. 3000, subpart C and must include a requirement to comply with these regulations in any lower tier covered transaction it enters too. (31 This certification is a material representation of fact relied upon by the City of Miami. If it is later determined that the Contractor did not comply with 2 C.F.R. pt. 180, subpart C and 2 C.F.R. pt. 3000, subpart C, in addition to remedies available to the State of Florida. and the Citv of Miami, the Federal Government may pursue available remedies. including but not limited to suspension andr'or debarment. (gy) The Contractor a�„ rees to comply with the requirements of 2 C.F.R. pt. 180, subpart C and 2 C.F.R. pt. 3000. subpart C while this offer is valid and throuuhout the period of any Contract that may arise from this offer. The Contractor further agrees to include a provision requiring such compliance in its lower tier covered transactions. 2.3. GROUP 2 - NON-FEDERAL FUNDED PROJECTS 2.3.a) INTRODUCTION This section applies to all projects that are non -federally funded. Section 2.1 also applies to this Group. Bidders must use the applicable Price Sheet (Attachment FI) for this bid when pricing for Group 2. 2.3.b) PERFORMANCE BOND 'Xithin fifteen (13) working days following notice of award by the City, the Successfitl Bidder shall furnish to the City of %Iiami, a Performance Bond in the total amount of the annual cost of the award, to the City, which shall be updated annually, for the period of the contract (to be determined at the time of award). The Performance Bond can be in the form of a Cashier's Check, made payable to the City of Miami; a bond written by a Surety Company authorized to do business in the State of Florida and shall comply with State Statute 287.0933; or an Irrevocable Letter of Credit. If the latter is chosen, it must be written on a bank located in %liami-Dade County, be in the amount Page 41 of 61 Invitation for Bid (IFB) 781382,1 of the contract and should clearly and expressly state that it cannot be revoked until express written approval has been Liven by the City. The City, to draw on same, would merely have to give written notice to the bank with a copy to theSuccessfulBidder. 2.3.c) CITY OF NIIA.Nll LIVING NVAGE ORDINANCE The City of Miami adopted a Living Wage Ordinance for City Service Contracts with a total contract value exceeding $100,000.00 annually, and that have been competitively solicited and awarded on, or after January 1, 2017 by the City. "Service Contract" means a contract to provide services to the City, excluding,, however, professional services as defined by the "Consultants Competitive Negotiation Act" set forth in F.S. $ 287.053, and Section 18-8" of the City Code, and,or the other exclusions provided by Section 18-337 of the City Code. Section 18-557, City of Miami Living Wage Ordinance, is attached as Attachment E - City of J,liami Living Wage Ordinance. Please see provisions in .attachment A. If solicitation requires services, effective on January 1, 2017, Successful Bidder's must pay to all its employees, who provide services, a living wage of no less than S 15:.00 per hour without health benefits, or a wage of no less than S 13.19 an hour, with health benefits. This language is only a summary of the key provisions ofthe City of Miami Living Wage Ordinance. Please review Attachment A, attached hereto, fora complete and thorough description of the City of wliami Living Wage Ordinance. 2.3.d) LOCM. PREFERENCE Local Office Preference applies to Group 2, Non -Federally Funded Projects. Page 42 of 61 [nvitation for Bid (1FB) 7$1332.1 3. Specifications 3.1. SPECIFICATIONS/SCOPE OF «ORK This Rid is divided into) two Croups-. CCrnppp 1 -Federally Funded Proiects. and (Croup ?- Non -Federally Funded Projects. This Section. Specifications/Scope or Work applies to both CCroups. Ridders may res and to one or both Croups. Hm%ev r Bidd ars NI'ST utilize the a li able rice Sheet for each Croup if hiddin;; nn both. Three respnnsive and responsible Bidder1 will he a«arded for each Grnun as Primarv: Secondary and Tertiarv. All Responses to this iFB shall he in Hardenpv Format as defined in Section l.fn, rreparation of Responses (Hardcopy Fnrmat), and delivered to the Hard Copy Submittal Location on the front cover. The Citv of %liami ("City") on behalf of the Public Works Department ("Public Works") is soliciting bids for Citywide Sidewalk Repair and Replacement services. The contract is divided into two (2) groups: Federally Funded iEmergency Services and lion -Federally Funded Services. Bidders may bid one or both groups. The Successful Bidder shall perforin removal and disposal of deteriorated, damaged, or unsafe concrete sidewalks and construction of new concrete sidewalks and handicap ramps for the City's ADA program. Upgrade, replacement and repair of concrete curbs. valley °utters and curbs and gutters, and reinstallation of water meter boxes or similar utility structures located in the sidewalk area. Two feet (21 of asphalt pavement restoration for the curb, valley gutter and curb and gutter restoration, and trimming and removal of tree roots, as necessary, in order to prevent future damage to the new concrete sidewalk. driveway or access ramps, concrete curb, valley gutters and curb and gutters. All work to be as specified and -or shown on the EngineerinYg Standards. Sidewalk Replacement Procedures The Successful Bidder shall furnish all labor, supervision, materials, vehicles, transportation, equipment, tools, supplies. fuel. and related work required to complete the sidewalk repair and replacement work described below, including concrete removal. All work must be completed in accordance with the contract documents and specifications for Public Work Projects Section 405: 1. Sidewalk replacement consists of sawcut to the nearest joint or marking, five feet (5) intervals, removal and disposal of the concrete sidewalk, compacting the sub base and base, forming, placing the concrete, finishing, marking and applying curing compound all as indicated in Section 408. 2. Remove and dispose of all roots to a depth of twelve inches (12") below the bottom or the sidewalk and prune trees endangered by extensive root pruning (limb pruning shall be accomplished prior to root pruning). All pruning_ shall be accomplished by an experienced Landscape Contractor ora certified Arborist. 3. Replace and reset water meter boxes uplifted or broken within sidewalks that are to be replaced. Boxes will be Page 43 of 61 Invitation for Bid (I FB l 781382,1 supplied by ;Miami -Dade Water & Sewer Authority. 4. Restore private property, including sod. blocks, bricks, tile, concrete. etc., to transition to the new sidewalk elevation or to repair damage which occurred during the sidewalk replacement work. 5. Restore all parkways and all sprinkler systems or water connections broken or disturbed during the sidewalk replacement work. 6. Saw- cut Haas orsidewvalk before removal to pre,ent damage to adjacent flags. 7. Flags of sidewalk that are not included in this contract for replacement, that are damaged by the Successful Bidder's operation and or negligence, shall be replaced at the Successful Bidder's expense. 8. Fill all form holes with sand when forms are removed from new sidewalk. 9. Anv utilities that are damaged by the SUCcessful Bidder's operation and that were properly located and marked by the respective utility companies_ shall be repaired or replaced at the Successful Bidder's expense. 10. The Successful Bidder shall schedule remova[ of driveway and sidewalk to minimize disruption of property owner's access to his, her property. 11. The amount of open area ( where sidewalk has been removed but not repaired) shall be limited to an area less than or equal to the amount of sidewalk the Successful Bidder can pour in three (3) working days. 12. Concrete for driveway sidewalks shall be poured within one (I ) day of the existing sidewalk removal. The Successful Bidder may saw, cut and crack existing driveway sidewalk but leave it in place until removal, if the driveway is still satisfactory for vehicular use. Note: All costs for sidewalk replacement work shall be included in and paid for under the bid item for four inch (-1"1 or six inch (6") sidewalk as luted in the bid and no additional compensation will be allowed. For Task Orders and Hurricane recover-• work related to sidewalk, curb, valley Qutter, and curb and nutter, the pay items identified in the bid shall be used and the scope of work for each item shall be the same. No additional compensation will be allowed for providing emergency services to the City during Hurricane Recovery work. For concrete sidewalk grinding,,, the Successful Bidder shall use a grinder in order to remove the top concrete portion of the lifted flag and level it in order to provide a smooth transition safe for pedestrian traffic. No dust is allowed while performing this work. Successful Bidder shall provide its own water method to accomplish this work without creating a dust cloud. Pane 44 of 61 Imitation for Bid (IFB) 781382.1 Handicap -Ramp Procedure) The Successful Bidder shall furnish labor, materials and equipment necessary for the removal and disposal of the existing concrete asphalt handicap ramp, saw cutting the existing sidewalk and, or pavement to facilitate removal of the concrete asphalt ramp, and installation of the new concrete handicap ramp as pursuant to .14isc. 35-85-22, including reconstruction of a two foot (?') wide strip of pavement adjacent to the new work. No additional compensation w ill be allowed for a.) extra saw cutting: b.) installation of an approved detectable warning system (yellow tiles); and c.) repairinal damage to the existing pavement beyond the aforesaid two foot (-') strip. Curb and Cutter Replacement Procedures The Successful Bidder shall include all labor. materials and equipment necessary for the removal of the existing curb or curb and kuttcr, saw cutting the existing sidewalk and,'or pavement to facilitate removal of the concrete and asphalt, installation of the new concrete curb or curb and gutter, and reconstruction of a two foot (T) wide strip of pavement adjacent to the new curb or curb and gutter. leo additional compensation will be allowed for extra saw cutting and repairing damage to the existing pavement beyond the aforesaid two foot (?') strip. The construction of concrete sidewalk shall be separate and distinct from the construction of concrete curb or curb and gutter. No monolithic pour on concrete for sidewalk and curb or curb and gutter combined shall be allowed. The work included for Hurricane related curb, sidewalk and curb and gutter damage shall include the sawcutting of one foot ( I') away from each side of the damaged section, or to the nearest non -damaged expansion joint, removal and disposal of rubble and materials, tree root trimming, clearing of the base, compacting the base and installing new concrete curb, sidewalk, brick sidewalk, curb and gutter to equal or better condition as before the hurricane dama`=e. leo additional compensation will be allowed for hurricane repair damage to the existing sidewalk, curb and curb and gutter. Hurricane related work shall be priced as per bid prices in .attachment G and H - Price Sheet. Brick Sidewalk Suhgrade Prior to the start of construction, the Successful Bidder and City Engineer will identify locations for brick replacement. Subgrade for decorative brick sidewalk shall be prepared and finished by the Successful Bidder. All specifications for sidewalk suhzrade, as outlined in Division 4, shall apply unless otherwise noted in this section. Remove all roots to a depth of tweke inches (12") below the bottom of the sidewalk and prune trees. Trees shall not be endangered by the extensive root pruning (limb pruning shall be accomplished prior to root pruning). All pruning shall be accomplished by an experienced Landscape Contractor. This work shall be included in Item i of Attachment G and H - Price Sheet and no additional compensation will be allowed, Brick sidewalk Subgrade at driveways shall consist of minimum six inch (6") concrete base to be constructed between high curbs. The finished brick sidewalk subgrade elevation shall be such that the finished sidewalk shall meet Hush with the top of the curb, existing sidewalk, etc., or approximately three inches (3") below the finished sidewalk grade. No humps or depressions will be allowed due to poor leveling and or compaction. Sidewalk cross slopes shall be one-quarter inch ('ia") per foot tivhen possible. Cross slopes will vary when restricted by the existing grades. Brick Sidewalk Inytalladan Page 45 of 61 Invitation for Bid (IFB) 781382.1 Prior to the start of construction, the Successful Bidder and City Engineer will identity locations for brick replacement- Existin(, bricks shall be carefully removed and reinstalled at areas designated by the Cita Engineer, New brick par,crs of equal type, color, and size dimension shall be installed at the locations where existing removed pavers cannot be salvaged. The preparation of the subgrade for the reinstallation of the existing bricks shall be accomplished by the Successful Bidder. The Successful Bidder shall remove all remaining mortar from the concrete base at all driveways before applying new mortar and reinstalling existing and or new bricks. Water meter boxes shall be protected during sidewalk removal and reused. Boxes shall be replaced only at the direction of the City Engineer. Restore private property, including sod, blocks, bricks, tile, concrete, etc., to transition with the new sidewalk elevation or to repair damage which occurred durins the sidewalk replacement work. The Successful Bidder shall place a leveling mantle of sand (linterock) screenings on the subgrade and screwed to a depth so that after bricks are laid and vibrated or rolled a one and one-halfinch ( I - I _'") thick sand bed v, ill remain. The brick pavers shall be laid in a runnin<, bond pattern perpendicular to the property line and back of curb. Brick- pavers rickpavers shall be carefully placed by hand in straight courses with hand tight joints, not exceeding one -sixteenth inch (1 16") in width and good alignment must be maintained. Bricks shall be laid to line every five (j) courses. Any necessary cutting to fit bricks or maintain the running bond pattern shall be accomplished by using= a wet mason saw diamond blade to achieve tight and clean ed -es. After brick pavers are installed. sweep fine, dry silica sandjoint filter into all joints to top of pavers and vibrate or roll top surface of paver to obtain perfectly leveltop surface alignment. Brick payer sidewalks shall be constructed to one-quarter inch (14") per foot cross slope when possible. Any broken or urct en brick wit] not be accepted and shall have to be replaced prior to or after installation. Brick paver sidewalk reinstallation shall be paid for at the unit price bid per square foot in the Bid. The price per square foot will be full compensation for all labor, materials, tools, equipment, subgrade, and sand bed and all other work necessary for a complete and acceptable job. New bricks, if necessary, will be paid for at the unit price bid per square foot in Attachment G and H - Price Sheet, only if the existing bricks cannot be salvaged. Pavement Markings All pavement marking shall be thennoplastic, All pavement marking and signage material and method of installation shall conform to the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices. Video Tape and.'or Color Pictures - Existing Conditions Before any work can begin, the Successful Bidder shall either video tape or take color pictures of the existing Page 46 of 61 Invitation for Bid (11`13) 781382,1 conditions of the areas that are adjacent to and affected by the construction activities. If the Successful Bidder elects to video tape the existing site condition, then the following items must be prop ided with each invoice: 4 a. Clearly audible and spoken in English; b. State each address, location. street or avenue that is affected by the construction activities; and e. Picture quality must be in excellent condition to clearly see visible objects. If the Successful Bidder elects to take digital color pictures or color paper pictures, then the following items must be provided with each invoice. The picture: a. dust have the date embedded into the picture when the picture was taken; b. Must have legible print in English of each address, location, street or avenue and the direction (i.e. North or South) of picture taken: C. Must he maintained in a binder folder; and d. Quality must be in excellent condition to clearly see visible objects. The cost of pictures or video of the existing conditions of the affected area and adjacent property shall be considered as incidental to one (1) or more of the bid items, and no additional compensation will be allowed. Construction Schedule Prior to the start of any work, the Successful Bidder and the City Engineer will identify the locations of construction in the field. The Task Work Order of services shall be completed within the indicated duration as specified in Contract Documents and Task Work Orders. Furthermore, the sum of the Task Work Order durations shall not exceed the Contract Duration. For the Contract in which specific sites are not identified at the time of bidding„ Public Works will issue a Task Work Order. The Contract may require several Task Work Orders of which the total sum shall not exceed the contract amount as specified in the Contract Document. The Task Work Order may be issued with the Notice to Proceed. The specific limits and identification of work elements shall be specified in the individual Task Work Order. The Task Work Order will identify the priority locations that will have minimum of ten (10) requests outstanding locations at which the Successful Bidder shall respond and begin work. The Successful Bidder shall respond and begin work within ti\e (S) working days is identified in the Task Work Order, upon the receipt of the Task Work Order received in person, by fax, or by certified mail. All work locations will be described with direct address or streets and avenue that will allow- the Successful Bidder to proceed immediately to the location w ith minimum delay. Public Works will make every reasonable effort to plan work locations and develop Task Work Order documents in systematic and concentrated regions as to minimize the Successful Bidder's travel requirements. Re,g)nnsihility of the Successful Bidder Page 47 of 61 Invitation for Bid (I FB) 781382,1 The Successful Bidder shall schedule the work in such a manner and provide the proper supervision so as to cause minimum conflict or delay to the work of utility companies working within the area. The Successful Bidder shall be responsible for any delay in time and, or damage to existing structures. foundations, utilities, or other existin- features because of omission or neglect by himself or his employees. Any property damaged by the Successful Bidder's operations shall be replaced to its original condition, at no extra cost to the Cin. Public Works wilI be the mediator in all such cases wherein the Successful Bidder or the utility companies are in dispute eonceming lost time or property damages. Successful Bidder shall abide by these judgments and decisions in all cases. ff the Successful Bidder's performance of the Contract is delayed by acts ofthe City or other subcontractors, suppliers and contractors, material men, architects and'or engineers, the Successful Bidder may request an extension of time from the City. in writing, within twenty (20) calendar days of the event by which the delay occurred, but the Successful Bidder shall not be entitled to an increase in the contract price or claims or dairia-es, because of the delay or because of any acceleration in its work. Until Public Works' acceptance of the work, take charge and custody of the work. and take every necessary precaution against injury or damage to the work by the action of the elements or from any other cause whatsoever. arisin+, either from the execution or from the nonexecution of the work. Rebuild, repair, restore, and make good, without additional expense to Public Wcrks, all injury or damage to any portion of the work occasioned by and of the above cause before its completion and acceptance, except that in case of extensive or catastrophic damage, Public Works may. at Its discretion, reimburse the Successful Bidder for the repair of such damage due to unforeseeable causes beyond the control of and without the fault or negligence of the Successful Bidder, including but not restricted to acts of God, of the public enemy. or of governmental authorities. Underground Utilitiv. Notification Center The Successful Bidder is hereby alerted that underground utilities exist in the vicinity of the proposed work and that the Successful Bidder should notify the Sunshine State One Call of Florida for utilirr location before excavation at their toll free number 1-800-432-4770 at least forty-eight (43) hours prior to digging, for utilities verification in the field. In addition, the Successful Bidder shall also notify the Florida Power R. Light Company for verification of their utilities. Existing [underground Structures The Successful Bidder 111LYSt contact the various utility companies to obtain the location of the existing underground utilities prior to beginning any excavation work. Caution shall be exercised by the Successful Bidder in gradinU operations as some existing underground utilities have a minimum cover. The Successful Bidder shall be responsible for replacing any underground facility broken or dislocated during construction for whichh sufficient underground information has beenprovided by the utility companies. Any sanitary sewer lines, laterals or storm sewer lines damaged during sidewalk construction shall be repaired at the Successful Bidder's expense. Asphalt Prince Coat Cover Sand Cover sand for lime rock base prime coat shall be hot asphalt coated prior to application. 1 phaltic Concrete Decion alis Page 48 of 61 Invitation for Bid (IFB) 7131383,1 The .asphaltic concrete surface course shall be one inch ( I") thick. Type "S-111", as submitted by the local asphalt suppliers and approved by the City Engineer. .asphaltic concrete mix for surface courses shall meet the requirements of Florida Department of Transportation Specifications for Type "S -1I1". Asphaltic Concrete, Section 331-1 through Section 331-5. All new design mixes shall be submitted to Public Works for approval by the City Engineer. Clean-up of Construction Aria Upon completion of construction, the project site shall be cleaned to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. All trash and other construction debris shall be removed from the job site, at no additional expense to the City. Dtj,t Prevention The Successful Bidder is alerted to Division 4 - Construction Methods. Section 400-11 pertaining to Dust Prevention. The City strictly enforces env ironmental regulations to a greater de,ree than on past projects, and if necessary, will limit the number of manhole sections constructed prior to resurfacing and for any approved sidewalk grinding. The City Engineer shall hati e the authority to require the Successful Bidder to remove the dust from the street by mechanical means after the temporary patch has been placed, increase the frequency of water spraying and reroute equipment bringing in backfill and or removing excess material or supplies necessary for construction. Successrtt Bidder is to provide its own water for dust control. Discharae of Fxcavation V* ostc til iter. Erosion and Sediment Control for Construction Sites The Successful Bidder is hereby alerted that strict compliance with Public Works Bulletin No. 35. City Ordinance 13051 and any corresponding En-ineering Standards are required for this project. This bulletin establishes rules. regulations and requirements for discharge originated from construction sites or resulting from construction activities. Defacing of New and__F.+dstirt. Concrete and Pavement It shall be the Successfttl Bidder's responsibility to preserve the condition of existing and newly constructed concrete sidewalk, curb and or gutter and pavement. Any, damaged pavement or concrete defaced with sticks. nails, footprints, etc„ shall be replaced at the Successful Bidder's expense. Stora»e .area There is no City property in this area available for use as a storage yard for this improvement. The Successful Bidder shall provide his own storak,e site. .adjustments Behind Propertx lines :adjustments to approach .walks and driveways on private property shall be made at a slope no greater than 1: 13. ,adjustments to existing ground on private property shall be sodded and made at a slope no greater than 1:3, All Page 49 of 61 Invitation for Bid (lFB) 781382,1 adjustments of driveways and walks shall be ofa matching type. All costs for adjustments on private property shall be included in items l and ? and no additional compensation will be allowed. Sa_ fet^. The Successful Bidder is alerted that the State of Florida has adopted the "Trench Safety Act" for the purpose of incorporating current OSHA trench safety standards into municipal construction projects. The basic safety requirements are as follows: 1. Excavating and Trenching: a. Before opening any excavation, efforts shall be made (including utility company contact) to determine if there are underground utility installations in the area, and they shall be located and supported during the excavation operations. b. The walla and faces of trenches five feet (S') or more deep and all excavations in which employees are exposed to danger from moving ground or cave-in shall be guarded by a shoring system, sloping of the around. or some other equivalent means. v c. In excavations where employees may be required to enter, materials shall be effectively stored and retained at least two feet (T) or more liom the edge of the excavation. d. Daily inspections of excav ations shall be made by a competent person. if evidence of possible cave-ins or slides is apparent, all work in the excavation shall cease until the necessary precautions have been taken to safeguard the employees. c. Trenches four feet (T) deep or more shall have an adequate means of exit such as ladders or steps, located so as to require no more than twenty-five feet (25') of lateral travel. 2. Head Protection: a. Head protection equipment (helmets) shall be worts in areas where there is a possible danger of head injuries from impact, flying_ objects or electrical shock and bums. b. Helmets for protection against impact and penetration of falling and dying objects shall meet the requirements of ANI S1 Z89.1 -I969. c. Helmets for protection against electrical shock and bums shall meet the requirements of ANSI Z89? -1971. A separate bid item for the cost of compliance with the Trench Safety Act has not been included in the bid for this project. However, the cost of compliance shall be included in other portions of the work and no additional compensation will be allowed. Quality- Assurance The Successful Bidder, subcontractor(s), or any of their employees engaged in any type of landscaping installation, care or maintenance must be directed and supervised by a certified Landscape Contractor. This will require a landscape professional or a competent superintendent (in the field at all times). Page 50 of 61 Imitation for Bid (IFB) 781383,1 Environmental Protection Successful Bidder shall comply with Chapter 17, Environmental Preservation of Liiami City Code, and City Ordinances 13636 and 13081. Any violation of this Code and the Successful Bidder will be sole responsible for the damages and no additional charges will be allowed. nde Compliance All Work shall comply with the South Florida Building Code. City of Miami, and Miami -Dade County Code. Successful Bidder shall comply with the requirements of Section 114 of the Clean Air Act and Section 308 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act as well as any other requirements specified in the Contract Documents. Permits The Department of Public Works will issue a "no -fee" excavation permit for this Project. The Successful Bidder will be required to obtain the "no -fee" excavation permit from the Roadway?Plans Development Section of Public Works prior to the start of any construction, as well as a Road Closure and a Landscaping permit. Rnot Gaard Shade trees planted within the public right-of—way and within close proximity of sidewalks or curbs will require root barriers, i.e., sections of metal pipe or root deflectors under the product name of "Root Solutions", or approved equal. This item will be installed at the discretion of the City Engineer at citywide locations. Construction_ Signs The signs shall be constructed of 4'x8'x3 4" exterior plywood, suitably mounted, and readable at eye level. The colors to be used are white and blue, Specifically, the background shall be white; all lettering shalt be blue Helvetica. All paints shall be rated outdoor enamel. The "City of Miami" seal will be supplied by Public Works in decal fomi. The cost of these signs shall be considered as incidental to one (1) or more of the bid items and no additional compensation will be allowed. The location of the signs shall be present at each work area for public information and placement must be coordinated with City Engineer. Access to Residences and Business Establishments During construction of the impro, ement, safe access shall be provided by the Successful Bidder to the entrance of all residences and business establishments. Methods to be used shall be determined by the Successful Bidder with the approval of the City Engineer. Deliveries and loading to each business must be provided at all times, including convenient customer pick up and the ability to allow delivery access by trolley, hand truck or other wheeled delivery system. Method of Nleasurernegt The Successful Bidder shall measure all work completed under the contract in accordance with the United. States Page 51 of 61 Invitation for Bid (IFB) 781382,1 Measurements. The Successful Bidder shall provide to Public Works, each Payment Request with back up documentation of quantity calculations on a daily basis with the following stipulations: a. Must show project number and project name; b. Must show each bid item number, bid item description, location or address and bid item unit; c. Must show the daily of in—place quantity calculation of each bid item; d. Aust show the daily and monthly summation of each bid item quantity; and e. Hurricane related work must be submitted on a separate invoice. Pavment Ree uest General: Except as otherwise indicated, the official monthly progress payment invoice must be submitted by 25th day of each month. Prior to submitting official copies of monthly progress payment invoices, the Successful Bidder, the City Inspector, and the Citv Resident Engineer must come to agreed quantities, prices, and total amount invoiced for the monthly progress payment, Each invoice must be accompanied with Successful Bidder's video tape/photograph of before and after conditions. The official monthly progress payment invoice must have the proper back up documentation and quantity calculations. Each application must be consistent with previous applications and payments. Once the official monthly progress invoices are submitted, allow Public Works forty -rive (45) calendar days for review, verification, and processing of the payment invoice as per Florida State Statute 214.70-218.50. However, if the official monthly progess invoices need correction due to errors, the calendar days may be longer than forty-five (45) days. The official monthly pay request on all Public Works contracts shall submit in TRIPLICATE, signed by the Finn. Lump Sum items require breakdown of work acceptable to Public Works. Payment Application Forms: AIA Documents G702 and G703 Continuation Sheets or Equivalent in Form and content will be acceptable. Payment Item Specification Details Any work not specifically- mentioned in the payment Item listed on Attachment B - Price Sheet, but indicated on the Plans and or Specifications, shall be considered as incidental to one (1) or more of the payment Items, and no claim for additional compensation will be allowed. Page 52 of 61 invitation for Bid (IFB) 781382,1 item 23; Special Provisions— To provide a fund for contingent work described below, the Successful Bidder shall include in the bid the Cash Allowance Sum of Fifty Thousand Dollars (550,000.00). These funds shall be used to pay for the following, when not provided for in the Specifications or in another Item of the bid. a. The necessary adjustments or relocation of Miami -Dade owned water mains only as directed by the City Engineer; h. The adjustments, removal or reconstruction of any City -owned structures not specifically mentioned in the Specifications; c. Other unforeseen surface or underground adjustments or additional work not included in the Specifications; and d, l;niformed Police. The amount of such construction adjustments, services and or work are estimates only and shall be done only as directed by the City Engineer, who shall approve all charges which will be paid for from the respective portion of the Special Provision for Special Items. Anv portion of said Allowance not used will be withheld from Contract Pavments. 3.2. PLANTING The Successful Bidder shall furnish all labor, materials. and equipment, watering and related work required to complete the work in accordance with the contract documents and specifications. Schedulinw of `fork The work -,hall be as coordinated with other contractors as to prevent any conflicts as to scheduling with others. Personnel All planting shall be performed by personnel familiar with planting procedures and under the supervision of a qualified planting foreman, who is to be available at the jobsite during the course of the work. Protection of Utilities and Structures Prior to the preparation of planting areas or plant pits, the Successful Bidder shall ascertain the location of all electrical cables, all conduits, all utility lines, oil tanks and supply lines, so that proper precautions may be taken not to disturb or damage any subsurface improvements. In the event any are uncovered, the Successful Bidder shall promptly' notify the City Engineer, who shall arrange to relocate the plant material, if possible. The Successful Bidder shall be responsible for any damage to utilities and structures and shall properly maintain the protection of same. Clean l' If the Successful Bidder fails to clean up, the City may do so and the cost thereof shall be charged to the Successful Bidder, Page 53 of 61 Imitation for Bid (I FB) 781382,1 Suhmittals 1. Emit Prices: The unit prices bill will serve as the basis for any required addition or deletion to the Contract. 2. :Materials: Submit four (4) samples each, with corresponding certificates of compliance from the product manufacturer or supplier for planting soil, fertilizer (analysis card). mulch, galvanized steel banding, turn buckles, <,uy ,.wires and painted sample of tik ood braces. Submit these within thirty (30) calendar days after award of Contract. 3. Schedule: A detailed sequence of planting shall be submitted to the City by the Successful Bidder. Submit revised schedule when departure from same is necessary. 4. Maintenance Guidelines: Submit detailed maintenance guidelines covering fertilization, watering, spraying, trimmin-, mulching, and any other pertinent issues related to landscape work required to ensure viability of plant material. Submit maintenance guidelines sixty (60) calendar days after award of Contract for review by the City or his representatives. Materials 1. Common Fertilizer: a, Shall be delivered to the site in the original unopened containers, each bearing the manufacturer's analysis. b. Fertilizer shall be Mix = 024 (10.5.8) as supplied by ATLANTIC FLORIDA EAST COAST FERTILIZER & CHEMICAL. unless noted otherwise, or equal. 2. Plant Material: a. Words "Plant Materials- or "Plants" refer to and include trees, palms, shrubs, and groundcovers. b. Plant species shall conform to those indicated on the drawings and in these Specifications. c, Plants shall be sound, healthy, vigorous. free from plant diseases, insect pests, or their eggs and shall have healthy nonoral root systems. Plants shall be nursery grown stock, except for site transplanted material or freshly dug, balled and burlap plants. d. All plants shall have been transplanted or root pruned at least once in tlue three (3) years previous to contract date. Root bound container plants will not be accepted. e. Collected palms shall be heeled in the nursery for no less than three (3) months prior to final planting. f. All plant material not otherwise specified as being Florida Fancy of Specimen shall be Florida No. I or better quality graded in accordance with "Grades and Standards for Nursery Plants" published by the State of Florida Department of Agriculture. g. Caliper measurement, height measurement, height relation to caliper, spread, bare root and ball dimensions, number of canes, types of vines and ground covers, etc., shall conform to the applicable standards given in "USA Standard for Nursery Stock 260.1", sponsored by the "American Association of lvurservmen, Inc.". h. Plants specified shall be used, substitutes will not be allowed unless sufficient evidence is submitted in writing, indicating plant unavailability. The Successful Bidder is to submit suggested listing of substitutes Page 54 of 61 Invitation for Bid (1FB) 781382,1 for review and comment by the City Engineer. No substitutions shall be made unless approved in writing. Said substitutes shall be submitted no less than five (5) working days after award of Contract. i. Any materials and or work may be rejected if. in the opinion of the City En�.tincer such does not meet the requirements of these Specifications. All rejected materials shall be promptly removed from the site by the Successful Bidder at his expense. j. Plants existing on the site and transplanted by the Successful Bidder shall be subject to Successful Bidder's Guarantee. k, Plants used where symmetry is required shall be matched as nearly as possible. The Successftd Bidder shall tag all trees and palms at the nursery for review by the City Engineer. The tagging for review shall be made no less than fora• five (45) calendar days prior to the projected installation date. all material shall be clearly identified by the use of colored vinyl tapes. The Successful Bidder shall tag ten percent (10"o) more than the quantities required and give five (5) working days notice minimum prior to nursery visit. 3. Sail Moist Polymers: Provide Soil Moist acrylic copolymers at the rate specified in 213.03.1II,F to each planting pit tree or palm planting location. Contact: Nursery and Landscape Supply (305) 235-9311 or Terra International (103) 247-1521. 4. Planting Soil: 50°o Muck 50% Coarse Silica Sand -�. 1fulch shall be Cypress Mulch Grade "A" delivered to the site in sealed and marked bags or approved equal. Any deviation shall be approved by the City Engineer. Execution 1. Shipment and Delivery: a. The Successful Bidder shall notify the City Engineer forty-eight (48) hours in advance, when plant material is to be delivered. b. Plant material shall be protected from Nveather, adequately packed to prevent breakage and drying out during transit. c. Plants shall not be planted on job until they have been inspected at receiving site, and accepted by the Cin Engineer. Plants which do not meet specifications for quality herein stated, or plants that show improper handling, or arrive on site in an unsatisfactory condition shall be rejected. Rejected plants shall immediately be removed, disposed of by the Successful Bidder and approved nursery stock of like variety. size and age shall be replaced by him without additional compensation. d. Final acceptance of plant material will be wgiven only after material is planted and after meeting requirements prescribed herein. 2. Guying and Staking: a, All guying and staking shall be indicated in the Specifications. Page 55 of 61 Invitation for Bid (IFB) 7&138',1 h. It shall be the Successful Bidder's responsibility to prevent plants from falling of beim blown over, to restraighten and replace all plants which are damage. Plants blown over by high winds shall not be cause for additional expense to the City, but shall be the responsibility of the Successful Bidder. Damaged plants shall be replaced by the Successful Bidder at no additional expense to the City, except the Successful Bidder shall not be held responsible for the loss or death of anv tree, shrub or plant , after being properly planted, as a result of hail storms, lighting, flood, fire or other acts of providence beyond his control. 3. Planting of Trees and Palms: a. Except as otherwise specified, the Successful Bidder's work shall conform to accepted horticultural practices as used in the trade. b. Plants shall be protected upon arrival at the site by being thoroughly watered and properly maintained until planted. Plants shall be planted within twenty-four (24) hours after arriving at site. At all times, workmanlike methods customarily in good horticultural practice shall be exercised. c. Before digs-ing holes or beds, the location and'or arrangement of the planting shall be staked by the Successful Bidder and accepted by the City Engineer. The staking should be ready for inspection at least FIVE (5) .vorking days prior to the projected planting date. The stakes shall be #7 Rebar, at least eighteen inches (18") in length and painted with bright red paint. d. The existence and location of underground utilities if shown on the plans are not guaranteed and shall be investigated and verified in the field by the vicinity of existing structures and utilities shall be carefully done. The Successful Bidder shall be held responsible for any damage to, and for maintenance and protections for existing utilities and structures. e. All circular pits with vertical sides shall be excavated to sizes and depth as shown in the Specifications (Misc. 17-2934) and backfilled with planting soil. The Successful Bidder shall test fill all tree, palm pits with water before planting to assure proper drainage and that percolation is available. Pits which are found not to be adequately draining shall be backfilled with coarse ;ravel or crushed rock. No allowances will be made for lost plants due to improper drainage. E Backfill with the specified planting soil mix and incorporate a minimum six6) ounces to nine (9) ounce; of Soil Moist acrylic copolymers evenly spread around and adjacent to the rootball mid -way in depth. The Final level of the ground and that of the sod shall conform to the surrounding grade. g. The plants shall be set an prepared planting soil backfill brought to a height permitting planting at the same depth the plants ,grew• in the nursery. Upright plants shall be kept in a vertical position. All plants shall be handled by earthy ball only. Handling by the plant itself will be caused for rejection of such plants. h. After placing the plant in the pit. the backfill shall be watered and firmly tampered to ensure backfill mixture in and about all the roots. All backfill mixture shall be such that no plants will settle lower than the depth indicated on the drawings. i. After tilling half way on the earth ball, the burlap shall be loosened and laid back off the top of the ball, or if too bulky, cut away and removed, after which the balance of the pit shall be backfilled and tamped. j. All plants shall be thoroughly watered at time of planting and kept adequately watered until time of acceptance. The Successful Bidder shall provide the means where water lines are not available. Page 56 of 61 Invitation for Bid (I FB) 7813 82,1 k. Apply fertilizer to planting beds and saucer areas as follows: Trees: One ( I ) pound per inch trunk diameter. Spread fertilizer evenly about the base. Thoroughly water plants before and after fertilization then mulch. I. Three inches (3") of mulch shall be placed between and around all plant material within twenty-four (34) hours after any planting. For individual plants, the mulch shall be spread to cover the saucer area. When in place, the mulch is to be watered thoroughly. m. Pruning shall be done at the time of planting and with due regarded to the natural form and growth characteristics of each species. All cuts over one-half inch (°/) diameter shall be painted with an acceptable tree wound dressing. Trees with pruned terminal leaders will not be accepted. n. During the course of planting, excess and waste materials shall be removed daily. All reasonable precautions shall be taken to avoid damage to all structures and plants. When planting in an area that has been completed. the area shall be thoroughly cleaned up. 4. Maintenance Prior to Inspection for Acceptance: a. :Maintenance shall beuin immediately after each plant is planted and shall continue throughout the course of operations on the site. Plants shall be watered by hose soaking thoroughly each day for the first two (?) weeks (14 calendar days) and every other day for the following two (?) week period. Soaking then shall continue; on a twice weekly basis for another period of three weeks, amounting to a total of forty -flee (45) days after installation. At the end of this hose soaking period, earth saucers shall be collapsed leading the guying and. or staking in place, in accordance with these specifications, V b. Plant maintenance shall include watering, pruning. spaying. dusting, weeding. cultivating, mulching, ti2htenini7, staking, fertilizing and repairing of braces and guys, replacement of sick or dead plants, resetting plants to proper grades or upright position and restoration of the planting saucer, and all other care needed for the planting saucer, and all other care needed for proper growth of the plants. All trees and palms shall be watered by hand hosing as follows: once a day for the first three (3) weeks atter planting and three (3) times per week thereafter, until inspection for acceptance. c. Spraying and Dusting: During the maintenance period and up the issuance of certificate of final acceptance, the StICCeSful Bidder shall do all seasonal spraying and."or dusting of plant material. The materials and methods shall be in accordance with highest standard nursery practices and in accordance with all regulatory agencies having jurisdiction. d. Protection: Planting areas and plants shall be protected against trespassing and damage. If any plants become damaged or injured, they shall be treated or replaced as directed. No work shall be done within or over planting areas or adjacent to plants without proper safeguards and protection. e. Darnage resulting from erosion, Gullies, washouts or other causes shall be repaired by filling with topsoil, tamping and re -fertilizing by the Successful Bidder, at the Successful Bidder's expense, if such damage occurs prior to acceptance by the City Engineer, 5. Inspection for Acceptance: a. Upon completion of all planting, an inspection for acceptance of work will be held. The Successful Bidder shall notify- the City Engineer for scheduling of the inspection five (5) working days prior to the anticipated inspection date. Partially completed portions will not be inspected. Pave 57 of 61 Invitation for Bid (IFB) 781382.1 It is the Successful Bidder's responsibility to ensure that the work is completed and ready for inspection before calling for sante. b. At the time of acceptance for inspection, if the materials are in whole or in substantially acceptance, a written notice will be -i%en by City Engineer that the guarantee period begins from the date of the inspection. c. In case substantial numbers of plants are sick or dead at the time of inspection, acceptance will not be granted and the Successful Bidder's responsibility for maintenance of all the plants shall be extended until replacements are made. Replacements shall conform in all respects to the specifications for new plants and shall be planted in the same manner. Said replacements are to be made within five l5) working days of said inspection. d. Atter the inspection for acceptance is made and the work is round to be acceptable, the Successful 13idder shall continue to hand water all trees and palms three times a week for four (4) weeks. 6. Plant Guarantee and Replacement: a. Guarantee. All plant materials including site relocated material shall be guaranteed for a period of one (1) year after the date of inspection for acceptance. All plant materials shall be alive and in satisfactory growth at time end of the guarantee period. b. Replacements: During the guarantee period, there shall be monthly inspections between the Successful Bidder and the City or his representative to ascertain the viability of the plant material. Any plant that is missing=. dead or fails to become established due to Successful Bidder's negligence shall be replaced at no cost to the Owner within ten (1 D) working days after the monthly inspection. At the end of the guarantee period. the Successful Bidder shall not] ty the City that the project is ready for final inspection. Any plant that is not alive or fails to show satisfactory growth or is missing due to Successful Bidder's neligence will be removed and replaced at no cost to the Owner. All replacement after the final inspection shall carry a sir (6) month replacement guarantee. Replacements shall be made within ten ( 10) working days after final inspection, c. Materials and Operations: All replacements shall be plants of the same kind and size specified in the Plant Schedule. They shall be famished and planted as specified with the cost borne by the Successful Bidder. Please refer to the attached plant schedule. 3.3. SODDING The Successful Bidder shall furnish all labor, materials, and equipment, watering and related work required to complete the work in accordance with the contract documents and specifications. Scheduling of Work The work shall be as coordinated with other contractors as to prevent any conflicts in scheduling with others. Eersonnel All planting shall be performed by personnel familiar with planting procedures and under the supervision of a qualified planting foreman. Pwue 58 of 61 Invitation for Bid ([FB) 781382,1 Prot ction of Utilitieh and Structures Prior to the preparation of sodding areas. the Successful Bidder shall ascertain the location of all electrical cables. All conduits. all utility lines. oil tanks and supply lines, so that proper precautions may be taken not to disturb or damage anv surface improvements. The Successful Bidder shall be responsible for anv damage to utilities and structures and shall properly maintain the protection of same. Clean Up The Successful Bidder at all times shall keep the premises free form accumulation of waste materials or rubbish caused by his operations. At the completion of the work, he shall remove all waste materials and rubbish from the project site as well as all his tools, construction equipment, machinery and surplus materials and shall clean all surfaces and leave the project site "broom clean". If the Successful Bidder fails to clean up. the Owner may do so and the cost thereof shall be charged to the Successful Bidder. Submittals Submit samples of planting soil blanket mit and four (4) samples each of the Certificates of Compliance, fertilizer analysis tags, and sod certification. Provide said submittals thirtv (30) calendar days after Award of Contract. Material. 1. Soil Blanket: As supplied by MORRIS :MAGIC SOIL or equal. Soil shall be 40"„ everglades peat and 60"U fine lawn sand thorouahly mixed. No site mixing shall be allowed. 2. Common Fertilizer: Mix 42024 (10.8.6) as supplied by ATLANTIC FLORIDA EAST COAST FERTILIZER CHEMICAL, or equal. Fertilizer shall be delivered to site in unopened containers which shall bear manufacturer's guaranteed statement of analysis or a manufacturer's Certificate of Compliance covering analysis. Furnish guarantee statement of certificate of compliance to the Owner or his representatives. 3. Sod: a. Sod shall be St. Augustine Grass (Floratam) Solid Sod. b. All sod shall be of firm texture, having a compacted growth and good root development. Sod shall contain no weeds or objection vee=etation, and be free from fungus. vermin or diseases. Before beim.- cut and lifted, sod shall be mowed three (3) times with the final mowing not mote than a week before cutting into uniform dimensions. Certifications as to type of grass and other requirements shall be made and submitted to the Owner or his representative. 4. Sand.; Provide clean, fine sand. 5. Water: The Successful Bidder is responsible for providing water even if none is available on the site. Executinn Page 59 of 61 Invitation for Bid (1FB) 781382,1 1. General: Fine grades all lawn and planting areas - 2. Sodding: Under this section, the Successful Bidder shall perfonli the preparation of the areas to be sodded as herein specified. a. The Successful Bidder shall remove all existing grasses and weeds from the areas to be sodded. The Successful Bidder shall smooth out all areas to establish an even grade for sod planting. All areas shall be graded to drain. b. Remo%e all rock or foreign material one inch or greater in diameter and lay two inches (?") of soil blanket uniformly and thorouahly incorporated into top most four inches (q") of soil. C. Surface shall be rolled to achieve a smooth, even shape and 3rade. During the rolling, all depressions caused by settlement or rolling shall be tilled with by additional topsoil and the surface shall be regraded and rolled until presenting a smooth and even finish. d. The Successful Bidder should call for an inspection for approval of graded areas prior to sodding. e. Water the soil nt enLy-four (34) hours prior to sodding. L Sod panels shall be laid tightly together with staggered joints so as to make a solid lawn area. Immediately fallowing sod laving:. the lawn areas shall be rolled with a lawn roller customarily used for such purposes. and then thoroughly watered immediately. During delivery, prior to and during the panting of the lawn area. the sod panels shall at all times be properly protected from excessive drying and unnecessary exposure of the roots to the sun. All sod shall be stacked during construction and planting, so as not to be damaged by sweating or excessive heat and moisture. 4 ;. After sod has been planted and rolled, thoroughly water and fertilize at the rate of ten (10) pounds per one thousand (1,000) square feet of area. Thoroughly water all sodded areas. h. The finished level of sod areas after rolling and tamping shall be one half inch (';_) below the top of abutting paved areas. L During the sodding operations, excess and waste materials shall be removed daily. All reasonable precautions shall be taken to avoid damage to all structures and plants. When sodding in an area has been completed, the area shall be thoroughly cleaned up. 3. Maintenance Prior to Inspection for Acceptance: Maintenance shall begin immediately after sodding is executed and shall continue in accordance with the following requirements: a. The Successful Bidder shall be held responsible for maintenance of sodded areas, including watering. spraying, weeding. mowing and replanting as necessary to establish a uniform stand of the specific grass and until acceptance. Alter the grass has started, all areas and parts of areas which fail to show a uniform stand of grass, for any reason whatsoever, shall be replanted, repeatedly if necessary, until all sodded areas are covered with satisfactory growth of grass. b. Sodded areas shall be protected against trespassing damage. If any sod becomes damaged or injured, it shall be replaced as directed. No work shall be done within or over sodded areas without proper safeguards and protection. c. \Vatering of all non -irrigated sodded areas shall be done from a watering truck, no temporary irrigation heads will be allowed. All sodded areas are to be watered to provide at least one inch (1 ") of water per week in biweekly applications. Watering is to continue until inspection for acceptance is made and approved by Public Works. All watering is to be done in the presence of Public Works or his Page 60 of 61 Invitation for Bid (IFB) 78138'_',1 representative. d. Damage resulting from erosion, gullies, washouts or other causes shall be, repaired by tilling with la%%, -n sand. tamping=, re -fertilizing and re -sodding by the Successful Bidder at his expense if such damage occurs prior to acceptance. 4, inspection for .acceptance: a. Upon completion of all sodding operations, an inspection for acceptance of work will be held. The Successful Bidder shall notify Public Works for scheduling of the inspection ten ([ 0) working days prior to the anticipated inspection date. h. At the time of acceptance inspection, if the materials are in whale or in substantially acceptance, a written notice will be given by Public Works or his representative to the Successful Bidder that the guarantee period begins froth date of inspection. c. In case substantial areas of sod are sickly or dead at the time of inspection, acceptance will not be granted and the Successful Bidder's responsibility for maintenance of all the sodded areas shall be extended until replacements are made. Replacements shall conform in all respects to the specifications for new sod and shall be planted in the same manner. 5. Sod Guarantee and Replacement: a, Guarantee: Sod shall be guaranteed for a period of ninety (90) calendar days after the date of inspection for acceptance under Paragraph IV of this Section, and shall be alive and in satisfactory growth at the end of the guarantee period. b. Replacement: Durin, the guarantee period Public Works and the Successful Bidder shall schedule monthly inspections. Any sod that is dead or not in satisfactory condition shall be replaced within ten (10) working days of the inspection. At the end of the guarantee period a final inspection will be held, the Successful Bidder shall then proceed to replace sod that is dead or not in satisfactory condition, said replacement shall carry a ninety (90) calendar days replacement guarantee. c. All non -irrigated sodded areas shall be watered as described under ? B.03.III.0 for four (4) weeks after the inspection for acceptance, All watering to be done in the presence of Public Works or his representative. d. Materials and Operations: All replacements shall be sod of the same kind as specified in these Specifications. It shall be furnished and phtnted as specified with the cost borne by the Successful Bidder at no additional cost to Public Works. 6. Maintenance Guidelines: The Successful Bidder shall supply Public Works with a detailed maintenance schedule for all sodded areas thirty (30) calendar days after Award of Contract. Pave 61 of 61 Title:e�� t31,r ����i��7laca IFB Na.: `` List of Subcontractors Completion of Form This form is initially to be completed and submitted with the IFB, listing all Subcontractors to be used under this Contract. This form is to be updated after award of the Contract as additional Subcontractors are added or changed. Submit additional pages as neceassary. Name of Firm Address Scope of Work Licenses Value of % of Work Work IUB, Note: 1 _ The work performed by Subcontractor(s) fisted cannot equal more than fiftenn percent (15%) of the total work for the Contract. 2. The foregoing list of Subcontractors may not be amended after award of the Contract without the prior written approval of the City's Project Manager identified in the Solicitation, whose approval will not be unreasonabley withheld. Name of Proposer: CO `:V— . Name of Individual Completing Form: ala 1N. ,6c.nCA-)C," Date: C r Signature:, IFS 781382 Citywide Sidewalk Repair and Replace Attachment B: Reference Submittal Form FIRM NAME:,,��sc Reference Summarized Requirements: Refer to the details in Section 2 Special Conditions, (Paragraph Section 2.13 2.13 References) to verify that the information provided will suffice as proof of meeting the requirements of this solicitation. Past Performance Reference Check #1 Company/Organization Name: S Address: 2 Q Contact Person: - } I_'r �, �Cj a, 1 Contact Phone Number and Email: _ p a, J Date of Contract or Sale: 1� Prime or Subcontractor: Other (Description of Service, Total dollar value -of Contract, etc.): Fast Performance Reference Check #2 Company/Organization Name: CLYLn s Address: Contact Person: Contact Phone Number and Email: -�G C4 -- O 0 U Contact E-mail (if applicable): Date of Contract or Sale: 70. '_- Prime or Subcontractor: Other (Description of �3eryice, Total dollar value of Contract, etc.): P. Past Performance Reference Check #3 Company/Organization Name: _ R Address: (0 �JJ Contact Person: LL) `S G Contact Phone Number and Emaii: 3GS— G 22- —,Doa Contact E-mail (if applicable): Date of Contract or Sale: &01 ' Prime or Subcontractor: �A�'��5 Other (ppscription of Service, Total dollar value of Contract, etc): 5jr:)ers-2d- G�, _ra- Ee 'si,amber. EL2C17;;221 c3C3 H _ , solicita___.. w -as i = _._ _i on or arter ass- .__i..__c on Lata . L---_-349- 'Jn2 02/27/2 ---- Rates ------------------------------------------------- 4-)?9 �'i5/ 7i __131 :-cPENTER. . . . ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 17.84 Inelules --. riork.... $ 13.49 _FENCE ...................... $ 12.82 r;era`.,_ ..__.._.^.2,.....$ 15.07 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 _ HIGHWAY/PARKING LO; ..........$ 11.1 C,CC --'S-:m L -ER - G::=.=-_---............5 13.43 C.CC _.__". -�''., 07;,. _.-. .... . . .. . .. X3.43 0. V. $ 16.43 0. GG ............ $ 15.42 C.00 raffic Control clavir.g of ............5 11.59 0.00 includes Raker, S:: Spreader ana Dis_-.._...:.......................$ 12.31 C.00 -=erai...... $ 10.69 0.00 LABOF.E:.: _ .............$ 12.53 0.CC L Grad=- r,' -_e_._............. $ 12.41 0. C0 LABCRER: Landscape Irr-,a_on........ ...............$ 9.02 0.00 L?3ORER: Mason Tender - Cement/Concrete ..................$ 13.91 3.50 LABORER: Pinelayer..............$ 15.02 0.00 OPERATOR: Backhoe/Excavator/Trazkhoe ....... $ 16.24 0.00 0P:.P-AT0R: Bobcat/Skid S=eer/Skid Loader ................$ 12.83 0.00 OPERATOR: Booi................... $ 18.95 C.00 0= = - --_.. BorIng ......... $ 15.29 0.00 0PEP=_:'.;7. 3roc-/S -3e _r.........$ 13.01 0.CO OPEP-AT07: Ll _ _.............$ 16.77 0.00 OPGF.ATO:.. �:.- - _v rir._s -4ng tr.3_ ...........................$ 15.44 C.CC �7oncrete Saw .......... $ 14.43 0.00 O.. _.-_... .,__.__ .................5 22.46" C.CC 0=- ...__- ..a:7 ................ 2��. � 0. CC 3PW.-._.TOP.. G s`rit__o_........... $ 13.29 0.00 C_E.-.-. OF: Grill .................$ 14.76 0.00 DVE - R: Fs ---__ ..............S _6.32 0 G ?ER TOR. Gratia__ ...............$ _4.71 O.CO S___ATOR: Grajer/21_x_..........5 20.22 3.85 OP. -.._.TOR.: Loafer. .......... . ..... S 15.53 0.00 OPERATOR.: Nach anic..............5 16.03 0.00 OPERATOR.. YLI-_nq `+:a::.iine.......5 14.67 G.00 OPERATOR: Oiler .................$ 16.32 0.00 OPERATOR: Paver (Aspha-t, Aggregate, and Concrete)- .......$ 13.61 0.00 OPERATOR: Piledriver. .......,...5 17.23 0.00 OPERATOR: Post Driver Wu ardrail./Fencas)...............$ 14.45 0.00 OPERATOR: Roller ................$ 13.67 C.00 =7=F: ..__ __ ...............5 12.01 0.00 OPERATOR: Screed ................$ 14.15 0.00 OPERATOR: Tractor ...............$ 12.19 0.00 OPERATOR: Trencher ..............$ 14.74 0.00 PA nJER. Spray ..................$ 16.52 C.00 S_._. __. E _T1R.....................5 12.96' C.CC __ _ illi SI NAL`ZATIGN. Traffic Signal Installation ...... $ 19.07 0.00 DRIVER: Distributor __ck............................$ 14.96 2.17 TRUCK DRIVER: Dump Truck ........ $ 12.19 0.00 TROCK DRIVE!: rLsibed Truck..... $ 14.28 0.00 7p_::x __. ._. M_.. L ,' ,y Truck...... S 15.07 0.00 _.._. _.._:._- . �. ,_-, __..ck...... 11.36 O.CD ._.___. _.,.E-, ,.____ _.__.......S 14.21 7.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Re -:eive rate c e_ forming _D which weiding is No__. -..____...= Order (EO) 13706, _s=aw__s-._. Leave for the solic_._ __sn was _ss_ on or af___ Yy 1, 2_-7. If this r�••i C_=1{ _.",GJ= _3r e,-_, .i '..i ✓.ours _0 5- ..__._a =_u ck _ea Te ea_.: _mar. -Y .t be __"-.-':_eu to use paid sick leave for their reeds, including a f ...ilf me-Zer {or person who is ,o t :.. - _ _ _ _. w- is ill, injured, or has other needs, _......,,_~.7 creventive care; or for reasons es is-.. or to assi=- _ _ '.'_1 ...__.cer ;or person who is to the e:r.nloyee is _ r __1... „ , domestic _ =e _, _ a.. _ It, or sraiki.: . Addi ._ ..:1 information NDrker protections Under the EO _',;^,,T•-ontracts. within a_._ _ ✓iter --act clauses - body of ear;: .. _ _-_---.._..__-___ lists the classification a. wage rates tha= ..ave been found to be prevailing for the c_ -ed ty �;s' =f in the area covered by the *cage a=ermir.a=i _ ___siri__itions are lister] in alphabetical r of __-•-_- _ t _ _.____�te whether the particular rate is a uniora rate ;cam~: --ion ;negotiated rate for local) , a survey ra-.e (weigh::ed aver -__3e rate) or a union average rate (weighted union average rate). Union Rate Identifiers A, four letter classifica _. ; __ a :._ _ .' atian identif:.-_ e.__' osed in dotted _fires other t;_an "5U" or es and rate weredeco 3 07I01I2 _-. i5 a _ l _..=er of -fir?:;.^.at; ._. -/ _ - - 2014. _.I.la"...'1 ore -.-a-41-4-7 raves are u".J�.at°?1 t.; reflex ___ tea__ -n nges -•_ __. _. _.•- -7.<.� vsf 3a....�. ,--�_.. _ive..._. tris ,la3-3rzl,wa-inn a J ra:e. Survey Rate I :__.tifi_rs Pr �i]V� the v-- ed - der_ J = ✓� 7 ryll _—. w' e = ratebasedon all ti._ raves r_;:.: -ted in classification. -- Is_ -- rates reported in t.. s_irva -may non-union rates. v _ --_7..2-007 5/13/2w _ '_ . the rates are s,rva*Y ra_es on a weighted = _ calculat=on of - _es t_= ._vt majority _axes. _-• ----'__rtes the State of L _::s_a-_. 2.712 is the year of survey cn whic Chose c�assi'iCa-4 .._ rates are based. "_'he next n,.I.Tber, 007 in the is an i _i�rnal number used in producing the wage deter ,inati ... /i 3!-.- _._yicates the survey completion date for the classifieaticns an_i rates under that identifier. Survey wage rates are not updated and remain in effect until a new surr_, _s conducted. F.. e Identifiers _. --_ (s) listed -. the UAVG identifier indicate for those Ci as=1 --- Ii P.er, 1 .: 31 "'_ a`=7 reco-7.nal for the classi _ a-_ ns was =ion da -a. 08/23/20141. UAVG indicates that the rate is a w- .-._ed union average rate. ©:i indicates `e s W - --_---. r, 0010 in the vcle, is an intern=_ a_ _ -s } _? swage .._ det_ _--ation. 08/23/27:. rates the s__ -ray cc �__ _--:- date for - classifications a--, rates under that identifier. c rate will be u;dat__ a year, us:ally in Ja_ . _ry of each year, to reflect a weighted average of the negotiated/Con rate of the union locals from whic.. the rate is based. ---------------------------------------------------------------- WASE DETER.ylINATIu`: i.) Has t er_ '_- _n a: in t^_ be, * an existing pubiis_^.ed wage determination a surrey under lyi. a a wage dete_--i-4n_ _icr * a Nag? and HJ1r Divisior, letter seting fart.. a zosition on a wage ter'li--_ __cn matter _ _ a .__ __'3na_ class_ _ _ - _i3 . a -i ra _e ) ruli7'. _ .. S'-'" _,i - J_n7_lL -J-' ng req'wes'.s and .._...- ___ _.._ a -f was 1 ces ha •onsibility for tl s'atis=a tory, t'nY. ss described in 2.) r ;' 3. 1 ., d be followed. _ -_ - a -:i o --her matter not ,e_ ripe for the formal __-_ _._s ___.._. .__re, iritial c --_n___= s' Ula be with the Wage Deter._: ___ ns. Write to: Branch of Cons t ruction. nage Determinations Wage and four Division v.S. Woo-_-_.._- of Labor Avenue, P1.W. _..._. -u DC 20210 the = request Wage _ .__ _.. _%.dministrator 29 Cris. ra-= _.Y a-.4 2L� -=R_ Bart 7) . 'White to: `nage i r Administrator �.S. Dam _ ---_ of Labor 20C Constit_tion Avenue, N.W. ;dashingto: , -C 20210 _ nest sho;ald be accompanied by a full sta_-_ _. t of the e_=Y's position and by any infor~.a__3.. (wage - a�__, project description, area praczic_ material, requestor considers relevant to the iss!.e t ? decision. of the Fd^llnlSt__ -r is no- -ed party may appeal di_ _ =-..= Boar°? (formerly t"e Wage Appeals Board). Write to: ^..Ininistrative Review Board U.S. Department of Labor 20^ Constitution Aven_-, Washington, DC 20210 4.) All sicns by the Administrative Review Board are final. _CT DECISION CERTIFICATION REGARDING LOBBYING The undersigned certifies, to the best of his/her knowledge, that. - 1 hat: 1, No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, by or on behalf of the undersigned, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of an agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any Federal contract, the making of any Federal grant, the making of any Federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement. 2. If any funds other than Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officers or employee of Congress, or an employee or a Member of Congress in connection with this Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement, the undersigned shall complete and submit Standard Form, LLL, "Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying," in accordance with its instructions. 3. The undersigned shall require that the language of this certification be included in the award documents for all subawards at all tiers (including subcontracts, subgrants, and contracts under grants, loans, and cooperative agreements) and that II subrecipients shall certify and disclose accordingly. This certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was made or entered into. Submission of this certification is a prerequisite for making or entering into this transaction imposed by 31, U.S.C. § 1352 (as amended by the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995). Any person who fails to file the required certification shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10,000 and not more than $100,000 for each such failure, The Contractor, _ :� s�-- - , certifies or affirms the truthfulness and accuracy of each statement of its certification and disclosure, if any. In addition, the Contractor understands and agrees that the provisions of 31, U.S.C. § 3801 et seq., apply to this certification and disclosure, if any. Signature of Contractor/Contractor's Authorized Official Name and Title of Contractor/Contractor's Authorized Official Date:'1 1 CERTIFICATION REGARDING LOBBYING The undersigned certifies, to the best of his/her knowledge, that: 1. No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, by or on behalf of the undersigned, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of an agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any Federal contract, the making of any Federal grant, the making of any Federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal. amendment, or modification of any Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement. 2. If any funds other than Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officers or employee of Congress, or an employee or a Member of Congress in connection with this Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement, the undersigned shall complete and submit Standard Form, LLL, "Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying," in accordance with its instructions. 3. The undersigned shall require that the language of this certification be included in the award documents for all subawards at al! tiers (including subcontracts, subgrants, and contracts under grants, loans, and cooperative agreements) and that 11 subrecipients shall certify and disclose accordingly. This certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was made or entered into. Submission of this certification is a prerequisite for making or entering into this transaction imposed by 31, U.S.C. § 1352 (as amended by the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995). Any person who fails to file the required certification shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10,000 and not more than $100,000 for each such failure. �.., The Contractor, certifies or affirms the truthfulness and accuracy of each statement of its certification and disclosure, if any. In addition, the Contractor understands and agrees that the provisions of 31, U.S.C. § 3801 et seq., apply to this certification and disclosure, if any. Signature of Contractor/Contractor's Authorized Official Name and Title of Contractor/Contractor's Authorized Official Date: �f ATTACHMENT E CITY OF MIAMI LIVING IMAGE ORDINANCE ARTICLE X. - LIVING WAGE REQUIREMENTS FOR SERVICE CONTRACTS AND CITY EMPLOYEES Footnotes: (9) --- Note—Section 5 of Ord. No. 1273 -_ :-e: this _ _ /e October 1, 2006. Editor's note— Prior to the ado;_:.: _- : 1273711.C-:: `, _ '-:-:23 g 2. adopted December 0. 2-)04, 1, [-_t, which per, e =.romic development financing v ;; aµ.0 :. _,-� Card No. 12152 y 3. adopted his; 1- _. - Sec. 18-556. - Definitions. City means the government of the City of Miami or any authorized agents, any board, agency, commission, department, or other entity thereof, or any successor thereto. Contract means any contract to provide services to the city in which the total value of the contract exceeds $100,000.00 per year. Contractor means any "for profit" individual, business entity, corporation, partnership, limited liability company, joint venture, or similar business entity which meets the following criteria: (1) The contractor is paid in whole or part from one or more of the city's general funds, capital project funds, special revenue funds, or any other funds, including, but not limited to, grants, donations, and the like, whether by competitive bid process, requests for proposals, or some other form of competitive solicitation, negotiation, or agreement, or any other decision to enter into a contract; and (2) The contractor is engaged in the business of or part of a contract to provide services for the benefit of the city. This section shall apply to employees of the contractor who spend the majority of their time on covered City of Miami service contracts. If the contract is for both goods and services it shall only apply to the services portion of such contract. This section shall not apply to contracts which are primarily for the sale or leasing of goods. Goods are defined in section 18-73 of the City Code. Covered employee means anyone employed by the city working more than 35 hours per week or any service contractor employee, working full or part-time, with or without benefits, that is involved in providing services under the service contractor's contract with the city. Covered employer means the city and any and all service contractors and subcontractors of a service contractor. Living wage means a wage that is as defined in section 18-557 of this Code. The living wage may be adjusted once annually by an amount equivalent to the cost of living adjustment for Miami -Dade County as published by the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. Language so stating will be included in all request for proposals, or other competitive solicitation documents, issued by the city for the procurement of services (unless the living wage provisions are excluded as provided in section 18-557 herein). New service contracts means those having contracts competitively solicited and awarded on or after January 1. 2017. Page 1 Service contract means a contract to provide services to the city excluding. however, professional services as defined by the "Consultants Competitive Negotiation Act" set forth in F.S. § 287.055, and section 18-87 of the City Code and/or the other exclusions provided by section 18-557 of the City Code. (Ord. No. 12787, § 2, 4-6-06; Ord_ No. 13648, § 2, 11-17-16) Sec. 18-557. - Living wage. (a) Living wage paid. (1) New service contractors. All new service contracts shall pay to all its employees who provide covered services a living wage of no less than $15.00 per hour without health benefits; or a wage of no less than $13.19 an hour with health benefits as defined in this section unless otherwise excluded pursuant to this article. (2) Existing service contracts. Service contracts awarded and effective or competitively solicited prior to January 1, 2017, shall not be subject to the payment of the living wage set forth in this section and shall continue to be governed by the terms and conditions of the respective solicitation and resulting contractual documents, when applicable. (3) The living wage provisions shall apply to all contracts covered by this section unless specifically excluded by one or more subsections below: a. The living wage provision is disallowed by a federal or state law or regulation, grant requirements, or by a contract the city is accessing by "piggybacking", and which contract does not include a living wage provision; b. Funding sources for the contract disallow the living wage provision or provide contradictory funding requirements, or are contained in a contract awarded or solicited prior to the effective date of January 1, 2017, and which contract includes renewals or extensions; c. Professional service contracts awarded under the "Consultants Competitive Negotiation Act", F.S. § 287.055, for the professional services within the scope of the practice of architecture, prcfessiona! engineering, landscape architecture, registered surveying. and/or mapping; d. The living wage provision is waived by the city commission by resolution, prior to issuance of the competitive solicitation document, upon written recommendation of the city manager or authorized designee, when the city commission finds it is in the best interest(s) of the city to approve such waiver, in which case the living wage provision shall not apply in the competitive solicitation document; or e. All responsible wage construction contracts covered by section 18-120 of this Code. (4) City employees. For covered employees of the city, the city will begin to pay the living wage on a phase- in basis over a nine-year period beginning with the 2006-2007 city budget year to be implemented in the 2014-2015 fiscal year. The city manager, in his sale discretion, without further city commission approval, shall have the option to consider whether it is in the city's best interest to complete the phase-in payment of living wage to city employees on a four-year period. Thereafter, the living wage to be paid by the city shall be subject to negotiations within the collective bargaining structure. (b) Health benefits; eligibility period. For a covered employer to comply with this article by choosing to pay the lower wage scale available when a covered employer also provides a standard health benefit plan, such health benefit plan shall consist of a payment of at least $1.81 per hour toward the provision of health benefits for covered employees and their dependents and shall be approved by the city. If the health benefit plan of the covered employer requires an initial period of employment for a new employee to be eligible for health benefits (the "eligibility period"), a covered employer may qualify to pay the $13.19 per hour wage scale for a term not to exceed the new employee's eligibility period, provided the new employee will be paid health benefits upon completion of the eligibility period, which period shall not exceed 90 days. (c) Certification required before payment. Any and all service contracts subject to this article shall be void, and no funds may be released, unless prior to entering any such contract with the city, the service contractor certifies to the city that it will pay each of its covered employees no less than the living wage. A copy of this Page 2 certificate must be made available to the public upon request. The certificate, at a minimum, must include the following: (1) The name, address. and phone number of the employer, a contact person, and the specific project for which the service contract is sought,- (2) ought;(2) The amount of the service contract and the city department the contract will serve. (3) A brief description of the project or service provided; (4) A statement of the wage levels for all covered employees; and (5) A commitment to pay all covered employees the living wage. (d) Observation ofotherlaws. Every covered employee shall be paid without subsequent deduction or rebate on any account (except as such payroll deductions as are directed or permitted by law or by a collective bargaining agreement). The service contractor shall pay covered employees wage rates in accordance with federal and all other applicable laws such as overtime and similar wage laws. (e) Posting. A copy of the living wage rate shall be kept posted by the service contractor subject to this article, at the site of the work in a prominent place where it can easily be seen and read by the covered employees and shall be supplied to such employees within a reasonable time after a request to do so. Additionally, service contractors subject to this article, shall furnish a copy of the requirements of this article to any entity submitting a bid for a subcontract on any service contract subject to this article. Posting requirements will not be required where the service contractor subject to this article, prints the following statements on the front of the covered employee's first paycheck and every six months thereafter. "You are required by the City of Miami Living Wage Ordinance to be paid a living wage. if you do not believe you are being paid at the living wage rate, contact your employer, an attorney, or the City of Miami." All notices will be printed in English, Spanish and Creole. (f) Collective bargaining, Nothing in this article shall be read to require or authorize any service contractor subject to this article, to reduce wages set by a collective bargaining agreement or as required under any prevailing wage law. (Ord. No. 12787, § 2, 4-6-06; Ord. No. 13110, § 2, 10-22-09; Ord. No. 13406, § 2, 9-26-13; Ord. No. 13648, § 2, 11-17-16) Sec. 18-558. - Implementation. (a) Maintenance of payroll records. Each service contractor to which living wage requirements apply, as described in this article, shall maintain payroli record for all covered employees and basic records relating thereto and shall preserve them for a period of three years from the date of termination or expiration of the service contract. The records shat! contain: (1) The name and address of each covered employee; (2) The job title and classification,- (3) lassification;(3) The number of hours worked each day; (4) The gross wages earned and deductions made; (5) Annual wages paid: (6) A copy of the social security returns and evidence of payment thereof,- (7) hereof;(7) A record of fringe benefit payments including contributions to approved plans; and (8) Any other data or information the city shall require from time to time. (b) Reporting payroll. Every six months, the service contractor to which living wage requirements apply, as described in this article, shall file with the city's procurement director a listing of all covered employees together with a certification of compliance with this article. Upon request from the city, the service contractor shall produce for inspection and copying its payroil records for any or all of its covered employees for any Page 3 period covered by the service contract. The city may examine payroll records as needed to ensure compliance. (Ord. No. 12787, § 2, 4-6-06; Ord. No. 13110, § 2, 10-22-09) Sec. 18-559. - Compliance and enforcement. (a) Service contractor to cooperate. The service contractor shall permit city employees, agents, or representatives to observe work being performed at, in or on the project or matter for which the service contractor has a contract. The city representatives may examine the books and records of the service contractor relating to the employment and payroll of covered employees and may survey covered employees to determine if the service contractor is in compliance with the provisions of this article. (b) Complaint procedures and sanctions. An employee who believes that he/she is a covered employee of a service contractor and that the service contractor is or was not complying with the requirements of this article has a right to file a complaint with the procurement director of the city. Such complaints may be made at any time and shall be investigated within a reasonable period of time by the city. Written and oral statements by any such employee shall be treated as confidential and shall not be disclosed without the written consent of the employee to the extent allowed by the Florida Statutes. (c) Private right of action against service contractor. Any covered employee or former covered employee of a service contractor may. instead of utilizing the city administrative procedure set forth in this article, but not in addition to such procedure, bring an action by filing suit against the service contractor in any court of competent jurisdiction to enforce the provisions of this article and may be awarded back pay, benefits, attorney's fees. and costs. The applicable statute of limitations for such a claim will be two years as provided in F.S. § 95.11(4)(c) as may be amended from time to time for an action for payment of wages. The court may also impose sanctions on the service contractor, including those persons or entities aiding or abetting the service contractor, to include wage restitution to the affected covered employee and damages payable to the covered employee in the sum of up to 8500.00 for each week the service contractor is found to have violated this article. (d) Sanctions against service contractors. For violations of this article, the city shall sanction a service contractor by requiring the service contractor to pay wage restitution at its expense for each affected employee. The city may also sanction the service contractor in at least one of the following additional ways: (1) The city may impose damages in the sum of $500.00 for each week for each covered employee found to have not been paid in accordance with this article; (2) The city may suspend or terminate payment under the service contract or terminate the contract with the service contractor; and (3) The city may declare the service contractor ineligible for future service contracts for three years or until all penalties and restitution have been paid in full, whichever is longer. In addition, any employer shall be ineligible for a service contract where principal officers of such employer were principal officers of a service contractor who has been declared ineligible under this article. (4) If the contract has been awarded under the city procurement ordinance, the city may debar or suspend the contractor as provided therein. (e) Public record of sanctions. All such sanctions recommended or imposed shall be a matter of public record. (f) Sanctions for aiding and abetting. The sanctions contained in this article shall also apply to any party or parties aiding and abetting in any violation of this article. (g) Retaliation and discrimination barred. A service contractor shall not discharge, reduce the compensation, or otherwise discriminate against any covered employee for making a complaint to the city, or otherwise asserting his or her rights under this article, participating in any of its proceedings or using any civil remedies to enforce his or her rights under this article Allegations of retaliation or discrimination, if found true in a city administrative proceeding or by a court of competent jurisdiction, shall result in an order of restitution and reinstatement of a discharged covered employee with back pay to the date of the violation or such other relief as deemed appropriate. Page 4 (h) Remedies herein non-exclusive. No remedy set forth in this article is intended to be exclusive or a prerequisite for asserting a claim for relief to enforce the rights under this article or in a court of law. This article shall not be construed to limit an employee's right to bring a common law cause of action for wrongful termination. (Ord. No. 12787, § 2, 4-6-06; Ord_ No. 13648, § 2, 11-17-16) Sec. 18-560. - Employers receiving direct tax abatement or subsidy. The city reserves the right to impose the living wage requirements of this article on or after January 1, 2017 on any employer as a condition of that employer receiving a direct tax abatement or subsidy from the city. (Ord. No. 13648, § 2, 11-17-16) Secs. 18-561-18-599. - Reserved. Page 5 - 1 0 CITY OF MIAMI LOCAL OFFICE CERTIFICATION (Cit,,gCode. Chapter 18. Article III. Section 18-73) Solicitation Type and Number: (i.e. IFQ.'IFB, RFP/RFQ'RFLI No. 123456) Solicitation Title: �,lci>� (Bidder:'Proposer) hereby certifies compliance with the Local Office requirements stated under Chapter 18'Article III. Section 18-73, of the Code of the City of Miami. Florida. as amended. Local gffice means a business within the city which meets all of the follow in- criteria: (1) Has had a staffed and fixed office or distribution point. operating 'A ithin a permanent structure with a verifiable street address that is located within the corporate limits of the city, for a minimum of twelve (12) months immediately preceding the date bids or proposals were received for the purchase or contract at issue; for purposes of this section, "staffed" shall mean verifiable, full-time, on-site employment at the local office for a minimum of forty (40) hours per calendar week, whether as a duly authorized employee, officer, principal or owner of the local business: a post office box shall not be sufficient to constitute a local office within the city: (2) If the busir7eas is located in the permanent structure pursuant to a lease. such lease must be in writing, for a term of no less than twelve (12) months, been in effect for no.less than the twelve (12) months immediately preceding the date bids or proposals were received, and be available for review and approval by the chief procurement officer or its designee; for recentiv -executed leases that have been in effect for am period less tha.1 the twelve (12) months immediately preceding the date bids or proposals were received, a prior fully -executed lease %%ithin the corporate limits or the city that documents. in %Nriting, continuous business residence within the corporate limits of the city for a term of no less than the twelve (12) months immediately preceding the date bids or proposals were received shall be acceptable to satisfy the requirements of this section. and shall be available for review and approval by the chief procurement officer or its designee: further requiring that historical, cleared rer:t checks or other rent payment documentation in writing that documents local office tenancy shall be available for review and approval by the chief procurement officer or its designee; (3) Has had, for a minimum of tuelye (11) months immediately preceding the date bids or proposals vveru received for the purchase or contract at issue, a current business tax receipt issued by both the city and Nliami- Dade County. if applicable; and (-f) Has had, for a rninimunt of melee (12) months immediately preceding the date bids or proposals %kere received for the purchase or contract at issue. any license or certificate of competency and certificate of use required by either the cit. or Miarni-Dade County that authorizes the performance of said business operations: and (5) Has certified in %%riting its compliance with the foregoing at the time of submitting its bid or proposal to be eligible for consideration under• this section; provided. however, that the burden of proof to provide all supporting documentation in support of this local office certification is borne by the business applicant submitting a bid or Proposal. 1 FORM -City of Miami Local Office Certification 7/22/2013 PLEASE PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: Bidder'Proposer Local Office Address: ro]�, Does Bidder'Proposer conduct tierifiable. full- time. on -sitz employrnent at the local office ❑ YES ❑ NO for a minimum of forty (44) hours per calendar "eck? If Bidder, Proposer's Local Office tenancy is pursuant to a lease. has Bidder'Proposer ❑ YES ❑ NO ❑ N/A enclosed a copy of the lease? City of Miami: 11 YES ❑ NO ❑ Exempt Cite Exemption;. Has Bidder/Proposer enclosed a copy of the Business Tax Receipt (BTR) issued by the Citi• of %liafni and Nliami-Dade County? Miami -Dade County: ❑ YES ❑ NO ❑ Exempt Cite Eemption: Has Bidder/Proposer enclosed a copy- of the license, certificate of competency and certificate of use that authorizes the ❑ YES ❑ NO pertormance of Bidder/Proposer's business operations? Bidder/Proposer's signature belo)� certifies compliance v�ith the Local Offce requirements stated under Chapter 18/Article 111, Section 18-73, of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended. Print Name (Bidder/Proposer Authorized Representative) Signature Date FORM -City of NJiami Locai Office Certificat on 7/22/2013 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF Certified to and Subscribed before me this day of , 20 , by (NOTARY SEAL) (SiLnature of Notary Public -State of Florida) (Name of Notary Typed. Printed. or Stamped) Personally Known OR Produced Identification Type of Identification Produced FORM -City of Miami Local Office Certification 7/22/2013 \� IL PI Ki 1. _!'i'c! C[tfu of ' iaMi ADDENDUM NO, 1 IFB No. 781382 f:�111.1i� 1. GCstiT_:1,Ll:Z Cin 11.ut;r�.•r March 16, 2018 Invitation For Sid_fIFB) for Citywide Sidewalk Repair and Replacement Services TO: ALL PROSPECTIVE 'PROPOSERS: The following changes, additions, clarifications, and deletions amend the 1FB documents of the above captioned IFB, and shall become an integral part of the Contract Documents. Words and/or figures stricken through shall be deleted. Underscored words and/or figures shall be added. The remaining pro visions are now in effect and remain unchanged. Please note the contents herein and reflect same on the documents you have on hand. A. The Pre -Bid fleeting sign in sheet is attached - AP/tg Cc: IFB File Sincerely, Anpie Perez, CPPD Director/Chief Procurement Officer pavt_ I 1. i+ ID MEETING .SIGN IN SHEET :d u_ a II , Project: Meeting Date: Facilitator: 1� 1`•Place/Room: _, 'Nat%e",�I� Cwl/iy �Q� Coriipany j 1 -CC tc .rlitr� Phone Y. `fr i rr `: 7511V5, �--- V, ► ra , o U f,. sr. d f1 - lr/ l�dw' L �Z-P,1 I e Page 1 of 2 I <1I 1;1�- IFB 761382 Citywide Sidewalk Repair and Replace_ _• - Attachment H - Non -Federally Funded Projects Price Sheet Line No. Pay item Description Unit Unit cost Quantity Total Cost Install standard 4 -inch, 3,000 psi concrete sidewalk, ramp and sidewalk Square 1 landing, including tree root and branch trimming, tree root removal and $4 00 200,000 $800,00000 restoration of the area Foot Install standard 6 -inch 3,000 psi concrete sidewalk/ driveway, ramp and Square 2 sidewalk landing including tree trimming, tree root removal and Foot $4.75 100,000 $475.000 00 restoration of the area Remove and dispose of concrete sidewalk (4" or 6" thick concrete or Square 3 any thickness of sidewalk or asphalt pavement), more or less, at any Foot $0.50 300,000 $150,000.00 location Standard or depressed concrete curb (any type), more or less, including 4 removal and disposal of existing curb or curb and gutter, base Linear $18.00 S,OOD $90,OOD.DD preparation and including adjacent pavement restoration, if necessary, Foot as per Misc 35-85-22 Standard concrete curb and gutter (any type), more or less, including 5 removal and disposal of existing curb or curb and gutter, base Linear $18.00 5,000 $90,000.00 preparation and including adjacent pavement restoration, if necessary, Foot as per Misc. 35-85-22 Standard concrete valtey gutter (any type, any size), more or less, 6$18 including removal and disposal of existing valley gutter, curb or Linear DO 5.000 $90,000.00 concrete gutter, base preparation and including adjacent pavement Foot restoration if necesswy, as per Misc. 35-85-22. Provide and install water meter boxes located in sidewalk to be 7 replaced, at any location as approved by City Engineer. Each $30&00 50 $15,00000 8 Type "S -Ill" asphaltic concrete surface course including bituminous tack Square $27.00 5,000 $135,000.00 coal, as noted in these specifications, as approved by City Engineer. Yard 8- inch thick compacted limerock base with primer oil surface including 9 necessary clearing and grading, as noted in these specifications, as Square $15.00 500 $7.50000 a roved b City En ineer. Yard Install St Augustine Solid Sod in place, if necessary, including planting i0 soil, grading, leveling of the swale area and top dressing, as approved Square $2.00 2,000 $4,000.00 ,by City Engineer. Foot Erect/ stake and brace fallen trees/palms, any size, including all 11 appurtenances on an "as needed" basis at locations citywide, close to Each $200.00 50 $10,000,00 Me project location, Standard 6 -inch concrete driveway approach, more or less, including 12 removal and disposal of existing concretelasphalt driveway approach, Square tree trimming, tree root trimming, tree root removal and restoration of Foot $600 1,000 $6,000.00 the area at any citywide location 13 Provide and install traffic signal pull boxes located in sidewalk to be replaced, if m-cessar , at any citywide location. Each : r 00.00 10 $5,000.00 Prepare 6 -inch sub base for locations where there are no existing Square 14 sidewalks, including clearing and grading, new fill material, compaction Fool $2 00 2.000 $4,000.00 and levelingof the area, etc Remove existing asphalt, concrete or sod at swale areas, clearing and grading to 6 -inches lower than face of sidewalk/ curb including survey work for new elevations. Filling the swale area with 6- inches of clean 15 suitable material, including but not limit to compaction and leveling Square S4 00 2.000 $8.00000 around the pruned roots, grade to COM PW Standards, placement of F ool sod or asphaltic pavement as applicable, and maintenance the valley drainage area in order to properly adjust rain water flow into existing catch basins as per Misc. 35-85-27. 16 Install (cast in place) delectable warning pads, per Misc. 35-85-22. LAch $30000 250 S75,00000 Remove and reset existing standard brick pavers, including removal of existing bricks, reworking the sand base, adding new sand, etc., Square 17 clearing and grading, tree trimming, tree root removal, new fill material, $6.00 5,000 $30,000.00 compaction and leveling of the area, etc. and resetting the existing Foot bricks in same area, at any location citywide. New standard brick pavers installation, including removal of existing broken bricks, reworking the sandy base, adding new sand, etc., Square 18 clearing and grading, tree trimming, tree root removal, new fill material, Foot $9.00 5,000 $45,000.00 compaction and leveling of the area, utility rim border, etc., and installing new brick pavers, at any location citywide Typical 4'x4', more or less, 6'k12" concrete plantedheader for those locations where the planters/headers are damaged or non existing and Linear 19 located where the brick sidewalk will be inslalledl reset including $18.00 1,000 $18,00000 ciearing and grading, tree trimming, tree root removal, new fill material, Foot compaction and leveling of the area, etc. at any location citywide. 20 Install root guard per PW Bulletin No. 33. Linear $1000 500 $5,000.00 Foot 21 Pemove and dispose of tree stumps, including roots, any size at various locations if necessary, at any location as approved by City Engineer. Each $1,000.00 10 $10,000.00 Concrete sidewalk grinding to be used only as a temporary measure to 22 fix uneven sidewalk. Contractor must provide its own water for dust Linear $10.00 1,000 $10,000.00 control. Foot Z3 SPECIAL PROVISION = Contingency Allowance $50,000.00 Total Bid $2,132,500 00 i,n f�Iil Trusted Choice rEt C 3f. frCEpercerr I!'SL.M-Ce BID BOND REQUEST TODAY'S DATE: 03-26-2017 METRO EXPRESS INC. 9442 NNN' 1091h STREET Medley, FL 33178 Phone: 305-885-1330 Fax: 305-885-1327 FROM: Delio Trasobares (Enter the company your contract is with, below) Owner'Obligee: City of Miami -Procurement Department Address: 444 SW 2nd AVE, 6`h Floor Miami, FL 33130 (How it is to appear on the bond) Project name: Invitation for Bid for Citywide Sidewalk Repair and Replacement 1FB No. 731382,1 Bid Date &: Time: 03-27-2018 Estimated Bid Amount: 2,000,000,00 Bid Bond %: 50/0 Time to Complete: 365 Percentage Subcontracted: 09,do' Penalty!Liquidated Damayges: 1.544.00 -'day — %laintenanc&Warranty Period: Approximate Current Work On Hand: Special Bid Bond Form to be used: YES ❑ NO If YES, you must furnish the bid bond form to us, as the bond MUST be typed on that special bond form. Also fax the Performance & Payment Bond Form, if it was included. C!allr r n INSURANCE C :_)N L ..A.CT0R.- TQ: .- TQ: Kahn/Carlin & Company, Inc. 3350 South Dixie Highway, Miami, Florida 33133 Telephone: (305) 446-2271 Broward (954) 767-6066 Toll Free (877) 275-1180 Fax (305) 448-3127 http://wvvw.kahn-carlin.com R E�I7LTS 1) J "oL'R IIID IF NOT LISTEu ABOVE. ��,E� SllF "MAIL �ESLJLTS TO flot ackahn-carlin.com) or FAX TO" (305) 4-4,18-31271 AS SOON AS AVAILABLE CONTRACTOR: �tn3", legal status and address) Metro Express. Inc. 9442 \N" 109th street Medley, FL 33178 OWNER: (,Varve, legal stattis and address) City of Miami 444 SVV 2nd Ave., 6th Floor Miami. FL 33130 BOND AMOUNT: Five Percent Of Amount Bid Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America Hartford, CT 06183 PROJECT; i 1', nae, location or address, and Projecf number, if any) City%ide sidewalk Repair and Replacement, IFB \'x.781382,1 SURETY: (A7nie, legal stalus and principal place uJ'business) Travelers Casualty and surety Company of America 2420 Lakemont Avenue, 2nd Floor Orlando, FL 32814 The Contractor and Surcty are bound to the Owner in the amount set forth above, for the payment of which the Contractor and Surety bind themselves,. their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, as provided herein. The conditions of this Bond are such that if the Owner accepts the bid of the Contractor within the time specified in the bid documents. or within such time period as may be agreed to by the Owner and Contractor, and the Contractor either (1) enters into a contract with the Owner in accordance with the terms of such bid, and gives such bond or bonds as may be specified in the bidding or Contract Documents, with a surety admitted in the jurisdiction of the Project and otherwise acceptable to the Owner, for the faithful performance of such Contract and for the prompt payment of labor and material furnished in the prosecution thereof: or (2) pays to the Owner the difference, not to exceed the amount of this Bond, between the amount specified in said bid and such larger amount for which the Owner may in good faith contract with another parry to perform the work covered by said bid, then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. The Surety hereby waives any notice of an agreement between the Owner and Contractor to extend the time in which the Owner may accept the bid. W'aivcr of notice by the Surety shall not apply to any extension exceeding sixty (60) days in the aggregate beyond the time for acceptance of bids speci Fed in the bid documents, and the Owner and Contractor shall obtain the Surety's consent for an extension beyond sixty (60) days. If this Bond is issued in connection with a subcontractor's bid to a Contractor, the term Contractor in this Bond shall be deemed to be Subcontractor and the term Owner shall be deemed to be Contractor. When this Bond has been famished to comply with a statutory or other legal requirement in the location of the Project, any provision in this Bond conflicting with said statutory or legal requirement shall be deemed deleted herefrotn and provisions conrorrning to such statutory or other legal requirement shall be deemed incorporated herein. When so furnished, the intent is that this Bond shall be construed as a statutory bond and not as a common law bond. The Company executing this bond vouches that this document conforms to American Institute of Architects Document A310, 2010 edition Signed and sealed this 27th day at March 1018 MetroExpre , Inc. (Principal] (Seal)� •,� af•.f. r (Witness) �.t{��y> (Title) n Witness) i1,ee6;< l G . , //aT Traveled Cikual kindre Com of America 7 I / 7 -- (SUrety) Michael A. BaneV (Segal) Attorney -in -Fact & FL Resident Agent (Title) The Company executing this bond vouches that this document conforms to American Institute of Architects Document A310, 2010 edition ALEX SINK 'opr%LChief Finane'al Officer - State ► Frof da MICHAEL ANTHONY BONET License Number A025509 IS LbCENSEDTQ TRANSACT ME FOLLOWIN-, CLASSES OF INSURANCE General Lines (Prop & Casu) 05/25/1984 RESIDENT LICENSE N M F.Rl M A"I A MINF) TRAVELERS (mllp'llIN '11, 1'.Illl I T -;I rl f A III,[[ ['it 11, 1: f 11111 ia 11 Ir.1 V#C 1-1 d 0 A anal U \t I IU[ k qII Ili III% I I,la'liil ,Incl x111. I I. I: I, ' t I I, I I I. j Tl , -r l I It I, I. % I. I It, I-,. I I I c A U I L' I' I t il I I ;.I a I I( N I I t L' t, 1l I I I 1 .111 % 10 1 tin I I I - r i t , I I I I I II , I N 1 .11. i Ix' I It , I I r ;.i Ilt-u ( I III I I I , I I I i A j v, I it I cliz ., I it I:Ines 1 I )III I .l 11 'A I I I 1'� .I11 .1 J1 k C f Ilntl'l A ll� N.,. 0 0 7 3 2 6 7 7 7 N I I i Fk ind I V, I-: 11, 1 1 i'lA ILI 11 1 I1 .1, L hi.% _illd In"Il"I.Icu f wlli!.M Trw ulvr; N jIld Sill"[ oqmw H(Wit, 'Ind (;�l 11l'uI.1IIIc:v I nllclurllcr,. Ifiv. T I j N u c 1 11 k1;1 1 i❑I I I S I 11, V I " I I 11); lo , of Ulurica Pitill I in ill I N ( I I I {;ILII -III tilli),110 1 �77 SE` A L la I I A 1, itrr.,,,E. I Gray, Tahlia From: Deiio Trasobares <delio@metroexpresscorp,com> Sent: Friday, March 30, 2018 9:08 AM To: Gray, Tahlia Subject: RE: IFB 781351 - Sidewalks - Cure Letter Attachments: GENERAL CONTRACTOR 08-31-2018 06242016.pdf; GENERAL ENGINEERING LICENSE (09-30-2019).pdf; OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE CGC050965 (30 Se. 2018).pdf; OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE E201301 (Sept. 30, 2018).pdf; OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE E201301 (Sept. 30, 2018).pdf Good morning Tahlia Attached are copies of our licenses please advise if anything else is needed. Thank you Have a nice day. Delco Trasobares, C, G. C, C.U.C. President Metro Express Inc. Ph: (305) 835-1330 Fax: (305) 835-1327 S: =•r . c From: Gray, Tahlia [mailto:tgray@miamigov.com] Sent: Friday, March 30, 2018 8:59 AM To:'delio@metroexpresscorp.com' <deHo@metroexpresscorp.com> Subject: IFB 781381- Sidewalks - Cure Letter Good morning Delio, Please see attached letter. Thank you, have a great weekend! Best regards, Tahlia R Gray, NIBA Senior Procurement Contracting Officer City of Miami Procurement Department 444 SW 2 Ave, 6th FL Miami, FL 33130 9: 305 416-1912 - : 305 400-;1119 2: tray@miami.Rov.com Website: http://www.mia_migoy.com/procurement/ 1 ��'Itlll 1',1111;11Will, ;IIII 1 1'1'Klll��K)11:111P,Oill'G11111111111II\ T' ?^ _ :r ?/ cwi" , wkgwl and corf'Gertat irf.,r-rarer. 1t 13 irt-arc!`:e orif frrMe use oItr,e . L -w you am hemQ rotted la: anyreifPw dssefr'l ravar. L'atr;>!71.lban or tau are ret the irterded recipient: please irnmer!iately contact the seiner by -r-'a: . _ _ Ov a ;sage T^ark jou. 31-9 pU'b'i'C races-ya :? ' -,-3 '3 7w 1.0 ? ` 07.031 .a T !'er?f Cry. tN e-r»a't COr'd" L"r ica'.'Qr r`'al be sz;b ect to 2 RICK SCOTT, GOVERNOR LICENSE HUMSSR KEN LAWSON, SI �.;ItI IARV STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY LICENSING BOARD The GENERAL CONTRACTOR Named below IS CERTIFIED Under the provisions of Chapter 489 FS. Expiration date: AUG 31, 2018 TRASOBARES, DELIO ALBERT METRO EXPRESS INC 9442 N.W 109 ST MEDLEY FL 33178 ISSUED 06/1512016 DISPLAY AS REQUIRED BY LAW SFaa X1606150001369 E I'III' Ilse IIIalleclltlll 111 11111 ill'Illc."illnill livolsk, hul+lel N. IIID lircnsr e111IIA11% Ilidden st'elllill I-vall lu III vvell I CIII III el-1,0lill g. 1,'11:4111 IsQI ilt'41 [%-Ill 11duclilm i. orik-11% III 41hihilell mid \\ilt lac 101tkhe1'11IeaI 111 the 1"I711e%t v%loll ski the I,It.) Ill, IA"11.111111e111111 IIJ{�III:+� atill h"I:"u-nal liC�lll.nlnll (111i111t 1. i,NUiN 11ccsi1i1 tt11 Illam ik'4:11svil 1+i1]Illc,\r,,lnil 111:IiliE lmos Ill tit: •lldii tit 11111 IA I)131'k Isillalltini Illi\\d\ \I+II Islmcl:IL1 N1111CA,L'tl'1rniniilt. An" 111 I)I3IkhA%i"Icvs Mea%UlWllleulllnic:lll\w11 lI1111i11a1 isC11s:1: "n �\ i l•11CtIII1111 III tIIIII/C III,:w -,i- I\ Il'i+ 111 11611,C A,Ithvss ch:14WvN. Ik-cnmip illAny %tilI 101L'1t 1t1111 IliL'II • ' NaIIle t: Ilal1L'C" Ictl 11Ile IV�'aI i 11lcumcno ll tll.l \rill\111_ 1111 nanw Cl1.11ll'C, which Ilm m Ili imu kd Itl Illi I)l31'R. :fin 11fiLina 1, a CCI 11tied t'Ill$\ t I I :I tltllll1 AIC 01111 & All ill I_'iulsl l4 Ct`IIIIb]] t'I111\ III .l d"ilmliin IllAt ,lo I%%� the lt:'.11 ]Ellik' I:jlJLIL•c \t Ill 1)c JCCeI)letI, tinit-N-� Ilii I)I{I'1: la,l, A Lit W-1llt111 .1111ItI Illi AIll ISt•Illti It\ 111 I I W IItIt- IInICHI- 1Ca111111i.111le. 111'. 1)131']: will +\•1111 a ICnc\\:ll 11. MOV III \llul 1:1.11 Lnut\n alltllIll- rlll:lll :Itltltt•„ ill' r COI -d. It \uti hu\r m1I riicitrtl N, [)ill (illi -\1:11 I'ltllice. 1111 (Iti\• tall. IItII- ( tI,I,III)cI ( illI1j, I( clIIl:1- :ll 8�0 •11%, I 31)", ui ill II IIl1.- ;11 1\ \\ t\ All I'IIIl ltlall ]fill -w Ct1111 1.'11n1aC1114. I1le.lsv lil:l It) \tIi11111ofcy,lull ti',)u\onHw Nt.1111I N ,lull .1.\11I11111NItAlke Cut]C" 1111 111111l\`t InIIIIIIIAti 11S I� '.tllllll_L' 1clIC\1'ali. Thew lnx• be aVC:N,rtl llI kill tit[[ wt -I I„IV. AC#f 014-919629 6),Ao i -. Local Business Tax Receipt Miami—Davie County, State of Florida -1 HIS IS NOT A HILL - DO NOT PAY 4092169 BUSINESS NAMEMOCATION RECEIPT NO EXPIRES METRO EXPRESS INC RENEWAL SEPTEMBER 30, 2018 9442 NW 109 ST 4272571 MUbt be dtbPlaydd at Pldce Ot bU6111e6a MEDLEY fl. 33178 Purbudnt to County code Chapter EIA - Art. 9 & 10 OWNER SEC. TYPE OF BUSINESS PAYMENT RECEIVED METRO EXPRESS INC 196 GENEHAL BUILDING CONTRACTOR BY TAX COLLECTOR Worker(s) 14 CGC050965 $45,00 09/19/2017 CHECK21-17-085392 This Local Buenless Tax Receipt only confirms payment of the Local Businobs Tex. The Receipt is not a license, permit, at a cartiIicelton of the otuldar It quolitrcatWild. to do business Mulder tnusNomply with oily gave rnudvMal of nongavornmantal redulardry laws and ruqusrumanls whish apply to rhe hasiaeae. The RECEIPT NO. above must be disptdyed an ell eommerctat vehicles - Miami -Dade Code Sec go -276 fur more Inforinattun. visit wvvw miamiddde goyAomcoRector 01)5699 Local Business Tax Receipt fUtiami—Dade COUnty, State of Florida -TMS I5IVQ1 A BI! L -DO NOT PAY 4486379 BUSINESS NAMEILOCATION NO. EXPIRES METRO EXPRESS INC RENEWAL SEPTEMBER 30, 2018 9442 NW 109 ST 4683810 Mu -t bd oislrlaybd at place 0 Gusinatis MEDLEY FL 331178 PulNuorit to cuunly Coda Chapter BA - Arl. 9 & 10 OWNER SEC. TYPE OF BUbINESS PAYMENT RECEIVEO ME I RO EXPRESS INC 19;0 GENERAL ENGINk E RING CONTRACTO RaY TAX COLLECTOR Workers 10 E2mui $45.00 09/19/2017 Worker( CFIFCK21-17-085393 This local Businass Tax Race. ipt only confirms pityurew 1)t ilia local Business Tax Tba Raeeipt ss trot n license. I'll :11:I, Ura 1,4 ticetiun Ul loin hulder tyuahticatwitA, io du busisrass Hinder inuri cumply with arty yuverunrrnnnl .r nuuyurnnunantdl reguldlury laws arld rnr;uilawnulx wluclr dppiy lu the Ituaindxs. The RECEIPT NO above must be displayed o1) all cunmiererel vahiolea - Mianri-Odds Code Sac 8d-276. For mora mPurmatiun, visit www miamidade,®oy/IdsFolleour uuSir;ty Local Business Tax Recent Miami -'Dade County, State of Florida -11,1156 NO I A BLL L -DO NOT PAY 4486579 BUSINESS NAMElL.00ATION RECEIPT NO. EXPIRES METRO EXPRESS INC RENEWAL SEPTEMBER 30, 2018 9442 NW 109 ST 4683810 Wbt bd disl,laiVUO at WldLe of trUSIPebe MEDLEY EL 33178 Ycarer,arit to L:mwiy Cuda Chduldr HA - Art. 9 & 10 OWNER SEC. TYPE OF BUSINESS PAYMENT RECEIVED ME I RU EXPRESS INC 196 GENERAL ENGINE t HIND CONTRACTOZ IAx COLLECTOR E2U13U1 Worker(s) i 0 S45.00 09/19/2017 CHECK21-11-085393 This Local Business Tax Receipt only confirms Payment u11ha lural Husinass Tax The fisucipl Is nut it license Parnell, Ora caiuhcallun of Ilia huldar squalih�atiwia. to du (iusuivas Iiuldsr weal t:wnply wtUl any yuvtrruieidulel or nttayuveminewdl reyulalury laws and taywiaweuts which dpply OU Ilia ttuaivass. The RECEIPT NO. ahuvo must he dlspidyad on all cumnlurcial vehicles - INiami-€lads Coda Sec do -276 Fur mors hetotlnation, vials www uuanudadu guvAoxotledgr Choi (i'n . w::ncre +llli:.r Titu of Innii ADDENDUM NO. 1 lFB No. 781382 CMIL10 T. [iONZAL.EZ Cllr �Lu7:7•mcr March 16, 2618 Invitation For Bid (IFB) for Citywide Sidewalk Repair and Replacement Services TO: ALL PROSPECTIVE PROPOSERS: The following changes, additions, clarifications, and deletions amend the IFB documents of the above captioned 1=B, and shall become an integral part of the Contract Documents. Words andlor figures stricken through shall be deleted. Underscored words and/or figures shall be added. The remaining provisions are now in effect and remain unchanged. Please note the contents herein and reflect same on the documents you have on hand. A. The Pre -B d sleeting sign in sheet is attached. AP/tg Cc: IFP File Sincerely, Ane Perez, CPPO Director/Chief Procurement Officer pwee I � Meeting' Date.Project: -7 V -------------- Com Pagel of2 7