HomeMy WebLinkAboutBid TabulationI F9717381, VS -1 LANOSCAPE MAINTENANCE 910 74BUiAT-ON-A7TACHIvIEVT 3, 3R10E SCHEaULK ,FA717RF.' 1:5-11 ANDV'APF MA,r TFNANrF Superior Lands=l,g?k Sawn 'Aquatic Landscaping Oesgn, Inc SPM Services, Inc. (PRIMARv) service, int. RSECONOARyI line No Description Quantity nem Cast Quantity (Item :os- Quantity Item Cost Mowing and Edging: Ail -inclusive prate far fu—sh'rg all labor, equ prneni, and material; necessary for mowing, edging. trimming hedges- tnmm,ng j branches, weed eating, sweeping and picking up all grass clippings, and bags within,. and cinaria n the landscaped m c alonng US -1 bee° 37 SW th Avem-e, �, { and 1-95, a strip of land foiate.l L =e.. the ,•rail and u b of _act .,S-' r 1 1 northbound ourplie lane b n a and SW 19th A. enue, and maintaining the 1-95 F. WSW 27 Avenue frcm SW :8th Lan to SrAr E r s lr ngh -- _ sial from all tLrf areas, dant b'41' 3.... �i;_" •.,.I be �crapleled _riot to each 1—tri-yeti S—63.0l s times par year j 60.530.00 126 times per }tar $ 213,200.00 Pruning and Thinning of Trees/Palms: AII-incl-we er.ce For'ur—ring all 1 iabor, equipment, and materials necessary for pruning arm t#+inning of trees, i palms, plants, and the initial thinning and shaping of existing tracts as noted in these 5 deci€scatiors, within and an the landscape med.ans o€ US -1 oenveen 2 SW 37th Ave=ee, and i-95, and a little, & land located be--%vmn:he -mail and 1 curb, of the LS -1 northisound outside lane Letwaen'Ji.caya and SW 19th 1 (Annually Avenue, the I-95 embankments, and S.R. 9j5yV 27 Avenue `rpm Shy 23th Lane ,Annuals)--l-ziwxE- (1 time Annuaily 11 time, to SW 8th Street right-af-way psrYea, j ---2'3x000,00 aper year I S 39,050.00 per year 5 29,4CC.00 weedfng of Planting Reds: All-inclusiveprsca for furnishing all latce. I I 1 a equipment, andmaterials cecessary for the weeding of pian --'^g had; as noted 'n these specifications, wittlin and an the landscaped medians ar the 3 'JS -1 between SW 37th Avenue, and I-95. and a. strip of ;arid located oetween the wall and curb 011ie US -1 northbound c-ateide lane ben eon vi,cs„a oral SW 19th Avenue, and the 1-95 embankments, and S.R. 9r'-; W 27 Avenue. from 28th Lane to 51W 9th Street ri ht -of -we, g y- ?4;+rges-?er-yea= S ---26.706=9r7 26 rimes per year 5 60.530.00 26times per year j 77,963.00 Mulching: All-indu—n pr -ce'or furnishing all :'abor, equipment. and natera's necessary to install 3 inchesofSpanish Gold mulch or Eucalyptus mulch around each tree, palm, and planting bed as noted -n these specifldatlon, within, and an Cha landscaped medians on US -1 between SW 37th Avenue 4 and I-95. a strip of land located between t? -e wall and curs of the LIS 1 —1-disound oulsidelane between Vizcaya and SW 19th Avenue - the 1.95 �Erfn'�' Srre- Every Twa Every Two emcaa?'.n'ents, and SR. 96W 271h Avenue from SW 28th Lane to SW SO MOn44s-:6-N+nes- Months l6 times Months (5 times Street right•of•svay. aer-yeaq fr----24r00g:00 per year, $ 4,CG8.00 per year) $ 79,9co.00 Clean -Up and Litter Removal: A[f [nclusive price for furnishing ail labor, equipment, Bad materials necessary to clean up, remove litter, and aroperbf dispose of the litter removed as noted in these specifications, within and an ;ne landscaced medians on US -1 betxisen SW 37th Avenue and t -s5, a strip of 5 land located between ,he ,va:l and ccrb of US -1 norhbound outside lane between Vizcaya and SW 19th Avenes u, the 1.95 embankments, and SA, 9/5W 27 Avenue from SW 28th Lane to SW B Street right -of way. t;mes-eer yeas :— -a. 26 tries per year $ 13,444,00 261`irres per}ear 5 27,135.00 6 Corti qll Allows— (Additional Services) for the duration of the contract. I Ir'.aR ?wra $}60,aQ2iNo Hid :tens 5100,0001 No Bid item S100,000 Total gid (Lines 1-6) p,a6 $ 277,56200 $527.6d6.ca AODl710NAL SERVICES. jr. addition to:he required servlces, die C:tv may cn an "as r-eeded” basis require the Scccessful Bidder—to perform the b=_low services. When required, the Project Marager ar designee aril inquest a "icle'ssaseid an prcmil presided for theaddiional services. 1 Galion Shrubs. Furnish all riecessary labor, ma:erals, water, fuel, tools, and equipment for performing the planting of 1 gallon shrubs. Water and fertilize 7 accordingly, Planting shall be coordinated with the City Engineer and Projec[ Manager and no additional compensitz,on will be allowed. �Ifa 4 .$---:..w fief+ S 5..60 Each $ 12.•70 3 Galion Shrubs. Furrish all necessary labor, materials, water, fuel, tools. and equipment for performing the planting of 3 gallon shrubs. Water and fertilize 1 g accordingly, Planting alio(! he coordinated with the City Fnginee: and Project Managerand no additional compersation will be allowed, Each Each S 13.50 Each S 22,00 7 Gallon Shrubs. Furnish ail necessary labor, materials, )later, flet, ioals, and equipment foo performing tine planting of 7 gailon shrubs. Water and f—ihsa 9 accordingly. Planting shall tie coordinated with the City Engineer and Pro!ecr Manager and no additional compensation will be allowed. I` I� 5�=_act $ 45.00 Each 5 36.00 Furnish ad necessary labor, matenais, water. fuel, tooi and equipment for 1 30 Parforming the planting of Pink Crape Myrtle-Largerstroemia indica 'muskoga>_'-30 al, 'Eaiei, $ ask) 00 Each 5 405.00 Eaeh $ 390.00 11 Furnish all necessary labor, materials, water, fuel, tools, and equipment fe. performing the planting of Florida Royal Palm-Roystor,ea elata -Field Grown] 20'-22'CV11 Lien }..----1-•7 2 Eac.1 I S 3,500.00 Each 5 3.800-00 Furnish ab necessary labor, materials, water, fuel, tools, aria equipment for l 12 perfcrmmg the olantmE of Live Oak -Quercus oirglmana- 4"Dbh/6-7' CT/10'- 22 fl. Each --,--�,w ,Each 5 3,500.00 Each 5 2,400.00 IFB717381, US -1 LANDSCAPE. MAINTENANCE Line No. Cesc-irTonQl:a.rils/ 'nem C—Qaar.tity jl:em Cas; �u amity I'em cost Furnish all necessary labor, materia's, water, fuel, tools, aro, equipment for 13 performing the planting ofWiest Indian Mahogany-Sw!ateniamah.g.ri- Field Grown/Full/ 18'-22'HT-8'-10' SPR; 5`_T. garsh B.v8 Each $ 1,950._00 -coon $ 1,600.30 Furnish all necessary la oor, maierals, water, fuel, tools, and eq,.ipmant for 14 performing the planting of silver Bu. --d tree- Conotarpus =rectus eroeus-3C al. mrio 2"08H- Eaek 5--226;00 Each $ 495.00 ,Each $ 670-00 Furnish all necessary labor, materials. water, fuel, tools, and equipment for 15 performing the planting of Green Buttonwood tree-Canocarpus 15' OAH Field Grown. Earth 4 -33 -s -G@ Each $ 1,050.00. €3ch j 750,00 Furnish oll necessary labor, materials, water, fuel, tools, and equipment for 16 performing the punting of Addonid:a Pa 1m, 5' Single trunk-100.ga1, Eaclt 256-80 Each $ 675.06 Each $ 690-00 Furni-sh all necessary labor, rateriIIs, water, fuel, faa s and equipment for 17 performing the Alantin of Pygmy date palm Melte 1G/6' -45 gal. Each $ 254'_1& Eash $ 475.00 Each $ 375,00 Fu rnlsh all necessary labor, reatenafs, water, fuel, tools; and egaipn:ent for 1B performing the planting of Jatropha Tree Farm, Jatropha berlandleri 45 gal. Eaeh S cr5-G0 Each $ 675.OG. Each $ 373-00 _ Furnish all neressary:ahn% '•s, water, fueltools, dnd eau ipr'ent for 19 P.,fcrm;ng the plamung of Scagrace bu.- 2- g.I. E F F,dl h=_wY. Fah S 2"2^ Each:: $ 225 OC Earp Furnish ail necessary lahpr, matedais. v, a.er, Frei, tock, "I equ?picent for 20 performing rhe planting pf Medjooi nate parr - Bale Root/Grade4ij5ngle/20'-2a' HT �€aeh 9,Klil Each ! S B.a00.00 Furnish ail necessary :abor, ma[ariaks, waver, fuel, tooiss and equipment for 21 performing the planting of Bird of Paradise -456/23" 10'ht E-4 - — -145:80 Each 5 325,00 Each 5 500-00 Furnish all necesdarr, labor, materials, water, fuel, tools, and equipment for 22 performing she rtmgof Fcxtail palm -Kc singie S'Ft. 1139�^�^ Each $ 450.00 Each $ 6CO.00 Furnl F it nxm 1, tools and equipment'w 23 perfcr _ :.i:ngof Alaam-i'--Af15-glerQ-3C gal. €alt$ 2c^Each S 50C-00 Each $ 660.00 Furnish a --. r. r -y labor, mat -rials, water, fuel, tools, and equipment for 24 perform." _ , .✓`,.ng of Pitc11 Apple- Standard 12-14' H7/5-8' SPR/3" CAL. €aeh S 3�0.80i Each $ 1350.00 far. $ 900.06 Furnish all net -� _ . _ ,c=, f_el, tools, and egsripment for 25 performing th , SPR 5'CF.'Frold Grown. €-1,; 2 5 CO Each $ 3,750.00 ; ac. S 930-00 Furnish all necessary a.,�r, materials, aa,a� F,a' r -o-, ar-: _,, - =tet for 28 performing the planting of Pigeon Plun?- _.. - 3" CAL. 'E..h 22;�0G Each $ 67-1.00 -Each $ 770.00 Furnish all necessary la hot, materials, sva er, .., .:. . 1 27 performing Vie planting of Pink Trumpet Tree -aoee _. --_: GAH, 8' 7 filak Grown. ,=ach t ^^ Each $ 3,750.00 Each $ 590.00 Fumish all necessary labor, materials, water, fuel, took, ane egmp^'e-.-+ar 28 performing the planting of yellow Trumpet tree-Tabsbuia caraib=_ - io' o"H, 6' CT Field Grown, €ash S 22320- Each $ '950.0^ Each $ 990.00 Furnish ail necessary labor, materials, water, fuel, Coals, aad equipment for 29 performing the planting of Alexander Palm-Ptychosperma -45 gat Min 2" 0811, EaEh S s'59 -0f} Each $ 500:30 "tach $ 600.00 rurr ish all necessary labor, materials, water, fuel, tools, antl equipment for 30 performing the planting of Bismarck Palm-Bismarckla nchilis "Silve%'- 20' CAH. Each S 3159.00 Each S 1,950.00 Each $ 2,600.40 Furnish all necessary labor, materials, wa;a- `_-. r. _._, _-,. -- ..cent for 31 performing the panting of Cabbage Palm - Saba_D-�a:. Min 2" DO c-aeh S M.G0 Each ! S 500.00. Each .$ 580.00 Furnish allnecessary la'pur, rtlaterial>, water,-', 32 perror.ming the planting of MacArthur Palm _-_.. _s _- -i00 gal. Min 2" ABH. Each -.-"ria^-.a0- Earh S 500.00 Each S 1,200.00 St. Augustine Grass (Florala-nj - 2500 5gaare foot price 'or furnishing all 33 labor, material and equipment necessary to install and to water for one (1( week per planting specifications. a 2501 Sq. Ft.. 5 1,875.00 2502 Sq, Ft. I $ 3,0=m Erecting, ztakrng and 'orating falden existing trees and palms (fallen by traffic accidents, high winds, or other farces( - fumishmg all labor, materials and equipment necessary to erect, stake and hrace any existing tree/ palm �4 (including digging underneath tree, filling the area with treated slanting soil, bracing tree with a"x 4" wood boards, as directed by:ity. (0' - :5overall helghtl. €aeh $ 60OG- Each $ 500.00 Each $ 390.05 Erecting, staking and 4: aclr,g accident$, high wind=: _. .�-z. - - = s.-. -. ..=.rd 35 equipment metes'ary [o =roc•.. sta •.a _-: _..:..: -_.. ,.;... -.: :•._ -;...- jincl'ding digging undo: death tree, .: _ . _ ... .: :_ ...; soif, bracing tree,vith 4"x 4" wood boar',, as ..-red^Y C.,y.;15' 4C; C`-1 he ht]- €a -h--2§6!@& Each S 2,50OA0 Each 5 99000 Erecting, staring and bracing fallen existing trees and pi (fall- Sy t: affic accidents, high winds, or other forcesi -furnishing all (abor, materials and equipment necessary to erecE, stake and brace any exrst:ng free/ 36 (including digging underneath tree, filling the area with ;ree ted planting soil, hracmg tree with 3"x 4" wood :boards, as directed by City. (41' - 60' overall height(. Each 3---gail Each $ 3.300.00 Each $ 2,900 00 Stump Removal.F— sh all labor, mateoal5 and equipment necessary to remove,maul to dump site and dispose of tree/oalm stumps, including root 37 balls, finish grading, any size atvarious locations if necessary and as directed j by the City Project Manager or designee. Each 4----4=`l ' $ 550.00 Each IFI3717381, I LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE Line No. Descnpncn qus, I'em tes; Cuantity Rem Cost L,lcanti v Item Cost Maluth g: °urrasl,. a!f iabcr, equmment, and materials necessary to-nstall 3'' li of Spanish Cold mulch arcund each tree, palm, and planting beds a.s noted in these specifications with, and on the landscaped medians on'1S-1.be,ween 38 SW 37th Avenue and I -9S. a strip of land located between the .vall and _urb, northbound US -1 between SW 19th Avenue and 195, the 195 ambankmerts, and S.R. 9/5N/ 27 Avenge from SN 28th Lane to 5W 8th Streettight-of-way. This work is every o months. Ea.4 _1-4n. Each S 4,0DS OG Each $ 22, SOC.00 'Water Truck,- Furner' all labor, matena!s and equipment necessary to provide I water for the entire length at the median 115, 278 ft.), the wail partlpn 11,200 39 ft.) , the 1-95 embankm=_ets (49,760 se. ft.1, and S.R. 9/SW 27 Avenue from SW 28th Lane to SW 8th Street right-of-way. As necessary and as directed by the Cityr siiou hach 5 880.30 Each $ 2,800.00 Top Soil, Furnish all labor, material and equipment necessary to install 1501 40 cubic yards of fertilized fro soil 150/50), as nand is directed by the ecessary City. €ash S 4&.8e- Each 15 2,100.00 Each j 6,600.00 Fertilization and Pesficide Applicaoens for Turf, Planting beds, and Shrubs For furnishing all labor, equipment and materials necessary for the fartEizatio.n and chemical pesticide applicatior of all turf, planting beds. and shrubs as noted in these specifications, within and on the landscaped medians on lJ S-:. between SW 37th Avenue and 1-95, a strip of land Igcated between the wall 41 and curb of the I northbound outside lane between Vizcaya and SW 19th Avenue, north Lound US -1 between SW 19th Avenue, the 1-95 embankments, and S.R. 9/SW 27 Avenue from SW 28th Lane to SW 8th Street right-of-ua-, asi necessary and as directed by the City. Per Sq. y '_G90- Per Sc!. F[. $ 0.<5 Per Sq- Et. -> 0.18 Fertilization and Pesticide Applications for Trees and palms: Furnish all labor, equipment and materials r,eczssary for the fertilization and cl-rrI pesticide application of all trees and palms as noted in these speclfiratrori within and on the landscaped medians an US-! between SW 37th Avenue and 1-95, a 42 strip of land located between the waif and curb of the US -1 northbound outside lane between Viscaya and SW 19th Avenue, the 1-95 embankme—, and S.R. 9/5,V 27 Avenue frcm 5'W 28th Lane to SVJ 8ih meet. right-of-way, as necessary and a=directed by the City, ;—h y--- ;;8 Each $ 0.25 Each ¢ 5,7(10.00 Furnish all leu-, materials and equipment necessary for the planting ofa shade tree (Field Gro--Standard/4" DBHJl6-13'i 6-8' SPR/5'Cfli indsding removal of st—Fir planting a neva ane -f same sped-', me',.hipg, and 43 watering for a one iii year period, airing rhe entire length of ?h-- c m q;ar. at locations approved by City Engineer bad/Pr Project Ma ise, My. E-aeh $ 9''9.09 Each $ 575.00 Each > 2,800.30 Furnish all labor, materials and equipment necessary for :he p!anra of a shade tree (100 gal) including removal of stump, Planting a new one of same 44 species, mulching, and watering for a tine year period, along the entue length of the median at locations approved by City Engineer andlpr Project Manager only gaeh - 575-00- 1 Each 5 3959.00 ,Each $ 39C0.00 Furnish all labor, materials and equipment necessary for the planting of a palm tree (Field Growr In. 10' GW13a[led and Bu raped/Single-8and/or 1S - 4s 20 CT} including removal of srump, planting a new one of same -species, mulching, and watering for a one (2) year period, along the entire length of the median at locations approved by City Engineer and/or project Manager only. 45@:a& Each $ 1,950.00 Each 5 9,900.00 Furnish all tabor, materials and equipment necessary for the planting of a palm tree (45 gall including removal of stump, planting a new one o, same 46 species, mulching. and watering fora one Il) year per',od, along the entire length of the median at locations approved by City Engineer anal/or Project Mirage, only, Each 5 'SO:00- Ea[h $ 950-00 Each $ 1,900.00 47 Installation of 150 linear feet of root barrier per PW Sul!etin No. 33 'wear -fan? `a 750 L.neW foot $ 50.00 Linear fact $ 29.00 Furnish all luso, materials and equipment necessary for removing a dee—ad i 48 or damaged shade trees (0' - 15' overall 'height) including removal of stump, I trunk, -,Own and roots and reatoradon of the area_ Eaeh S 259.70 Each $ 55000 Each $ 1,400,00 Furnish all labor, materials and equipment necessary for removing a deceased 49 or damaged shade trees (16' - 40' overall height) including removal of stump, trunk, crown and roos and restoration of the nr=a. 6acJa :x1,30949 Each 3 1,540-00 Each S 2,40c_0e Furnish alt labor, m=_terials an. =q,ipnI -ac=.css', - =.. -.. _=,aased 50 or da iraged shade—es 1cvemlh r.a-c; t. -._-. -a _ .o rai;.f stamp, trunk, crown and rods -rd - - - Eac4r Each 5 2,500.00 Each Furnish all labor, materia' a -d e.;.. _. __ . rece,ary fa remnvirg a deceased. 51 dr damaged palm (0' 15' overal; no removal of sump, trunk, I crown and roots and re<_lcration of the -a Each 5 150:28- Each $ 250.00 Each $ SCG Do Furnish all labor, materials and equipment necessary for removing a deceased 52 or damaged palm 116' - 40' overall height) ncludinft remaval of stump, tank, crown and roots and restoration of the area. =`bel; s5--4S&QG- Each $ b50.00 Each i,900A0 Furnish all labor, materials and equipment necessary for removing a dereased 53 or damaged palm (41' - 60' overall 'neight) -including re=^oval of stump, trunk, crown and roots and restoratiao of the area. €weir 5 550.)G Each S 950 cc Each 5 24ZU7_C0 Emergency Disaster Cabrs Services: Cutting, Clearing, and hac;ing of debris to 54 the designated debris management site (DVS), Land Fill, or Transfer Station. Cilia ia-Yard >---25.00 Cu59c yard '> 15.30 Cubic Yard $ 90.v0 '=bidder eon-responsve, did rat meet minimum gaavficat, or requirements