HomeMy WebLinkAboutAppeal LetterFirst Name:'. Last Name— !�w Property Address: - --- — City: Miami Sete: FL. Zip Code: : Phone #: 2 ��� � oma i i r 1 � � a Ticket #: or Case #: Boa rdr / {c�tCrlpl P �/>'7 AI t fid_% f l ee n �Dtr"N1 / ice° � ®• .�..,-,.-.....,,. office Use Only: Received By: Date: Time: For: M py Alf. /Plice'l it et 'No va 'e 41 JA4 elt.15 Wt Y-ke-/V4d/"e-1 K LA/lt-� no, d 'it 17s"7v f lu de 1 2, c f Reco rd, P7 /V. y FT e f011PI'llt) 414e-, 4-2-' 'r / Yce- A,01 -3 �O 14ffor Al �s , . foals. BUENA VISTA EAST HISTORIC DISTWT SEARCH FORM---W— f ADDRESS SUBDIVISION BLOCK LOT DAVE COUNTY PROPERTY APPRAISAL FILES Folio Number Listed Date o Present Owner HOPKINS MAPS Yo-ar- P Lype_ of Build-ing Shown 1925 1936 - Map Date of Construction REAL PROPERTY RECORD (TAX ASSESSORIS CARD) Year Built A.115-1 Year Remodeled t?. I 1- 4 + - Building Permits N CITY DIRECTORIES Em Year Name of Occupant Date Kind 140 I>Z� V. W 1fk Ai5P--,T4 '40W 'gll Amount Occupation " BUILDING PERMITS or -- Permit ,Permit Address Owner/Address Architect Contractor Type of Work New ( } Addition ( ) Repair ( ) Remodel ( ) Stories Estimated Cost Construction Foundation Roof Plans Available: Yes ( } No ( ) PLUMBING PERMITS Perm! t Address /% Ile_ <57—, Application Date Owner or Agent Builder or Contractor Type of Work: New ( V)/ Old ( ) Diagrams/Notes Stories Type c.�'d�=r'0j" Application Date 6 / / 6 Rough -in gate b/ lV / 3 Final Inspection -[-/ 14 /, 7 Other 6e"kIN!,- 1ASA 4 JK1 f . OTHER SOURCES OF INFORMATION +. f N Joshua Ellern I MA 010 ON 2, off Following is the 5-3-16 HEPB public hearing Transcript, Chapter 26, regarding 15-17 NE 42 Board. I have a question for staff , Number 2 is a structure that was old enough to be designated at that that time, 1937, right ? What would be the reason that it was not designated at that time ? Ms. Marina Novaes : At that time they did not have the tax card pictures that now we have . They did not have Internet that now we have. They had limited resources . It was like a windshield like we call the survey done at that time . They were just looking and saying that should be and that should be not Now we have more resources and we tend to use them The next day we met Ms. Schmitt and requested the 1987 f1le. Ms. Novaes handed us the ffle and made the comment while doing• •so: "You see there •is nothing in the file". It appears that Ms. Novaes never examined the attached. Since the board never voted for 15-1'7 NE 42"d street, we wonder if the board could vote on this property to let it stay as NC, and avoid any further embarrassment and harassment. Sincerely Joshua Ellern --i iium'r-am CAstucTS i C J3 14-44- PI -7W" +N ^ FNRRJ :k. DESCRIPTION REAL PROPERTY RECORD aaaRess CARES i CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA CITY ASSESSOR � TAX ` MAP SECTION TOWNSHEP RANGE 4 SII. KIND _ OF STRUCTURE USE CONSTRUCTION I Cote®. I cLAssl TYPE BIii 6-67 A �- 8 o� ✓� r LOT- 15 5 t �1BILK i EXTERIOR FEATURES '{ FOUNDATION EXTERIOR WALLS AND FINISH ROOF TYPE ROOF MATERIAL E I I t C )i t i { a _ < z'u C >d tai pp z ffi C L! D 6 u O Kt N 3 a v 3 s< a u j u R 1 0 W O 3 F u u i a ffi y ffi a C u a ffi a} Z {FEATURES f a �' < z• a X ha a z a ;� _i p G S F Y a _ f C= ffiy a� a• u tr y{ 7 G e. r m .. z- 3 Jjz y Jt 65 l5 • m• V < .II EA a••• yt t1 @ i y .i. a 6t 'm'u zis J .i. 6 . < ss z o u QiAGFAOF STRUCTURES M a ,>¢ I t tfES 9 o{"B� �� ' � � ,• 04 20 0 �ffFaoa � EXTERIOR INTERIOR FEATURES EXTERIOR TRIM waknowssi DOORS PORCHES BASEMENT IFLOOR TYP FLOOR MATERIAL WALLS to o 'S moi° ° 3 m v r z S rc s O its a o z u a; a m 3 f i a °Q v z a s z ffi 3• o m c a m o m o o a o a <•� y ! a a s E a x z a a$• o n1 a f° u a is c v a a• a 3 O 3 a s r r u U£O f m S x m Z ' m u o r W m¢ a a a`t v a ap l f21 I • �I \ • 1 INTERIOR FEATURES FINIStd TRIM ATTIC PLUMSINGa PLUMBING FIXTI.iRI:s wmiM . HEATINGILIGtsZtNG ROOM$ A 3 C. Oa < 3 4 ? a° A .. 'S D ck a < e. �t m a z m o g a z� g¢ L ®. Z a z ® a C.. D a s ; a a a 2 a o s < 1. -• .3 it Z A. z'= a s s� E c i� r r• i' v a ❑ °� < e!>i3 ^� g i c t al •� y!. f • ° < . n i LrVmG Room t j i } 9v IV • O l9JP tN S _a . . . . . . FL pwtY. uirry �;k L3LE fc esYa t4_ fi SB�57A5 � 1 Sfatm.e,-a: saitasi�sbtFs o Raosr mKima ROOM BpROOYfl s a I bco -wig � AUTO 4" s' c TOTALs La BUILDING COMPUTATIONS EQUIPMENT A B, C n •s+I o a 1 s r .mac. v /j/j/j j ANO. fuss Via. fT. M-. Cuum F'i. RwTi Cosi' coat AitssnNF a'.taYA'iaaRs '+.$lid.. Q o � rt � saLAs NaAxc� 23' ' _476 - ,o �{ � Cf� � LauNORY TRAYZ AIR COaiatTIONING •nunz" ' a •f .�. e'yg lusuiATED VIALL6 i • o • , • • • .,� j a _ lusuLATao ROOF 4 STREET 40 GtJ'dT�R ARII apVYN3Pa'JT t # a • P at ¢ m NY m $ ffi m • ¢ < e a a a o a s a j a 6 < x ffi * s C O �i m a '� < f' F r a } 3 wl ¢z = ii a z °u y-d,Q �•�•.. NO _ OF ICL=GTItlII QUT!-B4i s Z6 5 / �3.?..• MQ, ar si.[cT[EiC P'ixTgR[B �• 1 T 4 TYre Or wlRiNG J!_9.iGa r`p 234 ll'. 2 -°-FIB !uo t .. aviiouarir seal A I I p 2 REMARKS; /;Ar4 qg 14-1,1 iium'r-am CAstucTS i C J3 14-44- PI -7W" +N ^ FNRRJ :k. f, LAIM FFATURSS A w -MR f LAND CdMPP-fATtONS REGULAR TalAmr. tI- I t I Lilmu YEAR VALUE BUILDING T L VALUP. i VALUE CHANCE TAXABLE VALUE RLxsOm FOR CHAnca a" MONT DEPTIS 'IT 0. V. A-71-_77- F- SAL. 'AMOUNT 193a .Ric CLECT. to 1-09692 1939 TELE PHONE '1940 STStIET PAYED V 1941 IMPROVED ST- 1942 UNIMPROVED ST. 1943 PAYED ALLEY t 1944 4935 CuRsima 1947 WHITS WAY STREET IJGHTI%G Z 4949. SEAWALLS 1949 - SAM. SEWER STQI"fi smWER, 19E4 1952 r TOPOGRAI-14'r LANDSCAPING 19!53 WELL 1954. LAWN SPRINXLS!_ jilso Isise 1957 193a zommo FOR R-1 - . L_ R-2 SUMMARY I.. 1940 1,4mouta Amcour Amoum AMOUNT AMOUNT AMOUNT 4969 1956 t R-3 CROSS LAND VALUE 4961 S-1 MNHARCMG % 45062 13_2 DETRA %11- 1953 11-3 NET LAND VALUZ 1-1 'BUILDINGS 1968 1 1-2 m, I -AMOUNT 1967 MISCCLLANNOUS 8 $"a SCHOOLS Q 1469 CHURCHES 1970 e. SHOP& GROSS SLOG. VAA= 1971 - TRANSPORTATIONam"A"'wa's % 1972 DISE. TREND OwraAcrina 1973 WZY SLOG. V-ALUZ 1974 Tor" VALUE 1975 DATA SummaG F%mmrm YEAR 140. OATS I Krao OrAlft AWUUAL G9052 fnl.,, Add PAIR ANNUAL - NET dioa- 7- AMOUNT iv,&u A 44,_ t.. r� 4� JB 0 T171- t t:z." I ., - RATE CAPffAl_t= VALUE SAA.S. LEGITIMATIC 4, * It g, sit, $* 1�* 34 ll'o I BALK O'fHMNWISE yPv ng-RACTIlm }NAL. OWNER'S ISTtMATE AAM MARKET VALUE .5"'. -4 ik MORTGAGE t n Ellert. j'. Ugucdo�rii CULTURAL RESOURCE AND I IISTORICPRE.SERVATION CONSULTANT 111.5 OBISPO AVENUE CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA 33134 (7864-73-1409) Mr, Jeffery Jernigan c/o Mr. Josua Ellern 160 NE 44t Street Miarni, Florida 33137 May 5, 2016 SUBJECT: A PROPOSAL FOR CONSULTANT SERVICES IN CONNECTION WITH THE DUPLEX AT '15-17 NE 42 AVENUE AND ITS ABRUPT RECLASSICIATION FROM A NON-CONTRIBUTING TO A CONTRIBUTING STRUCTURE Dear Mr Jerrinigan and Mr. Eherr, In a recent meeting held on May 3, 2016 you explained that the City of Miarni's Historic and Environmental Board had what abruptly changed the classification Of Your I'd Ar property at 15-17 NE 42 , located in the Buena Vista East 1-fistoric District ;4 iinc� from "non-contributing to'contr uting." Fortunately, there was a picture of the house presumably taken shortly after its construction. Because we have the evidence of the original house de sign, we can easily determine what changes have occurred in its life time. Why is this important? 'A portion of Section 24 `1 5:3 SQUfhr Range 41 East'of Dade COL111t ' Y, Floricla,nwre particularly described as follows: Conameiice atll-te intersection of tce.nthe erfine of NX. 42nd Street (Greenridge Boulevard) with the centerline of N.E, 2ndAvenue (Biscayne Drive) as shown on the plat of BILTMORE, as recorded in. Plat Book 6 at Page 67 of the PUbfic.Records of Dade County, Florida/ hence westerly a.1migsaid centerline of N.E. 42nd Street to its intersection with the centerline of N,E. 1st Avei'me (Moore Parkway) as shown on the said plat of BILTMORE; thence so-cali.erly along said centerlijie of ME. -Ist Avenue to its intersection with. a line extended easterly from [lie southeasterly corner of Lot I of Block 8 as shown on the said plat ofBILTMORT; then,:(--) westerly along the southerly lot lines of Lots -t through 10 inclusive and Lot 12 of Block 8 as shown on the said plat of BILTMORE to its intersection with the centerline, of N. Miami Avenue 0 1 * Chapter 23 of the Miami Code of Ordinances regulates the Historic Preservation actions of the City. It defines a contributing property as: A building, landscape feature, site, structure or object that adds to the historical/architectural qualities, historic associations, or archaeological values for which a district is significant because: it was present during the period of significance of the district, and possesses historic integrity, reflecting its character at that time; or it is capable of providing important information about the period; or it independently meets the National Register of Historic Places criteria for evaluation set forth in 36 CFR Part 60.4 incorporated by reference. In the same definition section, non-contributing structures as defined as: Non-contributing resource. A building, landscape feature, object, structure, or archaeological resource that does not add to the historic architectural qualities, historic associations, or archaeological values for which a district is significant because it was not present during the period of significance of the district; due to alterations, disturbances, additions or other changes, It no longer possesses historic integrity reflecting its character at that time, or is incapable of yielding important Information about the period; or does not independently meet the national register of historic places criteria for evaluation. in order to judge whether or not your property is contributing or non-contributing, we also have to look at one further definition. That is the concept of INTEGRITY, defined as a part of the definition of contributing. To be eligible for historic designation, a building must have been present during the period of significance of the district, and possesses historic integrity, reflecting its character at that time; or it is capable of providing important in -formation about the period, or it independently meets the National Register of Historic Places criteria for evaluation set forth in 36 CFR Part 60.4 incorporated by reference. In other words, if a property has been altered over the years so that its once "character defining" features are destroyed, and the building is not considered superlative for its type to begin with (the original report called the building "Masonry Vernacular") then it is indeed a NOWCONTRIBUTING building. Sadly, there are those persons who consider the age of the building as the only criterion for significance, and in our opinion that kind of thinking has, resulted in a preponderance in the listing of mediocre structures. I Approved: Siq.�- ie,t May 6, imam May 6, 2016 Approved: iqn refflTt� Joshua Ellern May 6, 2016 M MI A ......, ........w.a---- , . ;gent: Fri, Mar 18, 2013.50 PM 44 ReleaseandCancela... (904KB) Jeff, sign and send back to me. PINECREST 305-235-1688 FAX., 305-255-1529 From: janesrealestate@yahoo{com To apdemos a@aoLcom Sent: 311812016 2:28:41 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time Subj Fw: Cancellation of Contract Uribe a Jernigan Attached you will find a cancellation of contract for the property r / circumstancesGiven the d the city will put up a big fightnot going • be finalized any ' soon. Thank • • 'wll a' help, •.. Best a regards, On • March 1& 2016 •. PM. Richard •r 0 1 * Realtors-,", Release and Cancellation of Contract for Sale and Purchase 1. Cancellation of Contract, By signing this RELEASE AND CANCELLATION OF CONTRACT FOR SALE AND PURCHASE ("Release"), Buyer and Sailor cancel the Contract for Sale and Purchase ("(contract"), signed by Buyer on the day of Fpbru.q� q1.6 and signed by Seller on the_ _Z3 day of concerning the following described property (give street address and legal description): 7 NE 42 ST. and 17 NE 42 ST. Miami, FL 33137 --- LOT 13, LOT 14 LE-8-SWcEQ-T 10', &LOT 1 a,13LOCit 6 Q BILTMORE SUB, PB6AT DAG' E67 2. Release from Liability. Buyer and Soifer release each other and: WN! Realty (name of brokerage) together with Its affiliates and their respective officers, directors, agents, employees, successors and assigns, and ie ort Intl Realty (name of brokerage) together with its affiliates and their respective officers, directors, agents, employees, successors and assigns from any and all claims and actions whatsoever arising from or relating to the Contract or pre -Contractual issues existing as of the date of the Release, 3. Disbursement of Escrow Funds. Btjyor and Sailor instruct the escrow agent to disburse the deposit as follows: $ 70;000.00 to --__!�spld 'Qttle §e �IcO$ COMpany ti �,009_00 Rafael Roche to $ to r. 311812016 wvn—T, wo— allritxe Date Date *T �ej� /2- 4 Date an RC -3x 9197, 10100 (01997,2000ftfidaRealtors4' All Rights Reserved serial#: 0661130-701413-117440113