HomeMy WebLinkAboutComposite Exhibit ACO INN IC.�.,,�C 1- V N <t+'f J `- '' City of Miami City Hall 3500 Pan American _ Drive * n`nrlife Miami, Miami, FL 33133 �• � -- www.miamigov.com Resolution: R-16-0394 File Number: 16-0113 Final Action Date: 9/6/2016 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH ATTACHMENT(S), APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE ANNUAL BUDGET OF THE MIAMI SPORTS AND EXHIBITION AUTHORITY ("MSEA"), ATTACHED AND INCORPORATED, IN THE AMOUNT OF $150,538.00, TO PROVIDE FOR THE OPERATIONS AND CAPITAL EXPENDITURES OF MSEA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR COMMENCING OCTOBER 1, 2016 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2017. WHEREAS, the Miami Sports and Exhibition Authority ("MSEA") was established as an independent and autonomous agency and instrumentality of the City of Miami ("City") pursuant to City Commission Ordinance No. 9662, adopted July 28, 1983, in connection with former Florida Statute Section 212.057 (1983) (now repealed and superseded by Florida Statute Section 212.0305 [Convention Development Taxes]), to promote sports, conventions and exhibitions and to strive to generate community support to achieve this purpose; and WHEREAS, Section 2-1020 of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended ("City Code"), provides that MSEA shall submit its annual budget for its operations and capital expenditures to the City Commission for approval; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 2-1017 of the City Code, MSEA shall, to the greatest extent it determines to be feasible, implement the exercise of its powers in a manner which utilizes and encourages the fullest and most active participation and cooperation of private enterprise; and WHEREAS, the MSEA Board of Directors reviewed and approved its budget for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 on August 2, 2016; and WHEREAS, the MSEA Board of Directors requests City Commission approval of the budget for the Fiscal Year commencing October 1, 2016 and ending September 30, 2017, in the amount of $150,538.00; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are adopted by reference and incorporated as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. The MSEA annual budget, attached and incorporated, in the amount of $150,538.00, for the operations and capital expenditures of MSEA, for the Fiscal Year commencing October 1, 2016 and ending September 30, 2017, is approved and adopted. Section 3. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption and signature of the Mayor. {1 } City of Miaini Page 1 of 2 File Id. 16-01135 (Version: 2) Printed On: 12/30/2016 File Number: 16-01135 Enactnreiet Number: R-16-0394 Footnotes: (1} If the Mayor does not sign this Resolution, it shall become effective at the end of ten (10) calendar days from the date it was passed and adopted. If the Mayor vetoes this Resolution, it shall become effective immediately upon override of the veto by the City Commission. City of Miami Page 2 of 2 File Id: 16-01135 (Version: 2) Printed Orr. 12/30/2016 City of Miami City Hall 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 www.miamigov.com =- 'Y Op Meeting Minutes Tuesday, September 6, 2016 5:05 PM First Budget Hearing City Hall Commission Chambers City Commission Tomas Regalado, Mayor Keon 1-lardemon, Chair Ken Russell, Vice Chair Wifredo (Willy) Gort, Commissioner District One Frank Carollo, Commissioner District Three Francis Suarez, Commissioner District Four Daniel J. Alfonso, City Manager Victoria Mendez, City Attorney Todd B. Hannon, City Clerk City Commission Meeting Minutes September 6, 2016 BH.15 RESOLUTION 16-01135 Miami Sports & A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH Evlrihilion Authority ATTACHMENT(S), APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE ANNUAL BUDGET OF THE MIAMI SPORTS AND EXHIBITION AUTHORITY ("MSEA"), ATTACHED AND INCORPORATED, IN THE AMOUNT OF S1 50,538.00, TO PROVIDE FOR THE OPERATIONS AND CAPITAL EXPENDITURES OF MSEA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR COMMENCING OCTOBER 1. 2016 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2017. Motion by Commissioner Suarez, seconded by Commissioner Carollo, that this matter be ADOPTED WITH MODIFICATIONS PASSED by the following vote. votes: Ayes: 5 - Commissioner(s) Gort, Russell, Carollo, Suarez and Hardemon R-16-0394 Chair Hardemon: BH. 15. Lourdes Blanco: Good evening, Commissioners. My name is Lourdes Blanco, executive director, Miami Sports & Exhibition Authority. And I am herr requesting that you approve the Miami Sports & Exhibition Authority operating budget for fiscal year 2016-2017 as presented to you. Commissioner Suares: Nlove it. Chair Hardemon: It's been poperlv moved and — Commissioner Carollo: Second Discussion. Chair Hardemon: --seconded. You're recognizedfor discussion. Commissioner Carollo: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. My question is, why does she have the reserves in revenues if she doesn't have the expenditures? In other words, she has moved the amounts as revenue, but she's not showing how she's going to expense those amount. Ms. Blanco: It's a wrong wording in the line, sorry. It was from the previous executive director. Commissioner Corolla: Right, but you could leave it in reserves. You don't really need to show it as a revenue, if you're not going to show an expense for it. Als. Blanco: No, no, 1 understand These are the funds that we have in that account to give the grants. This is where we get the expenses, and this is where we put the monies. Commissioner Carollo: Give me a second, IUs. Blanco. Mr. Rose, will you help her? Christopher Rose (Director, Office of Alanagement & Budget): If I rrrav have a moment? Commissioner, it's just rollover from prior years urp on the third line up there, and thev don't have a reserve built into the budget in fiscal year '16/'17, so it's just showing what the reser — what the rollover from prior years ivouuld be. Commissioner Carollo: Can you show it as a reserves -- there is — in other words, because you have -- what is it? -- X110,000 in revenues; yet, you only have 100,000 in expenses, so you're going to have 300 and some thousand of what? Will you show that? 01V ofMiaun Page 2 Primed on 12 29 2016 City Commission Meeting Minutes September 6, 2016 Mr. Rose: So what you're suggesting is a balanced budget. We could just have 107 up at the top in revenues -- Commissioner Carollo: Right. Mr. Rose: —to match the 107. Commissioner Gal: Rollover. Commissioner Corolla: Which you won't -- you still won't, because I believe the amounts from Chalks and Watson will actually be more than the 107, so you still won't have a balanced budget, but yes, I'm asking, in essence, can you have a balanced budget? Mr. Rose: If you could — Commissioner Carollo: Ms. Blanco, by the way it's nothing that you've done wrong. Ms. Blanco: No, no. Commissioner Carollo: Just relax. 11's just -- we just want to make sure we get into proper accounting — Ms. Blanco: I understand Commissioner Carollo: -- procedures and -- Ms. Blanco: Yeah. Commissioner Carollo: -- the way you show it. Mr. Rose: Commissioner, if I mcrv, if you would give us five minutes, we'll make a quick change and come right back to you. Is that all right? Commissioner Carollo: Yeah. Mr. Rose: Is that all right, Mr. Chair? Chair Hardemon: That's fine. Thank you very much. Mr. Rose: Thank you. Commissioner Carollo: Thank you. Later... Chair Hardemon.• BH. 15. Can we tackle her? Mr. Rose: Good evening, Commissioners. Chris Rose, ice ofManagemenl & Budget. Us. Blanco and I have gone over the MSEA (1 iami Sports & Exhibition Authority) budget, and we'd like to offer the following changes, if they're acceptable to you: We would take off the third line of revenues, thereby reducing the ti1SE4 budget by 294, 000, and taking only the new revenues, which are lines one and two. Those two together total 150,538. And to balance the expenditures then to bring i1 hip to 150,538, we would need to add a line reserve of 42,730. That would present a balanced budget at that point, Commissioners. City of0am! Page 3 Printed on 12 29 2016 C4 Commission Meeting Minutes September 6, 2016 Commissioner Carollo: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I'm sorry, Mr. Chairman. Chair Hardennon: Yeah, you're recognized Commissioner Carollo: Thank you, Xlr. Rose. Yeah. And that's wiry 1 wanted to have a -- make sure there was a balanced budget, Alk. Blanco. rLls. Blanco: Thank you. Commissioner Carollo: So I'm glad iVhr. Rose was able to help you out. And just to --for the record that reserve of 42 -- [forgot what the amount is -- it's intended to go as a carryover into the reserves, correct? It's not intended to be used. Chair Ha demon: All right Commissioner Gort: Move it. Commissioner Carollo: Could you just sav it? Yeah. Als. Blanco: Yeah. Commissioner Carollo: Second. Chair Hardemon: All right, there was a previous motion and a second that was on the floor, so 1 just wanted the motion to be clear that it is as -- the budget is as amended correct? eYlr. Alfonso: Yes. Commissioner Carollo: As amended on the floor. Chair Har demon: Correct. Any f other discussion? Seeing none, all in favor, sqv liye. " The Commission (Collectively): Aye. Chair Hardemon: Against? Commissioner Gort: Let me give you some neti+,s. Chair Hardennon: Motion posses. Commissioner Gort: I don't know iif you're aware; the PGA (Professional Golf Association) Latino, which is the best 60 golfers, is going to be at rblelreese in -- excuse me --from November 20 -- November 28 through December 7. So they're going to be playing here, the 60 best golfers from South and Central America, and we have the contract for the next three years. Ms. Blanco: Thankyou. City ofMraml Page 4 Printed on 1229 2016 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. MIAMI SPORTS AND EXHIBITION AUTHORITY City of Miami Es enditures FY 2012-13 Actual FY 2013-14 Actual FY 2014-15 Actual FY 2075-16 BudgyetFY 2015-16 Projection FY 2016-17 Proposed Difference Notes Revenues Regular Salary and Waf,,es '. _ $20,nno $30,000 Chalk's/ Nautilus Entuipri-s LLC S30,000 $50,000 72,000 $72.000 +S%2.000 Watson Island Heliport, Cor powion $4,500 ; on 545,600 $78,538 +S79,538 MSEA Reserve Fund/Non-11-tricrive Funds 566,ax $66,000 S89,C00 $439,900 $1,300 $1,300 $3,825 +$2,525 Retirement Contributions Life and Health Insurance $5.000 _ $5,000 $5,000 $5.000 $0 Workers' Compensation Professional Services - Le al Professional Services $15,000 55,100 $5,000 5600 $600 5500 -$100 Revenue Grand Total $66,000 $66,000 $89,000 $0 $607,S00 $IS0,S38 SIS0,538 $0 Es enditures Regular Salary and Waf,,es $5,000 $20,nno $30,000 $30,000 S30,000 $50,000 +$20,000 Fringe Benefits $3,600 $4,500 ; on $8,8u0 $9,000 +520n FICATares $1,300 $1,300 $3,825 +$2,525 Retirement Contributions Life and Health Insurance $5.000 _ $5,000 $5,000 $5.000 $0 Workers' Compensation Professional Services - Le al Professional Services $15,000 55,100 $5,000 5600 $600 5500 -$100 Accounting and Auditing $15,000 $13,000 $14,000 $18,3D0 18,300 $:18,333 +$33 Other Contractual Services Travel and Per Diem $1,300 $1,600 $4,200 Communications and Related Services $3,600 $2.400 $4,000 5300 +5100 Postage $100 $100 5100 5100 $50 -$50 Utility Rentals and Leases InsUrance 525.000 $17,000 5161000 513,000 $13,000 $8,500 -54,500 Printing and Binding $100 Sim 5100 5100 $10D $0_ Advertising and Related Casts Office Supplies 5600 $300 S20D $200 $700 $200 $0 Cloerating SU plies 500 Motor Fuel Public Safety Supplies Subscriptions, Memberships, and Licenses 5200 $500 $500 550D $500 $0 Interfund Transfer $4nn +,non Capital Projects and Purchases All Other Expenditures 5400 _ $100 $100 $11,100 S11,10D $11,300 +5200 Roll•Over $42,730 +$42,730 Ea endihim Grand Total $66,000 $63,900 $84,000 SB9,000 $89,000 $150,538 $61598 50 Revenues Minus Expenditures I $0 $2,1001 $5,000 -$89,1;001 $518,500 $011 589,D00150 Printed: 9/6/2016 7:15 PM I�o--0113-5- cxhl(51+-Sub Page 1 of 1 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. IIIA VJ1 SPORTS AND EXHIBITION :AUTHORITY Proposed Budget FISCAL YEAR 2016-2017 Proposed DESCRIPTION 2016.2017 Budget REVENUES HeliporUSeaplane Base R Rent MSEA Reserve Funds/Non Restrictive Funds TOTAL REVENUE 444,538 I. Payroll, Taxes and Benefits COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS 1 Executive Director 50,000 2 Insurance-hsa)tn, life, disability 5,000 55.000 3 SS!StotefFederat Taxes, Medicare 3,825 Total Payroll, Taxes and Benefits 58,825 II. Operating Expenses 6 Business Meeting Expenses 1,500 6 Corntnunicatioris and related services 100 7,.-,1 Contingencies 5,000 5 General Insurance & Directors Liability Insurance 8,540 9 Car Allowance 5,400 1G ?�lembersnipslSubscriptlons 500 1 Office Suppiles and Operating Supplies 200 Warehouse'/Storage 4,600 13 Phone/Table PC Allowance 3,600 14 Printing 100 -15 Postage 5o TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 29,750 III. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 18 Audit 10,000 17 `Sank Services 500 18 Accouniing Services 8,333 TOTAL. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 18,833 TOTAL OPER=ITING ENTENSCS 107,408 IV. CAPITAL I;}CPENT ITURES 19 OFFICE EQUIPMENT PURCHASES 400 20` Fui•nittlre.& Fixtures. � - ' TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 400 TOTAL OPEP-kTLNG BUDGET W/ CAPITAL F—XPENDMTZRS � .107;808 Excess( shomge) of Revenue over Expenses 337,130 SUBSTITUTED MIAMI SPORTS AND EXHIBITION AUTHORITY City of Miami and $5,000 rY 202-13 Actn.,f FY 2013-14 Actual FY 1014-15 Art,,.l rv2015-3.6 B."Iftot FY 701r-16 Projection ry 201G-I�A 11 Difference Notes M, $50,000 7— +$20,= Lli4lk';/Nautrlu.%En rprisesi-l-f- Wa!soq Island Heliport Corporation . ..... 45,600 $78,538 1$78,`O ftASEA Nscrm Furd/Non-Restrictive Fund's $66.00D "SAM s39,ncr) 0,489,900 S294,000 +" 0 $1,300 Contributions —Retirnmam and He3fth nwurarn:e $5,000 SSIKO $5 000 55,0M $o _2jL1* Workere C.rnp—mfion Rev rniv Cnnd Total $66,000 $66000111011 $0 S611715jW $414,1391 $444,53 $0 and $5,000 ��L $30,000 -2 r& L $an,= j,!62 M, $50,000 'q W", llb; J� �1, "11i V1 �1' +$20,= —!Repin'sah"y rrinp aerefirl . ..... $4,800 0,800 $R,RDD $9,000 +$200 FICATaxes $1.300 $1,300 Contributions —Retirnmam and He3fth nwurarn:e $5,000 SSIKO $5 000 55,0M $o _2jL1* Workere C.rnp—mfion Professional Servlo -La I ProfmsfDnal Services $15,D00 $5,100 $600 -$100 $15,000 $13,1300 $14,noo $18,300 $18,3ol1 $22,433 +,;33 Travel and Per Mani Communications and Related Scrvices $3,fi00 51.6181 s2,-460 011(1 51W +$100 Perrafa 5100 Al $100 $100 450 Rentals and Leases lnsumnc. $25,000 ----------- 113.000 $3.3,000 %Son -$4,_00 Printing and BindinL $1.01 slot) $100 $100 .100 so Art—thing.nd natated Cs t. Officu Su lies $GOO $300 $200 $2W $200 -51W $o vp raline 5wopes Mnroir Fuel Public Safety Sup plies Stshiaiptlosr., Memberships, and Licanses 00" $200 $50n $soo 5900 $SO $u Intarfund Tranv:,'ar $400 +000 Capital Prefects and Ptirrhssex $400 $100I $100i $11,100 $Ixiou $11,30CI +s200 lfud4at Reserve Expenditure Grand Total $66.000 $63,900 $Rd,Of81 $89,000 —$R9,000 $107rROR $18,808 iu I $475,73014D I F$/4/2026 9.26 AM Page 1 of 1 MIAMI SPORTS AND EXHIBYRON -AUTHORITY ProposedBudget FISCAL YEAR 2016-2017 7- Proposed DESCRIPTION 2016-2017 Budget RE VENUES H allport!Sea plane Base R Rent ;'SEA. Reserve. Funds/Nlon Restrictive Funds TOTAL REVENUE 44415 I. Payroll, Taxes and Benefits COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS 1 Executive Director 5oocrj 2 In-surance--health, life, disability 5,0oo 55,000 .3 SSISLate/Federal Taxes, Medicare J., 3,825 Total Payroll, Taxes and Benefits 58,825 11. Operating Expenses 5 Business Meeting Expenses Expenses n So 1,600 Ls and 6 Communica"Ims and related services related r 9e 100 '!'a :7 Contingencies 6,000 8 General Insurance S. Directorslfabi".y Insurance & D i rectors �8'500 9 Car Allowance 5'�'30 10 Memberships/Sub ript Memberships/Subscriptions sc ons 500 .11 Office Supplies and Operatin- Sipplies 200 12 Watehouse/Storage' 4,800 13 Phone/Table PC Allowan e 3,600 14 Prinflng. 100 Postage 50 TOTAL. OPERATING gPENSES 111. PROFESSIONAA, . SE-1tVICES 16 t 10,000 Se 504 � 18 .�Accoq Services )u. Ing 8'a33 TOTAL 2nOFESSIONAL SERVICES '18,833 A TOTAY. OPERATING EXPENSES T" T 107,408 IV. CAPITAL EXPE-ND fTURE S 10 OFFICE EQUIPMENT PURCHASES A C,0 ,20* Furn'Wre&Fixtures TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 400 TOTAL OPE11ATING BL-DGL'r NY/ CAPITAL E)OENDITURES 1073808 Excess{ shortage) ofRev7over Expenses 331,130