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COMPREHENSIVE PLANAPPLICATION PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT, HEARING BOARDS SECTION 444 SW 2nd Avenue, 31d Floor * Miami, Florida 33130 * Telephone 305-416-2030 www.miamigov.com/hearing boards Welcome to the City of Miami! This application is intended to serve as a guide in assisting you with our public hearing process. Please feel free to contact us, should you have any questions. There is no deadline to submit this application as it is presented semi-annually to the Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board and the City Commission. The application submittal date is the date stamped by Hearing Boards' staff on this page. The responses to this application must be typed and signed in black ink. All pertinent and accurate information/documentation; i.e., the plans, reports, exhibits, shall be presented at the time of filing, in addition to the paid receipt. The applicant is responsible for the accuracy of the information contained in the application and all supporting materials. Should you wish, you could bring the materials to our office for review prior to submittal to ensure completeness. You will be responsible, if needed, to bring an interpreter for the English language to any presentation before city boards, committees and the city commission. A valid power of attorney will be required if neither applicant or legal counsel representing the applicant execute the application or desire to make a presentation before city boards, committees and the city commission. All documents, reports, studies, exhibits (8%x11") or other materials submitted during this process will be kept as part of the record. Any documents offered to the Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board and the City Commission, which have not been provided fifteen (15) days before the meeting as part of the agenda materials will be entered into the record at the discretion of the aforementioned Board and Commission. ORDINANCE NO. 11469, CODIFIED IN CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE VI OF THE CITY CODE STATES THAT ANY PERSON WHO RECEIVES COMPENSATION, REMUNERATION OR EXPENSES FOR CONDUCTING LOBBYING ACTIVITIES TO REGISTER AS A LOBBYIST WITH THE CITY CLERK, PRIOR TO ENGAGING IN LOBBYING ACTIVITIES BEFORE CITY STAFF, BOARDS, COMMITTEES AND THE CITY COMMISSION. A COPY OF SAID ORDINANCE IS AVAILABLE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK (MIAMI CITY HALL), LOCATED AT 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE, MIAMI, FLORIDA, 33133. Ordinance No. 12918 states that each person or entity requesting approval, relief or other action from the City Commission or any of its boards, authorities, agencies, councils or committees regarding any issue, shall disclose at the commencement (or continuance) of the public hearing(s) on the issue, any consideration provided or committed, directly or on its behalf, for an agreement to support or withhold objection to the requested approval, relief or action. The Disclosure of Consideration Provided or Committed for Agreement to Support or Withhold Objection Affidavit included in this package must be submitted with the application. The applicant must, at the commencement of any public hearing on the issue, if there is any disclosure to report, read the disclosure into the record. Also, the applicant must supplement the affidavit if there is any new information or additional information to disclose. Copies of City Commission resolutions and ordinances can be obtained at our website through the "Legislative Hub", or for certified copies, contact the City Clerk's Office at 305-250-5360. COMPREHENSIVE PLANAPPLICATION Please refer to Section 62-31 of the Miami City Code for Comprehensive Plan information. 1. Applicant(s): Ben Fernandez, Esq. on behalf of 2814/16 SW 37, LLC 2. Subject property address(es) and folio number(s): 3700 SW 28 Street (folio 01-4117-002-0420), 2810 SW 37 Avenue (folio 01-4117-002-0430),2814 SW 37 Avenue (folio 01-4117-003-0010),2816 SW 37 Avenue (folio 01-4117-003-0011), 2818 SW 37 Avenue (folio 01-4117-003-0040) 3. Present designation(s): Low Density Restricted Commercial 4. Future designation(s): Medium Density Restricted Commercial 5. If the requested Land Use is approved, will a Rezoning be requested for consistency with the Zoning Atlas, per F.S. 163.3184(3)(e)? Yes If yes, please contact Planning at 305-416-1400. 6. Has the designation of this property been changed in the last year? If so, when? No 7. Do you own any other property within 200 feet of the subject property? Yes, 3730 SW 28 Street and 2780 SW 37 Avenue If yes, has the property been granted a Land Use Change within the last year? No 8. One (1) original, two (2) 11x17" copies and one (1) 8%2x11 copy of the survey of the property prepared by a State of Florida registered land surveyor within six (6) months from the date of the application. 9. A clear and legible copy of the recorded warranty deed and tax forms of the most current year showing the present owner(s) and legal description of the property to match the legal description on the survey. 10. A clear and legible copy of the subject property address(es) and legal description(s) on a separate sheet, labeled as "Exhibit A", to match with the current survey's legal description. 11. At least two photographs showing the entire property showing land and improvements. 12. Copy of the lobbyist registration processed by the Office of the City Clerk, if applicable. 13. Affidavit of Authority to Act and the Disclosure of Ownership of all owner—and contract purchasers, if applicable—of the subject property. 14. For all corporations and partnerships indicated: a) Articles of Incorporation; b) Certificate from Tallahassee showing good standing, less than one (1) year old; c) Corporate Resolution or a Power of Attorney signed by the secretary of the Corporation authorizing the person who signed the application to do so; d) Non-profit organizations: A list of Board of Directors less than one (1) year old. 15. Certified list of owners of real estate within 500 feet of the subject property. 16. Original Disclosure of Consideration Provided or Committed for Agreement to Support or Withhold Objection Affidavit. 17. Original Public School Concurrency Management System Entered Requirements form. Rev. 07-2013 HENSIVE PLANAPPLICATION ool Concurrency Management System Entered Requirements form. .y(les) cannot have any open code enforcement/lien violations, of the project/property site? A roxima 20. What is the purpose of this application/nature of proposed use? 0.60 acres Mixed use development 21. Is the property within the boundaries of a historic site, historic district or archeological zone? Please contact the Planning and Zoning Department on the 31 Floor for information. No 22. Is the property within the boundaries of an Environmental Preservation District? Please contact the Planning and Zoning Department on the 31° Floor for information. No 23. Is the property within the Coastal High Hazard Area (CHHA)? Please contact the Planning and Zoning Department on the 311 Floor for information and further instructions. No 24. What would be the anticipated duration of the presentation in front of the: Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board 20 mins. and/or City Commission 20 mins. 25. Cost of processing according to Section 62-22 of the Miami City Code*, a. Application to Amend the Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan per acre $ 5,000.00 b. Advertising $ 1,500.00 c. School Concurrency Processing $ 150.00 d. Mail notice fee per notice $ 4.50 e. Meeting package mailing fee per package $ 6.00 *Fees over $25,000.00, shall be paid in the form of a certified check, cashier's check, or money order. Signature Address 375 N Hibiscus Drive Name Toni Alam, Manager Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Telephone (305) 238-3341 E-mail toni.alam(cDalamcpa.com STATE OF FLORIDA -- COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE The foregoing was acknowledged before me this day of July, 2017, by Toni Alam who is a Manager of 2814/16 SW 37 LLC imited liability company. He is personal/ kno to me or who has prod as identification and who did (di not) take an oath. djwRy PV4 °. CARMEN M MOL IERI Nolary PublIc - State of Florlda . •: COntmisslon # FF 942458 My Comm. Expires Dec 14, 2019 Bonded through 14allonal Now y Assn, Rev. 07-2013 HENSIVE PLANAPPLICATION AFFIDAVIT OF AUTHORITY TO ACT iy, the undersigned personally appeared Toni Alam, who being by me first 1. That he/she is the owner or the legal representative of the owner, submitting the public hearing application as required by the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, affecting the real property located in the City of Miami, as listed on the foregoing pages. 2. That all owners who he/she represents, if any, have given his/her full and complete permission for him/her to act in his/her behalf for the change or modification of a classification or regulation of zoning as set out in the foregoing petition, 0 including or ❑ not including responses to day to day staff inquires. 3. That the foregoing and following pages are part of this affidavit and contain the current names, mailing addresses, telephone numbers and legal descriptions of the real property of which he/she is the owner or legal representative. 4. That the facts, as represented in the application and documents submitted in conjunction with this affidavit, are true and correct. Further Affiant sayeth not. Toni Alam, Manager of 2814/16 SW 37, LLC_ Applicant(s) Name Applicant(s) Signature STATE OF FLORIDA -- COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE /A The foregoing was acknowledged before me this day of Jam, 2017, by Toni Alam who is a Manager of 2814/16 SW 37, LLC, a Florida limited liability company. He is personally known to me or who has produced as identification and who did (did not),,take an oath. CARMEN M MQLIERI iY (Sta Notary Pubile - State of Florida rN� Commission * FF 942455 My Comm. Expires Dec 14, 2019 Bonded through National Notary Assn. Rev. 07-2013 Signature HENSIVE PLANAPPLICATION DISCLOSURE= OF OWNERSHIP tl s) of the subject property and percentage of ownership. N®te: The Miami City Code re Enclosure of all parties having a financial interest, either direct or indirect, with respect to a presentation, request or petition. Accordingly, disclosure of shareholders of corporations, beneficiaries of trusts, and/or any other interested parties, together with their address(es) and proportionate interest are required. Please supply additional lists, if necessary. Owner's Name(es) 2814/16 SW 37 LLC: Toni Alam and Albert Claramonte Percentage of Ownership Toni Alam (6915 SW 57 Ave. Coral Gables) — 50% Albert Claramonte (3009 NW 75 Avenue Miami) — 50% Subject Property Address(es) 3700 SW 28 Street, 2810 SW 37 Avenue, 2814 SW 37 Avenue 2816 SW 37 AvenLkc2818 SW 37 Avenue 2. List all street address(es) and legal description(s) of any property located within 500 feet of the subject property owned by any and all parties listed in question #1 above. Please supply additional lists, if necessary. Street Address(es): 3730 SW 28 Street 2780 SW 37 Avenue Toni Alam Manager of 2814116 SW 37 LLC Owner(s) or Attorney Name Legal Description(s): DOUGLAS MANOR PB 7-157 LOT 4 BILK 3 DOUGLAS MANOR PB 7-157, LOTS 2-23 & 24 LESS E10FT ST BLK 2 Owner(s) or Attorney Signature STATE OF FLORIDA -- COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE The foregoing was acknowledged before me this ' l day of July, 2017, by Toni Alam who is a Manager of 2814/16 SW 37, LLC, a Florida limited liability company. He is personally known to me or who has produced identification and who did (Fid not) take an oath. "�"�" CARMEN M ?i0y""Y n� i% MDLIERI .l° Notary Public - Stale of Ftorlda CommlSSlon # FF 942458 ' 4�'T' My COMM.(S rrF �o.�° t xpires Dec �4, 24}g Bonded through Hallanal Notary Assn. Rn'. 0-1 201_i COMPREHENSIVE PLANCHECKLIST Luiz Vicentini. Sue Trone Reviewer Name Review Date Ben Fernandez (bfernandez@brzoninglaw.com) 2814/16 SW 37 LLC Gianeli Mestre (gmestre(d-)brzoninglaw.com Applicant Name Contact Information SW 37 Avenue Rezonina. 3700 SW 28 Street and 2810-2818 SW 37 Avenue Project Name and Address ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A ❑ Yes ❑ Yes ❑ Yes ❑ Yes ❑ Yes ❑ Yes ❑ Yes ❑ Yes ❑ Yes ❑ Yes ❑ Yes ❑ Yes ■ 0. ❑ No ❑ No ❑ No ❑ No ❑ No ❑ No ❑ No ❑ N/A ❑ N/A ❑ N/A ❑ N/A ❑ N/A ❑ N/A ❑ N/A ❑ N/A One original survey dated within six months of application, with building baseline established by the Department of Public Works Two (2) 11x17" and one (1) 8%2x11" copies of the survey Current Zoning Referral Pre -application meeting comments One (1) copy of Recorded Deed (legal description on Deed must match legal description on survey) "Exhibit A", legal description must match survey and Deed Current photos, two (2) minimum, showing the entire property Proof of Lobbyist Registration Affidavit of Authority to Act Disclosure of Ownership of all owners Disclosure of all contract purchasers Certificate of Status from Tallahassee dated within 1 year of application for Profit and Non-profit owners and contract purchasers Corporate Res. or Power of Atty. from all owners or Board of Directors Corp. Res. or Power of Atty. from all contract purchasers Non -profits: List of Board of Directors (owners) Non -profits: List of Board of Directors (contract purchasers) Certified list of adjacent owners within 500 feet Disclosure of Agreement to Support or Withhold Objection Public School Concurrency ❑ No ❑ N/A Code Enforcement violation(s) ❑ No ❑ N/A All property addresses subject to this request listed ❑ No ❑ N/A All questions answered ❑ No ❑ N/A Paid receipt 1, Toni Alam, authorize any refund to be issued to 2814/16 SW 37, LLC; 375 N. Hibiscus Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139. (Name and Complete Address). *If any information/documentation required above is missing, application is not accepted and all documents are returned to the applicant. *If all required information/documentation is presented, date stamp and initial the application. Rev. 07-2013 i BGRC.ow RADELL FERNAN DEZ & LARKIN ZONING, LANA USE AIV ENVIROhJM1=NTAL LAW Direct: 305-377-6235 E -Mail: BFernandez BRZonin Law.com VIA HAND -DELIVERY July 18, 2017 Francisco Garcia, Director Planning Department Miami Riverside Center (MRC) 444 SW 2nd Avenue, 3rd Floor Miami, Florida 33130 Re: SW 37 Avenue Rezoning - Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Rezoning for the Property Located at 3700 SW 28 Street and 2810-18 SW 37 Avenue in the City of Miami, Florida This law firm represents 2814/16 SW 37, LLC (the "Applicant") in regards to requests for a Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan ("MCNP") amendment and rezoning of the parcels located at 3700 SW 28 Street and 2810-18 SW 37 Avenue in the City of Miami, Florida (collectively, the "Property"). See Exhibit 1, Property Appraiser Summary Reports. The Applicant seeks an MCNP amendment of the Property from Low Density Restricted Commercial to Medium Density Restricted Commercial as well as a rezoning of the Property from T4 -L, General Urban to T5-0, Urban Center. Please allow this letter to serve as the required letter of intent in connection with requests for the MCNP amendment and rezoning of the Property. Pro er . The Property is located on the west side of SW 37 Avenue (Douglas Road), between SW 28 and SW 29 Streets. Specifically, the Property is directly across from Douglas Park and located at the southwest corner of a signalized traffic intersection with three (3) pedestrian crosswalks. In addition, the Property is approximately 0.3 miles from the Metrorail's Douglas Station, which is south of the Property. As mentioned above, the Property is currently zoned T4 -L and located on a major section line roadway, SW 37 Avenue (Douglas Road). Duplexes are located on 3700 SW 28 Street, 2814-16 SW 37 Avenue and 2818 SW 37 Avenue. 2810 SW 37 Avenue is currently vacant. SOUTHEAST FINANCIAL CENTER • 200 SOUTH BISCAYNE BOULEVARD, SUITE 850 + MIAMI, FLORIDA 33131 PHONE. 305.374.5300 • FAX. 305.377.5222 • WWW.BRZONINGLAW.COM Francisco Garcia, Director July 17, 2017 Page 2 The property directly north is zoned T6-8-0 and developed with a three (3) story commercial structure. The properties to the south are zoned T4 -L and are largely developed as duplexes. The properties to the west are zoned T3-0 and developed primarily as residences as well as an assisted living facility (ALF). The properties to the east are zoned T4 -L and CS, inclusive of duplexes and Douglas Park. Request. The Applicant brings forth this application in order to allow for redevelopment of the Property that would provide a much-needed transition from the directly abutting T6-8-0 transect on the north to the adjacent residential and recreational areas. Article 7, Section of Miami 21 states that a rezoning of land will only be considered where the proposal involves an extension of an existing transect boundary, unless the rezoning involves at least 40,000 square feet of land area or 200 feet of street frontage on one street. The Property consists of approximately 215.85 feet of street frontage on SW 37 Avenue, which satisfies the rezoning criteria set forth in Article 7, Section, Miami 21. For the required analysis pursuant to Article 7, Section of Miami 21, please refer to Exhibit 2. Criteria. Article 7, Section of Miami 21 provides the criteria for amendments to Miami 21. The provision provides as follows for all such amendments: (a) The relationship of the proposed amendment to the goals, objectives and policies of the Comprehensive Plan, with appropriate consideration as to whether the proposed change will further the goals, objectives and policies of the Comprehensive Plan; the Miami 21 Code; and other city regulations. (b) The need and justification for the proposed change, including changed or changing conditions that make the passage of the proposed change necessary. The proposed amendment is consistent with the goals, objectives and policies of the MCNP. For instance, Objective LU -1.3 of the MCNP states as follows: The City will continue to encourage commercial, office and industrial development within existing commercial, office and industrial areas; increase the BERCOW RADELL FcRNANDEZ & L.ARKIN ZONING, LANG iJSE ANO ENVIRONMENTAL LAW Francisco Garcia, Director July 17, 2017 Page 3 utilization and enhance the physical character and appearance of existing buildings; encourage the development of well-designed, mixed-use neighborhoods that provide for a variety of uses within a walkable area in accordance with neighborhood design and development standards adopted as a result of the amendments to the City's land development regulations and other initiatives; and concentrate new commercial and industrial activity in areas where the capacity of existing public facilities can meet or exceed the minimum standards for Level of Service (LOS) adopted in the Capital Improvement Element (CIE). The Property is located within an area designated on the FLUM as Low Density Restricted Commercial use. The Applicant requests the abovementioned land use amendment and rezoning in order to enhance the commercial character of the Property, which is located on the prime corridor of SW 37 Avenue (Douglas Road) that houses many of the City's commercial establishments. The intersection where the Property is located not only includes several pedestrian crosswalks, but is also signalized due to its significance within the City and traffic flow. The Applicant's request is more consistent with the existing, abutting Restricted Commercial designation to the north as well as with the character of the neighborhood, including Douglas Park. The Applicant's request will better utilize the already commercially designated area by permitting more compatible mixed use development that will help to support the adjacent commercial uses as well as recreational uses. While no site plan has been prepared due to the preliminary nature of this request, the Applicant has prepared a conceptual mixed use development plan. See Exhibit 3, Conceptual Plan. Thus, approval of this application would encourage commercial development within an existing commercial area, which is consistent with Objective LU -1.3 of the MCNP. Policy LU -1.1.10 of the MCNP provides that the City's land development regulations will encourage high density residential development and redevelopment in close proximity to Metrorail and Metromover stations. As the Property is approximately 0.3 miles from the Metrorail's Douglas Station, approval of the Applicant's requests will directly encourage higher density residential development in close proximity to the Metrorail stations consistent with the aforementioned MCNP Policy. As mentioned above, while no site plan has been prepared due to the preliminary nature of this request, the Applicant has BERCOW RADELL FERNANDEZ & LARKIN ZONINGS, LANM USE AND ENVIRQOVMEPlTAL L -AW Francisco Garcia, Director July 17, 2017 Page 4 prepared a conceptual mixed use development plan to for illustrative purposes. See Exhibit 3, Conceptual Plan. Policy LU -1.6.9 of the MCNP states, "[t]he City's land development regulations will establish mechanisms to mitigate the potentially adverse impacts of new development on existing neighborhoods through the development of appropriate transition standards and buffering requirements." The Applicant's request will provide for a more appropriate transition between the T6-8-0 and T4 - L transect zones by permitting the Property to be zoned T5-0; thus, providing the necessary transition between the T6-8-0 and T4 -L adjacent parcels. The rezoning will allow for enhanced buffering between the adjacent residences and the commercial uses, which does not exist today. Thus, approval of this application would mitigate potentially adverse impacts of new development on existing neighborhoods through the development of appropriate transition standards, consistent with Policy LU -1.6.9 of the MCNP. Further, Policy LU -1.3.15 of the MCNP states, "[t]he City will continue to encourage a development pattern that enhances existing neighborhoods by developing a balanced mix of uses including areas for employment, shopping, housing, and recreation in close proximity to each other." Currently, low-rise duplex residences abut commercial uses located on a major commercial corridor, SW 37 Avenue (Douglas Road). The Applicant's proposal furthers this Policy by encouraging a development pattern that not only better balances a mix of uses, but also provides much-needed transitioning between intensities. The adjacent area has seen a shift towards higher density and mixed-use structures that often incorporate residential and commercial uses. For instance, the Douglas Cove Apartments and Da Vinci on the Douglas Condominiums are examples of redeveloped higher density properties located just blocks away from the Property. The proposed requests recognize the existing development pattern in this area of the SW 37 Avenue corridor and would allow the Property to be developed in a manner that is consistent. Thus, approval of this application, which would permit for a mixed use project, encourages a development pattern that enhances the existing neighborhood by allowing for development that provides a balanced mix of uses. The Applicant respectfully requests the aforementioned rezoning in order to allow for a more balanced mix of uses on the Property, as depicted in Exhibit 3. Due to current initiatives in the City and County for utilization of public transit, there has been a revitalization of properties near existing transit stops and corridors, such as the Property which is adjacent to a Metrorail's Douglas Station and the SW 28 Street/SW 37 Avenue bus stop. As a result, the adjacent area has BE.RCOW RADELL FGRNANDE.Z & LARKIN ZONING, LANA USE ANS ENVIRbNMENTAL LAW Francisco Garcia, Director July 17, 2017 Page 5 been and will continue to be economically revitalized and reenergized. Accordingly, the changed and changing conditions make this request necessary in order to best utilize the Property as a mixed use development to further benefit the neighborhood. For rezoning, "[a] change may be made only to the next intensity Transect Zone or by a Special Area Plan, and in a manner which maintains the goals of this Miami 21 Code to preserve Neighborhoods and to provide transitions in intensity and Building Height." See Article 7, Section of Miami 21. The Applicant requests a change from T4 -L to T5-0, which is consistent with successional rezoning regulations provided in Article 7, Section of Miami 21. Approval of the Applicant's request would allow for enhanced utilization of the Property, which is located on the major commercial corridor and section line road of SW 37 Avenue (Douglas Road). Therefore, the Applicant's request maintains the goals of Miami 21 to preserve neighborhoods and continue providing for transitions in intensity and building height. Conclusion. We look forward to your prompt review and favorable recommendation. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding this letter, please do not hesitate to phone my direct line at (305) 377-6235. Si re , Ben Fernandez Enclosures cc: Vivian Chou, Esq. Gianeli Mestre Zacarias, Esq. BERG©W RADrLL FERNANDEZ & LARKIN ZONING, LANG USE ANO, ENVfRONMEfVTAL LAW Property Search Application - Miami -Dade County Page 1 of 1 OFFICE OF THE PROPERTY APPRAISER EXHIBIT 1 Summary Report Property Information Folio: Property Address: 01-4117-002-0420 3700 SW 28 ST Miami, FL 33134-7334 Owner 2814 16 SW 37 LLC Mailing Address PA Primary Zone 375 N HIBISCUS DR MIAMI BEACH, FL 33139 USA 3901 KING HGTS ORCHARD VILLA Primary Land Use 0802 MULTIFAMILY 2-9 UNITS: 2 LIVING UNITS Beds 1 Baths 1 Half 4/2/0 Floors 1 Living Units 2 Actual Area 1,763 Sq. Ft Living Area 1,485 Sq. Ft Adjusted Area 1,595 Sq. Ft Lot Size 5,853 Sq. Ft Year Built 1956 Assessment Information Year 2016 2015 2014 Land Value $184,542 $175,590 $117,060 Building Value $111,012 $111,012 $94,764 XF Value $0 $0 $0 Market Value $295,554 $286,602 $211,824 Assessed Value $218,361 $198,510 $180,464 Benefits Information Benefit Type 2016 2015 2014 Non -Homestead lAssessment Exemption Value $0 $0 Taxable Value $295,554 $286,602 $211, City Exemption Value $77,193 $88,092 $31,360 Cap Reduction $218,361 $198,510 $180, Note: Not all benefits are applicable to all Taxable Values (i.e. County, School Board, City, Regional). Short Legal Description DOUGLAS MANOR PB 7-157 LOT 1 LESS El OFT CITY BLK 3 LOT SIZE 53.700 X 109 OR 17921-4583 1297 1 Generated On : 5/17/: Taxable Value Information 2016 2015 2 County Exemption Value $0 $0 Taxable Value $218,361 $198,510 $180, School Board Exemption Value $0 $0 Taxable Value $295,554 $286,602 $211, City Exemption Value $0 $0 12/01/1997 Taxable Value $218,361 $198,510 $180, Regional Exemption Value $0 $0 Taxable Value $218,361 $198,510 $180, Sales Information Previous Sale Price OR Book - Page Qualification Description $515,000 30524- 0423 05/01/2017 Qual by exam of deed 02/01/2005 Other disqualified $425,000 23130- 4920 12/01/1997 $105,000 17921 4583 Sales which are qualified 07/01/1996 $0 17294- 0520 Sales which are disqualified as a rest of examination of the deed The Office of the Property Appraiser is continually editing and updating the tax roll. This website may not reflect the most current information on record. The Property Appra and Miami -Dade County assumes no liability, see full disclaimer and User Agreement at http://www.miamidade.gov/info/disclaimer.asp http://www.miamidade.gov/propertysearch/index.html 5/17/2017 Property Search Application - Miami -Dade County Page 1 of 1 � 1, OFFICE OF PROPERTY APPRAISER Summary Report Property Information Folio: Property Address: Owner Mailing Address 01-4117-002-0430 2810 SW 37 AVE Miami, FL 33133-3424 2814 16 SW 37 LLC 375 N HIBISCUS DR MIAMI BEACH, FL 33139 USA PA Primary Zone 3901 KING HGTS ORCHARD VILLA Primary Land Use 0081 VACANT RESIDENTIAL: VACANT LAND Beds / Baths / Half 0 / 0 / 0 Floors 0 Living Units 0 Actual Area 0 Sq.Ft Living Area 0 Sq.Ft Adjusted Area 0 Sq.Ft Lot Size 5,842 Sq.Ft 0 Year Built Assessment Information Year 2016 2015 2014 Land Value $175,260 $163,576 $146,050 Building Value $0 $0 $0 XF Value $0 $0 $0 Market Value $175,260 $163,576 $146,050 Assessed Value $39,317 $35,7431 $32,494 Benefits Information Benefit Type 2016 2015 2014 Non -Homestead Assessment $135,943 $127,833 $113,556 Cap Reduction Note: Not all benefits are applicable to all Taxable Values (i.e. County, School Board, City, Regional). Short Legal Description DOUGLAS MANOR PB 7-157 LOT 2 LESS El OFT CITY BLK 3 LOT SIZE 53.600 X 109 OR 14914-1033 0291 1 Generated On : 5/17/2017 Taxable Value Information Previous County 2016 2015 2014 Exemption Value $0 $0 $0 Taxable Value 1 $39,3171 $35,7431 $32,494 School Board Corrective, tax or QCD; min 05/01/2017 $100 Exemption Value $0 $0 $0 Taxable Value 1 $175,260 $163,576 $146,050 City 05/01 /2017 $100 30524-0425 Exemption Value $0 $0 $0 Taxable Value 1 $39,317 $35,743 $32,494 Regional Exemption Value Taxable Value $0 $39,3171 $0 $35,743 $0 $32,494 Sales Information Previous OR Book - Price Qualification Description Sale Page Corrective, tax or QCD; min 05/01/2017 $100 30524-0427 consideration Corrective, tax or QCD; min 05/01 /2017 $100 30524-0425 consideration 02/01/2005 $400,000 23130-4921 Other disqualified 02/01/1991 $70,000 14914-1033 Sales which are qualified The Office of the Property Appraiser is continually editing and updating the tax roll. This website may not reflect the most current information on record. The Property Appraiser and Miami -Dade County assumes no liability, see full disclaimer and User Agreement at http://www.miamidade.gov/info/disclaimer.asp Version: http://www.miamidade.gov/propertysearch/index.html 5/17/2017 Property Search Application - Miami -Dade County Page 1 of 1 '47''* OFFICE OF THE PROPERTY APPRAISER Summary Report Property Information Folio: Property Address: Owner Mailing Address 01-4117-003-0010 2814 SW 37 AVE Miami, FL 33133-3424 2814 16 SW 37 LLC 3009 NW 75 AVE MIAMI, FL 33122 PA Primary Zone 3901 KING HGTS ORCHARD VILLA Primary Land Use 0101 RESIDENTIAL -SINGLE FAMILY: 1 UNIT Beds / Baths / Half 2/1/0 Floors 1 Living Units 1 Actual Area Sq.Ft Living Area Sq.Ft Adjusted Area 1,045 Sq.Ft 3,615 Sq.Ft Lot Size Year Built 1957 Assessment Information Year 2016 2015 2014 Land Value $126,525 $108,450 $108,450 Building Value $65,459 $65,459 $63,766 XF Value $723 $606 $611 Market Value I $192,707 $174,515 $172,827 Assessed Value 1 $143,4311 $130,3921 $118,539 Benefits Information Benefit Type 2016 2015 2014 Non -Homestead Assessment $49,276 $44,123 $54,288 Cap Reduction Note: Not all benefits are applicable to all Taxable Values (i.e. County, School Board, City, Regional). Short Legal Description RLTY SECURITIES CORP OF COCO GROVE PB 2-85 UNDIV 1/2 INT IN LOT 1 LESS E20FT LESS E20FT BLK 1 LOT SIZE 27.390 X 132 Generated On : 5/17/2017 Taxable Value Information Previous Sale IPrice County 2016 2015 2014 Exemption Value $0 $0 $0 Taxable Value 1 $143,4311 $130,3921 $118,539 School Board Exemption Value $0 $0 $0 Taxable Value $192,707 $174,515 $172,827 City Exemption Value $0 $0 $0 Taxable Value 1 $143,431 $130,392 $118,539 Regional Exemption Value Taxable Value $0 $143,4311 $0 $130,3921 $0 $118,539 Sales Information Previous Sale IPrice I OR Book -Page Qualification Description 12/22/2016 1 $485,000 30358-4587 lQual on DOS, multi -parcel sale The Office of the Property Appraiser is continually editing and updating the tax roll. This website may not reflect the most current information on record. The Property Appraiser and Miami -Dade County assumes no liability, see full disclaimer and User Agreement at http://www.miamidade.gov/info/disclaimer.asp Version: http://www.miamidade.gov/propertysearch/index.html 5/17/2017 Property Search Application - Miami -Dade County Page 1 of 1 '47''* OFFICE OF THE PROPERTY APPRAISER Summary Report Property Information Folio: Property Address: Owner Mailing Address 01-4117-003-0011 2816 SW 37 AVE Miami, FL 33133-3424 2814 16 SW 37 LLC 3009 NW 75 AVE MIAMI, FL 33122 PA Primary Zone 3901 KING HGTS ORCHARD VILLA Primary Land Use 0101 RESIDENTIAL -SINGLE FAMILY: 1 UNIT Beds / Baths / Half 2/1/0 Floors 1 Living Units 1 Actual Area Sq.Ft Living Area Sq.Ft Adjusted Area 1,045 Sq.Ft 3,615 Sq.Ft Lot Size Year Built 1957 Assessment Information Year 2016 2015 2014 Land Value $126,525 $108,450 $108,450 Building Value $65,459 $65,459 $63,766 XF Value $723 $606 $611 Market Value $192,707 $174,515 $172,827 Assessed Value 1 $100,1451 $99,4491 $98,660 Benefits Information Benefit Type 20161 2015 2014 Save Our Homes Cap Assessment Reduction $92,562 $75,066 $74,167 Homestead Exemption $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 Second Homestead Exemption $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 Note: Not all benefits are applicable to all Taxable Values (i.e. County, School Board, City, Regional). $25,000 Taxable Value Short Legal Description RLTY SECURITIES CORP OF COCO GROVE PB 2-85 UNDIV 1/2 INT IN LOT 1 LESS E20FT BLK 1 LOT SIZE 27.390 X 132 Generated On : 5/17/2017 Taxable Value Information Previous OR Book - County 2016 2015 2014 Exemption Value $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 Taxable Value 1 $50,1451 $49,4491 $48,660 School Board 12/22/2016 $485,000 Exemption Value $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 Taxable Value 1 $75,145 $74,449 $73,660 City $217,000 Sales which are qualified Exemption Value $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 Taxable Value 1 $50,145 $49,449 $48,660 Regional 0147 of examination of the deed Exemption Value 1 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 Taxable Value 1 $50,145 $49,449 $48,660 Sales Information Previous OR Book - Price Qualification Description Sale Page 30358 12/22/2016 $485,000 Qual on DOS, multi -parcel sale 4587 26064- 11/01/2007 $217,000 Sales which are qualified 0422 22733- Sales which are disqualified as a result 10/01/2004 $0 0147 of examination of the deed The Office of the Property Appraiser is continually editing and updating the tax roll. This website may not reflect the most current information on record. The Property Appraiser and Miami -Dade County assumes no liability, see full disclaimer and User Agreement at http://www.miamidade.gov/info/disclaimer.asp Version: http://www.miamidade.gov/propertysearch/index.html 5/17/2017 7/6/2017 Property Search Application - Miami -Dade County i OFFICE OF THE PROPERTY APPRAISER Summary Report Property Information Folio: 01-4117-003-0040 Property Address: Owner Mailing Address 2818 SW 37 AVE Miami, FL 33133-3424 2814 16 SW 37 LLC 375 N HIBISCUS DR MIAMI BEACH, FL 33139 USA PA Primary Zone 3901 KING HGTS ORCHARD VILLA Primary Land Use 0802 MULTIFAMILY 2-9 UNITS: 2 LIVING UNITS Beds / Baths / Half 4/2/0 Floors 1 Living Units 2 Actual Area 2,090 Sq. Ft Living Area 2,090 Sq. Ft Adjusted Area 2,090 Sq. Ft Lot Size 7,233 Sq. Ft Year Built 1957 Assessment Information Previous County Year 2017 2016 2015 Land Value $253,155 $253,155 $216,990 Building Value $122,892 $122,892 $123,916 XF Value $882 $898 $730 Market Value Assessed Value 1 $376,929 $306,958 $376,945 $279,053 $341,636 $253,685 Benefits Information Benefit Type 2017 2016 2015 Non -Homestead Cap Assessment Reduction 1 $69,971 $97,8921 $87,951 Note: Not all benefits are applicable to all Taxable Values (i.e. County, School Board, City, Regional). Short Legal Description 17205441 RLTY SEC CORP OF COCO GR PB 2-85 LOT 4 LESS E20FT BLK 1 rOR TSIZE 54.800 X 132 18650-2042 0699 4 Generated On : 7/6/2017 Taxable Value Information Previous County 2017 2016 2015 Exemption Value $0 $0 $0 Taxable Value 1 $306,958 $279,053 $253,685 School Board 05/01/2017 $100 30524-0427 Exemption Value $0 $0 $0 Taxable Value 1 $376,929 $376,945 $341,636 City 30524-0426 Exemption Value $0 $0 $0 Taxable Value $306,9581 $279,0531 $253,685 Regional Corrective, tax or QCD; min 12/02/2010 $0 27531-3441 Exemption Value $0 $0 $0 Taxable Value 1 $306,9581 $279,0531 $253,685 Sales Information Previous OR Book- Price Qualification Description Sale Page Corrective, tax or QCD; min 05/01/2017 $100 30524-0427 consideration Corrective, tax or QCD; min 05/01/2017 $100 30524-0426 consideration 12/20/2010 $249,000 27531-3443 Qual by exam of deed Corrective, tax or QCD; min 12/02/2010 $0 27531-3441 consideration The Office of the Property Appraiser is continually editing and updating the tax roll. This website may not reflect the most current information on record. The Property Appraiser and Miami -Dade County assumes no liability, see full disclaimer and User Agreement at http://www.miamidade.gov/info/disclaimer.asp Version FXNTRTT 9 Analysis Pursuant to Article 7, Section of Miami 21 The properties to the north of the Property are zoned T6-8-0. The properties to the east are zoned CS, T4 -L and T3-0. The properties to the south of the Property are zoned T4 -L as well. To the west of the Property are properties zoned T3-0. The future land use designation for the properties to the north of the Property is Restricted Commercial. To the east of the Property, the properties' future land use is designated as Recreation, Low Density Restricted Commercial and Duplex Residential. The future land use designation for the properties to the south is Low Density Restricted Commercial. Duplex Residential designated properties are to the west of the Property. The radius area has become more residentially dense and commercial in nature over the last several years due to increased use of SW 37 Avenue (Douglas Road) by daily commuters and local area residents. The neighboring area has also recently seen a great amount of revitalization, partly due to a City- and County -wide emphasize on public transportation initiatives. The subject area has seen a shift towards higher density and mixed-use structures that often incorporate residential and commercial uses. For instance, the Douglas Cove Apartments and Da Vinci on the Douglas Condominiums are examples of redeveloped higher density properties located just blocks away from the Property. The proposed requests recognize the existing and forthcoming development pattern in this area of the SW 37 Avenue (Douglas Road) corridor and would allow the Property to be developed in a manner that is more consistent with the surrounding neighborhood. Approval of the Applicant's requests would also permit for more consistent development adjacent to Douglas Park, permitting additional residences to be located near this City recreational area consistent with the MCNP. The Applicant's proposed requests are consistent with the surrounding area as the Property is located directly adjacent to a portion of SW 37 Avenue (Douglas Road) that houses significant recreational, residential and commercial uses. Enclosed please find photographs of the properties within a 300 foot radius of the application site. ir N mat �h 7 s -- , Av- IFWM RIFT ��� EXHIBIT 3 FlP. No GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET ) 1 inch = 20 ft. of _ BOUNDARY .SURVEY %�) - -- --- S.W. 28th. STREET - � _ 20' A581 50' R/W _ - I « PARKWAY =15.00' I FN&D =found Nab k Disc EP. L. =Dain Poser tight ameformer HG?=Heignl L.M.E. =Coke uoinlenance Easenen( (M)=Meosuretl W) =Platted A=209316w I s' -- A=5.29' .5• 4,_HyWU E'\ - FIR, /2' ® Pp =Electric Meter Box . int of Beginnhg P.Dc. =Pa-Porol a commencement ®=Trafle send Box (R) =Gas Vdve Res. =Residence =Mmiladng Vdrc SIP/R =set Ircn Pin/Rebar Q=MW,ale SP1. =6Pead qA=piamele =Nmita. Wdl � 23.2' _ _ ___ ___ I $5.05' j _o j w 35 0 s.o 1 -STORY g Res. # 3700r . - s I i', (3 . 28.0' _ 15 as r. CONCRETEa ,_ 1'. �o� m1 I� RN/10,6I Rpt o e a 28 0• v � ie1 O 1 i a fN 28.0' 18ML6.50' 25 6.5' 28.0' I 13. RICK FlP. 1/2" No 1o. VACANT LOT -2 BLOfX-3 'DOUGLAS MMOR" PLAT COOK 7, PACE 157 LOT AREA = 5840.1 S0. FT. 1 -STORY - Res # 2814-16 r= 38.20' = 1� _____ _ � 1895' PLANTERS - CONCRETE 28.0' {vii BRIO( PRCK I 38.30' ID M 1 -STORY Res. # 2818 76.12' /C A/C IpLilyjNiU .3'x2.3_- 3.6•x2.8 ! DO i 131.99' LOT -5 BLOCK -1 REALTY SECURITIES CORPORATION'S OF COCOANUT GROVE ° -JOB SITE r o LOCATION MAP NOT TO SCALE PROPERTY ADDRESS: 3700 SW 28 STREET Miami, FLORIDA, 33134 Folio# 01-4117-002-0420 2810 SW 37 AVENUE, MIAMI, FLORIDA, 33133 Folio# 01-4117-002-0430 2814-16 SW 37 AVENUE. MIAMI. FLORIDA. 33133 Fo-7-003-000io# Ot4117-003-0011 2818 SW 37 AVENUE, MIAMI, FLORIDA, 33133 Folio# 01-4117-003-0040 LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot1 less the East 1C feet thereof, in Block 3 DOUGLAS MANOR, according 1a the Plat thereof, as corded in Plat Book 7. at Page 157, of the Publha Records of Micmi-Oade County, Florida. _ Lot 2 less the east 10 feet thereof, in Block 3, of DOUGLAS MANOR, according OI to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plot Book 7, of Page 157, of the Public cep Recortls of Dade C ... :y, Florida: together with the improvements silutale thereon. l� 20 Lot 1, LESS the East 20 feel thereof, in Block 1 of "realty securities C? LLI corpora Uon's plat of cocoanut grove` according to the plat thereof as recorded N \ in Plol Book 2 at Page 85 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. aaD // Lot 4, less the East 20 Feet, in Block 1, of REALTY SECURITIES CORPORATION'S _ PLAT OF COCONUT GROVE, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat 8cok QLL II z 2, Page 85, 01 the Public Recortls of Miami -Dade County, Florida. Said described lands containing 26,137 square feet (0.60+/- acres) t�0 - SURVEYOR'S NOTES: os su aove /�N/ 1. The above captioned Property w ..yed and described based on thea m LL I Legal Description: Provided by Client. r Q `z 2. This Certification is only for the lartls as described. It is not a certification of n G Title, Zaninc, Easements, or Freedom o! Encumbrances. ABSTRACT NOT REVIEWED. �I 3. There may be additonal Restrictions not shown on this survey that may he found ILII U Z Tin the Publi: Records of this County, Examination of ABSTRACT OF TITLE vitt have ��II Z be made to determine recorded instramenls, if any affecting tM1is property. f/ Z 4. Accuracy LLLJJJI z p - -I Th, xpectei ase o m, lona. as <I ... fi,d n ,he Standards of Pra<U„ (5d-17 I� W O a \ FAC), is •'Resitlentio. High Risk". The minimum relative distance accuracy for this In N o in type sofeboundary survey is 1 foot in 10,000 feel. The accuracy obtained by 2N a enl and calculation of a closed geometric figure w s found to exceed :c this requirement O p o 5. Foundations and/or footings that may cross beyond the boundary lines of the M S.W. 29th. STREET parcel he.,i, described are not spawn hereon. >. t j z r( -r - - - - 6. Not valid without the signature and the original noised sea of a Florida Licensed N F 78'23"" Ia�j - Surveyor and Mapper Additions or deletions to survey maps or reports by other W <9 / � - - - lY, than the signing party or parties are prohibited without written consent of the w no signing party or parties. - - 7. Co tact the app. p,i,t, authority prior to any design work on the m herein-desahad parcel for Building and Zoning information. Jami 8. Underground utilities are not depicted hereon, <ontoct the appropriate authority aA Q prior to any design work or ....traction on the property herein descrbed. F I Surveyor shall be notified as to any deviation from utWl^ties shown hereon. T LL W 9. The surveyor does not determine fence and/or wall --ship O „G w 10. Ownership ssbj-t. to OPINION OF TITLE. Z W U LL 1. Type of Survey BOUNDARY SURVEY. /2. The North or ow shaven hereon a e based o .corded plat of "DOUGLAS MANOR",O`LJ I�z accordingto.the Plot thereof, as ..carded nrPlot Book 7. at Page 157, of the J Public Recortls of Dade County, Fl.,ida. g r E,� I 13. All measurements #sown hereon are made in ca -d- with the United Slates ¢ M DU Standard Feet. LEGEND 14. Flood Zone Data: Community/ Panel #120650/0457A Dated:9/11/09 Flood Zone: 2 'X" Base Fsod Elevation N/A W 7 i�-Omoead Wre Une 15. Elevations o,own hereon are relative to National Geodetic Vertical Datum (1929 M (O Q r 2p p• - ,.-, -Wood Croce Mean Sea Level) {dJ r IC - Chain Link fence 16. Benchmark Used: N/A. F 17. This BOUNDARY SURVEY has been prepared for the exclI use of the entities y named hereon. The Certificate does not extend to any un amed .arty m F 35.0' -----..-Monument Line - 2814/16 SW 37, LLC, a Florida limited liability company N Nad OLD REPUBLIC NA-IONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY YELEN & YELEN PA. 4 / 2.0 Pr ty Lne LAW OFFICES OF g1NAN CHOU, P.A. Z Q N 280• i Existing Elewt'wnsEN A/C=AM Condilianer o O cepa. acanarel, a =cote. eosin SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: }9.0' ®=Water Meter C.B.S.=C"n<rele Blade & Stues (O ¢ N D.E. =Drainage Easement HEREBY CERTIFY THAT: in the professional ,pinion of the undersigned ®=Eltt4ic Bo. O.D. -F..d Maintenance Eaument Professional Surveyor and Mapper in the Slate of Florida. the . ,wing B,und,ry 09=5onifay Monhde F.OH. =Frond Drill H"le Survey meets ;he requirements of the Slcndords at f.actice a sef iorfh by DRAWN'. A.C. F.F.E. =Fnish Floor Ele-t.. the Florida Board of Professional Surveyor3 and Mappers in Chapter 5J-17, 50, =SP;inkier Pump FLP. =Frond Iron PIP,/PinFlorida Administrative Code. pursuant to Section 472.027. Florida Statutes. 'a: =Wood Pole FAIR, =Fond Iran Rebar Further, this cs tificate is based onobservations of (tela meas mems 35A 4 -IT" Box FMFound Nail . = performed on 5/8/2017 and other information availa5la to thea undersigrad at CHECKED: P.J.A. SCALE: 1" = 20 -1 NCF - J FlP. 1 f. No I.D. :x =Light Pde =Fire Hydrant �"' =Water Vdrc ®=Inlet EW =Co'ole iv Box FN&D =found Nab k Disc EP. L. =Dain Poser tight ameformer HG?=Heignl L.M.E. =Coke uoinlenance Easenen( (M)=Meosuretl W) =Platted the tiro, the services were rendered. Copies of this B... do, Survey a not v without the seal and the original 'sed seal of a Florida licensed s veyor a d mapper, Saitl a boss.. copies a for the specific use of those entitie t the Boundary Survey Fave beet certified to. FIELD DATE: 5/8/2017 JOB No.: RP17-0477 SHEET: 4'6" ® Pp =Electric Meter Box . int of Beginnhg P.Dc. =Pa-Porol a commencement ®=Trafle send Box (R) =Gas Vdve Res. =Residence =Mmiladng Vdrc SIP/R =set Ircn Pin/Rebar Q=MW,ale SP1. =6Pead qA=piamele =Nmita. Wdl --- Pablo J. Alfonso P S.M. PrcfStet. of FloridaReg. & Mapper State of FlidReg. No.5880 OF 1 SHEET PLAN NINGAN DZONINGDEPARTMENT COMPREHENS IVEPLANA MEND MENT AND EZONEAPPLICAT IONS 2810-16 SW 37 AVENUE AND 3700-02 SW 28 STREET FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATION: Low DENSITY RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL ZONING DESIGNATION: T4 -L NET DISTRICT: CORAL WAY 6/12/2017 The applications are subject to review and compliance with the requirements of all City departments, as applicable. The following comments are intended to assist and expedite applications based on the applicant's modifications of the applications suggested herein. These applications have been reviewed for the following: o Application for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment pursuant to Policy LU -1.6.4 of the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan (MCNP) to amend the 2020 Future Land Use Map (FLUM) and Section 62-8 of the Municipal Code for the City of Miami from Low Density Restricted Commercial to Medium Density Restricted Commercial o Application for Rezone pursuant to Article 7, Section of the Miami 21 Zoning Code which states that except where the proposal for the rezoning of property involves an extension of an existing Transect boundary, no rezoning of land shall be considered which involves less than forty thousand (40,000) square feet of land area or two hundred (200) feet of street Frontage on one (1) street. The applicant is requesting to rezone from T4 -L (General Urban - Limited) Transect Zone to T5-0 (Urban Center- Open) Transect Zone. The following Planning comments must be addressed and provided to the Office of Planning so that the permitting process can continue: General: 1. Pursuant to Article 7, Section please provide an analysis of the properties within a one-half mile radius of the subject property regarding the existing condition of the radius properties and the current zoning and Future Land Use designations of the radius properties. The analysis shall include photos of Building elevations of both sides of the street extending three hundred (300) feet beyond all boundaries of the site. An aerial photo of the site and the radius properties shall be included. The analysis shall explain why the zoning change is appropriate and why the existing zoning is inappropriate, in light of the intent of the Miami 21 Code and particularly in relation to effects on adjoining properties. Please refer to Exhibit 2 of the letter of intent. 2. Although the parcel proposed of being rezoned equals to a total of 24,275 sq. ft., the parcels meet the requirement of two hundred (200) feet of street Frontage on one (1) street. While the minimum criteria to submit a Rezone Application and a Comprehensive Plan Amendment have been met, this letter in no way indicates staff's support recommending approval of the proposed amendments. Noted. 3. Provide a massing study. Please refer to the enclosed massing study. 4. Provide context photographs. Please refer to submitted application materials. 5. Provide a signed survey within one year including the proposed lot; also include square footage and acreage. Request the Office of Public Works to mark BBL and CL on the plans. Please refer to submitted application materials. 6. Outreach to the District 4 Commissioner, Coral Way NET Office and the surrounding community. The Applicant's representatives reached out to the District Commissioner's Office on July 12, 2017 and spoke to Rebecca Wakefield, Chief of Staff. Ms. Wakefield was advised of the general nature of the Applicant's requests. Pursuant to Ms. Wakefield, a meeting with the District Commissioner is not necessary at this time. Upon application submittal, we will follow up by sending the application materials for the Commissioner's review and consideration. The Applicant's representatives also reached out to the Coral Way NET Office on July 14, 2017 and July 17, 2017. On both occasions, messages were left for the Coral Way NET Director. The Applicant's representatives will continue outreach efforts. 7. Resolve all code violations and/or liens on the properties before submitting. Please refer to submitted Code and Lien Search Reports. 8. Staff recommends that you obtain a Zoning Verification Letter to determine your primary street frontages. Noted. 9. Pursuant to Policy LU -1.6.3 of the MCNP, please explain how the proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment meets the intent of the MCNP, in your letter of intent. Please refer to letter of intent. 10. Provide an analysis of properties within a 1000 foot radius that is pertinent to the goals, objectives, and policies of the MCNP. Please refer to letter of intent. 11. Please provide school concurrency application along with the Comprehensive Plan Amendment application. The application may be downloaded from the Hearing Boards Division's website. Receipt of payment to the School Board should be provided before any application may go to a hearing. Public School Concurrency applications were electronically submitted to staff on July 12, 2017 and the originals were submitted with the respective land use and rezoning applications. On July 17, 2017, the Applicant received confirmation that the land use related request was submitted to the School Board (as the rezoning related form was not necessary). The Applicant will submit the receipt for payment to the City upon receipt of fee invoice and payment. 12. In a survey or letter of intent, please provide the distance from the nearest transit station. Please refer to letter of intent. 13. If submitting covenant, provide a covenant in word format at time of submittal. a. If providing a covenant tied to plans, the plans need to be plan checked prior to submittal. Please refer to submitted USB drive. 14. It is recommended that you provide a traffic study; contact the Office of Transportation for the correct methodology. Pursuant to correspondence with Jacqueline Ellis and Sue Trone, it was determined that a transportation study is not required. However, documentation of estimated impacts was requested on July 12, 2017. Accordingly, please refer to the enclosed Summary of Estimated Transportation Impacts for SW 37 Avenue Rezoning. 15. It is highly recommended, that you provide letters of support from nearby Homeowner Associations. Noted. 16. In addition to a hardcopy of your submittal, please provide an electronic copy. Please refer to submitted USB drive. 17. The deadline to submit your application is July 21, 2017. Staff recommends that you schedule a meeting two weeks prior to this date to review the package. Noted. 18. This letter is not a recommendation of approval for the request and only indicates that the application complies with the minimum criteria for submittal. Noted. The City of Miami reserves the right to comment further on the project as details and/or explanations are provided and may revise previous comments based on additional information provided. *** Please note that the Planning and Zoning Department reviews Permit proposals based on Miami 21 Zoning Code and the Miami City Code of Ordinances. Prepared by: Luiz Vicentini, Planner I; Ryan Shedd, Planner 11; Rafael Rodriguez, Planner I Cc: Jacqueline Ellis, Chief of Land Development; Derrick Cook, Planner 11; Tamara Frost, Office of Zoning PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT PROJECTS REVIEW MEETING REZONE& FLUM AMENDMENT 3700-02 SW 28 ST, 2810-16 SW 37 AVE, MIAMI, FL FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATION: Low DENSITY RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL FUTURE LAND USE CHANGE REQUEST: MEDIUM DENSITY RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL NET DISTRICT: CORAL WAY 6/15/2017 The project is subject to review and compliance with the requirements of all City departments, as applicable. The following comments are intended to assist and expedite the permit applications based on the applicant's modifications of the project / plans suggested below. This application has been reviewed for the following: Application for Future Land Use modification pursuant to the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plon. 1. Please provide outreach to the Commissioner, NET Office, and the community. The Applicant's representatives reached out to the District Commissioner's Office on July 12, 2017 and spoke to Rebecca Wakefield, Chief of Staff. Ms. Wakefield was advised of the general nature of the Applicant's requests. Pursuant to Ms. Wakefield, a meeting with the District Commissioner is not necessary at this time. Upon application submittal, we will follow up by sending the application materials for the Commissioner's review and consideration. The Applicant's representatives also reached out to the Coral Way NET Office on July 14, 2017 and July 17, 2017. On both occasions, messages were left for the Coral Way NET Director. The Applicant's representatives will continue outreach efforts. 2. The applicant is encouraged to provide a brief description of the public outreach process conducted for this proposal. Please refer to response above. 3. Resolve any code violations and liens on the properties prior to submitting the application. Please refer to submitted Code and Lien Search Reports. 1 4. In your letter of intent and on your site plan, explain how your proposal meets the intent of the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan. Please refer to letter of intent. 5. Provide an analysis of properties within a 1000 foot radius that is pertinent to the goals, objectives, and policies of the MCNP. Please refer to letter of intent. 6. In a survey or letter of intent, the applicant is encouraged to provide distances from the nearest transit station. Describe the proposal's relationship to a transit corridor, if applicable. Please refer to letter of intent. 7. Please provide school concurrency application with the application. Receipt of payment to the School Board should be provided before any application may go to a hearing. Public School Concurrency applications were electronically submitted to staff on July 12, 2017 and the originals were submitted with the respective land use and rezoning applications. On July 17, 2017, the Applicant received confirmation that the land use related request was submitted to the School Board (as the rezoning related form was not necessary). The Applicant will submit the receipt for payment to the City upon receipt of fee invoice and payment. 8. Please provide a transportation study. The Office of Transportation can assist you with regard to study methodology, contact Sandra Harris (SandraHarris@miamigov.com or 305-416-1726) or Collin Worth (CWorth@miamigov.com or 305-416-1022) in Capital Improvements and Transportation Program and Hermes Diaz, Chief Civil Engineer (hdiaz@miamigov.com or 305- 416-1047) Public Works Department and seek guidance regarding any existing and proposed driveways and curb cuts. Provide any determinations as part of your application. Pursuant to correspondence with Jacqueline Ellis and Sue Trone, it was determined that a transportation study is not required. However, documentation of estimated impacts was requested on July 12, 2017. Accordingly, please refer to the enclosed Summary of Estimated Transportation Impacts for SW 37 Avenue Rezoning. 9. It will be beneficial to provide letters of support from nearby Homeowners Associations and abutting neighbors. Noted. 10. In addition to a hardcopy of your submittal, please provide an electronic copy. Please refer to submitted USB drive. PA adorn sdionoa e Ms 0 Ln O J 0 C/D CID LCD f— f— ■ 198'92 auil Alaadoad --------------- , -----------------------'Ol��toeq}aSluoajlGewiad I I I I o C= I v I I o I� c o I rn ^Icn I � o auil Aliadoad WOJJ 9Z :5 - 8 saooId ao; jaeglas I I a i� ------ - - - - -- CID c (�arval 10 6/601) lb'ol :joeq]aS E-16u!l}nq ap!S — auil 6jaadoad WOJI 9Z L — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — , i ,ZL'90l aui� R�ladoad I 3 , :5 - g saoojd aol jaeglas I NI I ¢ a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -- J I i7, v ('66'1E110°/601) Z'E 1:jouglaS E-16u!l}ngV ap!S „! e Ms 0 Ln O J 0 C/D CID LCD f— f— ■ I Dry T5-0 S r 3 M � p0 oOG�P S � 0 Summary_ of Estimated Transportation Impacts for SW 37 Avenue Rezoning The Applicant, 2814/16 SW 37, LLC, is seeking a land use amendment and rezoning of the following parcels: 3700 SW 28 Street, 2810 SW 37 Avenue, 2814 SW 37 Avenue, 2816 SW 37 Avenue and 2818 SW 37 Avenue (the "Property"). Specifically, the Applicant seeks a land use amendment from Low Density Restricted Commercial to Medium Density Restricted Commercial, as well as a rezoning from T4 -L to T5-0. Although a transportation study has been deemed unnecessary, below please a summary of application's estimated transportation impacts pursuant to the City's request. Please note that as the ultimate use for the Property is unknown at this time and a site plan has not been prepared. As such. the Applicant has estimated the transportation impacts under three (3) potential scenarios. Nevertheless, these estimates and scenarios do not preclude the Applicant from ultimately proposing a differing development program. Scenario 1- Apartment (220) and General Office Building (710 Scenario 2 - Apartment (220) and Specialty Retail Center (826 Weekday AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour 39 dwelling units 259.35 tris 19.89 tris 24.18 trips 18,234 square feet 201.12 trips 28.45 trips 27.17 trips Scenario 2 - Apartment (220) and Specialty Retail Center (826 Scenario 3 - Apartment (220 Weekday AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour 39 dwelling units 259.35 tris 19.89 tris 24.18 trips 18,234 square feet 808.13 trips 124.72 trips 49.41 trips Scenario 3 - Apartment (220 * Common Trip Generation Rates were obtained from ITE Trip Generation Manual, 9th Edition. At the City's direction, the above estimates do not account for any reductions, including but not limited to "passby" trip reduction or mixed use reduction. In addition, the above estimates do not account for several Miami 21 development restrictions such Weekday AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour 39 dwelling units 259.35 tris 19.89 tris 24.18 trips * Common Trip Generation Rates were obtained from ITE Trip Generation Manual, 9th Edition. At the City's direction, the above estimates do not account for any reductions, including but not limited to "passby" trip reduction or mixed use reduction. In addition, the above estimates do not account for several Miami 21 development restrictions such as parking requirements, circulation areas, building disposition regulations, and the like. The estimates above are merely based on the maximum allowable building envelope and are only intended for general informational purposes. Please kindly refer to Applicant's letter of intent for assessment of the neighborhood context and mitigating factors. HEARING BOARDS DIVISION REFERRAL DATE: 7/7/2017 PROJECT NAME: Rezoning and Land Use Amendment application PROJECTADDRESS: 2810-2818 SW 37 Avenue and 3700 SW 28 Street, Miami, FL PROJECT FOLIO(S): 0141170020420;0141170020430;0141170030010;0141170030011;0141170030040 APPLICANT NAME: EMAIL: PLANNER: Luiz Vicentini ZONING PROCESSOR: N/A TO BE COMPLETED BY THE REFERRING PLANNE ® Letter of Intent ❑ Survey with Base Building Line ❑ Stamped Plans Signed by Planning ❑ Zoning Referral ❑ Zoning Write-up ❑x Pre -application Meeting Comments ❑ Tentative Plat, if applicable ❑ Public Works Letter, if applicable ❑ Pre -application Comment for Proposed Development Agreement, if applicable ❑ Pre -application Comment for Traffic Sufficiency Letter, if applicable ® Covenant Approved by Department of Planning & Zoning and City Attorney's Office* ❑ Exception Requiring City Commission COMMENTS: This application for the Rezone and Land Use amendment meets the minimum requirements to move forward. Applicant is required to provide a Covenant at the time of the Application. IN Application complies with Miami 21 and is technically ready for submittal to Hearing Boards. f�r . 7/7/2017 Referral Issued By: Signature Date PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT AND REZONE APPLICATIONS 2810-16 SW 37 AVENUE AND 3700-02 SW 28 STREET FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATION: Low DENSITY RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL ZONING DESIGNATION: T4 -L NET DISTRICT: CORAL WAY 6/12/2017 The applications are subject to review and compliance with the requirements of all City departments, as applicable. The following comments are intended to assist and expedite applications based on the applicant's modifications of the applications suggested herein. These applications have been reviewed for the following: o Application for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment pursuant to Policy LU -1.6.4 of the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan (MCNP) to amend the 2020 Future Land Use Map (FLUM) and Section 62-8 of the Municipal Code for the City of Miami from Low Density Restricted Commercial to Medium Density Restricted Commercial o Application for Rezone pursuant to Article 7, Section of the Miami 21 Zoning Code which states that except where the proposal for the rezoning of property involves an extension of an existing Transect boundary, no rezoning of land shall be considered which involves less than forty thousand (40,000) square feet of land area or two hundred (200) feet of street Frontage on one (1) street. The applicant is requesting to rezone from T4 -L (General Urban -Limited) Transect Zone to T5-0 (Urban Center- Open) Transect Zone. The following Planning comments must be addressed and provided to the Office of Planning so that the permitting process can continue: General: Pursuant to Article 7, Section please provide an analysis of the properties within a one-half mile radius of the subject property regarding the existing condition of the radius properties and the current zoning and Future Land Use designations of the radius properties. The analysis shall include photos of Building elevations of both sides of the street extending three hundred (300) feet beyond all boundaries of the site. An aerial photo of the site and the radius properties shall be included. The analysis shall explain why the zoning change is appropriate and why the existing zoning is inappropriate, in light of the intent of the Miami 21 Code and particularly in relation to effects on adjoining properties. 2. Although the parcel proposed of being rezoned equals to a total of 24,275 sq. ft., the parcels meet the requirement of two hundred (200) feet of street Frontage on one (1) street. While the minimum criteria to submit a Rezone Application and a Comprehensive Plan Amendment have been met, this letter in no way indicates staff's support recommending approval of the proposed amendments. 3. Provide a massing study. 4. Provide context photographs. 5. Provide a signed survey within one year including the proposed lot; also include square footage and acreage. Request the Office of Public Works to mark BBL and CL on the plans. 6. Outreach to the District 4 Commissioner, Coral Way NET Office and the surrounding community. 7. Resolve all code violations and/or liens on the properties before submitting. 8. Staff recommends that you obtain a Zoning Verification Letter to determine your primary street frontages. 9. Pursuant to Policy LU -1.6.3 of the MCNP, please explain how the proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment meets the intent of the MCNP, in your letter of intent. 10. Provide an analysis of properties within a 1000 foot radius that is pertinent to the goals, objectives, and policies of the MCNP. 11. Please provide school concurrency application along with the Comprehensive Plan Amendment application. The application may be downloaded from the Hearing Boards Division's website. Receipt of payment to the School Board should be provided before any application may go to a hearing. 12. In a survey or letter of intent, please provide the distance from the nearest transit station. 13. If submitting covenant, provide a covenant in word format at time of submittal. a. If providing a covenant tied to plans, the plans need to be plan checked prior to submittal. 14. It is recommended that you provide a traffic study; contact the Office of Transportation for the correct methodology. 15. It is highly recommended, that you provide letters of support from nearby Homeowner Associations. 16. In addition to a hardcopy of your submittal, please provide an electronic copy. 17. The deadline to submit your application is July 21, 2017. Staff recommends that you schedule a meeting two weeks prior to this date to review the package. 18. This letter is not a recommendation of approval for the request and only indicates that the application complies with the minimum criteria for submittal. The City of Miami reserves the right to comment further on the project as details and/or explanations are provided and may revise previous comments based on additional information provided. *** Please note that the Planning and Zoning Department reviews Permit proposals based on Miami 21 Zoning Code and the Miami City Code of Ordinances. Prepared by: Luiz Vicentini, Planner I; Ryan Shedd, Planner 11; Rafael Rodriguez, Planner I Cc: Jacqueline Ellis, Chief of Land Development; Derrick Cook, Planner 11; Tamara Frost, Office of Zoning PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT PROJECTS REVIEW MEETING REZONE& FLUM AMENDMENT 3700-02 SW 28 ST, 2810-16 SW 37 AVE, MIAMI, FL FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATION: Low DENSITY RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL FUTURE LAND USE CHANGE REQUEST: MEDIUM DENSITY RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL NET DISTRICT: CORAL WAY 6/15/2017 The project is subject to review and compliance with the requirements of all City departments, as applicable. The following comments are intended to assist and expedite the permit applications based on the applicant's modifications of the project / plans suggested below. This application has been reviewed for the following: Application for Future Land Use modification pursuant to the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan. 1. Please provide outreach to the Commissioner, NET Office, and the community. 2. The applicant is encouraged to provide a brief description of the public outreach process conducted for this proposal. 3. Resolve any code violations and liens on the properties prior to submitting the application. 4. In your letter of intent and on your site plan, explain how your proposal meets the intent of the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan. 5. Provide an analysis of properties within a 1000 foot radius that is pertinent to the goals, objectives, and policies of the MCNP. 6. In a survey or letter of intent, the applicant is encouraged to provide distances from the nearest transit station. Describe the proposal's relationship to a transit corridor, if applicable. 7. Please provide school concurrency application with the application. Receipt of payment to the School Board should be provided before any application may go to a hearing. 8. Please provide a transportation study. The Office of Transportation can assist you with regard to study methodology, contact Sandra Harris (SandraHarris@miamigov.com or 305-416-1726) or Collin Worth (CWorth@miamigov.com or 305-416-1022) in Capital Improvements and Transportation Program and Hermes Diaz, Chief Civil Engineer (hdiaz@miamigov.com or 305- 416-1047) Public Works Department and seek guidance regarding any existing and proposed driveways and curb cuts. Provide any determinations as part of your application. 9. It will be beneficial to provide letters of support from nearby Homeowners Associations and abutting neighbors 10. In addition to a hardcopy of your submittal, please provide an electronic copy. 1 State of Florida Department of State I certify from the records of this office that 2814/16 SW 37, LLC is a limited liability company organized under the laws of the State of Florida, filed on December 20, 2016. The document number of this limited liability company is L16000229415. I further certify that said limited liability company has paid all fees due this office through December 31, 2017, that its most recent annual report was filed on February 21, 2017, and that its status is active. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State of Florida at Tallahassee, the Capital, this the Fifth day of July, 2017 ja Secretary of State Tracking Number: CU3516115175 To authenticate this certificate,visit the following site,enter this number, and then follow the instructions displayed. https://services.sunbiz.org/Filings/CertificateOfStatus/CertificateAuthentication This Instrument prepared by: Renier Cruz, Esq. 300 Sevilla Avenue, Suite 310 Coral Gables, Florida 33134 Return to: Yelen & Yelen P.A. 1104 Ponce De Leon Boulevard, Coral Gables, FL 33134 Tax Folio Number: 01-4117-003-0010 01-4117-003-0011 GF W 2016RO739185 OR BK 30358 Pss 4587-4588 t2P9s3 RECORDED 12/23/2016 12.55.03 DEED DOC TAX $2#910.00 SURTAX $2#182,50 HARVEY RUVIN# CLERK OF COURT MIAMI -RADE COUNTY# FLORIDA THIS WARRANTYDEED, made on the -n��day of December, 2016, between Rebecca Diaz, an unremarried woman and lustina Diaz, and unremarried widow, whose post office address is 2814 and 2816 S.W. 371" Avenue, Miami Florida 33145, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", and 2814/16 SW 37, LLC, whose post office address is 3009 N.W. 75'x' Avenue, Miami, FL 33122, hereinafter referred to as "Grantee": WITNESSETH: That the Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of $10.00 and other valuable consideration to him in hand paid by the said Grantee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to the Grantee, the following described real property situate, lying and being in Miami -Dade County, Florida, to wit: Lot 1, less the East 20 feet, less the East 20 feet, Block 1, of REALTY SECURITIES CORPORATION'S PLAT OF COCOANUT GROVE, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 2, at Page 85 of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. (Parcel 1) Lot 1, less the East 20 feet, Block 1, of REALTY SECURITIES CORPORATION'S PLAT OF COCOANUT GROVE, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 2, at Page 85 of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. (Parcel 2) This conveyance is made subject to all applicable zoning regulations and ordinances; real estate taxes for the year 2017 and subsequent years, and; all covenants, agreements, conditions, restrictions, easements, plats and dedications of record. Together, with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining. To Have and to Hold, the same in fee simple forever. And the grantor does hereby covenant with said grantee that the Grantor is lawfully seized of said land in fee simple; that the Grantor has good right and lawful authority to sell and convey said land, and hereby warrants the title to said land and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, and that said land is free of all encumbrances, except taxes accruing subsequent to December 31, 2016. In Witness Wheregf, the said Grantor has caused these presents to be executed in his name the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered Book30358/Page4587 CFN#20160739185 Page 1 of 2 in the pre ce ae, (printed name) (printed name) (printed name) (printed name) STATE OF FLORIDA } COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE } QR BK 34358 PG 4588 LAST PAGE V.J�L"a6, Rebecca Diaz BJ-, �ez { Justina Diaz by Rebecc az, her attorney in fact lG- The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ;22gday of ?'My1,42016 by Rebecca Diaz, who is personally known to me-- tt ion. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: Ric wd M. T*& NOTARY FU8,1.IC STATE OF R DOWA E>81t3M4�tS RY P LIC -STATE OF FLORIDA Book30358/Page4588 CFN#20160739185 Page 2 of 2 PREPARED BY AND RETURN T0: JAN A. YELEN YELEN & YELEN, P.A. 1104 Ponce de Leon Boulevard Coral Gables, Florida 33134 Property Appraisers Parcel Identification Number(s): 01-4117-002-0420 (Space Above This Line for Recording 4 i111N 1141141111 VIII Bill 11141141!! 11141111 GFN 2017R0_256642 OR BK 30524 Fss 423-424 QFss) RECORDED 05/05/2017 14:5321 DEED DOC TAX $3?090.00 SURTAX $2?317.50 HARVEY RUVINr CLERK OF COURT MIAMI-DADE COUNTY? FLORIDA THIS WARRANTY DEED made the day of , 2017 by 3700 SW 28 STREET LLC, a Florida Limited Liability Company, hereinafter called the grantor, 0 2814/16 SW 37, LLC, a Florida Limited Liability Company; whose post office address is 375 N Hibiscus Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139, hereinafter called the grantee: (Wherever used herein the terms "grantor" and "grantee" include all the parties to this instrument and the heirs, legal representatives and assigns of individuals, and the successors and assigns of corporations) WITNESSETH: That the grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other valuable considerations, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hereby grants, bargains, sells, aliens, remises, conveys and confirms unto the grantee, all that certain land situate in Miami -Dade County, Florida, to wit: Lot 1 LESS the East 10 feet thereof, Block 3, Douglas Manor, according to the map or plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 157, Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. Subject to taxes for the current year and all subsequent years. Subject to easements, restrictions, limitations and reservations of record. This shall not serve to reimpose any restrictions, etc. previously abandoned or terminated. TOGETHER with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same in fee simple forever. AND the grantor hereby covenants with said grantee that the grantor is lawfully seized of said land in fee simple; that the grantor has good right and lawful authority to sell and convey said land, and hereby warrants the title to said land and will defend that same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. I Book30524/Page423 CFN#20170256642 Page 1 of 2 OR GK 30524 PG 424 EAST PAGE Warranty Deed -Page Two Parcel Identification Number(s): 01-4117-002-0420 IN ZVTTNESS WHEREOF, the said grantor has signed and sealed these presents the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: Print Witness Name 3700 SW 28 STREET LLC, a Florida Limited Liability Company Ey: TONI H. ALAM, Managing Member 6915 Red Road, Suite 215-A, Coral Gables, FL 33143 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI -DARE j The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this [ day of 2017 by TONI H. A a ing Member of 3700 SW 28 STREET LLC, a Florida Limited Lia ility Company who is sonally known to x or who has produced as identification. �.�o�""�� "�ej•. y ` 1_Fob CARME Notary PubI1cN�Jt9> ' Commission � 11'f ' # FF 942458 MY Comm. Expires F��a?; Dec 14, 2019 Bonded through National Notary Assn. Book30524/Page424 CFN#20170256642 Page 2 of 2 PREPARED BY AND RETURN T0: JAN A. YELEN YELEN & YELEN, P.A. 1104 Ponce de Leon Boulevard Coral Gables, Florida 33134 CFK 201 7RO256645 OR BK 30524 Pas 427-428 (2Pas) RECORDED 05/05/2:117 14:53:21 DEED DOC TAX $0.60 SURTAX $0.45 HARVEY RUVINY CLERK OF COURT MIAMI-DADE COUNTYr FLORIDA Property Appraisers Parcel Identification Number(s); 01-4117-002-0430;3-01-4117-003-0040 Above This Line for Recording THIS WARRANTY DEED made the ( day of , 2017 by TONI H. ALAM, a married man, hereinafter called the grantor, to 2814/16 SW 37, LLC, a Fl ida Limited Liability Company, whose post office address is 375 N Hibiscus Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139, hereinafter called the grantee: (Wherever used herein the terms "grantor" and "grantee" include all the parties to this instrument and the heirs, legal representatives and assigns of individuals, and the successors and assigns of corporations) WITNESSETH: That the grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN DOLLARS ($io.00) and other valuable considerations, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hereby grants, bargains, sells, aliens, remises, conveys and confirms unto the grantee, all that certain land situate in Miami -Dade County, Florida, to wit: new Lot 2 LESS the East io feet thereof, Block 3, Douglas Manor, according to the map or plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 157, Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. Lot 4 LESS the East 20 feet, Block 1, Realty Securities Corporation's Plat of Cocoanut Grove, according to the map or plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 85, Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. Grantor warrants that the subject property is not his homestead. Neither he nor any member of his family reside on said property or on any property contiguous thereto. Grantor resides at the address set forth below his signature. Subject to taxes for the current year and all subsequent years. Subject to easements, restrictions, limitations and reservations of record. This shall not serve to reimpose any restrictions, etc. previously abandoned or terminated. TOGETHER with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same in fee simple forever. AND the grantor hereby covenants with said grantee that the grantor is lawfully seized of said land in fee simple; that the grantor has good right and lawful authority to sell and convey said land, and hereby warrants the title to said land and will defend that same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. Book30524/Page427 CFN#20170256645 Page 1 of 2 OR BK 3 524 PG 428 LAST PAGE warranty Deed -Page Two Parcel Identification Number(s): 01-4117-002-0430;3-01-4117-003-0040 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said grantor has signed and sealed these presents the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: Print Witness Name TONI H. ALAM 12005 SW 1001h Avenue, Miami, FL 33176 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE The foregoinginst nt was,,acknowledged before me this day of, 2017 by TONI H. ALAM, wh s ers� onally known to e or who has produced as identification. n + • oA% ofA 1 F'. . ary pu61k . 31 (IFR1 �Y Comm�sslon FF g I florid mm. Expires e 42458 8oVires Mattoon 14, s81� Book30524/Page428 CFN#20170256645 Page 2 of 2 Exhibit A PROPERTY ADDRESS: 3700 SW 28 'STREET Miami, FLORIDA, 33134 Folie 01-4117-002-4420 2810 SW 37 AVENUE, MIAMI, FLORIDA, 33133 Folie 01-4117-002-0430 2814-16 SW 37 AVENUE, MIAMI, FLORIDA, 33133 Folio# 01-4117-003-0010 Folio# 01-4117-003-0011 28'8 ='* 37 A'V'ENUE, MIAMI, FLORIDA, 33133 Foli:.j�` 0'-4117-003-0040 LEGAL )ESCRIPTION Lot 1 less ,he East 1D feet thereof, in Black 3 DOUGLAS MANOR, according to the Plat thcreo#, as recorded in Plat Book 7, at Page 157, of the Public Records of Miami—Dade County, Florida, Lot 2 less the east 10 feet thereof, Ira Block 3, of DOUGLAS MANOR, according to the Pleat thereof, as recorded in plat Book 7, at Page 157, of the Public Records of Dads County, Florida; together with the improvements situtate thereer. Lot 1, LESS the East 20 feet thereof, in Block 1 of "realty seu-nities corporation's plat of cocoanut grove' according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 2 at Page 85 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. Lot 4, less the East 20 Feet, in Block 1, of REALTY SECURITIES CORPORATIONS PLAT OF COCONUT GROVE, uvcording to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 35, of the Public Hor ords of Miami—Dade County, Florida. Said described lands containing 26,137 square feet (0.60+,i- acres) Current Property Photographs 3700 SW 28 Street 2810 SW 37 Avenue rt � Si- Llj� In C1�V ob``tt ,� iY t. �Itl 11 .111111 �,R' \� L 't t CITY OF MIAMI Print Form For Office Check# 10,9 f Use Only; Receipt# Ethics Certificate �j v Office of the City Cleric, 3500 Pan American ]Drive, Miami, FL 33133 Phone: (305) 250-5360 LOBBYIST REGISTRATION (1) Lobbyist Name: Fernandez, Ben Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial Business Phone: 305-377-6235 Business Address Zoo South Biscayne Blvd., Suite 850, Miami, FL E -Mail Address B)iernandez@BRzoningLaw. com (2) Principal Represented 2814/16 SW 37, LLC Zip 33131 Pi'incipal's Business Address375 N. Hibiscus Drive, Miami Beach, FL Zip 33139 (If different from above) (3) Specific issue lobbyist has been retained to lobby (if representing a corporation, partnership or trust, give business address of chief officer, partner, or beneficiary of same, and the names and addresses of all persons holding, directly or indirectly, at least five percent (5%) ownership interest in said corporation, partnership or trust). Miscellaneous land use, zoning and permitting matters for the properties located at 3700 SW 28 Street as well as 2810, 2814, 2816, 2818 SW 37 Avenue, Miami, Florida. (See Attached), (4) Lobbyists shall state the extent of any business association or financial relationship with any member(s) of the City Commission, any member of City staff before whom he/she lobbies or intends to lobby. (H applicable, please explain) N/A A A Lobbyists shall pay all registration fees ($525.00 annually, plus $105.00 for each principal represented and for each issue a lobbyist has been retained to lobby on behalf of any one principal), and specifically define the issue for which they are employed. The Clerk shall reject any statement which does not detail the issue for which the lobbyist has been employed. Lobbyist shall also submit a certificate of completion of an ethics course provided by the Miami -Dade County Commission on Ethics & Public Trust or City of Miami completed no more than one (1) year prior to registering. I do solemnly swear that all of the foregoing facts are true and correct, and I have read Or ar fan iliar with the provisions contained in Sections 2-651 through 2-6511 o e ty of Miami Co , as mended, including "annual registration, withdrawal, reporting require nts, d #iilitions, examin i ns, a alties for violations and contingency fees." Lobbyist Signature 4 State of Florida, County of Miami -Dade , Sworn to an cribed before me this kday of , I Notary or Deputy Cleric �o1,nYpUa'r`, BETTY LLEREN �? • ;` Notary Public State el Florida .° d ' My comm. Expires Mar 5, 2018 Note: Annual Registration Fee: Effective through 12/31/2016 7�{66, o:� Commission tJ FF 070562 ,�t. oYie 1ti\� 1uu1 BBU 2814/16 SW 87 LLC -AHC—AmF AHc—AmFktNdAWnYnVA ORIDA rcoMnnHr L 6915 REQ RD SUITE 215•A 63-9138/2631 7/10/17 CORAL GABLES, FL 33143 PAY TO THE Cit of Miami *"`210.00 ORDER OF y ... ..... ... `. .... /._.... _.... _.. City of Miami OFFICIAL RECEIPT No. 8 3 . � r1 "�S}}alle�es Tax $ — _ _ Total $ � P c�<��Date:.__ /1 00 Dollars fleceived frog:----- �fJCC/7 / / �'• , For: 74#deference No, _ Ttiis Receipt not VALID unless elated. B �� - -- filled in and sinned by aulhorized em- ' ployee of department or division des gnated hereon and until the City his collected the proceeds of any checks Division: lendered as payment herein_ _ _.�� t i FiJ.f it io Rev. 131'03 Distribution: Wwto - Custofner, Canary - Finance; Pink - Issuing f3epaFIrlinni u 6 a � 2814/16 SW 37 LLC ,AMXI"°Deof COMMM" 6915 REQ RD SUITE 215•A 63.9138/2631 CORAL GABLES, FL 33143 h 7/10117 PAY TO THE Cityof Miami **210.00 ORDER OF Two Hundred Ten and 00/100t**t##k#**k#**#**k***k*#******t**xx**#**x*****k***k****kk**#******##**####t*##**ttt#*ttNk***** Dni IaAR5 At7FHORIZEO SIGtJ,AIUpE 1UU1 City of Miami MEMO I-:.:..::. �.� Lobbyist Registrations-....-_. _. 11'0000 100 LII' 1:26 3 19 L 3i3 ?i".0000 24 39G 35 7 2115 City of Miami OFFICIAL RECEIPT" - 84 �� No. 4 — Sales Tax $ ___ __ Total $ _. �' 0c0 Date: . .... C 1/ 7 ___. / 100 Dollars Received from: y A46m5s:.-0XY7__. f nr: Reference No:..___._..__.._../�1--_ I -his Receipt riot VALID unless dated, By __....._.._....._. � _��� filled in and signed by authorized em ,..._------ ployee of department or division des- Department: ignated hereon and until the City has collected the pfoceeds of any checks Division:......_ .__...__._ ......�._._ tendered as payment herein. f"NPIM 402 Ruv. 03,03 Distribution: White - Customor, Canary • Finance' fink - Issuirlq Department k op�i r� dirnii iii,u � CITY OF MIAMI Prknt Form For Office Checkfl / { Use Only: Receipts `7 Ethics Certificate ©� Office of the City Cleric, 3504. Pan'American Drive, Miami, FL 33133 Phone: (305) 250-5360 LOBBYIST REGISTRATION (1) Lobbyist Name: Zacarias, Gianeli M. Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial Business Phone: 305-377-6234 Business Address 200 south Biscayne Blvd., Suite 850, Miami, FL Zip 331.31. E -Mail Address GMestre@BRzoningLaw. com (2) Principal Represented 2814/16 SW 37, LLC Principal's Business Address375 N. Hibiscus Drive, Miami Beach, FL Zip 33139 (If different from above) (3) Specific issue lobbyist has been retained to lobby (if representing a corporation, partnership or trust, give business address of chief officer, partner, or beneficiary of same, and the names and addresses of all persons holding, directly or indirectly, at least five percent (5%) ownership interest in said corporation, partnership or trust). Miscellaneous land use, zoning and permitting matters for the properties located at 3700 sW 20 street as well as 2810, 2814, 2816, 2818 SW 37 Avenue, Miami, Florida. (See Attached). (4) Lobbyists shall state the extent of any business association or financial relationship with any member(s) of the City Commission, any member of City staff before whom he/she lobbies or intends to lobby. f applicable, please explain) N/A N/A N/A Lobbyists shall pay all registration fees ($525.00 annually, plus $105,00 for each principal represented and for each issue a lobbyist has been retained to lobby on behalf of any one principal), and specifically define the issue for which they are employed. The Clerk shall reject any statement which does not detail the issue for which the lobbyist has been employed. Lobbyist shall also submit a certificate of completion of an ethics course provided by the Miami -Dade County Commission on Ethics & Public Trust or City of Miami completed no more than one (1) year prior to registering. I do solemnly swear that all of the foregoing facts are true and correct, and I have read or am familiar with the provisions contained in Sections 2-651 through 2-658 of the City of Miami Code, as amended, including "annual registration, withdrawal, reporting requirements, definitions, examinations, penalties for violations and contingency fees." State of Florida, County of Miami -Dade Sworn to and bscribed before me this V day of (11 '• Wiz.-� ±�_.,,_ ��`a°, °*'• BETTY LLERBNA y NotarMYCOy public . Slafe of Florltla MM. �e""'o1 EX Co misstonMy Comm- l0 Ffas F1078662ar 5 1$ Signature ry or Deputy Clerk Note: Annual Registration Fee: Effective through 12/31/2016 2814/7.6 SW 37, LLC Albert M. Claramonte 3009 NW 75 Avenue Miami, FL 33122 Toni Alam 6915 SW 57 Avenue, Suite 215A Coral Gables, FL 33122 o 1UU1 BBU 2814/16 5W 37 LLC NgANCI, tlAH� LORiDA TCpIA MANY 6915 REO RD SUITE 215•A 63.9138/2631. 7/10/17 CORAL GABLES, F'L 33143 PAY TO THE CityOf Miami **210.00 ORDER OF :0 sales Tax $ Received from; City of Miami OFFICIAL RECEIPT 177 Fot: _L�_.<��',_ -1 C' __. Reference This Receipt riot VALID unless dated, g filled in and signed by authorized em- poyee of deparifflOrit or division des- Department: ignaled hereon and until the City has c,ok,cted the proceeds of any riaecks Division: .... ... ._.... ..... ._..___..-__._-_ tendare:d as payment here]n. F .__....-....J �K Date:. r 4 f ? U'rM A02 Ree 03/03 Distributiam White - Customer; canary Finance: Fink - Issuing Deparintinnt a /100 Dollars LIMITED POWER OF ATTORNEY I, Toni Alam as Manager of 2814116 SW 37, LLC, do by these presents hereby make, constitute and appoint BEN FERNANDEZ, ESQ., GIANELI MESTRE ZACARIAS, ESQ., AND/OR BERCOW RADELL FERNANDEZ & LARKIN, PLLC, of the County of Miami -Dade and the State of Florida, to represent the interests of 2814116 SW 37, LLC before the City of Miami in connection with the land use plan amendment, rezoning and permitting matters associated with the property located on/at 3700 SW 28 Street, 2810 SW 37 Avenue, 2814 SW 37 Avenue, 2816 SW 37 Avenue and 2818 SW 37 Avenue, which are identified by Miami -Dade County Tax Folio Nos, 01-4117-002-0420, 01-4117- 002-0430, 01-4117.003-0010, 01-4117-003-0011 and 01-4117-003-0040, and legally described as: Lot 1 les. the East 10 fe(,l thereof, In Block 3 DOUGLAS MANOR, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plot Book 7, at Page 157, of the Public Records of Worm --Dude County, Florida. Lot 2 lass the east 10 foot lhoracof, it,, Block 3, of DOUGLAS MANOR, according to the Blot thereof, n,, recordod in Pleat Rook 7, at Page 157, of the Public Records (.)a Jade County, Florida; together with the improve rnents ;aitutote thereon. Leat 1, LESS the East 20 fact thoreat, 1r1 Hloc'le S of "roalty socuritias corporotlon's plat of cocoanut drove" occording to the plat thereof as recorded 11) Plat Hook 2 at l-(Ige 85 of tho 1?4)11c Rocorrls of Dade County, Florida. Lot 4, less the East 20 Fewt, In Block 1, of REALTY SECURIT1ES CURPCIRATI N's PLAT OF COCONUT GROVE, according to thy: Plot thoroof, recordod In Plat Book 2, Page 85, of the Public Records of Miarni—Dade County, Florida. Granting and giving unto said Attorney -in -Fact, full authority and power to do and perform any and all acts necessary or incident to the performance and execution of the powers herein above expressly granted, with power to do and perform all acts authorized hereby, as fully to all intents and purposes as grantor might or could do if personally present, with full power of substitution. [Execution Page to Follow] Signed, witnessed, executed and acknowledged on this A day of July, 2017. WITNESSES: 2814116 SW 37, LLC, a Florida limited liability company By. � Witness gignaure Toni Alam, Manager Print Na Wy6 e Lseignatu d r n ng I - Po G7 i�Yl Print Name STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE j Address: 375 N Hibiscus Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Toni Alam, Manager of 2814116 SW 37, LLC, a Floridlimited liability company, who is personally known to me or has produced J as identification. Witness my signature and official seal this tri day of July, 2017, in the County and State aforesaid. . 0 Notary Pub CARMEN M MOLIER! 2 + Notary public - State of Florida _' � : •= Commission #r FF 942458 My Commissi n, S:MY Comm. Expires Dec 14, 2019 Print Name Bonded through National Notary Assn. zt at/e� of Florida lorida CITY OFMIAMI DISCLOSURE OF CONSIDERATION PROVIDED OR COMMITTED FOR AGREEMENT TO F( SUPPORT OR WITHHOLD OBJECTION �.0.. Fi: 'i The City of Miami requires any person or entity requesting approval relief or other action from the City Commission or any of its boards, authorities, agencies, councils or committees, to disclose at the commencement (or continuance) of the hearing(s) on the issue, any consideration provided or committed, directly or on its behalf, to any entity or person for an agreement to support or withhold objection to the requested approval, relief or action. "Consideration" includes any gift, payment, contribution, donation, fee, commission, promise or grant of any money, property, service, credit or financial assistance of any kind or value, whether direct or implied, or any promise or agreement to provide any of the foregoing in the future. Individuals retained or employed by a principal as a lobbyist as defined in Sec. 2-653, and appearing before the City Commission or any of its boards, authorities, agencies, councils or committees solely in the capacity of a lobbyist and not as the applicant, or owners' legal representative are not required to fill out this form. NAME: Ben J. Fernandez (First Name) (Middle) (Last Name) HOME ADDRESS: 200 South Biscayne Boulevard Address Line 1) Suite 850 (Address Line 2) CITY: Miami S'TAT'E: Florida ZIP: 33131 HOMEPHONE: (305) 377-6235 CELLPHONE: (305) 978-2866 FAX: (305) 377-6222 EMAIL: BFernandez@BRZoningLaw.com BUSSINESS or APPLICANT or ENTITY NAME 2814/16 SW 37, LLC BUSINESS ADDRESS: 375 N. Hibiscus Drive (Address Line 1) Miami Beach, FL 33139 (Address Line 2) 1. Please describe the issue for which you are seeking approval, relief or other action from the City Commission, board, authority, agency, council, or committee. Miscellaneous land use, zoning and permitting matters for the properties located at 3700 SW 28 Street as well as 2810, 2814, 2816, 2818 SW 37 Avenue, Miami, Florida. 2. Has any consideration been provided or committed, directly or on your behalf, to any entity or person for an agreement to support or withhold objection to the requested approval, relief or action? ❑ YES ❑X NO If your answer to Question 2 is No, do not answer questions 3, 4 & 5 proceed to read and execute the Acknowledgment. If your answer to Question 2 is Yes, please answer questions 3, 4 & 5 and read and execute the Acknowledgement. No.:66543 3. Please provide the name, address and phone number of the person(s) or entities to whom consideration has been provided or committed. Name Address Phone# a. N/A b. N/A c. N/A * Additional names can be placed on a separate page attached to this form. 4. Please describe the nature of the consideration. N/A N/A N/A S. Describe what is being requested in exchange for the consideration. N/A N/A N/A ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF COMPLIANCE I hereby acknowledge that it is unlawful to employ any device, scheme or artifice to circumvent the disclosure requirements of Ordinance 12918 and such circumvention shall be deemed a violation of the Ordinance; and that in addition to the criminal or civil penalties that may be imposed under the City Code, upon determination by the City Commission that the foregoing disclosure requirement was not fully and timely satisfied the following may occur: 1. the application or order, as applicable, shall be deemed void without further force or effect; and 2. no application from any person or entit for the same te shall be reviewed or considered by the applicable boardsntil piration of a o of one year after the nullification of the application or or er. 1� PERSON SUBMITTING DISCLOSURE: t1 aure Ben J. Fernan ez Print Name Sworn to and subscribed before nae this � � day of �� i0R43 r -)-The foregoing instrument if,as acknotii ledged before nae byV *A , Who has produced as identification and/or is personally known to nae and ii ho did/did not take an oath. STATE OF FLORIDA CITY OF MIAMI MY COMMISS ON Notary EXPIRES: �4r U "`LCL �1Y P1/print Name - Enclosure(s) ,.`o`� �af;o, BETTY LLERENA «� `�° ` Notary Public - Slate of Florida get Dae. No.:86543 ?? - Pa %;F0F a,' Commission # FF D7f;662 July 5, 2017 Date CITY OF MIAMI Re: Property Owner's List Within 500 Feet of: 3700-3702 SW 28 Street, Miami, FL 33133 2810-2812 SW 37 Avenue, Miami, FL 33133 2814 SW 37 Avenue, Miami, FL 33133 2816 SW 37 Avenue, Miami, FL 33133 2818 SW 37 Avenue, Miami, FL 33133 Total number of labels without repetition: 123, including 1 outside of the City of Miami but within the 500' radius I certify that the attached ownership list, map and mailing labels are a complete and accurate representation of the real estate property and property owners within a 500 -foot radius of the subject property listed above. This information reflects the most current records on file in the Miami -Dade County Tax Assessor's Office. Sincerely, 4 Signature RDR I Rio Development Resources Name or Company Name 6377 SW 10 Street, Miami FL 33144 Address 305.498.1614 Telephone diana(d-)rdrmiami.com E-mail LIST OF PROPERTY OWNERS LEGAL DESCRIPTION, SITE ADDRESS, FOLIO NUMBER NAME, MAILING ADDRESS 16 54 41 10 AC SW1/4 OF NW1/4 OF SW1/4 TRACT 5 EST OF C G TOUSEY LESS W20FT & POR IN SW COR PER OR 3847/313 CITY OF MIAMI -DEPT OF P&D ASSET MANAGEMENT LOT SIZE 435600 SQUARE FEET DIVISION 2795 SW 37TH AVE 444 SW 2 AVE STE #325 Miami, FL 33133 MIAMI, FL 33130 0141160000220 OVERBROOK PARK PB 3-206 W28FT OF LOTS 1 THRU 3 LESS Sl OFT OF LOT 3 & E28FT OF LOT 13 THRU 15 LESS Sl OFT OF LIBERTAD VELIZ LOT 15 BLK 11 LOT SIZE 56.00 X 135 F/A/U 01-4116-019-0361 3618 20 SW 28 ST 3618 SW 28TH ST MIAMI, FL 33133 Miami, FL 33133 0141160190360 OVERBROOK PARK PB 3-206 E56FT OF W112FT OF LOTS 13-14 & E 56FT OF W112FT OF N40FT OF LOT 15 BLK 11 OR 15396- NIBERTO A MORENO LILIMARY A MORENO 3435 0292 6 COC 21501-0591 08 2003 1 8525 SW 92 ST Al 3630 SW 28TH ST MIAMI, FL 33156 Miami, FL 33133 0141160190440 OVERBROOK PARK PB 3-206 UNDIV 1/2 INT IN W56FT OF LOTS 13 & 14 & W56FT OF N40FT OF LOT 15 BLK 11 LOT SIZE 28.000 OSWALDO SANCHEZ CARIDAD SANCHEZ X 135 2801 SW 36 CT 2801 SW 36TH CT MIAMI, FL 33133-3421 Miami, FL 33133 0141160190450 OVERBROOK PARK PARK 3-206 UNDIV 1/2 INT IN W56FT OF LOTS 13 & 14 & W56FT OF N40FT OF LOT 15 BLK 11 LOT SIZE 28.000 X 135 2803 SW 36TH CT Miami, FL 33133 0141160190451 16 54 41 OVERBROOK PARK PB 3-206 LOT 16 & Sl OFT LOT 15 BLK 11 LOT SIZE 60.000 X 140 OR 19162-3814 0300 4 (4) 2811 SW 36TH CT Miami, FL 33133 0141160190460 OVERBROOK PARK PB 3-206 LOT 17 BLK 11 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 140 74R-227142 2821 SW 36TH CT Miami, FL 33133 0141160190470 OVERBROOK PARK PB 3-206 LOT 18 BLK 11 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 140 OR 15322-3528 1291 1 COC 25651-2192 03 2006 1 2831 SW 36TH CT Miami, FL 33133 0141160190480 16 54 41 OVERBROOK PARK PB 3-206 LOT 19 & N10FT LOT 20 BLK 11 LOT SIZE 60.000 X 140 OR 21025-2127 12 2002 1 2841 SW 36TH CT Miami, FL 33133 0141160190490 OVERBROOK PARK PB 3-206 S40FT LOT 20 & N20FT LOT 21 BLK 11 LOT SIZE 60.000 X 140 OR 9323 816 2851 SW 36TH CT Miami, FL 33133 AURORA GONZALEZ 2803 SW 36 CT MIAMI. FL 33133 MAXA CASTELLON ENI CASTELLON 2811 SW 36 CT MIAMI, FL 33133 FM GABLES GROUP LLC 2937 SW 27 AVE STE 104 COCONUT GROVE, FL 33133 FM GABLES GROUP LLC 1200 BRICKELL AVE 505 MIAMI. FL 33131 PABLO MONTENEGRO &W IRIS 2841 SW 36 CT MIAMI. FL 33133-3421 IRENE PEREZ 2851 SW 36 CT MIAMI. FL 33133-3421 0141160190500 OVERBROOK PARK PB 3-206 E75FT OF LOTS 1 & 2 LESS N10FT BLK 12 LOT SIZE 75.000 X 85 OR 24919-0961 0106 5 COC 26163-3501 01 2008 5 2812 SW 36TH CT Miami, FL 33133 0141160190540 OVERBROOK PARK PB 3-206 W65FT OF LOTS 1 & 2 LESS N10FT BLK 12 LOT SIZE 65.000 X 85 OR 18307-1648 1098 4 3680 SW 28TH ST Miami, FL 33133 0141160190541 OVERBROOK PARK PB 3-206 LOT 3 LESS W1 OFT BLK 12 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 130 75R 188920 2816 SW 36TH CT Miami, FL 33133 0141160190550 OVERBROOK PARK PB 3-206 LOT 4 BLK 12 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 140 OR 17787-3192 0997 5 2820 SW 36TH CT Miami, FL 33133 0141160190560 OVERBROOK PARK PB 3-206 LOT 5 BLK 12 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 140 OR 18708-1770-01771 07 1999 1 2832 SW 36TH CT Miami, FL 33133 0141160190570 OVERBROOK PARK PB 3-206 LOT 6 BLK 12 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 140 OR 19671-3863 04 2001 4 COC 23428-0484 05 2005 1 2840 SW 36TH CT Miami, FL 33133 0141160190580 OVERBROOK PARK PB 3-206 LOT 7 BLK 12 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 140 OR 13635-3355 0388 4 COC 22503-0654 07 2004 1 2850 SW 36TH CT Miami, FL 33133 0141160190590 OVERBROOK PARK PB 3-206 LOT 8 BLK 12 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 140 OR 17460-1895 1296 4 2862 SW 36TH CT Miami, FL 33133 0141160190600 OVERBROOK PARK PB 3-206 LOT 9 BLK 12 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 140 OR 18496-0131 0198 4 2870 SW 36TH CT Miami, FL 33133 0141160190610 OVERBROOK PARK PB 3-206 LOT 10 BLK 12 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 140 OR 12667-789 1085 4 2880 SW 36TH CT Miami, FL 33133 0141160190611 CARLOS A PIFFERRER GRACIELA PIFFERRER ILEANA PIFFERRER 2812 SW 36 CT MIAMI. FL 33133-3422 BERYL FOSTER JOSEPHINE FOSTER & CARMEN FOSTER 3680-82 SW 28 ST HIALEAH, FL 33133-2732 ALFREDO RIVERA &W ARLETTE 6701 SW 48 TERR MIAMI. FL 33155-5745 MARY ELEANOR CRICK 2820 SW 36 CT MIAMI. FL 33133-3422 AIDA FERNANDEZ 2830 SW 36 CT MIAMI. FL 33133-3422 MST CORPORATION TRUST 1741 NW 20 ST MIAMI. FL 33142 ANA MARIA DIAZ TRS ANA MARIA DIAZ REVOCABLE TRUST CARLOS F DIAZ TRS 1801 FAIRHAVEN PLACE COCONUT GROVE, FL 33133 ENRIQUE LEON &W YVONNE 2501 SW 20 ST MIAMI, FL 33145-2525 SILVERIA FERRER 2870 SW 36 CT MIAMI, FL 33133-3422 M BERAJA & R ECHEVARRIA 610 VALENCIA AVE 401 CORAL GABLES, FL 33134 OVERBROOK PARK PB 3-206 LOT 11 BLK 12 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 140 OR 16685-1783 0295 1 COC 26463-2130 06 2008 5 VERONICA CASTILLO HERNAN HERAZO JESSICA M 2890 SW 36TH CT Miami, FL 33133 0141160190612 CASTI LLO 2890 SW 36 CT MIAMI, FL 33133 OVERBROOK PARK PB 3-206 LOT 13 LESS W20FT BLK 12 LOT SIZE 45.000 X 120 OR 15784-4356 0193 4 OR 22901-4452 10 2004 BRAULIA LOURDES GONZALEZ 1 COC 24958-1254 04 2006 5 3105 SW 24 ST 3690 SW 28TH ST MIAMI, FL 33145 Miami, FL 33133 0141160190630 OVERBROOK PARK PB 3-206 LOT 14 BLK 12 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 120 OR 16606-4360 1194 1 2811 SW 37TH AVE Miami, FL 33133 0141160190640 OVERBROOK PARK PB 3-206 LOT 15 LESS W20FT & W10FT OF LOT 3 BLK 12 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 130 OR 18320-4175 1098 1 2815 SW 37TH AVE Miami, FL 33133 0141160190650 OVERBROOK PK PB 3-206 LOT 16 LESS W20FT BLK 12 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 120 OR 19002-4812 0200 1 2821 SW 37TH AVE Miami, FL 33133 0141160190660 OVERBROOK PARK PB 3-206 LOT 17 LESS W20FT BLK 12 FOR ST LOT SIZE 50.000 X 120 OR 9636 552 2831 SW 37TH AVE Miami, FL 33133 0141160190670 RAQUEL RODRIGUEZ 2811 SW 37 AVE MIAMI, FL 33133-3423 MANUEL TORRADO &W NIRYA 4840 SW 156 PL MIAMI. FL 33185-4160 ENERGY SCIENCES INC 2821 SW 37 AVE MIAMI. FL 33133-3423 WHEELER PROPERTY MANAGEMENT INC 3733 NW 21 CT MIAMI. FL 33142 OVERBROOK PARK PB 3-206 LOT 18 LESS W20FT BLK 12 FOR ST LOT SIZE 50.000 X 120 OR 20293-0625 03 2002 1 COC 23779- JGDRENT LLC 2809 09 2005 1 1551 NW 13 CT 2841 SW 37TH AVE MIAMI, FL 33125 Miami, FL 33133 0141160190680 16 54 41 OVERBROOK PARK PB 3-206 LOT 19 LESS W20FT BLK 12 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 120 OR 18254-4299 0798 4 YO LAN DA GAY 2851 SW 37TH AVE 4381 SW 13 TERR Miami, FL 33133 MIAMI, FL 33134-2726 0141160190690 OVERBROOK PARK PB 3-206 LOT 20 LESS W20FT BLK 12 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 120 OR 20440-0328 05 2002 1 COC 21588-2749 08 JOSE A JIMENEZ TRS 20031 2800 EMATHLA ST 2861 SW 37TH AVE MIAMI, FL 33133 Miami, FL 33133 0141160190700 OVERBROOK PARK PB 3-206 LOT 21 LESS W20 FT BLK 12 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 120 OR 17568-1018 0397 4 FM GABLES GROUP LLC 2871 SW 37TH AVE 1200 BRICKELL AVE STE 505 Miami, FL 33133 MIAMI, FL 33131 0141160190710 OVERBROOK PARK PB 3-206 LOT 22 LESS W20FT BLK 12 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 120 OR 20268-3239-3242 01 2002 6 NABISTA ENTERPRISE CORP 2881 SW 37TH AVE 150 SOLANO PRADO Miami, FL 33133 CORAL GABLES, FL 33156 0141160190720 OVERBROOK PARK PB 3-206 LOT 23 & 24 BLK 12 LOT SIZE 100.000 X 120 OR 19112-2028 05 2000 1 ALINA A MONTENEGRO 2885 SW 37TH AVE 11101 SW 40 ST Miami, FL 33133 MIAMI, FL 33165-4416 0141160190730 17 54 41 DOUGLAS MANOR PB 7-157 LOT 1 & N15FT OF LOT 2 LESS E10FT & EXT AREA OF CURVE IN NE COR FOR RNV LOT SR DOUGLAS LLC SIZE 7426 SQ FT 580 CRANDON BLVD #201 2734 SW 37TH AVE KEY BISCAYNE, FL 33149-1555 Miami, FL 33133 0141170020010 17 54 41 L E DOUGLAS MANOR PB 7-157 S4.80FT OF LOT 23 & ALL LOT 24 LESS El OFT THEREOF FOR RNV BLK 1 LOT SIZE VACORNER LLC 59.800 X 108 OR 20697-3055 1002 4 580 CRANDON BLVD #201 2756 SW 37TH AVE KEY BISCAYNE, FL 33149 Miami, FL 33133 0141170020012 17 54 41 DOUGLAS MANOR PB 7-157 LOT 2 LESS N15FT & LESS Sl OFT ALSO LESS El OFT FOR DOUGLAS RD BLK 1 LOT SIZE SR DOUGLAS LLC 30.000 X 108 580 CRANDON BLVD 2736 SW 37TH AVE KEY BISCAYNE, FL 33149-1555 Miami, FL 33133 0141170020013 DOUGLAS MANOR PB 7-157 LOT 3 BLK 1 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 110 OR 21314-1238 0603 1 COC 24913-0875 09 2006 1 3720 SW 27TH TER Miami, FL 33134 0141170020020 DOUGLAS MANOR PB 7-157 LOT 4 BLK 1 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 110 73R119253 3736 SW 27TH TER Miami, FL 33134 0141170020030 DOUGLAS MANOR PB 7-157 LOT 5 BLK 1 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 110 OR 12726-906 1285 4 3738 SW 27TH TER Miami, FL 33134 0141170020040 DOUGLAS MANOR PB 7-157 LOT 6 BLK 1 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 110 OR 9565 422 3748 SW 27TH TER Miami, FL 33134 0141170020050 DOUGLAS MANOR PB 7-157 LOT 7 BLK 1 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 110 3754 SW 27TH TER Miami, FL 33134 0141170020060 DOUGLAS MANOR PB 7-157 LOT 16 BLK 1 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 110 OR 13931-3143 1288 4 3769 SW 27TH LN Miami, FL 33134 SR DOUGLAS LLC 580 CRANDON BLVD #201 KEY BISCAYNE, FL 33149 MANUEL MUNIZ &W ESTRELLA 1305 CASTILE AVE CORAL GABLES, FL 33134-4745 ROSA E PUELLO 649 NAVARRE AVE CORAL GABLES, FL 33134-3760 MANUEL & ESTRELLA MUNIZ 1305 CASTILE AVE CORAL GABLES, FL 33134-4745 MANUEL & ESTRELLA MUNIZ 1305 CASTILE AVE CORAL GABLES, FL 33134 DEBORAH WONG SOO 3769 SW 27 LN MIAMI. FL 33134-7221 4 DOUGLAS MANOR PB 7-157 LOT 17 BLK 1 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 110 OR 15970-4432 0793 5 FIDEL M ALVAREZ 3765 SW 27TH LN 5838 SW 22 ST Miami, FL 33134 MIAMI, FL 33155-2264 0141170020160 DOUGLAS MANOR PB 7-157 LOT 18 BLK 1 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 110 OR 13105-2781 1186 4 COC 21961-2449 12 2003 6 JOHN W MOORE 3755 SW 27TH LN 3757 SW 27 LN Miami, FL 33134 MIAMI, FL 33134-7221 0141170020170 DOUGLAS MANOR PB 7-157 LOT 20 BLK 1 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 110 OR 17116-3162 0196 4 ERIK E CASPER 3735 SW 27TH LN 3735-37 SW 27 LANE Miami, FL 33134 MIAMI, FL 33134-7221 0141170020190 DOUGLAS MANOR PB 7-157 LOT 21 BLK 1 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 110 OR 21147-4807 03/2003 4 COC 21477-4655 07 2003 4 DAISY V LITTLE WILLIAM LITTLE 3727 SW 27TH LN 7800 SW 144 ST Miami, FL 33134 MIAMI, FL 33158-1520 0141170020200 DOUGLAS MANOR PB 7-157 LOT 22 BLK 1 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 110 OR 8398-1155 0773 5 COC 22033-3994 01 2004 4 SYLVIA VIYELLA 3711 SW 27TH LN PO BOX 140546 Miami, FL 33134 CORAL GABLES, FL 33114 0141170020201 DOUGLAS MANOR PB 7-157 S10FT OF LOT 2 & LOT 23 LESS S4.80FT & LESS E10FT THEREOF BLK 1 LOT SIZE 60.200 X 108 SR DOUGLAS LLC OR 11902-2058 0783 1 580 CRANDON BLVD #201 2750 DOUGLAS RD KEY BISCAYNE, FL 33149-1555 Miami, FL 33133 0141170020202 DOUGLAS MANOR PB 7-157 LOT 1 LESS E10FT FOR ST BLK 2 LOT SIZE 55.000 X 108 OR 17807-4513 09971 COC 22751-2346 ALONSO RLTY HOLDINGS LLC 10 2004 1 2766 SW 37TH AVENUE 2766 SW 37TH AVE MIAMI, FL 33133-2749 Miami, FL 33133 0141170020210 DOUGLAS MANOR PB 7-157 LOTS 2-23 & 24 LESS El OFT ST BLK 2 LOT SIZE 155.000 X 107 OR 17958-3923 0198 1 COC 21986- 2780 SW 37TH AVE LLC 3259 01 2004 1 6915 RED RD #215A 2780 SW 37TH AVE CORAL GABLES, FL 33143 Miami, FL 33133 0141170020220 17 54 41 DOUGLAS MANOR PB 7-157 LOT 3 BLK 2 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 110 OR 13869-3177 0988 4 DENI MOYA LE REM RENE MOYA JR 3710 SW 27TH LN 3712 SW 27 LANE Miami, FL 33134 MIAMI, FL 33134 0141170020230 17 54 41 DOUGLAS MANOR PB 7-157 LOT 4 BLK 2 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 110 OR 16413-0066 0694 1 CARLOS FIGUEROA &W MARIA 3720 SW 27TH LN 15251 SW 103 AVE Miami, FL 33134 MIAMI, FL 33157-1439 0141170020240 DOUGLAS MANOR PB 7-157 LOT 6 BLK 2 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 110 OR 14311-729 10891 3746 SW 27TH LN Miami, FL 33134 0141170020260 DOUGLAS MANOR PB 7-157 LOT 7 BLK 2 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 110 OR 18877-3419 1099 4 COC 23194-2606 03 2005 5 3754 SW 27TH LN Miami, FL 33134 0141170020270 DOUGLAS MANOR PB 7-157 LOT 8 BLK 2 LOT SIZE IRREGULAR OR 20223-0553 12/2001 1 3764 SW 27TH LN Miami, FL 33134 0141170020280 DOUGLAS MANOR PB 7-157 LOT 9 BLK 2 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 110 OR 20843-1839 11/2002 1 COC 24211-2342 01 2006 1 3772 SW 27TH LN Miami, FL 33134 0141170020290 17 54 41 DOUGLAS MANOR PB 7-157 LOT 11 BLK 2 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 110 OR 18408-1667 1098 4 3788 SW 27TH LN Miami, FL 33134 0141170020310 DOUGLAS MANOR PB 7-157 LOT 12 BLK 2 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 110 OR 15122-997 0791 4 COC 23925-1189 10 2005 1 3798 SW 27TH LN Miami, FL 33134 0141170020320 DOUGLAS MANOR PB 7-157 LOT 13 BLK 2 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 110 OR 11181-1533 0881 1 3793 SW 28TH ST Miami, FL 33134 0141170020330 DOUGLAS MANOR PB 7-157 LOT 14 BLK 2 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 110 OR 12985-2223 0886 1 3781 SW 28 ST MIAMI, FL 33134 0141170020340 DOUGLAS MANOR PB 7-157 LOTS 16 & 17 BLK 2 LOT SIZE 100 X 110 3765 SW 28TH ST Miami, FL 33134 0141170020360 DOUGLAS MANOR PB 7-157 LOT 18 BLK 2 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 110 74R 208328 COC 21823-2218 10 2003 4 3751 SW 28TH ST Miami, FL 33134 0141170020370 DOUGLAS MANOR PB 7-157 LOT 19 BLK 2 LOT SIZE IRREGULAR OR 16374-1937 0494 4 3741 SW 28TH ST Miami, FL 33134 GABLES EDGES LLC PO BOX 140486 CORAL GABLES. FL 33114 ILEANA M GONZALEZ 3754 SW 27 LN MIAMI. FL 33134-7222 SIDONIA ENTERPRISES INC 1714 FERDINAND ST CORAL GABLES. FL 33134 DOUGLAS PROJECT LLC 4016 SW 132 AVE DAVIE. FL 33330 OLEMA HOYOS & HELEN PEREZ-CERVERA 3788 SW 27 LN MIAMI, FL 33134-7222 RAMON BAEZ 904 SISTI NA AVE CORAL GABLES, FL 33146-2051 ROBERTO CASO &W CELIA 430 MARMORE AVE CORAL GABLES, FL 33146-2838 CURRENT PROPERTY OWNER 3781 SW 28 ST MIAMI, FL 33134 LINDA BARROCAS TRS DONNA B TACHER TRS ELVIRA B GORFINKEL TRS 13295 ARCH CREEK TER NORTH MIAMI. FL 33181 ONELIA G GONZALEZ CARLOS M & JAVIER GONZALEZ 3751 SW 28 ST MIAMI, FL 33134-7333 EVELIA JUSTO & MIRIAM E MORRIS 3741-43 SW 28 ST MIAMI. FL 33134-7333 �>r«rrc�l�yz�xr` DOUGLAS MANOR PB 7-157 LOT 20 BLK 2 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 110 OR 20666-2977 08/2002 1 COC 21557-3280 08 2003 1 DAVID L BEVIS LE REM NANCY ELLEN WHITNEY 3737 SW 28TH ST 5600 SW 86 ST Miami, FL 33134 MIAMI, FL 33143 0141170020380 17 54 41 DOUGLAS MANOR PB 7-157 LOT 21 BLK 2 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 110 OR 13637-3661 0488 1 ALBERTO ZAMORA &W MARY 3735 SW 28TH ST 3735 SW 28 ST Miami, FL 33134 MIAMI, FL 33134-7333 0141170020390 DOUGLAS MANOR PB 7-157 LOT 22 BLK 2 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 110 OR 10450-903 0779 1 ALBERTO CARDET PROPERTIES LLC 3721 SW 28TH ST 5711 MAGGIORE ST Miami, FL 33134 CORAL GABLES, FL 33146 0141170020400 DOUGLAS MANOR PB 7-157 LOT 1 LESS El OFT CITY BLK 3 LOT SIZE 53.700 X 109 OR 17921-4583 1297 1 COC 23130-4920 02 2814 16 SW 37 LLC 20056 375 N HIBISCUS DR 3700 SW 28TH ST MIAMI BEACH, FL 33139 Miami, FL 33134 0141170020420 DOUGLAS MANOR PB 7-157 LOT 2 LESS El OFT CITY BLK 3 LOT SIZE 53.600 X 109 OR 14914-1033 0291 1 COC 23130-4921 02 2814 16 SW 37 LLC 20056 375 N HIBISCUS DR 2810 SW 37TH AVE MIAMI BEACH, FL 33139 Miami, FL 33133 0141170020430 3720 SW 28TH ST 2751 SW 30 CT Miami, FL 33134 MIAMI, FL 33133 0141170020440 17 54 41 DOUGLAS MANOR PB 7-157 LOT 4 BLK 3 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 107 OR 14537-2498 0490 1 COC 23753-4050 09 2005 6 3700 SW 28 ST LLC 3730 SW 28TH ST 6915 RED RD SUITE 215A Miami, FL 33134 CORAL GABLES, FL 33134-7334 0141170020441 17 54 41 DOUGLAS MANOR PB 7-157 LOT 5 LESS WSFT TO CITY BLK 3 LOT SIZE 65.000 X 106 OR 12249-1938 06841 SILVIO SANTANA &W CARMEN 2801 SW 37TH CT 1515 MADRID ST Miami, FL 33134 CORAL GABLES, FL 33134 0141170020450 17 54 41 DOUGLAS MANOR PB 7-157 LOT 6 LESS S42.5FT & LESS ESFT BLK 3 LOT SIZE 43.300 X 63 OR 20976-1016 01/2003 4 PEDRO F VALIENTE 3754 SW 28TH ST 3754 SW 28 ST Miami, FL 33134 MIAMI, FL 33134 0141170020460 17 54 41 DOUGLAS MANOR PB 7-157 S42.5FT OF LOT 6 BLK 3 LOT SIZE 42.500 X 48 OR 10445-0843 0679 1 LAWRENCE SHOOT 2800 SW 37TH CT 4830 SW 92 AVE Miami, FL 33134 MIAMI, FL 33165-6505 0141170020461 DOUGLAS MANOR PB 7-157 LOT 7 BLK 3 LOT SIZE 48.000 X 106 OR 15469-0271 0492 1 COC 24706-2735 06 2006 1 JORGE L DIAZ 3760 SW 28TH ST 3760 SW 28 STREET Miami, FL 33134 SAN DIEGO, CA 33134 0141170020470 DOUGLAS MANOR PB 7-157 LOT 8 BLK 3 LOT SIZE 48.000 X 106 OR 16487-1801 0894 1 ANIBAL CARLOS RIOLFI MONICA M RIOLFI 3770 SW 28TH ST 6400 SW 83 ST Miami, FL 33134 MIAMI, FL 33143 0141170020480 DOUGLAS MANOR PB 7-157 LOT 9 BLK 3 LOT SIZE 48.000 X 104 CHRISTOPHER MCGOWAN 3776 SW 28TH ST 3776 SW 28 ST Miami, FL 33134 MIAMI, FL 33134 0141170020490 DOUGLAS MANOR PB 7-157 LOTS 10 & 11 BLK 3 LOT SIZE 96.000 X 104 OR 12006-0922 1283 4 JULIA PEREZ VAZQUEZ DANIA OTERO PEREZ SONIA 2801 SW 38TH AVE OTERO Miami, FL 33134 2801 SW 38 AVE 0141170020510 MIAMI. FL 33134-7343 RLTY SECURITIES CORP OF COCO GROVE PB 2-85 UNDIV 1/2 INT IN LOT 1 LESS E20FT LESS E20FT BLK 1 LOT SIZE 27.390 X 2814 16 SW 37 LLC 132 3009 NW 75 AVE 2814 SW 37TH AVE MIAMI, FL 33122 Miami, FL 33133 0141170030010 RLTY SECURITIES CORP OF COCO GROVE PB 2-85 UNDIV 1/2 INT IN LOT 1 LESS E20FT BLK 1 LOT SIZE 27.390 X 132 COC 2814 16 SW 37 LLC 26064-0422 11 2007 1 3009 NW 75 AVE 2816 SW 37TH AVE MIAMI, FL 33122 Miami, FL 33133 0141170030011 COC 21559-4808 08 2003 4 2813 SW 37 CT 2813 SW 37TH CT MIAMI, FL 33134-7339 Miami, FL 33134 0141170030020 RLTY SEC CORP OF COCO GR PB 2-85 LOT 3 LESS W10FT TO CITY BLK 1 LOT SIZE 54.660 X 142 COC 24010-2967 11 2005 1 YUNEISY DELGADO RODRIGUES RICARDO RODRIGUES 2815 SW 37TH CT 2201 LINCOLN AVE Miami, FL 33134 MIAMI, FL 33133 0141170030030 17 20 54 41 RLTY SEC CORP OF COCO GR PB 2-85 LOT 4 LESS E20FT BLK 1 LOT SIZE 54.800 X 132 OR 18650-2042 0699 4 COC 2814 16 SW 37 LLC 23246-2947 03 2005 1 375 N HIBISCUS DR 2818 SW 37TH AVE MIAMI BEACH, FL 33139 Miami, FL 33133 0141170030040 RLTY SEC CORP OF COCO GR PB 2-85 LOT 5 BLK 1 LOT SIZE IRREGULAR OR 10446-772 0779 4 JOSEFINA CAPACYACHI ANGELO CAPACYACHI 2824 SW 37TH AVE 2824 SW 37 AVE Miami, FL 33133 MIAMI, FL 33133 0141170030050 RLTY SEC CORP OF COCO GR PB 2-85 LOT 6 LESS W10FT TO CITY BLK 1 LOT SIZE 54.600 X 142 OR 17609-3434 0497 4 AVILIO PEREZ &W MARISOL PEREZ 2825 SW 37TH CT 4311 SW 99 AVE Miami, FL 33134 MIAMI, FL 33165-5142 0141170030060 RLTY SEC CORP OF COCO GR PB 2-85 LOT 7 LESS W10FT TO CITY BLK 1 LOT SIZE 54.600 X 142 OR 11325-800 0182 1 SAINT MARYS PROPERTIES LLC 2835 SW 37TH CT 2515 SW 7 ST STE 1 Miami, FL 33134 MIAMI, FL 33135 0141170030070 RLTY SEC CORP OF COCO GR PB 2-85 LOT 8 BLK 1 LOT SIZE 54.700 X 152 RAUL DELGADO &W AMALIA 2828 SW 37TH AVE 511 SW 104 AVE Miami, FL 33133 MIAMI, FL 33174 0141170030080 17 20 54 41 RLTY SEC CORP OF COCO GR PB 2-85 LOT 9 LESS E20FT BLK 1 LOT SIZE 54.600 X 132 OR 18591-1418 0499 1 COC RODOLFO BENAVI DES & ALEX PROPERTIES INVEST INC 26338-4847 04 2008 5 1025 CASTILE AVE 2832 SW 37TH AVE CORAL GABLES, FL 33134-4739 Miami, FL 33133 0141170030090 17-20 54 41 PB 2-85 RLTY SEC CORP OF COCO GR LOT 10 LESS W10FT BLK 1 LOT SIZE 54.600 X 142 OR 12440-1886 0185 1 2841 SW 37TH CT Miami, FL 33134 0141170030100 PB 2-85 RLTY SECURITIES CORP OF COC GROVE LOT 11 LESS W10FT BLK 1 LOT SIZE 54.660 X 142 OR 18277-2966 10981 COC 23378-3525 05 2005 1 2843 SW 37TH CT Miami, FL 33134 0141170030110 RLTY SEC CORP OF COCO GR PB 2-85 LOT 12 BLK 1 LOT SIZE 54.600 X 152 OR 15906-5459 0493 1 2844 SW 37 AV MIAMI, FL 33133 0141170030120 RLTY SEC CORP OF COCO GR PB 2-85 LOT 13 BLK 1 LOT SIZE 54.700 X 152 OR 20586-0218 08/2002 4 2854 SW 37TH AVE Miami, FL 33133 0141170030130 RLTY SEC CORP OF COCO GR PB 2-85 LOT 14 LESS W10FT BLK 1 LOT SIZE 54.600 X 142 OR 16299-3404 0394 1 2845 SW 37TH CT Miami, FL 33134 0141170030140 ALBERTO CARDET PROPERTIES LLC 5711 MAGGIORE ST CORAL GABLES, FL 33146 ROMERILLO INVESTMENTS LLC PO BOX 652353 MIAMI, FL 33265 CURRENT PROPERTY OWNER 2844 SW 37 AV MIAMI. FL 33133 CARY R ALBA 2717 SW 138 AVE MIAMI. FL 33175 JOSE R PUIG &W MARY 2845 SW 37 CT MIAMI. FL 33134-7339 17-20 54 41 PB 2-85 RLTY SECURITIES CORP OF COCO GR LOT 15 BLK 1 LOT SIZE 54.600 X 152 OR 16958-4193 1095 5 COC GABLES EDGE PROPERTIES LLC 26225-4981 01 2008 1 100 ALMERIA AVE STE 300 2851 SW 37TH CT CORAL GABLES, FL 33134-6024 Miami, FL 33134 0141170030150 RLTY SEC CORP OF COCO GR PB 2-85 LOT 16 LESS E 20FT TO CITY BLK 1 LOT SIZE 54.600 X 132 OR 20204-3089 01/2002 1 DIRECT BUSINESS INTERNATIONAL INC 2870 SW 37TH AVE 5765 SW 35 ST Miami, FL 33133 MIAMI, FL 33155-4926 0141170030160 17-20 54 41 PB 2-85 RLTY SECURITIES CORP OF COCO GR LOT 17 LESS E20FT FOR RNV BLK 1 LOT SIZE 54.700 X 132 OR 2874 SW 37 AVE LLC 16001-3317 0793 2 9920 SW 72 ST 2874 SW 37TH AVE MIAMI, FL 33173 Miami, FL 33133 0141170030170 17-20 54 41 RLTY SECURITY CORP OF COCO GROVE PB 2-85 LOT 18 LESS W1 OFT TO CITY BLK 1 LOT SIZE 54.600 X 142 OR NEMESIO PEREZ &W ESTHER & GERARD J KEARNEY &W 15156-2120 0691 1 VERONICA 2853 SW 37TH CT 19 SNOWBELL PLACE Miami, FL 33134 THE WOODLANDS, TX 77381 0141170030180 RLTY SEC CORP OF COCO GR PB 2-85 LOT 19 LESS 10 FT BLK 1 LOT SIZE 54.600 X 142 OR 14210-1152 0789 4 C ARGUINZONI & BETTY & KEN ARGUINZONI 2859 SW 37TH CT 2859 SW 37 CT Miami, FL 33134 MIAMI, FL 33134-7339 0141170030190 17-20 54 41 PB 2-85 RLTY SEC CORP OF COCO GR LOT 20 LESS E20FT BLK 1 LOT SIZE 54.700 X 132 OR 16001-3317 0793 2 2880 SW 37 AVE LLC 2880 SW 37TH AVE 9920 SW 72 ST Miami, FL 33133 MIAMI, FL 33173 0141170030191 17-20 54 41 PB 2-85 RLTY SECURITIES CORP OF COCO GR LOTS 21 & 24 LESS W70FT & LESS Sl OFT TO CITY BLK 1 LOT SIZE MARLENYN CHAVEZ SILVIA CEPERO IRREGULAR OR 17625-1150 0497 1 3705 SW 29 ST 3705 SW 29TH ST MIAMI, FL 33134 Miami, FL 33134 0141170030200 RLTY SEC CORP OF COCO GR PB 2-85 W70FT OF LOTS 21 & 24 LESS Sl OFT OF W70FT LOT 24 BLK 1 OR 15890-0736 0493 1 CHELY REATEGUI COC 25765-3121 06 2007 5 3715 SW 29 ST 3715 SW 29TH ST MIAMI, FL 33134-7335 Miami, FL 33134 0141170030201 RLTY SEC CORP OF COCO GR PB 2-85 W1/2 LOTS 22 & 23 LESS W & Sl OFT TO CITY BLK 1 LOT SIZE 65.900 X 99 OR 13498- JORGE A SOTO PERLA M SOTO 3606 1187 5 COC 22838-3459 11 2004 1 2333 BRICKELL AVE 2316 2893 SW 37TH CT MIAMI, FL 33129 Miami, FL 33134 0141170030210 17-20 54 41 RLTY SECURITY CORP OF COCO GROVE PB 2-85 LOT 22 & 23 LESS W1/2 & LESS Sl OFT OF E1/2 LOT 23 TO CITY ALBERTO CARDET PROPERTIES LLC BLK 1 5711 MAGGIORE ST 3729 SW 29TH ST CORAL GABLES, FL 33146 Miami, FL 33134 0141170030220 RLTY SEC CORP OF COCO GR PB 2-85 LOT 1 LESS El OFT FOR RNV BLK 2 LOT SIZE 54.600 X 142 OR 24341-1949 0306 1 RMMATE VENTURES LLC 2810 SW 37TH CT 303 BIRD RD Miami, FL 33134 MIAMI, FL 33146-1404 0141170030240 10 RLTY SECURITIES CORP OF COCO GROVE PB 2-85 LOT 2 LESS W1 OFT BLK 2 LOT SIZE 54.550 X 142 OR 10452-1849 06791 CARLOS R ARRIBAS TRS CARLOS R ARRIBAS REVOC LIV 2815 SW 38TH AVE TR NANCY ANN ARRIBAS TRS Miami, FL 33134 9800 SW 120 ST 0141170030250 MIAMI, FL 33176 RLTY SECURITIES CORP OF COCO GROVE PB 2-85 LOT 3 LESS W10FT BLK 2 LOT SIZE 54.550 X 142 OR 20757-2792 06/2002 4 ELIO E PEREZ MARITZA VELAZQUEZ FERNANDEZ 2817 SW 38TH AVE 2817 SW 38 AVE Miami, FL 33134 MIAMI, FL 33134 0141170030251 RLTY SEC CORP OF COCO GR PB 2-85 LOT 4 BLK 2 LOT SIZE 54.600 X 152 OR 18408-2414 1298 1 MERCEDES L CABRERA & LUIS GRANDA 2814 SW 37TH CT 2814 SW 37 CT Miami, FL 33134 MIAMI, FL 33134-7340 0141170030260 RLTY SEC CORP OF COCO GR PB 2-85 LOT 5 BLK 2 LOT SIZE 54.600 X 152 OR 14110-2543 0589 1 MIGUEL COLLADO &W CRISTINA 2820 SW 37TH CT 2820 SW 37 CT Miami, FL 33134 MIAMI, FL 33134-7340 0141170030270 RLTY SEC CORP OF COCO GR PB 2-85 LOT 6 LESS W10FT FOR ST BLK 2 OR 19072-4736 03 2000 1 MARILING DOMINGUEZ ABEL HERNANDEZ KARELYS 2821 SW 38TH AVE HERNANDEZ Miami, FL 33134 2821 SW 38 AVE 0141170030271 MIAMI, FL 33134 RLTY SEC CORP OF COCO GR PB 2-85 LOT 7 LESS W10FT FOR ST BLK 2 LOT SIZE IRREGULAR COC 26379-2366 11 2007 5 JUANA M MARTINEZ 2825 SW 38TH AVE 2825 SW 38 AVE Miami, FL 33134 MIAMI, FL 33134-7343 0141170030272 RLTY SEC CORP OF COCO GR PB 2-85 LOT 8 BLK 2 LOT SIZE 54.700 X 152 OR 19865-3860 08/2001 1 MIGUEL COLLADO JTRS CRISTINA COLLADO JTRS 2830 SW 37TH CT VICTORIA COLLADO JTRS Miami, FL 33134 2830 SW 37 CT 0141170030280 MIAMI. FL 33134 RLTY SEC CORP OF COCO GR PB 2-85 LOT 9 BLK 2 LOT SIZE 54.700 X 152 CF 75R-981 MARTHA PADRON 2836 SW 37TH CT 2836 SW 37 CT Miami, FL 33134 MIAMI, FL 33134-7340 0141170030290 RLTY SEC CORP OF COCO GR PB 2-85 LOT 10 LESS W10FT BLK 2 LOT SIZE 54.600 X 142 OR 12164-1914 0584 4 COC 22994- JORGE L LOPEZ 3457 01 2005 6 2831-33 SW 38 AVE 2831 SW 38TH AVE MIAMI, FL 33134-7343 Miami, FL 33134 0141170030300 RLTY SEC CORP OF COCO GR PB 2-85 LOT 11 BLK 2 LOT SIZE 54.600 X 152 OR 14836-833 1290 1 COC 24852-3276 08 2006 1 GP PROPERTY RENTALS LLC 2841 SW 38TH AVE 1430 S DIXIE HWY #309 Miami, FL 33134 CORAL GABLES, FL 33146 0141170030310 RLTY SEC CORP OF COCO GR PB 2-85 LOT 12 BLK 2 LOT SIZE 54.600 X 152 OR 9397-669 ANGELA MARIA ESPINOSA 2844 SW 37TH CT 7990 SW 69 TERR 11 Miami, FL 33134 0141170030320 17 20 54 41 RLTY SECURITIES CORP OF COCO GROVE PB 2-85 LOT 13 BLK 2 LOT SIZE 54.600 X 152 OR 21274-1380 0503 6 2852 SW 37TH CT Miami, FL 33134 0141170030330 RLTY SEC CORP OF COCO GR PB 2-85 LOT 14 LESS 10 FT BLK 2 LOT SIZE 54.600 X 142 OR 17081-3165 0196 1 2851 SW 38TH AVE Miami, FL 33134 0141170030340 RLTY SEC CORP OF COCO GR PB 2-85 LOT 16 BLK 2 LOT SIZE 54.700 X 152 OR 11843-1545 0783 5 2860 SW 37TH CT Miami, FL 33134 0141170030360 RLTY SEC CORP OF COCO GR PB 2-85 LOT 17 LESS El OFT BLK 2 LOT SIZE 54.600 X 142 COC 22218-1251 04 2004 4 2870 SW 37TH CT Miami, FL 33134 0141170030370 RLTY SEC CORP OF COCO GR PB2-85 LOT 18 BLK 2 LOT SIZE 54.600 X 152 OR 14321-2348 1189 1 2865 SW 38TH AVE Miami, FL 33134 0141170030380 RLTY SEC CORP OF COCO GR PB 2-85 LOT 20 BLK 2 LOT SIZE 54.700 X 152 COC 22641-3445 08 2004 4 2880 SW 37TH CT Miami, FL 33134 0141170030400 RLTY SEC CORP OF COCO GR PB 2-85 E76.66FT OF LOTS 21 & 24 LESS E & SSFT FOR ST BLK 2 LOT SIZE 71.660 X 104 73R108667 COC 24014-0515 09 2005 4 3751 SW 29TH ST Miami, FL 33134 0141170030420 BLUE GROVE CONDO UNIT 2861 UNDIV 1/2 INT IN COMMON ELEMENTS OFF REC 21709-2046 COC 25481-0464 03 2007 1 2861 SW 38TH AVE 2861 Miami, FL 33134 0141170460010 BLUE GROVE CONDO UNIT 2863 UNDIV 1/2 INT IN COMMON ELEMENTS OFF REC 21709-2046 COC 23310-0178 04 2005 1 2863 SW 38TH AVE 2863 Miami, FL 33134 0141170460020 DOUGLAS MANOR V CONDO UNIT 3740 UNDIV 50% INT IN COMMON ELEMENTS OFF REC 24815-1750 COC 25011-0190 10 20061 3740 SW 27TH LN 3740 Miami, FL 33134 0141170570010 MIAMI, FL 33143-2604 GLASGOW PARTNERS LLC 4465 SW 13 TER MIAMI. FL 33134 SANTOS ORTEGA 2851 SW 38 AVE MIAMI. FL 33134-7343 FREDDY NICOLAS DELGADO LE REM MARITZA RIVERA REM PAUL RIVERA 2860 SW 37 CT MIAMI, FL 33134 VIOLA CACHINERO MERCEDES FAXAS ROBERTO R CACHINERO 2870 SW 37 CT MIAMI, FL 33134 MARGARET C SANCHEZ 2865-67 SW 38 AVE MIAMI. FL 33134-7343 AQUARELA HOMES INC 8000 WEST 24 AVE BAY 1 HIALEAH, FL 33016 ILEANA A SROCZYNSKI 3751 SW 29 ST MIAMI, FL 33134-7360 CARLOS SEGURA &W SUN M 2861 SW 38 AVE #2861 MIAMI. FL 33134-7343 JOSE DELFOR ACEBEDO 2863 SW 38 AVE CORAL GABLES. FL 33134 HELENA JIMENEZ & JOSE J FIGUEROA 5793 SW 76 TER MIAMI. FL 33143 12 DOUGLAS MANOR V CONDO UNIT 3742 UNDIV 50% INT IN COMMON ELEMENTS OFF REC 24815-1750 COC 25317-499501 ROMAN KRISLAV &W CRISTINA JIMENEZ 20071 3742 SW 27 LANE 3742 SW 27TH LN 3742 MIAMI, FL 33134 Miami, FL 33134 0141170570020 28TH STREET VILLAS CONDO UNIT 3775 UNDIV 1/2% INT IN COMMON ELEMENTS OFF REC 26515-4967 PUNTOCOM VENTURES LLC 3775 SW 28TH ST 3775 303 BIRD RD Miami, FL 33134 MIAMI, FL 33146 0141170670010 28TH STREET VILLAS CONDO UNIT 3777 UNDIV 1/2% INT IN COMMON ELEMENTS OFF REC 26515-4967 MONICA HOBBS CLIFTON PAGE 3777 SW 28TH ST 3777 3777 SW 28 ST Miami, FL 33134 MIAMI, FL 33134 0141170670020 VILLAS AT GABLES CONDO DOUGLAS MANOR PB 7-157 LOT 10 BLK 2 AS DESC IN DECL OR 27714-1906 LOT SIZE 5500 SQ FT VILLAS AT GABLES CONDO ASSOC FAU 01 4117 002 0300 3778 SW 27TH LANE 3776 SW 27TH LN MIAMI, FL 33134 Miami, FL 33134 0141170710001 VILLAS AT GABLES CONDO DOUGLAS MANOR PB 7-157 LOT 10 BLK 2 AS DESC IN DECL OR 27714-1906 LOT SIZE 5500 SQ FT VILLAS AT GABLES CONDO ASSOC, C/O Freire, Marcelo F FAU 01 4117 002 0300 3778 SW 27TH LANE 3776 SW 27TH LN MIAMI, FL 33134 Miami, FL 33134 0141170710001 3771-3773 SW 27 LANE CONDO UNIT 3771 UNDIV 1/2 INT IN COMMON ELEMENTS OFF REC 28253-0821 3771 SW 27TH LN 3771 Miami, FL 33134 0141170740010 3771-3773 SW 27 LANE CONDO UNIT 3773 UNDIV 1/2 INT IN COMMON ELEMENTS OFF REC 28253-0821 3773 SW 27TH LN 3773 Miami, FL 33134 0141170740020 VILLAS AT 27TH LANE CONDO UNIT 3747 UNDIV 50% INT IN COMMON ELEMENTS OFF REC 28670-4402 3747 SW 27TH LN 3747 Miami, FL 33134 0141170750010 VILLAS AT 27TH LANE CONDO UNIT 3749 UNDIV 50% INT IN COMMON ELEMENTS OFF REC 28670-4402 3749 SW 27TH LN 3749 MIAMI, FL 33134 0141170750020 ALEJANDRO DURON ALIS C ZAVALA 3771 SW 27 LN #3771 MIAMI, FL 33134 GUSTAVO PECEGO FLAVIA MACUCO 3771 SW 27 LN # 3773 MIAMI, FL 33134 NORVAN VARTEVAN ALYSHA K VARTEVAN 3747 SW 27 LN MIAMI. FL 33134 JASON C SMITH 1657 N MIAMI AVE APT 713 MIAMI. FL 33136-2028 13 PROPERTIES OUTSIDE THE CITY OF MIAMI BUT WITHIN THE 500' RADIUS LEGAL DESCIPTION, SITE ADDRESS, FOLIO NUMBER NAME, MAILING ADDRESS COCONUT GROVE SEC 1 -CORAL GABLES LOTS 24 & 25 & E15FT LOT 23 BLK 21 PB 14-25 LOT SIZE IRREGULAR OR 15568- ROGER DUNETZ 3364 0692 1 PO BOX 140237 88 CADIMAAVE CORAL GABLES, FL 33114 Coral Gables, FL 33134 0341170072740 14 2780 SW 37TH AVE LLC 2814 16 SW 37 LLC 2814 16 SW 37 LLC 6915 RED RD #215A 375 N HIBISCUS DR 3009 NW 75 AVE CORAL GABLES, FL 33143 MIAMI BEACH, FL 33139 MIAMI, FL 33122 2874 SW 37 AVE LLC 2880 SW 37 AVE LLC 3700 SW 28 ST LLC 9920 SW 72 ST 9920 SW 72 ST 6915 RED RD SUITE 215A MIAMI, FL 33173 MIAMI, FL 33173 CORAL GABLES, FL 33134-7334 AIDA FERNANDEZ ALBERTO CARDET PROPERTIES LLC ALBERTO ZAMORA &W MARY 2830 SW 36 CT 5711 MAGGIORE ST 3735 SW 28 ST MIAMI, FL 33133-3422 CORAL GABLES, FL 33146 MIAMI, FL 33134-7333 ALEJANDRO DURON ALIS C ZAVALA ALFREDO RIVERA &W ARLETTE ALINA A MONTENEGRO 3771 SW 27 LN #3771 6701 SW 48 TERR 11101 SW 40 ST MIAMI, FL 33134 MIAMI, FL 33155-5745 MIAMI, FL 33165-4416 ALONSO RLTY HOLDINGS LLC ANA MARIA DIAZ TRS ANA MARIA DIAZ ANGELA MARIA ESPINOSA 2766 SW 37TH AVENUE REVOCABLE TRUST CARLOS F DIAZ TRS 7990 SW 69 TERR MIAMI, FL 33133-2749 1801 FAIRHAVEN PLACE MIAMI, FL 33143-2604 COCONUT GROVE, FL 33133 ANIBAL CARLOS RIOLFI MONICA M RIOLFI AQUARELA HOMES INC AURORA GONZALEZ 6400 SW 83 ST 8000 WEST 24 AVE BAY 1 2803 SW 36 CT MIAMI, FL 33143 HIALEAH, FL 33016 MIAMI, FL 33133 AVILIO PEREZ &W MARISOL PEREZ BERYL FOSTER JOSEPHINE FOSTER & BRAULIA LOURDES GONZALEZ 4311 SW 99 AVE CARMEN FOSTER 3105 SW 24 ST MIAMI, FL 33165-5142 3680-82 SW 28 ST MIAMI, FL 33145 HIALEAH, FL 33133-2732 C ARGUINZONI & BETTY & KEN ARGUINZONI CARLOS A PIFFERRER GRACIELA PIFFERRER CARLOS FIGUEROA &W MARIA 2859 SW 37 CT ILEANA PIFFERRER 15251 SW 103 AVE MIAMI, FL 33134-7339 2812 SW 36 CT MIAMI, FL 33157-1439 MIAMI, FL 33133-3422 CARLOS R ARRI BAS TRS CARLOS R ARRI BAS CARLOS SEGURA &W SUN M CARY R ALBA REVOC LIV TR NANCY ANN ARRI BAS TRS 2861 SW 38 AVE #2861 2717 SW 138 AVE 9800 SW 120 ST MIAMI, FL 33134-7343 MIAMI, FL 33175 MIAMI, FL 33176 CHELY REATEGUI CHRISTOPHER MCGOWAN CITY OF MIAMI -DEPT OF P&D ASSET 3715 SW 29 ST 3776 SW 28 ST MANAGEMENT DIVISION MIAMI, FL 33134-7335 MIAMI, FL 33134 444 SW 2 AVE STE #325 MIAMI, FL 33130 CURRENT PROPERTY OWNER CURRENT PROPERTY OWNER DAISY V LITTLE WILLIAM LITTLE 3781 SW 28 ST 2844 SW 37 AV 7800 SW 144 ST MIAMI, FL 33134 MIAMI, FL 33133 MIAMI, FL 33158-1520 DAVID L BEVIS LE REM NANCY ELLEN DEBORAH WONG SOO DENI MOYA LE REM RENE MOYA JR WHITNEY 3769 SW 27 LN 3712 SW 27 LANE 5600 SW 86 ST MIAMI, FL 33134-7221 MIAMI, FL 33134 MIAMI, FL 33143 DIRECT BUSINESS INTERNATIONAL INC DOUGLAS PROJECT LLC ELIO E PEREZ MARITZA VELAZQUEZ 5765 SW 35 ST 4016 SW 132 AVE FERNANDEZ MIAMI, FL 33155-4926 DAVIE, FL 33330 2817 SW 38 AVE MIAMI, FL 33134 ENERGY SCIENCES INC ENRIQUE LEON &W YVONNE ERIK E CASPER 2821 SW 37 AVE 2501 SW 20 ST 3735-37 SW 27 LANE MIAMI, FL 33133-3423 MIAMI, FL 33145-2525 MIAMI, FL 33134-7221 EVELIA JUSTO & MIRIAM E MORRIS FELIPE YABER &W MARIA YABER FIDEL M ALVAREZ 3741-43 SW 28 ST 2813 SW 37 CT 5838 SW 22 ST MIAMI, FL 33134-7333 MIAMI, FL 33134-7339 MIAMI, FL 33155-2264 FM GABLES GROUP LLC FM GABLES GROUP LLC FREDDY NICOLAS DELGADO LE REM 2937 SW 27 AVE STE 104 1200 BRICKELL AVE STE 505 MARITZA RIVERA REM PAUL RIVERA COCONUT GROVE, FL 33133 MIAMI, FL 33131 2860 SW 37 CT MIAMI, FL 33134 GABLES EDGE PROPERTIES LLC GABLES EDGES LLC GLASGOW PARTNERS LLC 100 ALMERIA AVE STE 300 PO BOX 140486 4465 SW 13 TER CORAL GABLES, FL 33134-6024 CORAL GABLES, FL 33114 MIAMI, FL 33134 GP PROPERTY RENTALS LLC GUSTAVO PECEGO FLAVIA MACUCO HELENA JIMENEZ & JOSE J FIGUEROA 1430 S DIXIE HWY #309 3771 SW 27 LN # 3773 5793 SW 76 TER CORAL GABLES. FL 33146 MIAMI. FL 33134 MIAMI. FL 33143 ILEANA A SROCZYNSKI ILEANA M GONZALEZ IRENE PEREZ 3751 SW 29 ST 3754 SW 27 LN 2851 SW 36 CT MIAMI, FL 33134-7360 MIAMI, FL 33134-7222 MIAMI, FL 33133-3421 JASON C SMITH JGDRENT LLC JOHN W MOORE 1657 N MIAMI AVE APT 713 1551 NW 13 CT 3757 SW 27 LN MIAMI, FL 33136-2028 MIAMI, FL 33125 MIAMI, FL 33134-7221 JORGE A SOTO PERLA M SOTO JORGE L DIAZ JORGE L LOPEZ 2333 BRICKELL AVE 2316 3760 SW 28 STREET 2831-33 SW 38 AVE MIAMI, FL 33129 SAN DIEGO, CA 33134 MIAMI, FL 33134-7343 JOSE A JIMENEZ TRS JOSE DELFOR ACEBEDO JOSE R PUIG &W MARY 2800 EMATHLA ST 2863 SW 38 AVE 2845 SW 37 CT MIAMI, FL 33133 CORAL GABLES, FL 33134 MIAMI, FL 33134-7339 JOSEFINA CAPACYACHI ANGELO JULIA PEREZ VAZQUEZ DANIA OTERO PEREZ CAPACYACHI JUANA M MARTINEZ SONIA OTERO 2824 SW 37 AVE 2825 38 AVE 2801 SW 38 AVE MIAMI, FL 33133 MIAMI, FLL 3 33134-7343 MIAMI, FL 33134-7343 LAWRENCE SHOOT LIBERTAD VELIZ LINDA BARROCAS TRS DONNA B TACHER 4830 SW 92 AVE 3618 20 SW 28 ST TRS ELVIRA B GORFINKEL TRS MIAMI, FL 33165-6505 MIAMI, FL 33133 13295 ARCH CREEK TER NORTH MIAMI, FL 33181 M BERAJA & R ECHEVARRIA MANUEL & ESTRELLA MUNIZ MANUEL TORRADO &W NIRYA 610 VALENCIA AVE 401 1305 CASTILE AVE 4840 SW 156 PL CORAL GABLES, FL 33134 CORAL GABLES, FL 33134-4745 MIAMI, FL 33185-4160 MARGARET C SANCHEZ MARILING DOMINGUEZ ABEL HERNANDEZ MARLENYN CHAVEZ SILVIA CEPERO 2865-67 SW 38 AVE KARELYS HERNANDEZ 3705 SW 29 ST MIAMI, FL 33134-7343 2821 SW 38 AVE MIAMI, FL 33134 MIAMI, FL 33134 MARTHA PADRON MARY ELEANOR CRICK MAXA CASTELLON ENI CASTELLON 2836 SW 37 CT 2820 SW 36 CT 2811 SW 36 CT MIAMI. FL 33134-7340 MIAMI. FL 33133-3422 MIAMI. FL 33133 MERCEDES L CABRERA & LUIS GRANDA MIGUEL COLLADO &W CRISTINA MIGUEL COLLADO JTRS CRISTINA COLLADO 2814 SW 37 CT 2820 SW 37 CT JTRS VICTORIA COLLADO JTRS MIAMI, FL 33134-7340 MIAMI, FL 33134-7340 2830 SW 37 CT MIAMI, FL 33134 MONICA HOBBS CLIFTON PAGE MST CORPORATION TRUST NABISTA ENTERPRISE CORP 3777 SW 28 ST 1741 NW 20 ST 150 SOLANO PRADO MIAMI, FL 33134 MIAMI, FL 33142 CORAL GABLES, FL 33156 NEMESIO PEREZ &W ESTHER & GERARD J NIBERTO A MORENO LILIMARY A MORENO NORVAN VARTEVAN ALYSHA K VARTEVAN KEARNEY &W VERONICA 8525 SW 92 ST Al 3747 SW 27 LN 19 SNOWBELL PLACE MIAMI, FL 33156 MIAMI, FL 33134 THE WOODLANDS, TX 77381 OLEMA HOYOS & HELEN PEREZ-CERVERA ONELIA G GONZALEZ CARLOS M & JAVIER OSWALDO SANCHEZ CARIDAD SANCHEZ 3788 SW 27 LN GONZALEZ 2801 SW 36 CT MIAMI, FL 33134-7222 3751 SW 28 ST MIAMI, FL 33133-3421 MIAMI, FL 33134-7333 PABLO MONTENEGRO &W IRIS 2841 SW 36 CT MIAMI. FL 33133-3421 RAMON BAEZ 904 SISTI NA AVE CORAL GABLES, FL 33146-2051 RICARDO QUEVEDO TRS 2751 SW 30 CT MIAMI, FL 33133 RODOLFO BENAVI DES & ALEX PROPERTIES INVEST INC 1025 CASTILE AVE CORAL GABLES, FL 33134-4739 ROMERILLO INVESTMENTS LLC PO BOX 652353 MIAMI, FL 33265 SANTOS ORTEGA 2851 SW 38 AVE MIAMI. FL 33134-7343 SILVIO SANTANA &W CARMEN 1515 MADRID ST CORAL GABLES. FL 33134 SYLVIA VIYELLA PO BOX 140546 CORAL GABLES. FL 33114 PEDRO F VALI ENTE 3754 SW 28 ST MIAMI. FL 33134 RAQUEL RODRIGUEZ 2811 SW 37 AVE MIAMI. FL 33133-3423 RMMATE VENTURES LLC 303 BIRD RD MIAMI. FL 33146-1404 ROGER DUNETZ PO BOX 140237 CORAL GABLES, FL 33114 ROSA E PUELLO 649 NAVARRE AVE CORAL GABLES, FL 33134-3760 SIDONIA ENTERPRISES INC 1714 FERDINAND ST CORAL GABLES, FL 33134 SR DOUGLAS LLC 580 CRANDON BLVD #201 KEY BISCAYNE. FL 33149-1555 VACORNER LLC 580 CRANDON BLVD #201 KEY BISCAYNE, FL 33149 PUNTOCOM VENTURES LLC 303 BIRD RD MIAMI. FL 33146 RAUL DELGADO &W AMALIA 511 SW 104 AVE MIAMI. FL 33174 ROBERTO CASO &W CELIA 430 MARMORE AVE CORAL GABLES. FL 33146-2838 ROMAN KRISLAV &W CRISTINA JIMENEZ 3742 SW 27 LANE MIAMI. FL 33134 SAINT MARYS PROPERTIES LLC 2515 SW 7 ST STE 1 MIAMI. FL 33135 SILVERIA FERRER 2870 SW 36 CT MIAMI, FL 33133-3422 SR DOUGLAS LLC 580 CRANDON BLVD KEY BISCAYNE, FL 33149-1555 VERONICA CASTILLO HERNAN HERAZO JESSICA M CASTILLO 2890 SW 36 CT MIAMI, FL 33133 VILLAS AT GABLES CONDO ASSOC VILLAS AT GABLES CONDO ASSOC, C/O VIOLA CACHINERO MERCEDES FAXAS 3778 SW 27TH LANE Freire, Marcelo F ROBERTO R CACHINERO MIAMI, FL 33134 3778 SW 27TH LANE 2870 SW 37 CT MIAMI, FL 33134 MIAMI, FL 33134 WHEELER PROPERTY MANAGEMENT INC 3733 NW 21 CT MIAMI, FL 33142 YOLANDA GAY 4381 SW 13 TERR MIAMI. FL 33134-2726 YUNEISY DELGADO RODRIGUES RICARDO RODRIGUES 2201 LINCOLN AVE MIAMI, FL 33133 public notification packages I lists of property owners within a specific radius + radius maps + mailing labels www.rdrmiami.com I diana@rdrmiami.com 1 305.498.1614 500' RADIUS MAP 3700-3702 SW 28 Street, Miami, FL 33133 2810-2812 SW 37 Avenue, Miami, FL 33133 2814 SW 37 Avenue, Miami, FL 33133 2816 SW 37 Avenue, Miami, FL 33133 2818 SW 37 Avenue, Miami, FL 33133 rLti�_a City of Miami 0 Public School Concurrency DConcurrency Management System Entered Requirements Applicant Fields Information Application Type Public Hearing Application Sub -Type Land Use Application Name* SW 37 Avenue Rezoning Application Phone* 305-374-5300 Application Email* BFernandez@BRZoningLaw.com Application Address* 3700 SW 28 Street, 2810-2818 SW 37 Avenue Contact Fields Information Contact Name* Ben Fernandez Contact Phone* 305-377-6235 Contact Email* BFernandez@BRZoningLaw.com Local Govt. Name City of Miami Local Govt. Phone 305-416-1400 Local Govt. Email rshedd@miamigov.com; strone@miamigov.com Local Govt. App. Number (OFFICIAL USE ONLY Property Fields Information Master Folio Number* 01-4117-002-0420 Additional Folio Number 01-4117-002-0430, 01-4117-003-0010, 01-4117-003-0011, 01-4117-003-0040 Total Acreage* Approximately 0.60 acres Proposed Land UselZoning* Low Density Restricted Commercial Single -Family Detached Units* 0 Single -Family Attached Units (Duplex)* 0 Multi -Family Units* 39 Total # of Units * 39 Redevelopment Information - Re -development applications are for those vacant sites for which a local government has provided vested rights; or for an already improved property which does not have to be re -platted as deemed by the local government. The number of units to be input into the CMS is the net difference between the existing vested number of units and the newly proposed number of units. Example: an existing 20 -unit structure will be torn down for redevelopment. The newly proposed development calls for 40 total units. Local government shall input 20 units in the CMS (net difference between the 20 units vested less the a ly proposed 4 units). * Required Fields for Application Ben Fernandez, Esq. an behalf of 2814116 SW 37, LLC Owner(s)/Attorney/Applicant Name O er(s)IAttorney/Applican Sin tore STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI -DARE 1 The foregoing was acknowledged before me this 1 day of July 20 17 , by Ben Fernandez, Esq. who is a(n) individual/partner/agent/corporation of Bercow Radell Fernandez, & Larkin, PLLC a(n) individual/partnership/corporation. He/She is personally known to me or who has produced as identification and who did (did not take an oath. (Stamp) Si re , "-'ray PW" BETTY LLERENA Notary Public • State of Florida My Comm. Expires Mar 5, 2018 'IF OF p��4�commission p FF 078662 1!111141 Dear Constituent: Welcome to the City of Miami! This package is intended to provide you with all open Code Enforcement violations and liens attached to the subject property, or properties, as of the current date and time the followinc�regort was created. Closed violations and future violations are not included. A violation may become a lien when the property owner does not timely remedy the violation. This report may include two types of liens: Certified liens and non -certified liens. Certified liens have a set amount to be paid. Conversely, most non -certified liens continue to accrue interest or a per diem fine; therefore, those liens must be satisfied with the City as quickly as possible. All outstanding violations and liens must be satisfactorily resolved before the City can issue a Certificate of Use (CU); however, the City inspects all properties prior to the issuance of a CU and those inspections may yield additional items, which must be addressed by the owner at the property prior to issuance of a CU. This search does not include encumbrances, other liens, restrictions or the like, recorded in the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. Please contact Miami -Dade County for the aforementioned items. Code Violation/Lien Inquiry Letter Page 1 of 5 TONI ALAM 6915 RED RD SUITE 215-A CORAL GABLES FL 33143 City of Miami _W �F z``f 93 FCO.. F1�4 Property Search Notice 07/10/2017 Per your request (copy attached), the undersigned has searched the records of the Director of Finance in and for the City of Miami, Florida, for any liens and other fees outstanding against the following described property as of: 07/10/2017. The result is valid up to 30 days from the processing date. In addition, due to daily penalty and interest calculations, the amount shown is subject to change as reflected below. Folio Number: Property Address: Legal Description: Amount Payable On: 01-4117-002-0420 3700 SW 28 ST DOUGLAS MANOR PB 7-157 LOT 1 LESS EIOFT CITY BLK 3 LOT SIZE 53.700 X 109 OR 17921-4583 1297 1 COC 23130-4920 02 2005 6 07/09/2017 to 08/09/2017 0.00 This notice does not include liens imposed by federal, state, county or City agencies or boards or any other liens recorded in the public records of Miami -Dade County. Erica T. Paschal Finance Director To ensure proper credit of your payment, include a copy of all pages of the property search findings along with your payment and mail to: City of Miami, Treasury Management/Payment Processing, 444 SW 2nd Avenue, 6th Floor, Room 636-1, Miami, FL 33130. If you have any questions, please call (305) 416-1570. Please retain this page for your records. Page 2 of 5 TONI ALAM 6915 RED RD SUITE 215-A CORAL GABLES FL 33143 Folio Number: Property Address: Legal Description: Lien No. (Case Number) City of Miami �,G1�Y OF SCO.. F1�4 07/10/2017 01-4117-002-0420 3700 SW 28 ST DOUGLAS MANOR PB 7-157 LOT 1 LESS EIOFT CITY BLK 3 LOT SIZE 53.700 X 109 OR 17921-4583 1297 1 COC 23130-4920 02 2005 6 Property Search Findings - Pending Liens Description If you have any questions, please call (305) 416-1570. Please retain this page for your records. Address Page 3 of 5 City of Miami �,G1�Y OF SCO.. F1�4 TONI ALAM 6915 RED RD SUITE 215-A CORAL GABLES FL 33143 07/10/2017 Folio Number: 01-4117-002-0420 Property Address: 3700 SW 28 ST Legal Description: DOUGLAS MANOR PB 7-157 LOT 1 LESS EIOFT CITY BLK 3 LOT SIZE 53.700 X 109 OR 17921-4583 1297 1 COC 23130-4920 02 2005 6 Property Search Findings - Open Invoices Invoice Reference No. Lien No. Description Amount Due Sub -Total 0.00 If you have any questions, please call (305) 416-1570. Please retain this page for your records. Page 4 of 5 Folio Number Violations Detail Report 01-4117-002-0420 NO OPEN VIOLATIONS FOUND. Page 5 of 5 Dear Constituent: Welcome to the City of Miami! This package is intended to provide you with all open Code Enforcement violations and liens attached to the subject property, or properties, as of the current date and time the followinc�regort was created. Closed violations and future violations are not included. A violation may become a lien when the property owner does not timely remedy the violation. This report may include two types of liens: Certified liens and non -certified liens. Certified liens have a set amount to be paid. Conversely, most non -certified liens continue to accrue interest or a per diem fine; therefore, those liens must be satisfied with the City as quickly as possible. All outstanding violations and liens must be satisfactorily resolved before the City can issue a Certificate of Use (CU); however, the City inspects all properties prior to the issuance of a CU and those inspections may yield additional items, which must be addressed by the owner at the property prior to issuance of a CU. This search does not include encumbrances, other liens, restrictions or the like, recorded in the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. Please contact Miami -Dade County for the aforementioned items. Code Violation/Lien Inquiry Letter Page 1 of 6 TONI ALAM 6915 RED RD SUITE 215-A CORAL GABLES FL 33143 City of Miami _W �F z``f 93 FCO.. F1�4 Property Search Notice 07/10/2017 Per your request (copy attached), the undersigned has searched the records of the Director of Finance in and for the City of Miami, Florida, for any liens and other fees outstanding against the following described property as of: 07/10/2017. The result is valid up to 30 days from the processing date. In addition, due to daily penalty and interest calculations, the amount shown is subject to change as reflected below. Folio Number: Property Address: Legal Description: Amount Payable On: 01-4117-002-0430 2810 SW 37 AV DOUGLAS MANOR PB 7-157 LOT 2 LESS EIOFT CITY BLK 3 LOT SIZE 53.600 X 109 OR 14914-1033 0291 1 COC 23130-492102 2005 6 07/09/2017 to 08/09/2017 0.00 This notice does not include liens imposed by federal, state, county or City agencies or boards or any other liens recorded in the public records of Miami -Dade County. Erica T. Paschal Finance Director To ensure proper credit of your payment, include a copy of all pages of the property search findings along with your payment and mail to: City of Miami, Treasury Management/Payment Processing, 444 SW 2nd Avenue, 6th Floor, Room 636-1, Miami, FL 33130. If you have any questions, please call (305) 416-1570. Please retain this page for your records. Page 2 of 6 TONI ALAM 6915 RED RD SUITE 215-A CORAL GABLES FL 33143 Folio Number: Property Address: Legal Description: Lien No. (Case Number) City of Miami �,G1�Y OF SCO.. F1�4 07/10/2017 01-4117-002-0430 2810 SW 37 AV DOUGLAS MANOR PB 7-157 LOT 2 LESS EIOFT CITY BLK 3 LOT SIZE 53.600 X 109 OR 14914-1033 0291 1 COC 23130-492102 2005 6 Property Search Findings - Pending Liens Description If you have any questions, please call (305) 416-1570. Please retain this page for your records. Address Page 3 of 6 City of Miami �,G1�Y OF SCO.. F1�4 TONI ALAM 6915 RED RD SUITE 215-A CORAL GABLES FL 33143 07/10/2017 Folio Number: 01-4117-002-0430 Property Address: 2810 SW 37 AV Legal Description: DOUGLAS MANOR PB 7-157 LOT 2 LESS EIOFT CITY BLK 3 LOT SIZE 53.600 X 109 OR 14914-1033 0291 1 COC 23130-492102 2005 6 Property Search Findings - Open Invoices Invoice Reference No. Lien No. Description Amount Due Sub -Total 0.00 If you have any questions, please call (305) 416-1570. Please retain this page for your records. Page 4 of 6 Folio Number Violations Detail Report 01-4117-002-0430 NO OPEN VIOLATIONS FOUND. Page 5 of 6 JUL 10, 2017 Folio # 01-4117-002-0430 Also, please contact MELANIE MISSIRLIAN at (954) 486-4324 for possible additional recorded unpaid liens not due to City of Miami. City of Miami's prior "Lien Sale" sold a certificate(s) which may still be due. Kindly, only contact the above named individual for any outstanding amount. The City of Miami has no interest and/or additional information and this must be resolved with the referenced certificate holder for satisfaction. Page 6 of 6 Dear Constituent: Welcome to the City of Miami! This package is intended to provide you with all open Code Enforcement violations and liens attached to the subject property, or properties, as of the current date and time the followinc�regort was created. Closed violations and future violations are not included. A violation may become a lien when the property owner does not timely remedy the violation. This report may include two types of liens: Certified liens and non -certified liens. Certified liens have a set amount to be paid. Conversely, most non -certified liens continue to accrue interest or a per diem fine; therefore, those liens must be satisfied with the City as quickly as possible. All outstanding violations and liens must be satisfactorily resolved before the City can issue a Certificate of Use (CU); however, the City inspects all properties prior to the issuance of a CU and those inspections may yield additional items, which must be addressed by the owner at the property prior to issuance of a CU. This search does not include encumbrances, other liens, restrictions or the like, recorded in the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. Please contact Miami -Dade County for the aforementioned items. Code Violation/Lien Inquiry Letter Page 1 of 5 TONI ALAM 6915 RED RD SUITE 215-A CORAL GABLES FL 33143 City of Miami _W �F z``f 93 FCO.. F1�4 Property Search Notice 07/10/2017 Per your request (copy attached), the undersigned has searched the records of the Director of Finance in and for the City of Miami, Florida, for any liens and other fees outstanding against the following described property as of: 07/10/2017. The result is valid up to 30 days from the processing date. In addition, due to daily penalty and interest calculations, the amount shown is subject to change as reflected below. Folio Number: Property Address: Legal Description: Amount Payable On: 01-4117-003-0010 2814 SW 37 AV RLTY SECURITIES CORP OF COCO GROVE PB 2-85 UNDIV 1/2 INT IN LOT 1 LESS E20FT LESS E20FT BLK 1 LOT SIZE 27.390 X 132 07/09/2017 to 08/09/2017 0.00 This notice does not include liens imposed by federal, state, county or City agencies or boards or any other liens recorded in the public records of Miami -Dade County. Erica T. Paschal Finance Director To ensure proper credit of your payment, include a copy of all pages of the property search findings along with your payment and mail to: City of Miami, Treasury Management/Payment Processing, 444 SW 2nd Avenue, 6th Floor, Room 636-1, Miami, FL 33130. If you have any questions, please call (305) 416-1570. Please retain this page for your records. Page 2 of 5 TONI ALAM 6915 RED RD SUITE 215-A CORAL GABLES FL 33143 Folio Number: Property Address: Legal Description: Lien No. (Case Number) City of Miami �,G1�Y OF SCO.. F1�4 07/10/2017 01-4117-003-0010 2814 SW 37 AV RLTY SECURITIES CORP OF COCO GROVE PB 2-85 UNDIV 1/2 INT IN LOT 1 LESS E20FT LESS E20FT BLK 1 LOT SIZE 27.390 X 132 Property Search Findings - Pending Liens Description If you have any questions, please call (305) 416-1570. Please retain this page for your records. Address Page 3 of 5 City of Miami �,G1�Y OF SCO.. F1�4 TONI ALAM 6915 RED RD SUITE 215-A CORAL GABLES FL 33143 07/10/2017 Folio Number: 01-4117-003-0010 Property Address: 2814 SW 37 AV Legal Description: RLTY SECURITIES CORP OF COCO GROVE PB 2-85 UNDIV 1/2 INT IN LOT 1 LESS E20FT LESS E20FT BLK 1 LOT SIZE 27.390 X 132 Property Search Findings - Open Invoices Invoice Reference No. Lien No. Description Amount Due Sub -Total 0.00 If you have any questions, please call (305) 416-1570. Please retain this page for your records. Page 4 of 5 Folio Number Violations Detail Report 01-4117-003-0010 NO OPEN VIOLATIONS FOUND. Page 5 of 5 Dear Constituent: Welcome to the City of Miami! This package is intended to provide you with all open Code Enforcement violations and liens attached to the subject property, or properties, as of the current date and time the followinc�regort was created. Closed violations and future violations are not included. A violation may become a lien when the property owner does not timely remedy the violation. This report may include two types of liens: Certified liens and non -certified liens. Certified liens have a set amount to be paid. Conversely, most non -certified liens continue to accrue interest or a per diem fine; therefore, those liens must be satisfied with the City as quickly as possible. All outstanding violations and liens must be satisfactorily resolved before the City can issue a Certificate of Use (CU); however, the City inspects all properties prior to the issuance of a CU and those inspections may yield additional items, which must be addressed by the owner at the property prior to issuance of a CU. This search does not include encumbrances, other liens, restrictions or the like, recorded in the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. Please contact Miami -Dade County for the aforementioned items. Code Violation/Lien Inquiry Letter Page 1 of 5 TONI ALAM 6915 RED RD SUITE 215-A CORAL GABLES FL 33143 City of Miami _W �F z``f 93 FCO.. F1�4 Property Search Notice 07/10/2017 Per your request (copy attached), the undersigned has searched the records of the Director of Finance in and for the City of Miami, Florida, for any liens and other fees outstanding against the following described property as of: 07/10/2017. The result is valid up to 30 days from the processing date. In addition, due to daily penalty and interest calculations, the amount shown is subject to change as reflected below. Folio Number: Property Address: Legal Description: Amount Payable On: 01-4117-003-0011 2816 SW 37 AV RLTY SECURITIES CORP OF COCO GROVE PB 2-85 UNDIV 1/2 INT IN LOT 1 LESS E20FT BLK 1 LOT SIZE 27.390 X 132 COC 26064-0422 112007 1 07/09/2017 to 08/09/2017 0.00 This notice does not include liens imposed by federal, state, county or City agencies or boards or any other liens recorded in the public records of Miami -Dade County. Erica T. Paschal Finance Director To ensure proper credit of your payment, include a copy of all pages of the property search findings along with your payment and mail to: City of Miami, Treasury Management/Payment Processing, 444 SW 2nd Avenue, 6th Floor, Room 636-1, Miami, FL 33130. If you have any questions, please call (305) 416-1570. Please retain this page for your records. Page 2 of 5 TONI ALAM 6915 RED RD SUITE 215-A CORAL GABLES FL 33143 Folio Number: Property Address: Legal Description: Lien No. (Case Number) City of Miami �,G1�Y OF SCO.. F1�4 07/10/2017 01-4117-003-0011 2816 SW 37 AV RLTY SECURITIES CORP OF COCO GROVE PB 2-85 UNDIV 1/2 INT IN LOT 1 LESS E20FT BLK 1 LOT SIZE 27.390 X 132 COC 26064-0422 112007 1 Property Search Findings - Pending Liens Description If you have any questions, please call (305) 416-1570. Please retain this page for your records. Address Page 3 of 5 City of Miami �,G1�Y OF SCO.. F1�4 TONI ALAM 6915 RED RD SUITE 215-A CORAL GABLES FL 33143 07/10/2017 Folio Number: 01-4117-003-0011 Property Address: 2816 SW 37 AV Legal Description: RLTY SECURITIES CORP OF COCO GROVE PB 2-85 UNDIV 1/2 INT IN LOT 1 LESS E20FT BLK 1 LOT SIZE 27.390 X 132 COC 26064-0422 112007 1 Property Search Findings - Open Invoices Invoice Reference No. Lien No. Description Amount Due Sub -Total 0.00 If you have any questions, please call (305) 416-1570. Please retain this page for your records. Page 4 of 5 Folio Number Violations Detail Report 01-4117-003-0011 NO OPEN VIOLATIONS FOUND. Page 5 of 5 Dear Constituent: Welcome to the City of Miami! This package is intended to provide you with all open Code Enforcement violations and liens attached to the subject property, or properties, as of the current date and time the followinc�regort was created. Closed violations and future violations are not included. A violation may become a lien when the property owner does not timely remedy the violation. This report may include two types of liens: Certified liens and non -certified liens. Certified liens have a set amount to be paid. Conversely, most non -certified liens continue to accrue interest or a per diem fine; therefore, those liens must be satisfied with the City as quickly as possible. All outstanding violations and liens must be satisfactorily resolved before the City can issue a Certificate of Use (CU); however, the City inspects all properties prior to the issuance of a CU and those inspections may yield additional items, which must be addressed by the owner at the property prior to issuance of a CU. This search does not include encumbrances, other liens, restrictions or the like, recorded in the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. Please contact Miami -Dade County for the aforementioned items. Code Violation/Lien Inquiry Letter Page 1 of 5 TONI ALAM 6915 RED RD SUITE 215-A CORAL GABLES FL 33143 City of Miami _W �F z``f 93 FCO.. F1�4 Property Search Notice 07/10/2017 Per your request (copy attached), the undersigned has searched the records of the Director of Finance in and for the City of Miami, Florida, for any liens and other fees outstanding against the following described property as of: 07/10/2017. The result is valid up to 30 days from the processing date. In addition, due to daily penalty and interest calculations, the amount shown is subject to change as reflected below. Folio Number: Property Address: Legal Description: Amount Payable On: 01-4117-003-0040 2818 SW 37 AV 17 20 54 41 RLTY SEC CORP OF COCO GR PB 2-85 LOT 4 LESS E20FT BLK 1 LOT SIZE 54.800 X 132 OR 18650-2042 0699 4 COC 23246-2947 03 2005 1 07/09/2017 to 08/09/2017 0.00 This notice does not include liens imposed by federal, state, county or City agencies or boards or any other liens recorded in the public records of Miami -Dade County. Erica T. Paschal Finance Director To ensure proper credit of your payment, include a copy of all pages of the property search findings along with your payment and mail to: City of Miami, Treasury Management/Payment Processing, 444 SW 2nd Avenue, 6th Floor, Room 636-1, Miami, FL 33130. If you have any questions, please call (305) 416-1570. Please retain this page for your records. Page 2 of 5 TONI ALAM 6915 RED RD SUITE 215-A CORAL GABLES FL 33143 Folio Number: Property Address: Legal Description: Lien No. (Case Number) City of Miami �,G1�Y OF SCO.. F1�4 07/10/2017 01-4117-003-0040 2818 SW 37 AV 17 20 54 41 RLTY SEC CORP OF COCO GR PB 2-85 LOT 4 LESS E20FT BLK 1 LOT SIZE 54.800 X 132 OR 18650-2042 0699 4 COC 23246-2947 03 2005 1 Property Search Findings - Pending Liens Description If you have any questions, please call (305) 416-1570. Please retain this page for your records. Address Page 3 of 5 City of Miami �,G1�Y OF SCO.. F1�4 TONI ALAM 6915 RED RD SUITE 215-A CORAL GABLES FL 33143 07/10/2017 Folio Number: 01-4117-003-0040 Property Address: 2818 SW 37 AV Legal Description: 17 20 54 41 RLTY SEC CORP OF COCO GR PB 2-85 LOT 4 LESS E20FT BLK 1 LOT SIZE 54.800 X 132 OR 18650-2042 0699 4 COC 23246-2947 03 2005 1 Property Search Findings - Open Invoices Invoice Reference No. Lien No. Description Amount Due Sub -Total 0.00 If you have any questions, please call (305) 416-1570. Please retain this page for your records. Page 4 of 5 Folio Number Violations Detail Report 01-4117-003-0040 NO OPEN VIOLATIONS FOUND. Page 5 of 5 Electronic Articles of Organization For Florida Limited Liability Company Article I The name of the Limited Liability Company is: 2814/16 SW 37, LLC Article II L16000229415 FILED 8:00 AM December 20, 2016 Sec. Of State kbrumbley The street address of the principal office of the Limited Liability Company is: 2814 SW 37 AVENUE MIAMI, FL. US 33133 The mailing address of the Limited Liability Company is: 3009 NW 75 AVENUE MIAMI, FL. US 33122 Article III The name and Florida street address of the registered agent is: YELEN & YELEN, PA 1104 PONCE DE LEON BLVD. CORAL GABLES, FL. 33134 Having been named as registered agent and to accept service of process for the above stated limited liability company at the place designated in this certificate, I hereby accept the appointment as registered agent and agree to act in this capacity. I further agree to comply with the provisions of all statutes relating to the proper and complete performance of my duties, and I am familiar with and accept the obligations of my position as registered agent. Registered Agent Signature: VIVIAN CHOU, ESQ. Article IV L16000229415 The name and address of person(s) authorized to manage LLC: FILED 8:00 AM December 20, 2016 Title: AMBR Sec. Of State ALBERT M CLARAMONTE kbrumbley 3009 NW 75 AVENUE MIAMI, FL. 33122 US Signature of member or an authorized representative Electronic Signature: ALBERT M. CLARAMONTE I am the member or authorized representative submitting these Articles of Organization and affirm that the facts stated herein are true. I am aware that false information submitted in a document to the Department of State constitutes a third degree felony as provided for in s.817.155, F.S. I understand the requirement to file an annual report between January 1 st and May 1 st in the calendar year following formation of the LLC and every year thereafter to maintain "active" status.