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Memo - Sole Source Finding
TO: Annie Perez Director Procurement FROM: Rodolfo L Chief of Pol rtment CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA DATE: MAR -- 4 2016 SUBJECT*: Finding of Sole Source FILE: LEG 7-2 REFERENCES: NC4 Street Smart Application/ Licenses/Maint. & Support ENCLOSURES: The police department is requesting a sole source finding for the purchase of a NC4 Street Smart Application, Software Licenses and one year of maintenance and support from NC4 Public Sector LLC, located at 100 N. Sepulveda Blvd., Suite 200, EI Segundo, CA 90245, for a total amount of $389,936; allocating funds from Account Code 00001.191501.664000. The police department is always seeking viable resources to equip its officers which will enable them to better protect and serve the City of Miami. According to NC4 Public Sector LLC, the NC4 Street Smart is the only real-time crime fighting application on the market today that provides the following functionality, features and benefits: • NC4 Street Smart enables officers to fight crime as it happens. The scenario of fighting crime in isolated shifts or cycles that do not communicate with each other is not efficient. Day old or week old communiques are no longer an acceptable standard. The goal of the new technology is to gain a dramatic reduction in the amount of time necessary to solve crime and make arrests. • Modern offender management is focused on identifying repeat offenders quickly thus preventing additional crimes. NC4 Street Smart provides fusion center capability at the officer, supervisor, and analyst level, providing data that can be used to pinpoint offenders, confirm crimes, and establish patterns. • NC4 Street Smart provides easy access to structured and unstructured data that can be easily accessed with minimum effort in a central location. NC4 Street Smart enhances situational awareness at any level of a law enforcement agency. • NC4 Street Smart is a front line officer driven crime fighting application that supports police officers with critical near real time data while on patrol. Beyond traditional CAD and RMS searches, NC4 Street Smart enables officers to stay apprised of activities within a given patrol area as well as give personnel awareness to the actions of diverse agency departments. The awareness is bolstered by the use of data fees, bulletins, blogs, case management, mapping, and search capabilities, etc, Annie Perez Director of Procurement Page 2 NC4 Public Sector LLC, affirms that they currently have over 25 agencies utilizing the application, Tampa PD, New Castle County, Delaware PD and Bloomington, IN PD are some of the agencies that have significant experience. The police department concluded that the NC4 Street Smart application is a collaborative tool that will assist officers in turning CAD data into verifiable information for real time analysis. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Captain Sean MacDonald by email at Sean. MacDonald(a.miami-police. orq or by phone at 305 603-6155. Your attention to this matter is greatly appreciated. FINDING OF SOLE SOURCE APPROVED: e( ' rez, Director RL/JHG/jms Attachments s di November 10, 2015 Assistant Chief Gomez Assistant Chief Miami Police Department 400 NW 2nd Avenue Miami, FL 33128 Dear Assistant Chief Gomez: NC4 is happy to provide the following information to assist you in the preparation of a Sole Source Justification for our NC4 Street Smart" solution. The NC4 Street Smart solution is a unique and proprietary Internet -based law enforcement application designed for officers and commanders in the field. It maximizes policing effectiveness with continuous updates of crime maps, bulletins, and the ability to share all relevant information quickly and providing patrol officers a daily -use tool for logging and quickly locating crime -related information and intelligence in real-time. The typical customers are city and county law enforcement agencies. NC4 Street Smart leverages your existing CAD and RMS system as well as other existing data sources to greatly enhance the situational awareness of the officer and dramatically improve his/her analysis capability. Essentially NC4 Street Smart, in this context, improves intelligence analysis with the ability to integrate newly acquired on -scene information with existing information sources, fusing them in near real-time for dramatically improved awareness and intelligence. This cycle of leveraging RMS and other crime/criminal information sources traditionally is done with a "home office" intelligence analyst and can take hours or days to accomplish. NC4 Street Smart enables every officer to do this, in real-time dramatically compressing the crime -to -arrest cycle. NC4 Street Smart makes your existing information immediately available including unstructured data such as the hundreds of bulletins that typically end up buried in emails and difficult to access. Using BLDG technology, officers are able to instantly share and discuss relevant incident information (Location/suspect/evidence) across divisions and precincts. This unique approach of leveraging existing systems and their data in near real-time and making this data immediately actionable at the field level eliminates the delays associated with typical law enforcement data systems and/or the dependence on specialized intelligence analysis teams. NC4 Headquarters 100 N. Sepulveda Blvd. . P.O. Box 919 • EI Segundo, CA 90245-0919 < 310,606.4444 • www.NC4.us NC4 Street Smart is currently deployed in several law enforcement agencies and has had a demonstrably positive impact on accelerating the crime to arrest cycle, getting criminals off the street and thus reducing crime in the cities that are using it. Because NC4 Street Smart is a totally new and innovative approach to crime fighting, enabling the officer in the patrol car via Blogs and quick access to integrated data from multiple sources, to our knowledge, there is no direct competitive commercially available product or custom implementation that matches it. NC4 is the sole owner of NC4 Street Smart software and has not authorized any third party to deliver maintenance or edit and modify the source code. Additionally, NC4 is the sole provider of the softwa re. If I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at (314) 258-0568. Sincerely, Robert Wolf Vice -President, Public Sector NC4 Headquarters 100 N. Sepulveda Blvd, • P.O. Box 919 • EI Segundo, CA 90245-0919 • 310,606.4444 • www,NC4.us Sole Source Justification for NC4 Street "mart ........... *.� 1. Sole Source Justification for Procuriii Street Smart from NC tor, I *� NC4 is the sole provider of NC4 Street Smart, NC4 doesn't use sales partners or resellers for Street Smart; therefore there is no other way to procure Street Smart than thin NC4. NC4 is also the.sole provider of maintenance and support :tier Street Smart, 2, Sole Source Justification for the Street Smart Product To the best of our knowledge, NC4 Street Smart is the only real-time crime fighting application on the market today that provides the following ftincti oliali ty, features arid benefits. e NC4 Street Smart enables officers to fight crime as it happens. The scenario of fighting crime in isolated shifts or cycles that do not communicate. with6achothQris not efficient. Day old orweek; old communiques are no longer an acceptable. standard. The goal of the new tecl-mology is to gain a dramatic reduction in.the amount of time necessary to solve crime, and make arrests. * Modern offender management is focused -on identifying repeat offenders quickly thus preventing additional crimes. NC4 -Street Smart I provides fusion center capability at the officer, supervisor, and analyst level, providing data that can be used to pinpoint offenders, confirm crimes, and establish patteias. * NC4 Street Smart provides easy access to structured and. -unstructured data that can be easily accessed With minimum effort in a central location. NC4 Street Smart enhances situational awareness at any level of a law enforcement agency. ® NC4 Street Smart is a front line officer. driven crime fighting application that supports police offi ith ciers W` -ne dat chile on patrol'.. 8eyonal d tradition, � C MS c ' 'ifical near real tii aAD R searches, NC4 Street Smart enables officers to stay apprised of activities within a given patrol area as well as give personnel mwlteness to the actions of diverse agency departments. The awareness is bolstered by the use of data feeds, bulletins, blogs, case management, mapping, and search capabilities. o NC4 S.treet,Smart is a proven solution and not a Beta effort. e NC4 Street Smart is a commercial off the shelf (COTS) crime fighting solution that can be .implemented on site or offered through managed services (hosting services), The hosted and on premise software services provide standards relative to security, maintenance, and backup. * NC4 Street Smart is fully functional and proven infield use by police officers in the* field. o NC4 Street Smart is intuitive and easy touse on MDT's (mobil& data terminals), laptops, and the desk -top environrnent. 0 NC4 Street Smart includes core components that are part of an integrated crime fighting application. The modules or capability sets are provided: o Fusion or Crime Connection Collector: This feature collects data about People, Place, .Activities (Blogs, Bulletins, Mocks Operandi, Crime), and Assets (vehicles, property) and suggests possible connections between the data elements to the end user. This identification is in near real time and is relevant to crimes and/or cases. This information is presented through air intuitive and fast mechanism allowing officers to determine the Page 1. of 5 1/5/1s Sole Source Justification for NC4 Street Smart relevance and logic of the. associated data. Officers are then given the option to associate -this data toacrimcor,oase-tl-latisbeing zNvorle.d:, T -feat-are . enables an.offweftdiscussion.threads that can be dogging;. , his. en o begin add:to sorted, searched, reviewed, and shared with anyone in agency. This conlinentary provides the baqk.on v .one collaborative ,problem solving, situational awareness and officer safety., The.communicatio bringsinforniation to. anofficer's attention immediately and does not rely onshift to shift, cycle to cycle traditional email, ,analyst rppor standard tszor change of shift roll. call. meetings. The blog data is. also searchable co ntent and is accessed by the fusion or crime connector mentioned previously. Users have a record of the blogs they have created in order to manage their own content.: Updates to Wog aro -visually: indicated to users. Users will. also be able to alert themselves to changes in a blog, on a daily, weekly, or instant basis via email. The or crime connector collectorcan be initiated, from inside the blog file. Alarms can be configured to alert users when their blog hasbeen :updated. , © I Bulletin Standardization and Man eineft. B- ORT . ag Bulletins are used track-ofoffenders and to notify officers of importariI actionable data. T.he,NC4 Street $!nart bulletin feature shall co tralrze and categorize bulletin infortnation in. one web page, in. I near real time, delivering T it tand relevant bulletins to q Ticers in the, field. Tl eh-alletifis 6M be sottod, searched„ reviewed, and shared With qnyo I ne i, . ri the agency. Tl ebutletins providefil . ImI ei . d . 6 . to info nnI at io I n to all Acors related to Crim . e, I offender . s, intelligence, efficer 'and 'Pthetageil cy communications. -The butletinsprovide a back bone for' collaborative comm-Liuication among all levelsof.an agency. The bulletin is brought to an it , officer's attention fininediatel arid does not rely hift to shift, c 616 to cycle, tfiditianal y Y__ email, Ellial I yst reports, or standard change of shift.roll call meetings. . The bulletin content is searchable cofitp nt and is accessed by the fusion. or crime op, iin cet o.r txaentioned previmisly. UsQrshave a record of the bulletins they.have created in order to manage their own co.46nt. Updates to butletins, are visually indicated to users. The bulletin page focuses i,n,fon-n,<ttioi-iora ..the:,,criiuc fight and eliminatesnoise and clutter from other infonxiati* o*n sources, Users will also be able to alert themselves to changes in*a bulletin on ay, w -i8tant b v! "alt Th * fitsi )Ile dail Ookly, or (1, ein on or crime On= or c( otor, carr be initiated.fromlnsiae theball4in fi. e. Rulletin Man gement allows for informa tion to be stored in one ..centralized location, in near reat-time and delivered ,toofficers in the field. 0 Mapping, GIS and mq -viewing: NC4 Street Smart can leverage both Commercial and Police Department -.maps using we an ESRI based map viewer. The maps displayc _ icons that represent -officer dis atchesand. confirmed crimes. NC4 Street Smart has i p n. s: the ability to surface.1cons t.0 the map from identified data sources., Users can time slice views and have I e options 1 Pla e , A mul" I' foi displaying ctlillc.data.. Blogs, Bulletins, Peop, e� al Cases that pe s I . have a valid address, are also. surfaced map and are viewed -using icons. The options used for display Contribute to .1 officer I safety and situational awareness. o Case Manager lent: NC4,StreetSmart is a collaborative tool that provides. officers with an "on -fine case filo": Where inforniation can be shared between officers, Supervisors, and analysts from shift to shift, cycletq. cycle, rotations, or transfers in near real time, The case file is a collection point for ,notes, media, data relationships, (people,,, places, activities, assets). The case file is created fr.in a confirtned,crime. -Multiple users c a . a be assigned to a case. Users will also be able to alert themselves to changes in a case on a daily, weekly, :Page 2 of 5 115115 i Sole Source Justification for NC4 Street Smart or instant basis via email. Users will be able to merge cases. The fission or crime connector collector can be initiated Froin inside the case file. Leverage Existing .Data: NC4 Street Smart provides law enforcement officers with the ability to analyze data to draw conclusions that result in actionable items that :reduce crime. This ability comes from a content aggregation data warehouse that is available to integrate with your own data sources. Data sources such as Offender/JuvenilelHorne Detentions data allows officers to look up k now'il offenders in a localized area, saving them the time of having to do a full-scale search. This includes known offenders and career offenders that have a relationship to the community served by the application. NC4 Street Smart enables historical records import to allow users. to identify patterns and threats around validated crimes to help officers solve crimes faster, The objective is to give officers a starting poiznt. when tying to solve a crime by leveraging technology to select logically related and relevant existing information. NC4 Street Smart supports collaborative capability providing officers with an on-line notebook where information is passed from shift -to -shift and from cycle -to -cycle in. real tiim2 CAD integration: PD CAD data can be integrated into the desired system, CAA ;records can be evaluated by system users to deteiinnine the validity of the record and qualify the crime. The "valida.tion" of the CAD record is done through a form in the crii.ne fighting systems. This Crime "Validation Perm can 'also account for Intel and street address check, data'types: while this inforniationn nlay not be related to any CAI) incident, it may prove useful at some point. It gives -users the ability to capture data that seems innportant, but may not correlate to any specific CAD record. It allows officers to enter data that will become part of their coin inon operating picture and is available for relevancy analysis and use When/if new; information indicates relevancy. Fusion Functions for the Officer: NC4 Street Smart will "connects the dots", allowing officers to quickly and easily find data in one place. ' NC4 Street Smart enables officers to quickly and easily find People, Places,:Activities and Assets that are relevant to the crime they are investigating, resulting in faster action and-better;results. NC4, Street- mart,identifios innforuxn,,tion in r°egl-time that is rolevantlo solving cases, 0 H cess in the field often. rel ienvber certain historical data but a -Lie to difficult access or tine lapsed, can't get that data. The desired system will access that information and present that data as potentially relevant. Essentially it will be a search engine working on your data. The desired solution will continually "crawl" data and immediately return matching resents in an easily understood way, making related historical data very useful and productive. Controls and Data .Access[Use.: NC4 Street Smart enables officers to manage the crime solving process more efficiently by allowing them to look sap various data elenunents of a crirne scene with a click of a button. These controls consist of easy to use and uinderstand, repeatable controls including the following: o Grid Controls -,users can select geographical areas from a set of quadrants o Persons Control - allows the user to create or look up a person and help determine whether they are a suspect,witness, known offender, victim or associate o Vehicle Control - facilitates the searching of the vehicle data type o Property Control - facilitates the searching of property data. Search Capability: NC4 Street Smart provides, advanced search feature that allows a user to search for any previously entered data point in the solution. Any field that is available on any form :is available for search for a specific entry. The informations will be returned in convenient and easy to understand categories: People, Places, .Activities, and Assets. Page 3 of.5 1/5/15 9 Sole Source Justification for NC4 Street Smart Additional sort functionality will also be available to the user after the search. A sort function must give a user an additional mechanism to parse data effectively. NC4 Street Smart is a server -based application hosted: and supported as a;self=hosted or vendor managed secure service. * NC4 Street Smart is a web -based application and is built on SharePoint 2013. a NC4 Street Sinart supports the Microsoft ODS database structure? e NC4 Street Smart support searches from disparate databases from structured and unstructured data. sources such as PDF's, Nord Docs, Spreadsheets, Blogs, email etc.? All ingested data is indexed to enhance the search capabilities. * Historical crime records and other crime databases (Gang data, Sex Offender Registries etc.) can be imported into NC4 Street Smart and the data set is searchable, a NC4 Street Smart supports to -Lich -screed functionality and is usable by touchable devices that meet the i inimum display requirements such as touchable laptops, Microsoft Surface Pro (Windows IE 8+) devices, and. Pad (Safari Current Version +2). a NC4 Street Smart includes hey word search and spell check and works with IE10 and 1E11. NC4 Street Smart supports a minimum resolution of 1280 x:1024. If NC4 Street Smart is accessed by devices with these mini ra- ims there are no horizontal scroll bars required. NC4 Street Smart forms are HTML 5. NC4 Street Smart leverages a platform independent light weight HTMLS mapping client. All Personally Identifiable lnfornnation is protected in NC4 Street Smart, Social Security numbers are masked so a casual glance by an unauthorized user doesn't result in personal information being stolen or misused. 'However;, authorized users can utilize a fly over text display to view the social security number when needed. * .NC4 Street Smart is adaptable to support the police methodologies of your organization. NC4 Street Smart integrates into the Microsoft Shar6Point 2013 ecosystern. * NC4 Street Smart supports Active Directory Federation and supports single sign on with Active Directory. * NC4 Street Smart has a track record for lowering crime. t IC4 Street Smart canoe integrated with your CAD system and your RMS system. NC4 Street Smart mapping functionality organizes category views into individual map layers that. can be toggled on and off. For example, users can view burglary, aimed robbery, home invasion'. homicide etc, as individual snap Dyers. These individual layers can also be filtered by a tirne interval. * NC4 Street Smart is based on Microsoft Fusion Core data structure. * NC4 Street Srnar't is designed for in car use. NC4 Street Smart is optimized for wireless (3 Cr, 4C) connectivity. NC4 Street Smart allows pictures and videos to be added to support the crime fighting activities of officers in the field. * 1,4C4 Street Smart has crime analytics capability for reporting and analysis. :NC4 Street Smart can be extended to have customized reports. NC4 Street Smart has an ,API that allows easy integration into third party or hone grown R.N15 and CAD systems. * NC4 Street Smart is configurable to meet the needs of the organization. NC4 Street Smart allows fields and labels to be adapted to meet agency lexicon, NC4 Street Smartt provides an Administrative Audit Trail of activities. Page 4 of 5 1/5/15 Street Smart Specifications NC4 Street Smart sets a new standard in crime -fighting by providing commanders and field personnel with an application that will allow them to access real-time data to pinpoint crimes, patterns and incidents. NC4 Street Smart provides law enforcement organizations a powerful suite of tools that: • Combines historical crime data and real-time, field intelligence in an easy-to-use and highly efficient interface that is designed for mobility such as in cars, tablet devices or even mobile phones • Provides tools built for officers on the street to promote real-time information gathering and sharing • Centralizes crime -related data into a single data store • Enables officers to fight crime faster by having better information which reduces criminal activity and takes criminals off the street • Reduces paper pushing • Provides increased situational awareness of officers in the field, maximizing their effectiveness NC4 Street Smart System Features and Functions View of the home page of the NC4 Street Smart application NC4 Street Smart is a revolutionary crime fighting solution that changes the way officers police the streets by bringing thein blogging capabilities, and combined with other police feeds, displays a graphical representation of crime almost immediately following the incident with additional drill -down details readily accessible at an officers fingertips. The system features of NC4 Street Smart include: A. Crime Fighting Blog The Crime -Fighting Blog is a fresh approach to giving officers a tool to provide near real-time feedback to an incident as it's unfolding. The blog allows a user to start a new blog topic or to contribute to an existing blog topic with additional relevant information. This commentary provides a backbone for collaborative problem solving and brings information to an officer's attention days or weeks faster than traditional methods. Blogs are searchable so users can easily locate similar incidents or similar attributes. Blog Tag Trend The Blog Tag Trend further enriches the crime -fighting blog by enhancing words that are searched on a frequent basis. It displays previously identified blog tags and sizes and tags them relative to other tags found in searchable content according to the frequency with which they occur. This is important as it shows the common threads that officers are blogging about. Bulletin Management Bulletins are used to keep track of offenders and to notify officers of important actionable data. The Bulletin Management feature centralizes information in one location, in near real time, delivering important bulletins to officers in the field. Examples might be the notification of an escaped suspect, or a situation that could affect the safety of officers oil patrol. These bulletins provide immediate accessibility to all officers who need it. Bulletin Management is essential in notifying officers of specifics on a case. Bulletins are organized in categories of data types. T:,uftt U O9z 12 52 MIss1N0'pEkBON HQ A s 39 Or9391 rz49 OJontl Felt q(tarn foxer 3. _ 9 I. 09% 224E Armed Rubbe�Y 2 C 3 x8 9 995 f - . -L1 Rd renre Bu. Il 5 R 4of ,. v9Ft g.11pn os Bika Thelt L B � Si4 43Al2�228 ENIC[E 2 0 2' - 25 I O. tOxz zzi eik Tbaft. Sraetbey s E s 95 tn.l.Y,,rNe6•aska o93eu-zt9 a �.. rn=<rt..alm3 09i xx3 FeIIFTbek �- 2 24 (3Kapllftinpj ' 09f 111-x0 RabEiry 2 C 4 20 09,132 .E4 MI5eiN0 FF:O4N:FRED OEaSCFI 'HQ x 164 09x 2v`3 Atlenx kla idanlllY(eurglary 2 32 Unosugied 51�4�4urej 99L]32 iP2 A 5 6 o520Y2• A99rev d eaUeN N If. a —d" Hp F a c5 Iv IV.9pan.{Pr.crot) E 3 9 i 256012, i93a• I to<al p' k (. xto B3rste n4i VI IIIc ( at<! f Fe HQ 9 2P 2 s �. 07dniUpfi uR 'Ou4dV?FNa ¢i�➢sa Dls Ojt &-r £pna 'tldd zaa ann. Iv T eeeav a z � 3 rvm4Atox5 99tSlx-R22: Inalad Illy E+nploFaa HQ E'CTUTIoiI G3lii2.214 ur on. !ane 3<am NQ 09x _ o I•Altent on Oxls D 498 Paka<tivu. o9lzla•4f5 au oEurglary Suspects � 09l .349 Nall f 1+mSLa aeleala Eddla J: 2 ' 09991Y-x.9i Pa.a Mn 11f'< 'DNLS 9 F i txi j 0831L2-]3 F'e�'pn secs on of a Flrearm/ i 08x912.16 and (CaV, ptrN 3 F 6 1 ba 5 eulada otf i ldan - S ra u I fln fi00xi12 41 oez Dlilce va9etyatolen !ream a c � z2 "'' NC4 Street Smart keeps officers apprised of important information with its easy-to-use Bulletin Management feature (screen shot shown above). The five major bulletin types are: • Crime Alert Bulletin • Intelligence Bulletin Wanted Bulletin • Officer Safety Bulletin • External Bulletin (Other Agency) These bulletins allow users to create and view only bulletins that are relevant, Map Viewer Right on their computer in their cruiser, officers have snaps that show crime trends. The Map Viewer provides instant visualization; officers no longer have to wait a week to figure out if there is a crime pattern in a specific location. They can see immediately if there is a crime pattern and where it is located. Map Viewer can pinpoint where known habitual criminals live and acts as a quick contextual summary for most users. NC4 Street Smart displays city maps with color -coded dots that show reported crimes and the locations where they were committed almost instantaneously. End users are able to select a view from a menu or during set tip, select a default map position that covers the extent of the user's patrol area, supervisory scope or geographic area of interest. Users are able to time slice views, and have multiple options for displaying data to gain situational awareness. il Case Management Case Management is a collaborative tool that provides officers with an on-line notebook where information is passed from shift -to -shift and from cycle -to -cycle in real time. If an officer is investigating a crime, and another officer comes in and does something in the next shift, it is continually updating the case until the crime is solved. This provides consistency between shifts and cycles allowing each officer to know what is going on with the case at all times. Data Feeds NC4 Street Stuart includes one data feed as part of the initial set up fee. Additional feeds will be contracted under a Statement of Work (SOW) based on NC4 published Time and Material rates. The NC4 Street Smart application focuses on providing law enforcement officers with the ability to analyze data to draw conclusions that result in actionable items that reduce crime. This ability comes from content aggregation, organization and compilation of multiple sources that provide relevant data about the enviromnent in which law enforcement operates. Each officer is their own zone analyst, no longer needing information hierarchies. Every instance of the NC4 Street Smart application has the ability to mule, analyze, and organize data in a useful fashion. This enhances situational awareness in the following areas: • Historical Crimes • Warrants, Jail Release Data, and Prison Release Data • Sex Offenders • Juveniles • CAD Historical Crime Historical Crime records can be imported into NC4 Street Smart to allow users to identify patterns and threats around validated crimes to help officers solve crimes faster. This gives officers a starting point when trying to solve a crime. Offender/Juvenile/Home Detention Data This data is an aggregation from one or more data sources. For NC4 Street Smart, this includes known offenders and career offenders that have a relationship to the community served by the application. This feature allows officers to look up known offenders in a localized area, saving them the time of having to do a full scale search. Generally, this feed is made available at an additional cost developed under a Statement of Work (SOW), based on standard engineering rates CAD Data Agency Dispatch will create CAD records in the system. These records will be evaluated by system users to determine the validity of the record and qualify the crime. Data only has to be entered once, which reduces redundancy in reporting. The validation of the CAD records is done through the Crime Validation Form. CAD Data also provides officers with analytical trends. Intel and Street Check Data Type Intel and Street Check Data captures information that may be useful at some point and may not be related to any CAD incident. This feature gives users the ability to capture data that seems important, but may not correlate to any specific CAD records. It allows officers to enter in data that will become part of their common operating picture. Repeatable Controls Repeatable Controls are used throughout NC4 Street Smart and consist of the following: • Grid Controls — Allows the selection of a geographical area by users from a set of quadrants defined by the Police Department. • Persons Control — Allows the user to create or look up a person and help determine whether the retrieved person is a suspect, witness, known offender, victim or associate. • Vehicle Control — Facilitates the searching of the Vehicle data type which eliminates record duplication and facilitates record associations within the application. • Property Control Facilities the searching of property data.. The Repeatable Controls allow officers to manage crime more efficiently by allowing them to look up various elements of a crime scene with a click of a button. Equip your officers with the sophisticated technology and critical resources they need to fight crime with the NC4 Street SmartTM solution. This state-of-the-art toolprovides real-time data to keep your force up -to -speed, informed and most Importantly, protected as they patrol our streets, Officer -driven to provide essential facts about incidents and crime patterns in your area, NC4 Street Smart goes above and beyond the standard CACI and RMS search by supplying up- to-the-minute data feeds, maps, blogs, bulletins and case management tools, Arm your squad with the collaborative and informative NC4 Street Smart solution that helps them protect their precincts and each other, enhancing their situational awareness and providing peace of mind to their families, Chief Jane Castor Tampa police Department View of the home page of the NC4 Street Smart solution. Are your officers working on a big case or facing an outbreak of similar crimes? The Crime -Fighting Blog lets them post original topics or contribute additional information to existing threads to help them collaborate and get answers, A hotbed for teamwork and critical thinking, the blog brings information to an officer's attention instantly to increase communication and get cases solved. Tired of waiting days or weeks to piece together incidents and identify patterns"? With the NC4 Street Smart Map Viewer, you know exactly where crimes and offenders are located Map Viewer lets you instantly visualize the crime data in intuitive map -based views. NC4 Street Smart arras police officers with critical real-time data as they patrol their streets. It allows officers to rapidly share information and to analyze data as needed to solve crimes faster. customizable icons and time slice views let you organize and categorize information while our Esri-based map viewer leverages both commercial and organizational maps to ensure your data is 100% accurate every time. With the Map Viewer, officers can more effectively manage the goal of attacking emerging treads and crime patterns. Your officers will have the situational awareness they need to stay safe while patrolling the streets, providing peace of mind for their families and friends. Cour Bulletin Management system alerts your team to Important action items and keeps tabs on offenders in your catalogue. The system houses real-time data in an easy -to - browse location where officers can immediately access facts and sort them by time and relevance. This feature allows officers to create, edit and view relevant bulletins such as: a Crime Alert Bulletins NC:4 Street Smart gives your officers critical data in an easy -to -ase Bulletin Management System. • Intelligence Bulletins • Wanted Bulletins • Officer Safety Bulletins • External Bulletins from other agencies Examples might be the notification of an escaped suspect, or a situation that could affect the safety of officers on patrol. Easily pass information from shift - to -shift and from cycle -to -cycle in real-time with this on-line notebook that provides consistency and continuity between units. From day- to-day and officer -to -officer, our Case Management system ensures that your case files are completely up-to-date until the crime is solved. Our efficient CAD record system does above and beyond traditional systems by Increasing your squad's ability to: a Evaluate records • Determine record validity • Qualify crimes The confirmation of the CACI record is done through the Crime Validation Form, which also accounts for Intel and Street Check data types. We put all the information in front of your team to give officers the ability to capture important data, even if it doesn't correlate to a specific CAIS record. Collect, dissect and analyze the crucial data that allows your team to take action and reduce crime. Our data warehouse includes Offender/Juvenile/Home Detentions data feeds to help officers focus a search an localized areas, saving them time and streamlining their investigation, Not only do these records include historical crimes of all known and career offenders in the area, but you can also personalize the solution by importing feeds that are specifically relevant to your agency, This gives officers a solid foundation when starting their investigation and puts them one step ahead. Each officer is their own zone analyst, no longer needing information hierarchies. Now you can research various elements of a crime scene with a click of a button. Repeatable Controls brine more efficiency by utilizing the following; Grid Controls - Select geographical areas from a set of quadrants Persons Control - Create profiles for, or Identify individuals as, suspects, witnesses, known offenders, victims or associates Vehicle Control - Search vehicle data Property Control property a The NC4 Street Smart solution is proving it can make a difference in fighting crime as it happens. It is proven to reduce crime and it is improving the duality of life for officers through a cooperative relationship with citizens. If an officer does better can the streets, their moral improves, their family life improves and the community receives all the advantages that NC4 Street Smart provides, REVOLUTIONIZING T O 1111, SeduivA 9 245 IL—_ \V/ I N�EI Segundo, CA 90245 877.624-4999 1 1310-606-4444 SAFETY & SECURITY Cc 2016 NC4-