HomeMy WebLinkAboutMemo - Manager's ApprovalCITY OF NIIANII, FLORIDA ITER -OFFICE NIF.NIOR.-kNDUNI TO: Daniel J Alfonso. City Manager 1 FRQNI; Annie Perez, CIPO, 'f Procurement Departmen Director DATE: October 11, 2017 FILE: SUBJECT: Recommendation to Negotiate a Contract fora Comprehensive Stormwater Master Plan for the City of Miami Project - B -30632A REFERENCES: RFQ No. 16-17-041 ENCLOSURES: Evaluation Committee Score Sheets Evaluation Committee Appointment Memo Recommendation: Based on the findings below. the Procurement Depal ;relent (Procurement) hereby recommends approval to negot:a`.a a contract with the top-ranked responsive and responsible Proposer, CDN1 Smith, Inc. (CDM'. pursuant to Request for Qualifications No. 16-17-041 (RFQ), for the planning and development of a Comprehensive Stormwater Master Plan (Plan) for the City of Miami (City), The City's original Stormwater Master Plan was generated in 1986. and emphasized on mainland areas, excluding barrier islands and mos: coastal areas. Addit'.ona,ly. localized flooding of homes, businesses a,7d roadways including tie effects of erosion and diminishing capacity of rivers and canals due to acc�^�ula#ion• of debris aid crga^!c sedimentation, were evaluated. The re -My updated and comprehensive Plan shall include. but nct limited to the following: a) Evaluation of potentiai sea level rise scenarios and recommendations to raise seawall and bulkhead elevat;ons. proposa": of new pump stations, and installation of backflow preventers to existing and future stormwater drainage infrastructure; b) Raccrime ndations to improve the resiliency of coastal and upland infrastructure, as well as, the existing ecosystem to mitigate damages sustained from severe storm events; c) Recommendations to address water quality and environmental issues in accordance with local, stat, and federal regulations, - d' egulations;d A ranking and priority list for capital projects that address stormwater drainage and water quality improvements, as well as City maintained seawalls/bulkheads; e) Analysis, modeling. and recommendations to reduce depth, extent, frequency, and duration of flooding events; fj Recommendations for conservation and reuse of stormwater; g) Ways to improve aquifer recharge to reduce saltwater intrusion, and protect the potable water supply; h) Best management practices,- i) ractices;i) Recommendation of green design and Sustainable Engineering standards; and j) Coordinated analysis identifying existing conditions of City parks, and major public facilities, including transportation, parking and other infrastructure. Background: On May 31. 2017, the City issued RFQ No. 16-17-041 under full and open competition, to obtain proposals from qualified and experienced professional consulting firms to develop the Plan. On July 18. 2017, five (5) proposals were received in response to the RFQ. Proposers were required to meet all of the minimum qualification requirements established in the RFQ. in order to be deemed qualified to provide t"e services Subsequently. the proposals were reviewed by Procurement for responsiveness: all proposals were deemed responsive On August 25 2017, the proposals were further evaluated by PR 17316 an Eialuaticn Committee (Committee), following the guidelines and technical criteria published in the RPQ The technical criteria listed below. were itemized for a maximum of one hundred (100) points per Committee member.- 1) ember: 1) Proposer's Qualifications and Experience (25 points): 2) Proposer's Team Qualifications and Experience 20 pints): 3) Proposer's Project Manager Qualifications and Experience (15 points)_ 4) Design Approach and Process to Functionalityllnnovation 30points).. and 5) Technical Capabilities and Methodology in Designing and Master Planning in South Florida 10 points). Proposers were mandated to assign a minimum of fifteen percent (15%) of the award value to firms currently certified by Miami -Dade County as a Community Business Enterprise (CBE). Furthermore. Proposers who meet the mandatory CBE requirement and use the firms that maintain a local office, as defined in Section 13-73 of the City of Miami Code, will qualify to receive five (5) bonus points. Two (2) frms qualified for the bonus points 1) AECOM Technical Services. Inc., and 2) Hazen and Sawyer. Pre -Oral Presentation Scores: The pre!iminary technica! scores after the August 25. 2017 Committee meeting are as follows Proposer i Technical Score max. 600 1 Hazen and Sawyer I 536.65 I 2 CDM Smith, Inc. 531.15 3 A.D.A. Engineering. Inc. 527.5 4 AECONI Te:;hnica! Services. Inc. 519.6 5 A & P Co ,sultana Tra.nsoortat,on Encineers. Coro. 445.9 At this mee`:ng the Committee determined the proposals warranted further consideration: and reco-nm ended tea. tie top three ray kad f:rms be invited back for oral presenta`ions. The Committee's gaestionslc!arif;ca;ions were provided to each firm prior to the presentations. Post -Oral Presentation Scores: The fins' technica! scores after the October 6. 2017 oral presentations are as follows: Proposer Technical Score (max. 600) 1 CDM Smith, Inc. 546.9 2 1 Hazen and Sawyer t 531.75 3 A.D.A. Engineering. Inc. 524.55 Due diligence was conducted by Procurement, prior to the Committee meeting. on all Proposers to determine responsibility, including verifying corporate status and performing reference checks. There were no performance or compliance issues and no adverse findings related to any of the Proposers' responsibility. Other: One voting Committee member disclosed during the first evaluation meeting that he had a conflict of interest with one of the Proposers, and was removed from the Committee. This member's scores were not included in the pre -oral scoring Another voting Committee member. was unable to participate on the Committee due to scheduling conflicts. and was replaced by Mr, Hector Badia PR 17316 2 Negotiations; The Committee recommends that the City enter into negotiations with CDM Smith, Inc. (CDM). the highest ranked' responsive and responsible Proposer. Notwithstanding the foregoing. the Committee further recommends that if the City and CDM cannot reach an agreement. the City will terminate regotiations with CDM and begin negotiations with the second highest ranked responsive and responsible Proposer Hazen and Sawyer (H&S) Further, if the City and H&S cannot reach an agreement. t; e City will terminate negotiations with H&5 and begin negotiations with the third highest ranked responsive and responsible Proposer, A.D.A Engineering Inc The following individuals will participate in the negotiations along with the assigned City Attorney(s).- Lydia ttorney(s): Lydia Osborne. PhD. CPPD, CPPB, Assistant Director, Procurement Jeovanny Rodriguez, Director, Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Hector Badia, Assistant Director, CIP Keith NG, Project Manager, CIP Hermes Diaz. Chief Engineer. Public Works Department Giraldo Marquez, Chief Project Manager, CIP Background Provided by the Recommended Proposer: CDM has provided a full range of environmental services to public and private sector clients. Projects include the City's Storm Drainage Master Plan, Wagner Creek and Seybold Stormwater Master Plan Update: Kinloch Basin Storm,,vater Model, City of Jacksonville first Master Stormwater Management Plan; City of Miami Beach Comprehensive Master Pian, and the City of Fort Lauderdale Comprehensive city-wide SIM", water Master Plan. CDN1 offers 43 years of consecutive sa^,/ice in Florida. w!th a complete suite of services spanning from -.ate or tre s1or7,,v9'er -a5'ee pla-s pragraM manauelmen.. management consulting and architect;�ral and' geotechnica! engineering to design -build. construction management and operations. CDik.i was ranked 24" in the top 500 design firms. 9" for Water by Engineering News -Record (ENR) in 20,17, and 5" for sanitary a,d st3rm sewers in the top 25 design firms. by ENR in 2016. Consensus Statement: The Committee determined that CDM. a licensed professional engineering firm, has the necessary qua;ifica'ions, reievarit experience, technical capacity, and experienced personnel required to meet the needs of the City and successfully complete the Project. CDN1 has been in business since 1947, and specializes in projects involving the development of comprehensive wa'ershed and stormwater management programs: the use of computer models for urban and rural stormwater management evaluations: the permitting. design, and construction of stormw3ter management systems: and the assessment of institutional, regulatory, and financial needs for stormwater management. CDN1 has experience on 35 stormwater programs across Florida, with 18 similar in size and complexity as the City's Stormwater Master Plan. CDM's team is led by Project Manager, Jonathan Z. Goldman, PE, BCEE, a Miami native and a 30 year veteran in the management of municipal programs similar to this Project. The lead engineer, Michael F. Schmidt, PE. BCEE, DWR'E. is a nationally recognized stormwater expert with 33 years of experience. With over 400 professionals in Florida, CDM has in place the local Project staff to effectively produce a successful comprehensive Plan. CDM proposed highly skilled experienced modelers, along with program management. design, and permitting experience to address the complexities and inter- dependent demands associated with the implementation, scheduling permitting and planning, and programming experience. The Committee relied on the resumes that were provided which detaJed each of the Key Personnel's technical qua!ifications number of years of experience. the number of years working in the position identified for this Project, and project experience with projects of a similar scope and complexity In PR 17316 3 add ,;on. s.yr'ed r 'erence forms from past clients trier✓ pro'!'^.?rl for ea h Key Personnel trot at'.est to t` e performance on projects of sirnilar scope a^d complex;"/. CDrlYs deslgr, and approach +,i ill We ccrd.icted using the firm's qua!ity managemert process. CDNI will use tl e la'es'. rncs' up to date techr:oicgy to serve the needs of tine City. as CAD. GIS, and S'r`fP,l.M are critica! for t' -pe- sjc:. ss of the da'a ga'^ering mc(.'r!iny and planning,'design porton of the Plan. The sc-0,+,are capa�ii:.es YA1 swarnless!y integrate rn,ultiple data source fDr,--a`. and types, a')d incorpera`ion of other mcde!s CDi,1Xs integration of other scurces such as Tria^Gular I,rreguiar Net-Nork, Digital Elev3'4;or Nlcdel, or Light Dete-ct:cn a.nd ranging da'a, %"!l straarnline the modeiing. analysis, and planning process. by filling in data gaps and increasing the accuracy of the flood mapping. The firm's extens;'/e expe,ience in de,ie!opirg coasta! facility and Stcrmw3ter maiager ent plans globally, and introducing resiliency into ne,v plans and designs, will help guide the City. Furthermore, CDNI has staing s Ppert tc ass;s'the City in s-2eking grant funding or bond underNriting a3tivities if needed. Based on the firm's proposal a^d cra' presenta'ion, the Committee finds that CDM has carefully araly_ed the tech-sica" re ,uirem-,n's of the P,FQ in order to understand every aspect of the Project. The prcpcsa' prese^ted a char understanding of the scope of services rvq+aired and provided a task- appropr;ata arpr:a:,h a ",ch sapperts a ciose �osrking re!a`.ionship v.ith the City to a:dress the couple<;t;es and ch,a!!enges of the Project. CD:.M has der,ons'.a'ed tha' t�ey eticeed the wirimum q.,a!ifcations and possess the technical caoabi'itles to per -form the work as evidenced by the firm's protect experience, proposed approach, and fa•in,raYe fro -n pas'. Cl!er'13. Sutsequent to the approval of this recommendation, Pr,cureirert ,viii request pricing from CDM. The firm's proposed price lNill be negotiated. Ti e Cc.. �it'ae e} CC',►'� r-D;e.' c� e',enc , aperaari; and met,-,cd4s, tD br tare prim, a -y reasons in r corr,mP.nd1ng the f rm's propcs,s; as the top ranked proposal. CCv,'es c` the score shee's a -e a':n:hed for e?::,", Go,,,"'i`.=? (-,em" jer, as w'!l as a composlt? and aggregate score sheet. Approved. G71�%��1-`i`� Date Daniel J. Alfons©, ity Manager c: Aibe o N, Partes. A3sist.a„L City anager N,eribe Ihek,,�,aba, Pr,D., P.E.. Chie` of Oper3'ions.'Assistant City !~,Manager Fe.--;a-do J Casamayor, Chief Financia! Officer/Assistant City Manager Rafael Sua'ez-Rivas, Senior Assistant City Attorney Annie Perez, CPPD, Director, Procurement Jeovanny Rodriguez, P.E.. Director, Office of Capital Improvements Juvena! Santana, P.E., CFNI, Director, Public Works Department Jane Gilbert, Chief Resilience Officer Lydia Osborne, PhD, CPPD, CPPB, Assistant Director'Chief Negotiator, Procurement PR 17316 4