HomeMy WebLinkAboutMemo - CIPTO: The Honorable Mayor and the City Commission
PKON1- CriSt|naBeamud/Executive Director
DATE: August 13,2015
Subject: City of Miami Civilian Investigative Panel 201.5-2016 Budget Proposal
Executive Director
is respectfully requested that the City Commission consider and adopt the attached budget proposal
inthe amount of$717/5OOtnbapresented bvthe Civilian Investigative PBOe|/"tha<]P"\8tth8
September 2O15Budget Hear|ng(s).
As a result of a November 2001 referendum that was supported by over 76% of the electorate, the
Civilian Investigative Panel was created in 2001 under Charter Section 51 and Chapter 11,5 of the Code
ofthe City 0fMiami and Ordinance No. 1218O("theOrd|nmDne"). The referendum was |Dresponse to
the demand of the citizens of Miam! for Independent civilian oversight over the sworn members of the
police department by an agency ernpowered with the authority to issue and enforce subpoenas for
testimony and or documents, and for such agency to be comprised of professional staff, including
independent counsel, The Ordinance requires a thirteen member voluntary panel,
Section 11,5-27 of the Ordinance sets forth the below listed purpose, powers and duties of the CIP-,
Act as independent civilian oversight of the sworn police department;
* Exorcise its powers soaatonot interfere with any ongoing (crininaUinvestigations enconduct
its activities consistent with applicable law, Including the Florida Government inthe Sunshine Law and
with applicable law and labor contracts;
* Make written recommenclations related to the city police department policies and procedures
coDoarDiOQ but not limited to training, recruitment and notification system torcorrective disciplinary
procedures and provide input tothe chief ofpolice before changes inpolice
Department policies or procedures are implemented, which proposed changes shall be
transmitted to the CIP 30 days prior to implementation, except if an emergency requires such change;
B7OGW1etStreet, 8ulteA06/Miami, Florida 3313O
(085)A60-4Qs6/Fax: (3804O0 -6U13
Engage the services of trained investigators and secure adequate training for its members,
including training in police policies and practices;
^ Conduct investigations, |DquideoaDdpVb|icheuhngs1VmakmhartU@|detenn|Oetions,fad|itate
resolution and propose recornmendations to the city manager and police chief regarding allegations of
misconduct byasworn officer ofthe city police department;
* Request issuance of subpoenas, after consultation with the state attorney of the Eleventh
Judicial Circuit and approval of CIP independent counsel for the purpose of obtaining evidence from
witnesses and production ofbooks, papers, and other evidence, which subpoenas shall besigned,
served and enforced pursuant to applicable law, provided that no immunity be conferred by the CIP;
Enhance understanding of the process of submitting, processing and responding to citizen
complaints regarding misconduct bypolice officers,
Issue reports tothe mayor, city commission, city attorney, city manager, chief Vfpolice and the
Make recommendations as to the disposition of alleged incidents of police misconduct, to which
the police chief is required to respond in writing within 30 days;
Forward complaints alleging criminal activity to the city police department and other relevant
Promulgate rules and procedures for internal governance and standards for training of CIP
members and staff,
|naddition tothe foregoing, the C|P|arequired to submit annually for (the) City Commission approval g
budget request pertaining to its functions to cover expenses associated with the execution of its duties.
The values and benefits of police oversight in general include the protection of civil rights, greater
accountability, help tomanage risk, support effective policing, build bridges and increase confidence in
the police.
iDthe amount of$717,50U.
FY 2015 Accomplishments
Public Access and Participation
During the last fiscal year, the Civilian Investigative Panel has conducted monthly regular meetDgS|n
order to receive and consider testimony about complaints of alleged police misconduct, to address C|P
administrative issues and offer opportunities for citizen input, There are two more meetings scheduled
before the end ofthe fiscal year oDSeptember 30,201S. These meetings are well attended by
members ofthe public and provideaforUnnforthe Community tocomment on -the policies and work of
the C|Pand police misconduct issues. There has been lively engagement |nthe work and judgments
made bvthe C|R This |sanotable achievement, Kprovides panel members and staff with important
perspective into the work they perform, The meetings also provide aforum for members nfthe Miami
Police Department to educate and inform the Panel members and the public on plans, policies and
procedures and new developments. For example, members ofthe Miami Police Department internal
Affairs Unit and Police Chief Lianes have attended Panel meetings in order to address questions from
the Panel and toclarify policies and procedures.
The C/PComplaints Committee holds public meetings monthly, These meetings are attended h«
complainants, witnesses, officers and concerned nlen0be[s ofthe public, This committee meets to
review investigations conducted by the CIP investigators, hear testimony from the complainants,
witnesses, and police officers, and make adjudication recornmenclations to the full Panel, This is
designed to ensure thoroughness of the investigation and to develop thoughtful recommendations for
the Panel, the Chief ofPolice and the City Manager,
The[|P provides web access for general information, including applications for C|Pmembership,
complaint forms, annual reports, public meeting schedules and agendas, meeting minutes, tri -lingual
brochures and complaint forms,
The Executive Director has spent considerable tirne rneeting with internal and external stakeholders in
order tobetter understand the needs Ofthe community. The internal stakeholders include department
heads, City Commissioners and the Mayor's office, The external stakeholders include the NAACP, the
ACLU, PULSE, Brothers of the Same Mind, and various non-governmental organizations,
Case Management
The C|Popened 239cases during the completed fiscal year of2Ol3. AsofJuly 1LZD14(during fiscal year
2O1S\,the C|Phas opened 199cases, Ofthe 239cases inFY2U15,27complaints 0r1196were filed
directly with the C1P. Internal Affairs forwarded the remainder ofthe cases for C|PReview or
Investigation, This represents 8 1896 increase in the number ofcases opened bythe C|P and an 8096
increase (from 15to27\inthe number 0fcases that came directly from the public -to the C|Pduring FY
Panel Membership
The C|Pcurrently has twelve duly appointed members, There isonly one vacancy. This vacancy will be
filled bvthe Chief ofPolice shortly, All members are within their six year terms,
The ordinance requires that new members ofthe C|PoomD|eietraining in ethics, conflict ofinterest, and
the Florida Sunshine Law, and shall commit to complete the Citizens Police Academy or approved
training through NACOLE(National Association ofCitizens' Oversight ofLmVVEnforCenl8nt\orequivo|ant
programs. The ethics training was provided by Miami Dade Ethics Commission, Additionally, -the C|Pig
sending three staff members and four panel mernbers to the NACOLE Annual meeting in September
2015. The program includes training on subjects such as Oversight's Role in Police Training, Legal
Updates onFourth Amendment Law, Use ofForce: Development ofEffective, Constitutional Policies
and Examining Contemporary Issues, 'Training represents asignificant expense, especially when there
are four tOfive new members oUthe Panel,
Additionally, staff members have attended the City's mandatory tro|n|DgSincluding, Diversity Training,
Ethics Training, and Procurement Training, This investment ensures that staff complies with City
requirements and has the necessary skills to use the programs that will make this office more efficient
Fiscal Year 2O16 Goals
Achieve operational Savings
The Panel and staff will review and manage all processes, contracts and expenditures with the goal of
minimizing costs and maintaining the highest level of service, The Panel will strive to reduce costs and
provide more timely results,
Provide Accountability and Transparency
Last year atthis time there was abacklog of about thirty (30) cases, The staff and the Panel have
worked tVeliminate the backlog and have achieved compliance with the ordinance's time standards,
requiring that the case becompleted within 12Odays,
Improve the Quality of Public Safety Services
The ordinance authorizes the CIP to investigate and review complaints and review policies,Itmay make
recommendations tothe Chief ofPolice and the City Manager, The current proposal bythe city t0hire
one hundred new officers will result in more complaints and investigations. The ability and resources to
conduct thorough investigations and establish good policies should improve the quality ofpublic safety
services tothe citizens ofthis community,
Provide Value to the City of Miami by Limiting Legal Fees
Previously, the CIP contracted with Independent Counsel for $133,000,00 per year plus $7000.00 for
malpractice insurance, The contract was finalized onJanuary 15,2Q14for three years, The Civilian
Investigative Panel agreed to pay the former independent Counsel $140,000 over the course oftwo
budget years and will hire a law firm to provide the services required bythe ordinance governing the
work ofthe C|P. The City will realize savings and recuperate its payments within three years,
Questions or concerns regarding information contained in this report may be directed to Cristina
Beamud,Executive Director ofthe C|Pat3OG'9OO-4952,OrtokloraC|nAguirre, C|PChair at305~GlS-
Citizen complaint incidents recelved between Jul 1, 2014 - Jun 30, 20
OV Class
Pol I ice involved Shootings: .1 0.36% Harassment: 10 3,64%
Improper Procedure: 89 32.:
Property: 20 7.27%
of Duty: 28 10.18%