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3700 SW 28 'STREET Miami, FLORIDA, 33134
Folie 01-4117-002-4420
2810 SW 37 AVENUE, MIAMI, FLORIDA, 33133
Folie 01-4117-002-0430
2814-16 SW 37 AVENUE, MIAMI, FLORIDA, 33133
Folio# 01-4117-003-0010
Folio# 01-4117-003-0011
28'8 ='* 37 A'V'ENUE, MIAMI, FLORIDA, 33133
Foli:.j�` 0'-4117-003-0040
Lot 1 less ,he East 1D feet thereof, in Black 3 DOUGLAS MANOR, according to
the Plat thcreo#, as recorded in Plat Book 7, at Page 157, of the Public
Records of Miami—Dade County, Florida,
Lot 2 less the east 10 feet thereof, Ira Block 3, of DOUGLAS MANOR, according
to the Pleat thereof, as recorded in plat Book 7, at Page 157, of the Public
Records of Dads County, Florida; together with the improvements situtate
Lot 1, LESS the East 20 feet thereof, in Block 1 of "realty seu-nities
corporation's plat of cocoanut grove' according to the plat thereof as recorded
in Plat Book 2 at Page 85 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida.
Lot 4, less the East 20 Feet, in Block 1, of REALTY SECURITIES CORPORATIONS
PLAT OF COCONUT GROVE, uvcording to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book
2, Page 35, of the Public Hor ords of Miami—Dade County, Florida.
Said described lands containing 26,137 square feet (0.60+,i- acres)