HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorporate DetailDetail by Entity Nanic Detail by Entity Name Florida Not For Profit Corporafion LEADERSHIP LEARNING CENTER AT SAINT JOHN BOSCO INC. Document Number N09000004284 FEVEIN Number 26-4788070 Date Filed 04130/2009 State FL Status ACTIVE Lir�I AGII:Irsss 1366 NW 1ST ST. MIIAMI, FL 33125 Changed: 05/06/2009 1366 NVV1ST ST. MIAMI, FL 33125 Changed: 05/06/2009 B2-.qist(,r(j,( AjcentNamc&Adores �i FITZGERALD, J. PATRICK 110 MERRICK WAY SUITE 3-6 CORAL GABLES, FL 33134 OfficeOM[ector Detail Name & Address Title PD PAGUAGA, JUAN CREV. 1366 NW IST ST, MIAMI, FL 33125 11mraT121 WORLEY, ELIZABETH SISTER 9401 BISCAYNE BILVE) MIAMI SHORES, FL 33138 Title SD 11age I ol'2 h ttp //search.StIn1)iz.org/tnqu1I-y/('o.laoratitin"peal•cl1/ ear•C 11 RCS Ll Meta 1 Pi nq u i rytype= Ent.i t, - 11/14/2016 Detail by Entity Name JEANTY, CHANEL REV. 9401 BISCAYNE BLVD MIAMI SHORES. FL 33138 Aamim Re orfs Report Year Filed Date 2014 01/09/2014 2015 01/11/2015 2016 01/25/2016 2(Lcument knaqes Page 2 of 2 littp:Hsearcii.SLItIbiz.org/fnqLliry/CorporationSeai-cii/Scai-chReSLI]tDetail?inqLtiryt},pe=Eiitit.., 11/14/2016 T .. .... ..... . . ......... ....................... .. . v 12:�i f"o fp ..... .... .. 2 0 ----- - ----- -- -- F 8. 2 2 V - -- - - - - - --- F ......... ............. . .... ........... .. .. .... . . .......... . . .......... Page 2 of 2 littp:Hsearcii.SLItIbiz.org/fnqLliry/CorporationSeai-cii/Scai-chReSLI]tDetail?inqLtiryt},pe=Eiitit.., 11/14/2016 Completed form should be Fortir W'9 Request for Taxpayer given to the requesting Identification Number and Certification department or the department nillassachusons SubstRute W-9 FormI you are currently doing Row April 200q, business with. Nance I Usl legal name, 0 ,anT nainies k9t first & arcle rhe Isarie of the II wtio�se TIN you enter In Part I -See Specific Instroctlon on page 2� lusiinoss nalmo, If dUMrjr"qj ffuj", ubQV,e. (See SpeCift Irurnection on paqv, 2� q . .. ........ P " 1r� n epr" �7 I " � tt" i" )1 N'� u jh Pr fl, b Check, il"* apii box0 inclividUai/Sole propirJejor 1-1 Corporation ED Partnership ffl Other Legal Address numbw,, FWOM, andabl, of %Jac, no, iveiriftlance Address it fifteront Groin letial arirlfesg higntivr, alreer, and ilict. or 1% "allite no 1, 1 , , I r P r i I, I i , ;, r, , I ", Phone 9 d, "" - 7 F,, # I �' 0 "') (� 1f '� 1 j " ,.r(-`,, )�) �j "W - "� z � � , - j 1� 0 Enter your 111,14 un the : apprapnare box. Far mdrVidualis "ns is yow, sociall sor,,,w7ty Irsuniber (SSI14) However, for a residont alien, so* proprietor, of disragairded entity, see this part I Instruction on page 2 For ottrer enhtIes, 11 is your arnpioyer rdentiftafion nurotier QEiNi tf you da not have, a rutnber, see Now to got a' N on page 2. Motes 01 Ihv acr,,,ount es fir rproyp Oran rine name, „mire Ore Owarl cin pag;e 2 for guiWetofrfs kin who,ie nuri7ber to enter Vendors;.. Dolan and Bradstreet Universal Numbering System (DUNS) Certification state and ZJP code E"orl address u� tit{ i')Yr , 0,)Pt iln Sorcial security number OR Employer Identification, nurriber IDUMS Uroder penalfies of per -jury, I cortify thaa: 1. T no rumbfir shown on this fortr is my corrocr No payer idwitificabon fluii (or I ,urn waiting (or a nurriber to IN Issued to rrie),, and 2, 1 arn rict subject to backup withholding oecause (a) l tarn exernpt frorn backup wilhhoiding or (b) I have not been notified by the Internal Revenue Services (IRS) that N anr subjert Ic, backup mthholOrg as as result of a lailure to, report all interest or dividends or (c) the IRS has notified ow that I arn ria langer subjltira to backup wrthhokflng, and 3, 1 arn ars U & person (inrlud4rq an U.S, resident Wiwi), 4, 11 am c'urrorilly a Commonwealth of Massacht4et9tr's state ernplcyee: (check one�� No— Yes — If yes, the State Ethics Commission Certification InstructicI YOU MUST cross out ilem 2 aftove it yrmt Maive been notified by the IRS that ynu are CLVTeo%1 subject to backup Withholding because you traye failed on your tam rou"i Fai reat estWe Vanw�cbons, rte 2 do!�s 7' = Authorized Signiature III A person who is required to file an Information rolAirn with The IRS inftv qel your, oorrect taXpayar cronafictition riumber t, I INto toW, for exainpW, incurne paid to you, real estate U11VIS000ris, mongage inwiWo you paid, acquirrition or doo(, of contnhutiom, you rnade to an IRA Use horns W-9 only if you are a U.S. person (including a resident aheil. to give youi correct TIN to the person ritiquesfing I (iine requester) fuid , Wri applicable, tiol 1. Cenffy We ON you are giving is correct (or you are Waifing for a Runibeuto no issued), 2, Cwrify you we rol subject to backup wet!fthurding: If you are a foreign person, use the approprialeParte Vir-it, masts Pub S15, 101thiAdmg of Tax cr Nomewdent Maine and Foreign CrtrpcAnfws. What is backup withholding? Persons making coolant payineints to you must wrirrhold a designated parceMage, cut rently 28116 ano pay to condilmns, T his is called bac*up Mhholdirg,' Payments that may be Subject to backup w1tivikiing indude inti dividends, bro"r and baderr excharigs transactions, rents, royM:es, nonemployee. pay, and ceifaiin payments from hihing boat opwarom Rrrw,,d ie,,,dale iransixtions Are not subfict in bri w0holding. It you give Ihe requester yout corred 11N, make the proper, cerlifications, an d rettiort all your taxable Interest arid rjwedwvjs, on your tax rewrn, payments you recawe Will not 40 silbIect to bar,*,up withholdlivg, Payments you rermere will be subject to backup withholding 111: f.. You (to ata fundsh your Tao to the rf,q,jueM(rf, ar 2, You do I'M r,Avflfy your TIN when rerpjired qspe the Pirl III inshurJoilis rin page 2 for del,afti, Or S. You do rrot tortly to fie iequitister that you ate not ot subtat,1 lo backup withholding under 4 above (for reportabie interest and divideno accounts, opened after 1983 only), Certain payees and payrnerits, are exerniot horn backup wfthholdin% See the earl 11 Instructions on page 2. Penalties Failure to furnish TIN If you fwl I(A luitnish your rxwern TIN to a requeslei, yriu are subject In a penalty of S50 for each such fatlure unless yoj !Mure is due to reasonatile rause ar"I rut to MINI neglect Civil penalty for false information with respect to withholding If you rrOe a faise slaierriorr Wath no ma5tinable basis (that results fin no backup 'Atthholdmg you are subjec"t to a $500 per"Oty 1 The, 1pRS MIS the feioJeSter th,"It YOU I'L91,1I,hed Criminal penalty for falsifying Informallorri an a,Tcooect TIN or Miffully faIfOylog cerlificallons or affInnations may suload you to criminal ineriattins Including 4, The INS WIN, you that you are subject in fines arr6'0r imprisorurriont, bl(,kLrp withholding rrecause yarn did not report all your interest and (Jwrri o0y), or Misuse of TINs ll the requeslw discloses or uses the IRS of 5uch payrrienu, undet certain TINS In violation of Federal taw, the requpstmmay be subject to rivil -and ofirributl para illirn, Form MA- W-9 (Rev, April 200911 or's Ceirtificato of Exemption - —i R.DR0411114 Issued Pursuant to Chapter 212, Florida Stakdes IWAKIMENJ Cop 'EVENur 201 it Si 1,5189484C-9 06/02/ 4 06/30/9-019 TI L)qjirqtjon Date This certifies that LEADERSHIP LEARNING CEOTER AT SAINT JOHN BOSCO INC 1366 NW '1,ST ST MIAMI FL 33125-5603 ,Eye, is exempt from the payment of F6orlda sales and use tax on real property rented, transient rental property rented, tangible personal property purchased or rented, or services purchased, FImportant Informaition for E)ompt Organizations R-14 F R.D04/11 MPARrWNT OF REVENUF You must provide all vendors and suppliers with an exemptlon certificate bef.ore making tax-exerript purchases, See Rule 12A-1.038,, Florida Administrative Code (FA.0 .)' 2, Your Consumer's Certificate or Exem,ption is to be used solely by your organization for your organization's customary nonprot activities. & Purchases made by an individual on behalf ofthe organization are taxable, even if the individual will be reimbursed by the organa zatlon. 4. This exemptton applies only to purchases your organization makes. The sale or lease to others of tangible personal property, sleeping accommodations, or other real property is taxable. Your organization must register, and collect and remit sales and use tax on such taxable transactions. Note: Churches are exempt from this requirement except when they are the lessor of real property (Rule 12A-1,070, FA.C.). 5, It is a criminal offense to fraudulently present this certificate to evade the payment of sales tax. Under no circumstances should this certificate be used for the personal benefit of any individual. Violators will be liable for payment of the sales tax plus a penalty of 200% of the tax, and may be subject to conviction of a third-degree felony. Any vioiation will recuire the revocation of this certificate, S. If you have questions regarding your oxempbon certificate, please contact the Exemption Unit of Account Management at 800-352-3671 . From 'the avaflabie options, select "Registration of Taxes," then "Registratiorl Information," and finally "Exemption Certificates and Nonprofit Entities," The mailing address is PO Box 6480, Tallahassee, FL 32314-648U