HomeMy WebLinkAboutEvaluation Committee ReportCITE- OF NIIANII, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE 1NIENIORANDUNI TO: Dariel J. Alfonso City Manager f' ))� i�e FROW Arnie Perez, CPPD, ctor Department of Procurement Background DATE: April 13, 2017 SUBJECT: Report of Evaluation Committee for RFQ No. 15-16-032, Capital Program Support Services for the Office of Capital Improvements ENCLOSURES: Response Security List, Evaluation Committee Score Sheets, and Evaluation Committee Appointment Memo On January 3, 2017, the Department of Procurement ("Procurement") issued Request for Qualifications (`RFQ') No. 15-16-032 for the provision of Capital Program Support Services ("Services") for the Office of Capital Improvements (FOCI"). On February 13, 2017 three (3) proposals were received in response to this solicitation. Subsequently, the proposals were reviewed by Procurement staff, and deemed responsive and responsible in accordance with the minimum requirements and submission requirements of the RFQ. Summary of Evaluation On April 7, 2017, the Evaluation Committee ("Committee") met and completed the evaluation of the three (3) responsive a: d responsible proposals, following the guidelines stipulated in the solicitation. The proposals were evaluated pursuant to the five (5) evaluation criteria listed below: Evaluation Criteria Maximum Points (Per Committee Member) 1. Proposer's Experience and Qualifications 25 2. Proposer's Team Experience and Qualifications 25 3. Management Plan 25 4. Experience of Program Coordinator 15 5. Proposer's Approach and Methodology to Rending Services 10 Proposers who met the Community Business Enterprise ("CBE") participation requirement by assigning certified CBE Firms with a "Local Office", as defined in City Procurement Code, Section 18-73, were granted five (5) Bonus Points, in accordance with the RFQ and City Procurement Code, Section 18-87, as amended. Only one (1) Proposer, CH2M Hill Engineers, Inc., met the CBE participation requirement and "Local Office" criteria, and was granted the five (5) Bonus Points. The final scores are as follows: Proposing Firms Awarded Points (Maximum 505 Points) 1. Atkins North America, Inc. 469.25 2. CH2M Hill Engineers, Inc. 457.5 3. Parson Brinckerhoff, Inc. 416.75 Page 2 - Capital Program Support Services Daniel J. Alfonso, City Manager The Committee decided not to hold oral presentations, as the proposals did not require further clarification. The composite and individual Committee member score sheets are attached as supporting documentation. Consensus Statement The highest ranked firm, Atkins North America, Inc. ("Atkins"), received a total of 459.25 points out of a maximum total of 505 points. The Committee determined that Atkins has assembled a team of design and engineering professionals distinctly qualified to provide comprehensive Capital Program Support Services for OCI. The Committee discussed the experience and structure of Atkins proposed multi -disciplined team. Atkins proposed a substantial resume of in house design and engineering professionals, in addition to proposing a team of subconsultants to support civil engineering and information technology needs. As the incumbent and a highly regarded engineering firm within the South Florida community, Atkins has played a critical role managing the City of Miami's ("City) extensive Capital Plan. After deliberation, the Committee members unanimously agreed that Atkins presented a proposal comprehensively suited to meet the critical needs of the City. Recommendation The Committee hereby requests authorization for Procurement, in collaboration with OCI, to commence negotiations with the highest ranked firm, Atkins North America, Inc., for the provision of Capital Program Support Services, based on the immediate and projected needs of the City. Should negotiations fail, the Committee hereby requests that negotiations commence with the second and third ranked firms, respectively, until a Professional Services Agreement is successfully negotiated and subsequently awarded. Approved Date: ! �/ Fernando Casamayor, Assistant City Manager/Chief Financial Officer, City Manager's Office Alberto N. Parjus, Assistant City Manager, City Manager's Office Rafael Suarez -Rivas, Senior Assistance City Attorney, City Attorney's Office Jeovanny Rodriguez, P.E., Director, OCI Hector Badia, Assistant Director, OCI Lydia Osborne, Ph. D., CPPO, CPPB, Assistant Director, Procurement Maria Carballeira, CPPB, Procurement Administrator, Procurement Anthony Rolle, J.D., UAW, CPPB, Procurement Contracting Manager, Procurement PR17170 (Tl YOF NUNNII OFFICI-I OF THE CI I CIA',RK fill) S EC( R YI 1 LIST' till) I FFNI: Capital Vro,-,ram Sen ico 1311) NL %IR E R: RFQ 13-16-032 DATE, 1311) OPENED: Februm-.% 13, 2017 TIME,: 2-01) 13 1 D TOTA I AMOVNT C'.1S1I1I R'S N.:1 112M Illi] Eml,;:Itm.s. [:I,:. N'A 1 `���r.�.� ._�: J `�-�'�'� - ..1i:iclt �,I {:�) l}i�]1.5) urS L���;�I1: I's-r?�krfLEll�nt -- r -I�.- _.._ C6. f PRITARI"D 13Y-. - Vo da} `s Datc Deputy City Cl,:r! I t Solicitafitlll�1111(!. Cyl►i 3l k'lrlkr em St,�i�lnrl ticry cos Co mmillee NIVIltber IIc,•tou Ka+liit, As1i11unl Diwoul C11 Lice od C •ullil,d Lnl,Incrnlrnl5 01Y of h1i,1111i JtKV C,llitiurnl, C hwi ( •,,n1rlu,:1 In Malmper 0111.:c,+l C apitat 1111111"YeI1 olll City I14 11'11im11 Nloli S[lauiuli, P F., Directur Public Wos6 Departmoit Villaueol PimcmNI [Auardo Santamo ia, 1'. V_ CC (% LITQ AP. fliltitor 17c•1r11111cul I+lPublic \Fork. C'll} ul 011'a1 0.1111,:1 1 t'1'r] f ('' • • � I 1' 4 I 1 mi 17i+ rlul Ileparl nlrlll of 1'I•+4c•U l'i'med EN-alimflon C•olmuillec I(anlciu;p Form Fiid:1�, April 7, 21117 C 'onglunile Prlr}+lil% Rriaek,crlrul•f, Isle. 42-7175 Im 77 87 ......... ...... _. li(wlcslfelrf�ueliirrtions{f{I°lfjNa.t 1�-16-1132 thin, nur111 1uu•rira, Inc• l'!1?1T IIIII F:ul;ineers, Inc. °)41,20 91.3 xr 145 +) 5 it+•IiIJ I tl lt,l IIll1+ 111 It t•I , 111 . l }I at 1'uhli %folk, and I Itginc cin! 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