HomeMy WebLinkAboutBack-Up - Budget DetailAPPROVED: Coconut Grove Business Improvement District Oneratin2 Budget FY'16
Income: '
:Approved 2015 Budget
Protected Totals Oct 1
Approved 2016 Budget
Variance/ Comments
.: 1 - `
.1.2014 to Sept 30.2015.
At the conclusion of FY'15 the BID is peeledto be.$64,789over budgeted forecasts due to due to resolutions with (4) deficiency sites which include 3121. Commodore, 3462 Main Highway, 3324 Virginia St, 3433-3437 Main Highway. In July 15' wavers are
Parking Waivers
$ 319,534
$ --:'384,323
$ 360,000
scheduled to increase NET 42 spaces for 2895 McFarlane & Fammeffs increasing from (13) to (32) waiver spaces approximately$22,680 increase. FY'16- Increase of forecast vs. F)r15 totals are due to new applicants & pending; as of June 2015 there are
(533) total waivers in circulation thatwill increase to (575) in July 2015. Towle verdict is also outstanding.
*" Parking Surcharge -Restricted Uses
$ 270 000
$ Y65,562
$ 270,000
At the conclusion of FY'15 the BID forecasted totals wi] be under by about $4;438. Due to the restricted nature of the Parking Surcharge Revenue, only the following expenses will be funded with the proceeds from this income surcharge revenue: FY'16: Way
sign replacement ($30K), South Bayshore Drive Medians ($50k), Flower Baskets (S63K), ($1 K) Tour Bus Drop -Off Zone Enhancements totaling 5744,000. The remaining S126K will be credited towards the FPL utility pole burial project on McFarlane Road
and Grand Avenue.
Special Events Supplemental Fees
$ 43,000
$ -.29,825
$ 35,000.
At the conclusion of FY'15 the BID is expected to be $13,175 underforecasted totals due to the fact that there was a total of 6 special events that qualified for supplemental fees, 4th of July does not count towards BID supplemental fees since we took over the
event For FY'16 the BID is forecasting $8,000 less due to yearend totals in FY'15
Sidewalk Cafe fees
$ 49,444
$ 51,297
At the conclusion of FY'15 the BID is expected to generate $1,853 in positive variance versus forecasted totals. In FY'16 the BID is expected to generate $45,788 for FY'2016. Decreased forecasted total between the proposed and. the current fiscal year (FY'l5)
$ 45,788
is because this current year includes outstanding payments from Siam Oishi, Mr. Moe's & Dolce Vita, There was. also 2 restaurants Sidewalk Cafes that paid theirentire yearly fees during FY'15 (Shoda in the Grove & Sparlico). Currently 4,332 sq. R of sidewalk
cafe space being used.
Banner -Fees
$ 8,000
$ - 7,733.
$ 8,000
At the conclusion of FY'15 the BID is expected to be $267 under budget The total budget for FY16 is based on the number ofBannerfees expected with the new fees as per banner ordinance amended in June 2014.
At the conclusion ofFY'15 the BID is expected to be 522,326 belowforecasted totals primarily due to the fact that two folios were cancelled on South Bayshore Drive and 27th Avenue totaling ($9,075.96) and (S22,805.46) respectively and never paid the Special
BID Assessments
$ 519,270
$ .496,944.
$ 516,721
Assessments oreven Property taxes for that matter. The BID is expected to generate $516,721 for FY'2016. The increase between the proposed and the cumentfiscal year (FY'15) is because this current year includes a folio rate increase. FY'16 calculations:
Early payment discount at 3% of the projected 66% of the total amount 3% penalty for late payments of the remaining total amount (34%). It also includes 1% processing. fee.
Other Income
$ 1,000
$,'. 1,000
$ 1,000
Miscellaneous income, refunds received throughout the year& insurance reimbursements received annually. BID receives GMCVB reimbursement foryeady dues every year.
Investment income
$ 200,000
$ _242,447
$ 200,000
The expected investment income is based on historical performance of the account
Collections Deferred
$ 1,000
$ `. 1,000'
$ 1;000
There are currently ($28,967) in outstanding deferred Coconut Grove Business Improvement District assessment dues from 2009 to 2014. The assessment detail consists of the following:- FY'09 ($2,507), FY'10 (S6,01 7), FY'13 (51,173) FY'14 ($693), and FY'15
Cocts on from BID Fund for Capital
$ -:
$ 705,000
In June 2015 the BID Board approved burial of FPL ully project totaling $865K In July 2015 the Capital Committee approved $1,003,000 in expenditures for FY'16, thus $705,000 will be drawn from the BID fund in omerto cover the public right of way
improvements on McFarlane & Grand Ave with FPL for burial of utility poles.
Total Income:
$ 1,411,248
$ 1,480,131.
$ 2,142,509
Approved 2015 Budget
Projected Totals Oct 1
Approved 2016 Budget
Variance/ Comments
.2014 to Sent 30.2015
$ 161,350
$ 165,824
$ 153,000
At the conclusion of FY'15 line item will be over budget $4,474 primarily due to median plantings on Bayshore & McFarlane Road in May 2015 along 8 median islands. FY'15 Streetscape line items for FY'i6 include maintenance costs associated with the flower
basket and South Bay shore median maintenance projects similar to FY'15. In FYI there will be a proposed tree trimming project for the 330 total trees that are located within the District
$ 207,000
$ 207,757
$ 209,000
At the conclusion of FY'15 the expense were over budget $757. FY'16 totals will reflect FY'15 security totals, as per professional services agreement with Block by Block that calls for 132 hours of security coverage, on a weekly basis, Wednesday through
Sunday as per the conclusion of RF? #14601. In addition,: 2,080 Nous of off-duty police officer coverage are included in FY'16 budget, similar to FY'15. Total of 6 safety team personnel patrol the Districton footand bicycle throughout the District
$ 116,000
$ 118,223
$ 118,000
At the conclusion of FY'15 the BID will be over budget $2,223 primarily due to additional assistance requested for 4th of July, Holiday Season and other pertinent special events within the District FY'16 totals will reflect similar sanitation services as FY'15, as per
professional services agreementwith Block by Block that calls for 114 of cleaning hours on a weekly basis Wednesday through Sunday. Total of 5 sanitation employees patrol the District as per professional services agreement-
SpecialEvents & BID Events
$ 65,570
$ 1, 66,922
$ 59;458
At the conclusion of FY'15 the BID will be $1,352 over tiudgeL BID pad out $22,120 to special events enrolled in grant program and 514,458 scheduled for PrIft, as peri-yearagreement with the BID. The BID will be responsible forfacilfta0ng the FAM monthly
music series, Sail the Grove & 41h of duly Celebrabon at Peacock Park in FY'16, same as FY'15. Please note that in FY'l5 the BID did not receive any special event funding from DII (-S5,500) like previous years.
Marketing & Advertising
$ 203,300
$ .198,773
$ 209,600
At the conclusion of FY'15 the BID is scheduled to be under budget $4,527. In FY'l6 the BID looks to continue the successful marketing ini0atives for the community that consist of free year-round yoga every Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday at Peacock Park,
in addition to 27 free historic bicycle & walking tours. Please note that BID's Farmer's Market was cancelled due to Miami Dade County's purchase of Playhouse.
Capital. Projects
$ 160,000
$ 148,980
$ 1,003,000
At conclusion of FY'l5 the BID will be $11,020 under budget forecasted totals due to the non -expansion of the 2nd antenna for the CCN network because of host site concerns. This year we approved Commodore street furniture, (5) bicycle racks, bicycle repair
station. In FY'16 the Capital Committee is requesting $893k more than FY'15 in facilitate improvements
order to like Grove way -finding system improvements via RFP ($30K). The 3m expansion of the CCN security project (550k), shutter removal grant program
(S40K), and. FPL utility burial project ($8651).
General & Administrative
$ 383,040
$ : 383,306
$ 390,100
At the conclusion of FY'15 expenses are forecasted to be in line with approved budget totals under budget $266. FY'16 there is an increase requested of $2,500 for licensing and dues associated with officeopemffons in addition to a 3% increase amongst all
staff that would total $4,560 amongst all employees.
Contribution to Restricted Parking
Surcharge Fund
$ 111,000
$ _ 111,000
In FY'15 there are $111,000 restricted surcharge funds to be returned into. the fund since a matching expense is not expected by the conclusion of this year. For FY'16 there are no surcharge contdbuffons planned because the FPL Util
ity project qualifies as an
allowable use for the excess $126K that will be allocated towards the FPL allyburial project on Grand Avenue and McFarlane.
Total Expenses:
$ 1,407,260
$ 1,400,785
$ 2,142,158
Net Operating Income wlout Surcharge 1
$ 3,988
$ _'. ; 79,346
$ 351
The N01 forecasted at the conclusion of FY'15 is expected to be $79,346. In FY'16 projected Net Operating Income is estimated a[ $354, afterthe Fund contribution of 5705,000 is attributed to the BID's income stream in FY'16 to coverforthe FPL public fight of
way utility projectwhich is estimated at $865,000.
Total Contributfontothe BlD Fund fN0l+p
$ 114,988
$ 190,346
$ 351
Atthe cenclusion of FY'15 the BID is expected tobring about$190,000 back into the reserves, which currently make up $111,000 in restricted surcharge funds and $7S,346 in NOL Due to the factthatthe allowable usequaifies, for FY'16 the excess restricted
surcharge funds consisting of $126,000 will be allocated towards the$865KFPL utility burial project thus allowing the BID to draw less from the fund in FY'i6. At the conclusion of PY'ISthere, should be a total of5351 piNet Opemfing. Income back into the
Coconut Grope Business Improvement District Streets pe Setv & Sanitation Budget FY'16
t ------------
Totals -- 201-0t
Avvroved 20156 d t - Avvroved 2016 Butlaet
Sevt 30. 2015 - V aneel Comments
Graffifi Removal
500 500 $ 500 FY'15 purchase of graffiti safe wipes for graffiti removal on sensitive surface areas (city/ county signage, glass, and walls) in order to avoid painting -over issues in th
Kiosk Maintenance
South Bayshore Drive Medians
-. Maintenance
Tree Fertilization & Trimming (Whitefly
Landscaping (Mulching & Weeding)
Flower Baskets; Post Office, Planters
(Yearly Maintenance & IPM)
Seasonal Events/ Flags
Tour Bus Drop -Off Zone
Curb Cleaning/ Roadway
132 Total Weekly Hours - Security
Off -Duty Police Officers
CCN Maintenance +Utilities
114 Total Weekly Hours - Sanitation
$ $
$ 350 $ 589 $ 500 In FY'15 the Coconut Grove BID is expected to be over budget $89.00 primarily due to anew air conditioner that needed to be installed within Grand Ave kiosk in the summer. The BID is requesting the same total
as M5 in light of year and totals.
$ 45;000 $ 50,000
In FY'16 the expected total expenditures for both maintenance and plantings of South Bayshore islands should total $52,747 which is $7,747 over budget due to a mass planting totaling $27,163 which encompassed
$ 36,097 (6) median islands on South Bayshore Drive and McFarlane Road. In FY'16 the BID in requesting increase in budget $5,000, now totaling $50K annual budget similar to previous years.
$ 16,650 At the conclusion of FY'l5 the BID is expected to have $16,650 in yearly maintenance fees associated with monthly maintenance services (watering, herbicide application, debris removal, mowing and raking,
hedging and trimming) for the 12 median islands. The BID installed 9,000- plants in November 2010.
$ 3,500 $ 2,500 $ 30,000 In FY'15 the BID is expected to spend up to $2,500 in tree improvements from now to September 30th. In FY'16 the Operations Committee wants to increase the budget $26,500 from FY'15 primarily due to
address the 330 tree canopy via RFP, similar to FY10 successful initiative.
$ 2,500 $ 1,500 $ 2,500 in FY'15 the BID expects to spend $1,500 in miscellaneous rubber mulching sidewalk improvements along Grand & Fuller St FY'16 the Committee wants to keep addressing sidewalk areas in need of rubber
mulching to ease pedestrian walking in Village Center,
$ 63,000 $ 61,683 $ 63,000 In FY'15 the BID expects to spend $61,683, about $1,317 under budget for the year. In FY'16 the BID is requesting $63K for flower basket maintenance and three plantings throughout the year. The annual
agreement with Southern Blossoms calls for the maintenance of 107 hanging flower baskets, 6 planters, 2 islands along Grand Avenue, and the Post Office vine wall.
$ 5,500 $ 5,435 $ 5,500 In FY'15 the BID is expected to be under budget on the line item by $65.00. In FY'16 the BID is requesting similar total as FY'16. Line item is for Holiday decorations and ribbon installation throughout the District, in
addition to 4th of July Flag installation.
$ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 At the conclusion of FY'15 the BID is expected to spend the total forecasted at the beginning of the fiscal year for improvements at the tour bus drop off zone on Virginia St. & Grand Ave. In FY'16 the BID is
requesting the same total as FY'15 in light of year end totals.
$ 40,000 $ 39,870 $ Due to the restricted nature of the funds the BID is expected to spend $39,870 by the conclusion of FY'15 in order to facilitate sidewalk enlargement and planting improvements on Commodore Plaza & Grand.
Curb & Gutter initiative was facilitated for a total of $8,900 in FY'15, in addition to sidewalk improvements at 2901 Florida Ave $2,990. Line item will be closed for FY'16.
$ , 161350 $ 165 824; $ r 153 000A At the conclusion of FY'15 the Coconut Grove BID's streetscape budget is scheduled to be $4,474 over budget primarily due to the planting initiative on South Bayshore Drive and McFarlane Road median islands.
s, In FY'16 Committee is requesting $8,350 less than FY'15.
$ 131,000
$ 133,118
$ 134,000
e public right-of-way. FY'16 same amount to be
$ 71,000
$ 70,417
$ 70,000
In FY'15 the BID is expected to spend $70,417, which is $583 below budget. In FY'16 the BID is requesting $70,000 for off-duty police which constitutes about 2,000 -hours off police presence in the District Wed -
$ 5,000
$ 4,222
$ 5,000
Yearly internet and maintenance services associated with the BID's security camera program, which came online in April 2014 and consists of 10 HD cameras. Comcast high-speed internet service averages $220
per month ($2,640 yearly). Remaining funds will be used for preventative maintenance of the camera set-ups. In FY'l5 we were under budget $778 due to starting Comcast service mid -year.
$ 131,000
$ 133,118
$ 134,000
In FY'15 the BID is expected to spend $133,118, which is $2,118 over budget, primarily due to additional coverage requested by the BID for holiday and special events throughout the fiscal year. In FY'16 the BID is
requesting $134,000 which is about $3,000 more than FY'15 to have room to hire additional manpower.
$ 71,000
$ 70,417
$ 70,000
In FY'15 the BID is expected to spend $70,417, which is $583 below budget. In FY'16 the BID is requesting $70,000 for off-duty police which constitutes about 2,000 -hours off police presence in the District Wed -
$ 5,000
$ 4,222
$ 5,000
Yearly internet and maintenance services associated with the BID's security camera program, which came online in April 2014 and consists of 10 HD cameras. Comcast high-speed internet service averages $220
per month ($2,640 yearly). Remaining funds will be used for preventative maintenance of the camera set-ups. In FY'l5 we were under budget $778 due to starting Comcast service mid -year.
At the conclusion of FY'15 the BID is expected to spend $118,223, which is $2,223 over budget, primarily associated with additional manpower assignments throughout the year and special events like 4th of July,
$ 116,000 $ 118,223 $ 118,000 FAM series, Holidays, Halloween. The BID is requesting $118,000 for FY'16 in light of FY'15 totals.
$ 116,000 $ 118,223 $ 118,000
. `"
$ 1,470$
Soecral/ Indeoentlent Events �',a it
Mad Hatter
King Mango Strut
Coconut Grove Arts Festival
Sail the Grove Events Oct -April
4th of July- Produced by BID & DII
FETE/FAM Events -7 month series
Variance/ Comments
$ i 1,470
$ 1,470$
; 882,
In FY'16 the Mad Hatter will be given their final special event grant scheduled to be cut final 40%, as per conclusion of (3) year special event plan that was implemented in FY'13.. The Mad Hatter has been given a total $10,740 since FY'13.
$' 5,460
$ 6,012
$ �. 3,276-
In FY16 the special event grant scheduled to be cutfinal40%, as per conclusion of(3) year special event plan that was implemented in FY'13, thus totaling $3,276. In FY'15 the BID had to reimburse the King Mango Strut $553 forsupplemental
$ 12,000
$ 12,500
$ 12,500.
waiver fees incorrectly charged for on -street meter reservations, thus overbudget from $5,460 to $6,012. The King Mango Strut has been given a total $29,986 since FY'13.
$ ] 10,500
$ 10,500
$ 6,300
In FYI 6 the CGAF is scheduled to receive a special event grant of $6,300, which represents a 40% decrease from FYI total which was $10,500, as perspecial event grant program. The CGAF has been given a total of $51,800 since inception of
$ 19,172
$ 4,000
$ 3,567
$ 4,000
In FY'15 the BID is scheduled to be $433 under budgetfor marketing material, pamphlets, flyers & events from November to March dedicated. to regatta related events within Coconut Grove. Sponsorships include 2014 Columbus Day
Regatta($500), Orange Bowl International Youth Regatta ($1,000), Bacardi Sailing Week ($1,000) Mid Winter championship Coral Reef Club
Yacht -$250 & production Sail the Grove booklet that goes in every sailor bag. In light of FY'15, the BID is
$ 9,500.
$ 15,152
$ I 17,000-
requesting same sponsorship totals and schedule as FY'15. The Sail the Grove initiative has been given a total $16,900 since FYI
$ 10,500
$ 17,500
$ ' '1 7,500
There was no sponsorship (-$5,500) as by Commissioner Marc D. Samoffs office in FY'15 thus above budget with no offset, DJ $750, Park Fees/Solid Waste $1,000, Police & Fire$f,000, Deluxe portable Toilets $1,850 Pyrotechnic vendor fees
$12,500 and increase from $10,000 from the thus $5K budget
$ 17,500
$ 25,526
$ _ 24,500
previous year, over at conclusion of year. In lightof FY16 the BID is requesting an addifional $5,000 for the year. BID has provided $53,000 in 4th of July celebrations at Peacock Park
since FY'13.
$_ 12,250.
$ 12,105
$ ' 12,500:.
In FY'15 the Marketing Committee approved the 7 month pilot for Fashion AR &Music nights on the 1st of the month totaling $12,105 totaling 62 musical performances for the year. FY'16 $12,250 to be used the following (4 musicians at $200 per
$ 7,000
$ 2,125
$ _
performance total of $6400 for 8 months, a henna artist at $150 for 3 hours total $1200 for 8 months, and the remaining 3 street artists at $150 for a total of $3600. The BID has provided $25,000 in two years for this successful inifiative.
$ 'c'. 44,180
$ 51,154
$ ': 44;458',
At the conclusion of FY'15 the BID scheduled to be $1,332 under the forecasted budget In FY'16 the BID is requesting $1,700 less than FY'15, now totaling $15,000, with $4,500 of those funds committed to our (4) BID recruited events. MIFF
BID Recruited Special Event Initiative $ 16,700'. $ 15,368 $ 15,000 received $5,250 and scheduled to receive $3,150 in FY'16. MsFF received $1,050 in FY'15 and $630 in FY'16, Woodystock Special Event Grant received $583.34 in FY'15 and $350 in FY'16, FICPA Special Event Grant received $427.78 in FY'15
and scheduled to receive $257.00. Portable Toilets for Halloween @ Cocowalk ($360), 2nd Annual Tree Lighting 2014 Ceremony ($2500) Holiday Festivities ($832), West Grove Turkey Drive ($20528)
The Great Grove Bed Race $ 4,690. $ 400 $ FY'15 event was held outside of center of distract (Grand Avenue) which was requested by the BID for qualification of grant funds. Event is not scheduled to receive grant funds in FYI 6.
SUBTOTAL, $ 21,390. $ 15,768 $ 15,000.
MarketrnglAilvertrsmg _
Coconut Grove Ambassador
GMCVB Visitors Guide Print/ Video
Newsprint Quarterly Hotel Newsletter
Social Creative Web
Grove Promotional Materials NEW
Coconut Grove Farmer's Market
Free Yoga at Peacock Park
(fues/lhurs bpm) 48 weeks' New
Free Grove Historic Tour-. NEW
GMCVB Co -Op Campaign, Restricted
Marketing Funds
$ 37,671
$ 41,000'
In F1"15 Louis made $16.13 per hour, 40 hours a week average ($64520) x 52 weeks =estimated $33,550. Variance is due to days taken off or days that Louis left early in FY'15. BID contracted BBB to provide weekend tour bus ambassador
services (10 hours) at $13.31 per hour at a lower hourly price ($7,000 annually) BID uses addifional funding for booth help at 10+.special events yearly as well. FY16 expecting same setup as FY'15.
$ 12,000
$ 12,500
$ 12,500.
In FY'15 itwas the final year of 2 -yr agreement for full page color ad in GMCVB Visitor Guide that is in 156 hotels, 29,287 hotel rooms within Miami, plus full page of Travel Planner and Business magazine publications. Also listing for businesses,
hotels, and restaurants plus new 30 second video of Coconut Grove for kiosks in Miami hotels. In FY'I6 agreement was extended for additional year totaling $12,500.
$' .20,000
$ 19,172
$ 20,000
At the conclusion of FY'15 the BID is expected to be $828 under budget In F1"16 the BID is requesting the same amount as i:y ; in light of year end totals. Please note that Grovite Newspaper- Quanedy print and distribution ($3500) Quarterly
Design ($1,500) Print & Distribution-publicafions x 4 (13,947) Design x 4- ($6,000). Publications are inserted in the Weekend
Section, reaches over26,000 subscribers x 4 releases (104K total). Inaddition to 10,000 hard prints delivered to the
office per quarterly release.
$ 9,500.
$ 15,152
$ I 17,000-
At the conclusion of FYI the BID is expected to be over budget $5,652, primarily due to unplanned digital enhancements on the website totaling in April totaling $4,940, In FY'16 the increase in budget request is for the creation of a 61og $2,500,
new website content totaling $2,600, 2socialmedia workshops $1,500, and social media management from Miami Nice totaling $7,200 yearly and constant contact marketing $1,092.
$ 17,500
$ 25,526
$ _ 24,500
In FY'15 addifional marketing collateral and communication initiatives such as our monthly calendarof events $3,819, Print &Production of Coconut Grave Bicycle Maps $1,887, Yoga, historic fours maps $1,848, tree lighting design & print
$2,000, Annual Reportprinfing/design ($540), GMCVB Full Page Ad Design $1,500 FY'16 Blf) will expand its collateral fnventorywith
promotional creation. of additional:. artworkinserts in Miami Herald $9,216 with a 50K household
distribution, annual report ($5280), GMCVB full page ad $1500, Tree lighting ceremony ad $975, print & walking maps $1500, flyer updates $600.
$ 2,000
$ 1,750
$ 1,000
Photographer services will be off set by requirements set forth by new B [D special event applicaton that calls for events to provide photos.
$ 7,000
$ 2,125
$ _
At the conclusion of FY'15 the BID will be $4,875 primarily due to the cancellation of event by the County upon sale of playhouse in November. Promotional. material for the Farmers Market ($1,625) Bike Valet Structure: $500.00 was purchased in
anticipation of opening of market The BID's Best Farmers Market of 2014 will not return for FYI due to manpower it takes staff to undertake and lack of public site.
$ 3,800.rs
$ 3,800
At the contusion of FYI5 the BID is expected to be $50 under budget and. will request the same total requested at FY'15 in light of year end totals. In FYI the BID partnered with local yoga studios to provide free weekly yoga classes at Peacock
Park from 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM on Thursday and Saturday, in addition to the BID's free Tuesday class. $75 per class x 48 weeks = $3,600
$ 4,500
$ 4,800
Fl"15 -BID partnership. with History Miami hosted 6 free Walking Tours totaling $2,400, BID partnered with Royal Palm Tours to facilitate 21 bicycle tours for total of $2,250, (27) free tours in total. FYI - (4) free walking tours totaling $1,600 & 26
weeks of free bike tours totaling $3,000.
In FY'15 the BID is expected to be $8,523 under budget primarily due to the co-op advertisement project that the BID undertook with the GMCVB for $50,000, each partner in June 2015. In FY'16 the BID will evaluate the results of the GMCVB co-op
program before reconfirming for FY'16, Un61 then the funds will be restricted. FY'15 Miami New Times $7,510, intuitive was for coverage of (7) FAM. Nightcoverage, 2nd Annual Tree Lighting 24 Hour Re -skin, Full page ad in the Miami New Times
$ 85,000
$ 76,477
$ 85,000
Best of Issue, 80,000 +digital banner impressions. Welcome Channel CO-OP ($3,000) -BID covered production cost of 8 business members advertisements in hotel video. Miami Herald ($7,000)-(77 FAM Nights Coverage, 2nd Annual Tree
Ceremony Ad +Digital Impressions, 4th of July Ad +Digital lmpi essicns, (20) Historical Tours +Free Yoga +Farmers Market- 50,000 Digital Impressions +3in x Sin Add. FY'16 - $15K Modem Luxury printing 3 full page ads in January, May/June
and October, Miami New Times $7,510 (same as last year), Welcome Channel Co -Op $3,000 (same as lastyear), Miami Herald 7000 (same as last year) with a total. of $32,510 with. GMCVB Co -Op at $50K Option..
$ 203,300
$ 198,773
$ 209,600
$ • 268,870 1
$ 265,695
$ ' 269,058.
At the conclusion of F1^15 the BID is expected to be $3,175 under budget. For FY'1&the Marketing Committee is requesting for an additional $188 over the FY'15 budget requested totals.
FY'16 Coconut Grove BID General & Administrative Bud et
Projected Totals Oct 1. - '; Variancel Comments
Approved 2015 Budget - Approved 2015 Budget ' - .:.
2014 to Sept 30.2015, - .:
General. & Admmistratrveq�,
At the conclusion of FY'15 the BID is expected to be $3,650 over budget primarily due to the fact that of the following charges that there were new charges associated with this
Licenses, Fees, Dues
$ 2,000
At the conclusion of FY'15 the BID is expected to spend $207,735, which is $1,295, over budget due to the fact that the BID enrolled in a lntem Program Summer Initiative with
Staff Salaries
$ 206,440
$ 207,735:
$ 211,000
the Collaborative. In FY'16, the BID is requesting $4,360 more than FY'15, primarily to reflect 3%n staff increase. Salary Summary: Exec D 95K+ $4,800 in phone + allowances,
light of new charges added in FY'15. Additional fees in this line item include GMCVB dues, Drop Box Annual Dues, Simple Pay/Paychex processing dues, Department of
Projects Coordinator $45K, MKt Specialist $45K, Pari time ad -min 30hrs @$15.00 = $23,400, Please note for FY'16 a (3%) raise requested for (3) fulltime + 1 part-time
Economic Special District Fee $175, Retail Federation Annual Dues $286.
Website related$
employee. In FY'16 3% raise would pay Project Coordinator $ $46,350, Mkt Specialist $46,350 & Executive Director $91,155 and Marketing/Admin part time $24,102.
Bookkeeping Staff- CCSG
$ 65,000
$ 65,000'
$ 65,000
Asper professional services agreement ($5,000 monthly), the FY'15 totals and forecasted FY'16 budget should total $65,000. BID receives assessment tracking services for
Marketing in FY'16.
Office Equipment & Supplies
$ 7,000
241 total folios, in addition to bookkeeping services and preparation of annual auditing documentation on a yearly basis.
$ 7,000
At the conclusion of FY'15 the BID is expected to be over budget $84.00 dollars. FY'16 the BID is requesting the same amount of as FY'16. Expenses that qualify under this
At the conclusion of FY'15 the BID is expected to under budget approximately $5,000 due to the fact of staff reorganization and having 2 of 3 employees having coverage
Actual Benefits, PTL, Health
$ 20,500
$ 15,344
$ 20,500
throughout the majority of the year. Exec Director ($502), Proj Co- ($502) & Mkt estimated at ($760-800). FY'16, BID is requesting same coverage estimates as FY'15 in light
$ 38,000
As per monthly rent roll at the Offices of Mayfair, the BID is expected to pay $3,241 monthly as per office lease agreement signed in FY'13. Please note CAM charges vary
of last year's totals.
Payroll/ FICA
$ 16,000
. $ 15;996
$ 16,000
Payroll FICA dues are for the (3) full time employees & (1) part-time employee working at the Coconut Grove BID. In FY'15 estimated FICA was about $600+ monthly.
At the conclusion of FY'15 the BID is expected to be $3,650 over budget primarily due to the fact that of the following charges that there were new charges associated with this
Licenses, Fees, Dues
$ 2,000
$ 5,E50
$ 4,500
line item in FY'15 like $582 in Monster.com, website multi year renewal of $460, ESRI reports $450, $1,200 Microsoft Annual Licensing. In FY'16 total requested (+$2,500) is in
light of new charges added in FY'15. Additional fees in this line item include GMCVB dues, Drop Box Annual Dues, Simple Pay/Paychex processing dues, Department of
Economic Special District Fee $175, Retail Federation Annual Dues $286.
Website related$
$ 09
At the conclusion of FY'15 the BID is expected to be over budget $109.00 in line item for management dues associated with SSL Certification. Line item will be moved to
Marketing in FY'16.
Office Equipment & Supplies
$ 7,000
$ 71084
$ 7,000
At the conclusion of FY'15 the BID is expected to be over budget $84.00 dollars. FY'16 the BID is requesting the same amount of as FY'16. Expenses that qualify under this
line item are Office Depot, Water Company, GRM Storing Services $720 annual, Sharp Printing, BID has made over 601(copies in FY'15.
Office Rent
$ 38,000
$ 39,148
$ 38,000
As per monthly rent roll at the Offices of Mayfair, the BID is expected to pay $3,241 monthly as per office lease agreement signed in FY'13. Please note CAM charges vary
every year and was the issue for being over budget $1,148 for FY'15.
Office Utilities
$ 5,000
$ 4,584
$ 5,000
At conclusion of FY'15 the BID is expected to $416 under budget. In FY'16 the BID is forecasting the same totals as FYI in light of year end totals. Comcast Phones Service
$2,520, FPL $1,920, Water Boy $330.
Annual Audit
$ 11,500
$ 11,500
$ 11,500
In FYI 6 the annual auditing fees associated with our audited financial statements are scheduled to be $11,500 as per the final year of agreement. Financials and subsequent
events audit in FY'15 scheduled to come in at $11,500.
IDA Conference/Network
$ 2,000
$ 1,648
$ 2,000
At conclusion of FY'15 the BID should be $352 under budget. FY'16 requested amount is in light of FY'15 year end totals. BID did not aftend the annual IDA Annual
Convention held in September now used for networking engagements on a yearly basis.
At conclusion of FY'15 the estimated annual costs should be $92.00 under budget. The totals requested for FY'16 are in light of the year end totals for FY'16. Breakdown as
Insurance Liability
$ 9,600
$ 9,508;'
$ 9,600
follows: FMIT (FY'15 $5,944 & FY 16'$6,074) D&O Insurance (formerly $1,337 now $1,700), General Liability WMP ($800), General Liability via FMIT for Landlord ($795) and
Hartford Workman's Comp ($779).
$ 383,040
$ 383,306'
$ 390,100
At the conclusion of FY'15 the BID is expected to $266 over budget In FY'16 the BID is requesting $7,060 over last year's totals in light of 3% increase for staff and $2,500 for
additional licensing fees.
Grove Way finding/
Fumiture/Bike Racks/
Office Computer/Network
Improvement Grants- BID
Commodore Plaza -
Electrical Upgrades
FPL - Burial of Utility Poles
along McFarlane Road and
Grand Ave
Florida Ave, Mary St.,
Virginia St. - Electrical
HD Security System -
Expansioh FY'15
FY'16 Coconut Grove BID Capital Improvements Budget
Approved 2015 Budget
Projected Totals Oct 1.
Proposed 2016 Budget
Variance) Comments
2014 to Sept 30, 2015
plus costs for permitting and installation, totaling $21,069 for installation in the public right of ways along Commodore Plaza and Grand Ave. The BID
In FY'15 the BID is expected to be $22,110 over budget primarily due to BID approved December initiative for the purchase of 8 designer benches,
plus costs for permitting and installation, totaling $21,069 for installation in the public right of ways along Commodore Plaza and Grand Ave. The BID
$ 10,000
$ 9,500
$ 30,000
purchased 4 new designer bicycle racks in FY'15 totaling $4,960; we have now installed over 15 bicycle racks within the District since 2009. There
are over 80+ pieces of way finding signage throughout the District/Grove. In FY'16 the BID will overhaul the way finding signage program with
planned relocations, painting & redesign of our 80+ individual pieces within our inventory via RFP.
In FY'16 the BID wants to replace (3) desktop computers for the project coordinator, marketing and marketing assistant positions since the hardware
$ -
$ 3,000
being used now are obsolete. Equipment requested are (2) HP ProDesk 400 G! Desktops $625 each, (1) 23" Monitor HPR $129 each, Power Surge
Power Outlet $40, Adobe Acrobat for check request processing $299 & installation costs.
First phase of small grant program totaled $24,200 remainder to be used for shutter related grant applicants; as per release of second round of
applications on July 10, 2015. As of November 2015 property owners will have to remove solid shutters and outdoor grilles. It is estimated that 13
$ 30,000
$ 40,000
property owners were going to either have to remove the grilles or replace them with impact glass. FY'16 small grant requests will be allocated to
assist shutter related and facade improvement applicants.
$ 15,000
Similar to improvements performed on Florida Ave in FY'15, line item is for the installation of FPL electrical source for up lighting along Commodore
Plaza in FY'16 to allow for the installation of electrical outlets within tree pits.
As per quotation received by Florida Power & Light on June 16, 2015 for the burial of utility poles along the main entry corridor of the District along
$ 865,000
McFarlane Road and Grand Ave. On June 22nd the BID Board of Director's approved resolution approving the project, in addition at May 21, 2015 the
Capital Committee passed a resolution labeling this as a high priority project.
Please note that ($31,390) was accrued at the beginning of 2015, as per conclusion of RFP -14-219 released Spring 2014 for roadway electrical
improvements and outlet installation along Florida Ave, Mary St. &Virginia St by the Coconut Grove BID. In June 2015 trenching & conduit work was
$ 11,300
: $
required and performed in tandem with City contractor along Rice St. in order to connect the City of Miami FPL box to our electrical outlet box conduit
that will be used to energize all the tree beds along Florida Ave, Mary St. &Virginia St. totaling $11,300. In FY'l5 the BID and City of Miami CIP
department finalized the sidewalk improvement project along Florida Ave, Mary St & Virginia St. in the summer that began in FY'13 and no additional
costs foreseen in FY'16.
As per conclusion of FY'15 the BID is expected to be $34,430 under budget due to the fact that the second antenna could not be installed at host site
$ 100,000
$ 55,000
$ 50,000
Sonesta Hotel, thus planned expansion had to be curtailed to $65K versus $100K. In FY'16 the third and final phase of security cameras is scheduled
to be introduced for complete coverage of the District via piggy -backing of the US Communities agreement between the City of Miami and the
Coconut Grove BID in expected in the summer of 2015.
$ 160,000
$ 105,800
$ 1,003,000