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I he Ilene Ibussibrit 1xvidasht Of funning Coma, FlIJ& is amnlual w saw Ang SAW non)
fl%° most, traichcrous of I rule I laitt. We tkork closely Nvidl
schook, conmiunity slaimi agacks. and C7mist-riesat Nkire WI hati mi order to idewit'�
those who anill ellaical nCC(L PHIA' OFF l., PlAgIVIUMS W aIddl-CSS IFIC hu.TaCnCQdS Ofalult atW
chddNn. P1 HT onss an Alla-SAwl pivgmni aml is horne hs the I.ndc Haiti's oldy Adult
hleracs Program, Nlusic alai Fine Arts Prograrn, Y,"iiquoue Frarliin,-, and Culinary Arts Ilrogrirrw
The AhepSchool AcTrarri pi"vides oik"on-cme Wric",ork assistancc, ,,ieadenic and
hibhcal cnrichllwn;. icclniokqcxplor-rtiotl, recrealaon and physical aoi,,m,,,,% skifl dewelopnierm
and S;11,k,!iy and supervisiorl after I he lutorilig pro'grarri rinipemtke W RI I Is' hccmBQ
it stnnulaic.�, sludwas whh challenging cTramurlides Q gnmili <111d dCw'e101)111(Al[ Ot.lrrdL� tyle
classrooln, using t1waWN am! Idghly-SkiHed solve PRWWCM Vids plrogram is
ror Childn2n at1d y�OWII in K-12 ]JOHY, PhOr M d1CSe StLldeWS AN.
noxi mening wading sulvdards and dicy Acri have s"Wcmt hir&hts "hbh ruptric syxial
atlennon. h is our wishmi vo help crich one nf' these students macorne advvioRy rvid excA
lilk] 'q)k-itUaHYr
ThQYC aD�, MOHLKNOWCi NIAT LAQW! Amn thel.h0c 150 catwnwAy. One Awwr he&��
dw Wk of "WoA Wn aRaybod, Nim, mudows rown (urn school to an erg py hmnc bwame
W sinoc-pain-as %"wk nnTQ1c jobs to provide Te nicans io survive A common qQW11
11;arly studvnts t;w: is that ih,ii parcion havc a Av lc e! or educatiory AngUQU %Tro- and a
Sk xW Wdwl,c W kwov 0w, TS Vick of support it horn,is Oic awin Cause why the
nhijudy of sttidern i Ed! aca?"nicaily. I hcsc chaHown; MV also rclllcced upon the
-coor op' dw, sch(W have received Whrig gra&s. In UK& to these
sclroo�,��, Nincty pct
ge,,., chUrm ;,are pnWPAcd horn phyhT ouk& it ell wts ki daAl Von lWorn dw phriNg
()r J \j )r heinous aurae'. According to the chy of NOW Crime
inopling suoWic, We have been over SM) climes connWIN Wnfall ar -;_mile radit.r, withill the
(Paas, 11) colt Thcreiorc It is ertwial N) Inc pnTmms like ouix in phwe Ni hAp ANnA die
I'munho, o�' k-hJdn:l1 drOpIWIL' (Ad or sdhwl to besmuc gwg nanibers or w crigage flierriukes biter
in 1'pI'O-Stil tit i0l'L
lhe it) the Arlor.-Sc1iool flrngoain has fi-,,ctcased by URN tau the pray g tWve yaws,
(Mir pmgnmi Inns lmmnw Wralsitigly popular throughout die coninmAty because or We success
rate (Wour saukin Tudows no longer fecl inadequaicand ail beg,
to thri\C acadk:lnicoE,
Amodio, progrant houso,11 at Inc PT[AA% i, he AdubLWey Neginarn. 'rhis pnTrani
tcac1wsstu&ms k) NmA aml w% in dwir nwaive language, Awk Ile caliadui a[so 1111" s
a FY T pnVrarri, almd, swderms Be uMwNwQ U) Ram Goish as a imoml Ianpmgo Thoc
arc cuixemly 325 studaas enivdled in the )\duh I,- ircracy Prognirn,
4ho klusk Lind Fine Arls Ilro-
'p-ain is flic. oniv of' its kind in Little flaitL This program
t0aiolA.'S sILLdCllk the fUlIdatnClitalS O ' ,mrd llailia'M F'OlkdallCer 'J"lle, I.,tiquetIc
V),21anl hwAs We eymnial look Ar hl.jkhr!,U ';Ohij, J,)r0dUi:1iVc I'CLitrOnShipS IOr SOCi8l LUrd
Winess siniadons.
I he (Adindr) Arts PaTrarn hosts as saW or R"Nis deignini k; hAnwhoc froaldhor liksqdc
chokes beonnhig "Oh mudYn and pin1mling Werildria meals dim appeal io Haitian ctihuw.
I has Pierre 1hussaint I.ardcrslsip &, 1-citriming C'enter is the resolve lot' the Little 11inti
COMMUllity, Wmhou( the pl'o'gronlS housed here, niany Families %V(Alld hawC 110%VhCre CISC 10 surra.
11(t N1- o,'r 9 VhAmk YL "I Q I 4; '51 0,'W)