HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubmittal-Brian May-RCI-Emails Supporting ProjectGmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=1132ecO9f8&view=pt&sea...
Gmail Save the Virginia Key Marina Project <savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
Glen Larson <campaigns@good.do> Wed, Jul 20, 2016 at 7:40 AM
Reply -To: Glen Larson <glarson@dockandmadne.net>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmaii.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
I am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
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before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
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I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
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years to come.
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1 of 2 1 � �� �� �� �W,1 � � � � � � ,� 7/20/16 8:OS AM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari...
Yours sincerely,
Glen Larson
Miami, Florida, 33138, United States
This email was sent via do^gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by Glen Larson
who provided this email address: glarson@dockandmarine.net
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.html ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to Glen Larson at that email address.
To learn more about do^gooder visit . .
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
2 of 2 7/20/16 8:05 AM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https:Hmail.googte.com/mail/?vi=2&ik=9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
MGmail Save the Virginia Key Marina Project <savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
Marta Bernal <campaigns@good.do> Wed, Jul 20, 2016 at 7:44 AM
Reply -To: Marta Bernal <standres01@comcast.net>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
I am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come.
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SP.1 & SP.2
on 07/20/2016. City Clerk
1 of 2 720/16 8:05 AM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari..
Yours sincerely,
Marta Bernal
Miami, Florida, 33125, United States
This email was sent via do^gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was :sent by Marta Bernal
who provided this email address: standres01@comcast.net
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.html ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to Marta Bernal at that email address.
To learn more about do^gooder visit .
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SP.1 & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
2 of 2 7/20/16 8:05 AM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
Grad Save the Virginia Key Marina Project <savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
Leonardo Somoza <campaigns@good.do> Wed, Jul 20, 2016 at 7:47 AM
Reply -To: Leonardo Somoza <Leonardito278@gmail.com>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
I am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come.
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
1 of 2 7/20/16 8:03 AM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari...
Yours sincerely,
Leonardo Somoza
Miami, Florida, 33128, United States
This email was sent via do^gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by Leonardo
Somoza who provided this email address: Leonardito278@gmail.com
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.html ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to Leonardo Somoza at that email address.
[Quoted text hidden]
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
2 of 2 7/20/16 8:03 AM
Gmail - Please don't let dirty politics win and instead approve the w... https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik--9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
Gmail Save the Virginia Key Marina Project <savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Please don't let dirty politics win and instead approve the winning bid for the
Virginia Key Marina
Christopher Trogner <campaigns@good.do> Sat, Jul 16, 2016 at 4:50 PM
Reply -To: Christopher Trogner <ctrognermbm@gmail.com>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
I am a resident who wants to see the Virginia Key Marina Project and its long over due updates become a reality
and I'm worried that dirty politics may stop that from happening.
As you know, a local Miami company called the RCI Group was selected after a competitive process to design
and build a new development known as the Virginia Key Harbour & Marina Center. What you may not know is
that one of the losing bidders, Suntex Marinas, a business located in Dallas, Texas, has begun a fictitious smear
campaign against the winner in order to get the City of Miami to throw out the bid.
Sutex hired City Hall insiders, Seth Gordan and Fernando Diez, to run this campaign under the name The Virginia
Key Coalition. As you are aware, they have tried everything including attempting to declare legal action against
the City of Miami, which has been unsuccessful, and so this smear campaign is their last resort.
The RCI Group won the bid because they designed a waterfront for everyone with a public bay walk that does not
exist right now. Their design also does away with the current antiquated fork lift system that is not safe for the
public wishing to access the Marina waterfront. RCI has a long record or operating public marinas across the
United States and most importantly here with the City of Miami and Miami Beach over the last two decades.
Their knowledge of the Miami boating market and community is unparalleled, which is why they were awarded
the bid.
I am very concerned that if Suntex's smear campaign prevails and the bids are thrown out, it will set an new
precedent for dirty politics in Miami. I am writing to tell you that I am tired of politics at City Hall constantly slowing
down progress that will benefit the public. We want an accessible waterfront for everyone and the RCI Group, a
group supported by the Miami Rowing Club and many others, who won the bid fair and square, is very capable of
delivering that for the public.
This email was sent via do^gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by Christopher
Trogner who provided this email address: ctrognermbm@gmail.com
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
I of 2 7/19/16 10:27 PM
Gmail - Please don't let dirty politics win and instead approve the w... https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.htmi ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to Christopher Trogner at that email address.
To learn more about do"gooder visit ± ,
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
2 of 2 7/19/16 10:27 PM
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MGmail Save the Virginia Key Marina Project<savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
Gilberto Palma <campaigns@good.do> Sat, Jul 16, 2016 at 7:11 PM
Reply -To: Gilberto Palma <gilbertopalma21@yahoo.com>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
I am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come.
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016. City Clerk
1 of 2 7/19/16 10:26 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari..
Yours sincerely,
Gilberto Palma
Hialeah, Florida, 33012, United States
This email was sent via do^gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by Gilberto Palma
who provided this email address: gilbertopalma21@yahoo.com
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.html ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to Gilberto Palma at that email address.
[Quoted text hidden]
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
2 of 2 7/19/16 10:26 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&-ik=9132ec O9f8&view=pt&sea...
Gmail Save the Virginia Key Marina Project <savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
Juan Cruz <campaigns@good.do> Sat, Jul 16, 2016 at 6:55 PM
Reply -To: Juan Cruz <c13066@gmail.com>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
I am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come. Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
1 of 2 7/19/16 10:26 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari..
Yours sincerely,
Juan Cruz
Miami Beach, Florida, 33141, United States
This email was sent via do^gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by Juan Cruz who
provided this email address: cl3066@gmaii.com
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.htmi ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to Juan Cruz at that email address.
[Quoted text hidden]
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SP.1 & SP.2
on 07/20/2016 City Clerk
2 of 2 7/19/16 10:26 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
MGmail save the Virginia Key Marina Project <savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
Ani Pendurthi <campaigns@good.do> Sat, Jul 16, 2016 at 6:24 PM
Reply -To: Ani Pendurthi <ani.pendurthi@gmail.com>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
I am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come.
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
1 of 2 7/19/16 10:26 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari
Yours sincerely,
Ani Pendurthi
Miami, Florida, 33143, United States
This email was sent via do^gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by Ani Pendurthi
who provided this email address: ani.pendurthi@gmail.com
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.htmf ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to Ani Pendurthi at that email address.
[Quoted text hidden]
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 137/20/2016, City Clerk
2 of 2 7/19/16 10:26 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik--9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
Gmail Save the Virginia Key Marina Project <savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
Fabian Andrades <campaigns@good.do> Sat, Jul 16, 2016 at 5:42 PM
Reply -To: Fabian Andrades <fabian@advancedmarinemgmt.com>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
I am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come.
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) 5P.1 & SP.2
on 07 20 2016 City Clerk
1 of 2 7/19/16 10:26 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari...
Yours sincerely,
Fabian Andrades
Miami Beach, Florida, 33140, United States
This email was sent via do^gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by Fabian
Andrades who provided this email address: fabian@advancedmarinemgmt.com
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.html ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to Fabian Andrades at that email address.
[Quoted text hidden)
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
2 of 2 7/19/16 10:26 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&.ik=9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
MGmail Save the Virginia Key Marina Project <savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
Christopher Trogner <campaigns@good.do> Sat, Jul 16, 2016 at 4:49 PM
Reply -To: Christopher Trogner <ctrognermbm@gmail.com>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
I am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come.
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
1 of 2 7/19/16 10:25 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https://mail.googic.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
This email was sent via do^gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by Christopher
Trogner who provided this email address: ctrognermbm@gmail.com
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http:/Iwww.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.html ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to Christopher Trogner at that email address.
[Quoted text hidden]
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 0712012016, City Clerk
2 of 2 7/19/16 10:25 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
Gmail save the Virginia Key Marina Project<savethevakeymarinaprojecta@gmail.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
Gabriel Varona <campaigns@good.do> Sat, Jul 16, 2016 at 10:30 AM
Reply -To: Gabriel Varona <varona305@yahoo.com>
To: savethevakeymadnaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
I am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come.
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP -2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
1 of 2 7/19/16 10:25 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari...
Yours sincerely,
Gabriel Varona
Miami, Florida, 33155, United States
This email was sent via do^gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by Gabriel Varona
who provided this email address: varona305@yahoo.com
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.html ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to Gabriel Varona at that email address.
To learn more about do^gooder visit www.good.do
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP -2
on 07/20/201 , City Clerk
2 of 2 7/19/16 10:25 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
`Gmail Save the Virginia Key Marina Project<savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
ivette miranda <campaigns@good.do> Sun, Jul 17, 2016 at 6:00 PM
Reply -To: ivette miranda <nenuic@aol.com>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
I am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come.
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SIPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
1 of 2 7/19/16 10:25 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari..
Yours sincerely,
ivette miranda
Miami, Florida, 33134, United States
This email was sent via do^gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by ivette miranda
who provided this email address: nenuic@aol.com
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.htmi ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to ivette miranda at that email address.
To learn more about do^gooder visit
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
2 of 2 7/19/16 10:25 PM
Gmail - Please don't let dirty politics win and instead approve the w... https://mail.google.con/mail/?ui=2&ik=9132ecO9f8&view=pt&sea...
MGmail Save the Virginia Key Marina Project <savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Please don't let dirty politics win and instead approve the winning bid for the
Virginia Key Marina
Michael Kieffer <campaigns@good.do>
Reply -To: Michael Kieffer <mkieffer23@gmail.com>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Mon, Jul 18, 2016 at 10:22 AM
I am a resident who wants to see the Virginia Key Marina Project and its long over due updates become a reality
and I'm worried that dirty politics may stop that from happening.
As you know, a local Miami company called the RCI Group was selected after a competitive process to design
and build a new development known as the Virginia Key Harbour & Marina Center. What you may not know is
that one of the losing bidders, Suntex Marinas, a business located in Dallas, Texas, has begun a fictitious smear
campaign against the winner in order to get the City of Miami to throw out the bid.
Sutex hired City Hall insiders,. Seth Gordan and Fernando Diez, to run this campaign under the name The Virginia
Key Coalition. As you are aware, they have tried everything including attempting to declare legal action against
the City of Miami, which has been unsuccessful, and so this smear campaign is their last resort.
The RCI Group won the bid because they designed a waterfront for everyone with a public bay walk that does not
exist right now. Their design also does away with the current antiquated fork lift system that is not safe for the
public wishing to access the Marina waterfront. RCI has a long record or operating public marinas across the
United States and most importantly here with the City of Miami and Miami Beach over the last two decades.
Their knowledge of the Miami boating market and community is unparalleled, which is why they were awarded
the bid.
I am very concerned that if Suntex's smear campaign prevails and the bids are thrown out, it will set an new
precedent for dirty politics in Miami. I am writing to tell you that I am tired of politics at City Hall constantly slowing
down progress that will benefit the public. We want an accessible waterfront for everyone and the RCI Group, a
group supported by the Miami Rowing Club and many others, who won the bid fair and square, is very capable of
delivering that for the public.
Yours sincerely,
Michael Kieffer
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
1 of 2 7/19/16 10:24 PM
Gmail - Please don't let dirty politics win and instead approve the w... https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
This email was sent via do^gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by Michael Kieffer
who provided this email address: mkieffer23@gmail.com
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.html ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to Michael Kieffer at that email address.
To learn more about do^gooder visit www.good.do
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
2 of 2 7/19/16 10:24 PM
Gmail - Please don't let dirty politics win and instead approve the w... https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=9132ecO9f8&view=pt&sea...
Gmail Save the Virginia Key Marina Project <savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Please don't let dirty politics win and instead approve the winning bid for the
Virginia Key Marina
Courtney Whitney <campaigns@good.do> Mon, Jul 18, 2016 at 10:39 AM
Reply -To: Courtney Whitney <courtneywhitney@gmail.com>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
1 am a resident who wants to see the Virginia Key Marina Project and its long over due updates become a reality
and I'm worried that dirty politics may stop that from happening.
As you know, a local Miami company called the RCI Group was selected after a competitive process to design
and build a new development known as the Virginia Key Harbour & Marina Center. What you may not know is
that one of the losing bidders, Suntex Marinas, a business located in Dallas, Texas, has begun a fictitious smear
campaign against the winner in order to get the City of Miami to throw out the bid.
Sutex hired City Hall insiders, Seth Gordan and Fernando Diez, to run this campaign under the name The Virginia
Key Coalition. As you are aware, they have tried everything including attempting to declare legal action against
the City of Miami, which has been unsuccessful, and so this smear campaign is their last resort.
The RCI Group won the bid because they designed a waterfront for everyone with a public bay walk that does not
exist right now. Their design also does away with the current antiquated fork lift system that is not safe for the
public wishing to access the Marina waterfront. RCI has a long record or operating public marinas across the
United States and most importantly here with the City of Miami and Miami Beach over the last two decades.
Their knowledge of the Miami boating market and community is unparalleled, which is why they were awarded
the bid.
I am very concerned that if Suntex's smear campaign prevails and the bids are thrown out, it will set an new
precedent for dirty politics in Miami. I am writing to tell you that I am tired of politics at City Hall constantly slowing
down progress that will benefit the public. We want an accessible waterfront for everyone and the RCI Group, a
group supported by the Miami Rowing Club and many others, who won the bid fair and square, is very capable of
delivering that for the public.
Yours sincerely,
Courtney Whitney
Miami, Florida, 33131, United States
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SP.1 & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
1 of 2 7/19/16 10:24 PM
Gmail - Please don't let dirty politics win and instead approve the w... https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
This email was sent via do^gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by Courtney
Whitney who provided this email address: courtneywhitney@gmail.com
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.html ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to Courtney vvnitney at that email address.
To learn more about do^gooder visit
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
2 of 2 7/19/16 10:24 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https:Hmail.google.com/maiU?ui=2&ik--9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
Gmall Save the Virginia Key Marina Project <savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
Jamal Brunt <campaigns@good.do> Mon, Jul 18, 2016 at 10:47 AM
Reply -To: Jamal Brunt <jbrunt@miami.edu>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
I am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come. Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SP.1 & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
1 of 2 7/19/16 10:24 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari
Yours sincerely,
Jamal Brunt
Miami, Florida, 33143, United States
This email was sent via do^gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by Jamal Brunt who
provided this email address: jbrunt@miami.edu
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.html ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to Jamal Brunt at that email address.
To learn more about do^gooder visit
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
2 of 2 7/19/16 10:24 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
Gmail Save the Virginia Key Marina Project <savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
AARON WINSHALL <campaigns@good.do> Mon, Jul 18, 2016 at 10:55 AM
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
I am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come.
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
1 of 2 7/19/16 10:23 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari...
Yours sincerely,
This email was sent via do^gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by AARON
WINSHALL who provided this email address: AWINSHALL@GMAIL.COM
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.htmi ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to AARON WINSHALL at that email address.
[Quoted text hidden]
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
2 of 2 7/19/16 10:23 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https:Hmail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik--9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
Gmail Save the Virginia Key Marina Project <savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
Reggie Bouchard <campaigns@good.do> Mon, Jul 18, 2016 at 10:53 AM
Reply -To: Reggie Bouchard <reggie.bouchard18@gmail.com>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
I am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come.
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
1 of 2 7/19/16 10:23 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari
Yours sincerely,
Reggie Bouchard
Miami, Florida, 33133, United States
This email was sent via do^gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by Reggie
Bouchard who provided this email address: reggie.bouchard18@gmail.com
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.htmi ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to Reggie Bouchard at that email address.
To learn more about do^gooder visit www.good.do
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SP.1 & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
2 of 2 7/19/16 10:23 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https:Hmail.google.com/maiV?ui=2&ik=9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
MGmail Save the Virginia Key Marina Project <savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
Nhan Morris <campaigns@good.do> Mon, Jul 18, 2016 at 11:07 AM
Reply -To: Nhan Morris <will3ddd@yahoo.com>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
I am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come.
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
1 of 2 7/19/16 10:23 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari..
Yours sincerely,
Nhan Morris
This email was sent via do"gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by Nhan Morris
who provided this email address: will3ddd@yahoo.com
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 1( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.html ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to Nhan Morris at that email address.
To learn more about do"gooder visit www.good.do
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
2 of 2 7/19/16 10:23 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
MGmaii Save the Virginia Key Marina Project <savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
James Johnson <campaigns@good.do> Mon, Jul 18, 2016 at 11:30 AM
Reply -To: James Johnson <jjohnsonl@miami.edu>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
I am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come. Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SP.1 & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
1 of 2 7/19/16 10:22 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari..
Yours sincerely,
James Johnson
Miami, Florida, 33146, United States
https: //mail .google.com/mai l/?ui=2&i k=9132ecc09f8&view=pt&sea...
This email was sent via do^gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by James Johnson
who provided this email address: jjohnson1@miami.edu
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.htmi ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to James Johnson at that email address.
To learn more about do^gooder visit
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) Sp.1 & SP.2
on 07120/2016, City Clerk
2 of 2 7/19/16 10:22 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik--9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
Gmail Save the Virginia Key Marina Project<savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
Chris Caputo <campaigns@good.do> Fri, Jul 15, 2016 at 2:29 PM
Reply -To: Chris Caputo <ccaputo@miami.edu>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
I am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina,
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come. Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016. City Clerk
1 of 2 7/19/16 10:28 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari...
Yours sincerely,
Chris Caputo
Miami, Florida, 33146, United States
This email was sent via do^gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by Chris Caputo
who provided this email address: ccaputo@miami.edu
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.html ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to Chris Caputo at that email address.
To learn more about do^gooder visit
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
2 of 2 7/19/16 10:28 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
MGmail Save the Virginia Key Marina Project <savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
Julie Caputo <campaigns@good.do> Fri, Jul 15, 2016 at 3:52 PM
Reply -To: Julie Caputo <julie.caputoll @gmail.com>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
I am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come.
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
1 of 2 7/19/16 10:27 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari...
Yours sincerely,
Julie Caputo
Miami, Florida, 33146, United States
This email was sent via do^gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by Julie Caputo
who provided this email address: julie.caputo11@gmail.com
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.htmi ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to Julie Caputo at that email address.
[Quoted text hidden]
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SP.1 & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
2 of 2 7/19/16 10:27 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
MGmad Save the Virginia Key Marina Project <savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
Mari Sardinas <campaigns@good.do> Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 6:09 PM
Reply -To: Mari Sardinas <marisardinas@aol.com>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
I am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come.
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
1 of 2 7/19/16 10:02 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari...
Yours sincerely,
Mari Sardinas
Key Biscayne, Florida, 33149, United States
This email was sent via do^gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by Mari Sardinas
who provided this email address: marisardinas@aol.com
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.html ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to Mari Sardinas at that email address.
[Quoted text hidden]
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
2 of 2 7/19/16 10:02 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
MGrad Save the Virginia Key Marina Project <savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
Pedro Mendoza <campaigns@good.do> Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 6:09 PM
Reply -To: Pedro Mendoza <pedromendozamoretti@gmail.com>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
I am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come. Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SP.1 & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
1 of 2 7/19/16 10:01 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari.
Yours sincerely,
Pedro Mendoza
This email was sent via do^gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by Pedro Mendoza
who provided this email address: pedromendozamoretti@gmail.com
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.htmi ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to Pedro Mendoza at that email address.
To learn more about do^gooder visit www.good.do
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SP.1 & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
2 of 2 7/19/16 10:01 PM
Gmail - Please don't let dirty politics win and instead approve the w... https:Hmail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik--9132ecO9f8&view=pt&sea...
Gmail save the Virginia Key Marina Project<savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Please don't let dirty politics win and instead approve the winning bid for the
Virginia Key Marina
Mike Zimmer <campaigns@good.do>
Reply -To: Mike Zimmer <mikezi007@aol.com>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 8:25 PM
I am a resident who wants to see the Virginia Key Marina Project and its long over due updates become a reality
and I'm worried that dirty politics may stop that from happening.
As you know, a local Miami company called the RCI Group was selected after a competitive process to design
and build a new development known as the Virginia Key Harbour & Marina Center. What you may not know is
that one of the losing bidders, Suntex Marinas, a business located in Dallas, Texas, has begun a fictitious smear
campaign against the winner in order to get the City of Miami to throw out the bid.
Sutex hired City Hall insiders, Seth Gordan and Fernando Diez, to run this campaign under the name The Virginia
Key Coalition. As you are aware, they have tried everything including attempting to declare legal action against
the City of Miami, which has been unsuccessful, and so this smear campaign is their last resort.
The RCI Group won the bid because they designed a waterfront for everyone with a public bay walk that does not
exist right now. Their design also does away with the current antiquated fork lift system that is not safe for the
public wishing to access the Marina waterfront. RCI has a long record or operating public marinas across the
United States and most importantly here with the City of Miami and Miami Beach over the last two decades.
Their knowledge of the Miami boating market and community is unparalleled, which is why they were awarded
the bid.
I am very concerned that if Suntex's smear campaign prevails and the bids are thrown out, it will set an new
precedent for dirty politics in Miami. I am writing to tell you that I am tired of politics at City Hall constantly slowing
down progress that will benefit the public. We want an accessible waterfront for everyone and the RCI Group, a
group supported by the Miami Rowing Club and many others, who won the bid fair and square, is very capable of
delivering that for the public.
Yours sincerely,
Mike Zimmer
Miami, Florida, 33143, United States
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) —SP -1 & SP.2
on 0720 2016 City Clerk
1 of 2 7/19/16 9:41 PM
Gmail - Please don't let dirty politics win and instead approve the w... https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=9132ecO9f8&view=pt&sea...
Gmail Save the Virginia Key Marina Project <savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Please don't let dirty politics win and instead approve the winning bid for the
Virginia Key Marina
Lainey Kieffer <campaigns@good.do>
Reply -To: Lainey Kieffer <laineykieffer@gmail.com>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Mon, Jul 18, 2016 at 12:56 PM
I am a resident who wants to see the Virginia Key Marina Project and its long over due updates become a reality
and I'm worried that dirty politics may stop that from happening.
As you know, a local Miami company called the RCI Group was selected after a competitive process to design
and build a new development known as the Virginia Key Harbour & Marina Center. What you may not know is
that one of the losing bidders, Suntex Marinas, a business located in Dallas, Texas, has begun a fictitious smear
campaign against the winner in order to get the City of Miami to throw out the bid.
Sutex hired City Hall insiders, Seth Gordan and Fernando Diez, to run this campaign under the name The Virginia
Key Coalition. As you are aware, they have tried everything including attempting to declare legal action against
the City of Miami, which has been unsuccessful, and so this smear campaign is their last resort.
The RCI Group won the bid because they designed a waterfront for everyone with a public bay walk that does not
exist right now. Their design also does away with the current antiquated fork lift system that is not safe for the
public wishing to access the Marina waterfront. RCI has a long record or operating public marinas across the
United States and most importantly here with the City of Miami and Miami Beach over the last two decades.
Their knowledge of the Miami boating market and community is unparalleled, which is why they were awarded
the bid.
I am very concerned that if Suntex's smear campaign prevails and the bids are thrown out, it will set an new
precedent for dirty politics in Miami. I am writing to tell you that I am tired of politics at City Hall constantly slowing
down progress that will benefit the public. We want an accessible waterfront for everyone and the RCI Group, a
group supported by the Miami Rowing Club and many others, who won the bid fair and square, is very capable of
delivering that for the public.
Yours sincerely,
Lainey Kieffer
Miami, Florida, 33155, United States
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
1 of 2 7/19/16 10:21 PM
Gmail - Please don't let dirty politics win and instead approve the w... https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
This email was sent via do^gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by Lainey Kieffer
who provided this email address: laineykieffer@gmail.com
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.htmi ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to Lainey Kieffer at that email address.
To learn more about do^gooder visit .
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016. City Clerk
2 of 2 7/19/16 10:21 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
MGmail Save the Virginia Key Marina Project<savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
Brian Goldmeier <campaigns@good.do> Mon, Jul 18, 2016 at 12:58 PM
Reply -To: Brian Goldmeier <brian.goldmeier@gmail.com>
To: savethevakeymadnaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
I am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come. Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SP.1 & SP.2
on 07/20/2016. City Clerk
1 of 2 7/19/16 10:21 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari...
Yours sincerely,
Brian Goldmierer
Miami, Florida, 33131, United States
This email was sent via do^gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by Brian Goldmeier
who provided this email address: brian.goldmeier@gmail.com
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.html ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to Brian Goldmeier at that email address.
To learn more about do^gooder visit
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/2, City Clerk
2 of 2 7/19/16 10:21 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https:Hmail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
Gmail Save the Virginia Key Marina Project <savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
nancy Martinez <campaigns@good.do> Mon, Jul 18, 2016 at 1:52 PM
Reply -To: nancy Martinez <martinezn 1 027@comcast. net>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
1 am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come.
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016. City Clerk
1 of 2 7/19/16 10:21 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari...
Yours sincerely,
nancy Martinez
Miami, Florida, 33174, United States
This email was sent via do^gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by nancy Martinez
who provided this email address: martinezn1027@comcast.net
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.htmi ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to nancy Martinez at that email address.
To learn more about do^gooder visit
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SP.1 & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
2 of 2 7/19/16 10:21 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https:Hmail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik--9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
Gmaii save the Virginia Key Marina Project<savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
Eli Kell -Abrams <campaigns@good.do> Mon, Jul 18, 2016 at 2:41 PM
Reply -To: Eli Kell -Abrams <ekatkd1@yahoo.com>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
1 am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come.
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SP -1 & SP -2
on 07/2 /2016, City Clerk
1 of 2 7/19/16 10:20 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari..
Yours sincerely,
Eli Kell -Abrams
Miami, Florida, 33133, United States
This email was sent via do^gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by Eli Kell -Abrams
who provided this email address: ekatkd1@yahoo.com
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.html ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to Eli Kell -Abrams at that email address.
To learn more about do^gooder visit www.good.do
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/2012016, City Clerk
2 of 2 7/19/16 10:20 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
MGmafl save the Virginia Key Marina Project<savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
Luis Bolanos <campaigns@good.do> Mon, Jul 18, 2016 at 3:41 PM
Reply -To: Luis Bolanos <fps1138@gmail.com>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
1 am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come.
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
1 of 2 7/19/16 10:20 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
This email was sent via do^gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by Luis Bolanos
who provided this email address: fps1138@gmail.com
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.html ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to Luis Bolanos at that email address.
To learn more about do^gooder visit www.good.do
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
2 of 2 7/19/16 10:20 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https:Hmail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
MGmall Save the Virginia Key Marina Project<savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
Richard Brown <campaigns@good.do> Mon, Jul 18, 2016 at 4:35 PM
Reply -To: Richard Brown <yachtsmith1@msn.com>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
I am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
1 ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come. Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016 City Clerk
1 of 2 7/19/16 10:20 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari..
Yours sincerely,
Rickard Brown
Miami, Florida, United States
This email was sent via do^gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by Richard Brown
who provided this email address: yachtsmith1@msn.com
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.htm! ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to Richard Brown at that email address.
To learn more about do"gooder visit
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
2 of 2 7/19/16 10:20 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https:Hmail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
Gmail Save the Virginia Key Marina Project <savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
Don Pridemore <campaigns@good.do> Mon, Jul 18, 2016 at 4:44 PM
Reply -To: Don Pridemore <twotimmithy@aol.com>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
1 am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come.
1 of 2
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
7/19/16 10:20 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari
Yours sincerely,
Don Pridemore
Miami, Florida, 33177, United States
This email was sent via do^gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by Don Pridemore
who provided this email address: twotimmithy@aol.com
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.htmi ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to Don Pridemore at that email address.
To learn more about do^gooder visit www.good.do
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SP.1 & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
2 of 2 7/19/16 10:20 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
MGmail Save the Virginia Key Marina Project <savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
Cecilia Calleros <campaigns@good.do> Mon, Jul 18, 2016 at 8:15 PM
Reply -To: Cecilia Calleros <ceciliacalleros@gmail.com>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
I am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come.
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
1 of 2 7/19/16 10:19 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari...
Yours sincerely,
Cecilia Calleros
Miami, Florida, 33133, United States
This email was sent via do^gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by Cecilia Calleros
who provided this email address: ceciliacalleros@gmail.com
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.html ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to Cecilia Calleros at that email address.
[Quoted text hidden]
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SP.1 & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
2 of 2 7/19/16 10:19 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https:Hmail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik--9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
Gmail Save the Virginia Key Marina Project<savethevakeymarinaprojecta@gmail.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
Vital Philma <campaigns@good.do> Mon, Jul 18, 2016 at 7:29 PM
Reply -To: Vital Philma <vital2082@yahoo.com>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
I am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come. Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016. City Clerk
1 of 2 7/19/16 10:19 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari...
Yours sincerely,
Vital Philma
Lake Worth, Florida, 33463, United States
This email was sent via do^gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by Vital Philma who
provided this email address: vita12082@yahoo.com
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.htm ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to Vital Philma at that email address.
[Quoted text hidden]
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SP -1 & SP.2
on 07/20/2016 City Clerk
2 of 2 7/19/16 10:19 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Man... https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
MGmall Save the Virginia Key Marina Project <savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
Walter Ward <campaigns@good.do> Mon, Jul 18, 2016 at 7:12 PM
Reply -To: Walter Ward <wward 1 4@bellsouth. net>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
I am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come.
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
1 of 2 7/19/16 10:19 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari...
Yours sincerely,
Walter Ward
Hialeah, Florida, 33014, United States
This email was sent via do^gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by Walter Ward
who provided this email address: wward14@bellsouth.net
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.html ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to Walter Ward at that email address.
To learn more about do^gooder visit
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
2 of 2 7/19/16 10:19 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https://mail.google.com/maiU?ui=2&ik=9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
MGmail Save the Virginia Key Marina Project <savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
Marta Mas <campaigns@good.do> Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 9:17 AM
Reply -To: Marta Mas <masmarta@aol.com>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
I am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come.
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
of 2 7119/16 10:19 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari..
Yours sincerely,
Marta Mas
Miami, Florida, 33138, United States
This email was sent via do^gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by Marta Mas who
provided this email address: masmarta@aol.com
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.htmi ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to Marta Mas at that email address.
To learn more about do^gooder visit
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
2 of 2 7/19/16 10:19 PM
Gmail - Please don't let dirty politics win and instead approve the w... https:Hmail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik--9132ecO9f8&view=pt&sea...
Gm's i) Save the Virginia Key Marina Project <savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Please don't let dirty politics win and instead approve the winning bid for the
Virginia Key Marina
Kenneth Bolduc <campaigns@good.do> Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 10:00 AM
Reply -To: Kenneth Bolduc <hardcorei312@yahoo.com>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
I am a resident who wants to see the Virginia Key Marina Project and its long over due updates become a reality
and I'm worried that dirty politics may stop that from happening.
As you know, a local Miami company called the RCI Group was selected after a competitive process to design
and build a new development known as the Virginia Key Harbour & Marina Center. What you may not know is
that one of the losing bidders, Suntex Marinas, a business located in Dallas, Texas, has begun a fictitious smear
campaign against the winner in order to get the City of Miami to throw out the bid.
Sutex hired City Hall insiders, Seth Gordan and Fernando Diez, to run this campaign under the name The Virginia
Key Coalition. As you are aware, they have tried everything including attempting to declare legal action against
the City of Miami, which has been unsuccessful, and so this smear campaign is their last resort.
The RCI Group won the bid because they designed a waterfront for everyone with a public bay walk that does not
exist right now. Their design also does away with the current antiquated fork lift system that is not safe for the
public wishing to access the Marina waterfront. RCI has a long record or operating public marinas across the
United States and most importantly here with the City of Miami and Miami Beach over the last two decades.
Their knowledge of the Miami boating market and community is unparalleled, which is why they were awarded
the bid.
I am very concerned that if Suntex's smear campaign prevails and the bids are thrown out, it will set an new
precedent for dirty politics in Miami. I am writing to tell you that I am tired of politics at City Hall constantly slowing
down progress that will benefit the public. We want an accessible waterfront for everyone and the RCI Group, a
group supported by the Miami Rowing Club and many others, who won the bid fair and square, is very capable of
delivering that for the public.
Yours sincerely,
Kenneth Bolduc
Miami, Florida, 33145, United States
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
1 of 2 7/19/16 10:18 PM
Gmail - Please don't let dirty politics win and instead approve the w... https:Hmail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
This email was sent via do^gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by Kenneth Bolduc
who provided this email address: hardcorei312@yahoo.com
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.html ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to Kenneth Bolduc at that email address.
[Quoted text hidden]
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
2 of 2 7/19/16 10:18 PM
Gmail - Please don't let dirty politics win and instead approve the w... https:Hmail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=9132ecO9f8&view=pt&sea...
Gmail save the Virginia Key Marina Project <savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Please don't let dirty politics win and instead approve the winning bid for the
Virginia Key Marina
Barbara Mauska <campaigns@good.do> Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 9:58 AM
Reply -To: Barbara Mauska <barbara.matuska@yahoo.com>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
I am a resident who wants to see the Virginia Key Marina Project and its long over due updates become a reality
and I'm worried that dirty politics may stop that from happening.
As you know, a local Miami company called the RCI Group was selected after a competitive process to design
and build a new development known as the Virginia Key Harbour & Marina Center. What you may not know is
that one of the losing bidders, Suntex Marinas, a business located in Dallas, Texas, has begun a fictitious smear
campaign against the winner in order to get the City of Miami to throw out the bid.
Sutex hired City Hall insiders, Seth Gordan and Fernando Diez, to run this campaign under the name The Virginia
Key Coalition. As you are aware, they have tried everything including attempting to declare legal action against
the City of Miami, which has been unsuccessful, and so this smear campaign is their last resort.
The RCI Group won the bid because they designed a waterfront for everyone with a public bay walk that does not
exist right now. Their design also does away with the current antiquated fork lift system that is not safe for the
public wishing to access the Marina waterfront. RCI has a long record or operating public marinas across the
United States and most importantly here with the City of Miami and Miami Beach over the last two decades.
Their knowledge of the Miami boating market and community is unparalleled, which is why they were awarded
the bid.
I am very concerned that if Suntex's smear campaign prevails and the bids are thrown out, it will set an new
precedent for dirty politics in Miami. I am writing to tell you that I am tired of politics at City Hall constantly slowing
down progress that will benefit the public. We want an accessible waterfront for everyone and the RCI Group, a
group supported by the Miami Rowing Club and many others, who won the bid fair and square, is very capable of
delivering that for the public.
Yours sincerely,
Barbara Mauska
Miami, Florida, 33145, United States
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SP.1 & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
1 of 2 7/19/16 10:18 PM
Gmail - Please don't let dirty politics win and instead approve the w... https:Hmail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
This email was sent via do^gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by Barbara Mauska
who provided this email address: barbara.matuska@yahoo.com
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.html ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to Barbara Mauska at that email address.
To learn more about do^gooder visit
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SP.1 & SP.2
on 07/20/2016. City Clerk
2 of 2 7/19/16 10:18 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https:Hmail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
GC ail save the Virginia Key Marina Project <savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
Kenneth Bolduc <campaigns@good.do> Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 9:59 AM
Reply -To: Kenneth Bolduc <hardcorei312@yahoo.com>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
I am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come.
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
1 of 2 7/19/16 10:18 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari..
Yours sincerely,
Kenneth Bolduc
Miami, Florida, 33145, United States
This email was sent via do^gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by Kenneth Bolduc
who provided this email address: hardcorei312@yahoo.com
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.htmi ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to Kenneth Bolduc at that email address.
To learn more about do^gooder visit www. good. do
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SP -1 & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
2 of 2 7/19/16 10:18 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... hnps://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik--9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
MGmaii Save the Virginia Key Marina Project <savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
Barbara Matuska <campaigns@good.do> Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 10:00 AM
Reply -To: Barbara Matuska <Barbara.Matuska@yahoo.com>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
I am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come.
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
1 of 2 7/19/16 10:18 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari...
Yours sincerely,
Barbara Matuska
Miami, Florida, 33145, United States
This email was sent via do"gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by Barbara
Matuska who provided this email address: Barbara. Matuska@yahoo.com
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.html ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to Barbara Matuska at that email address.
[Quoted text hidden]
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SP.1 & Sp_2
on 07120/2016 City Clerk
2 of 2 7/19/16 10:18 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https:Hmail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik--9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
MGmail Save the Virginia Key Marina Project<savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
Eddie Velez <campaigns@good.do> Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 11:49 AM
Reply -To: Eddie Velez <underwatrl@aol.com>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
I personally know the RCI group and have seen the the work they have done transforming the original Miami
Beach Marina into what is know today as south of fifth(SOFI) on south beach. It is one of the most exceptional
and key areas of Miami Beach. I am writing in support of keeping the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina
Project, a project that will transform the outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of
the marina will benefit all residents and significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SP.1 & sP.2
on 07/212016 City Clerk
1 of 2 7/19/16 10:17 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=9132ec09fg&view=pt&sea...
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come.
Yours sincerely,
Eddie Velez
Miami, Florida, 33132, United States
This email was sent via do^gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by Eddie Velez who
provided this email address: underwatrl @aol.com
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.html ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to Eddie Velez at that email address.
To learn more about do^gooder visit www.good.do
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
2 of 2 7/19/16 10:17 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... hnps:Hmail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
Gmail Save the Virginia Key Marina Project <savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
Robi Das <campaigns@good.do> Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 12:24 PM
Reply -To: Robi Das <rdas@ngkf.com>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
I am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come.
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
1 of 2 7/19/16 10:17 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari..
Yours sincerely,
Robi Das
Miami, Florida, 33131, United States
This email was sent via do^gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by Robi Das who
provided this email address: rdas@ngkf.com
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.html ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to Robi Das at that email address.
To learn more about do^gooder visit
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SP.1 & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
2 of 2 7/19/16 10:17 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
MGrad save the Virginia Key Marina Project <savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
zach stokes <campaigns@good.do> Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 1:34 PM
Reply -To: zach stokes <zstokes@ngkf.com>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
I am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come.
Submitted into the public
record for items) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
1 of 2 7/19/16 10:17 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
This email was sent via do^gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by zach stokes who
provided this email address: zstokes@ngkf.com
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.htmi ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to zach stokes at that email address.
[Quoted text hidden]
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
2 of 2 7/19/16 10:17 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik--9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
Gmail Save the Virginia Key Marina Project <savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
John Lapointe <campaigns@good.do> Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 1:34 PM
Reply -To: John Lapointe <lapointe.michael@gmail.com>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
I am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve„ including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come.
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
1 of 2 7/19/16 10:16 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari..
Yours sincerely,
John Lapointe
Miami, Florida, 33131, United States
This email was sent via do^gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns @good.do however the email was sent by John Lapointe
who provided this email address: lapointe.michael@gmail.com
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.htmi ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to John Lapointe at that email address.
To learn more about do^gooder visit www.good.do
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SP.1 & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
2 of 2 7/19/16 10:16 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Man... https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik--9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
MGmail save the Virginia Key Marina Project <savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
Miguel Benitez <campaigns@good.do> Mon, Jul 18, 2016 at 11:43 AM
Reply -To: Miguel Benitez <mikebfll@gmail.com>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
I am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come.
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
1 of 2 7/19/16 10:21 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari...
Yours sincerely,
Miguel Benitez
Miami, Florida, 33174, United States
This email was sent via do^gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by Miguel Benitez
who provided this email address: mikebfl1@gmail.com
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.htm ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to Miguel Benitez at that email address.
To learn more about do^gooder visit
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SP.1 & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
2 of 2 7/19/16 10:21 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... hUps:Hmail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
Gma[l Save the Virginia Key Marina Project <savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
Jeronimo Monteiro <campaigns@good.do> Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 6:42 PM
Reply -To: Jeronimo Monteiro <jmonte5404@hotmail.com>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
I am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come.
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
1 of 2 7/19/16 10:03 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari..
Yours sincerely,
Jeronimo Monteiro
Miami Beach, Florida, 33139, United States
This email was sent via do"gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by Jeronimo
Monteiro who provided this email address: jmonte5404@hotmail.com
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.htmi ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to Jeronimo Monteiro at that email address.
[Quoted text hidden]
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SP.1 & SP.2
on 07/20/2016 City Clerk
2 of 2 7/19/16 10:03 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Man... https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik--9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
Gmail Save the Virginia Key Marina Project <savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
Augusto Ravelo <campaigns@good.do> Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 6:17 PM
Reply -To: Augusto Ravelo <aurato15@gmail.com>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
I am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come.
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SP.1 & sP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
1 . f 17 '7/10/14 1n -n) AAA
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https:Hmail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik--9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
MGmail Save the Virginia Key Marina Project <savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
Renee Stone <campaigns@good.do> Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 6:57 PM
Reply -To: Renee Stone <renee.stone@ymail.com>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
I am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come.
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07120/2016, City Clerk
1 of 2 7/19/1610:10 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari...
Yours sincerely,
Renee Stone
Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 33328, United States
This email was sent via do^gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by Renee Stone
who provided this email address: renee.stone@ymail.com
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.html ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to Renee Stone at that email address.
[Quoted text hidden]
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
2 of 2 7/19/16 10:10 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https://mail.google.com/maiU?ui=2&ik=9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
Gmali Save the Virginia Key Marina Project <savethevakeymarinaproject@gmall.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
Gerardo Gestoso <campaigns@good.do> Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 6:44 PM
Reply -To: Gerardo Gestoso <gerardogestoso@yahoo.com>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
I am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
. Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come.
Submitted into the public
record for item (S) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016 City Clerk
1 of 2 7/19/1610:03 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari...
Yours sincerely,
Gerardo Gestoso
Miami, Florida, 33181, United States
This email was sent via do^gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by Gerardo
Gestoso who provided this email address: gerardogestoso@yahoo.com
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.html ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to Gerardo Gestoso at that email address.
[Quoted text hidden]
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SP -1 & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
2 of 2 7/19/16 10:03 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https:Hmail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
MGmaii Save the Virginia Key Marina Project <savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
Isis Mojicar-Hunt <campaigns@good.do>
Reply -To: Isis Mojicar-Hunt <isisron@att.net>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 7:38 PM
I am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come.
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
1 of 2 7/19/1610:11 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari..
Yours sincerely,
Isis Mojicar-Hunt
Miami, Florida, 33155, United States
This email was sent via do^gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by Isis
Mojicar-Hunt who provided this email address: isisron@att.net
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.html ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to Isis Mojicar-Hunt at that email address.
[Quoted text hidden]
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SP -1 & SP.2
on 07/20/20116, City Clerk
2 of 2 7/19/16 10:11 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
Gmail Save the Virginia Key Marina Project <savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
Tracy Baket <campaigns@good.do> Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 7:14 PM
Reply -To: Tracy Baket <goggleyes@aol.com>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
I am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come.
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016. City Clerk
1 of 2 7/19/1610:10 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari..
Yours sincerely,
Tracy Baket
Miami, Florida, 33176, United States
This email was sent via do^gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by Tracy Baket who
provided this email address: goggleyes@aol.com
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.html ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to Tracy Baket at that email address.
[Quoted text hidden]
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SP.1 & SP.2
on 07120/2016, City Clerk
2 of 2 7/19/16 10:10 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https:Hmail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
Gmail save the Virginia Key Marina Project<savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
Carmen Ferrer <campaigns@good.do> Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 8:45 PM
Reply -To: Carmen Ferrer <cferrer47@yahoo.com>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
I am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come.
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
1 of 2 7/19/16 10:12 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari...
Yours sincerely,
Carmen Ferrer
Miami, Florida, 33134, United States
This email was sent via do^gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by Carmen Ferrer
who provided this email address: cferrer47@yahoo.com
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.htmi ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to Carmen Ferrer at that email address.
[Quoted text hidden]
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SP.1 & SP.2
on 07120/2016, City Clerk
2 of 2 7/19/16 10:12 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https:Hmail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
Gmail Save the Virginia Key Marina Project <savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
Peter Busse <campaigns@good.do>
Reply -To: Peter Busse <pbusse12@aol.com>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 8:20 PM
I am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come.
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07120/2016, City Clerk
1 of 2 7/19/16 10:12 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari...
Yours sincerely,
Peter Busse
Miami, Florida, 33156, United States
This email was sent via do^gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is camnaians@good.do however the email was sent by Peter Busse
who provided this email address: pbusse12@aol.com
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.htmi ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to Peter Busse at that email address.
[Quoted text hidden]
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SP.1 & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
2 of 2 7/19/16 10:12 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik--9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
Gmall Save the Virginia Key Marina Project <savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
Edawrd Wild <campaigns@good.do>
Reply -To: Edawrd Wild <ewild 1 @bellsouth. net>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 8:04 PM
I am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come.
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
1 of 2 7/19/16 10:11 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari
Yours sincerely,
Edawrd Wild
Miami, Florida, 33131, United States
This email was sent via do"gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by Edawrd Wild
who provided this email address: ewild1@bellsouth.net
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.html ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to Edawrd Wild at that email address.
[Quoted text hidden]
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SP.1 & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
2 of 2 7/19/16 10:11 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
Gmail Save the Virginia Key Marina Project <savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
pedro rodriguez <campaigns@good.do> Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 7:43 PM
Reply -To: pedro rodriguez <pedrito1801@hotmail.com>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
I am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come. Submitted into the public ,
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
1 of 2 7/19/16 10:11 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari..
Yours sincerely,
pedro rodriguez
Hialeah, Florida, 33010, United States
This email was sent via do^gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaignsOonnd.do however the email was sent by pedro rodriguez
who provided this email address: pedritol80l@hotmail.com
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.htmf ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to pedro rodriguez at that email address.
[Quoted text hidden]
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SP.1 & SP.2
on 07120/2016, City Clerk
2 of 2 7/19/16 10:11 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik--9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
Gmail Save the Virginia Key Marina Project <savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
Jesus Bujan <campaigns@good.do> Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 7:40 PM
Reply -To: Jesus Bujan <bujan@bellsouth.net>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
I am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come.
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SP.1 & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
1 of 2 7/19/16 10:11 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari..
Yours sincerely,
Jesus Bujan
Miami, Florida, 33165, United States
This email was sent via do^gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaians@good.do however the email was sent by Jesus Bujan
who provided this email address: bujan@bellsouth.net
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.html ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to Jesus Bujan at that email address.
[Quoted text hidden]
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
2 of 2 7/19/16 10:11 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https:Hmail.google.com/maiU?ui=2&ik=9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
Gmail save the Virginia Key Marina Project <savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
Jill Iacono <campaigns@good.do> Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 9:16 PM
Reply -To: Jill Iacono <jillalisoniacono@yahoo.com>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
I am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come.
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07120/2016, City Clerk
1 of 2 7/19/16 10:12 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari...
Yours sincerely,
Jill Iacono
Miami, Florida, 33134, United States
This email was sent via do^gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by Jill Iacono who
provided this email address: jillalisoniacono@yahoo.com
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.html ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to Jill Iacono at that email address.
[Quoted text hidden]
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
2 of 2 7/19/16 10:12 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https://mail.google.com/maiU?ui=2&ik=9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
MGmail save the Virginia Key Marina Project <savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
clay sidner <campaigns@good.do>
Reply -To: clay sidner <clay0404@hotmail.com>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 1:57 PM
I am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come.
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SP.1 & SP.2
on 07/20/2016. City Clerk
1 of 2 7/19/1610:16 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari...
Yours sincerely,
clay sidner
Miami Beach, Florida, 33140, United States
This email was sent via do^gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sena: by clay sidner who
provided this email address: clay0404@hotmaii.com
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.html ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to clay sidner at that email address.
[Quoted text hidden]
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) 5P.1 & SP.2
on 0-7/20/2016, City Clerk
2 of 2 7/19/16 10:16 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
Gmail Save the Virginia Key Marina Project<savethevakeymarinaprojecta@gmaii.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
Brandon S <campaigns@good.do>
Reply -To: Brandon S <brshores@gmail.com>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 1:50 PM
I am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come.
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
1 of 2 7/19/16 10:16 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari..
Yours sincerely,
Brandon S
This email was sent via do^gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by Brandon S who
provided this email address: brshores@gmail.com
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.html ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to Brandon S at that email address.
To learn more about do^gooder visit
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SP.1 & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
2 of 2 7/19/16 10:16 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
Gf'1"lail Save the Virginia Key Marina Project <savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
Michael Delano <campaigns@good.do> Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 3:20 PM
Reply -To: Michael Delano <mjdelanojr@gmail.com>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
I am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come.
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016. City Clerk
1 of 2 7/19/16 10:16 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari..
Yours sincerely,
Michael Delano
This email was sent via do^gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by Michael Delano
who provided this email address: mjdelanojr@gmail.com
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.htmi ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to Michael Delano at that email address.
[Quoted text hidden]
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
2 of 2 7/19/16 10:16 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https://mail.google.conVmail/?ui=2&ik--9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
Gmall Save the Virginia Key Marina Project <savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
FERNANDO FERNANDEZ <campaigns@good.do> Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 3:19 PM
Reply -To: FERNANDO FERNANDEZ <madrid1510@yahoo.com>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
I am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come.
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
1 of 2 7/19/16 10:15 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari...
Yours sincerely,
Miami, Florida, 33132, United States
This email was sent via do^gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by FERNANDO
FERNANDEZ who provided this email address: madrid1510@yahoo.com
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.html ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to FERNANDO FERNANDEZ at that email address.
[Quoted text hidden]
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
2 of 2 7/19/16 10:15 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik--9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
Gmail Save the Virginia Key Marina Project<savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
Orlando Comas <campaigns@good.do> Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 3:38 PM
Reply -To: Orlando Comas <oloc2000@gmail.com>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
I am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come.
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
1 of 2 7/19/16 10:15 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari...
Yours sincerely,
Orlando Comas
Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 33327, United States
This email was sent via do"gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by Orlando Comas
who provided this email address: oloc2000@gmail.com
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.html ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to Orlando Comas at that email address.
To learn more about do"gooder visit www.good.do
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SP.1 & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
2 of 2 7/19/16 10:15 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https:Hmail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
Gmail save the Virginia Key Marina Project <savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
Ryan Deen <campaigns@good.do>
Reply -To: Ryan Deen <rdeen360@gmail.com>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 3:56 PM
I am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come.
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) 5P.1 & SP.2
on 07 20/2016. City Clerk
1 of 2 7/19/16 10:15 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari...
Yours sincerely,
Ryan Deen
Miami, Florida, 33132, United States
This email was sent via do"gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by Ryan Deen who
provided this email address: rdeen360@gmail.com
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.html ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to Ryan Deen at that email address.
To learn more about do"gooder visit www.good.do
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SP.1 & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
2 of 2 7/19/16 10:15 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https:Hmail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
Gmal! Save the Virginia Key Marina Project <savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
Daniel Himes <campaigns@good.do>
Reply -To: Daniel Himes <danhimes@att.net>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmaii.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 3:58 PM
I am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come.
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
I of 2 7/19/16 10:14 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https:Hmail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
Yours sincerely,
Daniel Himes
Miami, Florida, 33133, United States
This email was sent via do^gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by Daniel Himes
who provided this email address: danhimes@att.net
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.html ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to Daniel Himes at that email address.
To learn more about do^gooder visit www.good.do
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SP.1 & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
2 of 2 7/19/16 10:14 PM
Gmail - Virginia Key Marina/RCI Group hups:Hmail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
Gmail save the Virginia Key Marina Project <savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Virginia Key Marina/RCI Group
Jonathan Cox <campaigns@good.do> Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 3:58 PM
Reply -To: Jonathan Cox <jcox25@hotmail.com>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
I am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, and to strongly urge you to refrain
from pandering to the public relations executives masquerading as community activists and the other "hired help"
seeking to prevent this process from being awarded on the merits of the respondent's proposals.
As a resident of the South of Fifth neighborhood in Miami Beach, I am familiar with our neighborhood marina and
a patron of a number of the businesses that occupy the ancillary marina retail. This marina, operated by RCI
Group, is a wonderful local amenity and is one of only a handful of businesses in Miami Beach that successfully
activated the adjacent waterfront and created an experiential waterfront environment that can be enjoyed by
residents and visitors (and boaters and non -boaters) alike.
I have been a resident of this neighborhood and a patron of this establishment for twelve years and I have found
the operator, RCI Group, to be a responsible steward of the waterfront and a responsible operator of their facility.
Most importantly, the principals and executives of this business maintain a regular and visible presence on site.
Finally, this operator has continued to invest in this facility in a manner consistent with that of a first class
As an aside, during the downturn, many small businesses owners in Miami Beach and elsewhere found
themselves struggling. I have firsthand knowledge of the RCI Group unselfishly working with one of their tenants,
an independent small business owner occupying a premium space that they could have easily backfilled, to keep
their business operating. The loss of this business would have been disruptive to the neighborhood, and at a time
when RCI, like all business owners, was impacted by global economic conditions, they moved to protect not only
their own interests, but those of a very grateful small business owner, and of the neighborhood and community at
large. These efforts, in my opinion, epitomize the actions and the character of the organization that you want
leading this redevelopment effort.
I wish to thank you for your consideration and hereby ask you to approve this project.
Yours sincerely,
Jonathan Cox
Miami Beach, FL, 33139
This email was sent via do"gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by Jonathan Cox
who provided this email address: icox25@hotmail.com
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.html ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to Jonathan Cox at that email address.
To learn more about do^gooder visit www.good.do
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SP.1 & Sp=2
on 07/20/2016 City Clerk
1 of 1 7/19/16 10:14 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https://mail.google.com/maii/?ui=2&ik--9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
Gmail Save the Virginia Key Marina Project <savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
ana tablada <campaigns@good.do>
Reply -To: ana tablada <amt529@yahoo.com>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 4:45 PM
I am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come.
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
1 of 2 7/19/16 10:13 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
This email was sent via do^gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by ana tablada who
provided this email address: amt529@yahoo.com
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.html ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to ana tablada at that email address.
To learn more about do^gooder visit
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) Sp.i_ & SP.2
on 07120/2016, City Clerk
2 of 2 7/19/16 10:13 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
Gmail save the Virginia Key Marina Project <savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
Jenny Gefen <campaigns@good.do>
Reply -To: Jenny Gefen <jgefen@gmail.com>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 5:04 PM
I am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come. Submitted into the public
record for item(s) 1P.1 & SP.2
on 07 20 2016 City Clerk
1 of 2 7/19/16 10:13 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https:Hmail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
Yours sincerely,
Jenny Gefen
Miami, Florida, 33131, United States
This email was sent via do"gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by Jenny Gefen
who provided this email address: jgefen@gmail.com
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.htmi ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to Jenny Gefen at that email address.
To learn more about do"gooder visit
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
2 of 2 7/19/16 10:13 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https:Hmail.google.com/maii/?ui=2&ik=9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
Gf't'1ai) Save the Virginia Key Marina Project <savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
Vincent Tubiana <campaigns@good.do> Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 5:16 PM
Reply -To: Vincent Tubiana <vincenttubiana@gmail.com>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
I am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come. Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SP.1 & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
1 of 2 7/19/16 10:13 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https:Hmail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
This email was sent via do^gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by Vincent Tubiana
who provided this email address: vincenttubiana@gmail.com
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.html ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to Vincent Tubiana at that email address.
To learn more about do^gooder visit www.good.do
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
2 of 2 7/19/16 10:13 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Man... https:Hmail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik--9132ecO9f8&view=pt&sea...
Gmail Save the Virginia Key Marina Project <savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
Mike Ohana <campaigns@good.do>
Reply -To: Mike Ohana <sobecondos@aol.com>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 9:35 PM
I am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come.
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/22016, City Clerk
1 of 2 7/19/16 10:13 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
Yours sincerely,
Mike Ohana
Miami Beach, Florida, 33139, United States
This email was sent via do"gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by Mike Ohana
who provided this email address: sobecondos@aol.com
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.html ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to Mike Ohana at that email address.
[Quoted text hidden]
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016. City Clerk
2 of 2 7/19/16 10:13 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https:Hmail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
MGmaiI Save the Virginia Key Marina Project <savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
Virginie Pariente <campaigns@good.do> Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 9:33 PM
Reply -To: Virginie Pariente <virginiepariente1@gmail.com>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
I am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come. Submitted into the public
record for item(s) 5P.1 & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
1 of 2 7/19/16 10:12 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari...
Yours sincerely,
Virginie Pariente
Miami, Florida, 33134, United States
This email was sent via do"gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by Virginie Pariente
who provided this email address: virginiepariente1@gmail.com
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.htmi ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to Virginie Pariente at that email address.
[Quoted text hidden]
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) Sp.1 & SP.2
on 07 20/2016 City Clerk
2 of 2 7/19/16 10:12 PM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https://mail.google.com/maiU?ui=2&ik=9132ec09f8&view=pt&sm..
GFlail Save the Virginia Key Marina Project <savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
Hilda A Guzman <campaigns@good.do> Wed, Jul 20, 2016 at 7:31 AM
Reply -To: Hilda A Guzman <1940acanda@gmail.com>
To: savethevakeymadnaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
I am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come.
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SP.]. & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
1 of 2 7/20/16 8:02 AM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari..
Yours sincerely,
Hilda A Guzman
Miami Beach, Florida, 33139, Estados Unidos
This email was sent via do"gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by Hilda A
Guzman who provided this email address: 1940acanda@gmail.com
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.html ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to Hilda A Guzman at that email address.
[Quoted text hidden)
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
2 of 2 7/20/16 8:02 AM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
Gmail save the Virginia Key Marina Project <savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
Karen Kaufman <campaigns@good.do> Wed, Jul 20, 2016 at 6:19 AM
Reply -To: Karen Kaufman <karen_kaufman@gmail.com>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
I am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come.
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
1 of 2 7/20/16 8:01 AM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari..
Yours sincerely,
Karen Kaufman
This email was sent via do"gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by Karen Kaufman
who provided this email address: karen_kaufman@gmail.com
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.html ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to Karen Kaufman at that email address.
[Quoted text hidden]
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SP -1 & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
2 of 2 7/20/16 8:01 AM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
Gmail Save the Virginia Key Marina Project<savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
Ted and Mary Davis <campaigns@good.do> Wed, Jul 20, 2016 at 6:09 AM
Reply -To: Ted and Mary Davis <tmdavis531 @aol.com>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
I am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come. Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
1 of 2 7/20/16 8:00 AM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari...
Yours sincerely,
Ted and Mary Davis
Miami, Florida, 33143, United States
This email was sent via do^gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by Ted and Mary
Davis who provided this email address: tmdavis531@aol.com
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.htmi ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to Ted and Mary Davis at that email address.
[Quoted text hidden]
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
2 of 2 7/20/16 8:00 AM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
Gmaii save the Virginia Key Marina Project<savethevakeymarinaprojecta@gmail.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
Maribel Jaddar <campaigns@good.do> Wed, Jul 20, 2016 at 5:27 AM
Reply -To: Maribel Jaddar <mari6mar@hotmail.com>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
I am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come.
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
1 of 2 7/20/16 7:59 AM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https:Hmail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
This email was sent via do^gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by Maribel Jaddar
who provided this email address: mari6mar@hotmail.com
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.html ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to Maribel Jaddar at that email address.
[Quoted text hidden]
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
2 of 2 7/20/16 7:59 AM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... hups://mail.google.com/maiU?ui=2&ik=9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
Gmail Save the Virginia Key Marina Project <savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
Simona Bollo <campaigns@good.do>
Reply -To: Simona Bollo <simonabollo@yahoo.it>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
Wed, Jul 20, 2016 at 4:47 AM
I am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come.
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
1 of 2 7/20/167:58 AM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari...
Yours sincerely,
Simona Bollo
Miami, Florida, 33131, Stati Uniti
This email was sent via do"gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by Simona Bollo
who provided this email address: simonabollo@yahoo.it
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.html ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to Simona Bollo at that email address.
[Quoted text hidden]
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SP.1 & SP.2
on 07120/2016, City Clerk
2 of 2 7/20/16 7:58 AM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik--9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
Gmai' Save the Virginia Key Marina Project<savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
Wanda Rosario <campaigns@good.do> Wed, Jul 20, 2016 at 2:31 AM
Reply -To: Wanda Rosario <rosariowanda0519@gmail.com>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
I am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come.
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP -2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
1 of 2 7/20/16 7:57 AM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari..
Yours sincerely,
Wanda Rosario
Hollywood, Florida, 33024, Estados Unidos
This email was sent via do^gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by Wanda Rosario
who provided this email address: rosariowanda0519@gmail.com
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.html ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to Wanda Rosario at that email address.
[Quoted text hidden]
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
2 of 2 7/20/16 7:57 AM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https:Hmail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
MGrad Save the Virginia Key Marina Project<savethevakeymarinaprojecta@gmail.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
Gilbert Ruiz <campaigns@good.do> Wed, Jul 20, 2016 at 2:02 AM
Reply -To: Gilbert Ruiz <southilawingship@aol.com>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
I am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come.
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
1 of 2 7/20/16 7:56 AM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari...
Yours sincerely,
Gilbert Ruiz
Miami, Florida, 33126, United States
This email was sent via do^gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by Gilbert Ruiz who
provided this email address: southflawingship@aol.com
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.html ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to Gilbert Ruiz at that email address.
[Quoted text hidden]
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
2 of 2 7/20/16 7:56 AM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
Gmail Save the Virginia Key Marina Project <savethevakey marinaproject@gmai l.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
Manolina Cairo <campaigns@good.do> Wed, Jul 20, 2016 at 1:40 AM
Reply -To: Manolina Cairo <mimicairo@icloud.com>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
1 am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come.
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
1 of 2 7/20/16 7:55 AM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari..
Yours sincerely,
mimicairo@icloud.com Cairo
Miami, Florida, 33175, United States
This email was sent via do^gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by Manolina Cairo
who provided this email address: mimicairo@icloud.com
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.htmi ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to Manolina Cairo at that email address.
[Quoted text hidden]
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) Sp.1 & SP.2
on 07120/2016 City Clerk
2 of 2 7/20/16 7:55 AM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https://mail.google.com/maiU?ui=2&ik--9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
Gmal I Save the Virginia Key Marina Project <savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
Felix Delgado <campaigns@good.do> Wed, Jul 20, 2016 at 1;17 AM
Reply -To: Felix Delgado <cst2549@gmail.com>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
I am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come.
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
1 of 2 7/20/16 7:54 AM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari...
Yours sincerely,
Felix Delgado
Miami, Florida, 33130, United States
This email was sent via do^gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by Felix Delgado
who provided this email address: cst2549@gmail.com
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.html ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to Felix Delgado at that email address.
[Quoted text hidden]
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SP.1 & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
2 of 2 7/20/16 7:54 AM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https://mail.google.con/maiU?ui=2&ik=9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
GmaiI Save the Virginia Key Marina Project <savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
RAFAEL VAZQUEZ <campaigns@good.do> Wed, Jul 20, 2016 at 12:23 AM
Reply -To: RAFAEL VAZQUEZ <ralph@playground-usa-turf.net>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
I am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come.
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
1 of 2 7/20/16 7:52 AM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=9132cc09f8&view=pt&sea...
Yours sincerely,
This email was sent via do^gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by RAFAEL
VAZQUEZ who provided this email address: ralph@playground-usa-turf.net
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.html ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to RAFAEL VAZQUEZ at that email address.
[Quoted text hidden]
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SP.1 & SP.2
on 07Z20/2016, City Clerk
2 of 2 7/20/16 7:52 AM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https:Hmail.google.com/maiV?ui=2&ik--9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
Gmaii Save the Virginia Key Marina Project <savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
mario Martinez <campaigns@good.do>
Reply -To: mario Martinez <mario4430@aft.net>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 11:03 PM
I am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come.
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA 8,521
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
1 of 2 7/20/16 7:51 AM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari..
Yours sincerely,
mano ma
Miami, Florida, 33135, United States
This email was sent via do^gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by mario Martinez
who provided this email address: mario4430@att.net
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.htmi ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to mario Martinez at that email address.
[Quoted text hidden]
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
2 of 2 7/20/16 7:51 AM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https:Hmail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik--9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
Gmail Save the Virginia Key Marina Project<savethevakeymarinaprojecta@gmail.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
Eileen Farr <campaigns@good.do> Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 11:02 PM
Reply -To: Eileen Farr <eileenafarr@gmail.com>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
I am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come.
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
1 of 2 7/20/16 7:50 AM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari..
Yours sincerely,
Eileen Farr
Miami, Florida, 33133, United States
This email was sent via do^gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by Eileen Farr who
provided this email address: eileenafarr@gmail.com
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.html ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to Eileen Farr at that email address.
[Quoted text hidden]
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SP.1 & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
2 of 2 7/20/16 7:50 AM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https:Hmail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik--9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
Grad Save the Virginia Key Marina Project <savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
Christian Gutierrez <campaigns@good.do> Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 10:42 PM
Reply -To: Christian Gutierrez<chdstiangutierrezl02801@gmaii.com>
To: savethevakeymadnaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
I am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come.
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
1 of 2 7/20/16 7:48 AM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari...
Yours sincerely,
Christian Gutierrez
Miami, Florida, 33174, United States
This email was sent via do^gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by Christian
Gutierrez who provided this email address: christiangutierrez102801 @gmail.com
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.html ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to Christian Gutierrez at that email address.
[Quoted text hidden]
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
2 of 2 7/20/16 7:48 AM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https:Hmail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
Gmail Save the Virginia Key Marina Project <savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
Francisco Gonzalez <campaigns@good.do> Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 10:41 PM
Reply -To: Francisco Gonzalez <kikogonzalezgimenez@hotmail.com>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
I am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come.
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
1 of 2 7/20/16 7:47 AM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari...
Yours sincerely,
Francisco Gonzalez
Miami, Florida, 33178, United States
This email was sent via do^gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by Francisco
Gonzalez who provided this email address: kikogonzalezgimenez@hotmail.com
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.html ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to Francisco Gonzalez at that email address.
[Quoted text hidden]
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
2 of 2 7/20/16 7:47 AM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
Grad Save the Virginia Key Marina Project<savethevakeymarinaprojecta@gmail.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
Samuel Delsol <campaigns@good.do> Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 10:35 PM
Reply -To: Samuel Delsol <sdelsol88@gmail.com>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
I am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come.
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SP && SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
1 of 2 7/20/16 7:46 AM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari
Yours sincerely,
Samuel Delsol
Miami, Florida, 33166, United States
This email was sent via do^gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by Samuel Delsol
who provided this email address: sdelsol88@gmail.com
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.html ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to Samuel Delsol at that email address.
[Quoted text hidden]
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SP.1 & SP_2
on 07120/2016, City Clerk
2 of 2 7/20/16 7:46 AM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
CmaiI Save the Virginia Key Marina Project <savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
Alejandro Gutierrez <campaigns@good.do> Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 10:20 PM
Reply -To: Alejandro Gutierrez <alexgutierrez@bellsouth.net>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
I am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including:
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project -will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come.
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
1 of 2 7/20/16 7:45 AM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
Yours sincerely,
Alejandro Gutierrez
Key Biscayne, Florida, 33149, United States
This email was sent via do^gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by Alejandro
Gutierrez who provided this email address: alexgutierrez@bellsouth.net
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.html ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to Alejandro Gutierrez at that email address.
[Quoted text hidden]
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
2 of 2 7/20/16 7:45 AM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari... https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=9132ec09f8&view=pt&sea...
Gmail save the Virginia Key Marina Project <savethevakeymarinaproject adgmail.com>
Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project
Victor Bucarito <campaigns@good.do> Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 10:10 PM
Reply -To: Victor Bucarito <vmbucarito@gmail.com>
To: savethevakeymarinaproject@gmail.com
Dear City of Miami Commissioners,
I am writing in support of the winning bid for the Virginia Key Marina Project, a project that will transform the
outdated conditions that are currently there. I believe the revitalization of the marina will benefit all residents and
significantly help drive the local economy.
The RCI Group is a proven local Marina developer who has all the credentials needed to develop their proposed
project, including having been the owner of the Monty's Marina in Coconut Grove and the Miami Beach Marina.
Most, important, with the new design residents and visitors will experience a thoughtful, world-class marina and
entertainment venue that will give the public the waterfront they deserve, including_
A new state of the art wet slip marina
A new automated dry dock storage that does away with the need for forklifts to move boats to and from the
Efficient parking under the dry dock boat storage that doesn't require a massive parking garage.
An enhanced pedestrian experience with an uninterrupted public bay walk that extends from the Rusty
Pelican to historic Marine Stadium.
Retail that is limited to servicing the water -oriented uses of Virginia Key, including boaters, paddle boarders,
rowers and kayakers.
Improved dining options that will activate the public waterfront.
Once complete, this project will allow the public to access the Virginia Key Marina waterfront in ways not possible
before, and the new facilities will make the site a destination.
I ask you to approve this project and move forward with making our waterfront something we can be proud of for
years to come.
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
1 of 2 7/20/16 7:44 AM
Gmail - Please Approve the Winning Bid for the Virginia Key Mari
Yours sincerely,
Victor Bucarito
Miami, Florida, 33178, United States
This email was sent via do^gooder, a campaign platform that enables people to contact you regarding issues they
care about. The FROM field of this email is campaigns@good.do however the email was sent by Victor Bucarito
who provided this email address: vmbucarito@gmail.com
In accordance with web protocol FC 3834 ( http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-3834.html ) we have included this address
in the REPLY -TO field and you should respond to Victor Bucarito at that email address.
To learn more about do^gooder visit
Submitted into the public
record for item(s) SPA & SP.2
on 07/20/2016, City Clerk
2 of 2 7/20/16 7:44 AM