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Bid Response
Certification Statement Please quote on this form, if applicable, net prices for the item(s) listed. Return signed original and retain a copy for your files. Prices should include all costs, including transportation to destination. The City reserves the right to accept or reject all or any part of this submission. Prices should be firm for a minimum of 180 days following the time set for closing of the submissions. in the event of errors in extension of totals, the unit prices shall govern in determining the quoted prices. We (.I) certify that we have read your solicitation, completed the necessary documents, and propose to furnish and deliver, F.O.B. DESTINATION, the items or services specified herein. The undersigned hereby certifies that neither the contractual party nor any of its principal owners or personnel have been convicted of any of the violations, or debarred or suspended as set in section 18-107 or Ordinance No, 12271. All exceptions to this submission have been documented in the section below (refer to paragraph and section). EXCEPTIONS: We (I) certify that any and all information contained in this submission is true; and we (1) further certify that this submission is made without prior understanding, agreement, or connection with any corporation, firm, or person submitting, a submission for the same materials, supplies, equipment, or service, and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. We (I) agree to abide by all terms and conditions of this solicitation and certify that I am authorized to sign this submission for the submitter. Please print the following and si;n your name: PROPOSER NAME: ADDRESS: PHONE: 954-485-8800 Decon Environmental & Engineering Inc. 2652 NW 31st Avenue, Fort Lauderdale FL 33311 EMAIL: alevin@decon.com SIGNED B . TITLE: Vice President FAX: 954-485-8809 CELL(Optional): 954-658-9752 DATE: 08114117 FAILURE TO COMPLETE, SIGN, AND RETURN THIS FORM SHALL DISQUALIFY THIS RESPONSE. E. Page 2 of 39 Certifications Leaal Name of Firm: Decon Environmental & Engineering Inc. Entity Type: Partnership, Sole Proprietorship, Corporation, etc. Corporation Year Established: 1987 Office Location: City of Miami, Miami -Dade County, or Other Other - Lauderdale Lakes Occupational License/Business Tax Receipt Number: 180-8622 Occupational License/Business Tax Receipt Issuing Agency: Broward County Occupational License/Business Tax Receipt Expiration Date: September 30th, 2018 'Will Subcontractors) be used? (Yes or No) Yes If subcontractor(s) will be utilized, provide their name, address and the the portion of the work they will be responsible for under this contract (a copy of their license(s) must be submitted with your bid response): Luminaire Environmental & Technologies Inc, Johnson Controls, Mancom, & Carrier HVAC Please list and acknowledge all addendumladdenda received. List the addendumladdenda number and date of receipt (i.e. Addendum No. 1, 7/l/07). If no addendumladdenda was/were issued, please insert N/A. Addendum #1 August 7th, 2017 Addendum #2 August 10th, 2017 Reference No. 1: Name of Company/Agency for which bidder is currently providing the services/good; as described in this solicitation, or has provided such services/goods in the past: Claris Construction Group Reference No. 1: Address, City, State, and Zip for above referenced companylagency listed: 1800 Convention Center Drive I Miami Beach, FL 133139 Paae 3 of 39 Reference No. 1: Name of Contact Person and Telephone Number for above referenced No. I Juan Luis Cesin I Project Engineer 954,805.3259 Reference No. 1: Date of Contract for above referenced No. I October 20th, 2016 Reference No, 2: Name of Company/Agency for which bidder is currently providing the services/goods as described in this solicitation, or has provided such services/goods in the past: Allied Contractors Reference No. 2: address, City, State, and Zip for above referenced company/agency listed: 4700 Sheridan St. J16 Hollywood, Fl 33021 Reference No. 2: Dame of Contact Person and Telephone Number for above referenced No. 2 Lourdes Carcache 305.819.4599 Reference No. 2: Date of Contract for above referenced No. 2 January 16th, 2017 Reference No. 3: Name of Company/?agency fur which bidder is currently providing the services/goods as described in this solicitation, or has provided such services,"goods in the past: Miami Dade Colle e Reference No. 3: Arldress, City, State, and Zip for above referenced company/agency listed: 11011 S.W. 104TH ST. - BUILDING L. L-1091 MIAMI. FLORIDA 33176-3393 Reference No. 3: Name of Contact Person and Telephone Number for above referenced No. 3 ROY D. MARTINEZ I RA, LEED AP, THRESHOLD INSPECTOR 305.237.0558 Reference No. 3: Date of Contract for above referenced No. 3 September 16th. 2016 Page 4 of 39 Line: I Description: Initial Visit (see Section 3.1) Category: 93669-00 Unit of Measure: Each Unit Price: S 24,900.00 Line: 2 Number of Units: 1 Description: Second Visit (see Section 3.1) Category: 93669-00 Unit of 1leasure: Each Unit Price: S 24,900.00 Line: 3 Number of Units: 1 Description: Third Visit (see Section 3.1) Categorv: 93669-00 Unit of ib4easure: Each Unit Price: S 24,900.00 Line: 4 Number of Units: 1 Description: Fourth Visit (see Section 3.1) Cate,yorv: 93669-00 Unit of �Ieasure: Each Unit Price: $ 24,900.00 Line: 5 Number of Units: 1 Description: Emergency Visit (see section 3.1) Total: s 24,900.00 Total: S 24,900.00 Total: 5 24,900.00 Total: $ 24,900.00 Pace 5 of 39 Category: 93669-00 Unit of hfeasure: Hour Unit Price: s 7000 Number of Units: 10 Total: s 700.00 Pa,*e 6 of 39 1111iftl') �tatv'.; linuironuututat Prakrtion Agrurij Decon Environmental & Engineering, Inc. has fulfilled the requirements of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Section 402, and has received certification to conduct lead-based paint activities pursuant to 40 CFR fart 745.226 f I JI] I I r 't 'sk hL i I 'n, z f All EPA Administered Lead-based Paint Activities Program States, Tribes and Territories LBP -1912-1 Certification # January 19, 2017 Issued On This certification is valid from the date of issuance and expires July 01, 2020 Michelle Price, Chief Lead, Heavy Metals, and inorganics Branch Auiki) rokcil'an AL-teur!j LBP -S-3323-1 Certification A July 27, 2017 Issued On its Ilia°�. Alon Levin has fulfilled the requirements of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Section 402, and has received certification to conduct lead-based paint activities pursuant to 40 CFR Part 745.226 as: Supervisor ,' 1� T.� � � �• �(�$•¢ 1L V <� 14p- i7 al r�' �. Y^.�1. } 4 All EPA Administered Lead-based Paint Activities Program States, Tribes and Territories This certification is valid from the dale of issuance and expires February 27, 2021 Adrienne Priselac, Manager, Toxics Office Land Division 1111itin) -!§tatts FL -S-4522-6 Certification # December 18, 2014 Issued On Co I I it -1 i �)- I o C 1� r I 'I f 11 t I I a I Ulric Lam has fulfilled the requirements of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Section 402, and has received certification to conduct lead-based paint activities pursuant to 40 CFR Part 745.226 as: Supervisor .An I v� 74.4 11- %-'i , f1l, Florida This certification is valid from the date of issuance and expires March 15, 2018 � 1 - Adrienne Priselac, Manager, Toxics Office Land Division oda+r, 'ho Florida De artment of Gc `nr_ C`JtrnClr `br Environmental Protection cari,sLopezCartera Er -,b Martinez Cent, Lt. Cr rer e€ a - ' 2600 Elair Stene Road \ o`a i aliahassee. Flordia 32399-Z �, Jonathan P. :Jet -sin 4'rt_tar.I 01/20/2016 John troller Luminaire Environmental and Technologies ETC; 14930 28th Ave N Suite 8 Plymouth, MN 55447-4823 Th.e Florida Department of Environmental Protection has reviewed your application for registration as a transporter or handler for universal waste lamps and devices destined for recycling. Based on the information received, the facility located at has been registered through March 1, 2017 with the following status: FacIIItyID *-MN5000148908 Transporter of Universal Waste Lamps and Devices The registration form for the year 2017 will be sent to the contact person on your application. Chapter 62-737, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.), (copy enclosed) specifies several other requirements including packaging, training and record keeping for transporters and handlers of universal waste lamps or devices destined for recycling, These requirements are simple, flexible and make good business and environmental sense (summarized on enclosed fact sheets). This registration does not allow you to tiansport or handle universal waste lamps or devices which are destined for landfill or other disposal. The transportation or handling of universal waste lamps or devices destined for disposal is subject to our hazardous waste management regulations under Chapter 62-73U, F.A.C. If any of your facility's information on the Florida Notification of Regulated Waste Activity [form 62- 730.900(1)(b)] changes, please notify the Department using that form. I can also be contacted at (850) 245-8759 or at - . _ :._ %4 Sincerely, Laurie Tenace Environmental Specialist Waste Reduction Section Enclosures LUMINAIRE ENVIRONMENTAL Audit Fack- .ge Rev 5-3-13 TABLE OF CONTENTS FACILITY LICENSES OVERVIEW 1. Hazardous Waste Facility License 2. New York State — Waste Transporter Permit 3. Alliance for Uniform. HazMat Transportation Procedures 4. US DOT Hazardous Materials Certificate of Registration 5. Insurance Certificate Rev 5-3-13 Alliance f -Dr Uniform Hazklat Transportation Procedures Uniform Program Credentials All I A N �0R' U NIP0Ri"i1 LUMINAIRE ENVIRONMENTAL & TECH 14930 28TH AVE N SUITE 8 Plymouth, MN 55447 TRANSPORTATION P R 0 C E D U R E S USDGT Census # 01952274 MC Docket # NIA EPA Transporter ID # MNS000148908 328293 Intrastate Motcr Gamier#: WA 147957 P cone dumber to call in case of a accident or emergency_ 612-903 <072 Uniform Program ID: UPW1952274OH Certified Ey: Issuance Date: 03 -Mar -2017 Expiration Date: 01 -Oct -2017 Issuing Agency PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF OHIO Agency Telephone: (614) 466-3392 1of1 EwvoRK Department cf NEIN YORK STAT. E DE?ARTNIEW OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONS RVA: ION �'r`'n„ I Environmental DIVIS',ON OF NIATERJALS MANAGEMEsN Conservation PART 364 IWASTE TRANSPORTER PERMIT NO. 1N-013 Pursuart:a AriGe 27 .70es 3 and 15 of the Earrronmemat Ccrserraiior Law and 5 NYCRR 354 PERMIT ISSUED TO: PERMIT TYPE: LUMINAIRE ENVIRONMENTAL AND TECHNOLOGIES ❑ NEW INC a RENEWAL 14934 28TH AVE N. ,STE E PLYMOUTH, MN 55-147 ©MO�JIFECATfON CON—:ECT NAME: JOHN LIILLER JFt EFFECTIVE DATE: 03/1812017 COON Y: OU' OF STATE EXPIRATION DATE: 03117, 018 TELEPHONE NO: (733)24.1-3444 US EPA ID NUMBER: MNSCC9'id3908 AUTHORIZED WASTE TYPES BY DESTINATION FACILITY:, T e Per nittee is A4ihoriz:d to Transport the : ellCwing Waste Type(s) to the Destination Facility listed: Destination Facility Location Waste Type(s) Nate LUWNA1RE ENMRONMENTALAND FL` MOLT- , MN Ncr-Hazardous Indust ial/Commercial TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Hazardous IndustriallUmmercial VEOL:A ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICE LLC PORT AP,THUR , TX Nor -Hazardous Industn'altCommetcaal Hazardous I ndustraallCommercial NOT_: 3y accept3nce cf this permit, the permittaa agrees that the permit is contingent upon st .ct compliance °A th the Environmental Conservation Law, ail applicable regulations, and the General Conditions printed on the back of this page. ADDRESS: New York Staie Depart.ment of Environmental Conseniatlon Div;sicri of Materials Management - V%ste Transperter Program 525 Broadway, 9th Floor Albany, NY 12233-7251 AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE. � Date: Lf 1 1 PAGE l OF 2 N:—IAf YORK STATE CEPA7MMENT OF ENVIRCNVENTAL CONSER4;'7iCN CIVISiON OF MATERIALS til. NAGLi1--N-1 PART 334 }TASTE TRANSPORTER PERMIT NO. I�r N-01^ Pursuant m Artde 27 , T ices 3 2:,.d 15 of !ha Emiron:nenml Cors arra,icn Law and 5 NYCRR 354 PERMIT ISSUED TO: PERN117 TYPE: LUMINAIRE ENViRONMEN741_ AND TECHNOLOGIES ❑ NEW INC 14930 28TH AVE N. STE 8 19 RENEWAL (PLYMOUTH, MN 55447 ❑ MODIE1CA710N CONTACT NAME: JOHN' MILLER JA. EFFECTIVE DATE: 031'. 8/2017 COUNTY: * OUT CF STATE EXPIRATION C'ATE: 03i1712018 TELEPHONE NO: k763j244-3444 US EPA IO NUMBER: NE 3S0R0143508 AUTRORIZED VEHICLES: The Permittee is Authorized to Oparate the Following Vehicles to Transport Waste: (VaNcles ar°cicsed in =>'s are authorized• to haul Residential Raw Sawage andlcr Septags Orly} ? NO} PLnmitt9d Vapicle(s MN HBP8188 NIN YAS681 Ec End 0 Ust PAGE 2OF2 U.S. Deuartnemt Or - Transportation Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration IJIN MCCAS72N G=22'_3_A.'TIGN MA.tACER LLmim.:kzn e rii: Cc ztrrAL A1�iD TE_ 110LCGY INC L4930 23TH AVE N PLYMOUTH, M14 55447 1277 New jersey Ave., S.Z. Washington, DC 26590 AFril 14, 2111 In reply refer to: USDOT No.: 1952274 Records maintained by the United States Epp: rime.^_t c= Traasporatic-:-:, Federal Motor Carrier Safe_-,, Adninistrition (-"iCSA7 indicate that 19 months have elaosed since EIVIRONM�_NTA. AND TECIE—OLCG`- INC's azolicatica for new entrant registration: was approved. A s,___y audit was performed on LUW7I R� v`T'PIR-,N?;Sy` .s1* A`Z7 T -_T- �MTCLCG-f INC or. Janua y 13 , 2010. In accordance with 49 CFE 385.333, F?TCSA, through this letter, is rano-ring the new entrant designation from :,Uh1IN32RE E,711RCN4.WTAL 11-17D TEC121OLOGY INC's registration and the registration is now considered permanent. FMCSA will continae to monitor and evaluate L'u':NTINAIRE 3`TIIR0PAI=� _Q\D TEMNOLGGY 7-14C's sa^e_y ma;.agamert practices and or -road narformance on the sa.T,e basis as anv ocher carrier to ensure ongoing compliance with Federal requirements including the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulaticns (FMCSRs) and annlicable Federal Hazardous Materials Regulations MARS). If you have any quescior..s,please contact your local FYCSA Division ofEice at: U.S. DEPAP.TMETJT OF TR14SPv'RT_ATIC1J F5D3R_?L MOTOR CA-RIE.7 SA's`"Y P.DtdI!vIST^ti?TIGN GALT12A PLAN 380 J'ACKSO4 STREET, Si7ITR snn ST. FA7U7L, MN 55101 Telephone No.: 651-291-6!50 Sincere -y, Sohn ver. Steenbur3, Director, Office of En orceme_nt and Compliance Hennepin County Facility Licens e Luminaire Environmental & Technology, Inc. Operation ID: 00011773 05344921 14930 28th Ave. N. Ste i3 Identification Number: MNS000148908 Plymouth, MN 55447 License Period: 711/2016 — 6/30/2017 Luminaire Environmental & Technology, Inc. has completed all necessary requirements for obtaining their 2016 facility license as required by Ordinance Number Seven — Hazardous Waste Management Ordinance for Hennepin County, and is hereby licensed and authorized to operate an PCB Ballast Reycling at the above named location. This license is non -transferable and the licensee is subject to all conditions and provisions of said Ordinance Date Issued: 6/27/2016 Bruce C. Forness Licensing Supervisor This license must be posted IIIA a pUbfic location at the aicc�nsed site r,DDENQUM N0. 2 Invitation} for gid (IFS} No. 676360 AUgLiSt 10, 2017 Indoor Firearms Ran e l3econtaminator. Disoosal and Maintenance TO., ALL PROSPECTIVE BIDDERS: The following changes, additions, clarifications, and deletions a -nerd the iFB dccurnents of the above captioned I10B. and shall' become an integral part of the Contract D,:)cuments. Words andfor figures stricken through sha;i be deleted. Underscored fords ar:dlor figures shall be added. The remain°ng prcvis:ons are now in effect and remain uncharged. Please note the contents herein and reflect same on the documents you have on hand. The following is the City's response to a question received from a prospective bidder: Q1. Per Section 2.2, @Wderz Mlinimum Qualifications the company needs a minimurn of five years, axperienca. Our Senior Project Manager ha:3 over 16 years of experience in the range cleaning business; however, our business has only been in existence 2r years. Would this fulfill the contract requirements? Al. No. Section 2.2, Bidders Minimum Qualifications a e for the firm, not an individual. ;Section 2.2, Bidders Minimum QUaViCations: Bids w 0l he considered only from firms that are regularly angage d in the business o` providing goods and,or services as described in this Bid, that have a recoru of perfcfrmanco far five (5) ;rears; and that have ade-guns financial support. equina 2n and orrdaniza.ion to insure that they can satisfactorily provide the 000ds and/or services if awarded a Contract under the terms and conditions herein stated" ALL OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE IFB REMAIN THE 5A,IME. Sincerely, -� le, A, nie Pe; ez, CPPO l�rector/Chief Pracurement Officar Papp I ANNIE PEREZ. CPP© llua"Pr.�.:uc�n�ssi Utfiur ADDENDUM NO. 1 Invitation for Bid (IFS} No. 676380 Indoor Firearm Range Decontamination, Disposal, and Maintenance TO: ALL PROSPECTIVE BIDDERS: DANIEL J. ALFO O August 7, 2017 The following changes, additions, clarifications, and deletions amend the IFS documents of the above captioned IFB, and shall become an integral part of the Contract Documents. Words and/or figures stricken through shall be deleted. Underscored words and/or figures shall be added. The remaining provisions are now in effect and remain unchanged. Please note the contents herein and reflect same on the documents you have on hand, A. Please find attached the attendance sheet for the pre-bid/site visit for the subject 1FB. B. Line 6 is being added to the Lines Section of the IFB: Line 6: hourly Rate for Successful Bidder to oversee Subcontractors if additional trips are required. Unit of Measure: Hour Unit Price $ 70.00 Number of Units: 10 Total: $ 700.00 C. The following language is being added to Section 3.3 City Requirements: The City's Action Target System communicates with the Johnson Controls and L=Utr-e� Mancom panels. All quarterly decontamination/maintenance visits will need to be-- c-oord�aa-ted include representatives of with.4he Johnson Controls, Mancom and L+ArGn- Carrier HVAC technicians to insure all control points are working properly. Police Project Manager or designee will work closely with Successful Bidder to coordinate quarterly decontamination/maintenance visits. ALL OTHER TERINIS AND CONDITIONS OF THE IFB REMAIN THE SAME. Sincerely, nnie Perez, CPPD Director/Chief Procurement Officer Pale I ATTENDANCE SHEET RFP/RFQ NUMBER: IFB 676380 Indoor Firearm Range LOCATION: Miami Police College, 350 NW 2nd Ave, Miami, FL PURPOSE: Pre -Proposal Conference/Site Visit DATE: Thursday 8/3/2017 10:30AM Completing this attendance sheet is optional. NAME COMPANY AQQRESS PHONE E-MAIL A PV1 L'a Y7 � 4; 4 c ) c c ) { ) c ) t ) c ) i ) t ) Rev. 10)18134 Page of