HomeMy WebLinkAboutMemo & Report of Evaluation CommitteeCITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Daniel J. Alfonso City Manager FROM, Annie Perez, CPPD :: � -�; Dkector of Pror urer,tent DATE; April 29; 2016 FILE SUBJECT: Report of Evaluation Committe^ for RFQ No,: 14-13-018 Architectural and Engineering (A&E) Services for Miami Marine Stadium Restoration for Capital Improvements and Transportation Program (CfTP) ENCLOSURES, Response SeCUrity List, Evaluation C;o€nmittea Rrankir g forms, Evaluation Committee Appointment. Memo The Prccurernont Department ("Procurement") issuers Request for Qualifications (,RFQ") No, '14-16- 018 on Dece!n ber '15, 2015, for the provision of Architautural and Engineering (A&E) Consultant Services for the rNliarr€i Marine Stacfiurn Restoration} Project ("Project") for d,,p Capital Improvements aria; Tra€nspoflation Prograrn ("CUP"). Procurement received three (3) responses to the RFQ on the clasirtg hate; ,.1a.€nuary 21, 20,16, All proposal's were deemed responsive, having met the rnininnum submission requirements identified in Section 41, Submiaskin Requirements., of the RFQ. On April 282 2016,. the, Evaluation Committee ("Committee".) ntr-t and completed the evaluation of the three (3) responsiv=e artd responsible proposals following the gr,idefl nes in the. solicitation. The proposals were evaluated in accordance with the six (S) evaluation criteria listed below; valuatir3rt Chi}ri-a (i3iaXiMt Lr L, P0irrt#s (Per t ortrrrttt�.�� �vfF=rpt#)cr1 1. Proposer's Experience and Qualifications 30 2_. Proposers Team Experience 30 3. Ex ,erienr.e of historic Preservation Spreciafist(s) 10 4, Experience of Project Architect 10 5. Design Philosophy and Process 10 6, Technical Approach 10 Proposers who met the 'Community Business Enterprise ("CBE") participation requirements; were granted five (5) Bonus Points, in accordance with City P€ouurement Code 18-87, as amended. The final scares are as follows: f'rca . o i,rn Firnns Awarded Paints ((ytaxinmri 525 Point) 1. RJ. Heisenbottle nbottle Architects, P,A. 522 2, Gurri Matute., PA, 461 3 M. C. Harry and Associate3. Inc, 419 The Committee decided not to holm oral presentations, as the proposals did not require further clarification. The composite and individual Committee member sr; ore sheets are attached as supporting doeurrentation. qnsensus S� ttaternent The highest ranked firn), R.J. Heisenbottle Architects, P,A. €Heisernbottle) received a total of 522 points out of a rrnaxirrIurrt total of 525 points. The Committee determined that Heisenbottle has assembled a scare, of design professionals uniquely qualified to comprehensively perform, the required A&E services needed for planning, designing, artd managing the constructiotn of the specialty design work required to restore the Miami urine Stadium to its original condition, for public, use. The Con,imittee discussed the structure: of Heisenbcttle's proposed teann, highlighting their expertise in design and historical restoration services, specifically on notable structures in and around South F ',da, such as the Olympia Theater (forrrially /mown its the Gus/77an Center), VizQaya Museum & Gardens and the Trinity l:_piswcopal Cathedral, In addition, FHeis.enbottle's team includes the architect responsible for the original dpsign of the Miami Marin; St.-_idiurn when the structure was built in 1963. The Comm-,ittee mer^bers unaninecnusly agreed that Heisenbottte's team has the most historical restoration exprariernce and presented a pr-opasal specifically suited to meet the unique needs of this Iconic Project, Fter,on mg!iLqatioq The -Corns nittee hereby requests; approval for Procurement, in collaboration with CITP, to commence, negotiations with the highest ranked firm, R,J. Heisenbottle Architects, P.A, for the provision of Arc3niteciural and Engineering Services for the Miam 4 Marine Stadium Restoration. Should rntegratiations fail, the Ctsnnrnn€ttee hereby requests that negotiations commence with the second and this'd ranked firrrss, respectively, until a Professional Services Agreement is successfully negotiated and Subsequently awarded. mdn"moww'.wmv"ver.'".wrc.-... _� Date; Dares"rrf J. Alfonso, City i�haag44� cc: Fernando Casamayor, Assistant City Manager, Chief Fi-nancial Officer, City Manager's Office Alberto Parj€ ,%, Assistant City Manager: City Manager's Office Pablo J. Velez. Assistant City Attorney Je ovanny Rodriguez, P.E., Director Capital Improverne:nts and Transportation Progrann Dr. Lydia Osborne. CPPD, Assistant Director, ProWreme:nt Department Maria Carballeira, CPPB, Procurement Administrator, Procurement Department Anthony Rolle, CPPB, Procurement Contracting Manager, ProCurement Department Evaluation Committee Members CITY OF IMMli'�.btN��Lff A�C�i? (:'fX�"S'XiE C;.N'N'k'_ C���. ITEM: 1'talist€; sta'dillul i�€,L+�� f�ki€�n l�a`€��c.k .13,306818 BID NUMBER: N2FQ No,; 34-115-01.8 DA.'7`P; 13113 (ii'li, I'li f); February 17, 2016 pnl' PREJ'AT'slD �` Y, i;p1 I'y Cl,ly CNc9A - " City of Miami Capital Improvements and Transportation Program Evaluation Committee Final Ranking Form 4/2812016 at 1:30 p.m. Composite Project Title., Architectural and Engineering (A&E) Services for Miami Marine Stadium Restoration - B-30688 RFQ No.: 14-15-018 a _N U17 rQ 0W_ rn 1weelwl mDerd_ Ai` -A 0, V. V j ­ . 6 105 Sandra Vega Project Manager 93, 86 City of Miami - Capital Improvements and Transportation Program Megan Cross Schmitt Preservation Officer City of Miami - Planning and Zoning Department 103 91 88 yy ME— Maria Pineda Assistant Director 105 84 74 City of Homestead - Public Works and Engineering Department F7 Manny Gonzalez ,Executive Director 105 90 80 Coconut Grove Business Improvement District R, FEWX'T: Julia Sanchez Structural Engineer 104 103 91 Miami -Dade County - Department of Transportation and Public Works . ,..:•. ..... WIN Total Score: 522 461 419 Ranking: 1 2 - — - --------- 3 Committee Chair. Anthony Rolle, Procurement Contracting Manager Signature: Verifier: Maria Carballeira, Procurement Administrator Signature: 4_�it I City of Miami Capital improvements Program Evaivatfon Committee Form 412812016 at 1:30 p.m. Project Tittle: Architectural and Engineering (A&E) Services for Miami Marine Stadium Restoration - 13-30688 RFQ No.: 14-15-018 a -4_ v_Sd e✓.. .sem. �c a`- �.� -: r x 4' do _�-,i u4 EVaJutioh Gntena*' r. lil[ax"inurit ? k S 4: J F ,1.SENi3� fT� E . :: 3a t�, BURR! IVIA7UTC A Ate:-111-11111".'Cornfrtenfs M G. N 4 `f'AN£t% , ,, " *' r•w �_ � F ..� -i y patiifs W ¢[t'y �ARQA Al f H'� %. a' { 4 ^.."iec,. U ASSdCIiE�' ItC 4. ,;Y 7 .. v Wit+_. i i, y"^y.a L " V'•. k. �. r " 4' '. {.r d t J . '€ 'M i,�� a � .: �-,t J t: r,. .45 `; .Ti.hT. .! /ysipp.'' r �:......�.....:..".. .._. ..........:..t '. r..�x .. .. .. :n.... ..:. 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Proposer's Experience and Qualifications 30 30 28 28 30 30 ' 28 29 j f Proposer's Team Experience Experience of Historic Preservation 10 1D 8 8 Specialist(s) s Experfe rice of Project Architect 10 9 8 I 8 LPhilosophy & Process 7 10 9 8 Technical Approach 10 10 i 7 7 ;BonS P mfs. t6% CBE ParfiCipfior}within i City Final Score j 903 91 88 Megan Cross Schmitt Preservation Officer, atl)of Miami -Planning and Zoning Department � City of Miami �G� Y ,OF'�f y p4:� Capital Improvements Program Evaluation Committee Form 4/28/2016 at 1:30 p.m. Project Title: Architectural and Engineering (A&E) Services for Miami Marine Stadium Restoration - B-30688 TOU x.W hYT. � }��+ .... a-•txf4` x x r. «..,4..�i. - i Proposer's Experience and Qualifications 1 30 ; 30 28 27 Proposer's Team Experience 30 30 28 f 28 l i Experience of Historic Preservation 10 10 10 1 10 Specialist(s) f Experience of Project Architect 10 10 8 7 i Design Philosophy & Process 10 10 7 7 i Technical Approach ! 10 10 7 7 JBonus Pb)nts: 15°fa 6BE,Ppirticipati0nwdhin Cltyof 5 5 Mtarrli 6ourtdariss � j. — F'inal5corel 105 93 - f 86 I RFQ No.: 1415-018 Sandra Vega. Project Manager, Cit of Miami - Ca ital Im rovements.and Trans ortation City of Mami Capital Improvements Program Evaluation Committee Form 4/28/2096 at 1:30 p.m. Project Title: Architectural and Engineering (A&E) Services for Miami Marine Stadium Restoration - B-30688 RFQ No.: 44-45-048 Mara Pineda, Assistant Director, City of Homestead - Public Works and Enqlneering Department City of Miami Capital Improvements Program Evaluation Committee Form 4/28/2016 at 1:30 p.m. Project Title; Architectural and Enaineerinc(AEE) Services for Miami Marine Stadium Restoration - B-30688 RFQ No:: 14-15-018 Manny Gonzalez Executive Dlrecfor, Coconut Grove Business Improvement District :;=•„--�„ ��r- City of Miami Capital Improvements Program z Evacuation Committee Form 412$12016 at 1:30 p.m. Project Title: Architectural and Enginserin A&E) Services for Miami Marine Stadium Restoration - B-30688_ ) va[tra ion Gnkeria < �C1a�imum l F� i H�IS>;NBATTLE $GURR MATL7TE Ai?GyCTS RFQ No.: 14-15-018 Julia Sanchez Structure[ Engineer, Miami -Dade Count Department or Transportaflon and CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEM R DU TO, Daniel J. Alfonso City Manager FROM. Annie Peru, CPPD =N Director of Procurement DATE; March 16, 2016 I„IIx SUBJECT. RPQ 14-15-018 A&E Services for Miami Marine Stadiurn Restoration Project- B-301688 Evaluation Committee Appointments REFERENCES. RPQ No. 14-16-018 The Procurement Department ("Procurement') issued Request for Qualifications ("N FQ`) No. 14-15-018 on December 15, 2015, for Architectural and Engineering (A&) Services for Miami Marine Stadium Restoration Project - B-30688 for the Capital Improvements and Transportation Program (°CITP"). Procurement received three (3) responses to the Rf=Q on the closing date, February 17, 2016. Procurement respectfully requests your approval of the following individuals as € embers of the Evaluation C ornrnitiee tO evaluate and score the proposals. Each has the requisite knowledge and experience to evaluate the proposals pursuant to the RPQ, Cat mf�staff 1. Megan Gross Schmitt, Preservation Officer, Planning and Zoning Department, City of Miami (COM) 2. Deter Iglesias, Director, Building Department, COM Bxternal Cqnirnittee Mgmbers 1. Maria Pineda, Assistant Director, Public Works and Engineering Department, City of Homestead 2. Manny Gonzalez, Executive Director, Coconut Crave Business Improvement District 3. Julia Sanchez, Structural Engineer, Department of Transportation and Public Works, Miami - Dade County (MDC) AlternaLe_M.ernbers 1. Giraldo Marquez, Chief Design Manager, CIT'P, CCDM 2. Robert Weinreb, Project Manager, CITP, CCDM 3, Lisa D'Andrea, DEED AP, ConstrUCtion Projects Manager, Department of Cultural Affairs, MDQ; 4, Sandra Vega, Project Manager, C:ITP, GDM Daniel J. ns =City Manager Date f Cc: Fernando Casamayor, Assistant City Manager/Chief Financial Officer Alberto N. Parjus, Assistant City Manacger!Chief Infrastructure Officer Pablo R. Velez, Assistant City Attorney Jeovanny Rodriguez, PE, Director, CITP Lydia Osborne, CPPD, Assistant Director, Procurement Anthony Rolle, CPPB, Procurement Contracting Manager, Procurement PR 16095