HomeMy WebLinkAboutReport of Evaluation CommitteeUTY Or MIAML FL0111DA TQ Danlel J. Alfonso, oity Manager FROM. Annls Perox, 0PP4,.'D rector ' Proourement DATE. August 6, 201'0- FU: -SUBJECT,- !`deport of Revlew Teary for RP'Q6•12$02, C'itywideTovring 8ervioes RVlw'II:'I NJCNV, RPQ312a82 5NOLOSURES, The Procuramerft Depa meat. -(Proourement), •Ory behalf of the Cltys Pollov Department (Police.) lasued a Roquest 'far 'Quallftcations (RI70) to -obtain prcprceals from quollflad towing eg.ervolt.9, to provide altywlde towing servioes, Sght �8') proposals: worn ro-calved. The, ReVow Tbi�m •(Tagm.) moi on August 4, 4,16,, end .has completed the evatua I -On of'-propcsals• subrnitted In rbsponse to the soltoltatlon, fcilowing the &IdelNes published In the R- G The solicitation had rrr•lnlmum quallflblation -eirrd equipment requlrements. wYtloh were revlew6d by the Chairperson land the Teem The Taam-aiaa considered Pro'poser's•experlanos, quaf'loatlons.arrdpast performanoa In provldIng the• type of serulGeg, All Proprosera metths requirements, summary of Rovi<awl Proposdrs ;oauld propose ori- one, (I). Zone,: multiple ernes or all five :(d) Zones.. Propoeem wore regvired to rar:ik tha Zones propos-ad on, In tho order -of preferenoo, The psrefimlrrary review findings Ara as follows; Tbvrrling Aqonoy ro osed Annarrrb .,torts. Zone I Zone 2. Zone3 Zorlca.4 Z-ono.i5 rYiari.c�n To+�in:�lno,_.. ��0 00� �� 00� Ci I� f�(up ...._,._ 0 � •0 �Q� nos'rdwin orvloet Core DNS? DNP . DNP X36 P I:?owntown Tftirr • Caraan' 460O 26 Ma a00 $26, G _ 20:04 iCin 's W'red{�er Dery tre ino, DI�1p ' 7 000 0, (10 $ aoa. DNP Nildtovqn TOW1111rt oh"Miami, [no, $41.869 4116000 IDWr r)NP. p P Ng�W Tavv�n Wro Ina, :x'38 boa _ 36100- gt00 19 900: Rondwal. Inc, )N171' DN T & S. 20,004......$ b,Cr0�0 X20,0 0 �0 UbU �0,aaa vfvp a i-t'oposervra not prapoto an annuw HovoouoAw, otmr Tor r'1~,e zono.. The Tezm considered the Zona'asslgnment Vuld�allnas in the ooliaiUrtion. In the first round' of .done aw.slgnment, ail Pro.poaere who seleoted' a PartlMilar Zone as thol'r first. 'aYrolae of preferome, wore aonelderod for nasignme-nt oT that Zorn, The roepon&a and responslbie Proposer with the highest Annie[ Reverrraa ftaunt for the appllvahlo Xono, Is toeing raraomm-anded for assIgnment of that Zona, At tine erre! of round :o'ne, all Five 0) Zan -es were asslgnad to the five (6� riesponslue and respanalble Proposers who ,propo•eed the higheat ,annual 'Novsnue Arnouht for the Zor-e they ldmitlfiW as their fl'rst,ohoiae, aansequa itly, the romolning three (3y-towl'n'g agenoles, not asslgnod * Ions, 1) Ivu-Way Towing ` Orvim., Ino,; 2) Ro-odway, il1�c,; ,@rid 8) Ted & tsnlf� Towing Service, Ina;, will bo placed �)n .a waiting list, In th~ 5 order hated above, After oontroot award, should a Zane be.como available for any 1P11161230 rekaeon { ,g,, a tawing agenoy Is suspended. ar terminated), Proouroment dill review the aapOlty of the qualifled Proposers lrr order to aasign the available •�ans.�s}, Zone Asslgiirnont: ' Qpon revlew'df tha Annual review. Amounts, the Team rocomm'er 4 the, Mlawing Propessrs ba -conside od for Lone assiguments as follows; i°�`p aser Zone—Asssl ned Card used Annual t evenue l dl;own TorNln of PJliami.,. Invt Lono I �41000 Downtnnurr Towing Gonipary Lan221.26-10 40 _Kt s lreoker $ervioe,jrO. 08. 0. n SgrvlosGorr. — _ Zone ✓ 00 080. Amorlban 7Wna., Ino, ons 5 _..... $40,200 N.egnl;l�r�l.o�n�: `The Team further reoom- mends that the Glty -enter Into negottotlons with the five. resp000lve and rospornsMa Proposara, who Wbmitted'the highest Annual Revenue-Arirount, far tho Zorfe (dentif ed as their firet oholoo. The ,moQrnmenderl towing sgencles- will bo ofP'sred a. professional Servinn Aigserrrernt for signature, in aacordanoe with the method of -award speslf€ed in the salloltation, NoWthstandirig ther fcreegaing., tha Teem also moommends ihtt- If the Olty rand.any of the ahove listed PToloceere onrrnat raaoh atr agreement, the Olty will bgln ne oflation-sw1th the remaining Proposers on tho .welting Ilet, until all Zones have beery successfully asalgaedn Onoo agreurnentg hove, -bean reached, Proourement will suiorrrlt tin award reoommerrdati'on, for Olty Commission approval, -to. exeoute wntraota aoaordingly, The -follawfng €ndivlduals will -participate In the: negotiations, Lydia Osborne, Asslstant Meotor, Procurement 'George K Wysong, ;osslatant.GltSy.Attarrhay Sargeant tell Arnloo, Pall -bo aargeant C.ona•onave- tatom-ent: 'Thr Teem determined that tho find reacrr monded rosponelvo and responslb.lo proposers: 1) Widtown 'rowing of, Miami, ino.; 2), Downtown Towing Gom:pany; S) King's Wrecker SeMve, Ino,; 4) Banos Towing aorvl-os -Corp,; -and Sy Arrmrloarr Towing, Ing., all nava a), the -necessary .qualiPlrrations, equipm-ent, and pemonneel to. provide tine •taw€ng services to maot the• needs of the 0.1ty; b,) vast relevent• experienme and part .petprmanoe in providing duality towing servios; and t.) tsohWnca approeoh and flnanelal avpadlty. A preaward site In peotl'o.n and or a maponsib€lily review me-eting -will be conducted prlor to mrd to ermuro that the Propo•scs are oepoble of porforming the servioos at time of award. Qoples of tho revl.ew sha%:ts -ore attoohed for, as well -me the ,Zona assigtr mant she -et. Approved: �^.-� Rate, Oelydel J, 'sa, tty Manager oe; !'ernc6do Oas-wnayor, A latent-0lty Man�gor/o hl6" l~€ahoial O'ffloor Rodt)lfca-Lloriea, Ghigi' of Police I-ydla Caborno, GPPO, Asslstant'Rlreotor<, %reoureni-ant oorge Wyaong, Senlor Aaslstant Olty A*rn)ay Pablo J. Velez, Asalstant Uy Attorney PR 16298. 2 ccwosm RFO 61= cnwma TOYM9 G SERVICES EVALUAT19RUFPROPOSALS -8,IG"TURE-- 0 kunw-- Wmc�c�e: Selvmp, U3r- B-amo--,Trn=g Servicla; Amencan ZONE D e I Zoom 2 4 REVENUE PROM�m WARWM Wlwwaa -8,IG"TURE-- 0