HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubmittal-Steven Wernick-PresentationSubmitted into the public record for item(s) PZ.3, PZA on 2/25/2016. City Clerk. City of Miami Commission Meeting :1 Submitted into the public record for item(s) PZ.3, PZA on 2/25/2016. City Clerk. City of Miami Commission Meeting U Submitted into the public record for item(s) PZ.3, PZA on 2/25/2016. City Clerk. Submitted into the public record for item(s) PZ.3, PZA on 2/25/2016. City Clerk. 11 A 40 M Submitted into the public record for item(s) PZ.3, PZA on 2/25/2016. City Clerk. Existing zoning split between T4 -L and T3 -L Current zoning is inconsistent with existing use Current zoning restricts adaptive use and redevelopment Submitted into the public record for item(s) PZ.3, PZA on 2/25/2016. City Clerk. ■ Property has historically included commercial building on west portion with accessory use/side yard on east portion. ■ Chain of title revealed property has been conveyed as one address with same legal description since at least 1964. Submitted into the public record for item(s) PZ.3, PZA on 2/25/2016. City Clerk. Historical aerial photographs indicate commercial uses on west side with accessory use, and side Vard on east side since 1953. 1973 1978 1998 2007 R.A tort INIF �L1I: Y. 7F- 4'. a -i4i Ing ?Atz r t� Submitted into the public record for item(s) PZ.3, PZA on 2/25/2016. City Clerk. 1991 , 1998 Submitted into the public record for item(s) PZ.3, PZA on 2/25/2016. City Clerk. Submitted into the public record for items PZ.3, PZA on 2/25/2016. City Clerk. illi`7Y�rfilf+r:d Zoning Challenge 2 Compromise Solution Appreml of remning or western partion as T4-0 "17f jrce and commercial uses shall be fess law Consistent with zoningtn South than509uf the building floor area total" Compatiblewith futureland use map • Allows (or odoptrue use of existing buildings. Of TIIS SR'[L! v 6:� Re2om eastern pottlon as T4 -L: m- Creates tronsition zone to residential neighborhood Consestent wiith zoningto rwrth� I Imitation on CDmmeruial uses - Pref erred by Assoca 'loins i �wn.nf:�mi...,:..�:•:riru.h a nip-N,�r..,.m,.: n: _i Submitted into the public record for item(s) PZ.3, PZA on 2/25/2016. City Clerk. Office and commercial uses shall be less han50% of the building floor area total" DENSITY SUPA) 36 UNITS PER ACRE 36 UNITS PER ACRE 36 UNITS PER ACRE COMMERCIAL Commeval Uses are permissible as fisted in Table 3: �Ammercial Uses are permissible as listen in Table 3, invited by compliance with • Limited to the first Story of the Principal 30ding or lac- A maximum area of 4,000 square feet per establiAi- cessory Structure, ment • Offuia and C wnrnemal U%m— shall be IesS than 50%Food estabNshmenfs of a maximum seating taPa ly Building floor area total. of 40 pa -tans. - •Minimum W3parr.ingspaces tor every l,LPLX)squaretaet ment. of commercial use. • f=ood establis✓1mEnts of a rraximum sealing capacity • Minimum of one Dkespace fcrevery 20vehlcularspaces of 40 mtrons. requred (before any reducticns). • Minimum of 3 park nq spaces lar every 1.004 square feet • Parkinq requirement may be reduced accordinq to -te of commercial use. Shared parld<rg standard, Ancie 4, Tabic~ 5_ • Parkor g requirement may be reduced according to the • Minimum of 1 "e RaA 3uace far every 20 vehicular Shared parking standard, Artc3e 4, Table 5. spaces required. • Minimum of 1 Bice Rack Space for evey 20 vehicular ;par -P rAquirAd Existing Future Land Use Map (FLUM) WEST (Rest Comm) SOUTHWEST (Gen Comm) SOUTHEAST (duplex) Submitted into the public record for item(s) PZ.3, PZA on 2/25/2016. City Clerk. Existing Zoning Classification JOT USE ANY iIS SPACE! Submitted into the public record for item(s) PZ.3, PZA on 2/25/2016. City Clerk. Submitted into the public record for item(s) PZ.3, PZA on 2/25/2016. City Clerk. • July 2015: Rezoning application filed with City of Miami • September, 2015: Planning and Zoning staff issued recommendation of approval for rezoning to T4-0 • September 16, 2015 (PZAB hearing): Applicant agreed to defer application to allow time to meet with neighborhood associations (Buena Vista Heights, Buena Vista Stakeholders) • September 28, 2015: Meeting held onsite with representatives of neighborhood associations; applicant agreed to amend application so that eastern portion would be T4 -L (more restrictive than T4-0) • October 21, 2015: PZAB approved rezoning unanimously (11-0) • December 10, 2015: City Commission approved rezoning unanimously (5-0) • February 23, 2018: Applicant held neighborhood workshop attended by stakeholders, residents, and property owners, including representatives of Buena Vista Stakeholders and Buena Vista Heights. (20-4 in support) Submitted into the public record for item(s) PZ.3, PZA Co � o /2'2016. City Clerk. prori in Approval of rezoning of western portion as T4-0: Consistent with zoning to South Compatible with future land use map Allows for adaptive use of existing buildings. Rezone eastern portion as T4 -L: Creates transition zone to residential neighborhoc Consistent with zoning to north limitation on commercial uses Preferred by Associations Submitted into the public record for item(s) PZ.3, PZA on 2/25/2016. City Clerk. Submitted into the public record for item(s) PZ.3, PZA on 2/25/2016. City Clerk. NW 43RD ST NVQ 42ND ST NW 41ST ST Submitted into the public record for item(s) PZ.3, PZA on 2/25/2016. City Clerk. w> T4' L� 0 T4� NII 42Nd ST ---NW-41ST ST LL u; NAV 43RD ST T3 -L NW 42N D ST T� Submitted into the public record for item(s) PZ.3, PZA on 2/25/2016. City Clerk. NW 44TH ST T4 -L T,3 -'L 11 NW 42ND ST w �M NW 44TH ST LL W NW 43RD ST a W � Z E:2 NW 42ND ST NW 41ST ST _ V 42 2 0 w NW 44TH ST Submitted into the public record for item(s) PZ.3, PZ.4 on 2/25/2016. City Clerk. T =NNW 41ST STS NW 44Th ST Nw 43Rd $T LU d T3 -L z NW 42ND ST NW 41STST LU Z KV IJJ�111JJ II NW 44TH ST NW 42ND ST Nle! 41ST ST LU r Z #+ L E 2 E❑ *`+ D N E U 0: J 0.1 -]---L =NNW 41ST STS NW 44Th ST Nw 43Rd $T LU d T3 -L z NW 42ND ST NW 41STST LU Z KV IJJ�111JJ II NW 44TH ST NW 42ND ST Nle! 41ST ST LU r Z Submitted into the public record for item(s) PZ.3, PZA on 2/25/2016. City Clerk. • Article 2 - Conservation goal of Miami 21: Improving the relationship between low Density Residential neighborhoods and adjacent Commercial Corridors with appropriate transitions of Density and Height following the theory of the Transect. • Article 2 — Guiding Principles for the block and building: Harmonious and orderly change and Development of urban areas should be enabled through a form - based zoning code that guides and regulates change • Article 7 — Amendment to Miami 21 Code: The City's growth and evolution over time will inevitably require changes to the boundaries of certain Transect Zones. Submitted into the public record for item(s) PZ.3, PZA on 2/25/2016. City Clerk. Submitted into the public record for items PZ.3, PZA on 2/25/2016. City Clerk. public PZ.3, PZA r Clerk. 7 Potential Tenant Feedffaff We have been trying to lease the property for the past several months but we have run into everal issues due to our zoning restrictions. Below is a list of some of the feedback we've eceived from various types of potential tenants who were interested in the property: Private School: he area and the property were perfect, but could not park enough cars or u! e eas ern portion of the site for outdoor space based on current zoning. Needed the entire building, could not split use 50150 with residential. • Loved the property, but wanted to renovate the courtyard area to sell outdo IMW. D of have enough private gated parking, or area for outdoor space that could b sed based on rrent zoning. Could not split use 50150 with residential. • I . 1 I : Did not have enough private parking on-site. Needed entire build! Couldn't split use 50150 with residential. id not have enough outdoor seating or parking. 11MMquTNeeded potential to expand footprint of building in the future, also ne Gond entiffince to the building with patient loading area. terested in portion of the building with outdoor seating area in courtyard. Potential Types of Te We have been speaking with, and exploring several different prospective tVples of tenants including but not limited to the following: 11feative Shared Office Restaurant &Cafe Bakery Furniture &Home ducation Entrepreneurial Hub, Boutique Clothing Art & Design Specialty Retail Dialysis/Medical Center Local Businesses 0 gwAmw�jw '00000& , Submitted into the public record for item(s) PZ.3, PZA on 2/25/2016. City Clerk. • JuIv 2015: Rezoning application filed with Cita of Miami - September, 2015: Planning and Zoning staff issued recommendation of approval for rezoning to T4-0 • September 16, 2015 WZAB hearing): Applicant agreed to defer application to allow time to meet with neighborhood associations (Buena Vista Heights, Buena Vista 'Stakeholders) • September 28, 2015: Meeting held onsite with representatives of neighborhood associations; applicant agreed to amend application so that eastern portion would be T4 -L {more restrictive than T4-0) • October 21, 2015: PZAB approved rezoning unanimously (11-0) • December 10, 2015: City Commission approved rezoning unanimously (5-0) • Februarys 23, 2016: Applicant held neighborhood workshop attended by stakeholders, residents, and property owners, including representatives of Buena Vista Stakeholders and Buena Vista Heights. (20-4 in support) C Submitted into the public record for item(s) PZ.3, PZA on 2/25/2016. City Clerk. City of Miami Commission Meeting P fol Jim ubmitted into the public hfor item(s) PZ.3, PZA 5/2016. City Clerk. w Submitted into the public record for item(s) PZ.3, PZA on 2/25/2016. City Clerk. 7 �+ floe r,M'IINt; ! Now -MM f - �ullllllw�w' It YX v'l; , A C i*,.;i l F a �f1 -1 3. Submitted into the public record for item(s) PZ.3, PZA on 2/25/2016. City Clerk. Submitted into the public record for item(s) PZ.3, PZA on 2/25/2016. City Clerk. Submitted into the public record for item(s) PZ.3, PZA on 2/25/2016. City Clerk. City of Miami Commission Meeting U s J riLj sII p P NW 42 5 )R • Submitted into the public record for item(s) PZ.3, PZA on 2/25/2016. City Clerk.