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C I GSlPC )411e ,U$07 I Routing: While- Forward all rota Lgios to Pro:uterrwnr lwi+w pi iul—py iur your hle. Distribution: White - Finant:e lArx:(Htnluiii): Canary- Prrrruremenl: Pink- Dapanrnertl Fila'. Goldenrod- Purdin- it lSlorvker!jH.rl. City of Miami - DISPOSITION OF INVENTORY f 1 J�1 REFERENCE: City of Miami Code Chapter 18, Article III, Section 18.82 INSTRUCTIONS: 1. The loiiowirig explanations should be entered Pn the appropriate section: Condition of Property: Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor. Reason for Disposition: e.g., Error, Duplicate, Surplus, Losi, Stolen. 2. Prepare this form then call Procurement at 305-4161913 1. Departmmeent. �} /per, F1 .,� 2. Division: �� %�� 3. Contact Pe(son: �� 4. 1'elophom No: 3 D 5--'f �" FOR PURC14ASING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY INSTRUCTIONS: Indicate action taken, e.g., Sold i5 amount and date). 0 / J `� � . P / j r f' Y14 Y Traded, Scrapped, Translorred to (Dept./Divisioni. 5' ASSET NUMBER 5. ARTICLE DESCRIPTION SERIAL NUMBER 8 _ CONDITION OF PROF>FRTY B' REASON FOR MSPOSffION ACTION TAKEN P l o 7 t z U 1D. FOR RECEIVING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY R'Aceived By Dale pe men) vecsarlDesign Date Chiet Procurement OflicerrDesignee Dale Depart meni0ivision C I GSlPC )411e ,U$07 I Routing: While- Forward all rota Lgios to Pro:uterrwnr lwi+w pi iul—py iur your hle. Distribution: White - Finant:e lArx:(Htnluiii): Canary- Prrrruremenl: Pink- Dapanrnertl Fila'. Goldenrod- Purdin- it lSlorvker!jH.rl. C i GSlPC 5414 Be,. U1117 Roulinge While- Farward all row copies to Procuremenl. mai,a 4 1w opy kx your liw- Distribution: White - Fsnanu Unary- Prnrww ww: Pink- Dep3nmem File, Goldenrod- Purctras,rlg f5imekeepe•I. City of Miami .a DISPOSITION OF INVENTORY REFERENCE: City of Miami Cade Chaplei IB, Article III, Section 18-82 INSTRUCTIONS! 1. The toliowinp expinnrrUnns should he entered in the apprDprlete section: Condition of Property: Fxcellont, Good. Fair. Poor- Reason for Disposition: 0.9 , Error. DLPlicate, SLgNus, Lost, Stolen. 2. Prepare this form then cail Prucurenaonl al 345-416-1913 1. Department 2. Divisiou. 3. Contact Person: 4. Telephone No. FOR PURCHASING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY �+ ` %� e L�� p ` ' i� f L r 3 C�^ ' j y �� y INSTRUCTIONS: Indicatd action taken' e g Sold ($ amount and date), k G.1 _s c'L" Ci Traded, Scrapped, Transferred to (Dtpl./Divisiun}. 5- ASSET NUMBER 6' ARTICLE DESCRIPTION 7. SERIALNUMBL=R. H' CONDITION OF PROPFRTY �' REASON FOR DISPOSilION ACTION'I'AKEN Ute,, ,it I F VANPG w ts�-rood. I j� T` �✓ ©rfca• r� A 0ya3 1xHTS-003 Velk r-jP2CTOi.2UP •—�—� ! l� 0S/�Y�i'NCvI '71 14- FOR RECEIVING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Rvmved By I Rale Depa ileal D'rrector7Deslyn Dahl Chlet Procurement Officer/Designee Date DrapartrnenI10iv1sion C i GSlPC 5414 Be,. U1117 Roulinge While- Farward all row copies to Procuremenl. mai,a 4 1w opy kx your liw- Distribution: White - Fsnanu Unary- Prnrww ww: Pink- Dep3nmem File, Goldenrod- Purctras,rlg f5imekeepe•I.