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Ofe. of Asst. Secy., Comm. Planning, Develop., HUD
(10) Judicial review. The respondent
may seek judicial review of HUD's de-
cision pursuant to section 111(c) of the
[74 FR 4636, Jan, 26, 2009]
§ 570.497 Condition of State election to
administer State CDBG Program.
Pursuant to section 106(d)(2)(A)(i) of
the Act, a State has the right to elect,
in such manner and at such time as the
Secretary may prescribe, to administer
funds allocated under subpart A of this
part for use in nonentitlement areas of
the State. After January 26, 1995, any
State which elects to administer the
allocation of CDBG funds for use in
nonentitlement areas of the State in
any year must, in addition to all other
requirements of this subpart, submit a
pledge by the State in accordance with
section 108(d)(2) of the Act, and in a
form acceptable to HUD, of any future
CDBG grants it may receive under sub-
part A and this subpart. Such pledge
shall be for the purpose of assuring re-
payment of any debt obligations (as de-
fined in §570.701), in accordance with
their terms, that HUD may have guar-
anteed in the respective State on be-
half of any nonentitlement public enti-
ty (as defined in §570.701) or its des-
ignated public agency prior to the
State's election.
[59 FR 66604, Dec. 27, 1994]
Subpart J®Grant Administration
SouRcR: 53 FR 8058, Mar, 11, 1988, unless
otherwise noted.
§ 570.500 Definitions.
For the purposes of this subpart, the
following terms shall apply:
(a) Prograin incoine means gross in-
come received by the recipient or a
subrecipient directly generated from
the use of CDBG funds, except as pro-
vided in paragraph (a)(4) of this sec-
(1) Program income includes, but is
not limited to, the following:
(i) Proceeds from the disposition by
sale or long-term lease of real property
purchased or improved with CDBG
(ii) Proceeds from the disposition of
equipment purchased with CDBG funds;
§ 570.500
(iii) Gross income from the use or
rental of real or personal property ac-
quired by the recipient or by a sub -
recipient with CDBG funds, less costs
incidental to generation of the income;
(iv) Gross income from the use or
rental of real property, owned by the
recipient or by a subrecipient, that was
constructed or improved with CDBG
funds, less costs incidental to genera-
tion of the income;
(v) Payments of principal and inter-
est on loans made using CDBG funds,
except as provided in paragraph (a)(3)
of this section;
(vi) Proceeds from the sale of loans
made with CDBG funds;
(vii) Proceeds from sale of obliga-
tions secured by loans made with
CDBG funds;
(viii) [Reserved]
(ix) Interest earned on program in-
come pending its disposition; and
(x) Funds collected through special
assessments made against properties
owned and occupied by households not
of low and moderate income, where the
assessments are used to recover all or
part of the CDBG portion, of a public
(2) Program income does not include
income earned (except for interest de-
scribed in §570.513) on grant advances
from the U.S. Treasury. The following
items of income earned on grant ad-
vances must be remitted to HUD for
transmittal to the U,S. Treasury, and
will not be reallocated under section
106(c) or (d) of the Act;
'(i) Interest earned from the invest-
ment of the initial proceeds of a grant
advance by the U.S. Treasury;
(ii) Interest earned on loans or other
forms of assistance provided with
CDBG funds that are used for activities
determined by HUD either to be ineli-
gible or to fail to meet a national ob-
jective in accordance with the require-
ments of subpart C of this part, or that
fail substantially to meet any other re-
quirement of this part; and
(iii) Interest earned on the invest-
ment of amounts reimbursed to the
CDBG program account prior to the
use of the reimbursed funds for eligible
(3) The calculation of the amount of
program income for the recipient's
§ 570.500
CDBG program as a whole (i.e., com-
prising activities carried out by a
grantee and its subrecipients) shall ex-
clude payments made by subrecipients
of principal and/or interest on CDBG-
funded loans received from grantees if
such payments are made using program
income received by the subrecipient.
(By making such payments, the sub -
recipient shall be deemed to have
transferred program income to the
grantee,) The amount of program in-
come derived from this calculation
shall be used for reporting purposes, for
purposes of applying the requirement
under §570.504(b)(2)(iii), and in deter-
mining limitations on planning and ad-
ministration and public services activi-
ties to be paid for with CDBG funds.
(4) Program income does not include:
(i) Any income received in a single
program year by the recipient and all
its subrecipients if the total amount of
such income does not exceed $25,000;
(ii) Amounts generated by activities
that are financed by a loan guaranteed
udder section 108 of the Act and meet
one or more of the public benefit cri-
teria specified at §570.209(b)(2)(v) or are
carried out in conjunction with a giant
under section 108(q) in an area deter-
mined by HUD to meet the eligibility
requirements for designation as an
Urban Empowerment Zone pursuant to
24 CFR hart 597, subpart B. Such exclu-
sion shall not apply if CDBG funds are
used to repay the guaranteed loam.
When such'a guaranteed loan is par-
tially repaid with CDBG funds, the
amount generated shall be prorated to
reflect the percentage of CDBG funds
used. Amounts generated by activities
financed with loans guaranteed udder
section 108 which are not defined as
program income shall be treated as
miscellaneous revenue and shall not be
subject to any of the requirements of
this part, except that the use of such
funds shall be limited to activities that
are located in a revitalization strategy
area and implement a HUD approved
area revitalization strategy pursuant
to §91.215(e) of this title, However, such
treatment shall not affect the right of
the Secretary to require the section 108
borrower to pledge such amounts as se-
curity for the guaranteed loan. The de-
termination whether such amounts
24 CFR Ch. V (4-1-12 Edition)
shall constitute program income shall
be governed by the provisions of the
contract required at § 570.705(b)(1).
(5) Examples of other receipts that
are not considered program income are
proceeds from fund raising activities
carried out by subrecipients receiving
CDBG assistance (the costs of fund-
raising are generally unallowable
under the applicable OMB circulars ref-
erenced in 24 CFR 84.27), funds col-
lected through special assessments
used to recover the lion-CDBG portion
of a public improvement, and proceeds
from the disposition of real property
acquired or improved with CDBG funds
when the disposition'` occurs after the
applicable time period specified in
§570.503(b)(8) for subrecipient-con-
trolled property, or in §570.505 for re-
cipient -controlled property.
(b) Revolving ,fund means a separate
fund (with a set of accounts that are
independent of other program ac-
counts) established for the purpose of
carrying out specific activities which,
in turn, generate payments to the fund
for use in carrying out the same activi-
ties. Each revolving loan fund's cash
balance must be held in an interest-
bearing account, and any interest paid
on CDBG funds held in this account
shall be considered interest earned on
grant advances and must be remitted
to HUD for ti°ansmittal to the U.S.
Treasury no less frequently than annu-
ally. (Interest paid by borrowers on eli-
gible loans made from the revolving
loan fund shall be program income and.
treated accordingly.)
(c) S1ul)' t means a public or pri-
vaterinonp,°ofit agency, authority, or
organizat!o.n or a for-profit entity au-
thorized under §570.201(o), receiving
CDBG funds from the recipient or an-
other subrecipient to undertake activi-
ties eligible for such assistance under
subpart C of this Bart. The term ex-
cludes an entity receiving CDBG funds
from the recipient under the authority
of §570.204, unless the grantee explic-
itly designates it as a subrecipient. The
term ` includes a public agency des-
ignated by a unit of general local gov-
ernment to receive a loan guarantee
under subpart M of this part, but does
Ofc. of Asst. Secy., Comm. Planning, Develop., HUD
not include contractors providing sup-
plies, equipment, construction, or serv-
ices subject to the procurement re-
quirements in 24 CFR 85.36 or 84.40, as
[53 FR 8058, Mar. 11, 1988, as amended at 57
FR 27120, June 17, 1992; 60 FR 1952, Jan, 5,
1995; 60 FR 17445, Apr; 6, 1995; 60 FR 56914,
Nov. 9, 1995]
§ 570.501 Responsibility for grant ad-
(a) One or more public agencies, in-
cluding existing local public agencies,
may be designated by the chief execu-
tive officer of the recipient to under-
take activities assisted by this part. A
public agency so designated shall be
subject to the same requirements as
are applicable to subrecipients.
(b) The recipient is responsible for
ensuring that CDBG funds are used in
accordance with all program require-
ments. The use of designated public
agencies, subrecipients, or contractors
does not relieve the recipient of this re-
sponsibility. The recipient is also re-
sponsible for determining the adequacy
of performance under subrecipient
agreements and procurement con-
tracts, and for taking appropriate ac-
tion when performance problems arise,
such as the actions described in
§570.910, Where a unit of general local
government is participating with, or as
part of, an urban county, or as part of
a metropolitan city, the recipient is re-
sponsible for applying to the unit of
general local government the same re-
quirements as are applicable to sub -
recipients, except that the five-year pe-
riod identified under §570.503(b)(8)(i)
shall begin with the date that the unit
of general local government is no
longer considered by HUD to be a part
of the metropolitan city or urban coun-
ty, as applicable, instead of the date
that the subrecipient agreement ex-
[53 FR 8058, Mar. 11, 1988, as amended at 57
FR 27120, June 17, 1992]
§570.502 Applicability of uniform ad-
ministrative requirements.
(a) Recipients and subrecipients that
are governmental entities (including
public agencies) shall comply with the
requirements and standards of OMB
Circular No. A-87, "Cost Principles for
§ 570.502
State, Local, and Indian Tribal Govern-
ments"; OMB Circular A-128, "Audits
of State and Local Governments" (im-
plemented at 24 CFR part 44); and with
the following sections of 24 CFR part 85
"Uniform Administrative Require-
ments for Grants and Cooperative
Agreements to State and Local Gov-
ernments" or the related CDBG provi-
sion, as specified in this paragraph;
(1) Section 85.3, "Definitions";
(2) Section 85.6, "Exceptions";
(3) Section 85.12, "Special grant or
subgrant conditions for `high-risk'
(4) Section 85.20, "Standards for fi-
nancial management systems," except
paragraph (a);
(5) Section 85,21, "Payment," except
as modified by § 570.513;
(6) Section 85.22, "Allowable costs
(7) Section 85.26„ "Non-federal au-
(8) Section 85.32, "Equipment," ex-
cept in all cases in which the equip-
ment is sold, the proceeds shall be pro-
gram income;
(9) Section 85.33, "Supplies";
(10) Section 85.34, "Copyrights";
(11) Section 85.35, "Subawards to
debarred and suspended parties";
(12) Section 85.36, "Procurement," ex-
cept paragraph (a);
(13) Section 85.37, "Subgrants";
(14) Section 85.40, "Monitoring and
reporting program performance," ex-
cept paragraphs (b) through (d) and
paragraph (f);
(15) Section 85.41, "Financial report-
ing," except paragraphs (a), (b), and (e);
(16) Section 85.42, "Retention and ac-
cess requirements for records," except
that the period shall be four years;
(17) Section 85.43, "Enforcement";
(18) :Section 85.44, "Termination for
(19) Section 85.51 "Later disallow-
ances and adjustments" and
(20) Section 85.52, "Collection of
amounts due."
(b) Subrecipients, except subrecipi-
ents that are governmental entities,
shall comply with the requirements
and standards of OMB Circular No. A-
122, "Cost Principles for Non-profit Or-
ganizations," or OMB Circular No. A-
21, "Cost Principles for Educational In-
stitutions," as applicable, and OMB
Circular A-133, "Audits of Institutions