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AIPP Board Applications
PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT DIVISION OF ART IN PUBLIC PLACES ART IN PUBLIC PLACES BOARD APPLICATION The Art in Public Places Board Members receive no compensation for their service on the Board; but are entitled to reimbursement for necessary and proper expenses incurred in performing duties on the Board (e,g. parking for AIPP board meetings and conference(s)]. Board members may be required to attend focal and or national public art conferences, Patrick Cohen First Name 11638 NE 7th Ave Address patrickc@fir.com Last Name Biscayne Park cit 805-609-2944 FL; 1 State Zip Email Address Phone (Home) (Phone (Office) Realtor Occupation Art in Public Places Board members shall have an interest and knowledge of the visual and performing arts, and the artistic development of the city. Eight (8) Board members must be knowledgeable and have a Bachelor's, Master's or Doctorate Degree from an accredited university or college in one of the following identified fields: Please check the one that pertains to you. ❑ Fine Arts or Museum Curation ❑ urban Planning or Urban Design ❑ Art Education, Art History or History of Architecture Finance Please check the degree(s) that pertain to you. ❑ Doctorate ❑ Masters ❑ Architecture or Landscape Architecture ❑ Graphic or Product Design F1 Construction Management or Real Estate ❑ Music En Bachelors CD One (Z ) Board member and (2) alternate shall have an interest in the visual and performing arts. Neither of these members is required to have a Bachelors, Master, or Doctorate Degree. Interest in the Visual and Performing Arts SHORT STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS (!f you require additional space, attach additional pages.) 1. Describe the qualities, experience, expertise and abilities that you possess that would make you an effective Art in Public Places board member that will act in the public interest. ismAl 0 NANIF-1■ do= • ■ ■ ■ • a ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ a _ ■ ■ . 2. Describe your educational background and or general knowledge of the Arts. received a degree in business administration rom Uawson college in -Mo- at -re- al Canada nnd received my real esta-ta license here mn Florida. . Beyond tlur,-- 1-have been the art manaaPr of an interna ionalIV renowned visual artist for the past eight years. 3. Describe any prior community or personal involvement that you may have had that demonstrates interest in the Visual Arts, Public Art or the Performing Arts. of causes such as aids and cancer. I have also help paint multiple___ sorTre- e- w; t c 9howt the ►users ^ 4E l 4. What is it about the Art in Public Places Board that is compatible with your experience and of specific interest to you, and why? have been around street art for a while and havino lived and heard the complaints of many street artists. As such, I arn aware of the issues that affect them and their ability to practice their art. _ T 5. if appointed, what specific goals would you like to see the Public Art Board achieve, and why? How would you suggest accomplishing this? international artists who struggle o make a living trom their art while -_ nthe-rota lees- advantage sf that weakness. REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS Oft-6dzAf FV DC Resume Proof of Education oust proLw- m" -v i/ No more than two (2) letters of recommendation Real Properly Disclosure Form CITY CODE SECTION 2-612{A} STATES, NO BOARD MEMBER SHALL ENTER INTO A CONTRACT OR TRANSACT ANY BUSINESS WITH THE CITY OR ANY PERSON OR AGENCY ACTING FOR THE CITY, OR SHALL APPEAR IN REPRESENTATION OF ANY THIRD PARTY BEFORE ANY BOARD, COMMISSION OR AGENCY OF WHICH SUCH PERSON IS A MEMBER. HAVE YOU ENTERED INTO A CONTRACT OR ARE YOU CURRENTLY TRANSACTING ANY BUSINESS WITH THE CITY OR ANY PERSON OR AGENCY ACTING FOR THE CITY? FIYES !1N0 Note: This restriction can be waived for a particular transaction or transactions only by a four-fifths (415ths) affirmative vote of the members of the City Commission. I have read and understand the qualifications for members that are set forth in Sec. 62-63 of the City Code, and hereby certify that: I do not have any interest in the profits or emoluments of any contract, job, work, or service for the city. I am in a position to represent the public interest, and do not have any personal or private interests likely to conflict with the public interest. I do not hold any elective office in any governmental authority in the county or the city. As a member of the Art in Public Places Board I agree to participate in at least one seminar on Public Art to be held in Florida, and approved by the city, during the course of each calendar year that I remain a member or alternate member of the Art in Public Places Board. As a member of the Art in Public Places Board I may be required to attend a city approved state or national Public Art conference once a year. I acknowledge that I am subject to removal from the board if I fail to meet this requirement each and every year after assuming board membership or alternate membership, As a prospective appointee I am subject to a personal appearance before the city commission, to afford the city commission an opportunity to ascertain my proficiency in the English language, educational background and general knowledge of Public Art. Please nate: Art in Public Places Board members Applicants shall reside, own property or work within the City of Miami. Should I fail to meet any of these requirements, I agree to immediately notify the city clerk. I agree that if I were to become a candidate for elective political office during my term and qualify as a candidate for elective political office, such qualification shall be deemed a tender of my resignation from the board. I have read, understand and agree to comply with Section 2-611 of the Miami City Code which prohibits me from entering into any contract or transact any business with the city or any person or agency acting for the city, or from appearing in representation of any third party before any board, commission or agency of which 'I am member. I also understand that prohibition upon activity which is set forth above remains in effect for a period of two years after I have left city service. I have read, understand and agree to comply with Section 2-613 of the Miami City Code which prohibits me from accepting, directly or indirectly, from any person, company, firm or corporation to which any purchase order or contract is or might be awarded, any rebate, gift, money or anything of value whatsoever, except where given for the use and benefit of the city. P " i I agree to comply with all financial disclosure requirements of the City, the County and the State including the requirements set forth in Section 2-11.1 of the Miami -Dade County Code, and Florida Statutes Sec. 112-3145. I agree to comply with all ethics course requirements of City of Miami Code Section 2-654. I acknowledge that the code of ethics of Miami -Dade County shall apply to me as a member or alternate member of the Art in Public Places Board and hereby agree to abide by all the provisions thereof. I have read, understand and agree to comply with Section 2-613 of the Miami City Code which prohibits me from accepting, directly or indirectly, from any person, company, firm or corporation to which any purchase order or contract is or might be awarded, any rebate, gift, money or anything of value whatsoever, except where given for the use and benefit of the city. For additional information on Code citations, please visit the website of the Office of the City Attorney at http:llwww. miamigov,comlcityattorneylindex.html for internet links to citations. I recognize that membership on the Art in Public Places Board requires my regular attendance and participation at board meetings. hereby certify that all information in this application is complete, truthful, and accurate to the best of my knowledge and that I have read and understand the qualifications and conditions of membership listed in this application. 11YES E]No ,-s c Print Name: Patrick C©h f1__2 f `� Signature: Date: 2/14/17 - Please complete this form and submit to: Office of the City Clerk City of Miami 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 Attn: Nicole N. Ewan For additional information on the Art in Public Places Board and or the Art in Public Places Ordinance please contact Efren Nunez, Planning and Zoning Department at 305.416.1402 or via email at EfrenNunez@miamigov.com TO BE COMPLETED BY STAFF CD: AP: CITY OF MIAMI REAL PROPERTY DISCLOSURE_ FORM (IN CONFORMANCE WITH SEC. 2-615 OF THE CITY CODE) Legal Description (Lot 7, Primase sec R, PB 52) Common Address (123 North East 54th St) Title LegallEquihalale Ownership wholelln Part Zoning Class Present Use Notes You are not limited to the Mace on the_iines in this form. Attach additional sheet(s) if necessm y_. OATH I, P � C- L< co t41�_- /-,,j do solemnly swear that the above is a true and accurate statement of my interests in real property located within corporate limits of the CITY OF MIAMI or 500 feet beyond the corporate limits of the CITY OF MIAMI. DAME:(Please Print): X_V rLk C' i,< CDH Ic ri TITLEIPOSITION WITH CITY OF MIAMI: (lilt L:;—M---Y_ NAME OF BOARDICOMMiTTEE (If applicable): "El 4 ft3 p U C"K-E! SIGNATURE: DATE: 21 lo Lz-,o I On this the day of I"iL F[ I 2� before me,the undersigned Notary Public State of Florida of ,the tate of Florida,+�the f ggRin�Rg instru�nt was acknowledged by County of R ` d�}r' -, - (Name of person signing and hislher tide ( ulflir curer, trustee or perso epresentarive) NOTARY PUBLIC i ` SEAL OF OFFICE: WITNESS my hand and official se ,J /I NOTARY PVBW.�TATE OF FLORID rp'wRY F��n JEREMY ADAM RAMIREI a c M c * * NIY COWISSION 4 FF 145835 (Name of Notary Public Print, Stamp, or Type s Commissioned) 1 EXPIRES: July 28, 2018 �"4T���4LOp-lP Bonded Thru OW9et Wiary 5ery ices [] Personally Known to me, or ,.,� r Produced Identification: �. u -r 1 J (type of Identification Produced) ® DID Take an Oath, or © DID NOT Take an Oath PATRICK COHEN D.( --).B - 03-01 1972 EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: 2012 - Present day Fortune International Realty - 1390 Briekell Ave-, Miami, FL, 33131 - Realtor Associate - Sales Associate 2010 - Present Day Luvus Productions - 11638 1E 7th Ave, Biscayne Park, FL, 33161 - NVriter - Video Production 2009 - Present Day Elisabetta Fantone Art 235 Devon Ave_,1Iontreal, Quebec, Canada, H3R 1B8 - Manage Artist - it Sales - Find new Galleries - Create and Set-up Art Etlribits 11638 NE 7th Avenue Biscayne Park, FL, 33161 305.609.2944 patrickc@fir.com 1990 -1-1009 Consenso International - 1565 Chabanel Nest, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H4N 2W3 - N. ice -President - Head of Sales - Head of Licensing Dept. Head of Design Dept. Head of Shipping Dept. - Shipping Dept Employee .; ■7►I 1992-1994 Dawson College - 3040 Sherbrooke St W, Montreal, QC H3Z IA -1, Canada - Degreee ui Business Administration 1990- 1992 'Lanier College - 821 Sainte Croix Ave, Saint-Laurent, QC 1141, 3X9, Canada - Business Administration Prosram 1985- 1990 Pierre Laport High School - 1101 Rockland Rd, Mount Royal, QC H3P 218, Canada - Hula School Diploma LANGUAGES Written & Spoken - English - French Spoken - Hebrew fLIAMTTfl ffll'ITOM 605.609.2959 WWW.fL1SflbfTTflffl1lTOnr-COtM Art in Public Places Board Application Hello, ! have known Patrick Cohen for close to ten years. He is honest, loving and good hearted. He is always there when you need him and will always give 100% of himself no matter the task at hand. Please call nye if you need more information. Salutations. Elisabetta 1=auto e NICOLAS ZAGURY RE: Art in Public Places Board Application To Whom it may concern, 03/14/2017 The following shall serve to confirm that T have known and been a friend of Mr. Patrick Cohen for over twenty years. He is an honest and hard working individual but most importantly, a great person with a big heart. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you require further information. st Re rds, c as Zagury 514-515-5448 PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT DIVISION SOF ARI` IN PUBLIC PLACES ART IN PUBLIC PLACES BOARD APPLICATION The Art in Public Pfaces Board Members receive no compensation for their service on the Board; but are entitled to reimbursement for necessary and proper expenses incurred in performing duties on the Board (e.g. parking for AIPP board meetings and conferences}). Board members may be required to attend local and or national pubfic art conferences. rtAj FirgLjY e f{C% �� J� le *703 last hl�n;e� r L !3 J Address t City 1� Slate lip- t�eRvo0�C4P'4vq'' ez _it 4.- 33I•S75,E �ps•S7G•/v30 Email Ade_ss Phone (Horne) (Phone (Office) Occupation Art in Public Places Board members shall have an interest and knowledge of the visual and performing arts, and the artistic development of the city. Eight (8) Board members must be knowledgeable and have a Bachelor's, Master's or Doctorate Degree from an accredited university or college In one of the following identified fields: Please check the one that pertains to you. ❑ Fine Arts or Museum Curation [1 Architecture or Landscape Architecture Q Urban Planning or Urban Design Graphic or Product Design ria Art Education, Art History or History of Architecture Construction Management or Real Estate - Finance [] Music Please check the degree(s) that pertain to you. ❑ Doctorate ❑ Blasters � Bachelors One (1) Board member and (7) alternate shall have an interest in the visual and performing arts. Neither of these members is required to have a Bachelors, Master, or Doctorate Degree. 0 Interest in the Visual and Performing, Arts SHORT STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS (ix)rru requite addNone'space, attach adAonalpages.i 1. Describe the dualities, experience, expertise and abllities that you possess that would make you an effective Art in Public Places board mem berthat will act in the public interest. Al" PlannirigfAIPPI AIPP BoardAppliafion 1117117 Page 1 of 4 2, Describe your educational background and or general knowledge of the Arts, 3, Describe any prior community or personal involvement that you may have had that demonstrates interest in the Visual Arts, Public Art or the Performing Arks. �. 4. What is it about the Art in Public Places Board that is compatible with your experience and of specific interest to you, and why? � J 5. If appointed, what specific goals would you like to see the Public Ari Board achieve, and why? Howwould you suggest accomplishing this? REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS _J C�7 +Resume [Proof of Education L No more than two (2) letters of recommendation Plan ningfAIPPI Al PP Board Application 1117117 Page 2 of 4 CITY CODE SECTION 2-612jAj STATES, NO BOARD MEMBER SHALL ENTER INTO A CONTRACT OR TRANSACT ANY BUSINESS WITH THE CITY OR ANY PERSON OR AGENCY ACTING FOR THE CITY, OR SHALL APPEAR IN REPRESENTATION OF ANY THIRD PARTY BEFORE ANY BOARD, COMMISSION OR AGENCY OF WHICH SUCH PERSON IS A MEMBER. HAVE YOU ENTERED INTO A CONTRACT OR ARE YOU CURRENTLY TRANSACTING ANY BUSINESS WITH THE CITY OR ANY PERSON OR AGENCY ACTI NG FOR THE CITY? [YE5 X NO Note: This restriction can be waived for a particular transaction or transactions only by a four-fifths (415ths) affirma�ve vote of the members of the City Commission. I have read and understand the qualifications for members that are set forth in Sec. 62-63 of the City Code, and hereby certify that: 1, I do not have any Interest in the profits or emoluments of any contract, jab, work, or service for the city. 2. 1 am In a position to represent the public interest. and do not have any personal or ,private interests likely to conflict with the public interest. 3. 1 do riot hold any elective office in any govemmentaf authority in the county or the city. 4. As a member of the Art in Public Places Board I agree to participate in at least one seminar on Public Art to be held in Florida, and approved by the city, during the course of each calendar year that I remain a member or alternate member of the Art in Public Pieces Board, 5. As a member of the Art in Public Places Board I may be required to attend a city approved state or national Public Art conference once a year. 6, 1 acknowledge that I am subject to removal from the board if I fall to meet this requirement each and every year after assuming board membership or alternate membership. 7. As a prospective appointee I am subject to a personal appearance before the city commission, to afford the city commission an opportunity to ascertain my proficiency in the English language, educational background and general knowledge of Public Art. I agree to Immediately notify the city clerk if f cease to be a resident and/or an elector of the city during the term of my office. Please note: Ari in Public Places Board members are not require to reside within the City of Miami. 1 agree that if I were to become a candidate for elective political office during my term and qualify as a candidate for elective political office, such quallfcation shall be deemed a tender of my resignation from the hoard. I have read, understand and agree to comply with Seddon 2-617 of the Miami City Code which prohibits me from entering into any contract or transact any business with the city or any person or agency acting for the city, or from appearing in representation of any third party before any board, commission or agency of which I am member. I also understand that prohibition upon activity which is set forth above remains in effect for a period of two years after I have left city service. I have read, understand and agree to comply with Section 2-613 of the Miami City Code which prohibits me from accepting, directly or indirectly, from any person, company, firm or corporation to which any purchase order or contract is or might be awarded, any rebate, gift, money or anything of value whatsoever, except where given for the use and benefit of the city. Oktc- InitlaI PlanninglAIPP! AIPP Board Applicatlon 9117117 Page 3 of 4 I agree to comply with all financial disclosure requirements of the City, the County and the State including the requirements set forth in Section 2-11.1 of the Miami -Dade County Code, and Florida Statutes Sec. 112-3145. 1 agree to comply with ail ethics course requirements of City of Miami Code Section 2-554. 1 acknowledge that the code of ethics of Miaml-Dade County shall apply to me as a member or alternate member of the Art in Public Places Board and hereby agree to abide by all the provisions thereof, For additional Information on Code citations, please visit the vrebsile of the Office of the City Attorney at http:llwww. miamigov,comlcityattomeylindex.html for internet links to citations. I recognize that membership on the Art in Public Places Board requires my regular attendance and participation at board meetings. I hereby certify that all information in this application is complete, truthful, and accurate to the best of my knowledge and that I have read and understand the qualifications and conditions of membership listed in this application. YES [:] NO Print Name: r, s},�� - Q,[,►/L� �` Signature: Date: Please complete this form and submit to: Office of the City Clerk City of Miami 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 Attn: Nicole N. Ewan For additional Information on the Art in Public Places Board and orthe Art in Public Places Ordinance please contact Efren Nunez, Department of Planning and Zoning at 305,416,1402 or via email at EfrenNunez@miamigov.com CD- 7o be completed by staff PlanningJAPPJ AIPP Board Applicatoi 1117117 Page 4of4 CITY OF MIAMI REAL PROPERTY DISCLOSURE FORM (IN CONFORMANCE WITH SEG. 2-645 OF THE CITY CODE) Legal Description Common Address Title Ownership Zoning resent Lot 7, Primose Sec 4, PS 52) I{ ('123 North East 54th St) Legaur»quftrble wholelin Part Class Use IXIE HIGHWAY PARK 258 NE 76 St T5R residentia B 4-1(33 1 T 1 BLK 5 Legal In Part RAPELAND SUB REV 2340 SW la Street T30 residentia PR 3-195 1/2 OF LOT 4 & LOT Legal n Part 5 BLK 2 OOI)SIDE A SUB PB 1660 SW 23th Street 30 residentia 5-28 1 8OFT OF LOT 18 & Legal In Part 8OF'T OF LOT NCE ESTATEE1424 W Flagler Street. 6 -BCI religious �jCOS SUB inst:itut:i❑ FBANJWRE 2-46 Legal In Part T 3 HLT{ 68 Nate: You are not limited to the sipace on the lines in this form. Attach additional sheets ifnecessa . L CATH I, ►'z5 � � � L�1 do solemnly swear that the above is a true and accurate statement of my interests in real property located within corporate limits of the CITY OF MIAMI or 500 feet beyond the corporate limits of the CITY OF MIAMI. NAME i l]Iease Print)' <sN H I day of 20 L7, before me.the undersigned atary Public I , the fgregoing ir me as acknowledged by and his/her title {Publicoffieerr, ("istee or personarrepresentative) NOTARY PUBLIC r 5FALOFOFFICE- WITNESSrrtyhand anXCOT�t�R�Y al. I'i1B5TAT�OF FLqRlDA s'�`''r'`°�` LI58ETTE QE ARMAS(Nome ofNotaryPublk-PriatStamp,or7jpeasCommhsianed) _; ty MY COMMISSION #FF0326B6 EXPIPES July 1, 2037 [Personally Known tome, or 10756i-0353 FforidahiotarySarvlcoxom © Produced Identification- ype of Identification Produced] DID Take an Oath, or DID NOT Ta ke an Oath TITLE/POSITION WITH CITY OF MIAMI: NAME OF BOARDYCOMMITTEE (if applicable): SIGNATURE: LATE: r State of Flor �_ pn this the i57 of the State of F i County of W"�t (Name ofperson s gm I day of 20 L7, before me.the undersigned atary Public I , the fgregoing ir me as acknowledged by and his/her title {Publicoffieerr, ("istee or personarrepresentative) NOTARY PUBLIC r 5FALOFOFFICE- WITNESSrrtyhand anXCOT�t�R�Y al. I'i1B5TAT�OF FLqRlDA s'�`''r'`°�` LI58ETTE QE ARMAS(Nome ofNotaryPublk-PriatStamp,or7jpeasCommhsianed) _; ty MY COMMISSION #FF0326B6 EXPIPES July 1, 2037 [Personally Known tome, or 10756i-0353 FforidahiotarySarvlcoxom © Produced Identification- ype of Identification Produced] DID Take an Oath, or DID NOT Ta ke an Oath CITY OF MIAMI NQ :a' : f .!Itj .. .10 e; (IN CONFORMANCE WITH SEC. 2615 OF THE CITY CODE Legal Description Common Address 7I writers 1p honing Plresent (Lot T, Prfrnoso Sec 4 PS 52) (723 North East 54th St) LegaI Equitable Whofaltn Part Cfass Use LEMON CITY WHITES 501 NE 61 st WITNESS my hand and official s 1. r4R esidevtia B B-32 LOT 54 & 55 --- LISSETTE {3E ARMAS 1 ESS S4FT FOR ST Leal In Part Produced Identlflcation: UENA VISTA HGTS 92 NW 45th Street DID NOT Take an Oath 3L esidentia I3 AMI] PL 1 B 3-22 Legal In Fart OT 13 RLK 7 AND PLAT OF MIAMI 213-3215 SW 24th Street. T30 residentia OUB ACRES PEI 4-73 Legal n Pari 45FT OF LOT 79 SLK TZOVE'LAND PARK FB 5370 NW 2nd Ave T50 residentia 6-91 1 OTS 9 & 10 LESS Legal In Part 10 FT .SLI{ 1 Note., You are not limited to the s ace on The lines in this forma. Attach additional sheets if necessa . OATHi,Rill"( c n] A, QA—,�10 do solemnly swear that the above is a true and accurate statement of my interests in real property located within corporate Ilmits of the CITY OF MIAMI or 500 feet 'beyond the corporate limits of the CITY OF MIAMI. NAME:(Please Print): TITLE/POSITION WITH CITY OF MIAMI: NAME OF BOARDICOMMIT7EE (if applicable): SIGNATURE: DATE: r. , -,J �J On this the �- day of" y 20,before me,the undersigned Natary Public Stat of Flo ,. of the stat arms he foregoyVj Instryment as acknowledged by County of (Name of persarr signing and his+"her drie (public officer, trustee or personal representative) NOTARYPUBLIC SEAL OF OFFICE: WITNESS my hand and official s 1. 4i CGrTR�YPUBLI STATE FLO A --- LISSETTE {3E ARMAS ftme ariypeasCommisskmeO "` MY COMMISSION #FF032686 FxPlitEs July 1. 2017 12� Personally Known to me, or (407) 996•0193 FloridalloteryServicc.carn Produced Identlflcation: (Type of fdentif, ca tion Produced] DID Take an Oath, or DID NOT Take an Oath CITY OF MIAMI REAL PROPEM PROPDISCLOSURE FORM (IN CONFORMANCE WITH SEC, 2-615 OF THE CITY CODE) Legal Description Common Address Title Cwhership Zoning Present (Lot 7 Primose see 4, PS 52) (123 Nord? East 54th St) LagaMqulrabla wholelln Part Mass Use ICON BRICKELL CONDO 485 Brickell Ave 2305 O Produced Identification; (407)39"153 FioridsNotarvSerice.com 6-48AO residentia No 3 l `I' 2005 Equitable holly IV 0 F ICON BRICKELL CONDO 485 Brickell Ave #2205 P 6-48AO esidentia O 3 1 IT 2005 Equitable Wholly TV 0 PARKVIEW AT 115 SW 11 Street (14 Units) 6-240 residentia BRICKELL CONDO 1 Legal In Part 3ARCELONA CONDO 2217 NW 7th Street (17 units) 6-80 resiaentia X Legal In Part Note: You are not limited Co thesoace on the lines in this Farm. Attach additional sheet(s) if necessary. OATH ar+ -> �1J1.1 OAjle�vv do solemnly swear that the above is a true and accurate statement of my interests in real property located within corporate limits of the CITY OF MIAMI or 500 feet beyond the corporate limits of the CITY OF MIAMI. NAME:('Please Print): TITLE/POSITION WITH CITY OF MIAMI: NAME OF BOARD/COMMITTEE (If applicable}: SIGNATURE - DATE, r-3 cf� ms`s On this the day of20 afore me,the un 20 Public State of Florida of the Stapf Florl a, *g fo o#n nm met was acknowledged by KCounty of 4Aa"� t % 1+ ft tJA — - MV I f fls J'm Warne ofperson signing andhis1her rifle (public officer, irsrs€ee orpersanolrepresenta[!ve) I+IOTARY PUBLIC SEAT_ OF OFFICE- Wri'NESS my hand and official sea r T RY FL16e C S Q FLD}{lbll IidG a I�L'AMJ�l� aI (NomeofNararyPubiicPdM;Stamp,orT)peasCommimfioned) Y r ti {o r rt _r LISSETTE DE ARMAS MY COMMISSION #FF032686 Personally Known to me, or o EXPIRES July 1. 2017 O Produced Identification; (407)39"153 FioridsNotarvSerice.com ` ypeofldenth7wrionProduced) Lr�Ji DID Take an Oath, 8r © DID NOT Take an Oath CITY OF MIAMI RE RTY DISCLOSURE FORM (IN CONFORMANCE WITH SEC. 2-6'!5 OF THE CITY CODE) Legal Description Common Address Title Ownership Zoning resent (Lot 7, PrfmpseSee 4, PB 52) (723 North East 54th St) LegalfE9ultable whoWin Part Class Use .E PINES PB 5-76 3138 SW 26th Street T30 residentia OT 6 ELK 15 OT SIZE 50.000 x Legal In Part 50 YNDALE 2ND ADDN PB 3130 SW 16 Terrace T30 residentia B-15 1 OT 4 SLK 2 Legal In Part R 14992-630 0395 5 421 5W 12 Ave c LAWRENCE ESTATES 50 commercial CDS SUB OT 9 & 10 LESS W Legal In Part 10. 5 FT residentia OLF COURSE GARDENS 591 NW 43 Ct ir30 1ST ADDN 1 VE 39-79 Legal In Part. OT 9 ELK 1 Note, ynyt yre act limited to the Mace on the fine this form. Attach addition isheei s if nereasg OATH JA- OL�ewo do solemnly swear that the above is a true and accurate statement of my interests in real property located within corporate limits of the CITY OF MIAMI or 50+0 feet beyond the corporate limits of the CITY OF,M,IAMI. NAME:[Please Print): _ ,�Gt`s � N A- (IAe� - TITLEfPOSITION WITH CITY OF MIAMI: _- i �•�1►�'d y !NAME OF BOARD/COMMITTEI (It applicable): SIGNATURE: DATE_ 7 c� State of Fieri On th9s the 1 T_day ai 20 L '"-before me,the undersigned Notary Public AM ,' of the State ride, a' foyregol nstrurnent was acknowledged by County of LA+rR 1 Snrt4rJ.r�- (Name ofperson signing and hWher tirle (public officer, trustee orpersorraf representative) NOTARY PUELI C SEAL OF OFFICE: WITNESS my hand and official seal. A�YPUBLIC, TE OF FLORID (Name ofAfbtarypubflGPrlhtStomp ofTypeasCommissioned) $_� LISSETf E 'DE ARAAAS Personally Known to me, or _� nnv cq Ittrrsslory f rv32sss (� Produced Identification: �rE w EXPIRES July f. dui 7 Ypeof fdenrlficadon Produced) Iafl�l�ass-o�sa f lvrfdallolaryService,torn DID Take an oath, Or DID NOT Take an Oath Record of; Christina M. Cuervo ID:; 819104217 Date of Birth: 14 -Sep Course Level; Undergraduate High Schools Attended: AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL 8802 KILCHBER XX Degrees Awarded: B.S. in Business Administration May 25. 1986 School of Business Major: Finance Major: International Management Rank: 110 of 245 Degree CPA: 3.340 Transfer Credit: Sep 1982 - Dec 1982 Advanced Placement CALCULUS 4.00 School Total: 4.00 Entering Program: School of Business B.S. an Business Administration Major: Undeclared Subj Crs Title Crd Grd Pts R --------------------- Fail 1982 -------------------- ACCT 101 Financial Accounting I 4.00 B+ 14.04 COSC 070 Intro Computer d Mgmt 3.00 C+ 7.50 Info Sys ENGL 016 Short Story -- Novel 3.00 C+ 7.50 FREN 10.1 Intermediate French I 3.00 B 9.D0 THEO 001 The Problem of God 3.00 B 9.00 Subj Crs Title Crd Grd Pts R -------------------- Spring 1953 -------------------- ACCT 107 Financial Accounting II 4.00 8 12.00 ENGL 015 Poetry - Drava 3.00 C+ 7.50 FREN 102 Intermediate French II 3.00 B+ 10.50 HIST 004 European Civ From 1789 3.00 C+ 7.50 THEO 144 Islamic Theol 3.00 A 12.00 Development Subj Crs Title Crd Grd Pts R --------------------- Fall 1983 -------------------- DSC- 151 Applied Statistics I 4.00 B+ 14.00 ECON 001 Econ Principles Micro 3.00 B 9.00 GOVT 298 International 3.04 C+ 7.50 Organization PHIL 001 Intro to Philosophy 3.40 C+ 7.50 PSYC 001 General Psychology 4.00 A 16.00 Subj Crs Title Crd Grd Pts R -------------------- Spring 1984 ------------------- DSCI 152 Applied Statistics TI 4.00 8+ 14.00 ECON 002 Econ Principles Macro 3.00 B+ 10.50 PHIL 415 Philosophy of language 3.00 8 9100 PSYC 103 Abnormal Psychology 3.00 A 12.00 7H ED 059 The Path of Wisdom in 3.00 A 12.00 Hinduism Dean's List ----Continued on Next Column--- - In accordance with the Family EpucatlonsI Rpglis rind Privacy Act of 1,974 this fraruGrlpt in, :elrl+it6d EDyo:.� at 1118 r dgt;es4 of 144 stUgent isilh the crmdnror, n "iso! W araIiabft ra Any alhet party r1itll>a4r the w-dmn comix- r ci the 9kude^t Allerat+cm of lits irar,G4'rht sney be a rrmimai oftahaa 'Five orri::afyy s.yr�vsrtsrr1p71e prerte6on61fa sosurriy �iapel rvi.lYrflaen�re a€�r- munon printed in whi?a type aorms the face of rhe dccumem A raised seal is not reqqu•rad Ww pnpiocapma the:riant of The unrye i airy npapam on ane fine and the word VOID ap�arr= en tPosnext AOLACKON WFi1TEORA0OL"MCOPYSKDULD NOT BE ACCEPTED OFM!AL SIONATU t 1$ POSLUE D7 -MAR -2017 fillGEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY A' y OFFICE OF THE UNIVERSITY REGISTRAR r , WASHINGTON, D.C. 20057 (202)687-4020 Subj Crs Title Crd Grd Pts R --------------------- Fall 1984 -------------------- ACCT 181 Business Law I 3.00 B+ 10.50 DSCI 284 Management Science 3.00 A 12.00 FINC 140 Business Financial Mgmt 3.00 C 6.00 MGMT 180 Management dr Org 3.00 B 9.00 Behavior MGMT 220 Micro Conputer:Bus Dec 3.00 A 12.00 Process Program Changed to: B.S. in Business Administration Major: Finance Major: International Management Subj Crs Title Crd Grd Pts R -------------------- Spring 1985------------------- FINC 243 Finan State Analysis 3.00 B+ 10.50 FINC 252 Seminar in Finance 3.00 C 6.00 HIST 433 Images of US in Latin 3.00 B+ 10.50 America MARK 220 Principles of Marketing 3.00 B+ 10.50 MGMT 294 Production & Operations 3.00 B+ 10.50 Mgt Subj Crs Title Crd Grd Pts R -------------------- Smser 1.985 ------------------- MGMT 282 Social Responsibilities 3.00 A 12.00 of Bus Subj Crs Title Crd Grd Pts R --------------------- Fall 1985 ------------------ FINC 241 Principles of 3.00 A 12.00 Investment FINC 244 F'gmt of Financial 3.00 A 1.2.00 Institutions FINC 250 International Finance 3.00 A 12.00 MARK 261 International Business 3.DD B 9.00 MGMT 283 Business Policy 3.00 B+ 10.50 Second Honors Subj Crs Title Crd Grd Pts R -------------------- Spring 1986 ------------------- FINC 240 Advanced Financial 3.00 A 12.00 Management MARK 223 International Marketing 3.00 B+ 10.50 MGMT 310 Internship to Business 3.00 A 12.00 ----------------- Transcript Totals _-------__------ EHrs QHrs QPts GPA Current 9.00 9.40 34.50 3.833 Cumulative 126.00 122.00 407.50 3.340 r ----------- End of Undergraduate Record ---T- ----- �,�p1N NLU 0 rr'y ` '? Ass"te Vice President and Uniyerscty Reglstraf RJ1EGIs Page 1 Grade A A- H B B- r CT C- D+ O F W *S OU AU IP NR N GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY EXPLANATION OF GRADING SYSTEM! Effective Fall 1993 Undergraduate Grading System Quality Points Description 4.00 Superior 3.67 3.33 3,00 Good 2.67 2,33 2.00 Average 1.67 1.33 1.00 Minimum Passing 0.00 Failure Withdrawal Satisfactory (A,B,C) Unsatisfactory Audit In Progress Grades not yet reported Incomplete (a temporary grade which must be resolved within a specified time) a) Minimum Quality Paint Index of 2.0 b) 120 to 142 semester hours, depending on the individual program. FOR GRADUATION No Quality Points are presented on graduate records. SEMESTER IS 15 kEEKS *Not included in the quality hours or Q.P.I. Grades for courses taken in overseas study programs are recorded as given at the host institution. "CSL": indicator of Community Based Learning component Graduate Grading System Grade Quality Points Description A 4.00 11ndernraduate GradingSystgM A- 3.67 B+ 3.33 F FAILURE AU B 3.00 EXCELLEWr 8- 2.67 'U C 2.00 W WITHDRAWAL IP F 0.00 SUPERIOR I INCOMPLETE Incomplete W C AVERAGE lrithdrawal •S B Satisfactory •U WITHDRAWAL Unsatisfactory AU Audit IP C In Progress AR SATISFACTORY Grades not yet reported No Quality Points are presented on graduate records. SEMESTER IS 15 kEEKS *Not included in the quality hours or Q.P.I. Grades for courses taken in overseas study programs are recorded as given at the host institution. "CSL": indicator of Community Based Learning component E in column headed "R" indicates course excluded from Earned Hours and CPA I in column headed "R" indicates course excluded from Earned Hours only IN COURSES APPLICABLE TO THE DEGREE SOUGHT, OL:ALITY POINTS ARE ASSIGNED AS FOLLMLS: NO QUALITY POINTS ARE ASSIGNED TO COURSES TAKEN AS A A - 4, $ - 3, C - 2, D - 1, fi - O GRADUATE STUDENT A PLUS SIGN AFTER A GRADE CARRIES AN ADDITIONAL .5 QUALITY POINT PER CREDIT ■CREDITS ADDED IN TOTAL EARNED, NOT IN THE QUALITY HOURS, OR Q.P.I. EXPLANATION OF THE UNDERGRADUATE AND GRADUATE COURSES NUMBERING SYSTEM COURSE LEVEL NUMBERS UNDERGRADUATE ONLY DO1 199 UPPERCLASS UNDERGRADUATE 200 - 299 UNDERGRADUATE TUTORIALS, READINGS, RESEARCH 300 - 349 UPPERCLASS UNDERGRADUATE di GRADUATE 350 - 499 GRADUATE LECTURES Soo - 699 GRADUATE SEMINARS 700 - 899 GRADUATE RESEARCH, TUTORIALS, READINGS 904 - 999 THESIS RESEARCH 999 Send To Christina Cuervo 444 Brickell Avenue #700 uiami FL 33131 TO TUT FOR AUTHEtIMIiY. l hu'. ti; 3 , ird, ._u..._:: p:lliv J wr big,, SGN!P•SAFs p:par A.,iit.- fe p9Ft,,eII'AMgna,r+'Ser 4 i i vi'' tyre c+rfth fa•'IfifUABc,i•aweumea- '-x..,)E"•A` Cl NP - Y+,.N. ery b"4 :•. T'.LAi' r(r b'l .h uu%-r.= vi.•�Krf, . _rS-"t:••,r",-a -Gi , IA, it •, r•k 9R0k Yr axw Rarly--x AAOlTIONAL TEVS! To-, rc ::'twn iivt+.mc er d IN wori YiND .1PPOW -VEF IAV 1,ea of 4 vI 9 dtuu--le)., ,1. an Lei I go: �� taucin .� by keatl Ggr:d! dleactt• sn riBlle•nikdccun .1 styli osal.r. •161a�.?. �_ r: . v. "aloulorr-•. y A k 44olo Ird l[ AM an nft u;d, 'J- =eot. I;- do=-Pt.'r. -&j. , "a, t ow%1L* I,n ral., ".:.r'r) a f *<1 I arq ,., iruul rta wr'r -I evraenl of &L VA, ,t. ' T' -.. W Lgwrugo--n.r;.'I+;:•,r:-nl•;!:r:�c„!'-rrbl�iil.trrn+rdPrirk cv.;a W 74- A1ILFIA1I0NGf"!”. he:., a1` September 1962 - August 1993 lune 1968 - August 1993 11ndernraduate GradingSystgM Grr"Rgte Grading system A SUPERIOR F FAILURE AU AUDIT A EXCELLEWr F FAILURE 'U UNSATISFACTORY B GOOD W WITHDRAWAL IP IN PROGRESS B+ SUPERIOR I INCOMPLETE AU AUDIT C AVERAGE ■S SATISFACTORY NR NO GRADE B GOOD W WITHDRAWAL EP IN PROGRESS (A,B,C) REPORTED C FAIR S SATISFACTORY NR NO GRADE D PASSING U UNSATISFACTORY REPORTED E in column headed "R" indicates course excluded from Earned Hours and CPA I in column headed "R" indicates course excluded from Earned Hours only IN COURSES APPLICABLE TO THE DEGREE SOUGHT, OL:ALITY POINTS ARE ASSIGNED AS FOLLMLS: NO QUALITY POINTS ARE ASSIGNED TO COURSES TAKEN AS A A - 4, $ - 3, C - 2, D - 1, fi - O GRADUATE STUDENT A PLUS SIGN AFTER A GRADE CARRIES AN ADDITIONAL .5 QUALITY POINT PER CREDIT ■CREDITS ADDED IN TOTAL EARNED, NOT IN THE QUALITY HOURS, OR Q.P.I. EXPLANATION OF THE UNDERGRADUATE AND GRADUATE COURSES NUMBERING SYSTEM COURSE LEVEL NUMBERS UNDERGRADUATE ONLY DO1 199 UPPERCLASS UNDERGRADUATE 200 - 299 UNDERGRADUATE TUTORIALS, READINGS, RESEARCH 300 - 349 UPPERCLASS UNDERGRADUATE di GRADUATE 350 - 499 GRADUATE LECTURES Soo - 699 GRADUATE SEMINARS 700 - 899 GRADUATE RESEARCH, TUTORIALS, READINGS 904 - 999 THESIS RESEARCH 999 Send To Christina Cuervo 444 Brickell Avenue #700 uiami FL 33131 TO TUT FOR AUTHEtIMIiY. l hu'. ti; 3 , ird, ._u..._:: p:lliv J wr big,, SGN!P•SAFs p:par A.,iit.- fe p9Ft,,eII'AMgna,r+'Ser 4 i i vi'' tyre c+rfth fa•'IfifUABc,i•aweumea- '-x..,)E"•A` Cl NP - Y+,.N. ery b"4 :•. T'.LAi' r(r b'l .h uu%-r.= vi.•�Krf, . _rS-"t:••,r",-a -Gi , IA, it •, r•k 9R0k Yr axw Rarly--x AAOlTIONAL TEVS! To-, rc ::'twn iivt+.mc er d IN wori YiND .1PPOW -VEF IAV 1,ea of 4 vI 9 dtuu--le)., ,1. an Lei I go: �� taucin .� by keatl Ggr:d! dleactt• sn riBlle•nikdccun .1 styli osal.r. •161a�.?. �_ r: . v. "aloulorr-•. y A k 44olo Ird l[ AM an nft u;d, 'J- =eot. I;- do=-Pt.'r. -&j. , "a, t ow%1L* I,n ral., ".:.r'r) a f *<1 I arq ,., iruul rta wr'r -I evraenl of &L VA, ,t. ' T' -.. W Lgwrugo--n.r;.'I+;:•,r:-nl•;!:r:�c„!'-rrbl�iil.trrn+rdPrirk cv.;a W 74- A1ILFIA1I0NGf"!”. he:., a1` CHRISTINA M. CUERVO (C) 305.331.8758 Christina has been in the real estate development field, both in the private and public sector, over the past 30 years. Currently, as Director of Development and Acquisitions for Mast Capital, involved in the successful implementation of the company's overall real estate investment strategy within several real estate asset classes while identifying new development and investment opportunities. Over the past ten years, as President & COO of The Development Group of South Florida and various single purpose entities, she has been engaged in many real estate development and acquisition projects in South Florida and successfully partnered with The Related Group in the development and construction of over 23 luxury residential condominium buildings with over 12 million saleable square feet and served as project manager of the Apogee Condominium project in the South of Fifth neighborhood. In addition, was actively involved in the entitlement, design and development of marquee condominium projects such as Icon Brickeli, One Ocean and Mare@. Recently, with the establishment of Gorson Cuervo Group ("GCG"), GCG owns, manages and operates several retail/office and residential properties throughout the tri -county area. Namely, GCG manages several downtown retail/office centers located on Fast Flagler Street with over 70,000 +l- sf combined , a 22,000 +l- sf commercial center located in South Beach known as the Portofino Shops, and approximately 12,000 sf of retail/office centers in Surfside, Florida. In addition,. GCG owns and manages over 150 residential rental properties throughout Miami -Dade & Broward County. As broker/owner, have strategically targeted several foreclosed property acquisitions and development opportunities in South Florida and currently serve as a consultant to various development interests in the community. Through various lending arms, we have also provided over $30 million in private financing to several entities and individuals, primarily secured by first mortgages on a variety of real estate assets. Previously, Cuervo served as Assistant City Manager at the City of Miami Beach (1998-2005) and the City of Miami (1992-1998), as the City's senior administrator responsible for oversight and coordination among the real estate development & regulatory functions, financial divisions and administrative departments of the municipalities. Formal on the job training commenced as a credit management trainee at Southeast Bank, which was acquired by First Union/Wachovia and later worked at United National Bank (nikla Sabadell United Bank), resulting in a 6 year banking career focused on commercial real estate transactions. A graduate of Georgetown University (1986) and born in Miami, Christina attended high school in Zurich, Switzerland and focally at Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart. Through 2014, Cuervo served on the State of Florida Elevator Safety Technical Advisory Council, appointed by Secretary of State of Florida, and as a Commission appointed Board Member of the Capital Improvement Projects Oversight Committee for the City of Miami Beach. Up until 2011, she served as President and on the Board of Directors of the Harbour House Condominium Association and various not for profit and community based organizations in South Florida throughout her 30-+lyear career. Christina is passionate about giving back to the community and supporting charitable organizations. She has served on various community Boards and is the secretary of the Nautilus Homeowners Association. /01AMIBEACH TOURISM, CULTURE & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 1755 Mendian Avenue, Suite 500. Warn[ Beach. FL 33139 lel: 305,644.247/. E-mail: denn+sleyvarulmiamibeachfLguv March 2, 2017 To Whom it May Concern. The purpose of this letter is to provide a letter of recommendation for Christina Cuervo. I have known Christina the majority of my professional life and consider her both a close personal friend and professional colleague for whom I have an enormous amount of respect. In my experience as the Art in Public Places Administrator at The City of Miami Beach, I can attest to Christina's hard work, commitment and knowledge of Art, and particularly due to her experience in both the public and private sectors, Christina will serve with the utmost integrity. Christina is articulate, knowledgeable and will always act in our City's best interest. Christina will be an invaluable asset to the City's new art in public places board and I strongly recommend her application be favorably considered. Sincerely, r Dennis Leyva Art in Public Places Administrator City of Miami Beach February 24, 2017 �, + ^a w- To Whom it May Concern: The purpose of this letter is to provide a letter of recommendation for Christina Cuervo. I have known Christina the majority of my professional life and consider her Doth a close personal friend and professional colleague for whom I have an enormous amount of respect. In my experience as the Curatorial Director at International Corporate Art, I can attest to Christina's Lard wont, commitment and knowledge of Art, and particularly due to her experience in both the public and private sectors, Christina will serve with the utmost integrity. Christina is articulate, knowledgeable and will always act in our City's best interest. Christina will be an invaluable asset to the City's new art in public places board and I strongly recommend her application be favorably considered. Sincerely, �r n CIA Cap Marian ela zz g p Curatorial Director, ICArt ART in Public Places Application: 1. Describe the qualities, experience, expertise and abilities that you possess that r► skald make you an effective Art in Public Places board member that will act in the public interest, Over the past 30 years, I have been an active professional and volunteer member of our community and engaged in many social and civic boards. ON the professional side, during my years at the City of Miami Beach as an assistant City Manager, we expanded the City's ART in Public Places program establishing and enhancing the policies and procedures for managing City -initiated public art projects, for guiding developers who have an Art in Public Places requirement, and acting as the administration's liaison to the Bass Museum which at the time was led by Diane Camber. Additionally, in the cultural arts arena, I liaisoned with the various arts and cultural institutions that received grant funding from the City's various grant initiatives. 2. Describe your educational background and or general knowledge of the Arts. I attended Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart and graduated from high school in Zurich Switzerland and later attended and graduated from Georgetown University in 1585 with a Bachelors of Science in Business Administration with a double major in Finance and International Business. I have dedicated arty career to finance, real estate development and public service and all along continued my interest in the Arts as part of personal and professional endeavors. Art is apparent and incorporated in all aspects of my personal and professional projects. 3. Describe any prior community or personal involvement that you may have had that demonstrates interest in the Visual Arts, Public Art or the Perforating Arts. Professionally, in the many real estate projects that I have participated as pari of the development team, I have had an integral role in incorporating and attending to the art component of the project. Begirnning with Apogee and the selections made by ownership and Yabu Pushelberg, the interior designer, I have kind extensive experience integrating the art as part of the development and incorporating art in an architecturally significant way. For example, at One Ocean, I worked closely with Jose Bedia for the installation of artistic gates as the main entry gates to the project. Specifically, I coordinated the fabrication with a local vendor in order to save time and money. This parlayed into the City of Miami Beach doing a similar installation at South Pointe Pier with an artistic gate by Tobias Rehberger and his installation of the "eloquent south pointe park pier gate, 2014". 4. What is it about the Art in Public. Places Board that is compatible with your experience and of specific interest to you, and why? I believe my strengths and contributions to the Art In public Places Board will be to capitalize on my extensive knowledge and involvement in both the public and private sectors and my fiscal nunded nature to effectively incorporate art into our City, its infrastructure and public facilities in way that best represents our diversity and the public's best interest. - 5. If appointed, what specific goals would you like to see the. Public Art Board achieve, and why? How would you suggest accomplishing this? The City of Miami is recognized as one of the most emerging and papular cultural destinations in the world, growing in significant recognition by both collectors, curators and artists themselves. My goal as a member of the Public Art Board would be to capitalize on the many assets of our community, both from the art and artists featured and the exposure this provides for the City to promote its cultural, social and economic vitality. Additionally, would like to continue to enhance the private sector's investment in public art in the many emerging neighborhoods and as an effective revitalization tool. PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT DIvIsION OF ART IN PUBLIC PLACES ART IN PUBLIC PLACES BOARD APPLICATION The Art in Public Places Board Members receive no compensation for their service on the Board-, but are entitled to reimbursement for necessary and proper expenses incurred in performing duties on the Board (e.g. parking for A{PP board meetings and conferences)). Board members may be required to attend local and or national public art conferences. First Name Last N rye Address --. City j !� Sta _ Z�-5 `] zo f �j _ 1 �l4k!/ :jI�` 7 J- oil Email Address (H me) (Phone (Office) _Phone ��• fl +. �`. 74 . ��{{ 6 '- ' 1 µ L I .. Lam . .✓✓ 1 1 Occupation -- Art in Public Places Board members shall have an interest and knowledge of the visual and performing arts, and the artistic development of the city. Eight (8) Board members must be knowledgeable and have a Bachelor's, Master's or Doctorate Degree from an accredited university or college in one of the following identified fields: Please check the one that pertains to you. 0 Fine Arts or Museum Curation Architecture or Landscape Architecture 0 Urban Planning or Urban Design Graphic or Product Design j Art Education, Art History or History of Architecture ❑ Construction Management or Real 'Estate Q Finance F1 Music Please check the degree(s) that pertain to you. F] Doctorate ❑ Masters [] Bachelors One (1) Board member and (3) alternate shall have an interest in the a visual and performing arts. Neither of these members is required to have a Bachelors, Master, or Doctorate Degree. L1 interest in the Visual and Performing Arts SHORT STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS (If you require addrfional space, attach additional pages.) 1. Describe the qualities, experience, expertise and abilities that you possess that would make you an effective Art in Public Places board member that will act in the public interest, I r_ e -i S C_- U �. PlanninglAlPPI AIPP Board Application 1117117 Page t of 4 2. Describe your educational background and or general knowledge of the Arts. 3. Describe any prior community or personal involvement that you may have had that demonstrates interest in the Visual Arts, Public Art or the Performing Arts. A -2t f 4. What is it about the Art in Public Places Board that is compatible with your experience and of specific interest to you, and why? 1 5. If appointed, what specific goals would you like to see the Public Art Board achieve, and why? How would you suggest accomplishing this? Resume Proof of E=ducation No more than two (2) letters of recommendation PlanninglAlPPI Al PP Board Application 1117/17 Page 2of4 Gary Feinberg March 10, 2017 Planning and Zoning Department Division of Art in Public Places Art in Public Places Board Application Short Statement of Qualifications 1. Describe the qualities, experience, expertise and abilities that you possess that would make you an effective Art in Public Places board member that act in the public interest. I have worked both in the public and private sectors. The qualities I possess are persistence, patience and perseverance. I communicate easily and effectively. I work well in groups and believe in clear and simple solutions. I'm very process driven and not deterred by the constant and numerous obstacles I believe the path is as important as the outcome. I see the role of the board is to give voice to the public and provide the ears to listen. I currently serve on two boards, an IRB -A Board at the University of Miami and the Downtown Little Haiti Stakeholders Board. 2. Describe your educational background and or general knowledge of the Arts. I received a Bachelors of Art degree from Vassar College. I had a major in Psychology and minor in Art History. Vassar is where I started my study of painting. My Art & Architectural History coursework included Archaic Greek thru Hellenistic Art and Architecture, Romanesque thru Gothic Architecture and 20th Century Architecture. I wrote my final paper on the Le Corbusier & ,leanneret design for the League of Nations building. After graduation I moved to Boston and attended the Boston Architectural Center (BAC) and painting classes at Massachusetts College of Art and the School of the Museum of Fine Arts. I have been a studio art painter since 1980. Since my time at Vassar, I have been an avid museum goer and have been to most of the great museums in America and Europe. 3. Describe any prior community or personal involvement that you may have had that demonstrates interest in the Visual Arts, Public Art or Performing Arts. I had a studio in Boston and when I moved to Miami Beach in 1988 1 had a studio on Lincoln Road at the South Florida Art Center. I moved my studio to Allapatyah and continued there until 2012. 1 was interim Director of the SFAC after Ellie Schneiderman. In that capacity I Gary Feinberg March 10. 2017 organized the tiling of a Lincoln Road fountain by Carlos Alves, an exhibition of the paintings of Morris Lapidus and an Artist review panel, comprised of a curator, gallerist, historian and collector. I have organized solo and group exhibits of my work and the work of others including Purvis Young_ I have worked with the African Heritage Cultural Arts Center, the Little Haiti Cultural Arts Center, Miami Dade College and the Miami Dade Library and numerous private gallery shows. In August of 1990 1 produced an outdoor performance of 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' at the oval on Lincoln Road. The production had over 30 players and costom design by Barbara Hulanicki. The performance ran for three nights and was free and open to the public. 4. What is it about the Art in Public Places Board that is compatible with your experience and of specific interest to you, and why? When I asked my painting teacher Gerry Bergstein from the Museum School why painting. mattered, his response was that the world would be unimaginable without it.. The making of art is a human response, basic and profound.. That being said it should be fully integrated into daily lives, places and the fabric of our communities. As a board member I want to contribute to the repositioning of the overlooked or badly done public spaces, if a space doesn't inspire, it is a missed opportunity. I took a trash filled empty lot in Little Haiti and with the help of volunteers & an employee turned the lot into an edible garden that provides locally grown produce to restaurants, farmer's markets and direct off the land. The garden is not only a source of locally grown food but a place that welcomes volunteers and a reminder and connection to a place from the past that was nurturing and happy. 5. If Appointed, what specific goals would you like to see the Public Art Board achieve, and why? Now would you suggest accomplishing this? I want to help transform misuse to use. # want to ignite the abandoned and activate the neglected public spaces. There's a lost generation of kids in Miami that are without hope and purpose. I would like to see this Board address the issues of alienation and exclusion. This Board needs to contribute to the growth of Miami and create beauty where there currently is none. With my background in art, architecture, greening, sustainability and design, I have the vision to help accomplish this mission. For a public and private project to be successful it needs early buy -in from the community members. Projects need to be authentic, appropriate and most importantly have context. The Board needs to be responsive to the community first and Gary Feinberg March 10, 2017 foremost. The best way to learn about a neighborhood is to walk it exploring the byways and highway and everything in between. It is essential that the Artists and the Board members have direct contact with the site, to have first hand experience with the people, the light and the colors. t will be an advocate to get out of the Board room and into the lives of the people that make this City. CITY CODE SECTION 2-612(A) STATES, NO BOARD MEMBER SHALL ENTER INTO A CONTRACT OR TRANSACT ANY BUSINESS WITH THE CITY OR ANY PERSON OR AGENCY ACTING FOR THE CITY, OR SHALL APPEAR IN REPRESENTATION OF ANY THIRD PARTY BEFORE ANY BOARD, COMMISSION OR AGENCY OF WHICH SUCH PERSON IS A MEMBER. HAVE YOU ENTERED INTO A CONTRACT OR ARE YOU CURRENTLY TRANSACTING ANY BUSINESS WITH THE CITY OR ANY PERSON OR AGENCY ACTING FOR THE CITY? (-YES `i NQ r Note: This restriction can be waived for a particular transaction or transactions only by a four-fifths (415ths) affirmative vote of the members of the City Commission. I have read and understand the qualifications for members that are set forth in Sec. 62-63 of the City Code, and hereby certify that: I do not have any interest in the profits or emoluments of any contract, job, work, or service for the city. I am in a position to represent the public interest, and do not have any personal or private interests likely to conflict with the public interest. I do not hold any elective office in any governmental authority in the county or the city. As a member of the Art in Public Places Board I agree to participate in at least one seminar on Public Art to be held in Florida, and approved by the city, during the course of each calendar year that I remain a member or alternate member of the Art in Public Places Board. As a member of the Art in Public Places Board I may be required to attend a city approved state or national Public Art conference once a year. I acknowledge that I am subject to removal from the board if I fail to meet this requirement each and every year after assuming board membership or alternate membership. As a prospective appointee I am subject to a personal appearance before the city commission, to afford the city commission an opportunity to ascertain my proficiency in the English language, educational background and general knowledge of Public Art. Please note: Art in Public Places Board members Applicants shall reside, own property or work within the City of Miami. Should I fail to meet any of these requirements, I agree to immediately notify the city clerk. I agree that if I were to become a candidate for elective political office during my term and qualify as a candidate for elective political office, such qualification shall be deemed a tender of my resignation from the board. I have read, understand and agree to comply with Section 2-611 of the Miami City Code which prohibits me from entering into any contract or transact any business with the city or any person or agency acting for the city, or from appearing in representation of any third party before any board, commission or agency of which I am member. I also understand that prohibition upon activity which is set forth above remains in effect for a period of two years after I have left city service. I have read, understand and agree to comply with Section 2-613 of the Miami City Code which prohibits me from accepting, directly or indirectly, from any person, company, firm or corporation to which any purchase order or contract is or might be awarded, any rebate, gift, money or anything of value whatsoever, except where given for the use and benefit of the city. i Initial Planning/AiPPi AIPP Board Appiicaiion 20217 Page 3of5 I agree to comply with all financial disclosure requirements of the City, the County and the State including the requirements set forth in Section 2-11.1 of the Miami -Dade County Code, and Florida Statutes Sec, 112-3145. I agree to comply with all ethics course requirements of City of Miami Code Section 2-554. I acknowledge that the code of ethics of Miami -Dade County shall apply to me as a member or alternate member of the Art in Public Places Board and hereby agree to abide by all the provisions thereof. I have read, understand and agree to comply with Section 2-613 of the Miami City Code which prohibits me from accepting, directly or indirectly, from any person, company, firm or corporation to which any purchase order or contract is or might be awarded, any rebate, gift, money or anything of value whatsoever, except where given for the use and benefit of the city. For additional information on Code citations, please visit the website of the Office of the City Attorney at httpWwww. miamigov.comlcityattorneyhndex,htmI for inte met links to citations. I recognize that membership on the Art in Public Places Board requires my regular attendance and participation at beard meetings. I hereby certify that all information in this application is complete, truthful, and accurate to the best of my knowledge and that I have read and understand the qualifications and conditions of membership listed in this application. [Z/YES CS ❑ NO Print Name: Signature. Date:' Please complete this form and submit to: Office of the City Clerk City of Miami 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 Attn: Nicole N. Ewan For additional information on the Art in Public Places Board and or the Art in Public Places Ordinance please contact Efren Nunez, Planning and Zoning Department at 305.416.1402 or via email at EfrenNunez@miamigov.com TO BE COMPLETED BY STAFF CD: AP: Planning/AIPPI AIPP Board Application 2102/17 Page 4 of 5 i„ ,,, CITY OF MIAMI REAL PROPERTY DISCLOSURE FORM (IN CONFORMANCE WITH SEC. 2-615 OF THE CITY CODE) Legal Description Common Address Title Ownership Zoning Present (Lot 7 ✓ar<mose Sec d, PB 52) /723 North East 54th S# t LegaliEquitable Wholelln Part Class Use L0 Z' X561 b -�-7 3`5—Z. Sanded 7WMWFY Public Underwriters ype of identification Produced) DID Take an Oath, or ❑ DID NOTTake an Oath �2l, 4 ib L 1 SLG* ✓. Note: You are not limited to the space on the lines in this forma. Attach additional sheet(s) if recess OATH do solemnly swear that the/above is a true and accurate statjM'�ent of my interests in real property located within corporate limits of the CITY OF MIAMI or 500 feet beyond the corporate limits of the CITY OF MIAMI. NAME:(Please Print):'�"EL TITLE/POSITION WITH CITY OF MIAMI: NAME OF BOARD/COMMITTEE (If applicable}: SIGNATURE_ DATE: SStateof Florida Z>' County of "_/, +", / ' On this the day of 614'IeC it . 202 before me,the undersigned Notary Public of the State of Florida, the foregoing Instrument was acknowledged by (Name of person slgniny o� d his/her title (public officer, trustee or personal representative) NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL OF OFFICE: WITNESS my hard acid offi 'al seal. NO RY lJ IC, STATE OF FLORIDA ( ameiof Notary .j z Pyr, ' t;= Ju C. TORR MY CC)MMISSION f FF 214873 Personally Known to me, or ='f EXPIRES: May 1, 2019 Produced Identification: Sanded 7WMWFY Public Underwriters ype of identification Produced) DID Take an Oath, or ❑ DID NOTTake an Oath Pages of 7231 SW 61 Street Miami, Florida 33143 March 7, 2017 City of Miami Planning and Zoning Department Division of Art in Public Places I have known Gary Feinberg for twenty-five years. We met when I was in charge of exhibitions and specials programs for the Miami -Dade Public Library System. One of the first projects that I worked on with him was an artists and exhibitions exchange between the African Heritage Cultural Arts Center and the South Florida Art Center. He and Marshall Davis developed the concept and I was delighted to be invited to curate the project. Later he exhibited his own work at several of the public Iibraries. In addition to showing with the library, he also showed his work with Miami Dade College and in private galleries. Since I've known him he has been closely involved and supportive of other artists in South Florida. His Little Haiti Community Garden is a practical, 'beautiful operation and source of pride for that community. It is also evidence of his sensitivity to and appreciation of Miami's unique neighborhoods and their cultures. One of the major challenges to public art programs is to site important works and to create a sense of pride and ownership for the public who live and work where these objects will be experienced daily. With his background in art and his history of community involvement, Gary is appreciative of this challenge and the preciousness of cultural identity. He would be an ideal choice for the City of the Miami Art in Public Places project. Sincerely, Barbara N. Young Mallory i(auderer, Chairman Little River Business District Downtown Little Haiti Stakeholders March 10, 2017 City of Miami Planning and Zoning Department Division of Art in Public Places To Whom It May Concern, Please accept this letter of recommendation in Support of Gary Feinberg's application to the Art in Public Places Board. I've known Gary for over 25 years and first met as neighbors walking dogs on the Bayshore Golf Course. We each had a back of dogs and would let them run in the early evenings on the empty course. At that time he was very involved with the burgeoning Artist group on Lincoln Road, He was a studio artist there and later became the interim director of the nori-profit South Florida Art Center. In 1995 Gary and his wife opened Brownes & Co at 841 Lincoln Road, Brownes was a beauty emporium filled with beauty products from across the globe, hair and spa services and a yoga studio. It became a destination for locals, tourist and visiting celebrities. Part ofthe appeal was the aid world vibe but in a tropical setting. The bElsirless is still open and is one of the few remaining locally owned and operated businesses in the Lincoln Road district, I know because my wife and daughter are regulars. Gary and a partner bought an empty lot in Little Ilaiti on NE 2114 Avenue in 2004, In his inimitable way lie transformed the abandoned trash filled lot into a food garden called the Little Haiti Comanunity Garden.. The garden: operates as sustainable micro business creating jobs, volunteer opportunities and a source for locally grown foocl, As a land and business owner Gary serves on the Downtown Little Haiti Stakeholders Board. He has become active in the Caribbean Marketplace Committee, which is working closely with the City to activate the Caribbean. Marketplace. Gary will be a valuable member to the Art in Public Places Board. I le has worked in both the public and private sectors, has background in the Arts and understands the role Art- plays in the growth and emergence of Miami as one of the world's greatest cities. Sincere' y uderer Chairman PRAESES•ET•CVRATORES•COLLEGII•VASSARINI IN • NOVI • EBORACI • FINIBVS OMNIBUS • HAS • LITTERAS • PERLECTVRIS • SALVTEM NOTV M • SIT NOS • FACVLTATE • APPROBANTE • TITVLO • GRADVQVE • QVI APPELLARI • SOLET ARTIVM • BACCALAVREVS GARY, M - FEINBERG lk VNA • CVM . OMNIBVS • IVRIBVS • HONORIBVS ► INSIGNIBVS • VBIQVE • GENTIVM • AD EVNDEM • PERTINENTIBVS • CONDECORAVIMVS • CVIVS • REI • HAE - MEMBRANVLAE CVM • SIGILLO - ACADEMICO • ET - CHIROGRAPHIS • CVRATORIBVS • PRAESIDENTIS PRAESIDISQVE • TESTIMONIO SINT NOVO • DIE • ANTE • KALENDAS • JVNIAS . ANNO • DOMINI • MDCCCCLXXXI mG.i �- - 1%,• I I o►.,. a Cvraroribvs Priesideris PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT DivisloN OF ART IN PUBLIC PLACES ARS' IN PUBLIC PLACES BOARD APPLICATION The Art In Public Places Board Members receive no compensation for their service on the Board; but are entitled to reimbursement for necessary and proper expenses incurred in performing duties on the Board (e.g. parking for AlPP board meetings and conferences}). Board members may be required to a€tend local and or national public art conferences. FRANCISCO HERRETES First Name Last Name 1315 Buchanan St Hollywood---- 33019 Address City State Zip fherretesftgmail.corn L785] 417-4452 (780) 417-4452 _ Email Address Phone (Home) (phone (Office) Business Consultant Occupation Art in Public Places Board mein bers shall have an interest and knowledge of the visual and performing arts, and the artistic development of the city. Eight (9) Board members must be knowledgeable and have a Bachelor's, Master's or Doctorate Degree from an accredited university or college in one of the following identified fields: Please check the one that pertains to you. Fine Arts or Museum Curatian ❑ Architecture or Landscape Architecture ❑ Urban Planning or Urban Design ❑ Graphic or Product Design Art Education, Ar( History or History of Architecture ❑ Construction ManagomenI or Real Estate Finance ❑ Music Please check the degree(s) that pertain to you. ❑ Doctorate V(] Masters 0 Bachelors One (1) Board member and (2) alternate shall have an interest in the visual and performing arts. Neither of these members is required to have a Bachelors, Master, or Doctorate Degree, ❑ interest in the Visual and Performing Arts SHORT.I 1TATEMENT 0F,.QUAL I171GA71 NS (ff ypu regtrire additiarral, space, affash addrlror�a! pages.] . 1. Describe the qualities, experience, expertise and abilities that you possess that would make you an effective Art in Public Places board member that will act in the public interest. Please sae attached ,pages for answers - Planning/AIPPIAIPP Board Application 1117117 Page t of 4 2, describe your educational background and or general knowledge of the Arts. P see altached pages 3, Describe any prior community or personal involvement that you may have had that demonstrates interest in the Visual Arts, Public Art or the Performing Arts. Please see attached pages 4. What is it about the Art in Public Places Board that is compatible with your experience and of specific interest to you, and why? Please see attached pages S. If appointed, what specific goals would you like to see the Public Art Board achieve, and why? Howwould you suggest accomplishing this? PleaSQ Me @it . cid Pages REQUIRED-ATTACHMENTS I� Resume 09 Proof of Education No more than two (2) letters of recommendation PlanningfAlPP! APP Board ApOication Ill 7117 Noe 2of4 �ff� CITY CODE SECTION 2-612(A) STATES, NO BOARD MEMBER SHALL ENTER INTO A CONTRACT OR TRANSACT ANY BUSINESS WITH THE CITY OR ANY PERSON OR AGENCYACTING FOR THE CITY, OR SHALL APPEAR IN REPRESENTATION OF ANY THIRD PARTY BEFORE ANY BOARD, COMMISSION OR AGENCY OF WHICH SUCH PERSON IS A MEMBER, HAVE YOU ENTERED INTO A CONTRACT OR ARE YOU CURRENTLY TRANSACTING ANY BUSINESS WITH THE CITY OR ANY PERSON OR AGENCY ACTING FOR THE CITY? [}YES [A NO Note: This restriction can be waived for a particular transaction or transactions only by a four-fifths (4/5ths) affirmative vote of the members of the City Commission, I have read and understand the qualifications for members that are set forth in Sec. 62-63 of the City Code, and hereby certify that] 1. I do not have any interest in the profits or emoluments of any contract, job, warp, or service for the city. 2. 1 am In a position to represent the public interest, and do not have any personal or private interests likely to coniiicl with the public Inlerest. 3. t do not hold any elective office in any governmental authority in the county or the city. 4. As a member of the Art in Public Places Board I agree to participate in at least one seminar on Public Art to be geld in Florida, and approved by the city, during the course of each calendar year that I remain a member or alternate member of the Art in Public Places Board. 5. As a member of the Art in Public Places Board I may be required to attend a city approved state or national Public Art conference once a year, 6, t acknowledge that I am subject to removal from the board if I fail to meet this requirement each and every year after assuming board membership or alternate membership. I. As a prospective appointee I am subject to a personal appearance before the city commission, to afford the city commission an opportunity to ascertain my proficiency in the English language, educational background and general knowledge of Public Art. I agree to immediately notify the city cleric if I cease to be a resident and/or an elector of the city during the term of my office. Please note: Art in Public Places Board members are not require to reside within the City of Miami. I agree that If I were to become a candidate for elective political office during my term and qualify as a candidate for elective political office, such qualification shall be deemed a tender of my resignation from the board. I have read, understand and agree to comply with Section 2-611 of the Miami City Code which prohibits me from entering into any contract or transact any business with the city or any person or agency acting for the city, of from appearing in representation of any third party before any board, commission or agency of which I am member. I also understand that prohibition upon activity which is set forth above remains in effect for a period of two years after I have left city service. I have read, understand and agree to comply with Section 2-513 of the Miami City Code which prohibits me from accepting, directly or indirectly, from any person, company, firm or corporation to which any purchase order or contract is or might be awarded, any rebate, gift, money or anything of value whatsoever, except where given for the use and benefit of the city. Initial PlanningIAIPPIAIPP DoardAppicalion 1117W Page 3 ol4 I agree to comply with all financial disclosure requirements of the City, the County and [he Slate Including the requirements set fortis in Section 2-11.11 of the Miami -Dade County Code, and Florida Statutes Sec. 112-3145. 1 agree to comply with all ethics course requirements of City of Miami Code Section 2.654. 1 acknowledge that the code of ethics of Miami -Dade County shall apply to me as a member or alternate member of the Art in Public Places Board and hereby agree to abide by all the provisions [hereof. For additional information on Code citations, please visit the website of the Office of the City Attorney at http:11www. i°niamigov.comlcityaltorneylindex.html for internet links to citations. l recognize that membership on the Art in Public Places Board requires my regular attendance and participation at board meetings. I hereby certify that all information in this application is complete, truthful, and accurate to the best of my knowledge and that I have react and understand the qualifications and conditions of membership listed in this application. 10=0GC Print Name; Francisco Herretes Signature: Date: March 14, 2017 Please complbth this form'and submit to: Office of the City Clerk City of Miami 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 Attn: Nicole N, Ewan For additional Information on the Art in Public Places Board and or the Art in Public Places Ordinance please contact Efren Nunez, Department of Planning and. Zoning at 305,416.1462 or via email at EfrenNunez@miamigoy.com CU- To he completed by staff PlartininglAIPPI AIPP Board Application 1!17117 �f f Page 4 of 4 /T� FRANCISCO J. HERRETES 1315 Buchanan St, Hollywood, FL 33019 • (786) 417-4452 • fherretes@gmail.com Detail oriented professional with over 15 years' experience in international legal research and analysis, finance, negotiations, preparation and execution of contracts, with exceptional ability to multi -task, solve problems, work effectively in a team and meet tight deadlines. EDUCATION LL.M. Law and Economics - University of Chicago (Full Scholarship) 2000 J.D. (Abogado) - Universidad Catnlica Andres Bello; Caracas, Venezuela 1998 LANGUAGES & SKILLS Languages: Native English and Spanish Computer Skills: Proficient in MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint; MacOS Pages, Numbers, Keynote; LexisNexis, Westlaw, Bloomberg, Reuters, Inteilichart; QuickBooks; E -filing, online researching and Boolean search; general database management. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Little Haiti Developments/Miami Mountains Foundation; Miami, USA 2013- • Property owner and developer with focus on urban development Little Haiti Arts and Entertainment District. • Executive Director Downtown Little Haiti Stakeholders Inc., head of Planning & Zoning Committee, • Board member Little River Business District Association. • Founder and director of Miami Mountains Foundation, an award winning nonprofit promoting public art, culture and smart community outreach to transform developing neighborhoods in South Florida. Foreign Legal/Business Consultant; Miami, USA Legal/Business Consultant 2010- • Tax consulting and planning, tax due diligence, corporate reorganizations and restructuring, international double taxation, joint ventures and consortia, service and licensing agreements, financing structures, estate planning, offshore company and trust formation, real estate transactions, formation of private investment funds, Bank Secrecy Act, anti money laundering, Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), and USA Patriot Act laws and regulations, • Negotiated and drafted commercial contracts and documents including employment and trade secret agreements, construction contracts, purchasing and supply agreements, operatingipartnership agreements, commercial loan agreements, commercial and residential leases, insurance agency agreements, franchise agreements. • Experience with real estate market studies, financial analysis, due diligence, land acquisition, site planning, local government approvals, permitting, finance, construction, marketing, leasing, and sale. • Successfully registered two Registered Investment Advisors with RNRA and SEC, prepared and updated firms' compliance manuals. • Negotiated a $5M write-down settlement for a US international medical equipment distributer. • Secured $20M payment from Venezuela for a regional laboratory equipment distributor, $10M payment for a Florida medical imaging distributor. • As lead foreign counsel, successfully secured the release of a US citizen held on money laundering charges in Ecuador and prevented active extradition to Venezuela, Unica Socledad de Corretaje; Caracas, Venezuela Senior AnalystlTrader 2008-2010 • Managed US equity and derivatives trading desk for mid-size brokerage firm. • Supervised daily trading activity of three brokers with ultimate accountability of over 40+ accounts and portfolio assets of $30 Million+. Averaged over 30% yearly returns and grew customer base year over year adding approximately 20 new clients for firm. • Responsiblefor technical analysis, macroeconomic fundamentals, trade execution, systematic trading, risk management, research and due diligence, model development, financial modeling, revenue generation, cost reduction, and vendor negotiations with platforms and prime brokers. • Performed hedging, financial modeling, financial analysis and risk -tolerance assessment to advise high -net worth individuals. Legal Consultant; Caracas, Venezuela Senior Attorney 2007-2008 • Tax consulting and pianning, tax due diligence, offshore company and trust formation, corporate reorganizations and restructuring, mergers and acquisitions, international double taxation, joint ventures and consortia, service agreements, financing structures, estate planning, offshore company and trust formation, formation of private investment funds. • Advised local and international clients on importation rules and regulations, and viable legal alternatives for acquiring foreign currency through government agencies. • Co -counsel for seller of one of the largest insurance companies in Venezuela; corporate reorganization for the largest dairy prod ucerldistributor in Venezuela; and tax/estate planning for local banking group in acquisition of offshore bank. Protutela; Caracas, Venezuela Founder, Director 2000-2007 • Started -up and managed day-to-day business operations for software firm, developing a web -based communications platform for private K-12 schools. • Built solid relationships with client schools and the Ministry of Education. Negotiated wlth financial institutions, other private companies and government entities for sponsorship of special events and supervised event logistics. • Managed internal legal department, external counsel relations, contract negotiations with clients and suppliers, regulatory compliance and general dispute resolution, • Scaled company to 15 engineers and developers; 60 schools with over 30,000 students and 90,000 dedicated users. • Sold company to trade buyer and private equity. Macleod Dixon (currently Norton Rose Fulbright); Caracas, Venezuela Associate 1998-2000 • Negotiated and prepared complex commercial agreements for local and international clients including some of the top global oil & gas firms. • Conducted due diligence for foreign and local companies, participated in major closings and corporate transactions. • Researched civil, mercantile law doctrine and jurisprudence, researched and assisted in a number of civil law articles for legal publication. • Member of team that negotiated and documented the largest oil and gas storage and shipment deal in Venezuela at $2B. CURATORIAL LABS ART'i MANAGEME-141 I Ek:-IIRMON PLANNIM-- I F'ESEARCH curatorslalaii 'mail.cow T.786-541 45Q4 City of Miami Miami, March 11, 2017 Miami, FL, To Whom It May Concern: I write this letter to recommend Francisco Herretes to the City of Miami in any capacity of work or academic endeavor in the area of Visual Arts as a candidate applying for the Board of the Art in Public Places of the City of Miami. Francisco is an individual of extreme#y high values and morals. He has shown dedication and professionalism in all aspects of his work related to the development and promotion of art in public places projects in Miami, over the past three years. He has shown his capacity as art project manager and as a financial entrepreneur regarding different Visual Arts projects, with particular emphasis in the integration of community involvement for projects in public places. As such, he is a strong creative leader to any art related project, with positive interactions with other team members, community leaders, artists and entrepreneurs related to art projects developed in Miami. His knowledge in the financial field is an asset. Francisco Herretes would be a valuable and highly productive addition to the creative leadership of an organization such as the Board of Art in Public Places. Sincerely, Jorge Luis Gutierrez Visual Arts Manager/ Curator Executive Director Curatorial Labs About the sender of this letter: Jorge Luis Gutierrez I As a dynamic visual arts institutions manager and curator developed an extensive experience running, museums, collections and college art galleries in the Americas. is an architect with a Masters in museum management and Doctoral Studies in art education at New York University. Former museum director of the Alejandro Otero Museum of Visual Arts [Caracas] and the Freedom Tower Museum and MDC art galleries in Miami, FL. The author of several essays, forwards, catalogs and Kooks an art. Has contributed to promoting an open, multifaceted view of Latin American and Caribbean art, been Instrumental in the production and curatorship of key iconic modern and contemporary art exhibitions throughout the Americas. Currently is the project manager of the Borderless Caribbean project, external curator a MOCA Miami and advisor for art projects and cultural organizations. Head consultant of Curatorial Labs, ON THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE FACULTY AND BY VIRTUE OF THE AUTHORITY VESTED IN THEM THE TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY HAVE CONFERRED ON FRANCISCO J. HERRETES THE DEGREE OF Master of Laws THE LAW SCHOOL AND HAVE GRANTED THIS DIPLOMA AS EVIDENCE THEREOF GIVEN IN THE CITY OF CHICAGO IN THE STATE OF ILLINOIS IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IN THE YEAR TWO THOUSAND ON THE NINTH DAY OF JUNE chairman of t/t, i odrd of Trustees A e t i n. Rgwrd"' President of the University Prow i I Ewan, Nicole From: Ewan, Nicole Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2017 4:35 PM To: 'fherretes@gmail.com' Cc: Nunez, Efren Subject: FW: Francisco Herretes - AIPP Board Application Attachments: FH - AIPP APPLICATION.pdf; Real Property Disclosure Form - 2013 (fillable).pdf Good afternoon Mr. Herretes: Please hand -deliver or mail the original application to me as soon as possible. Additionally, please complete the attached Real Property Disclosure Form and submit the original to me as soon as possible. The form is a required attachment to the application. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you, NtOoLe EWOW., MI>A INO lot Assi sta wt Ci td CLerkz ■ rirre nein • Cctt� Of ML01VVa n � .35no Pel VL _AK'Le Mam VL Grine Mi.Omt, FL_ 33 33 FI1: (305) 250-534- 'Fax: `3c-,5) 85g -z610 56YViwO, &V4Ylawc Ag avid Traosfnrmu vi ,q ot,cr CowKmikvvLt,� From: Nunez, Efren Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2017 4:O0 PM To: Ewan, Nicole cnewan@miamigov.com> Subject: FW: Francisco Herretes - AIPP Board Application From: Francisco Herretes [mailto:fherretes mail.com] Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2017 3:56 PM To: Nunez, Efren Subject: Francisco Herretes - AIPP Board Application I PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT DIVISION OF ART IN PUBLIC PLACES ART IN PUBLIC PLACES BOARD APPLICATION The Art in Public Places Board Members receive no compensation for their service on the Board; but are entitled to reimbursement for necessary and proper expenses incurred in performing duties on the Board (e.g. parking for AIPP board meetings and conferences}). Board members may be required to attend local and or national public art.. conferences. FRANCISCO HERRFTES First Name Last Name 1315 Buchanan St Hollywood FL 33019 Address City State Zip fherretes�]a grrmail.com 786 417-4452 (7$8) 417-4452 Email Address Phone (Home) (Phone (Office) Business Consultant Occupation Art in Public Places Board members shall have an interest and knowledge of the visual and performing arts, and the artistic development of the city. Eight (8) Board members must be 'knowledgeable and have a Bachelor's, Master's or Doctorate Degree from an accredited university or college in one of the following identified fields. Please check the one that pertains to you. ❑ Fine Arts or Museum Curation ® Architecture or Landscape Architecture ❑ Urban Planning or Urban Design ❑ Graphic or Product design ❑ Art Education, Art History or History of Architecture ❑ Construction Management or Real Estate R Finance ❑ Music Please check the degree(s) that pertain to you. ❑ Doctorate R] Masters ❑ Bachelors One (1) Board member and (2) alternate shall have an interest in the visual and performing arts. Neither of these members is required to have a Bachelors, Waster, or Doctorate Degree. ❑ lnterest in the Visual and Performing Arts SNORT STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS (If you require additional space, attach additional pages.) 1. Describe the qualities, experience, expertise and abilities that you possess that would make you an effective Art in Public Places board member that will act in the public interest. Please see attached pages for @nswers PIanningfAlPPI AIPP board APPiicarron 1r1I1l Page tof4 2. Describe your educational background and or general knowledge of the Arts. 3. Describe any prior community or personal involvement that you may have had that demonstrates interest in the Visual Arts, Public Art or the Performing Arts. Please see attached pacies 4. What is it about the Art in Public Places Board that is compatible with your experience and of specific interest to you, and why? Please see attached pages S. If appointed, what specific goals would you like to see the Public Art Board achieve, and why? How would you suggest accomplishing this? Pheas-e see attached pages REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS X Resume IN Proof of Education A No more than two (2) letters of recommendation PlanninglAlPPI AIPP Board Appkation 1117117 Page 2 of 4 ,r�iJ CITY CODE SECTION 2-512(A) STATES, NO BOARD MEMBER SHALL ENTER INTO A CONTRACT OR TRANSACT ANY BUSINESS WITH THE CITY OR ANY PERSON OR AGENCY ACTING FOR THE CITY, OR SHALL APPEAR IN REPRESENTATION OF ANY THIRD PARTY BEFORE ANY BOARD, COMMISSION OR AGENCY OF WHICH SUCH PERSON IS A MEMBER. ; HAVE YOU ENTERED INTO A CONTRACT OR ARE YOU CURRENTLY TRANSACTING ANY BUSINESS WITH THE CITY OR ANY PERSON OR AGENCY ACTING FOR THE CITY? ❑YEs fX NO Note: This restriction can be waived for a particular transaction or transactions only by a four-fifths (4/5ths) affirmative,•;~ vote of the members of the City Commission. - I have read and understand the qualifications for members that are set forth in Sec. 62-63 of the City Code, and hereby certify that: 1. I do not have any interest in the profits or emoluments of any contract, job, work, or service for the city. 2. 1 am in a position to represent the public interest, and do not have any ,personal or private interests likely to conflict with the public interest. 3, 1 do not hold any elective office in any governmental authority in the county or the city. 4. As a member of the Alt in Public Places Board I agree to participate in at least one seminar on Public Art to be held in Florida, and approved by the city, during the course of each calendar year that I remain a member or alternate member of the Art in Public Places Board. 5. As a member of the Art in Public Places Board I may be required to attend a city approved state or national Public Art conference once a year. 6. 1 acknowledge that I am subject to removal from the board if I fail to meet this requirement each and every year after assuming board membership or alternate membership, 7. As a prospective appointee I am subject to a personal appearance before the city commission, to afford the city commission an opportunity to ascertain my proficiency in the English language, educational background and general knowledge of Public Art. I agree to immediately notify the city Berk if I cease to be a resident and/or an elector of the city during the term of my office. Please note: Art in Public Places Board members are not require to reside within the City of Miami. I agree that if I were to become a candidate for elective political office during my term and qualify as a candidate for elective political office, such qualification shall be deemed a tender of my resignation from the board. I have read, understand and agree to comply with Section 2-511 of the Miami City Code which prohibits me from entering into any contract or transact any business with the city or any person or agency acting for the city, or from appearing in representation of any third party before any board, commission or agency of which I am member. I also understand that prohibition upon activity which is set forth above remains in effect for a period of two years after I have left city service. I have read, understand and agree to comply with Section 2-613 of the Miami City Code which prohibits me from accepting, directly or indirectly, from any person, company, firm or corporation to which any purchase order or contract is or might be awarded, any rebate, gift, money or anything of value whatsoever, except where given for the use and benefit of the city. Initial PlanningiAIPPJ AIPP Board Application 1117117 Page 3 of 4 ��_� I agree to comply with all financial disclosure requirements of the City, the County and the State including the requirements set forth in Section 2-11.1 of the Miami -Dade County Code, and Florida Statutes Sec. 112-3145. 1 agree to comply with all ethics course requirements of City of Miami Code Section 2-554. 1 acknowledge that the code of ethics of Miami -Dade County shall apply to me as a member or alternate member of the Art in Public Places Board and hereby agree to abide by all the provisions thereof. For additional information on Code citations, please visit the website of the Office of the City Attorney at http:llwww, miamigov.comlcityattorney/index.htm! for internet links to citations. I recognize that membership on the Art in Public Places Board requires my regular attendance and participation at board meetings. 1 hereby certify that all information in this application is complete, truthful, and accurate to the best of my knowledge and that I have read and understand the qualifications and conditions of membership listed in this application. ®YES Na Print Name: Francisco Herretes70 f Signature: 14 Z Date: March 14, 2017 -_- Please complete this form and submit to: Office of the City Cleric City of Miami 3500 Pan American drive Miami, FL 33133 Attn: Nicole N. Ewan For additional information on the Art in Public Places Board and or the Art in Public Places Ordinance please contact Efren Nunez, Department of . Planning and.. Zoning at 305.415.1402 or via. email at EfrenNunez@miamigov, com CD- To be completed by staff PlanninglAlPPI AIPP Board Application 9117117 Page 4 of 4 Ftf CITY OF MIAMI REAL PROPERTY DISCL i]Sl1RE Fc]RM V (IN CONFORMANCE' WITH SEC. 2-615 OF THE CITY CODE) Print Forin Legal Description (Lot 7, Primose Sec 4, PB 52) Common Address (123 North East 54th St) Title Legalir5quitaele Ownership Whole/In Part Zoning Class Present Use EMERALD COURT PB 6234-6238 NE 2nd Ave. Miami, FL 5-❑ ommercial 6-64, LOT 3, FOLIOS 33138 01-3113-020-0030 Legal In Ptrt 171-3113-020-0100 EMERALD COURT PB 6242 NE 2nd Ave. Miami, FL T5-0 ommercial 6-64 LOT 4 & LOT 13 3313E OLIO: Legal In Part 01-3113-020-0040 EMERALD COURT PB 150 NE 53rd Street. Miami, FL 5-L Resdential 6-64 LOT 29 FOLIO: 33138 01-3113-020-0230 Legal In Part Note: You are notlimited to thes ace on the lines in this form. Attach additional sheets ifnecessar . OATH FRANCISCO HERRETES do solemnly swear that the above is a true and accurate statement of my interests in real property located within corporate limits of the CITY OF MIAMI or 500 Feet beyond the corporate limits of the CITY OFVIAMI, FRANCISCO HERPETES NAME:(Please Print): NIA -- D TITLE/POSITION WITH CITY OF MIAMI: - � - ARTS IN PUBLIC PLACES aeARbO NAME OF BOARDICOMMITTEE (if applicabte), SIGNATURE: DATE: State of Florida County of NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL OF OFFICE Mar 15, 2417 On this the day of �� 20(1, before me,the undersigned Notary Public of the State of Florida, the foregoing instrument was acknowledged by (Nameofperson siryrtitrr7 and hislher title (public officer, trusts a or personal representative) WITNESS my hand and official seal. N TARP PUBLIC, STATE Of FLORID V —'e- . a! Y r "'• BEATRIZ ALVAREZ fivarne 45motary Public: Prim Stamp, or Type as Commissioned) '= MY COMMISSION $ FF 0718M -AV EXPIRE& November 20, 2017 El '�p2 Y�� Banded That Nalary Public Underwriters Personally Known to Ine, or Produced Identification: C-) v` i 1 �Y' lrL C --e- ns 4?- ype of Identification Produced) DID Take an Oath, or DID NOT Take an Oath Francisco Herretes (786) 417-4452 fherretes@gmail .corn AIPP Board Application Attachment 1 1. Describe the qualities, experience, expertise and abilities that YOU possess that would make you an effective Art in Public Places board member that will act in the public interest. Firstly, I would like to emphasize that even though I do not currently reside in the City of Miami, I am a property owner and developer in Miami, my wife and I both work in Miami, our son goes to school in Miami and the entirety of my professional interests are in Miami. I proudly consider myself an adopted Miamian, one of the qualities I believe necessary for the position. As executive director of Downtown Little Haiti Stakeholders, the property and business owners association of NE 2nd Avenue from 54th Street to 65th Street, and board member of Little River Business District Association, the larger business association in the area, I am intimately familiar with focal board settings and function. From many experience, I learned early on the value of consensus building, teamwork and just plain ham work, essential for the AIPP board to succeed. I have had frequent interaction with City of Miami and Miami -Dade County commissions and departments; and understand their process and operation very well. I would argue that local government and community experience are other assets that would make nye an effective AIPP board member. My financial background will be useful when studying economic impacts of public art, valuation concepts, AIPP fund management, budget planning and structure and financial reports. I can also explain and apply legal concepts of use to the board. Describe your educational background and or general knowledge of the Arts. I am a specialized corporate tax attorney, financial and business consultant, and securities trader, with over 15 years experience in complex negotiations and structured deals. I received my J -D. degree from Universidad Catolica in Caracas, Venezuela, and my Masters of Law and Economics from the University of Chicago, where I attended with a full scholarship. Law and social sciences like economics have always been at a vital intersection with humanities and the arts. As Yale Law School former dean said, "Fortunately, it is impossible fully to understand law without a deep and sympathetic knowledge of the liberal arts." Though my academic background is not In the art field and I doubt 1 will ever fully understand law, I have always been a very passionate follower of the arts_ 3. Describe any prior community or personal involvement that you may have had that demonstrates interest in the Visual Arts, Public Art or the Performing Arts. I am executive director of Miami Mountains Foundation, a Little Haiti nonprofit under the fiscal sponsorship of The Miami Foundation, promoting public art, culture and community outreach to transform developing neighborhoods in South Florida. Our foundation was awarded the 2015 Public Space Challenge for the project "Ayti, land of high mountains - In memory of victims of the Haiti earthquake", a public art intervention on the important median intersection at NE 2nd Avenue and NE 62nd Street, In addition, we worked closely with the Little Haiti Cultural Complex to host the largest pop-up art show in Little Haiti during Art Basel 2015, masterfully curated by Edouard Duval -Carrie; and worked with the Bayfront Park Management Trust on a temporary large-scale sculpture installation during Art Basel 2016 in homage to American master sculptor and Bayfront Park designer Isamu Noguchi. 4. What is it about the Art in Public Places Board that is compatible with your experience and of specific interest to you, and why? For years now, even before learning of the existence of the Miami AIPP ordinance, I have been studying and getting involved with public art in our City. I understand that public art enhances the aesthetic diversity of the city, and that public art is the most democratic form of art, free and open to all audiences. However, I believe that In addition, public art keeps kids off the streets, reduces crime, engages audiences, improves communities and measurably increases property prices. These community aspects, even more so than aesthetic considerations, are of great interest to me. I trust that I have a lot to contribute to the discussion of public art in my Little Haiti neighborhood and generally the greater City of Miami neighborhood and it would be an Donor to serve on such an important board. 5. If appointed, what specific goals would you like to see the Public Art Board achieve, and why? How would you suggest accomplishing this? This first AIPP hoard will have the honor and exceptional responsibility of starting -up the long overdue AIPP program for the City of Miami, designing the very foundations of public art in Miami and processes for future board members to follow. A successful launch is a worthy goal in and of itself. In the longer terra, i believe the AIPP Program and Board will be especially impactful for developing communities like Little Haiti, Cvertown, Liberty City, Allapattah, East tittle Havana, among others; allowing them to showcase their incredible creativity and opening these areas to new visitors, tourists and business traffic, improving existing conditions. To achieve this goal, the board should seek to install a diversified public. artscape that addresses site-specific concerns, encouraging requirements that compel artists to profoundly study the site and gain an intimate, embodied knowledge of its diverse social uses through close community interaction. FRANCISCO J. HERRETES 1315 Buchanan St. Hollywood, FL 33419 • (786) 417-4452 • fherretes@gmail.com Detail oriented professional with over 15 years' experience in international legal research and analysis, finance, negotiations, preparation and execution of contracts, with exceptional ability to multi -task, solve problems, work effectively in a team and meet tight deadlines. EDUCATION LL.M. Law and Economics - University of Chicago (Full Scholarship) 2000 J.D. (Abogado) - Universidad Catolica Andres Bello; Caracas, Venezuela 1998 LANGUAGES & SKILLS Languages. Native English and Spanish Computer Skills: Proficient in MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint; MacOS Pages, Numbers, Keynote; LexisNexis, Westlaw, Bloomberg, Reuters, Intellichart; QuickBooks; E -filing, online researching and Boolean search; general database management. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Little Haiti Developments/Miami Mountains Foundation; Miami, USA 2013- • Property owner and developer with focus on urban development Little Haiti Arts and Entertainment District. • Executive Director Downtown Little Haiti Stakeholders Inc., head of Planning & Zoning Committee, • Board member Little River Business District Association. • Founder and director of Miami Mountains Foundation, an award winning nonprofit promoting public art, culture and smart community outreach to transform developing neighborhoods in South Florida. Foreign Legal/Business Consultant; Miami, USA Legal/Business Consultant 2010- • Tax consulting and planning, tax due diligence, corporate reorganizations and restructuring, international double taxation, joint ventures and consortia, service and licensing agreements, financing structures, estate planning, offshore company and trust formation, real estate transactions, formation of private investment funds, Bank Secrecy Act, anti money laundering, Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), and USA Patriot Act laws and regulations. • Negotiated and drafted commercial contracts and documents including employment and trade secret agreements, construction contracts, purchasing and supply agreements, operating/partnership agreements, commercial loan agreements, commercial and residential leases, insurance agency agreements, franchise agreements. • Experience with real estate market studies, financial analysis, due diligence, land acquisition, site planning, local government approvals, permitting, finance, construction, marketing, leasing, and sale. • Successfully registered two Registered Investment Advisors with FINRA and SEC, prepared and updated firms' compliance manuals. • Negotiated a $5M write-down settlement for a US international medical equipment distributer. • Secured $20M payment from Venezuela for a regional laboratory equipment distributor, $10M payment for a Florida medical imaging distributor. • As lead foreign counsel, successfully secured the release of a US citizen held on money laundering charges in Ecuador and prevented active extradition to Venezuela. Unica Sociedad de Corretaje, Caracas, Venezuela Senior Analyst/Trader 2008-2010 • Managed US equity and derivatives trading desk for mid-size brokerage firm, • Supervised daily trading activity of three brokers with ultimate accountability of over 40+ accounts and portfolio assets of $30 Million+, Averaged over 30% yearly returns and grew customer base year over year adding approximately 20 new clients for firm. • Responsible for technical analysis, macroeconomic fundamentals, trade execution, systematic trading, risk management, research and due diligence, model development, financial modeling, revenue generation, cost reduction, and vendor negotiations with platforms and prime brokers. • Performed hedging, financial modeling, financial analysis and risk -tolerance assessment to advise high -net worth individuals. Legal Consultant; Caracas, Venezuela Senior Attorney 2007-2008 • Tax consulting and planning, tax due diligence, offshore company and trust formation, corporate reorganizations and restructuring, mergers and acquisitions, international double taxation, joint ventures and consortia, service agreements, financing structures, estate planning, offshore company and trust formation, formation of private investment funds. • Advised local and international clients on importation rules and regulations, and viable legal alternatives for acquiring foreign currency through government agencies. • Cc -counsel for seller of one of the largest insurance companies in Venezuela; corporate reorganization for the largest dairy producer/distributor in Venezuela; and tax/estate planning for local banking group in acquisition of offshore bank. Protutela; Caracas, Venezuela Founder, Director 2000-2007 • Started -up and managed day-to-day business operations for software firm, developing a web -based communications platform for private K-12 schools. • Built solid relationships with client schools and the Ministry of Education. Negotiated with financial institutions, other private companies and government entities for sponsorship of special events and supervised event logistics. • Managed internal legal department, external counsel relations, contract negotiations with clients and suppliers, regulatory compliance and general dispute resolution. • Scaled company to 15 engineers and developers, 50 schools with over 30,000 students and 90,000 dedicated users. • Sold company to trade buyer and private equity. Macleod Dixon (currently Norton Rose Fulbright); Caracas, Venezuela Associate 1998-2000 • Negotiated and prepared complex commercial agreements for local and international clients including some of the top global oil & gas firms. • Conducted due diligence for foreign and local companies, participated in major closings and corporate transactions. • Researched civil, mercantile law doctrine and jurisprudence, researched and assisted in a number of civil law articles for legal publication. • Member of team that negotiated and documented the largest oil and gas storage and shipment deal in Venezuela at $28. FRANCISCO J. HERRETES 1315 Buchanan St. Holiywood, FL 33019 • (786) 417-4452 • fherretes@gmail.com Detail oriented professional with over 15 years' experience in International legal research and analysis, finance, negotiations, preparation and execution of contracts, with exceptional ability to multi -task, solve problems, work effectively in a team and meet tight deadlines, EDUCATION LL.M. Law and Economics - University of Chicago (Full Scholarship) 2000 J.D. (Abogado) - Universidad Cat6lica Andr6s Bello; Caracas, Venezuela 1998 LANGUAGES & SKILLS Languages: Native English and Spanish Computer Skills; Proficient in MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint; MacOS Pages, Numbers, Keynote; LexisNexis, Westlaw, Bloomberg, Reuters, Intellichart; QuickBooks; E -filing, online researching and Boolean search; general database management. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Little Haiti Developments/Miami Mountains Foundation; 'Miami, USA 2013- • Property owner and developer with focus on urban development Little Haiti Arts and Entertainment District. • Executive Director Downtown Little Haiti Stakeholders Inc., head of Planning & Zoning Committee. • Board member Little River Business District Association. • Founder and director of Miami Mountains Foundation, an award winning nonprofit promoting public art, culture and smart community outreach to transform developing neighborhoods in South Florida, Foreign Legal/Business Consultant; Miami, USA Legal/Business Consultant 2010- • Tax consulting and planning, tax due diligence, corporate reorganizations and restructuring, international double taxation, joint ventures and consortia, service and licensing agreements, financing structures, estate planning, offshore company and trust formation, real estate transactions, formation of private investment funds, Bank Secrecy Act, anti money laundering, Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), and USA Patriot Act laws and regulations. • Negotiated and drafted commercial contracts and documents including employment and trade secret agreements, construction contracts, purchasing and supply agreements, operating/partnership agreements, commercial loan agreements, commercial and residential leases, insurance agency agreements, franchise agreements. • Experience with real estate market studies, financial analysis, due diligence, land acquisition, site planning, local government approvals, permitting, finance, construction, marketing, leasing, and sale, • Successfully registered two Registered Investment Advisors with FINRA and SEC, prepared and updated firms' compliance manuals. • Negotiated a $5M write-down settlement for a US international medical equipment distributer, • Secured $20M payment from Venezuela for a regional laboratory equipment distributor, $1 GM payment for a Florida medical imaging distributor. • As lead foreign counsel, successfully secured the release of a US citizen held on money laundering charges in Ecuador and prevented active extradition to Venezuela. Unica Sociedad de Corretaje; Caracas, Venezuela Senior AnalystlTrader 2008-2010 • Managed US equity and derivatives trading desk for mid-size brokerage firm. • Supervised daily trading activity of three brokers with ultimate accountability of over 40+ accounts and portfolio assets of $30 Million+. Averaged over 30% yearly returns and grew customer base year over year adding approximately 20 new clients for firm. • Responsible for technical analysis, macroeconomic fundamentals, trade execution, systematic trading, risk management, research and due diligence, model development, financial modeling, revenue generation, cost reduction, and vendor negotiations with platforms and prime brokers. • Performed 'hedging, financial modeling, financial analysis and risk -tolerance assessment to advise high -net worth individuals. Legal Consultant; Caracas, Venezuela Senior Attorney 2007-2008 • Tax consulting and planning, tax due diligence, offshore company and trust formation, corporate reorganizations and restructuring, mergers and acquisitions, international double taxation, joint ventures and consortia, service agreements, financing structures, estate planning, offshore company and trust formation, formation of private investment funds. • Advised local and international clients on importation rules and regulations, and viable legal alternatives for acquiring foreign currency through government agencies. • Co -counsel for seller of one of the largest insurance companies in Venezuela; corporate reorganization for the largest dairy prod ucerldistributor in Venezuela; and tax/estate planning for local banking group in acquisition of offshore bank. Protutela; Caracas, Venezuela Founder, Director 2000-2007 • Started -up and managed day-to-day business operations for software firm, developing a web -based communications platform for private K-12 schools. • Bullt solid relationships with client schools and the Ministry of Education. Negotiated with financial institutions,. other private companies and government entities for sponsorship of special events and supervised event logistics. • Managed internal legal department, external counsel relations, contract negotiations with clients and suppliers, regulatory compliance and general dispute resolution. • Scaled company to 15 engineers and developers; 60 schools with over 30,000 students and 90,004 dedicated users. • Sold company to trade buyer and private equity. Macleod Dixon (currently Norton Rose Fulbright); Caracas, Venezuela Associate 1998-2000 • Negotiated and prepared complex commercial agreements for local and international clients including some of the top global oil & gas firms. • Conducted due diligence for foreign and local companies, participated in major closings and corporate transactions. • Researched civil, mercantile law doctrine and jurisprudence, researched and assisted in a number of civil law articles for legal publication. • Member of team that negotiated and documented the largest oil and gas storage and shipment deal in Venezuela at $28. ON THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE FACULTY AND BY VIRTUE OF THE AUTHORITY VESTED IN THEM THE TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY HAVE CONFERRED ON FRANCISCO J. HERRETES THE DEGREE OF Master of Laws THE LAW SCHOOL AND HAVE GRANTED THIS DIPLOMA AS EVIDENCE THEREOF GIVEN IN THE CITY OF CHICAGO IN THE STATE OF ILLINOIS IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. IN THE YEAR TWO THOUSAND ON THE NINTH DAY OF JUNE r C Caiman of the 1;,) lyd of TruJtees Acting Regutrar s Prrsident of the Unimnity Prvvr,it Dean CIURATORIA .. LABS r i Ngr�n ►, r�r i �•utYi.r r'a c�;hd J YN,f, i v1:15 rRCH U�IFvi�'r$1el; tgrr+ai�.t;(3rr1 T 79F-941 45134 City of Miami Miami, March 11, 2017 Miami, FL. To Whom It May Concern; I write this letter to recommend Francisco Herretes to the City of Miami in any capacity of work or academic endeavor in the area of Visual Arts as a candidate applying for the Board of the Art in Public Places of the City of Miami. Francisco is an individual of extremely high values and morals. He has shown dedication and professionalism in all aspects of his work related to the development and promotion of art in public ,places projects in Miami, over the past three years. He has shown his capacity as art project manager and as a financial entrepreneur regarding different Visual Arts projects, with particular emphasis in the integration of community involvement for projects in public places. As such, he is a strong creative leader to any art related project, with positive interactions with other team members, community leaders, artists and entrepreneurs related to art projects developed in Miami. His knowledge in the financial field is an asset. Francisco Herretes would be a valuable and highly productive addition to the creative leadership of an organization such as the Board of Art in Public Places. Sincerely, Jorge Luis Gutierrez Visual Arts Manager` Curator Executive Director Curatorial Labs About the sender of this letter: Jorge Luis Gutierrez i As a aynamic visual arts institutions manager Ana curator developed an extensive experience running, museums, collections and college art galleries in the Americas. is an architect with a Masters in museum management and Doctoral Studies in art education at New York university. Former museum director of the Alejandro Otero Museum of Visual Arts [Caracas] and the Freedom Tower Museum and MDC art galleries in Miami, FL. The author of several essays, forwards, catalogs and books on art. Has contributed to promoting an open, multifaceted view of Latin American and Caribbean art, been instrumental in the production and curatorship of key iconic modern and contemporary art exhibitions throughout the Americas. Currently is the project manager of the Borderless Caribbean project, external curator a MBCA Miami and advisor for art projects and cultural organizations. Head consultant of Curatorial Labs. PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT DivisloN CF ART IN PUBLIC PLACES ART IN PUBLIC 'PLACES BOARD APPLICATION CD The Art in Public Places Board Members receive no compensation for their service on the Board; but are entitled to reimbursement For necessary and ,proper expenses incurred in performing duties on the Board (e.g. parking for AIPP board meetings and conference(s)). Board members may be required to attend local and or national public art conferences. First Name _ Last Name I Address , . City State Zip Email Address Phone(Horne] (Phone(Office) Occupation Art in Public Places Board members shall have an Interest and knowledge of the visual and performing arts, and the artistic development of the city. Eight [8) Board members must be knowledgeable and have a Bachelor's, Master's or Doctorate Degree from an accredited university or college in one of the following Identlfled fields: Please check the one that pertains to you, Fine Arts or Museum Curaklon ❑ Architecture or Landscape Architecture ❑ Urban Planning or Urban Design ❑ Graphic or Product Design ❑ Art Education, Art History or History of Archilecture ❑ construction Management or Real Estate =; ❑ f=inance Z music = _ Please check the degree(s) that pertain to you, Cn ❑ Doctorate Ej masters Bachelors One (1) Board member and (2) alternate shall have an Interest in the visual and performing arts, Neither of thelc, members is required to have a Bachelors, Master, or Doctorate Degree. Interest In the Visual and Performing Arts SHO RT STATEMENT:.QI~.4UALIFICATiDhIS.. ffyou require adddional space, aftach addifioltal pages.) 1. Describe the qualities, experience, expertise and abilities that you ,possess that would make you an effective Art In Public Places board member that will act in the public Interest. PlanninglAlPPI AIPP Board Application 2162x17 Pogo 1 of 5 2, Describe your educational background and or general knowledge of the Arts. 3. Describe any prior community or personal involvement that you may have had that demonstrates interest in the Visual Arts, Public Art or the performing Arts. 4, What is It about the Art In Public Places Board that is compatible with your experience and of specffic Interest to you, and why? S. if appointed, what specific goals would you like to see the Public Art Board achieve, and why? Haw would you suggest accomplishing this? IREQUIR, Ea.AT CHMENTS. ]ems Resume ,1 ' Proof of Education No more than two (2) letters of recommendation ❑ Real Property Disclosure Form PianningPAMPPIAIPP Board Appticatioa 21OW7 Page 2of5 I have been a Performing Arts teacher for the past 28 years, leading programs in the areas of concert band, jazz band, chorus, orchestra, music theater, chamber music, dance and much more. I have worked with community groups to produce events which enhance arts in the community. 2. Born and raised in Miami -Dade, and graduating from Miami Senior High School, I have a true appreciation for the arts in our wonderful community. After high school I attended the University of Florida In Gainesville where I received my Bachelor of Music Education degree, Once 1 finished my tenure at OF I began a 21 -year career as a music educator in Naples, Florida. While in Naples I taught at Lely and Palmetto Ridge High Schools. During this time, I also received my Master Degree in Music Education from the University of Southern Mississippi. I also served as a district chair for the Florida Bandmasters Association, as well as the Middle School Representative for the Florida Music Educators Association, In 20111 returned to Miami -Dade and served as the Director of Bands, Choruses and Orchestra at Highland Oaks Middle School until accepting my current position of District Supervisor for the Performing Arts in Miami Dade County Public Schools 0 Obviously with my career choice I have constantly been involved in the arts and community. While in Naples I served on various event boards such as parades committee, Music in the Park, and many more. I have always believed that school arts should be more involved in the communities they serve. a The City of Miami is an international destination that serves a wide variety of cultures and experiences. With this in mind, the arts can serve as a bridge for our community to share, experience and strive towards making Miami the cultural capital of the world. My educational experiences have provided me the unique opportunity to work with parent groups, community groups and municipal entities. One of my personal goals is to see a growth of live music on the streets of Miami so everyone has an opportunity to experience the arts, I would like to see the Public Art Board provide opportunities for all Miamians as well as visitors from across the world the opportunity to see and hear the great talent we have here in our great city. This program also has the potential to enrich cultural experiences with and for a variety of different cultures. CiTY CODE SECTION 2.612(A) STATES, NO BOARD MEMBER SHALL. ENTER INTO A CONTRACT OR TRANSACT ANY BUSINESS WITH THE CITY OR ANY PERSON OR AGENCY ACTING FOR THE CITY, OR SHALL APPEAR IN REPRESENTATION OF ANY THIRD PARTY BEFORE ANY BOARD, COMMISSION OR AGENCY OF WHICH SUCH PERSON IS A MEMBER. HAVE YOU ENTERED INTO A CONTRACT OR ARE YOU CURRENTLY TRANSACTING ANY BUSINESS WiTH THE CITY OR ANY PERSON OR AGENCY ACTING FOR THE CITY? DYES NO Note, This restriction can be waived for a parlicular transaction or Iransactions only by a four-fifths (4151hs) affirmative - vote of the members of the City Commission. _ i have read and understand the qualifications for members that are set forth it) Sec, 62-63 of the City Code, aad hereby certify that; 1, i do not have any interest in the profits or emoluments of any contract, job, work, or service for the city. 2. f am in a position to represent the public interest, and do not have any personal or private interests ilkely to conflict with the public interest. 3. I do not hold any elective office in any governmental authority in the county or the city. 4. As a member of the Art in Public Places Board I agree to participate In at least one seminar on Public Art to be held in Florida, and approved by the city, during the course of each calendar year that I retrain a member or alternate member of the Art In Public Places Board. 5. As a member of the Art in Public Places Board I may be required to attend a city approved state or national Public Art conference once a year. 6. i acknowledge that I am subject to removal from the board if I fail to greet this requirement each and every year after assuming board membership or alternate membership, 7. As a prospective appointee i am subject to a personal appearance before the city commission, to afford the city commission an opportunity to ascertain my proficiency in the English language, educational background and general knowledge of Public Art. Please note, Art in Public Places Board members Applicants shall reside, own property or work withln the City of Miami. Should I fail to meet any of these requirements, i agree to immediately notify the city clerk. I agree that if I were to become a candidate for elective political office during my term and quallfy as a candidate for elective political office, such qualificatton shall be deemed a tender of my resignation from the board. i have read, understand and agree to comply with Section 2-611 of the Miami City Code which prohibits me from entering Into any contract or transact any business with the city or any person or agency acting for the city, or from appearing In representation of any third party before any board, commission or agency of which 1 am member, i also understand that prohibition upon activity which is set forth above remains in effect for a period of two years after I have left city service, I have read, understand and agree to comply with Section 2-613 of the Miami City Code which prohibits me from accepting, directly or Indirectly, from any person, company, firm or corporation to which any purchase order or contract is or might be awarded, any rebate, gift, money or anything of value whatsoever, except where given for the use and benefit of the city. Initial Pfanninq(AiPPiAIPP BoardAppkaffon 2/02J17 Page 3 of 5 I agree to comply with all financial disclosure requirements of the City, the County and the State including the requirements set forth in Section 2-11.1 of the Miami -Dade County Coale, and Florida Statutes Sec. 112-3145. I agree to comply with all ethics course requirements of City of Miami Code Section 2-654. I acknowledge that the code of ethics of Miami -Dade County shall apply to me as a member or alternate member of the Art In Public Places Board and hereby agree to abide by all the provisions thereof. I have read, understand and agree to comply with Section 2.613 of the Miami City Code which prohibits me from accepting, directly or indirectly, from any person, company, firm or corporation to which any purchase order or contract is or might be awarded, any rebate, gift, money or anything of value whatsoever, except where given for the use and benefit of the city. For additional information on Cade citations, please visit the wehsite of the Office of the City Attorney at httpriAwm. miamigov.comlcityattorneylindex.htmi for Internet tinks to citations. I recognize that membership on the Art in Public Places Board requires my regular attendance and participation at board meetings, 1 hereby certify that all Information In this application is complete, truthful, and accurate to the best of MY knowledge and that 1 have read and understand the qualifications and conditions of membership listed in this application. `ES N0 Print Name: wy Signature: cra Date: mss; TO BE COMPLETED BY STAFF CD; AR Plan ninglAlPPI Al PP Board Application 2102117 Page 4 ors CITY OF MIAMI REAL PRDIE13T�' C11 CLIJSIJRE FD JI `' (IN CONFORMANCE WITH SEC. 2.615 OF THE CITY CODE) Nate. rou are not iim! ed to e s Ace an the lines i uddannaisheeIsl f nev_essure. OATH I, do solemnly swear that the above is a true and accurate statement of my interests in real property located within corporate limits of the CITY OF MIAMI or 500 feet beyond the corporate limits of the CITY OF MIAMI, NAME;(Please Print): TITLE/POSiTJ0N WITH CITY OF MIAMI: NAME OF BOARD/COMMITTEE (If applicable): S)GNATt1RE: DATE: State of Florida On this the day of 20 _,_, before me,the undersigned Notary Public of the State of Florida, the foregoing instrument was acknowledged by County of NOTARY PUBLIC (Nam e of person signing and hisAher title (public officer, trustee or personal representative) SEAL OF OFFICE: WITNESS my hand and official seal. NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF FLORIDA (Name afNatagPublic. print, Srarnp, or Type os CommissfonedJ [� Personally Known to me, or Produced Identification: DID Take an Oath, or ypeof Identification PradWedJ Q DID NOT Take an Oath Pages of 5 Wilharn (Bill) Reaney 1510 NE 2ud Ave, Miami, PI, 33132 (305) 995-1903 billreancy0a dadcscleorals.net Ptofessto-nal PTORIC • Earned Bachelor's and plaster's in hlusic Education. • Experienced i:x usr- of the internet and music educational soft%vare, • Dedicated to enthusiastic and dynamic teaching as a means of creating and narturhig a lifelong love of knowledge in clOdren. • Fluent in both Spanish and English. Education, Honors, and Certifi-cat on,s Specialist of Educational Leadership Florida International University, Miami, Florida 2018 Master of Music Education _J University of Soutljem liississippi, HatticsbkIrg, i4iississippi 1994 Bachelor of Music Education �. University ofFlaridn, Gainesville, Florida 198f1 College Board - Certified Advanced Placement- h£usic T1lcory Professional Certification K-12 Alusic Education Florida Teachihig Certificate Employ hent District Supervisor, Performing Arts, Division of Academics Miami -Dade County Public Schools, 2016- present 0 Director of Bands, Chorus and Otchestra ❑ Highland Oaks Middle School, Miami 2011- 2416 ■ Adjunct Music Theory Professor o Florida Gulf Coast University 2009 -2011 ■ Director of Bands, Music Theater, fiance and Advanced Placement Music Theory Teacher ❑ Palmetto Ridge High School, Naples 2004 - 2011 Director of Bands and Advanced placement Music Theory Teacher o Lely High School, Maples 1989 - 2004 .Profcmional Afiii ,a otts Florida lklusic Education Association Florida Orchestra Association Florida Bandmasters Association - o served on state hoard as middle school representative (2011-13) Florida Vocal Association Floiidn Performing Arts Supervisors Association SuEsarr;'t�i�rf r1t U# S; 3�^ s ApTiarrr-Oj4fu ,,0"rlIy -Srhff of Sa rrt Or DOI0;{7 y A,;!, Trfr'f: Poiki r March 15, 2017 s.i Mr. Daniel J. Alfonso, City Manager City of Miami _ 444 S.W. 2 Avenue, 10 Floor Miami, FL 33130 - Dear Mr. Alfonso: It is with cheat pleasure that I recommend Mr. William Reaney to represent Miami -Dade County Public Schools (M-DCPS) on the City of Miami Art in Public Places Board, Mr. Reaney is part of the M-DCPS office that oversees arts education for the District and he is responsible for monitoring all of the Performing Arts classes and programs for M-DCPS, including those for the more than 50 schools within City of Miami boundaries, Mr, Reaney is a native of Miami -Dade who graduated from Miami Senior High School. Not only does Mr. Reaney have more than 28 years of experience in teaching Performing Arts, but he has also been on several community boards specifically aimed at increasing art in public places in other communities he has resided in, Mr. Reaney has been a great asset to our community since returning back home in 2011. 1 am certain he will be a boundless asset with deep knowledge of arts education in Miami through his service on the City's Art in Public Places Board. AMC:mf L857 Sincerely, .� Alberto M. Carvalho _ Superintendent of Schools S6*001 lS[?r3rrl4flt?�irti.5f1'rrftrirr E3tairiftar{ • 1450 N. F. 21?riAvcrr?�w - ,fvdirIMI, FI+,:udc •:3?x ;2 305-995-1009 w�vvvr.ritarlE Sr iter IS:Ii€ x �� kA � j'. � � r ; �� e f? Y ,,,�,,:�, ..... y �: �,.� �F� �?�`'��,.:. of ��,�,� ��. ,� PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT DIVISION OF ART IN PUBLIC PLACES ART IN PUBLIC PLACES BOARD APPLICATION CD The Art in Public Paces Board Members receive no compensation for their service on the Board; but are entitled to reimbursement for necessary and proper expenses incurred in performing duties on the Board (e.g. parking for AIPP board meetings and conference(s)). Board members may be required to attend local and or national public art conferences. First !Name Last Name Address, State zip roe- e `jC1d&--,r:�•-I0c S.neity Email Address Phone (Home) (Phone (Office) r�r fn 1, �r rLn fi I+L-I Occupation .J Art in Public Places Board members shall have an interest and knowledge of the visual and performing arts, and the artistic development of the city. Eight (8) Board members must be knowledgeable and have a Bachelor's, Master's or Doctorate Degree from an accredited university or college in one of the following identified fields: Please check the one that pertains to you. ❑ Fine Arts or Museum Curation ❑ Architecture or Landscape Architecture ❑ Urban Planning or Urban Design ❑ Graphic or Product Design ❑ Art Education, Art History or History of Architecture ❑ construction Management or teal Estate ❑ Finance Music Please check the degree(s) that pertain to you. ❑ Doctorate Masters Bachelors One (1) Board member and (2) alternate shall have an interest in the visual and performing arts, Neither of these members is required to have a Bachelors, Master, or Doctorate Degree. AJinterest in the Visual and Performing Arts SHORT STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS (Ifyou require additional space, attach additional pages, ) 1. Describe the qualities, experience, expertise and abilities that you possess that would make you an effective Art in Public Places board member that will act in the public interest, Planning/AIPP) AIPP Board Application 2102117 Page 1 of 5 2. Describe your educational background and or general knowledge of the Arts. 3. Describe any prior community or personal involvement that you may have had that demonstrates interest in the Visual Arts„ Public Art or the Performing Arts. A. What is it about the Art in Public Places Board that is compatible with your experience and of specific interest to you, and why? 5. If appointed, what specific goals would you like to see the Public Art Board achieve, and why? How would you suggest accomplishing this? REQUIRED ATTACHMENT'S Resume Proof of Education No more than two (2) letters of recommendation ❑ meal Property Disclosure F=orm PlanninglAIPPI Al PP Board Application 2102117 Page 2 of 5 1. I have beers a Performing Arts teacher for the past 28 years, leading programs in the areas of concert band, jazz band, chorus, orchestra, music theater, chamber music, dance and much mare. I have worked with community groups to produce events which enhance arts in the community. 2. Born and raised in Miami -bade, and graduating from Miami Senior High School, I have a true appreciation for the arts in our wonderful community. After high school I attended the University of Florida in Gainesville where I received my Bachelor of Music Education degree. Once I finished my tenure at OF I began a 21 -year career as a music educator in maples, Florida. While in Naples I taught at Lely and Palmetto Ridge High Schools. During this time, I also received my Master Degree in Music Education from the University of Southern Mississippi. I also served as a district chair for the Florida Bandmasters Association, as well as the Middle School Representative for the Florida Music Educators Association. In 20111 returned to Miami -Dade and served as the Director of Bands, Choruses and Orchestra at Highland Oaks Middle School until accepting my current position of District Supervisor for the Performing Arts in Miami Dade County Public Schools. 0 Obviously with my career choice I have constantly been involved in the arts and community. While in maples I served on various event boards such as parades committee, Music in the Park, and many more. I have always believed that school arts should be more involved in the communities they serve. Do The City of Miami is an international destination that serves a wide variety of cultures and experiences. With this in mind, the arts can serve as a bridge for our community to share, experience and strive towards making Miami the cultural capital of the world. My educational experiences have provided me the unique opportunity to work with parent groups, community groups and municipal entities. One of my personaI goals is to see a growth of live music on the streets of Miami so everyone has an opportunity to experience the arts. 5. I would like to see the Public Art Board provide opportunities for ail Miamians as well as visitors from across the world the opportunity to see and hear the great talent we have here in our great city. This program also has the potential to enrich cultural experiences with and for a variety of different cultures. CITY CODE SECTION 2-612{A} STATES, NO BOARD MEMBER SHALL ENTER INTO A CONTRACT OR TRANSACT ANY BUSINESS WITH THE CITY OR ANY PERSON OR AGENCY ACTING FOR THE CITY, OR SHALL APPEAR IN REPRESENTATION OF ANY THIRD PARTY BEFORE ANY BOARD, COMMISSION OR AGENCY OF WHICH SUCH PERSON IS A MEMBER. HAVE YOU ENTERED INTO A CONTRACT OR ARE YOU CURRENTLY TRANSACTING ANY BUSINESS WITH THE CITY OR ANY PERSON OR AGENCY ACTING FOR THE CITY? DYES NO Note: This restriction can be waived for a particular transaction or transactions only by a four-fifths (415ths) affirmative vote of the members of the City Commission. I have read and understand the qualifications for members that are set forth in Sec. 62-63 of the City Code, and hereby certify that: 1. I do not have any interest in the profits or emoluments of any contract, job, work, or service for the city. 2. 1 am in a position to represent the public interest, and do not have any personal or private interests likely to conflict with the public interest. 3, 1 do not hold any elective office in any governmental authority in the county or the city, 4. As a member of the Art in Public Places Board I agree to participate in at least one seminar on Public Art to be held in Florida, and approved by the city, during the course of each calendar year that I remain a member or alternate member of the Art In Public Places Board. 5. As a member of the Art in Public Places Board I may be required to attend a city approved state or national Public Art conference once a year. 6. 1 acknowledge that I am subject to removal from the board if I fail to meet this requirement each and every year after assuming board membership or alternate membership. 7. As a prospective appointee I am subject to a personal appearance before the city commission, to afford the city commission an opportunity to ascertain my proficiency in the English language, educational background and general knowledge of Public Art. Please note; Art in Public Places Board members Applicants shall reside, own property or work within the City of Miami. Should I fail to meet any of these requirements, I agree to immediately notify the city clerk. I agree that if I were to become a candidate for elective political office during my term and qualify as a candidate for elective political office, such qualification shall be deemed a tender of my resignation from the board. I have read, understand and agree to comply with Section 2-611 of the Miami City Code which prohibits me from entering into any contract or transact any business with the city or any person or agency acting for the city, or from appearing in representation of any third party before any board, commission or agency of which I am member. I also understand that prohibition upon activity which is set forth above remains in effect for a period of two years after I have left city service. I have read, understand and agree to comply with Section 2-613 of the Miami City Code which prohibits me from accepting, directly or indirectly, from any person, company, firm or corporation to which any purchase order or contract is or might be awarded, any rebate, gift, money or anything of value whatsoever, except where given for the use and benefit of the city. Initial Planning/AIPPJ Al PP Board Application 7142117 Page 3 of 5 I agree to comply with all financial disclosure requirements of the City, the County and the State including the requirements set forth in Section 2-11.1 of the Miami -Dade County Code, and Florida Statutes Sec. 112-3145. 1 agree to comply with all ethics course requirements of City of Miami Code Section 2-654. 1 acknowledge that the code of ethics of Miami -Dade County shall apply to me as a member or alternate member of the Ark in Public Places Board and hereby agree to abide by all the provisions thereof. I have read, understand and agree to comply with Section 2-613 of the Miami City Code which prohibits me from accepting, directly or indirectly, from any person, company, firm or corporation to which any purchase order or contract is or might be awarded, any rebate, gift, money or anything of value whatsoever, except where given for the use and benefit of the city. For additional information on Code citations, please visit the website of the Office of the City Attorney at http:llwww. miamigov.comlcityattorney/index.html for internet links to citations. I recognize that membership on the AN in Public Places Board requires my regular attendance and participation at board meetings. hereby certify that all information in this application is complete, truthful, and accurate to the best of my knowledge and that 1 have read and understand the qualifications and conditions of membership listed in this application. $2y ES [] NO I Print Name: VV Signature, !(9 Date: c: Please complete this form and submit to: Office of the City Clerk City of Miami 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 Attn: Nicole N. Ewan For additional information on the Art in Public Places Board and or the Art in Public Places Ordinance please contact Efren Nunez, Planning and Zoning Department at 305.416.1402 or via email at EftenNunez@miamigov.com TO BE COMPLETED BY STAFF CD: AP: PlanninglAIPP/ A]PP Board Application 2!02117 Page 4 of 5 CITY OF MIAMI ,P REAL PROPERTY DISCLOSURE FORM IN CONFORMANCE WITH SEC. 2-69 5 OF THE CITY CODE t l fra_1 is Legal Description (trot T, Primrose Sec 4, PEI 52) Common Address (123 North East 54th St) Title Legal/Equitable Ownership Wholefln Part Zoning Class Present use !Vote: You are not limited to the space on the lines in this farm. Attach additional sheet(s) if necessary. OATH do solerrinly swear that the above is a trok� and accurate statement of my interests in real property located within corporate limits of the CITY OF MIAMI or 500 feet Beyond the corporate limits of the CITY OF MIAMI. W, , r el NAME:(Please Print): ham �-eo r) -r TITLE/POSITION WITH CITY OF MIAMI: _ NAME OF BOAR DICOMMITTEE {if applicable] —r f1 C Cl LZ02 Z ' f' SIGNATURE: DATE:+ On this the j 5 day ofrut ) 2D i 1 before me,the undersigned Notary Public State of Florida of the Stat ,o F�orida, the f ego instrument as acknowledged by County of 0-M'r — IPc.�t �! I �c M • K � (Name ofperson signing and his/her title (public officer, trustee at personal representative) NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL OF OFFICE: WITNESS my hand and officia -seal. L ra NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE FLORIi3A Notary Public State of FlorWa MiCoIG N Ewan M Commission FF ii75750 (Name of Notary Public Print, Stamp, r p omr& ale t912020 ® Personally Known tome, or Produced Identification: F po ( i X)►'W S LiCUISel (Type of Identification Produced) DID Take an Oath, or ❑ DID NOTTake an Oath Page 5 of 5 William (Bill) Reaney 1514 NE 2nd Ave. Miami, FL 33132 (305) 995-1903 bffireane y(t?Fd a des ch ools.net Professional Profile • Earned Bachelor's and lfasids in Music Education. Experienced in use of the internet and music educational mfm are. Dedicated to enthusiastic and dynamic reaching as a means of creating and nurturing a lifelong love of knowledge in children. fluent in both Spanish and English. Education, Honors, and Certifications Specialist of Educational Leadership Florida Intemational University, Miami, Florida 2018 Master of Music Education University of Southern itlississippi, Hattiesburg, :Mississippi 1994 Bachelor of Music Education University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 1988 College Board Certified :Xdvanced. Placement- Nfusic Theoiz, Professional Certification K-12 lIusic Education Florida Teaching Certificate Employment • District Supervisor, Perform ing Arts, Division of Academics Miami -Dade County Public Schools, 2416- present ■ Director of Bands, Chorus and Orchestra a Highland Oaks Middle School, Miami 2011- 2016 • Adjunct Music Theory Professor a Florida Gulf Coast University 2409 -2011 • Director of Bands, Music Theater, Dance and Advanced Placement Music Theory Teacher o Palmetto Ridge High School, Naples 2004 - 2011 • Director of Bands and Advanced Placement Music Theory Teacher o Lely High School, Naples 1989 - 2004 Professional Afflha tions Florida Music Education Association Florida Orchestra Association Florida Bandmasters Association - o served on state board as middle school representative (2011-13) Florida Vocal _Association Florida Performing Alts Supervisors Association Superintendent of Schools Alberto M. Carvalho March 15, 2017 Mr. Daniel J. Alfonso, City Manager City of Miami 444 S.W. 2 avenue, 10 Floor Miami, FL 33130 Dear Mr. Alfonso: Miami -Dade County School Board Lir. Lawrence S. Feldman. Chair Dr. Marta Perez. 'Vice Chair Lir. Dorothy Bendross-Miridingall Susie V Castillo Lir. Steve Gallon rrl Perla Tabares Hantman Dr. Martin Karp Lubby Navarro Mari Tere Rojas It is with great pleasure that I recommend Mr. William Reaney to represent Miami -Dade County Public Schools (M-DCPS) on the City of Miami Art in Public Places Board. Mr. Reaney is part of the M-DCPS office that oversees arts education for the District and he is responsible for monitoring all of the Performing Arts Glasses and programs for M-DCPS, including those for the more than 50 schools within City of Miami boundaries. Mr. Reaney is a native of Miami -Dade who graduated from Miami Senior High School. Not only does Mr. Reaney have more than 28 years of experience in teaching Performing Arts, but he has also been on several community boards specifically aimed at increasing art in public places in other communities he has resided in. Mr. Reaney has been a great asset to our community since returning back home in 2011. 1 am certain he will be a boundless asset with deep knowledge of arts education in Miami through his service on the City's Art in Public Places Board. AMC:mf L857 Sincerely, berto M. Carvalho Superintendent of Schools School Board Administration Building - 1450 N. E. 20d Avenue - Mianni, Florida 33132 305-995-1000 - www.dadeschools_net aw �iurrai�y �ufern fRisLltnSISSippi At 3irroimnrnbrrtion of the AsruEtgr of the (guarst 04 T �" unb bg =t4m itp of the 11mrb of trustrrs bas conferreb upim 91im C" *tx t4r brgrre of Anstaof causic Pucation ,,At Antfitsburg, ffiissisfiW, August 5, 1994 faith all tht rioft =Lb pritI&Bt* rrrisiming to that bsgrss. tnsitrrs 'Mniurr*it+s i�lr�r ef"�rrai- Ar--lite Orrsib"d !ar ,Ar f6 - --U,lll' �lttiitrrcit+� �� lot* 63 J acbelor of Music Ebuc on 1t4t x este #er�uxo �--z,�--_, ----- tSOutb Mtb tog Ogal of tot AnilaJersag affixeb v garb of Pgntiz upm re fim of the Aaadt of of ble lIInllegt of dine .Arts _, ., RlTi1,{ �i et i �ei�rt tet t j div of Pecember, CITY OF MIAMI PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT VICKY ROMAY - PORTAFOLIO January - 2017 The attached documents are to apply for any candidature as a volunteer to Art Public Places Board 1. - Application r • 4 2. - Resume 3. - Letters of recommendation - - r 4. - Proof of Education Universidad de La Habana: Licenciado en Historia (1981 ) Universidad de La Habana: "Post-Grado Publicidad Gerencial" (2001) ]� Ministerio de Educaci©n Superior — Centro de SuperaciDn para la Cultura: "Estudios Socioculturales" (2000) Y Ministerio de Education Superior — Centro de Superacibn para la Cultura: "Post-Grado de CURADORIA" (2000) Union de Escritores y Artistas de Cuba (UNEAC): Seminario Teorico "La Curaduria, un laboratorio para el Arte". (2000). Fototeca de Cuba: "Corso Introductorio de Fotografia" (2001) Ministerio de Cultura: "Curso de Gestion y Organization de Proyectos Culturales y Bases para la Difusion de la Cooperacion Internacional" (1995) PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT DIVISION OF ART IN PUBLIC PLACES ART IN PUBLIC PLACES BOARD APPLICATION The Ark in Public Places Board Members receive no compensation for their service on the Board; but are entitled to reimbursement for necessary and proper expenses incurred in performing duties on the Board (e.g. parking for AIPP board meetings and conference(s)). Board members may be required to attend local and or national public art conferences. First Name Last Name Vicky Romay Address 850 Sw, 2nd Ave. Apt. 3708 City Miami State Zip FL 33130 Email Address Phone (Home) (Phone (Office) vicky.romay@gmai1.com 786 718 3123 Occupation Curator Art in Public Places Board members shall have an interest and knowledge of the visual and performing arts, and the artistic development of the city. Eight (8) Board members must be knowledgeable and have a Bachelor's, Master's or Doctorate Degree from an accredited university or college in one of the following identified fields: Please check the one that pertains to you. ® Fine Arts or Museum Curation ❑ Architecture or Landscape Architecture ❑ Urban Planning or Urban Design ❑ Graphic or Product Design Ig Art Education, Art History or History of Architecture. ❑ Construction Management or Beal Estate C-; ❑ Finance ❑ Music Please check the degree(s) that pertain to you. r� ' ❑ Doctorate ❑Masters XBachelors L One (1) Board member and (2) alternate shall have an interest in the visual and performing arts. Neither of these members is required to have a Bachelors, Master, or Doctorate Degree. ® Interest in the Visual and Performing Arts SHORT STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS (if you require additional space. attach additional pages.) 1. Describe the qualities, experience, expertise and abilities that you possess that would make you an effective Art in Public Places board member that will act in the public interest. With over 25 years of professional experience, I worked as curator, art dealer, events coordinator, public relations, art consulting and advisory services for collectors of contemporary art with diverse range of styles and materiales for home and businnes in and out. I have also collaborated with construction companies as Artistic Advisor in differents projects PlanninglAIPPI AIPP Board Application 1197/17 Pagel of 2. Describe your educational background and or general knowledge of the Arts. Bachelor Decree in History- Havana University, Havana, Cuba. 1980 Post Degree at the Inte_r_national Commerce Institute. Havana, Cuba, 1989-82 Post Degree. Curso de Publicidad Gerencial. Havana, University, Cuba 2001 Marketing_ Studies at the lbero American Institute of Cooperation, Madrid Spain. 1989 Management Administration for Cultural Projects-, Centro VVIfredo Lam, Havana, Cuba. 1995 Post Degree. Seminario Teorico "Curaduria".Union de Escritores y Artistas de Cuba. La Habana, Cuba. 200 Post Degree. " Cultural Studies"Union de Escritores y Artistas de Cuba, Havana, Cuba, 2000 Certification. Fetography Studies.. Cuba Fototeca. Havana, Cuba. 2001 Spanish Teacher Diploma. Cervantes Institute. Calgary University. Calgary, Alberta, Canada. 2007 3. Describe any prior community or personal involvement that you may have had that demonstrates interest in the Visual Arts, Public Art or the Performing Arts. In 70's I worked at the Community Development Institute in Havana, Cuba as resercher. It w there that I could appreciate the importance of Public Art in the Cultural Development of he Communit In the 80's, 1 was Professor of Aesthetics at the Oriente University, Cuba, and Dtor of the Cultural Center in Holguin, Uuba. Later in 90's Director of thec�C acia Gallery, Havana, Cu5a-' Countles exhibitions in the USA, Canada, Belgium, France, Spain, The Dominican Republic, Jamaica and C�dba with internatmal_ painters, pho ograpgr�i and sculptors.) have also collaborated with con_str u-tinn companies as Artistic Advmi.nr in Qiba and l ISA - 4. S_4. What is it about the Art in Public Places Board that is compatible with your experience and of specific interest to you, and why? I would like to share m knowled e and experience in the fiefs of fine arts, art education, museDloqy, architecture, art history and interior designe to contribute with my criteria for the best execution of the program to collaborate in the improvement of the city with the development of the Public Art. a way to educate besides beautifiyIng the city and make a difference. 5. If appointed, what specific goals would you like to seethe Public Art Board achieve, and why? How would you suggest accomplishing this? First of all to know the areas available and the order of priorities according to the budget I would like to see proposal that give the vision of the multicultural city respecting the architectural environment and the icons that mark the city of Miami - REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS LO Resume CA Proof of Education IR No more than two (2) letters of fecommendation Planning/AIPPI AIPP Board Application 1117117 Page 2 of 4 is CITY CODE SECTION 2-612(A) STATES, NO BOARD MEMBER SHALL ENTER INTO A CON'TRAPT OR TRANSACT ANY BUSINESS WITH THE CITY OR ANY PERSON OR AGENCY ACTING FOR THE CITY, OR SHALL4P.PEAR IN REPRESENTATION OF ANY THIRD PARTY BEFORE ANY BOARD, COMMISSION OR AGENCY OF WHICH SUCH PERSON IS A MEMBER. HAVE YOU ENTERED INTO A CONTRACT OR ARE YOU CURRENTLY TRANSACTING ANY BUSINESS WITH THE CITY OR ANY PERSON OR AGENCY ACTING FOR THE CITY? []YES R] NO Note: This restriction can be waived for a particular transaction or transactions only by a four-fifths (4/5ths) affirmative vote of the members of the City Commission. I have read and understand the qualifications for members that are set forth in Sec. 62-63 of the City Code, and hereby certify that; 1. I do not have any interest in the profits or emoluments of any contract, job, work, or service for the city. 2. l am in a position to represent the public interest, and do not have any personal or private interests likely to conflict with the public interest. 3. 1 do not hold any elective office in any governmental authority in the county or the city. 4. As a member of the Art in Public Places Board I agree to participate in at least one seminar on Public Art to be held in Florida, and approved by the city, during the course of each calendar year that 1 remain a member or alternate member of the Art in Public Places Board. 5. As a member of the Art in Public Places Board I may be required to attend a city approved state or national Public Art conference once a year. 6. 1 acknowledge that I am subject to removal from the board if I fail to meet this requirement each and every year after assuming board membership or alternate membership. 7. As a prospective appointee l am subject to a personal appearance before the city commission, to afford the city commission an opportunity to ascertain my proficiency in the English language, educational background and general knowledge of Public Art. I agree to immediately notify the city clerk if I cease to be a resident and/or an elector of the city during the term of my office. Please note: Art in Public Places Board members are not require to reside within the City of Miami. I agree that if I were to become a candidate for elective political office during my term and qualify as a candidate for elective political office, such qualification shall be deemed a tender of my resignation from the board. I have read, understand and agree to comply with Section 2-611 of the Miami City Code which prohibits me from entering into any contract or transact any business with the city or any person or agency acting for the city, or from appearing in representation of any third party before any board, commission or agency of which I am member. I also understand that prohibition upon activity which is set forth above remains in effect for a period of two years after I have left city service. I have read, understand and agree to comply with Section 2-613 of the Miami City Code which prohibits me from accepting, directly or indirectly, from any person, company, firm or corporation to which any purchase order or contract s &mht be awarded, any rebate, gift, money or anything of value whatsoever, except where given for the use and be eft,o the city. / f Initial Planning/AIPP! AIPP Board Application 1117117 Page 3 of 4 I agree to comply with all financial disclosure requirements of the City, the County and the State including the requirements set forth in Section 2-11.1 of the Miami -Dade County Code, and Florida Statutes Sec. 112-3145. 1 agree to comply with all ethics course requirements of City of Miami Code Section 2-654. 1 acknowledge that the code of ethics of Miami -Dade County shall apply to me as a member or alternate member of the Art in Public Places Board and hereby agree to abide by all the provisions thereof. For additional information on Code citations, please visit the website of the Office of the City Attorney at http:llwww. miamigov.com/cityattorney/index.html for Internet links to citations. I recognize that membership on the Art in Public Places Board requires my regular attendance and participation at board meetings. I hereby certify that all information in this application is complete, truthful, and accurate to the best of my knowledge and that I have read and understand the qualifications and conditions of membership listed in this application. ❑x YES ❑ NO Print Name, VICTORIA 2MI AY I ANEZ VICKY Signature: r.3 r . G] Bate: JAN UAR F-,--20.17 _ co Please complete this form and submit to: Office of the City Clerk City of Miami 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 Attn: Nicole N. Ewan For additional information on the Art in Public Places Board and or the Art in Public Places Ordinance please contact Efren Nunez, Department of Planning and Zoning at 305.416.1402 or via email at EfrenNunez@miamigov.com CB- To be completed by staff PlanninglAIPP1 AI PP Board Application 1117/17 Page 4 of 4 CITY OF MIAMI REAL PROPERTY DISCLOSURE FORM (IN CONFORMANCE WITH SEC. 2-615 OF THE CITY CODE) Legal Description {Lot 7, Primase Sec 4, PB 52) Common Address (123 North fast 54th St) Title i_egallEquitahle Ownership Wholelln Part Zoning Class Present Use NONE Note: You are not limited to the space on the lines in this form. Attach additional sheet s if necessa OATH NAME:(Please Print): VICTORIA ROMAY IBANEZ TITLE/POSITION WITH CITY OF MIAMI: ART IN PUBLIC PLACES BOARD NAME OF BOARD/CCM TTEE (If applicable): ART IN PUBLIC PLACES SIGNATURE: MATE: On this the _Inst r day of _March 20 17_, before me,the undersigned Notary Public State of Florida of the State of Florida, the foregoing instrument was acknowledged by County of Vl C k)24 A "A-� ,it-{ – — (Name of person signing and iris/her title (public officer, trustee orpersonol representative) 5 L. NAYLEEN GpN�'ALE2 rr `( WITNESS my hand and official seal I Notary Public - Stale of Floridai�a My Comm. Expires Apr 25, 2016 NOTA& P BLIV STATE OF FLORIDA �.'I OF Ft64: Commission # FF 079899 ,r,rur 1 W — – (Name of Notary Public: Prints Stamp, or Type as Commissioned) l� Personally Known to rne, or Produced Identification: (Type of Identification Produced) DID Take an Oath, or 0 DID NOTTake an Oath c VICTORIA ROMAY IBANEZ Vicky 850 Sw, 2nd Ave. Apt. 1708, Miami, FL.. Ph. 786 718 3123. vicky.romayCc mall -.col -ii SUMMARY Over twenty five years of professional experience working in Hotels and Cultural Centers as, curator, management marketing and public relations, assistant and coordinator events, QUALIFICATIONS • More than 20 years of management experience. • Adept at planning, promotions and forecasting. • Outstanding training, leadership and communication skills. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE International Sales Strategies and Campaigns • Business Process and Strategic Development, • Acquisition negotiation and Assimilation e Visionary with clear sense of purpose and urgency • Ability to increase sales and revenue. Artistic Advisor at PLP Construction Company. Miami, FI. USA 2009 Freelance Curator and Art Dealer. Since 1994. USA, Canada Spain, France, Belgium, Dominique Republic, Jamaica, Panama, and Cuba CURATORIAL PROJETS (Selection) 2016 Adviser 2015 Ca D'Oro Gallery New York." Cardinal Points" Esteban Blanco, Jose Ney, Antonio Nunez, Geandy Pavon 2015-2016 Adviser for CINTAS FOUNDATION FELLOWSHIP IN ARCHITECTURE were Rolando Paciel became nominated as FINALISTS. MIAMI, FL, USA 2015 Red Dot Art Fair during Art Basel. Miami, FI. Rolando Paciel, Maricarmen Fernandez, and Octavio Cuellar 2015.Miami Hispanic Cultural Arts Center. "Deep Inside".Jaqueline Zerquera. 2015 Miami Hispanic Cultural Arts Center. "Tocar Madera"Fernando Orega and "Style and color".Mari Carmen Fernandez. Miami, FL. USA 2014 1 rs, Miami Photo Salon. Kaplan Hall &Camp, Wolson Auditorium. During Art Basel Tomas Sanchez:, Jose Iraola, Liset Castillo, Jose A.Vincench, Ivan Canas, Carlos Mayol, Nestor Arenas, Niurka Barroso, Osmany Torres, Mari Carmen Fernandez. Miami, FI. USA. 2014 Miami Hispanic Cultural Art Center. The voice of the soul. Pedro Avila Solo Show. Miami, FI. USA 2014 Obrapia Fine Art Gallery. Competition. Reinterpretations of the Mona Lisa. Miami, FL, USA 2014 International images. Pittsburgh, Fernando Ortega. Solo show. Pennsylvania, 2013 Milander Center, La mano Hispana, Collective show. Miami. FL, USA La Septima Puerta. Sculpture Show, Fernando Ortega, Hialeah, Fl. 2013 Art Dealer -Curator 2009- 2010 -2011 -- 2012 2005-2008. Multicultural CenTER. Calgary. Ab. 2005 "Behind the Abstract. Axis Contemporary Art, Calgary, Alberta 2005 "'Beyond Boundaries", exhibition of Cuban's Photographers at FourbyFive Gallery, Art Center, Calgary Ab. Canada 2006 Art Point Gallery. Style and colors. Calgary, Ab. Canada 2004. Entre Aguas Galeria de Arte. "Fabulaciones entre pinceles, Madrid, Spain. 2004 Museo de Arte Colonial," Habana, cromo de una epoca", Cuba 2003 Museo de la Musica." Jazztraccion in Memoria." Havana, Cuba 2002 The Cuban Paster Project at The Advertising Club of New York 2001 Rush Art Gallery. He had to be black, New York, New York POSITIONS AS LEADER • Director of the Acacia Gallery, Havana, Cuba, 1989 - 1994 • Director Assistant of Marketing, and Public Relations. Fondo Cubano de Bienes Culturales (Cuban Foundation for Cultural Patrimony) Havana, Cuba 1983-1989 1979-80 Santiago de Cuba, University, Cuba , Professor and Events Coordinator 1980-1982. General Events Coordinator at the Cultural Center Heredia, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba 1982-1984 Director of the Holguin Cultural Center Province, Cuba 1984- 1989 Director Assistant of Marketing and Public Relation. Fondo Cubano de Bienes Culturales Havana, Cuba EDUCATION • Spanish Teacher Diploma. Cervantes Institute, Calgary University, AB, Canada, 2007 *Photographic Studies, Fototeca, Havana, Cuba. 2001 • Workshop for Art Curators. National Union of Writers and Artists Havana, Cuba, 2000 • Intensive Management, Administration for Cultural Projects. National Union of Writers and Artists, Havana, Cuba. 1999 • Marketing Studies. ibero-American Institute of Cooperation, Madrid, Spa in,1989 • Post Degree in International Commerce (two years), International Commerce institute Havana, Cuba. 1980-1982 • Bachelor's Degree in History. Havana University, Havana, Cuba. 1980 • Abraham Lincoln School of Languages. Havana, Cuba French Teacher. 1966 • Spanish, English and French languages • Microsoft. AWARDS AND HONOURS • 2007 Volunteer of the year 2007, Multicultural Centre. Calgary, Alberta, Canada • 2000 Selected as a Jury Member, Master's Thesis Evaluations, University of Havana, • Cuba. 2002 Jury Member, Master's Thesis Evaluations, Havana University of Cuba 2000 Under the auspices of the La Acacia Gallery, Havana, Cuba and Faconnable French firm, organized Fine Arts the competition of the same name. 1997 Curator of the 1 st. Latin American and Caribbean International Biennial of Engraving in Cali, Colombia where Cuba won 1st place and the remaining 5 Awards, all went to Cubans artists. REFERENCES UPON REQUEST C G A L L E R I A " 1��Irs111" li lilllll�I� r'�11' Iloilo' I i ilo.: Miami January 23, 2017 To whom it may concern: I am writing this letter to confirm that I have had the pleasure working with Mrs. Victoria Romay Ibanez (Vicky), and I can attest to her hard work and professionalism. About 2 years ago she presented an exhibition project for my gallery in New York to exhibit 4 very talented artists. She developed, performed the curatorship and the exhibition design of this exhibition; for which I can attest to her high level of professionalism, her qualifications as an art expert, and her ability to both lead a team and work with the team. I am recommending her with a high level of confidence that she will perform all of her duties to the highest level possible. Cordially ky � Gloria Porcella N) P •• Owner.P Galleria Ca' d'Oro Galleria Ca' d'Oro Miami 4141 NF 21,,' ave suite 105F 33137 iffaLoka-doro.c{1m wwwxa-doro.Com PLP CONSTRUCTION GROUP. INC DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION FLQRI4A STATE LICENCE G€NERAL CQNTRACiQR #CGC1513�35 �MRLQ A55>=soR # M3i5A$A4 (MQLQ REMELIIATDR q MRSR873 � W{?ME IHSPEf.TC}R # WI412fi January 24 2017 To whom it may concern: The present letter is to confirm that I have known Victoria Romay Ibanez (Vicky) since 2008 and I have always seen her as a very hardworking and professional person, who has collaborated with my company as an Artistic Adviser in different projects Her expertise, in the development of a cohesive contemporary art portfolio for my company, has been invaluable. I recommend her as a professional who is always informed on the latest trends and ready to share her knowledge. Sincerely P bio L. Pensado CGC1513035 President Construction Group, INC OF t C) i aP�y q © -� c N _ C� CGC 1513035 X, `T7 ore r ��t+"[lctiori �� l,iJ It THIS 1 0 Ct IEY THAT THIS IS A TRUE co Of roryE IGIIVAL 17OCUMEhlT KEPUSLICA DE' CRJBA 4. tEisr�tlD cDU�AGiCN $Ut?ERICiR► ULIO CE kf awl®NAZI l ,r. CERTIFIGATfr i (.WICtIx INSTRUMNAL CERTIFICATION ION OFFICE OF HUMAN .RE5OURCES d MIAMf DAi? CCjt It�EiE�iil 5CS3p15 13 FI "tl + �Jih4 P iii/! I.' W0 c r t~-4zz�l O-A +G1Lm'� a • al a/ 0 Alp% 43 A A't% wig V ORW r i • Ap dmf i eat_' _ AnA g - - c�':] OUdo A711 - - _ r . r EDUCACIDN DE POSTGRADO UNIVERSIDAD DE LA HABANA r FACULTAD DE COMUNICACION r ASOCIACION CUBANA DE PUBLICITARIOS Y PRGPAGANDISTAS El Senor (a): VTCKY ROMAY Ha realizado con evaluacio"n de EXCELENTE el CURSO DE PUBLICIDAD GERENCIAL (due se efectuv del dia 17 de al dla 91 de d c dic del 20 01 del 20 ❑ 1 Dado en CIUTAD DE LA HABANA el dia 2Cj del mes dic del ZD �1 PRDFESOR 1801 s �'-,FOLIO .D- [VE$d:5���1.��HAl VISTO BUEND ER co paa ero(a)) Con una total de_ �.:, — bores, que se inieW el dio , del mes de Y finaliz6 el dia dei mes de dei 20______, aprobodo por el Ministerzo de Edue$cihju Superkor. ado en el dig del mes de dei 20 .e...�. fro%scar er Folio del M.R.S. N-,). '19)RU-11, El cofflpafiero(a)., hs sprobado con una evaluacion de Con un total de home, que se inic'R6 el d del mes de y fin&Uz6 el dis del mes de del P-probado por el Ministerio de Educaci& Superior. Dade en ei dfa del mes de del 20 Profegor!a � MI FoUo del M.E.S. No. V -a ............... ............................... . .... ....... . .............................. CERTIFICA 0 x I � wr A FAVOR DE: VICTORIA ROM" I BAN EZ POR SU PARTICIPACION EN EL SEMINARIO TEQRICO "LA CURADURfA, UN LABORATORIO PARA EL ARTE, CELEBRADO EN LA SALA "RUBEN MARTfNEZ VILLENA" DE LA UNEAC DEL 18 AL 26 DE SEPTIEMBRE DEL 2000. CIUDAD DE LA HABANA, 26 DE SEPTIEMBRE DEL 2000. COOR ADOR PRESIDENTE ASOCIACION DE ARTES PLASTICAS UNEAC. :I: E1 companero (a) 1*1 Fototeca de Cuba IMAIW�.N ...... ..... ..... ..... p tL de 2001 y finalize el dia de 2001. Dado en Ciudad de La Habana, a los Ell �J/ r^Tsffiael Almeida Profesor del curso de 2001. d. +t 3 �! Lourdes Socarras Directora del mes de del mes de =0 M 13 .............................................................................. . . . . . U ha aprohado con una evaluacien de el curso: 7 ..3 . 1 con un total de 6i I/ horas, que se inicie el dia de de 2001 y finalize el dia de 2001. Dado en Ciudad de La Habana, a los Ell �J/ r^Tsffiael Almeida Profesor del curso de 2001. d. +t 3 �! Lourdes Socarras Directora del mes de del mes de =0 M 13 .............................................................................. . . . . . U vtoURSO DE GESTION Y ORGANIZACION i s PROYECTOS CULTURALES Y BASES PARA LA INFUSION 'OE LA COOPERAC[ON INTERNACIONAL. P L 0 Se Ptorga '3: VICTORIA RO Q Y por su p@-.ff:.ipacion en el curso. La Haf: ctma, 13 de enero de 1995. Sr. Pablo Rico ❑iregtor FL!ndacIon Pllar;i Joan >`W6. Dra. L!i! fa Godoy Director Centro redo Lam. PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT DIVISION OF ART IN PUBLIC PLACES ART IN PUBLIC PLACES BOARD APPLICATION CD The Art in Public Places Board Members receive no compensation for their service on the Board; but are entitled to reimbursement for necessary and proper expenses incurred in performing dirties on the Board (e.g. parking for AIPP board meetings and conferences}). Board members may be required to attend local and or national public art conferences. JUAN VALADEZ First Name 1212 MARIANA AVE Address JRV@RFC.MUSEUM Email Address MUSEUM DIRECTOR Occupation Last Name CORAL GABLES City 786-271-9512 Phone (Home) FL 33134 State Zip 305-573-6090 (Phone (Office) Art in Public Places Board members shall have an interest and knowledge of the visual and performing arts, and the artistic development of the city. Eight (8) Board members must be knowledgeable and have a Bachelor's, Master's or Doctorate Degree from an accredited university or college in one of the following identified fields: Please check the one that pertains to you. ® Fine Arts or Museum Curation Urban Planning or Urban Design ❑ Art Education, Art History or History of Architecture ❑ Finance Please check the degree(s) that pertain to you. ❑ Architecture or Landscape Architecture ❑ Graphic or Product Design ❑ Construction Management or Real Estate Music ❑ Doctorate ❑ Masters Bachelors r One (1) Board member and (2) alternate shall have an interest in the visual and performing arts. Neither.af these members is required to have a Bachelors, Master, or Doctorate Degree. ❑ Interest in the Visual and Performing Arts SHORT STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS (If you require additianai space, attach additional pages.) 1. Describe the qualities, experience, expertise and abilities that you ,possess that would make you aro effective Art in Public Places board member that will act in the public interest. For the past 17 years I have worked on exhibitions of oontern porary art in my role as museum director at the Rube] I FS mily Collection! Contem ora ry Arts Foundation and worked direct!y with hundreds of emerging and internationally reoNnized artists. In the last six Years we have traveled our exhibitions to 16 museums around the country, most recently presenting an exhibition in Washington D.C. at the National Museum of Women in the Arts. In addition to creating exhibitions our foundation commissions new, site specific artwork from artists. Our museum has been open to the public for 25 years. Inngaginq the public in a meaningful and educational way is of the utmost importance for us. Planning/AIPPi AIPP Board Application 2102117 Page 1 of 5 2. Describe your educational background and or general knowledge of the Arts. I graduated from the Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art in New York City. While at the Cooper Union I studied studio art. and art history and constantly visited and learned From the city's museums and galleries 3. Describe any prior community or personal involvement that you may have had that demonstrates interest in the Visual Arts, Public Art or the Performing Arts. For the past five years I have been a member of the Miami -Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs Professional Advisory Committee and for the past year I have been a member of the Corai Gables Arts Advisory Panel. I constantly visit artists' studios and meet with art students at New World School of the Arts, F1U, University of Miami, Miami Dade College and Broward College. 4. What is it about the Art in Public Places Board that is compatible with your experience and of specific interest to you, and why? In my role as museum director I commission artists to create compelling, innovative, and large-scale artwork installations that are site specific. & If appointed, what specific goals would you like to see the Public Art Board achieve, and why? HoW would you suggest accomplishing this? Unlike artwork inside of a museum's walls, a city's public art is experienced by millions of people and should elevate and -enrich residents and visitors engagement with the city. Public art is the most prominent display of a city's engagement with and commitment to contemporary culture. Too often public art fails to activate, communicate with, challenge and educate its massive audience. The artists selected, whether from Miami or abroad, young or old, known or unknown, should be of the highest caliber and most critically, the Public Art Board must make sure the artist selected understands the specific nature and needs of the Miami community, our cultural landscape, the site where the art will exist and the need to work within the project's bud et. The Public Art Board must make certain that the artwork resonates resou ndi nq I y for genorat ions to come. REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS Resume fl Proof of Education DELAYED BECAUSE ON STORM IN NORTHEAST X No more than two (2) letters of recommendation N/A Plan ninglAIPPI A I P P Board Application 2102/17 Page 2 of 5 CITY CODE SECTION 2-612(A) STATES, NO BOARD MEMBER SHALL ENTER INTO A CONTRACT OR TRANSACT ANY BUSINESS WITH THE CITY OR ANY PERSON OR AGENCY ACTING FOR THE CiTY, OR SHALL APPEAR IN REPRESENTATION OF ANY THIRD PARTY BEFORE ANY BOARD, COMMISSION OR AGENCY OF WHICHMCH PERSON IS A MEMBER. HAVE YOU ENTERED INTO A CONTRACT OR ARE YOU CURRENTLY TRANSACTING ANY BUSINESS W1TH"THE CITY OR ANY PERSON OR AGENCY ACTING FOR THE CITY? []YE5 ;gNO Note: This restriction can be waived for a particular transaction or transactions only by a four-fifths 4415thsj affirmative vote of the members of the City Commission. I have read and understand the qualifications for members that are set forth in Sec. 62-63 of the City Code, and hereby certify that: 1. I do not have any interest in the profits or emoluments of any contract, job, work, or service for the city. 2. 1 am in a position to represent the public interest, and do not have any personal or private interests likely to conflict with the public interest. 3. 1 do not hold any elective office in any governmental authority in the county or the city. 4. As a member of the Art in Public Places Board I agree to participate in at least one seminar on Public Art to be held in Florida, and approved by the city, during the course of each calendar year that I remain a member or alternate member of the Art in Public Places Board. 5. As a member of the Art in Public Places Board I may be required to attend a city approved state or national Public Art conference once a year. 6. I acknowledge that I am subject to removal from the board if I fail to meet this requirement each and every year after assuming board membership or alternate membership. 7. As a prospective appointee I am subject to a personal appearance before the city commission, to afford the city commission an opportunity to ascertain my proficiency in the English language, educational background and general knowledge of Public Art. Please note: Art in Public Places Board members Applicants shall reside, own property or work within the City of Miami. Should i fail to meet any of these requirements, I agree to immediately notify the city clerk. I agree that if I were to become a candidate for elective political office during my term and qualify as a candidate for elective political office, such qualification shall be deemed a tender of my resignation from the board. I have read, understand and agree to comply with Section 2-611 of the Miami City Code which prohibits me from entering into any contract or transact any business with the city or any person or agency acting for the city, or from appearing in representation of any third party before any board, commission or agency of which I am member, I also understand that prohibition upon activity which is set forth above remains in effect for a period of two years after I have left city service. I have read, understand and agree to comply with Section 2-613 of the Miami City Code which prohibits me from accepting, directly or indirectly, from any person, company, firm or corporation to which any purchase order or contract is or might be awarded, any rebate, gift, money or anything of value whatsoever, except where given for the use and benefit of the city. 'J ,I Initial PlanninglAlPPI AIPP Board Application 2/02/17 Page 3 of 5 I agree to comply with all financial disclosure requirements of the City, the County and the State including the requirements set forth in Section 2-11.1 of the Miami -Bade County Code, and Florida Statutes Sec. 112-3145. I agree to comply with all ethics course requirements of City of Miami Code Section 2-654. i acknowledge that the code of ethics of Miami -'Dade County shall apply to me as a member or alternate member of the Art in Public Places Board and hereby agree to abide by all the provisions thereof. I have read, understand and agree to comply with Section 2-613 of the Miami City Code which prohibits me from accepting, directly or indirectly, from any person, company, firm or corporation to which any purchase order or contract is or might be awarded, any rebate, gift, money or anything of value whatsoever, except where given for the use and benefit of the city. For additional information on Code citations, please visit the website of the Office of the City Attorney at http:llwww. miamigov.com/cityattorney/index.html for Internet links to citations. I recognize that membership on the Art in Public Places Board requires my regular attendance and participation at board meetings. I hereby certify that all information in this application is complete„ truthful, and accurate to the best of my knowledge and that I have read and understand the qualifications and conditions of membership listed in this application. ®'`vrs ❑ NO Print Name: ` `1 '0 Signature:'" Date: l \k c{ r-,. .AL.. \'--k , )_'D � Please complete this form and submit to. - Office of the City Clerk City of Miami 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 Attn: Nicole N. Ewan For additional information on the Art in Public Places Board and or the Art in Public Places Ordinance please contact Efren Nunez, Planning and Zoning Department at 305.416.1402 or via email at EfrenN unez c@miamigov.com CD: AP: TO BE COMPLETED BY STAFF __71 Planning/AIPP1 AIPP Board Application 2102117 Page 4 of 5 0 „ rCITY OF MIAMI REA=ye: L PROPEM DISCLOSURE FORM t ;a (IN CONFORMANCE WITH SEC. 2-615 OF THE CITY CODE Legal Description (Lot 7, Primose Sec 4, PB 52) Common Address {723 North East 54th St) Title LegallEquitahle Ownership whole/in Part Zoning Class Present Use Nate: You are not limited to the space on the lines in this forret. Attach additional sheetfsl if necessary OATH Q_ % do solemnly swear that the above is a true and accurate statement of my interests in real property located within corporate limits of the CITY OF MIAMI or 500 feet beyond the corporate limits of the CITY OF MIAMI. NAME:(Please Print): � '1011V1\" } C"� C." j e TITLEIPOSITlDN WITH CITY OF MIAMI: NAME OF BOARD/COMMITTEE (If applicable): t2 ! SIGNATURE: DATE: State of Florida County of MAW11 -1DAd"V_ NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL OF OFFICE: On this thea_ day of M4f ( i') 20 Ll before me,the undersigned Notary Public of the 5tatp of Florida, [h)? foreggir}g instrument was acknowledged by (Name ofperson signing and hislher title (public officer, trustee orpersonai representative) WITNESS my hand and official eal. 11 Q NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF R (Name of Notary Public: Print, Stag= ❑ Personally Known to me, tar Produced Identification;—'ei a_ r iy S L_( _UAJ C Type of Identification Produced) ❑ DID Take an Oath, or DID NOT Take an Oath BY VIRTUE OF THE AUTHORITY VESTED IN THEM ANIS ON THE FECOMMI N DATION OF THE FACULTY USTEES HAVE CONFERRED UPON THE THE TR COOPER. UNION JUAN J . VALADEZ FOR THE THE DEGREE OF ADVANCEMENTBACHELOR of FINE ARTS IN RECOGNITION OF THE SATISFACTORY COMPLETION OF SCIENCE OF THE PRESCRIBE -.D AND ART COURSE OF STUDY IN THE SCHOOL OF ART IN WITNEM WHEREOF THIS DIPLOMA HAS BEEN AWARDED IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK 25 MAY 1999 FfAiFI.V_pN OF M} YltiL'S?E4� /�4�/r�1S,.J� *44j, SVC HF:TAfLV lx�- PR IUFLr L�F.Ati Juan Valadez 1212 Mariana Ave Coral Gables, FL 33134 (786) 2719512 Juan.V@rfc.museum Born 1976, Brasilia, Brazil Education 1999 BFA The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, New York, New York Professional Experience 2009 -Present Director, Rubell Family Collection/Contemporary Arts Foundation, Miami, FL Responsible for managing, exhibiting and loaning the Foundations' collection of 7,500 paintings, sculptures, installations, photographs and works on paper. Responsible for curating, commissioning large scale artwork and presenting exhibitions in Miami and traveling these exhibitions to museums worldwide. Recent exhibitions have been presented at the Detroit Institute of Arts (30 Americans), Madrid's Fundacion Santander (Paintings from the Rubell Family Collection), Washington D.C.'s National Museum of Women in the Arts (No Man's Land), San Antonio's McNay Museum of Art (Mode in Germany), Cincinnati Museum of Art (30 Americans) and San Francisco's Asian Art Museum (28 Chinese). 2000-2009 Collections Manager, Rubell Family Collection/ContemporaryArts Foundation, Miami, FL Other Interests Studying birds, fish and plants in Everglades National Park, Biscayne National Park and the Florida Keys' Great White Heron National Wildlife Refuge. Miami, FL 33133 ` 2327 SALZEESO STREET CORAL GABLES Re: City of Miami, Art in Public Places Board Nomination FLORIDA 33134 Dear Ms. Ewan: (] 305-460,5093 (D hisr@coralgablesxom It is with great pleasure to write in support of Mr. Juan Roselione-Valadez as a member of the City of Miami's new Art in Public Places Board. Mr. Roselione-Valadez joined the City of Coral Gables' Arts Advisory Panel in March, 2016. He was sought out as the highly regarded director of one the Country's leading privately owned art collections, the RubeIl Family Collection, and for having the experience of contributing to similar public art panels such as the Miami -Dade County Art in Public Places Professional Advisory Committee. Since joining the Coral Gables Arts Advisory Panel, Mr. Roselione-Valadez's professional background has been invaluable. He provides well-educated, informed, and insightful feedback that positively contributes to the sometimes complex review of public art proposals. At the Rubell, Mr. Roselione-Valadez leads a collection that is at the forefront of contemporary art and has a long-standing reputation for prolific curation and selection of artists and artworks. This type of experience, cultivated over many years of hands-on involvement, is something difficult to come by in any city. Essentially, I have found Mr. Roselione-Valadez's perspective to be incisive, while understanding the intricacies of our diverse community. He would do the same for the City of Miami and have the City's best interest at heart in the development of its public art collection. As a resident, I'm thrilled that future public artworks may have his input. Mr. Roselione-Valadez has my highest recommendation to serve on this Board and I look forward to hearing of the first artworks commissioned by the City of Miami. Sincerely, Catherine J. Cathers Arts & Culture Specialist, City of Coral Gables Resident, City of Miami 3Q 1kk1lf, p k a �f1 h 1^� 4��14•}� new ' r March 14, 2017} -�`• oR7�-17.-. .fJ f7 Nicole N. Ewan = Office of the City Clerk (-' 1-1&orical ,Resources 0 City of Miami .^, Cuttura2Arts 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 ` 2327 SALZEESO STREET CORAL GABLES Re: City of Miami, Art in Public Places Board Nomination FLORIDA 33134 Dear Ms. Ewan: (] 305-460,5093 (D hisr@coralgablesxom It is with great pleasure to write in support of Mr. Juan Roselione-Valadez as a member of the City of Miami's new Art in Public Places Board. Mr. Roselione-Valadez joined the City of Coral Gables' Arts Advisory Panel in March, 2016. He was sought out as the highly regarded director of one the Country's leading privately owned art collections, the RubeIl Family Collection, and for having the experience of contributing to similar public art panels such as the Miami -Dade County Art in Public Places Professional Advisory Committee. Since joining the Coral Gables Arts Advisory Panel, Mr. Roselione-Valadez's professional background has been invaluable. He provides well-educated, informed, and insightful feedback that positively contributes to the sometimes complex review of public art proposals. At the Rubell, Mr. Roselione-Valadez leads a collection that is at the forefront of contemporary art and has a long-standing reputation for prolific curation and selection of artists and artworks. This type of experience, cultivated over many years of hands-on involvement, is something difficult to come by in any city. Essentially, I have found Mr. Roselione-Valadez's perspective to be incisive, while understanding the intricacies of our diverse community. He would do the same for the City of Miami and have the City's best interest at heart in the development of its public art collection. As a resident, I'm thrilled that future public artworks may have his input. Mr. Roselione-Valadez has my highest recommendation to serve on this Board and I look forward to hearing of the first artworks commissioned by the City of Miami. Sincerely, Catherine J. Cathers Arts & Culture Specialist, City of Coral Gables Resident, City of Miami MIAMI• Carlos A. Girneney, Mayor Ari in Public Places Board City of Miami March 13, 2617 Dear Selection Committee, Cultural Affairs 111 NW l st Street ■ Suite 625 Miami, FL 33128-1994 T305-375-0534 F 3135-375-3468 uiiamidadearts.org miamidade.gov On behalf Miami -Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs, Art in Public Places program, I am pleased to share a warm recommendation for Juan Roselione-Valadez for service on the City of Miami Ari in Public Places Board. Mr. Roselione-Valadez has a strong track record of multiple terms as a participant in the Miami -Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs Professional Advisory Committee (PAC), and continues to be active to -date. In this capacity, Mr. Roselione- Valadez is a member of an eleven (11) member committee composed of professionals in the field of art, architecture, art history, or architectural history as required by the Miami -Dade County Art in Public Places Ordinance, Mr. Roselione-Valadez's duties as a PAC member include screening submissions and making recommendations to the Art in Public Places Frust for each acquisition, which may be existing works of art or new commissions with budgets reaching into millions of dollars annually. Appointed to the PAC for his expertise in the field of art as the Director of the Rubell Family Collection, one of the foremost private collections of contemporary art internationally, Mr. Roseiione-Valadez has a vast knowledge of cutting edge contemporary art and exhibitions, and a keen sense of site- specific commissioning. He upholds thoughtful and respectful conduct with representatives of client teams. Throughout his tenure, Mr. Roselione-Valadez has made an important contributions to the Miami -Dade County Art in Public Places program, one of the longest running and most accomplished public art programs in the county established in 9973 comprising a collection of over 700 artworks. Please do not hesitate to contact me for further information. Kind regards, Andanfill po Curator and Artist Manager Art in Public Places f Miami -Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs C 111 NW 1 st Street, Suite 625 Miami, FL 33128 Ph. 305.375.5436 Fax 305.375.3668 amandas@miamidade.gov www.miamidadepublicart.org Ewan, Nicole From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Good morning Trisha: Nunez, Efren Thursday, March 16, 2017 11:22 AM Trisha Logan Ewan, Nicole RE: AIPP Application MX-M464N_20170316_112522.pdf My apologies, just found your application... I will forward the hard copy of your application to the Clerk's Office via internal mail. From: Trisha Logan [mailto:trishaklogan@gmail.com] Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 6:25 AM To: Nunez, Efren Subject: Re: AIPP Application Good Morning, Efren. As a follow-up to my email below, I dropped off the original version of my application to your office at 4pm yesterday. I also realized that the resume that was attached in the previous email is not the most current and I have attached an updated version to this email. Please let me know if you need anything else from me at this time. Regards, Trisha Logan On Wed, Mar 15, 2017 at 4:39 PM, Nunez, Efren <EfrenNunez@miamigov.com> wrote: 1 Efren Nunez ,#'�� Planning & Zoning Department " City of Miami 305.416.1402 U K 1 EfrenNunez@miamieov.com From: Trisha Logan [mailto:trishaklogan@gmail.com] Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 6:25 AM To: Nunez, Efren Subject: Re: AIPP Application Good Morning, Efren. As a follow-up to my email below, I dropped off the original version of my application to your office at 4pm yesterday. I also realized that the resume that was attached in the previous email is not the most current and I have attached an updated version to this email. Please let me know if you need anything else from me at this time. Regards, Trisha Logan On Wed, Mar 15, 2017 at 4:39 PM, Nunez, Efren <EfrenNunez@miamigov.com> wrote: 1 From: Trisha Logan [mailto:trishaklogan@gmail.com] Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2017 4:15 PM To: Nunez, Efren Subject: Fwd: AIPP Application Dear Efren, Please see application materials attached for consideration to act as a member of the Art in Public Places Board. I have provided a completed application form, my college transcripts, and my resume. I will be providing a reference letter in a separate email. If you need anything else or have any questions, please let me know. Regards, Trisha K. Logan Historic Preservation Planner 117.4423161 trishaklogankgmail. com Trisha Logan W: www.trishaklogan.weebl. RFrlvFlIj ( Ak.;,; - rMFrj PLANNING AND ZONING OEPARTMENT DIVISION OF ART IN PUBL(+q P.LA.C'E CI-' 41. OC A -RT IN PUBLIC PLACES BOARD APPLICATION CD he Art in Public Places Board Members receive no compensation for their service on the Board; but are entitled to reimbursement for necessary and proper expenses incurred in performing duties on the Board (e.g. parking for AIPP board meetings and conference(s)). Board members may be required to attend local and or national public art conferences. TE ish,��,",as) First Name Last Na e Address City State Zip :tyi 5h,K ( Qac Mat, �. Gj1Yh 3 11447, • Email Address Phone (Home) (Phone (Office) W st Yt(, Eye Seyo6-yiC1,Wyi� Occupation Art in Public Places Board members shall have an interest and knowledge of the visual and performing arts, and the artistic development of the city. Eight (8) Board members must be knowledgeable and have a Bachelor's, Master's or Doctorate Degree from an accredited university or college in one of the following identified fields: Please check the one that pertains to you. ❑ Fine Arts or Museum Curation ❑ Architecture or Landscape Architecture ❑ Urban Planning or Urban Design ❑ Graphic or Product Design N Q O n, Art Education, Art History or History of Architecture ❑ Construction Management or Real Estate X- c.n ❑ Finance ❑ Music Please check the degrees) that pertain to you. t. rr ❑ Doctorate amasters 11Bachelors C`5 z One (1) Board member and (2) alternate shall have an interest in the visual and performing arts. Neither of these members is required to have a Bachelors, Master, or Doctorate Degree. ❑ Interest in the Visual and Performing Arts SHORT STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS (if you require additional space, attach additional pages.) 1. Describe the qualities, experience, expertise and abilities that you possess that would make you an effective Art in Public Placesboar me ber that will ct in th p blicjnter st. a Planning/AIPP/ AIPP Board Application 2/02/17 Page 1 of 6 Planning/AIPP/AIPP Board Application 2/02/17 Page 2 of 5 In W1109071MIRAW MAW-- 1!MIH311M COMM ` ' II / or�Ii' r .` LL I Ill ' /. /. ' / 1 / L' A�!%III•i� . ,�' i L ✓Y .// ' i� . '.i _ � ,ice .. / ..i . � _. /OII, J 1 A / / WA FOR I W./ - ., lwiml 1 /11102REM MM: a law e D Planning/AIPP/AIPP Board Application 2/02/17 Page 2 of 5 In CITY CODE SECTION 2-612(A) STATES, NO BOARD MEMBER SHALL ENTER INTO A,CONTRACT OR TRANSACT ANY BUSINESS WITH THE CITY OR ANY PERSON OR AGENCY ACTING FOR THE CITY, OR.SHALL APPEAR IN REPRESENTATION OF ANY THIRD PARTY BEFORE ANY BOARD, COMMISSION OR AGENCY OF WHICH SUCH PERSON ISA MEMBER. HAVE YOU ENTERED INTO A CONTRACT OR ARE YOU CURRENTLY TRANSACTING ANY BUSINESS WITH THE CITY OR ANY PERSON OR AGENCY ACTING FOR THE CITY? F]YES ANO Note: This restriction can be waived for a particular transaction or transactions only by a four-fifths (4/5ths) affirmative vote of the members of the City Commission. I have read and understand the qualifications for members that are set forth in Sec. 62-63 of the City Code, and hereby certify that: 1. I do not have any interest in the profits or emoluments of any contract, job, work, or service for the city. 2. 1 am in a position to represent the public interest, and do not have any personal or private interests likely to conflict with the public interest. 3. 1 do not hold any elective office in any governmental authority in the county or the city. 4. As a member of the Art in Public Places Board I agree to participate in at least one seminar on Public Art to be held in Florida, and approved by the city, during the course of each calendar year that I remain a member or alternate member of the Art in Public Places Board. 5. As a member of the Art in Public Places Board I may be required to attend a city approved state or national Public Art conference once a year. 6. 1 acknowledge that I am subject to removal from the board if I fail to meet this requirement each and every year after assuming board membership or alternate membership. 7. As a prospective appointee I am subject to a personal appearance before the city commission, to afford the city commission an opportunity to ascertain my proficiency in the English language, educational background and general knowledge of Public Art. Please note: Art in Public Places Board members Applicants shall reside, own property or work within the City of Miami. Should I fail to meet any of these requirements, I agree to immediately notify the city clerk. I agree that if I were to become a candidate for elective political office during my term and qualify as a candidate for elective political office, such qualification shall be deemed a tender of my resignation from the board. I have read, understand and agree to comply with Section 2-611 of the Miami City Code which prohibits me from entering into any contract or transact any business with the city or any person or agency acting for the city, or from appearing in representation of any third party before any board, commission or agency of which I am member. I also understand that prohibition upon activity which is set forth above remains in effect for a period of two years after I have left city service. I have read, understand and agree to comply with Section 2-613 of the Miami City Code which prohibits me from accepting, directly or indirectly, from any person, company, firm or corporation to which any purchase order or contract is or might be awarded, any rebate, gift, money or anything of value whatsoever, except where given for the use and benefit of the city. Initial Planning/AIPP/AIPP Board Application 2/02/17 Page 3 of 5 I agree to comply with all financial disclosure requirements of the City, the County and the State including the requirements set forth in Section 2-11.1 of the Miami -Dade County Code, and Florida Statutes Sec. 112-3145. I agree to comply with all ethics course requirements of City of Miami Code Section 2-654. I acknowledge that the code of ethics of Miami -Dade County shall apply to me as a member or alternate member of the Art in Public Places Board and hereby agree to abide by all the provisions thereof. I have read, understand and agree to comply with Section 2-613 of the Miami City Code which prohibits me from accepting, directly or indirectly, from any person, company, firm or corporation to which any purchase order or contract is or might be awarded, any rebate, gift, money or anything of value whatsoever, except where given for the use and benefit of the city. For additional information on Code citations, please visit the website of the Office of the City Attorney at http://www. miamigov.com/cityaftorney/index.html for internet links to citations. I recognize that membership on the Art in Public Places Board requires my regular attendance and participation at board meetings. I hereby certify that all information in this application is complete, truthful, and accurate to the best of my knowledge and that I have read and understand the qualifications and conditions of membership listed in this application. Print Name: Signature: Date: lk�YES [—] NO Please complete this form and submit to: Office of the City Clerk City of Miami 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 Attn: Nicole N. Ewan For additional information on the Art in Public Places Board and or the Art in Public Places Ordinance please contact Efren Nunez, Planning and Zoning Department at 305.416.1402 or via email at EfrenNunez@miamigov.com TO BE COMPLETED BY STAFF CD: AP: Planning/AIPP/ AIPP Board Application 2/02/17 Page 4 of 5 CITY OF MIAMI REAL PROPERTY DISCLOSURE FORM <., (IN CONFORMANCE WITH SEC. 2-615 OF THE CITY CODE) Legal Description (Lot 7, Primose Sec 4, PB 52) Common Address (123 North East 54th St) Title Legal/Equitable Ownership Whole/In Part Zoning Class Present Use C - Note: You are not limited to the space on the lines in this form. Attach additional sheet(s) if necessary. I, 1 f I W 114 LU �10 OATH do solemnly swear that the0above is a true and accurate statement of my interests in real property located within corporate limits of the CITY OF MIAMI or 500 feet beyond the corporate limits of the CITY OF MIAMI. NAME:(Please Print): TITLE/POSITION WITH CITY OF MIAMI: NAME OF BOARD/COMMITTEE (If applicable): (� �U�✓I �lU�,��f, SIGNATURE: —t DATE: `� I State of Florida County of NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL OF OFFICE: ti's"•y BEATRIZALVAREZ MY COMMISSION t FF 071860 EXPIRES: November 20, 2017 Bonded Thru Notary public Underwriters On this the day of NAaV Ch 20 0 before me,the undersigned Notary Public of the State of Florida, the foregoing instrument was acknowledged by (Name of person signing and his er title (public officer, trustee or personal representative) WITNESS my hand and official seal. — VDrh N TARY PUBLIC, STATE OF FLORIDA (Name of Notary Public: Print, Stamp, or Type as Commissioned) Personally Known to me, or Produced Identification: Type of Identification Produced) ❑ DID Take an Oath, or DID NOT Take an Oath Page 5 of 5 TRISHA K. LOGANJEED trishaklogan@gmail.com • www.trishaklogan.weebly.com • 317.442.3163 EDUCATION The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois Master of Science, 2006: Historic Preservation Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana Bachelor of Arts, 2004: Interior Design (FIDER Accredited) and Art History EXPERIENCE City of Fort Lauderdale, Fort Lauderdale, Florida Planner III - Historic Preservation Planner, February 2017 - Present Initiate architectural surveys throughout the city to identify and designate new historic districts and individual structures. Analyze deficiencies and prepare updates to the city code as related to historic preservation and archeology. City of Miami, Miami, Florida Historic Preservation Planner, May 2009 — November 2009; October 2014 - February 2017 Reviewed and analyzed construction documents to make recommendations on applications for Certificates of Appropriateness for proposed work affecting historic properties; review plans for compliance with local, state, and federal laws and guidelines including the preparation of Section 106 reviews; respond to inquiries regarding historic preservation; prepare staff reports and make presentations to the Historic and Environmental Preservation Board Conducted historic surveys, researched and prepared designation reports for proposed historic sites and historic districts including the the Farkas Residence, the Babylon Apartments, and the Lindsey Residence; provide technical assistance to property owners and neighborhood groups; prepare and facilitate public outreach meetings Analyzed data relating to the productivity and processing of applications within the Preservation Office, track fee intake, identify areas for improvement, and streamline application process and forms Administered Transfer of Development Rights program; process applications for Certificates of Eligibility and Certificates of Transfer; analyze application and transfer data to make improvements to the program Lead efforts to update the City of Miami's Historic Design Guidelines incorporating language and new graphics for clarification of review; conducted neighborhood outreach meetings; created new sections of guidelines for further enhancement Columbia University, GSAPP, New York, New York Asst. Director of Urban Planning and Historic Preservation, May 2012 — October 2014 Acted as an academic adviser for all Historic Preservation and Urban Planning students Served each program as the liaison to other University offices, the professions, students, faculty, alumni, and the general public Maintained yearly budgets of $100,000 for the operation of each program's activities Coordinated special events such as new student orientation, open houses, thesis reviews, career development activities, alumni gatherings, and conferences Supervised two staff members and three teaching assistants within both programs Advised students groups such as APA-PSO, URBAN Magazine, InQuiry:HP, LIPS (Lectures in Planning Series), and Student Program Council Lead efforts for the reaccreditation of the Urban Planning Program through the Planning Accreditation Board including; development of a 5 -Year Strategic and organization of peer review of the document; compilation and edits to the Self -Study Report TRISHA K. LOGANJEED trishaklogan@gmail.com • www.trishaklogan.weebly.com • 317.442.3163 Forst Consulting and Architecture, PLLC, New York, New York Preservation Project Manager, October 2011 — May 2012 Surveyed historic structures for existing conditions utilizing both scaffold drops and visual inspection to collect information; researched and wrote reports on the existing conditions of historic structures for clients and the Landmarks Preservation Commission • Developed construction documents to aid the contractor in pricing and execution; organized bid package and oversaw bidding process; developed specifications and project manuals through product research and hands on testing • Notable projects include; West Village Residences, Villard Houses City of San Antonio, San Antonio, Texas Historic Preservation Planner, September 2010 — October 2011 • Administered the Historic Acquisition Program, a Revolving Fund program funded by a CDBG Grant to acquire and rehabilitate historic properties in low to moderate income areas; administered the Preservation Rehabilitation Loan Program, a low interest loan offered for low to moderate income homeowners • Developed and managed several educational outreach projects including S.TA.R. (Students Together Achieving Revitalization), a hands-on revitalization workshop involving over 200 college student volunteers, providing exterior repairs and maintenance to over 26 homes • Reviewed applications for the Historic Design and Review Commission for property owners seeking to make repairs or alterations to their historic site. Ellen J. Uguccioni, Cultural Resources Consultants, Miami, Florida Historic Preservation Assistant (Part Time), November 2009 — October 2010 • Conducted reconnaissance surveys, researched and prepared designation reports for proposed sites; conducted Section 106 reviews for a large housing project development to determine significance prior to demolition • Prepared presentation for historic commissions and developed defense material in support of designations AltusWorks, Inc., Chicago, Illinois Historic Preservation Specialist, June 2008 — January 2009 Assisted project managers in executing the scope of work through regular site visits, surveys of structures for existing conditions, research of historic structures, report writing and development of construction documents Developed marketing materials and responded to Requests for Qualifications by writing proposals for potential projects Notable Projects: East Park Tower, Peck Elementary School, Saxony Court Condominiums WASA/STUDIO A, LLP, New York, New York Architectural Conservator, June 2006 — June 2008 Assisted project managers in executing the scope of work through regular site visits, surveys of structures for existing conditions, research of historic structures, report writing and development of construction documents Developed Specifications through product research and hands-on field testing._ Notable Projects: The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, Brooklyn Academy of Musid; Metropolitan Transit Authority Headquarters v SKILLS - AutoCad Hand Drafting Digital Video Microsoft Office Adobe Creative Suite Digital Photography Google Sketch Up ArcGIS MAC OS PURDUE J N I V E R S I T Y Record of: Trisha Kay Logan Current Name: ACADEMIC TRANSCRIPT Date Issued: 26 -MAY -2010 Level: Undergraduate Program GPA : As Of : Page: 2 RAISED SEAL NOT REQUIRED; 0 .. -I CERTIFY This official transcript does QAbuF 4SOF THE RECORD OFTHE'ABovE STUDENT.' not require a raised seal * +£ UNIVERSITY REGISTRAR FEDERAL LAW PROHIBITSTHE RELEASE OF INFORMATION FROM THISTRANSCRIPT WITiiQUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE INDIVIDUAL WHOSE RECORD IT IS. ALTERATION OR -FORGERY OF THIS DOCUMENT MAY BE A CRIMINAL OFFENSE . EXPi1Wp1710N KEY AND AUTHENTICITY-c6NFiRMAT10N INFORMATION ON REVERSE SIDE. SUBJ NO. COURSE TITLE CRED GRD PTS R SUBJ NO. COURSE TITLE CRED GRD PTS R IncritU*_ion. Tnformation continued:_ Institution Information continued: LA 15000 Preservation Issues 1.00 A 4.00 Ehrs: 12.00 GPA-Hrs: 12.00 QPts: 39.00 GPA: 3.25 LA 15100 Building Preservation 1.00 A 4.00 Continued Good Standing LA 15200 Community Preservation 1.00 A 4.00 SOC 36700 Religion In America 3.00 B 9.00 Spring 2004 Ehrs: 18.00 GPA-Hrs: 18.00 QPts: 57.00 GPA: 3.17 AD 45400 Modern Architecture 3.00 A 12.00 Continued Good Standing AD 49000 The Science Of Art 3.00 A 12.00 HIST 37700 Hist & Cult Native Am 3.00 A 12.00 Summer 2002 HE 22600 Contemp Women's Health 3.00 A 12.00 STA? 11300 Statistics & Society 3.00 B 9.00 LA 25000 Architectural Design 1.00 A 4.00 Ehrs: 3.00 GPA-Hrs: 3.00 QPts: 9.00 GPA: 3.00 Ehrs: 13.00 GPA-Hrs: 13.00 QPts: 52.00 GPA: 4.00 Continued Good Standing Semester Honors Continued Good Standing Fall 2002 ******+***+*********** TRANSCRIPT TOTALS *xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx*****:x AD 31200 Roman Art 3.00 A 12.00 Earned Hrs GPA Hrs Points GPA AD 32700 Art History Methods 3.00 A 12.00 TOTAL INSTITUTION 160.00 154.00 467.00 3.03 AD 43000 Interior Design V 3.00 C 6.00 AD 48500 Hist Contemporary Int 3.00 B 9.00 TOTAL TRANSFER 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ITAL 10100 Italian Level I 3.00 B 9.00 Ehrs- 15.00 GPA-Hrs: 15.00 QPts: 48-00 GPA: 3.20 OVERALL 160.00 154.00 467.00 3.03 Continued Good Standing ********************* END OF TRANSCRIPT *********************** Spring 2003 PD 38400 Postmodernism 3.00 A 12.00 AD 44000 Inter Detail & Const 3.00 B 9.00 AD 45100 Italian Renaissn Art 3.00 A 12.00 AD 46500 Professional Practice 3.00 B 9.00 POL 13000 Intro Intl Reltns-IUB 3.00 B 9.00 Ehrs: 15.00 GPA-Hrs: 15.00 QPts: 51.00 GPA: 3.40 Continued Good Standing Fal_ 2003 AD 22600 History Of Art To 1400 3.00 A 12.00 AD 49000 Art Museum Practices 3.00 A 12.00 ANTH 47300 Religion In Society 3.00 B 9.00 PHIL 33100 Religions Of The West 3.00 C 6.00 xxxx*xx*********+x** CONTINUED ON NEXT COLUMN ***********xxxx**** RAISED SEAL NOT REQUIRED; 0 .. -I CERTIFY This official transcript does QAbuF 4SOF THE RECORD OFTHE'ABovE STUDENT.' not require a raised seal * +£ UNIVERSITY REGISTRAR FEDERAL LAW PROHIBITSTHE RELEASE OF INFORMATION FROM THISTRANSCRIPT WITiiQUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE INDIVIDUAL WHOSE RECORD IT IS. ALTERATION OR -FORGERY OF THIS DOCUMENT MAY BE A CRIMINAL OFFENSE . EXPi1Wp1710N KEY AND AUTHENTICITY-c6NFiRMAT10N INFORMATION ON REVERSE SIDE. This officlilly sealed and signed transcript is printed on red SCRIP -SAFE' security paper. A raised seal Is not required. When photocopied a security statement containing the institution name will appear. A BLACK ON WHITE OR A COLOR COPY SHOULD NOT BE ACCEPTED. ® School of the Art Institute of Chicago BRADLEY A. ERZ, REGISTRAR Registration and Records SCHOOL OF THE ART INSTITUTE OF CHICAGO 36 South Wabash Avenue, 12th Floor Chicago, IL 60603 312.629.6700 Name Trisha Logan Student ID 2167362 SSN XXX -RR -7825 Birthdate XXXX-03-20 This transcript is official when printed on red security paper Print Date 2010-06-03 Program : I4S in Historic Preservarion - - - - - Beginning of Graduate Record - - - - - ARTIII 4505 Hist Cf Amer Commercial Arch 3.00 3.00 CR Fall 2004 HPRES 5016 Preservation Seminar 3.00 3.0D CR HPRES 5017 Preservation Practicum 3.00 3.OD CR Course Description Attempted Fanned Grade HPRES 6004 Lust ron-Neon: Eval Recent Past 3.00 3.00 CR Program MS in Historic Preservation HPRES 6014 Thesis II 3.00 3.00 CR HPRES 5002 Archival Documentation 3.00 3.00 CR HPRES 5003 Historic Materials b Tech 3.00 3.OD CR CUM TOTALS 60.00 60.00 HPRES 5006 Hist b Theory Of Historic Pres 3.00 3.00 CR Me in Ri.torie Praaervatian Total. HPRES 5006 Physical Documentation 3.00 3.00 CR - - - - - Dagre.e A..rded - - - - - HPRES 5014 Preservation Planning 3.00 3.00 CR Degree Master of Science in Historic Preservation Confer Date 2006-05-20 Winter 2005 Course Description Attempted Earned Grade - - - - - sod of TransoriDt - - - - - Program : MS in historic Preservation STDYTRTP 4050 Charleston:Reimaging Cult Land 3.00 3.00 CR Spring 2009 Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Program : MS in Historic Preservation ARTHT 4509 Hist Amer Resident/Tnst Arch 3.00 3.00 CR HPRES 5010 Restoration Design Studio 3.00 3.00 CR HPRES 5012 Building Pathology 3.00 3.00 CR HPRES 6008 Preservation Law 3.00 3.00 CR HPRES 6012 Surface Conservation Lab 3.00 3.00 CR Fall 2005 Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Program : MS in Historic Preservation ARTHI 5543 American Interior Design 3.00 3.DD CR HPRES 5015 Preservation Planning Studio 3.00 3.00 CR HPRES 6006 Building Conservation Lab 3.00 3.00 CR HPRES 6010 Thesis I 3.00 3.00 CR Spring 2006 Courae Description Atteupted Earned Grad. - - - - - sod of rraaaeripr Pag. - - - - - Page 1 of 1 - - - - - sod er Transcript Page - - - - - Ewan, Nicole From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Nicole This came in... Efren Nunez, Efren Tuesday, March 21, 2017 12:08 PM Ewan, Nicole FW: AIPP Board Application Letter of Recommendation SKM BT_36317032111420.pdf From: Christine Rupp [mailto:chris@dadeheritagetrust.org] Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2017 11:40 AM To: 'Trisha Logan'; Nunez, Efren Subject: RE: AIPP Board Application Letter of Recommendation Greetings! Please see attached. Christine Rupp Executive Director Dade Heritage Trust 190 SE 12 Terrace Miami, FL 33131 chris@dadeheritagetrust.org 305-358-9572 - Office 305-910-3996 - Cell Dade HeritageTrust.org 2017 OFFICERS Preservation. Education. Advocacy. PRESIDENT Founded 1972 Edmund Parnes March 21, 2017 FIRST VICE PRESIDENT Venn`• Torre SECOND VICE PRESIDENT Efren Nunez Judy Pruitt City of Miami TREASURER Planning and Zoning Department Albert Menendez 444 SW 2 Avenue SECRETARY Miami, Florida 33130 Dolly Maclntyre from Trisha Logan to sit on the Art in Public Places Board. I am the Executive AT LARGE RE: Art in Public Places Board Member Recommendation Letter Enid C. Pinkney Arva Moore Parks Dear Mr. Nunez, PAST PRESIDENT Brian Alonso It is my pleasure to write a letter of recommendation in support of the application TRUSTEES from Trisha Logan to sit on the Art in Public Places Board. I am the Executive Steven Brooke Director of Dade Heritage Trust, whose main mission is to preserve Miami -Dade Bruce Ehrenhaft Bill Fuller County's architectural, environmental, and cultural heritage through preservation, Mario Garcia -Serra education and advocacy efforts. Having a voice for initiatives that directly tie into the Ruth Jacobs Avra Jain efforts of my organization is incredibly important, and I believe Ms. Logan can Megan McLaughlin provide effective representation for our community. Diana Parker Ben Quevedo Vinson Richter Scott Silver I have worked with Ms. Logan within local preservation efforts during her tenure at Scott Silverman the City of Miami as a Historic Preservation Planner. She has consistently provided Dona Spain sound analysis of preservation projects and fully understands the need for additional support through city programs such as Art in Public Places. As noted in Ms. Logan's resume, she has the appropriate educational background and work experience to prepare her to be a strong voice within this panel, on both public art initiatives but especially matters dealing directly with historic preservation. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Christine Rupp In conclusion, Dade Heritage Trust supports this initiative within the City of Miami ch risC(edadelieri tagetru st.o rg cell: 305-910-3996 and is pleased to recommend Trisha Logan to represent the voice of historic preservation as a member of the Art in Public Places Board. Sincerely, 11 Christine Rupp Executive Director Dade Heritage Trust 1 190 Southeast 12'h Terrace I Miami, Florida 33131 305-358-9572 1 DadeHeritageTrust.org PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT DIVISION OF ART IN PUBLIC PLACES ART IN PUBLIC PLACES BOARD APPLICATION CD The Art in Public Places Board Members receive no compensation for their service on the Board; but are entitled to reimbursement for necessary and proper expenses incurred in performing duties on the Board (e.g. parking for AIPP board meetings and conference(s)). Board members may be required to attend local and or national public art conferences. Nelson Delgado First Name Last Name 2662 NW 22nd Ct Miami FL 33142 Address City State Zip delgadonelson@outlook.com 347-870-1582 Email Address Phone (Home) (Phone (Office) Assistant Manager and Contract Court Reporter Occupation Art in Public Places Board members shall have an interest and knowledge of the visual and performing arts, and the artistic development of the city. Eight (8) Board members must be knowledgeable and have a Bachelor's, Master's or Doctorate Degree from an accredited university or college in one of the following identified fields: Please check the one that pertains to you. ❑X Fine Arts or Museum Curation ❑ Architecture or Landscape Architecture ❑ Urban Planning or Urban Design ❑ Graphic or Product Design ❑ Art Education, Art History or History of Architecture ❑ Construction Management or Real Estate ❑ Finance ❑ Music - Please check the degree(s) that pertain to you. Na ❑ Doctorate ❑ Masters ❑X Bachelors One (1) Board member and (2) alternate shall have an interest in the visual and performing arts. Neither of these members is required to have a Bachelors, Master, or Doctorate Degree. R Interest in the Visual and Performing Arts SHORT STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS (if you require additional space, attach additional pages.) 1. Describe the qualities, experience, expertise and abilities that you possess that would make you an effective Art in Public Places board member that will act in the public interest. I've developed and enhanced many skills pursuing a career in theater: public speaking presentation attention to detail and nuance movement and voice control yet the most important skills I've nurtured are an even stronger sense of empathy and understanding towards the human experience. I'm so thankful for having had the opportunity of working with many talented and opinionated professionals from all walks of life I consider respect and civility to be key assets when interacting with anyone and I take this especially to heartI believe my passion for the Arts educational background and community experience go hand in hand with becoming an effective Art in Public Places board member while acting in the public interest Planning/AIPP/ AJ PP Board Application 2102/17 Page 1 of 5 2. Describe your educational background and or general knowledge of the Arts. My knowledge of the Arts is mainly derived from my educational background. My passion of theater began in High School where I studied the foundations of acting and took advanced placement classes in art history. Upon completion I expanded my formal studies at Miami Dade College. I learned about acting techniques, lighting, stage management and costume design while achieving an Associate's in Arts degree. I then went on to complete mV Bachelor of Arts degree at Columbia Colleae Chicago where I was able to concentrate and al2ply my skill set I studied comedic and improvisational actina technioues. accents and dialects and as well as stage combat, sinaina and piano. After Chicago. I moved to New York and expanded my knowledge of the Arts through museums, art galleries, and theatrical performances. While in New York, I also completed a paralegal certificate program at Pace University where 1 learned, among other subjects, legal writing and research. 3. Describe any prior community or personal involvement that you may have had that demonstrates interest in the Visual Arts, Public Art or the Performing Arts. In concurrence with my education, I had the opportunity to serve as Thespian Society Club Treasurer, Theater Club Secretary and DFYIT (Drug -Free Youth in Town) Club President. Through my involvement in school-based clubs, I could promote the Arts not only to our student body but I was able to outreach into the community as well. In every position, was a given a voice to demonstrate my passion of the Arts and how I could it apply to make positive changes in the community. Even as DFYIT Club President, I could use my commitment to the Arts in order to promote the deterrence of drug use in our community through art programs and educational shows. On a personal level, I've had the privilege of performing for the public through various artistic opportunities that include Miami's Shakespeare in the Park, Chicago's The Second City Comedy Club and Dove's Real Beauty Campaign. 4. What is it about the Art in Public Places Board that is compatible with your experience and of specific interest to you, and why? Whether through my educational background, community service or personal conviction, the Art in Public Places Board is very compatible with my knowledge and skill set. I've always wanted to help people and I've been fortunate enough to do it through the Arts. I'm prepared for all aspects of the Art in Public Places Board and I feel its ultimate goals and my own are one in the same. Nothing feels more natural or appealing to 616 than being a part of a team that works to "support the development of a unique and vital civic environment".' through the Arts. 5. If appointed, what specific goals would you like to see the Public Art Board achieve, and why? How Wuld you suggest accomplishing this? _ - PH like to specifirally see the Pi ihlir. Art Rnarri ar hie ve an even greater awareness of its pr'iertc within District 1. 1 want to see my community further mbra h Arts and b ..onn. -gs involy d as possible in contributing to the artistic pulse this city has to offer. Miami has earned outstanding recognition and if appointed. I would suggest a myriad of ways to engage and network the community. I'd use the full extent of my knowledge and expertise in order to help the Board achieve as much as we possibly could on this and similar projects. r Resume REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS M Proof of Education r No more than two (2) letters of recommendation M Real Property Disclosure Form Planning/AIPP/ AIPP Board Application 2102117 Page 2 of 5 CITY CODE SECTION 2-612(A) STATES, NO BOARD MEMBER SHALL ENTER INTO A CONTRACT OR TRANSACT ANY BUSINESS WITH THE CITY OR ANY PERSON OR AGENCY ACTING FOR THE CITY, OR SHALL APPEAR IN REPRESENTATION OF ANY THIRD PARTY BEFORE ANY BOARD, COMMISSION OR AGENCY OF WHICki SUCH PERSON IS A MEMBER. HAVE YOU ENTERED INTO A CONTRACT OR ARE YOU CURRENTLY TRANSACTING ANY BUSINESS WITH THE CITY OR ANY PERSON OR AGENCY ACTING FOR THE CITY? DYES[ NO Note: This restriction can be waived for a particular transaction or transactions only by a four-fifths (4/5ths) �f iirml tt' e vote of the members of the City Commission. I have read and understand the qualifications for members that are set forth in Sec. 62-63 of the City Code, and hereby certify that: 1. I do not have any interest in the profits or emoluments of any contract, job, work, or service for the city. 2. 1 am in a position to represent the public interest, and do not have any personal or private interests likely to conflict with the public interest. 3. 1 do not hold any elective office in any governmental authority in the county or the city. 4. As a member of the Art in Public Places Board I agree to participate in at least one seminar on Public Art to be held in Florida, and approved by the city, during the course of each calendar year that I remain a member or alternate member of the Art in Public Places Board. 5. As a member of the Art in Public Places Board I may be required to attend a city approved state or national Public Art conference once a year. 6. 1 acknowledge that I am subject to removal from the board if I fail to meet this requirement each and every year after assuming board membership or alternate membership. 7. As a prospective appointee I am subject to a personal appearance before the city commission, to afford the city commission an opportunity to ascertain my proficiency in the English language, educational background and general knowledge of Public Art. Please note: Art in Public Places Board members Applicants shall reside, own property or work within the City of Miami. Should I fail to meet any of these requirements, I agree to immediately notify the city Berk. I agree that if I were to become a candidate for elective political office during my term and qualify as a candidate for elective political office, such qualification shall be deemed a tender of my resignation from the board. I have read, understand and agree to comply with Section 2-611 of the Miami City Code which prohibits me from entering into any contract or transact any business with the city or any person or agency acting for the city, or from appearing in representation of any third party before any board, commission or agency of which I am member. I also understand that prohibition upon activity which is set forth above remains in effect for a period of two years after I have left city service. I have read, understand and agree to comply with Section 2-613 of the Miami City Code which prohibits me from accepting, directly or indirectly, from any person, company, firm or corporation to which any purchase order or contract is or might be awarded, any rebate, gift, money or anything of value whatsoever, except where given for the use and benefit of the city. Initial Planning/AIPP/ AJ PP Board Application 2/02/17 Page 3 of 5 I agree to comply with all financial disclosure requirements of the City, the County and the State including the requirements set forth in Section 2-11.1 of the Miami -Dade County Code, and Florida Statutes Sec. 112-3145. I agree to comply with all ethics course requirements of City of Miami Code Section 2-654. I acknowledge that the code of ethics of Miami -Dade County shall apply to me as a member or alternate member of the Art in Public Places Board and hereby agree to abide by all the provisions thereof. I have read, understand and agree to comply with Section 2-613 of the Miami City Code which prohibits me from accepting, directly or indirectly, from any person, company, firm or corporation to which any purchase order or contract is or might be awarded, any rebate, gift, money or anything of value whatsoever, except where given for the use and benefit of the city. For additional information on Code citations, please visit the website of the Office of the City Attorney at http://www. miamigov.com/cityattorney/index.html for internet links to citations. I recognize that membership on the Art in Public Places Board requires my regular attendance and participation at board meetings. I hereby certify that all information in this application is complete, truthful, and accurate to the best of my knowledge and that I have read and understand the qualifications and conditions of membership listed in this application. r_, ff YES [-]NO Print Name:��,�L�� Signature: Date: ,,-- Please complete this form and submit to: Office of the City Clerk City of Miami 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 Attn: Nicole N. Ewan For additional information on the Art in Public Places Board and or the Art in Public Places Ordinance please contact Efren Nunez, Planning and Zoning Department at 305.416.1402 or via email at EfrenNunez@miamigov.com I TO BE COMPLETED BY STAFF CD: AP: Planning/AIPP/ A) PP Board Application 2/02/17 Page 4 of 5 Of CITY OF MIAMI REAL PROPERTY DISCLOSURE FORM IN CONFORMANCE WITH SEC. 2-615 OF THE CITY CODE Legal Description Common Address Title Ownership Zoning Present (Lot 7, Primose Sec 4, PB 52) 123 North East 54th St Legat/Equitable Wholelin Part Class Use WA PIA N4 IVIA I/4 I �t Note: You are not limited to the space on the lines in this form. Attach additional sheet(s) if necessary OATH ATH 47a 6 do solemnly swear that the ab6ve is a true and accurate statement of my interests in real property located within corporate limits of the CITY OF MIAMI or 500 feet beyond the corporate limits of the CITY OF MIAMI. NAME:(Please Print): A le,/9 0/7 2)el" `zq wo TITLE/POSITION WITH CITY OF MIAMI: A�'lxrL, NAME OF BOARD/COMMITTEE (If applicable): SIGNATURE: DATE: (-'4 State of Florida f`ClNAa �— 6 County of Alum; . NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL OF OFFICE: ,t- IIIII1f!///1 O AN A. SOA • y�pMMISS/pN • i 01 '•'� #FF2rd9I �i�A • ° •°GOh 1s� State�O:J•�• • •Q�`��� 1011\\O```\` On this the � day of l C V, 20 17, before me,the undersigned Notary Public of the State of Florida, the,foregoing instrument was acknowledged by (Name of person signing find his/her title (public officer, trustee or personal representative) WITNESS my hand and official OF FLORIDA (Name of Notary Public: Print, Stamp, or Type as Commissioned) personally Known to me, or Produced Identification: (Type of. Identification Produced) F-1 DID Take an Oath. or Nelson 34 ttgabo 4alling wtizfuchwilt rmgfekb all rep"WgMutg, af fafu arab sj�mbarbo for Us prtorribrb bg t4e 5fate Paurb of �Nvcut•iau MIAM 111111 141" bu rrckr of 14e Ttil i able (f" District .c4xrvf Parb Gilxert tis Straub brag of 34 ime, tfuu t4 usaub rarnbr fiire. rrii rttlrit a schools L tr, ,,.c1I, < f !(Ioarb ��TrIIlr[1RI� . 4-1laii rotlfrrm) Litt Nrl"still Dduih Kirtgabo t1jr itrgrrr DIf Aww d` atr itt Ar#fi attt'r all lllr rirllli�) auit pritlilt goi tllrt`rttttfio 3I11 1I111ifurtttr 1111111Vt•rol, -tili!i 1ilrlttttta, lulu triuurl, llait lrrvtr aut) flir lifal of -tir ClIttlley alfi.xv1. �Itrttttrrl (ttl lllr �lirtfit`iefi �inttrl rrl' �rtttrlrrtr nl� ��Niaint �l�tlr Uttllrt�r uptrtt of filly 6(11llil of lllv (l nllt ile al Miami, hlriila tlji,,i monill of A -B.. 21111 UI111111rJ�111(1411 k1mil-il 111,01runlrro 1 ��Iriulileiil L2 Unofficial Advising Transcript Columbia College Chicago Name: Nelson David Delgado Class: Senior Degree: Bachelor of Arts Majorl: Acting Major2: Conc1: Conc2: Focusl: Minor2: Minorl: Declaration Date: College Advisor: Casey, Will Faculty Advisor: Slade, Catherine Transfer work from MIAMI-DADE CMTY COLL HOMESTEAD BSC1005 General Education Biology 3.00 T CGS1060 Intro/Micro Usage 4.00 T ENC1101 English Comp I 3.00 T ENC1102 English Comp II 3.00 T HUM1020 Humanities 3.00 T MGF1106 Math for Liberal Arts I 3.00 T MGF1107 Math for Liberal Arts II 3.00 T OCE1001 Intro Oceanography 3.00 T PSY2012 Intro to Psychology 3.00 T SPC1026 Fund of Speech 3.00 T THE1925 Studio Theatre Production 3.00 T THE2000 Theater Appreciation 3.00 T TPA1200 Stagecraft 3.00 T TPA1220 Lighting 3.00 T TPA1230 Costuming 3.00 T TPP1100 Acting I 3.00 T TPP2111 Acting II 3.00 T WOH2O12 History of World Civ to 1712 3.00 T attempt earn pass quality points gpa ses 55.00 55.00 55.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 cum 55.00 55.00 55.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 Fall Semester 2011 31-1300 Voice Training for the Actor I 3.00 B 31-1305 Body Movement for Actors I 3.00 B+ 31-2100 Theatre History & Inquiry 3.00 A- 31-2120 Text Analysis 3.00 B attempt earn pass quality points gpa ses 12.00 12.00 0.00 12.00 39.00 3.250 cum 67.00 67.00 55.00 12.00 39.00 3.250 ----------------- Spring Semester 2012 ----------------- 31-2200 Acting II: Adv Sc Study 3.00 B 31-2300 Voice Training for the Actor II 3.00 B+ 31-2305 Body Movement for Actors II 3.00 C+ 31-3305 Singing for the Actor I 3.00 A 49-1401 Latin American History: To 1800 3.00 C+ attempt earn pass quality points gpa Date: 09/04/14 Student ID: 243974 ses 15.00 15.00 0.00 15.00 44.70 2.980 cum 82.00 82.00 55.00 27.00 83.70 3.100 ------------------ Fall Semester 2012 ------------------ 31-1210 Improvisational Techniques I 3.00 B+ 31-1310 Feldenkrais: Awareness through 3.00 A Movement 31-2205 Acting II: Char & Ens 4.00 B 32-1540 Fundamentals of Musical Theatre 3.00 A Singing 52-2655 Queer Literature 3.00 A attempt earn pass quality points gpa ses 16.00 16.00 0.00 16.00 57.90 3.618 cum 98.00 98.00 55.00 43.00 141.60 3.293 ----------------- Spring Semester 2013 ----------------- 31-2315 Stage Combat I 3.00 B- 31-3300 Voice Training for the Actor 3.00 A III' 31-3900 Professional Survival and How 3.00 A- to Audition s 50-2515 Cyberspace and Society 3.00 A- attempt earn pass quality points gpa ses 12.00 12.00 0.00 12.00 42.30 3.525 --_ --71 cum 110.00 110.00 55.00 55.00 183.90 3.343 ------------------ Fall Semester 2013 ------------------ _-- 31-3212 Acting III: Shaw, Wilde & 3.00 B+ �} Coward 31-3232 Acting III:Comedy Workshop I 3.00 A attempt earn pass quality points gpa ses 6.00 6.00 0.00 6.00 21.90 3.650 cum 116.00 116.00 55.00 61.00 205.80 3.373 The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 prohibits the release of this information without the student's written consent. V�ce QRutber;ttr CONTINUING & PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION THIS CERTIFICATE IN = *o�,i' PARALEGAL STUDIES IS HEREBY AWARDED TO W&on DeCg ads FOR THE SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF THE PRESCRIBED CURRICULUM AND EXAMINATIONS. I PRESENTED IN NEW YORK, NY, THIS 7`E' DAY OF AUGUST 2014. n °d13 II% Christine G. Shakerspeare, Ph.D. Assistant Vice President of Continuing and Professional Education Pace University <<((Q� ,�$�iY//1,xn(tI1jI �-r1. r1�•'�,•�.�i,� ��. � WG .: �� © ` P 0 ` 40 J�'°H i� yW D0 y`� l,��f !. 0 ,t ', � I �a+����� I f•.S,*~;.ii 9rr ♦ �t�I��i• IIP° , II.. �� - • / \ ice-! i ' w.. ..�.. �.. \, .--�... _�.,� /. mow.,.. `es _ C \.•. 6aiS..� .Y;.�:h. w...:-:::, .! �st.r:: r. a .a�:• \•.� r,....�_ , ►,".�c�3�:�°r,�e3mdset,�isr:���t9ut� t�+eat,,,�.z.�;*�2ta;nv.�e�°�z�.�*:r;',��.�:�.'e .�a�e,Tsre ame!�.e.�rtfaa ' lexa Rodriguez 2636 NW 22nd Ct, Miami, FL 33142 305-915-7733 0 tv —� April 18, 2017 _ Planning and Zoning Department Division ofArt in Public Places R& Letter ofRommmendation For Nelson Delgado To Whom it May Concern: I write to you today to recommend my neighbor and dear friend, Nelson Delgado, for appointment to the Board of Art in Public Places. Nelson and I have been friends for twenty years. We went to middle school and high school together too. Nelson has always been a warm and kind person who enjoyed making people laugh. None of us in the neighborhood or at school were surprised that he would eventually take interest and pursue a career in Art and Drama. I have no doubt that Nelson would work his heart out for the Board of Art in Public Places if he were to be appointed. Nelson was very involved in our middle school and high school. He was always known to befriend anyone and always tried to connect us all to each other somehow. He was extremely active in the Theater Department of our schools and was often promoting an art function taking place. I wasn't into theater but because of Nelson, I grew to develop an appreciation for it and saw how it could help and entertain people. I'm confident this was the case for many other people like me that were encouraged by Nelson to simply go see a show or an exhibit. I can say with certainty that Nelson Delgado would make an excellent board member for the Art in Public Places program. Should you have any questions regarding Nelson Delgado, please don't hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, / C/4r//%���F�&2�G9QCl� i? fr L�E7 j� ii �t 2_4 i ri i•U �LLt;t1 Miami -Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs Art in Public Places RE: Letter of Recommendation Dear Sir or Madam: Jacqueline Vega 2662 NW 22nd Ct Miami, FL 33142 786-486-2751 Friday, April 21, 2017 It's a privilege to recommend my son, Nelson David Delgado, for appointment to the Board of Art in Public Places. Nelson would make a great board member and would use his experience and expertise to better the Board with its programs and initiatives. Nelson is a positive person and I've often told him that where others see a wall, Nelson has always seen a window of opportunity. He's never deterred from his dreams; especially when it comes to the arts, theater and the community. Like most parents, I'm extremely proud of my children and all their accomplishments. I've always encouraged my children to embrace the arts and thankfully, each has made it a part of their lives and personalities. It's been exciting watching Nelson chase his dreams from Miami to Chicago to New York and back! Nelson has made our family proud as a performance artist and student. When he applies his mind and heart to a situation, there's nothing that can stop him from accomplishing his goals. Nelson has dedicated his adult life to theater and the arts and we've always supported him to do what he loves. Nelson will make an excellent choice to be appointed to the Board of Art in Public Places. Best regards, Jacqueline Vega "Alone we can do so little... together we can do so much. " As a dedicated professional, I strive to create and support a harmonious work environment where all employees can take pride in working together to efficiently complete goals. Both in and outside the workplace, I aspire to use my cultivated skill set in order to accomplish any objective. SKILLS ❖ LANGUAGES: • English • Spanish ❖ COMPUTER/TECHNOLOGY: • 55+ WPM • Westlaw / LexisNexis / Bloomberg • Microsoft Windows OS / Office Suite • Adobe Acrobat Reader / Photoshop CS • Printer / Fax / Scanner Devices • iPhone / Android / Tablet Devices • Audio / Video Recording Devices • Lighting Consoles / Dimmer Boards • Social Media Platforms • HTML/CSS coding • LICENSURES: ❖ PARALEGAL STUDIES CERTIFICATE PACE UNIVERSITY 2014 - Legal Processes, Policies, Court Structures - Interviewing and Investigation - Document Preparation and Correspondence - Writing and Analysis - Legal Research Skills - Use of LexisNexis & Westlaw - Substantive study in the areas of: * NYS Laws * Torts & Contracts * Civil Procedures * Family Law :nu = ❖ BACHELOR OF ARTS DEGREE COLUMBIA COLLEGE CHICAGO 2011-2013 ca - Singing & Piano Lessons - Stage Combat Technique - Improvisation Technique - Scene Study/ Character Ensemble - Accents and Dialects ❖ ASSOCIATE IN ARTS DEGREE MIAMI DADE COLLEGE 2009-2011 - Lighting & Stage Design - Acting & Stage Management - Theater Club Secretary ❖ HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA CORAL GABLES SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL 2001-2005 - Advance Placement/ Honors • State of New York Notary Public - DFYIT Club President - International Thespian Society Club Treasurer PROFESSIONAL REFERENCES • James McCranie President and CEO Reporting USA (212) 203-7872 = -� jmccranieWisionarylegaltechnologies.com :. f, CO- - -- Work relationship; my former Boss at Reporting USA • Carmen Colon Rosa Office Manager Reporting USA (212) 203-7872 ccolonareportingusa. com - Work relationship; my former Assistant Manager at Reporting USA • Jacqueline Vega Manager PJP General Discount (786) 486-2751 jacqueline-Vegg@.hotmail.com - Personal & Work relationship; my Mother & former Manager at PJP General Discount