HomeMy WebLinkAboutLegislation-SUB Revision ACity of Miami
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File Number: 1208
City Hall
3500 Pan American Drive
Miami, FL 33133
Final Action Date:
WHEREAS, various local governments throughout the State of Florida and the country
have implemented public art programs committing to the placement of public art in urban
environments; and
WHEREAS, the City of Miami ("City") had the vision and foresight to adopt the first public
art program in Miami -Dade County in 1967 and in 1988; but, due to changes in the City's
Administration, the program went dormant; and
WHEREAS, the City seeks to re-establish a public art program that would contribute to
the aesthetic diversity and character of the built environment and the cultural enrichment of the
community; and
WHEREAS, a public art program would create a stimulating and diverse cultural
environment that reflects, defines, and enhances the City's heritage, values, and visions for the
future through art integrated into the architecture, infrastructure, and landscape; and
WHEREAS, the City recognizes that the aesthetic diversity provided by art within the
City's built environment is vital to the quality of the life of its citizens and to the economic
success of its businesses as it attracts visitors and potential residents, fuels the local economy
by creating job opportunities, and assists the City in fulfilling its mission to make the City a
premier world class place in which to live, work, and raise a family; and
WHEREAS, in Metromedia, Inc. v. San Diego, 453 U.S. 490 (1980), the United States
Supreme Court held that land development regulations which require development to meet
aesthetic conditions have been generally found to be supported by a legitimate public purpose;
WHEREAS, in Ehrlich v. City of Culver City, 911 P.2d 429 (Cal. 1996), the California
Supreme Court held that an art fee on private development is a legitimate aesthetic regulation
which does not require the same level of legal scrutiny as an impact fee; and
WHEREAS, on February 10, 2016 and March 9, 2016, two (2) public workshops were
held to discuss the proposed Art in Public Places legislation with the general public and
interested parties; and
WHEREAS, the Miami Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board ("P7.AB"), at its meeting on
March 16, 2016, following an advertised public hearing, adopted Resolution No. PZAB-R-16-
019 by a vote of eight to zero (8-0), item no. 7, recommending approval of the amendment to
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1208 -LEGISLATION -SUB Revision A
File ID: 1208
Enactment Number:
Chapter 62 of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended ("City Code"), as set forth
herein; and
WHEREAS, the City Commission, after careful consideration of this matter, desires to
amend Chapter 62 of the City Code by creating a new Article XVI of the City Code, entitled "Art
in Public Places Program" ("Public Art Program") to create a cultural legacy for future
generations through the curation and exhibition of high quality art that reflects a variety of artistic
styles and a diversity of culture, beliefs, and thinking to chronicle and pay tribute to the City's
history through the collection of artifacts, documents, and memorabilia, and to enhance the
quality of life for its citizens through the placement of art, creation of artistic opportunities, and
implementation of art programming; and
WHEREAS, the requirements found in this Article are design standards based on the
aesthetic needs of the City and its communities and are not intended to be construed as either
an impact fee or a tax; and
WHEREAS, public and private development projects shall contribute to a Public Art
Program to enhance and maintain the City's aesthetic diversity and character; and
WHEREAS, the Public Art Program, as set forth in this Ordinance, does not conflict with
the laws and policies governing any development agreements and do not prevent development
of the land uses, intensities, or densities in the development agreements; and
WHEREAS, the Public Art Program as set forth in this Ordinance is essential to the
public health, safety, and welfare; and
WHEREAS, the provisions of this Ordinance shall apply to all Development Projects that
are subject to a Development Agreement; and
WHEREAS, the City Commission has reviewed this Ordinance at a duly noticed public
hearing and determined that it is consistent with the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan;
WHEREAS, the City Commission hereby finds and declares that the adoption of this
Ordinance is necessary, appropriate, and advances the public interest;
Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Ordinance are
adopted by reference and incorporated as if fully set forth in this Section.
Section 2. Chapter 62 of the City Code, entitled "Planning and Zoning", is further
amended in the following particulars:'
' Words and/or figures stricken through shall be deleted. Underscored words and/or figures shall be
added. The remaining provisions are now in effect and remain unchanged. Asterisks indicate omitted and
unchanged material.
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Sec. 62-654.Purpose and intent.
(a) This Article shall be known, cited, and referred to as the "Public Art Program."
It is the intent and -purpose of the Public Art Program top romote the general welfare of
the community by uniting citizens through shared cultural and artistic experiences: to
enhance the aesthetic diversit of the City through Art integrated in architecture
infrastructure, and landscape; to chronicle the City's heritage through the collection and
preservation of monuments, artifacts, objects, and documents;`to create a cultural legacy
for future generations through the curation and exhibition of high quality Art; and to
develop educational and cultural programs that will further the intent and purpose of the
Public Art Program.
(c) The re uirements found in this Article are design standards based upon the aesthetic
needs of the City and its communities and are not intended to be either an impact fee or
a tax.
This Article shall constitute a land development regulation of the City and an
amendment shall be subject to a review and recommendation of the Planning, Zoning
Appeals Board "PZAB" and the Art in Public Places Board established below.
(e) All terms_ specified herein shall be as defined in the Miami 21 Code.
Sec. 62-655. Art in Public Places Board.
a) Establishment.
There is hereby established a board to be known as the City's Art in Public Places Board
("AIPPB"). The AIPPB shall consist of nine 9 voting members and two 2 alternate
members whose membership, meetings, duties and other responsibilities are described
Appointments; Qualifications.
1. No appointment shall be made by the City Commission to membership or alternate
membership on the AIPPB until the City Clerk has given at least thirt 36 days'
notice of the vacancies on the City's website and/or in a newspaper of eneral
circulation in the City. The City Commission shall solicit and encourage the members
of the public and professional and citizen organizations within the area having
interest in and knowledge of the purpose and functions of the AIPPB to apply far
appointment. At least five [5] days prior to the making of any appointment, the City
Clerk shall publicly notice the list of names submitted and the names of candidates
submitted by the City Commission, together with a short statement of the
qualifications of each person, prepared and available for public inspection and
consideration. No person shall be appointed to the AIPPB whose name and
qualifications have not been made publicly available in the manner set out herein. In
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reaching a decision on an appointment, the City Commission shall give due
consideration to the qualifications of the candidates.
2. Nomination and Appointment. Each City Commissioner shall appoint one (1) board
member, the Mayor shall appoint one (1) member, and the City Commission at -large
shall appoint three (3) at large members and two (2) alternate members. Appointees
shall be persons in a position to represent the public interest, and no person shall be
appointed having ersonal or private interests likely to conflict with the public
interest. No person shall be appointed who has any interest in the profits or
emoluments of any contract, job, work, or service for the City or is otherwise not
qualified pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 2 of the City Code. Before making any
appointment the City Commission shall confirm that the person to be appointed has
filed the statement re uired by Section 2-615 of the City Code.
3. Terms of appointment. The terms of appointment shall be the latter of those terms
provided in Section 2-885 of the City Code,
4. Qualifications. It is intended that members and alternate members of the AIPPB be
persons of knowledge, experience, mature judgment, and background; having ability
and desire to act in the public interest; and representing, insofar as may be possible,
the various special professional training, experience, and interests required to make
informed and equitable decisions concerninq development of an artistic cultural/
enriching, and visually diverse physical environment. To that end, qualifications of
members and alternate members shall be as follows:
a. All members shall have an interest and knowledge of the visual and
performing arts and the artistic development of the City.
b. Eight (8) board members must be knowledgeable and have a Bachelor's
Master's or Doctorate Degree from an accredited university or college in one
of the following identified fields: fine arts, art education, museum curation,
architecture, art history, architectural history, urban planning, urban design,
landscape architecture, interior design, graphic or product design, music, real
estate development, construction management, or finance. Additionally, the
following shall apply to the same eight 8 members:
i. Five 5 members shall be chosen from the following fields: fine
arts, art education, museum curation, architecture, art history,
architectural history, urban planning, urban design, landscape
architecture, interior design, or graphic or product design;
ii. One (1) member shall be a professional artist; and
iii. Two (2) members shall be from the following fields: finance, real
estate development, and/or construction management.
c. One (1) member and two (2) alternate members must have an interest in the
visual and performing arts. Neither of these members is required to have a
Bachelor's Master's or Doctorate Degree. One 1 alternate member shall
be a representative of Miami -Dade County Public Schools. The
Superintendent of Schools shall make a recommendation to the City
Commission on the appointment of the alternate member.
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5. Vacancies.
Enactment Number:
a. Vacancies in the membershi or alternate membership of the AIPPB shall be
filled by the City Commission and Mayor by appointment, in the manner set
forth herein and for the unexpired term of the member or alternate member
affected. The City Commission may appoint an alternate member of the
board to a vacaqcy as a full member of the board without resorting to the
procedural requirements of Section 62-655(b)(1) so Ian as the alternate
member meets the qualifications of Section 62-655(b)(4)(c).
b. The Executive Secretary of the AIPPB shall notify the City Clerk within ten
(10) days after, a vacancy occurs, and the City Clerk small promptly transmit
such information to the City Commission for nomination and appointment in
accordance with Section 62-655(b)(1).
6. Removal.
a. Members and the alternate member of the board may be removed for cause
by not less than three 3 affirmative votes of the City Commission.
b. There is hereby established a point system. Each member and the alternate
member of the AIPPB who arrives after the beginning of the first agenda item
or leaves before the termination of the last agenda item at a regularly
scheduled meetinq of the board shall receive one 1point. Any member of
the board who accumulates more than seven (7) points in one (1) calendar
year shall be brou ht to the attention of the City Commission for its
consideration of removal of the member.
c. Notwithstanding Section 62-655 b 6 b above any member or aiternate
member of the board who is absent for whatever reason from more than
three 3) or more meetings in one (1 ) calendar year shall be brought to the
attention of the City Commission for its consideration of removal of the
(c) Functions, Powers and Duties. The AIPPB, with the assistance and recommendations of
the Planning Department, Public Art Division and all other City de artment, as
necessary, shall have the functions duties and powers as follows:
1, To recommend the Public Art Program Guidelines and amendments to the Public
Art Pro ram Guidelines thereto to the City Commission
2. To recommend the Public Art Master Plan and amendments to the Public Art
Master Plan thereto to the City Commission:
3. To hear appeals of decisions of the W nwood Design Review Board WDRB
related to the installation dedication and donation of art on private development
within the NRD-1.
4. To approve expenditures of the Public Art Fund as proposed by the Citv Manaaer
or his/her designee
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To approve, approve with conditions or deny proposed installations dedications
or donations of Art based on the Public Art Program Guidelines and the Public Art
Master Plan; and
6. To act on any other Art in Public Places related matter as assigned by the Cit
7. Notwith standi ngCity Code Section 18-115 the AIPPB shall have the autho rity to
accept donations of art in_excess of $25,000.00 in accordance with this Article.
Proceedings of the Art in Public Places Board "AIPPB" .
1. Officers and voting. The AIPPB shall select a chairperson and a vice-chaircerson
for one 1 year terms from among its members and may create and fill such
other offices as it may determine. The Planning Director or his/her designee shall
attend all meetings of the board. The Office of Hearing Boards or its successor,
shall be the Executive Secretary of the AIPP8.
2. Rules of procedure. The AIPPB shall establish rules of procedure necessary for
its governing and the conduct of its affairs in keeping with the applicable
provisions of Florida law, the City Charter, the City Code, and all applicable
resolutions. Such rules of Qrocedure shall be available in written form to pefsons
appearing before the AIPPB and to the public upon request and should be on file
with the City Clerk. For any Quasi-judicial procedures, the provisions established
in the Miami 21 Code the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami Florida as
amended ("Miami 21 Code").
3. Meetin s. The AIPPB shall hold at least one 1 req u larly scheduled meeting
each month, except the month of August. Other meetings may be set by the
AIPPB and additional meetings may be held at the call of the chairperson and at
such other times as the AIPPB may determine. Meetings that are not regularly
scheduled shall not be held without at least ten [10] days' written notice. If the
agenda for a regularly scheduled meeting does not contain any items which
require action by the AIPPB the Executive Secreta for the AIPP8 may cancel
the meeting.
4. Quorumpublic records. Amajority of the members shall constitute a Quorum.
The Office of Hearin Boards shall keep minutes of board proceedings, showing
the vote of each member or alternate member, if sitting fora member, or if
absent or failing to vote under Section 62-655(d)(5) below, indicating such fact. It
shall be the responsibility of the Office of Hearing Boards to handle all procedural
activities for all public hearings held by the board, including the preparation of
detailed minutes and official records of such hearings. The official records of
such public hearings shall be filed with the City Clerk,
5. Disqualification of members or alternate. The AIPPB members shall comply with
Florida Statutes Chapter 112 City Code Cha ter 2 Article V and the Miami -
Dade County Code of Ethics.
6. All City departments and em Io ees shall under the direction of the Cit
Manager, and upon re nest and within a reasonable time furnish to the Public
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Art Division such available records or information as may be required of the
AIPPB. The Ci!y Manager shall assign a member of the Public Works
Department, Planning and Zoning Department, Capital Improvements
Transportation Office Parks and Recreation Department and Fire -Rescue
Department, or their successors to attend public hearings of the AIPPB and to
advise the AIPPB when necessary, and to furnish information, reports, and
recommendations u Pon req uest of the Al PPB.
7. The City Attorney, or his/her designee, shall act as counsel and provide legal
services to the AIPPB,
8. The alternate member shall only vote in the event of a vacancy -or absence of a
regular member..
Sec. 62-658. City Commission.
The City Commission, in addition to its duties and obligations under the Citv Charter
the City Code and other a pplicable laws shad have the following duties specifically
in regard to the Miami 21 Code and Chapter 62 of the City Code:
Lal To appoint members to the AIPPB as set forth in this Article;
Lbj To approve the Public Art Program Guidelines and amendments to the Public Art
Program Guidelines upon recommendation of the AIPPB
Lr -
To approve the Public Art Master Plan and amendments to the Public Art Master
Plan a pon recommendation of the AIPPB; and
To hear appeals of decisions of the AIPPB related to installation. dedication, and
donation of Art.
Sec. 62-657. Conflicts of Interest.
No member of the AIPPB shall have his/her work of Art considered or approved by the
AIPPB during his/her term of service on the AIPPB or for one 1 year thereafter.
Sec. 62-658. Selections of works of Art.
The AIPPB shall establish procedures and criteria for the commissioninq, selection and
acquisition of Art to be acquired using the resources available within the Public Art Fund
and in accordance with the criteria and standards set forth in the adopted Public Art
Master Plan and the Public „Art Pro ram Guidelines. The City Manager, or his/her
designee, may only ac vire each piece of Art u on affirmative vote of the ma'ority of the
Al PPB. The C ity Manager, or his/her desig nee will negotiate and execrate appro p riate
contracts, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, to acquire, insure, and maintain the
Art using available resources within the Public Art Fund.
fal Selection Process. The AIPPB shall establish, procedures for selecting Art Works to
be purchased from the resources of the City's "Public Arts Fund." Those procedures
can include the following:
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File ID: 12Q8 Enactment Number:.
(1) Open competition;
(2) Limited competition;
(3) Invitation-,
01 Directpurchase-,
M_Donation; or
(6) Any combination of the above.
b& Selection criteria. In the selection process, the AIPPB shall consider the following:
Permanent and temporary works of Art shall be located in areas where residents
and visitors live and congregate and shall be Publicly Accessible and/or visible
from public propertV or right-of-way maximum visual accessibility to pedestrian
or vehicular traffic);
X21 Location in areas used by tourists including the waterfront arks thoroughfares,
and at public or governmental facilities shall be preferredo
The inherently intrusive nature of public Art on the lives of those frecluenting a
public place. Artworks reflecting enduring -artistic concepts, not transitory ones
should be sought:
The cultural and ethnic diversity of the City and South Florida without deviation
from a standard of excellence:
The appropriateness to the site, -permanence of the work in light of environmental
conditions at the site maintenance requirements, quality of the work likelihood
that the artist can successfully complete the work within the available funding,
diversity of works aireadv acquired by the Citv. and diversitv of the artists whose
work has been acquired by the Cit
Whether the artwork too closel resembles a business logo or sin has an
commercial message or purpose, contains adult content, as defined in the Miami
21 Code and should therefore be rejected:
Any other criteria set forth in the Public Art Program Guidelines as amended from
time to time;
JM Exhibition and sales histo of the artist as well as works of Art in public
collections and previous public Art purchases or commissions;
The maintenance and insurance expense of the Art:
(1 0) The pubfic health safety, and welfare:
11 The ability to safely secure the Artagainst high wind inclement weather, or
other Acts of God; and
(12) Whether the Art may be reasonably maintained to last for a minimum Lifecycle
of twenty-five (25) years.
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File ID: 7208 Enactment Number:
Sec. 62-659. Application procedures and approval for ,placement of Art on private property in
lieu of Public Art Fee; Application procedures and approval for donations of Art in lieu of a fee.
All applications except as identified in Section 11.6 of Miami 21 shall be reviewed for
compliance with the criteria set forth in Section 62-658(b) and in accordance with the following
Lal A complete application for placement of Art on private property in lieu of a Public Art
Fee shall include:
1. Preliminary sketches, photographs or other documentation of sufficient
descriptive clarity to indicate the nature of the proposed Art:
2. An appraisal or other evidence of the value of the proposed Art including
acquisition and installation costs. To establish the value of Art submitted to
comply with this program's requirements, the Cily may contract with an
independent Art appraiser to provide a written a raisal of the Art. Such
appraisal shall either be funded from the Public Art Fund or bV the Developer,
in which case the cost of obtaining the appraisal shall be construed as part of
the overall value of the Art;
3. Preliminary plans containing such detailed information as may be required by
the City to adeguate!y evaluate the location of the Art and its compatibility
with the proposed Development Pra ect and/or with the character of admacent
developed parcels and the existing neighborhood;
4. An executed and notarized agreement by the artist who created the Art, in
which he/she expressly waives all rights that may be waived under applicable
state and federal laws. The artist shall grant to the City an unlimited
Perpetual, royalty -free, irrevocable license to reproduce and distribute two-
dimensional reproductions of the Art for City -related purposes, and grant to
the City exclusive, irrevocable ownership rights to any trademark, service
mark or trade dress rights regarding the Arlespursuant to a license that shall
be approved by the City Attorney. Approval of the Art shall be deemed as
permission granted by the artist authorizing third parties to review and
reproduce documents Provided by the artist to the City which are public
records pursuant to Florida Statutes. The City shall also have the option of
referring to the name of the artist and title of the Art in reproductions; and
5. A covenant running with the land shall be recorded including the following:
a. Designating a specific location on the property where the Art will be
displayed which is easily accessible or clearly visible to the general
Public from adjacent Public prope!:!y propertyincluding, but not limited to a
street, right-of-way, sidewalk, or other Public Thoroughfare;.
b. Requiring the perpetual maintenance and insurance of the Art in
substantial conformity and compliance with the Public Art Master Plan
and the Public Art Program Guidelines by the Developer or his/her
successor or assignee: and
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c. Indemnifying the City for any injury to persons or property caused by
the placement and/or maintenance of the Art.
Review of Applications submitted for Art on private property in lieu of Public Art Fee.
1. Completed applications will be accepted with the required application fee as
stated in the Public Art Master Pian. Applications and the -appropriate fees
shall be submitted to the Public Art Division which shall review applications
and make a recommendation to the AlPP8 of the proposed Art. Said
recommendation shall take into consideration the Art's conformity to the
definition of "Art" as defined in Article 1 of the Miami 21 Code all criteria of
the adopted Public Art Master Plan and the Public Art Program Guidelines.
2. If the application is approved by the AIPPB at a duly noticed public hearing in
accordance with the adopted Public Art Master Plan and the Public Art
Program am Guidelines, the developer, or his/her successor or assignee, shall
have up to eight 8 months after the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy
or Temporary Certificate of Occupancy, whichever is issued first, to install the
Art. At the cost of the developer, or his/her successor or assignee, he/she
may appIV for an extension of time and make such request ata public hearing
in front of the AIPPB. The AIPPB may grant a one (1) time, four (4) month to
six A month extension with a showing of good cause by the developer or
his/her successor or assignee. The AIPPB has the sole discretion to
determine what constitutes a showing of good cause. If no installation of Art
occurs within the required time period, all financial security deposited into the
developer's escrow account shall be transferred to the Public Art Fund.
If, after review of the application for the proposed Art in lieu of Public Art Fee the
application is denied bV the AIPPB the Developer may appeal, with the appropriate
appeal fee to the City Commission pursuant to Chapter 62-23(a) of the City Code.
{c} A complete application for donation of Art in lieu of a Public Art Fee with the required
lication fee as stated in Chapter 62 of the City Code shall include:
1. Preliminary sketches, photographs or other documentation of sufficient
descriptive clarity to indicate the nature of the proposed Art -
2. An appraisal or other evidence of the value of the proposed Art, including
acquisition and installation costs. To establish the value of Art submitted to
comply with this program's requirements, the City may contract with an
independent Art a raiser to provide a written appraisal of the Art. Such
appraisal shall either be funded from the Public Art Fund or by the Developer,
in which case the cost of obtaining the appraisal shall be construed as part of
the overall value of the Art; and
3. An executed and notarized agreement by the artist who created the Artin
which he/she expressly waives all rights and claims to the Art under
applicable State and Federals laws. The City shall have all rights to
re produce and distribute two-dimensional reproductions of and shall have all
rights to any trademark, service mark, or trade dress rights regarding the Art.
Approval of the Art shall be deemed as permission granted by the artist
authorizing third parties to review and reproduce documents provided by the
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artist to the City which are public records pursuant to Florida Statutes. The
City shall also have the o tion of referring to the name of the artist and title of
the Art in reproductions.
d Review of AnWications submitted for donation of Art in lieu of Public Art Fee.
1. Completed applications with the required application fee, as stated in Chapter
62 of the City Code shall be submitted to the Public Art Division who shall
review them and make a recommendation to the AIPPB based on the
following considerations:
a. The Art's conformity to the definition of "Art" as defined in Article 1 of the
Miami 21 Code;
b. All criteria of this Article;
e. The adopted Public Art Master Plan; and
d. The Public Art Pro ram Guidelines.
2. If the application is awwroved by the AIPPB at a duly noticed public hearina in
accordance with the adopted Public Art Master Plan and the Public Art
Program Guidelines the Developer, or his/her successor or assignee, shall
have up to eight (8) months' time after the issuance of a Certificate of
Occupancy or Temporary Certificate of Occupancy, whichever is issued first,
to deliver the Art to the City. At the cost of the Developer, or his/her
successor or assignee, he/she may apply for an extension of time and make
such request ata public hearing in front of the AIPPB. The AIPPB may rant
a one (1) time, four (4) month extension upon a showing of good cause by
the Developer or his/her successor or assignee. The AIPPB has the sole
discretion to determine what constitutes a showing of good cause. If no
delivery and acceptance of Art occurs within the required time period, all
financial security deposited into the Developer's escrow account shall be
transferred to the Public Art Fund.
If, after review of the application for donation of Art in lieu of Public Art Fee, the
application is denied by the AIPPB the Developer may appeal, with the appropriate
appeal fee, to the City Commission pursuant to Chapter 62-23(a) of the City Code.
Sec. 62-660. Art placed on private Property and Donations of Art in lieu of a Public Art Fee.
Except as referenced in Section 11.6 and other relevant Sections in Article 11 of Miami
21, any Art that is placed on private property in lieu of a Public Art Fee must qualify as
Art as defined under Article 1 Section 1.5 of the Miami 21 Code and must be reviewed
by the Public Art Division, and approved by the AIPPB in accordance with the Public Art
Master Plan and the Public Art Program Guidelines. Art that is placed on private property
shall be maintained at all times in substantial conformity and compliance with the Public
Art Master Plan and the Public Art Program Guidelines by the Developer or his/her
successor or assignee, and the terms of the approval and acceptance of such Art lies
with the AIPPB. Art placed on private property shall be easily accessible or clearly visible
to the general public from ad'acent public property including but not limited to a public
right-of-way andlor abutting Public property or other Public Thoroughfare, or cross Block
pedestrian or vehicular passage or pedestrian Paseo.
Sec. 62-661. Creation of Public Art Fund.
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There is hereby created within the Cit a trust fund to be known as the City of Miami
Public Art Fund. This Fund shall be maintained by the City and shall be used for the
acquisition, installation, improvement, maintenance, and insurance of Art_, arts education
programming, rants and administrative costs of the Public Art Program as follows:
(a) All monies received by the City pursuant to the requirements of the Public Art
Program or from endowments, gifts, or donations to the City designated for public Art
shall be placed in the Public Art Fund. All monies within the Public Art Fund shall be
deposited, invested expended, and accounted for as follows:
All monies received shall be deposited into the Public Art Fund and shall not
be commingled with non-public Art related revenues of the City. All monies
within the Public Art Fund shall be expended solely for the purpose and intent
of the Public Art Program. Anv interest income earned by the Public Art Fund
shall be ex ended or invested on ly for the puroose for which the money was
originally accepted, collected, or received.
L21 The Fund shall be used for expenses associated with the selection
commissioning, acquisition, transportation, maintenance repair, restoration
rehabilitation, appraisal, removal, insurance of Art, development of education
programming,_ community outreach or advocacy with an emphasis in the,
visual and performin arts rants and administrative costs for the Public Ark
Program. Once monies intended for the purpose of satisfying this Article are
deposited into the Public Art Fund the monies from separate, different
Development Promects may be corrin led. Monies within the Public Art Fund
can be dispersed, expended, invested, or granted in accordance with this
Ten percent (10%) of the fees collected annually shall be allocated towards
the restoration or rehabilitation of either Publicly or privately owned Historic
Resources that are individualIV designated or contributing structures within a
locally designated historic district or towards public improvements within a
historic district as identified in the Public Art Master Plan. Fees allocated but
not expended within a fiscal year shall be rolled over to the next fiscal year
and allocated for the same purposes. Privately owned Historic Resources
shall be allocated monies from the Public Art Fund through a grant
application process as described in the Public Art Master Plan, The Public Art
Division will review all grant applications in consultation with the Historic
Preservation Office and the Historic and Environmental Preservation Board.
The Public Art Division and the Historic Preservation Office in consultation
with the Historic and Environmental Preservation Board shall have the
discretion to recommend to the AIPPB for final decision and expenditure of
funds. Restoration or rehabilitation shall be in accordance with Chapter 23
and submect to the approval of a Certificate of Appropriateness b the Historic
and Environmental Preservation Board.
Five percent (5%) of the fees collected annually shall be allocated towards
cultural, education, community outreach or advocacy purposes and may
include social practice art, all designed to promote the visual and performing
arts such as but not limited to youth based programming involving the City's
Arts and Entertainment Councilpublic academic institutions or non- rofit
City of Miami Page 12 of 16 File ID: 1208 (Revision: A) Printed on: 11912097
File ID: 7208 Enactment Number:
organizations. Fees allocated but not expended within a fiscal year shall be
rolled over to the next fiscal year and allocated for the same purposes. The
City's Arts and Entertainment Council, public academic institutions or non-
profit organizations shall be allocated monies from the Fund throw h a grant
application process as described in the Public Art Master Plan. The Public Art
Division will review all grant applications and shall have the discretion to
recommend approval or denial of grant applications to the AIPPB for
expenditure of funds in accordance with the Procirarn Guidelines.
Fifteen percent -0 5%)of the fees collected annually shall be allocated
towards operating and administrative costs associated with the Public Art
Program, including but not limited to staffing, marketing, programming,
training, and outside consulting. Training shall be directly related to the
implementation of this Article and Article 11 of the Miami 21 Code. Fees
allocated but not expended within a fiscal year shall be rolled over to the next
fiscal year and allocated for the same purposes. The City Manager or his/her
designee shall have the authority to allocate and expend funds in accordance
with this subsection (5).
Seventy percent (70%) of the fees collected annually shall be allocated
towards the commissioning, selection acquisition, displaV, maintenance
repair, restoration rehabilitation insurance of Cit ;owned Art transportation,
installation removal appraisal, collection and exhibition of high-quality Art in
accordance with the Public Art Master Plan and the Public Art Program
Guidelines. Fees allocated but not expended within a fiscal year shall be
rolled over to the next fiscal year and allocated for the same purposes. For all
expenditures in excess of $25,000.00 pursuant to this subsection (6), the City
Manager or his/her designee shall be the applicant to the AIPPB in
accordance with this Article.
77 If tangible property purchased with monies from the Fund is subsequently
sold, the proceeds from the sale shall be returned to the Fund.
All funds shall be expended for public and municipal purposes in accordance with the
terms of this Article and Article 11 of the Miami 21 Code.
Sec. 62-662. Ownership and maintenance of artwork placed on site.
(a) Ownership of all Art acquired by the City pursuant to the requirements of this Article shall
be vested in the City, which shall retain title to each work of Art.
Ownership of all Art donated to the Cit ursuant to the requirements of this Article shall
be donated and titled to the City upon approval of the AIPPB.
Ownership of all Art incorporated into private Development Projects shall be vested in
the property owner who shall retain title to the Art. Property owners retaining title to the
sub'ect Art shall provide proof of insurance in the amount of the appraised value of the
Art. The property owner shall execute a covenant running with the land which shall be
recorded as provided herein requiring the Property owner and all successors in interest
to maintain the Art under the provisions of the Public Art Master Plan and the Public Art
Pro ram Guidelines insure the Art and prevent its removal from the property or its
cify of Miami Page 13 of 16 File ID: 1208 (Revision: A) Printed on: 11912017
File ID: 1208 Enactment Number:
d Art that was placed on the site of a Development Project with the approval of the AIPPB
in lieu of a Public Art Fee, shall not be altered modified relocated removed or
destroyed without the prior approval of the AIPPB.
(e) The responsibility and obligation to provide all maintenance necessary to preserve and
maintain the Ark on privately owned property so that its Life Cycle is at least twenty-five
25 ears shall remain with the Development Project site owner or the owner's
successors or assignees. The responsibility and obligation to maintain the artwork shall
be enforced as follows:
Prior to the placement of the artwork on a Development Project, the site owner shall
record a covenant running with the land describing the Art in full detail along with
acknowleclaing the responsibility and obligation of the Development Prosect site
owner and his/her future successor and/or assignee to repair, restore, insure, and
maintain the Art. The covenant shall run with the land for a minimum of twenty-five
25 ears and shall act as notice to future property owners of the site of the
responsibility and obligation to repair, restore insure and maintain the Art and of
certain limitations related to any federal state or local laws -governing the rights of
the artist including, but not limited to ri hts regarding the sale alteration
modification destruction removal and/or relocation of the Art. The covenant shall be
approved by the Director of Planning, or his/her designee, in a form acceptable to the
City Attorney. The Art shall not be altered, modified, relocated, removed, sold, or
destroyed without the prior approval of the AIPPB.
S2 Maintenance of the Art shall include, but is not limited to, preserving the Art in a
condition as required by the Public Art Division protecting, securing,insuring, and
maintaining the Art against physical defacement vandalism mutilation alteration
natural elements such as fire and wind, and theft, and maintaining an extended
insurance policy in the amount of the appraised value of the Art as determined by the
City and the Public Art Division in consultation with an inde endent appraiser.
Maintenance requirements shall be enforceable by the City for the "Life Cycle" of the
Art pursuant to the covenant running with the land required by this Article.
If, at any time, the City's Public Art Division and/or the AIPPB determines that the Art
has not been maintained or preserved in a state and appearance substantially
conforming to the state and appearance in which the Art was originally approved b
the AIPPB the Code Compliance Department of the City shall issue a notice of
violation requiring the current Property owner to either:
a. Repair, restore, or rehabilitate the Art within thirty (30) day:
b. Pay the costs estimated by the City required to repair, restore or rehabilitate the
Art and/or secure and maintain insurance for the Art in an amount determined b
the Public Art Division in consultation with an independent Arta raiser: or
Pay the Public Art Fee required under this Article and the Miami 21 Code based
upon the current fee schedule and the current fair market value of the building,
structure or improvement for which the artwork was required, as determined b
the Miami -Dade Cougty Property Appraiser, within thi 30 days.
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File IO: 1208
Enactment Number:
Violations of this Article or Article 11 of the Miami 21 Code shall be subject to
enforcement as set forth in Chapter 2 Article X of the City Code entitled "Code
Enforcement' and any other remedies available at law.
U51 Nothing in this Article shall prohibit the City from taking any and all actions to require
compliance with this Ordinance, maintain the Art, and protect the public health,
safety, and welfare of the public.
(f) Stolen or illegally removed Art, or Art that is deemed destroyed „hy the Public Art Division
in consultation with an independent Art appraiser, must be either:
M Replaced by the property owner within ane hundred twenty (120) days. Replaced Art
shall be reviewed and approved by the AIPPB subiect to the criteria set forth in this
Article, or
The Public Art Fee required under this Article and the Miami 21 Code, based upon
the current fee schedule and the current fair market value of the building, structure or
improvement_ for which the Art was required, as determined by an appraiser, must be
paid within thirty (30) days.
Section 3. This Ordinance shall not apply to any Development Projects that have a valid
and effective Waiver, Warrant, Class Il, Variance, Exception, Certificate of Appropriateness,
Major Use Special Permit, Development Agreement, or Special Area Plan permit on the
effective date of this Ordinance and that obtain a master building permit within twenty-four (24)
months of the Effective Date of this Ordinance. If a decision on a Waiver, Warrant, Class Il,
Variance, Exception, Certificate of Appropriateness, Major Use Special Permit, Development
Agreement, or Special Area Plan permit has been timely appealed on the effective date of this
ordinance to the PZAt3, the City Commission, or a court of competent jurisdiction, the twenty-
four (24) month period to obtain a master building permit shall begin to run on the date of a final
order on the appeal to the highest court of competent jurisdiction, or the issuance of the permit,
whichever is later. This Ordinance shall not apply to any Development Projects that have been
deemed to have a complete application by the Director of the Department of Planning and
Zoning as defined by the application checklist included as an exhibit to this Ordinance, as of the
effective date of this Ordinance and that does not remain inactive for a period not to exceed
three (3) months, and has not been substantially modified from its initial submittal, unless at the
request of or proposal of the Planning and Zoning Department. Substantial modifications shall
mean a material change such as but not limited to, Height, FLRfLot Coverage, number of floors
and or dwelling units, decreases in setbacks, open space, uses and parking spaces. If
substantially modified, the Ordinance shall apply to the entire project.
Section 4. All rights, actions, proceedings of the City, including the City Commissioners,
the City Manager, or any of its departments, boards, or officers undertaken pursuant to the
existing Code provisions, shall be enforced, continued, or completed, in all respects, as though
begun or executed hereunder.
Section 5. If any section, part of a section, paragraph, clause, phrase or word of this
Ordinance is declared invalid, the remaining provisions of this Ordinance shall not be affected.
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File IO: 12x8 Enactment Number:
Section 6. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately after final reading and
adaption thereof.2
2 This Ordinance shall become effective as specified herein unless vetoed by the Mayor within ten (10)
days from the date it was passed and adopted. If the Mayor vetoes this Ordinance, it shall become
effective immediately upon override of the veto by the City Commission or upon the effective date stated
herein, whichever is later.
City of Miami Page 16 of 16 File hD: 1208 (Revision: A) Panted on: 1/9/2097
City of Miami
� re's �-�`r~•
File Number: 1208
City Hall
3500 Pan American Drive
Miami. FL 33133
Final Action Date:
WHEREAS, various local governments throughout the State of Flori and the country
have implemented public art programs committing to the placement of pu c art in urban
environments; and
WHEREAS, the City of Miami ("City") had the vision and fore ght to adopt the first public
art program in Miami -Dade County in 1967 and in 1988; but, due changes in the City's
Administration, the program went dormant; and
WHEREAS, the City seeks to re-establish a public a program that would contribute to
the aesthetic diversity and character of the built environ m t and the cultural enrichment of the
community; and
WHEREAS, a public art program would Brea a stimulating and diverse cultural
environment that reflects, defines, and enhances e City's heritage, values, and visions for the
future through art integrated into the architectur , infrastructure, and landscape; and
WHEREAS, the City recognizes that e aesthetic diversity provided by art within the
City's built environment is vital to the quay of the life of its citizens and to the economic
success of its businesses as it attracts vk hors and potential residents, fuels the local economy
by creating job opportunities, and ass' s the City in fulfilling its mission to make the City a
premier world class place in which t live, work, and raise a family; and
WHEREAS, in Me/bn
a, Inc. v. San Diego, 453 U.S. 490 (1980), the United States
Supreme Court held that lelopment regulations which require development to meet
aesthetic conditions havenerally foundto be supported by a legitimate public purpose;
WHEREAS, in hrlich v. City of Culver City, 911 P.2d 429 (Cal. 1996), the California
Supreme Court hel hat an art fee on private development is a legitimate aesthetic regulation
which does not reXuire the same level of legal scrutiny as an impact fee; and
WHE AS, on February 10, 2015 and March 9, 2016, two (2) public workshops were
held to disc s the proposed Art in Public Places legislation with the general public and
intereste arties; and
WHEREAS, the Miami Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board ("PZAB"), at its meeting on
Mar 16, 2016, following an advertised public hearing, adopted Resolution No. PZAB-R-16-
0 by a vote of eight to zero (8-0), item no. 7, recommending approval of the amendment to
hapter 62 of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended ("City Code"), as set forth
herein; and
WHEREAS, the City Commission, after careful consideration of this matter, desires to
amend Chapter 62 of the City Code by creating a new Article XVI of the City Code, entitled "Art
in Public Places Program" ("Public Art Program") to create a cultural legacy for future
generations through the curation and exhibition of high quality art that reflects a variety of artistic
styles and a diversity of culture, beliefs, and thinking to chronicle and pay tribute to the City's
history through the collection of artifacts, documents, and memorabilia, and to enhance the
quality of life for its citizens through the placement of art, creation of artistic opportunities, an
implementation of art programming; and
WHEREAS, the requirements found in this Article are design standards based the
aesthetic needs of the City and its communities and are not intended to be construe s either
an impact fee or a tax; and
WHEREAS, public and private development projects shall contribute to Public Art
Program to enhance and maintain the City's aesthetic diversity and characte and
WHEREAS, the Public Art Program, as set forth in this Ordinanc does not conflict with
the laws and policies governing any development agreements and do t prevent development
of the land uses, intensities, or densities in the development agreem ts; and
WHEREAS, the Public Art Program as set forth in this Or ante is essential to the
public health, safety, and welfare; and
WHEREAS, the provisions of this Ordinance shall ply to all Development Projects that
are subject to a Development Agreement; and
WHEREAS, the City Commission has review this Ordinance at a duly noticed public
hearing and determined that it is consistent with th liami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan;
WHEREAS, the City Commission her y finds and declares that the adoption of this
Ordinance is necessary, appropriate, and vances the public interest;
Section 1. The recitals a�qd findings contained in the Preamble to this Ordinance are
adopted by reference and into orated as if fully set forth in this Section.
Section 2. Chapter 2 of the City Code, entitled "Planning and Zoning", is further
amended in the followin, articulars;'
noose and intent.
' Words and/or figures stricken through shall be deleted. Underscored words and/or figures shall be
added. The remaining provisions are now in effect and remain unchanged. Asterisks indicate omitted and
unchanged material.
(a) This Article shall be known cited. and referred to as the "Public Art Pro ram."
It is the intent and purpose of the Public Art Program to promote the general welfare of
the community by uniting citizens through shared cultural and atstic experiences; to
enhance the aesthetic diversity of the City through Art integrated in architecture
infrastructure and landsca e- to chronicle the City's heritage through the collection and
reservation of monuments, artifacts objects and documents: to create a cultural le
for future generations through the curation and exhibition of high quality Art andto
developeducational and cultural programs that will further the intent and purpose f the
Public Art Program.
The requirements found in this Article are design standards based upon th esthetic
needs of the-GR(y and its communities and are not intended to be either aq4impact fee or
a tax.
This Article shall constitute a land development regulation of the Ciand an
amendment shall be subiect to a review and recommendation of Xe Plannina, Zoning
Appeals Board "PZAB" and the Art in Public Places Board es fished below.
All terms specified herein shall _be as defined in the Miami Code.
Sec. 62-655. Art in Public Places Board.
(a) Establishment.
"here is hereby established a board to t
"AIPPB"). The AIPPB shall consist of ni
embershio. meeti
(b) Appointments; Qualifications.
1. No appointment shall bE
membership on the AIP
circulation in the
of the public and
interest in and kr
, known at the Cit 's Art in Public Places Boarr
e 9 vXJnq members and two 2 alternate
duti . and other responsibilities are described
fe by the City Commission to membership or alterm
ntil the City Clerk hasiven at least thirty 36 da s'
e City's website and/or in a newspaper of general
ty Commission shall solicit and encourage the merr
Kessional and citizen organizations within the area hav
edge of the qur
a ointment. A44bast five 5 days
Clerk shall icl notice the list of
the Citv Commission.
uq aim
pose and functions of the AIPPB to apply for
rior to the making of any appointment, the City
names submitted and the names of candidates
_ogether with a short statement of the
red and available for public inspection and
considefation. No gerson shall be appointed to the AIPPB whose name
uali ations have not been made publicly avai
reaAing a decision on an appointment, the Cit)
nsideration to the qualifications of the candid
he manner set out herein. In
Nomination and Appointment. Each City Commissioner shall appoint one (1) board
member, the Mayor shall appoint one I member, and the City_Commission at -large
shall appoint three (3) at large members and two (2) alternate members. Appointees
shall be persons in a position to represent the public interest and no person shall be
appointed having ersonal or private interests likefV to conflict with the pubfic
interest. No person shall be appointed who has any interest in the profits or
emoluments of any contract job work or service for the City or is otherwise not
qualified pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 2 of the City Cade. Before making an
appointment, the City Commission shall confirm that the person to be appointed has
filed the statement required bV Section 2-615 of the City Code.
3. Terms of appointment. The terms of appointment shall be the latter of those terms
provided in Section 2-885 of the City Code.
4. Qualifications. It is intended that members and alternate members of the AIPPB be
persons of knowledge, experience, mature jud ment and background; havincl a lh
and desire to act in the public interest- and representing, insofar as may be govible
the various s ecial professional training, experience, and interests required tgoIrmake
informed and equitable decisions concerning deve1c meat of an artistic cuArally
enrichin , and visually diverse physical environment. To that end uaiifi tions of
members and alternate members shall be as follows:
S. V
a. All members shall have an interest and knowledge of the vi al and
performing arts, and the artistic development of the City.
b. Eight 8 board members must be knowlec
Master`s or Doctorate Degree from an acc
of the followina identified fields fine arts c
architecture art history, architectural histo
landscape architecture interior design, qr�
estate deve lo ment construction manage
following shall apply to the same eiaht (8L
i. Five (5) members shall
arts art education. r
architectural histo ,
architecture int for
ii. Ore 1 membe shall b
gable an ave a Bachelor's
dited uYversity or college in one
edu tion museum curation
ur an Planning,urban design,
or product design, music real
: ntor finance. Additionally the
m the following fief
seam curation, architecture. a
'ban olannin
an, or arapnrc or
rofessional artist
iii. Two 2 mevfbers shall be from the following fields: financf
estate evelo went and/orconstruction mann ement.
c. une 1 member nd two 2 alternate members must have an interest in tF
visual and PerfAmirci arts. Neither of these members is required to have a
Bachelor's aster's, or Doctorate Degree. One 1 alternate member shall
be a re re ntative of Miami -Dade County Public Schools. The
Su erint dent of Schools shall make a recommendation to the Citv
the appointment of the alternate rr
Vacancies in the membership or alternate membership of the AIPPB shall be
filled by the City Commission and Mayor bapQointment, in the manner set
forth herein and for the unexpired term of the member or alternate member
affected. The City Commission may appoint an alternate member of the
board to a vacancy as a full member of the board without resorting to the
procedural requirements of Section 62-655(b)(1) so long as the alternate
member meets the qualifications of Section 62-655(b)(4)(c)
b. The Executive Secreta of the AIPPB shall notify the City Clerk within ten
(1 0) days after a vacancy occurs and the City Clerk shall promptly transmit
such information to the City Commission for nomination and appointment in
accordance with Section 62-655(b)(1)
6. Removal.
a. Members and the alternate member of the board may be removed for cause
by not less than three (3) affirmative votes of the City Commission.
b. There is hereby established a point system. Each member and the alternatAo
member cf the AIPPB who arrives after the beginning of the first agenda - en
or leaves before the termination of the last agenda item at a regularly
scheduled meeting of the board shall receive one 1 pint. Any me er of
the board who accumulates more than seven 7points in one 1 lendar
year shall be brought to the attention of the City Commission for' s
consideration of removal of the member.
c- Notwithstanding Section 62-655 b 6 b above any memr or alternate
member of the board who is absent for whatever reaso from more than
three 3 or more meetings in one 1 calendar year sh I be brought to the
attention of the Citv Commission for its consideratio of removal of the
Functions Powers and Duties. The AIPPB with the assince and recommendations of
the Planning Department, Public Art Division. and all o er Dtv departments, as
necessary, shall have the functions duties. and powAs as follows:
1. To recommend the Public Art Pro ram G delines and amendments to the Public
Ari Proqram Guidelines thereto to the ON (ommission-
2. To recommend the Public Ar# MastV Pla
Master Plan thereto to the City Com ssion
3. To hear appeals of decisions f the W nw,
related to the installation dedi tion and dona
within the NRD-1.
4. To approve ex endites of the Public Art
or his/her designe/rove
5. Toa rove a with conditions or d�
or donations of AA, based on the Public Art Pr
Eu, ,. z —
6. To act,&
Comms ion.
7. Xotwithstanding f
ag6ept donations of a
fic Places rela
y Cade Section 18-115, th+
in excess of $25,000.00 in
iblic Places Board ("AlPPI
lents to the Public Art
n Review Board (WDRB
on private development
nosed installations, dedications
the Ci
the authority to
1. Officers and voting. The AIPPB shall select a chairperson and a vice -chairperson
for one year terms from among its members and may create and fill such
other offices as it may determine. The PIannin Director or his/her d es ig nee shall
attend all meetings of the board. The Office of Hearing Boards or its successor,
shall be the Executive Secretary of the AIPPB.
2. Rules of rocedure. The AIPPB shall establish rules of procedure necessary for
its governing and the conduct of its affairs, in keeping with the applicable
provisions of Florida law, the City Charter, the City Code, and all applicable
resolutions. Such rules of procedure shall be available in written form to perscns
appearing before the AIPPB and to thepublic upon request and should be on file
with the City Clerk. For any quasi-[udicial procedures, the provisions establishe
in the Miami 21 Code, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami Florida as
amended ("Miami 21 Code").
3. Meetings- The AIPPB shall hold at least one 1 regularly scheduled me in
each month, except the month of August. Other meetings mav be setk the
AIPPB and additional meetings may be held at the call of the chairg6rson and
such other times as the AIPPB may determine, Meetings that are At regularly
scheduled shall not be held without at least ten 16 days' writte notice. If the
agenda for a regularIV scheduled meeting does not contain aPK items which
require action by the AIPPB, the Executive Secretary for th AIPPB may cancel
the meeting.
4. Quorum: public records. A majority of the membf
The Office of Hearing Boards shall keep minutes
the vote of each member or alternate member, if
absent or failing to vote under Section 62-6155
shall be the responsibility of the Office of Hea nc
activities for all public hearings held by the Vard
detailed minutes and official records of sLA heal
such aublic he
5. Dis uaiification of members or alte
Florida Statutes Chapter 112. Cit
Dade County Code of Ethics.
6, All City departments
Manager, and upon rE
Art Division such avai
Transportation O
Department. or �
advise the AIAB
7. The Ci/Attorney,
serviats to the
8. TAe alt,
titute a auorum,
for a member, or if
below, indicating such fact. It
including the preparation of
Ings. The official records of
he_AIPPB members shall comply with
haoter 2. Article V. and the Miami-
nd e to ees shall under the ,
u t and within a reasonable i
e records or information as may be required of the
r shall assign a member of the PUhlic Works
4g and Zoning Department,
ce, Parks and Recreation Df
it successors, to attend publ
�vhen necessary, and to furni
upon request of the AIPPB.
r his/her desianee. sh
to member shall onh
-6A. Citv Commission.
aartment and Fire -Rescue
earings of the AIPPB and to
a vacancy or absence of a
The City Commission in addition to its duties and obligations under the CitV Charter,
the City Code, and other applicable laws shall have the followin duties specifically
in regard to the Miami 21 Code and Chapter 62 of the City Code:
L21 To appoint members to the AIPPB. as set forth in this Article:
LbI To approve the Public Art Program Guidelines and amendments to the Public Art
Program Guidelines upon recommendation of the AIPPB:
(c) To approve the Public Art Master Plan and amendments to the Public Art Master
Plan upon recommendation of the AIPPB- and
To hear appeals of
donation of Art.
Sec. 62-657. Conflicts of Interest.
ons of the AIPPB r{
nstaliation, dedication,
No member of the AIPPB shall have his/her work of Art considered or apprAed by the
AIPPB during his/her term of service on the AIPPB or for one (1 ] vear th eafter_
Sec. 62-658. Selections of works of Art.
The AIPPB shall establish procedures and criteria for the commi0joninct, selection. and
acquisition of Art to be acquired usnq the resources available Athin the Public Art Fund.
and in accordance with the criteria and standards set forth i e ad
Master Plan and the Public Art Program Guidelines. The CA Manan
designee. may only acquire each piece of Art upon
AIPPB. The City Manager, or his/her designee. will
contracts, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney
Art using available resources within the Public Art j
Lal Selection Process. The AIPPB
be purchased from the resourc
can include the following:
Open competition:
Q Limited competition/ab
(3) Invitation:
f4,) Direct purchase:
(5) Donation; or
(6) Any combination of
Selection criteria. In a selectio
LL Permanent Ad temporary
and visitor live and con re,
from puVic property or ri ht
or vehXular traffic]:
r, or his/her
the majority of the
btiate and execs
insure, and maintain the
I esta bLigh p rocedures for sel ecti ng Art Works to
the ity's "Public Arts Fund." Those procedures
s, the AIPPB shall consider
of Art shall be located in areas where residents
nd shall be Publicly Accessible and/or visible
t (maximum visual accessibility to pedestrian
(2) L ation in areas used by tourists including the waterfront arks thorn
Ad at gublic or governmental facilities shall be pre#erred;
The inherently intrusive nature of public Art on the lives of those frequenting a
public place. Artworks reflecting enduring artistic concepts, not transitory ones
should be sought:
The cultural and ethnic diversity of the City and South Florida without deviation
from a_standard of excellence;
The appropriateness to the sitepermanence of the work in light of environmental
conditions at the site maintenance requirements, quality of the work likelihood
that the artist can successful!y complete the work within the available funding,
diversity of works already acquired by the CiLy, and diversity of the artists whose /
work has been acquired by the Cit
Whether the artwork too closely resembles a business logo or sin has an
commercial message or purpose, contains adult content as defined in the Miami
21 Code. and should therefore be remected�
Any other criteria set forth in the Public Art
time to time;
Exhibition and sales history of the artist, as well as works of Art i
collections and previous public Art purchases or commissions:
a The maintenance and insurance expense of the Art;
0 _0) The pubfic health, safety, and welfare:
(11) The ability to s_ afel
other Acts of God; and
L12] Whether the Art coati
of twenty-five (25) years.
Sec. 62-659. Application procedures and approval f
lieu of Public Art Fee:_ Application procedures and a
I applications except as identified in Section
mpliance with the criteria set forth in Section
(a) A complete_ application for
Fee shall include:
h wind. iAclement weather. or
maintainedJb last for a minimum Life
ment_of Art on private property in
for donations of Ark in lieu of a fel
I-ONT-1111611F. `l
foment of Art on private
1. Preliminar% sket es, photographs or other documental
descriptive claSAy to indicate the nature of the proposed
2. An apprai or other evidence of the value of the orc
ac uisiti and installation costs. To establish the val
h this program's requirements, the City may contract with an
nt Art appraiser to provide a written appraisal of the Art. Such
hall either be funded from the Public Art Fund or by the Developer.
which case the cost of obtaining the appraisal shall be construed as 2art of
the overall value of the Art;
3. Preliminary plans containing such detailed information as may be required b
the City to adequately evaluate the location of the Art and its compatibility
with the proposed Development Project and/or with the character of adjacent
developed parcels and the existing neighborhood:
4. An executed and notarized agreement by the artist who created the Art in
which he/she expressIV waives all rights that may be waived under appFcable
state and federal laws. The artist shall grant to the City an unlimited,
perpetual. ro aft -free irrevocable license to reproduce and distribute t\vo-
dimensional reproductions of the Art for City -related purposes, and grant to
the City exclusive irrevocable ownership rights to any trademark service
mark. or trade dress rights regardinq the Art, pursuant to a license that shall
be approved by the City Attorney. Approval of the Art shall be deemed as
permission granted by the artist authorizing third parties to review and
reproduce documents provided by the artist to the City which are public
records pursuant to Florida Statutes, The Cif shall also have the option of
referringto the name of the artist and title of the Art in re reductions: and
5. A covenant runnin with the land shall be recorded includin the followi
a. Designating a s ecific location on the rope where the A ill be
displayed which is easily accessible or clearly visible to thYraeneral
Public from ad acent Public property including, but not ligrfited to, a
street right-of-way,sidewalk or other Public Thorou are
1 the perpetual maintenance and insuran of the Art in
substantial conformity and compliance with the Viblic Art Master Plan
and the Public Art Program Guidelines by the evela er or his/her
successor or assignee; and
c. Indemnifying the City for any injury to p /sons or propertV caused b
the placement and/or maintenance of e Art.
Review of A licatians submitted for Art on oriva property in lieu of Public Art Fee -
`1 .
ee.1. Completed applications will be acce d with the required -application fee as
stated in the Public Art Master Pla A iications and the appropriate fees
shall be submitted to the Public V Division which shall review applications
and make a recommendation t(/he AIPPB of the 2roposed Art. Said
recommendation shall take irik consideration the Art's conformity to the
definition of "Art" as define n Article 1 of the Miami 21 Code all criteria of
the adopted Public Art Magter Plan. and the Public Art Program Guidelines.
2. If the application is a roved by the AIPPB at a duly noticed public hearing in
accordance with th adopted Public Art Master Plan and the Public Art
Program Guideli s the developer, or his/her successor or assignee shall
have up to ei 8) months after the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy
or Tem ora ertificate of Occupancy, whichever is issued first to install the
Art. At the 96st of the developer, or his/her successor or assignee, he/she
may app for an extension of time and make such request at a public hearing
in front f the AIPPB. The AIPPB may rant a one 1 time. four 4 month to
six month extension with a showing of good cause bv the developer or
his er successor or assignee. The AIPPB has the sole discretion to
d ermine what constitutes a showing of good cause. If no installation of Art
ccurs within the required time period, all financial security deposited into the
developer's escrow account shall be transferred to the Public Art Fund.
If, o/rreview of the application for the proposed Art in lieu of Public Art Fee the
anAication is denied by the AIPPB the Developer may appeal, with the appropriate
eal fee to the City Commission pursuant to Chapter 62-23(a) of the City Code.
(c) A complete application for donation of Art in lieu of a Public Art Fee with the required
application fee, as stated in Chapter 52 of the City Code shall include;
1. Preliminary sketches. photographs or other documentation of sufficient
descriptive clarity to indicate the nature of the proposed Ari;
2. An appraisal or other evidence of the value of the proposed Art incl
acquisition and installation costs. To establish the value of Art subm
comply with this program's requirements, the Cit ma contract wit
independent Ark appraiser to provide a written appraisal of the Art.
a raisal shaft either be funded from the Public Art Fund orb the Developer,
in which case the cost of obtainingthe appraisal shall be construedthe overall value of the Art, and
3. An executed and notarized a reement b the artist who created the
which he/she expressly waives all rights and claims to the Art under el
applicable State and Federais laws. The City shall have all ri I., t
reproduce and distribute two-dimensional reproductions of and all have all
rights to any trademark service mark or trade dress rights reg ding the Art.
Approval of the Ark shall be deemed as permission granted the artist
authorizing third parties to review and reproduce document/provided bv the
artist to the City which are public recoi
City shall also have the option of refer
the Art in reproductions.
of Applications submitted for donation
rsuant to F
da Statutes. The
e artist and title of
Completed applications with the required app6cation fee, as stated in Cha ter
62 of the City Code shall be submitted to A Public Art Division who shall
review them and make a recommendatiaKto the AIPPB based on the
following considerations:
a. The Art's conformity to the deft tion of "Art" as defined in Article 1 of
Miami 21 Cods;
b. All criteria_ of this Article
CL The adopted Public Artster Plan, and
d. The Public Art Pro ra Guidelines.
2. If the application is ap d by the AIPPB at a duly noticed public hearing
accordance with the do ted Public Ark Master Plan and the Public Art
Program Guideline/ the Developer, or his/her successor or assignee. shall
have up to eight ) months' time after the issuance of a Certificate of
ccupancv or emporarV Certificate of Qccu
deliver th Art to the City. At the cost of the
whichever is issued firK
he mav aoolv for an extei
r, or his/her
such re est ata public hearin in front of the AIPPB. The AIPPB may gra
a one time our 4 month extension upon a showing of good cause b
the Aveloper or his/her successor or assignee. The AIPPB has the sole
di retlon to determine what constitutes a showing of good cause. If no
Alivery and acceptance of Art occurs within the re uired time oeriod. all
financial security deposited into the Developer's escrow account sh,
transferred to the Public Art Fund.
iew of the application for donation of Art in lieu of Public Art Fee the
Acation is denied by the AIPPB, the Developer may appeal, with the appropriat,
Seal fee, to the City Commission pursuant to Chapter 62-23(a) of the City Code_
rivate property and
a Public Art Fee.
Except as referenced in Section 11.6 and other relevant Sections in Article 11 of Miami
21 any Art that is placed on private property in lieu of a Public Art Fee must qualify as
Art as defined under Article 1, Section 1.5 of the Miami 21 Cade, and must be reviewed
by the Public Art Division, and approved by the AIPPB in accordance with the Public Art
Master Plan and the Public Art Program Guidelines. Art that is placed on private propertV
shall be maintained at all times in substantial conformity and compliance with the Public
Art Master Plan and the Public Art Program Guidelines by the Developer or his/her
successor or assignee, and the terms of the approval and acceptance of such Art lies
with the AIPPB. Art laced on private property shall be easily accessible or cleariv visiblao
to the general public from ad9acent public property including but not limited to a public
fight -of -way and/or abutting public property or other Public Thoroughfare, or cross B ck
pedestrian or vehicular passage or pedestrian Paseo_
Sec. 62-661. Creation of Public Art Fund.
There is hereby created within the City a trust fund to be known as the Cit of Miami
Public Art Fund. This Fund shall be maintained by the City and shall be vfed for the
acquisition, installation improvement, maintenance and insurance of ph, arts education
ro rammin rants, and administrative costs of the Public Art Proo
Am as follows:
All monies received by the Cit
Program or from endowments
I be placed in the Public Art Fun(
nt to the
requirements,Af the Public Art
ns to the Ci desi nated for public A
es within IKe Public Art Fund shall be
deposited, invested, expended, and accounted for as
-s received shalt be c
be commingled with non-public Art relateir revenues of the Cit r All monies
within the Public Art Fund shall be ex led solely for the purpose and intent
of the Public Art Program. Any intere2f income earned by the Public Art Fund
shall be expended or invested onl or the purpose for which the money was
originally accepted, collected, or Aceived.
The Fund shall be used for a enses associated with the selection,
commissioning. ac uisitio rans ortation maintenance repair, restoration
rehabilitation appraisal. Xrnoval. insurance of Art, development of education
programming, commun&v outreach or advocacv with an emohasis in the
visual and performi
Proaram. Once mo
can be dispeAed, e
ts, and administrative costs for the Public Art
lies intended for the purpose of satisfying this Article are
ublic Art Fuad the monies from separate, different
Is may be corrin led. Monies within the Public Art Fund
Koended. invested. of cranted in arrnrdanre with this
Ten cent 10% of the fees collected an n ua I ly shall be allocated toward
the r storation or rehabilitation of either Publicly or privately owned Historic
Reogources that are individually designated or contributing structures within a
Acally desi nated historic district or towards public improvements within a
historic district as identified in the Public Art Master Plan. Fees allocated but
not expended within a fiscal year shall be rolled over to the next fiscal year
and allocated for the same purposes. Privately owned Historic Resources
shall be allocated monies from the Public Art Fund through a qr@nt
application process as described in the Public Art Master Plan, The Public Art
Division will review_ all grant applications in consultation with the Historic
Preservation Office. The Public Art Division and the Historic Preservation
Office shall have the discretion to recommend to the AIPPB for final decision,
and expenditure of funds. Restoration or rehabilitation shall be in accordance
with Cha ter 23 and subject to the approvaI of a Certificate of
Appropriateness b the Historic and Environmental Preservation Board.
Five percent 5% of the fees collected annually shall be allocated towards
cultural education community outreach or advocacy purposes and may
include social practice art, all designed to promote the visual and performing
arts such as but not limited to youth based programming involving the City's
Arts and Entertainment Council academic institutions or non-profit
organizations. Fees allocated but not expended within a fiscal year shall be
rolled over to the next fiscal year and allocated for the same purpos
City's Arts and Entertainment Council academic institutions or non-
organizations shall be allocated monies from the Fund through a ra
application process as described in the Public Art Master Plan. Thet
Division will review all grant applications and shall have the discre v n to
recommend approval or denial of grant applications to the AIPP or
expenditure of funds in accordance with the Proaram Guidelin
LQ Fifteen percent 15% of the fees collected annually shall b6 allocated
towards operating and administrative costs associated Wh the Public
Program, including but not limited to staffinq, marketiV, programming
training,and outside consulting. Traininq shall be dir/ctly related to the
implementation of this Article and Article 11 of the iami 21 Code. Fee
allocated but not expended within a fiscal year sXall be rolled over to the next
fiscal year and allocated for the same purpose/- The C ity Manager or hislher
designee shall have the authority to allocate nd expend funds in accordancE
with this subsection (5) -
Seventy percent 70% of the fees col cted annually shall be allocated
towards the commissioning. selectiaK ac uisition disolav maintenance
repair, restoration. rehabilltatio
installation, removal. aaoraisal
Guidelines. Fees allocate
rolled over to the next fisc
Manager or his/her
accordance with thi
i urance of City -owned Art trans ortation
Rection and exhibition of high-quality Art it
plaster Plan and the Public Art Program
lot expended within a fiscal year shall be
91 year and allocated for the same purposes. F,
$25,000.00 pursuant to this subsection 6 the
ee shall be the applicant to the AIPPB in
LL 1f tan ible propiaAy Purc
sold. the orocieds from
All funds shall be ex nded for
terms of this Articl and Article 1
th monies from the Fund is subsequen
the Fund.
nicipal purposes in accordance with the
ec_ 62-662. Qwnersl to and maintenance of artwork ❑laced on site.
(a) OwnershiWbf all Art acquired bV the City pursuant to the re uirE
be veste in the City, which shall retain title to each work of Art.
Lbj GwVrship of all Art donated to the (
the City upon approval of the AIPPB.
'Ownership of all Art incorporated into dvate Development Projects shall be vested in
the property owner who shall retain title to the Art. Property owners retaining title to the
sub�ect Art shallprovide proof of insurance in the amount of the appraised value of the
Art. The p!operty propertyowner shall execute a covenant running with the land which shall be
recorded as provided herein requiring the property owner and all successors in interest
to maintain the Art under the provisions of the Public Art Master Plan and the Public Art
Program Guidelines insure the Art and reyent its removal from the property or its
Anefri infinn
Art that was placed on the site of a Development Project with the approval of the AIPPB
in lieu of a Public Art Fee shail not be altered modified relocated, removed, or
destroyed without the prior approval of the AIPPB.
The responsibility and obligation to provide all maintenance necessaEy to preserve a d
maintain the Art on privately owned property so that its Life Cycle is at least tweet ive
25 ears shall remain with the Development Project site owner or the owner's
successors or assignees- The responsibility and oblLcation to maintain the a rk shal
be enforced as follows:
Prior to the placement of the artwork on a Development Project the A owner shall
record a covenant running with the land describing the Art in full deAil along with
acknowledgingackrowledging the responsfbility responsibilityand obligation of the Develo m t Project site
owner and his/her future successor and/or assignee to repair. store insure and
maintain the Art. The covenant shall run with the land for a [mum of twenty-five
25 ears and shall act as notice to future propertv owner of the site of the
responsibility and obligation to re air restore insure an maintain the Art and of
certain limitations related to any federal state or local (%Ns governing the rights of
the artist including,but not limited to. rights re ardin he sale alteration
modification destruction removal and/or relocati of the Art. The covenant shall be
approved by the Director of Planning,or his/her Asignee, in a form acceptable to the
City Attorney. The Art shall not be altered, mo ied relocated removed sold, or
destroyed without the prior approval of the AAPB.
Maintenance of the Art shall in
condition as required by the Pt
maintaining the Art against ph%
natural elements such as fire a
insurance policy in the amount
City and the Public Art Divisio
Maintenance requirements
AArt pursuant to the coven t rL
:Jude bu s not limited to reserving the Art in a
bi[c Art ivis[on, protecting, securing, insuring. and
sical efacement vandalism, mL
1d And and theft and maintaini
the appraised value of the Art
in consultation with an independent aopra
If be enforceable by the City for the "Life C
nninq with the land required by this Article.
iq an extended
as cteterminPri h
If, at any time the Cit Public Art Division and/or the AIPPB d
has not been maint ed or preserved in a state and appearan<
conforming to the ate and appearance in which the Art was of
the AIPPB the ode Com fiance De artment of the City shall i
violation requ q the current property owner to either,
a. I -ie ai restore or rehabilitate the Art within thirty (30) da
1. of
b. P the costs estimated by the City required to repair, restore or rehabilitate the
rt and/or secure and maintain insurance for the Art in an amount determined b
the Public Art Division in consultation with an independent Art appraiser; or
c. PaV the Public Art Fee required under this Article and the Miami 21 Code, based
upon the current fee schedule and the current fair market, value of the building,
structure or improvement for which the artwork was required as determined by
the Miami -Dade County Property Appraiser, within thirty (30) days
Violations of this Article or Article 11 of the Miami 21 Code shall be suboect to
enforcement as set forth in Cha pter 2 Article X of the City Code entitled "Code
Enforcement" and any other remedies available at law.
Nothing in this Article shall prohibit the City from taking, any and all actions to require
compliance with this Ordinance. maintain the Art and protect the public health
safety, and welfare of the public.
at is deemed destroved by the Public Art Divisi
in consultation with an independent Art appraiser, must be either:
LL Replaced by the proper
shall be reviewed and a
Article; or
in one hundred twenty (120) days. Replated Art
rt Fee required under this Art
the current fee schedule and the current fair market value of the buLlinq, structure or
improvement for which the Art was required, as determined by anAppraiser, must be
paid within thirty (30) days.
Section 3. This Ordinance shall not apply to any D/aWaiver,
Projects that have a valid
and effective Waiver, Warrant, Class II, Variance, Exceptiof Appropriateness,
Major Use Special Permit, Development Agreement, or Splan permit on the
effective date of this Ordinance and that obtain a master bt within twelve (12)
months of the Effective Date of this Ordinance. If a decisior, Warrant, Class I1,
Variance, Exception, Certificate ofAppropriateness,Major Permit, Development
Agreement, or Special Area Plan permit has been timely ppealed on the effective date of this
ordinance to the PZAl3, the City Commission, ora cou of competent jurisdiction, the twelve
(12) month period to obtain a master building permit all begin to run on the date of a final
order on the appeal to the highest court of compet t jurisdiction, or the issuance of the permit,
whichever is later. This Ordinance shall not appl o any Development Projects that have been
deemed to have a complete application by the irector of the Department of Planning and
Zoning as defined by the application checklis included as an exhibit to this Ordinance, as of the
effective date of this Ordinance and that d s not remain inactive for a period not to exceed
three (3) months; and has not been subs ntially modified from its initial submittal, unless at the
request of or proposal of the Planning d Zoning Department. Substantial modifications shall
mean a material change such as but of limited to, Height, FLR/Lot Coverage, number of floors
and or dwelling units, decreases in etbacks, open space, uses and parking spaces. If
substantially modified, the Ordin ce shall apply to the entire project.
Section 4. All rights, tions, proceedings of the City, including the City Commissioners,
the City Manager, or any o s departments, boards, or officers undertaken pursuant to the
existing Code provisions hall be enforced, continued, or completed, in all respects, as though
begun or executed her nder.
Section 6. any section, part of a section, paragraph, clause, phrase or word of this
Ordinance is der red invalid, the remaining provisions of this Ordinance shall not be affected-
SectiqK6. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately after final reading and
adoption th eof.�
?'This Ordinance shall become effective as specified herein unless vetoed by the Mayor within ten (10)
days from the date it was passed and adapted. If the Mayor vetoes this Ordinance, it shall become
effective immediately upon override of the veto by the City Commission or upon the effective date stated
herein. whichever is later.