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MIAMI SPORTS AND EXHIBITION AUTHORITY City of Miami Expenditures FY 2012-13 Actual FY 2013-14 Actual FY 2014-1S Actual FY 2015-16 Budget FY 2015-16 Projection FY 2016-17 Proposed Difference Notes Revenues Chalk's/ Nautilus Enterprises LLC $72,000 $72,000 +$72,000 Watson Island Heliport Corporation $45,600 $78,538 +$78,538 MSEA Reserve Fund/Non-Restrictive Funds $66,000 $66,000 $89,000 $489,900 $3,600 $4,800 $8,800 $8,800 $9,000 +$200 FICA Taxes $1,300 $1,300 $3,825 +$2,525 Retirement Contributions Life and Health Insurance $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $0 Revenue Grand Total $66,000 $66,000 $89,000 $0 $607,500 $150,538 $150,538 $0 Expenditures Regular Salary and Wages $5,000 $20,000 $30,000 $30,000 $30,000 $50,000 +$20,000 Fringe Benefits $3,600 $4,800 $8,800 $8,800 $9,000 +$200 FICA Taxes $1,300 $1,300 $3,825 +$2,525 Retirement Contributions Life and Health Insurance $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $0 Workers' Compensation Professional Services - Legal Professional Services $15,000 $5,100 $5,000 $600 $600$500 -$100 Accounting and Auditing $15,000 $13,000 $14,000 $18,300 $18,300 $18,333 +$33 Other Contractual Services Travel and Per Diem $1,300 $1,600 $4,200 Communications and Related Services $3,600 $2,400 $4,000 $100 +$100 Postage $100 $100 $100 $100 $50 -$50 Utility Rentals and Leases Insurance $25,000 $17,000 $16,000 $13,000 $13,000 $8,500 -$4,500 Printing and Binding $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $0 Advertising and Related Costs Office Supplies $600 $300 $200 $200 $200 $200 $0 Operating Supplies 500 Motor Fuel Public Safety Supplies Subscriptions, Memberships, and Licenses $200 $500 $500 $500 $500 $0 Interfund Transfer $400 +$400 Capital Projects and Purchases All Other Expenditures $400 $100 $100 $11,100 $11,100 $11,300 +$200 Roll -Over $42,730 +$42,730 Expenditure Grand Total $66,000 $63,900 $84,000 $89,000 $89,000 $150,538 $62,5381$0 Revenues Minus Expenditures $D $2,1001 $5,000 -$89,0001 $518,500 $0 I $89,000 $D Printed: 9/6/2016 7:15 PM I �o-- 0113-5- -c- Xh,l b��+-Sub Page 1 of 1 THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUBSTITUTION TO ORIGINAL. BACKUP ORIGINAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT. MIAMI SPORTS AND EXHIBITION AUTHORITY Proposed Budge' FISCAL YEAR 2016-2017 Proposed DESCRIPTION [TOTAL 2016-2017 Budget ENUES ork/Seaplane Base R Rent A Reserve Funds/Non Restrictive Funds REVENUE 444,538 I. Payroll, Taxes and Benefits COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS 1 Executive Director 50,000 2 Insurance -health, life, disability 5,000 F7515,000 3 SS/State/Federal Taxes, Medicare 3,825 Total Payroll, Taxes and Benefits 58,825 1I. Operating Expenses 5 Business Meeting Expenses 1,500 6 Communications'and related services 100 Contingencies 5 000 8 '; . General Insurance & Directors Liability Insurance 8,500 9 Car Allowance 5,400 10 Memberships/Subscriptions 500 11' Office Supplies and Operating Supplies .:.fob 12. Warehouse/Storage :.4,800 13 Phone/Table PC Allowance 3,600 14. Printing _ 100 Postage TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 29,750 III, PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 16 Audit 10,000 17 Bank services ` 500 18 Accounting Services 8,333 TOTAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 18,833 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 107,408 IV. CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 19 OFFICE EQUIPMENT PURCHASES 400 20 Furniture 8tFixtures TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 400 TOTAL OPERATING BUDGET'W/,CAPITAL EXPENDITURES '' 107,$08 Excess( shortage) of Revenue over Expenses 337,130 SUBSTITUTED MIAMI SPORTS AND EXHIBITION AUTHORITY City of Miami U1 IS" V N. WWW, FY 2012-13 Actual FY 2013-14 Actual FY 2014-15 Actual FY ZOIS-3.6 Budget FY 2015 16 Projection 'I$72,000 FY 2016-17 Proposed Difference Not- OE Chalk's/Nautilus Enterprises LLL - - Regular Salary and Wages $5,000! $20,000 $72,000 +V2,000 - Watson Island Heliport Corporation $30,000 +$20,000 $45,600 $78,538 +$78, MSEA Reserve Fund/Non-Restrictive Funds $66,00 $66,000 $89,000 $489,900 $294,000 + 000 $1,301�� $1,300 0 +$2,525 Retirement Contributions Life and Health Insurance $5,000 $5 0 $5,000 $0 Workers' Compensation Professional Services - Legal Professional Services $15,000 $5,100 - Revenue Grand Total $66,0001 $66,000 $89,000 $0 $607,5 $444,5.39 $444,538 $0 U1 IS" V N. WWW, 4 BMW & - Regular Salary and Wages $5,000! $20,000 $30,000 $30,000 $30,000 +$20,000 Fringe Benefits - $3,500 $4,800 $0;000 '800 $8,800 $9,OLO +$200 FICA - $1,301�� $1,300 $3,825 +$2,525 Retirement Contributions Life and Health Insurance $5,000 $5 0 $5,000 $0 Workers' Compensation Professional Services - Legal Professional Services $15,000 $5,100 $5,000 $600 $600 $500 -$lob - Accounting and Auditing $15,000 $13,000 $14,000 $18,300 $18,300 $18,333 +$33 Other Contractual Services - Travel and Per Diem $1,300 $1,600 $4, - Communications and Related Services $3,600 $2,400 KOOO $100 +$100 - Postage $100 001 $ion $100 $100- $50 -$50 Utility Rentals and Leases Insurance $25,000 $17,000 $16,000 $13,000 $13,000 $8,500 -$4,500 Printing and Binding $IOU 00 $100 $100 $100 $100 $0 Advertisiingand Related Costs -4e Office Supplies $600 $300 $200 $200 $200 $200 $0 Operating SuoDlies $SOO Motor Fuel Public Safety Supplies Subscriptions, Memberships, and Udenses -0 000, $200 $500 $500 $500 $500 $0 Interfund Transfer -$400 +$400 Capital Projects and Purchases I All Other Expenditures 1 $400 $100 $100 $11,100 $11,100 $11,300 +$200 Budget Reserve 4 Expenditure Grand Total 14 $66,000 $63,9001 $84,000 $89,0001 $89,A00 $107,8081 $18,808$0 1 $425,7301$0 814120169:I6AM Page 1 of 1 U BSTITUTE D MIAMI SPORTS AND EXHIBITION AUTHORITY ProlaoS d Budge FISCAL YEAR 2016-2017 Proposed DESCRIPTION 2016-2017 Budget REVENUES Hellport/Seepiane Base R Rent MSEA Reserve Funds/Non Restrictive Funds TOTAL REVENUE I 444,5 I. Payroll, Taxes and Benefits COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS 1 Executive Director50,000 2 Insurance health, life, disability 5,000 3 SS/State/Federal Taxes, Medicare II 3,825 Total Payroll, Taxes and Benefits 58,825 II. Operating Expenses 6 Business Meeting Expenses 1,500 6 Cammunicatons and related services 100 7 " Contingencies 5,000 8 General Insurance .& Directors Liab' y Insurance 8,500 9 Car Allowance 5,400 10 Memberships/Subscriptions 500 11, Office Supplies and Operatin upplies 200 Warehouse/storage 4,800 13 Phone/Table PC Allowa e 3,600 14 ,Printing 100 Postage 0. TOTAL OPERATING JrXPENSES 29,750 - III. PROFESSION SERVICES 16 Audit 10,000 17 Bank Se ces Sop ng Services 8,333 I TOTAL 2!OFESSIONAL SERVICES 11 18,8331 IOTA OPERATING EXPENSES 107,408 rCAPITAL EXPENDITURES OFFICE EQUIPMENT PURCHASES 400 Furniture & Fixtures - TAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 400 Tli.OPERATING BUDGET W/,CAPITAL EXPENDITURES. 107;808 Excess( shortage) of Revenue over Expenses 337,130