HomeMy WebLinkAboutSummary FormAGENDA ITEM 5UM—MARY FORM VI L E ID 15-00616 Law Department Date. 5/13/15 Requesting Department: !CZITP Mattev ID No. Commission Meeting Date,- 96 Districts) Imp,acted:,CW Type; XResolt6onEl Ordinance[] Emergenoy Ordinance® Discussion Item[] Other Subject,, Relollition gi_1thorizing the City Maggger to execute e dment No,: I tothe .Agreement )with Iii &y - Hort and ,AsgQg_1aAes, Inc. Purpose of Item*, To authorize the City Manager to execute Amendment No., I to the Agreement with Khley-Dorn and Associates, lac. increasing, the c4pa6ity of the Agrement by $250'P000.00, for a total not to exceed award value, of $500,000,00, to fluid anticipated now work orders for outstanding and foreseeable future design and constmotion administration services. Background Information Pursuant to Request for Qualifications. (IRFQ111) No. 1213-019 for the provision of Misoellanoolllq Landscape Architectural Services, the City Manager oxwouted the Agreement with Kimley-Horn with a total. not to exceed award value of $250,000,00, Anticipated work in the amount of $250,000.00 is necessary to aocommodato the continuation of design and construction, administration services for outstanding and foreseeable future assignments, This Amendment No.- I increases the contraot capacity by $250,000.00', thereby inoreashig the award value from $250,000,00 to an amount not to exceed $500,000.00. Budget Ivapact Analysis NO Is this item related to revenue? YE,S' Is this item .an, expenditure? If so, please identify. funding 8 1 . g mi1 cob 01 - ow Genend,locount. IVo,, N/A. 5peoial.Revenue A000tent)Vo: -X/&— :Project No.: .NZA.., NO Is this item funded by 11onieland Defense/Neighborhood Improvement Bonds? Start Up Capital Cost: Malnteno,,nce Cost: Total Fiscal Impact: 250 000.0.0 Flrxal Aiataro_vaJs ,(SIQN AND DATE) CIP Iludge GYA I 's Risk VA� V sk fla , purebashlg_ Dept, Director Chief City Manag