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Bid Responses
Certification Statement Pleasc quote on this form, if applicable, net prices for the itcmfs) listed. Return signed original and retain a copy for your files. Prices should include all cost%, includins transportation to destination. The City reserves the right to accept or reject all or any part of this submission. Prices should be Firm for a minimum of 180 days follow ing the time set for closin, of the submissions. In the event of errors in extension of totals, the unit prices shall govern in determining the quoted prices. 'We (1) certify that we have read your solicitation, completed the necessary documents. and propose to furnish and deliver, F.O.B. DESTINATION, the items or services specified herein. The undersigned hereby certifies that neither the contractual part) nor any of its principal owners or personnel have been convicted of any of the violations, or debarred or suspended as set in section IS -107 or Ordinance No. 12271, All e.eceptions to this submission have been documented in the section below (refer to paragraph and section). EXCEPTIONS: ++ We (1) certify that any and all information contained in this submission is true, and vxe (I) further certify that this submission is made without prier understanding. agreement, or connection with an', corl-iormion, firm. or person submitting a submission for the same materials, supplies. equipment, or sere ice, and is in all respects fair and w ithout collusion or fraud. We (I) a{gree to abide by all terms and condition, of this solicitation and certify that I am authorized to sign this submission for the submitter. Pleas, print the follow ing and sidgn your name: PROPOSERNA"vIE: SFM tier%icei.. Inc. ADDRESS: r7' )'a tiMti 79 A% e- l ial,-ah Garden,. FL + i)1 fi PHONE: (31t);) 818 -?4'4 FAX: (30; a 818-" 10 EMAIL: cinfsntz a sftnsery ice,.com CELL(Optional): I -tai} i-9442 [.Y[t�al13�i1 TITLE: President DATE: I "r 1? 2017 FRILL RE TO COMPLETE, SIGN, AND RETURN THIS FORM S11 1LL DISQUALIFY THIS RESPO\SE, Pa, -,e 2 of 5' Certifications Legal Name of Firm: Sl -AI Sergi ice;, Inc. Entity Type: Partnership, Sole Proprietorship, Corporation, etc. Corp. Year Established: 1937 Office Location; City of Miami, %liami-Dade County, or Other Miami -Da le COutit% FEI EIN No.: ;y -17A6,397 Occupational ! Business License Number - 64S3858 Occupational r Business License Issuing Agency: y11ar 1-Di-_l� CI)Unt� Ta.. G_+I12:tor Occupational % Business License Expiration Date: Oy ;0 21j 18 Will Subcontractor(s) be used! (Yes or No) lfyes. provide Subcontractors) information on Attachment C - Supplement to Bid. The Work performed by all Subcontractors listed cannot be more than ten percent ( 10",j) of the total Work for this Contract. . o Please list and acknowledge all addendum - addenda received. List the addendum / addenda number and date of receipt (i.e. Addendum No. 1. 7 1 '07). If no addendum addenda w -as / were issued, please insert N'A. Addendum No. 1. 11 '017. Addendum No. I I' 01 2017, Addendum No. 3. 12 OG 17 If Bidder has a Local Office, as defined under Chapter 18 1 Articlle ill, Section 18-73 of the City Code. has Bidder filled out, notarized, and included with its bid response the "City of Miami Local Office Certification" form located in the Header - Attachments Section of this solicitation' (Yes or No) Yep Pate 3 of 57 iF3717331, U5-1 Laatos._;APE tita',>rTiri%A ` -E Al—ALHP,IH:T B, RE115Ep PRICE SCFEOUI-E (12 5-17 F3717331, L5 I I-Ailri75CaPE M.A,NTEIJA ICE Uni- P1�. Oc5C-v Uanht'/ Mowing and Edging: A I ri,c!u i:e pace for furnishing all labor, equipment, an rmi-fial, iec! / 5;r .re,.ving edging, trunming hed,,Ls, trimming bra rcne . `Ne''d'_'ring, ;1^in ;ir�,i� 3rd plck;na up all art?i cllpoing—,, and haws'vithion and on the Iand,caped medians ilcrg U5-1 besween SW 37th A.wenue. and 1-95, a ,Iro Oland loca'ed cut,ve en the will and curb, of the US -1 northbound 1 outside lane betm2en Vi;caya and :i'N 191 Aven.ie, and maintaining the 1-95 'Ftl.�_r},110 rmh,tnksnent;, and ; R. 9,'SbV 27 A revue from S'.V 23th Lane to SW 9th Street litter remo,r31 from all turf anis, plant beds, and designated areai shall o? completed pnci to each mowing operation on the 'ante da'/ 25 time; per ya,1r S Pruning and Thinning of Trees/P31mis: All-icdusi,,e price for Fsrni;hing all abut, equipment, and materials necps,ary for p,uring and thinningOf trees, -; )Im5, piaat,- and :he initial thiniting 3rd ,hawing of existing tree ai no*ed in _, >pearjcadons within and oil t e lane. 3ii medlars of US 1 b evwc2n 9,i) X0.00 - S.vV 37th Avenue, and 1-95, and 3 strip of lard Icca:ed between the wall and curb, of the US -1 narthoound ouGidd lane ber,veen Vizcaya and SW 19th Avenue, tie 1-95 zrnbankirlaltt,, a to S.R. 9, SV 27 Aiemfz'rom SW 23th Line ,Annually (1 time to SON 3th Street right-cf-way por •,ear Weeding of Planting Beds: ail-Inciuso e prce for furnishing all labor, equipnt n-, and int era! ne-es,ar/ for the weeding of olanting beth 3> noted n i s('_r,fc7rlon,, w to n artd on the laru,caped median; on the i 37th A�e;11.e, anci I -9S. and a strip of land located aetween the ,v Id and curb of the US -1 terthbound aL. id,t ane be:Neen Vizcaya and S',ir 19ti, Aveni.a, anc re 1-9S er)b rlknte tt,, and S -R, 9r'SN 27 Avenue frprr C$tn i aoe to Sib 9th Strut ughr-•:tet-w3^/. 26 tine, per /eir I I S Mulching- All ir•clusiv9 pr'c-; f --.r furniinwg all Iai;br, equipment, and materials _, a',5a '/ .o ii stall 3 r, i}, pf Sp ioia,n Gold mulch or kuca yptui ntulrh 54,ljt 1ll_Ijl i .i :-. id eacn tr-3e pa:m, and planing bed 1-1 cored in these specificaucn, v I, n, and on t e laod,c3ped iredians on 115-1 bet%veep i'N 37th avenue and i 95 a ,trip of !and locred bekw3en the wall and curb of the li noethbcurd out,ir'. , a'ta betweari Vi_caya avid $1,11 13th Averue, the 1-95 elrpark neva, 7,01r Tvo and S R. 9 Sib 27-h A,erue. fr^.m SW 23rh Lanz to SW 31h Street right-of-way Month; IS time; pe -?a S Clean -Up and Litter Removal: Ad inc!wr.e prce for furn6nin3 all ;abcr, igj,pr".ant, and r„3t.e,,a"•s neceisary to dein up, re no,;, litter, arch pr,pey clrspo;e cf the lit r renewed 3, noted in tloe,e spNciFcatiuns. within and on rhe la,7dscap•2d iredians on US -1 bet,.veen SN 37th Alenue and 1-95. a ;trip of 5 1.nnd located b-�t',veen the .v3ll and .urb of US -1 northbound 7ut51de lane between Vizcaya and SIN 19tH Avenuw, the 1-95 embankments, and 3 R, 9,SLV 27 A,enue frit- S`?i 23.m� Lane to S':!' 3 street r gnt-cf-way. 26 times ae, year S - Lonurgenci allowance (Additional seri cas'l `or the duration of the contract. 6 Ng B,d Item 5LOC.00o Total Bid (Lines 1-61 S277,562.0 5 - A3p1T'GWLSERVICH In addict on to the requu-�d ,e vices, the City may on an "a, needed" basi, require the Successful 31ddei to perfor n the "Nlb,v ;e^,ices. `Ni en required, the P-ciert Manaa•'r or designez Nall request a gt,ote based on pricir; orovrded for the addi^onal seivxes. LGalloo Shrub; FurniO all necessary labor, materials, water, fuel, tools, and aq'ap,ne it 'or pafo; ming th? planting of 1 g311oo ihrub.i . 10j3ter and fertiliYe a,::.drd n��,, P-a'1tr4 hall be Coordna:ed 'Ni'.h. the CIty Engineer and Project 55.60 Miloagerard no 3dtivonal -ampersition will be allowed Each 11`3'17331. US- -E OIL N loe;c'lp7 9r , 4u Vtlro em Crap 3 9'31:n SiirUij, ;,{['I:, ' 11 Fu— 'I"ff" -!QU 'I) for I"`' p I v- t i,g j' 3 01 1% 1-.d' 3111 t—, I IN ac c: r I , ri.3 I,, P',I I t i i I e, ,}'.311 6 q c0 r, ,4 1111',.4 A , i:h 0, 12 7- :'0 En 4 n .2 E r '3 o - I ` t I V I 10d 1c W --..Jr i! w1l be illo%v'd � = )ch G-Illon 3.,rub,. Fvn,;h )11 water,'W-A, IfW i1 '-q iprneot ft -i porloulmis the p- iotm,' 7i 7 pllcn ,hr )bi vv Iter an,1 Fer,oize 9 lccOrj nilly Plantin-1, ;ha f oe cocrdivj'ed with the City Eng,oeer and Project ala ay+ar and lu le.1t,or 11 -0-I1,1an;jW,n well be I lowed E.1cf, 545,00- U-m;l" all llote--3-j lawr, material;, water, fuel• tools, and equipment Fcr 10 ;er4or-1-ing th- P13 i-: -I- or P n:; Cr -t,-,? myrtle-Largerstrioemia Indica - 30 ,1] Z'i L r, 41JN) :u rni p .711 r. e -e, a ry 'a L', -;r -a t-zria li, wv,e, fut: 1, nolo, a.10 equ i p me 11 r -'or I )e f'orr, in .6' T r 9 .0 a ntln 9 a- -ioj -d I R o pl P3 I in - R,; -, stj,v I e Ira -Field G rowr lam' -22`G',1, ill iv-2;;jrv. laocir. -xi'!r. fu -!l lool,. and !qwpmenticir I? �. Cah-QLe-us wrgiriana- -;Tbh"6-T CT,'20'- - a; 7,1'-'rmw g t,"e a-xi*,ip,; H T r 1? SPA_ E.idl ,O i:l necessai-I labcr, mxe-al;, wiler. Fuel. tools. and equipment for I per-:, nirg the plan,P, a f A !ir I nd, a; i M i hog-, n S 'y I ote I I a rnalhaqont - Wd Tjro%vviFul'l,' L3' I? HT,S'-10' SPR/5 CT. Facl 5 1.9 -0) r,rq 1• ill nec-,—Ify lab, -i. m-iterials 'w -rte -,'vel, tach. and equipment for 11 performing the pl.intoR cfSdver Buttorwood tree - Cwocarlus erictU3 ozrt,--- - 30 1111 Mo 2" D9H s 4'%>.OL) wi I j1 -r hj— FLe�. 3i"i �-" Pm'llr for L s !enB-im: r ti ae - Co ioc Iw, 1-) OA.i 4)111 fol J I Vn% SSir:,? tr, iok - 1,:0;x' 1c, 3 (,7i � 7) 3�,x 2� 1- 1 J*to d eju ne c; 17 M113 �5' - 45 pi. E.1 C!, 3 i.(L 4—�jjti Furnish 3tl nec2ssary laboi, 4,17 1,, fuel, tool, and equip -new. for is the pia-, v: T, ii latrzipha berianclien 45 g.11, 5 67i.Q(r .1 ..r. reit i f"e�, tool;, ini -2quipw,p; f,,r 13 F . j,2 1-�' IL: -z -7 hill he 3 yy 5 a4ulpment for )r Medpol Date palm - Bari -j 1,T 'Ich fuel, took, and equipment for ;e-45-3'73' L -ht :3ch water. fuel, toots, and equipment for _5 22 W G iinglw! Tht. i ich 5 4il).W n i i itif, fuel, toolG. and equspmer't for 23 iv Ai- i i iT1- 14' OAr( Single trunk - 30 gil c Ich S 500.0{-} all r ravel a ,, n3t3r, fuel, tools, and equipment for 2.1 P —f-r-rwg *h -,d If PI-L:n A�,.olo S,,w ird 11-14' HTIG-S' SP4;3' CAL Each 5 1 3i0.0 3rd equiprne^t for 25 jer;Orr-Ing 'N� 1J-: 7 -�-S SPR, 5'r-T,'Field Grown Eich 5 1,7il),01) =urm ', Ill me, -2-.;3-j abcf, mver'-al,, hoer fuel. tco.i. and iquipmer)t f-cr 2-i aerfor-ing :he of P4 -_on Plum-Strindird 12'-11 HT.' 4 6 SPR,'3" CA - Eich S 67i -Ori} :-,Mirl 311 neceisaoj lanor, mxe,!a1-.. fuel, roofs, and 2q..iVire"t for )erfor-irrig :he plart;og or P ok Ti.;mp-!t Trie - 311ebuia he!e�ophyll,) - 15' OAH 3 CT Fel,. '.1ch 5 'iii H 10 71 ? ',R L, 'i', I L,=N I; ICA -=f MA.'JTENAN"E ill t W)I. A Vl'.2f fw;, tcfjl;, arld eqwpwori fv !0,)%-, T 0 T I U,?buij c -v IJ- - 16 t Icr i'-1, 1 1-2,, fuel, tco,,. and equipment for i: n:-3 C,^. - Ptjrhaipprma -45 gel. I Ich 5 500.0'� and eq.4iPnI,'!T I. -r x1.9311.011) 'a )c'. rri'7' ah, r,at r, fuel, tools, and equipment for 31 ce Pjj'jtjj" of rabbi Piim - S.ilml pilmerto - ICO ,,it Min 7" .,C:' s500.00. uw, 0, id y lanc.r, maleri)ij, =Air43r, fu -21. tool;, and equipment for 3 0 pI i -t; ig -if N!t ica,-:- i,r Pilri - Ptichospefria m&:ir-hur- -Er EIC!' St, A s v e 6 •'c, r a i-, - 5111.11r-: fcor price for furiiilwig 311 labor 3 2'!Wa"Ielt le !j VI'2( f.r ore Wn'fk P,t. 25i]c sq Ft. S 7 i 00 E_2c7io-,;' i".ik r,j wcf iric,r 1 Flfli7i' qq ?a5 ind J,Vm; (F.Illeii byt(II-fic 3cclv.-2iiti. hig' Nonf: , :, o,hoi fcr,4 I F-a,-:]hing ill Iabot, material; and equipinevr ierz!»ai j r,12' -_"v, ;tib- jod VIV eil,hrlq trepl, Palm fircludifig ,ie,,, .. ig w- tree. firivg the v2a *in n2itad planing iGii, r)rIcIrq trie u th J".c I wood bo it d ai d;rI,!d by Cir/ (r' - 15' ill i irakl i 4 1„ I 3rd b lfmi (fly ,.. 0 17' fl 1 I AWf 3 17RU' plan r'.I,, j'311. ',fiileri by tr i ff-c 1-:' fc-r_ 2 fury, I n ad lap: -r nicena,, a,xf 1 1: by 1':vv ;"Iog aalir 36 4 4' Ar ---"l a do _td by O*v (-I I'- 60' ovt!rO L. I -1 3 Ir'd e1q;Jum2ilt C 5;jr-I od rypt 37 bd �i- 4 1 r ia ry 31 IC 3 JV I z N, I of P :rpie sp.1c a Ni'h:m i,,ki on tna laodx i.:Do vc, vlbjw-,� and i P.9 fr:)rn 5A 23t!, Lane to S I, Th., .-:h Lich 5 P, 1'.-r i ; ibr.1r. mjrorijls and P!quipment necessary to proved? A 11ir4 tk.,iw!h of th-I median (15, 213 ft.), the w,411 portion ( 1,200 39 r*. l . the 9 sq FtA 3rd S.R. 9 SW 27 Aienue fr-,rl 5A 23!h LLV'= A5 oeuei;.wj and as cllrectM by the - , cir( Eich 3 Top Soil ill lat)Lsr, M anV, 2qLlpjjjt!fjt I eceiary to Instill Wj -1 :ub,c Y Ted, If i'2! r111 - ed top Sod 150,'50" j and a, directed by r.rie ::v/ I--1 _S 21 . 10 1),()') 1`8717331 Ui-I LA.'JDSSCAPE Jiw No Irl,Aov, - r I!- I,- i- il, Fir Ind „Ic,,nic -,I i i -,I,. wd ;htjb, a; S,� 3':I i o I -d loci-] v --!n 'Ilewall 2 j I irld slpf 19tt, 5' -1r I ?r:l -1 the 1.95 ivnbvmLnt, Wd —3- - Line te S'N gm S, i �tet righ r -of -v, i . as I P,r 5.1 P, .2 5 vlci,, and P x- j - n ,wish all labor, and j, -m2, --,ca;peit:cid-! -o :7f V u-- i- i, i n i, 1,,n and -r..2Ji r US -1 L ,rd 1-35. 3 SUIP j VI 111.0 od OuUide i L:, - i , -.- i i,wpot, and S. R, 1, 2 7 1, -w A .V R!, Srr.,-( i;, -11T -0f Vl/, ai I "r ,ind a, jirr 21 5 m —2 planting of I J, • ndvfing r ;1 1 1 'Ile o. and 43 1. IC -1 r - J, i V -.4,r -,1; 1 .,1 n" -i y trg pl4ritwg of j it, 1,1 J)c )I -c!e: 1., 1, )r t n vnrg 1 rie%v Ore it lino 4-1 1:1 4, 1 "A 1 0 2 1 Per,, I" it fe e, g11 'j P'V I A 1' 1'2 'A i'!d l7 f:;' :1--2 JI.WtIrg Of 3 P1 r1l 1 ! -1 „e.I V I" 1 . 5 1',..1 Op,],'S?ngle 9' and,'ur 13-2, CT, c r n3,i s ,p I ng,y ane of j;ynepede mulching "'ng ti,(, I )r I r t!lq lepq�t,or�lLmaA ;7,- .2 xg or I p I'm .:ne of uwlna xq-j", I' )i,,, ti --a e—:re le,ig-h Of 1- 7 Mmagq, -ach i v n it v-, i, I i� RYj ilj(�, 33 _:nem f-7;Ot 5 50,00 I 1 2 1- -4rj For re-io,,wg J decei,el 43 1 - I., I q,CI,(,4j,-U ,2,,LjV:rjl of ;tump Icb I III JD), 2 vy for removirg a dece3sed 4i or di4n.ig�d ;M 1•5' - W a,, - nrkd:ng removal of iti'mo. ::w,i and root, and 11 Furm;h all labor, rr3wal; 3rd .1,2C2;Ary for removing a dece.ued SU zr-ir,k, crjwn and roit; ir, d re;!ormor Of the Ir z! i El 1 urm ;r alllabor, rweoil; 3-d �-41.liprllent For rerloving 3 decem;ed 5L 31 !3.1magged Palm 10' - 15' uvi!r.111 'legn-j includirg rewoval of ,lump. trunk, - rC%,Y,) 10d fJCU and restof3tior, Cf the are]. ich S 2i().00 r all labor, rnator-ji> and -2-.3wIp-e-it necessary For rerno"log a deceased aged palm 115 - ac, overall 1'e!ghr) inrludivig removal of sturna. tank, rr^wi, and roots and restoratiot, --f ttit! area. I E.1 ch $650.00 iF3 ' 173 11, 0', 1 LANDSCAPE VA I 'I TENAPP'E 7�z"O"Co, al ab,:r, 11.1r2f .1" 111 d 'I ;,,I pm-2rr For remo.'w4 I d-!ce);ed 53 J. A.im i, .-I p 0 I I-11' - 60 v, -?r all i,clud,n6 re T)C,,q I of st-;mjj trunk, -, -wr, j-1 r --or wd r—sorai in o" the ar� i I E.ich Detrir. Cu[t rg, Ce.ifwg, I rid ha I wg f dL7r c 7:'e ,It. Lind Fill' or Trl,.J�-r 3"3,1011. 0 CITY OF MIAMI LOCAL OFFICE CERTIFICATION Solicitation Type and Number: (City Code, Chapter 18, Article II1, Section 18-73) IFB 717381 (i.e. IFQ 1FB RFP RFQ,'RFLI No. 123456) Solicitation Title: Invitation for Bid for US -1 Landscape Maintenance SFM Services, Inc. (Bidder -Proposer) hereby certifies compliance with the Local Office requirements stated under Chapter 18 Article III, Section 18-73, of the Code of the City of Miami. Florida, as amended. Local oJrce means a business within the city which meets all of the following criteria: (1) Has had a staffed and tined office or distribution point, operating within a permanent structure with a veriliabie street address that is located within the corporate limits of the city, for a minimum of twelve (12) months immediately preceding the date bids or proposals were received for the purchase or contract at issue: far purposes of this section, "staffed" shall mean verifiable, full-time, on -sitz employment at the local office for a minimum of forty 140) hours per calendar week, whether as a duty authorized employee, officer, principal cr o%%ner of the local business; a post office box shall not be sufficient to constitute a local office within the city-; (2) If the business is located in tilt permanent structure pursuant to a lease, such lease must be in writing, for a term or no less than twel%e (12) months. been in effect for no less than the twelve (13) months immediately preceding the dare bids or proposals were received, and be available for re,,iew and approval by the chief procurement officer or its designee; for recently -executed leases that have been in effect for any period less than the twelve (12) months immediately preceding the date bids or proposals were received, a prior fully -executed lease within the corporate limits of the city that documents, in writing, continuous business residence within the corporate limits of the city for a term of no less than the twelve (12) months immediately preceding* the date bids or proposals were received shall be acceptable to satisfy the requirements of this section, and shall be mailable for review and approval by the chief procurement officer or its designee; further requiring that historical, cleared rent checks or other rent payment documentation in writing that documents local office tenarlcy shall be available for review and approval by the chief procurement officer or its desiance: (3) Has had. for a minimum of mcl1 Q (12) months immediately preceding the date bids or proposals were received for the purchase or contract at issue, a current business tax receipt issued by both the city and Miami - Dade County, if applicable; and (4) Has had. for a minimum of tv+elve (l'_) months immediately preceding the date bids or proposals werr received for the purchase or contract at issue, any license or certificate of competency and certificate or use required by either the cit; or :tliami-Dade County that authorizes the performance of said business operations; and (5) Has certified in writing its compliance with the foregoing at the time of submitting its bid or proposal to be elit,ible for consideration under this section; provided, however, that the burden of proof to provide all supporting* docunleniation in support of this local office certification is borne by the business applicant submitting a bid cr proposal. 1 FORM -City of .Warm Local Offce Cert+firaruan 7122/2013 PLEASE PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: BidderProposer Local Office Address: 9700 NW 79 Ave. Hialeah Gardens, FL 33016 Does Bidder Proposer conduct -verifiable, full- time, on-site employment at the local orfice ❑✓ YES ❑ NO for a minimum of forty (40) hours per calendar week? If Bidder'Proposer's Local Office tenancy is pursuant to a leas;. has Bidder Proposer ❑ YES ❑ NO 7 ti A enclosed a copy of the lease'? City of Miami: ❑ YES W] NO ❑ Exempt Cite Exemption: Has Bidder.'Proposer enclosed a copy of the Business Tax Receipt (BTR) issued by the City of Miami and Nliami-Dade County''? Miami -Dade County: ❑� YES ❑ i`;O ❑ Exempt Cite Exemption: Has Bidder'Proposer enclosed a copy of the license, certificate of competency and certificate of use that authorizes the ❑✓ YES ❑ NO performance of Bidder Proposer's business operations? Bidder/Proposer's signature heloN� certifses compliance N%ith the Local Ofj`i(-e requirements stated under Chapter 181 article 111, Section 18-73, of the Code of the City- of Miami, Florida, as amended. Christian Infante Print Name (Bidder Proposer Authorized Representative) Za Si_nature �Fu FORM -City of Miami Locai Office Cernrf:tat,on 7!32/2013 121 121 201 - Date STATE OF FLORIDA COLNTY OF Mix-ni-Dudc Certified to and subscribed before me this !?th day of December —.201- , by Christian Int -int;: (Si, -mature of \otary Puhflc-State of Florida) P" * Natary Public State of Flonda Vanezza Rivera (NOTARYSEAL) ,��M1�< Expire 032]2otgMy Commission Fr 20t6 7 ( tame of \otaiti wed. rtn e , o ampedl Personally Knou-n To \.[. Type of Identification Produced OR Produced Identification 3 fCRV City or N iaml Lacal Office Certification 7!22/2013 IFB717381, U5-1 Landscape Maintenance ATTACHMENT D PAST PERFORMANCE REFERENCE SUBMITTAL FORM: US -1 Landscape Maintenance FIRM NAME: 11 V Ser% ices. Inc. Reference Section Summarized Requirements: Refer to the details in Section 2, Special Conditions, Sub -section 2.8 to I verify that the information provided will suffice as proof of meeting the requirements of this solicitation. Section 2, 2.8 Past Performance Reference Check #1 Company/Organization Name: Cit. of Doral Address: 8401 N%, 5 ; Torr. Doral. FL 33 166 Contact Person: C'ajoi Arr,)�o Contact Phone Number: (_;ii;) ;q, -h72; Contact E-mail (if applicable): 2c(.( ��� ,r`r0 !' C�(1, Date of Contract: Section 2, 2.8 Past Performance Reference Check #2 Company/Organization Name: Civ, of Coral Gables Address: 1� io %G ;_'p:.! \... \liami. Fl.. ;,I Contact Person: R 1 ert Bobberman Contact Phone Number: ,, a;, 16(}_; I' Contact E-mail (if applicable): �OVDC'.IV nC �G �o iG�IC 5 . C 4� Date of Contract:}� Section 2, 2.8 Past Performance Reference Check 03 Company/Organization Name: %liami Parkinu, Authorit% Address: Itoa NF ;r,! �,t. Miami. FL a;1 ;' Contact Person: Arthur NorieLim Contact Phone Number: 110 5) 373-67,7 Contact E-mail (if applicable): Ck (\C)( *e C.,�C--, Date of Contract: 2009 - Local Business Tgx Receipt P,liami-DadaCounti, Stat: of Floe i1 -, ^IS S 1,-' .4 3;L- - X 4C' , 5221246 SuSINESS NAME -LOCATION RECEIPT NO SfM SERI, M1Nc RENEWAL 3'1'C V,'V 79 AVIS 6485858 -�•A,EA i GARDENS FL 33016 3�1 A�"SeBa-, EXPIRES SEPrEMBEB 30, 2018 V ,9: Od 7iii0av_-d it die -,UsWess Pursuant to rounn _.;ue Chapwr 3A - Ort. a §ill OWNER SOC. TYPE OF aL1SiNESS nECEISPM 31-WICES 'NC 2'3 S-? "CE St-SNESS PAYMENT COLLECTOR 9Y TA%COLECT©t4 e u-cv�e(5) 15 567.50 JW21/2C17 CH ECK27-1 7-090095 T' ,s '.sr,9t 4usinest Tax Roseipt eety :onfirms paynem A -he Local BL.smess Tax. The R•rcerpf is not a:icense, �ermLt. sr a certification of Il ha der t 3ualificatiors o ,w business. Aoider nose :amory rrith any governmental w mngnrernmeatnk ry,iiafory lairs ..4nd •erfuirema is xn10 apply to t110 211311184%, r,e 4ECUPT Via above mast tie fisplayed er A :antmercial rehietes - Wamr-Oahe Aida Sec 9u-276 Fa' nrrn mnrrnation. vr. re M y y.miain'�aO.R dna +sera +e•:;?pI Umbrella SFMSE-1 OF 10: KU 4co/t!7 CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE °0 7 �--f D11u1912onl9rz T413 CER-)F'CATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INcCRN1ATICN ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS C=RTIFOATE 0065 NOT AFFIRNIATIVELr OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A OONTRACT SE-7NEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(SI, AUTHORIZED REPRESENTA-NE DR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPDRTAN`. If :he Certificate holder :s an ADDIT!ONA- INSURED. the pahcytiesi must be endorsed. If SUBROGATICN IS 'WAIVED. Subject to the IermS ane conditions of the polity, certain policies aay require an endorsement. A statement an this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holderin'ieu at such ontlarsement(s). �acouccR ;*W , T JA ME Faustc Alvarez BROWN S BROWN OF FLORIDA INC 14960 NW 791h Court Suitcm200 aw"c"i E, ,.305-364.7500 AC. Rnp 305-714-4401 — E'M,-L 400REss: Miami Lakes. FL 33016SS613 Fausto Alvarez _ 'NSUN EaL511FrORG. yeG COvTRAGE _nAIC_X___ EaSCN11 3 del N.LRY 5 M—Ep A The North River Ins. Company 21105 NsuRso SFM Services, Inc. NsuRERaZurich American Insurance Go. 16535 SFMJanitorWServices, LLC iNsuaER�'- v SFM Landscape Services, LLC ENSURER D. 9700 NW 79 Avenue rNsuRERE. _ Hialeah, FL 33016 NDN--�4V'NE- !NSUAE4 = COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: THIS :S TO `:LRT'FY THAT THE PCL CIES OF INSURANCE L'.S-1 6E!. 'vl r#AVE BEEN ISSUED TO T-tE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE -1-1L.CY P'RSDrJ INOICATED NOT"ATHSTANDING ANY RECI.IREMENT TERM OR _OrNCITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR C iHER DCCUMENT WITH RESPE,�T TO PjhiCH TRPS CER:sF'CATE MAY BE ISSLA-D OR VAI PERTAIN THE INSURr?NCE AFFCRCED BY THE PCL CIES L SCRIBE - HEREIN :S SUBJECT TO ALL TME TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SL.CH PQLiCIES. LMITS SH.I-y'rN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PArD --LAIMS USR _ T'aE if ',NSrvRary Cf:Nsp FOIL C(Yb'ABEP rMMICCM"vi SMI.+InClVWv1 ..ITS r0MMERCIAL5FMERAL LIABILITY H?C^.LPRa'k:E S T 3ccup ACCORDANCE YNTH THE PO GAY PROVISW MED FXP Am :n EaSCN11 3 del N.LRY 5 YUTHOPRFD REPRESENTAMr Brawn and Brawn ]f coma, Inc. 4L_NrNE� 3CN_;3L,L�C 3rC!L'r �.Y.,�R'�'F^rxa�crrj NDN--�4V'NE- �R^P�'"AUa%= wlRcC iLi."5 5 I— NMBPEL.A LA8 A X 6821067232 12112Y2016 12112!2017 i�.Gpc„P-a s 6,000.00 1E- X aE =NrTN s 0 NPENSA '* _ MPLOY IL:T EMPLOYERS AMCAUO EMPL.]vEdS'llABIL:TY Y!Y aNv�RCP�YE'-i.PSR�AEa FCI.a'l'c Yf4 —C�R.EdEM6EeZ �!CLUJE_� _ _L EACH 4CC'DEW S iManmxary n IIHI = CI^.x'a5E .4 .M=1. �+zE 3 s lesnbe i�OP.: �'+_PIPTr” F 'SEP+--rv$ ,aaE+.0 ' 43E.x B Come ! MPL6M7B31603 1211212016 1211212017 Limit~. 250.130 Ped. 5.0U ]E3CRIP^.nN ']P JP=RAtoNS LOCava N51' MHc LxS ACCORD B+. Atltlnksn& aem elks svnetlaM, may ae rlracnetlimore apace s nauaM) NAME OF INSUREDS ARE: SFM Jamtorial Serrices LLC SFM Landscape Services, LLC', SFM SECURITY SERVICES, INC. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SFMSERV SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELED BEFORE EXPIRATIONTHE NOTICE WILL BE OEL to RE0 IN SAMPLE ACCORDANCE YNTH THE PO GAY PROVISW CERTIFICATE YUTHOPRFD REPRESENTAMr Brawn and Brawn ]f coma, Inc. O 19882014 ACO RD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25 (2014101) The ACORD name and' -go are registered marks of ACORD General Liability & Workman's Comp CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE YF13.ER--CAT-'S 351. D AS 4 IIIA ITER CF INrO?MA.-ON ONLY A•,'.0 COWERS VO Rt:r-S :.P_rw T•i r%?T-=-CA'E 4CL2EQ.. THIS r�I`Y'.�'CAT� CGE3 VC' AI7='RYA7-1E_'.° CR NEGAT.'f�L' AIII E-4TENL` OR A4 -? ^.E GG'/=z,>;;_ Ar ,RGc`G By {E 'r:LCZ3 BEs 0-4y TKS CERTIF-CArE O� INSLRA,NCII DOES NOT CONS-17ur- A CONTRACT SETW'EEV T. E 53k.ING INSL.RERi3 AL—iCR'?EC REP9ESEN7,i-VE 09. -"ROCIXF3. AND THE CER—FICA e'IOLDER. I&I. If tha Ter.ifl cafe ?IOltler is ACQIT 01NOL INSURED,L,+q aaticy(—) must have ACOMONAL NSLAFtI aro,nsl-ns '?r h..I+rlcryrq If 54'BRGr3F. `ION f5 "NAIVE]..iuS'eCt to the ternS and c:andltnm of the paliCy. Certain palicros :nay ref—e 3n anafarsemerL A srjt.:. rl ar Om ccrt,I dans ipt e7nfeF Tghs to Ibe te;titleaFc',,A, In tau 7f,l,ch ,rWcrsemea1Vs'•. nacrcul:ca a_r rN" ..I.Ji_ Jatac ' Curmnelc:al L.r.g -, ',Sr 4t3.A8: P: 'EIS MI Faty, rSL.-21 r,:e^F1 sil£A. ".e r't. _c:r..,.o.F.,Q> `'K''9- ulio-raMes: +wllasa `.yarn c5".' Sr..,[h 9nyv+are .:n.n, , ;eol:.Feas 1 �6 >rs'- I rrir:2+Jsu?:.a1s. n_F_Rc;rrc _I�+; zaauE wLc ,_T tiI �raYP, 33' 1. C&1 RePuhGc !rr�,�ca C --pu- n. m frczs. fnc_ ;see L'escnrncr of •joarhrir s; nsvaEn'CIN11 19 "If:±lnan ,d PneIr S,.=_12Z n HS:IR£R= r CVPPA.GF5 cr r-rOA-g-N„MSci- 11 +rL =^q REVISICN VL'NIBER SeAi,•l-w PHIS IS i'J �=R'1=" fc-AT THE r'rL'�:.�-:; ':' IV51_R,i vr.-'_;51-U 5� 1'vJ HA'r= 3_-V 'SS:: �O r'J ls_ VSUR_i. VA`.I_.] AL+C'`JE "W TH_='--,L,C" FFEF!! L' INGn ..�:-]. `+- r&`HS-A:4CI•+f AV'+ R?_.IR�'nF`+ '�'?N CR 4T'ri ;Y 'W A-4 C4i117RA-7 GR )IH -Z O>11 --V. L w7H RE31F=,77, "� P,HCH -MIS C�R-I. CA = RAI 6,= 5S_..'; Cf? +,Inr i2'aI V, iHEIIV5.R+ +..'.kL' -: °fl+'7L.CIrS' 37RV _ H=P -'v IS iuE..E:, T"'' ALL Iti= T=R�tS EYCL-51:=115 .i•,IG -�'JS ES I_iit.ITS 'dT, uA1 - 5-2N _"C=, a PAID s__I`.i:• _ __-- L:i i, C64NE,9CIAL GEVErea 1. i.IAPILI'rV - 1_ ZIP Yg01L�tAal��^' �Ip,E,=}y-3L L 3 � ^„'"� a�LIL r'n--. •;RY Pxr fix, cka Z55 JABfi cF �:6' L.—:P. T A' C LYEp JAr3L rr y LNrNr�rynVR} � L..:15=.5.. -F. _kl?•. �v__ j .+l+. VZ i. i..9 FA-,.er „ ._•4i v. �.v t 7lpcni= y.,L.^y yl- —_ • _9i, kl3 - Nemed.rs,Jlads ire. S -'n 3a•+Ire 1NC i='f .arf al 'i --.es Ll 37VI II-7rduare 3MJC-- LI-C,� - 7, 7�- :f. 717 .3r � :-. r-._. 3•u - .ra'. -. - � y�' =tl .. 3 _ 3-_. `_ it ... -. r a. -"3 Aar _.3 a - _ r I i 3' _: .>'ra '=. VT. 3 SFIOLLC ANT :�F "tC ARCVC Dt a' EB D PQUCAF3 RE ,:.�I'FL`EEL_f3 BEFORE SAMPLE Ilif T74 f1+E E%PIRAT, ON N1+E ihESECF, NOTICE W,Ll BE DE ,E.4Ea IN A M i L S ACrn RRANCE WITH THE nc4Y ?In VI 341 CERTIFICATE i AIjT!•6RZfy RE"VESENTArnE Thi ACORD ndr'•a arc bI ;re reqter.30 -narks of ACORO jD 148&2943 ACORD CORPORAr ON All �ghts reserved. ACGRO H t2W-VGaf Automobile A�RL7 CERTIFICATE OF L)ABUTY I`iSURANLE i QP E /No]T:l 12.11-1 :2 ):5 T413 C::RT!FMA'E. a ISSUED AS A 31A77ER OF IN;3RMAT1GN ONL° A40 CONFERS .VO R!GK3 UPON THE CERTIFICATE. FOLDER. 7415 CRTIFICATE OCc3 NOT AFFtRMATVZ.( OR NE-3ATIVELv AVEND. t°Y TEVD DR ALTER T4E CGV=RA1'—c A:FORDED ?.v THE POLICIES 3E -OM THS C RTIFICA c OF INMRA4C? DOES NOT MNt3T:TUT= A 1'XWIACT ttlE'-VFF! T -E ISSUING INSUREai51, AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PROOUCE., AND TrB CRgT'. FICATE HOLJfR IMPORTA.47: it ;n•1 ca lificam :•,older Ls an A.?OIT,ONAL INSURED the xif,rylissl most x endorsed. IF &UBROGALON IS'NA.VED• su 1,21,, to the term and ."01,ditl3m 01 the 3olisy cerain PIN ci9a ma( -;u— 30 endarsem0nL A atatom m an !hi%cattlicate do:s 'lot Caner `fights .o ho C, rtlficate 10idel o ileu 3f Such andol90min'.(s) aRonu-Bn iirv,:.' _Y,Icdanka v+ rw+ 3zen Ba aja Mead Caepa:.p 745) 1o==--! -'4ich Sts Bet _1 .e $': i - NiuRElhi]AcrgAcend=O'I�AsE _ Ye•C t FL 33%i .__.. .NsuRCRl Tha _:l�ztix Ri7zz C.- - !NSE+ZD .ImsYNLF Q. 3=3•t S4vricas, :;IC 31x31) NW 73--h A-,an•le _NWRRR.]. CnV�RA 3e5 - -•,�. •:' _;...- r -- - REWWCNNUMBER: -IF ;A iVHEG NAMED +iVVE FR -FE °:L' :'r PERI' %, -:i '.f NN r -ER D,'-%' 1FN- NY -N RESPEZ; v' 'NFItGH -1.15 CEP A ..i DESCRIBED hE?E h t9 5`IBJEC'"'C 4Li �'E 'IE?Ma h5 +riG .� - - - � _ � � � .. .. - -'du :.Lal+A1 UK s WGRK•:R9:!SM(+PNSM1 iICN __ __ ..___--_ �.,T._-_� 'A48 2MPL0YE4S'JA3tDSY r:4 •i/xraue`. Raa.}a-�. E.rFJ".E"'.T•re - _ [MalxfYlorq'n NX) ar SCN'M:N H ]P�PeI„x5 L�'IGa.-N:d15 JFM ct_9• n_nnn '0� f. ,y� �cma; va :'eeYu,�. n x tr�c X.er-nperz,pmce�eN u.»u4 Ca r'r_f r_c3'e HOL.:e_ — De=ed ae e.iSi-��n �? ,_;,s •>< a.n cesp•t.=J! :u C.i3 A^s-� LawSil>, :y rl an z aired by Witten can =s3.t CcRT1F•CAT? •ICLC=R CANCELLAT!Ch1 SHO' ;L3 3M 1 :f T4E ABOVE DESCRIBED POLCIE3 3E CANCEL 1 =n BF -FORE ~NE EXF�FW �6N ':JAPE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE OEL',VERf:D IN $AiA?LE CERTiFICATE: ACCOROAMCF M-H?HEPOLCwPRDVIS:0114 AyR4CIRIiPO RE99ESQ1_G?YE 'li)U-2014ACCP,OCORFORA7,,CN. AllJois,eservnd ACCRA 25 r 'J' LQi} T'Te AC^.RC carne and logo are registered marks aS ACCRID INSA75 -- LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT C E RTf Ff CATE IL ll arr, ,4:rkul1lual ant. Acrkia=*lal cicrt.�z iii .Y # j nmnfraHm of t4l gx=ftu FA D ccllcy of � e.-5igrl has r3tdnmebr mtmm R-6irt Watt ITIFfIA L_2 blifft aff, th, Yarzn, ]R-j�lb 'ZO, yrijr.bprp to tllal huv aFpvz-�"�g- In LLLfiavnir 19,1"narL ajo 34 ai Illp litibienif.ba dmb tlu, iipaxm a% (sian, e -tan Yr lau tbnily-frj', :rm-:'wTu 4urk?h wWl n- c+u-tft'o. 3 .:.A 4"s.— A 11 . , 41ISFM sfrjK". OK FNGLA CERTIFICATIONS SFM SERVICES, INC. I ! '-1— 11 1.! Ftorida Nursery, Gmw-ers & Landscape Associa �ure X M'13 VC FN G L, T- 2 F c f ZLr, s �ic a r 13 w Ep1 -3 3 PFN!GLA.. The Florida Mursery, Growers & Landscape Assiaciation C--.-fcr5 7n Ned Skiff C39 00123 The Me of FMGLA Cer.,fled Landscape Contractor (FCLC) flISFA; smft�. w ARBORIST CERTIFICATES INTEI' ikTION-ALSOCIETY oi-AL30RICt,LTlirE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF ARBORICULTURE r u. 41 . ...... 411'sm Z-w4sIK. BEST IMANACENTENT PRACTICES Nlalr'io Canttro on I,-isn-um of : ord a,-6. A iculs U. Mayer PY29t21113 Calc + few-.1car:Date al CRSS 41ISFM lif T LCP..IDA - _ F;ciii.lrclo Riy,ra fi - .. -. t., �.'.. ... .. Fl)-. It .'.lid ]�_I,l..1i .r..l! �C l l•-- Dr L.E TI Ii. X9.1" �_i7..��t,�{�C,y,�?l„i..l_ kr�f� \! .nhU1171 �_ 1 :I.:i 1•� 19y�.f `�' 4 ar yrr p r . .� ,11It, .�.vd'. .. 1 .:� ✓e � ... �i. � .yf ar.:i... 1 .i ti� dY',�Ir��lkl..4�`"ars}F+e✓1.., .I!�\���N/'e!/�I.., i:;R�s31�✓i �..rA�6'�Y Wk ;el di ' ff t <�`ra->ti�', f1 7` a r +� dd x`11 •.. .., ^Y $-a.,gaRj7' J. z:._ M:lD,L Ni�- (rr_:��b-..ti,.9s.t'i c��Fi1�°Z�.k �FraLt?i..+ I„rs i _' e:1 .:.i tnl -S .1-Z , Nlalr'io Canttro on I,-isn-um of : ord a,-6. A iculs U. Mayer PY29t21113 Calc + few-.1car:Date al CRSS 41ISFM PESTICIDE LICENSE :f--k-0a PwScicidc �eruimnrru C:fic! Com--rc.'na: A sai9c_I�r:r L:c•:y-Tc !.':FA' Fabr:lar.,21Y,7_9N $:.•_!^HCI:: F ,:y'a<�� .::-iI ?-"r•yl1.CCM [R_S;CN=t IM s ..i+.C'f �3C�- s . .-SnC _ _ __ . 1 �v"T`i .'�'•! •�?.:CX�lii L't 9: x. -R 5.'a.ti c ::G._r _k.1' 1, Sr.\TE OF FLORIDA Orµlrrmrnr at Agrcrulrurr ano carsnn[rr oertllrr5 HL'REAr OF ENTOFIOLOGV & P&,T CONTROL Dam Filc No. Up— MR; IJ,:O IJ LF71964 }lot I120)9 THE LTA CUNISIERCIAL FERTILIZER APPLICA FUR HOLDER NAMED BSLOW RAS REGISTERED L'VDER THE PR.O'. TSIONS OF CHAPTER SF? FOR TEFF PERIOD _lXR[RING: M.y 12, 2(118 ROB--Rr sL-NSH1" c 11:31 Sw I!<TH Tf:RRAC,: MIAMI. FL !3176 AD{yl H. Pl ri a.M, ir,MMiS51OtF,R ST.ATy OF FLORIDLY Prpartmrnr M 3gr/ruiturr glib EMWUmrr virliwes W:REAL%OF EN:T+JMOI.ICY t PrST COV71U11 ROBERT SLTMHLNE LTR COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER APPI.[CA IOR HOLDER LF_ 1964, KIS '110 THF s=E tp M R__ ip JY CHIF7" {rr FIIR IRE PE111D FaPIRNG Mai I2.2— CtMI♦<uYgR3itER DLRPAU OF M',VMOLOCY ! P+j'TCON-RI?1 3I_5 O -FA 81.''M SL!TE v inliAHAggEE.FL,IR:D{ 123"q I%V (IS HORTICULTURE CERTIFICATIONS PC CEP TiFiCATE OF CO&IPLEDON ns 3 0 xrff,, Jim Jor;e Luis Aloma Has 3ucca-WtAy xrpieiec tle Cer-IfTcate Course in HoMcutture 21)(19 'ay IZ, 2009 F CERT,'FICA7,-,= OF COAlfPLETION -as CamficaKe curse in Horticulture 20139 41IS l.-"FM.w. MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC CERTIFICATIONS qlie Amrican Traffic Safety Services .1�soci.ati®n rlFz� zs t,, c. -:,t- f tfiat Christian Infante has demonstrated a thorough knowledge at 'he itanuaris. guweur•es sno aracarces of r ft conaol in highway onnstruction and maintananaa ,rent arras ir1 las xmu!ered of he requirements of the American Traffic Safe!y t;cetrcaaor 'rx; 3m ^o he saasracaon of he Cerl.fficalion Boarl: ;a tis date awarded Ree ]esignahen )l' Traffic Control Supervisor and is illy enfillEd to all the tights and �rvtleges wsoctateo vol, his lesrimnon This certificate will remain in affect until the exarravrm late eoted 'erelr irres Jtt'-erwrse rroked by action of the Cartification Board. t rr°:Jza!- T ony3(>oa��m �ev� 111-1,,E�p,r�urn]atr C SAt1119491 sail 1111.€ —� q7if- Arnerican Traffic Safe Se rvi, .es Association rl�ct, i� to eer- _,i y that Jose Infante has demonstrated a thorough knowledge of tea :rardams g!.Ideures !nd practices of traffic controi �.r highway consinJclian and maintanarce Rork ar.,?as .ru as completed all the requirements of the American Traffic Safer, 3r1€cadoo P ggram n hr satisfaction of the Certification Board: is this date a+varued the tesrgnation of Traffic Control Super-fisoir and is iuily snfitfed m alt the ngh!s and nrvrhw4es aesec:ated with this designation. This c_rilicate will remain in affect unfit 'he !,orlwn :are noted „ei-4In unless otherivise revoked by action of the Certification 3oard. i y ZIP;• , T-9 S Dept. Lk� SAM 11111 Ilei Oil �saeec E� THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS BOND NO. 03450428818-35 AIA Document A310 Bid Bond KINONV ALL INIEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that %ke SF4I Services, Inc. as Principal, hereinafter called the Principal. and United States Fire Insurance Company a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Delaware as Surety, hereinafter called the Surety, are held and firmly bound unto City of Miami as Obligee, hereinafter called the Obligee, in the sum of 5 % of bid amount, not to exceed Five Percent of Bid Amount Dollars (5% of Bid Amount) for the payment of which sum aell and truly to be made, the said Principal and the said Surety, bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, Frrnly by these presents. \X-HEREAS, the Principal has Submitted a bid for US -1 Landscape Maintenance IFB No. 717381 \OCL , THEREFORE. if the Obli=ee shall accept the hid of the Principal and the Principal shall enter into a Contract with the Obligee in accordance -,kith the terms oCsuch bid, and ake such bond or bonds as mas be specified in the bidding or Contract Documents �Nith Rood and sufficient surety for the faithful performance of such Contract and for the prompt payment of labor and material furnished in the prosecution thereof, or in the event of the failureof the Principal to enter such Contract and give such bond or bonds, if the Principal shall pay to the Obligee the difference not to exceed the penalty hereof bemeen the amount specified in said bid and such larger amount for -,khich the Obligee may in good faith contract -,kith another parte to perform the Rork co-,crcd by said bid, then this obligation shall be null and void. otheniise to remain in full force and effect. Signed and staled this 27" day of November, 2017 (Witness) (Vb"fitness) SFM Services, I (Seal) Christian ante resident F United Stes ire Insurance Compan% (Seal) Burton Harris, Attorney -in -Fact and Florida Resident Agent #A111883 AL1 DOCt NIE\T A310 • BID BOND • AIA is • FEBRLARt 19'0 ED • THE AMERICAN M, TITLTE OF ARCHITECTS- 1731 N AVE-, N.W. �kASHI\GTON, D.C. 20006 POWER OF ATTORYEF € 11TED STATES FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY PRINCIPAL OFFICE - NIORRISTO"N, NEW JERSEI 02450428818 -35 [;NON ALL SIE! B THESE PRESENTS: That € nited States Fire Insurance Compam, a corporation duly organized and existing under the laves of the state of Delaware. has made. constituted and appointed. and does hereby make. constitute and appoint: Burton Harris, Christiane Harris, .lfarina Ramil, Odalis Cabrera each.. its true and law ful Attorneyts)-In-Fact. with full power and authoriv, hercbw conferred in its name. place and stead. to execute, acknowledge and deliver: An% and all bonds and undertakings of surety and other documents that the ordinan course of surct-, business may require. and to bind United States Fire Insurance Company thereby as full` and to the same extent as if such bonds or undertakings had been duly executed and ackno+ledged by the regulark elected officers of United States Fire Insurance Company at its principal office, in amounts or penalties not exceeding: Seven Million, Five Hundred Thousand Dollars (S7,500,000). This Power of Aaorneti limits flit act of those named therein to the bonds and undertakings specifically named therein, and they have no authority to bind United States Fire Insurance Company except in the manner and to the extent therein stated. This Power of AttOrney revokes all previous Pi)wers of Attorney issued on behalf of the Attomeys-[n-Fact named above and expires on January 3l, 2018, This Powcr of Attorney is granted pursuant to .Article IV of the 13 '-Laws of United States Fire Insurance Company as novw in lull force and effect. and consistent with Article [II thereof, which Articles provide. in pertinent part: Article W. Execution of Instruments - Except as the Board of Directors may authorize by resolution. the Chairman of the Board, President, any Vice -President. any Assistant Vice President. the Secretarw, or anv Assistant Secretan shall have power on behalf of the Corporation: (a) to execute. affix the corporate 'seal manually or by tad's im, fie to. acknowledge. ver if1 and deliver any contracts. obligations. lnstrlments and documents whatsoever in connection with its business including, without limiting the foregoing. an), bonds. guarantees, undertakings, recognizances. powers of attornew or revocations of any powers of attorney, stipulations. policies of insurance. deeds. leases. mortgages. releases. satisfactions and agency agreements. (b) to appoint. in writing, one or more persons for any or all orthe purposes mentioned in the preceding paragraph (a), including affixing the seal of the Corporation. Article III. Officers. Section 3.11. Facsimile Signatures. The signature of ane officer authorized by the Corporation to sign any bonds. guarantees_ undertakings. recognizances, stipulations. powers of attorney or revocations of any powers .of attorney and policies of insurance issued by the Corporation may be printed, facsimile. lithographed or otherwise produced. In addition. if and as authorized by the Board of Directors-. dividend warrants or checks. or other numerous instruments similar to one another in form, may be signed by the facsimile sianature or signatures. lithographed or otherwise produced. of such officer or officers of the Corporation as from time to time may be authorized to si Tn such instruments on behalf of the Corporation. The Corporation may continue to use for the purposes herein stated the facsimile signature of any person or persons who shall have been such officer or officers of the Corporation, notwithstanding the fact that he may have ceased to be such at the tirne when such instruments shall be issued. IN WITNESS 'WHEREOF, United States Fire Insurance Compam has caused these presents to be signed and attested by its appropriate officer and its corporate seal hereunto affixed this 10`' day of March, 2016. State ofNew Jersey} County of Morris } UNITED STATFG FTRF INSU'R ANCE CONIPAN1 y Anthony R. Slimowicz. Senior Vice President On this IO'h day of March 2015. before me. a Notar} public of the State of Neve Jersey. came the above named officer of United States Fire Insurance Compan . to me personally known to be the individual and officer described herein. and acknowlcd_ged that he executed the foregoing instrument and affixed the seal of United States Fire Insurance Company thereto b,, the authority of his office, SOMA SCALA. 1p yL tvrL1=1� 1�I fig \OTAR1 PUBLICOF `E%% JERSEY Sonia Scala (Notan Public) M COMMISSION EXPIRES 3i25i2019 I, the undersigned officer of United States Fire Insurance Company, a Delaware corporation, do hereb_` certif that the original Power of Attorney of which the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy is still in force and effect and has not been revoked. IN WITNESS N HEREOF. I hay e hereunto set my hand and atlixed the corporate seal of United States Fire Insurance Compan; on thez7thday of Nove®rnr2017 UN STATES FIRE INSURANCE CONIPANA s Al w right. Senior 4 ice Pre,ident -a pr D8PR ONLINE SERVICES �L i!SSi[i Licensee _ cense ition Status nformation Licensee Details laint Licensee information luent ctivity Name: Main Address: County: License Flailing: LicenseLocation: License information License Type: Rank: License rJumber: Status: Licensure Date: Expires: Special Qualifications Construction Business Alternate Names View Related License Information View LiceFise Complaint LIGNAROLO, FRANCESCO (Primary Name) SFM SERVICES INC (DBA Name) 11360 SW 137TF1 COURT MIAMI Florida 33186 DADE Certified General Contractor Cert General CCC1514564 Current,Active 11/29%2007 08/31/20118 Qualification Effective 11/24/2007 12/2112017 DBPR - LIGNAROLO. FRANCESCO: Doing Business As, SFM SERVICES INC, Certified General Contractor 2 51. 11 PM 1 212 112 0 1 7 Licensee Details Licensee Information Name: LIGNAROLO, FRANCESCO (Primary Name) SFM SERVICES INC (DBA Name) Main Address: 11360 SW 137TH COURT MIAMI Florida 33186 County: DADE License Mailing: LicenseLocation License Information License Type: Certified General Contractor Rank: Cert General License Number: CGC1514564 Status: Current,Active Licensure Date: 11/29/2007 Expires: 08/31/2018 Special Qualifications Qualification Effective Construction Business 11/29/2007 Alternate Names View Related License Information View License Complaint 2601 Blair Stone Road, Tallahassee FL 32399 :: Email: Customer Contact Center :: Customer Contact Center: 850.487.1395 The State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer. Copyright 2007-2010 State of Florida. Privacy Statement Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your email address released in response to a public -records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact the office by phone or by traditional mail. If you have any questions, please contact 850.4871395. *Pursuant to Section 455.275(1), Florida Statutes, effective October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under Chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Department •vith an email address if they have one. The emails provided may be used for Official cummuoication with the licensee. However email addresses are public record. if you do not wish to supply a personal address, please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public. Please see our Chapter 455 page to determine if you are arfected by this change. https i/www.myfloridalicense.comlLicenseDetail.asp?S1D=&id=99883BD319AE3415A7E256D28D46261 E 111 Certiilaeation Statement Please quote on this form, if applicable, net prices for the item(s) listed. Return signed original and retain a copy for your files. Prices should include all costs, including transportation to destination. The City reserves the right to accept or reject all or any part of this submission. Prices should be firm for a minimum of 180 days following the time set for closing of the submissions. In the event of errors in extension of totals, the unit prices shall govern in determining the quoted prices. We (1) certify that we have read your solicitation, completed the necessary documents, and propose to furnish and deliver, F.O.B. DESTINATION, the items or services specified herein. The undersigned hereby certifies that neither the contractual party nor any of its principal owners or personnel have been convicted of any of the violations, or deban-ed or suspended as set in section 13-107 or Ordinance No. 12271. All exceptions to this submission have been documented in the section below (refer to paragraph and section). EXCEPTIONS: We (1) certify that any and all information contained in this submission is true; and we (1) further certify that this submission is made without prior understanding, agreement, or connection with any corporation, firm, or person submitting a submission for the same materials, supplies, equipment, or service, and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. We (I) agree to abide by all terms and conditions of this solicitation and certify that I am authorized to sign this submission for the submitter. Please print the following; and sign your name: PROPOSER NAME: Superior Landscaping & Lawn Service, Inc. ADDRESS 2200 NW 23 Avenue Miami, FL 33142 PHONE: 305-634-0717 FAX: 305-634-0744 EMAIL: superlandscape@bellsouth.net CELL(Optional): ,, SIGNED BY: TITLE: Estimator DATE: 12/11/2017 FAILURE TO COMPLETE, SIGN, AND RETURN THIS FORM SHALL DISQUALIFY THIS RESPONSE. Paoe 2 of 52 Certifications Legal Name of F=irm: Superior Landscaping & Lawn Service, Inc. Enrity Type: Partnership, Sole Proprietorship, Corporation, etc, Corporation Year Established: 18.1998 Office Location: City of Miami, Nliarni-Dade County, or Other City of Miami FEI/EIN No.: 100 Occupational / B usiness License Number: 20790 Occupational / Business License Issuing Agency: Miami -Dade County_ Occupational / Business License Expiration Date: September 30, 2018 Will Subcontractor(s) he used? (Yes or No) If yes, provide Subcontractor(s) information on Attachment C - Supplement to Bid. The Work performed by all Subcontractors listed cannot be more than ten percent (I0%) of the total Work for this Contract. Please list and acknowledge all addendum / addenda received. List the addendum / addenda number and date of receipt (i.e. Addendum No. 1, 7/1/07). If no addendum f addenda was / were issued, please. insert NIA. Addendum No.1 / 11120!2017: Addendum No. 2 / 1211/2017: Addendum No. 1 12/6/2017 If Bidder has a Local Office, as defined under Chapter 18 / Articlle III, Section 18-73 of the City Code. has Bidder filled out, notarized, and included with its bid response the "City of Miami Local Office Certification' form located in the Header/ Attachments Section of this solicitation? (Yes or No) Yes Paue3of52 IFB717381, US -1 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE ATTACHMENT B, REVISED PRICE SCHEDULE (12-6-17) IFB717381, U5-1 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE Line No. Description Quantity Item Cost Mowing and Edging: All-inclusive price for furnishing all labor, equipment, and materials necessary for mowing, edging, trimming hedges, trimming branches, weed eating, sweeping and picking up all grass clippings, and bags within, and on the landscaped medians along US -1 between SVJ 37th Avenue, and 1-95, a strip of land located between the wall and curb, of the US -1 northbound 1 outside lane between Viscaya and SW 19th Avenue, and maintaining the 1-95 embankments, and S.R. 9/SW 27 Avenue from SW 28th Lane to SW 8th Street right-of-way. Litter removal from all turf areas, plant beds, and designated right-of-way areas shall be completed prior to each mowing operation on rhe 213,200.01 same day. 26 times per year $ Pruning and Thinning of Trees/Palms: All-inclusive price for furnishing all labor, equipment, and materials necessary for pruning and thinning of trees, palms, plants, and the initial thinning and shaping of existing trees as noted in these specifications, within and on the landscape medians of US -1 between SW 37th Avenue, and 1-95, and a strip of land located between the wall and curb, of the US -1 northbound outside lane between Vizcaya and SW 19th 29,400.00 Avenue, the 1-95 embankments, and S.R. 9/SW 27 Avenue from SW 28th Lane Annually (1 time to S:": Sth Street right -of ..ay. per year 5 Weeding of Planting Beds: All-inclusive price for fumishing all labor, equipment, and materials necessary for the weeding of planting beds as noted in these specifications, within and on the landscaped medians on the US -1 3 between SW 37th Avenue, and 1-95, and a strip of land located between the wall and curb of the US -1 northbound outside lane between Vizcaya and SW 19th Avenue, and the 1-95 embankments, and S.R, 9/SW 27 Avenue from 28th 77,963,0 Lane to SW 8th Street right-of-way. 26 times per year $ Mulching: All-inrludve price for furnishing all labor, equipment, and materials necessary to install 3 inches of Spanish Gold mulch or Eucalyptus mulch around each tree, pafim, and planting bed as noted in these specifications within, and on the landscaped medians on US -1 between SW 37th Avenue and a 1-95, a strip of land located between the wall and curb of the US -1 northbound outside lane between Vizcaya and SW 19th Avenue, the 1-95 embankments, Every Two 79 000 0 and S. R. 9/SW 27th Avenue from SW 28th Lane to SW 8th Street right-of-way. Months (6 times per year) $ Clean -Up and Litter Removal: All inclusive price for furnishing all labor, equipment, and materials necessary to clean up, remove fitter, and properly dispose of the litter removed as noted in these specifications, within and on the landscaped medians an US -1 between SW 37th Avenue and 1-95, a strip of 5 land located between the wall and curb of US -1 northbound outside lane between Vizcaya and SW 19th Avenuw, the 1-95 embankments, and S.R, 9/SW 27,1 85.0 27 Avenue from SW 28th Lane to SW 8 Street right-of-way. 26 times per year $ - Contingency Allowance (Additional Services) for the duration of the contract. 6 No Bid Item $100,000 Total Bid (Lines 1-6) P27,6481 C ADDITIONAL SERVICES: In addition to the required services, the City may on an "as needed" basis require the Successful Bidder to perform the below services. When required, the Project Manager or designee will request a quote based on pricing provided for the additional services. 1Gallon Shrubs. Furnish all necessary labor, materials, water, fuel, tools, and equipment for performing the planting of 1 gallon shrubs . Water and fertilize 7 accordingly. Planting shall be coordinated with the City Engineer and Project 12.00 Manager and no additional compensation will be allowed. Each $ IF8717381, US -1 LANDSCAPE MAINTINANCE Line No. Description Quantity Item Cost 3 Gallon Shrubs. Furnish all necessary labor, materials, water, fuel, tools, and equipment for performing the planting of 3 gallon shrubs. Water and fertilize 8 accordingly. Planting shall be coordinated with the City Engineer and Project Manager and no additional compensation will be allowed. Each S 22.00 7 Gallon Shrubs. Furnish all necessary labor, materials, water, fuel, tools, and equipment for performing the planting of 7 gallon shrubs. Water and fertilize 9 accordingly. Planting shall be coordinated with the City Engineer and Project Manager and no additional compensation w4ii be allowed, Each S 36.00 Furnish all necessary labor, materials, water, fuel, tools, and equipment for 10 performing the planting of Pink Crape Myrtle—Largefstroemia indica 'muskogee' — 30 gal. Each $ 390.00 Furnish all necessary labor, materials, water, fuel, tools, and equipment for 11 performing the planting of Florida Royal Palm— Roystonea elata — Field Grown 3,800.0 20'-22' GW, Each $ Furnish all necessary labor, materials, water, fuel, tools, and equipment for 12 performing the planting of Live Oak -Quercus virginiana- 4"Dbh/6-7' CT/20'- 22'HT/12'SPR. Each $ 2,400.0 Furnish all nprpssary labor, materials, water, fuel, tools, and equipment for 13 performing the planting of west Indian Mahogany—Swletenia mahagoni — Field Grown/Full/ 18'-22'HT-8'-10' SPR/5'CT. Each $ 1,600.0,' Furnish all necessary labor, materials, water, fuel, tools, and equipment for 14 performing the planting of5ilver Buttonwood tree—Conocarpus erectus sericeus-30 gal. Min 2" DBH. Each $ Furnish all necessary labor, materials, water, fuel, tools, and equipment for 15 performing the planting of Green Buttonwood tree —Conocarpus 16' OAH 750.00 Field Grown. Each $ - Furnish all necessary labo+:, material,, water, fuel, tools, and equipment for 16 660.00 performing the planting ofAddonidia Palm, 6' Single trunk —100 gal. Each 5 - Furnish all necessary iahor, materials, water', fuel, tools, and equipment for 17 performing the planting of Pygmy date palm Multi 1G/6" —45 gal. Each $ 375.00 Furnish all necessary labor, materials, water, Fuel, tools, and equipment for 18 performing the planting of Jatropha Tree Form, Jatropha berlandieri 45 gal. 37'55.00 Each $ Furnish all necessary labor, materials, water, fuel, tools, and equipment for 19 performing the planting of 5eagrape bush —25 gal. 6' HT full, heavy, Each $ 260.(}0 Furnish all necessary labor, materials, water, fuel, tools, and equipment for 20 performing the planting of iviedjool Date palm — Bare Root/Gradegl/Single/20'-24' HT Each $ 21 Furnish all necessary labor, materials, water, fuel, tools, and equipment for 600.00 performing the planting of Bird of Paradise—45G/28" 10'ht Each $ - Furnish all necessary labor, materials, water, fuel, tools, and equipment for 22 600'©0 performing the planting of Foxtail palm— 30 G single 8'ht. Each $ Furnish all necessary labor, materials, water, fuel, tools, and equipment for 23 performing the planting of Alexander palm -14' OAH Single trunk —30 gal. Each $ 660.00 Furnish all necessary labor, materials, water, fuel, tools, and equipment for 24 performing the planting of Pitch Apple- Standard 12-14' HT/6-8' SPR/3" CAL. Each $ 900.00 Furnish all necessary labor, materials, water, fuel, tools, and equipment for 25 performing the planting of Gumbo Limbo- 14-16' HT/6-8'5PR/5'CT/Field 980,00 Grown. Each $ - Furnish all necessary labor, materials, water, fuel, tools, and equipment for 26 performing the planting of Pigeon Plum -Standard 12'-14' HT/4-6' 5PR/3" CAL. 770.00 Each$ - Furnish all necessary labor, materials, water, fuel, tools, and equipment for 27 performing the planting of Pink Trumpet Tree — abebuia heterophylla — 16' OAH, 8' CT Field Grown. Each $ 990.00 IFB717381, US -1 WIDSCAP€ MAINTENANCE Line No. Description Quantity Iters Cast Furnish all necessary labor, materials, water, fuel, tools, and equipment for 28 performing the planting ofyellcwTrumpe[tree —Tabebuiacaraiba-16'OAH, 990.00 o"' CT Field Grown. Each - Furnish ail necessary labor, materials, water, fuel, tools, and equipment for 29 performing the planting afAlexanderPalm —Ptychosperma-45 gal. Min 2" 600-00 DBH. Each $ Furnish all necessary labor, materials, water, fuel, tools, and equipment for 2,800.00 30 performing the planting of Bismarck Palm—Bismarckia nobilts "Silver"- 20' OA H. Each $ Furnish all necessary labor, materials, water, fuel, tools, and equipment for 31 performing the planting of Cabbage Palm—Sabal palmetto— 100 gal. Min 2" 80.00 DBH. Each Furnish all necessary labor, materials, water, fuel, tools, and equipment for 32 performing the planting of fvlacarthur Palm — Ptychosperma macarthuri-100 gal. Min 2" DBH. Each $1,200.00 St. Augustine Grass (Floratam)— 2500 Square footprice forfurnishing all labor, 33 material and equipment necessary to install and to water for one (1)week per l !�. planting specifications. 2500 Sq. Ft. $ Erecting, staking and bracing fallen existing trees and palms (fallen by traffic accidents, high winds, or other forces) — Furnishing all labor, materials and equipment neresry to erect, stake and brace any existing tree/ palm 34 sa (including digging underneath tree, filling the area with treated planting soil, bracing tree with 4"x 4" wood boards, as directed by City. (0' - 15' overall 90-00 height). Each $ Erecting, staking and bracing fallen existing trees and palms (fallen by traffic accidents, high winds, or other forces) — furnishing all labor, materials and 35 equipment necessary to erect, stake and brace any existing tree/ palm (including digging underneath tree, filling the area with treated planting soil, bracing tree with 4"x 4" wood boards, as directed by City. (16' -40' overall Height). Each .990.00 - Erecting, staking and bracing fallen existing trees and palms (fallen by traffic accidents, high winds, or other forces) — furnishing all labor, materials and equipment necessary to erect, stake and brace any existing tree/ palm 36 (including digging underneath tree, tilling the area with treated planting soil, bracing tree with 4"x 4" wood boards, as directed by City. (41'- 60' overall 2,900.00 height). Each $ Stump RemovaLFurnish all labor, materials and equipment necessary to 37 remove, haul to dump site and dispose of treelpalm stumps, including root balls, finisli grading, any size at various locations if necessary and as directed by the City Project Manager or designee. Each $580.00 - Mulching: Furnish all labor, equipment, and materials necessary to install 3" of Spanish Gold mulch around each tree, palm, and planting beds as noted in these specifications within and on the landscaped medians on US -1 between 33 SW 37th Avenue and 1-95, a strip of land located between the wall and curb, northbound US -1 between SW 19th Avenue and 1-95, the I -SIS embankments, and S.R. 9/SW 27 Avenue from SW 28th Lane to SW 8th Street right-of-way. 22}500.0 This work is every 6 months. Each $ Water Truck: Furnish all labor, rnatedafs and equipment necessary to provide water for the entire length of the median (15, 278 ft.), the wall portion (1,200 39 ft.) , the 1-95 embankments ( 49,760 sq. ft.), and S.R. 9/SW 27 Avenue from SW 28th Lane to SIA/ 8th Street right-of-way, As necessary and as directed by the City Each $2,800.00 Top Soil: Furnish all labor, material and equipment necessary to install (60) 40 cubic yards of fertilized top soil (50/50), as necessary and as directed by the City. Each $ 6,600.00 2" IF8717331, US -1 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE Line No. Description Quantity Item cost Fertilization and Pesticide Applications for Turf, Planting beds, and Shrubs: For furnishing all labor, equipment and materials necessary for the fertilization and chemical pesticide application of all turf, planting beds, and shrubs as noted in these specifications, within and on the landscaped medians on US -1 between SVV 37th Avenue and 1-95, a strip of land located between the wall 41 and curb of the US -1 northbound outside lane between Vizcaya and SW 19th Avenue, northbound US -1 between SW 19th Avenue, the 1-95 embankments, and S.R. 915Vd 27 Avenue from SW 28th Lane to SW Sth Street right-of-way, as necessary and as directed by the City. Per Sq. Ft. 5 0.18 - Fertiiization and Pesticide Applications for Trees and Palms: Furnish alf labor, equipment and materials necessary for the fertilization and chemical pesticide application of all trees and palms as noted in these specifications, within and on the landscaped medians on US -1 between SW 37th Avenue and 1-95, a strip 42 of land located between the wall and curb of the US -1 northbound outside lane between Viscaya and SW 19th Avenue, the 1-95 embankments, and S.R. 9/S W 27 Avenue from SW 28th Lane to SW 8th Street righ L -c f -way, as necessary and as directed by the City. 5,700.0 Each $ - Furnish all labor, materials and equipment necessary for the planting of a shade tree (Field Grown/Standard/4" UBH/15-18'/6.8' SPR/5'CT)) including; removal of stump, planting a new one of same species, mulching, and 43 watering for a one (1) year period, along the entire length of the median at locations approved by City Engineer and/or Project Manager only. Each $ 2,800.0 Furnish all labor, materials and equipment necessary for the planting, of a shade tree 1100 gal) including removal of stump, planting a new one of same 44 species, mulching, and watering for a one year period, along the entire length of the median at locations approved by City Engineer and/or Project Manager only. Each $ 3,900.-0() Furnish ail labor, materials and equipment necessary for the planting of a palm tree (Field Grown/titin, 10' iGW/Balled and Burlaped/Single-S' and/or 15-20' 45 CT) including removal ofstump, planting a new one ofsame species, mulching, and watering for a one (1) year period, along the entire length of the median at locations approved by City Engineer and/or Project Manager only. 919000 Each $ Furnish all labor, materials and equipment necessary for the planting of a palm tree (45 gal) including removal of stump, planting a new one of same species, 46 mulching, and watering fora one {1) year period, along the entire length of the median at locations approved by City Engineer and/or Project Manager only. Each $ 1,900;0l) 47 Installation of 15011near feet of root barrier per PW Bulletin No. 33 Linear foot $ 29.00 - Furnish all labor, materials and equipment necessary for removing a deceased 48 or damaged shade trees (0'- 15' overall height) including removal of stump, 1,900,00 trunk, crown, and roots and restoration of the area. Each $ - Furnish all labor, materials and equipment necessary for removing a deceased 49 or damaged shade trees (16' - 40' overall height) including removal of stump, 2,400.E trunk, crown and roots and restoration of the area. Each $ Furnish all labor, materials and equipment necessary for removing a deceased 50 or damaged shade trees (41' - 60' overall height) Including removal of stump, trunk, crown and roots and restoration of the area. Each > 3,9000 Furnish all labor, materials and equipment necessary for mmovinR a deceased 51 or damaged palm (0' - 15' overall height) including removal of stump, trunk, crown and roots and restoration of the area. Each $ 660.00 Furnish all labor, materials and equipment necessary for removing a deceased 52 or damaged palm (16'- 40' overall helght) including removal of stump, trunk, crown and roots and restoration of the area. Each 5 - IF8717381, US -I LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE Line No. Description QLia nslty tem Cost Furnish all labor, materials and equipment necessary for removing a deceased 53 or damaged palm (41' - 60' overall height) including removal of stump, trunk, crown and roots and restoration of the area. each $ 2,200.0 Emergency Disaster Debris Services: Cutting, Clearing, and hauling of debris to 54 the designated debris management site (DMS), Land Fill, or Transfer Station. Cubic Yard 5 90,00 - nr• r r i>ca�r ars Ir. # \f CU..r CITY OF MIAMI LOCAL OFFICE, CERTIFICATION (City Code, Chapter 18; Article III, Section 18-73) Solicitation Type and Number: Solicitation Title: 717381 (i.e. IFQ/1FB/RFP/RFQrRFLI No. 123456) US -1 Landscape Maintenance Superior Landscaping & Lawn Service. inc. (Bidder/Proposer) hereby certifies compliance with the Local Office requirements stated sunder Chapter 18/Article 1I1, Section 18-73, of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended. Local office means a business within the city which meets all of the following criteria: (1) Has had a staffed and fined office or distribution point, operating within a permanent structure with a verifiable street address that is located within the corporate limits of the city, for a minimum of twelve (12) months immediately preceding the date bids or proposals were received for the purchase or contract at issue; for purposes of this section, "staffed" shall mean verifiable, Bill -time, on-site employment at the local office for a minimum of forty (40) hours per calendar week, whether as a duly authorized employee, officer, principal or owner of the local business; a post office box shall not be sufficient to constitute a local office within the city; (2) If the business is located in the permanent structure pursuant to a lease, such lease must be in writing, for a term of no less than twelve (12) months, been in effect for no less than the twelve (12) months immediately preceding the date bids or proposals were received, and be available for review and approval by the chief procurement officer or its designee; for recently -executed leases that have been in effect for any period less than the twelve (12) months immediately preceding the date bids or proposals were received, a prior fully -executed lease within the corporate limits of the city that documents, in writing, continuous business residence within the corporate limits of the city for a tern of no less than the twelve (12) months immediately preceding the date bid, or proposals were received shall be acceptable to satisfy the requirements of this section, and shall be available for review and approval by the chief procurement officer or its designee; further requiring that historical, cleared rent checks or other rent payment documentation in writing that documents local office tenancy shall be available for review and approval by the chief procurement officer or its designee; (3) Has had, for a minimum of twelve (12) months immediately preceding the date bids or proposals were received for die purchase or contract at issue, a current business tax receipt issued by both the city and Miami - Dade County, if applicable; and (4) Has had, for a minimum of twelve (12) months immediately preceding the date bids or proposals were received for the purchase or contract at issue, any license or certificate of competency and certificate of use required by either the city or Miami -Dade County that authorizes the performance of said business operations; and (5) Has certified in writing its compliance with the foregoing at the time of submitting its bid or proposal to be eligible for consideration under this section; provided, however, that the burden of proof to provide all supporting documentation in support of this local office certification is borne by the business applicant submitting a bid or proposal. 1 FORM -City of Miami Local Office Certification 7/22/2013 PLEASE PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING IN!~ORMATUYf ": Bidder/Proposer Local Office Address: 2200 NW 23 Avenue Miami, FL 33142 Does Bidder: Proposer conduct verifiable, fifll- time, on-site employment at the local office YES ❑ NO for a minimum of forty (40) hours per calendar week? If Bidder/Proposer's Local Office tenancy is pursuant to a lease, has Bidder/Proposer ❑ YES ❑ NO NIA enclosed a copy of the lease`' City of Miami: L"`_f YES ❑ NO ❑ Exempt Cite Exemption: Has Bidder/Proposer enclosed a copy of the Business Tax Receipt (BTR) issued by the City of Miami and Miami -Dade County? Miami -Dade County: YES ❑ NO Exempt Cite Exemption: Has Bidder/Proposer enclosed a copy of the license, certificate of competency and certificate of use that authorizes the ® YES ❑ NO performance of BidderlProposer's business operations? Bidder/Proposer's signature below certifies compliance with the Local t7ffice requirements stated under Chapter 18/Article III, Section 18-73, of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended. Jesenia Otero, Estimator Print Name (Bidder/Proposer Authorized Representative) S i gorature FORM -City of Miami Local Office Certification 7/27/2013 12/11/2017 Date STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ©AZr�-, Certified to and subscribed before me this 1 3 day of �)C aM 5E R 20 1 `1 , by BETTY R. GER9T5 Notary Public - State of Florida My Comm. Expires talar 28, 2018 �(S'watLtr ofi Notgzy Public -State of Florida) ',,,coF�tgo Commission # FF 195158 (NOTARY SEAL) (Name of Notary Typed, Printed, or Stamped) Personally Known ,r Type of Identification Produced FORM -City of Miami Local Office Certification 7/22/2013 OR Produced Identification IFB717381, US -1 Landscape Maintenance Attachment C — Subcontractors Name of Subcontractor Approximate Percentage of Work to be performed Certification/License No. (if applicable) Description of Work _ NIA Notes: 1. The Work performed by Subcontractors listed cannot be more than ten percent (10%) of the total Work for this Contract. 2. The foregoing list of Subcontractor(s) may not be amended after award of the Contract without the prior written approval of the City's Project Manager identified in the solicitation, whose approval will not be unreasonably withheld. IE13717381, US -1 Landscape Maintenance ATTACHMENT D RAST PERFORMANCE REFERENCE SUBMITTAL FORM: US -1 Landscape Maintenance FIRM NAME: Superior Landscaping & Lawn Service, Inc. Reference Summarized Requirements: Refer to the details in Section 2, Special Conditions, Sub -section 2.8 to Section verify that the information provided will suffice as proof of meeting the requirements of this solicitation. Section 2, 2.8 Past Performance Reference Check #1 Company/Organization Name: City of Hollywood Address: 2600 Hollywood Blvd. Hollywood, FL 33022 Contact Person: Xavier Leal Contact Phone Number: 754-208-8796 Contact E-mail (if applicable): XLeal@hoilywoodfl.org Date of Contract: 2014-2017; Renewed 2017-2019 Section 2, 2.8 Past Performance Reference Check #2 Company/Organization Name: City of Bonita Springs Address: 9101 Bonita Beach Road Bonita Springs, Fl. 34135 Contact Person: Joel Lan ane Contact Phone Number: 239-478-4614 Contact E-mail (if applicable): Joel. langaney cityofbonitasprings.org Date of Contract: 2016-2017 Section 2, 2.8 Past Performance Reference Check #3 Company/Organization Name: City of Miami Beach Address: 2100 Washington Ave, Miami Beach, F1.33139 Contact Person: Millie McFadden Contact Phone Number: 305-673-7720 Contact E-mail (if applicable): MlllieMCFadden@miamibeachfl.gov Date of Contract: Several projects since 2009 BID BOND FORM (rage 1 of 3) State of Florida ) County of Miami- Dade ) SS City of Miami ) Superior Landscaping KNOWN ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS, that & Lawn service. Inc. as Principal, Philadelphia Indemnity Insurance Company as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto The City of Miami, in the penal sum of Five Percent of Amount Bid Dollars (S5% 1 Ia+nrfut money of the United States, for the payment of which sura well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators and successors, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that whereas the Principal has submitted the accompanying bid, dated December 13 2017 , for: US -1 Landscape Maintenance, Project No. 717381 NOWTHEREFORE: (c) If the principal shall not withdraw said bid within sixty (60) days after date of opening the same, and shall within ten (10) days after the prescribed forms are presented to him for signature, enter into a written contract with the City, in accordance with the bid as accepted, and give bond with good and sufficient Surety or Sureties, as may be required, for the faithful performance and proper fulfillment of such contract; or, (d) In the event if the withdrawal of said bid within the period specified, or the failure to enter into such contract and give such bond within the time specified, if the principal shall pay the City the difference between the amount specified in said bid and the amount for which the City may procure the required work and supplies, if the latter amount be in excess of the former, then the above obligation shall be void and of no effect, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. 159 US -1 Landscape gld No., Mainlernance, Project No 00410. BID BOND FORM, (Page 2 of 3) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the above bound parties have executed this instrument under their several seals, this 13th d.iy of December , A. D., 2017 , the name and corporate sea[ of each party being hereto affixed and these presents duly signed by its undersigned representative, pursuant to authority of its governing body. WITNESS; (If Sole Ownership, PRINCIPAL' Partnership, or Joint Venture, two (2) Witnesses are required. If Corporation, Secretary only will attes+'and affix seal,) e _ Superior Landscaping.& Lawn Service, Inc. (Name of Firm) Affix By. Seal (Signature of authorized officer) C:, , "t (Title) 2200 NW 23 Avenue (Business Address) Miami FL 33142 City State Zip Surety: Philadelphia Indemnity Insurance Company (Corporate,Surety) Affix By Sea[ Brett Rosenhaus Yr Sc f (Signature of Authorized Officer) Rita Lazarides, Witness Attorney -in -Fact (Title) One Bala Plaza, Suite 100 (Business Address) Bala Cynwyd PA 19004-1403 City Slate Zip Nieison,Rosenhaus &Associates (Name of Local Insurance Agency) 8401 Lake Worth Road, Ste. 230 Address Lake Worth FL 33467 160 US -1 Landscape Bid No.: Maintenance, Project No Teiephane Number 00410. BIO BOND FORM (Page 3 of 3) CERTIFICATE AS TO CORPORATE PRINCIPAL I, ''% certify that t am the Secretary of the Corporation named as Principal in the within bond; that of said corporation; that I know his signature, and the signature hereto is genuine; and that said bond was duly signed, sealed and attested for and in behalf of said corporation by authority of its governing body. _(Corporate _ (Corporate Seal) STATE OF Florida } COUNTY DFPinellas } SS City OF St. Petersburg ) Before me, a Notary Public duty commissioned, and qualified, personally appeared Brett Rosenhaus to me well known, who being by me first duly sworn upon oath, says that he/she is the at01 ;fin -fact, for the rhiladelphia Indemnity Insurance Company and that he/she has been authorized bymdemnity lnsuranc® Company to execute the foregoing bond on behalf of the Contractor named therein in favor of The City of Miami, Florida, Subscribed and sworn to before me this 13th day of December A. p„ 2617_ INSTRUCTIONS: Bid Bonds must be accompanied by _Notary Public, State of Florida at Large a Dower of Attorney, in compliance with Instructions to Bidders My Commission Expires: 161 US -1 Landscape Bid No.: Ma+nte^ante P,atecl No JACQUELINE Y HAYNIES COMMLSSION M 66121291 UKC V EXMES+�U9. 21, 2022 E1n F Er TMROr M AU NSULU i COWA v 161 US -1 Landscape Bid No.: Ma+nte^ante P,atecl No PHILADELPHIA IiNDM1NITY INSURANCE COMPANY One Bala Plaza, Suite 100 Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004-0950 Power or muirney KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS ghat PHILADELPHIA lNDEMNITV INSURANCE COMPANY (the Company), a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, does hereby constitute and appoint Brett Rosenhaus of Nielson. Rosenhaus & Associates its true and law4'ul Attorney-in-fact with full authority 10 execute on its behalf bonds, undertakings, recognizances and other contracts of indemnity and writings obligatory in the mature thereof, issued in the course of its business and to bind the Company thereby in an amount not to exceed S25.000.000 This Power of Attorney is granted and is signed and sealed by facsimile under and by the authority of the iollowing Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors or PHILADELPHIA INDEMNITY INSURANCE COMPANY on the 14" ofNovember.201G. RESOLVED: That the Board or Directors hereby authorizes the President or any Vice President of the Company (1) Appoint Attorney(s) in Fact and authorize the Attorney(s) in Fact to execute on behall' or the Company bonds and undertakings, contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereon and to attach the seal or the Company therein; and (2) to remove, at any time, any such Attomey-in-Fact and revoke the authority given. And, be it FURTHER RESOLVED: That the signatures of such officers and the seal of the Company may be affixed m any such Power or Attorney or certificate relating thereto by I:acsimile, and any such Power of Attorney so executed and certified by facsimile signatures and facsimile seal shall he valid and binding upon the Company in the future with respect to any bond or undertaking to which itis attached. IN TESTI"vIONY WHEREOF, PHILADELPHIA INDEMNITY INSURANCE COiNIPANY HAS CAUSED THIS INSTRUMENT TO BE SIGNED AND ITS CORPORATE SEALTO BE AFFIXED BY ITS AUTHORIZED OFFICE THIS 27'x' DAY OF OCTOBER, 2017. (seal) I:obert D. O'Leary Jr., President & CFO Philadelphia Indemnity Insurance Company On this 27"' day of October, 3017, bei'ore me came the individual who executed the preceding instrument, to me personally known, and being by me duly sworn said that he is the :herein described and authorized officer of the PHH-ADELPHIA [INDEMNITY INSURANCE COMPANY: that the seal affixed to said instrument is the Corporate seal or said Company, that the said Corporate Seal and his signature were duly affixed. YY NM ! DF PFNNjYtJ1w HOrARl49E.F� ua„ M. mnuwai.,Frou. Nola rY Public: 1V, Crsmn,enE,ryn• SAN 15.7151 K Frc.an residing at, {Notary Seal) My commission expires li 11\ Bala Cynnd PA Szntember 25, 2021 1, Edward Sayago, Corporate Secretary of PHILADELPHIA INDEMNITY INSURANCE COMPANY, do hereby cerlity, that the foregoing resolution or the Board of Directors and this Power of Attorney issued pursuant thereto on this 27"' day of Oclober, 2017 are true and correct and are still in tuff force and eft cl- I do Ibrlher eertity that Robert D O'Leary Jr., who executed the Power or Attornev as President, was on the date ofexecution o1'the attached Power of Attorney the duly elected President of PHILADELPHIA INDEMNITY INSURANCE COMPANY, 13th December 2017 In Testimony Whereon t have subscribed my name and affixed the I: csimde seal of each Company this _ day of 20 Edward Sayago, Corporate Secretary PHILADELPHIA INDEMNITY INSURANCE COMPANY POST THIS DOCUMENT IN A CONSPICUOUS PLSCL- CI L Y 1; ®ICS-CYL�TT 140T TPANSFERRABLE OR VALID AT ANOTHER ADDRESS UNLESS APPROVED BY THE FJNA14CE DEPARTIAENT, CITY OF MIAMI 444 S W 2 AVE 6-' FLOOR. MIAMI: FL 33130. PHONE (305)4 1u-19181. Effe of ve Year Oct 1 2917 'I Tru Sep. 30 2316 RECEIPT FO SUPERUOR LANDSCAPENG & LAWN IS3UED Oc rL, 0-T. 2(I7 TOT: -;L FEE PAID 215,60 ACCOUNT NUMBER 20730 RECEIPT NUMBER 13473 (�AIVIE OF BUSINESS SUPERIOR LANDS•CAP'[NG & LAWN DBA SUPERIOR LANDSCAPING & LAWN LOCATION 2200 It VU 22 AV IS HEREBY IN COMPLIANCE TO ENGAGE IN OR MANAGE= THE OPERATION OF: LANDSCAPING 27[8 oc a T. Paschal HU11ance DiTector THIS IS NOT A BILL DO NOT PAY Tni_ r-ruarce c -k.�•„i-e__ Eac r_-eia: 0i)e Ds'avl the h11 --L- 'Il ,` 6 7unui_ 13va_ of 4, Clip nor docs i! e 1 lh- fir er fr,`m an, Ilc-n=_e or pe ,,Bs that.e U= f-4, r by lar Thi_ documenl w.ns not ,un=li ule a _cwficagw Mat the heli=_r Is 3u31ll%:, to em-oe in the businessproieaelon oraccuAalion _pAd5rd h=_iciri The document. end Cates pagment of the bi,e,ness la; rec_ol onl:�. • Gr; opo Mi-carni-01ade County, Stale ui i JOrida -THIS IS N071 A BILL - DO NOT PAY 7202537 BUSINESS NAME/LOCATION RECEIPT No. SUPERIOR LANDSCAPING I& LAWN SERVICE INC RE✓OJ(EAI AL 2200 NW 23 AVE 7485323 MIAMI FL 33T42 LB . T EXPIRES SEPTEMBER 30, 207 Must be displayed at place of business Pursuant to County Code Chapter SA - Art, 9 & 10 OWNER EEC. TYPE OF BUSINESS SUPERIOR LANDSCAPING & LAWN SVC IN& GENERAL BUILDING CONTRACTOR PAYMENT RECEIVED BRIAN Nt DICKENS, QUALIFIER CGC1507080 BY TAX COLLECTOR workers) 10 545:00 08/07/2&17... FPPU13-17-015903 This Local Business Tax Receipt only confirms payment of the Local Business Tax. The Receipt is not a license, permit, or a certificalion of the holders qualifications, to do business. Roeder must comply with any governmental or nongovernmental regulatory laws and requirements which apply to the business. The RECEIPT N0. above must he displayed on at I commercial vehicles - Miami -Dade Code Sec 8a-276. For mote information, visit www.mifind dode.govAaxcollector 002750 tn, z'l Bus-Iness Tax Recleipt N?iami-0ade County, State of Fonda —THIS IS NOT A BILL —00 NOT PAY 4050209 SUSO,FESS NAM_A.00A.TION RECERP7 NO. SUPERIOR LANDSCAPING & LAWN SERVICE INC 2200 NW 23 AVE 5454996 MIAMI FL 33142 �LB I T-) EXPIRES tr'sE.`�J° SErPTEIVISER 30, .2016 Must be displayed at plece of business Pursuant to County Code Chapter BA -- Ar:. 9 & 10 OWNER; SLC. TYPE OF BUSJNE5S PAYMENT RECEIVED SUPERIOR LANDS CAPINC&LAUWN SVC IN1213 PEST CONTROL SERVICE BY TAX COLLECTOR Employee(s) 1 LC116183 $45.00 08/07/2017 FPPU13-17-0159U3 This Local Business Tax Rocorpt only eanfitme payment of the Local Business Tax, The Receipt is not a liconse, porniit, or a cattilication of the holders qualifications, to do business. Holder most comply with any governmental or nongovernmental regulatory laws and requirements which apply to the husinass. The RECEIPT NO. above must he displayed on all commercial vehicles — Miami—Dade Code Sec Ba -276. Far more information, visit wyvw.miamidade.govltoecollectar 005619 Loo-aI B u -s 1 ji ass T ir x flec-eip! NflaFi11-0adeCou,-,?`y+, SLat- of Florida -TItIS l5 NOT A BILL -DO NOT PAY LBT 7179924 BUSINESS NAW19R.PCATION RECEIPT NO- EXPIRES SUPERIOR LANDSCAPING & LAWN SERVICE INC Rf_=MFll L'kL SEPTEMBER 0, 201 Z. 2201 NW 23 CT 746OP-42 Must be displayed at place of business MIAMI PL 33142 Pursuant to County Code Chapter SA - Art, 9 & 10 OWNER SEC. TYPE OF RU%1 1;SS SUPERRECEIVED IOR LANDSCAPING & LAWN SVC IN96 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR PAYMENT C/O ORLANDO OTERO, PRESIDENT CFC1425682 BY PA1t COLLECTOR Worker(s) 80 $255.00 08/07/2017 FPPU13-17-015903 This Local Business Tax Receipt only confirms payment of the Local Business Tax. The Receipt is nota license, permit, ora certification of the holder's qualifications, to do business. Holder must comply with any governmental or nongovernmental regulatory laws and requirements which apply to the business. The WEIPTNII. above must he displayed an all commercial vehicles - Miami -Dade Code Sen Ra -276. Far more information, visit www. miamidade.00vltaxcoflector 000619 W:ami-Dade County, State of FIO,•i_la —THIS IS NOT A BILL — DO NOT PAY 4050209 3U SINESS NAMFJ'-OCA=ION REtczlFlr FUG•. SUPERIOR LANDSCAPING & LAWN SERVICE INIC nEN011!a'-'sem 2200 NVV 23 AVE 1 � MIAMI FL 33142 �_LBT EXPIRES SEPTEMBER 30, 201?, Must be displayed at place of business Pursuant to Cou my Code C hapler BA — Ari. 9 & 10 OWNER SEC. t -PE OF BUs1NE's5 PAYMENT RECEIVED SUPERIOR LANDSCAPINGBLAWN SVC INQ13 SERVICE BUSINESS BY TAY COLLECTOR Employees) 1 $45,00 08/07/2017 FP PU 1 3-17-015903 This Local Business Tax Receipt only confirms payment of the Loeal Business Tax, The Receipt is not a license, permit, ora certification of the holders qualifications, to do husinoss, Halder must comply with any governmental or nongovernmental regulatory laws aird requirements which apply 10 the business. The RECEIPT ND. above must he displayed on all commercial vehicles —Miami—Dade Cede Sac 80-275. Formure information, visit www.miamidade.govytaxcollactor FDOTMIAM11- Tarn pa GREATER ORLANDO i �Z InterAirponationalrt AVLAn SON AUTHORMI Disadvantaged Busi"ness Enterprise (DBEI), IP SUPERIOR LANDSCAPING & LAWN SERVICE INC MEETS THE REQ UIREME NTS OF 49 CFA3 PA R T 26 APPROVED NAICS CODES: 561730 11/8/2016 DA TE YICTORIA V SMITH, DBC cerafieian Manager - Florida Departmenr of Transporradate 1ACKSOINVILLE rBR"-_.-\WARD TRANSPORTATION AUTHOPNTY LEE cou;v.Tv WRG,F AUTHO:ikfv March 3. 2017 BRONVARD COUNTY TREE TRIMMER LICENSE ST.AIV13ARI)S FOR MAINTAINING YOUR 13i2OWARD i OIATY TRFE TRININIER LICENSr 1. The following shall be available for inspection at every work- site where tree trimming is being carried out: a A copy of the company's $coward County Tree Trin-u-ner license Proof of the compam's current insurance coverage a At least one person shoald possess a current Tree Trimmer training card. Current training cards reflect that training was completed within the past two (2) years Picture identification issued by a government entity or agency 2. At least one trained person rmtlst be available at every work site where tree trintn-mig, is being carried out. 3. The company's Tree Trimmer license number shall be prominently displayed on both sides of vehicles used in tree trimming. =4. Tree trimmer license number must appear in ads offering tree trimming and/or removal services. Advertisements include business cards, telephone directory advertisements. quotes for tree services, f]yers and vehicles ,advertising tree services. 5. License holders shall ensure that all employees engaged in tree trimming are adequately trained regarding safety procedures in accordance with applicable federal and state lav including the federal Occupational Saftey and Health Act of 1970 (OSHA). 6. Retrainins is required before licenses can be renes+ed. Tree trimmer licenses are renewable every two years. 7. Each license holder shall notify the County, in writing, if there is a change in any of the standards required for licensure. -BR, W190 rrt�•: EhPIRES: A- 383 08/31/2018 St t'ERIOR L ANDSCAPIV; & LAIN \ SEMI( F. I\('. SUPERIOR LANDSCAPING & LAWN 1100 N 111 AVE.NLF SERVICE, INC. MIA"i°r`;' 4' 21200 NW 23 AVENUE rnar4FnFXtrLONEE MKIIAr.LINIOREL NIIAN11, PL 331=42 _i,4_1A{Re,, fui21,2�12rya C STATVi OF FLOil rll.•l �-0 .Jrtl�u•#mesh of ��rinllYure 011 cf::uurslln�-r• �rrbicr� BURFAIJ OF ENTOMOLOGY 3 PLST CON• I"ROL Date rile No. Expires June 12, 2014 U220940 ,lune 11, 2018 THE LTD CO\UMERCIAL FERTILIZER APPLICATOR IIOLDER N IANIGD BELOW HAS REGISTERED CINDER THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 482 FOR THE PERIOD EXPIRING: Jane 11, 20 L8 CASUMIRO GOM)ILLO o 27707 S DME HWY APT 215 HOMESTEAD, F!_ 33032 ADAM H. PMNAM, COMMISSIONER �. T ��Is���!:�iligd�fS.lU•i �a -Q ;�. __�_,:.a\CCY-6'�7_� _4r MR: Florida Department of Transportation RICK SCOTT 605 Suw-%ewnee S[rect R4CHEL D. CONE GOVERNOR Tallahassee, FL 32399-0450 INTER111 SECRETARY May 4, 2017 SUPERIOR LANDSCAPING & LAWN SERVICE, INC. 2200 NTA 23 AVE MIAMI FL 33172 RE: CERTIFICATE OF QUALIFICATION Clear Sir/Madam: The Department of Transportation has qualified your company for the type of work indicated below. Unless your company is notified otherwise, this Certificate of Qualification will expire 6/30/201.8. However, the new application is due 4%30/2018. In accordance with 5.337.19 (1) F.S. your next application must be filed within (4) months of the ending date of the applicant's audited annual financial statements. If your company's maximum capacity has been revised, you can access it by logging into the Contractor Prequalification Application System via the following link: HTTPS://fdotwpl.dot.state.fl.us/ContractorPreQualification/ Once logged in, select "View" for the most recently approved application, and then click the "Manage" and "Application Summary" tabs. FDOT APPROVED WORK CLASSES: DEBRIS REMOVAL (EMERGENCY), GRASSING, SEEDING AND SODDING, LANDSCAPING, IRRIGATION, TREE TRIMMING. You may apply for a Revised Certificate of Qualification at any time prior to the expiration date or this certificate according to Section 14-22.0041(3), Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.), by accessing your most recently approved application as shown above and choosing "Update" instead of "View." If certification in additional classes of work is desired, documentation is needed to show that your company has done such work with your own forces and equipment or that experience was gained with another contractor and that you have the necessary equipment for each additional class of work requested. Ali prequalified contractors are required by Section 14-22.006(3), F.A.C., to certify their work underway monthly in order to adjust maximum bidding capacity to available bidding capacity. You can find the link to this report at the website shown above. AA.c] Sincerely, Z". Alan Autry, anagar Contracts Administration Office www. fdot. ¢ov Flo, fida Department of Transportation RICK SCOTT 60 Suwannee Street RACHEL D. CONE GOVERNOR Tallahassee, FL 32399-04-50 INTERIM SECRETARY May 4, 2017 SUPERIOR LANDSCAPING & LAWN SERYTCE, INC. 2200 NW 23 AVE MIAMI FL 3314.2 RE: CERTIFICATE OF QUALIFICATION Dear Sir/Hadam: The Department of Transportation has qualified your company for the type of work indicated below. Unless your company is notified otherwise, this Certificate of Qualification will expire 6/30/2018. ri sv4vr'L, the nc.+ i1u1i ,i1ioii is due 4/340/2018. In accordance with 5.337.14 (1) F.S. your next application must be filed within (4) months of the ending date of the applicant's audited annual financial statements. If your company's maximum capacity has been revised, you can access it by logging into the Contractor Prequalification Application System via the following link: HTTPS://fdotwpl.dot.state_fl.us/ContractorPreQualification/ Once logged in, select "View" for the most recently approved application, and then click the "Manage" and "Application Summary" tabs. FDOT APPROVED WORK CLASSES: DESRiS REMOVAL (FMF GENCYj, GRASSING, SEEDLNG AND SODDING, LANDSCAPING, IRRIGATIO`I, TREE TRIMMING_ You may apply for a Revised Certificate of Qualification at any time prior to the expiration date of this certificate according to Section 14-22.0041(3), Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.), by accessing your most recently approved application as shown above and choosing "Update" instead of "View." If certification in additional classes of work is desired, docEzmentation is needed to show that your company has done such work with yo --,r own forces and equipment or that experience was gained with another contractor and that you have the necessary equipment for each additional class of work requested. All prequalified contractors are required by Section 14-22.646(3), F.A.C., to certify their work underway monthly in order to adjust maximum bidding capacity to available bidding capacity. You can find the link to this report at the website shown above. AA:cj Sincerely, Alan Autry, Manager Contracts Administration Office www. fd Ot. 2o' '' •..=+rF^++1Y"_"�i,'� _-.__ ,_;?ki•7�'.��.��,,�,j'�.`. :'�. .�`�r:"��i�4, ..,+.�.:. �°� ., ._--.. '��..�' ���Y4`7.. �:�-�..��= ..... -_y _ _ - `�'�RiC �,�A _ 'Oda lrrigat*ion oci Flori s ety �Be it known Orlando Otero Superior Landscaphng & Lawn Service, inc. dS 6een duly admittteda5 E of the TC®rida-rricIatIon Society, andis entitCed to the rights and -privileges as provided in the constitution and-6yCa.ws of the Society, a -nods heresy presented tfi-,;i-1 through Mmi�r !D' 9320670 The mission of the Florida Nursery, Growers & Landscape Association is to promote and protect the interests of Florida s nursery and landscape industry. - - - is a member of the Florida Nursery, Growers & Landscape Associatio Ben Balusky, FXectitive vice President through Jame 30, 201.8 F N G L FLORIDA NURSERY, GROWERS AND LANDSCAPE ASSOCIAi ION Leading Fforide's Green Industry Alember in good ' standing .ince 2011' INTT-ERN.' R�NI , CI r 4 CSF A R ", C'U I CEKTIFIED ARB 0RlSTrivi (�\vli(ch a e l More i lwing successf�dy C������,�t�d tl�� ��ci�iremeats set by the Arborist Certification Board of tl-te International Society of Arbori Client#: 71436 SUPLA ACORD. CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE(MMIDDrrfYYI 11/30!2017 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER, IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsemenl. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder In lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER Gulfshore Insurance, Inc - SFL 4100 Goodlette Rd N Naples, FL 34103 239 261-3646 CIITaCr Kaylee R. Fort PHONE AX Arc Nn, r -,d : 239 435-7151c N 239 213-2803 >'MAIL kfort�agulfshareinstlrance.corn ADDRESS: INSURER(S) AFFORDING COVERAGE MAIC N INSURER A: Wxcu I----CnmpinY 25011 INSURED Superior Landscaping &Lawn Seivice,InC 2200 NW23rd Ave INSURER B ; Arnadcure eretua6 Insurance Campany 23396 INSURER C: INSURER D: Miami, FL 33142 INSURER E; INSURER F; PERSONAL B ADV INJURY 51,000,000 COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY TIfAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERN! OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACTOR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, FXf:LNSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. LTA TYPE OF INSURANCE INSR SSD POLICY NUMBER MWQD EFF MMMTC1fYEXP YY LIMITS A GENERAL X LIABILITY COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CLAIMS -MADE 5XI OCCUR X X I X WPP159963600 WPP159963600 12!01!201712!01!201 EACH OCCURRENCE 61000000 OhL1AGE TO RENTED P MtsESI'ancaunence $1,000000 MED EXP (Anyone pamani 510 000 PERSONAL B ADV INJURY 51,000,000 GENERAL AGGREGATE 62,000,000 GEN'LAGGIR- TELIMITAPPLIESPER: PRO- LOC POLICY X JECT PRODUCTS -COMPIOPAGO 52,000,000 S A AUTOMOBILE X X X LIABILITY ANYAUTO ALL OWNED SCHEDULED AUTOS AUTOS NON -OWNED HIRED AUTOS X AUTOS Drive Oth Car _ X 12(01!2017 121011201 .PROPERTY raPaif deDtsiNG�E LIwIP 61,000,000 BODILY INJURY (Per person) S BODILY INJURY (Per acddent) $ DAMAGE (Per accident) $ S UMBRELLA LIAR EXCESS LIAR OCCUR CLAIMS -MADE 1_ _ 1 EACH OCCURRENCE $ AGGREGATE $ OFA .1S1 $ I3 ,WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY ANY PROPRIETOWPARTNEWEXECUTIVE Yo OFFICERIMEMBER EXCLUDED? �. (Mandatary In NH) II yes, describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below N I A X WC209034403 2!01!2017 121011201 OTH- X LLQ YTATU- �FR EL EACF'. ACCIDENT $1 000 000 E.L. DISEASE- EA EMPLOYEE 0,000,000 E.L. DISEASE- POLICY LIMIT $1,000,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS 1 LOCATIONS I VEHICLES (Attach ACORD int, Additional Remarks Schedule, If more space Is required) I I I I Sample SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE EXPIRATIONTHE DATE ACCORDANCE WITHTHE POLICY PROVISIONS. ILL BE DELIVERED IN PROVISONS. "Sample" AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE 1 Q 1988-2010 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25 (2010105) 1 of 1 The ACORD name and logo are registered rnarks of ACORD #S1215235IM1216159 KRF16 S-47ATIi jF FLORL A Oi z(g": X !OIL T) 1 OW �D&�"Kh 7Xn� two Lip V: 1.2. THE W CARD WADERNAMED BEW" F�S REGATERE0 LANW, THE PRO"SWNS 07 CHAPTER W FOR TU PEMODEXMRAG AN It 110; SUPEWOR LANUSCAI"u L U0VN SERVRE INC most H- 01 i2 NOE A RMTRO P 0 BOX momf �iur I:ni is t i t i -- - l3_ r f —, g r i c i i - t I v Iinb E' o I i 5 u I i I ( i a" L Cjj r c 5 131iRFAU OF AND MR Nn April 1 , 2017 J€ 24 5., u5 A p r I 1 -1 G, 2 1, i U',' TIM ID CARD MOLDER NANFLU BEL O\',' REGISTERED Iji-NDER THE PROUSIUNS OF CHAPTER W FURUE PERi(DD FNPIRI'.,,(i: ApHI 3& lmt A7 SUPE 81011 LAND ,C ViING& 1,)WN SER\ ICE INC MIAMI. I'L 33142 MARIO R01)1RI6(-LZ WITRIOR 1ANWCAPIN6, LI AWNSERI ICE: IM P 0 Box 33-1417_ ,%][\NII.FL 33115 ADAN-fl! STUE OF EORID A D.qxjrm)mt of gymul.-art anb ffonmuritr �£rbicf5 BUREXU OF LrCENSJN(—ANU ENVORCE%LENT Date File No. Expire, April 12, 2017 TF243271 April 30, 20 LS THE In CAKD HOLDER NAMED BELOWHAS REGISTERED UNDER: THE PRONTSIONS OF CHAP FER U7 FOR THE PERIOD EXPIRING: April 3% 2i AT SUPERIOR LAST)SCAPINC & LAWNSPRVICE T.Nc MIAMI.F. 3314' JOSE ROMFRO SL'K-.'RIOR LA,1)S(API'7(:,&' LAW,% SFkVT(-F INC P Cl BOXwyw)� MIAMLhL K135 rc ATT E -TI PI 10 1 10 E'� R F.\ I R SF , 131 0i 110F IJCF N S i CiE.1: i OR(- F i F.:1 1 Ya CUMFR W NO M PS T %I IANASSH- J-1.0RITI.% S L 13,P.; STAT -F t7C FLORIDA Rtpiirnllmr of 11grirlfliv ata cm-51,inr 'tubir,,5 BUW AU OF LICENSING AND ENFORCEN1 :NT Date i=i It iso. Expires April 12. 2017 JE306456 April 30,201' THE ID CARTS HOLDER NAMED BELOW HAS REGISTERED UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 482 FOR THE PERIOD EXPIRDTG: April 30, 2013 AT SUPERIOR LANDSCAPING S LAWN SERVICE INC NII ANTI: FL 33142 AGUSTIN RIVAS Keguiar SUPERIOR LANDSCAPING & LAWN SERVICE INC P 0 BOX 35-0095 MIANIi, FL 33135 .A.D.11I 11. PUTNAM. COMMISSIONER STATE, OF FLORIDA �Bcp.,wwwd of Ggri@11llre irco donsvilrer —RwAi cs Bl'RFAI,' l7F LTENSiNC, .AND ENFORCEMENT i AGUSTIN' R1VAS SUPERIOR L1NIDSCAPING & LAWN SVR\ ICt-- NI ED CNRJ) HOLDE R JE3116456 IHSS PmD THE FEE REQUIRED 9% CH:iYTeR .14? FOR THE PERIOD FXPIRING April 30.2018 SiEnaturc /i COMMISSIONER ATTACH PHOTO ON REVERSE ~ Wallet Card - Fuld Here BURE:AL OF LICENSING & ENFORCENIFNT 3135 CONNER 13LVD. BLDG. 8 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32+99-1650 S't A I L- 01- FLORIDA r pElrhli[lrl of Agriclikurr adi CLongumer Frritire5 B L: RFA C OF LICENSING AND EN FO RCENIENT C:ASLAITRO GORDILLO SUPERIOR LANDSCAPING S. LAWN SERVICE INC 11) CARD 140LDRR JE1531.13 HAS PAID THE FEE REQUIRED BY CHAPTER SSC FOR THE PERIOD EXPIRING April 30, 3013 Signature r17�lailtsia,IER ATTACH I'MYR) ON REVERSH Wallet Card - Fuld Fl— BUREAU OF LICENSING x ENTORCEMENT 3135 CONNER BLVD. BLDG. F TALL.AHASSEF.FLORIDA 39v-1h3[I a STATE OFrI ORIDA D€f1tTl'YIIICHI of 21gri Uttar t311b Cg115wurr-Fzwbires HUREACt OF LICENSING AND ENFORCIEM1II NT Date File Nes. i?xpires April 13, 31117 JEI53143 April 30,2018 THE ID CARD HOLDER NAXIED BELOW RAS REGISTERED UNDER THE PROVISIONS Of CHAPTER 482 FOR THE PERIOD EXPTPrNG' April 311, 2018 AT SUPERIOR LANDSCAPING &t LAWN SERVICE INIC NIIAM1. FL 33142 4 I CASWIRO GORDILLO Regular SUPERIOR LANDSCAPING S LA14'N.SFRVICE INC P 0 I3CX 35-0095 NIJA.111. FL 33135 �J a `i AD;111 H. PL`[ -.%ANI. COMMISSIONER STATE, OF FLORIDA �Bcp.,wwwd of Ggri@11llre irco donsvilrer —RwAi cs Bl'RFAI,' l7F LTENSiNC, .AND ENFORCEMENT i AGUSTIN' R1VAS SUPERIOR L1NIDSCAPING & LAWN SVR\ ICt-- NI ED CNRJ) HOLDE R JE3116456 IHSS PmD THE FEE REQUIRED 9% CH:iYTeR .14? FOR THE PERIOD FXPIRING April 30.2018 SiEnaturc /i COMMISSIONER ATTACH PHOTO ON REVERSE ~ Wallet Card - Fuld Here BURE:AL OF LICENSING & ENFORCENIFNT 3135 CONNER 13LVD. BLDG. 8 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32+99-1650 S't A I L- 01- FLORIDA r pElrhli[lrl of Agriclikurr adi CLongumer Frritire5 B L: RFA C OF LICENSING AND EN FO RCENIENT C:ASLAITRO GORDILLO SUPERIOR LANDSCAPING S. LAWN SERVICE INC 11) CARD 140LDRR JE1531.13 HAS PAID THE FEE REQUIRED BY CHAPTER SSC FOR THE PERIOD EXPIRING April 30, 3013 Signature r17�lailtsia,IER ATTACH I'MYR) ON REVERSH Wallet Card - Fuld Fl— BUREAU OF LICENSING x ENTORCEMENT 3135 CONNER BLVD. BLDG. F TALL.AHASSEF.FLORIDA 39v-1h3[I STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AMD PROF;':S5�0NA?d REGULATION CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY LICENSING BOARD 1940 NORTH MONROE STREET TALLAHASSEE FL 32399-0783 LEVY, BERNARD SUPERIOR LANDSCAPING & LAWN SERVICE INC 12041 NW 20 STREET PLANTATION FL 33323 Congratulations! With this license you become one of the nearly one million Floridians licensed by the Department of Business and Professional Reguiation. Our professionals and businesses range from architects to yacht brokers, from boxers to barbeque restaurants, and they keep Florida's economy strong. Every day we work to improve the way we do business in order to serve you better For information about our services, please log onto www,myfloridaticense.com, There you can find more information about our divisions and the regulations that impact you, subscribe to department newsletters and learn more about the Department's initiatives. Our mission at the Department is: License Efficiently, Regulate Fairly. We constantly strive to serve you better so that you can serve your customers. Thank you for doing business in Florida, and congratulations on your new license! (850) 487-1395 1 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION CFC 1425682 ISSUED: 05I19/2Q 16 CERTIFIED PLUMBING CONTRACTOR LEVY, BERNARD - . SUPERIOR LMIJkAPING & LAWN SERVIC IS CERTIFIED under the provinions,ar Ch.488 FS-. Expkalian dale : AUG 31: 2018 41605190000184 DETACH HERE RICK SCOTT, GOVERNOR KEN LAWSON, SECRETARY STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY LICENSING BOARD - CFC1.425&82`, -he PLUMBING CONTRACTOR 2 SE4# L1605190000784 D-epartment of � 1 ff 1ti Environmental Protection 2000 Blair Stone Road, iUI.S. 3570 UNIVY-R5?TY oi'F! ORS DA F��R' Tallahassee, Horida 32390-2400 GI-Bi.IP Trainee ID: GV39971 Certification date: 1/29/2616 Congratulations ou successfully complering the Florida Green Industries Best 11-'lanagemenr Practices Training Program. Your certifrcate of completion and wallcr card are attached. If there are errors in the certificate, or if we can be of further assistance, please contact rhe GI -BIMP Office of Elle OF/Florida-Friendly Landscaping°'"' Program at gi.bmp@ifas.ull.edu or (352) 273-4517. Please note that this training certificate alone does not au liorize you to apply fertilizer commercially after January 1, 2014. You must rake additional steps to become licensed for commercial fertilizer application in [he scare of Florida. The Limited Urban Commercial FertilizerApphcawi: Certification (state "f=ertilizer license") is issued by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS). ' Apply online: leaps:/laeseconzrn.f;-eshfrom floi ida.cor . `file certificare number from, this document is required to apply for Fertilizer Applicator Certification. For assistance contact: The Bureau of Licensing and Enforcemenr, (850) 617-7997 If your test score is 90% or greater, you may be eligible to become a GT -BAP Insrrucror: lirtp;11C5 n.it{as.u$.edu/profzssianaJs/inst� uctor_program.html Beatriz Gerdts 12578 S`JV 125A -i Ter Nlianii, FL 33186 Test Score: 85% state of Florida DI;;"PARTi1J EH'T 43F ENVIRI C-Ni!NENTAL RRO T ECT1OI+9 Beatriz Gerdes GV3897/1-1 GV38971 Trtinee M # GREEN INDUSTRIES BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES TRAINING PRaG(RAN? � r tfi k-FIFAS T ' ti t •_ r i ; rtURtiza di: FtOkO—A' Certificate of Lp G -V38971-1 Fres' rna e ea-rIl}t Practices 'ices, certificate # Florida Gree -ti l ridusta es CV38971 Trainee LD The u dersigne d liereby acl=Avledges that ID Bcatriz Gerdes has successfully met all rcquirements _necessary to be fully gained through the Green Industries Best Management Practices Program developed by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection with the Univetsity of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. A I D. Ramey 1/29/2016 Issuer InitrUCLof Date of Cla5s D r 1'rogrmn Administrator Not 1,R]"d without seal UNIVERSITY OF j s FETL f D-A Fl,oIIIGA Certificate of Training IFAS EX ENS16N, Best Management Practices cer*6ficate # Florida Green Industries rV495$ Trainee ID The undersigned hereby. acknowledges that Daniel Roque has successfully met all requiren.ients nccessar j to be fully trained throagh the Green Industries Best T'vIanagenleO Practices Program developed by the Florida Department of Emir nmerital Protection with. the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. —DLL--TTsrllhol]ITL— _ Mayes 4173/2009 � f Issuer Instructor Date o: Class EF Prog anAelavni"straror loot Y,L]d wieluwut seal Skew Ficuida DEPAR-5 MT—;7i\rd OF E. PPOTEG-1 LICK' GV246"7-1 Gym 687 ;".-# 'Enallce ±# GREEN BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES TRAINING PPOGRAM Bevarttttrat of Otlttr I certify the attached is a true and correct copy of the Articles of Incorporation of SUPERIOR LANDSCAPING & LAWN SERVICE INC., a Florida corporation, filed on May 18, 1998, as shown by the records of this office. The document number of this corporation is P98000044604. CR2E022 (2-95) Given under my hand and the Great Sea[ of the State of Florida at Tallahassee, the Capitol, this the Eighteenth day of May, 1998