HomeMy WebLinkAboutBid ResponseTechnical Proposal — Envelope or Box "A" GPS System and Installation for District Vehicles (Buses and White Fleet) August 28, 2014 ... .... ... ........ .... ..' 1.1.1-I..�ll.�....-�,,�.,�."..�� ..... ..... . ............. ... ... School District of is Lucie County Purchasing Department 4204 Okeechobee Road Ft. Pierce, FL 34947 Bill Westerman VP Sales and Marketing bwesterman65svnoviaSOILitions .com 978 202-8604 Synovia Solutions, LLC 9330 Priority Way West Drive Indianapolis, IN 46240 Tel: (317) 208-1700 Toll Free. (877) 796-6842 Fax: (317) 208-2202 www,s noviasolutions.coryi i Sy OVIa TM t t1hopi's Synovia SOILItiOns, LLC 1 Safety, Savings and Service ReouireResponse Form .... ............... ...... ...... .................. --- ................... .........—.—..3 Executive.--,~—....,,,,,,,,,.,.......................................... 5 Evaluation Factor 1:Approach/Methodology .........._.........-------------..7 Evaluation Factor 2:Experience and Qu8ific8Uone~........ ...................... —.—.................... 33 Attachments......... ......... —.—........... ...... .......... —.... ....................... ........................... —42 solution clearly providesthe most progressive GPS options. was the most knowledgeable company and their system was competitively priced. They were responsive with tailoring the system b>our needs, The system is directly responsible for improvements in arrival times. Best ofall, our savings have more. than paid for our investment and we have peace -of -mind knowing that we can instantaneously track our entire fleet and respond toschool and parent inquidem." Gary Puetz.Transportation Director Forsyth County Schools Georgia "With 350 buses in the fleet, we have utilized the Synovia Solution for 7 years. Utilizing Synovia's telematics, the district saves thousands of dollars each year due to reduced idle time and reduced fuel consumption. VVehave utilized other telematics; solutions |nthe past and are dedicated Synovia Customers due totheir atate-of-the-adtechnology, simplicity, accuracy and quick response toour evolving nende." Gary Lake, Transportation Director Fort Wayne Community Schools Indiana Synovla Solutions, LLC 2 Safety, Savings and Service j F* :JS*,kj*jFAT "010[o ,$J1il" 1 Require Response Form Synovia SOlUtions, LIC 3 Safety, Savings and Service The School District Request for Proposal St. Lude of (RFP) PUBLI - C SCHOOLS St. Lucie County REQUIRED RESPONSE FORM Pumhasing Department Failure to submit the signed Required Response Forin 4204 Okeechobee Road with the proposal will be cause fornon-acceptonce or the proposal and the proposal shall be considered non" C."�,id) O-Jid, Evep'y Day Ft, Pierce, FL 34947 responsive Voice (772)42943980 Fax (772)429-3999 PROPOSALS WILL BE OPENED August 28, 2014 - 3:00 pm and may, PROPOSAL NO, 15-08 Page. I of 35 pages "I PROPOSALS be withdrawn within 90 days after such date and time. I IAILINGDA1: 1 - I 'GPS System and,hlistallation for District Vehicles* (Buses and V11/hite Fleet) July 29,201 4 FEDERAL EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER OR S,S, NUMBER: 46-0922994 TDO—R15AME —S -y -n -o -via Solutions, LLC POSTING OF PROPOSALTABULATIONIS WFID—ORMAILING ADDRESS 9330 Prioritv Wav West Drive CITY -STATE -ZIP Indiana olis, IN 461240 Proposal tabulations with recommended awards will be posted for review by interested parties at the location where proposals were opened and will remain posted for a Period of 72 hours TELEPHONE NUMBER;q17- La -MQ_ (excluding �veokends and holidays), Failure to file a protest within the time prescribed In Section 120.S7(3), Fl0r1d;1 Statutes, Shull constitute a waiver of proceedings under Chapter 120, Florida AREA TOLL -F F NUMBER: Statutes. Proceedings subject to Section 120.57(3)(c), Florida Statutes are subject to Florida CODE 877-796-6842 1l ChRiniStTatiVe Code 60-6.006(2)(n, FAX NUMBER: INTERNET EMAIL ADDRESsikinq itions.com . (&svnov1a7o7I I certify that this proposal is made without prior, understanding, agreement, or connection with any corpora tfonfirm, or person submitting a proposal for the same commodities/ services, and is in all respects, fair and without collusion orfroud, I agree to abide by all conditions of this proposal and certify that I am authorized to sign this proposal for the proposer and that the proposer Is, in compltunce with all requirernents of the Request for 'roposal, including but not limited to, cwrtitication requirements. it) binitting a proposal, the proposer offers and agrees that ifthe proposal is accepted, the proposer will convoy, sell, assign, or transfer to the School District of St Lucie County all rights, title and interest in and to all causes of action it may now or hereafter acquire under the Anti-trust laws of the United States and the State of Florida for prici, fixIng relating to the particular commodities or services purchased or acquired by the School District of St Lucle County. At the School District's discretion, such assignment shall be made and become effective at the time the School Dfst)-icttenders final l)ayrtieritto the proposer, Failure to submit the signed Required Response Farin with the proposal will be cause for, non-acceptance of the proposal and the proposal shall be considered non-responsive. A TH IZLD SIGNATURE (bA 1AL) Jon W, King, CEO AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE (TYPED) &TITLE Public Domain I acknowledge fiat all Information contained herein is Part of the public domain as defined In the Public Records Act, Chapter 119, F& j!roposal Certification I hereby certifythat forn submitting thefillowing injbmiation as V company's proposal and understand thathyvirtue of executing and returning with this proposal this RhQ_ff_1RfiDREffiQySF FORM, Ifurther certiftfull, complete and unconditional acceptance of the contents inclusive ofthis RequestjiorProposal, and all appendices and the contents oftiny Addendurn released hereto. REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL This RFP, General. conditions, histructi ons to Bidders, Special Conditions, Specifications, Addenda, and/or any other pertinent documents form a part of this proposal and by reference are made a part thereof. PURPOSE; Itis the purpose and intent of this RFP to secure blds for item (s) and/or services as listed herein for the School District of St" Lucie County, Florida, hereinafter referred to as the District SrALFIDBIDS: Sealed bids will be received III the Purchasing Department IIIIIII the (late and lane as Indicated above. Proposals will be opened publicly in the Purchasing Department and all bidders andencral public are invited to attend, All proposals shall be submitted In sealed envelopes, unified or delivered to the School District of $t Lucie County, Furciiasing Deparmient, 4204. Okeechobee Read, Ft, Pierce, FL 34947. Outside of envelope shall plainly Identify proposal by; PROPOSAL NUMBER, TITLE and TIME and DATE OF PROPOSAL OPENING. It is the sole responsibility of the bidder to ensure their proposal reaches the. Purchasing Department on orbefore the closing date and hour as shown above. BOARD'S ACCEPTANCE: Unless otherwise spoAflod herein, the bidder will allow a minimum of ninety (90) days from the last date for receiving of proposals for acceptance of its proposal by the Board, AWARDS: In the best interest of the District, the School Board reserves the right to rejectany and all proposals and to waive any irregularity or minor ,chnIcaliflos !it proposals received; to accept any item orgroup ofiteuis unless qualified by bidder, to acquire additional quantities at prices quoted Oil this vitation u III ess additional quantities are not, acceptable, In which case the proposal sheets must be rioted , All awards made as aresult of this proposal shall eonforin to applienblPl7larida Statutes" - Executive Summary Executive Summary Synovia Solutions, LLC isthe result ofamerger between the former Synovia,LLC( and Everyday Solutions, Inc. (Evervdav) that was completed hlSeptember of2D12. Both legacy companies focused on providing comprehensive solutions for the K-1 2 Transportation Management market. Everyday started in2OQDand Synovia in2UO1.The best ofboth companies were combined to create the preeminent product for intelligent fleet management. To simplify the purchasing process, Synovia Solutions offers aoinnovative, all-inclusive service model by which organizations can pay a simple monthly fee with no upfront costs. This business model makes iteasy for anorganization topurchase and everything isprovided including warranty for the life ofthe agreement and spare hardware equal to2Y6ofthe contracted number ofvehicles. And the spares are configured with the cellular plan, sothat ifthere iaahardware failure, the customer simply swaps the defective unit with aspare, The defective unit (msent back to Synovia Solutions and we provide a new replacement at no additional cost, Our approach to the RFP is to offer you options that cover all ofyour wants and needs, You can decide how much to implement initially and you can add capabilities down the road as needed or desired. The solution is highly scalable and information from the system can be easily shared throughout your organization. Since our users typically have other responsibilities, we have designed the system so that users can 'manage by exception". Users are presented with actionable information in the form of Alerts, Scheduled F(8pods, Portal with Key Performance Indicators (KP|s)^ etc If there Is an issue, the user can get always get more details tofind a resolution. Onthe school bus, weconnect toignition andVpto7aenmonaeuohao0eye|low and red flashers, stop arm, front door, etc. Yellowmstance After spending the last 14years of installing our solution onover 75.000 vehicles across North America, we have identified and created Best Practices to reduce risks associated with implementing OUrsolution, We know that during the school year, when most of our implementations occur, we need to accommodate the -fact that the number one, priority Is to get continue to transport children to school. The implementation team at Synovia Solutions knows how to dovetail our implementation schedule with the realities of transporting children to school, Pricing $wmmmmarV We have provided pricing for either a purchase or lease. The lease option has many benefits Including the fact that you pay over time and can use the savings provided by our solution to pay for the monthly service fees in the future. Also, when you factor in the time Value of money, the benefits become even more compelling. Moreover, with the funding out clause, you have protection, in the unlikely need that you will not get funding to continue this project in the future, How Was Pricing Determined VVehaVepad|c|pahadmndvvoOanombarofFlpFm|hthe|astyear|nplaoeo|ikeTucson,AZ. Salem, CJRand Prince William, VA, {nall cases the competition was fieroeand when the evaluators considered the pricing that we provide along with the overall Value, of the solution, we were an easy company to select, We may not be the lowest price, yet we will offer the best value and return on investment, Pricing Constraints There are noprice constraints. VVeoffer escalable system s0that you can add modules aathe need or desire arises. The lease option provides a number of benefits including the fact that you do not need to front load the'project and can pay over time. The benefits of tile solution will pay dividendmqoicNy$ndeneb|ayoutoue*thenaV|nQetopGythemonth|ys~n/icefeedovVnthe road. In addition to the hard costs savings, -the fact that your district can react to situations In real-time and provide a better service to your community is also a significant benefit to making this investment, The solution is modular and You ran extend the system at any time based on need or desire., We are constantly looking for partners toenhance Our ability bJserve the K-12market, Our OEM relationship with Blue Bird Corporation enables our customers to get a better product with the option toorder Synovia Solutions tobeinstalled onthe bus etthe factory and toget the Synovia wire harness, factory installed, as a standard feature to reduce the installation costs later on The current system from Everyday Solutions has providedaOeconomical solution tOyour district over time, This upgrade will provide even more cost savings, improved safety measures and enhance service toyour district and the community atlarge. Synovia Solutions, L.1 -C 6 Safety, Savings and Service 2. w GPS transceiver for school buses > Proprietary algorithms capture detailed information on the vehicle, process the data and efficiently transfer it over -the -air (OTA) to a central database via a cellular network. * cellular based, preferably with a choice of providers > VVaare proposing asystem based onVerizon Wireless, suthat you can take advantage for the discounted pricing onthe Florida State Contract which equates to pennies per month per vehicle. We also support other cellular providers such as AT&T,Sprint and T-K8obi|e. • capab|eof "breadcrumb" tracking of vehicles' location, speed, direction, engine idling, etc. > The System accurately tracks the vehicle location with location updates every 30 seconds (this is configurable) PlUs every time the vehicle makes a left or right turn, You can decide when to display or access information like speed, direction, etc. on the map orin reports. w 6huu/dalso have the capability tomonitor events including but not limited to, activation ofye||mwandred pupil lights, passenger door opening, emergency door opening, etc. � For the yellow bus, we can connect to the ignition and up to seven sensors including the examples listed and other items like power to on -board cameras, power to child check, etc. • Will also beable toaccess and report unvehicle diagnostics transmitted from the J8us port. > our engine diagnostics interface will enable information from the Jbuuport tobemade available through Alerts, Drill down Reports and Scheduled Reports. m GPS transceiver for "white fleet" vehicles � Proprietary algorithms capture detailed information on the vehicle, process the data and efficiently transfer it over -the -air (OTA) to a central database via a cellular network. • cellular based, preferably with a choice ofproviders > VVeare proposing asystem based ooVerizon Wireless, suthat you can take advantage for the discounted pricing on the Florida, State Contract which equates to pennies per month per vehicle, We also support other cellular providers such as AT8lT,Sprint and T-Mob||e. • capable of "breadcrumb" tracking of vehicles' location, speed, direction, engine Idling, etc. > 'The system accurately tracks the vehicle location with location updates every 30 seconds (this is configUrable) plus every time the vehicle makes a left or right turn, You can decide when to display or access Information like speed, direction, etc. on the map or}oreports. * vehicle diagnostics transmitted fromtheOBD port, > Our engine diagnostics Interface will enable information from the OBDII port to be made available through Alerts, Drill down Reports and Scheduled Reports. Synovia Solutions, LL.0 7 Safety, Savings and Service KI w Software appropriate to support the functions of the above hardware including robust reporting of Information and the ability tuset email, text, orother alerts tothe appropriate person on user selected events that are monitored. > 'The proposed solution includes the ability to view reports upon dernand, drill down to detailed information, access a configurable Portal of Key Performance Indicators (KP15), schedule reports to be delivered in PDF or Excel format to anyone's email address and schedule Alerts to be sent as email, SMS text or a pop-up on a Computer within the district's network. All users in the system will be assigned roles that will enable them to access the Information that |sappropriate based ontheir]obfunction. > See example ofthe Alerts configuration screen below. * Will preferably be web based and hosted. � The systems are Web -based and we host the application to provide you with the best system performance and best support. Enhancements tothe system are made available to all Customers at the same time since the solution is a Software as a Service (,SooS) product. m Please include details onthe hosting environment and contingency plans for data storage and backup. )> We host our solution as part of our, comprehensive Synsurance service offering. The Synovia hosting facilities will provide the following: o Current SAS 70Type Ucertification o Security. Network Operations Center personnel onsite 24x7x365 o Keyless security with electronic card strike and/or biometrichaod geometry reader o Digital camera coverage ofthe facility, integrated with access control and alarm system o Back -Up Power, Facility will have back -LIP power sources that will provide power for aperiod ofatleast forty-eight (48)flours if the primary source of power isUnavailable o Fire Detection and Suppression. Facility will have. anearly warning fire / detection system and fire suppression system o HVAC. Facility will have redundant (N+1)HVAC Synovia Solutions, LLC 8 Safety, Savings and 8(,,rvioe ' o Temperature. Fad|hyvviUmaintain atemperature of68-1Zdegrees F(+/ 5 ` degrees o Humidity Control. Facility will maintain orelative humidity ofSOY6'6D%A/' 5%) o Active fail over capability for, the network, routers, firewall and switches u Servers with redundant NICs, power supplies and RAID hard drives o Data isbacked upand archived automatically o Archived data can berestored upon request Optional Solutions (|n nopert|mw|arorder) 1. Solution to send route info from Trapeze or other routing software to a terminal on the bus for sub drivers with at) option for voiced turn byturn directions, � With our Tablet solution, we can download route directions and use. them to provide voiced enabled turn -by -turn directions to drivers. This capability will be Useful for substitute drivers orfor training purposes, 2. Solution for time data tointerface with True Time component inSkyward. > Our Driver Time And Attendance (TAA) module will enable drivers to clock in and out from the vehicle with either a data entry Panel or Tablet (Mobile Data Terminal), > Managers can review and approve time sheets and view the schedule from the planning system along with the actual time that iacaptured with our Solution, > All ofthe timecards can beuploaded into the True Time component ofSkyward. 3. Solution to6ppaperless pre/post trip inspections. }+ You can deflne one or more inspection checklists and download them to the onboard Tablet based onvehicle type, / > The driver can then check, off any items on the check list -that need to me repaired or `-' replaced. 4. Solution for routing software that interfaces with AVL software > We are including pricing for BUSPIanner, our route planning software, This application provides robust route planning capabilities and has an intuitive user interface, > BusPlanner can read in the GPS data and use it to update the speed assigned to route segments based unthe time required b»drive that road negment. > Clay County Public Schools is a big advocate of BusPlanner and Alachua County has recently put 8oaP|annerinto action /ntheir district. 5. Solution for incident management software (phone calls, complaints, accidents, etc,) > We have a Web -based solution to handle incident management that is part. of our routing solution. 6. Solution for two-way messaging to drivers J+ The Tablet supports two-way messaging between the dispatcher- anddriveo. Messages can be sent to a single driver, drivers for a sub --f leet of vehicles or drivers for the entire fleet. J� Messages can contain standard responses so that the driver can simply pick the answer from the touch screen menu onthe Tablet. Ascreen or) the Tablet isdisabled when the vehicle 1smoving. Any other, so)utionthat comp|ementsthe AVL system � Wehave aParent Portal capability that enables parents toaccess Information about their child's bus. Synovia Solutions, ILLC 9 Safety, Savings and Service selects name as child enters and leaves the bus > StudentTracWngfmrGmnem|Nemdm—Usebarcodecardsondreader Installed |neach bus to track general needs riders, If you connect the barcode reader to -the Tablet, the ridership Information on the Tablet can be used to confirm that the Student is getting on and off mtthe correct stop, This is a sample projectplan. Upon receiving the award, we will work with your team to create a detailed plan that is specific to all of your requirements. Synovia divides the Customer implementation process into four primary phases: * Identify stakeholders for project � Review & confirm all contractual requirements � Identify potential project risks and mitigation strategies � Review Change Order process m Schedule status meet/ngowith stakeholders � Create Master Scope ofWork with all appropriate information o Customer contact information u Sh|pp|nQ/inatal|etion locations o Training locations o GPS Event Profile o Bus list with details � (]UUiDe all software requirements o Usernames/passwords o Privilege group assignments u Routinn inteQrat|on reqUireD1eOts Synovia Solutions, LLC 10 Safety, Savings and Service • Routing system type • Access todata * Outline all training requirements o Staff totrain on-site o Staff totrain via vveb|Dar o Training tracks tocomplete * Outline all service and support requirements p Create formal timeline for deployment o Hardware installation o Software training o Support access • Sign -off on Master Scope ofWork w Prepare hardware kits o Inventory assignment tocustomer o Activation on selected carrier o PrDQnsrnm|ng based an GPS event profile o Testing and labeling ofunits p Kitaoaemb|y o Shipping/tracking tospecified locations Phase 2 -. Installation • Install AVL/GPS hardware on fleet • Installation based on customer priority of designated locations and vehicles • Average of 10-15 buses per day • Test all hardware functionality at local sites • Track and document all progress relative to stakeholder objectives • Corif irm all resources required for training nd 2 _PC,)t Lis installation Phase 3 — Training • Prepare training rnaterials Admin and Basics: • Review Training Tracks required 9R2nS._0mpetitibn • Provide hard copies as required of hardware • Identify any non-standard materials required • Review software configuration for turnkey deployment Advanced o Fleet hierarchy compaLaKlve Doc/Jan • Train customer staff on software functionality o Initial on-site training with managers, dispatchers, routers, o Web -based training with additional end-users • Provide hands-on application ofdata relative to business objectives • Analyze collected data and measure against success criteria • 'Track and manage progress of training compared to expected timetables Review help desk Support process Synovia Solutions, LLC ill Safety, Savings and Service o Regular hours of operation 0 Support protocols o Severity levels o Alternate contact points o After hours support process • Provide support documentation as required • Provide additional documentation as identified during installation and Immediate and training phases Qngoing • ReCOMmend additional training, consulting, and/or analysis based on user feedback • Monitor and measure system performance • Provide as -needed support and consulting assistance for the application, database, hardware troubleshooting, professional development, and end-user Support areas 94-03[w0m Hardware delivery will take 3 -- 6 weeks. Installation for approximately 300 vehicles will take I -- 2 2 weeks. There are a number of variables that we can discuss with you that will collapse the schedule, zmm��, Synovia's hardware and software will allow you to track buses in a live environment, manage morning/afternoon dispatch timing, monitor and manage route performance, and create real-time or historical reports on all bus activity. The Synovia SOILItiOn Will send a Multitude of information, based on the requests of the customer. The data can be categorized into three sections; GPS information, Basic Electrical Inputs and Additional Electrical Inputs. The following is a summary: 1) GPS Information • Location • Speed • Heading (Direction) • Mileage • Idling • Zone Entry/Exit • Hard Braking ­ Not available on LMU 4100 synovia SOlUtiOnS, LLC '12 Safety, Savings and Service • Rapid Acceleration --Not available on LMU 4100 • LefURIght Turns 2) Basic Electrical Inputs • 12V or 24V Power (includes a Battery Voltage reading) • Ground • Ignition On/Off 3) Additional Electrical Inputs (up to 4 are included — Not available on LMU 3000): 6 Stop Arm/Red Flashers 0 Amber Flashers 0 Entrance Door Open/Close Railroad Crossing Procedure (based on Hazards and Entrance Door) Chair lift door activation on lift equipped buses Emergency (Panic) Button Post trip inspection verification, e.g, Child Check or similarly equipped Synovia's GPS -hardware uses a 50 channel GPS receiver, which translates into a high degree Of accuracy, The hardware also supports store and forward technology to accommodate potential "dead -zones" in cellular coverage, Key r Petlormance Indicators Synovia's software platform offers districts the ability to manage their operations using Key Performance Indicators (KP]s), These are set by the districts based on what they prefer to measure and manage. The following are some examples (18 KPI's are currently available) of KPIs that will help districts improve their efficiency, enhance safety and manage costs: > Excessive Idling Hours > Excessive Idling Cost > Max Speeding Count > Zone Speeding Count � Posted Speeding Count > Asset Utilization Underutilized Asset Cost > Hardware Anomalies > Pre -Trip Exception Count > Post -Trip Exception Count > Railroad Crossing Compliance The following is an example of the Excessive Idling KPI Dashboard; Synovia Solutions, L.LC 13 Safety, Savings and Service Users can drill down based on the KPI to determine trends over a timeframe such as the last month, This will allow them to see where extra idling is taking place and how much it is costing them: ......... . 3" 'ot bft, . ...... ... . .................... . H . . .. . . ............ .. ....... . .. . ......... ....... .. .. . ..... ... . . ...... ... ....... ....... ... P....... WR,., .. ... ...... ... . ......... ... - - .. ... ................ .. Synovia SOILIflons, LLC 14 Safety, Savings and Service As seen from the screenshot below, the home screen layout is very simple and easy to use. On the left, the district will have its list of buses and designated fleets (which are all User -defined). In the center, the nationwide NAVTEQ map is displayed. At the top of the screen is the list of easy-to-use icons to access all mapping, reporting, dispatch and administration tools, Synovia SOILItions, LLC 15 Safety, Savings and Service his la Fc��c#i�rrr From the main software screen, several vehicle tracking functions are available to the user, including: Display the bus location, display history of the bus travel, display the location of nearby vehicles or display the real time movement of a vehicle. It is also easy to map the vehicle location of all buses within one or more fleets, Map Vehicle Function To display the location of the vehicle, the user simply left clicks on the "Map Vehicle" option. N.. ..... ...... RUr L) % C -W OL lrlt[rl "U 4) qA % & A PA. . . . . u.a da A� -7 Z bas 7 �F OF) U) F T- 11 The location of the vehicle is displayed on the map along with the vehicle number, last event, direction of travel and speed. The same information is displayed in text format at the bottom of the page. Synovia Solutions, LLC 16 Safety, Savings and Service :,stomfvaction To display the travel and event history of a vehicle, left click on the "Map History" option, A menu appears allowing users to select one, several or all of the tracked events to be included. The user then selects the start and end date/time to be included in the travel/event history to be displayed. Several additional options are also available for display. All travel and tracked events that occurred between the start and end date/time specified by user will be displayed in the map area of the main screen, Vehicle travel and tracked events may be selected for today, yesterday, last week, last month or even last year as historical data is stored on the server, Synovia Solutions, LI_ C 17 Safety, Savings and Service MaeNearbLPLinction To display the location of the nearest vehicles to a specific vehicle, left click on the "Map Nearby" option. The user Is then prompted to select the fleet and the number of vehicles to be Identified and displayed. Ry Address Byzone. SelfectAPane Burnett ES Burrus ES Bush ES Butler NIP Cage ES Carnegie Vanguard HS Carrillo ES Carter Career Center Central MP CEP Opachnut HS CEP Ferndale HS Challenge HS Chavez HS C'Mon M$ Condit ES Conternp Ung Ctr H9 Contemn Lrng Ctr MS Cook ES CooD ES Synovia Solutions, LLC 18 MIN, WHEONIff-IFIE Check All Evi Barrett IMI: Rutl--r P1 Central D,g Faud. Service Maintenance qt i- tfarh.trest t',M safet,/ P] sparez j--- Options Select -properties to Pifer: 1,11, P 1 -laseetyahloles ±I.p Nearby VWcl.(a� .. . I@ Internet, . . . .. .................. Safety, Savings and Service The location of the vehicle in question is displayed along with the nearest vehicles from the identified fleets, ET X -r' Z 7, 7 a 1± 4__4 U BMV 0 2K Pu t9'210 N i 202 j6; 7 .. .... .. .... 161 411 3 v-. Eyent: GPS update The: 51512009 9:10:39 ANI Heading: a Vj Speed: 47 Address: 1794 Almeda GenQa Rd Houston, Texas 77047 Bu�:.�43 Bus 90L%5 r The vehicles located nearest to the identified vehicle are also listed in text format under the map. Their location, vehicle number and distance are. included. Synovia Solutions, LLC 19 Safety, Savings and Set -vice Lxj W sih'o walaytil ruocca AIeW3:, Mp'Leaan .......... GPS UPidnte On 47 ... . 0 1794 ASnkJa-Genu GP3 uodew On 45 9.16:36 xdA 00A 8,,., 9276^ or, Updutu Gn 45 z 00:5 .1770 Mre&-Geao; 8"9 04:5 Pik &5r2.00 910!UMA 1950 Alm4a-Cu01 .0.1 2114, KPOO9 VUS AM 41 Bus 9357' S2 Ili, SIV2009 V 0:M M� GPS updm t7us 8174° 92m1. MPM 1:10:3 7 A 1, 07;01 13na 03'76 3.D ml. 5i812O09:0!1$Ak( Synovia Solutions, LLC 19 Safety, Savings and Set -vice GPS UPidnte On 47 E 0 1794 ASnkJa-Genu GP3 uodew On 45 E 00A 1612/hmft-tenni or, Updutu Gn 45 z 00:5 .1770 Mre&-Geao; 1950 Alm4a-Cu01 Mtlpd.,Je On 41 E O:V IM A4m,4a0"o, GPS updm M 48 F, 07;01 APqO BPId MMQ COd", US GPI, Updato 00 0 06733 Ud"d ES EM- Uor CI—d Off 0 KU Po-VIsW3 Synovia Solutions, LLC 19 Safety, Savings and Set -vice Watch Live Function To display and watch the real time movement/travel of a specific vehicle, left click the "Watch Live" option. The vehicle is located and displayed at each event (tirned or actual event occurrence), Each event is also included in the text list at the bottom of the map with the subsequent location, speed and heading, Synovia Solutions, LLC 20 Safety, Savings and Service MRLADLehlols irrlf c��totlr�a To display the location of all vehicles in a specific fleet, left click on the fleet name. The vehicles will be located and displayed on the map and included In the text list at the bottom of the map. Disioatch Tools Synovia's software also offers dispatch tools such as: • Real-time tracking of one or multiple buses • Map nearest buses to a another bus, zone (school) or address • Yard Monitor Synovia's software allows users to immediately locate a vehicle at any time, including during emergencies. The software also allows You to map nearby vehicles to a broken down bus, a specific school, or any address that You enter. The following is an example: Synovia Solutions, LLC 21 Safety, Savings and Service Core Reportinci Capabilities Synovia's software offers customers an extensive array of reports (currently 80 reports), The following is a screenshot fromthe reports creator window: Synovia Solutions, LLC 22 Safety, Savings and Service KPI N.t V— kj 'n'.4 .0 Synovia Solutions, LLC 22 Safety, Savings and Service Synovia has integrated with 5 routing data systems over the last few years because that is exactly what our customers have asked for — integrated solutions. The Synovia Comparative Analysis Module brings bLIS stops, planned routes, school arrival and departure schedules and student information into the Synovia system for various uses. All Synovia Comparative Analysis tools can be accessed at the Route/Trip/Vehicle, Run or School Assignment level by simply selecting the desired level. Ql� 8 - Harding/'Nest (deck 0079 00,13 P.M 0336 rZE) 0524 0530 0.693 iZ-41 0604 -41,11.1 0607 EM 0973 P—I3i 0718 U%I 0874 0972 0 Eli 097 )=Mli 0882 r] X81031 376,020 520,001 UT'I 316. D 10 376,120 49 7,128 517.003 585.006 517,104 405,114 541,103 3 B 1147 19 5 I r+J M B 121P+ 01275 "2j r ---)B1322 B 16 1,, . ..... .... Routes SahooLa BENIARLE ROAD ELEMENTARY tMl AM 4:nt0251-30mu W,'I 0304 -300,012 -M 1299-,300,001 M. 1826 -T300.003 i, -0°7;120'19 -T300,001 ?2.020-T3 002 1:0 an PM ALBEMARLE MIDDLE db ALEXANDER MIDDLE AM a l�n PM ".0132.-305,114 i v- 0242.105,137 '-EF1084-305.105 '4391-305.115 i -M. 0609 - 105103 --M0761-aI5.110 Synovir--i SCILItions, LLC 23 Safety, Savings and Service Planned Versus Actual Route Overlay This feature will allow the district to overlay its planned route and compare it to the actual route driven. The blue line represents the planned route and the red line represents the actual route: Synovla Solutions, LLC 24 Safety, Savings and Service Map This is the result of looking up a particular student's stop -time for the route for an entire month: I [11b dJIUWb TUU LU fUsU M 11 6PUUMU bLup issues ariu UeLeMNII]e LHU Z51UP LIHItib UVUI a longer period Of time Such as a week, month or semester, Mapping nned versus Actual SLops Synovia's software offers multiple levels for real-time planned versus actual analysis, The following is an example of the planned versus actual stop display, in real time: iz�- —*7- F5 W14 IMM 1111 MINVIR"MMIN M''"w"Pa, WN 'UP -T W 7! 34'�"N")5": ...... ..... . j, ®r w-, j­ j j �4­ .1IZ, 323044 313W :L 50'. n E P'AF' T.mbyk.­ .... . .... . ..... 4.--',..-_.'._._ ....... . . rt ' A B�Aq Fox u4 110 vAu RM ej. fl, '5 W 1. .v lvs Synovia SOILItiOns, LLC 25 Safety, Savings and Service mac. a VI .......... .... ........ I [11b dJIUWb TUU LU fUsU M 11 6PUUMU bLup issues ariu UeLeMNII]e LHU Z51UP LIHItib UVUI a longer period Of time Such as a week, month or semester, Mapping nned versus Actual SLops Synovia's software offers multiple levels for real-time planned versus actual analysis, The following is an example of the planned versus actual stop display, in real time: iz�- —*7- F5 W14 IMM 1111 MINVIR"MMIN M''"w"Pa, WN 'UP -T W 7! 34'�"N")5": ...... ..... . j, ®r w-, j­ j j �4­ .1IZ, 323044 313W :L 50'. n E P'AF' T.mbyk.­ .... . .... . ..... 4.--',..-_.'._._ ....... . . rt ' A B�Aq Fox u4 110 vAu RM ej. fl, '5 W 1. .v lvs Synovia SOILItiOns, LLC 25 Safety, Savings and Service With the Comparative Analysis Module, unplanned and missed stops can be easily identified. The blue stops signify the planned and the red signify the actual, Synovia's Comparative Analysis software also allows you to look up student stop histories based on student names. You simply enter the student's first or last name as see from the screenshot below: ay 9.,.=A % S tucle nt N a m e: Fsaric,17z' -"Search Op fans ­ ------- ---------- ..... ..... . . Name Type: (F) Last Narn 0' First Name Q Last Name, Firs0fams In School: ............ --'----- - Done Intel Ile t Rt 11JI30. The resulting information will be displayed on the map for the time -frame chosen. This allows dispatch to quickly address the issue of, "Did the bus stop at my son's stop today?" Synovia Solutions, LL.0 26 Safety, Savings and Service (112MQ � �417r_l District ID ;Last Name Pirst Ad dreqs -icol Grade . . .... ..... ...... . . ........ . . ..... ..... . ..... . ... t rte V� ... ....... ... jvAap ANI Stop 0 0 CKI 0 YMMQ11.11 SANCHFZ ANI'Y I Sto P H 1 di l S,��.IICHEZ AJOY di� tu , nt lnforn�iafiori of.momi?,uisq SANCHEZ' AN �T 'T R I Ni MART 11-1 LUTHER KIRG 0000OB3,1985c, SANCHEZ ANArA �6 Done Intel Ile t Rt 11JI30. The resulting information will be displayed on the map for the time -frame chosen. This allows dispatch to quickly address the issue of, "Did the bus stop at my son's stop today?" Synovia Solutions, LL.0 26 Safety, Savings and Service Synovia offers multiple levels of real-time vehicle performance monitoring as follows: o Yard Level () Route Level o School Level Each screen layout provides a summary, detail and map views within the same window for ease of review in real-time. At the bus yard level, the system will display planned vs. actual bus yard departure times and color code them based on early/late/on-time. Dispatchers can quickly see which buses need to be addressed in real-time before the route is running too late. Synovia SOILItions, LLCM 27 Safety, Savings and Service Route Level At the route level, the system will display planned vs. actual stop times and locations and color code them based on early/late/on-time. Dispatchers can quickly see which routes need to be addressed in reaHime, &,ft, I- To ww 0. ! , W, .......... "I IM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A I t3 o" u's, a MMIQ -4 z 17S W4Ux RP NMI, utEV ..... .... - ka .1-------.---.--- --w .. ... .. ........ ...vb., ....... tl ... .. ........... ............ .. ...... .. zijl2 iH�A,5110.14GLll�—LA -,Xi— -U= ali l -D 7. ;a .. ... . ..... ..... . .. ... ,W—TUMQW a3l."M 431IaM 2 OMMJ,O UDGZ DRO, MOUNARO WAY Synovia SOILTUors, LLC 28 Safety, Savings Gard Service School Levi! At the school level, the system will display planned vs. actual arrival times and color code them based on early/late/on-time. Dispatchers, managers and school administrators can quickly see the real-time status based on -their privilege levels. "Y , W -MI -P. Synovia Solutions, LLC 29 Safety, Savings and Service ­ a AM, — The following is a screenshot of the Reports Creator window for the Comparative Analysis reports: ..... . . ........ *JPN11N9 . .. . . .... . ................ . ................ .............. .... .. . .. ....... . ..... ALA"" "t 11a.'T-V YXr iC"O, Yt -1A W�l "I "Iv, O'd'. A twW P—M AA.1 tt Whem Student Tracking (Option) Student ridership monitoring with Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) has been touted as the technology of choice for pupil transportation, Due to our extensive research and practical experience the system offered by Synovia is a "Short range" system (High freqLjency 13.56 MH7_) RFID reader that requires the students to physically present their card to the reader (within 3 inches), The approach provides as close to total accuracy as possible. This approach eliminates the non -rider reads that are inherent in the "Long Range" systems that seem to be., unable to differentiate Students near the bus or already in the bus from those loading or unloading. Practical experiences from users of the system report virtually no impact on load times. The reader also offers both a visual and audio confirmation of a successful scan. Student Monitor Software Synovia offers a live monitor that will report on the student ridership status by school or by itinerary,, It displays data for the current day only. The User can do a quick search by school name (all routes for the school at current TOD) or by itinerary name and the results will contain today's status. The monitor will display the following information: • student name • status Synovi,a SOlUtions, LLC 30 Safety, Savings and Service Student Monitor Softwere Contd * planned scan -on time 0 actual scan -on time , planned scan -off time 0 actual scan -off time 0 planned stop 0 actual stop ® planned vehicle 0 actual vehicle 0 school The Ridership Monitor will color -code the following statuses in the list: • Missed scan-on/scan-off (red) • Extra scan-on/scan-off (yellow) —(Driver Scan) • Wrong Stop scan-on/scan-off (orange) • Wrong vehicle scan-on/scan-off (blue) The user can quickly filter for the following exception statuses from the Ridership Monitor based upon what is highlighted in the screen. QIN CREEK NI 6 AY1'411)E AT, LATARP. , HS LwollyHS LrT nE MIL 115 B11911 Fq Z7 rn : .............. NORTH FOWTITH AS OMT�L Ms PIVEY GKUVE 1,13 RNOWAT04 PIS 500124mrWIMIARY r II surras muci Es ,S+aarnl q5 POPC C'3l„1 hN1tPMI Shari nddrs un buff. .. . .. . ..... .. -------------- 0 . a0_ n.'w . ' 4 -it 4rGro l79r-P Student RldershfQ_aep!Zrts The Synovia student ridership reporting tools contain the following levels of reporting: 0 SUMMary by Policy/Program/School Synovia Solutions, LLC 31 Safety, Savings and Service nom, � 01 .......... . . .... OW ........ ... 123 ........ ... -- — - ---- :121 ----- .......... . 21913p '=P w Pomm ..I: nwp 1n' ,123 MOM 123 Noanirdn.sm”; 21,110P .123P 121 ..... . I&MOO 123 FORK MI 115, pudlap 1231 113 . .... -- ------ . ...... .... . ............ "Usynt 11s: 21614P t2'p �.i'l 16110.00 12.3 tvml Forumm ifg! l'Afilar W), Student RldershfQ_aep!Zrts The Synovia student ridership reporting tools contain the following levels of reporting: 0 SUMMary by Policy/Program/School Synovia Solutions, LLC 31 Safety, Savings and Service Special Needs Student Tracking Synovia Solutions, LLC 32 Safety, Savings and Service 2.Software User Training Once the vehicles are installed and begin transmitting AVL data, training can begin tobe provided tmthe personnel responsible for using the AVL Software. Aseresult cfthe project kickoff meeting, the various users will beidentified, including their roles and responsibilities, (i.e., Administrator, Dispatcher, Route Analyst, etc,), AVL training always starts off at an introductory level, consisting qfone group session for all users. We find that the exposure toAVL software isbest done |nstages, introducing alogical progression ofmore detailed AVL data owerU0e. |O|ha||y, We focus on helping users to leverage the actual bus movements. Later, we will introduce management reports and Trainingcomparative analysis capabilities (Plan vs. Actual). 2.1 Silverlining Core Target Audience: Transportation Managers, Supervisors and SlIverlining AVL Core is conducted as soon as vehicles have been installed with GPS transceivers, The training |gconducted online through aYVebinar The trainer |n|nthe Everyday Solutions corporate office while the trainees can log infrom any iDternetenabled computer. The attendees may gather in a group or conference setting or they may log into the training session separately from their own computers. Topics covered include: login procedures, the'live tracking'of buses as individual vehicles and as groups of vehicles (sub - fleets), historical analysis oftravel and activity data and the ability to nun and obtain maximum '-' benefit from basic Everyday Solutions Reporting. A user manual will be provided for all participants. Syllabus |SRlverlini[g Core AVILTraining (ES -10014) Overview: Learn how to use Silverlining AVL to track actual vehicle activities, oIntroduction to Silvedining bL0gin/UserNenAm/Pasmword c. Map Navigation d. Track Vehicles 1. Individual Buses 2. Sub -Fleets of Buses e. History 1. Actual Routes with stop and location information f. Reports 1. Overview ofall reports 2. Select filter criteria and print 3. Export to Microsoft Excel 4. Export toPDF Typical training duration: 1-2 hour Webinar After period oftime, (typically 10-15school days), to get used to -the software and its functionality, an Synovia Solutions Trainer will follow tip with all users to answer questions and tnensure all users are receiving benefit from -the system, Atthis time schedules are reviewed and the next level oftraining isscheduled, Synovia Solutions, LLC 33 Safety, Savings and Service 2.2 SlIverlining DispatcherT11 Training (Real-time AVL Portal', Target Audience: Dispatchers The dispatcher functionality provides a 'live' dashboard to display fleet activities In real-time. The user can monitor the activities of one or more buses, Users will also have the ability to find the nearest bus(s) to a selected vehicle or selected point on the virtual map. In addition to viewing real-time movements, users will also learn how to playback previous movements from the current day, A user manual will be provided for all participants, Syllabus I Silverlining Dispatcher" Training (ES -1 00034) Overview: Learn how to use Silverlining AVL to track actual vehicle activities with a real- time portal. 1. Introduction to Silverl-ining AVL dispatcher tools 2, Login/User Name/Password 3. Map Navigation 4, Track Vehicles 5, Locate nearest bus(s) to selected bus 6. Locate nearest bus(s) to selected point on the virtual map 7, View Today's Activities 8, Recommended Policies and Procedures to Resolve School Transportation Issues 1. Best Practices 2. Basellnes, and Metrics Typical training duration: 1-2 hour Webinar. 2.3 Silverlining Alert Training Target Audience: Dispatchers and Managers Alerts enables bus drivers to alert dispatchers and managers in the event of an emergency and it alerts dispatchers and managers if the driver exceeds mandated thresholds for excessive engine idle time or speed. A user manual will be provided for all participants. Syllabus I SlIverlining Alert Training (ES -100022) Overview: Learn how to use Alerts to manage emergencies, speeding and excessive idle time more effectively, 1, Introduction to Silverlining Alerting functions 2. Notification a. Who Gets Notified? b. Notification options 1. Email ii. Text Message iii. Computer Pop-up 3. Now will the transportation staff respond to Alerts? a. Create Response Policy b. Define Escalation Process 4. Logging Alerts Synovia Solution,,, LLC 34 Safety, Savings and Service 5. Recommended Policies and Procedures to Resolve School Transportation Issues a. Best Practices b. Baselines and Metrics Typical Training Duration: 1 hour session on-site. 2.4 Silverlining Comparative Analysis Training (Full -featured AVL Application) TargetAudience, Advanced Users, Route Engineers, Supervisors, Managers and Business Analysts Silverlining Comparative Analysis provides transportation staff with geofence-based comparative (planned vs. actual) analysis tools for measuring the true performance of your fleet. During this on-site, hands-on training, users will be taught how to create geofences and evaluate information associated with all geofence related activity in real-time and historically. Users will also be introduced to the powerful 'View Options' capabilities that will empower each individual user to create a custom user experience. Note: Silverlining AVL offers seamless integration into your BusPlanner route planning software, and provides users with a 'live' integrated dashboard look up of real-time information related to buses, routes, runs, students and schools. A user manual will be provided for all participants. Syllabus I Silverlining Comparative Analysis Training Overview, Learn how to use Silverlining AVL to monitor and evaluate planned and actual vehicle activities, 1. Introduction to Silverilning Comparative Analysis features and functions 2. Login/User Name/Password 3. Map Navigation and Map Tools 4. Track Vehicles a. Track individual buses or sub -fleets of buses, b. View Options 5. History a. Actual Routes b. View Options 6, Reports a. Overview of all Reports b. Select filter criteria and print c. Export to PDF 7. Recommended Policies and Procedures to Resolve School Transportation Issues a. Best Practices b. Baselines and Metrics A Training Manual is provided for all participants Typical Training Duration: 4 hour sessions on-site Synovia Solutions, LLC 35 Safety, Savings and Service ' 2.5 SUverim8ng Administrator Training (ES -100024) (1-2 hour session with Supervisors) ( 1. User Administration a. Add and maintain users 2. Vehicle Administration a. Fleebl/ehideManagement ATroining Manual isprovided for all participants Typical Training Duration: 1 hour sessions nn -site 3.Ongoing User Training for Software Enhancement Releases Each enhancement release includes documentation on new features and enhancements that is included with each product on the Help menu, Synovia Solutions provides on-line Webinars to introduce enhancement releases. Typical Training Duration: 1-2 hourVVebinar Add~OnOpdYoms Options include: w Route Planning w Driver Time and Attendance '= Student Tracking ( w Pre+Poot|nmpection 0 Tablet with Turn -By -Turn Directions and Two -Way Communications Standard capabilities include Automatic Vehicle Location /4VL\'Comparative Analysis with Route Planning Sofbmmna and Engine Diagnostics, System Support Describe the following: m Process for Incremental and annual upgrades/updates or providing new -technology t` We typically issue new release twice a year, based on customer driven requests. These upgrades and updates are performed on our hosted system and appear searnJess to the custorner. Web -based training is provided to show user you to leverage the new capabilities. o Expectation for increased functionality with annual upgrades t^ We are always striving to provide Useful capabilities that perform well and are easy to use. w Provisions for technical support (vveb-oite'help line, eto.) Support, is a||yprovided via phone, Skype`Web, online help, training VYeb}narmand training videos. Synovia Solutions, LLC 36 Safety, Savings and Service Warranties orany other software technical support >> For the life ofthe agreement waprovide warranties for both hardware and software. With Synsurance, we offer spare hardware so that swaps can be made to insure the Maximum Lip time. Faulty units are sent back toSynovia Solutions and vvewill send you ereplacement at nOadditional charge, ° Site licenses for present needs and future expansion )+ Our software is not restricted so you can deploy it to any number of users within your site. w Schedule ofhelp desk coverage (days and hours ofavailability) Monday — Friday, 7arn to 7prn EST Project ManaRoles and Responsibilities From acceptance ofanorder from ecustomer the following are to occur: 1. Internal team handoff call tOdiscuss all aspects ofthe project 2. Hardware isordered 3. Introductory call to the customer bvthe Sales rep to introduce the Project Manager assigned The Project Manager will do the following: 1. Discuss with the customer the events they would like tomonitor /— 2. Gather contact information ` 3. Gather @ vehicle list from the customer 4. Gather user information m. |fTAA hewill gather employee ID's and Job Codes b. Comparative Analysis hewill gather the file Information for integration o. CORE software users (Dand password information d. Define Spec Ed Student Tracking requirements, 5. Insert the information in a document to be sent to the customer for confirmation 6. Schedule CLIatornerstand upiDsoftware with Technology Department i Once the returned document iereceived from the customer the pro" ' �r �WanagerY�U �-- 1. Provide sfinal project plan tothe Customer with deliverables 2. Monitor hardware delivery 3. Schedule the install team Hardware 1. When hardware ksdelivered toSynovia g. Activations occur b. Scripting occurs c. "Testing each unit onCustomer software site d. Bag and Ship Installations �I. Project Manager will be oOsite t0 Synovia Solutions, LLC 37 Safety, Savings and Service a. Schedule/organize with the customer the vehicles for installation b. Oversee installations with the install -team c. Communicate daily with the customer on vehicles installed d. Test equipment as it is installed on each bus to confirm tap points/clean installation Training 1, Schedule CORE Admin basic training 2. Set up and schedule CORE basic training to groups Of users Syllabus I Fleet Maintenance Overview: Learn how to troubleshoot and resolve issues with your GPS units, 1. GPS Tracking Hardware Review a GPS unit overview o Wiring harness • Antenna o Emergency button o Tools required to, maintain equipment 4 Bus access/wiring systems 0 SUIS lights and safety sensors * Diagnostic test 2. Review System Health Reports 3. Recommended Policies and Procedures to Resolve School Transportation Issues a. Best Practices Typical training duration: 4 hours on-site Synovia Solutions, LLC 38 Safety, Savings and Service Evaluation Factor 2: Experience and Qualifications a. State whether the proposer is local, regional or national. I Synovia Solutions, LLC is based in Indianapolis, IN and provides solutions across the United States and Canada. b. Give the location of the office from which the work is to be done, > The Support is based out of the home office in Indianapolis, IN. Installation will be performed by certified Installers who will do the work on location in your district. c. Describe the range of services offered, > We provide the following services: 0 Project Management El Hardware Installation El Software Implementation • Consulting • Training (on-site, online & video) • -roil-free Support Line L) Software Support 0 Hardware Support d. Describe the experience of the proposer in relation to GPS Systems implementation, installation and support. Describe similar projects/solutions the Proposer has completed, > A Project Manager (PM) will be assigned to your account. The PM will coordinate shipping and logistics for the team who will install the equipment. > The PM, while on site, will conduct a training session to provide an overview of the solution, The PM will gather details about your operation to properly configure the software to address your requirements, Detailed training is provided via weekly Webinars. Any number of users can attend the classes any number of times. > A Customer Portal will be configured to provide you a way to enter and manage Support "rickets. The Portal is available for use 24X7X365. e, References frorn at least three (3) other agencies, preferably school districts for which similar services are currently being performed or services which have been performed in the past three (3) years. Provide this information on Attachment C. Newport News Public Schools, VA - 375 Buses John Payne Transportation Management (757) 881-5052 x 13113 ighn. pay iganEL�:L caA, L 4. � Synovia Solutions, LLC 39 Safety, Savings and Service Lincoln County Schools, NG --134 Buses Eric Eake r Director of Transportation (704) 736-4242 ext 5 eeaker(EHncoln.k12.nc.us Davidson County Schools, NC — 250 Buses Gary Buie Director of Transportation (336) 249-8977 bul )davIdson.k12.nc.us Iredell Statesville Schools, NC — 247 Buses Kim Fox Transportation Payroll (704) 832-.2545 kacifox(5Diss.kI 2, nC. LIS Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools, NC —1,400 Buses Carol Stamper Executive Director of Transportation (980) 343-3708 c.stampe r@,cns.kl2.ncus Fairfax County Schools —1,000 buses Linda Farbry, Director, (703) 446-2000 linda.farb[ya.fcQs,edu Austin County Schools — 400 buses Kourosh Hafezi Director of Transportation khafeziL5austin!�,2d,orq (512)4.14-.0230 Flagler County School District — 142 vehicles Tony Conte Transportation Specialist contejkfla eqLrschools.com _ 386 437-7526 f. Identify the specific individuals who would serve the District on a day-to-day basis as the primary points of contact and be responsible for the service of the proposer, The individuals identified shall be available within 24 hours' notice by telephone to accomplish the following: 1. Bev Noblitt a. VP Operatlons h. Bev's team will manage all of the hardware installation, project management and logistics, c, Contact information: Synovia 'Solutions, LLC 40 Safety, Savings and Service a Synovia Solutions o 317-370-6569 Mobile o 317-208-1714 Office o bnoblittoasynovia.com 2. Andy Gall a. Director Customer Service b. Andy's team will support your organization after the implementation Is completed, c. Contact Information: * 317.223.3136 Mobile * 317.663,0476 Office * agall@synoviasolutioiis.com g. List any experience you have working with GPS systems (specifically with School Bus Fleets), Skyward Software, Trapeze and any other relevant experience that would pertain to this solicitation. > We have implemented our solution on over 75,000 vehicles across North America and on fleets as small as 3 and as large as over 3,700, Silverlining has been connected to route planning systems including Trapeze, Edulog, Transfinder, VersaTrans and BusPlanner. The Time And Attendance solution produces an output file that can be imported into any payroll system and we have integrated with Skyward Software. We also Import the project schedule from the planning system so that managers can compare the planned schedule to the actual work performed. Our Application Programming Interface (API) can be used to connect our software to any third panty software and the API software is included in our proposal at no additional charge. Synovia Solutions, LI -C /H Safety, Savings and Service St. Lude St. Lucie Public Sebools Purchasing Department 4204 Okeeoljobee Road PUBLIC SCHOOLS Foil Pierce, Florida ' )4947 Voice — (772) 429-399 Fax — (772) d-29--3999 Child, Eveq[)ay August 13, 2014 TO: All Prospective Proposers FROM: Kim Albritton Coordinator of Business Services RE: RFP 15-08— GPS System and Installation for District Vehicles SUI-TRINTE,NDENT Gene.11c Zoritti Yost This addendum is issued as a part of the aforementioned RFP. The changes Incorporated herein are an amendment to and supersede those conditions shown in the original solicitation, The Proposer shall acknowledge receipt of this addendum by signing this form and returning with their submittal, Failure to do so may subject Proposer to disqualification. Q1. Do .we need to have a bond along with the proposal? If so, how much? 02. Do you have a list of the vehicles? A2. Yes, see attached lists (buses and white fleet). The District reserves the right to add or delete vehicles on the lists. Q3. Would YOU consider finance options? A3. We are asking for both an upfront cost for equipment and then whatever subsequent yearly amount would be required for a 5 year term, and/or a monthly or yearly cost for the entire system for a 5 year term, like a lease/purchase. 04. Do we send out your Attachment I to Our references and ask them to complete the form and return It directly to you or are you sending these forms Out to our references? Are those the same 6 references as listed on Attachment C: references? A4. The District is not sending out the reference forms. Please submit to your references and request they send it directly to us. The return information is Included with the reference form. ***" RFIP due date and time remains unchan ed: �Au u�st28 �201 4 -�3.00 p.m. *", Jon W. King Synovia Solutions, LLC Name (—Please Print) Company Name ei g —a sen't'aK�ecornpanyj to Pagc.t of I Synovia Solutions, LLC agrees to the Terms and Conditions with exception to the following: 11. CANCELLATION OF AIVARD/TERMINATION A. The District reserves the right to terminate the agreement between the parties, at any time and for any reason, upon giving 30 days prior written notice to the vendor. The District will only be required to pay to the service provider(s) that amount of the contract actually perfornied. to the date of termination. J n , King, CEO Date June 20, 2014 Florida Department of Revenue 5O5OVV.Tennessee Street TaOahas$e,FL32399-01GO To Whom It May Concern: Regarding the enclosed Florida BushnessTax Application (DR -1), SVnovieSolutions bnLimited Liability Company Incorporated [nthe State ofIndiana. Our ownership is structure b5O%bySynovia ArAubklon and 5O%byEveryday Solutions, Asdefined byour Operating Agreement, the Member Manager isour Board ofDirectors, We will not be providing Social Security Numbers of the mernbers of Synovia Acquisition and/or Everyday Solutions. We have included each company's Federal Employer Identification Number on the _ application, A conversation was had via phone on June 2 , 0"'r with a member of the Account Creation Department for the Florida DOR |nwhich it Was mQree6that the Social Secudtymumberowould he omitted and our application would be processed. if there are any additional issues rdating to the processing of our application or additional Information needed, please contact me using theinformaVon below, Reg rds, Lisa A. Stranko Controller SynovlaSo/utbno LLC 3I7.208.1712 |stsoko@synoviaoo|utlons.uom Cc.- Jon King, CEO Synovia Solutions OR I Florida Business Tax Application Register online at Liw t3 ti% �%14CNT RUN 12AA 'Olt UE AchIntatrattva Oude It's convenient, free, EfrWWO D -U W/14 Q0^"v'z n -IA F postage, and time.nI1a I ror Don Use �Ctrt!Y— Plom read the Insinectionsfor Compktng lherlarida Business kvApplication (form I)II-IN). Every applicant must comploto SeotionsA mdl and must wiswer the quesilons In bold print at the bo,"iming of ovory section and mbsection. This application will be re,ected. if the required infmnadoa is not provided: 1. Tadicate yowrelsoa this application (chick only ono„ provi& date and certiftattnimber, if applicable). 2, Is Vnis a smonal business? YesL& If yes, first month of season: month: BUSINESS ENTITY INFORMATION rn (foraojbpropriet —enti(Y —Ntion,—limited —liability a. Now business ontity (noi prcvinusly gistered !it florift. Be�cdnrfltv data of Florida taxable business u-tivity; 1 0 zo 7. Trade, Miious, or "doing' bush -ss as"uarao: Elb. Newhadditlonal Florida business loctolm Beginning date, of bushiesss aotivay A new Flodda locitlan: JJ L 511, Buiness telephone number: 11 Link new Iucation to visang 8 0 "000_ 0000000-D -actilvitly? (it P—rmoiisly Vogisterct] business Ion, tion. � gnt()U&atea�,fflju�u� L111ber: Date of ne%v taxable activity: Sc. raxnembei-. Roosicred location's certifle-ate number i Clignp of NoTida ounly Date oC loeation county ohnnge: 1111/11 Old location's 11(" 1:1-I nD 1100 El El-[-] aunker: El C. Charije- of logol struclure, exislin q numbor: ccilsolidnted flhig numbor: Date of lqgnt Change: Old 6atity's ceMeatedicrount manbQr, EIL 11 E -111 EI D F1 17 0 L-1 F� - D $a, )3usine5s Entity Wentificition Nlinflial- I'V014de the Fedeml Employev Identification Nirchase)acquisirion of Wisting business front 211o!-Iler —Pers" 'Ir Date of ;1ehe"Unellowido". 8C. SSW: proprietor. Solepr 2, Is Vnis a smonal business? YesL& If yes, first month of season: month: BUSINESS ENTITY INFORMATION rn (foraojbpropriet —enti(Y —Ntion,—limited —liability Middle namelffiftialt 1h. Omrx'stelqhonenumb,�n -i—c —Legal carneofbusiness (0,9, vorc=pnny, partner-6ip, trust, estite): 7. Trade, Miious, or "doing' bush -ss as"uarao: 5a. 511, Buiness telephone number: r) citylslale/M County: Sc. raxnembei-. 6. Mail to the attention o.n (if di TWnt froln # 5a); (ZVI 7. address: Ybtir e-ymll address is ticatcd as conndential itifonnation fAection (s). M-053, r1orida Statutes (VS.)j,and is not suhjof to disoloswe afptklie rccurds (s, 119,071 r-&). $a, )3usine5s Entity Wentificition Nlinflial- I'V014de the Fedeml Employev Identification ri..IN: 8C. SSW: proprietor. Solepr DRl Page 2 9, If you checked Box Lf bQcausc you purchased or acquired an cNistinglausiness frain another person or entity, provide the following informatior, ibont lite other pey.son or entity; a. nous r: d, Address, City. State, ZIP: -T—Portion-c-1 —bushiosa -g. 0, Sales tax mriiacatc imulbei-, acqui E] All Ej Part L1 Uakrom) Datofebaoracitio opLussqlaisz 11/11111 h. Wm the business operating at the time of purchase/ acquishion? 0 Yes 11 No i. Tf an, ou what date did the business close? 1111/1111/0000 ,Limited partnerghipEl joilit Ventura 0 Multi -member LLC ry Provide date ofdeadi- c. Corporalion licheck onto below) 11 Elect-, nreltmelif as C-Corpoinuital J, Did business have employees at the time of purchase/acquisition? purcha. R— D1111/11100' k' If yes, did you acquilm flie mlipj oyees? Ye No 11 El 1. Did the acquired cratityalidy6ureafty share ally common otVuesslaip, mariaaClncutr orcolicad ittthe time of p urphaselacquisitfon? El yes 11 No BUSINESS STRUCTURE & OWNERSHIP M Check the box next to tltc sit trcCtrre a# year bus ness 7 a. Solo proprietorship d. tfirliwd Liability Company (4eck one below) t. Business trok b. Partnership (obeek at)-, below) F-1 Single member LLC f, Notibininess irostlFiduckry mai*d couple ('renoral prinors1lip g. Estate ,Limited partnerghipEl joilit Ventura 0 Multi -member LLC ry Provide date ofdeadi- c. Corporalion licheck onto below) 11 Elect-, nreltmelif as C-Corpoinuital R— D1111/11100' E] C -corporation F� Not-for-pinifil corporation 44Rerers to e1e000las made for federal income tax( purposes, [] 11. a0yernmento genny 11 IL Corporations, partriersnips, ill-nitca 111ollity compantes, and trusts I-ralst provide thelollowing: a. DoeumeM trumber issuiod by the Florida Secretavy ofState-when 0i e (,litity ms Dmuiacm -,,,be, 02F- L,harlened or authorized to conduer biiqfnai;s in Florida! _J b. , Date of Florida incotpritioti, formation or or. -7 inimtIon, or dzc of laithorivitina to conduct businoss hi Florida: OU00/01 1] c, Entity's f1ml year coding date (month/day): U -1 1 12. Identify the owner/sale p. oprietor, or general partners, offl oers, ra anaging members, grantors, mistees, or personal ropresentativ cs� of the business entity. Note- The riersonsivina this application intist be listed bore. (Al l"ich additional pp." ii uc4assaty} nwws (SSNS) v6 o5ed by the Horida Depurlmomi: of Rvorma as tin [quo iddialliers for tho administrAv oModda's ssNsobmined bviiu adalin"SlistiOD Collection orpirssil is qudiorPzcd vailowie and Hend And solect "ptiviloy'Notico" rat loolo infarroation rogaTding dicstalc and fcdcrid lawg6veming l"loc'Oficolion, =Orrclow OW3jilliluaingulahwiml oxfepilons, rnrtxrllrwnsx T;mM—G-4zom mish—w— - ------------ (Al l"ich additional pp." ii uc4assaty} nwws (SSNS) v6 o5ed by the Horida Depurlmomi: of Rvorma as tin [quo iddialliers for tho administrAv oModda's ssNsobmined bviiu adalin"SlistiOD Collection orpirssil is qudiorPzcd vailowie and Hend And solect "ptiviloy'Notico" rat loolo infarroation rogaTding dicstalc and fcdcrid lawg6veming l"loc'Oficolion, =Orrclow OW3jilliluaingulahwiml oxfepilons, DR -1 Page a ME 13. Has this business Qrdiy —ever Ee'en known by Yes No Ti :l, provide pwiou5nanw: 20, Does another name? Yes No 14. �fas tWabusiress entity ever bun issuedi,, cortificateof registration, certificate number or tax account numberby fie Florida Department 0 Yes 11, Sell productsor sorvicrs at retail (to consuiners)? of Na 15. Has ally owlict1proprietor, piltnor, officer, merabc; trustee, or theperson whose social seourity alambey is provided fii Items 8o or 12 over c, Porch ase or sell secondhand goods (see descripci on in (fie Salm and u8c,rhx section of the instructi ora, Feral DR -1 NV 1f you consign, buy or (ra Lit sacoadary been issuett a certlficat:D of reglstradqn, eertificato number or tax account number by the Florida Department of Revenue? Yes ON. 16, If yoti answered "Yee' to questions 14 or ,I. Name of parson or entity catacd on on of registration: (Form DR- IS). f 5, provide the name, address and certificate [2' d. Purobose or son salvage or scrnp metal to be rtcyckd? Ifyou obtain, purchase or converc fictrous or nonferrous metals into raw nintorial products, in addition to of registration aotaber for each business, b- Address of person or ernivy named Cyn cerdficite; of registration: regiat"Hug for salty alas And use tax, complete and siibnrit a Sceondhand Dealers andlor Secondwy kwk )catheterstForin DR -18). proprietor, owner„ partner, officer, mersbor or c. Certificate or ON acconin; number: 'Ell c, Sell products or goods from nonpermanent locations (such as fica matkots, or craft shows)? Le " 17. To yourknowledge, has ,I lz warrant ever been cited by the Florida Deporiment of Revenue nnlainst thi,, business dutity? 11 Ya LOO El 18. To your knowlalge, has a lax warrant ever been filed by the Florida DclIttimom ofRevenue agaiastany owner/proprictor. partner, off Il caibtr, 11 Yes trustee, or the peisonwhose socialsccurit nwnbo, is provided it) imu5 Sc 07 12? BUSINESS ACTIVITIES DESCRIPTION 19a. Describe the prixinary rtature of your business and list all activities, I C', PSI 4w— Rvaware, I(3401vavt as 0. t t3J140,9q products, and services. Include all of your taxable activities if known. 19b. If known, provide, yovir North Arnoricum lodustry Classification System (NAICS) Code(s). Enter your primary code-firat. To deternflno your NAfCS code -0 to PrimaTy Cok I— f 13 1 T--Fil I Jr�r 00 0110[] E-110000 EDE-1-100 F-1011111-11 iClGli§6tj 0 d6i General 20, Does your business or ro kx twit to each nerivfty with black or blue pen)t Yes No 11, Sell productsor sorvicrs at retail (to consuiners)? MEf r R b, Sell produces or services at wholesale (to registered dealcis who will soil to coustsuers)? c, Porch ase or sell secondhand goods (see descripci on in (fie Salm and u8c,rhx section of the instructi ora, Feral DR -1 NV 1f you consign, buy or (ra Lit sacoadary goods, in addition to raggistadlig for sales sad use, tax, coanpIde and submit a Dealers anc11br&,rmda)y (Form DR- IS). El [2' d. Purobose or son salvage or scrnp metal to be rtcyckd? Ifyou obtain, purchase or converc fictrous or nonferrous metals into raw nintorial products, in addition to regiat"Hug for salty alas And use tax, complete and siibnrit a Sceondhand Dealers andlor Secondwy kwk )catheterstForin DR -18). 'Ell c, Sell products or goods from nonpermanent locations (such as fica matkots, or craft shows)? Le " f Sell pio duels or goods by mail order wing catalogs or th a Triceruet? NO I!, sell prei,,aw Phone cards or calling arrallgonlents? El ly— hRent or lease commorcial red property to individuals orbusioesscs? L Rent or leme living orileepho, awommodadons to others for parlods ofsix wonths or less? J. manage the, rental or leasing of living or sleoping acconlinoditious belonging to others? Ej 2 k Rom equipment or otlior property or gaodq to individuaIg or businesses? 1. Rent or lea5enotorvaniclos to others? L m, Rcpafr or alter` covsumpr products or equipmenV? r-71 M 11, Charge adini'Istm or Membership fees? o, Place and at bosiness IQcad[casbefonl;iu.- to others? E Place and operate food orbeverage varbdl7zg 1JIaChinLB at business locations belongingto others?, vt icting g roadunes allwiness locations balonging to otherel q� P*e�nd oporate nonfood or nonbeverage n r. Operate-vg 120 continues on Page 4 WI -1 R.1011a , , P29e 4 Does Your business (check the yes or no bot nest to each ftefivity Yvith black or blue pen): RZs. Purchase items tiatyowivilt include in a tinishedprnduct assamhled or ananwhi:tartri for sale? Ezt' Purobasr, items for use, in your business that were not laxed by the seller when purchased (includes purchases through catalogs, the, Into met, or from Out-ofstato vendors)? Ile u, Use dyed diesel. fuel for, off-road purposes? V. PrffVide" ally dtho followilig services? If yes, chuck ate box next to each service you provide, 1-1 ti) Pest corarol services ror nonresidential baildings (4) Protection services 0 (2) Interior cleaning services for ronregidcrtial buildings (5) Security alarm system inonioaringservicea (3) Detective services Cohl-Operated Amusement Machines 21. Are coin-operated nmusenient in achin as operated at your business locations`?,.,...,.,.„. .......... . ............ ­­ ............. Ifilo,skip to(paition,22. a, Do you have a writlen agreement des[piadag a party oilier dian therpiplicant entivj as the operator of the aramemeat machinea at your location? 1—Y] If yes, provide name, address, and telephone number of machine opoaa0r: If no, also compleloan Applioflon -for Arnusenleat Machino Ccrt[Snate (Ponu DR -13), Name;relephone number:Nfallltlg address: City/Srue)w: Real Prop” Contractors 22, Do you Itaprove real property ft6 a wntraptor? .................... ................... ............. ........ . ......... ............. If yo.5, answer quo5tions a ­ d. If no, skip to question 21, a, Indicate your industryQatQb1orY(S) (chuck all that apply): Or'elldcntial 1:1 corTancroial 7hidustrial D.6111y Elb,idge/.ad b, � Doyou self ....... ......... ....... — ........... ............. — ....................... .... .......... ................ .............. C. Do you purdiaso rnaterials/sopplias frorn out-of-state vendors for use In your Florida prqjeO'V .......... ... ............ _'_ .................................... d. Do you. construct oemsemble building components away from your project sitea?_ ............... .......... ..................... .......... Moto Fuel Sales 23. Do you sell gasoline, diesel fuel, or 114fttion fuel at, hosted retail prices? .... ................... ........ ....... ......... R", If yes, compicte kem a, Ifrio, 6kil.) to cluts(ion 24, a. Check the, box next to tfie description that best describes your facl sales acrivitics, fuelhig 24, Do you gel) ............ [771 L�j Ifyos, If no, skip to qucstion 25, a. Fla yon Sail (al retail) new tires for motorizod vehicles that are sold separately or as part ofa v4lole'! b. Ooyou. sell loud -acid batteries that are sold soparwely or as such sac now Intomobiles, golf carts, orboats?,... ... ............... ................... ...... __ ................... ..................... .......... L ,k/! c, Do you rent or lease motorvehicWs that trans -Port fower than nine passengers w individuals or businesses? ............. ........... ___ ....... - ............... L_.Lj 2 5, Do on owu or operate a dr-Oeining plant or dry drop-off factIfty In Florida?_ ........ ....... ......... ................. ........... If yes, enclose the S30 dry-cleaning rkgiMralion f"_ IF on, continue to question 26. 26. Do you produce or import perchloroetlrylevw? ........ ......................... ............... ............... ......................... ........ — ......................... If yes, also complete a Florida Fuel or Pollotants"fax Applicotion (Form DR -156). If no, coraintie to qtiesdon 27, NOTE: In addition to rcgistQiing for Re=ploymeilt Tax, DR -1 Nim, Florida employers; mal5t register widz tha Florida Now Miro Reposing Centel, to report R /13 nowlylitimd and re -hired employees inMorida, for child support enforcement purposes, Visit 5 Florida employers are required to obtain appropriate workers' compensation insurance coycrtigG for their employces. Visit littp.,#v"yw.inygoridado,com/div.1stonmICI and click the Employer (ink, 27. Elavo you urriployed or will you employ Nvorkers ht the state of Florida? . . ........ .......... If m), skip Swim D (questions 28-39). Officers performing services for the corporation and recelving payment for such services (salary or distributions) are considered employees of the corporation for purposes of reemployment tax (RT). I 28, Is your Nishiss already registered —ind tied-vely payiiig Florida reemployment .......... ................. . ..... If yes, provide your RTAccount'Nomber end skip 11TAccount Number 0000000 29, Are you reactivating your rcemploymmit ta" uceount?.— ... ............. -- .............. ................. -- ....... .............. .......... E R, If yes, provide your RTAccount Number. i'r Accouot Number 0000000 A Employment type (check all that apply): E Regular employer (emplDyce leasing companies attach Domestic omptoycr (household & pmonM care) Agrictillwal (noncitres) employer a copy of Dqueuncat of Biisfiie8s & Profmional vibe Tribal unit M AD-riculwrif Hires) employer Regulatiull PBPR'j license) 0 't� cllprofit olgialiYadoll (anach a copy of y0ar 501(c)(3) 1-1 Gawromental entity detcrminmion lettorfrolo the IRS) FL Statc agnnvi(i provide Pirstsix digir; ofPLArR Org code El 1-111111-111 On what. date did you, or will you Erst QII)Pl oy Workers ill Florida? -- [-� Agriculicral craw chief z, If your employomit type is: a. Regatai-, Indian triberfribal unit, or Governmental employer ffilve You or will you ply grass, wages of at least $1,500 within a calendar quarter'? . ....... If yes, provide the date you rcachcd or will retich S1,500 gross wagm ............. ..... ............ ......... Slave you or will yon mliploy olla or more wor."cls for 20 or more weeks within a Calendar year? ............ If yes, provide the date of the 20th weela� ... ....... --.— ........... ........ .. . .............. --.11 FE1 1 . . ........ .... ............ El /E_I0 11000 ll. Nonprofit organization 14i've you or will yolt employ Am. or more work -ors for 20 or more weeks within a calell&r year! 4 . ...... ....... If yes, provide thic date of the 20th weck: .......... ................. 11/0000 c' Domestic employer "Have you orwill you pay gross wages of at leaq S1,000 within a, calendar quarter?............. — If"yes,providethedateyou........................................................ ... ...... 'j ............ d, ��grlcaltural (non-ditrus, citrus, or crew chief) employer Haw, yon orwitt you pay gross wages of at least S 10,000 within a calendar quiii-ter'? ", ............. . ............... .......................... [TT ifyei, provide th date you reached orwill reach $10,000 gross wages: . .... —.,— ......... Nave you 0r will you employ five or more workers for 20 or mora weokg within a calendar year'? ...... If yes, provide A e date oP the 20th wcok�'� .... . ..... ........... —.-001001 ........ ........... .......... DO- FID Have you paid federal unemployment tax is another store this year or last yr8r`?............................................................................................................. Ifyes"fawhiclisime: br. which year: ........ ....... ... ........ E E-1 ............. r-17,-171 E 34, Do you use the services of persons ja Florida whwu you consider to besotf-employed, indepcudent .....' LLJ If yes, also complete an POependent (RTS -6061) 35. Do yon I.-tisewotker,5 from an employce leasing company?-,., .... ......... If -yes, complete items a -f about the leasing compeaty and your leasing arrangement Leasing iompalty's MIN: EIAII Oha___LDitto oflcasbiatiArTan �orAcat: 36, List the locations where you emoloy workers inflorida. Address: City: primipal Produ r8emices, InItIcale ifF AdAtirdslyinhIc 11 ReTearck 1:1 Othm, Addmia: -Fr—Incttal —pmdkicu City: unty'. Ntwm;er ofeo;-j crsm—,Ice-s7'-V60rVI=. indicatt Z] Administrafivo � Ruai�ralx 0010r: C—� ayzes: 37. If ariotber party bool&eeper, agent) will maintain. your payroll, provide qiolbllcrwing information about the outer party: Individual or finn name:Federiq 7D 38, Mailing addresses for reemployment tax --All oorrespandertce about your reemployrnem tax account, returns, statements, rate notices, and claims and benefits inronnation, ,vill be mailed to fireaddress you provided in i(cm 6. Ifyou wish to have these documents mailed elsewhero, provide outer addresses below, tt. Rq)avfirta - Nfail Employer's Quailcrly Reports, catlirications, and COTTasporldonce related to reporting to (check one): O.Payroll address (item 3l) 00thll0clow Telephone numbov addmss: citylstozeZrp; ,mail addrom (check- ono); Payroll adehlss (kern 37) Ootharbelow Alt LTTZban manbcr. Wing address.citylsmtozlp� -mail address: C. Claims -)Mail notices of benefits paid acrd otlier correspandonce about claims and hanefiti to (chcok one): 1 7 -payroll address (i"m n ml"" bel. Wilinl- E-mail addres:tTeleph= number: 38, Mailing addresses for reemployment tax --All oorrespandertce about your reemployrnem tax account, returns, statements, rate notices, and claims and benefits inronnation, ,vill be mailed to fireaddress you provided in i(cm 6. Ifyou wish to have these documents mailed elsewhero, provide outer addresses below, tt. Rq)avfirta - Nfail Employer's Quailcrly Reports, catlirications, and COTTasporldonce related to reporting to (check one): O.Payroll address (item 3l) 00thll0clow Telephone numbov addmss: citylstozeZrp; ,mail addrom (check- ono); Payroll adehlss (kern 37) Ootharbelow Alt LTTZban manbcr. Wing address.citylsmtozlp� -mail address: C. Claims -)Mail notices of benefits paid acrd otlier correspandonce about claims and hanefiti to (chcok one): 1 7 -payroll address (i"m n ml"" bel. DR -I R, 10113 Page 7 39, Do you sell cornuautaacadaaza services; purchase communications services to Integrate Into prepaid calling arriangcUlcuts; 01' are YOU applYing for a direct pa tax?_� Y perMit for Winniunicatio its services .......... ..... ............. .......... If yes, cheak the box next to each service you sell, and answer questions 4043, If no, skip Section E . (questions 40-43), Telephone service. (Le, local, long distauco, wireless or,VQIP) Video service (o&, television progararningg) El Psgigse,*,, 0 Facsimile (f'v'o scry Ice. (not in the course of advenising or profasalonal services) Pay talaphorre, service 0 ROSCIler (only sales for tussle; no sales to retail customers) Purchase services to Integrate into prepaid calling arrangenionts El Other ser*6s; please describe: 40, raren,for it direct pay permit for corilmunicaticits services tax?,_ .... .......... ........ .......... ............ . ................ [ If yes, also complete an PayPerinit (Foran DR -700030), 41. In order to cInwgQ ilie correct amount od' tax, you most know the Taxiii.-jurisdiction in which your Qustomem are located, How will you verify the correct assignment of customer, location to taxing jurisdiction? If you rse multipl o databases, check all drat apply, if yon sell wily pay telephone or direct-toho)re satellite services, provide prepaid callin.- arrangements, are a reseller, or are applying for it direct pay porulit, skip to item 43 0 1. An eleatroiric database provided by the Dopartinat, 0 1 Your own database that will be cerilfied by the Departrwrt; to apply for caiiifloittion, you must complete an Application for Certification of Conutninloations Services Database (Form DR -700012), 3, Adatabase Supplied bynyoudor. f 1 4, ZIP44,1nd a indhodcIngy for assignment wlien ZIP aodos overlap jurkdictiorts. 5. ZIP+4 that does nor overlap jtrisdioduns (tq., a hotel located in onejurisdiction), 6, None of ilia abovic. '2. If You wish to be eligible frir both collection allawarices, check Mitebox below. See histmetions; for explanation. 01 will fljc two separate eommunications sarvices too ceturoglin ordct, to maximize my collection allowana. 41 Name and contact itil'brination of the,rtirinaggcrial representative who can answer questions chain filed tax Team: 44. Do you make sales, finalized by written financing agreements, drat ave not recorded [)y— ilia Clerk of the Court, but do require doctmuacratnr s stamp tax. to he paid" ....... ........ __ ....... __ ............... ............... — ...... .... . ..... — ........... f; complete horns a -b. If na, skip to clucrtion 45. a. Do you art tiripme, five or more hausactions subjea to docurnornary sairnp Tax per month? .......... ........... ... ............ ........... ........ . ......... b, Will books and records be kept at locations !it addition. to tine location providM for itom 54 .. ...... .......... ............... ifyos,providvluationiaroniiatioii; . ........... . Address: . . . Address Malting P -mall address: tiDri F;�`,OAM6 '$oj'66ttO:P' 0 OL Ment ary Stamp -Tai 44. Do you make sales, finalized by written financing agreements, drat ave not recorded [)y— ilia Clerk of the Court, but do require doctmuacratnr s stamp tax. to he paid" ....... ........ __ ....... __ ............... ............... — ...... .... . ..... — ........... f; complete horns a -b. If na, skip to clucrtion 45. a. Do you art tiripme, five or more hausactions subjea to docurnornary sairnp Tax per month? .......... ........... ... ............ ........... ........ . ......... b, Will books and records be kept at locations !it addition. to tine location providM for itom 54 .. ...... .......... ............... ifyos,providvluationiaroniiatioii; . ........... . Address: . . . Address � gip_ - 45. Do you oven or operate alocif electric or natural or ininufactured gas (excluding 0 gas) utility distribution facility in FlQvlda?--- .......... EN? If yes, check 111(t items below that apply ,aid answer qt)cstion b. If iio, strip to qtiesdoa 46, 11131ectrichy EINatuval Or manufactured gas b, Do you import into Florida natural or manufactured Tas (excluding IT nas) for your own tau instead of pul,chasiDgtixablo otift at (�:e 0—'i 46, DO you extract oil, gas, sulfur, solid minerals, phosphate rock or li,eavy minerals from the soils or waters ofrIovld0......................................... Ifyes, check fl)e box next to each activity you are engaged inffno, skip to question P. 1, Extracting oil for sale, transport, tforago, profit, or commercial Ilse, b. Extracting gas focsile, transport, profit, or commercial use, C. Bx(maing sulfur for sale, transport, storage, profit as- commercial use, d. P"Kiracring solid raiueraK phosphate rook, or heavy ininerais from 110 soil or water for commercial Ilse. O. Extracting limo rock or sand from widlin the. Miami -Dade County Ldte Ut Armi (see s, 373.4149, R& for boundury description), �4,,e r!pn tc 47. Do you ivish to enroll to file and pay taxes, fees, "Itid Surellarges electronically?,,.,...., ....... . ......... ....... coniplee this section ifyou wish to electronically file and pay all taxes, fees and stlychirge's resulting from this regisimion, if an electronic option e.,�jstj. Elicil will have tile sarrio filing told paying cotcts, bankingr infornimion and method orpaynio)l, Tfyou wish to enroll each ; neporm) y (e.g., dffibeent contacts, banking iii.forniation, melttads ofpaynient) you may do so online after yo4 have received all certificate and account numbers fbllmving this registration. For dowiled information about the e -Services program,seetile insttlactiDiu; (Form DR -1 N) or Bo to )Ywiv.jnyflorldi,wtn1dDr and select Enroll for tax 48. Contact Person for Electronic Nyivan(s 49, Coutaet Person for Electronic Rctlu*rt Hing RChock if saint as oontact person for eleclroniD payments, 0 Tl—nflc dram; cily1suatc0p: a company etraployee a non -related tax preparer the Party nrimcd in item 37 49, Coutaet Person for Electronic Rctlu*rt Hing RChock if saint as oontact person for eleclroniD payments, 0 50, CliooeyoiiriiIiiigjpaymeiitmetbod: �,� vlib' Electrouically Pay Elootrorrin, tly (select one): ACH-Debit (e -check) ACH-Credit ACH-Debit (e -check) is the action taken when Ilia Depatunent's bank withdrawsa tax payment frons the taxpayers liank accountapon the taxpayer's arAorization; the taxpayer's bank account is debited. ACH-Cradit is the action tal-an when the taxpayin's bank transfers at tax, p8yrnerit to the Department's bank accauait; the Departmerift accotun; is credited, IAS is trot a cradit card paylnolu. cily1suatc0p: T—nl�iE company employee llanon-related tax prepwer LIthoparty named initdo0-7 Vtdoml PTIN (if tv prcparcr): 50, CliooeyoiiriiIiiigjpaymeiitmetbod: �,� vlib' Electrouically Pay Elootrorrin, tly (select one): ACH-Debit (e -check) ACH-Credit ACH-Debit (e -check) is the action taken when Ilia Depatunent's bank withdrawsa tax payment frons the taxpayers liank accountapon the taxpayer's arAorization; the taxpayer's bank account is debited. ACH-Cradit is the action tal-an when the taxpayin's bank transfers at tax, p8yrnerit to the Department's bank accauait; the Departmerift accotun; is credited, IAS is trot a cradit card paylnolu. �L :Banking Inferinat ion (not required for ACH-Credit payment iriuthod)� 52, DR -1 R. 10113 Page 9 a. Bank1finariolil institution riainer b, Account typ a: Business, or 11 PQrsurill And ChackLn.-, or 11 savings c, Bank- accowit number.d. Bank-Roufiq Morbor Now Due to federal security requirements, we cannot process international ACI -1 transactions. If any funding for pqrrients comes from financial ittstitruitigs located outside doe US oy its territories, please contact us to roake otber payment arrangements. If yoii are insure, pkise contact your firiancial institution. tnrollee AntTIM117.111tioll al)(1 This is an jx1pecitient between the Florida Department ol`Revenue, tibrobiaftor "die Department," and the bo5hicss entitynamed lierein, hereinafter "the Eorolla�' entered into Oceording to ilia provisions of the Florida &&W and the Florida Administrative Code, By completing tbis agreement aind submitting this eurolfunent request, the, Enrollto applies and is hereby authorised by tjic. Npartment to file tax returns and reports, make tax and fee payments, and traqrflit TaMiMn"S to the Departincnt e(ectirciftally This agreement represents the entire understanding of ilie. pasties; in relation to flee dentronic filing ofreturis, reports, And remittances, The same statute and rule provisions that pertain to ,ill paper dociarienks filed, orpayments made by the Enrollee also govern an elecutindc return, or payment initiated electronically according to this a.-C"ment. I certify that I am aulliorized to sign on belialrof die lanshiess; entity identified herein, and that all information provided in this document has been parscamlly reviewed by me And the facts stated in it tire tmp- According to t1w payincrit method sefwed above, I hereby authorize the Depacirtiont to present debit entries into the bank accoont referenced above at the depository designated licrobi. (ACI -T -Debit), crr T am authorized to rogkter for ilia ACH-Credit payment privile.ge AM accept all responsibility for file filing of payments flirough the ACH-Cndit method,, siguarnro:— 'title: Printed Second Signature: (if oecotiat reqpires nvo At D)arares) Printed You must initial nem to each responsIbilky listed below to indiwe that you have read, aclinowledge, and understand each ona. Your applicnOon will be rejet(ed li`qny pnrf ortbis svethin is left blarik. T understand it is my roaponsobilily to timely notify the Depnrinient of Rcvorone orany changes of business; stroortne, adivitios, location, mailing address or contact, information, I understand thit any person who is rquired to collect, truthfully account for, And pay Any tax, sutelintgo, or foe, And willfully fails to do so shall be personally liabld.ror penalties and twice Theamount of to, tinder the provisions of A. 213,29, ES, Maddifli to any other ponahics provided bylaw, inchiding civil purtaltleg, I understand Miacrinihial offense to: Fall orrdi)so to register (a hitt, registration fi,,c co -penalty mayako be imposed), Not timely Afc a tax raturri or report, uliderreport a tax, suMiargo or tee Liability on a renim or report filed, iia Fait orreflisoTo coll"t a requirM tax, surcharge or fee, Not remit a collucicd tax, surcharge, or fee. lyfolie a votlhlss,,i clicck, draft, debit card payment, or elceironte foads transfer to the Departin6tz DR -1 Page its AuthoAzed on your business structure, only the followilmPrincipal Persons maysIgn OR application . If the applicant is a sole proprietor, the individual owner rullst sign. * If the applicant is a partnership, a general partner must sip If die applivint is a. coiporatioa, an incorporator or offlcer must sign, If lbe applicant is a limited liability company, i rngtnbor or rumager, (if wadloa%ed by the trembers) must sip, Trthe applicant is a tract, the grantor or a tnesft must sigo. If the applicant is all estate, the personal tropreseittative, executor or executris: must sign, If the applicant iso government agency, an offlaial attdwrizcd to sign on behalfof die agency must sign, Note; The person signing tile, appliefition must be listed under' Item 12 hi the Waesi Structure & Ownership section, ApplicantAttestailoa, Declaration, aria Slgu2tol'L Undlir penalties of peljury,I attost that I ala the spplica,at,r that I a authorized principal or the qP11caxt entity Ideatifled herehi,ruld also declare that I have aced i mad the fnro;4—atioll�provldcd oil this app)k4tion and that lie facts s �nt,14`n it are rrw. Printed name: )mato; Amount enclosed: S W*. S 5 fee - Salds tax registratio for till' noss location or rental property totaled i3l'Florida Ila e Tegisoruion f6j- dry cleaners I bi $3 0 fee -'Sol id vi s te fee su �11'a "nv:t,�, T10,10" A CKUJST-J,O:� ST;PRO qfiqV db ;=tib�q lWapp loatlon- 01 M , TI 4 Ud V i xn1ll11 erSTOP);YC Ong r.i,appropqa zxegp i4l, �Y__� OT Sao X&@ i osENqe;,6 iY -AtfdbEA,ei'q Itec if �Rtftibxt'646 i 16 w G liW r S,4 �Oh Db E] El Co ritrut C}k _ RT Ao� 666tra�;i 61 Written Legal Opinion Synovia Solutions, LLC 80 Safety, Savings and Service ATTACHMENT K OPINION OF OUT-OF-STATE PROPOSER'S ATTORNEY ON BIDDING PREFERENCES (Mist be cornplcted by the Many far an Oat -of -State Bidder) NOTICE: The State of Florida provides a Proposer's preference for Florida vendors for the purchase of personal property, The local preference Is five (5) percent. Proposers outside the State of Florida must have an Attorney, licensed to practice law in the out-of—state jurisdiction, as required by Florida Statute 287.084(2), execute the "Opinion of Out -of -State Proposer's Attorney on Bidding Preferences" form and must submit this form with the submitted bid, Such opinion should permit SBBC's reliance on such attorney's opinion for purposes of complying with Florida Statute 287.084, FLORIDA PROPOSERS MUST ALSO COMPLETE ITS PORTION OF THE FORM. FAILURE TO SUBMIT AND EXECUTE THIS FORM, WITH THE PROPOSAL, SHALL RESULT IN PROPOSAL BEING CONSIDERED NON-RESPONSIVE" AND PROPOSAL REJECTED, --- The Proposer's principal place of business is in the State of anti It Is my legal opinion that the laws of that state danal arnnt a oreference. in the lofting of any or all public contracts to business entities whose principal places of business are In that state, The Proposes principal place of business is In the State of --- �—ndlalla_-- and It is my legal opinion that the laws of that state grant the following preference(s) in the letting of any or all public contracts to business entities whose principal pieces of business are in that state, [Please describe applicable preference(s) and identify applicable state law(s)]: —Indiana Code Chapter 5-22-15 (for description, please refer to Attachment K-1 The undersigned attorney submits the foregoing opinions with the intention that they be relied upon by The School District of St, Lucie County, Florida in the letting of public contracts Signature- of out4-state Proposer's aftorne . -`-A - Printed name of out-of-state Proposer's attorney: -michael Address of cut -of -state Proposer's attorney; KdV�g DeVault LLP One Indiana 8quarr,, 80e 2800, Indfanapolls, IndJann 46204 Telephone Number of out-of-stato Proposer's attorney: (-117 ) - . - jzE Email address of out-of-state Proposes attorney; rnWIIIIamo@,W1e91I,corn Attorney's state(s) of bar admission: -Lrldlarla A T7'ORNEYS ORIVIONAND SIGNA TURE NOT "LORIDABIDDERS (Mast Select One) — The Proposer'&p(incipal place of business Is in the political subdivision of St, Lucie County, Florida. — The Proposers principal place of business is In the political subdivision of and it is my legal opinion that the laws of that political subdivision do not grant a preference in the letting of any or all public contracts to business entities whose principal places of business are in that politicel division. -- The Proposer's principal place of business is In the political subdivision of and It is my legal opinion that the laws of that political subdivision grant the following preference(s) in the letting of any or all public contracts to business entities whose principal places of business are In that political subdivision: [Please describe applicable preference(s) and identify applicable authority granting the preference(s)j: RFP 15-08 Page 1 of 1 Page ATTACHMENTK-1 The relevant chapter of the Indiana Code addressing Indiana's preferences in the letting of public contracts to business entities whose principal places of business are in Indiana is found at Indiana Code § 5-22-M The chapter applies to (1) purchases of supplies -under Article 22 by a govern -mental body, a state educational institute, ,in instrumentality of the state that performs essential governmerit functions on a statewide or local basis, and the state lottery commission, and (2) purchases made under § 5-17-1 (Purchases of Personal Property by State Agencies), M Governaiental bodies may adopt rules giving preference to Indiana businesses that submit an offer for purchase -under Article 22 if (1) an out-of-state business also submits an offer for the purchase and (2) the out-of-state business is frown a state that gives purchase preferences unfavorable to Indiana businesses. § 5-22-15-20(c), These rules cannot give a preference to Indiana businesses that is more favorable than the other states preference is to the other state's business. § 5-22-15-20(e). Part of Indiana's program is the Buy Indiana preference, which lowers an Indiana business's bid price by a pre -determined amount based upon the site of the State's purchase. The .statute provides the definition of an "Indiana business" for purposes of this preference. § 5-22- 15-20.5(b). Specifically, the statute provides a preference for supplies purchased from an Indiana business of 1% on purchases of $1 million or greater, 3% on purchases of at least $500,000 but less than $1 million; and 5% on purchases of less than $500,000, § 5-22-15-20.5(d). The sanic statute also provides an additional preference that is available to an Indiana business if (1) that business offers to provide supplies manufactured, assembled, or produced in Indiana; and (2) two or more submitted bids were the same. § 5-22-15-20.5(e), It provides a preference of 1% on purchases of $1 million or greater; 2% on purchases of at least $500,000 but less than $1 million; and 3% an purchases of -'less than $500,000, § 5-22-15-20.5(c). If a business wants to claim these preferences, it must follow all the guidelines in § 5-2215-20.5(f). The Chapter also provides a price preference for supplies purchased from local businesses. § 5-22-1.5-20.9. The statute provides the defixiition of a"local Indiana business" and "affected county" for purpose of this preference. § 5-22-15-20,9(b) and (o). Specifically, the statute provides a preference for supplies purchased -from a local Indiana business of 1% on purchases of $100,000 or greater; 3% on purchases of at least $50,000 but Less than $100,00; and 5% on purchases of less than $50,000, § 5-22-15-290.9(d). If a business wants to claim this preference, it must follow all the guidelines in § 5-22-15-20.9(f). Lastly, there is also a price, preference for supplies to Indiana small businesses, A governmental body shall give a 15% preference for supplies to an Indiana -small busixiess that submits an offer -for purchase tinder Article 22. § 5-22-15�23 (a). A "small business" is a business is defined in § 5.22-14-1n There ate, other Indiana-basod preferences noted in this Chapter as well. For example, an absolutepreference is given to coal ruined in Indiana, § 5-22-15-22. Also, a governmental entity may give up to a 10% preference for agricultural products grown, produced, or processed in Indiana, § 5-22-15-215, 'We have not conducted extensive analysis on. all laws and regulations that may provide some additional proBerence to Indiana based. companies, Accordingly, there may be other laws, regulations, Executive Orders, or other authorities that grant some preference to Indiana -based companies. Business Proposal — Envelop or Box "B" Attachment A — Cost of Services I. Cost Proposal Kim Albritton Coordinator • Business Services School Distdct of St. Lucie County Purchasing Department 4204 Okeechobee Road Ft. Pierce, FL 34947 sy ovia'. We are providing a response -to Proposal No, 15-08, GPS System and Installation for District Vehicles (Buses and White Fleet), In this letter I will describe our Company, GPS -driven Fleet Tracking Solution and Pricing Model for Synovia Solutions, Company: Synovia Solutions (Synovia) has been providing GPS -.driven transportation management solutions to the public sector (municipalities and school districts) since 2000 and we have deployed our Solution on over 75,000 vehicles throughout North America. We are, subject matter experts who understand your need to stretch every dollar and to be good stewards of the taxpayers' monies. There is an ongoing market requirement to provide solutions that will increase savings, enhance safety and improve service. GIBS -driven Fleet Tracking SOILItion: SilverliningTM is Our hosted, Software as a Service (SaaS) solution that is easy-to-use and since it is Web -enabled, simple to deploy across your organization. You will get real-time information and have the flexibility to go back in time and replay an event ox run a report to confirm what really happened -- "Mr./Ms. Smith, the school bus was on your street at 6:25arn this morning..," Pricing Model: Synovia Insurance, or Synsurance"111 for short, enables LIS to provide a turnkey solution with no upfront costs and a simple monthly, all-inclusive fee that beCOM8S self -funding in months, With Synsurance, everything is covered including hardware warranty over the length of the agreement. We take care of all installation and training and if something breaks, we fix it at no additional charge. Arid all pricing is fixed over the life of the contract. We also provide spare hardware so that YOU can quickly make• a change if a unit stops functioning. Synovia Solutions, LLC 1 Safety, Savirigs and Service We can work with any cellular vendor including Sprint, T -Mobile and AT&T, However, you can purchase Verizon services off of the Florida State contract that will entitle you to a heavily discounted rate (pennies per vehicle per rnonth) that will radially reduce Your total cost of ownership for the overall solution. Synsurance includes the following components., FJ Reliable Hardware Lifetime Use and Warranty Spare Hardware (2% of fleet) Ell Powerful Software > Hosted Solution Ll On -demand, Drill -down Reports 0 Scheduled Reports EJ Maps and Weather Overlay 0 Geofence Reporting 0 Alerts 13 Integration with Routing Software 0 Key Performance Indicators, (KPI) Dashboard LJ Engine Diagnostics Q Driver Behavior Monitoring El Speeding 0 Harsh Braking 0 Harsh Acceleration 11 Harsh Turning Q Engine Idling > Software as a Service (SaaS) Q Unlimited Number of Users Q Unlimited Training > Updates and Upgrades 0 Scalable Services > Hardware Installation > Software Implementation > Training (on-site, online & video) Toll-free Support Line Project Management > Rapid Response Support El Dependable Verizon Data Plan (purchased off of the Florida State Contract) > Best Nation-wide Coverage and Backup El Affordable Financial Terms > No Upfront Investment > No Hidden Costs > No Extra Costs > No Price Increases > One Monthly All-inclusive Service Fee > Self -funding (typically within 90 days) SY110Via SOlUdOrIS, LLC 2 Safety, Savings and Service Synsurance also includes these guarantees: 1. 99% Uptime Uptime is defined as the functionality of the Silverlining software as it performs on the entire fleet. If it goes down, we have a cure period of 4 hours or we credit you one day's charge for your entire fleet. An extraordinary event involving the data carrier would not quality for this credit, 2. Lifetime Hardware Warranty with Replacements As long as you are on an active/current Synsurance Agreement, we will replace any Synovia Solutions supplied hardware located on the vehicle at no charge assuming normal troubleshooting protocol has preceded the request with no resolution. 3. V Occurrence Fix or We Pay Your Support call related to our software is considered a 16{ Occurrence until it is fixed. If the same issue requires another support call within 30 days, we will credit you one day's charge for your entire fleet. Blue Bird Corporation and Synovia Solutions announced a partnership in October 2013 by which Blue Bird customers can get Synovia's GPS solution factory installed as an option. Starting in February 2014, all Blue Bird new buses will come with a Synovia GPS wire harness, installed at the factory to simplify adding GPS later on if it is not ordered with'the bus. Blue Bird selected Synovia after careful research in the marketplace to find the, company with the best solution for the K-12 market. Synovia is honored to offer the industry's most advanced and reliable solution along with unmatched service and delivery, In our pricing proposal, we have included options to purchase or to pay monthly through a Municipal Lease, The Municipal Lease includes a funding out in the event that you do not get funds appropriated for the next fiscal year. This means that You can get out of the agreement with no penalty, if the funds are not appropriated. I am authorized to negotiate the contract and please contact me if you have questions about our solution at 978 202-8604. Best Regards, Bill Westerman Synovia Solutions, LLC bwesteri-naii@_synoyiasolufions.got P,S, The best way to see the value of Silverlining is to schedule a product demo. Synovia Sokitions, LLC 3 Safety, Savings and Service Alachua School District Bay County Florida Charlotte County Public Schools Chenmed City ofWest Melbourne Clay County Schools DUoF|pu Duval County Public Schools EscambiaCpSchool Board Family Health Centers ofSouthwest Florid F|ag|erCounty School District Franklin County Schools Glenns Greenery Grace Roofing HUkbmruughCounty Public Schools Hillsborough County Public Schools 'Food Jefferson County Public Schools Lee County Public Schools Leon County Public Schools Maintenance Department Manatee County School District Marion CouutySchool Board (FL) Nassau County BOCC Orange County Public Schools Pinellas County School Board Sarasota County Schools School Board ofAlachua County, FL School District ofOsceola County StLucie County Public Schools The School District ofPalm Beach County Washington County School District Waterfront Rescue Mission Synovia Solutions, LIC 4 Safety, Savings and Service Request for Proposal GPS System and Installation for, District Vehicles (Buses and White Fleet) School District of St. Lucie County RFP # 15-08 Proposers must utilize this form to submit their overall cost proposal. Blank lines are included for proposers to list the add-on items, Proposers may copy this sheet if more lines are needed to detail items within their proposal, Proposers must include a total cost in the required line to be considered responsive. The cost of services should include a detailed list of all vendor provided hardware, related soft -ware, installation, training support, maintenance, etc. required to Implementthis project, The pricing shall include all equipment: and supplies needed to install a complete system as outlined in this proposal. The Solution should be priced in two ways, a price for upfront purchase of equipment and then. a monthly or yearly cost for software and other expenses for a 5 year term, as well as a monthly or yearly cost for a lease purcli.ase agreement for a 5 year term for all items. Data pricing should be listed separate from other monthly rates. The required solution should be priced and then an acid -on price per option included as described above. For add-on options, please state ifthe option is available as a stand-alone product and the cost as a stancialone if different (you may list the Item twice if the cost varies, based on standalone or package price), Installation of new units and removal of old units should be included as part of the pricing, Proposal should state warranty period for Units and how warranty Is administered, including if there is an allowance for spare units. i. Print Na-.rne .__Bill Westerman_--,—,---.--,,-, Authorized Signature Page 34 of 35 L R t Upfront purchase of equipment (School Bus) 458RB/vehicle Monthly or yearly cost for software and other expenses for a $ 14.22/month/vehicle 5 year term (include terms, I.E. $10/month for 60 months) 60 months Data Rate Plan Costs (corresponds to above items). Please 9.99 cents MB/month separate the data plan costs. If necessary provide the MB Florida State Contract or G _�,B MTFI on separate sheet. _ l ve .A�Iet (Lq__ Monthly or yearly cost for a lease purchase agreement for a $ 21,87/month/vehicle 5 year term for all items (include terms, LE, $10/month for 60 months 2 60 months) Data Rate Plan Costs (corresponds to above items), Please 9,99 cents MB/month separate the data plan costs. Provide the MB or GB/MTIJ Florida State Contract options on a separate sheet. (2 MBIvehirle typical) 3 Removal of old units and installation of new units $ 275 per vehicle (one time cost) TOTAL LINES 1-r 3 (equipment purchase) $ 1,599.07 - 60 nionths TOTAL LINES 2 + 3 (equipment lease) $ 1,599.07 - 60 months StWn3d ADD-ON OPION S Alone PRICE Tablet/Mobile Data 'rerminal: Turn -By -Turn Directions for Substitute $ 650/vehicle Drivers, Driver Time, And Attendance, Pre -Post Trip Inspection, Two- purchase 4 way Messaging to Drivers, Emergency Button, Student Tracking for No or Special Needs $ 10.83/mo/ lease i. Print Na-.rne .__Bill Westerman_--,—,---.--,,-, Authorized Signature Page 34 of 35 Request for Proposal. CPS System and Installation for District Vehicles (Buses and White Fleet) School District of St, Lucie County RFP if 15-08 Price snbmittal is valid tnili'l-_-Pecember 31, 2014—_ i Name of Company ------ VnjLv Ht_1_Qn_s_JL C Print Nanie__jWj_Wg5Le n Phone Nurnber__978 202-8604—_-Einall Addres Autlicrized Signature UL-1*1 t__6)1210M Page 34 of 35 Student Tracking for General Needs with Barcode $200.12/vehicle 5 purchase No or $ 3.34/mo/ vehicle - lease Next Generation Route Planning Software 6 BusPlanner Purchase: $ 20,000 Annual Starting in Year 2: $ 4,000 BusPlannerWeb: $ 20,000 Annual Starting in Year 2: $ 4,000 BusPlanr)er[)elays: $ 5,000 Annual Starting in Year 2: $ 1,000 BusPlanner GPS: $ 20,475 Annual Starting in Year 2: $ 4,725 BusPlanner Info: $ 6,000 Annual Starting in Year 2,. $ 1,000 Training: $ 2,500 Implementation: $ 30,650 Hosting, $ 15,000 Annual Stating in Year 2: $ 15,000 rotah $129,625 $29,725 7 77777777777 A .kTY`,,, ND. Hardware warranty covers the full 60 month 1.1 Ust warranty periods agreement - spare units equal to 2% of the contracted vehicles Included n 0 (na -ra- change 12 Per Unit Pricing to add additional CPS units, as needed (separate $1,599X - 60 niontlis Bus & White Fleet if necessary) per school bits I. )Pricing for Renewal Option Year 1 - Percent Increasejfany_ _0_% 11. Pricing for 1tenewa.1 Option Year 2 - Percent. Increase, if any___0 ,—..% 111. Pricing for Renewal Option Year 3 -Percent increase, if any_0__% Price snbmittal is valid tnili'l-_-Pecember 31, 2014—_ i Name of Company ------ VnjLv Ht_1_Qn_s_JL C Print Nanie__jWj_Wg5Le n Phone Nurnber__978 202-8604—_-Einall Addres Autlicrized Signature UL-1*1 t__6)1210M Page 34 of 35 Request for Proposal GPS System and Installation for District Vehicles (Buses and White Fleet) School District of St. Lucie County RFP # 15-08 Proposers must utilize this form to submittheir overall cost proposal. Blank lines are included for proposers to list the add-on items, Proposers may copy this sheet if more lines are needed to detail items within their proposal. Proposers must include a total cost in the required line to be considered responsive. The cost of services should include a detailed list of all vendor provided hardware, related software, installation, training, support, maintenance, etc. required to implement this project, The pricing shall include all equipment and supplies needed to install a complete system as outlined in -this proposal. The solution should be priced in two ways, a price for upfront purchase of equipment and then a monthly or yearly cost for software and, other expenses for a S year term, as well as a monthly or yearly cost for a lease purchase agreement for a 5 year term for all items. Data pricing should be listed separate from other monthly rates. The required solution should be priced and then an add-on price per option included as described above. For add-on options, please state if the option is available as a stand-alone product and the cost as a standalone if different (you may list the item twice if the costvaries based on standalone or package price), Installation of new units and removal of old units should be Included as part of the pricing, Proposal should state warranty period for units and how warranty is administered, including if there is an allowance for spare units, Print Name ---Bill Ai.ithorized Page 34 of 35 6'' 1EVIRE �SO Tim 1 M ERIC Upfront purchase of equipment (White Fleet— OBDII) $ 21,3.60/vehicle Monthly or yearly cost for software and other expenses for a $ 10.22/month/vehicle 1 S year term, (include terms, LE. $ 1 0/month for 60 months) 60 months Data Rate Plan Costs (corresponds to above items). Please 9,99 cents MB/montii­ separate the data plan costs. If necessary provide the MB Florida State Contract, car NTTIa on separate sheet, 2 vekicto* dy�xc __ Monthly or yearly cost for a lease Purchase agreement for a $ 13.78/month/vehicle 5 year terra for all items (include terms, 1,13, $10/month for 60 months 2 60 months) Data Rate Plan Costs (corresponds to above items), Please ~ 9.99 cents MB/month separate the data plan costs. Provide the MB or GB/MTH Florida State Contract options on a separate sheet, (2 31BIvehicle typical) 3 F a (Self Install OBDIFUnit) TOTAL LINES 1, + 3 (equipment purchase) $ 838.79 - 60 months TOTAL LINES 2 + 3 (equipment lease) $ 938,79 - 60 nionths Stind ADD-ON orriONS Alone PRICE N" 4 Print Name ---Bill Ai.ithorized Page 34 of 35 Request for Proposal GPS System and installationWarDistrict Vehicles (Buses and White Fleet) School District of St, Lucie County RFP A 15-08 5 6 7 8 9 10 777777777 77777�7`f,.7777-7777 W, NT VAOA ;PER 11 List warranty periods Hardware warranty covers the full 60 month agreement - spare units equal to 2% of the contracted vehicles Included n extra char e —_7 12 Per Unit Pricing to add additional GPS units, as needed (separate Bus &White Fleet If necessary) .79 - 60 months white ervehicle 1. Pricing for Renewal Optian Year 1 - Percent lncreisejfany—O--% 11. Pricing for Renewal Option Year 2 - Percent Increase, if any _—O ---'Yo -FH,Pricing for —Renewal Option rear 3 --P e-t-�-c-e—iitl—iicr—ea-se,—if-,iri—y--" o Price submittal is vall d until—December 3 1., 2014_— Name 014 -- Name of Company- IS Print Name . ..... =-Wiar Phone Numb er 978 202-86q4//_{- Ercall AuthorizedSi2nature Page 34 of 35 CERTIFICATE OF 1YESIGNATION OF REGISTEREA D AGENUREGMERED'OFFICE PUkSlJ;kliTT0T1--fE PROVISTOM OF SE'CTION 605;411 or 605.0902.(I)(d), FLORIDA STAT TES,T1lE,.UXDf',,R IGNED-ISMITFI)LIA Y SUBMIT$ TDR .Q .$ — I - 1 1. , MLITY COMPAN" FOLI,OWII',TG'S'rA!fL-'Mf,'N'I'TO.DESIGNA'fE, A REGISTERED OP.".P'.f(".FiSND 'RE(il�'I',F,;R)C�,D AGr,,NWP INTHE STATE,"OF FLORIDA, I: The, name of the Limite,d Liabil.ity Comgany.is;. If uhavaildble, the altekhatv to be.used in the S'l.ate of Florida is; 2. The name End the'rtorida street addr," of ffi� registcrcd agent and office are: LnV FJpdl.daSh'"t..Addrq4s (P.OBox NOTACCLzPTADIt) Fl, City/State/Zip ffqyli,g bej'?'z 17014ed as ond to ('�CGejl $ervi�d 0 f y�Y'odeysfQr'th a'bove Mited I , bhRed llob flity cars ;rant at the pla ce deFi,gnates1"" dhlce ppom wient els, Ifitrtheragreeio-carry pl J'all n. q owrandqa#pWep&fb�in�4 j)try dirties, dridl'dMpWlkjl wifli and accept -the, o b11,4qflons qf 111.3, posiylp.n as, re Y�Vrg 'mVasp?.0vldqdArlpl (Sign, i�w 160.00 Filing Fee. oi- Application Doijgliafibi! of Re.gktefed Ag( -',,hl' Q...0.0 Cer(IrW Copy (opticmal) 8 5.00 Certificate of SiAt mg (ppdopal) ST ATE OF JNDIXNA OFF, ICE OF THE SECRBTARY O' STATE CERTIFICATE OF EXISTENCE To Whom These Presents Come, Greetings: 1, Connie Lawson, Secretary or State of Indiana, do hereby certify that I am, by virtue of the laws of the State of Indiana, the custodian of the corporate records, and proper official to execute this certifixcate� I further certi.i r that records of this office disclose that SYNOVIA SOLUTIONS LLC duly filed the requisite documents to commence business activities urider the laws of State of Indiana on September QS, 201,2, and was in existence. or authorized to transact business in the State of Indiana on September 03, 2014, 1 -further ccxtifj� this Domestic Limited Liability Company (LLC) .has filed its most recent report required by Indiana law with the Secretary of State, or is not yet required to file such report, and that no notice of withdrawal, dissolution or expiration has been filed or taken place. N In In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the State of Indiana, at the city of Indianapolis, this Third Day of September, 2014. Connie Lawson, Secretai-y of State 2012090700088 / 2014090357294 TO: Registration Sect!, on Olvisloll lif Corpal-ations cmmm COVER LE TTLI R Name of tlmad )�iability, Company Im itad Li�bfiftytornptmy tot Aufho-ri2zitsOti:icy Trlans,,,ipt:Businoss,'iii FloHdi,l! Certificate of Existent e, and check are submitted to register the above referenced foreign limited liability co4ap, * �6 tr, y in0dut busffies& in Florida.. Please iotbly : n -all roi-rospondionco'concemingthis matter to tfte f6lloV)ing,, Oct N4dw 6f.P. d"On .IF0 . rfttftlieiftforrnafibb 41w,� tdZID Codd w yolo! !a 90 S-0 L 02 res (J� raa tLs : (16,ba tt:;e&fbr ftifuv& annual report riodrlqatipn) N me of Coptnt Person Area Code Dayd' e.T61apho.rtel" Mbor MAILING ADJWESSi Division of Corporations Regist'r,atiob'86otton Pb8ox,0.21 raj]ah,assee,.F,L 3ZT4 STREET ADDRESS: Divisipn oXgfporAtioris Clifton 8 ddtha 26rl Rxeoutive Center Circle Tallahassee, FL .'x2a (l:l P. -nre, I 0sedbllovzl, mnou.�., f6r tlie f A --a G($125,f1UFalttrg to 11 $13.0.00,FjUbg Fbe, & EJ5155Q OTIlingFee, & 60A0 PiflngFec, CertlfioFfe C00.1ficatd,Stat, of us 'Cettifled.Copy of &(Rws '& C0 "n Med copy APPLICATION'BY FOREISIX LIMITED LIABJLITY C(.)MPANY FOR AUTHORIZA11ON TO TRANSACT BUSINES.S IN Y[ ORI A. JjV (-'0M`!1,L4NCE WrHYSECTON 605.0902,EZOMI 672T=,S,TM,,-FOILOPVfiVGESVBWIYED T(-)RF,,GJSMR,4 )TORAMWrpt ED L1,4B=G0A,,PAYYT0 MIMAYBIMMSSS _WTHESEATE70FE1,010A., mast i; or (If iiar.ne unavailable, enter a] ternato name adopted for the purposa of trarsictine, Visinass in Florid a. The alternate name must include "Limited t1abillry Company," "L.LC," or "LLC,") 3. lie iop(ITE I v umb 1,) um ur Mth'� VW icliTxTij� imiteT —Ita—MrET ar, if app icii 00111pany is organized) 9, 11 (Sea t",5; to 17 A50 WOVC, Y'4eet Address ofcdal OFFice) P 7. The hnie, title or capa0lty and address of the to manage ishan: C46 8. Att4cbed ip-mi a6giml 6ertifipftc of ", i5tonce, no M`6r� than 9.0 days bld,.-duly authenticated by tho, offiqial hav'g,��Lstoqy of m�ords in the under die law of , hich , it is ot�cya)ii;2ed. (A phd o0p ''is ficit In i ' r I acceptable, lf`e certificate is in a foreip languige, a translation 0a tificate t nde.r with of the tmnshitbt rnmqfbo subfili'tted) SigWlWre cif art author! (In with scctiuri 60$.020 le - 0 ttiop of this cl�mtlrneqt constiuli.os an all rination su j-S:�,� ain aware',, That kmy Brise imb, aril c it 4 dammont to flio Dopartivnit ofStMe con Typed or priatoMiame of signee re, rial I if's bf perj u iY thin the facts stated herein at 0 t nj e. I ee felony as provided AYj-i is s.8 f 7.1:15, V,q.) IZequest for Proposal GPS System and Installation for District Vehicles (Buses turd White Fleet) School District of St. Lucie County RFP 415-08 ATTACHMENT I - REFERENCE QUESTIONNAIRE ST. LUCIE PUBLIC SCHOOLS RFP 15-08 GRS-qY-qjY--JJ-- MI -4-1 FOR: Synovia Solutions, LLC (Name of'Vendor Requesting Reference) This form. is being submitted to your Company for completion as a business reference for the company listed above. This form is to be returned to the School Board of St. Lucie County, Purchasing Department, via facsimile at (772) 429-3999 or email at kimberly.albritton@stlticiescliools.org no later, than 3:00 p.m., August 28, 2014, and mast not be returned to the company requesting the reference. For questions or concerns regarding this form, please contact the School Board of St. Lucie County, Purchasing Department, by telephone: (772) 429-3980, or by email at Idm.bei,ly.albritton@stluciescliool&org. When contacting us, please be sure to include the request for proposal number and title listed at the top of this page, Company Providing Reference Flagler County School District Contact Name and Title/Position Tang Conte. Tram oonation Suecialist Contact Telephone Number,._ Contact Email Address Questions: 1. In uvhat capacity have you worked with this company In the past? If the Company was under a similar contract, please acknowledge and explain briefly whether or not the contract was successful. Comments: Was the GPS/AVL system in the district when I was first hired back in 2007. 2, How would you rate this Company's knowledge and expertise? -- 2 _ (3= Excellent; 2= Satisfactory; 1= Unsatisfactory; 0= Unacceptable) Comments: Company has gone through a merger and vision refocusing. Many personnel changes. 3, How would you rate the Company's flexibility relative to changes in the scope and timelines? (3= Excellent; 2= Satisfactory, 1= Unsatisfactory; 0= Unacceptable) Comments: Our recent installation was made during the merger process. Reserve commentary, Page 32 of 35 Request for Proposal GPS Systema and Installation forDistrict Vehicles (Buses and White Fleet) School District of St, Lude County RFP # 15-08 4, What is your level of satisfaction with hard -copy materials, e.g.,quotation, written scopes of work, reports, logs, etc. produced by the Company? (3= Excellent; 2= Satisfactory; I= Unsatisfactory, 0= Unacceptable) Comments: S. How would you rate the dynamics/interaction between the Company and your staff? 2 (3= Excellent; 2=. Satisfactory; I= Unsatisfactory, 0= Unacceptable) Comments: Mostly on the hardware side, Not knowing where devices were in the repair process, 6. Who were the Company's principle representatives involved in providing your service and how would you rate them individually? Would you comment on the skills, knowledge, behaviors or- other factors on which you based the rating? (3= Excellent; 2= Satisfactory; I= Unsatisfactory; 0= Unacceptable) Name: Joe O'Dell -Rating: 2 Dave Danner 2 Name: ____Rating:_ Name: -Rating.,--- Name: ...Rating:._._._____.._ Comments: Really needed a local representative from this company to be on-site for the install. I 7. With which aspect(s) of this Company's services are you most satisfied? Comments: Time and Attendance piece was the selling point for LIS, 8, With wbich aspect(s) of this Company's services are you least satisfied? Comments: Integration with VersaTrans Routing and Planning is not totally seamless, Still some issues, 9. Would You recommend this Company's services to your organization again? Comments: Page 33 of 3 5 No. Looking to other GPS/AVL Solutions Once, contract gets closer to expiration, Attachments Synovia Solutions, LLC 4.2 Seifety, Savings and Service Request for Proposal GPS System and Installation for, District Vehicles (Buses and Waite Fleef) School District of St. Lucie County RFP # 15-08 Preference must be given to vendors submitting a certification with their bid/Bid certifying they have a drug-free workplace, in accordance with Section 287,087, Florida Statutes. This requirement affects all public entities- of the State and becomes effective January 1, 1991. The special condition is as follows: IDENTjCALFII Ujjj,S - Preference shall be given to businesses with drug-free workplace programs. Whenever two or more bids which are equal with respect to price, quality, and service are received by the State or by any political subdivision for the procurement of commodities or contractual services, a bid received from a business that certifies that it has implemented a drug-free workplace program shall be given preference in the award process. Established procedures for processing tie bids will be followed if none of the tied vendors have a drug-free workplace program, a business shell: 1) Publish a statement notifying employee.,, that the Unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the workplace and specifying tire actions that will be taken against employees for violations of such prohibition. 2) Inform employees about the dangers of drug abuse In the workplace, the business's policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace, any available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance programs, and the penalties that may be imposed upon employees for- drug abuse violations. 3) Give each employee engaged in providing the commodities or contractual services that are under bid a copy of the statement specified in subsection (1), 4) In the statement specified in subsection (1), notify the employees that, as a condition of' working on the coarniodities or contractual services that are under bid, the employee will abide by the terms of the statement and will notify the o mpIc )yer of any conviction of, or plea Of guilty Or 11010 contendere to, any violation, of chapter 893 or of any controlled substance law of the United States or any state, for a violation occurring in the workplace no later than five (5) days after such conviction. 5) Irnpose a sanction on, or require the satisfactory participation in a drug abuse assistance or, rehabilitation program if such is available in the employee's community, by any employee who is so convicted, 6) Make a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug-free workplace through implementation of this section, As the person authorized to sign the statement, I certify that this firm. complies fully with the above requirements, COMPANYNAME Synovia Solutions, LLC AUTHORIZED SIGNA'.4au.") _DATE o Page 22 of 35 Request for Proposal CPS Systernand Installation for District Vehicles (Buses and White, Fleet) School District of St. Lucie County RFP # 15-08 ATTACHMENT 13- JESSICA LUNSFORD ACT COMPLIANCE AGRE EMENT Effective in-nuediately, any Vendor or contractor conducting business with a Florida School District: must submit to a Level 2 fingerprint screening, This includes any vendor or contractor that may: Be at school when Students are present,, Have direct contact with students,, or Have access to or control of school funds Pursuatitto Florida Statue 1012,32 background and criminal history checks must be. completed and results nnistbe cleared prior. to your start date. If you have any questions please contact the Human Resources Department at 772-429.7500 or L�iUci prin q Results will be received and reported to the Human Resources Department, The cost far the national B a ckgro tin d check (FD LE and FB I check) is $76,50 and moist Ere pa!d prior to being p,rinted. To schedule a fingerprinting appointment: 2. Click on the "Schedule an Appointment" button. 3, Enter, an email address under "New Users/Si-n Up" and click the "Sian Up" button. Follow the instructions for creating a Password and Security Question and then click "Sign Up and Continue". 4, Select "I know my Fieldprint Code" and one of ths.following codes; FPStLucieBadge (badge only) FPStLucieVenclorMints (prints and badge) 5, Enter the contact and demographic infarm,,,ition roquired by the FBI and schedule a fingerprint appointment at the location of your choosing. 6. At the end of the process, print the Confirmation .Page. Take the ConfirmationPage with you to yourfingerprint appointment, along with two forms of identification. 7. If youbave any questions or problerris, you may contact our customer service team at 677-614-4364 or ALL contractors will be required to purchase a Contractor ID badge through Fle]dPrint at the cost of $10.00. You mu.5tsubmit a copy of ophoto ID to.11innan Resources at 4204 Okeechobee Road, Ft. Pierce FL 34947 Attn: Lynn Louderback or eniall to fingerprinting iistlucleschools,org prior to receiving the Contractor ID badge, In addition, please provide written verification to the St Lucie County School District that you have cleared all employees with the sexual offender/predator databases at httu://www,floridjsQx _ - it�tp.j - -ification should .1 and L _ �/WKK�nggp ga, Vex be mailed to St, Lucie County School District, 4204 Okeechobee Road, Fort Pierce, Florida 34947 Attri, Lynn Louderhack, Fingerprint Specialist, Human Resources. As you add new employees, please contacttbe Human Resources office to inake appointments for fingerprinting. corn &Lvillb the reou 1 rem e nts o f th e J�Lsaj�(a Im nsfo rd Act (S e ctWjjjj) �,40S--&Odd das tatutp�15� LIT, _t -- rcgards�j �=Qiin gand e��,[,�JmgkgL ur& SrreeqiU 1) loyeesand any subcontractors employees who will Li,,LQ riniin, - --L, Q_ _ _ Ajof,aj _jMj_ _ access to any jDistrict ,,;cbooJ-(u" IILL),P—ertV When StUderilts ingy bel resent (�.)rw 11 have direct core t with any studenLLQL11gy� fl4g.C,ess to or control —nf xc n1 i rayls.Vendor's failure to coulpty quirement w�fLL.�c2ngt LtijLc� ajiLat�,HaLLiLeach of thl, re c11tr-,Lqt, Vendor jsjj-sp&ok,�Ll&-for all costs hicLirred t(L(L li this �re jjk_ejnent, gm ,Vjy�� Synovia Solutions V'sondor/Corapany Name Jon W. ifln >Si�, r1i a--, Pe, trinted �- Authorized Representative's NamureofAutfio,iJc? presentative Page 23 of 35 Request for Proposal GPS System and Installation for District Vehicles (Buses and White Fleet) School District of St. Lucie County RFP # 15-08 Please submit a list of at least six (6) references, preferably School Districts in which You are currently providing similar services or have provided similar services within the past (3) three years, CURRENT CUSTOMER REFFRNCES 1, Client Name Newport News Public Schools Address 715 HoganDrive City—­1 ewPOrtNeWs— State IN zip Code__23606 Telephone_ 757-8$1-5052; Ext 13113 liax Client Contact Person-- John Payne, Transportation Management john.payne@nn,kl2.ca.us 2. Client Name Lincoln County Schools Address PO Box 400 Cify Lincoln --State NC Zip Code__ 28093 Telephone -27k4 --Z36-4242; Ext 5 Fax Client Contact Person Eric Eaker, Director of Transportation e9aker@lincoIr),k12,nc,us 3. Client Name— Davidson County Schools— Address PO Box 2057 City— Lexington -- Telephone 336-249-8977 StateNG Zip Code 27293 Client Contact Person--. Gary Buie, Director of Transportation gbuIe@dav!dson,kI2.nc,us PREVIOUS CUSTOMER RE EILRENCES ilarajects�cotn leted within last 24 month- 1- Client Name -----Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools Address PO Box 30035 Charlotte NC 28230 State— Zip Code_ Page ode— Page 24 of 35 Request for Proposal GPS System and installation -for District Vehicles (Buses and White Fleet) School District of St. Lucie County RFP # 15-08 Telephone 980-343-3708 Client Contact Person Carol Stamper, Executive Director of Transportation c.st@mper@crns.k12.nc.us 2. Client Name--fairfax—COL'r'tL§-O_hg�c-)Is______ Address 10700 Page Avenue City Fairfax State VA Zip Code__ 22030 Telephone 703-446-2000 Fax ClientContact Person— Linda Furby, Director francirie,furby@fcps.edu 3. Client Name Austin County Schools Address 899 N Loop City ----East Houston —SLate-TX ZipCode,--..-- 77029 Telephone_ 512-414-0230 Fax Client Contact Person Koroush Hafezi, Director of Transportation khafezl@austinisd.org Additional References: Iredell Statesville Schools 549 N. Race Street Statesville, NC 28687 704-832-2545 Kim Fox, Transportation Payroll kagfox@jss,k12,nc,us, Flagler County School District PO Box 755 Bunnell, FL 32110 3886-437-7526 Tony Conte, Transportation Specialist coritet@flaglerschools.com Page 25 of 35 Request for Proposal GPS System and Installation for District Vehicles (Buses acrd White Fleet) School District of St, Lucie County RFP -0 15-08 ATTACHMENT D- GREEN PROCUREMENT - ELECTRONIC PURCHASE ORDER PROMS The School Board. of St. Lucie County has implemented an Electronic Purchase Order (E -PO) delivery system to strearnfine our procurement process and eliminate a paper -driven process. In order to expedite delivery of purchase orders, we ask that you provide our office with a designated email address. The email address you provide should have the capability of being monitored by more than one person within your company. This will ensure that orders received electronically are not delayed. By us sending purchase orders out electronically, we, can more effectively control our procurement activities and achieve a significant cost savings over the paper purchase order process. The electronic purchase order process also reduces the purchase order to vendor cycle time from days to hours. We encourage your acceptance of electronic purchase orders, Please provide a designated email address below to participate in the electronic purchase order process. Our system can only accommodate one ernail address. Synovia Solutions, LLC VendorName,, 9330 Priority Way West Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46240 Address 317-208-1700 Phone synovia-po@synoviasolutions.com E-110 Designated Email Address: Bev Noblitt Contact Person Page 26 of 3 5 Request for Proposal GPS System and Installation for District Vehicles (Buses and White Fleet) School District of St. Lucie County RFP # 15-08 ATTACHMENT E - INSTJRANCE REQUIREMENTS AND HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT Vendors shall furnish a Certificate of Insurance that complies with the insurance requirements listed below. The Certificate of Insurance shall list the deductible as well as the type of policy purchased (i.e. claims made or per occurrence) for each of the policies listed below. The following liability coverage limits must not be less than the limits specified. Thirty (3 0) day advance notice of cancellation is required. The policies must be specifically endorsed to grant the District the, same notification rights that it provides to the first named insured as respects cancellation and nonrenewal, This endorsement must be attached to the certificate of insurance. The District by and through its Risk Management Department and in cooperation with the Purchasing Department, reserves the right to review, modify, reject or, accept any required policies of insurance, including limits, coverages or endorsements, herein from. time to time throughout the term of this contract. INSURANCE 1. General Liability COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE, INCLUDING CONTRACTUAL LIABILITY, TO COVER THE HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT SET FORTH HEREIN, WITH LIMITS OF NOT LESS THAN: EACH OCCURRENCE $1,000,000 PERSONAL/ADVERTISING INJURY $1,000,000 PRODUCTS/COMPLETED OPERATIONS AGGREGATE $2,000,000 GENERAL AGGREGATE $2,000,000 FIRE DAMAGE $100,000 ANY I FIRE MEDICAL EXPENSE $5,000 - $10,000 ANY 1. PERSON AN ADDYPIONAL INSURED ENDORSEMENT MUST BE ATTACHED TO THE CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE. COVERAGE IS TO BE WRITTEN ON AN OCCURRENCE FORM BASIS AND SHALL APPLY AS PRIMARY. A PER PROJECT AGGREGATE LIMIT ENDORSEMENT SHOULD BE ATTACHED. DEFENSE COSTS ARE TO BE IN ADDITION TO THE LIMIT OF LIABILITY. A WAIVER OF SUBROGATION IS TO BE PROVIDED IN FAVOR OF THE DISTRICT, XCU COVERAGE IS TO BE INCLUDED WHEN INDICATED BY THE SCOPE OF SERVICE, COVERAGE SHOULD EXTEND TO INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS AND FELLOW EMPLOYEES, COVERAGE IS TO INCLUDE CROSS LIABILITY OR' SEVERABILITY OF INTERESTS PROVISION AS PROVIDED UNDER THE STANDARD ISO FORM SEPARATION OF INSUREDS CLAUSE, 2. Automobile Liability BUSINESSAUTOMOBILE LIABILITY FORANYAUT 0 CALL OWNED, HIRED,AND NON-OWNEDAUTOS) WITH LIMITS OF NOT LESS7 HAN $1,000,000 PER ACCIDENT. IN THE EVENT VENDOR DOES NOT OWN ANY AUTOMOBILES, THE DISTRICT WILL ACCEPT PROOF OF HIRED AND NON OWNED AUTO LIABILITY ONLY, CERTIFICATE HOLDER MUST BE LISTED AS ADDITIONAL INSURED. A WAIVER OF SUBROGATION MUST BE PROVIDED. COVERAGE SHOULD APPLY ON A PRIMARY BASIS. 3, Workers' Compensation WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE WITH LIMITS EQUAL TO FLORIDA STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS. EMPLOYERS LIABILITY MUST INCLUDE LIMITS OF AT LEAST $100,000 EACH ACCIDENT, $1.00,000 EACH DISEASE/EMPLOYEE, $500,000 EACH DISEASE/MAXIMUM. A WAIVER OF SUBROGATION MUS TBE PROVIDED, COVERAGE SHOULD APPLY ON A PRIMARY BASIS, SHOULD SCOPE OF WORK PERFORMED BY VENDOR QUALIFY ITS EMPLOYEE FOR BENEFITS UNDER FEDERAL WORKER.S'COMPENSATION STATUTE (EXAMPLE, U.S. LONGSHORE &HARBOR WORKERS ACTOR MERCHANT MARINE ACT), PROOF OF APPROPIUATF FED E RAI., ACT COVERAGE MUST BE PROVIDED. Page 27 of 35 Request for Proposal GPS System and Installation for District Vehicles (Buses and White Fleet) School District of St, Lucie County RFP # 115-08 WORKERS' COMPENSATION EXEMPTION FORMS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED FOR THE PROJECT' ARCHITECT, ENGINEER, GENERAL CONTRACTOR, OR SOLE PRACTITIONER THAT INTENDS TO SUB -CONTRACT THE WORK TO OTHER INDIVIDUALS OR COMPANIES, THESE ENTITIES OR INDIVIDUALS ARE REQUIRED TO PURCHASE A WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE POLICY, 4, Professional Liability WHEN INDICATED BY THE SCOPE OF SERVICE, VENDOR MUST MAINTAIN PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY OR, EQUIVALENT ERRORS & OMISSIONS LIABILITY WITH LIMIT OF NOT LESS THAN $1,000,000 PER OCCURRENCE, FOR POLICIES WRITTEN ON A CLAIMS MADE BASIS, VENDOR SHALL MAINTAIN A RETROACTIVE DATE PRIORTO OR EQUAL TO THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS CONTRACT. IN THE EVENT THE POLICY IS CANCELED, NON - RENEWED, SWITCHED TO AN OCCURRENCE FORM OR THERE IS A CHANGE IN RETROACTIVE DATE, VENDOR MOST PURCHASE AN EXTENDED REPORTING PERIOD RIDER DURINGTHE LIFE OF Tff IS CONTRACT OF NOT LESS THAN 3 YEARS, COVERAGE IS TO APPLY ON A PRIMARY BASIS. HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT The vendor shall, in addition to any other obligation to indemnify the St, Lucie County School District and to the fullest extent permitted by law, protect, defend, indemnify and hold harmless the School District, its agents, 0 officers, elected officials and employees from and against any and all claims, actions, liabilities, losses (including economic losses), and costs arising out of any actual or alleged; a, bodily injury, sickness, disease or death., or injury to or destruction of tangible property Including the loss of use resulting there from, or any other, damage or loss arising out of, or- claimed to have resulted in whole or in part from any actual or alleged actor omission of the vendor, any subcontractor of the vendor, anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them, or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable in the performance of the work; or b. violation of law, statute, ordinance, governmental administration order, rule or regulation by the vendor, any subcontractor of the vendor, or anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them in the performance of the work; or c liens, claims or actions made by the vendor, any subcontractor of the vendor, or any other party performing the work. The, indemnification obligations hereunder shall not be limited to any limitation on the arnount, type of damages, compensation or benefits payable by or for the vendor or any subcontractor, of the vendor under workers' compensation acts, disability benefit acts, other employee benefit acts or array statutory bar. Any costs or exp erases, including attorney's fees, incurred by the St, Lucie County School District to enforce this hold harmless agreement shall be borne by the vendor. The above provisions shall survive the termination of this Agreement and shall pertain to any and all claims for occurrences during the term of this Agreement, even though such claims may be presented after the termination hereof. Nothing contained herein is intended nor shall be construed to waive St. Lucie County School District's rights and immunities under the common law or Florida Statutes including, but not limited to, Florida Statutes 766.28, as amended from time to tirne. Any questions as to the Intent or meaning of any part: of the above -required coverage should be brought to the Risk Management Coordinator of tire School District of St. Lucle County, Florldaat (772.) 1,29-5520 navia Solutions, LLC o At t � rized Sigiratu e Date Vendor/CompaWw_a­i� - Print ­­,_­__­ Page 28 of 35 Request for Proposal GPS System and Installation for District Vehicles (Buses and White Fleet) School District of St, Lucie Comity RFP ff 1.9-08 AWACHMENT F - PROJECT MANAGER CONTACTINFORMATION Indicate in the P/A column below, if the person is a Primary or Alternate contact. CON'rACT INFORMATION Conripany Name __ Synovia Solutions, LLC Date 8/14/2014 —Name (Print or TyLam Title Phono NumbaE� Bev Noblitt Jamie Murphy A p --Project VP Procumment/Systems Manager 317-208-1714 770-757-1689 Page, 29 of 35 Request for Proposal GPS System and Installation for District Vehicles (F-41ses and White Fleet) School District of St. Lucie County RFP # 15.08 ATTACHMENT I - REFERENCE QUESTIONNAIRE ST. LUCIE PUBLIC SCHOOLS RFP15-08 GPS SYSTEM AND INSTALLATION FOR DISTRICT VEHICLES FOR: Synovia LLC (Name of Vendor Requesting Reference) This form is being submitted to your Company for completion as a business reference for the company listed. above. This form is to be returned to the School Board of St. Lucie County, Purchasing Department, via facsimile at (772) 429-3999 or email at Idmb(.,rly,albritton@StILICiOscliools,c)rg no later than 3:00 p,j-n,, August 28, 2014, and niq& returned to the company requesting the reference. t_not be retL11 For questions or concerns regarding this form, please contact the School Board of St. Lucie County, Purchasing Department, by telephone: (772) 429-3980, or by email at Mmber'ty.albritton@stILicieschools,oi�g, When contacting us, please be sure to include the request for proposal number and title listed it the top of this page. CoP mpany roviding Reference_-- Austin - County Sctiools Contact Name and Contact Telephone Number— r, Ai -L2.1L Contact Email Address--- kh@f9z1aaust!nisd,oro Questions: 1. In what capacity have YOU worked with this company in the past? If the Company was under a similar contract, please acknowledge and explain briefly whether or not the contract was successful. Comments-, 2. HWould you rate this Company's knowledge and expertise? (3= Excellent; 2= Satisfactory; 1= Unsatisfactory; 0= Unacceptable) Comments: 3, How would you rate the COMParly'S flexibility relative to changes in the scope and timelines? (3 3 xcellenL; 2= Satisfactory; 1.= Unsatisfactory; 0= Unacceptable) = E Comments: Page 32 of 35 Request for Proposal GPS System and Installation for District Vehicles (Buses and White Fleet) School District of St, Lucie County RFP # 15-08 4. What is Your level of satisfaction with hard. -copy materials, e.g. quotation, written scopes of work, reports, logs, etc, produced by the Company? — (3= Excellent; 2= Satisfactory; 1= Unsatisfactory; O= Unacceptable) Cornments: S. How would you rate the dynamics/Interaction between the Company and your staff? __ (3= Excellent; 2= Satisfactory; 1= Unsatisfactory; O= Unacceptable) Comments: & Who were the Company's principle representatives involved in providing your, service and how would you rate them individually? Would you comment on the skills, knowledge, behaviors or other factors on which you based the rating? (3= Excellent; 2= Satisfactory; I= Unsatisfactory; O= Unacceptable) Na in e: ting:___ Name: --__—Rating: Name: —Rating: Nam(,: Rating: Comments: 7. With which- a.sPect(s) of this Company's services are you most satisfied? Comments: S. With which aspect(s) of this Conipany's services are you least satisfied? Comments: 9. WoLild you recommend this Coinpany's services to your organization again? Cornments� Page 33 of 35 Request for Proposal GPS System and Installation for District Vehicles (Buses and White Fleet) School District of St 1,11cie County RFP # 115-08 ATTAGNIT101T I - REFERENCE QUEST1011'PlAIRE ST.LUCIE PUBLIC SCHOOLS RFP 15-08 FOR: Synovia Solutions, LLC (Name of Vendor Requesting Reference) This form is being submitted to your Company for completion as a business reference for the company listed above. This form is to be returned to the School Board of St, Lucie County, Purchasing Department, via facsimile at (772) 429-3999 or email at kimberly.albritton@stlucieschools.org no later than 3:00 p.m., Augiist 28, 2014, and utast not be returned to the company requesting the reference. For questions or concerns regarding this form, please contact the School Board of St. Lucie County, Purchasing Department, by telephone: (772) 429-3980, or by email at kimberly.albrittDii.@stlucieschools,org. When contacting us, please be sure to include the request for proposal number and title listed at the top of this page. Company Providing ReferenceCharlotte Mecklenburg Schools Contact Name and Title/ Position__ (:aro i StamPer. Executive Directol-DI-TLaa,mrtation 1. Contact `Telephone Contact Email Address c,stam eracms,k12.nc.us Questions: 1. In what capacity have you worked with this company in the past? If the Company was Linder a similar contract, please acknowledge and explain briefly whether or not the contract was successful, Comments: 2, How would you rate this Company's knowledge and expertise? - (3= Excellent; 2= Satisfactory; I.= Unsatisfactory; 0-- Unacceptable) Comments: 3. How would you rate the Company's flexibility relative to changes in the scope and timelines? -- (3= Excellent,, 2=t Satisfactory; 1= Unsatisfactory; 0= Unacceptable) Comments. Page 32 of 35 Request for Proposal GPS System and Installation for District Vehicles (Buses and White Fleet) School, District of St, Lucie County RFP 4 15-08 4. What is your level of satisfaction with hard -copy materials, e.g. quotation, written scopes of work, reports, logs, etc, produced by the Company? P= Excellent; 2= Satisfactory; 1= Unsatisfactory; (I= Unacceptable) Comments: 5. blow would you rate the dynamics/interaction between the Company and your staff? —,-- (3= Excellent; 2= Satisfactory; 1,= Unsatisfactory; O= Unacceptable) Comments: 6. Who were the Company's principle representatives involved in providing your service and bow would you rate them individually? Would you comment on the skills, knowledge, behaviors or other factors on which you based the rating? (3= Excellent; 2= Satisfactory; 1= Unsatisfactory; O= Unacceptable) RON=- Name: Rating: N am e: Rating:—, -- Name: Comments. 7, With, which aspect(s) of this Company's services are you most satisfied'? Comments - R With which aspectCs) of this Company's services are you leas t,5atisfied? Comments: 9. Would you recommend this Company's services to Your o.rganization again'? Comments: Pago 33 of 85 Request for Proposal GPS System and Installation for District Vehicles (Buses and White Fleet) School District of St. Lucie County RFP # 15-08 ATTACHMENT I - REFERENCE QUESTIONNAIRE ST. LUCIE PUBLIC SCHOOLS RFP 15-08 FOR, ___Synqvia Solutions, LLC (Nance of Vendor Requesting Reference) This form is being submitted to your, Company for completion as a business reference for the company listed above, This form is to be returned to the School Board of St. Lucie County, Purchasing Department, "a facsimile at (772) 429-3999 or email at kimberly,Gilbrittoii@stlucieschools.org no later than 3.00 p,m., August 28, 2014, and MRat__ng_t be returned. to the company requesting the reference. For questions or concerns regarding this form, please contact the School Board of St. Lucie County, Purchasing Department, by telephone: (772) 429-3980, or, by email at I<Imberly.albrittoyi@stlucieschools.org. When contacting us, please be sure to include the request for proposal number and title listed at the top of this page, Company Providing Reference_ Davidson GoLinty Schools Contact Name and Tiie/position ---D-=%± -ajb—QjL - Contact Telephone Number— -1 - Contact Eniah Address abLjieno davidson.kU.nc.us Questions: 1, In what capacity have you worked with this company in the past? If the Company was under, a similar contract, please acknowledge and explain briefly whether or not the contract was successful. Comments: 2. How would you rate this Company's knowledge and expertise? (Fxcellent; 2= Satisfactory; Unsatisfactory; 0= Unacceptable) 3= Comments: 3. How would you rate the Company's flexibility relative to changes in the scope and tirrielfties? (3= Excellent; 2= Satisfactory; 1= Unsatisfactory; 0= Unacceptable) Comments: Page 32 of 35 Request for Proposal GPS System and Installad on for District Vehicles (Buses and White Fleet) School District of St, Lucie County RFP # 15-08 4, What is your level of satisfaction with hard -copy materials, e.g. quotation, written scopes of work, reports, logs, etc, produced by the Company? ____ (3= Excellent; 2= Satisfactory; 1= Unsatisfactory; O= Unacceptable) Comments: 5. How would you rate the dynamics/interaction between the Company and. your staff? __ (3= Excellent; 2= Satisfactory; 1= Unsatisfactory, O= Unacceptable) Comments: 6. Who were the Company's principle representatives involved in providing your service and how would you rate them individually? Would you comment on the skills, knowledge, behaviors or other factors on which you based the rating? (3= Excellent; 2= Satisfactory; 1= Unsatisfactory; O= Unacceptable) Name: — Rating:_ MM"IM Name: MMM Comments: 7. With which aspect(s) of this Company's services are you most satisfied? COMMentS: 8. With which aspect(s) of this Company's services are you least satisfied? Cerra ments: 9. Would you recommend this Company's services to your organization again? Cornments". Page 33 of 35 Request for Proposal GPS System and. Installation for District Vehicles (Buses and White Fleet) School District of St. Lucie County RFP # 15-08 ATTACHMENT I - REFERENCE QUESTIONNAIRE ST, LUCIE PUBLIC SCHOOLS RFP 15-08 GPS SYSTEM AND INSTALLATION FOR DISTRICT VEHICLES FOR: Synovia Solutions, LLC (Name of Vendor Requesting Reference) This form is being submitted, to your Company for completion as a business reference for the company listed above. This form is to be returned to the School Board of St, Lucie County, Purchasing Department, via facsimile at (772) 429-3999 or email at kimbei,ly,albritto-n@stluciesctiools.org no later than 3:00 p,m,, August 28, 2014, and must not be returned to the company requesting the reference. For questions or concerns regarding this form, please contact the School Board of St. Lucie County, Purchasing Department, by telephone: (772) 429-3980, or by email at kiniberly.albritton@stlu.cieschools.org. When contacting us, please be sure to include the request for proposal number and title listed at the top of this page. Company Providing Reference Fairfax County Schools Contact Naine and Title/Position Linda FL.]TbV. QjreCtQ[, Contact Telephone Number-__ 703-446-2000 Contact Email Address franc[ne.'furbv(a).fcr)s.adu Questions; 1. In what capacity have you worked with this company in the past? If the Company was under a similar contract, please acknowledge and explain brieflywhetber or not the contract was successful, Comments: 2. How would you rate this Company's knowledge and expertise? __ (3= Excellent; 2= Satisfactory; 1.= Unsatisfactory; 0= Unacceptable) Comments: 3. flow would you rate the Company's flexibility relative to changes in the scope and timetines? __ (3= Excellent; 2= Satisfactory; 1;z Unsatisfactory; D= Unacceptable) Comments„ Page 32 of 35 Request for Proposal CPS System and installation for District Vehicles (Buses and White Fleet) School District of St, Lucie County RFP # 15 -OB 4, What is your level of satisfaction with hard -copy materials, e,g, quotation, written scopes of work, reports, logs, etc. produced by the Company? - (3= Excellent; 2= Satisfactory; I= Unsatisfactory; O= Unacceptable) Comments: 5. How would you rate the dynamics/Interaction between the Company and your staff? - (3= Excellent; 2= Satisfactory; I= Unsatisfactory; O= Unacceptable) Comments: 6. Who were the Company's principle representatives involved in providing your service and how would you rate them individually? Would you comment on the skills, knowledge, behaviors or other factors on which you based the rating? (3= Excellent; 2= Satisfactory; I= Unsatisfactory; O= Unacceptable) Name: Name: Name: Rating: Name: Comments: 7. With which aspect(s) of this Company's services are you most satisfied? Comments: 8. With which, aspect(s) of this Corriparty's services are you least satisfied? Comments: 9. Would you recommend this Company's services to your organization again? Comments. Page 33 of 35 Request for Proposal GPS Systerri and Installation for District Vehicles (Buses and White Fleet.) School District of St. Lude County RFP # 1.5-08 ATTACHMENTI - REFERENCE QUESTIONNAIRE ST. LUCIE PUBLIC SCHOOLS RFP 15-08 FOR: Synovia Solutions, L.LC (Name of Vendor Requesting Reference) This form is being submitted to your Company for completion as as business reference for the company listed, above, This form is to be returned to the School Board of St. Lucie County, Purchasing Department, via facsimile at (772) 429-3999 or email at ldmberly.albritton@stlucieschools.org no later than 3:00 p.m., August 28, 2014, and Mugj3DI be returned to the company requesting the reference. For questions or concerns regarding this form, please contact the School Board of St. Lucie County, Purchasing Department, by telephone: (772) 429-3980, or by email at kii,nberly.albritton@stlucieschools.org. When contacting us, please be sure to include the request for proposal number and title listed at the top of this page. . Company Providing Reference Hagler County School District - Contact Nance an d Title/Position Tony LQ�ntTr n.$p_QrLLion c " iist q a Contact Telephone Number-------3aa-A_V. Contact Einall Address con telogf] Lgglerschools,corn Questions: 1, In what capacity have you worked with. this company in the past? If the Company was under a similar contract, please acknowledge and explain briefly whether or not the contract was successful. Comments: 2. How would you rate this Company's knowledge and expertise? - (3= Excellent; 2= Satisfactory,, I:-- Unsatisfactory; 0= Unacceptable) Comments: 3. I -low would you rate the Company's flexibility, relative to changes in the scope and timelines? (3= Excellent; 2= Satisfactory; 1= Unsatisfactory; 0= Unacceptable) Coryu,nents: Page 32 of 35 Request for Proposal GPS System and Installation for District Vehicles (Buses and White Fleet) School District of St. Lucie County RFP # 15-08 4. What is your level of satisfaction with hard -copy materials, e,g. quotation, written scopes of work, reports, logs, etc, produced by the Company? — (3= Excellent; 2= Satisfactory, 1= Unsatisfactory; O= Unacceptable) Comments: S. Now would you rate the dynamics/in teraction between the Company and your staff? — (3= Excellent; 2= Satisfactory; 1= -Unsatisfactory; O= Unacceptable) Comments: 6. Who were the Company's principle representatives involved in providing your service and how would you rate them individually? Would you comment on the skills, knowledge, behaviors or other factors on which you based the rating? (3= Excellent; 2= Satisfactory; )= Unsatisfactory; O= Unacceptable) Name: Rating;_ Name: ------- --Rating:— Name: ___—Rating: Name: ,--Rating:—,- Comments: 7, With which aspect(s) of this Company's services are you most satisfied? Comments: 8. With which aspect(s) of this Company's services are you least satisfied? Comments. 9. Would you recommend this Company's services to your organization again? Comments: Page 33 of 35 Request for Proposal GPS System and Installation for District Vehicles (Buses and White Fleet) School District of St Lucie County RFP # 15-08 ATTACHMENT I - REFERENCE QUESTIONNAIRE ST. LUCIE PUBLIC SCHOOLS RFP` 15-08 FOR: Synovla Solutions, LLC (]dame of Vendor Requesting Reference) This form is being submitted to your Company for completion as a business reference for the company listed above. This form is to be returned to the School Board of St. Lucie County, Purchasing Department, via facsimile at (772) 4,29-3999 or email at kiniberty.all)rittoti@stluciescliools.org no later than 3:00 p.m., August 28, 2014, and M.ys_Ln_qj be returned to the company requesting the reference, For questions or concerns regarding this form, please contact the School Board of St. Lucie County, Purchasing Department, by telephone: (772) 429-3980, or by email at kimberly.albritton@stlucieschools.org. When contacting us, please be sure to include the request for proposal number and title listed at the top of this page, Company Providing Reference Iredell Statesville Schools Contact Nante anclTitle/Position ----ELm--Eo TcaLAap Qd&Qn—Pur-olil Contact Telephone Nuniber,____— Contact Ernail Address kaafox0dss.k12,nc,us Questions: 1, In what capacity have you worked with this company in the past? If the Company was tinder a similar contract, please acknowledge and explain briefly whether or not the contract was successful. Comments: 2. How would you rate this Company's knowledge and expertise,? (3= Excellent; 2= Satisfactory; 1= Unsatisfactory; 0= Unaccept-able) Comments: 3. How would you rate the Company's flexibility relative to changes in the scope and timelines? --- (3= Excellent; 2= Satisfactory; 1= Unsatisfactory; 0= Unacceptable) Comments: Page 32 of 35 Request for Proposal GPS System and Installation for District Vehicles (Buses and White Fleet) School District of St. Lucie County RFP # 15-08 4. What is your level of satisfaction with hard -copy materials, e,g, quotation, written scopes of work, reports, logs, etc. produced by the Company? - (3= Excellent; 2= Satisfactory; I= Unsatisfactory; O= Unacceptable) Me N14 -t7 5. How would you rate the dynamics/interaction between the Company and your staff? - (3= Excellent; 2= Satisfactory; I= Unsatisfactory; O= Unacceptable) Comments: 6. Who were the Company's principle representatives involved in providing your service and how would you rate them individually? Would you comment on the skills, knowledge, behaviors or other factors on which you based the rating? (3= Excellent; 2= Satisfactory; 1= Unsatisfactory; O= Unacceptable) Name: Rating: Name: -Rating:_ 1. Name: Rating: --- Name: - Rating: --- Comments: 7, With which aspect(s) of this Company's services are you most satisfied? Comments: & With which aspect(s) of this Company's services are you least satisfied? Comments: 9. Would you recommend this Company's services to your, organization again? Comments. Page 33 of 35 Request for Proposal GPS System and Installation for District Vehicles (Buses and White Fleet) School District of St. Lucie County RFP # 15-08 ATTACHMENT I - REFERENCE QUESTIONNAIRE ST. LUCIE PUBLIC SCHOOLS RFP 15-08 GPS SYSTEM AND INSTALLATION FOR DISTRICT VEHICLES FOR: Synovia Solutions, LLC (Name of Vendor Requesting Reference) This form is being submitted to your Company for completion as a business reference for the company listed above. This form is to be returned to the School Board of St. Lucie County, Purchasing Department, via facsimile at (772) 429-3999 or email at kimberly. albrit ton@ s tlucieschools.org no later than 3:00 p.m,, August 28, 2014, and must no be returned to the company requesting the reference. For questions or concerns regarding this form, please contact the School Board of St. Lucie County, Purchasing Department, by telephone: (772) 429-3980, or by email at kimberly.albritton@stlucieschools.org. When contacting us, please be sure to include the request -for proposal number and title listed at the top of this page. Company Providing Reference Lincoln County Schools Contact Name and Title / Position Eric Faker, Contact Telephone Number 704_Za&_4242- Ext Contact Email Address seakerelincoln.1<12.nc.us Questions: 1. In what capacity have you worked with this company in the past? If the Company was under a similar contract, please acknowledge and explain briefly whether or not the contract was successful. Comments, 2, How would you rate this Company's knowledge and expertise? - (3;7- Excellent; 2= Satisfactory; 1.= Unsatisfactory; 0= Unacceptable) Comments: 3. How would you rate the Conip.-tny's:Oexibilityi,elative to changes in the scope and timelines? __ (3= Excellent; 2= Satisfactory; 1= Unsatisfactory; 0= Unacceptable) Comments. Page 32 of 35 Request for Proposal GPS System and Installation for District Vehicles (Buses and White Fleet) School District of St. Lucie County RFP # 15-08 4. What is your level of satisfaction with hard -copy materials, e,g. quotation, written scopes of work, reports, logs, etc, produced by the Company? , (3= Excellent; 2= Satisfactory; 1= Unsatisfactory; O= Unacceptable) Cornments: S. I -low would you. rate the dynamics/interaction between the Company and your staff? -� (3= Excellent; 2= Satisfactory; 1= Unsatisfactory; O= Unacceptable) Comments: 6, Who were the Company's principle representatives involved in providing your service and how would you rate them. individually? Would. you comment on the skills, knowledge, behaviors or other factors on which you based the rating? (3= Excellent; 2= Satisfactory; 1= Unsatisfactory; O= Unacceptable) Name: Name:,- Rating: Name: Rating: Name: _Rating: Comments: 7. With which aspect(s) of this Company's services are you most satisfied? Comments: 8. With which aspect(s) of this Company's services are you least satisfied? Comments: 9, Would you recommend this Company*s services to your organization again? Comments: Page 33 of 35 Request for Proposal GPS Systern and Installation for District Vehicles (Buses and White Fleet) School District of Std Lucie County RFP #'1.5-08 ATTACHMENTI - REFERENCE QUESTIONNAIRE ST. LUCIE PUBLIC SCHOOLS RFP 15-08 FOR: _____Synovia Solutions, LLC (Name of Vendor Requesting Reference) This form is being submitted to Your Company for completion as a business reference for the company listed above. This form is to be returned to the School Board of St. Lucie County, Purchasing Department, via facsimile at (772) 429-3999 or email at kiiiil)erly.albrittoli@stlucieschools.org no latex, than 3:00 p.m., august 28, 201.4, and AjU_sj_W be returned to the company requesting the reference. For questions or concerns regarding this form, please contact the School Board of St, Lucie County, Purchasing Department, by telephone: (772) 429-3980, or by email at kiniberly,,.ilbi:°ittori@stlucie.�ctiools.org. When contacting us, please be sure to include the request for proposal number and -title listed at the top of this page. Company Providing Reference Newport News Public Schools Contact Name and Title/Position--j.9n �Pq rir. Transoortation Mar Contact Telepbone Number ZSZ__aaj__,���13_ Contact Email Address ____jfta_gyn L,.p efann.1<12.va,us - _ Questions- 1- In what capacity have you worked with this company in the past? If the Company was tinder a similar contract, please acknowledge and explain briefly whether or not the contract was successful. Coninients: 2. Flow would p)u rate this Company's knowledge and expertise? ­­­_­­'___ (3= Excellent; 2= SadsGictory; 1.= Unsatisfactory; 0= Unacceptable) Coniments: 3. How would you rate the Company's flexibility relative to changes in the scope and timelines? ---. (3= Excellent; 2= Satisfactory, 1= Unsatisfactory; 0= Unacceptable) Corfinients: Page 132 of 35 Request for Proposal GPS System and Installation for District Vehicles (Buses and White Fleet) School District of St, Lucie County RFIII # 15-08 4. What is your level of satisfaction with hard -copy -materials, e.g. quotation, written scopes of work, reports, logs, em produced by the Company? (3= Excellent,, 2= Satisfactory; 1= Unsatisfactory; O= Unacceptable) Comments: S. How Would you rate the dynamics/interaction between the Company and your staff? - (3= Excellent; 2= Satisfactory; 1= Unsatisfactory; O= Unacceptable) Comments: C. Who were the Company's principle representatives involved in providing your service and how Would you rate them individually? Would you comment on the skills, knowledge, behaviors or other factors on which you based, the rating? (3= Excellent; 2= Satisfactory, 1= Unsatisfactory, O= [Jnacceptable) Name: Name: Name: Name: Comments: ting" 7. With which asl,-)ect(s) of this Company's services are you most satisfied? Comments: 8. With which aspect(s) of this Company's services are you least satisfied? Comments. 9, Would you recounnend this Company's services to your organization again? Comments: Page 33 of 35