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Page 1 of 1 i 0..0 2ot.(.6 01 i 21135.96 2908659 1,)683.3 , , 39158.85 q'I 27o587,,08 v I i file:///�:/Users/lwempe/AppData/.Local/Temp/2WZSI IGD2.htm 7/8/2015 City of Miami Set of Books CMZA Summaryl Trial Balance Report Dates 08-JUL-2015 12;.02 Period; JUN -2015 Page: 1 of 1 Currency: UUSD Balance Type;. Year to.D'ate Fund Rangel 34012 to 34012 Ledger; City Of Miami. Set Of Books Fund; 34012 Parking Taxable Bond -20108 object --------------- Description --------------------------- --- --------------- Beginning Balance Debits Credits Ending Balance 10400.0 Equity in Pooled Cash -----'-- ------------ 2,291,.270.63 ---- ------ 2,468,71 ------ --- ----`-----«-_ 63,326.28 -..-- 2,23A,413,06 135000 Interest And Dividends Receivab 0.00 2,468,.71 2,466.71 0.00 318000 Fund Balance -Unreserved (2,291,270.63) 0,00 0,.00 (2,291,270.63) 461110 Misc-Int & Ben -Investment 0..00 0100 2,450,71 (2,468,71) 891100 Intrafund Transfers 0.00 ----------------- __---`---------- 63,326.26 0.00 63,326,20 0.00 ---------------- 68,.263.70 ---- --- 68.,"263,70 --------------- '0.06 i 0..0 2ot.(.6 01 i 21135.96 2908659 1,)683.3 , , 39158.85 q'I 27o587,,08 v I i file:///�:/Users/lwempe/AppData/.Local/Temp/2WZSI IGD2.htm 7/8/2015 Page 1 of 1 City of Miami Set of Books CMIA Summaryl Trial Balance Report Date, 02-JU14-2015 14,16 Period; 13MTH-2014 Page! 1 of 1 Currency: U50 Balance Type: Year. to Date Fund Range: 34012 to 34012 Ledger: City of Miami. Sat of Rooks Fund; 34012 Packing Taxable Bond -20108 Object Description Beginning Balance Debits Credits tnding Balance --------------- 1.04000 -----y-------------------------- -------------------- Pquit In Pooled Cash 2,308,643.41 ------------------- ----- --------:.�,. 48,948.47 --- -------------------- 146,321.25 2,291.,270,63 135000 Interest And Dividends Reoeivab 0.0.0 2,135.96 2,135..96 0.00 137000 Market Gain/Loss Investments 0100 292.00 292..00 0.00 315000 Fund Balano'e-Unreserved (2,308,643,41) 0.00 0.00 (2.,308,643.41) .- _46117b -��....,. M4.ac-Int & Pen Tnvo,BLniont_—(M6-d- 00 0.00 2,135.96 (2,133 96) 461300 Miao-Not Increase Decrease In F (M6-d,.. _.�"�.-, .29 ,0 ,.-•'.."' ,". "" "'z' "x','60-....'�'�,'�'��.. 0"" tS"'"°°"" 891100 891100 .Intrafund (transfers ---'---------------- 0.00 146,321.25 ---------- 46,812.51 99,508,74 0.00 -------- .------..---- 197,989.68 w_w___---------------- 197,989,68 ------ 0.00 File :///C;/Users/tli/AppData/Loaal/Temp/Tc 5 J.MS 6Q6.htm 6/2/2015 Page 1 of 1 City of Miami Set of Books CMIA 5ummaryl Trial. Balance Report Datet 02 -JUN -2015 14;17 Periods 13MTH-2013 Page; 1 of 1 Currency! USD Balance Types Year to Date Bund Range; 34012 to 34012 Ledger; City Of Miami yeti of Books rund�t 34012 Parkinq Tamable Bond -201.09 Object ----------------- Description -----------------------`------ -------------------- Beginning Balance Debits Credits Ending Balance 104000 Equity In Pooled Cash -------------------- 2,684,157,12 -------------------- 44,717,21 -----.--------' 340,230,92 -�• 2,388.,643,41 135000 Interest And Dividends Reeeivab 0.00 2,086,59 2,086,59 0,00 137000 Market Gain/Loss Investments (9.72) 1,441.50 1,931,78: 0..00 31:5000 [und Balarioe-Unreserved (2,684,147,40) 0.00 0100 (2,_684,147,40) 9611,10 MieorInt & Perr-Investment 0 00 0 00,. -^ 2,,086,,59 (2086 59)„ 961300 Misa-Net Increase Decrease Tn C 0,00 1,431,78 1,1,60 ,, 19.72j 8910.00 Trnterfund Transfers 0,00 42,630.62 42,630,62 0100 891100 IntrafundTransfers -------------------- 0100 2.97,600,30 0100 297.,600.80 ------------------- 0,00 -------------------- 389, 908,00' ---------- 389.,908,00 "--------- 0.00 file;///C:/Usexs/tlx/AppData/Local/Tenz�/TF6QODSW.htm 6/2/2015 file///C;/Users/tli/AppData/Local/'Temp/Q2NI-iTW8R,htin 6/2/2015 Page 1 of 1 City of Miami set of Books CMIA 5ummaryl Trial Balance Report pate; 02-JUN-2015 14118 Periods 13MTH-2012 Pagel 1 of 1 Currency: USD Balance Type: Year to Date Fund Range: 34012 to 34012 Ledger: City of Miami Sot of Beeks Fund! 34012 Parking Taxable Bond-20108 Object --------------` Description -----Y`-------..__,..-----------. Beginning Balanoe Debits 'Credits Ending Balance 104000 __..__..- G uit In Pooled Cash _.-------- --- ,..--------------- 3,50$,077,5'8 -------- 2,79'8,687,10 -------_`-....._-... 3,619,607.56 _-..------_.._�_ 2, 684, 157. 12 135000 Interest And Dividends Recei,vab 0.00 1,68.3,37 1,683.37 0.00 137000 Market Gain/Loss Investments (247,34) 11.001.71 769.09 (9.72) 315000 Fund Balanoe-Unreserved (3,504,830,29) 0.00 0.00 (3,504,830.24). 461110 .......�...,,..».m... 4 Inv�ewpwt..mernt .. .»0a,00 ...,.,....�, � 1,683.37 7„984..,. ,. - .. ,,,,....,.G1`6834 23. ..6327)„ 891000 Interfund Transfers - 0..00 --------------`-..,,. -------------------- 3,619,607,56 -------------------- 2,797,003.73 ------ 822,603.03 0.00 61421,743,83 6,921,793.83 .,---.._--..._�.._.. 0.00 file///C;/Users/tli/AppData/Local/'Temp/Q2NI-iTW8R,htin 6/2/2015 5 Page 1 of 1 City of Miami Set of Books CMIA Summaryl Trial Balance Report- Date; 02 -JON -2015 14.19 Period$ 13MTH-2011 Page: 1 of 1 Currency: USD Balance Type: Year to Date Fund Range; 34012 to 34012 Ledger; city of Miami get of Books Fund: 34012 Parking Taxable Bond -20108 Object --------------- Description -------------------------------- Beginning Balance Debits Credits Ending Balance 104000 -•___'• Equity In Pooled Cash ---------- -------------------- 14,830,085,30 ----------------- 16,053,60 -- ------------------ 11,341•,.061,32 3,505,077,50 135000 Interest And Dividends Receivab 0100 16,053,60 16,053,60, 0,00 137O00 Market Gain/Loss Investments (374,90) 8,319.20 8,191.64 (247,34) 315000 Fund Balance -Unreserved (14,829,710,40) 0.00 0100 (14,829,710,40.) 4'61110 .4.�.-,. _........... Misc-Int 4 Pen Investment 0.00 0.00 16,053,60 (16,053.60) 891000 InterfUhd Transfers 0,00 -----._---- 11,341,061,32 0.00 11,341,061,32. -- -__...--------------- 0,00 -------------------- 11,309,679.36 ----- 11,308,679,36 —.------ .•_--`-- 0,00 File:///C:/Users/tli/`AppData/Local/Temp/BB 1 WH5E5,htm 6/2/2015 City of Miami Set of Books CMiA Summaryl Trial Balance Periods 13MPH-2010 Currency: :USD Balance Type: Year to Date Fund Range: 34012. to 34012 Ledger; City of Miami set of Books U'und: 34012 Parking Taxable Bond -2010B Page 1 0£ 1 Report Date; 02 -JUN -2015 14;19 Page; 1 of 1 Object -------------`- .Description ------------------------------ Beginning Balance Debits Credits Ending Balance 164000 " ------------------- Nquity in Pooled Cash -..,.-----W_---------- 0.00 -------- 19, 081, 611., 60 ----------- -----..,,_--_`------`- 5,001,426.38 14,830,005,30 13",000 interest And Dividends Receivab 0.00 4,.486..39 4,486.39 0.00 137000 Market Gain/Loss investments 0.00 255,54. 630.44 (374.90) .461110 Misc-int & Pen investment b.tl0 0100 3,15885 (3,158 85) a 481000 Other-interfund Transfer 0.00 0,00 5,000.,060.00 (5,000,000.00) 484000 Ot'he'r -Debi Proceeds 0.00 0,00 14,06,926.45 (14,826,926.45) 891000 interfund Transfers -__"_____•'_'------- 0.00 5,000,000.00 0.00 5,000,000.00 -------------------- ------------------- 0.00 ----------- 24,836,884.05 -------- -------------- 24,836,884.05 0.00 file:///C:/` Users/tti/AppData/Local/`Teiiip/KE9MTB5Y .htm 6/2/2015