HomeMy WebLinkAboutBid AwardCONTRACT AWARD SHEET Internal Services Department Bid No. 8809-0/19 Procurement Management Services AwardSheet Procurement Management DIVISION _ BID NO.: 8809-0/19 PREVIOUS BID NO.: 8809-4/13-4 TITLE: VEHICLE RENTAL SERVICES CURRENT CONTRACT PERIOD: 02/17/2015 through 02/28/2020 Total # of OTRs: 0 MODIFICATION HISTORY Bid No. 8809-0/19 DPM Notes Ativaed Sheet APPLICABLE ORDINANCES LIVING WAGE: No UAP: Yes IG: No OTHER APPLICABLE ORDINANCES: CONTRACT AWARD INFORMATION: No Local Preference No Micro Enterprise Full Federal Finding No Performance Bond Small Business Enterprise (SBE) PTP Funds Partial Federal Finding Yes Insurance Miscellaneous: REQUISITION NO.: PROCUREMENT AGENT: BETANCOURT• LOURDES PHONE: 305 375-4121 FAX: EMAIL: Lll21 c@iMLA1vlIDADE.GOV DEPARTMENT OF PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT Procurement Management DIVISION Page 1 of 3 Bid No, 8809-0/19 Award Sheet VENDOR NAME: ENTERPRISE LEASING COMPANY OF DBA: FEIN: 591664426 SUFFIX: 04 33073 STREET: 5105 JOHNSON ROAD CITY: COCONUT CREEK ST: FL ZIP: FOB—TERMS: DEST-P DELIVERY: PAYMENT TERMS: NET30 TOLL PHONE: VENDOR INFORMATION: CERTIFIED VENDOR ASSIGNED MEASURES Local Vendor: SBE Set Aside Bid Pref. Micro Ent. Selection Factor Goal Other: Vendor Record Verified? *A**AA**AAA*AAAA AAA A AAA Hie*A*AA*A*AAA*A****AAA*AAA**AAAA A'AAA*AAAA Vendor Contacts: Name Phonel Phone2 Fax Email Address ERIK VEGA 305-278-2900 305.256-2639 ERIKINEGA UH.COM VENDOR NAME: ROYAL RENT A CAR SYSTEMS OF FLORIDA INC DBA: FEIN: 592334873 SUFFIX: 02 33142 STREET: 3650 NW SOUTH RIVER DRIVE CITY: MIAMI ST: FL ZIP: FOB—TERMS: DEST-P DELIVERY: PAYMENT TERMS: NET30 TOLL PHONE: 800-314-8616 1•;NDOR INFORMATION: CERTIFIED VENDOR ASSIGNED MEASURES Local Vendor: SBE Set Aside Bid Pref. Micro Ent. Selection Factor Goal Other: A*A*AAA**AAA***A**AAAA**A************AA**A**A*A**AAA**AA*A*A*A*A*A**A Vendor Record Verified? Vendor Contacts: Name _ Phonel Phone2 Fax Email Address ISNIAEL, P PERERA 30.5-871.3000 800-314-8616 305-635-1295 _ IPERERA@ROYALRENTACAR.COM DEPARTMENT OF PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT Procurement Management DIVISION Page 2 of 3 Bid No. 8809-0/19 Award Sheet ITEMS AWARDED Section.- Award ection; Details: 8809-0/19 Award Notes: (1) Section 2.1 Option 2 applies to INS (2) Section 2.4 Void based on Negotiations* mPricing shall remain fixed & firm for 5 year Contract term. NOTE: See posted Award Sheet Supplement and detailed price schedule for all vehicle types. AWARD INFORiNIATION Section BCG Award: No DPM Award: No BCC Date: 02/03/2015 DPM Date: 12/11/2014 Contract Amount: $ 23,808,000.00 Additional Items Allowed: Agenda Item No.: 8r,16 Special Conditions: Section 2, Paragraph 2.4 allowing for annual pricing adjustments based on PPI is VOID due to mutual negotiations that established fixed and firm pricing for the 5 year initial term. BPO INFORMATION Section;; Commodit ID Commodit Name 375-14 RENTAL OR LEASE OF AUTOMOBILES AND OTHER Department " Department All ID $2,430,000.00 PD $21,308,000.00 WS $70,000.00 End ofBPO Information Section DEPARTMENT OF PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT Procurement Management DIVISION Page 3 of 3 CONTRACT AWARD SHEET SUPPLEMENT AN -opo INTERNAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT SERVICES DIVISION Contract No.: 8809-0/19 Title: Vehicle Rental Services L PURCHASING INSTRUCTIONS The awarded Bidders shall provide vehicle rental services to several County departments on an as needed basis. This contract shall commence on February 17, 2015 and shall remain in effect through February 28, 2020. II. METHOD OF AWARD Two (2) Bidders were awarded. The awarded vendors are as follows: 1. Primary Awarded Vendor is Royal Rent A Car Systems of Florida, Inc. (Royal) 2. Secondary Awarded Vendor is Enterprise Leasing Company of Florida LLC. (Enterprise) If the primary Bidder cannot perform, the County shall have the option to seek the identified services from the secondary Bidder respectively. On January 22, 2015, County staff held a negotiation meeting with Royal. Royal agreed to hold its proposed pricing for the full five-year term of the contract rather than adjusting pricing annually by the change in the Producer Price Index for Commodities (PPI), as was a term of the original agreement and the Bidder's original bid. In addition, Royal agreed to lower their prices for Item #4 Compact Car 4 Door Item #4A daily price to $21.16 and Item #4 Compact Car 4 Door Item #4C to $635.00 monthly, The terms & conditions applicable to this contract and the County Purchase Order being issued can viewed online at our AWARDED CONTRACTS page httr)s://www,miamidade.ctov/DPMww/SearchContracts.aspx by entering the Contract ID: 8809-0/19. III. AWARDED ITEMS: Items awarded under this contract are as follows: 1. SUB -COMPACT CAR: > t0vl�LRI=R� a Item Number of Days/weeks/months for the Unit Price Extended Price Unit Price Extended Price 5 -year term 1A days $17.00 $62,050.00 $19.67 $71,795.50 1 B weeks $119.00 $61,880.00 $137.67 $71,588.40 1 C months $510.00 $30,600.00 $590.00 $35,400.00 CONTRACT AWARD SHEET SUPPLEMENT IAMI-D DE INTERNAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT SERVICES DIVISION 2. COMPACT CAR 2 -DOOR: Item Number of Days/weeks/months for the 5 -year term Unit Price Extended Price Unit Price Extended Price 2A days $18.00 $65,700.00 $21.27 $77,635.50 2B weeks $126.00 $65,520.00 $148.87 $77,412.40 2C months $540.00 $32,400.00 $638.00 $38,280.00 3. CONVERTIBLE 2 -DOOR SEDAN MODEL: Item Number of Days/weeks/months for the 5 -year term Unit Price Extended Price Unit Price Extended Price 3A days $24.00 $87,600.00 $25.67 $93,695.50 313 weeks $168.00 $87,360.00 $179.67 $93,428.40 3C months $720.00 $43.200.00 $770.00 $46.200.00 4. COMPACT CAR 4 -DOOR: Item Number of Days/weeks/months for the Unit Price Extended Price 5 -year term Unit Price Extended Price 4A days $21.16 $77,234.00 $21.27 $77,635.50 413 weeks $151.20 $78,624.00 $148.87 $77,412.40 4C months I $635.00 1 $38,100.00 $63800 $38,280.00 6. MID-SIZE 4 DOOR: Item Number of Days/weeks/months for the 5 -year term Unit Price Extended Price Unit Price Extended Price 6A days $22.27 $1,544,424.50 $22.00 $1,525,700.00 613 weeks $155.89 $1,499,661.80 $154.00 $1,481,480.00 6C months $668.00 $1,482,960.00 $660.00 $1,465,200.00 CONTRACT AWARD SHEET SUPPLEMENT [H.: -AD. INTERNAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT SERVICES DIVISION 7. FULL-SIZE CAR: ROYAL, ETA Extended Price Unit Price Extended Price 8A Item Number of Days/weeks/months for the Unit Price Extended Price Unit Price Extended Price 8B 5 -year term $250,250.00 $215.13 7A days $23.73 $259,843.50 $24.23 $265,318.50 7B weeks $166.11 $215,943.00 $169.63 $220,519.00 7C months $712.00 $213,600.00 $727.00 $218,100,00 8. FULL SIZE LUXURY CAR: Item Number of Days/weeks/months for the Unit Price 5-yearterm Extended Price Unit Price Extended Price 8A days $27.50 $301,125.00 $30.73 $336,493.50 8B weeks $192.50 $250,250.00 $215.13 $279,669.00 8C months !!!!L $247,500.00 $922.00 $276,60.0.00 9. MINI -PASSENGER VAN (Seven- Wt�li DARE S Passenger)S E OF ELOIIDAj INC 4 $173.11 $315,060.20 $169.40 i - months Item Number of Days/weeks/months for the Unit Price Extended Price Unit Price Extended Price 5 -year term 5 -year term 9A days $23.73 $346,458A0 $25.47 $371,862.00 9B weeks $166.11 $345,508.80 $178.27 $370,801.60 9C months $712,00 $299,040.00 $764.00 $320,880.00 10. STANDARD PASSENGER (Twelve -Passenger) STEMOI;FtQ D� $24.73 $361,058.00 a :` $353,320.00 10B weeks $173.11 $315,060.20 $169.40 $308,308.00 10C months Item Number of Days/weeks/months for the Unit Price Extended Price Unit Price Extended Price 5 -year term 10A days $24.73 $361,058.00 $24.20 $353,320.00 10B weeks $173.11 $315,060.20 $169.40 $308,308.00 10C months $742.00 $311,640.00 $726.00 $304,920.00 CONTRACT AWARD SHEET SUPPLEMENT it rc INTERNAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT SERVICES DIVISION 11. Utility Vehicles Two Wheel Drive: OYAi RENA 5 M � i F FLQF 1 I� IGS ' �' Extended Price A Extended Price 12A days $23.73 $433,072.50 $28.03 $511,547.50 Item Number of Days/weeks/months for the Unit Price Extendedt Unit Price Extended Price $196.23 5 -year term Price months 11A days $23.73 $433,072.50 $28.03 $511,547.50 11 B weeks $166.11 $431,886.00 $196.23 $510,198.00 11C months $712.00 $341,760.00 $841.00 $403,680.00 12. UTILITY VEHICLES FOUR WHEEL DRIVE: Item Number of Days/weeks/months for the 5 -year term Unit Price Extended Price Unit Price Extended Price 12A days $23.73 $433,072.50 $28.03 $511,547.50 12B weeks $166.11 $431,886.00 $196.23 $510,198.00 12C months $712.00 $341,760.00 $841.00 $403,680.00 13. FULL SIZE UTILITY SUV VEHICLES O AL RENT}A Item TWO WHEEL DRIVE: S ES QF1<ORIA 1 Extended Price Unit Price Extended Price 14A Unit Price Extended Price Unit Price Extended Price Item Number of Days/weeks/months for the 5 -year term weeks $192.50 13A days $27.50 $250,937.50 $33.77 $308,151.25 13B weeks $192.50 $250,250.00 $236.37 $307,281.00 13C months $825.00 $247,500.00 $1,013.00 $303,900.00 14. FULL SIZE UTILITY SUV VEHICLES FOUR WHEEL DRIVE: ��(S MS QFC FLQRIp I C� Item Number of Days/weeks/months for the 5 -year term Unit Price Extended Price Unit Price Extended Price 14A days $27.50 $250,937.50 $33.77 $308,151.25 14B weeks $192.50 $250,250.00 $236.37 $307,281.00 14C months $825.00 $247,500.00 $1,013.00 $303,900.00 CONTRACT AWARD SHEET SUPPLEMENT IAMI-DADF : INTERNAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT SERVICES DIVISION 15. FULL SIZE CARGO VANS (Approximately 3/4 Ton Capacity) Item Number of Days/weeks/months for the 5 -year term Unit Price Extended Price Unit Price Extended Price 15A days $17.00 $248,200.00 $21.97 $320,762.00 15B weeks $119.00 $247,520.00 $153.77 $319,841.60 15C j months $510.00 $244,800.00 $659.00 $316,320.00 16. MINI -CARGO VANS (Approximately �ROVYL� d R 1/2 Ton Capacity) n kRIRI Item Number of Days/weeks/months for the Unit Price Extended Price Unit Price Extended Price Unit Price Extended Price 5 -year term Item Number of Days/weeks/months for the Unit Price Extended Price 16A days $16.70 $243,820.00 $21.97 $320,762.00 16B weeks $116.90 $212,758.00 $153.77 $279,861,40 16C months $501.00 $210,420.00 $659.00 $276,780.00 17. STANDARD PASSENGER (Fifteen- Passenger) �ROVYL� d R A x`'IN n kRIRI Item Number of Days/weeks/months for the Unit Price Extended Price Unit Price Item Number of Days/weeks/months for the Unit Price Extended Price Unit Price Extended Price 5 -year term 18A days $23.73 $1,082,681.25 26.07 17A days $24.73 $225,661.25 $24.20 $1,186,055.00 $220,825.00 17B weeks $173.11 $225,043.00 $169.40 $220,220.00 17C months $742.00 $934,920.00 $726.00 $914,760.00 17D* months $742.00 $779,100.00 $726.00 $762,300.00 18. EXTRA -CAB 1/2 TON FULL-SIZED PICK- UP TRUCKS:n �S`01=i-Q 1 t3p� kRIRI Item Number of Days/weeks/months for the Unit Price Extended Price Unit Price Extended Price 5 -year term 18A days $23.73 $1,082,681.25 26.07 $1,189,443.75 18B weeks $166.11 $1,079,715.00 182.47 $1,186,055.00 18C months $712.00 $1,068,000.00 782 $1,173,000.00 CONTRACT AWARD SHEET SUPPLEMENT fI-nn INTERNAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT No PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT SERVICES DIVISION IV. AWARDED VENDORS DETAILS/INFORMATION V. AWARD SHEET EVENT HISTORY Event No. Date Issued Event Agent 1 2/17/2015 Award approved by BCC Lourdes Betancourt 2. 2/23/2015 BPO issued 3. 2/25/2015 Award Sheet and BPO published 7 1. 3900 N.W. 25 St. Suite 413 Miami, FL 33142 Contact: Gregory Ismael Perera, President Serrano 592334873 / 02 Royal Rent A Car primary To[: (305) ,871-3000 Systems Of Florida, Inc E-mail: 2. Fort Lauderdale IPerera2royalrentacar.com International Airport 600 Terminal Drive Ft. Lauderdale, FL (954) 359-8004 Contact: Neil Fergus Lester Guzman, Area Sales 591 664426 / 04 Enterprise Leasing Company Of Florida LLC Secondary Manager Tel: (305) 278-2921 E-mail: Lester, Guzman ehi.com V. AWARD SHEET EVENT HISTORY Event No. Date Issued Event Agent 1 2/17/2015 Award approved by BCC Lourdes Betancourt 2. 2/23/2015 BPO issued 3. 2/25/2015 Award Sheet and BPO published 7 - VI. Per Contract's Section PHYSICAL DAMAGE: The County is responsible for third party liability and the first $100 of applicable physical damage losses. 1. The County shall not be responsible for physical damage, including loss of any rental vehicle in excess of $100.00 per vehicle per occurrence. Furthermore, the County shall not be responsible for normal wear and tear of the vehicles rented under this contract. 2. The County will have the first right to inspect and obtain an independent appraisal of the damaged vehicle. The awarded Bidder may repair any and all vehicles at its authorized repair facility, and the awarded Bidder may elect to deem the vehicle un -repairable pursuant to criteria that is mutually acceptable and agreed to by both parties. CONTRACT AWARD SHEET SUPPLEMENT INTERNAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT SERVICES DIVISION 3. Claims for physical damage on all vehicles must be submitted to Miami -Dade County Internal Services Department's Risk Management Division at 111 N.W. 1 st Street, Suite 2340, Miami, Florida, Attn: Claims Coordinator within ten (10) days of return of the vehicle to the awarded Bidder. The accompanying invoice must contain the rental agreement number, vehicle number, date of occurrence, Police Case # as supplied by the investigating officer or the Miami Dade Police Department/Fleet Management Section, a completed "Standard County Automobile Accident Report" (See "Notice of County Motor Vehicle Accident." form below) and evidence that the vehicle has been repaired or destroyed by evidence of either (a) or (b) below: (a) The vehicle has been completely destroyed or has been totaled, scrapped or salvaged. (b) The vehicle has been repaired as documented by the attached paid repair invoices. Statements are not acceptable. Repair estimates will not be paid. Claims submitted more than (60) sixty days from date of occurrence will not be processed. Claim forms can be obtained n Section 2, Special Conditions, Page 5. Mmora Memorandum ei~ Date; February 3, 2015 -Amended To: Honorable Chairwoman Rebeca Sosa Agenda stem Na. 8(F) (3.6) , and Members, Board of County,C-pohlssloners From: Carlos A. Gimenez Mayor Subject: Recommendation for Approval to AwaV a New Contract for Vehicle Rental Services R-101-15 Recommendation it is recommended that the Board of County Commissioners (Board) approve award of Contract No, 8809-0119, Vehicle Rental Services to Royal Rent-A-Car Systems of Florida, inc,, as primary vendor, and Enterprise Leasing Company of Florida, LLC, as secondary vendor, The recommended contract provides for vehicle rental services for the Police and internal Services departments. There are 18 specific vehicle types available for rent under the contract, ranging in size from sub -compact cars to four-wheel drive sports utility vehicles and multi -passenger vans. The awarded, vendors shall provide rental vehicles that are late models, clean and In good operating condition. Polloe investigative units use rental vehicles of varying models for undercover operatlons. The Internal Services Department supplies rental vehicles, not available in the County's fleet, to County departments for daily and seasonal demands, Examples Include various types of vans for the Elections Department that are used during elections; Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces Department (PROS) generally rents vans during the summer months or special events such as the Great Parks Summit and Junior Olympics', investigative units for the Inspector general and County Attorney's Office rent varying models for their cases; and cars for other operational uses in lieu of leased vehicles. These vehicles are rented in cases where it makes more business sense than purchasing/leasing a vehicle for full-time use or for investigative operations, The daily rental price for a compact vehicle is $18,00 and $23.73 for a full size vehicle, sCo e The impact of this item is countywide In nature, Fiscal Impact/Funding Source The fiscal impact for the five-year terra is $.23,808,000, The current contract, 8899-4113, is for five (5) years and six (6) months, which is valued at $20,628,470. The difference in allocation under the replacement contract is attributable to current and estimated usage as well as the addition of vans to transport children to and from field trips 'during PROS' Summer Youth Camp Program. The proposed allocation is budgeted as follows; Department Allocation Funding Source Contract Manager Police $21,908,000 General Fund Alex Alfonso Internal Services 2,500,000 internal Service Funds Rey I-lerena Total $23,808,000 Track Record/Monitor Lourdes Betancourt, CPPB, of the internal Services Department is the Procurement Contracting Officer, N Honorable Chairman Jean Monestime andlVennbers, Board of County Commissioners Page 2 Delegated Auth_ority If this item Is approved, the County Mayor or County Mayor's designee wli-l-•have; the, authority to exercise sill provisions of the contract pursuant to -Section 2-8,1 of the County node and Implementing Order 3. 38, Vendor Recommended for Award An Invitation to Bid was issued under full and open competition on January 17, 2x14, The method of award Is to the three (3) IowestYprlced responsive, responsible bidders In the aggregate for the selected option (i,e,, level of insurance coverage) as prlmary,•secondary and tertiary vendors, Three (3) bids were received In response to the aolicltafion, HoWover, only the two responsive, responsible bidders are recommended for award, �wardee Address Prinoi ai Award Royal Rent-A-Car Systems of 3650 N.W. South River Drive Ismael Perdra Primary Vendor Florldo, Inc, Miami, FL Enterprise Leasing Company of Florida, I,LG 600 Corporate Park Drive St, Louls, MC Andrew C, Taylor 3ocondary Vendor Vendors Not Reeam_rnendd far Award Vertdar Reason for Not R,ecommendtng Vendor was deemed non-responsive by the County Attorney's The Hertz Ccrporatlon pffloe for failure to bid on all Items within an option as required by the soholt tion, C3ue.Diligenee Pursuant to R-137.12, due diligenop was conducted in accordance with the Internsl Services Department's Procurement Guidelines to determine contractor responsibility, Including verifying corporate status and that there are no performanoe or compliance issues. The lists that are referenced include, convicted vendors, debarred vendors, delinquent contractors, suspended vendors,,and federal excluded parties, There are no adverse findings relating to contractor responsibility, . Rplfcable ®rdinancess and Contract Measures • The two (2) percent User Access Program provision applies and will be collected on all purchases, * The Small Business Enterprise Sid Preference and Local Preference were applied in accordance with the raspective ordinances. The Living Wage prdlnance does net apply, Edward Marg .rez ' Deputy Mayo ' MEMORANDUM (Revised) TO: Hmorable Chairman Yean Monestime )DATE: February 3, 2015 and Merabors, Board of Couaty Commissionors Amended FROM. R. A. s, Jr. RUBJECT: Age:ada1teMX0,8(F)(16) C-Qimty Attomey Please note any Items checked. "3 -Day Rule" for committees applicable if raised 6weeks re4uired. between. first reading and publR hearing 4 weeUs notification to municipal officialsrequired prior to public hearing Decreases revenues or Increases expenditureswithout balancing budget Budget required, Statemv)jt of k1scal impact required Ordinance creating a now board requ:ltes detailed County Mayor's report for public hearing No committee review Applicable legislation'requires more than a majority vote (i.e., 2/3's 315's u-nanimous to approve Current information regarding funding source, index code and available b�lavco, find ayallable capacity (if debt is contemplafed) reqaired 9 . I Amended Approved Ma, or Agenda Item No. Veto 2-3-15 Override RESOLUTION NO, R-101-15 RESOLUTION APPROVING AWARD OF CONTRACT NO. 8809.0/19 TO ROYAL RENT -A -CAR SYSTEMS OF FLORIDA, INC. AS PRIMARY VENDOR AND ENTERPRISE LEASING COMPANY OF FLORIDA, LLC AS SECONDARY VENDOR FOR VEHICLE RENTAL SERVICES IN THE TOTAL AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $23,808,000.00 FOR THE POLICE AND INTERNAL SERVICES DEPARTMENTS; AND AUTHORIZING COUNTY MAYOR OR COUNTY MAYOR'S DESIGNEE TO EXECUTE SAME 8{F) (16) WHEREAS, AS, this Board desires to accomplish the purposes outlined in the accompanying memorandum, a copy of which is incorporated heroin by reference, NO% THEREFORE, BE IT RE' SOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MIAMI-DADF, COUNTY, FLORIDA, that this Board approves award of Contact No. 8809-0/19 for vehicle rental services for the Police and Internal Services Departments as set forth in the incorporated memorandum in the total amount not to exceed $23,808,000, and authorizes the Comity Mayor or County Mayor's designee to execute same, except that the contract shail contain no increase in pricing based on the Producer Price Index for Commodities as set forth in The attached supplemental memorandum from the Mayor. The foregoing resolution was offered by Commissioner who moved its adoption, The motion was seconded by Commissioner and upon being put to a vote, the vote was as follows: Amended Agenda Item No. 8(F) (16) Page No, 2 Jean Monestime, Chai'rman Esteban L, Bovo, Jr., Vice Chairman Bruno A. Barreiro Daniella Levine Cava Jose "Pepe" Diaz Audrey M. Edmonson Sally A—Heyman Barbara J. Jordan Dennis C. Moss Rebeca Sosa Sen. Javier D. Souto Xavier L. Suarez Juan C. Zapata The Chairperson thereupon declared the resolution duly passed and adopted this 3rd day of February, 2015, This resolution shall become effective upon the earlier of (1) 10 days after the date of its adoption unless vetoed by the County Mayor, and if vetoed, shall became effective only upon an override by this Board, or (2) approval by the County Mayor of this Resolution and the filing of this approval with the Clerk of the Board.. MIAMI -DADS COUNTY, FLORIDA BY ITS BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS HARVEY RUVIN, CLERK. M. Approved by County .Attorney as to form and legal snfflclenoy. liugo Bent z Deputy Clerk RMNSS6 Memorandum WOUP Data; February 3, 2015 supploment to To; FlonoraNe Chairman Jean Monestime Agenda Item No. 8(F) 16 and Mombers, Board of my oommissioners From; Carlos A, Cimer oz - Mayor Subject: Supplemental information Regarding Approval to Award Contract No. 8809,0119, Vehicle Rent -al SerVices During the discussion of the contract award to Royal- Rent-A-Car (Royal) at the January Is, 2015 rneetlng of the Finance Committee, a representative from the second -lowest bidder (5nterprise) advisedi'mombers of the rinanoo Committee that Enterprise could lower Its prices below that offered by the awarded vendor, As mentioned at the Finance CbMMIttee meeting, the procurement process used for this contract was an Invitation to Bid, which prov(ded fair and open competition for this contract. Royal was the lowest -priced, responsive and responsible bidder and was rocommended for award. The bid offered by Royal was $1,696 mllifon lower than that of Enterprise. As a result of the discussion, members of the Flnnnoe Committee directed staff to initiate negotlatione with Royal to datermlne,if there was any opportunity for price reductions beyond that recommended In the Item being considered, On January 22, 2016, County staff held a negotiation meeting with Royal, Royal agreed to hold Its proposed pricing for the full five-year term of the contract rather than adjusting priolng annually' by the change In the Producer Price Index for Commod(tles (PPI), as was a term of the original agreement and the bidders' original bid. By holding the pricing for the full five (6) years of the contrast oonstant, the estimated savings to. the County could be as much as $3,2 million overthe term of the contract, In order to effectuate this change, It Is recommended that the resolution be amended to reflect that there will be no annual lnoreass8 In pricing based on the PPI. 6"t Edward Marga Deputy Mayor I MIAMI-DADE COUNTY BID NO.: 88090/19 SECTION 4 BID SUBMITTAL FORM Submit Bid To: OPENING; 2:00 P.M. CLERK OFTHE BOARD Wednesday Stephen P. Clark Center February 12 , 2014[• 111 NW 1St Street . 17'h Floor, Suite 202 Warn!, Florida 33128-1983 IMI.AM.I• AIw PLEASE QUOTE, PRICES F.O.B, DESTINATION, FREIGHT ALLOWED, LESS TAXES, DELIVERED IN MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA. NOTE: Miami -Dade County is exempt from all taxes (Federal, State, Local). Bid price should be less all taxes. Tax Exemption Certificate furnished upon request. Issued by: ISDIPM Date Issued: This Bid Submittal Consists of Lourdes 1/17/2014 Pages 9 through 24 and Betancourt affidavits Sealed bids subject to the Terms and Conditions of this Invitation to Bid and the accompanying Bid Submittal, Such. other contract provisions, spocifications,,`drawings or other data as are attached or incorporated by reference in the Bld'Subm ttal; will be received at the office of the Clerk of the" Board at the address shown" above until the above stated time and date, and at that time, publicly opened for furnishing the supplies or services described in the accompanying Bid Submittal Requirement, T,tIe Vehicle Rental Services A Bid Deposit in the amount of NIA the total amount of the bid shall accompany all bids. A Performance.. Bond in,the amount of NIA the -total amount.of the bid will be required upon execution of the contract by the successful bidder and Miami -Dade County, DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE ACCEPTED HIGHER THAN LOW NON-RESPONSIVE ICON -RESPONSIBLE DATE B, C, C. NO BID ITEM NOS, ACCEPTED COMMODITY CODE: 978-14 Procurement Contracting Officer: Lourdes Betancourt FIRM NAME ROYAL RENT A CAR SY°ST MS OF FLORIDA, INC. RETURN ONE ORIGINAL AND TWO COPIES OF BID SUBMITTAL PAGES AND AFFIDAVITS. FAILURE TO SIGN THE BID SUBMITTAL FORM IN SECTION 4 WILL RENDER YOUR BID NON-RESPONSIVE. MIAMI-DADE COUNTY BID NO,: 8809-0/19 SECTION 4 BID SUBMITTAL FOR VEHICLE RENTAL SERVICES FIRM NAME: ROYAL RENT A CAR SYSTEMS OF FLORIDA, INC. Option 11 1. SUB -COMPACT CAR (Ford Focus, Nissan Versa, Toyota Yaris, etc.). See Section 3, Paragraph 3.7 Item Estimated Number Number of Unit Price 2A of Vehicles Days/weeks/months $ per day per vehicle 213 2 for the 5 -year term $ per week per vehicle 1A 2 1825 days $ NO $ID per day per vehicle 1 B 2 260 weeks $ per week per vehicle I C 1 60 months $ per month per vehicle 2. COMPACT CAR 2 -DOOR MODEL (Toyota Corolla, Mazda 3, Ford Focus, etc.). See Section 3, Paragraph 3.7 Item Estimated Number of Vehicles Number of Days/weeks/months for the 5 -year term Unit Price 2A 2, 1825 days $ per day per vehicle 213 2 260 weeks $ per week per vehicle 2C 1 60 months per month per vehicle 3. CONVERTIBLE 2 -DOOR SEDAN MODEL (Ford Mustang, Chevrolet Camaro, Chevrolet Corvette, etc.) See Section 3, Paragraph 3.7 Item Estimated Number of Vehicles Number of Days/weeks/months for the 5 -year term Unit Price 3A 2 1826 days $ per day per vehicle 313 2 260 weeks per week per vehicle 3C1 -L- 60 months per month per vehicle Slim MIAMI-DADE COUNTY BID NO.: 8809-0/19 SECTION 4 BID SUBMITTAL FOR VEHICLE RENTAL SERVICES ROYAL RENT A CAR SYSTEMS OF FLORIDA, INC. FIRM NAME: 4, COMPACT CAR 4 -DOOR MODEL (Chrysler 200, Chevy Malibu, Nissan Altima, etc.). S& Secti6n 3, Par'a'draph 3.7 Item Estimated Number of Vehicles Number 6f Days/weeks/months for the -year term Unit Price 4A 2 .1825 days $NO BID per day per vehicle 413 2 260 weeks $ per week per vehicle 5C 1 60 months $ per month per vehicle .6. MID-SIZE 2-DOOR,MODEL (Toyota Qamry,. Nissan Maxlma,.�Ford Fusion, etc.). 966. Sectlon'3! Par'a'g'raph 3.7 _ft'em Estimated Number of Vehicles Number of Days/weeks/months for, the 5year term Unit Price 5A 38 __ '1826 days $ per day per vehicle '513 38 2'60 weeks $ per week per vehicle 5C 32 60 months cle per month per vehicle 6. MID-SIZE 4 DOOR MODEL (Toyota Carnry, Dodge Avenger, Ford Fusion, etc,). See Section 3, Paragraph 3.7 Item . Estimated Number of Vehicles Number of Number of Days/weeks/months a for the 5- ear term Unit Price 6A 38 1825 per day per vehicle 6B 37 260 weeks $ per week per vehicle 6C 37 60 months $ per month per vehicle 19 � MIAMI-DADE COUNTY BID NO,: 8809-0119 SECTION 4 BID SUBMITTAL FOR VEHICLE RENTAL SERVICES FIRM NAME: ROYAL RENT A, CAR SYSTEMS OF FLORIDA, INC. 7, FULL-SIZE CAR (Ford Taurus, Dodge Charger, etc,), See Section 3, Paragraph 3.7 Item Estimated Number of Vehicles Number of bays[weeks/months for the 5 -year term Unit Price 7A 6 1825 days $1T BID per day per vehicle 113 5 260 weeks $ per week per vehicle YG 5 60 months per month per Vehicle 8, FULL SIZE LUX.URY,CAR (Cadillac, LlnQol.n, etc.) See Section 3,,.Paragr-aph 31. Item Estimated Number of Vehicles Number of Dayslweeks/month3 for the 5 -yea r term Unit Price 8A 6 1826 days $ per day per vehicle 8D .6 260 week,5 per week per vehicle 8C 5 60 months per month per vehicle 9. MINI -PASSENGER VAN (Seven -Passenger) Item Estimated Number Number of Unit Price of VWcles, Days/weeks/months for the 5 -year term 9A 8. .1825 days $ per day per vehicle 913 8, 260 weeks $ per week per vehicle 9C 7 60 months $ per month per vehicle -12 - MIAMI-DADE COUNTY BID NO.: .8809-0119 SECTION 4 BID SUBMITTAL FOR VEHICLE RENTAL SERVICES FIRM NAME. ROYAL RENT A CAR SYSTEMS OF FLORIDA, INC. 10, STANDARD PASSENGER (Twelve -Passenger) Item EstimatedNumberNumber of Vehicles of Days/weeks/manths for the 5 -yea r term Unit Price 10A 8 1825 days $ NO BID per day per vehicle 1013 7 260 weeks $ per week per vehicle 10C 7 60 months $ per month per vehicle 11. UTILITY VEHICLES TWO WHEEL DRIVE (Explorer, Ford Escape, Nissan Rogue, etc.) See Section 3, Paragrelph 3.7 Item Estimated Number of Vehicles Number of Days/weeks/months for the 5 -year term Unit Price 11A 10 1825 days $ per day per vehicle 118 10 260 weeks $ per week per V'ehi616 11C 8 60 months $ per month per vehicle 12. UTILITY VEHICLES FOUR WHEEL DRIVE (Explorer, Jeep Grand Cherokee, etc.) See Section 3, Paragraph 3.7 Item Estimated Number of Vehicles NumWof Days/weeks/months for the 5 -year term Unit Price 12A 10 1825 days $ per day per vehicle 126 10 260 weeks $ per week per vehicle 12C 8 60 months $ per month per vehicle -13- MIAMI -BADE COUNTY SECTION 4 BID SUBMITTAL FOR VEHICLE RENTAL SERVICES BID NO.: 8809-0119 FIRM NAME: ROYAL RENT A CAR SYSTEMS OF FLORIDA, INC. 13. FULL SIZE UTILITY SUV VEHICLES TWO WHEEL DRIVE (Chevy Tahoe, Ford Expedition, etc.) See Section 3, Paragraph 3.7 Item Estimated Number . Number of Unit Price 14A of Vehicles Days/weeks/months $ per day per vehicle 14B 5 for the -year term $ per week per vehicle 13A 5 .5 1825 days $ NO BID per'day per vehicle 13B 5 260 weeks per week per vehicle 13C 5 60 months $ per month per vehicle 14. FULL SIZE UTILITY SUV VEHICLES FOUR WHEEL DRIVE (Chevy Tahoe, Ford Expedition, etc.) See Section 3, Paragraph 3.7 Item Estimated Number of Vehicles Number of Days/weeks/months for the 5- ear term Unit Price 14A 5 1825 days $ per day per vehicle 14B 5 260 weeks $ per week per vehicle 140 5 60 months I $ per month per vehicle 15, FULL SIZE CARGO VANS (Approximately 3/4 Ton Capacity) Item Estimated Number of Vehicles Number of ' Days/weeks/months for the 5 -year term Unit Price 16A 8 1825 days $_per day per vehicle 15B 8 260 weeks $ per week per vehicle 15C 8 60 months $ per month per vehicle. -14- MIAMI-DADE COUNTY BID NO.: 88090/19 SECTION 4 BID SUBMITTAL FOR VEHICLE RENTAL SERVICES FIRM NAME: ROYAL RENT A CAR SYSTEMS OF FLORIDA, INC 16, MINI -CARGO VANS (Approximately 112 Ton Capacity) Item Estimated Number of Vehicles . Number of Days/weeks/months for the 5 -year term Unit Price 16A 8 1825 days $ NO BID per day per vehicle 16B 7 260 weeks $ per week per vehicle. 16C 7 60 months $ per month per vehicle 17. STANDARD PASSENGER (Fifteen- Passenger) Item Estimated Number of Vehicles Number of Days/weeks/months for the 6- earterm Unit Price 17A 5 1826 days $ per day per vehicle 17B 6 260 weeks $ per week per vehicle 17C 21 60 months $ per month per vehicle 17D* 70 15 months $ per month per vehicle *Vans for item # 17D above are rented for approximately three months every year during the summer, 18. EXTRA -CAB 1/2 TON FULL-SIZED PICK-UP TRUCKS (FORD F-150, CHEVROLET 1500, DODGE1500) See Section 3, Paragraph 3,7 Item Estimated Number of Vehicles Number of Days/weekslmonths for the 5 -year term Unit Price 18A 25 1825 days $ per day per vehicle 18B 25 260 weeks $ per week per vehicle 18C 26 60 months $ per month per vehicle MIAMI-DADE COUNTY BID NO.: 8809-0119 SECTION 4 BID SUBMITTAL FOR VEHICLE RENTAL SERVICES FIRM NAME; ROYAL RENT A CAR SYSTEMS OF FLORIDA, INC. Opinion 2 1. SUB -COMPACT CAR (Ford Focus, Nissan Versa, Toyota Yaris, etc.). See Section 3, Paragraph 3.7 Item Estimated Number of Vehicles Number of Days/week'slmonths for the 5 -year. term Unit Price 1A 2 1825 days $ 17.00 per day per vehicle 1 B 2 260 weeks $11 9.0 0 per week per vehicle 1C 1 60 months- $ 51 0.00 per month pervehicle 2. COMPACT CAR 2 -DOOR MODEL, (Toyota Corolla, Mazda 3, Ford Focus, etc.). See Section 3, Paragraph 3.7 Item Estimated Number of Vehicles Number of bays/weeks/months for the'5t ear,term, Unit Price 2A 2 1825 days $ 18.0 0 per day per vehicle 213 2 260 weeks $126.00 per week per vehicle 2C - 1 60 months $ 5 4 0. 0 0 per month per vehicle 3. CONVERTIBLE 2 -DOOR SEDAN MODEL (Ford Mustang, Chevrolet Camaro, Chevrolet Corvette, etc.) See Section 3, Paragraph 3.7 Item Estimated Number of Vehicles Number of Days/weeks/months for the 6 -year term Unit Price 3A 2 1825 days $ 2 4.0 0 per day per vehicle 3B 2 260 weeks $ 16 8 ° 00 per week per vehicle .3C 1 60 months $ 7 2 0.0 0 per month per vehicle MIAMI-DADE COUNTY SECTION 4 BID SUBMITTAL FOR VEHICLE RENTAL SERVICES BID No., 880.9-0/19 FIRM NAME: ROYAL RENT—A—CAR SYSTEMS OF FLORIDA, INC. 4. COMPACT CAR 4 -DOOR MODEL (Chrysler 200, Chevy Malibu, Nissan Altima, etc.), See Section 3, Paragraph 3.7 Item Etlmated N.umber of Vehicles Number of Days/weeks/months for the 5 -year term Unit Price 4A 2 1825 days 21 • 60 per day per vehicle 48 2 260 weeks $151.20 per week per vehicle 40 1 60 months $ 6 4 8.0 per month per vehicle 6.' MIJ)'-$[Z-E.2-DOOR'.MOQ-EL,(Toyota'Qamry _,.N-is-sarr Maxima-, Fort Section 3, Paragraph 3.7 Item Estimated Number of.Vehicies Number of Days/weeks/m.onths for the 5 -year term Unit Price 6A 38- 1825 days $ 22.27 per day per vehicle '513 38 260 weeks $ 1 55 89 per week per vehicle 32 60 months 668.0 0 per month per vehicle 6. MID-SIZE 4 DOOR MODEL (Toyota Camry, Dodge Avenger, Ford Fusion, etc,), See Section 3, Paragraph 3.7 Item Estimated Number of Vehicles Number of Days/weeks/months for the 5 -year term Unit Price 6A 38 1825 days $ 22.2 7 per day per vehicle .613 37 260 weeks $ 15 5 .8 9 per week per vehicle 6C 37 60 months $ 668.00 per month per vehicle MIAMI-DADE COUNTY BID NO.: 8809-0119 SECTION 4 BID SUBMITTAL FOR VEHICLE RENTAL SERVICES FIRM NAME- ROYAL RENT A CAR SYSTEMS OF FLORIDA, INC 7. PULL -SIZE CAR (Ford Taurus, Dodge Charger, etc.), See Section 3, Paragraph 3.7 ftem. Estimated Number of Vehicles Number of Days/weekslmonths for the 6-yearterm Unit Price 7A 6 1826 days $ 23.73 per day per vehicle 73 5 260 weeks $ 16 6. 11 per week per vehicle 7C 5 60 months $ 71 2...QO per month per vehicle 8. FULL SIZE LUXURY CAR (Cadillac, Lincoln-, etc.) See Section 3, Paragraph -3:7 Item Estimated Number of Vehicles Number of Days/weeks/months for -the 6 -year term Unit Price $A 6 1825 days $ 2 7.5 0 per day per vehicle 813 5 2160 weeks $ 1.9 2_5 (.) per week per vehicle. 6C 5 60 months $.825.00 per month per vehicle 9. MINI -PASSENGER VAN (Seven-Pbssenger) Item Estimated Number of Vehicles Number of Days/weeks/months for the 5 -year term Unit Price 9/A 8 1826 days $ 2 -j . 7 � per day per vehicle 98 8 260 weeks f 66 per week per vehicle 90 7 60 months $ 712.0 0 per month per vehicle MIAMI-DADE COUNTY BID NO., 8809-0119 SECTION 4 BID SUBMITTAL FOR . VEHICLE RENTAL SERVICES FIRM NAME- ROYAL RENT. A CAR SYSTEMS OF FLORIDA', INC. 10, STANDARD PASSENGER (Twelve-Pass'enger) Item Estimated Number of Vehicles Numberof Diayslweeks/rnonths for the 6 -year term Unit Price 10A 8 182.5 days $ 24.73 per day per vehicle 1013 7 260 weeks $ ' 1 73.11 per week per vehicle 100 7 60 months $ .74 2_.. 0l1per month per vehicle 11. UTILITY VEHICLES -.TWO WHEEL DRIVE (Expldfer, Ford'Esbape, Nissan Rogue; etc,) See Section 3, Paragraph 3,7 Item Estimated Number Number'of 12A 10 1825 days of Vehicles Days/weeks/months 10 260 weeks $ 1 66.1 1 per week per vehicle 12C for the 5 -year foTm Unit Price 11A 10 1825 days $ 2.1-7-1 per day per vehicle 118 10 266 weeks $ 1(6.)per week per vehicle 11 8 60 months $ 712.00 per month per vehicle 12. UTILITY VEHICLES FOUR WHEEL DRIVE (Explorer, Escape, Jeep Grand Cherokee, etc.) See Section 3, Paragraph 3.7 1-1—te—m Estimated Number Number of of Vehicles Days/weekslmonths for the 5 -year term Unit Price 12A 10 1825 days $ 23.73 per day per vehicle 12B 10 260 weeks $ 1 66.1 1 per week per vehicle 12C 8 60 months ..... ..... . . .. . $ 712-.0 . p I er month per vehicle MIAMI-DADE COUNTY BID NO.: 8809-0119 SECTION 4 BID SUBMITTAL FOR VEHICLE RENTAL SERVICES FIRM NAME: ROYAL RENT A CARR SYSTEMS OF FLORIDA, INC. 13. FULL SIZE UTILITY SUV VEHICLES TWO WHEEL DRIVE (Chevy Tahoe, Ford Expedition, etc,) S'ee Section 3, Paragraph 3.7 • Item Estimated Number of Vehicles Number of Days/weeks/months for the 5- ear term Unit Price 13A 5 1825 days $ 27.5 0 per clay per vehicle 13B 5' 260 weeks $j92 a 17'per week per vehicle 13C 5 60 months $825.00 per month per vehicle 14, FULL SIZE; UTILITY SUV VEHICLES FOUR-WHEEL DRIVE (Chesty Tahoe, Ford Expedition, etc.) See Section 3, Paragraph 3,7 Item Estimated Number of Vehicles Number of Days/weeks/months for the 6 -year term Unit Price 14A 5 1825 days $ 27.50 per day per vehicle 143 5 260 weeks $19 2 .'5 0 per week per vehicle 14C 5 60 months $8.2-5,on permbntfpervehicle 15. FULL SIZE CARGO VANS (Approximately 3/4 Ton Capacity) Item Estimated Number of. Vehicles Number of Days/weeks/mohths for the 6 -year term Unit Price 15A 8 1825 days $ 17 0 0 per day per vehicle 158 8 260 weeks $119 . 0 0 per week per vehicle 16C 8 60 months. $510 .00 per month per vehicle -20- MIAMI-DADE COUNTY BID NO.: 8809-0119 SECTION 4 BID SUBMITTAL FOR VEHICLE RENTAL SERVICES FIRM NAME: ROYAL RENT A CAR SYSTEMS OF FLORIDA, INC. 1 t 16. MI N1 -CARGO? VANS (Approximately 1/2 Ton Capacity) Item Estimated Number of Vehicles Number of Days/wQeks[months for,the 6 -year term Unit Price 16A 8 1825 days $ 16.70 per day per vehicle 16B 7 260 weeks 16.9 0 per week per vehicle 16C .7 60 months 50 _1.__'i 0 0 per month per vehicle 17.. STANDARD PASSENGER (Fifteen- Passenger) 'Item Estimated Number of Vehicles Number of Days/weeks/months for the 5 -year term URCPrice 17A 6 1825 days' $ ?A*73per day per vehicle 176 5 260 weeks $ 173.11_per week per vehicle 170 21 60 months $ 7 4 2 0 01per month per vehicle 17D* 70 15 months $ 742.O O per Month per vehicle *Vans for item.* 17D above are rented for approximately three months every year during the summer. 18. EXTRA -CAB 112 TON FULL-SIZED PICK-UP, TRUCKS (FORD F-150, CHEVROLET 1500, DODGE1500) See Sect!o-ri 3, Paragraph 3,7 Item Estimated Number of Vehicles Number of Days/wee ks/months for the 5 -year term Unit Price 18A 25 1825 days $ 23.7 3 per day per vehicle. 18B 26 260 weeks $ 16 6.1 1 per week per vehicle '18C 26 60 months 712.0 0 per month per vehicle MIAMI-DADE COUNTY SECTION 4 BID SUBMITTAL FOR: Vehicle Rental Services ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF ADDENDA BID NO.: 8809.0/19 INSTRUCTIONS: COMPLETE FART I OR PART [I, WHICHEVER APPLIES PART I: LIST BELOW THE DATES OF ISSUE FOR EACH ADDENDUM RECEIVED IN CONNECTION WITH THIS BID Addendum 91, Dated February .. 1.1 � 2014 Addendum #2, Dated February 21 , 2014 Addendum #3, Gated March 6, 2014 Addendum #5, Dated 'Addendum #6, Dated Addendum ##7, Dated Addendum #:8, Dated PART II: ❑ NO ADDENDUM WAS RECEIVED IN CONNECTION WITH THIS BID FIRM NAME: ROYAL RENT-A-CAR-SYSTOW 0y FTr3RIDA INC. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: DATE: 3 /11 /14 --._-TITL F --OF OFFICER:- P.residen'L. . -22- MIAMI-DADF— COUNTY BID NO,: 8809-0119 i'�i ��� 1310 SUBMITTAL, FORM Bid Title: Vehicle Rental Services By signing this Bid Submittal Form the Bidder certifies that it satisfies all legal requirements (as an entity) to do business with the County, including all Conflict of Interest and Code.of Ethics provisions in Section 2-11 of the Miami -Dade County Code, Any County employee or member of his or he-Firnmedlate' family seekirig to contract with the County shall seek a conflict bf interest opinion from the .Miami -bade` County Ethics Commission prior to s6bmittal of a Bid response or application of any type to contract with the County by the employee or his or her immediate family and file a copy of that request for opinion and any opinion or waiver from the Board of County Commissioners With the .Clerk of the Board, -The affected employee shall file with the Clerk of the Board a statement in a form .satisfactory to the Clerk disclosing the employee's interest or the Interest, of his or her immediate family in the proposed contract and the nature of the intended contract at the same -time as or before submitting a Bid, response, or application of any type to contract With the County, Also a copy of the request for a conflict of interest opinion from the Ethics Commission and any corresponding opinion, or any waiver issued by the Board of County Commissioners, must be submitted with the'response to the.sollcitation, In accordance with Sec. 2-11,1(s) of the County Code as amended, prior to conducting any lobbying Failure to file the appropriate form in relation tq each solicitation may be considered as evidence that the' Bidder is not a respansib,le contractor, The Bidder confirms that this Bid, Is made without prior understanding, agreement, or connection with any corporation, firm, or person submitting a Bid for the same goods and/or services and In all respect's is without collusion, and that the Bidder will accept any resultant award. Further.,.the undersigned acknowledges that award of a contract is contingent upon vendor registration, Failure to register as a vendor within the specilied time may.result in your firm not being. considered for award. Pursuant to Mlaml-Bade County Ordinance 9434, any individual, corporation, partnership, joint venture or other legal entity having an officer, director, or executive. who has been convicted of a felony during the past ten (10) years shall disclose this Information at the time of bid or proposal submission. ❑ Place a check'mark here qn-11 if bidder has such conviction to discfd'" e, By executing this proposal through a duly authorized representative, the proposer certifies that the proposer is not on the Scrutinized Companies With Activities in Sudan List or the Scrutinizer) Companies with Activities In the Iran Petroleum Energy Sector List, as those terms -are-used and defined in sections 2$7,135 and 215.473 of the Florida Statutes, In the event that the proposer is unable to provide such dedficMion' but All seeks to be bbn`sidered for award of this solicitation, the proposer shall execute the proposal th?bVl 11'a -duly auth'ariz6d representative and snail also initial this space; , in such event, the proposer shall furnish together with Its proposal a duly executed written explariatlon of.the facts supporting any exception to the requirement for certification that it claims under Section 287.13b of: the Florida Statutes, The proposer agrees to cooperate fully with the County In any investigation undertaken by the County to determine whoftr the claimed exception would be applicable. The County shall have the right to terminate any contract resulting from this solicitation for default if the proposer is found to -have submitted a false ceAflcafion orto have been placed on the Scrutinized Companies far Activities in Sudan List or the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in the Iran Petroleum Ener gy Sector List. LOCAL PREFERENCE CERTIFICATION: For the purpose of this certification, a "local business" is a business located within the limits of Miami -Dade County (or'Broward County in accordance with the Interlocal Agreement between the two counties) that conforms with tine provisions of Section 1.10 of the General Terms and Conditions of this solicitation and contributes to the economic development of the community in a verifiable and measurable way. This may include, but not be limited to, the retention and expansion of employment opportunities and the support and increase to the County's tax base. [� Place a check mark here only- if, affirming bidder meets requirements for Local Preference: Failure to complete this certificatlon dt this time (by checking the boar above) may render the vendor ineligible for Local preference, LOCALLY -HEADQUARTERED BUSINESS CERTIFICATIW For the purpose of this certification, a "looally-headquartered business" is a Local Business whose "principal place of business" Is in' Miami -Dade County, as defined in Section 1.10 of the General Terms and Conditions of this solicitation, EN Place a check mark here bniy if affirming bidder meets requirements for the Lo callyHeadquartered Preference (LHP). Failure to complete this certification at this time, (by checking the box above) may render the vendor ineligible forthe LHP. The address of the locally -headquartered office is 3650 NW S0'1TTIRIVER TSR MIA,M-1, FL 33142 -23- Revised 23 - Revised 11(6112 Version 12 MIAMI -DADS COUNTY SID NO_ 8809-0119 MIAMME-13 . Sip SUBMITTAL FORM LOCAL CERTIFIED SERVICE -DISABLED VETERAN BUSINESS ENTERPRISE CERTIFICATION; A local Certified Service -Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise is a firm that is (a) a local business pursuant to Section 2-8.6 of the Code of Miami -Dade County and (b) prior to bid submission is certified by the State of Florida Department of Management Services as a service -disabled veteran business enterprise pursuant to Section 295,187 of the Florida Statutes, ❑ Place a check mark here only if affirming bidder is a Local Certified Service -Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise, A copy of the certification must he submitted with tilts proposal, COUNTY USER ACCESS PROGRAM (UAP): Joint purchase and entity revenue sharing program For the County's information, the bidder is*requested to indicate, at'A' and 'B' below, its general interest in participating in the Joint purchase Program of the County User Access Program (UAP) described in Section 1,35 of this contract solicitation, if that section is present in this solicitation document. Bidder participation in the Joint Purchase portion of the UAP is voluntary, and the bidder's'expressloh of beneral interest at `A' and `B' below is for the County's information only and shall not be bind[ on the bidder; A If awarded this County contract, would you be interest in participating in the Joint Purchase'portion of the UAP with respect to other governmental, quasi -governmental or not-for-profit entities located within the geographical boundaries of Miaml-Dado County'? Yes X No B, If awarded this County contract, would you be interested in participating in the Joint Purchase portion of the UAP with respect to other, governmental, quasi -governmental or not-for-profit entities located outside the geographical.boundaries of Miami -Dade County? Yes No X Firm Name. ROYAL RENT A CAR SYSTEMS OF FLORIDA, INC. 5freet Address; 3 650 NW SOUTH I TVER DLA, MIAM42 Mailing Address (if different); Telephone No ( 305 ) 871-3000, Fax No,:.. Finail Address; IPERERA@ROYALRENTACAR CnM FEIN No, 51 ?ice SIJ gi ��3 Prompt Payment Terms: oa days net ? O,days (Please see paragraph 1.2 H of General Terms and Conditions) Signature; , (Signature of authorized argent). *r'Bysigning�tourien.t rees to all ?elms and Conditions of this Solicitation and the resulting donfract." Print Name: I SMAEL PERERA Title, PRESIDENT' THE EXECUTION OF THIS FORM CONSTITUTES THE UNEQUIVOCAL OFFER OF PROPOSER TO. BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF ITS PROPOSAL, FAILURE TO S16N THiS SOLICITATION WHERE INDICATED ABOVE BY AN AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE SHALE. RENDER THE PROPOSAL N' ON•RI SPONSiVE, THE COUNTY MAY, HOVVEVER, IN ITS SOLE QISCRCi'ION, ACCEPT ANY PROPOSAL THAT INCLUDES AN EXECUTED bOCUMENT WHICH UNEQUIVOCALLY BINDS THE PROPOSER TO THE TERMS OF ITS OFFER. -24- Revised 1116112 Version 12 APPENDIX AFFl,D--- AVITS rORMAL OID8 MIAMI -DADS COUNTY Mfanil°Dade Coolly Infernal Services Department Procurenient Management DlyWon Affirmclti6n of Vendor Affidavits BID NO.: 8809-0119 in accaMan'ce With Oro(nance 07-143 amending Section 2-8.1 of flys Cade of Miami- Dade Ccauniy, eF.fecfiye June '1., 2008, ' vendors ace regOred to- oornpi. te,(i new V6pelor Registration Packdc�e, Including p Uniform Affidav€t PadR.0 (Vendor Affldavits F&n� b'efare Iaefri'g dWor j6d q hew contract,'The undbrsigned affirms; that the Ven?Jgt AffiddVih Form 9ubin1fted Ith the Vei-0& Registrdiori Package is current, complefo and ctcourate fot each affidavit listed be1QW. 8 8 0 9.— 0/ 1 9 Fo.derdf Erriployer ConfradfNo,. _ 1d0t1f1ca1i6nNumber(fEIN, 59-2334873, Gon'tracITllle; VEHICLES RENTAL SERVICES Affidavits and Legislation/ Governing Body ISMAEL PERERA PRESIDENT Plinked Name of p fffahf Piint0litle of Affiant 6:' ;r ra , .'ra af'AFftant ROYAL RENT A CAR SYSTEMS OF FLORIDA, INC 2/12/14 Mame'of Mth Do e 3650 NW SOUTH RIVER DR MIAMI FLORIDA 33142 Address of Finn State Ip'COda -- Ndtary Public lnfarmaflan IJotd y Pulelic State of LQ 21'D�9 Cduhfy of /W/," t " ✓ ... = 5ut�9artfaedan�lsWorh)o�1oraffirrhoct.beforoYYiofhls Clay of, oy: � � .. Ne'•oP she [s persoridlly knowh fa frig dr fids �ttiducec� idea - �.5�?��,�- � �� �� tiElcgtlon Type at Icfenllf;cdion produced Sighaiur f otaryPubllc Send NUtnber MIL w Pnnf orSfarnp of Nofary Public ^T Expiroliori Date t�i'ay , Not4�i��� RO 4 * My GOMMISSION P E082113 EXPIRES; Apr1115, 2015 9onded Thru Notary Public Underwriters Page t of 3 Revised 1N2H2 Mf Tint->�&de C&urrfy pwri+:eMO Dlsdlo'sur4 6, MI'aml-1?dae C&hfy Vendor C71:11rg6flo1116 C60W SPP ; 8, 7 of 0a Caur W Coc(e Sectlort 2-Q, t of tK&. County Code 2 06-W-6.00 6.0 Co)infy trtnpldynaenf .Dlsalo5ure 7, Miami bydea Gounfy C.ocl of uslrress > Thies` urtly Orfilnance Na 90.'. c(me Co33; hdtntg Secf)bn'�.8-1(0)!2) Of Arflcfe-'7 SeafioiT 2 f11(!J and 2 i f (b)(!), of the Cd"Ur.ty Code. thrpuglj'.p iv 111'ete oun" Code ' ana (4) a1 the Coirhly Cade dnd Coirhlj :Qrdlhphce No 6 1 amanding Secflor 2-11.1(6) of fhw C oum}. x'600 3• M,Ifami•,6046 Gaup, ty > +7rploytnent f7rug•iree Wi�rkpldce C'eNfficcrliott 8; tvliarrtt Dade Caunfy FarnI1Y b pYe .• Article V'af.Cliopter l 1 0l the County Code S�c(iori 2-lr.;l.2(bJ f thQ CdUnlyCod `fr, j`rAfarni ] ff.E Coli'nfy"prsat?Ilffy!1(Orl^,DISGrl.minatlO.n• Mlam! Dade CbwityllYlrt ;,Wage. . . drfrcle ir'SeCfiOr12 x,1.5 !#esafut}on R .b2�Wamending. • Secllan 2-9,g of fl7e County Code 5 Mjrrmi-bads CountyDebarm:ent0sclosure �q, Mfaml,bcide CouniyDort e&flc �eave..atzd f2epottlrig,. •&ectlon IO.�B of Fh s Couhi'y code Arflcl . B,,S� cfipri .l fA 6'p t• l %! b7 9t flue C6fa1 ty' Codi ISMAEL PERERA PRESIDENT Plinked Name of p fffahf Piint0litle of Affiant 6:' ;r ra , .'ra af'AFftant ROYAL RENT A CAR SYSTEMS OF FLORIDA, INC 2/12/14 Mame'of Mth Do e 3650 NW SOUTH RIVER DR MIAMI FLORIDA 33142 Address of Finn State Ip'COda -- Ndtary Public lnfarmaflan IJotd y Pulelic State of LQ 21'D�9 Cduhfy of /W/," t " ✓ ... = 5ut�9artfaedan�lsWorh)o�1oraffirrhoct.beforoYYiofhls Clay of, oy: � � .. Ne'•oP she [s persoridlly knowh fa frig dr fids �ttiducec� idea - �.5�?��,�- � �� �� tiElcgtlon Type at Icfenllf;cdion produced Sighaiur f otaryPubllc Send NUtnber MIL w Pnnf orSfarnp of Nofary Public ^T Expiroliori Date t�i'ay , Not4�i��� RO 4 * My GOMMISSION P E082113 EXPIRES; Apr1115, 2015 9onded Thru Notary Public Underwriters Page t of 3 Revised 1N2H2 MIAMI -DADS COUNTY BID NO.: 8809-0119 FAIR UBCONT.RAC'J."ZNG PRACTICES S (O Mance 97-35) III co'fnppt€ailce With ;t Ijain!- aae County Oedixxance 97-3-9, the Bidder small sr limit ivit%'the bid raposai a detodIes s#afcnaont of ,its poticxes and, procecures (use separAte sheet if axecessury) for awitHing sU�}cbritz c1 ars lin accordance wWi Section 1, Paragraph 1.15 [X lr'4 SUC43T AC I O RS 1'XtJT.1,:CZ'1 ETT T11CC)T4 C ? 2/1 2/1.4 Page 2 of 3 Rovised 21111`11 MiAMII-RADE COUNTY SUBCONTRACTOR/SUPPLIER FISTING (Mliami•Dade County Code Sections 2.81, 2-8.8 and 1034) 8809-0119 Name of Proposer; ROYAL, RENT A CAR SYS'T'EMS FEIN No, 5 9 _ 2-134-8-7-3— OF -334-8-7 SOF FLORIDA. INC. In accordance with Sections 2-8.1, 2-8,8 and 10,34 of the Miami -Dade County Code, this form must be submitted as a condition of award by all Proposers on County contracts for purchase of supplies, materials or services, including professional services,which involve expenditures of $100,000 or more, and all Proposers on County or Public Health Trust construction contracts which involve expenditures of $100,000 or more, The Proposers who is awarded this contract shall not change or substitute first tier subcontractors or direct suppliers or the portions of the contract work to be per('ormed or materials, to be supplied from those identified, except upon written approval of the County. The Proposers should Anter the word "NONE" under the appropriate heading of this form If no subcontractors or suppliers will be used on the contract and sign the form below. In accordance with Ordfnance No, 11-90, an entity contracting with the County shall report the race, gender and ethnic origin of the owners and employees of all first tier subcontractors/suppliers In the event that the recommended Proposer demonstrates to the.County prior to award that the race, gender, and ethnic information is not reasonably available at that time the Proposer shall be obligated to exercise diligent efforts to obtain that information and provide the same to the County not later than ten (10) days after It becomes available and, In any event prior to final .payment under the con_trac_t_, tease du licate this form if.addiffonal space is needed.) Principal Owner Employee(e) (Enter the number of male and female owners by (Enter th9 number of male and racelethnicity) fomalo employees and the number of em to ees by racelethnici Gender. Racell=thnicity Gender Raeelithniclty Business Name and Address Scope of Work to of First Tier Subcontractor/ Principal be Perforrnbd by -a Owner Subcontractor/ b !t � Subconsultant NONE a x � i Principal Owner (Enter the number of male and female owners by Employees) (Enter the number of male and racelethnicity) fomite employees and the number • of em io ees b raceleftlel Gender RgcalEthnicity Gender RacelEthnicity SupplleslMaterlal Business Name and Address principal s/Servicas to be of First Tier D(rect Supplier Owner provided by Supplier M F r ej S a1 W �, F 4 .NONE L>'1M a y Q`� ? 0M C7 Ccl N m 'zN� 0 O zz Z� Mark here If 'race, gender and ethnicity information is not available and will be provided at a laterdato, This data may he submitted to contracting department or on-lirie to the Small Business Development of the Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources at httpsl/www, Miami dade,goylbusIness/business• develop ment-contracts,asP. As a condition of final payment, proposer shall provide subcontractor Information on the Subcontractor Payment Report Sub 200 form which can be found at http;llwww,miamldale,govtbusinessllihrarylformslsubcontractors-payment.pdf. certify that the representations contained in this SubcontractorlSupplier listing are to the best of my knowledge true and accurst". ---7 ISMAEL PEI�ERA PRESIDENT? /1 --- 21J1A ignature bter Print Name PrintTitle Date 3of3 611n Inn f0. aMd MIAMI-DADE COUNTY BID NO.: 8809-0119 SECTION 4 BID SI,IBNIITTAL FOfM Submit Bid To: OPENING: 2:00 P.M. CLERK OF THE BOARD Wednesday Stephen P. Clark Center February 12 , 2014 111 NW 1st Street 17th Floor, Suite 202 Miami, Florida 33128-1983 MIAMI. AIDE PLEASE QUOTE PRICES F.O.B. DESTINATION, FREIGHT ALLOWED, LESS TAXES, DELIVERED IN MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA. NOTE: Miami -Dade County is exempt from all taxes (Federal, State, Local). Bid price should be less all taxes. Tax Exemption Certificate furnished upon request. Issued by: ISD/PM Date Issued: This Bid Submittal Consists of Lourdes 1/17/2014 Pages 9 through 24 and Betancourt - affidavits Sealed bids subject to the Terms and Conditions of this Invitation to Bid and the accompanying Bid Submittal. Such other contract provisions, specifications, drawings or other data as are attached or incorporated by reference in the Bid Submittal, will be received at the office of the Clerk of the Board at the address shown above until the above stated time and date, and at that time, publicly opened for furnishing the supplies or services described in the accompanying Bid Submittal Requirement. Title: Vehicle Rental Services A Bid Deposit in the amount of NIA the total amount of the bid shall accompany all bids. A Performance Bond in the amount of N/A the total amount of the bid will be required upon execution of the contract by the successful bidder and Miami -Dade County. DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE ACCEPTED _ HIGHER THAN LOW NON-RESPONSIVE NON -RESPONSIBLE DATE B,C,C. NO BID ITEM NOS, ACCEPTED COMMODITY CODE; 975-14 Procurement Contracting Officer: Lourdes Betancourt FIRM NAME C�o�n�1 6 f RETURN ONE ORIGINAL AND TWO COPIES OE BID SUBMITTAL PAGES AND AFFIDAVITS. FAILURE TO SIGN THE BID SUBMITTAL FORM IN SECTION 4 WILL RENDER YOUR BID NON-RESPONSIVE. MIAMI-DADE COUNTY BID NO.: 8809-0119 SECTION 4 BID SUBMITTAL FOR VEHICLE RENTAL SERVICES y y FIRM NAME; r7le (')'5e W011 47) Option 1� f;til I 1. SUB -COMPACT CAR (l=ord Focus, Nissan Versa, Toyota Yaris, etc.). See Section 3, Paragraph 3.7 Item Estimated Number Number of Unit Price of Vehicles Days/weeks/months for the 5 -ye r term / 1A 2 1825 days $ per day per vehicle 213 2 260 weeks per week per vehicle 1 B 2 260 weeks $ per week per vehicle 2C 1 60 months $ j64 per month per vehicle 1 C 1 60 months $ /V '% per month per vehicle 2. COMPACT CAR 2 -DOOR MODEL (Toyota Corolla, Mazda 3, Ford Focus, etc.). See Section 3, Paragraph 3.7 Item Estimated Number Number of Unit Price of Vehicles Days/weeks/months. for the 5 -year term / 2A 2 1825 days $ ! per day per vehicle 213 2 260 weeks per week per vehicle 313 2 26.0 weeks $ per week per vehicle 2C 1 60 months $ j64 per month per vehicle 3. CONVERTIBLE 2 -DOOR SEDAN MODEL (Ford Mustang, Chevrolet Camaro, Chevrolet Corvette, etc) See Section 3, Paragraph 3.7 Item Estimated Number Number of Unit Price of Vehicles Days/weeks/months for the 6 -year term J 3A 2 1825 days $ N per day per vehicle Alj`7 313 2 26.0 weeks $ per week per vehicle 3G 1 60 months $ /V per month per vehicle MIAMI-DADE COUNTY BID NO.: 8809-0119 SECTION 4 BID SUBMITTAL FOR VEHICLE RENTAL SERVICES 1 F �! bU ! FIRM NAME: L ��P( !",' � ��1r� rr� 1�� CI � '�t � L..�.G�N,� ���' l�1�� 4. COMPACT CAR 4 -DOOR MODEL (Chrysler 200, Chevy Malibu, Nissan Aft a, etc.). See Section 3, Paragraph 3.7 Item Estimated Number Number of Unit Price of Vehicles Days/weeks/months for the 5- ear terry 4A 2 1825 days $ per day per vehicle 5A 38 1825 days $ per day per vehicle 413 2 260 weeks $ per week per vehicle 4C 1 60 months $ per month per vehicle a.. MID-SIZE 2 -DOOR MODEL (Toyota Camry, Nissan Maxima, Ford Fusion, etc.). See Section 3, Paragraph 3.7 Item Estimated Number Number of Unit Price of Vehicles Dayslweeks/months for the 5- ear term A / 5A 38 1825 days $ per day per vehicle 513 38 260 weeks $ per week per vehicle 5C 32 60 months $ (V per month per vehicle 6. MID-SIZE 4 DOOR MODEL (Toyota Camry, Dodge Avenger, Ford Fusion, etc.). See Section 3, Paragraph 3.7 Item Estimated Number Number of Unit Price of Vehicles Days/weeks/months for the 5 -ye. r term 6A 38 1825 days $ JVJ,�_ per day per vehicle 6B 37 260 weeks $ A�L_ per week per vehicle 6C 37 60 months $ per month per vehicle - 11 - MIAMI-DADE COUNTY BID NO.: 8809-0/19 SECTION 4 BID SUBMITTAL, FOR VEHICLE RENTAL SERVICES t FIRM NAME: r ei�'r (`i �e 1 0 0 411),"'1517. FULL-SIZE CAR (Ford Taurus, Dodge Charger, etc.). See Section 3, Paragraph 3.7 Item Estimated Number Number of Unit Price of Vehicles Days/weeks/months for the 5 -year term 8A 6 9525 days J 7A 6 1525 days $ / y ' per day per vehicle 88 5 260 weeks $ per week per vehicle 713 5 260 weeks $ ✓u per week per vehicle 8C 5 60 months $ per month per vehicle 7C 5 60 months $ 87 per month per vehicle 8. FULL SIZE LUXURY CAR (Cadillac, Lincoln, etc.) See Section 3, Paragraph 3.7 Item Estimated Number Number of Unit Price of Vehicles bays/weeks/months for the 5 -ye r term 8A 6 9525 days $ per day per vehicle 88 5 260 weeks $ per week per vehicle 8C 5 60 months $ per month per vehicle 9. MINI -PASSENGER VAN (Seven -Passenger) Item Estimated Number Number of Unit Price of Vehicles Days/weekslmonths for the 5 -ye r term 9A 8 9 825 days $ per day per vehicle 9B 8 260 weeks $ W per week per vehicle 9C 7 60 months $ per month per vehicle -12- MIAMI-DADE COUNTY BID NO.: 8809-0/19 SECTION 4 DID SUBMITTAL FOR FIRM NAME: 10. STANDARD P VEHICLE RENTAL SERVICES r. / � 1 NGER (Twelve Passenger) a0` /-70-r,'I/a , G. L. G Item Estimated Number Number of Unit Price of Vehicles Days/weeks/months for the 5 -year term A 10A 8 1825 days $ f, per day per vehicle 1013 7 260 weeks $/ii(A per week per vehicle 10C 7 60 months $ AYP per month per vehicle 11. UTILITY VEHICLES TWO WHEEL DRIVE (Explorer, Ford Escape, Nissan Rogue, etc.) See Section 3, Paragraph 3,7 Item Estimated Number Number of Unit Price of Vehicles Days/weeks/months for the 5 -yea r term 11A 10 1825 days $ per day per vehicle 11B 10 260 weeks $ per week per vehicle 11C 8 60 months $ per month per vehicle 12, UTILITY VEHICLES FOUR WHEEL DRIVE (Explorer, Jeep Grand Cherokee, etc,) See Section 3, Paragraph 3.7 Item Estimated Number Number of Unit Price of Vehicles Days/weeks/months for the 5W earterm 12A 10 1825 days $ T� per day per vehicle 12B 10 260 weeks $ _ per week per vehicle 12C 8 60 months $ per month per vehicle - 13 - y�p opt(�� MIAMI-DADE COUNTY BID NO.: 8809-8119 SECTION 4 BID SUBMITTAL FOR VEHICLE RENTAL SERVICES �r f FIRM NAME: ':I P6 lard ti r ,if,! I� '15, �rv't3 Ieo 13. FULL SIZE UTILITY SUV VEHICLES TWO WHEEL DRIVE (Chevy Tahoe, Ford Expedition, etc.) See Section 3, Paragraph 3.7 Item Estimated Number Number of Unit Price of Vehicles I Days/weeks/months for the 5- ear terrn 15A 8 1825 days p 13A 5 1825 days $ °�/ per day per vehicle 13B 5 260 weeks $ AJA per week per vehicle 14B 5 260 weeks $ per week per vehicle 13C 5 60 months $ aV per month per vehicle 14. FULL SIZE UTILITY SUV VEHICLES FOUR WHEEL DRIVE (Chevy Tahoe, Ford Expedition, etc.) See Section 3, Paragraph 3.7 Item Estimated Number Number of Unit Price of Vehicles Days/weeks/months for the 5- ear term 15A 8 1825 days $ per day per vehicle 14A 5 1825 days $ per day per vehicle 14B 5 260 weeks $ per week per vehicle 14C 5 60 months $47 per month per vehicle 15. FULL SIZE CARGO VANS (Approximately 314 Ton Capacity) Item Estimated Number Number of Unit Price of Vehicles bays/weeks/months for the 5 -year term 15A 8 1825 days $ per day per vehicle 15B 8 260 weeks $ Dv per week per vehicle 15C 8 60 months $ Y" d 1 per monde per vehicle -14- MIAMI-DADE COUNTY BID NO.., 8809-0/19 SECTION 4 BID SUBMITTAL FOR VEHICLE RENTAL SERVICES FIRM NAME: ZeE z(fj),40601 edin wd hl; 16, MINI -CARGO VANS (Approximately 1/2 Ton Capacity) Item Estimated Number Number of Unit Price of Vehicles Days/weeks/months for the 5 -year term 17A 5 1825 days $ per day per vehicle IGA 8 1825 days $ per day per vehicle 16B 7 260 weeks $ per week per vehicle 188 25 260 weeks $ 7 per week per vehicle 16C 7 60 months $ _t PI per month per vehicle 17. STANDARD PASSENGER (Fifteen -Passenger) Item Estimated Number Number of Unit Price of Vehicles Days/weeks/months for the 5 -year term 17A 5 1825 days $ per day per vehicle 18A 25 1825 days $ per day per vehicle 17B 5 260 weeks $ per week per vehicle 188 25 260 weeks $ 7 per week per vehicle 17C 21 60 months $ per month per vehicle 18C 25 60 months $ I v per month per vehicle 17D* 70 15 months $ j� per month per vehicle *Vans for item # 17D above are rented for approximately three months every year during the summer. 18, EXTRA -CAB 1/2 TON FULL-SIZED PICK-UP TRUCKS (FORD F-150, CHEVROLET 1500, DODGE1500) See Section 3, Paragraph 3.7 Item Estimated Number Number of Unit Price of Vehicles I Days/weeks/months for the 5 -year term 18A 25 1825 days $ per day per vehicle 188 25 260 weeks $ 7 per week per vehicle 18C 25 60 months $ I v per month per vehicle -15- MIAMI-DADE COUNTY BID NO.. 8809-0119 SECTION 4 BID SUBMITTAL FOR VEHICLE RENTAL SERVICES FIRM NAME:���r /-ler'(%, L.G-G by Option 2 I4 Qwa kIl 00) 1.) Z r� 1. SUB -COMPACT CAR (Ford Focus, Nissan Versa, Toyota Y ris, e>rc.). See `Sec ion 3, Paragraph 3,7 �� �l�, c"c etc Mohr' Ar ro6h e-lehin. x - Item Estimated Number- Number of Unit Price 3A of Vehicles Days/weeks/months $� per day per vehicle 313 2 for the 5- ear term Unit Price 1A 2 1825 days $ 17_ per day per vehicle 1 B 2 260 $ !' 7per week vehicle 2C 1 weeks per 1C 1 60 months $ �M' c per month per vehicle 2, COMPACT CAR 2 -DOOR MODEL (Toyota Corolla, Mazda 3, Ford Focus, etc.). See Section 3, Paragraph 3.7 Item Estimated Number Number of Unit Price 3A of Vehicles Days/weeks/months $� per day per vehicle 313 2 for the 5 -,ear term . Unit Price 2A 2 1825 days $ 7 per day per vehicle 28 2 260 weeks $ /0r 97_ per week per vehicle 2C 1 60 months / uu t�Lr $ V.3' per month per vehicle 3. CONVERTIBLE 2 -DOOR SEDAN MODEL (Ford Mustang, Chevrolet Camaro, Chevrolet Corvette, etc.) See Section 3, Paragraph 3.7 Item Estimated Number of Vehicles Number of Days/weeks/months for the 5 -year term Unit Price 3A 2 1825 days $� per day per vehicle 313 2 260 weeks s/71.67 per week per vehicle 3C 1 60 months $ 7V" per month per vehicle -16- MIAMI-DADE COUNTY BID NO.: 88090/19 SECTION 4 Elb SUBMITTAL FOR VEHICLE RENTAL SERVICES FIRMNAME: ~f7 t�+'L���'�La hr�j9�i ornfial U 6� Z -Z 6 4. COMPACT CAR 4 -DOOM MODEL (Chrysler 200, Chevy Malibu, Nissan Altima, etc,). See Section 3, Paragraph 3.7 Item Estimated Number of Vehicles Number of Days/weeks/months for the 5 -year term Unit Price 4A 2 1825 days $ d 1,a 7 per day per vehicle 413 2 260 weeks $ rl "1 (( per week per vehicle 4C 1 60 months $13' per month per vehicle 5. MID-SIZE 2 -DOOR MODEL (Toyota Camry, Nissan Maxima, Ford Fusion, etc.). See Section 3, Paragraph 3.7 Item Estimated Number Number of of Vehicles Days/weeks/months for the 5 ear term. Unit Price 5A 38 1825 days $ per day per vehicle t�Gl 513 38 260 weeks $ per week per vehicle 5C 32 60 months Ota $ ) per month per vehicle 6. MID-SIZE 4 DOOR MODEL (Toyota Camry, Dodge Avenger, Ford Fusion, etc.). See Section 3, Paragraph 3.7 Item Estimated Number Number of of Vehicles Days/weeks/months for the 5 -year term Unit Price 6A 38 1825 days $ per day per vehicle Ih' c90 f 613 37 260 weeks $ , per week per vehicle 6C 37 60 months $'� per month per vehicle -17- MIAMI-DADE COUNTY BID NO.: 8809-0119 SECTION 4 BID SUBMITTAL FOR 1 VEHICLE RENTAL SERVICES FIRM NAME:,f�r �l'i'�r' Lt'A5r�7 (���rl�,�7� ���/�� f'�✓�1, �"� 7. FULL-SIZE CAR (Ford Taurus, Dodge Charger, etc.). See Section 3, Paragraph 3.7 Item Estimated Number Number of Unit Price 8A of Vehicles Days/weeks/months $ 2'6.73 per day per vehicle 813 5 for the 6 -year term Unit Price 7A 6 1825 days $ r a 3 per day per vehicle 713 5 260 weeks $ per week per vehicle 9C 7 60 months OD $ 7&q, per month per vehicle 7C 5 60 months $ !r� __ per month per vehicle 8. FULL SIZE LUXURY CAR (Cadillac, Lincoln, etc.) See Section 3, Paragraph 3.7 Item Estimated Number of Vehicles Number of Days/weeks/months for the 5 -ye r term Unit Price 8A 6 1825 days $ 2'6.73 per day per vehicle 813 5 260 weeks$ �� C: per week per vehicle 8C 5 60 months $ I� per month per vehicle 9. MINI -PASSENGER VAN (Seven -Passenger) Item Estimated Number Number of of Vehicles Days/weeks/months for the 5 -year term Unit Price 9A 8 1825 days $7) ��7 per day per vehicle 9E 8 260 weeks $ % •2'7 per week per vehicle 9C 7 60 months OD $ 7&q, per month per vehicle MIAMI-DADE COUNTY BID NO.: 8809-0/19 SECTION 4 BID SUBMITTAL FOR VEHICLE RENTAL SERVICES FIRM NAME; 10. STANDARD PASSENGER (Twelve -Passenger) Item Estimated Number Number of of Vehicles Days/weeks/months for the 6 -year term Unit 1 OA 8 1825 days lPrice $ per day per vehicle 116 10 260 weeks $ % per week per vehicle 1013 7 260 weeks $ f %U l r U per week per vehicle 10C 7 60 months $_ per month per vehicle 11. UTILITY VEHICLES TWO WHEEL DRIVE (Explorer, Ford Escape, Nissan Rogue, etc.) See Section 3, Paragraph 3.7 Item Estimated Number Number of of Vehicles Days/weeks/months for the 5 -year term Unit 11A 10 1825 days ))Price $ J6.03 per day per vehicle 116 10 260 weeks $ % per week per vehicle dp 11 C 8 60 months $ per month per vehicle 12. UTILITY VEHICLES FOUR WHEEL DRIVE (Explorer, Escape, Jeep Grand Cherokee, etc.) See Section 3, Paragraph 33 Item Estimated Number Number of of Vehicles Days/weeks/months for the 6 -year term Unit Price 12A 10 1825 days $ d 3 per day per vehicle 128 10 260 weeks $ 9 ,�3 per week per vehicle 12C 8 60 months $ .Q_ l per month per vehicle EM MIAMI -DACE COUNTY BID NO.: 8809-0/19 SECTION 4 BID SUBMITTAL FOR VEHICLE RENTAL SERVICES FIRM NAME: o�l�)zjC� LL G 13. FULL SIZE UTILITY SUV VEHICLES TWO WHEEL DRIVE (Chevy Tahoe, Ford Expedition, etc.) See Section 3, Paragraph 3.7 Item Estimated Number Number of of Vehicles Days/weeks/months for the 5 -year term Unit Price 13A 5 1825 days $ 7� 7 7 per day per vehicle 13B 5 260 weeks $ 3 3 7 per week per vehicle 13C 5 60 months do $I. 1 CL per month per vehicle 14. FULL SIZE UTILITY SUV VEHICLES FOUR WHEEL DRIVE (Chevy Tahoe, Ford Expedition, etc.) See Section 3, Paragraph 3.7 Item Estimated Number Number of of Vehicles Days/weeks/months for the 5- ear term Unit Price 14A 5 1825 days 0 , 7 � per day per vehicle 14B 5 260 weeks s23i-3-7 -3-7 per week per vehicle 14C 5 60 months eo $ ��, r: per month per vehicle 15. FULL SIZE CARGO VANS (Approximately 3/4 Ton Capacity) Item Estimated Number Number of of Vehicles Days/weeks/months for the 5- ear term Unit Price 15A 8 1825 days $rper day per vehicle 15B 8 260 weeks $ LJS -7 7 per week per vehicle 15C 8 60 months d� $ per month per vehicle -20. MIAMI-DADE COUNTY BID NO.: 8809-0119 SECTION 4 BID SUBMITTAL FOR VEHICLE RENTAL SERVICES FIRMNAME: �r �i/' J�'l�� 9i td �L�'/�}���/I�ti! �17� /`166 10, Z -Z --C, 16, MINI -CARGO VANS (Approximately 112 Ton Capacity) Item Estimated Number Number of Unit Price of Vehicles Days/weeks/months for the 5 -year term Unit Price _ 17A 5 1825 days $ j "f j b per day per vehicle 16A 8 1825 days $�" per day per vehicle 16B 7 260 weeks $�%� l�._ 1 7 per week per vehicle 16C 7 60 months rJ 00 $ /7 7 per month per vehicle 17. STANDARD PASSENGER (Fifteen -Passenger) Item Estimated Number Number of Unit Price of Vehicles Days/weekslmonths for the 5 -year term Unit Price _ 17A 5 1825 days $ j "f j b per day per vehicle 1813 25 260 weeks $ a. -til -til per week per vehicle 178 5 260 weeks $ ��Q per week per vehicle 17C 21 60 months CD $ 0 per month per vehicle 17D* 70 15 months $ 7�2 per month per vehicle *Vans for item # 17D above are rented for approximately three months every year during the summer, 18. EXTRA -CAB 1/2 TON FULL-SIZED PICK-UP TRUCKS (FORD F-150, CHEVROLET 1500, DODGE1500) See Section 3, Paragraph 3.7 Item Estimated Number Number of of Vehicles Days/weeks/months for the 5- ear term Unit Price 18A 25 1825 days $ per day per vehicle 1813 25 260 weeks $ a. -til -til per week per vehicle f 40 18C 25 60 months $:Zs per month per vehicle -21 MIAMI-DADR COUNTY SECTION 4 BID SUBMITTAL FOR: Vehicle Rental Services ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF ADDENDA BID NO,: 8809-0119 INSTRUCTIONS: COMPLETE PART I OR PART II, WHICHEVER APPLIES FART I: LIST BELOW THE DATES OF ISSUE FOR EACH ADDENDUM RECEIVED IN CONNECTION WITH THIS BID Addendum #1, Dated C L\1 �l r' Addendum#2, Dated!! t? rtjo�cfonl Addendum #3, Dated Y'6� DART II: Addendum #4, Dated Addendum #5, Dated Addendum #6, Bated Addendum #7, Dated Addendum #8, Dated © NO ADDENDUM WAS RECEIVED IN CONNECTION WITH THIS BID FIRM NAME: AUTHORIZE[ TITLE OF OF -22- MIAMI-DADE COUNTY BID NO.: 8809-4/19 MM :1 BID SUBL41TTAL FORM Bid Title: Vehicle Rental Services By signing this Did Submittal Form the Bidder certifies that it satisfies all legal requirements (as an entity) to do business with the County, Including all Conflict of Interest and Coda of Ethics provisions in Section 2.11 of the Miami -Dade County Code, Any County employee or member of his or her immediate family seeking to contract with the County shall seek a conflict of interest opinion from the Miami -Dade County Ethics Commission prior to submittal of a Bid response or application of any type to contract with the County by the employee or his or her Immediate family and file a copy of that request for opinion and any opinion or waiver from the Board of County Commissioners with the Clerk of the Board. The affected employee shall file with the Clerk of the Board a statement in a form satisfactory to the Clerk disclosing the employee's interest or the interest of his or her immediate family in the proposed contract and the nature of the intended contract at the same time as or before submitting a Bid, response, or application of any type to contract with the County. Also a copy of the request for a conflict of interest opinion from the Ethics Commission and any corresponding opinion, or any waiver issued by the Board of County Commissioners, must be submitted with the response to the solicitation. In accordance with Sec. 2-11.1(s) of the County Code as amended, prior to conducting any lobbying regarding this solicitation, the Bidder Failure to file the appropriate form in relation to each solicitation may be considered as evidence that the Bidder is not a responsible contractor. The Bidder confirms that this Bid is made without prior understanding, agreement, or connection with any corporation, firm, or person submitting a Bid for the same goods and/or services and in all respects is without collusion, and that the Bidder will accept any resultant award, Further, the undersigned acknowledges that award of a contract is contingent upon vendor registration. Failure to register as a vendorwithin the specified time may result in yourfirm not being considered for award. Pursuant to Miami -Dade County Ordinance 94-34, any individual, corporation, partnership, joint venture or other legal entity having an officer, director, or executive who has been convicted of a felony during the past ten (10) years shall disclose this information at the time of bid or proposal submission. ❑ Place a check mark here ani if bidder has such conviction to disclose. By executing this proposal through a duly authorized representative, the proposer certifies that the proposer is not on the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in Sudan List or the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in the Iran Petroleum Energy Sector List, as those terms are used and defined in sections 287.135 and 215,473 of the Florida Statutes, In the event that the proposer is unable to provide such certification but still seeks to be considered for award of this solicitation, the proposer shall execute the proposal through a duly authorized representative and shall also initial this space: , in such event, the proposer shall furnish together with its proposal a duly executed written explanation of the facts supporting any exception to the requirement for certification that it claims under Section 287.135 of the Florida Statutes, The proposer agrees to cooperate fully with the County in any investigation undertaken by the County to determine whether the claimed exception would be applicable, The County shall have the right to terminate any contract resulting from this solicitation for default if the proposer is found to have submitted a false certification or to have been placed on the Scrutinized Companies for Activities in Sudan List or the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in the Iran Petroleum Energy Sector List. LOCAL PREFERENCE CERTIFICATION: For the purpose of this certification, a "local business" is a business located within the limits of Miami -Dade County (or Broward County in accordance with the Interlocal Agreement between the two counties) that conforms with the provisions of Section 1.10 of the General Terms and Conditions of this solicitation and contributes to the economic development of the Ee in a verifiable and measurable way. This may include, but not be limited to, the retention and expansion of employment s and the support and increase to the County's tax base a check mark here only if affirming bidder meets requirements for Local Preference. Failure to complete this certification at this time (by checking the box above) may render the vendor ineligible for Local Preference. LOCALLY -HEADQUARTERED BUSINESS CERTIFICATION: For the purpose of this certification, a "locally -headquartered business" is a Local Business whose "principal place of business" is in Miami -Dade County, as defined in Section 1.10 of the General Terms and Cond" ns of this solicitation. Place a check mark here only if affirming bidder meets requirements for the Locally -Headquartered Preference (LHP), Failure to complete this certification at this time (by checking the box above) gay render the vendor ineligible for the LHP, The address of the locally -headquartered office is �% � x � �. 4,V 11-14; '7, -23- Revised 11/6/12 Version 12 MIAMI -DADS COUNTY DID NO.: 8809-0/19 MIAMH AbE MM BID SUBMITTAL FORM LOCAL CERTIFIED SERVICE -DISABLED VETERAN BUSINESS ENTERPRISE CERTIFICATION: A Local Certified Service -Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise IS a firm that is (a) a local business pursuant to Section 2.8.5 of the Code of Miami -Dade County and (b) prior to bid submission is certified by the State of Florida Department of Management Services as a service -disabled veteran business enterprise pursuant to Section 295.187 of the Florida Statutes. 71 Place a check mark here only If affirming bidder is a Local Certified Service -Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise. A copy of the certification must be submitted with this proposal. COUNTY USER ACCESS PROGRAM (UAP); Joint purchase and entity revenue sharing program For the County's Information, the bidder is requested to indicate, at'A' and 'B' below, its general interest In participating in the Joint Purchase Program of the County User Access Program (UAP) described in Section 1.35 of this contract solicitation, If that section is present in this solicitation document. Bidder participation in the Joint Purchase portion of the UAP is vol. untary, and the bidder's expression of general interest at 'A' and 'B' below is for the County's information only and shall not be binding on the bidder. If awarded this County contract, would you be interest in participating in the Joint Purchase portion of the UAP with respect to other governmental, quasi -governmental or n/or, rofit entities located within the geographical boundaries of Miami -Dade County? Yes No If awarded this County contract, would you be interested In participating in the Joint Purchase portion of the UAP with respect to other governmental, quasi -governmental or not-for-profit entities located outside the geographical boundaries of Miami -Dade County? Yes exL No Firm Name; Street Addre Mailing Address (iii differenjt) >�r»7dr Telephone No, (�� / 10 a f Email Address: � tl z ai Prompt Payment Ter ; 4—% _ E7gaysnot 30 days (Please see paragraph 1.2 H of General Terms and Conditions) Fax No.. 7 `>�/y FEIN No,� -1 / 6 / q1�1 Signature: 64��-�---� (Signature of authorized agent) *"By signing i is ocumentthe b drier on agr a a!! Terms and Cdition/s� ofthis Solicitation and the resulting Contract." Print Name; 4-1' 1P_ 607, AM 0i? Title: l7rr'/�r� THE EXECUTION OF THIS FORM CONSTITUTES THE UNEQUIVOCAL OFFER OF PROPOSER TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF ITS PROPOSAL, FAILURE TO SIGN THIS SOLICITATION WHERE INDICATED ABOVE BY AN AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE SHALL RENDER THE PROPOSAL NON-RESPONSIVE. THE COUNTY MAY, HOWEVER, IN ITS SOLE DISCRETION, ACCEPT ANY PROPOSAL THAT INCLUDES AN EXECUTED DOCUMENT WHICH UNEQUIVOCALLY BINDS THE PROPOSER TO THE TERMS OF ITS OFFER, - 24 - Revised 1116112 Version 12 u# � *�� �: . MIAMI -DADS COUNTY Mlaml-bade County lAMbt M Internal Services Department ' Procurement Management DIV)sion Affirmation of Vendor Affldgvifs DID NO.: 8809-0/19 In accordance with Ordinance 07-143 amending Section 2.8.1 of the Code of Miami -Dade County, effective June 1, 2005, vendors are required to complete a now Vendor Registration Package, Including a Uniform Affidavit Packef (Vendor Affidavits Form), before being awarded a new contract. The undersigned affirms that the Vendor Affidavits Form submitted'With the Vendor Registration Package Is current, compf to and accurate for each affidavit listed below, o 11q j1 �} Federal Employer Contract No.: ;j. J D 7 % Idenflficotlon Numbs (FEIN): Contract Title: ' j ���,�/f �)t'�14/�`ltfl�/r� S' Affidavits and Leglsidtlon/ Governing Body i. Printe rrd Name of Affiant Prinfed Title ofAfflant �'✓J�7rpe'tf'kr 205)fr75 /--P,��'r/,l/T. zz-L. Address of Firm State 1V61a1y Public information ., / !L S' bn lure of Affl�nt% —7-7-r/ Date 'I& Zip Code Notary Public -State of �kb L0 � County of I )') M i " b �� , Subscribed and sworn to for affirmed) before me this day of, nown tome i�-_or has produced idenflltcatlon Serial Number Notary public Seat Page 1 of $ Revised 1/12/12 Miami -Dade County Ownershlp Dlsctasure 8: Miami -Dade County Vendor Obligation to County Sec. 2-8,1 of the County Code Section 2.8 1 of the County Code 2, Miami -Dade County Employment Disclosure Miami -Dade County Code of Business Ethics Counly Ordinance No, 90-133,amend/ng Section 2;8-1id)i2) of ArtfC)e 1, Section 2.8.ff)) and 2.1t(h)(1) of the County Code through (61 the County Code and (4) of the County Code and County Ordinance No 00.1 amending Section 2-1I.1(c) of the County Code .9• Miamt-Dade County Employment Drug-free $• Miami -Dade County Family Leave Workplace Certification Arficle V of Chapter 1 I of the County Code Section 2-8,1,2(b) f the County Code a, Miami -Dade County Disability Non-D)scriminatlon A Mlaml-Dade County Vying Wage Article 1, Section 2.8,1.5 Resclullon R 182.06 amending Section 2.8.9 of the County Code R-385-95 5 Mlarrrl-Dade County'Debarment Disclosure 10• Miaml-Dade County Domestic Leave and Reporting Section 10.36 of the County Code 1 Article 8, Section I IA -60 i 1A-67 of the County Code 44 Printe rrd Name of Affiant Prinfed Title ofAfflant �'✓J�7rpe'tf'kr 205)fr75 /--P,��'r/,l/T. zz-L. Address of Firm State 1V61a1y Public information ., / !L S' bn lure of Affl�nt% —7-7-r/ Date 'I& Zip Code Notary Public -State of �kb L0 � County of I )') M i " b �� , Subscribed and sworn to for affirmed) before me this day of, nown tome i�-_or has produced idenflltcatlon Serial Number Notary public Seat Page 1 of $ Revised 1/12/12 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY BID NO.: 8809-0119 FAIR SUBCONTRACTING PRACTICES (Ordinance 97-35) In compliance with Miami -Dade County Ordinance 97-35, the Bidder shall submit with the bid proposal a detailed statement of its policies and procedures (use separate sheet if necessary) for awarding 3ubcontraetors inance with Section 1, Paragraph 1,15 A ac ord NO SU -RAC 8 WILL BE UTILIZED FOR T/kII CONTRACT Sionsture —��"" Date' Page 2 of 3 Revised 2/11/11 MIAMI -DACE COUNTY SUBCONTRACTOR/SUPPLIER LISTING (Miami -Dade County Code Sections 2.8,1, 2.8.8 and 10.34) 8809-0119 ac —Name of Proposer, ���h �{'�5rrGq `��''C}1]/ G' EI 6% �166Z/-f;6 In accordance with Sections 2-81, 2-8,8 and 10.34 of the Miami -Dade County Code, this form must be submitted as a condition of award by all Proposers on County contracts for purchase of supplies, materials or services, including professional services which involve expenditures of $100,000 or more, and all Proposers on County or Public Health Trust construction contracts which Involve expenditures of $100,000 or more, The Proposers who is awarded this contract shall not change or substitute first tier subcontractors or direct suppliers or the portions of the contract work to be performed or materials to be supplied from those identified, except upon written approval of the County. The Proposers should enter the word "NONE" under the appropriate heading of this form if no subcontractors or suppliers will be used on the contract and sign the form below. In accordance with Ordinance No, 11.90, an entity contracting with the County shall report the race, gender and ethnic origin of the owners and employees of all first tier subcontractors/suppliers In the event that the recommended Proposer demonstrates to the County prior to award thatthe race, Gender and ethnic information is not reasonably available at that time, the Proposer shall be obligated to exercise diligent efforts to obtain that information and provide the same to the County not later than ten f 10) days after it becomes available and, in any event, prior to final payment under the contract, Please duplicate this form if additional space is needed. Principal Owner Employees) (Enter the number of male and female owners by (Enter the number of male and racelothnlolty) female employees and the number of employees by racelethhlci Gender RacelEthnicity Gender RacelEthnlclty Business Name and Address Scope of Work to of First Tier Subcontractor! principal be Performed by Subconsultant Owner Subcontractor! Subconsultant M Fs M F m a ro ¢ o in A2 O Principal Owner (Enter the number of male and femate owners by Employee(s) eempe nY mbar of mala and racelefhnicity) fematale em to ees and the number rn of employees b racolethnici Gender RacefEthniclty Gender RacelEthnic€ty SupplieslMaterlaf Business Name and Address Principal slServices to be of First Tier Direct Supplier Owner Provided by Su lien pp M F� c c " Q 3 ��" M F ,� u i � E � a s 3' m s � H z o m s s o z z� Mark here If race, gender and ethnicity information is not available and will be provided at a later date. This data may be submitted to contracting department or 4n -line to the Small Business Development of the Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources at htfp;llwww.m lam idade,govlbuslnesslbuslness- develop ment-contracts.asp. As a condition of final payment, Proposer shall provide subcontractor information on the Subcontractor Payment Report Sub 200 form which can be found at http:llwww,mlamidade.govibusiness/library/forms/subcontractors-payment,odf. I certify thqt the representations contained in this Subcontractor/Supplier listing are to the best of my knowledge true and accurate,. &"aA/ � �Tt�rfl/���(I /'J ._ of Signature Proposer g p � Print Name Print Title Date 3of3 SUB 100 Rev. 6112