To: Honorable Members Date: August 26, 2016
of the City Commission
Subj ect: Parks and Recreation
Advisory Board
From: Todd B. Hannon References: Agenda for September 8, 2016
City Clerk
Enclosures: List of members and Resume
The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board was created by City Ordinance 12967 (1) To serve in an
advisory capacity to the City Commission, mayor, and city manager on citywide parks and recreation
policy matters, park and recreation needs and priorities, and as stewards of the parks and recreation
master plan(s); (2) to provide periodic review of physical improvements as needed for all city park and
recreational facilities; (3) to provide a review of the parks, recreation, playground, after school, weekend,
and summer camp programs and other activities and services provided throughout all parks, and make
recommendations to the director of the department of parks and recreation; (4) to review the use of city
park, playground, and recreation facilities to assess whether such uses meet the recreational needs of the
neighborhood and community in which each facility is located; (5) to review the operations and
maintenance needs of the parks department's operations division and provide recommendations on needs
required to effectively address citywide park and recreation facilities maintenance issues; (6) to provide
recommendations on the expansion of existing and development of new undeveloped park land; (7) to
review the city's implementation of the recommendations contained within the parks and recreation
master plan(s); (8) to participate in charettes and other public forums to obtain comments and suggestions
with respect to the city's park and recreation system; (9) to work with existing and future city public trusts
and/or agencies that have responsibility over the operations and maintenance of city park land; and (10) to
discuss, conduct a recorded vote on the Board's recommendations, and include such recorded vote(s) and
written recommendation(s) to the City Commission.
Four (4) appointments are required at this time:
• Chair Keon Hardemon has one (1) nomination for a seat currently held by:
1. Monique Messer, incumbent, whose term expired on April 10, 2016.*
• Vice Chair Ken Russell has one (1) nomination for a seat currently held by:
1. Elijah Stiers, incumbent, whose term expired on March 14, 2015.1
• Commissioner Wifredo (Willy) Gort has one (1) nomination for a seat currently held by:
1. Jacqueline Vega, incumbent, whose term expired on January 9, 2016, has exceeded the
number of allowed consecutive absences (4 in 2015), and the number of allowed absences
(7 in 2015), and will require a 4/5ths waiver of attendance.1
. This item was continued from April 14, 2016, May 12, 2016, June 9, 2016, and July 14, 2016, Commission meetings.
t This item was continued from March 12, 2015, April 9, 2015, May 14, 2015, June 11, 2015, July 9, 2015, September 10, 2015,
October 8, 2015, January 14, 2016, February 11, 2016, March 11, 2016, April 14, 2016, May 12, 2016, June 9, 2016, and July 14,
2016, Commission meetings.
• City Manager Daniel J. Alfonso has one (1) nomination for a seat currently held by:
1. Michael Rosenberg, incumbent, whose term expired on April 10, 2016, has exceeded the
number of allowed consecutive absences (3 in 2015), and will require a 4/5ths waiver of
For your convenience, we are including a copy of the current membership of the board. By copy of this
memorandum, we are requesting that the Agenda Office place this issue on the September 8, 2016,
Commission agenda.
c: LaCleveia Morley, Parks Department
Robin Jones -Jackson, Senior Assistant City Attorney
Anna M. Medina, Agenda Coordinator
$ This item was continued from November 19, 2015, January 14, 2016, February 11, 2016, March 11, 2016, April 14, 2016, May 12,
2016, June 9, 2016, and July 14, 2016, Commission meetings.
§ This item was continued from November 19, 2015, January 14, 2016, February 11, 2016, March 11, 2016, April 14, 2016, May 12,
2016, June 9, 2016, and July 14, 2016, Commission meetings.